Curtis Dwight Thomas v. State ( 2006 )

  •                                    NO. 07-04-0596-CR
    AUGUST 30, 2006
    Curtis Dwight Thomas brings this appeal challenging the sufficiency of the evidence
    supporting his conviction for possession of cocaine and jury-assessed punishment,
    enhanced by prior convictions, of fifteen years confinement. We affirm.
    In the early morning hours of June 11, 2004, Plainview police officer Brian Morris
    responded to reports of a person knocking on doors and asking for help. Officer Morris
    drove to Bullock Street in Plainview, where he found appellant sitting on the curb in boxer
    shorts and socks.    Appellant chose not to engage in conversation with Morris and
    “disappeared” into the night. While the police were searching for appellant, officer Joe
    Poras retrieved items of clothing lying in Bullock Street and found a wallet containing
    appellant’s driver’s license in a back pocket of the pants. About twenty minutes after the
    original encounter a third responding officer, Art McIntee, located appellant in an area the
    officers referred to as “the hood.”1 McIntee took appellant into custody and transported him
    back to Bullock Street for identification. Morris identified appellant and arrested him for
    public intoxication.
    Appellant identified the clothing found in the street as his and the officers removed
    the handcuffs and allowed appellant to get dressed. Only after appellant was fully clothed
    did Morris search him “to make sure . . . there is no knives, guns or anything like that on
    their person, or anything illegal.” This search revealed a plastic bag in the front pocket of
    appellant’s pants containing what was later determined to be crack cocaine, thus prompting
    appellant’s prosecution for possession of a controlled substance.
    The State’s case in chief included the testimony of the officers named, a videotape
    of the events from Morris’s patrol car, a chemist who identified the substance found in
    appellant’s pocket as .39 grams of cocaine, and two officers who had custody of that
    evidence. Appellant did not testify. The jury found appellant guilty and, on his plea of true
    to two prior convictions, returned a verdict on punishment of fifteen years confinement and
    a $5,000 fine. The trial court rendered judgment in conformity with the jury’s verdicts.
    The record does not show the distance between these locations but testimony and
    appellant’s counsel’s argument to the jury indicate they were separated by at least two
    Appellant now presents a single issue challenging the legal and factual sufficiency
    of the evidence supporting his conviction. His brief correctly states the standards by which
    we must review challenges to the legal and factual sufficiency of the evidence and
    recitation of those standards here is unnecessary. See Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    99 S. Ct. 2781
    61 L. Ed. 2d 560
    (1979); Zuniga v. State, 
    144 S.W.3d 477
    , 484-85
    (Tex.Crim.App. 2004); Clewis v. State, 
    922 S.W.2d 126
    (Tex.Crim.App. 1996) (explicating
    standards of review). To prove unlawful possession of a controlled substance, the State
    was required to prove the accused (1) exercised actual care, custody, control, or
    management over the substance and (2) knew the matter he possessed was contraband.
    Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. §§ 481.002(38), 481.115 (Vernon 2003); Brown v. State,
    911 S.W.2d 744
    , 747 (Tex.Crim.App. 1995).          A defendant’s knowledge is typically
    established by circumstantial evidence. When reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence
    of knowing possession our courts have long looked to the affirmative links shown between
    the accused and the contraband. 
    Brown, 911 S.W.2d at 747
    . This “affirmative links rule,”
    based on common-sense notions, is designed to protect an innocent bystander from
    conviction based solely on his fortuitous proximity to someone else's contraband.
    Poindexter v. State, 
    153 S.W.3d 402
    , 406 (Tex.Crim.App. 2005).
    Appellant’s reliance on cases involving prosecution of motor vehicle passengers for
    possession of a controlled substance found in the car is misplaced. In each of those
    cases, the defendant was not the owner of the car and the controlled substance was not
    in the passenger compartment or otherwise within their reach. Jenkins v. State, 
    76 S.W.3d 709
    , 715 (Tex.App.–Corpus Christi 2002, pet. ref’d) (defendant was front seat passenger,
    marihuana found in trunk and cocaine found after back seat was removed); Dixon v. State,
    918 S.W.2d 678
    , 680 (Tex.App.–Beaumont 1996, no pet.) (marihuana found sealed in
    speaker in trunk); Moreno v. State, 
    821 S.W.2d 344
    , 351 (Tex.App.–Waco 1992, pet. ref’d)
    (cocaine found in engine compartment of car). Here appellant admitted to being the owner
    of the clothing where the controlled substance was found.
    Appellant acknowledges and attempts to distinguish the more factually similar case
    of Moss v. State, 
    850 S.W.2d 788
    (Tex.App.–Houston [14th Dist.] 1993, pet. ref’d). Moss
    involved a controlled buy conducted by an informant acting for police. When officers
    attempted to arrest Moss, he ran into an apartment, removed his outer clothing and
    escaped through a window. 
    Id. at 791.
    After Moss was found and arrested, police
    retrieved the clothing from outside the apartment window. They found crack cocaine in a
    pocket of the pants. 
    Id. When the
    pants were offered to Moss at the jail he took them and
    put them on “without complaint.” 
    Id. Based in
    part on testimony of officers that they saw
    Moss wearing the clothes found outside the window, the court found the evidence sufficient
    to sustain the conviction. 
    Id. at 794.
    Appellant attempts to distinguish Moss on the basis
    that no one saw him wearing the clothes before his encounter with the police. Appellant’s
    admission the clothing was his provides equal, if not greater, connection to the clothing
    than was present in Moss, especially when augmented with the presence of appellant’s
    driver’s license in the pants pocket.
    Some of the facts of Bucklin v. State, 
    634 S.W.2d 44
    (Tex.App.–Beaumont 1982,
    no pet.), are similar to those presented here. In Bucklin officers executing a search warrant
    found Bucklin and a woman in the house. On the bed of the master bedroom officers
    found a pair of pants containing $1,415 cash in one pocket and Bucklin’s driver’s license
    and methamphetamine in another pocket. 
    Id. 45. Before
    leaving for the jail, Bucklin asked
    to put on some clothes. He retrieved and put on the pants officers found on the bed. 
    Id. at 46.
    The court of appeals rejected Bucklin’s sufficiency challenge, citing the presence
    of his driver’s license in the pants, his selection of those pants to wear to jail, and evidence
    he lived at the house. 
    Id. at 47.
    Here, as in Bucklin, the officers did not see the defendant
    wearing the clothing before arresting him. In both cases the defendant’s identification was
    in the same garment as the contraband.
    Appellant argues the State failed to produce any evidence he was in possession of
    the controlled substance before officer Morris gave him the pants found lying in Bullock
    Street. We disagree. The conclusion that appellant had worn the clothing earlier in the
    evening is supported by his unclothed condition when first encountered by officers, the
    nearby location of the pants, his express identification of the pants as his, his putting them
    on, and the presence of a wallet in the pocket containing his driver’s license. The
    circumstantial nature of the evidence does not alter our sufficiency review. Geesa v. State,
    820 S.W.2d 154
    , 158 (Tex.Crim.App. 1991).
    The State was not required to disprove the possibility someone found appellant’s
    pants in the street and, unknown to appellant, placed cocaine in the pocket. The State’s
    burden is to prove each element beyond a reasonable doubt, not to exclude every
    conceivable alternative to a defendant’s guilt. See 
    Geesa, 820 S.W.2d at 161
    outstanding reasonable hypothesis of innocence as standard for reviewing sufficiency of
    circumstantial evidence).     The presence of appellant’s clothing in the street is not
    significantly different from the fact in Moss that the clothing was outside the apartment
    window while officers located and arrested 
    Moss. 850 S.W.2d at 791
    . A rational trier of
    fact could have found the elements of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. The
    evidence was legally sufficient to support the jury’s verdict.
    By his factual insufficiency argument, appellant contends a neutral review shows the
    evidence “is so obviously weak and factually insufficient that the verdict is unjust.” His brief
    elsewhere challenges the sufficiency of evidence supporting the jury’s implicit finding that
    the cocaine was present in the pants at the time appellant removed them, by characterizing
    the area where the clothing was found as a “densely-occupied residential area” and
    pointing out there were 30 to 40 people in the general vicinity. But the clothing was found
    lying in Bullock Street. The 30 to 40 people officer McIntee saw were on Brazier Street.
    Moreover, the jury saw the videotape made from Morris’s patrol car. During the eleven
    minutes that expired between Morris’s initial approach of appellant and officer Poras’s
    report he found appellant’s identification, Morris drove several streets and alleys looking
    for appellant. Not a single pedestrian is shown on the videotape and the only vehicle
    Morris passed was another patrol car. Even if we consider the evidence of the presence
    of other people on Brazier Street to be contrary to the jury’s verdict, it is not so strong as
    to preclude appellant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. 
    Zuniga, 144 S.W.3d at 485
    Considering all the evidence in a neutral light, the jury was rationally justified in finding
    appellant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. 
    Id. at 484.
    The evidence of guilt was factually
    sufficient. We overrule appellant’s sole issue and affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    James T. Campbell