in Re Joseph H. Norton, Relator ( 2008 )

  •                                    NO. 07-08-0432-CV
    NOVEMBER 24, 2008
    Relator, Joseph H. Norton, seeks a writ of mandamus to compel the Honorable Ron
    Enns, Judge of the 69th District Court, to respond to motions pending in his court regarding
    DNA testing pursuant to chapter 64 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. Relator has
    also filed a Motion to Proceed in Forma Pauperis in which he additionally requests
    appointment of new counsel. We grant in part and deny in part the motion to proceed in
    forma pauperis. Furthermore, for reasons expressed herein, we deny Relator’s petition for
    writ of mandamus.
    Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis
    Although the motion lacks details required by Rule 20.1(b) of the Texas Rules of
    Appellate Procedure, we nevertheless find the motion “adequate to fulfill the fundamental
    purpose of Rule 20.1" and grant the motion to the extent that Relator may proceed in this
    Court without payment of fees. See Higgins v. Randall County Sheriff’s Office, 
    257 S.W.3d 684
    , 688 (Tex. 2008). See also Higgins v. Randall County Sheriff’s Office, 
    193 S.W.3d 898
    , 900 (Tex. 2006).
    Request for Appointment of Counsel
    The limited record before us indicates that Relator was appointed counsel to pursue
    his motion for DNA testing and nothing suggests that counsel has been permitted to
    withdraw. Even assuming that Relator is not presently represented by counsel, although
    the question of whether and whom to appoint as substitute counsel is a matter we normally
    abate back to the trial court for consideration, in light of our disposition of Relator’s petition
    for writ of mandamus and in the interest of judicial economy, we deny that portion of the
    motion requesting appointment of new counsel.
    Procedural Background
    According to Relator’s petition for writ of mandamus and items included in the
    appendix thereto, he was convicted in 1993 for murder. On February 11, 2005, the trial
    court signed an order granting his motion for DNA testing. By letter dated May 8, 2007,
    Judge Enns notified Relator that the special prosecutor and appointed counsel had agreed
    on a basic format for conducting the DNA test. He further wrote, “I WILL defer ruling on
    your pending motions until I hear from your counsel.” A copy of a letter dated January 9,
    2008, from Relator to Judge Enns is included in the appendix to the petition for writ of
    mandamus. In that letter, Relator conveys his frustration about the delay in DNA testing
    granted by court order in 2005 and requests Judge Enns to appoint him new counsel.
    Finally, he urges Judge Enns to “at least take the appropriate time & effort to see that the
    aforementioned DNA Testing be finally carried out as expeditiously & professionally as
    possible . . . .” Relator does not discuss any pending motions, only four or five letters and
    documentation to Judge Enns reflecting his frustration and the fact that his correspondence
    has not been acknowledged.
    Mandamus Standard of Review
    “Mandamus issues only to correct a clear abuse of discretion or the violation of a
    duty imposed by law when there is no other adequate remedy by law.” Walker v. Packer,
    827 S.W.2d 833
    , 839 (Tex. 1992) (orig. proceeding), quoting Johnson v. Fourth Court of
    700 S.W.2d 916
    , 917 (Tex. 1985) (orig. proceeding). To show entitlement to
    mandamus relief, a relator must (1) show that he has no adequate remedy at law to
    redress the alleged harm and (2) the act sought to be compelled is ministerial and does
    not involve a discretionary or judicial decision. State ex rel. Young v. Sixth Judicial Dist.
    Court of Appeals, 
    236 S.W.3d 207
    , 210 (Tex.Crim.App. 2007). Additionally, a relator must
    satisfy three requirements: (1) a legal duty to perform; (2) a demand for performance; and
    (3) a refusal to act. Stoner v. Massey, 
    586 S.W.2d 843
    , 846 (Tex. 1979).
    When a motion is properly pending before a trial court, the act of considering and
    ruling upon it is a ministerial act. Eli Lilly and Co. v. Marshall, 
    829 S.W.2d 157
    , 158 (Tex.
    1992). However, the trial court has a reasonable time within which to perform that
    ministerial duty. Safety-Kleen Corp. v. Garcia, 
    945 S.W.2d 268
    , 269 (Tex.App.–San
    Antonio 1997, orig. proceeding). Whether a reasonable period of time has lapsed is
    dependent on the circumstances of each case. Barnes v. State, 
    832 S.W.2d 424
    , 426
    (Tex.App.–Houston [1st Dist.] 1992, orig. proceeding).
    Additionally, the party seeking relief has the burden to provide a sufficient record to
    establish entitlement to mandamus relief. 
    Walker, 827 S.W.2d at 837
    . The record must
    show that the motion was presented to the trial court and that it refused to act. See
    generally In re Villareal, 
    96 S.W.3d 708
    , 710 n.2 (Tex.App.–Amarillo 2003, orig.
    proceeding) (filing something with the trial court clerk does not demonstrate that a motion
    was presented to the trial court).      See also In re Chavez, 
    62 S.W.3d 225
    , 228
    (Tex.App.–Amarillo 2001, orig. proceeding).
    Notwithstanding Judge Enn’s letter to Relator that he will “defer ruling” on pending
    motions and Relator’s prayer that we compel the trial court “to respond to his motions
    currently before it, and or to put into motion the warrant necessary to move [relator] to its
    jurisdiction for testing,” the record before us does not contain certified or sworn copies of
    any motions pending before Judge Enns. See Tex. R. App. P. 52.3(j)(1)(A). The record
    does contain copies of “Defendant’s Motion for DNA Testing” and “Defendant’s Amended
    Motion for DNA Testing,” which the trial court granted in 2005. Appendix item J is a copy
    of Relator’s “Request for Appointment of Counsel Persuant [sic] to Article 64.01(c) Code
    of Criminal Procedure.” A date of “3-31-08" is noted beside Relator’s signature. The
    document, however, is not file-stamped by the trial court clerk.
    Except for a reference in Judge Enn’s May 8, 2007 letter to Relator providing that
    he will defer ruling on pending motions, Relator has not satisfied his burden to provide a
    sufficient record demonstrating that properly filed motions were presented to the trial court
    and have awaited disposition for an unreasonable length of time. Neither has Relator
    demonstrated that the trial court has abused its discretion or violated a duty imposed by
    Consequently, Relator’s petition for writ of mandamus is denied.
    Patrick A. Pirtle