Perkins, Roland Sterene ( 2015 )

  •                                                                                           FtAV<     `` 27Gf~·?:.-·
    ~--   .-                                     Certf\)\\J~l. t:DV'{[f lFIJc-P12At ~ 4t.,tlVllll -D~
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    This document coniains some
    Qes`` ~p~\lu · ~                                            pages that are of pooli' quali\t)j'
    at the time of imaging. · .....
    · ~€\ \'1\0NtQ'~- QEQvt~r ('()A'NOI':lrvt u.r IVlJNC pe_o
    TtriV c. \...\ ~ 15 I:U ~ L-0(2. Puc \\\-\J<       "~0\.\ c., AT 1 tOh[' PET         >   r1 Q~..J £Z)~
    \NR1T             ~F f\1\~lJDf..MvS               fVUJJcJ,
    No~  c.omes: j2{)land S; P-er-k)ns:           1
    re \a tor       ij)ropta ~v-so"q
    (r\    the ab{)ve. eQM.se_ oF ac+1ot'\                   \..\ubeus Llol"``' wcr1
    - ()~ \'J\``DI\mVS an c\ t-JU NC peo TvN C
    Pet" +o ~r-'t 22. z.z1 oF'fM TeK SoJ. Cock_ ~c
    0( t 'c\e Y ~ecri6n  f, tic(\ anc{ 0ltl
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    ·\h.Q_ t,().U-r ~ hac v(c\ortd +~ reta:to r ~- pef.tti<>" ef's
    tons·tTT'tt)rlQ\ rrg'ht Q~ we l\ 0 s th~ T-e)(Qf L?()I)Sf,t-
    uhcn.a.l r tg \'\ t s .· ,
    .. 'B\J RE~£Nl.~NC)~ c AND Wf?ONGFUtl'/ N\OO}FY
    \l'JG t-.\\s or\gi..,a.l .se~-ttnce..- W\~out. ·ttu fa.ct-s
    ·, or ~1\'\g pve~c.(l. jn a eovrt of law b '1
    WIZOIVGF\.ILLl/ Chaoql"'j f 'qn t- \.feao i 6 I«.') L{..eatS
    Fcortvo~(j)ta\a.te\1" ~to~s -~hat on .A\.q.J~+1-
    Z013 He wa~ s.&vvtence                      ·+o
    tlq-ht-- year TUJO W.&~r
    Aptet' S;M\~V'tCl \')~ h\'~ LQ~·"/~ v- ~0<"(\.Q.. ku r C(Jx S'c.\ d
    ~ Jvdq(.. _.``~o Uv1-4-~n~ -r-roth tO 'f!at"\ +CJ
    · ·E-'g"+- \fear(' by J2;d~e ---/ln~v_.r M ~r(\ 1'-h., l-4~-~
    T ~\ct \       cwv-+.. .
    ~o&Jt-  ?.ofzz.. ``StevS CCJe. Pv5:> i)i£.-rr OF M ~1\/QAt'f\.-ltJ Nv"(t ~TTIN c ·,.·
    DOciDlJL j e0 po <'d "t 0 Rtf\ ,e_cl Dve Pr0 ~f'S'
    Vt" \·~41 skte~        B(l \ of e19~+~                      Ocns--t ;t(tut'~"'
    DD0tit Jtopo rt\'1 .Dtn~·e.d          Dve-   Proces.r   oF l.avJ
    Dou~ ~op9rd'1 Re~tr~ct,'o(")_s oF pr``at--e                         pro~-er fy
    No\-1'a be.. t-C\.~<1 w;t-hov}- ClJmpef\.satt At>P~ 1late
    Rule.r {)~ ProcecWr-e See reAP 5'9{ej C.orrec.J--fo
    \eNtO\ie. E. rv-1') vI IV u NC, Pfl () TC.N\(;c'          ·:,\<
    l S b.e \ 9       peA-( t/or,e_~ ,ttt t t . "-J OvJ ..
    "'                                                          · H       '   •
    pq~ 31JP zz.
    J U RI S D I C T I 0 N              . ;"·rc
    . Under flu arf,c/u Ciled h.Rrdl1., flu Coarf
    hfl.S 111Atrei1f jJOwer.r -f-o ~nfiree ifs Jvd9€111RI?f
    o! Byeat"S ()Of- ;o y~orJ' 70 /~/led- 1!//· t'ufYtlll{-
    ~'/&1( senlp-yce J/fso qror?f II;£ 4/c;f&_.
    .4,:;;Jitc~nf- 17/Yl/Z ~I- ()1'1 JSo/UI 411er
    and ~r) SCU'l cho/J J.
    141 s r o .~C               v
    .        fJ1tJf/QI?f   wa.r senfMced    llttfVS'I I 20!Iiil •
    f1ec;~ /Jnw4~d _wn/#1(/t:e Act~tt.r,t ?g;. ·?ozs
    1)so ()(.1 ;-. IJ h 13{::b1_d sm CL.- ? o 1o. tv h /e It. c_au( 1-
    0rcf/#Fec/ SarJCflo,., a~ ;Jre.:foa./ camntc/nllr,Se'rv;u
    Affw- ;9/M /3::;fYjCll'n .At/'`` OYJ Jiis-
    ?rtl ()wz of- #.L J -11'/tt 7rtq/ COU/' J- JCJdt;~ .
    ,     ~t/f IJ1 r:c/m'Jy war ~re..stdin.:~ ~t:>h-"' <;;q#L€
    ·       ' /)11. /VOW jvdq.e. !.);(} {Ucl- o/ fdiifia;h'On U/1/.J /le:J~
    qrar1 ;- o.-            fWJUJr   8yeuv ..5M7/t!'IJC£, see /'ekiol..
    /tJ;'1   cS.utJrf~ ~r-.f                .
    A I< G/JEME         IV T
    /551/CP P/2-EJrrVn--.tJJ 11 ffJL ;c/1 n r:;JJ p;iU.Ph kl~ed~ 1 Phd 9t--cvvff'Fe.te(Oi€el) fu. ({~J)vi{ox
    (apre.cM r Ott~ t~H W.rr -t-o ~ J ud!Je (fi-OA.Ou{\_ C(__
    T -e ~ ye-ar r ( TN."' ~e~ J val`` vt t 8 y-e.arf
    Fov~tvl C(}Ntvr oP ~pe_QI SO-vY'.e. ~vt- fvMr-e,
    ~"-1-e.r D~\~tLOr"ar
    1 {liNc"tw. Af>DcD TWo'4eflf2r
    \2-e{a\c~ ~ ~ouqh r- by /e{fur hobeur (!orpvJ
    to QMttqc. (:) v to \l'e.-c.)~ 1\vl. l Y\C.O rrect- ~+en CL
    {) v-- fay flrtt 1o PuFav-~ ~ ,'"r ~ \~ (, <;:rf-e,ri t:t I .·
    . DuheJ             · (()ef2r (T T ~ E C"L E" RICA 1-
    E-tg.\Z..()t       On NO~r" ~ Z..:.0 2 C?t+ Jl~n 1e..d
    Dve proc eJr hH r~ la.-t 0 r ~ fu h~ lw-CJe c~ {ecrc: '.['1
    Ch._fA(\')"0)/ 01'\.d T/)C')C/D, IS ./lOt &ktJlct h~ htr
    t-r~ propu/7             he.-,~ '" ,Heqaf ~vffv~
    [..\e rer'Y) th i( ~f dl~41 Ic~ beTV\_'J ft kef ~
    Co rY"'ec..} Ov n)£ ~ ·ch~rt ccv( ~(Jv- of-~
    \)/1{\. c«Jn s rl tloftc.-1 CtJ" r~'N·f\r\ M t S--e J (' j __ D.o~
    by t-ht rt~f>.cn~b ,Yt t'Ntf- offic-rctf
    C.c:..(Jc;;.c~W. r;..u..{/tn 9 0-. correc+e..d ;-~P-<.d~rf-
    o ret>" ``ILc.hle (Z.u(l~ r'A Favw ol-- Ir-e_
    ( {!__-loto·v,                      f;\ . c-
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    f'tJtk Cr/i'fll~ta I Jusfta 10, o1 11.,.1z
    TtY Ct!Jrk IJnn.
    F~QJ;f-y oF Judqcmgnf - In (j-mtf'a/ tS l?of- a .
    Pma!, )~dqef'Jtlh1 f or duporing ol exetJ :1?: 011 .r lo
    ;8v;  tf'd(c fr'l'trJI- cS!afe V (Ja.Jclu::;/ 18~8 32.- Ter·
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    ~d            (3 t:,                  '                (
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    _Correc/t~E.· or~r t;-tt· fJa,-fe Toc.A.Va re/ld 137 Sv
    5 d 7Cf /l.X. c I'ltv\. Cuc/J (?oot)
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    8t): Z2 .·       f4.\T\c~ 4-Z •\L :~ taJd:Q_ ~r\ . . 1"-e_ .J\[d_1e
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    L)0``~ . . .
    -                    ~ ~ mmu"' ~ ~vt    Ss p.evv' l s: ·1o 1\ f6v- offU\ Q? r
    t,Cff'~Vtte..d . ~C.CUlx                  f-  13>\a~ or ()'f"(J u.ctt c..e
    5Rc. i'~A~) ~ cou.v-\- ``a¥1+\1\ 1~f\
    .,.             fb'( d-!lt'fN\.``~e. oppe,-)vi\I~J.osee 6DP"f
    (cz. S: vJ z;i I '1.3 S.e~"ftr "'fZ:
    ffio.f\cta 0\;\tS wCti . ct:v c{ [.(a bLt_ · -+v · llf:> G? P f't\eJ1~c{S of
    Gtettl "';,... i "0 w ~,. c.n iVI. iMI Jr ta-r. &\ !k.lL~ dliJ(Jf.{'
    {:\1€ of: Pa.roW to "'\~ Gn.vtl&e \ \<'A Cq_J:e. l )'\ v olu·~l'\ s
    chff~t\ ~ ofr€v\.tf               waI J 4 · {8           &>mpe-l tO/IJUS.tGn
    of-. ~·ur~e~J.. Al+t-.o~h · Jvc!Je. ~no avf¥rr~
    +o ter~'~'h-oJc pvo/Jah\0"' o-rcJ...o.rf'. JSS~saqo,nsr
    Felo(\~ DW r             Gf"a.tVvj.-t..d <9 F-   ST.ATr: P£T\T rotV
    Fo~                   we.,·roF          MANOAMuS                 1(\ re..    ~4e:,:1e.a-kvte. {JtR,ft1t.o~ fb.-
    ~tlltV            .r.
    \,       .
    \JCAo[: q vF   zz_ . . IJJ'IL rr or; M/J rvtJ i)mll) fY1 c:mo Or: LfJ lA./
    .CODe     cJcftnltVIJL   Pflocr;nuru:-~llr '92.{)8 Prorvovrv``/1 f
    oF· Sffi?r.t-nce,              Aqu,facr- vs: skfe           /J pp  io. Dis-f · .-
    20"6 r, t!\1. ~d        640 · ~iff t/O(t/«U                     (J.ehJ¢?1 fb,...
    i(e(tr(}/ftorl{tf?t r£f/leV! IF a -Tria/ c]t/1:/rl-
    1/JI~h io.- cu!rmafe ~ftMa_ /r · OrC!ffr. pro/JOc/Aao/.
    Grcu,, v~ -_Eh~ IJpp                14 Ot>f- @o~v :~-9-t
    s vV -~t:l r;rs . Sen-+-~ e~l'i9 . a~ ;Jv/Jt:~lt-~n,r'_ _ l o~-f
    ,. ..
    A· Trra.( (;{)urf        chci~/()n -~-~. rcvf,~·ak_
    S   ef/1 fence      )~' 0 re;t ( ('t •    fJ r () r) 0Ull("e. ?';;tv I elA/': U/.6ov-
    fJbi/S& -of drr-e_re>r;o;YJ
    -   .     .    .                      r,
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    . · ~.              _ L ;1'"6z ~ o r:re .('.r..n'Yn /-if / ndv/suq ir
    {) t/IYJ t J)~rr..fh1 J- · a _irt ~ I ..J1/ ol'f<. de Cri_r:l on -Ia cu I M1110-/e
    Is. q. n oimo~la·f ItA~! dlr7 r -R f/O/Lt?rx_ f-u-rzc·:h. on
    `` _ciA~.[ r?of- f-ur/) o/tf'CI'e-fe                     F/rtdt·'ns· rpr IXI,cf
    f!119--rtq/.fct-6le· o/):-._. Appeat eoo!t). _2>o s--~_.?c/
    IO"J ._C·r;m1M( `` · /f]y COv/Zr,
    u ndt-r. Cfrjn.-f;11 v Q l;-o -n . ~r (J"~"09 ~a rn f?~tLd !'_an c/(o:VJ
    whtr:0 .CUnrkil/titJ~ /~(J.Ofee/ ~y IN,. (!_0<..-~r/ /YJ .
    .. )j)ectlt~ ftf'r--1' or s;x c;hc_                        tJercod
    WIt fT   ()F /11!Jil/{)Jlmtls m £?YUJ t::F-UJw
    jl) tol/1ns    ?- 40 .fw.      3~c( c;l qzq IJ·fFtrtr·altPV'e.,/1
    iAJ4:1vec/    hls. rr9hfs         77:J (>f~$1?ft3?1ceJai/ 1?11'l..e,, )fJ
    re     tlf'ru f!a.     Corr;ez    /VQ. 03 - 05' CJq> lZCV
    Couar OF 1/fJfJt:ALr /J. v.r:t/N ·rt=XIJS .s~l, /h~ t~ot T    . SOtJCH!        MANLJA /t-tU~
    . ~c~ord,Aglly we granf- QoMez p_ef//Jfron
    Far    wr,/-' ol f'rlarda-muf one/ IJtrecr fAe '..fJ;strtt-'f-
    Ct!Jurf- -ro· vacaf~ i1- 0/21)£-e Dt:Nv;NG C,omez
    tnor;oN f:Cf2 Jllol9flrY!.Pl f NU!VC fJ,eo
    ancl ·fo- en·fer a'frhll1 f fbr ()u(Vc (JI):J            c
    .AWA(d DIA/G &ornfz Ca£tJIT Foe T/1Yl£: QPCI£1)
    Pf2t012- TO .Si::.NTbN(!N6-                       Ufe    Tt?t4t-;,c,.)/Y\ Coc¥
    .        .
    .· . 'Ptoadure 12. 035" [h) fledromG fn~l~e.r/1\7 1/
    JucftJ£ af fiL.e. f'1me fJrCJnOt(/}C~enf- CJr ~r~nce­
    pf·.cOIJIJJUtnmt-. JJlrm1·/feQ' Aatce -ANY eJ'[fi..ER.
    C-oN!J I TIO#.S TAlE ~01./Rr CkOOSE Td
    ~ Arl- 1``oq 79-~ r 4 Z·,/h Lf Z; 12 16',d
    ·, . . . . ( ·.
    Commv/11/y ~U/)Bti/l~lo/1 ...z:-1- t-.C' ~ ;u~,  -+i~'X"'e -~rved
    {)rIa v iv. 9Nl ~e11dn 9 . Mrdhocq ct€f tVI.da:.Vl t- h..Q.Ve
    tn1-ex-eet ct p) W OV\ d +-l~ C{C(tm vYLB11 t- DlCt q, Ve '-fk
    defe;ndo,y)r Cre.d i~ fby- t1~ s..w-ve..d· .       \ n · ge
    Go1Y1ez ~QP 3 Q\~}- (zoaa) zeo8· Sw 3ci ·z~z
    S"ef\t&f\C\Vt~ aif\d Pun(&hfNI\ t .· .
    ~2. ~x·tr~r::sENT EAJC £TIM£                           .
    . · DP/tfl!ltM f fA!ho P"!ec( -fo rY/iY rCo war ~fl'l /-tile¢
    w     f';ffLe_ sa-rved fA         /f\e.Yicq/1 (JrJsoiJ -while        Qt/V
    6!ihhg·, .eXfrqe/tC f;On £odoe9vz Vs. Sf<:.rfe
    Aw · 13 r?oo'J) @oop , WL J!JoiZ. ~1
    ..>'tnfenctflg oYLc/ pvru>0hWflf'
    f2etlt'iw tl-1 · -G~nerol
    fire ·!J;ied llppeal ieJ t!lictlfeAJM~N D~rt\VS.
    · /VI Fm otfJN {){} rYJ oP ttJ w Aluu c {:(J() TlJ AI0
    #AB~as {}O/LPU5
    In re Jose Urruf/a Gomez, /Vo . 03 -oe --oo
    . s·r 2. c ~ Caurf oF IJ;jieqfs. of- r exas· -~wrfln .le,cflv .
    ``)                   @!Jct&MC/tva). · . ·         ·· ·
    .         :         likd a. :mofioh FOR JV[)G~ME?vi
    ' :JI1mcrfe
    . NuNc PRo· ruNt- . tnaf ·teqves reel 7/ ·his
    U:~meJ1f- of Ct!Jnvrcfto(1 l:e cqrru/W ib. Clcd(),,d .
    IDPd f';/ria credtl-J". d.O/J; ed r-eft eP in !?ttlft-. .,tattc;l1;,
    tnCJrJctomus          re/1er                                             . ..
    ..         .     .·_ . ' uose Urruitq                lhctfJdQ/YlUS      -fo
    CO~/            .tt:J. ·tl)fer      ,11/t/ll/C;   (J~o T``o, .. cYc4?~          ..
    ~r'(Jodtfy~n !J ·~iS r/f!-clt;e1Y11YJ r o/" ~tJ/1. f//CrtfJn fV
    reF/eel~- · &ci:;.ftlr\:R Crecttf-_r         !Or ~ r:ea.s·o11_r                      J
    -expl_~tn · lJ-ereJiJ, We· C!.. e;ndtf!0!1..Cll(y Grant-
    .lehet'                                               · ..
    · · . ·· ·             · · t'CKM kJnohfecl .-rz_ .03 @
    1-lJ!esf!j./f@ooB)   CONS'/F(}Uc;-N TL y
    LT}~ I JriQ/ f!.aurf 1S f'equJrea/ fo ~f'o/rJ f '1-ftg,
    cter-tytdG11t, his  P~FS£N r~A./c E wlt4·Pf
    ``fer1ue: IS prtJnaan::.:R_d ~ &·;:.K:>1fe v·'dJor/a
    11q ~w~ _l'"\ONC l'f\~0 ~LtlV\J ·
    Tel coda.. ~1\\'\ t.:n 42         :ArttcJe.. 42;0c s··0
    ~une, \Jr~ TuNc torru~\on tOr r~_fo.:rM&Vtio(l of
    3Ad.Cf~t > C,ou,r~ ~CL( )v.n.,cl\cticl" +o (e(\ ~ ·
    NU1\J c \)to -ru (V c a, )v c~t~e\'Y\ ~\1\-\- reNAtr ~ a-Pt er
    Co(\vic+~tOr\      ot        a \)(~v\IOV"J'__
    _b~( 'tfr. ./A.O/Vl J- /i; v _(o b bery. ..__ _
    !§..tAJ j U.ri9~1N11 I Q.(I.C) s:&11 t.en C~rL9 r e c.orooe!1foh£L
    b '1 +1'\.e   ~ ktte , ctr       an {) rcta-tr
    ~-          f'A-Od c   Pt, n. 9
    Ju~l}}- Tr~ ~vv~d w-0-t eLt-I'Y\#11- r0f
    JL-t``~ CoUirti Ur. S~fc 2--o-D 7 . z_·rested aqa/n~f cPfurdanrjy
    111]ct'ns· ~veVl r~ c..O- ~1-afe &tmlnO.J .
    Apf>e4/ {_q11) 1'. &z 1 34J ~v/ ·2-c/ __
    JAIL TI/IAf~                  WQJ" /JO!- Q       17e;tSJitczfec/     T-t'/m   o/'
    (J?    a /Jiec;  !?cttq-·Q;/J 4t.JretrNYJ f.      . Tl-/1~ SrArve-
    WOtlt;....lJ APPLV: TO ALL StATUA r0/2'(
    IS A c~ TPA'A'l£'             ,           ·
    ."'           Gomt?z tesjJ()ftd~- W!fh while
    C.o/flll.f hae/ ltJj e c fe.d S(}/J'.-f COt1 flur; or; .- .. .. ·
    ``·fo ;vu!Vc /)ro ftl!? c ~racl;(e                 Jl. ;'_r
    L;h?Ji-cd t-o -IAe ca.u wNre I #.e. . j2FCOR_f)
    /2EFL £C rs-- a tt.~arvi~' o~ T/me Cr-e_ctt1-.s; IF
    7he Jud9e {);clnr S'ay if INn Otff/lldan(-/.r .
    £JV1/17L E{)                ro       4 LL   //mc·SPE7Vr AJ,t:"/c-(l AYl!U:.T'./,
    C{ 1'-1:(        £841 Ct l1.:J
    ..      7ll.f2 om0tt11.r a./- jJ~h fe?Jce_
    . .·
    Jttt! f;rr...e waJ !?of q /Jevor``<::?ferc/ 7erm o~
    f(&l OClrtjQI/I :Ld if? Sc.tC/ry /11 st-@1~..1- ~
    .'f.OttrJ- i'M;JJta.Jiz.e r 77;;/f S_hr.lve we;ul« iJ;?``
    · 1 o Ci/1 IJ~ctc· ·rr~                           ·
    fW:Je iB
    .   \1:\o~ Zl``                         .      MtJI'IO DVl.l'lw >v            Pi2.~1'1'1 E: C.O.V~I cA!;"f' S'
    0 u~ b I;' s Coo        (\J ·'{AQ_ ~-s.<:; i N   G--   ~ t\DbNGE"
    /he S1..1p-re~ _CQu;rJ- ha~ Cta\ \e.o( O``ol uk \ 1'\fllvlYY~
    ll..)ctS. ec:;~abl1<;;~cA i'<\ \~'o\ev- v. p a~('(\~
    U•s; · 40 9 (icn <..) A d eo.+h p.e I" a H'f Co..s:e wh\ch
    pCoSQwtor was tt ~Sed of Su-p-res~f()
    BJ)do,(\CQ Q,!')c{                             .itnctv'"'.c))l '1        u~IY\0 h:..,~_se.. te~d-~men'1
    ..        4        .   ..Sup-reme           CG.U:\f ~
    tr1 a-~ Ca"\ed a~ol u+e
    \.mmunt1-'1 a                              ba\aV\c.e of ~uii'S a"d S~kt:/ ;ts
    -tb `` . (,t"'d...-e~ea *'-e. wro,g d-OY'.e. loy ct'l.cnS' /hvo(ve_d ~Mif
    f>14dt. by a pr~s.eur/rrJy ,tk o~ a /Jrt!Sf'. CO?
    S-ee-. f3tJctiel(                          ~ r/i-Z>/MmOrJS //3 SCI. @_~;o.b_).
    ~ 1ttJ)                            . 7JLR           . ' , . IS'                                    /'
    ,-_                  . ~:                    cl/5/l~c I( on                      TO      tA/ AQt-       C()rlr~
    /S                  Rnftfleet '1-o                   /1?1/J?v/J/-"7                e·an 1;.e                eom;r;l;c~
    due '-f j- . /It dtvf'/J1Jr) 1- / ·cbf'~1'tCfWt? r~ t-1/t:i.fe y·o n(!I'Cl/f'ed
    A-~ I§                        yectrJ                               .·                             _
    C ]             Pr ~J.eCt.lfor         NOW            Jv cl9e i 1-1fvr ~Ch1 f~cl
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    SHARON KELLER                                           CouRT oF CRIMINAL APPEALS                                       ABEL ACOSTA
    PRESIDING JUDGE                                                                                                            CLERK
    P.O. BOX 12308, CAPITOL STATION                              51 2-463-1 55 1
    LAWRENCE E. MEYERS                                              AUSTIN, TEXAS 78711                                   SIAN R. SCHILHAB
    51 2-463-1 597
    November 25, 2013
    Roland S. Perkins
    Dominguez Unit - TDC# 01876813
    6535 Cagnon Rd.
    San Antonio, TX 78252
    Dear Mr. Perkins,
    The Court of Criminal Appeals is in receipt of your "Petition for Discretionary Review."
    A Petition for Discretionary Review is filed after an opinion is rendered from the Court
    of Appeals. It appears that an opinion has not yet been issued from the 4th Court of
    Appeals. We suggest that you contact the 4th Court of Appeals for more information.
    .. :· . f\ L
    . , Sincerely,
    Abel Acosta
    C"·!.~ .... -J,
    '-· l ..... l.l'\.
    '                    •
    jfourtb QCourt of      ~ppeal~
    $>an ~ntonio, UI:exas
    No. 04-13-00751-CR
    Roland S. PERKINS,
    The STATE of Texas,
    ·~   _,.   .
    '   ...
    ...,.,                .From the 144th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas
    Trial Court No. 2012CR5082
    The Honorable AngusK. McQinty, Judge Presiding
    In accordance with _this court's opinion of this date, the trial court's judgmen_t is
    AFFIRMED AS MODIFIED. The trial court's judgment is modified to reflect a sentence ofte·n
    years' confinement.
    SIGNED November 26,2014.
    ~    .................       I
    ------``-   "7'-

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-42,199-06

Filed Date: 6/2/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016