.. R.o.ndall Bolivar # 1710379 Ellis lJnlt 1697 FM 980 ~untsville, Texas 77343 June 15, 2Gl5 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Stattion VIA /L.£1;f'!!Eb MAIL Austin, Texas 78711 11'.1{( fJ5/tJ t;l),/ 1.J11~ 17g~ 9 RE: Cause No. WR-79,354-03 De::..:!:" Clerk of the Court: Enclosed for filin9 with the Court, please find my: 1. N!I'ICE OF OBJECTION TO THE COURT CLERK'S USE OF TRUCK MAIL OR INTRAAGENCY MAIL; and 2. REQUEST THE COURT, ON IT OWN INITIATIVE, RECONSIDER REALTOR'S MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE WRIT OF MANDAMUS. Thank you for your time and efforts on this matter. God Bless You! Respo2ctfully Sub:nitted, Randall Bolivar, Pro se cc: Cameron County D.A.'s Office State Prosecuting Attor·ney File Chief Staff Attorney, 13TH COA if.~ IN ~@lm·'f {); C~A!.APPf"AlS JUN 23 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk CAUSE NO. ~'Vi\·--·79 I 354-03 IN THe 'l'c;XAS COURT OF CRil'1INAL APPEALS !RECEIVED IN r.nr 'QT OF · CRI · MINAL APPEAl'~ AUS?Il~ I TEXAS RANDALL EOLIVAR, § Re,altor § JUN 23 2015 § vs. § § Aloel Acosta, CDen 'i:'fliR'l'EEM'H COUH'l' OF APPEALS, § Respondent § NCIICE OF OBJEC'l'ION 'l"O '.rHE CODR'I CLI:;~.K 'S U.SE OF TF:lJCK MAIL OR INTRN\GENCY W~IL 'IO TtiE dONOFJ\BLE: JUI.GES OF SAID C.:)Uf.:·r: Cones now Randall Bolivar, Realtor l?ro SG, and respectfully nc.·tifie.s the Court, and all parties, of his objection to the use cf "truck mail ·• or intraagency wail delivery uf the, Court •.s rulings'· in th::.s cause of action. Realtor: does net cec:;:o9nize the Clerk of the Com·t •s us12 of any delivery of se:r.vice except by u.s, r1ail. Then? is no way t\ealto:: can timely respond to court ordered or statutory deadlines to respond \''hE:r. thGre i.s a significant delay between the date of the Court's entry and delivery of service on Realtc::- due to the State and TDCJ-CID mail operations. Tberefon~ any nm:.ification by the Court must. be sent via u.s. mail. RESPECl'FULLY SUBMITrED, Randall Bolivar, Pro Se Realtor EJ..l.:.s Unit, 'l'DCJ it 1719379 1697 FM 980 Huntsville, Texas 77343 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Maria S. Rey, certify that a true and correct copy of the above and fore- qoing documents were served on opoosinq counsel for the State at: Cameron County District Attorney's Office 964 E. Harrison St. State Prosecuting Attorney P.O. BOX 12405 Brownsville, Texas 78520 Austin, Texas 78711 Service upon counsel was made by f Class Mail, or hand-deli verv. SIGNED AND SERVED ON THISI.1oAY OF1f.,4t,l:!:.~:l:d;.....;::~, 2015.
Document Info
Docket Number: WR-79,354-03
Filed Date: 6/23/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016