"I``/./ 14 > 1 1151@61109\ ln the matter of case # WR- 75 ,351 -02 petition for Writ of Habeas now pending 1n this Court ofCriminal Appeals “the State of Texas” Jsli;§@© l\/Iay 6, 2015 as received by the court clerk Supplemented b)(>}§} cr1 complaint pursuant to the 1866 civil Rights act enforceable by Mfi:%’é}mted)V/_';© States marshals codified at Title 18 USC 241 and 242. /%/'4/ %$/c Off1cer Burns has caused the unlawful arrest of me and false 1mprison by the Sheriff of 041/7 Van Zandt County 1n “the State of Texas” and has restrained my liberty since May the second 2015 by the use of terroristic threat by threaten to abduct (arrest) me for traveling in “his Town” Without a Texas drivers license Which does not exist pursuant to ruling of case law and Vernon’s civil statutes AR.T ll Sec.3 (3) and my right to travel pursuant to `` Articles of Confederation Artic|e lV. The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different states in this union, the free inhabitants of each of these states, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives from Justice excepted shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free inqress and redress to and from any other state and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, RECElVED lN COURT OF CRlMlNAl_ APPEALS TERRORISTIC THREAT T€XHS PENAL ‘CODE» v 1 "'JUL 022015 _ TiTLE 5._ oFF_ENsEs AGA.J:NST THE``PERsoi\i `` ``:`` 1"’" ' séc. 22. 07. ' TERRoR:sT:c THREAT '¢5/(/ , @5@@ GRAND SA / vE MUNICIPAL COURT 128 EAST FRANK STREET GRAND SALlNE, TEXAS 75140 GRAND SALINE MUNICIPAL COURT ' 132 EAST FRANK STREET GRAND SALINE, TEXAS 75140-1824 OFFICE # 903~962-3122 FAX# 903-962-3363 ES UNA CARTA lMPORTANTE, Sl NO INTENDE lNGLES, PRO FAVOR BUSQUE ALGUIN QUE LE LEA ESTA CARTA. DATE; June 26, 2015 ~ F!£, §§ RE; THE sTATE o'“FA TEXAS G, f 6 2015 vs a”d$ ' /C/Zla EvANs, RALPH /CO‘//i‘ 171 PR 5710 GRAND SALINE, TX 75140 CAUSE NO. 6784 OFFENSE: NO DRIVERS LICENSE THE ABOVE STYLED AND NUMBERED CASE WILL BE CALLED FOR DOCKET ON 07/14/2015, AT 10:00 am. PRE-TRIAL MOTIONS WlLL BE HEARD AND THE CASE WILL BE SET FOR TRIAL AT THAT Tll\/lE. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN APPEARlNG IN COURT Sl-IOULD BE PROPERLY ATTIRED lN ACCORD WlTH THE TlME HONORED CUSTOl\/l AND TRADITION OF THE MUNIClPAL COURTS OF THIS STATE. YOU AND/OR YOUR ATTORNEY ARE TO BE PRESENT AT DOCKET. lF YOU WISH TO RESOLVE THIS CASE PRIOR TO Tl-[E HEARlNG, PLEASE CONTACT THE COURT. DOCKET-CALL HEAR[NG WILL BE H_``ELD AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATlON: GRAND SA E MUNICIPAL COURT 128 EAST FRANK STREET GRAND SALINE, TEXAS 75140 GRAND SALINE MUNICIPAL COURT 132 EAST FRANK STREET GRAND SALINE, TEXAS 75140-1824 OFFICE # 903-962-3122 FAX# 903-962-3363 ES UNA CARTA lMPORTANTE, Sl NO INTENDE lNGLES, PRO FAV()R BUSQUE ALGUIN QUE LE LEA ESTA CARTA. DATE; Jun@ 26, 2015 § ll,,,.i§=® k . RE; THE sTATE oF TEXAS M z 11 1111 vs. _ \\.\¢®a\oo\i To: "Corp He|p Desk"
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 3:59 Pl\/l Subject: Re: OPEN RECORD REQUEST No other response required Per the ANSWER FRO|V| SOS of TEXAS lt is evident that the state bar is not registered to do business and are not license in "the State of Texas" therefore they must be a corporation of this state and not the state and have no jurisdiction in "the State of Texas" only outside of the State of Texas with U.S. residents or contracting»parties. ----- Origina| l\/|essage ----- From: Corp He|p Desl< To: evans77@hughes.net Sent: Tuesday, June 23,20151:33 Pl\/l Subject: RE: OPEN RECORD REQUEST Evans, | received your request and performed a search of our Corporations database for ”The State Bar”. l retrieved no results Per your emai|, you are requesting that we respond to your email by mail. Are you still requesting this response to be sent by mail or is this response satisfactory to answer your request? SOphie l\/lathews Attorney, Business & Public Filings Division Office of the Texas Secretary of State Phone; (512) 463-5663 Fax; (512) 475-2781 smathews@sos,texas.gov Www.sos.state.t)<.us This email provides general answers to the questions raised, is not intended as legal advice and does not establish an attorney-client relationship P|ease contact your attorney for legal advice specific to your situation. From: SOSDirect Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 1106 PM To: evans Cc: Corp Help Desl< Subject: RE: OPEN RECORD REQUEST Dear Sir or l\/ladam, 6/29/2015 Page 2 of 3 | have forwarded your inquiry to our Staff Attorney Section for response They will respond to you directly within 2 business days. ln the future, you may contact them directly at 512-463~5586 option 3 or corehelg@sos.texas.gov. Thank you, Cindy Tobar v Web Fi|ings Team Business and Public Fi|ings Division Corporations Section 512-475-2144 www.sos.state.tx.us NOT|CE: All processed documents and orders are returned to you by email using an automated process So, if you use a Spam filtering service please make sure the address sosdirect@sos.texas.gov and response@sos.texas.gov is allowed through without being filtered. This will ensure that your processed orders/documents will arrive without delay. This emai/ provides genera/ answers to the questions raised, is not intended as legal advice P/ease contact your attorney for /ega/ advice specific to your circumstances From: evans imailto:evans77@huqlies.net1 Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2015 7:42 AM To: evans; SOSDirect Subject: Re: OPEN RECORD REQUEST SECOND REQUEST! 6-23-2015 ----- Original l\/lessage ----- From: evans To: sosdirect@sos.texas.gov Sent: l\/|ondayl June 22, 2015 9:43 Al\/| Subject: OPEN RECORD REQUEST To: the Secretary of State of “the State of Texas”. Reguest for information Provide me any and all records in your procession that show any and all authority for the Corporation Known as The state bar to do business in “the State of Texas" not to be confused with this State and the name and address of the Bar’s bond holder. SUBCHAPTER B. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Sec. 81.011. GENERAL POWERS. (a) The state bar is a public corporation and an administrative agency of the judicial department of government Texas TaX Code - Section 151.004. § 151.004. "li\l THIS STATE". "ln this state" means within the exterior limits of Texas and includes all territory within 6/29/2015 Page 3 of3 these limits ceded to or owned by the United States. Acts 1981, 67th Leg., p. 1545, ch. 389, § l, eff. Jan. l, l982. Ralph-Kenneth: family of Evans Non-resident Mail location exact and certain: 171 Private Road 5710 I-lold for : (Ralph-Kenneth) Grand Saline, TeXas near (75140) 6/29/2015
Document Info
Docket Number: WR-75,351-02
Filed Date: 7/2/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016