Hill, Brian Douglas ( 2015 )

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    June 7, 2013
    #0 1681 080 WYNNE UNIT
    To Whom It May Concern:
    Pursuant to Article 11.07 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, pleasy find enclosed ;
    copies of the documents indicated below wncerning lhe Post Conviction/Writ filed in
    cause number 1238827A in the 208th District Court.
    0      State's Original Answer Filed
    0      Affidavit
    0      Court Order Dated
    0      Respondent's Proposed Order Designating Issues and Order For Filing Affidavit.
    0      Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact and Order
    I:2J   Other
    ;, 1201 FRANKLIN   •   P.O. BOX 4651   •   HOUSTON, TEXAS   77210-4651 • (888) 545-5577
    PAGE I OF I                                                                                   REv: 01-02-04
    C,hris Daniel .
    D1.strict C/
    --     er.i:
    Cause. No. 1238827-A                                    lvl;'\'Y 3 1 2013
    -  ~-
    EX PARTE                                              §
    BRIAN HILL,                                           §              HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
    The State of Texas, by ai1d through its Assistant District Attorney for Harris County, requests that
    this Court, pursuant to TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. art 11.07, §3(d), designate the following issues which need
    to be resolved:
    I.; Whether the applicant was denied effective assistan~e of counsel;
    Service has been accomplished by mailing a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument
    to the following address:
    Brian Hill
    Wynne Unit
    Huntsville, TX 77349 .
    SIGNED this 3ls1 day ofMay, 2013.
    'e   urr~---
    .stant District Attorney
    Harris County, Texas
    1201 Franklin, Suite 600
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 755-6657, (713) 755-5240 (fax)
    Texas Bar I.D. #24059518
    BRIAN HILL,                                             §              HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
    Having reviewed the applicant's application for writ of habeas corpus, the Court finds that the
    following issues need to be resolved in the instant proceeding:
    I. Whether the applicant was denied effective assistance of counsel;
    Therefore, pursuant to Article 11.07, §3(d), this Court will resolve the above-cited issue and then
    enter findings of fact.
    The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED NOT to transmit at this time any documents in               th~   above-
    styled case to the Court of Criminal Appeals until further order by this CoUrt.
    By the following signature, the Court adopts   State~s   Proposed Order Designating Issues .
    .JUN 8 4 2D1l
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Document Info

Docket Number: WR-83,401-01

Filed Date: 6/3/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016