WR-44,933-07 State of Texas FILED Gregory C. Angelo, Petitioner 20I5JUN2U AM 7:52 Vs. Cause No. 47376 JOANNA STATON The State of Texas, Defendant "?T COURT TX Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Direct Appeal This Court has Jurisdiction to hear this motion under Tex. R. App. Proc R. 71; Ver. Ann. Code of Crim- Prqc, Art. 11.07. and the Texas Constitution, Art- 5§8- ! RECE1VEI COURT OF CRIMINAL 1. Petitioner has included with this motion- A. Amotion to remove his trial Attorney; JUL 0 2 2015 B. A motion to recuse the trial Judge; C. A motion to Quash indictment; and 'Abel ACOSta, Clerk 2. Petitioner respectfully requests this Court to allow him to go back-in-time, in order to properly litigate a direct appeal, wherein Petitioner may present issues according to the dictates of the trial. Petitioner prays this Court will grant him leave of Court to file an Out-of-time Direct Appeal- and any other Justice this Court deems just- Regards, sp Gregory C. Angelo 801052 A. Iluyliej RL 2 Dua Q400 /«?uJ/e&/?*' Galium, TX 70D97 ' /*»'" S*** fa/** s,» ^ 7xr- 7iff*3 Certification Of Service L I, ertify thatithe above motion for Out-of-Time Direct Appeal is TRUE- and has been mailed to this Court, on this^Z" day of J£*/YC201$. Regards, /7 Gregory C. Angelo
Document Info
Docket Number: WR-44,933-07
Filed Date: 7/2/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016