Terra XXI, Ltd., Terra Partners Veigel Farms, Inc., Robert W. Veigel and Ella Marie Veigel v. AG Acceptance Corporation ( 2008 )

  •                                   NO. 07-06-0419-CV
    OCTOBER 31, 2008
    Before CAMPBELL and PIRTLE, JJ., and BOYD, S.J.1
    This is an appeal from a forcible detainer proceeding in which possession of the
    property was awarded to appellee Ag Acceptance Corporation. Appellants (who we will
    refer to collectively as “Terra”) present seven issues. We affirm.
    Factual Background
    John T. Boyd, Chief Justice (Ret.), Seventh Court of Appeals, sitting by
    assignment. Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. §75.002(a)(1) (Vernon 2005).
    In September 2003, a substitute trustee for Ag Acceptance conducted a non-judicial
    foreclosure on property owned by Terra, pursuant to a deed of trust. Ag Acceptance
    acquired the property at the foreclosure sale, and demanded that Terra vacate the
    property. Terra did not do so and in early 2004, Ag Acceptance filed a petition for forcible
    detainer.2 The justice court awarded Ag Acceptance possession of the property. Terra
    then appealed to the county court for a trial de novo.3 Both parties filed motions for
    summary judgment. The county court granted summary judgment in favor of Ag
    Acceptance. This appeal followed.
    Texas Property Code § 24.007
    Terra’s second issue challenges the trial court’s grant of Ag Acceptance’s motion
    for summary judgment and its denial of Terra’s motion for summary judgment. By its third
    issue, Terra contends a fact issue was raised regarding Ag Acceptance’s capacity to
    maintain the forcible detainer action, and by its fourth issue contends the trial court erred
    by failing to strike an affidavit among Ag Acceptance’s summary judgment evidence and
    by denial of discovery on the subjects addressed in the affidavit. Terra’s fifth and sixth
    This is the third of four appeals that have reached us from litigation arising from
    Ag Acceptance Corporation’s foreclosure on the property. See Terra XXI, Ltd. v. Harmon,
    No. 07-06-0193-CV, 
    2007 WL 2032780
    (Tex.App.–Amarillo July 16, 2007, no pet.) (mem.
    op.) (affirming summary judgment in favor of substitute trustee), Terra XXI Ltd. v. Ag
    Acceptance Corp., No. 07-04-0325-CV, 
    2004 WL 2559940
    (Tex.App.–Amarillo 2004, no
    pet.) (mem. op.) (affirming district court’s denial of injunctive relief against forcible detainer
    action). Additional recitation of the facts behind the foreclosure can be found in our two
    previous opinions. We have pending the appeal from the judgment in favor of Ag
    Acceptance Corporation following the district court’s disposition of Terra’s claims against
    it. Terra XXI Ltd. v. Ag Acceptance Corp., No. 07-07-0374-CV.
    See Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 24.004 (Vernon 2000).
    issues present appellants Robert and Ella Marie Veigel’s contention that the trial court
    erred by granting summary judgment against their claimed homestead rights in 200 acres
    of the property. Ag Acceptance responds that we lack jurisdiction under Property Code §
    24.007 to address the issues. We agree with Ag Acceptance.
    Section 24.007 of the Property Code states, in part, “A final judgment of a county
    court in an eviction suit may not be appealed on the issue of possession unless the
    premises in question are being used for residential purposes only.” Tex. Prop. Code Ann.
    § 24.007 (Vernon 2000). Applying this statutory limitation on appellate jurisdiction, courts
    of appeals have found they lack authority to review determinations of the right of
    possession and findings essential to the issue of possession, but have reviewed trial court
    rulings on issues other than possession. See Volume Millwork, Inc. v. West Houston
    Airport Corp., 
    218 S.W.3d 727
    (Tex.App.–Houston [1st Dist.] 2006, pet. denied) (finding no
    jurisdiction to review issues of landlord’s capacity to evict or award of possession to
    landlord, but reviewing sufficiency of evidence supporting damages and attorney’s fees);
    Carlson’s Hill Country Beverage, L.C. v. Westinghouse Road Joint Venture, 
    957 S.W.2d 951
    , 952-53 (Tex.App.–Austin 1997, no pet.) (finding § 24.007 precluded review of issue
    of possession but reviewing challenges to damages and attorney’s fees awarded); A.V.A.
    Services, Inc. v. Parts Indus. Corp., 
    949 S.W.2d 852
    , 853 (Tex.App.–Beaumont 1997, no
    writ) (finding no jurisdiction over points relating to judgment awarding possession, but
    reviewing monetary judgment). Here, the county court awarded no relief other than
    possession of the property.4 It is undisputed that the property subject to the court’s
    See also Chang v. Resolution Trust Corp., 
    814 S.W.2d 543
    , 545 (Tex.App.–
    Houston [1st Dist.] 1991) (orig. proceeding) (declining to grant injunctive relief or writ of
    prohibition sought to protect pending appellate jurisdiction because court of appeals had
    judgment, comprising more than eight sections of land in Deaf Smith County, was not used
    for residential purposes only. Terra’s issue two, and its issues five and six regarding the
    Veigels’ homestead claim, directly challenge the court’s ruling on the issue of possession.
    Its third issue addresses Ag Acceptance’s capacity to seek possession through forcible
    detainer, and its fourth issue challenges evidentiary and procedural rulings of the county
    court, both of which issues challenge essential findings on the issue of possession. See
    Millwork, 218 S.W.3d at 727
    (treating landlord’s capacity or authority to proceed
    against tenant as essential finding on issue of possession); A.V.A. 
    Services, 949 S.W.2d at 857
    (also treating challenge to authority of foreign corporation to maintain forcible entry
    and detainer as question of possession).         Again, the court awarded no relief but
    possession. Accordingly, we are precluded by § 24.007 from review of Terra’s second,
    third, fourth and fifth issues.
    Jurisdiction of Courts Below
    Terra’s first issue asserts the justice court and county court lacked subject matter
    jurisdiction over the forcible detainer action because, it contends, the question of
    entitlement to possession of the property also involved questions of title. The sole issue
    in a forcible detainer action is which party has the right to immediate possession of the
    property. Dormady v. Dinero Land & Cattle Co., L.C., 
    61 S.W.3d 555
    , 557 (Tex.App.–San
    Antonio 2001, pet. dism’d w.o.j.). In a forcible detainer proceeding, “the merits of the title
    shall not be adjudicated.” Tex. R. Civ. P. 746. Accordingly, to prevail in a forcible detainer
    action, the plaintiff need not prove title but merely present sufficient evidence of ownership
    no pending appellate jurisdiction to protect over judgment in forcible detainer action that
    awarded possession of commercial property).
    to demonstrate a superior right to immediate possession. 
    Dormady, 61 S.W.3d at 557
    citing Goggins v. Leo, 
    849 S.W.2d 373
    , 377 (Tex.App.–Houston [14th Dist.] 1993, no writ).
    There may exist in a case, however, a question of title so intertwined with the issue
    of possession as to preclude adjudication of the right to possession without first
    determining title. In such a case involving a genuine issue of title, neither the justice court
    nor the county court on appeal, has jurisdiction.5 
    Dormady, 61 S.W.3d at 557
    -58; Mitchell
    v. Armstrong Capital Corp., 
    911 S.W.2d 169
    , 171 (Tex.App.–Houston [1st Dist.] 1995, writ
    denied). Terra contends that it raised title questions that deprived the justice and county
    courts of jurisdiction.
    We addressed this contention in 2004 in the first of Terra’s appeals arising from the
    foreclosure. Terra XXI, Ltd. v. Ag Acceptance Corp., No. 07-04-0325-CV, 
    2004 WL 2559940
    (Tex.App.–Amarillo Nov. 10, 2004, pet. dism’d w.o.j.) (mem. op.). There we cited
    Villalon v. Bank One, 
    176 S.W.3d 66
    (Tex.App.–Houston [1st Dist.] 2004, pet. denied),
    among other cases, in support of our conclusion Terra had not shown a probable basis for
    recovery on the issue of the justice court’s jurisdiction. Like here, in Villalon the foundation
    for the forcible detainer action arose under the terms of a deed of trust, by which, after
    foreclosure, the grantor became a tenant at sufferance. 
    Villalon, 176 S.W.3d at 68-69
    The grantor there argued that Bank One’s failure to comply with a federal debt collection
    A justice court may not adjudicate title to land. Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 27.031(b)(4)
    (Vernon 2007).
    Our 2004 opinion quotes the language from the deed of trust. Terra XXI, Ltd. v.
    Ag Acceptance Corp., No. 07-04-0325-CV, 
    2004 WL 2559940
    , *1-2 (Tex.App.–Amarillo
    Nov. 10, 2004, pet. dism’d w.o.j.) (mem. op.). Under Property Code § 24.002, those who
    may commit a forcible detainer include “a tenant at will or by sufferance, including an
    occupant at the time of foreclosure of a lien superior to the tenant’s lease.” Tex. Prop.
    Code Ann. § 24.002(a)(2) (Vernon 2000).
    statute made the foreclosure wrongful, precluding the bank’s enforcement of the tenant at
    sufferance language. 
    Id. at 70.
    The appellate court disagreed, finding the post-foreclosure
    tenant at sufferance relationship established by the terms of deed of trust provided a basis
    for a determination of the right to immediate possession of the property, apart from a
    determination whether the trustee’s deed should be set aside because of wrongful
    Id. at 71.
    The presence of the wrongful foreclosure issue thus did not
    preclude the bank’s pursuit of forcible detainer in the justice court.
    Other courts have reached similar conclusions in cases in which forcible detainer
    actions were based on tenant at sufferance language in deeds of trust. See 
    Dormady, 61 S.W.3d at 559
    ; Rice v. Pinney, 
    51 S.W.3d 705
    (Tex.App.–Dallas 2001, no pet.). The
    courts in Rice and Dormady distinguished such situations from that presented in Mitchell,
    in which the entitlement to immediate possession depended solely on title to the property
    in question under a home improvement note and mechanic’s lien contract. 
    Dormady, 61 S.W.3d at 559
    Rice, 51 S.W.3d at 711-12
    (both citing 
    Mitchell, 911 S.W.2d at 170
    Having re-examined the question on the record before us in this appeal, we reach
    the same conclusion as in our 2004 opinion. The title issues Terra raises are similar in
    nature to those raised in Rice. See 
    Rice, 51 S.W.3d at 709-13
    . They are not so intertwined
    with the issue of Ag Acceptance’s entitlement to immediate possession under its trustee’s
    deed and the terms of the deed of trust as to deprive the justice court of jurisdiction over
    the possession issue. We overrule Terra’s first issue.
    By its seventh issue, Terra raises another issue it perceives as jurisdictional. It
    contends the county court erred by refusing to dismiss the appeal from the justice court
    despite what Terra describes as “motions and pleadings” requesting that it do so.7
    Terra’s appellate contention is premised on its assertion that Ag Acceptance’s
    pleadings in the justice court asked for rent in excess of the court’s jurisdictional amount.8
    Terra asserts the justice court thus lacked jurisdiction over the proceeding. As Ag
    Acceptance points out, Terra’s premise is faulty. Ag Acceptance’s petition for forcible
    detainer contained no plea for rent. It plead for attorney’s fees and costs, in an amount
    within the jurisdictional limits of the court. See Tex. Prop. Code Ann. § 24.006 (Vernon
    2000). We see nothing about Ag Acceptance’s pleadings in the justice court that casts
    doubt on that court’s jurisdiction, and we overrule Terra’s seventh issue.
    Having overruled each of Terra’s issues, we affirm the trial court’s judgment.
    James T. Campbell
    Pirtle, J., dissents.
    Although we do not base our disposition of the issue on it, we note Terra does not
    cite us to a location in the record at which it raised in the county court the contention its
    seventh issue presents, and our review of the record has not revealed that it did so.
    Terra points to language in the justice court’s judgment that it interprets as
    awarding Ag Acceptance a money judgment. Ag Acceptance responds that the language
    simply set the amount of the appeal bond. See Tex. R. Civ. P. 749. We need not resolve
    the parties’ conflicting interpretations of the justice court’s judgment.