TDCJ Offender Details . _ Page 1 of 2 35,545 ’Ol FEXAS QEEAR-,;M o_ ENT O.F CRIMINAL JUS'§|,CE. Offender lnformatioh Details S|D Number: 07618170 TDCJ Number: 01944024 Name: WH|BBEY,DW|GHT ANTHONY Race,: ‘ B Gender: l\ll DOB: 1958-03-21 Maximum Sentence Date: 2034-04-l3 Current Faci|ity: COFFlELD Projected Re|ease Date: l 2022-05-25 Paro|e E|igibi|ity Date: 2016-05-24 Offender Visitation E|igib|e: § information provided is updated once daily during Weekdays and multiple times per day on visitation days. Because this information is subject to change, famin members and friends are encouraged to call the unit prior to traveling for a visit. SPEC|AL lNFORMATlON FOR SCHEDULED RELEASE: scheduled Release Date: Offender is not scheduled for release at this time. scheduled Release Type: Wi|| be determined When release date is scheduled scheduled Release l_ccatich: Wi|| be determined When release date is scheduled. q Pawle:Révli_ew:wf¢rrrafion:;.;.., Offense History: Sentence Date Offense Date Case Sentence (YY-lllllVl- Offense NO_ DD) County http://offender.tdcj.texas.gov/OffenderSearch/offenderDetail.action?sid=0761 81 70 7/7/2015
Document Info
Docket Number: WR-83,545-01
Filed Date: 7/6/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016