Johnson, Ronald Wayne ( 2015 )

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    Luz ELENA D. cHAPA
    JAsoN PuLL1AM . , FACSIM1LE No.
    1usT1cEs . 1 ~‘ (210) 335.2762
    _January14, 2015
    Jana Clift-Williarns Jarnes P. Allison_
    402 W 12th Street `` _ _ . `` A.O. Watson House
    Austin, TX 78701 . . 402 West 12th Street
    ' " `` Austin,"TX 78701
    - Jan Davis .
    101 W. Main St. Roorn #204 v R. Wayne Johnson
    Fredericksburg, TX 78624 " ' ‘ `` #282756
    * DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL * - 9601 Spur 591
    ‘ Clernents Unit
    E. Bruce Curry Arnarillo, TX‘ 79107
    District Attorney- 216th Judicial District Court
    200 Earl Garrett Street, Suite 202
    Kerrville, TX 78028v
    Court of Appeals Number: 04-15-00014-CV '/
    Trial Court Case Nulnber: 12,810
    Style: In re R. Wayne Johnson
    5 Enclosed please flnd the order Which the Honorable Court of Appeals has /’
    issued 1n reference to the above styled and numbered cause.
    If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact rne.
    Very truly yours;
    v _
    Je ifer Saenz
    Deputy Clerk, EXt. 53221
    cc: Honorable N. Keith Willia_rns (DELIVERED VIA E-MAIL)
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    5/»/ /)/L <’///“j d 4/?/\4 ,€444:444
    Because relator:seeks'to alter his sentence by habeas corpus following a final
    felony conviction, we lack jurisdiction. See Board of Pardons & Paro/es`` ex re/. Keene v. '
    COun‘ Of Appeals for Eighfh Dist., 910 .S.W.Zd 481, 483-84 (Tex. Crim. App. 1995)
    (exp|aining that court of criminal appeals has exclusive jurisdiction over habeas relief
    S'from final felony convictions); cf. \/argas v. Tex. Dep’t of Crim. Just/'ce, No. 03-12-
    00119-CV, 2012 Tex. App. LEXlS 9916, at *8 (Tex. App._Austin Nov. 30, 2012,. no
    pet.d) (mem. op.) (“state inmates must use only habeas corpus (or similar state)
    remedies when they seek to invalidate the duration``of``their_confine'men't”' ``(in_t'ern‘al
    quotation marks and citation omitted)).
    Even were this proceeding within our jurisdiction,3 relator is not entitled to relief
    We take judicial notice that Judge Ware did__``rLtstand for re-election in 2014 and was
    15 > 574/644 50
    not the Po,tter County Judge on January 28, 201_5. l\/landamus is directed_specifically_to
    an individual judicial officer. ,' See ln re Rose/and O/``/ & Gas, '/nc., 
    68 S.W.3d 784
    , 786
    (Tex. App._East|and 2001, orig. proceeding) (“[mja``ndamus is personal to the judge"). ``
    544 445/455
    Nor is there proof that relator submitted his demand to Judge .VVare’s successor in_
    § office. See /n re Peterson, No. 09-13-00336-CR, 2013 Tex. App. LEXlS 10887 (Tex.
    _:4?454$/}% WJ
    / UB
    § , ,
    § A``pp.__Beaumont Aug. 28, 2013, orig. proceeding) (per curiam, mem. op., not
    ; . il
    . . 3'Whether relator's petition is actually “pending"' is not shown. Re|ator alleges he ``
    sen is petition directly to Judge Ware but whether it was received and filed is no§ z§
    . Cf. Padieu v. Court of Appea/s of Tex., F/'fth D/``st., 
    392 S.W.3d 115
    , 118 (Tex. §
    . Ap . 2013 (orig. proceeding) (per cu`` m) (“when there is 'no pending application ``/
    ‘for_ habeas corpus filed under Artic|e 11.07 of the Code of Crimina| Procedure, the
    appellate court is not without jurisdictl rule on mandamus petitions relating to;\
    motion requesting access to material that could -be used in a future habeas
    napplication”). Nz /l/§ /// 07' ("/A/ZM?OV
    ``WM M'/
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    §/ 3 (440€044)

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-13,481-26

Filed Date: 6/19/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016