David C. Goad v. the County of Guadalupe, Texas ( 2015 )

  •                                                                              :r ILcD
    AT SAN ANT&NJtJ. \'{j:.i.':
    No. 04-14-00497-CV
    20I5K/IRI3 AN 10: U7
    IN THE
    -!"'THF. H^ffLE.CL!-;>--r
    HEREIN, please find Exhibits for Appellant, David Goad's Brief II
    Exhibit # / Letter                       Description
    A                             Photograph ofAircraft fenced offfrom Runway
    B                    October 10, 2008, Transcript ofJudge Nowak, Case No, SA08CV0674
    c                     February 27, 2009, Order by Judge Biery, Case No. SA08CV0674
    D                          Citation served on David Goad, Case No. 12-1923-CV
    5                                     .....SETTING NOTICE
    6                     Letter from Debra Crow, District Clerk, Guadalupe County
    7A                                   Letter hand delivered to Judge Old
    7B                                   Email to Lynn Bothe and response
    7C                                  Letter to Judge Old, from David Goad
    8                          FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against Jamie Osborne
    9                               LOCAL COURT RULES for Guadalupe County
    10                                       Affidavit of Jamie Osborne
    11                             Envelope sent to David Goad on January 14, 2008
    12                                          Contents of 11 above
    13                             David Goad's response to contents in 11 above
    14                              Letter sent to Guadalupe County Tax Office
    15                              Letter sent to Guadalupe County Tax Office
    16....'                         Email from David Goad to Jamie Osborne
    I7                       Email back and forth, David Goad to/from Jamie Osborne
    I8                  Information gained from David Goad's FOIA request (open records).
    19                                   David Goad's Notice of Protest
    20                     Agreement between Guadalupe County and Natalie Goad
    21                   AGREED RECORD OF SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 HEARING
    Certificate of Service
    I certify that a true copy of this EXHIBITS was served in accordance with rule 9.5 of the
    Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure on each party or that party's lead counsel on March 12,
    2015 as follows:
    McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, P.C.
    Mathew Tepper, (bar no. 24029008)
    700 Jeffrey Way., Suite 100
    Round Rock, Texas 78665
    U.S. Mail
    David Goad
    Fir    ji   "^ •&**      *   ,   ~tf   a
    •^          ,    ?   * ft    4                  44   ,
    I* ^             -rfj &r    •«4
    Ary^                       S££
    kVk>:V> *
    Q&/-J.0J z&o %{/*«*,, *-431 U.S. 434
    441 (1977) ("[B]asic concerns of federalism... counsel againstinterference byfederal courts,
    through injunctions orotherwise, with legitimate state functions, particularly with the operation
    ofstate courts.").
    9Id. (citation & quotation marks omitted).
    wSeeMitchum v. Foster, 407 U.S. 225,243 (1972) (explaining why section 1983 is an
    "expressly authorized" exception ofto the anti-injunction law).
    "Duke v. Texas, All F.2d 244,248 (5th Cir. 1973).
    shown that he faces irreparable harm. Guadalupe County and theSheriffstated that Mr. Goad was
    arrested and released on bond the following day. The state-court criminal procedures provide a
    mechanism for an accused to defend himselfandto expunge an improper arrest. Mr.Goad cannot
    show hehas noadequate remedy atlaw because the Texas state courts provide a criminal defendant
    with remedies for a wrongful arrest. Without a showing of irreparable injury and an inadequate
    remedy, this Courtcannotenjointhe state court.
    That said, Mr. Goad's allegations are serious. Regardless of who actually arrested Mr.
    Goad12 orwho prosecutes the charges against Mr. Goad,13 the arrest and the charges originated from
    defendant Guadalupe County. Ifthedefendants are using arrests andcriminal charges tointimidate
    or harass Mr, Goad or his witnesses, the defendants could face serious consequences. Witness
    tampering andwitness retaUation are federal offenses. "Whoever knowingly uses intimidation,
    threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so .... with intent to ...
    influence, delay, orprevent thetestimony ofany person inanofficial proceeding [like this lawsuit]
    ... shall be fined... orimprisoned not more than 20 years, orboth."14
    Whoever knowingly engages in any conduct and thereby causes bodily injury to
    anotherperson ordamages the tangible propertyofanother person, orthreatens todo
    so, with intent to retaliate against any person for... theattendance of a witness or
    party at anofficial proceeding, or any testimony given or anyrecord, document, or
    12Guadalupe County and thesheriffreported that theU.S. Marshal executed thecapias for
    Mr. Goad's arrest. Seedocket entry# 104.
    "Guadalupe County and the sheriffreported that the district attorney isprosecuting the
    charges against Mr. Goad. See docket entry # 104.
    1418U.S.C.§ 1512(b).
    other object produced byawitness inanofficial proceeding... orattempts todo so,
    shall be fined... orimprisoned not more than 20 years, orboth.15
    Efforts to impede the prosecution ofthis lawsuit by intimidating Mr. Goad orhis witaesses would
    likely be admissible at trial, undermine any defenses, increase Mr. Goad's damages, and result in
    civil sanctions. TheCourt looks to theattorneys todiscuss Mr. Goad'sallegations with theirclients
    and advise the defendants about the inappropriateness and consequences of interfering with the
    prosecution of this lawsuit.
    IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, for the reasons discussed in this order, that Mr. Goad's
    application for atemporary restraining order (docket entry # 102) isDENIED.
    ITISFURTHER ORDERED theClerk ofCourt shall send a copyofthisOrder to thecounty
    judge ofGuadalupe County and the state district judges sitting inGuadalupe County.
    It is so ORDERED.
    SIGNED this       ^ ~* day ofFebruary, 2009.
    1518U.S.C§ 1513(b).
    CAUSE NO.      mm-w
    THE COUNTY OF GUADALUPE, TEXAS                               IN THE DISTRICT COURT
    DEFENDANT                                             GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS
    David C. Goad aka David Goad (No Personal Liability)
    1154Rivertree Drive, New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas 78130-2425
    Phone Number: (830)221-5905                                                                         __
    RETURN OF CITATION IN A DELINQUENT TAX SUIT                               \
    CAME TO HAND on the           fit    day of \nbhh                20]>, at lift    f    o'clock A4^PNL>d
    Texas, by delivering to the within named defendant, IN PERSON, a tnferCopy of
    executed in Comal County.
    this Citation, at the followingtime and place, to-wit:
    NAME OF DEFENDANT to whom citation delivered:
    Return of Citation by Personal Service
    Date Delivered                  Time Delivered - AM/PM                  , Wh€te Delivered
    Sheriff off Comal County
    l-V          A^ (JF'yb)               DEPUTY       FEE for Service $
    lJ       //
    RESPOMDfiNrS COPY         £*&# D
    PLAINTIFF IS:TheCountyof Guadalupe, Texas, collecting propertytaxes for itselfand for Marion Independent School
    DATE OF FILING OF PLAINTIFF'S LATEST PETITION ("DATE1                      ,;i»ptor,n aTfo)IQ.
    COURT: 25thJudicial District Court of Guadalupe County, Texas at theCourthouse of saidCounty located in Seguin, Texas
    TO DEFENDANT: David C. Goad aka David Goad (No Personal Liability)
    1154 Rivertree Drive, New Braunfels, Comal County, Texas 78130-2425
    This defendant owns or has an interest in Tract 1 described on attached Schedule A.
    Defendant, GREETINGS:
    You have been sued. You may employ an attorney. If you or your attorney do naf file a written answer with the clerk who
    issued this citation by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday next following the expiration/of twenty days after you wejfe served this
    citation, a default judgment may betaken against you.
    YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear and answer before the Honorable COPRJLat or bejate-H>!rj& a.m. ofthe Monday
    next after the expiration of20 days from the date ofservice ofthis Citation, then and thereto answer the petition ofthe PLAINTIFF
    named in Plaintiffs Petition, filed in said COURT on the DATE against the above named DEFENDANT, said suit being numbered
    on the docket of said COURT as the CAUSE NUMBER shown above, the nature/Of which demand is a suit to collect delinquent
    property taxes on the PROPERTY(S), described on attached Schedule A. All Defendants in this suit are named on attached Schedule
    The total amount of delinquent taxes due PLAINTIFF, exclusive of interest^ penalties and costs, is the sum of $830.72, on said
    PROPERTY(S) being more particularly described on attached Schedule a/tHE TOTAL AMOUNT OF DELINQUENT TAXES,
    The names of all taxing units which assess and collect taxes on jgaid PROPERTY(S), not made parties to this lawsuit are
    INTERVENORS. PLAINTIFF and all other taxing units wh«f may set up their tax claims herein seek recovery from
    DEFENDANTS of delinquent ad valorem taxeson the PROPERTY(S), and in addition to the delinquent taxes, all accrued statutory
    penalties and interest, costs, and attorney's fees allowed by law thereon up to and including the day of judgment herein, and the
    establishment and foreclosure of tax liens securing the payment of the same as provided by law. However, PLAINTIFF does not
    seek a personal judgment foranyof theamounts dueagainstDEFENDANTS designated "No Personal Liability".
    All parties to this suit, including PLAINTIFF AND DEFENDANTS, shall take notice that claims not only for any taxes which were
    delinquent on said PROPERTY(S) at the timethis suit was filed, but all taxes becoming delinquent thereon at any time thereafter up
    to the day of judgment, including all accrued statutory penalties and interest, costs, and attorney's fees allowed by law thereon, may,
    upon request therefore, be recovered herein withojn further citation or notice to any parties herein, andall saidparties shall take notice
    of and plead and answerto all claims and pleadings now on file and which may hereafter be filed in this cause by all other parties
    hereto, and by all of those taxing units aboy/named, who may intervene herein and set up their respective tax claims against said
    The officer executing this return shall promptly serve the same according to the requirements of law and the mandates hereof and
    make due return as the law directs.
    Issued and givenundernwhand a/w seal ofsaid COURT at Seguin, Texas, this the         ^itf^rfAltemhM.aoEL.
    P.O. Box 537
    Seguin, Texas 78156-0537
    (830) 379-5600
    Fax: (830) 379-2202
    (Clerk/Deputy Clerk)
    PLAINTIFFIS: TheCounty of Guadalupe, Texas, collecting property taxesfor itselfand for Marion Independent School
    David C. Goad aka David Goad (No Personal Liability) (Interest in Tract 1)
    Kristin G. Goad aka Kristin Goad (No Personal Liability) (Interest in Tract 1)
    Natalie H. Goad aka Natalie Goad (No Personal Liability) (Interest in Tract 1)
    PLAINTIFF seeks a persona! judgmentfor all amounts due against DEFENDANTS designated "Personal Liability".
    PLAINTIFF doesnot seek a personal judgment for any of the amounts due against DEFENDANTS designated "No
    Personal Liability". PLAINTIFF seeks foreclosure of the tax liens on the PROPERTY as to all the DEFENDANTS.
    Tract: 1
    Account Number: R146794/2G0134000001105000
    Property Description: 1.00 Acre, more or less, out of Abstract 134 of the Jose Flores Survey, Guadalupe County,
    Approximate Property Address: Windsock
    Deed Reference: Volume 2537, Page 681
    $1,372.42 Due to The County of Guadalupe, Texas
    For Tax Years: 2008-2011
    $1,372.42   TOTAL DUE (09/2012)
    $1,372.42   Due to The County of Guadalupe, Texas
    $175.00    Title Research Fee
    $1,547.42   TOTAL DUE (09/2012)
    $1,557.41   TOTAL DUE (10/2012)
    CAUSE NO. 12-1923-CV
    THE COUNTY OF GUADALUPE                           §               IN THE DISTRICT COURT
    TEXAS                                             §
    Plaintiff,                 §
    v.                                                §               25th JUDICIAL DISTRICT
    DAVID C. GOAD, ET AL                              §
    Defendant.                 §         GUADALUPE
    GL        COUNTY, TEXAS
    Defendant, David Goad asks the Clerk of the Court to set all hearing(s) after first
    confirming dates in which both plaintiff and defendant available.
    December 5, 2012                                      Respectfully submitted,
    DAVID GOAD, Defendant pro se
    1154 Rivertree Drive
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130
    The undersigned certifies that on December 5, 2012, the foregoing Setting Notice was served
    on all parties of record as set out herein below:
    McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, PC. Attorneys for Plaintiff
    P.O. box 537
    Seguin, Tx 78156-0537
    U.S. Mail
    David Goad
    101 E. Court, Suite 308
    Seguin, Texas 78155
    ^             Phone: (830) 303-8873
    Debra Crow, District Clerk                                     VISA/MASTERCARD
    David Goad
    1154 Rivertree Drive
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130
    March 5, 2014
    Re: Jury Fees
    Mr. Goad,
    In regards to your jury fee return request for cause numbers 12-1923-CV and 08-1872-CV, this office is
    unable to approve that request. Please referto LGC 51.604. In addition, there is no record of a jury
    demand denial in either case.
    Thank you,
    Guadalupe.District C[erk                                ;0!                  •   —-
    '• 2 =
    BnM                                              Deputy \o'">—>&V
    Dear Judge Old III,
    Please be advised that I am hand delivering the DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR
    CONTINUANCE (copy) due to past irregularities with Court Clerks.
    1also ask that you review the entire file. 1 have steadfastly been denied the procedures set
    fourth in the "LOCAL RULES OF PRACTICE AND PROCEDURES" Rule 1. Settings
    1.1 "No Court will notify a party of a setting except in the case of a request for a setting by a
    pro se litigant."
    This Notice has been forwarded to opposing council as per "CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE"
    attached to the aforementioned DEFENDANT'S MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE.
    David Goad
    &*** "7*
    RE: 12-1923-CV
    Subject: RE: 12-1923-CV
    From: Lynn Bothe 
    Date: 3/3/2014 8:36 AM
    To: "1983remedies@gmail.com" <1983remedies@gmail.com>
    Dudge Old denied your motion for continuance.
    Lynn Bothe
    25th Judicial District
    Court Administrator
    Original Message
    From: 19S3remedies§gmai.l ..con] [jnii]:t5.;JJS3re§eclies§gm3il.:.ccm]
    Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:33 AM
    To: Lynn Bothe
    Subject: 12-1923-CV
    A trial was set for this morning.
    I was expecting a call last week regarding a motion for continuance, however, I have
    heard nothing. Please inform the court (if the motion has not been signed) that my
    medical issues persist requiring me to take pain medication at 3:30a.m, and again at
    7:15 a.m. this morning.
    I am unable to come into court this morning.
    Thank Yoo
    David Goad
    "             *
    fyitf Z*
    David Goad
    1154 Rivertree Drive
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130
    March 31, 2014
    William D. Old III., District Judge.
    101 E. Court Street., Rm. 203
    Seguin, Texas 78155
    Re: 12-1923-CV
    Hola Judge Old III,
    Ms. Bothe informed methat you denied my Motion for Continuance at the last hearing.
    To this date I have not received the order of denial nor any other orders or rulings. I must say
    this has been an issue in other cases within Guadalupe County Courts.
    Please find enclosed an envelope with a stamp attached addressed to myself. I ask that you be
    kind enough to forward to me your order of denial and any other issues you may have signed
    at that last hearing.
    David Goad
    Copy mailed to:     McCreary, Veselka, Bragg & Allen, PC.
    P.O. Box 537
    Seguin, Texas 78156-0537
    £k6/6/t *7c
    CAUSE NO. JSC4-4995
    DAVID GOAD                                  §             ^ IN THE JUSTICE COURT
    Plaintiff,                 §                                     r„Tm
    v                                           §                   PRECINCT NO. FOUR
    JAMIE OSBORNE                               §
    Defendant.          §        GUADALUPE COUNTV, TEXAS
    Plaintiff, David Goad, files this First Amended Complaint and will show the Court the
    1. Plaintiff, David Goad hereinafter known as "P-DG" resides at: 1154 Rivertree Drive.
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130.
    2. Defendant, Jamie Osborne, hereinafter known as "D-JO" whose work address isat:
    3000 North Austin Street, Sequin, Texas 78155. She is being sued individually. This suit does
    not include Guadalupe County.
    3. The real property in question is a one acre parcel purchased under the Texas Gift to
    Minors Act inSeptember of2007. Described as: Aone acre tract ofland situated in Guadalupe
    County, Texas out ofthe Jose Flores Survey no. 63. Abstract no. 134. being part ofone ofthose
    tracts conveyed to Dorothy Buffington Golding and recorded in Volume 483. page 694 of the
    deed records ofGuadalupe County, Texas.
    4.Natalie Goad is the daughter of David Goad; she was a minor by statute at the time of
    the allegations set fourth herein.
    5. All exhibit's submitted (attached hereto), or submitted in future pleadings are
    incorporated into the pleading, motion, or document of which they are attached are incorporated   ^|
    into and made a part of by reference.
    6. P-DG alleges that D-JO has acted in a manor, and/or commanded others (conspired) in
    violation of clearly established federal law, and Texas State law to violate P-DG's federally
    protected rights and take his property
    7. P-DG alleges: D-JO committed fraud, conspiracy, intentional or deliberate misconduct
    which subjected P-DG to the deprivation of his federally protected rights. Some of the acts were
    discretionary, however, others were not, and in no case, conducted in good faith.
    8. P-DG alleges D-JO destroyed or otherwise, with or without conspiracy, "sanitized" the
    files in which all documents supporting the allegations set fourth in this complaint could be
    found. When "sanitized'' is noted at the end or within a sentence, it means that document has
    been removed from D-JO's records and all the tax records of Guadalupe County.
    9. D-JO failed to respond to her own Notice of Protest sent to P-DG on January 14, 2008
    "sanitized'" Furthermore, D-JO failed to address P-DG's response to said notice "sanitized"
    10. D-JO failed to provide P-DG a hearing to protest his taxes after she was noticed on
    August 3, 2009 "sanitized;" August 4, 2009 "sanitized;" and on May 31, 2013 "sanitized." Thus
    denying his due process rights.
    11. On April 15, 2014, P-DG meet with D-JO at her office to review the documents
    within the file regarding the subject property based upon an FOIA request See Exhibit "A". Not
    one notice from D-JO or P-DG was found or noted in the documents provided to P-DG that day
    12. On April 15, 2014, P-DG explained to D-JO that the property in question was fenced-
    out in 2008 from all public access and therefore its value went to zero, as the property was
    landlocked and fenced out by a combination of public officials and others. It was clear during
    our conversation that D-JO was aware of the federal litigation (RICO) P-DG had brought against
    her friends and others.
    13. OnApril 15, 2014, P-DG explained to D-JO that she needed to reevaluate (appraise)
    the property to reflect the facts due to ongoing litigation over the unpaid taxes. As a result of no
    action on the part of D-JO, a judgment was issued reflecting false/fraudulent tax evolutions
    against P-DG and his daughter Natalie. At that time Natalie was 20 years old. A young woman
    who graduated at 15 years old and at age 19 she graduated from UT Austin with a double major.
    A young woman that now has a judgment against her because of D-JO.
    14. On April 15, 2014, at the request of D-JO, P-DG signed a "Requestfor Field
    Inspection" See Exhibit "B" in order that D-JO may enter upon said property for evolution
    purposes. D-JO did not submit her findings, if any, to alter the Tax case.
    15. On April 15, 2014, P-DG provided to D-JO a photograph depicting an aircraft on the
    subject property with a fence across it. See Exhibit "CI & C2," C2 was created by hand (exact
    copy of text) due to my email program making it unable to print with the text included (to large).
    16. D-JO and others valued the property at the following:
    a. $12,500.00 before and after the property had no access (fenced out).
    b. Increased to $21,713.00 for 2013.
    c. Decreased to $10,956.00 (noted on tax roles) for 2014, however, when P-DG was at D-
    JO's office on April 15, 2014, the value was noted at under $9,000.00 for 2014? We must take
    notice that property values all across Texas have risen well in the last year!
    17. Government officials performing discretionary functions generally are granted a
    qualified immunity and "shielded from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does
    j   -
    not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable
    person would have known. "Harlow v. Fitzgerald U.S. 800, 818,102 S.Ct. 2727, 
    73 L. Ed. 2d 396
    18. Government officials acting within their discretionary authority are immune from
    civil damages if their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional
    rights of which a reasonable person would have known. "Evett v. Detntff, 
    330 F.3d 681
    , 687 (5
    Cir. 2003).
    19. To determine whether an official is entitled to qualified immunity, two questions
    must be answered: (1) whether the plaintiff has alleged a violation of a clearly established
    constitutional right; and (2) if so, was the defendant's conduct objectively unreasonable in light
    of clearly established law at the time of the incident. See Hare v. City ofCorinth, 
    135 F.3d 320
    325 (5th Cir 1998) (citing Colston v. Barnhart (5th Cir. 1997).
    20. To overcome a claim of qualified immunity, a plaintiff must establish that the right an
    official is alleged to have violated was "clearly established."' i.e., sufficiently clearly defined that
    " a reasonable official would understand that what he is doing violates that right." Anderson v.
    Creighton, 483 U.S. 635,640 (1987).
    21. In Howlet v. Rose 
    496 U.S. 356
    , 375 (1990). "state ("including Texas," added by P-
    DG) law may not immunize § 1983 defendants Congress has subjected to liability." Therefore,
    any failure of P-DG to exhaust remedies under state law, immunities whether governmental or
    official (state law), or any other state rule or law is void in this case, except of course, court room
    procedures. The only reason any attorney would attempt to inject Texas State law to gain
    immunity inthis case, would be to extract attorney fees from the hard working Guadalupe
    County tax payers. P-DG reserves to later move for sanctions against any attorney who would
    play/played such a game.
    22. The United States Supreme Court in Gomez v. Toledo 
    466 U.S. 635
    (1980). found
    that §1983 itselfrequires only two essential allegations: "Bythe plain terms of §1983, two-and-
    only two allegations are required in order to state a cause of action under that statute, First, the
    plaintiff must allege that some person hasdeprived him of a federal right. Second, he must allege
    that the person who deprived him of that right acted undercolor of state or territorial law." and
    now in Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 129 S. Ct 1937 (2009) §1983 complaints now must contain factual
    allegations constituting a plausible claim.;
    23. The United States Supreme Court has established that pro se complaints are subject to
    "less stringent standards than formal pleadings drafted by lawyers" and should be liberally
    construed in the plaintiffs favor, see Erickson v. Pardus, 
    127 S. Ct. 2197
    , 2200 (2007).
    24. The United States Supreme Court, in Felder v. Casey 487 U.S. 131,138 (1988),
    stated in the same breath that while "[n]o one disputes the general and unassailable
    proposition.. .that States may establish the rules of procedure governing litigation in their own
    courts[,]... by the same token, however, where state courts entertain a federally created cause of
    action. " the federal right cannot be defeated by the forms of local practice."(quoting Brown
    v. Western Ry„ 
    338 U.S. 294
    , 296 (1949).
    25. D-JO, acts under the color of state law in her acts and in concert with the same or
    similar acts by many officials from within Guadalupe County (Judge Steel, Judge Kirkendall.
    Judge Old, Judge Sachtleben (aka The Black Robe Syndicate of Texas), Guadalupe County
    District Attorney , Guadalupe County District Clerk, Debi Crow, Guadalupe County Sherriff
    Zwicke, the altering ("sanitizing") of officials records by court clerks, DA, Sherriff, court
    reporters etc, etc. and many others) which have deprived P-DG ofproperty, due process rights,
    and much, much more forthe last seven years. These noted issues were all brought on as a result
    of P-DG filing litigation under RICO against Guadalupe County Officials.
    26. The following cases will prove that powerful Officials from Guadalupe County can
    trump-up false criminal charges, have an innocent person put injail, tortured, and dojust about
    anything they want to do to silence P-DG. It is for this reason that P-DG requests judicial notice
    of said cases as a clear pattern exists. Furthermore, the jury trial in this case will explore the
    details of these cases to link D-JO conspiracy with others (similar acts) who have the same goal.
    Please take note of the following cases:
    a. Goad v. Anderson SA08CA0674
    b. Zuehl v. Goad 08-1872-CV
    c. Goad v. Crow SA11CA1056-OG
    d. State of Texas v. Goad 09-0190-CR
    e. State of Texas v. Goad C2008-1461C
    f. Zuehl v. Goad 2010-CI 12496, appeal 04-11-00293-CV
    g. Goad v. Wyatt JSC2-1000
    27. Witnesses and evidence to be presented at the upcoming hearing on September 10,
    2014, will provide more than ample facts to bring an indictment against D-JO, and others, from
    even the most discriminating grand jurors.
    Violations of U.S. Constitution, 4th and 14th Amendment, Under Title 42 of the
    United States Code. §1983. and 1985.
    28. "Amongthe civil rights intended to be protected from discriminatory state
    action by the Fourteenth Amendment are the rights to acquire, enjoy, own and dispose of
    property. Equality in the enjoyment of property rights was regarded by the framers of the
    Fourteenth Amendment as an essential precondition to the realization of other basic civil
    rights and liberties which the Amendment was intended to guarantee. Conroy v. Manos,
    679 S.W.2d 124
    ,133 (Tex.App.-5,h Dist., 1984). Rights in property have long been
    considered basic civil rights which cannot be taken away without just cause and due
    29. Due Process is that whichcomports with the deepest notions of what is fair and
    right and just in law. U.S. Supreme Court Center, see
    http://supreme.justia.com/constitution/amendment-05/16-due-process.html Due
    process is violated if a practice or rule "offends some principle of justice so rooted in the
    traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental. Snyder v.
    291 U.S. 97
    , 105 (1934). Procedural due process requires the government
    to adhere to its own rules. United States ex rel. Accardi v. Shaughnessy, 
    347 U.S. 260
    74 S. Ct. 499
    , 503, 
    98 L. Ed. 681
    (1954) and recognize that the constitutional right to
    be heard is a basic aspect of the duty of government to follow a fair process of decision
    making when it acts to deprive a person of his possessions. Fuentes v. Shevin, 
    407 U.S. 67
    80, 92 S.Ct. 1983,1994,32 L.Ed.2d 556 (1972).
    30. The over assessing of said property was intended to facilitate the taking of that
    property from the plaintiff. Among the civil rights intended to be protected from discriminatory
    state action by the Fourteenth Amendment are the rights to acquire, enjoy, own and dispose of
    property. Equality inthe enjoyment of property rights was regarded by the framers ofthe
    Fourteenth Amendment as an essential precondition to the realization of other basic civil rights
    and liberties which the Amendment was intended to guarantee. Conroy v. Manos, 
    679 S.W.2d 124
    (Tex.App.-5th Dist., 1984).Rights in property have long been considered basic civil rights
    which cannot be taken away without just cause and due process.
    31. A cause of action for a violation of the 14th Amendment can come under Title
    42 of the U.S. Code, which reads in part:
    Sec. 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights
    "Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or
    usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes
    to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the
    jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities
    secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an
    action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress...42
    U.S.C.A. § 1983 (West 1981).
    Sec. 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights
    "If two or more persons in any State or Territory conspire or go in
    disguise on the highway or on the premises of another, for the purpose of
    depriving, either directly or indirectly, any person or class of persons of the
    equal protection of the laws, or of equal privileges and immunities under the
    laws; or for the purpose of preventing or hindering the constituted authorities of
    any State or Territory from giving or securing to all persons within such State or
    Territory the equal protection of the laws... or to injure any citizen in person or
    property on account of such support or advocacy; in any case of conspiracy set
    forth in this section, if one or more persons engaged therein do, or cause to be
    done, any act in furtherance of the object of such conspiracy, whereby another is
    injured in his person or property, or deprived of having and exercising any right
    or privilege of a citizen of the United States, the party so injured or deprived
    may have an action for the recovery of damages occasioned by such injury or
    deprivation, against any one or more of the conspirators. 42 U.S.C.A. § 1985
    (West 1981).
    32. Statejudges and state courts are repositories of state power, and state court
    actionmay in some cases amount to a deprivation by a state of rights guaranteed by
    Fourteenth Amendment to the federal constitution. Gay v. Heller, 
    252 F.2d 313
    (C.A.5.Fla., 1958). Congress enacted § 1983 to provide an independent avenue for
    protection of federal constitutional rights. Conroy v. Manos, fn. 1. The remedy was
    considered necessary because state courts were being used to harass and injure individuals,
    either because the state courts were powerless to stop deprivations or were in league with
    those who were bent upon abrogation of federally protected rights. Pulliam v. Allen, 466
    U.S. 522,104 S.Ct. 1970,1980,80 L.Ed.2d 565 (1984)
    PLAINTIFF THEREFORE respectfully requests that the Court enter a judgment
    including, but not limited to:
    The costs of actual losses and the maximum amount of damages allowed by the court in
    which this issue is finally decided, currently not less than $10,000.00.
    All attorney's fees and court costs for bringing this Complaint;
    All other relief in law and in equity as may be proven at trail; and
    Plaintiff requests a jury trial.
    Res/fectfulH submitted,
    David Goad, Plaintiffpro se
    1154 Rivertree Drive
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130
    1154 Rivertree Drive
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130
    April 1, 2014
    TO:       The County Appraisal District for Guadalupe County
    Sequin, Texas 78155
    Dear Ms. Osborne:
    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §522 etseq., and Tex. Gov't. Code, Sec. 552.022(a), I hereby make
    this request that the following be made available for inspection:
    This request surrounds the property described as:
    Assessed Name:         Goad David Custodian for Kristin G & Natalie H Goad
    1.00 Acre, more or less, out of Abstract 134 of the Jose Flores Survey,
    Guadalupe County, Texas.
    Street:                 Windsock
    Property ID:           107520
    1. This request begins after the purchase date of the current owners which would be after
    the purchase in mid 2007.
    1. Please provide the name of the appraisers) who conducted the appraisals on said
    property for taxation purposes. If more than one appraiser was involved please provide a brief
    explanation as to the tasks each carried out.
    2. Please provide the academic background, training, and appraisal history of each
    3. Please provide a copy and any licenses, certificates and other which illustrate the
    appraiser's professional background including, but not limited to the issuing authority and dates
    4 Please provide access to the originals of all hand written or typed notes, photo's, other
    properties used as comparables, and all data used to appraise said property. It is important that all
    amenities, condition of, and notation(s) (including pictures) be provided for the comparables.
    5. Please provide the sources and dates gathered for all data used in process of appraising
    said property.
    6. Please provide the legal term and the trade term to define the method in which the
    appraiser followed to conduct his/her evaluation for the appraisal.
    7. Ifany of the requests are withheld please state the nature of the withheld document or
    other, and under what legal premise you assert the withholding.
    You are welcome to contact me with any questions, preferably by email as listed above.
    In the event this information is held within a computer or even a paper file, I ask that you to
    provide me a date, time and location in which I can review. In the event I need copies, I will
    mark each page in an acceptable manner to accomplish this task after review.
    If any of these records do not existplease inform me.
    Thank You
    David Goad
    APR ? 5 20W
    Man Oifiec                     WtflKaMltlaiiw                                           Q»d'A,W»awcr
    S00ON. Austin SL               1101 Elbe'Ud.        Dr. G««gCi!craac-CI»ir              Jamie Osimmc
    Seguin,Tcsw781S5               Sdiem, Texas 78)54   Mrs. 'fnvic MmpJiy-Vk(>CliaJr
    830.303^313                    210^45.9708 ExlBH    Mr. Mark.Wiisoii-SMreuny            Deputy Cliict' Amiraitcr
    83a.37SJ»7*CRK)                }HU6S.1334fl&>       Mr. Darren Duuu- Mcciljer           ly-irliSlray
    fsuinra(cst@gu&dalupcac!.otg                        Mr. Loon B. Ramirez, Sr.-Mcmbcr
    TheGuadalupe Appraisal District (G.AJD.) requests your consentas legal owneror authorized agentto inspec:
    property identification fl:                 . Acknowledgment below indicates that you are aware of this
    request for field inspection, and hereby haveauthority and grantautbority to the Guadalupe Appraisal District
    ChiefAppraiser or Chief Appraiser's designee to field inspect the above referenced property for the current
    January 1"appraisal date for the limited purpose and scope as outlined in §6.01 and §23.01 of the Texas Tax
    Code, Texas Constitution Article VDi, §1. and 34Texas Administrative Code, §9.3001.
    Please be advised that if request for inspection is granted this inspection will occur after the date indicated
    ^Consent for field inspection is granted this the / S``day of/vC"L                              20/J.
    re ofLegd Owt&r orAuthorized Agent-Licensed
    Prmtet        ofLegal Owner orAuthorizedAgent
    Acknowledgment of abovenoted designation:
    £*hM "s                                   ij
    ,'7'yf Jr"S*'                         H
    , j   s^XTrff         <    „   iff ^,^sr
    r"fci            i#-
    Goad property photo
    j oik:*   „
    1         ]i i      •
    11   kfaP;./£•**' 4
    £*tit»t Cz
    1 ofl                                                     8/25/2014 11:01 AV
    25th, 2nd 25th, and 274th Judicial Districts of Texas
    Guadalupe County
    The Honorable Dwight Peschel
    The Honorable W.C. Kirkendall
    The Honorable Gary Steel
    Judges Presiding
    25th" 2nd 25th and 274th JUDICIAL DISTRICTS OF TEXAS
    It is Ordered by the 25th, 2nd 25th and 274th Judicial District Courts of Texas
    1. The 25th , 2nd 25th and 274th Judicial District Local Rules of Practice and
    Procedure for Guadalupe County as hereinafter set out are hereby adopted subject
    to the approval of the Supreme Court of Texas and the Council of Judges of the
    Third Administrative Judicial Region of Texas.
    2. The Clerks of the Courts in Guadalupe County shall record the Rules of Practice
    and Procedure and this Order in the Minutes of the Court;
    3. A copy of these rules and this order shall be furnished to the Supreme Court of
    Texas, the Courts of Appeals for the 4th District of Texas and the Presiding Judge
    of the Third Administrative Region of Texas;
    4. Each Clerk of the Courts shall deliver to each lawyer maintaining an office within
    the county each Clerk serves a copy of these local rules, a copy shall further be
    furnished by the Clerk to each lawyer and pro se party appearing in any civil
    action in this Court. Each Clerk shall keep a current record of such delivery, the
    date thereof, and make such record available for inspection.
    5. These Rules of Practice and Procedure, as may hereafter be amended, shall be
    construed and interpreted in addition to, and in conformity with and not as
    superseding the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, the Texas Rules of
    Civil Procedure, rules adopted by the Council of Judges of the Third
    Administrative Judicial Region or rules promulgated by the Supreme Court of
    6. Should any of these rules, or any part thereof, or any amendments thereto, be held
    invalid for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the other
    rules or parts of rules, all of which have been separately considered and adopted.
    7. These rules shall be effective on the date this Order is signed and thereafter until
    amended, modified or repealed by the order of these Courts.
    Signed, Ordered and Effective this the /2ff- day of ftj^r, 2005
    ind ~cth
    lna  25,n Judicial DistrictJudge
    274 Judicial-District Judge
    Local Rules of Practice for the 25th, 2nd 25th and 274th Judicial District
    Courts of Texas in Guadalupe County
    The dockets ofthe 25th, 2nd 25th and 274th District Courts ofGuadalupe County are to be
    held in accordance with schedules published annually which may be obtained from the
    office of either judge or from the office of the district clerks.
    Any case filed in the 25th, 2nd 25th or 274th Judicial District Courts may be heard in either
    Court without transfer or further order except:
    1. A family case involving custody of a child, if contested temporary orders are
    heard, must be set thereafter in the Court hearing said temporary orders;
    2. Any motion to modify custody must be heard in the Court issuing the order to be
    modified if thatCourt heard contested hearings in making the original order;
    3. Any case in which judge is disqualified or recused must be heard only in the other
    Court; and
    4. Any othercase where the Court orders the case to a particular judge.
    In all proceedings in these Courts, the Texas LawyersCreed will be observed.
    Civil and Family Cases
    1.   Settings
    1.1. All hearings in contested cases must be set by written motion with order
    attached and with an estimated time for the hearing. Attorneys requesting
    settings are responsible for notifying opposing parties within the time
    constraints of the Rule of Civil Procedure. No Court will notify a party of a
    setting except in the case of a request for a setting by a pro se litigant.
    1.2.0nly a court coordinator may set a case. Either the court coordinator for the
    25th , the 2nd 25th or the 274th Judicial District may set cases on any of the
    courts' dockets, subject to the approval of the coordinator of the Court
    receiving the case .
    1.3. All motions for continuance must be in accordance with Articles 29.01 el seq..
    C.C.P. and Rules 251 et seq., T.R.C.P. With the approval of the court
    coordinator, a contested case may be set of passed by the agreement of all
    counsel; however the mere filing of a motion for continuance does not mean that
    the continuance will be granted, even with the agreement of all parties. Unless
    released in writing by the court coordinator, counsel must appear as scheduled.
    1.4. Prior to setting any cases for any hearing, counsel must call the court coordinator
    to obtain available hearing dates. Counsel must then contact opposing counsel to
    insure the date is agreeable to all counsel. Once a date is agreed, counsel may
    CAUSE NO. JSC4-4995
    DAVID GOAD,                                   §                    IN THE JUSTICE COURT
    PLAINTIFF.                               §
    §                             PRECINCT NO. 4
    §            GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS
    STATE OFTEXAS                          §
    COUNTY' OF GUADALUPE                   §
    Before mc, Ihc undersigned notary, on this day personally appeared Jamie Osborne, the
    affiant, whoseidentity is know) to me.AfterI administered an oath, affiant testified as follows:
    1.      "My name is Jamie Osbonie. Iam over 18 years old. I am ofsound mind and capable of
    making this affidavit. The tacts stated in this affidavii arc true and correct and within my
    personal knowledge.
    2.       The Guadalupe Appraisal District (hereinafter the "Disiriei") is responsible for appraising
    property in Guadalupe County for ad valorem tax purposes ofeach taxing unit that imposes ad
    valorem taxes in the district.
    3.       The Disiriet is governed by ils board of directors, who arc district residenis. The
    District's board of directors appointed me as Chief appraiser in August of 2006. Anion" my
    duties as the chief appraiser is the annual preparation of appraisal records listing all property
    taxable inGuadalupe County and stating the appraised value ofeach.
    4.      The District's mission is to discover, list and appraise property as accurately, ethically
    and impartially as possible to estimate the market value of all property within Guadalupe
    County, Texas. The District must make sure that each taxpayer is given the same consideration.
    Page 1 of4
    *    "5
    "            _//
    £Mtf /o
    infoniiation, and assistance as the next. The Constitution of the State of Texas, the Texas Tax.
    Code,and tlie Rules of die Comptroller's Officegovernthe District's operations and practicesof
    its appraisers. Tlie District and its appraisers also must comport with the staudards of the
    Property Tax Assistance Division of the Comptroller's Office and the Uniform Standards of
    Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).                                                             f
    5.     1am also a Property TaxProfessional, registered with theTexas Department ofLicensing          1
    and Regulation. Assuch, I amregulated and adhere to statutes and rules that govern my practice       |;
    and that promote the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.                                k
    ft.    Generally, taxable property is appraised al its market value as of January I. The             S,;
    property's value can never be more than ils fair cash market value.                                  j|
    7.     Tlie market value of property shall be determined by the application of generally             m
    accepted appraisal methods and techniques. Further, each property must be appraised based            jfj
    upon the individual characteristics that affect ihc property's market value and all available        h\
    evidence thai is specific- to the value of the property shall be taken into account in determining   |j
    the property's market value. Finally, in determining what the market value of a propcrtv is, three   £!
    approaches 1o value must be considered: (I) the cost; (21 income; and (3) sales comparison. The      ||
    most appropriate method must be used.                                                                fi.
    8.     The District determines the appraised value of properly using mass appraisal standards        f
    that comply wiih USPAP.                                                                              fr
    9.     The District adhered lo generally accepted methods for appraisal methods and techniques       v;
    to value the property that is the subject of this lawsuit.                                           if.
    10.    The chief appraiser, if required by law. provides property owners with notices of the         f"'
    appraised and market values of inch: property. Given that it has personal liability for property
    Page 2 of4
    taxes, a property ownermay protest, among other matters, a dclcrinination of the appraised value         M
    of the owner's property.
    11.     The District provided the Plaintiff.Mr. Goad, with all notices of the appraised and market       ,«
    values of the propertymadethe basisof this lawsuit.                                                  |:
    12.     If a property owner in Guadalupe Countv is dissatisfied in any way with the value or an
    action taken by Ihc chief appraiser in a current tax year, Ihc property owner may protest. The       j|
    property owner initiates theprotest by tilinga written notice with theappraisal review board.            j|
    13.     After Ihc filing of a noticeof protest, the appraisal reviewboardholds a hearingand must         j$
    timely notify theprotesting party.                                                                       ||
    14.     Once it has reached a decision on the protest, the appraisal review board must issue a           p
    written order embodying its decision.
    15.     Within 60 days of its Having received notice ofa final, appealable order by the appraisal    f
    review board on its protest, the protesting parly may seek judicial review of that order by filing
    suit in district court.
    16.     Every individual tax year, ihc Plaintiff, Mr. Goad, has had an opportunity to protest        *
    actions taken by tlie District or the chief appraiser, present evidence and argument, and be heard        „
    by the Guadalupe County Appraisal Review Board. As a result of this lawsuit, the District
    considered Mr. Goad to have filed a late protest of the property's 2014, appraised value. An
    appraisal review board hearing was scheduled and convened. Mr. Goad, had notice of Ihe
    hearing but did not attend and his protest was dismissed. Prior to 2014, Mr. Goad had not filed
    any protests of the appraised value of the property made the basis of this lawsuit with the          I
    appraisal review board.
    Page 3 of4                                                                                           f
    17.        The actions that were taken by the District regarding ihe property that is ar issue in this
    lawsuit comport with the Constitution of the Slate of Texas, the "I'cxas Tax Code, tlie Rules of
    the Comptroller's Office and with the standards of the Property Tax Assistance Division of the
    Comptroller's Office, and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
    18.       The District's actions regarding the property at issue in this lawsuit and my interactions
    with the Plaintiff, Mr. Goad, have comported with the highest standards of professionalism and
    19.       The District has treated the Plaintiff, Mr. Goad, and the property at issue in this lawsuit
    fairlyand as any other property owner or propertyin Guadalupe County.Texas.
    20.       The District's actions regarding the property at issue in this lawsuit and interactions with
    Ihe Plaintiff,Mr. Goad, have not been arbitrary or capricious."
    Further Affiant Saveth Not.
    Sworn ui and subscribed before me by Jamie Osborne on August /5" , 2014.
    RWWf| Notary Public, Stateof Texas
    My Commission Expires
    December 14, 2015
    Nfctiry Public. Slate ofTomST
    Page 4 of4
    #£•;# ifis:•Tps-""^'^s"^v"^i""". zz^;5^;&i^'^t~sr:. •y&
    -2~> g*s* Wv$ £*/?j6/ 't is
    3000 IV!. AUSTIN
    SEQUIN, TX 78165
    CompffoliM   50-132 (Rev. 2-98/3)
    ZS5S         [41.44 (12/89) Rule 9.801]
    Appraisal district name                                                                                                              Phone (Areacode and riurhher)
    GUADALUPE APPRAISAL DISTRICT                                                                                                                 830 372 2871
    INSTRUCTIONS:                    Ifyou want the appraisal reviewboard to hear and decide yourcase, you must file a written notice of protest withthe appraisal
    reviewboard (ARB) for the appraisal district that took the action you want to protest. Ifyou are leasing the propertysubject to the
    protest, you must have a contact requiring you to pay the property taxes on the property.
    FILING DEADLINES:                   The usual deadline for filing your notice (having itpostmarked ifyou wail it)is midnight,May 31.
    A different deadline will apply to you if:
    •      your notice of appraised value was delivered to you after May 2;
    •      your protest concerns a change in the use of agricultural, open-space or timber land;
    •      the ARBmade a change to the appraisal records that adversely affects you and you received notice of the change;
    •    the appraisal districtor the ARB was required by lawto send you notice about a propertyand did not; or
    •    you had good cause for missing the May 31 protest filing deadline.
    Contact the appraisal district for your specific protest filing deadline. The ARB will determine if good cause exists for missing a deadline. Good cause means that
    something beyond your control, such as a medical emergency, prevented you from meeting the_'lr~-":."_..._
    WEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS: Ifyourdeadline falls on a Saturday,' Sundayor otherlegalholiday,
    Owner's or lessee's full name
    pjaxu^ /n&Zi ifcuJL
    or lessee's
    name and
    Owner's or lessee's presentmailing address (number andstreet)
    208 MORTON
    ho qua- o$$j^ju
    City, town or post office, state, ZIP code
    SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209
    Step 2:                        Give streetaddressandcity ifdifferent from above, orlegal descriptic
    Describe                            ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000 AC.
    Appraisal district account number (optional)
    Property ID: 107520                     GEO ID: 2G0134-000( A#
    Mobile homes: (Give make, model and identification number)
    Step 3:
    Check                          D     Value Is over market value                                    c
    LI     Owner's name is incorrect
    for your                                                                                           l_l   Change in useofland appraised as ag-use, open-space ortimber
    protest                       U      Property should not betaxed in                                      land
    (name of taxing unit)                                   U     Ag-use, open-space orother special appraisal was denied, modified
    or cancelled
    U      Failure tosend required notice.
    U Value is unequal compared with other properties.
    LI    Property description is incorrect.
    0      Other.
    Li Property should not be taxed in this appraisal district orin one or
    more taxing units.
    Step 4:
    Give facts that
    may help
    resolve your
    (continue on
    page if
    needed)                       What do you thinkyour property's value is? (Optional)      $
    Step 5:                       Iwant theARB tosendmea copy ofitshearing procedures.
    Check to
    receive ARB                     • Yes              D No*
    "jzishthii V* i
    *If your protest goestoa hearing, you will automatically receive
    Step 6:                              Signature
    Sign the                      sign
    application                   here ™
    Tru« Automaton, Inc.
    County of Guadalupe                                                   Guadalupe Appraisal District
    State of Texas                                                        Appraisal Review Board
    Movant SHEESLEY JOHN .owner of property described as ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000
    parcel number 2G0134-0000-01105-0-00. brings this motion for a hearing to correct a one-third over-
    appraisal error regarding the described property on the appraisal roll certified by this Appraisal
    Review Board on July 18, 2007.
    Movant states that the property taxes due for the 2007 tax year have not become delinquent, and the
    movant property owner has complied with the provisions of Sec. 42.08 of the Texas Property Code
    and has notforfeited the right to appeal for non-payment of taxes.
    Movant states that the property described above is located within the Guadalupe Appraisal District.
    Further, movant states that the property described above is located within the taxing units listed
    CAD, GCO, LTR, MAS                                                        YHjbQ<^-
    Movant states the one-third over-appraisal error is as follows:           OUA- OtyS^CA,
    Appraisal value of $12.500is at least one-third over actual market value.
    Actual market value of property is $                     .
    Movant makes this motion pursuant to Sec. 25.25 (d) and (e), Texas Property Tax Code, and
    requests that the Appraisal Reviews Board schedule a hearing to determine whether to correct the
    error. Movant requests that the Appraisal Review Board send notice of the time, date and place fixed
    for the hearing, not later that 15 days before the scheduled hearing, to the presiding officer of the
    governing body of each taxing unit where the property is located.
    Respectfully submitted,
    .                   Date
    w*      50-132 (Rev. 2-98/3)
    "p*ic   [41.44 (12/89) Rule 9.801]
    Appraisal district name                                                                                                           Phone (Area code and number)
    830 372 2871
    INSTRUCTIONS:               If you want theappraisal review board tohear and decide your case, you must file a written notice ofprotest with theappraisal
    review board (ARB) for theappraisal district that took theaction you want to protest. If you are leasing theproperty subject tothe
    protest, you must have a contact requiring youto pay the property taxes on the property.
    FILING DEADLINES:                Theusual deadline forfiling your notice (having itpostmarked ifyoumail it) is midnight, May 31.
    A different deadline willapply to you if:
    •       yournoticeof appraised value was delivered to you after May2;
    •       your protestconcerns a change inthe use of agricultural, open-space or timberland;
    •        the ARB madea changeto the appraisal records thatadversely affects you and you received notice ofthe change;
    •        the appraisal district or the ARB was required bylawto send younotice about a property and did not;or
    •       you had good cause for missing the May 31 protest filing deadline.
    Contact the appraisal district foryourspecific protestfiling deadline. The ARB will determine ifgoodcause existsfor missing a deadline. Goodcause means that
    something beyond your control, such as a medical emergency, prevented you from meeting the deadline.
    WEEKENDS, HOUDAYS: Ifyour deadline falls on a Saturday. Sunday or other legal holiday,it is postponed untilmidnightof the next workingday.
    Stepl:          Owner's or lessee's full name                                                  Contact
    Owner's                    SHEESLEY JOHN
    or lessee's
    Owner's or lessee's present mailing address (number and street)                                   Hm. Phone (area code and number)
    name and
    address                    208 MORTON
    City, town or post office, state, ZIP code                                                        Bus. Phone (area code and number)
    SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209
    Step 2:                    Give street address and city if different from above, or legal description if no street address
    Describe                        ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000 AC.
    Appraisal district account number (optional)
    Property ID: 107520                      GEO ID: 2G0134-0000-01105-0-00
    Mobile homes: (Give make, model and identification number)
    Step 3:
    Check                      LI     Value is overmarket value                                      U     Exemption was denied, modified orcancelled.
    U      Owner's name is incorrect                                      U     Change in useofland appraised as ag-use, open-space or timber
    for your
    protest                    U      Property should not betaxed in
    (name of taxing unit)
    U     Ag-use, open-space orother special appraisal was denied, modified
    or cancelled
    LI Failure to send required notice.
    U Value isunequal compared with other properties.
    (type)                                            U     Property description isincorrect.
    D      Other.
    U     Property should not betaxed in this appraisal district orin one or
    more taxing units.
    Step 4:
    Give facts that
    may help
    resolve your
    (continue on
    page if
    needed)                   What do you think your property's value is? (Optional)      $
    Step 5:                   Iwantthe ARB to send me a copyof its hearing procedures.
    Check to
    receive ARB                 D Yes                 •     No*
    * Ifyour protest goes to a hearing, you will automatically receive a copy of the ARB's hearing procedures
    Step 6:                           Signature                                                               Date
    Sign the                  sign
    application               here ~
    Title Automation, inc.
    County of Guadalupe                                               Guadalupe Appraisal District
    State of Texas                                                    Appraisal Review Board
    Movant SHEESLEYJOHN .owner of property described as ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000
    parcel number 2G0134-0000-01105-0-00, brings this motion for a hearing to correct a one-third over-
    appraisal error regarding the described property on the appraisal roll certified by this Appraisal
    Review Board on July 18, 2007.
    Movant states that the property taxes due for the 2007 tax year have not become delinquent, and the
    movant property owner has complied with the provisions of Sec. 42.08 of the Texas Property Code
    and has not forfeited the right to appeal for non-payment of taxes.
    Movant states that the property described above is located within the Guadalupe Appraisal District.
    Further, movant states that the property described above is located within the taxing units listed
    Movant states the one-third over-appraisal error is as follows:
    Appraisal value of $12.500 is at least one-third over actual market value.
    Actual market value of propertyis $                    .
    Movant makes this motion pursuant to Sec. 25.25 (d) and (e), Texas Property Tax Code, and
    requests that the Appraisal Reviews Board schedule a hearing to determine whether to correct the
    error. Movant requests that the Appraisal Review Board send notice of the time, date and place fixed
    for the hearing, not later that 15 days before the scheduled hearing, to the presiding officer of the
    governing body of each taxing unit where the property is located.
    Respectfully submitted,
    .        Date
    Guadalupe Appraisal District
    Main Location             Schertz Substation      Jamie Osborne
    Paul Soto
    3000 N. Austin Street     1101 ElbelRd.            ChiefAppraiser
    Cecil Schulze                 Seguin, Texas 78155       Schertz, Texas 78154
    Vice Chairman                 830.303.3313              210.945.9708 ext. 202
    Sylvia Schlather              830.372.2874 Fax          210.566.1334 Fax
    Greg Gilcrease
    Tavie Murphy
    1/3 OVER-APPRAISAL SEC. 25.25 (d)
    RE:      Account Number       :2G0134-0000-01105-0-00
    Legal Description :ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000 AC.
    A hearing for 1/3 Over-Appraisal has been scheduled on the above referenced property.
    Date      :02/12/2008
    Time      :1:00PM-1:20PM
    Place : Guadalupe Appraisal District
    3000 N. Austin St.
    Seguin, TX 78155
    Per Section 25.25(e) of the Texas Property Tax Code, each taxing unit is entitled to present evidence
    and argument at the hearing and to receive written notice of the board's determination.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Kathryn Vermillion, Secretary
    Appraisal Review Board
    Guadalupe Appraisal District
    Paul Soto                 Main Location              Schertz Substation         Jamie Osborne
    Chairman                  3000 N. Austin Street      1101 ElbelRd.              ChiefAppraiser
    Cecil Schulze             Seguin, Texas 78155        Schertz, Texas 78154
    Vice Chairman             830.303.3313               210.945.9708 ext. 202
    Sylvia Schlather          830.372.2874 Fax           210.566.1334 Fax
    Greg Gilcrease
    Tavie Murphy
    Dear Property Owner,
    The Appraisal Review Board packet includes your NOTICE OF PROTEST HEARING, which gives the
    time and date of your Appraisal Review Board hearing. It includes a copy of the "RIGHTS, REMEDIES,
    AND RESPONSIBILITIES" publication promulgated by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, and a copy
    Appraisal Review Board.
    You may inspect and or obtain a copy of the data/information, which will be introduced at the Appraisal
    Review Board hearing. You may also obtain a copy of the appraisal card for your property at no charge.
    The charge for copies of additional information will be the normal charge for that type of data, not to
    exceed $15.00 for each residence, or $25.00 for each other type of property.
    \3poo a/ /fy&ftA
    Re:    Goad, David C.
    Custodian for ;Kristin G. & Natalie H. Goad
    Account No. R146794
    ABS: 134 Sur. Jose Flores 1.000 Ac.
    To Whom It May Concern:
    Please be advised that Guadalupe County Sheriff's Officers stood guard while a fence
    was erected, permanently blocking access to the property. My inability to access the property
    renders the property useless/valueless. Federal litigation ispending with regard to these issues.
    Please direct the tax hill to Robert Etlinger, Assistant Guadalupe County Attorney, for
    David Goad
    I certify that on August 35 20091 deposited this letter in an official depository ofthe.
    United States Postal Service, properly posted byfirst class mail.
    ^                                                Sartdi Spurgeon f/           J
    &t*t ft
    /iWtf "IS *
    Jamie Osborne
    From:                             1983remedies@gmail.com
    Sent:                             Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:04 AM
    To:                               Jamie Osborne
    Subject                           Goad property photo
    Attachments:                      Document (3J.jpg
    Attached please find the photo I spoke of.
    Iwish to memorialize yoursUtements (April 15,2014) wherein your office hasnocorrespondence(s) from myself orthe
    Guadalupe County Attorney regarding the valuation(s) ofthe Goad property at Zuehl Airfield.
    Thank You
    David Goad
    &H& ft
    Sanitized file
    Subject: Sanitized file
    From: 1983remedies@gmail.com
    Date: 5/6/2014 11:49 AM
    To: Jamie Osborne 
    Ifigured that someone in your office sanitized the file. Don't worry, I'm well documented.
    Thank You
    David Goad
    On 5/5/2014 4:09 PM, Jamie Osborne wrote:
    Mr. Goad,
    Hello. I hope this finds you we'll. Attached are documents related to your request.
    Thank you for your time and effort in this regard. Should there be any other items that ouroffice may
    further assist with, please advise.
    Jamie Osborne, R. P.A.
    Chief Appraiser
    Guadalupe Appraisal District
    3000 N. Austin Street
    Seguin, Texas 78155
    Customer Service Survey-Please dick the link below and tell me how I am doing? Please place
    my name or email address in the survey.
    Thistransmission is intended only for the persons or entities to which it is addressed. The
    information transmitted herein may-be(l) proprietary or strictly confidential material, (2) be
    subject to the Attorney-Client Privilege, or (3) an attorney work product. Review, reproduction,
    retransmission, distribution, disclosure or any other use, and any consequent action taken by
    persons or entities other than theintended recipients, are prohibited and may be unlawful. If
    you have received this in error, please contact the sender only and delete and destroy all
    forms of this communication (electronic and paper). Unauthorized interception of the email is
    a violation of federal criminal law. Although reasonable precautions have been taken to
    ensure that no viruses are present, the Guadalupe Appraisal District, makes no warranty or
    guaranty with respect thereto, and is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from the
    receipt or use of this e-mail or attachments hereto.
    Please be advised that the Guadalupe Appraisal District does have an Email policy that
    includes monitoring and may include printing out and reading all email leaving, entering, or
    stored in these systems.
    £iU/ /*'
    Appraisal district name                                                                                                              Phone (Area code and number)
    GUADALUPE APPRAISAL DISTRICT                                                                                                         830372 2871 830 303 3313
    Address    ™~"                                               ``      ``
    of the Texas Comptroller of ftiUc Aecourta,
    GENERAL INSTWCTlO^Pumi^ toTa*Code Sorton41 ^
    or dwfgrated atftit*tto wowW tikethe ARBto haw anddeo'itaa protesl.iryou are i«»Mi9[h»property, you *-«suaj«a to ttwilmnawim set fort»i«<
    Tm Co* Section 4V413.                                           .
    RLWQDEADLINES: TheucualitoMllriefdrfiUn0yoitf{tM«ais(riB>tig», ffciy31
    AdfteremdaadlirtattMJBppiylojfOoif. .
    • your notice ofappraised «« «uottfrered after May 2;
    • your protest concerns e ohartpBin Bw use of agricultural,opftrt-flfleeaof Ifflbw land.
    • fte ARBireoa • changetoine appraisal more* thata^mui"Kiiy^wdvouncatiaandiXBoimeatmse,
    • theappraisal dutrtt orif* ATOwear"
    • incertain limnedcircumstances, you had goat cau» forrrfesinQlhe May 31 protesl n^ngdeadline
    ASSISTANCE; TrwCrjapvclerscrftamayrifjiac^
    llttjConpcroUftfi officeknowsis the subjectof a ottost 10trtaARB.
    Stata die Yearfa) forWhichYog are Protesting:                          ;
    Stspl:                Owners or lessee's first *»*• 4 irrttai
    Owneffi             GOAD DAVID
    name and            Qw^»«iftM*seu*OTffl*fir»5»5*TO
    address             CUSTODtAN FOR NATALIE H GOAD 1154 RtVERTREE OR NEW BRAUNFEL5.TX 78130
    OajrttosPrnra^BivacoAeaiffwailier)                                                         EvgrengPhone fans*code ««f numoer}.
    Step 2:               GtaUfMadrfreu art dM divert Irm
    Describe            WaPSOCKTX-A88 134SU* JOSEfLOftES..00OAC.
    Pmpariy in-irrrsTn                 «nn in- ?nni^j^fintuinn.s.njifi
    : tt9MshonttKr&winateJaodfer0fi*aeffKc4taffj>iMitie0
    ^™™,*™™™S™'"™W»»*»«<«W^»l«i«^Vsl«»u«^ Ma»»mi[Dc«w(rte»««r.you»sjv*a!:in0l>a1)^uro:c(Mny.-s™«porsi5Ma:
    ™<™i«^»i«pi»»»n*e«»^oroM«Mto                                       Vowproperlr*«rt««pt™i«il«ilj™*ilvii«jMtatn)riJkiatBliM.
    Value Is over market vakre-                                                         Exemption was denied, modified or canceled.
    VWueis unequal compared w» outerproperties                                          Changein use of tartdappraisedas ag-use, open-space, or
    timber tanrj.
    Property shoos)not tietaxed In            •                                         Ag-use.open-space at other special appraise) was denied,
    (name oftvtttiQfmXl               D            modified or cancelled.
    Failure to sera required noses.
    Stupe)                  Li           Owners name is incorrect
    OUisr:                                                                              Property description is incorrect.
    Propertyshould not be taxes in this appraisaldistrictor i)eaf^8gpCTdurgx
    Stapfi:                    print .
    Stgntha                  here *
    sign ,
    ZJ&t /s
    PropID: 107520
    Property Tax
    PropertyAppraisal - fetice ofProtest                                                                                                    Form 50-132
    Guadalupe ApprafeaUDisfrict^                                                                                                  Phone(area code andnumber)
    Appraisal District's Name
    3000 N. Austin Street                     Seguin, Texas 78155
    Address                                                                                     „ ^..^fiio 3 written notice oforotestwith the appraisal review board ~- , *         .v. 5
    Mobile Homes (give make, modal andidentification number}
    STEP 3: Check reasons for your
    r^retocrMH*ab«mayre*jBtoyw                                                                                                                        „ .          . „,.
    and vour property would not seD for the amount rjetemiir^ bytr»appraisal district
    that your property isnotappraised at the same leveJasa^reserrtativesarrir^ofcorr*^
    otheMadr^wr prorjerty may be awrais^ at its
    ^Value ta ovor market value.                                                    j SChange inuse ofland appraised asap-use. open-space ortimber land.
    rValue is unequal compared with osier properties.                               f ~] Ag-use, open-space orcither special appraisal wasdenied, modified orcancelled.
    ' jOwner's name isincorrect
    ] Property should notbetaxed in
    7^fPtc^e^4esc^iSonis,intx^iear_ ,.                  ,, ,„
    Failure to send required notice.                                             Fj Property should not be taxed in this aorxarsaldistrWorin^oriTOretaxirrgurifls.
    ] Exemption was denied, modified orcancelled.                                    IK Other. ™** /tS »i;Trtt<£r'1~4*x*!L--                              ## I J-
    The Property Tax Assistance Division atthe Texas Comptroller of Publip Accounts provides property tax
    irrformation and resources for taxpayers, local taxing entities, appraisardistricts;and..appraisal review boards;
    STEP 4: Give facts that ma>
    ////>sr ,j ^ f^n"/y^f^                         *i0j7&&*fi     /
    What do you think your property's value is? (Optional)   $.
    Iwant the ARB to send me acopy ofHs hearing procedures.        CD Yes     j~l No*-
    *If your protest goes to a hearing, youwill automatically receivea copy of theARBi hearing procedures.
    STEP 6: Sign here.
    Age 2 • 50-132•03-12/11
    Do Not Pay From
    This Is NOT a tax                                                                                                                                                 This Notice
    GUADALUPE APPRAISALDISTRICT                                                                            Property ID 107520
    3000 N. AUSTINSt.                                                                                      Ownership %: 100.00
    Geo ID: 2G0134-0000-01105-0-00
    SEGUIN. TEXAS 78155
    Phone: 830/372-2871 630/303-3313                                                                       DBA-
    Pax: 830/372-2874                                                                                      Legal:ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000
    Schertz Office: 210/945-9708 Ext 202                                                                        AC.
    Legal Acres: 1
    April 8,2013
    Situs: WWDSOCKTX
    Owner ID: 157096
    Property ID: 107520 - 2^34-0QOHtt105-fj-00
    NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130-2425
    Dear Property Owner,
    We have appraised the propertyfistedabove for (he taxyear2013. As of January 1, our a 5praisalisthex*olJiciMls.
    Theabovetax estimates use lastyeart taxratesforttetarir^urtestawn, Tte governing bodyof each unit(school board, cowtycoiMitissioners, cityawnca aid so forth)
    decxJeswrtetherrxor^taxesmereasa Theappra^
    'Your reader** homestead* protectedlh^
    improvements.                                                                                      *                                    :
    ~ Ifyouare 65 yearsof age orolderand receivedfee$10,QD0acnooi tax exemptionon yourhome bat                                                                           wflinotbe
    rngtrer than Mtenyw firstrecer^tto
    ab0ve,yoursdwoItaxesfbrB%yearw>notbel"                                                                                                ffvoureoonfr "
    rvoureceivedtrieexemption, wheneveris later. Byoureois^ety.orJtrrtoeoBeoehas
    approvedafimitafiononyourlaxesifttep^  .                                _               atMps nfl nrt hithitfterthanthe ftst-ynaryaycoiinHy, rpf, r»^nwi"wMp^ef) tfrp
    tirretatton or tr* firstyear you viafir^
    appraisal roB, yourschool; county, oHy, orJunior caBef^cefc^fBa*Increase farm
    county,crty,orJunkvcotege tax oeSnp-
    prc*£r?c»&rSs1&^                                                                                                                                                            *•»
    To appeal, you must filea written protestwffljthe ARB before «bedead*ne date:
    Deadline for fffina a protest         M«y31.2013
    luxation of Heartngs:                 30rJO*. AUSTIN ST/S£GU1N.TX 78155
    ARBwrfflbegmhearings:                 tlay8?20ta
    Endosedisarxotestformtosendt^appraisaiolstrtdoaeeif'                                         evidence before the ARB. The ARB wffinotifyyou of the date, time and place of
    your scheduled hearing. Enclosed, also, isWbrmation to hesyoui.              yourpretest You do not need to use Ihe enclosed formto fileyourprotest You inay protestby letter, if it
    mdudes your name, yourrjroperty*desato6m,and:yewm                        ^
    Ifyouhaveanyo^iestioris orreed nioreIntonnaSon, p^
    Chief Appraiser
    Susan Combs Texas Comptroller of PublicArxoi
    You are entitled to anexplanation of             mast have awebsite. Contact your lo              your concerns atthe informal meeting
    the remedies available to youwhen            cal appraisal district formore details on         with the appraisal district.
    youare not satisfied withtheappraised             fifapg aprotest electronically.
    value assigned to your property by your                                                            Find out theprocess your appraisal dis
    appraisal district. The Texas                    What Can be Protested                             trict follows. Try todiscuss your protest
    Comptroller of Public Accounts is                The Notice ofPrstest may be£led using             issue with the appraisal office in ad
    required to publish an explanation of                                                              vance. Askone:of theappraisal district's
    thcremediesavailable tOTaxpayewanri            ' ^t^r^t^m^v^iimstaivt^iaejxatsf -                  appraisers to fxpfcrtrt how the district     .
    procedures tobe followed inseeking               taxmfWl»xfoniis/50-132.|»df. The no               arrived atthe value of your property. Be
    remedial action. The Comptroller also            ticeneed not be oo this form. T&ur no             sure the property description iscorrect
    must include advice on preparing and             ticeofprotest is sufficientifit identifies        and that the measurements for your
    presenting a protest.                           (1) me protesting person claiming an              home or business andlot are accurate.
    ovCTership interest inthe property, (2)           Many appraisal districts have this infor
    The Legislature further directs that cop        d» property that is thesubject of the             mation online.
    ies ofthis document be made readily               protest and 0) dissatisfaction with a
    available totaxpayers at- nocost. Tee             • Ll»f      .*     ._J         t\^
    What is an ARB?
    chiefappraiser ofan appraisaldistrict -                                                            'Bre^AjQBis-aii iadejpeadent, impartial
    may provide acopy with theNotice           ••
    ofAppraised Value mailed to property _
    oa-your          . gfAU^<^Qtiz£^autWri^tore^€
    .property in                  situations:         disputes betwieejfi &xpaj$B aiddje^
    owners toexplain the time and proce                                                                appraisal district.AfetiotigH, infmost
    dures used inprotesting the value of               * thevafete theappraisal district
    cotumes, theARBisappMnied bythe
    their property. The chiefappraiser must               placed on your property is too high;         appraisal district board ofdirectors, it is
    provide another copy to property own               * your property is unequally                    notcontrolled by theappraisal district.
    ersinitiating protests.                               appraised;
    The first step in exercising your rights           * fbeappiaisal district denied aspe-           Bringing aprotest before theARB isa
    under the Tax Code is to protest your                 dal appraisal, such; as open-space           formal process; itissomewhat like talcing
    property's appraised value. The follow             , .land, ormeprreedy denied your               a caseto a court for resolution. TJheARB
    ing remedies only address appraised                 „ ^aempticarsappkeation;                       rnust^lkrwcenaui procedures dut may
    values and related jnattersTT^venmient—             *''the jfppiilfig Jjirifiu Jajfcd to pjfr.—    bgiiw&n^r^yai^IxraHstbase its
    spendingand taxation arenot the sub                   vide yoywithrequired notices; or
    jects ofthis publication and must be                                                               the appraisal district to decide whether
    * other nuneR^rescribedbryTex.                 the appraisal district has acted property in
    addressed bylocal taxing units.                       TaxCoae§4Ui(a).                              determining the value ofyour property.
    How to Protest PropertyValue                                                                       ARBmembers cannot discuss your case
    Ifthe appraisal district appraises your          Prot^rtmn                                         with anyone outside ofthe hearing.
    property at ahigher amountthan in the                                                             You should know, however, that your
    previous year, state law requires the ap         Iflujjjgthe p"rjpjrm, these tips                protesthearing isopen todie public;
    praisal district send anotice by May I,          *wp&p tssaK dwt.yott can present
    yoffrevidence and^re^rye your appeal             anyone can sit in and listen to me case.
    or byApril 1if your property isaresi             rights.
    dential homestead, 01 as soon as practi
    cal thereafter. The notice musrseparate           ,-*• 5bru stjctujtf pay- particular attention   Tfou shoaJd fifc you*Notice efPnta*
    the appraised value ofreal and personal              'tothe reason for protest section of          widi the AiRB as Jatet than 30 day$ af-
    property and showan estimate ofhow                    the form.                                    terthe appraisal district mailed theNo
    much taxyou would have to pay based                                                                tice ofAppraised Vahte. You may request
    on the same tax rate your dry, county,             9 ^hatyou^eck as the reason for
    meprotestinfluences the type of               an evening orweekend hearing. The
    school district and any special purpose                                                            ARB wfll notify you atleast 15 days in
    district set the previous year. -                    evidence youinay present atyour
    - hearing.        . , ,-                        advance ofthe date, time and place of
    The notice will also indude the date and           •* Ifeur
    your hearing. Ifyouare not represented
    place th? appraisal review board.CARB)                fog are                                      by anagent, youare entided to one
    will begin hearing protests and may tell                                                           P/?S3!88ffl»3£:9Ctp*oearingj^ajager
    SfSJPE Of TEXAS         )./•:.
    Office of Tavle Murphy Tax Assessor-Collector
    Installment Agreement
    s«&*r2ri&rrs^ss^g^1s&'=it * —»
    Pursuant S^ect!^1!?^/8? C°U^f f°r the tax ™U *«tie««d hereby acknowledges that
    ^ss"ss"^ss^ tsjzr,st*tato*y auth^ -vv £
    not to exceed 36 months"          ajuln any other property taxes
    the liability of the Payer; oiT
    3. Breaching any other condition of this Agreement.
    2S?nSSiri?S Sr^LT.T^'" collector^ proceed to
    date of the execution of^hie^tall^SrSLnt " *"**' "^ ** *"**** °B the
    £ "Kft"                                                        «» *" <*"•«« —1* *«- the right
    doe and owing under this SLaSafSSf"^T* ***' Penalt* «* interest still
    It  i, agreed that the tL cSSSL'SS intervene
    filed by other taxing units.
    SSLSTfn"*       •""•»'» '••* « permitted by law.
    in any suits against Payer which may be
    ..'. .-iv. ;•.-••
    /Wawfax 9ftmt3 M 2°
    .1                           •        •
    I    Installment Agreement Start Date:, 10/30/2013
    I    Owner:    GQftD DAVID                                                    e~\           >k
    j    faxing Onit!s): Marion Isd, Lateral Roads, Guadalupe County             'AJ W-^ «
    |    Year(s) for which taxes are delinquent: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008               I J /C*)* IC_J
    f    Delinquent taxes not including penalty, interest or attorney fees as of this date:          5902.28
    Property Description
    2G0134-0000-011Q5-0-*00        -R14j6794-.   ABS: 134 SUR: JOSE FLORES 1.000 AG.
    Method of Payment: Taxes, penalty and interest shall be due in installments of §50.00 ox more
    each, payable Monthly, 30th day of every month beginning 10/30/2013 and continuing regularly
    thereafter until all delinquent taxes, penalty and interest have been fully paid.
    Place of Payment! Office of Tavie Murphy Tax Assessor-Collector
    Guadalupe Tax Office
    307 ». Court
    Seguin, TX 78155
    Lrness the
    tne signatures of
    or the
    the oarties
    oar     this 09/05/2013
    By:      ^MC>^-^(^J>t^*£^'
    GOAD DAVID          /«"*«<*3fl'360W
    HEW aRADHFELS, TX 78130
    Office of Tavie Hurphy••"lax    Assessor-Collector
    PAGE2QF2                         ma*limQt$mitat1:22:S*P!6
    CAUSE NO. JSC4-4995
    DAVID GOAD                                      §                IN THE JUSTICE COURT
    Plaintiff,            §
    v.                                              §
    §                    PRECINCT NO. FOUR
    JAMIE OSBORNE                                   §
    Defendant.             §
    This AGREED RECORD of the September 10, 2014, hearing comes unopposed by
    the defendant or Judge Friesenhahn. Therefore, in the name of justice, it is agreed, this record
    shall memorialize the hearing that day.
    1. Judge: We are here on two cases David Goad v. Erick Strey, and David Goad v. Jaime
    2. Judge: We are going to address the motions in the order received by the court.
    3. Goad: Objection, The Motion for Fair Trial and Venue Change should be addressed first,
    it sets precedence over all other motions because it is written law, and I can find no exception
    to that law, a new law, first adopted one year ago, it is also a constitutional issue.
    4. Judge: The problem is it is a Fair Trial Venue motion and were not at trial.
    5. Judge: The motion is denied.
    6. Sloan: There are three grounds in the partial summary judgment in which my clients are
    entitled to, governmental immunity, substantive due process, and procedural due process. Mr.
    frfi/i,* "2/
    Goad did not participate in either, as he did not make a protest in the relevant years. This is a
    lawsuit that should be filed against the appraisal district and not my clients. Mr. Goad's
    pleadings are groundless and should not be allowed by this court.
    7. Goad: I object to everything that wasn't plead in his first responsive pleading. We are here
    on an issue of immunity. This whole hearing should be focused upon that. I will speak on
    federal law because it is over state law. The state cannot make a law the trumps federal law
    as I have stated in my pleadings. If I could have brought in witnesses today this thing would
    be over with and all we would have to do is assemble a jury for damages. Hopefully, and
    indictment would be issued.
    8. Goad: (Reads from his First Amended Complaint): #6 thru #24. I provide both law from
    the United States Supreme Court and the 5th District which is over this court. This is all based
    upon federal law.
    9. Judge: We're going by state law because we're in state court not a federal court.
    10. Goad: Can I pull up federal case law to prove my point. I have all the books here on the
    federal case law that allows state courts to hear these matters. Also, state law does not allow
    immunity when someone acts in a fraudulent manner.
    11. Judge: We are here for two motions, immunity and subject matter jurisdiction. I agree
    that state law does not trump federal law, but we are not in federal court we are in state court.
    12. Goad: I would like to cite federal law from the books I brought from the number one
    man quoted in the U.S. Supreme Court. You cannot erase federal law because we are in a
    state court.
    13. Judge: The problem is I don't have jurisdiction in this case. This case has to be in district
    court. You say you sued them individually and not the appraisal district, its got to be in
    district court. I cannot hear a case against the appraisal district, sorry. When the documents
    were stored at the appraisal district and sanitized the appraisal district was involved. I have
    no jurisdiction in this case.
    Respectfully submitted.
    DAVID GOAD, Plaintiff
    1154 Rivertree Drive
    New Braunfels, Texas 78130
    The undersigned certifies that on Sept 24, 2014, this AGREED RECORD was
    served on all parties in accordance with Texas Rules of Civil Procedure as set out herein
    Jeremy R. Sloan, Esq.
    16500 San Pedro., Suite 410
    San Antonio, Texas 78232
    U.S. Mail
    David Goad