Alfred Lee Stone v. Sgt. Allen Baskin ( 2014 )

  •                    Iju TMlL CHunr QF A00e/\ta dF TtXAO
    TuJdrn-l tiki*! df Ap^utb
    12th Court of Appcai3 District
    AppTeile_> Uiiif
    IdojJTiTdl l3F pAiiXi^S
    E5T€i|jt UjOiT
    Sim tad 34l£
    iJuKiT5\/ill(LTu(46 1135l1
    EAsTIJ/M UfuiT
    ld\/iLl/idL| TE1A6 16S5I
    TAldk dl: Ci3«jT€JUT6
    IdejuTiTL| di: 0*t*TikS                          2
    TAkDld dF CUhJT^mJTS                           —^
    LkscIm. dF MurNdRiTq                             4-s
    swrtLMAjuT dF rut (Lasl                          &
    STATE MGJUr dP PA£_T                           _!
    15SLJ&S |OmaS£jURj2J                             2
    SUilIMAkU dF TMiL A/^ljh^ju7                     1
    ^MTiFifiJtrE dF Sfci^/O-                        ^
    /IppEudiX                                       \5
    (A) TUtL fditT AtLTidhj CHlAAflAlut     n
    (A TlJiI l1kz1fr& 4tfs u& tsd.            ii
    5 ludLdw MA3uM M/ki/Ut, Idl SuUd 43?. ii
    6, PalfLdy Aidi\TOr£ qu SuJ 2d 7dt.       y
    13. \1\UAujl\ \J 3Au ^(oTiLlnJd <*l4SuUd JVSji.
    14, LlJ/1 /Ke^L V) fiAtkmi %2l Su-Udl £33-           a
    I. VLkJd, /Wi/ T(H, 1^. (LiU. fHilL, A, 16,5 01-) iL
    4,VitL*}* AukJf T&X.. K, (Li\/, pvtAL, A\ <3d(*C/0 _ii_
    I. TB£. (Lh/, pjwULT. AlcI KaM. (Ldd6idu
    6eJdia.: pAd WitSTut PlafiJdt* |3ite,3idijuL| Jdtldd dF Via
    ^TUJudiCiAl lOtoTKieJ CjIm dl- MdU6TdU Mjajtlj T£KA5
    /\llca^i«Jd| FiU£ (LU."U6.
    4fud Judqt FkrdW (^i&K^.'6Sed TttL diJupU-
    iiur d/u d* /Ibdur Btejd_/.ik U4 W* P/du^pd fikAo
    APPicMuir i^diMTudj fU <)iuvii3u& RIijui^ 45 A^uintd
    laJ(2ALmu I4.dd4. 4*xl F/nluR^rd Rk A di^r.'Fkd
    (Ldfij dP rW£ fttusr ALtduur Stap^kJujt As ^iduiw^d
    fcJL|5G£TjdU )4.dd4. 4iid Fl)r FA/luKXTd FvkAtU AFFi-
    d/W,T l^dATiU^ Ttl LjWu/kJex ^LjSkfJ Af> I^U/ntd
    bq 3G£JidhJ I4.dd6- 4.od PI4/PT nte (LUims uJi/a, Piled
    Afrm. TWiL |0£JLidd (OnASti^'b^ Pu Se/LT1d*J l4,ddS.
    4*ud T\kM Ail (LUiUO Att FiflVdldus d/t kvfAlrdiddS.
    Aod TVk^L AFr^i Sfdidc FPl e^l l4i6 JUdn'dju
    frk y^ud iWai d.ujji/^d /_i4 iout nte iWaI Cdu*f
    KLfijSed Td ftuk d«j Tiki lOJrid/U,
    sd yduJ 3TdHi^ 16 b^Ftix*, THi5 raJElr- rtf
    CJhtd dP /4jO|3«aI Pdk IftdkF.
    STAPH MftjUT dP f-ACj
    TULA^aJUoT Mas A &3iuaTiTuTidkJAJ niqWr
    rd 4 Puil Add FA.n d|Gf3dMTuMjirq Td lirid/ifd I4-.6 CLAjusl,
    dP AtT/d/U 4/cd Td l-ki/t Ui6 6dD5c AcUudiLMid d/u TJk
    MkKiTS AT A KAli55ed STdida* Td
    daT AtJuJkJ \a>ti>Ld d(L)C4) pdiUT6 dP Gjotd* #hj TUtL
    (iduplAdi TI4/M dduld l-lflvt, VmjkS (L_uad Ufdd/d Am-
    Eud miusf dP t&L /LdiupkiKjP d«. A\ (dtuJ Tm.iA/1 - Lltfdeix.
    I. UfcJ(LdU6TiTuTidiJAl-ApK)lie£j STATUTc
    SuMtUMa dF4ttdL)iUMjf
    QrdnJL Titddq Filed 4 tUdTid/U fck LliuJ T&l/d
    Td CntiieM All dl- Mi'6 Ewtdits T14at Cduld Maul <)dssib-
    Ig /J/id 14,5 tdMpUiuT di&idi&sed uwdex TEX. Civ. TAFLiFl tM&
    6AddH 15 SLd3d AT E>d3-
    TU«j(L fdHt, T(4E StAfuri, £d*J FEk O.Ld, 4d 7d2.
    4ppliTLATidy dF3\i\;> 1.4,3,4,
    lociaMi;TWE!p:HapiL";4 fdt^ rm Kjiswi5sfAi dP n4E
    (LdM(dlAi/L)T, 3X Ad i/d Ed«j«LEJ Mpp-
    liEAridy dF (MapTol f4 /4Mdd*dP6 Td Alod5li5S£d
    (LdM^lAi/dT LdiPU ddT lUdTr(LL A6 AltiuiKed UnJ-
      00 3ubds 4,5. q&jl tQ&iiiilm iM4&iL|l4-fc 4£5 ds %p Cm*) 6ur\eM Dl6url(u<:^d?5Ld2d US.FAlEcd' ^.dd,ii U6.E, 7^5 5Ld£d^?l. Ldl4i(U4 'An,/dd(dTs Td Abd^dF di5£kJLFi'd;d dhlHlI6l tub ApfddlAyr Ulmik Am&wiid AduJd- AT6, vdTitJL dF THE di6U/66/11 pd AppniS*. lIk bd- Abk /-l.u Td ptwiptou. A/d A^d,d/dd >P6 d/6- UeiTidd /d fttfusimd, Td flak dw T/4E App^iUijTs T,udq Fd^J (Udr/dd fck /UiLd TM.iAl.5d J-fe cdJdld /UdT 0»wst*jT /4i6 dbJ^Fidy Ttf 4vdi)d TliE &xSd- IT dP TWtLTkM ddUHJ6 di&Mr&SAl dP 14,6 ddupl- AuJT. 1,0. \iil\AHMU VlT 285, Ahl)uhjILpioLpATidM dk. K4F6 App) l/EATidd dP TJ4E. J/kd 16 Ay J\k)Li&L.2>LL,'u)Ai\LUL-V fOALUUL HA1 S.uJ^d 333, FOR THE PMST^MJJ DISTRICT OF TEXAS N f ~ DIVISION Plaintiff's name and ID Number C/ 'tf o. Place of Confinement ^ n case no. iq-oon ce (Clerk will assign the number) V. A. 6asu^ sqr, Ex. Al. APPLICATION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS Defendant's name and address I, p\\'\A9f\ IllL. ^TOnJldeclare, depose, and say 1am the Plaintiff in the above entitled case. In support of my motion to proceed without being required to prepay fees, costs, or give security therefor, I state because of my poverty, I am unable to pay in advance the filing fee for said proceedings or to give security for thefiling fee. I believe I am entitled to relief. I, further declare the responses which I have made to the questions and instructions below are true. 1. Have you received, within the last 12 months, any money from any of the following sources? a. Business, profession or from self-employment? Yes Q No \Zy b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? Yes • No 0T/ c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? Yes Q No \?±s d. Gifts or inheritances? Yes Q No Q^ e. Family or friends? Yes • No \Zy f. Any other sources? Yes • No 0 If you answered YES to any of the questions above, describe each source of money and state the amount received from each during the past 12 months. 2. Do you own cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account, including any funds in prison accounts? y^ Yes • No 0 If you answered YES to any of the questions above, state the total value of the items owned. AATCIFP (REV. 9/02) V. Do you own real estate, stocks, bonds, note, automobiles, or other valuable property, excluding ordinary household furnishings and clothing? Yes D No H If you answered YES, describe the property and state its approximate value. I understand a false statement in answer to any question in this affidavit will subject me to penalties for perjury. I declare (certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct (28 U.S.C. §1746). Signed this the day of AA\AA 1 ,20 _H\ AJ.aajIJuJ AlMJU 5^ US SigMture of Plaintiff ID Number YOU MUST ATTACH A CURRENT SIX (6) MONTH HISTORY OF YOUR INMATE TRUST ACCOUNT. YOU CAN ACQUIRE THE APPROPRIATE INMATE ACCOUNT CERTIFICATE FROM THE LAW LIBRARY AT YOUR PRISON UNIT. AATCIFP (REV. 9/02) Efluse. mil. lU~r>Q7 AlT-RLd lul STdkJt. Ikj THif-- h- ^ TLkTd* ^ ^ TH.6 SuiT Td ETF AiiAuqt THe ruHTfiasaa Wdi/mdu up u,-6 /,,h« liST dF finuTits AlPittclkt 3TTJHJL iud. SWLLQ E5TEIIE UxJiP 3 (.4 FM 341? MliiuTS\JilIE TE*A6 7732d TDkTiJk.,, A> lOflSkiU^&ERl^JEAKJT G-ASTFImm UiUiP 2£>C>5 jdM.i5dHJ l^d/)dd dUUiI |Adq TEXAS 7535 I ^AOTFldM UhJi'T «3lfl(o6. (dnisdiu huAd-l 'dUEUdqTEy/15 75B5P •-"T U/iwA Ukiij ^ 3U»3 pKJ5d«j AdAci- I 'dvtUd^ TEXM 7585/ ^-7777- Ui"ftJw.. Ed SSL f"5 |dHi5dH> l^dAdd •^t |/!dH TEX45 15fi51 7—7— -IEE>(LdnZ 5(oM Fm 3418 $d Muiursviiici ram 11330 7Mi5 5uir 16. b.KduqMf UKJdex LJlJtff 1^5^.(133- AcTidnJ. . J Unuj - l£)EldAwJd5 «}. AT-T-idA\J\T l^dMTi/uq Td Y)wLVl'dLl5 PilikJCft Ihj STATU Eduid" I. Pi ltd:—./—/— 0/WTi€5_______v EdURT'. — — : lOdtk«J iod Juciqc:-. 6ii5)dd5iTidiu dp rut 4_eu_t m> .J_dq_:. __ tOi5tdd5iT- id>u dr- ri4E M^TidKj:. -^.iAatc OP FiuAl Uk_LH*.. | I i/)iiui'<*r ,. i • —__„_ " — —- _. C4) IAJdri(L_ QF lr\d>niiUL_| 0m_Vi_Ju_ 1-UiiuL_J3 Imj STATC (_jJum_T . TU_ fc,d/wir i^LUrinjq rd 0iua/il1_is PiI jwqs ,,u state (LquiiT 15..imj __Mpkr_ Mud ru>6 5e__rin I^T^/ ^' ^«dCi3v.cklI SMaiI TW,:5 _ _ ____,. Ti_#flj* iO/ir£:._2_Ji__/ tf <*!> .—t ^KirwarI 'l__. OTDIO^ sW t f . «"/f/>p_. ^u,° .* # ^, r:. . c^'Vr_ ^ ->^m- inj_ttk__«T_l Ai tu- Tl4u. r-sT_ii£ _5TuliL UiiaU-3_J%ftpM%i'r-a(''4 Hii-i" ^ik,. /' t r\„A w _il_*_ Uu^T5UU^T^113^.SmTu5 TM_. 1 P^ JM_| sr^ d»u_ djuicx/Aiotx Pd* E.Uid di__5pl_tt-14_-1-_3-L_L A«jd lA__iV_d iT (dACK dnJ__/_t/__, THEiU L Filld Ml STEfO-Tidd dlci__/_./__. /WJ i/?_e_u_J iT Iqacm d»u -S_/_./j_ TUEkj 1 $_Fil_j THE ST_fd-_«__' _______ 1 Fi ltd Mq STtp d__ q^iLVAiUCjL fiJk _]_*•-__ uw^_/__/__ Ak£\ Aituveti ir i_wc_ d ___l/_1__ m_j lHl_.MqST_f3-T_d Uiu___i./fciS_Al£j ____,__<_ .t id*cj< d_^_i_su±; thekj L__Fil_j m 3TE^ TM^n',;;1"^ 3I^, S^ 4«-"/a,u<__ F_* _jM;iU, r__"-"i"^ / i3 tilTm l/^E.^_l IT IdAEIi d*J__>_ '— TUou 1 F,.I_J WqtbTqO-TLUd d,o_J^L_ Awd «t__4ftt^t.UKJ IA_jFuII_| _l|4,k TUiq LdiLw. /4 dwiT_d _TAfE^_d__- _* Tl4E3r_r_ dP T_XA5 AkjcI IDUHc AtTi^q Uwd22 ____*, UtfM__._£_Al A__ ^(.ditTiLd dFPiEi/il _id^dTd £Aj*_J TH£ LdR_,uqr_l A_T dK dK___u_U dK T14_ WE- ^.qE^ fa ^ j__kj__.Ti.j_i STd(u£ ^T^AT"Tbq-.TUEd^UATidKJ dP Fl,_ ^j £W, LdiTU d_T CJdt ,dHd__i dP !*__.. ___UJiL__ L_ J^ 5T(ll,£ U'U,T "'^ . huT Mu Ed- Sl^1 *"--< "^X^Efat KMSiT Td Mq __Ed_iuT d«__4_/ N/ B u,, , , \ Tttuor FukjcJ ^__du,ur rd /^ / ^ "T. *H u-_*_ dp r"^j™^ ce. 7 . _:_|i_Ps ... FlIk Eausl Kjdi. udd«4.. _4u..,. __u6-(_ iw Statg. Edu_ A w. *> •1_l uj»6 iu_rV. Lf^rrr _•H£ l^'J'"1* «** * T-a __J MJdr q.V_SuFFici__JT Fd/K-iUdTi5 dF /AuJ d_ dK /lbdur T/4£j_2/__t/j___iTiUE TiJi.TFE.5dx. 5l^T. A. (6a3Riu did Tl4«_j /WJ TUw«. u_l/UP_llq LdPlik I4_ Ld_ Apublic 5_k.AkjT 3_tf.i_|4/.RjT Fd<. n4_ STATE dP TUte /Wl _JI4il_ MdTiKjq LHudt*. &_!__- dF 14,6 /UtuAI Sf*V M^T^AT^ur^: 14,6 PAl^Td ,. 5__ft/r ^ "'^ ^S-,4-,3 ^ d«-i. ,3i_ ^ Kid ^d,_6_^ r^"M u*"T»6u. All. "* /iq^.vld. 5d h£ J™*.' ^t._j**_j. f*W«* . _J.-n.UuT _JU_ _M vl?*'^ Ml dP ^ M^'1M /I UtUrtri^™? * ^v,d. EdUKiLS Td EFF_LTui\T_ TV£. i.i__/Mr dP ^__!v/_K- -\ P_i_ T14E Id.T dK STdl _j (dKdfOexTd. ___ U.a.cA, Ci_KJ6' A»d_j_I. 5TU, \].T,E,A, qd.T _____.djSi_l.dl37. klIOM«T,Al-T«dbU/uAl. A-qik T?Lnj*m»" ,,f-- I'^rq A__i ^Kdpotrq Td^TdK S__U_. Tn- BJtldLd.ud K_ I,. F '• ATTduMJiq F_i__ df fl________..^J£, *•AlT-u/U. K0AMAq£5 dF fl —O^** ^ £U.,. iv_- ^Adt, dFT -J0^'«^ s^dKUAi"MMAqi. of* ~—9dl'^ "toT"JrdFm,"rbq^Td.-F_A, CP> CJh>ha Tl4u_e. OtpKiv/ATidnJ dF f_adt__« » tdltt. UiCJte A,d diUff IEG did -TUui Au_ ni_w,i_i_lj__ Md P.Cx. ,-dM ri4t 5T„r£ ^ UJ_k ^r^dd, S , ^ r,f ^Hr-I %r d* d,Ui__ ,d^ dK n._ St F^f^f"m"i^T,^ TUE^L ZZr fin qS'f M" **** ^ nt^e-Ed £tukSJt _/! M^iy AMd A ,niTi'A. Jr *"*-•. ™* LhuiT _d/4_J__ dK ^.T.AI d„ F.UAl __d**d I_k 3dEl. <_i .^MSM^ _dM_ ^AMJlMp/4itTiAl-T_k)UjuAl, ^ud TUu_ LdillFdllq d_j._. dK Iw.__d__ A p^3d_, kj (LusTddq iu ra_ Ej____5 ClflilU FduK •„Kdl_, A__JdT4_. "_U_ ,_.__- p«_T_d l.k__rq iAiqu||| that 4__ d^nd r__-/.i4 0*- l5dKJ_K_ TI4AT A*L EJ._j.J_l_ Aud Fk_- FKdK. -k^i/KJ. AKq-t_U^i5t4MUJP, iu5«j.e_Al _dAq5, Fk;5T.(TJ4_ dFPE_J5e, CLddt I_k'TUi6 /.JbdvJE _OkS_Li- pl.(UAwq -he^Odwi is iki Ed_. _et ., Smajsl mint's KJd Eddt E1..4 Fdujud iu Ti4_. J?di3 i0.6_j-|_li»u/t*q.^j 11 /4*u_J jd__E&duki. Fd* _]FFE«_d., I^AiuidS %ll F2d(32?>, I^EEH.151 IT dJduld I04JUL( 5Fdlu£ dF /I 14^*- iiULJ A\ A IvkflrtJiaJCjRjl TihAc Mnid »UA1kJkJu<..5EE /4k- MSTMdkjq V#M*lKJZ.d 3^d dS345,,S6 5.ET. MS7-lljS dK Duped ciS /I PiK5d«j itCj6^'dR liUMUiuiPq Kwd- idiKjq TI4tKc CdiuduET U.JM0 UkjIWuJFul Pd* FI4E VlE- nq (OuK.)dd^t dP CHdSiioq'lAnnhA Amd itHTixicHA i«j- ddKq Td TI4E TdKTdus. IiFE, Jib^Tq i^iqUPs- Td M.Td K SEE k5 TI4F RJI IduJ idd fid itP I. MrFdKidtq Fees up fl /)iiha,^. a.EXtiUjfllAM-|-lOAU>(M4&S dP tt ldlJilA*CS. S./4&JUAI- t^AMA^ES dP fl__________ iddlUw5. 4. jOu xjifi Vl-lOfl MAt\\L6 dPfi_ |rtr1l1jj««.v 5.hJdKMAl-lO«MAL|^ dPti |/Yiiltu EUiu Fi'v/G. iE)epidvMTi'dwj dp lij;,lot-KTq uJiTdddT idu«. pHdCiAS dF Imuj dn.J dw AhcioT Tl4E.cn_/JaS./j2_ TWE TdKlPuASdK tail LIem did t14*' TME Fd"Tq^lM^b^ ^ ^ qATE rd ...puJ"C" E^-" ^1 LdU*T Ufa U^puj filler £"T***M± A\\ 4 \^Ata\]~i\AtnA btMA Cj40dd- BiiatMATL iKJd.T-FoiEaJEL dK l^ddd*^ d,'6KiiWd Wk Wq SaFEFq bq 1^,1,^ Td to iWjkj^Io i« ^W wMu id^u, .LA FAkM^ 5„ u.5,1 ^tTtu U^ r," 'U ™*W*< dK nJ, ^.«JUKM Fd n* I. FF ,li b^Tq Aqto ^p fc .in!. IJ", F-»i&cl Ct*t*LH3 l tfrvftfc OFFICE USE ONLY Texas Department of Criminal Justice Grievance #:C^t At^JA 1 i *-) <-) I UGI Reed Date: STEP 2 J? OFFENDER HQ Reed Date: AUG 2 8 2013 ' GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: C_JU O^tJJ . .OffenderName:/U'fW/J' VfC flT^ftX, TDCJ# S^lff Grievance Code: /Yv^yi Unit: fMSX MrAu Housing Assignment: ftJ-l-4> Investigator ID#: 115/ Unit where incident occurred: f&W UrtAnA Extension Date: You must attach the completed Step 1 Grievance that has been signedby the Warden for yourStep 2 appealwuae 0 & ZUij accepted. You may not appeal to Step 2 with a Step 1 that has been returned unprocessed. ;on for appeal Give reason a (Be Specific). _ I am dissatisfied with the response at.Step 1 because.. '<^—•". 'i.-i'.IJMJ«^a^*^ minium »i rr *..„•• •• TH£h.^ ufM 4, fatfl- ' v& -0*5*4fll*tf*i*y- &p -V' \ '•' (\&AulJjUjL£ffl> Offender Signature: Cl^J/Atf. Date: flf-Z6-M f \ • . : : , Grievance Response: • •. v 1' i- .Major Disciplinary Case #2013033723 1i has been reviewed.-.vThe disciplinary charge was'appropriate * "jlijf: for the offense of assaulting an offender without a weapofi, based on the officer s report and testimony at, I ~the4 hearing, and'the'giiilfy verdict was supported by a preponderance ofthe evidence^ All clue'process ±, ik£)\.\\^j *,» s *(requirements,were satisfied andTrie punishment assessed bythe Disciplinary Hearing Officerrwas-within^ ^ ym«ji "'" ' *agen'c^ guidelines. No further action is warr&rited'inthiFmatte?.*, ••**.• »•' *•+* l -••- *»y-*-«»- Sign^tiir^tUi^_A^PARKERv W^ V>A A,^L^ -VV^ Returned because: *Resubmit this form when corrections are made. OFFICE USE ONLY Initial Submission CGO Initials: LJ 1. Grievable time period has expired. Date UGI Recd:_ L_1 2. Illegible/Incomprehensible.* Date CGO Reed: (check one) Screened _Improperly Submitted uJ 3. Originals not submitted. * Comments: -Q-4.-Inappropriate/Excessiveattachments.* - — Date Returned to Offender LJ 5. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. 2** Submission CGO Initials: Dafe UGI Reed: ' -'"* ?=»*<-•*»-=&••• f LJ 6. Inappropriate.* Date CGO Reed: (checkone) Screened Improperly Submitted Comments: CGO Staff Signature:. Date Returned to Offender: 3°* Submission CGO Initials: Dale UGI Reed: Date CGO Reed: (checkone) "^Screened-~—• — Improperly Submitted- Comments: Date Returned to Offender: 1-128 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix G OFFICE USE ONLY Texas Department of Criminal Justice Grievance #: <1TFP 1 OFFENDER Date Received: -DEC-ft-9 701*. & 1 hiI 1 GRIEVANCE FORM Date Du ~ ^ : s -artj--^i- ;*-, ^Grieyance^CoOTTl Offender Name: ^1^1/ori 1& — ' -~ AJ •Pnu-flw "JWng.jnU^.amrf: ±]uTqj4X.*mmA mini Mi) imtUAfo ri^'±m 1-127 Front (Revised 11 -2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix F *^~ ' • ...'*• .?.' •• • , -, •*•- «• ^ < -^ '*., Action Requested to resolve; your Complain V^AT TlitL ST^rE. CilukiTu £du«J6 Al8oI Me. THifi )ss Lie.. .,._ • ^ ^ • i ,' \ •' " ; • ,,' , t -H A.sid ftJ&T[W - — Offender Signature P(
        A fo%Lnj Date: Grievance Response: . r . * >» -' *. ._ ^ : ». "v ; „„•. t k L "j» '• "» ,'/ \ ?• < v/ -) vi . •• • . j h i\. •,.i W i -5 T .iT/,.'« •\ V.WJ i )• . \ - * t - . •«. . "- 1 t" I X! * ! , ; i * \ I \ i> Signature Authority:" i < "vmm ; <.•, '• ^i/ j v i Date: 1 A If you are dissatisfied with the Step 1 response, you may submit a Step 2 (1-128) to the Unit Grievance Investigatorwithin 15days from the date of the Step 1 response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. . ........ Returned because: " ' *Resubmit this form when the corrections aremade. _ " ' • "• *.' ' PCI 1." Grievable time period hasexpired*JCX> U'9 L\i\5 fi2. Submission in exceS? of 1 every 7 days. * OFFICE USE ONL Initial Submission' ,,UGI Initials:. &*->• l~l 3. Originals notsubmitted. * i •,. Grievance #. ^ZH^m2^ _ _ .. . '^ortasMi.» n 4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. * ' • 1 Screening Criteria Used: / I"! 5. Nodocumented attempt atinformal resolution. * 4 Date Reed from Offender: VDEC Q. Q 2013 n 6. No requested relief is stated. * '„•.., i » • ZZ \ ••<•;• i J ' ' ' > . • -• ' 1. I ^Date Returned to Offender: faJkL,0 9 2013 117. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. *. t 1^-Submlsslon UGI Initials: I~l 8."The"issue"presented is~hot grievaSle. Grievance #: [~1 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance # Screening Criteria Used: _ l~l 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. * Date Reed from Offender:. n^l- Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: "• ' ^ DEC 0 9 2013 3"J-Submlssion yci Initials:. Grievance #: Application:of the scfeening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: Affect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender: _ Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised +l-=2Gi-G)- Appendix F _*- ~i\L£l llHl M /^5/jO ftaC. 64-OT- /^ Texas Department of Criminal Justice OFFICE USE ONLY ==-?!»• .:«"< cri^D 1 offender Date Received: pFP-'ft-ff 'Investigator ID #: -^ yt?f^~ Unit: ESTpllfl. f !-(.<»• f)W«i„c Accic„^nffr Extension Date: Unit where incident occurred: InSfgJlo, (U.S. b Date Retd to Offender: FEB 0 7 20H You musty<>jes0ly" appealing the results of adisciplinary hearing. __ - ^ submit aformal complaint - '^--'— • — The only exception is when' -^ ^.,..~ {, „.^K... -_".,", Who did you talk to (name, title)? Iu U/Kb XuxJM t-.Ji.yJ, Wh.n? fg-^3-IC5 What was their response? ( Jkli/A \fMi\U 1 , Whataction-was-taken?->|~J(-k4-[/-U-lA^It4 •>- ,. ,,~. ^ ; State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate fliU> U-l*-U3 J H&\nTt<\ Til JiUU, An TH.h^rJ fW Um fr,^ |4 a A M t mTrrri ' ' ' ,r" ' >"-•• n»/ '^1 i» m h i ri/n( iW/w,n rimy y^V',rl,^n';H'I rN<,ti) nt" 'i"/^"*" rl^ ' '/is.nE Emm a ?-''•• hyl 'u I. (*"Is -RIh ftM-nnmT .™*ft'" ,r •h j^ A'M'l Art ml-Wrt^ !1 m-4-E"-^'-M ,Hu Tilers *4- r"' *^~^,., g6rievance;Rcsponse: Wit. Your complaint has been noted. Inmate Trust Fund (ITF) was contacted and states that $2.00 was deducted on 04/18/13 f6r a state order. Two civil orders were deducted at $2.00 each on 04/18/13. You have one federal order which was deducted for $8.00 on 04/18/13 which was the standard 20% for federal orders and 10% each, for state and civil orders. The amounts were properlywithdrawn. No furth'eractron'is'warrahleSr""~' ' " WARDEN BREWER Signature Authority: "^* " *V-X»^> " sTr" Date: If you are dissatisfied with the Step .1 response, you may submit a Step 2 (1-128) to the Unit Grievance Investigatorwithin IS days from the date of the'Step l'response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. Returned because: ^Resubmit this form when the corrections are made. • 1. Grievable timeperiod has expired. IT! 2. Submission in excess of 1every 7 days. * OFFICE USE ONLY Initial Submission UGI Initials:. l~l 3. Originals notsubmitted. * Grievance #: l~!) 4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. -* • -• - • Screening Criteria Used: _ O 5. No documented attempt atinformal resolution. * , a j -Bale Recd-frorn Offender:—- -•*=• ~ ~ L~j6. No requestedrelief is stated. * _; >. y Date Returned to Offender: •' 1~1 7. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. * l^ubmissiQ" . UGI Initials:. M 8. The issue presented is not grievable. „ .r -Grievance-^:-— . - ' ^--~- "—*•• - ' n 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance #_ Screening Criteria Used: _ l~l 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. * Date Reed from Offender: nil- Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: a-^H^mlSSiP" H .,, UGI Initials:. Grievance #: - - • Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: . Affect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender:. Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F ' 'H. . -* •**§f- Pi'ltd oxlpiiif A3/»^//^ _^ ^OKFICE JJSE-ONLY_ . .„. Texas Department of Criminal Justice Grievance #: UGI Reed Date: FEB 11 2014 STEP 2 OFFENDER HQ Reed Date: FEB 1 3 ZDU GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: Offender Name; AtX-xajlTX iilh feTbfiJl TDCJ # 5"q InvestigatorID#: A— \ OO' Unit where incident occurred: fcfrTtM-l Extension Date: You must atiacJTthe completed Step J Grievance Tfuii*na~s been signed by the Warden for your Step~2 appVtl, -3e-3 2Qtt^- accepted. You may not appeal to Step 2 witha Step J that has been returnedunprocessed. prGive-reason-for-appeal (Be-Specific).-***rl~am-dissatisfied-with theresponseat-Step-l~becavse... ' m'•- rT * - "*" AUG. bJ4kidg^i5ddiLeJv5ii3HJ udfc IhAftultpLu •nteAut*. l-U fozkMpA T14jA? T14k ImuAArr- TiAiltf hiuir\ i, iaa Orittvtorf /jj^|-fl^[ mu ArbrLi./»rirtni ilP tf&.iiii >1«i m/iv/i^ fiiw. Ti.rn civl\ ftftfefflaVdrt fr-fc fim 1WW4 ArJ ill"/* ftftrt-J K3rf 6TME (Li\/Y>TvU* Atirtata TMe5e. Cftttofr Hi EwtiV1uM,arJ(Ld flu/leu* i ipiln i yOM^Ixi (1Pfrf,i'Als ft" NictVjIuiftTi'rMT^K^ /U ifypl.orl. VOoflJUiv \X /lnnrjia Kim- Tl£ T/lkuti <1f All- 4 pM,r6o/ii^is$ pjtylS u\\t)l&\t AiltluSturt T&QMA Til f^Xunri /W| dfc TUli^.-lUdiLJtt.+ + ^gfrilr in tiki Tmolki dE Am vfi unties UrUfr'W) ite Aoroiktr, AaA^As A fajj^puiT fltotl/i L^ikSritUsJi T/°l i*Jtxuur)*j&fli4rtiMi7&s udT ST»vre uiirM y^di lOo^s /kjrl -p4^T IO% LJt'14 fol T/I^ji hltf £AlU 5TAT& CtartJ. AT H4fc Qf\K\y X\*A Date: 0& / ibf t i i l 6. Inappropriate.* Date UGI Reed: Date CGO Reed: , (check one) Screened Improperly Submitted — - --!.«--,- Comments: CGO Staff Signature:. Date Relumed to Offender: 3s1 Submission CGO Initials: Date UGI Reed: Date CGO Reed: (check one) Screened Improperly Submitted Comments: Date Returned to Offender: 1-128 Back (Revised 11 -2010) Appendix G J M OFFICE USE ONLY Texas Department of Criminal Justice Grievance #: ^ " OFFENDER V ' -Date-Receiv*f.a.disciplinary.hea'ring." __'" ^..1. --- ^"S-~"- *- Who did you talk to (name, title)? ?MlTi QA^VftJ . UAA(yA Tiki,jfifing MitS When? • V{- ^W^-,' -? >- ^i_ Whataction was taken? M,AjKMfl»iA4"i<» W ufUfU, u* j\*j>fl»tfi -A Ml*.c ^. ir /ua rttz it t.ituk a\ nair j.utq rtAeju* rtjgjig .^ pfz rAP//;<>it«t~Cnrer . s* ru,? rAP//;(>juj>r^nr nwrtx ric^Y** p*KS>**un-tfr>/s)AA **ft rllojio. A&ci>n tiMi -viu.. AkMiXt 0& 0**01-M t 1-127Front (Revised 11-2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix F £t*-*j\ OT „0^» f\-0*- *• , o p ^ Action Requested to resolve your Complaint TM# \4pXumuJ itf imh ^/igtTti 4.^1 MiAelryyjfefcflta Offender Signature: Qlrfj/ttzJ fXAl) jdjtfrU) Date: 'Off-o?6-ftg Grievance Response: % ., y w jut J ♦ I A > 1* r ' ^0^-^L^,.#^ I f •> ... s'V Ki' ; > * * •>x * '.T^r It j,^'^ /I ^ - " If you arc dissatisfied with'the Step 1.response,,you may submit a Step 2 (1-128)to the Unit Grievance Investigator within IS days from the date of the Step 1 response: State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. _ " *, *" " •• ' " „ Returned because: 'Resubmit this form when the corrections are made. Bt^GtSvable-time peri?d has expired.1 P^';' AUG 2 6^2013 , l fiOii - l>i ' ' ( -'Ivf L_| 2. Submission in excess of 1every 7 days."-* -• x " ' ' -^<- "-•*"•' OFFICE USE ONL [71 3. Originals nbt"subirtitted "j*1.'" x->>* .••*.(/ • * i "• '• >> £• i' v* m' Grievance #: •.'2>)/J2A7*6< ' ' ^ * L- •' >»' I » • ^Screening Criteria Used:f ^ < jj" " n 5. No documented attempt at informal resolution, t* > ' • ~, -• . *, ¥ ' ••••• *.*: ». \ •'•♦. * I f n,-, I IjXate Reed from Offender": t . j AUti L 6 2013 l~l 6.>No.requested relief is stated. * , ». , . , a, -v __ . ' ^ ii, '"," .-,!•.'. .-,4. / ( •) •;«;. i- t l j" Date Returned toOffender: AUG 2 $"2013 I I 7. Malicious usS"6f vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. *•—• t2^$q|>ml»iop * | UGI Initials: \ n 8. Theissue presented is notgrievable. ' * Grievance.*: __; . -- - • - t i i • . «». r [J 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance #_ '"['*'• I : ' ' " . . .• ''*>.' Screening Criteria Used: — * *" * ^ n 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible: i, V* 'jti ' > . f. » • r 1 ," ' .1 \ 1 <« t . ' -^ Date Reed from Offender: ' ' ' ' O. .- [j 11. Inappropriate. -* ;Date^Returned to Offender: »• ' - ") UGI Printed Name/Signature : '7/(L -" TDCJ #5^1(^5 1 1>UU ffWI I ~WM Grievance Code: v,..v....vwv.™v. 57?:—~ trnit: X?)TeJAA. fl'312 L^Te^l^investigatorid#: _| ~\(?oH Unit-whereincidentoccuiredi-ir/^TMrAiii^LJ-lLl-iT• --• — Extension Date: w You must attach the completed Step I Grievance that has been signed by the Warden foryour Step 2 appeaW&Tbe u accepted. You may not appeal to Step 2 with a Step 1 that has been returnedunprocessed. Give-reason for appeal (Be Specific). 1 am dissatisfied with the response at'Step ] because... SATi'Rfd MlirM Tfe U\A*c\lu\f* STtfi-nnte., t/UspflHjV... Oflfrtuv,Mil 3XAxtr\ TMrtf rUH En5rUii*ui'uiuiT ^>^dv;^d-rJ>lOi lU^jTKTiiifcj rsvto u)iiuq Tl4t^QgVf.M/M m,M6 uiidrftonPiaPiiTft'l ikiPJurhYti^- iAt>145 rUmTft rttmnii^ftirlift i^i^ritln^rl/1 AjT t uas kjo^ flw^j K»inc^ fip tu»~ ^iinipr*piMirti i'/ Hm ir*^. Amites riM n.ijm, TAtUxi pM4lM,iUf4 finttfiiuAfai ho^o.T. Ipjpi: rHf untiT. t 3-fauld Uflx/ikkoj iuilrift<.d tip life wxA[\\in\ \% Ttf,*'t"r^M^, n»iiik6 fltos fekiiirf\ ^u^TiilHvrl Kid fluiiuPMfirtfw A*rA nfe An ft mnr nmiMihj T-'viG u\i\iih.i^| mttttc^ HE nnitL^csHi"n^ru^ rtt Mm Mirks AfTVfc Mi^iUlJ ftuThA VUij pM^f1"|, 3nCl4 Aft HA{ ^l4otQg^ rjirJ
      • i^J ^/ Z/QtUJ Date: J/~/?-M A, ...iT.: *-C"' Grievance Response: Your Step 2 grievance has been investigated;by this office. You were i i ••«. *•* v- appropriately advised at the Step 1 level. Your complaint is noted. No further investigation warranted by this office. - ' - t^t Returned because: *Resubmit this form when corrections are made. OFFICE USE ONLY Initial Submission * - CGO Initials:- LJ 1. Grievable time period has expired. * . Date UGI Recd:_- I LJ 2. Illegible/Incomprehensible.* - Date CGO Reed:. (checkone) Screened .Improperly Submitted D 3. Originals not submitted. * - Comments: ' LJ 4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments.* ^Date-Relumed to Offender—^= <=-•-*- " '^v'r' r^%x' ^ CGO initials:. 5. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. 2"^ Submission 'Date UGI Reed: _ LJ 6. Inappropriate!* .Date CGO Recd:^ (check one) Screened .Improperly Submitted Comments: CGO Staff Signature: Date Returned to Offender: _ 3°* Submission CGO Initials: Date UGI Reed: Date CGO Reed: (checkone) Screened .Improperly Submitted Comments: Date Returned to Offender: I-J 28 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix G fteJfik£K.S3.l£LIJ41 / Q5 /.*o ( .HIl Texas Department of Criminal Justice OFFICE USE ONLY Grievance #: OFFENDER 2014 Date Received TEP1 eivcu, * GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: GrievanceCode: _ Offender Name: AtETu 0f V\ JUL. i*STUld<- " IPGJ-#-^SJ^3" Investigator lb"&: 1 *- tr*^ Unit: PAST UzAM Housing Assignmeikli .fa /) - vO-3 17 I Extension Date: Unit where incident occurred: V^A(SX W&kA ^ Date Retd to Offender: Vou must try to resolve your problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results ofa disciplinary hearing. ". * '•*•'* MWS \\\ lAAS ,_ Who did you talk to (name, title)? ^)\lT. .nftftltixJ • KAfiADa. iUJM pSOhJ When? , 01" V6"V3 What was their response? UhJ)U MOf>tJ li.l ^_: ' What action was'taken? (Th1\L KJflkJhJ ~ State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate iHm1 Vll-fly-ia Vt7-0y-ia I MM mVfll^rl in /Ui A»I it \Colour TUAT fiA,j.sgzJ IU4^ IU4 III tOfl,Tflk^l TH ffliM. A filfrRXJ«|,lVl Ml)'UlM -finA fiQMTt { lUM jO/!tflip/-J 1 'joiVtflj/'-) fil rS>i|H( TtAT, p Apan a •mrfl r UxdrJ A mUm^. T]1 ^ j?, ftn ri4f yO^l^i ^p.i'E /AM ilE iT li to TUoiii.. fiil.Tlii-: WUU.M ilCfrc^ iA^i<^l nl £ ywfg, \kJo.\kA,\ flMrtfiijAh\ AirYmcUL iT Ail Til X^r fi"^t\ Ai"A 4^f >hi Ml ynmi/ygnTf i falas l/^AniUr Til k>k lm( npfrp^ |/k^| r»n tii ill i i\U;mA Hi. OAAop\nr\ X\Xia\X \\A\A tii.".-ifWV?j_j^i i._ift-jd. &3i4*.rt-Tlfo7 • J&4l fffliit A/mCTR 4 &t nkr TiKXcT -4 q*u/<- M.| ± lA^Jiil Mi/J U&^rJ A)Ani\LX H^. mfoVmni 4*/I TliM t iKAg) Fim \Aui Til rj^gj>J^ Til s5^ in tUm ^ All Sa nA 1 f>w./1^j^i P^ulkJ MAK-a-5-™ -127 Front (Revised 11-2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix F •"a •w i •n A,d.nRequeS,gd,o,MQlvey.urC,mpl,tn,T|J- ^j, ,„, , ftp ^ ( ^ft fl,,) UqH-^MAOC ore: Offender Signature: (\AtAJ*l L/jaL/. JtiJ AtiHAU) Date: 0% ' <3L - l>3 )nse: Grievance Response /J Signature Authority: Date: if you are dissatisfied with the Step 1 response, you may submit a Step 2 (1-128) to the Unit Grievance Investigator within 15 days from the date of the Step I response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. * Returned because: *Resubmit this form when.the corrections are made. 1. Grievable time period has expiredMAR *> 5 tUH 1,2. Submission in excess of 1 every 7 days. * OFFICE USE ONL Initial Submisssijx) . I JjQI Initials: l~l 3. Originals notsubmitted. * Grievance #: 1 1"4" Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. *..BjS. . ^_ ^.^ _„_ . ^.Screening CriteriaJJsed:. l~l 5. No documented attempt at informal resolution. * Date Reed from Offender: MAft ^ 5 £"' n 6. Norequested reliefis stated. * Date Returned to Offender: MAR & 5 2014 ' j-! 7. Malicious useof vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. a^Snbmission UGI Initials: n 8. The issue presented is not grievable. "* " ~™ Grievance #: ``" "^ l~l 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance # Screening Criteria Used: f~l 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. Date Rccd from Offender: _ n 11. Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: B^Snbmlssion UGI Initials:. Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: Affect the offender's health. Date Rccd from Offender: _ Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F OFFICE USE ONLY Grievance #: C^T17T> 1 OFFENDER Date Received: -MAR^ ? ^" ^ 1 ILJr 1 GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: Grievance Code: _ \. T Offender-Name: AX&h&d~ lu—SXbjiMh- ^TB&J#-S"^ -- "IiTvestigator'IlJffr V™t:&0$MlM Housing Assignment: K<&:'fo T&-A\2 Extension Date: Unit where incident occurred: k/$?ffifeffyffi.^ Date Retd to Offender: You must try to resolve your.problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealingthe resultsof a disciplinary hearing. •*-• Who did you talk to (name, title)? Afajbflgffi&|ffiEffi. JUti&ljl. i'fiWArtdjtJL)- When? _mjU^3j-Mjj3 What was their response? Ll&0 UKJDUJK} - -What action was taken? t>HJi/»JDUJm State vour grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate kimaA ntCiOtu \Aaa\ TWqmjl X*uaIa-Xi. l-|gj/)^ 11 li nf m.i. Shy] - rtt&OA* j L3f /Vli\/g^ i tur /IP TUf )0n/1fUnTi[ ftf M»j flrUlx Tl-fF TnjM^rG 1-1*4)0'd h Mf MP l if) /W)~ TlllrJ 1\Aq'X)AWi lAAitfnythpajt.Tii iiiUS Ulj/r . TUi iftiil ftlw TUr ^u.»i"npT. ^H^fprJ mifWrg Til fiFF. li 114at mi- utrtft TUfrffn ru<^ft,( ,r nidr*f7, rMar Uti Ci*U\(>iy.. \AAoiiu\HiAA-ii\*MfrtijA -i^i^Tiilitdlfijj iiilAS j/ivt/^i^ MtLlKHl tdVrU Mu HiIU-tjimrtii. A" kOMn^ifi - tftdhVi a nihil Mi) f/wliii l-lftflcl fior h.l/ft nJiraiuhl /Wl Mflri M)i.1f toflPaj in*- fi\npjc\ hi ri/h7 FflvrHrtM iimir lrtfl,ftW I u)Ma TKAjn^ffHfri Til T14f £?>TQMP.-\lHnT-t i¥~ fMMiC,|4 r I4fld A C\4At\\to Hi th,t hit/ U kAli ll1lY-Tl4l1lA^fSllMi /Wl-r|4^- y<^ \aAu< ^ _i r-- . ,^» ^rtfl PihV"l \ Y)/m Tl1 Mr) yOiuy/niTi| -l^iJT M>". PrfiJorl n l ^ r I I .a * * , . . -rW i. A . . x\ . .« ^ . ..-r- . a- .^~ 4 i-1 t-. • i il^f flhrtnT fUiT £se 11^-311^ n ILiiK i TH rlil ftp. f?n T. FlUrl /( Stpy7 ilmt il^t-vtof g. l1hi Min>c iIhj ilwl TU." I-Af>\-IliUJ w ImiT IAjT foftj>Ayi*r\ uiH i/",^|^)iwm)^>i? fc^v^c" i^u^ i^fi^v^ v//d mtrjpvr ~^k *U& \T 1-127 Front (Revised 11 -2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS~REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM- "(OVER) Appendix F ^k. Wt •^ ..<.,^. ° ...» i . *vj\ '4 ^.-.wil j.iiU >.„»-•»••:-, it-Ai Action Requested to resolve your Complaint, j ^ ^ T|^ l/^J^) flf /lit M^l f R^teSi*^ -- >w. Offender Signature: /l/<^/ /LjA cJi t ) A/h^m {f>k&Jjo$] n//^f j^.. vvi i /.... ••?.•Jt.t^fe*'^-^- Grievance.Response:-^ ^ ~=£.-.f^j- >-—m—.:• *^-<— bvA >*•'.'* ~ i ^ i t '• Signature Authority: Date: Ifyou aredissatisfied with theStep i'response, you may submit a Step 2 (1-128) totlic'Unit Grievance Investigator within )5 days from thedate oftheStep J response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. . Returned because: *Resubmit this form when the corrections are made. 'I jf| I. Grievable time period has expired. >Ji£$ \1 t-Urr M 2. Submission in excess of 1 every 7 days. * OFFICE USE ONLYy£) Initial Submission ( UGI Initials: ^¥^J r~l 3. Originals notsubmitted. * Grievance U: & ff> N'/ / /I?^(# Q.4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. * . Screening Criteria Used". _ I f~i 5. No documented attempt at informal resolution. * Date Reed from Offender: U^" r»* .'nift •0-6. -No:requested=relief-is-stated:-^-r. -jp--»m»t* —-. "g=y^-"-T----- ^t-.^- "fratc Returned to Q?feii(Ier:p ftift '*> • •" t~1 7. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. 2°J-Submission *. UGI Initials: < 1~1 8. The issuepresented is not grievable. Grievance #: : 1~1 9. Redundant; Refer to grievance # . ] Screening Criteria Used: . l~l 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. Dale Reed from Offender: - |3 11 •Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed JVame/Signature:, MAR 1 7 2014 l^SjjJuniSiiSJl UGI Initials:.. Grievance #:. , Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: Affect the offender's health. Date Rccd from Offender: _ Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F X flgT6S Investigator ID #:. f^S-o Unit: feffifcjU*. Housing Assignment: Miflttfl. ifl-^U Extension Date: Unit where incident occurred: &5T'gJ,jfcJ Date Retd to Offender: NOV 0 5 2013 35^w.r>qqNyy^g"" You must try to resolve your problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results of a disciplinary hearing. ' ' Who did you talk to (name, title)? J)h,\xAn Hut W. k4okm,imj<1 LiFr^l;\/" rip tW\ Jinn ^ £ iftjq R5k. fe *'-" r—^ •*-'-H f- -1 ^ "" ^"- ••"*' xw Upmi ftJQf 1C f1 JU i-sfWi '/Up mil \ijjn4 t^tii i^jh^i . And ^U\jfS|ff?°/U/l n4rtT 2 + 53 fg^pCl Tjl -p^. £ar^U.^a»«)ir.| J i>< &i,AuA-eA T>f7~, (Ud Win TT4 il^/xfVilkt fl^yl T7^. ^n"T.i [dUnAf\SUAAi{ dnt\*A ilttiCeu tUuS !4iCi.: . n 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance # "' Screening Criteria Used: II 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. * Date Reed from Offender: _ Q 11. Inappropriate. * s Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: • ^SpbrolSjiyn ^_^_ ..^.UCIJnitials:. Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used:. Affect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender: _ Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned'to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010)" Appendix F "~*Tefxas Department of Criminal Justice OFFICE USE ONLY Grievance #.: C&/3 / 9 7 $ f./ _ ~ OFFENDER"^ AUG 0 9 2013 Date Received: STEP1 GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: Grievance Code: Offender Name:4) fltLC) \tJL £)TO Kit TDCJ # S^S^S" Investigator ID teJ^b^b ^ Unit: Lj4:ST14/IK4 Housing Assignment; U-^ I —*f Extension Date: h)*\KJ Unitwhere incident occurred: l^AS I It A M Date Retd to OfTender&UG 2 3 2013 You must try to resolve your problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results ofadisciplinaryhea^ing-_ ^* ^V"'. **"••• •*•' ~* "* "*"/?" *4 Who did you talk to (name, title)? fJ«J tT( 1> D ,G i ) .; HJArtQ(LlL) VJdil When? lTtf - D? - 13 -Wh&t^s-thgjfreiiptnissT-l'-JidliHL^fY^ i I" —^What-action^as-taken?"lbtlL=i44^y^fabM^-- ?f. State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate Firulr TlUr Ha"i tin tu~ VW> yAyr>'rui ai/a*/i3 A^n,^) Tte, AT Hll-VifU Up UArJi A PAls*.-iftiy)i'1ivr /'mif juMtSf nl V^ \t\6ir\OArt. _ llE flraTEf] AT TU," UtfUw.^fl ,l1 TUilT UP fteii migT UiT iu MaT£ UiU^S ThliC^ iriiTfel M/) fi^T /Uirl TUiT iaIKJ/ffl. Min/^ state ujo^t imatS nriri}iij. /Uvl.'iiMcU iuoa^h ri-kr to*. iWJj/i N/'A.i^ ifi.l^ \aa~?m>A ilte > Ph-hAa. FAL^Wr- ttJ.fti'luTfi , 1-127 Front (Revised 11-2010) YOUR SIGNATURE IS REQUIRED ON BACK OF THIS FORM (OVER) Appendix F A * -^ - .-> . J \J.\ • "K -Lr) \ ' Action Requested to resolve your Complaint. BUT TUP ^p.Ttiu.i .IF tU^ ssTAn/Tuft j/1 A~4 Offender Signature: &1jLaJ doc) ATj&uI^ - _1_. * . _ Ii±_ Date: -life^ O^ ~ 13 Grievance-Response: *•- »«•. I, i Date: AUG 2 3 2013 imay sS^ta Step 2(1-128) to the UnitGrjeyance Investigator within 15 days from the date ofthe Step 1response.' Returned because: - 'Resubmit this lie corrections are made.; ^ • 1. Grievable time period has expired. • 2. Submission in excess of1every 7days. * OFFICE USE ONLY • 3. Originals not submitted. * Initial Submission UGI Initials: • 4: Inappropriate/Excessive" attachments." *^ T- '" - --=•*-• •=---*=•-- .Grievance #: _J Q 5. No documented attempt at informal resolution. * Screening Criteria Used: Qtf. No"requested relief isolated. •*=- ^=~-s^2^ --- -—- -^- _-. .. Date Reed from Offender: Q 7. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. * Date Returned to OffenderT" "~ " " "~ • 8. The issue presented isnot grievable. l*^SnliiniSSifla UGI Initials:. Grievance #: n 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance # -_ • ScreeningCriteria Used: O 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. * Date Rccd from Offender: n 11 •Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: a^SHhmissiim UGI Initials:. Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected toadversely Affect the offender's health. Scr~e"ening~Criteria"Use"d:J"~ Date"Reed "from Offender:"_ Medical Signature Authority: , Date Returned to Offender: . 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) f -- • - Appendix F [££i\(Lc\ Mim.i± ~6A Texas Department nfcof Criminal Justice OFFICE USE ONLY 1 V Grievance #: - OFFENDER • Date ReceiJeP-4^fc-H*-4Q^ STEP 1 GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: eCofc? ^*4fei- Grievance Offender Name:*Mfrlta¥*H** rvVftlKi)^TDCJ#"dgg6 T^-:f4^- TlnvestigatorTiy Unit: P5TPJ.U. l_ Housing AssignmenfTTXrV. tfl. lQ- o? I Extension Date: Unitwhere incident occurred: P~/*i^T 1-1 Ah .4 Date Retd to Offender:. You must try to resolve your problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealingthe results of a disciplinaryhearing. . f\ Who did you tali to (name, title)? UlQlT CLLlvUf.) LUflfrtcklU 1QU4 When? ? fl3-dY-l3 What was their response? {|KJ 1/ RJfl M) Kj s : What-action-was taken?.—1-1 HM-l/^H-JfJtdtJ-H-1- State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate n»in* AW\mx nte iK/ok/ irt /I -KyUJn* iAxfc<)l/diri;rlf^ Ri 41k iMA rmiUATC-Uin-tfA fi\/WS /4mi1kh4 TUlmli Any-! Tl4i^ fSTTiTP.k^lufT liiAMmirnut A15A \i\\A\oiA pAtMft TWa* TU' ifliVttjYilu \Aat \ T)4- i«i lil/kS'(I'm'tHi]*. In^Hn^ ir £ 0-7/HI 13 r M113 Fijn^i ilu.'iTii ite rMti -pK.(j).l4T-inll^ Tl1 A Q-5 ^T&Tii.S-l.4i1iilfWlj< fSimff. rMUT TiM< r\/i- iflrrtf.- 3livp^prJ H4M TU"l i6 miT^iVk XX2A \uwiui x\Af~ \l\il\-\ hi/ 4 LlFEr-mfti. fiV)«. lUirl TUiAT i'idU \S\l\ mil Tu>i(0^1" h 1 flJJiAwiWl HJm Ti4tL iAi6M^)liKwM'l'y^ik /Ak^J puMQC\i\«ii\ Fiiu Llffi^irJi^ '^tliliks m' inpt^i-nrsc ing-^Pliip-iiniu FHk-uH4i/j4 I. h.)WS LWa^A A+A E1l4iinld Id*. Tiupml^ IflflMisL Inriro nltj A. Initial Submission UGI initials: Stf-^* l~l 3. Originals not submitted. * n 4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. * Grievance #: -ZQ /Vj / 0 Ol Q? Screening Criteria Used: f C^ nfltA I") 5. No documented attempt at informal resolution. * , , "Date Rec'd from Offender: . £m6. No requested reliefis stated. *MAR jl 3 Z014 f 'Date Returned to Offender: MM 1 3ZM I``l 7. Malicious use of vulgar, indecent, or physically threatening language. * _2_°±£g£jnJ2Sion uai Initials: n 8. The issue presented is hotgrievable. Grievance #: f~l 9. Redundant, Refer togrievance # Screening Criteria Used: _ n 10. illegible/Incomprehensible. » * Date Reed from Offender: Q 11. Inappropriate. * Date Returned to Offender: UGI Printed Name/Signature: l^SubmijsiQn (JGI Initials: Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: Affect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender:: Medical Signature Authority:_ Date Returned to Offender:. 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F Texas Department of Criminal Justice OFFICE USE ONLY Grievance #: a%.A, OFFENDER Date Received1 STEP1 GRIEVANCE FORM Date Due: Grievance Code: 'c'/ • 7 ^ •xfr Offender Name: A1 fcm f_\ \(LAfSXb ft )L. TDCJU-gtlJ t^U5 Investigator ID #' Unit: ££>XdA\(L Housing AssignmqrffTU.S. tfl. tfl- 2l Extension Date w Unit where incident occurred:-fc^TQJ.l(?<-^.. . Date Retd to Offender:. >i You must try to resolve your problem with a staff member before you submit a formal complaint. The only exception is when appealing the results of a disciplinary hearing. . . _. ,. Who did you talk to (name, title)? JUil-* tfUL \U ~(Lirt."ftl ^ ltL/\Tl OMit- (Ll4i iI- When? Qg i I *T 'What was theirrespnfise? •j-J^j}/HJflXfl^ ^A . 1 Whataction wastaken? (J frjk, Hl^tVi j State your grievance in the space provided. Please state who, what, when, where and the disciplinary case number if appropriate iil/iM/llY. I lilUiVM 'ftjfrs'lVl IVV) PH J1Til ill, K1i,./| THE -Artf if3li*jMrtm4 r. i.ias miur-fWjuAi,)/-! ei.u,^i ii/iifei dMrtuM lU\Ai, CflUgji uhv-J Yu^frwj.'rttiV yo^iiU--Mii»sji:iC^Tidm-MtfjdRi'4fc^ i\f.t\AArUr\ T)1 A,~4 ?sXHA< iS IOij THE 1iuMX-OlAfiSi fiC ATi&ni Oftk A* j71m~ A, ^1 Tt4ft a im >ts v/; IIV -r jijtitjOi it&ja- \Ko ^iltudax-J- -ftTifl-M- h\A^ TkrpwpiM \n ' 1 .' I .* f t SijnatureAuthority;'1 ' * "^ ' ' ' '• > ^ Date: If you are dissatisfied with the Step 1 response,')oumay submit a Step 2 (1-128) to the Unit Grievance Investigator within IS days from the dateof the Step 1 response. State the reason for appeal on the Step 2 Form. . , -, v. _ , Returned because: ♦Resubmit this form when the corrections are made. yj 1. Grievable time period has expired. ll*t» tL 4) Qiwvt l~l 2. Submission inexcess of 1every 7 days. * • *> •\ _ / N OFFJCE JJSE ONi; "Initial Submission , ^ UGI Initials: M 3.; ^gmalsnoU.ubmitted.lJf..k. ..^ •» -p-*"!-^ r^~ • ••«-•= » l~|-4. Inappropriate/Excessive attachments. * r . \ Grievance # Screen i nec^u Date Reed from Offender: f~l6. No requested relief is stated.** -,--.. '-. . v - "M . t *» • * \ r J DateReturned to Offender , I r^l 7rMa\icioususe-of vulgar: indecent-or physically threatening language. -*• ^"^Siibmislion" -Ft ^~ UGI Initials: [~l 8. The issue presented isnot grievable. Grievance #: LJ 9. Redundant, Refer to grievance # ' •* ' ." ; Screening Criteria Used: _ II 10. Illegible/Incomprehensible. *4 1 , ^ «^ i *, --me. ' ' Date Reed from Offender: Q 11. Inappropriate. * -Date Returned to Offender: r UGI Printed Name/Signature: ^Submission UG] initials: Grievance #: Application of the screening criteria for this grievance is not expected to adversely Screening Criteria Used: _ Affect the offender's health. Date Reed from Offender: . Medical Signature Authority: Date Returned to Offender: 1-127 Back (Revised 11-2010) Appendix F •\: ( &• Cn) Vo IAv/ r-f INMATE CORRESPONDENCE REPLY To: FILE DATE: 04/15/14 ALFRED LEE STONE # 599665 CAUSE NO. : 14-0076 ESTELLE UNIT COURT: 349™ 264 FM 3478 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77320 Dear: MR. STONE We will need a notarized copy of your Inmate Trust Fund or a court order to prepare the copies you requested at no charge to you. _X_ The following documents have been filed in the above listed case. File-stamped copies of the documents are enclosed. *ORDER OF DISMISSAL Today, the transcript of your Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus has been forwarded to the Court of Criminal Appeals. Enclosed you will find a set of questions the Judge has ordered you to answer. Please fill out the form and mail it back to us. Other: All further correspondence should indicate the above Cause number. By: r\€Hte4+ IjUfltn, Deputy District Clerk Houston County Po Box 1186 Crockett, Texas 75835-1186 voft\'l tf CAUSE NO. 14-0076 VS 9 349th JUDICIAL DISTRie^, <*>. A. BASKIN I HOUSTON COUNTY, TEXA^ ORDER OF DISMISSAL On April 15,2014, Plaintiff filed The Texas TortClaim Action alleging four causes ofaction. It is obvious to the Court that this civil action is not brought under the Family Code and is a cause of action governed by Chapter 14 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code. The Court finds that the plaintiff failed to file an affidavit relating to previous filings as7" required by section §14.004. Plaintiff failed to file a certified copy of the trust account statement as required by section §14.004. Plaintiff failed to file an affidavit relating to grievance system as required under section 14.005. The Court finds the claims were filed after the period prescribed in section §14.005. The Court finds the claims to be frivolous or malicious. It is hereby, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the action of Plaintiff against Defendant(s) be dismissed without prejudice. It is further ORDERED that the inmate pay an amount equal to the lesser of: 1) 20 percent of the preceding six month deposits to the inmate's trust account; or 2) the total amount of court fees and costs charged to the inmate in this cause. In each month following theimonth in which payment is made above, the inmate shall pay an amount equal to the lesser of: 1) 10 percent of that month's deposits to the trust account; or 2) the total amount of court fees and costs that remain unpaid as charged to the inmate in this cause. Such monthly payments shall continue until the total amount of court fees and costs are paid or until the inmate is released from confinement. The District Clerk shall forward a current cost bill, a copy of the Plaintiffs original complaint, and acopy of this order to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Litigation Support Program The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall withdraw money from the trust account of the inmate in accordance with this order and shall hold the money in a separate account. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice shall forward the money to the District Clerk of Houston County on the earlier of the following dates: 1) the date the total amount to be forwarded equals the total amount of court fees and Page 1 of 2 costs $ that remain unpaid; or 2) the date the inmate is released. Accordingly and pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code, the petitions as filed are ordered dismissed without prejudice. It is hereby, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the action of Plaintiff against Defendant be dismissed without prejudice. SIGNED AND ENTERED on this the lb day of UtMo-QT 2014. PRESIDING JUDGE Page 2 of2 d Li*) INMATE CORRESPONDENCE REPLY To: FILE DATE: 04/15/14 ALFRED LEE STONE # 599665 CAUSE NO. : 14-0076 ESTELLE UNIT COURT: 349tH 264 FM 3478 HUNTSVILLE, TX 77320 Dear: MR. STONE _ We will need a notarized copy of your Inmate Trust Fund or a court order to prepare the copies you requested at no charge to you. _X_ The following documents have been filed in the above listed case. File-stamped copies of the documents are enclosed. * MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL * AFFIDAVIT * PROOF OF SERVICE Today, the transcript of your Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus has been forwarded to the Court of Criminal Appeals. Enclosed you will find a set of questions the Judge has ordered you to answer. Please fill out the form and mail it back to us. Other: All further correspondence should indicate the above Cause number. By: \&&i** Lilian, Deputy District Clerk Houston County Po Box 1186 Crockett, Texas 75835-1186 &AUSL Hid. l4-U07«o Td*TdK !t\(pil\Aof>i 34qn4Judi6Al #i$T^CJ ^ TUw T#(Lrt3dH u » . ~—DE?^v - MdTi'diu Pd* HJtuJ TttiA l(U pdK3U^»U(!t Td IX*. rt< App, t /Mf^ufMuT i^tduuTdf TMLCdum Td L}«/4or /( Md Tidu Wit lutu WiM rj« rt*ft raiidtdiw^ rtmajos 3w«d kOdduJ. I. uwju/ikiii tml Qw&diuH Judtjd pw pia- (LMiit Si.ijj'o'eici MW Coot, , UJM'e-i-i u)K A«ud btMdtt. i*j vidldiidiu df rm TdnTuni wqilrauv*!a(t;....jd ckm ^Rda^.„,*,<.,.-u- /udtu Ti-kusj-.d. Cd«u5T. AM4judM«jur om..wrrt ^cits ^?J; J"*', hfl l\ k3f4iU8t Wnpu* Kdf- rife Ttx.6. £%ut4< n dr m m&v. Ma m fa* m^- H.CKJ3. (OHdVidti.'(A) CiXi*(T Mq d/5Mi5S /I fiJ*M»£iW k3tfd^d« Aitw 5tuyitt dc p«da^ if- mi Cdu*T Fiucb TU/ir: i), rfc Aiki4aridKj dr-jOdVM/Tq-'ioTTfe AFF.d/tv/T d« utu- 5uJd«-«jd(t.dl/ii(/sTidu i6 fAtef,. ^.Tf-lt CJaiM 16 ffil^dldus dK MAlitidUi. dd; 3).Ti4il iuN4ru. Pjkd Au APridMUiT dK u/U5uJdiiy THt iyMATt kwty UJ^5 W5t' Tl£! LbtAAmttud yuSi -14m&# 5w AItiiULl UJiwl fife Tl^iCpUST. Aiti'.VqW, jpwdUidcS AwTd^TdH Lu)in4 KJd Ti'a/kd Aj-iuuiiuLj /oiXcujL a i0i5Mrss»l. or- n-te lAuJ SjIUShE Itujis V^Miwit 4V5uJ3d 4T ^i. quid Ttl.TMfc ^L»p«, /kd Lvms Vlui-tuj ids $Lt,-at ia;?.- •|4euc; ^rdut mttiVtd ;/ud"iudTi'cs, dP a d/5- mi65mI-ddtktx 5ot.'*jC| dw."ydwt of im faai m- •MJ3 dwd^t dP di5 M/^ Al A5 jfciui*o£j u<*J<* Vlw- W. Aufdi TEX, fl,. di\/, O^JC it. :!(05^)..,3d^) StJbds, 4,5, set 0£ —lUlU.L" C2) 6itftm$k Tf€ JudLjMi/uT hoTutzd Hut uJ/fW duT iUdTi'L«- ViUMry TMt due pKdto5 6l/ttJit,5e^ 4rfMSTK d«jd 5*d d.3.t)4§,, «?5 5,6r, im aiu 6 GitoTiTuTi'dVA/q \U\ i5 Td Y)i Mceditded-P/d/vi/rLj b /udritt n^sdiu- Abit CaI{Lu!ar^d ujudiii ma 6'itdu/w/^TAHjCt rd Am nbL iiuTcKtsrecl p/foTjw ornfe fdeiudciucq 0i: n-fe 4dJiduJkd /^r-KdwdJ'-lLU Tl4i djO{3UKTU«JlTL| Td p(- EsojT fUtik titeJia'iQy Td 4vdid n^'feulr, ^ \l jI.I /I KJOnl \| SMnJy MaJTd Ul d ]Hdd< 9 id QoJ *d ,3 75, C T6i-.-A3p.34iUi iflflJTJoiti AhxJ TWd P^iluttTa-cji'vc- urnkt Vi'dlarta T/4Md ST nudi Mt/d f/kq d&d Aud-s 0 dut j&d&iss dP- /Ad S££ A^(M5TMtJn^ 3Vd U6^45n ^&5.tTrim,,ll'7d) TI-ltidiFdiu, LdMtrWti ^di5Mi^Uiut3TiC£- ib dijiu5TiruTidy^ilq -AdtquArc is 4 4ummj dr l/u fijK iMt dguit(6: Td /k^lVi,^ &.d, AdTUid L>H SuJ TUni TW/6 CduitT ikcAnjt Tit Hj^fdM/toill- AyfM titid TiuAli AifiwA let5TdnJ&/ TdKrum saum) aubds, 4,5, loj TFt tltK*. KJd« UtMttl MtAuS, A\\wd ittSidxx. AFFAIwT., EXHtuitdjiLljLUt Xti |&jk5UA«j Thuc Aud dd*«

Document Info

Docket Number: 12-14-00364-CV

Filed Date: 12/29/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/28/2016