Wright, Finley ( 2015 )

  •                          Trial      Court too.1334182
    COA   Case'No.          01-13-00838-CR.                    sip 011W
    Date       8-31-2015
    From :
    $          Finley    Wright
    IlN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRI -                    ?          *°^79^9° ..
    HINAL APPEALS                                   |
    §          «H°^ "^
    3899 State Hwy .98 Q«
    §          New Boston, TX 75570
    Emergency       Request To Be Granted Until Dec. 15th, 2015 To File
    The PDR hue To Unlawful Interference With My Access To                             Courts
    By Telford Unit Law Library Employee(Ms. SharpJ/ & Repeated
    Lockdowns That Prevented                  The Pro-Se Petitioner From Filing The
    To The Honorable Judges Of The Texas Court                       Of Criminal Ap
    I; the Petitioner,          Finley Wright,          humbly and respectfully
    request the above said extension to file my PDR based on                            the
    reasons       stated    in   the    title.
    I currently have step 1 grievances filed against Ms. Sharp
    based on       a denial of my constitutional rights                     to    "meaningful
    access to the courts. Although this honorable Court has granted
    me    the last extension to June 1st,                     2015,   Ms. Sharp of the Tel
    ford Unit Law          Library has consistently denied me access to the
    courts before,and every day after that date.                          Specifically:
    .1:    I was housed in medium custody, prior to June 1st, 2015
    and  unable to attend the law library unless I was gi- ;
    ven a pass to go . I can not just leave medium custody
    to go to  law library without out violating prisons po
    licy. And becoming a security risk.
    2:    Every day I sent I-60(reqoest slips) to the law library
    seeking permission to go to law library.
    3:     Instead of processing my request fulfilling   her mini
    sterial duty to provide me access to the courts., and
    a pass  to go to the law library, SHE SIMPLY REFUSED BY
    ,      f
    of 4
    SEP 112015
    Abel Acosta, Clerk
    4. Which resulted              in     me never being            granted       access to
    to   the law library in order to obtain the knowledge
    to   file   the     PDR       well   before     June      the    1st,    2015.
    5. The blatant denial by Ms. Sharp continues.   She did
    lay me in once to argue with me about why I am threat-
    ing  to file a §1983 against her.   Which is in the
    process now. I must first go through the Step 1 & 2
    grievance system to exhaust institutional remedies
    prior to filing the §1983 against Ms. Sharp.
    Also prior to June the. first and leading up to June the first
    there    was    a    administrative           lockdown due           to   a   riot    that        broke
    out on 8 building where I was housed at the                                   time.        In that si-v
    tuation the law library staff(Ms. Sharp)                              is supposed to bring re
    quested law library material(law books, case law, etc.) to inm
    mates upon request.                  Ms. Sharp entirely refused to bring                            me any
    thing thonigh surveliance cameras display her bringing                                        legal ma
    terial to certain other inmates                          on those days.              That lockdown
    was caused by a white inmate being                           stabbed by       a mexican,and then
    the white guy stabbed                  the mexican who may or may not have died.
    The administration kept that secret                               to prevent more gang              war.
    As    a result the mexicans                  on B-side 8 building                   decided       to attack
    all    the whites which resulted in white guy getting                                  jumped on by
    about    10    mexicans         in    8J-2    section        on   B-side.       I    lived    in    that
    section at that time in 8J-31Top Bunk.                               The entire section was
    locked down . I still sent request to                             law library but           all    access
    for me was denied by                 Ms. Sharp.          It was not long after that that
    on another section of this unit                          an officer was killed by a crazy
    Spanish inmate which resulted in another extended lockdown. That
    murder was the first in TDCJ of an                             officer for many years and
    became    national         news.       Thus       access     to   the courts         was    further       im-
    p-2       of    4
    peded.       Back to back       problems on this unit due to no fault
    of my on.       The riot only affected B-side.                The death of the
    officer caused a disciplinary lockdown for both A, £ B side.
    All    the   time   I   was   denied    access       to.the courts.
    I have been moved to A-side, yet Ms. Sharp still repeatedly
    denies me access to           the courts .          When she did lay me in      to ar
    gue with me about complaining on her and making repeated attemj-i
    pt to write her         up,    she angryly told me "I'm tired of ya'll
    guilty people trying to overturn ya'll convictions/ I think a
    few of ya'll innocent, maybe 4 or 5 out                    of a hundred, but the
    rest of ya'll deserve to be here and                     access to the courts was
    not made for guilty people like you.                     So if you don't like it
    then     write a grievance."
    The sad part is I am innocent, and have                  a right, the same
    right a guilty man has to meaningful access to the courts.                           See
    Bounds v.      Smith,    430 U.S.       817,828(1977).
    My grievance is before the grievance board against                       Ms . Sharp
    yet over the lastl5 days               she has       answered none of my request
    to go to law library,            since the officer was killed here they
    have    recently changed both Wardens.                  I await an answer on        my
    grievances and have requested the remedy to my grievance                          be i
    that I be granted entry into the                     law library,   and that    I be al
    lowed to make       up for all of the lost law library time,                   by being
    granted the right to do extra time every day. Still                      no response.
    Please in the interest of               justice grant me      until Dec.    15th,    2015
    to file my PDR.           I will file it the best I can as soon as I am
    p.3   of 4
    allowed access to the law library.      THANKYOU .        At minimum please
    notify me quickly of your decision to grant or deny               this reque
    st . So that I can     take whatever action     I shoeld        to satisfy
    this     court-   Sorry that I am going through this,        yet it is not
    my fault;-    The fact of my pending grievance against Sharp, as >, c
    well as verification of the lockdowns explained above can all be
    verified by calling this Unit and reading them what I               have
    written here.      I thankyou in advance for whatever decision ybu
    make .
    Respectively Submitted,
    Finley (fright
    Telford    Unit
    3899     State Hwy .98
    New    Boston,    TX    75570
    p.4 of 4

Document Info

Docket Number: PD-0284-15

Filed Date: 9/11/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016