Bunn, Joseph Emil ( 2015 )

  •                                                                      ..~,
    v.                                                                  CR~:''II~'J.I.\L A?WiEOlE:``ED ``    .
    AUSTJ:;·~ ~zc~WlMCRK\IIIN&t A~k!ALS
    253&> DIS'.L'RIC':' COUR'I'
    of    H?-\.;~RIS      20Ut"JTY
    JUN 1~tO'S
    and would show tnis Cour-t t;1e follm;in:J ~
    Joseph EiTiil 3unn 'I'DCJ:;;: 9l72.7Ll Is an Offender inc:arcerate6 in the Texas Depart-
    ment        of        Crill1inal        Justice and is app::arin:J Pro se1 ·who can be located at t;le
    Connallt              Unit       in     XeneO.t I        Texas. Relator has e:;c;,austed his rei-.1edies ana :las
    NO other          adec~uate           r::1.12d] at La;.v.
    The        act        sou3'ht         is     to    ~e   com,;>ell::d is H1inisterial1 NOT discretionart in
    nature.           TCCP        Art.          11.07 Se<::. 3(c) r::(,iuires ResL.:>ondent to in1rnediatelt transmit
    to     the        court of Criminal Appeals a copf of th9e Application of Habeas Corpus·
    the        convictin-::;         Court            has decided that there are UNRESOLVED ISSUES that need
    to oe Resolved.
    The     ?,espoi1den~:             has · ,zai.led in h'i.s capacitJ and t;1e Court nas a             ~1inisterial
    dutj        to        file       its        resj,)onse in the Court of CrLl1inal l-\1)peals in the cri1ainal
    Proceedin:; and i.:>er:Eonn .all other duties irli,:)OSed :Oj LA:;'J ·rCC? and .is responsible
    under        the        :cules         of        TCCP    lL 071 and ;nust ir11mediately transmit to the Court
    of     Criminal              A.Jpeals t:1ere findinss of facts and a copy of the                    ~'Jrit   of aaoeas
    Corpus 11. 07.
    VIOLATION OF ARTICLE 11.07 OF THE                               TE``S       CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
    The        Respondent violated Art. 11.07 Sec. 3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal
    Procedure              by     failin; to provide a copy of the Application for                      ~vrit    of habeas
    Corpus           any        answer          filed       and a Certifiied reciting the date upon lvhich that
    findin~           was     made to the Court of Criminal Appeals within the time prescribed
    by     law        and     \-lithin      a reasonable time from the date which the documents were
    requested to be transmitted.
    To     date        Relator has recived NO response from the 'Respondent regarding his
    reyuests           for        transmittal     of    a     copy    of the Application for Writ of Habeas
    Corpus. (Exhibit the Letters ).
    It     is     clear from the letters that Relator has sent to the Court of Harris
    County        Texas and relator has repeatedly put resp0ndent on NOTICE that Relator
    is     seeking           the transmittal copy of the Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus
    along \vith the findings of facts.· Relator has gone well beyond any resuirement
    or     obligations imposed upon him by the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.
    In     contrast to relators efforts. Respondent has wholly failed to comply with
    the        texas        CCP     Art.     11.07 Sec. 3 (c) and is acting in bad faith and has also
    failed        to        afford relator the professional and Common Courtesy of· any written
    responses           to his correspondance and request that the Rules of TCCP Art. 11.07
    be     followed.           As     Art. ll.07 Sec. 3(c) clearly stated that "If the convicting
    Court       decides that there are UNRESOLVED ISSUES that they shall make a finding
    of:    facts        and        transmit them to the Court of Criminal Appeals. Failure of the
    Court        to     act        within     the time allowed by the TCCP shall constitute that the
    Court        is     in        Agreement     with    the    Relator that the     ~·Jrit   of Habeas Corpus is
    True.       And         that     the     respondent has violated the Laws and the Procedures and
    its ministerial duties and thus ·an in violationof the Texas Laws.
    v'lliEREFORE        PREMISES           CONSIDER    Relator       Respectfully   r.equests that this Court
    make the Respondent answer the 11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus or grant the relator
    a Default Judgment in relators favor as the relator has Brought this litigation
    ~A w~ .,,7~7Lf
    UJO ph Em1l Bunn i~917274 ·
    Connally Unit
    899 F.M •. 632
    Kenedy, Texas 78119
    CAUSE NO       819780~A
    EX PARTE:                                                  §               IN THE   263rd   DIS'l'RIC'r
    Joseph Bunn                                             §                  COUR'f Of:'' fiARHIS
    §                    COUNTY 'l'E:XAS
    The     State        of     Texas        stated in a Motion that there were unresolved issues in
    the \'lrit of Habeas Corpus that was £)resented to the Court in February of
    2015. The District Attorney signed an Motion of March 6, 2015. Stateing that
    the    Court needs to address the Unresolved issues. The Court had made an Order
    for    the designation of the issues on March 10, of 2015. I have had no other
    communication              from        the   Court    on what has been done in my case. It has been
    over     a     month        in     a     half and I have    c~c,.!.i.ved   no answer: to the .U.07 Writ of
    Habeas        Corpus.           Accordingly      to    the Code of Criminal Procedure under Article
    11.07 the Court only has so many days to file a response. It has been longer
    than the allowed time. Please inform me as to what is going on in my case.
    So    that I may if need be file a motion for default judgment.
    Dated        April        24,     2015                                              RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED
    Joseph Bunn TDCJ 1917274
    Connally Unit
    899 F.M. 632
    Kenedy, Texas 78li9
    . .:: ~   .'.                                                               CAUSS NO. 019780-A                                                              .•.
    f' EX PARTE                                                                                          !N TtJE 263rd DISTRICT
    ''                                                                                                    IIJ· THE 263rd      D:tSTRlCT                           \
    This           it> the Second rf:quest. for the Disr;osltion or. ruy W.c.it 9f H~ Cor[?UD
    from              the     263co         Distr.ict               Court          of Hacd.s County, Texas · On         ~ebuari   of 2015
    have: sent offmy AppHcation of 11~0'7 Writ of Hab~as Corpua. Tho D~stciot:
    Attornf~J  of th(~ 263r· r;md thctt tfl.;:i' needed to be addressed. This \!aa in Nari::i'i
    6, 2015 that thl!! Dist.dct At.torn..:.::t a•;i.coed and Ma1.·ch 10, 2015 that ti1e Di.st.:c.ic:t
    Cc>urt             had      ei~cuca.            1·;1e         Diatcict          Cout't had rnade a    De~iguation    of tho    Issu~s
    .     ,•
    on         iVIclt·ch      10,         2015.            And      I    lH'l.V€   ~m::l NO furth~E:r letters   or   the fact findings
    · of my c,sso mail cd to ma ~
    On       Apdi 24, 2015 I                      S~nt: My ficst L~tter of ~,..~ue.st for tho the Dis,e.lOsition
    of         fi1f       11.(17      Wcit          of       aabe~!.l         Corc.J;;.:01 B\.tt: h::\ve .still hiwu re,.::eived NO answet·
    ')'. ·to· nty irlqUi·t~f ~,he CO\..\rt is in Vlolati :.:>n of t;.ll~ T1!Xi:l~ Cod~ ``f C-' iri1inal Pt·ocedqt"e
    Under:- Article 11.07                        <.'!.fJ   \:he    Cou~:t.    is (Jro.nt only eo many days to fi10 its response
    and has failed tc..i do so.
    Onder           t.ha Code of Criminal                        Procedure~       f\r·ticle 11.0'7 'l'he Court has       20 date
    If' the                Court          deci~s                  that-      there are contcuverted,         prcviuousl~· U.'lre~olved
    facta             Yhich         ace      material                   t.o tbtl: 1:.~\:i·~lity of t:he i\pplicant' s confinement it
    SHALL              >.weer       all    Ocder             ;-lit.hin        20 dats of tne Expiration of the time all9wod
    fot:            the      .State        to       z.·e;;;ly, d;;:.::.~i';jna.tinSJ the .rr~:3ues of t.h6! fact t.o be 1re.solv~d.
    'l'he     tim~    l.s     well paesed and the Ap_b)licant i.s no!.i                          .s~ndiny hi~   Second    Re-..~u~st
    foe             the      ~actual            Pindin.g.s              of. d'ac:t.sl that: an'l unn:solved in hi.s      c~se.     f.\l1d to                           ':
    Onca               again         a~k     why            thece         i;s t'JOT ·been a Findirw of Pacts been doni:; i:o~:· his
    Unreso.lv~;u'J             IesiJetJ on his 1.1. 07 vJd t of Hl.beas Co.r:pue •                                                                                      /
    OA'rE        ~Wi       14, 2015
    Josat:m Bunn     ~DCJ #917274
    Connally Unit
    '?,99 F.M.~ ,6J2. KentlcSt., Tuas
    -~enedt, texas 7.8119                        /
    ,p:                                                                           FILlED
    Chris Daniel
    District Clerk
    Cause No. 819780-A                                MA.R O~ZOt 5
    ·t\·. "'              1 , • tz___
    Harris County, Texftn~. \}.,V -
    EX PARTE                             §         IN THE 263rd WJ6TRICT &OtYJRT
    §         OF
    JOSEPH EMIL BUNN,                    §         HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
    The   State   of Texas,   by        and    through   its    Assistant           Distri.ct
    Attorney for Harris County, requests that this Court, pursuant to TEX.
    CODE (RIM. PROC. art. 11.07, §3(d), designate the following issues which
    need to be resolved:
    1. Whether the applicant was denied effective assistance· of
    2. Whether the trial court erred; and
    3. Whether    the   applicant       was     the   victim · of          prosecutorial
    Service has been accomplished by mailing a true . and correct
    copy of the foregoing instrument to the applicant at the following
    Joseph Emil Bunn
    #917274 - Connally Unit 3-A-6-B
    899 FM 632
    Kenedy, Texas 78119
    SIGNED this 6th day of March, 2015.
    ectfully submitted.,
    Ev · Flores
    ssistant District Attorney
    Harris County, Texas
    1201 Franklin, Suite 600
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 755-6657 (office)
    (713) 755-5809 (fax)
    Texas Bar I.D. #24059760
    •                                                                              FILED
    Chris Daniel
    District Clerk
    Cause No. 819780-:A                               MAR 0 6 Z0f5
    EX PARTE                                §         IN THE 263'd       D``~
    §         OF                              Doputy
    JOSEPH EMIL BUNN,                       §         HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
    Having reviewed the applicant's application for writ of habeas
    corpus,   the   Court    finds   that       the   following     issues     need to         be
    resolved in the instant proceeding:
    1. Whether the applicant was denied effective assistance of
    2. Whether the trial court erred; and
    3. Whether    the     applicant        was     the     victim    of   prosecutorial
    Therefore,   pursuant to       Article        11.07,    §3(d),    this    Court will
    resolve the above-cited issue and then enter findings of fact.
    The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED                    .&or   to transmit at this
    time any documents         in the       above-styled case to the                Court of
    Criminal Appeals until further order by this Court.
    By the following signature, the Court adopts State's Proposed Order
    Designating Issues in Cause Number 819780-A.
    MAR 1 0 2015
    SIGNED on the _ _ _ day of --``~----' 2015.
    :I':            . • • ,· ~       •I
    ··'.   ...           .        ....
    .,    ·.....
    '   ~.

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-25,963-02

Filed Date: 6/19/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016