Brown, Robert Ford III ( 2015 )

  • Abel 4cos4 c~ MOTION DENIED DATE: U-1UMC BY: (>0 CCHWTOFCRIMINAL APPEALS APR 23 2015 AtettoStt.Gterk Can v^o flease f;if -Ws 6^5^e^ /l^io^ fox ^cc-ess -Vo'CooHs' 3^ p^s-^ >i; ^° 4l€ ^e0^ Sc, " Ca^ fi/*- "^ ©^ -tL-e. dooke-4 *Set Ate^rl^. J/ie^r-ely^ i TEXAS DEPARTMENT NUMBER: ATC-050 (Rev. 4) OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE DATE: August 1,2005 ACCESS TO COURTS, ' PAGE: lof2 COUNSEL & PUBLIC OFFICIALS SUPERSEDES: AM-03.81.050 (Rev. 3) January 1, 1992 SUBJECT: WHEN AND WHERE LEGAL WORK MAY BE PERFORMED PURPOSE: i To establish when and where legal work may be conducted and provide guidance for an offender who requests assistance from another offender. PROCEDURES: I. Location and Times A. Offenders may conduct legal work during their off work hours either in ,/" their housing area, in the unit's library, or in other locations specified by the unit Warden. B. Times for law library usage must be specified on the law library schedule, and such times must take into consideration all offenders' work hours and scheduled activities. 1. "Scheduled Activities" are programmatic! activities and shall consist of both academic and vocational classes at the elementary and secondary school levels (Grades 1-12). 2. Offender college hour(s), craft shop, recreation, gymnasium, church, counseling, etc., are not programmatic activities. II. Offenders Assisting Other Offenders on Legal Matters: A. A "Same-Session Visit" is a visit that each of two (2) general population offenders must request, via an 1-60 to the unit Access to Courts Supervisor requesting to be scheduled to attend a regularly scheduled law library session for the sole purpose of discussing or preparing legal issues. Priority in scheduling these same session visits shall be given to offenders articulating an urgent need (e.g. court deadline, co-parties, etc.) for the visit. (jtfwf A ATC-050 (Rev. 4) Page 2 of 2 B. The rules permit unit law libraries to enforce a "no talking without permission" rule. The purpose of this rule is to prohibit some offenders from disrupting others in the law library. Unless the permission of the law library staffis obtained, only two offenders at a time may work together. Under normal circumstances, there is no provision to deny such legal discussions, and the law library staff is to facilitate such legal work. However, the "no talking without permission" rule can be selectively enforced (i.e., used when needed for certain offenders), and these offender's discussions may be limited to 15-20 minutes. Whereas, other offenders may be permitted to quietly converse regarding legal matters the entire law library session. C. Due to different work assignments or scheduled activities, two (2) offenders may be precluded from attending a regularly scheduled law library session at the same time. In such a case, the visit shall be scheduled like that of segregated offenders (ATC-055). One of the offenders must submit a request to the unit Access to Courts Supervisor requesting an offender/offender legal visit. The unit Access to Courts Supervisor shall arrange a time in which the two offenders may be assigned to the law library to work together. Each such legal visit requires a request from one of the offenders, and during the legal visit offenders must actively engage in some form of legal work. Social visits are prohibited. D. Under normal, routine conditions and security concerns, general population same session visits cannot be denied if the offenders engage in legal work. E. Offenders on the same or other units may correspond about legal matters, provided that they are co-parties in a currently active legal matter or an offender is providing a relevant witness affidavit in a{currently active legal matter (BP-03.91, "Uniform Offender Correspondence Rules" and ATC- 034, "Correspondence Qualification and Supply Issuance"). F. The unit Access to Courts Supervisor shall attempt ito assist an offender with a disability that potentially impairs his ability to obtain access to courts. G.^ The unit Access to Courts Supervisor shall assist monolingual (Spanish)' offenders through the use of unit interpreters or by providing names of bilingual offenders who may assist them. A list of monolingual/Spanish- speaking offenders on a specific unit is available on the TDCJ Mainframe INFOPAC System. r^ooKV.ons to oH^s o?cxxAf cxclW or foto^\ V^a) fc 0 CQn d«*rkj -rt^ ^ScJ ors a-^pN U)ell V|Q\J> ' Cbv>W. Ue.6^0^ -fVgeA 4o p^Y Ale -V^ er> >A- W>U$ 4lo 33U ov^r^iOIo MA*> Jbmrt) lohefefcrfe, rraises Cp^St^*^ #*- A^fecc^ /^( f?to) to Wao^inS to CjO/^A^ Aff'*^ -fWto^ PSA'YS^s Cloo^ (o^A/vn ^U o^w n>tof m^ ^XpUc^to f^oe^te^ x/^ to^v] k* ^¥>to*J -to" CkS c\ i^orRef of - i^(x\ A^pfeoAS ftfl.'ftc* \>3fc2 AoS-tojTx 18l|l( to^A3 Af -to Vto""^'^V0^ ^>to -IV Access to CooHs fc/TbQ |DbO Vtoi l°vo6 VWsto^Tx 113MO 3^ \yw 3tf\ ao\^ ..^Otf/rf:; No, \jOR-1I^(oO-0 --«••* ***»>> ^oto Ptostoto^S^ci^ N/o, u£-7/,-V(„0-fr/ £'x Ptxri-e. % "I"*}, Ak-e ConA of tfoberl Brous, III %Cr:^,vnxl ^pp^S of Tg^a^ moTTcW ro/g •Mr.P.S^ 10 Tool I To toe Hc^oo/tod TS^ctoe of \StoJ I Goto Mop C.D^S Ksb-eH: l^oton73P Apptocyil- to He pto/g- f.r)to")etofOQKbergci CaasQ ^|fi&*; iW /to ^i)^ tor Access to Coorc ^ in Support itore. ofto^to^ ' r^spectoolU sto^> otoo tto Goto as to/lo^s', TW Aptoccto r-ecujesrtoito fito Pouto Ortor" L\h~7TT• JftohsLri ftotor, toe Access to" Ctoto SupWiSO^ •£/ tog Ftonto -KtoetoSoro {o ^llou) i^-e a aJdto&toal Qo h\toiVJes ot g-xtoc. V^-g 5 toujS a u^e to 'J\h& -Toy- Kto to Au Ml C^ ctoci'ttoml % i^aq-Ws tor CX jgy\\ \/i f is a v.srI iM loto to ji^(i) -£to Op A Aec^ss -(d tootos Supers3/ fgc^Hs-toc to be S^torloleci to atontl Cx AegotoM SctotoM IfrU VtorCKr^ 5^-ssto tor {W sok porfl&s*? of ttl^costoe uj (tbrctos to e/rto(> ^ ' /OO icylb.^ uto'too4 presto'1 a )|g,to>g porpoSQ frftols' Ai)\g to to prohto'rt SQM-e ofteto^S toon oRefS" cto roptop tokwlprs '»rtoto fautoibrcty UActo Mortal ^to^sto^', to&fg \s no protoicA -do ^tou| Soto leyd u3orlc, fjotogw -^VVX.V_ jto 'tootollcm^ utotoor per^iSSlto'Tokto-e Se/eclively eA-Fo^QQ"to/vg^ offenje^'S cJ;scossV^s Mau be -{t'^rfej •kd i5-3d ^n i?fe, L^toeaS, oiier to£tocUrc, m^rvj (q-C perM;toto to fro to fy Cjon\/ecS£ T^atoVny i Drk MC\M bz pertorMP.d, • - I I r - • i 71 • Sq^QS you Can rWlu Sag toa/ UhlTT fi^i &hir Of)\j Access, to CdoH^ Super^'s^r is vto/ato^ AtotoD? M^ / ' Aye/iJ.^erfi ri^/to, 6ecqus^ 2T rteec/ LAf/ecjijctTe, Mito/to spto Mi| Cc&. /^a,'^ to i^.Ttf ( a\\Dooed os to hcxvr o* hrs" erf -tora to^- por d^ 4or £ tous C\uteto . Mec\nr^ ^ ('.brary per boeoJc as ooeVl.CXS a ^r to^oj vis'A p-er do^| tor 5 dcyvjs 16 gito-r receive QSS.^tonce of gto assistoc^ ^JilL le^Qvl iQor/c, So, ttol b Ao on Cdhasi Since "ZJojO, 3ool, l^>bi to to (^hen T arrived o^ Vjto unrf, /J&J be to S4ato.n ffitonc; cv>r Case, Thereto a S-fecxci^ cktonto Coa,vW, roU'cJioyyS Va toe. A^a4toe. uahiyytisse rotes iQ^ton pierce prto&o^ tors torVLpgi -cvam tortoil, Accorctoj 4o {toe^A v/ ifo toslck ~?gy riaj (//to itoi Tg A> KcW^w,W^ Aele^oto-e^.ll^-eUi tlg-e Id acce'ss 4to fau) fi brw,~TKto n QoUyoso^ yAvi/y %°\ S,C4 7to^toltotogto 4fctoie.c\ll| ^ injepfrufei r^lto c\5S'to( ^r.^-oA oftotos ^cui no! -jprgyftnt SocA asslsrartog &r rg.\a\;c^e tor^ Sv\to cxssito#)C£ ttoer-g ao ric\5an&4Ji ftlto^ frrt ctocktohte. "TtoA to £>c*ssW y ffc^l frkSF.aJ'^fl^-sktes' Coor-V5 kh/e A*cog/toed tool-pa.Sorters are enll4kd 4n rioto?, a^S'to^ao^ 4r&^ pAlboOff to-j^rS pl^re s® Ag(\s^(\V?k ^Itontovts a/e pois^M tototo] 4l^» s Qffslsfane^ ctoVeS to^ Cc^to4tototo r'^to4 to Access to4to^or4S, T'h &to| CxitocoOcJ a 3D ^inijjp/.S>l MM s>£ c^ofs^ \ s no4 qjec^uc^ 4^ 4t)ctocto^ Ca H^ only oHopqlcJ ;3.D"fe ®4 tofQ- -toto cio anvj 4y^' &f CvtU4'( reseoNrcA tboK;ci- Dt te>$i$-€ \S' no4 acl^udc HL It stotos to Letos v^Casgj lib sx*,arw 4U+ A*^ tou3 btocto1^ to pAxSDA^ Qr^ orv? CcvAtotootoV\ Cxcc^pUU-^ ^\e4lt}4 to Cx5S>ool t^s#\\y\^ol C\c_c^3S 4o Qpom^bto oN"W* P\4c^5 eve. nc^ Aft-ciLsscvrW^ -^0^clIosj" (o pcx^s to C^S ^o4t^r W^WoUcm, Vtoto to o4tor \^k erf toto Otojo^ ftototo to,A Worctoo,, bto to (to c4to 4Mp,, V t.v>\ acWs( S4toUs toto not e^ bcxrrtors 4toto mf*J* -4U_ f^-\ © Oxc^V0^ ^° r^fato\ Prls^ CX04tor'4i^S f^us^ pAtodp *L* "\An" " 0s*£ol access toto> tot^ Vtorato^ Ttou rveeiJ vtobASon HL Vxxtoc,s CetfOoS n r f ' r ' i ' ^ . Don), k^o/ i^Al UnVftr/- f1s^c A\ 05 to^>5^A-\ prrioners lOV»tl ^A^ 0A(X>>'U +^> Oxford Coonge^ uOncx^ (P>^ Ae.QsS- IV IK«. \cxuj V.loro,^ oi ik French H. &>berH c,? 7^-to, Sq-ito^ ia3r^V^?^V ^a +u Vii^to"3H3f CX ^joO cWt» r^b* iA to -tie. \Ovu^ VVb-r^ 4\\ ctoot ^"oTia , So) at K,ntouil v| IK^ s |«U ftcco ri^Tfe i^U ,^to vL^ 4Le On',4 Access *? Co^+ Soprv,"sv b^ " 7le^W>SvVSsM 'VA_^?€''/a^er, See, -UoS V-tj^ Ca>or-V f-e^c^cl ny tototo +© "«-«- -W" ^ Coor4 Cwe-n^w-cOo^ l-W'7 VOu> 3^e Ale. V^l "^ ^Odc^s +« f«SforyJ. UJ« l) jr Spoke +o L\V>HI 8cfct on ».s! + SoJT cooU prepay ^toli vv t +°W ; k»,4 ^-Ww^ ATc-050-" W*. W ^sW^ny KA'^ k ApA (.a©)5A^*>5 W 3 don't W« + ^ toose ^v - to0l(X^ ^ Pf^r Alpena -bo -fcUe SW«'3 ^ nd^sS of-^cVS -£ "t'-'S Coor4 O^M1s of ckn; fu| /|,07 See, LATE £>cXe tie n^sVtc-H "" ^ncXod^ -tU^ -VWs"fc?>^S 'V^ci

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-71,460-04

Filed Date: 4/23/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016