Jeffries, David Allen ( 2015 )

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    Potter County
    ---·     P.o,
    Box·957o                                                                           Caroline Woodburn                                                                    806 I 379-2300
    \         Amarillo, Texas 79105-9570                                                                       DISTRICT CLERK                                                                 FAX: 806/ 372-5061
    501 S. Fillmore-Suite 1B                                                                                   
    TO: David Jeffries                                                                                        FROM : Caroline Wood bum
    District Clerk of Potter County, Texas
    CAUSE        NO.W-66078~01-C                                                    STATE OF TEXAS VS. Jeffries
    Dear Mr. Jeffries:                                                                                        Date: May I, 2012
    Upon receipt ofproper fee, the copies you requested will be prepared and mailed.
    Non-certified copies are .50 cents per page. Certified copies are $1.00 per page. The cost for copies requested will be:
    Application for writ of h/c - 19 pages at .50 per page= $9.50
    . ·Exhibit A filed with the application for writ of habeas corpus- 19 pages at .50 per page= $9.50
    Mem6randuni filed with the application for writ of habeas corpus- 5 pages at ,50 per page= $2.50
    See also Government Code 552.028. (a) a governmental body is not required to accept or comply with a request
    for information from (1) an individual who is imprisoned or confined in a correctional facility; ..·...
    ~-.                        We will need a court order to prepare the copies you requested at no charge to you.
    CJ              ·:
    Contactthe Court. Reporter listed below to request a copy ofthe Statement of Facts and fees.
    Na,in`` · ·                                          ·
    · · .,. Address: __.-···_.·•-·
    .                                 .
    '   . '. '·   .       .        ·, . .   :·      .                                ~ ·.   ..   " ~   .   .. .   .,-   . .-   '   _-· ·. .'
    Your Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus has:beeri received:"and was filed on 4/29/2015. Article 11.07 of the Texas Code of
    • Crimirial Procedure affords the State 15 days to-~nswe~. ·After that 15 days, the Court has 20 days in which it may order a
    hearing. If no order has been entered 35 days froi-n the filing date,the petition will be forwarded to the Court of Appeals for
    their cons_id~r.ation.
    D                          The following document has been filed in the above listed case: _ _
    ·.·.•, .·
    . '.0                     ..··:This date, the transcript of your Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus has been                                                           fo~warded to the Court of Appeals .
    D                           · ·. This is to acknowledge your motion for Shock Probation, please be advised the Court has
    0GRANTED                  .
    0NOT RESPONDED, to same.
    Other: As oftodays date there have not been "any answers filed and a certificate recitting the date upon which that findings
    was made to the court of criminal appeals" filed with this office in the above listed cause.
    Please also be aware that pursuant to Government Code 552.028. (a) a governmental body is not required to accept or comply
    with a request for information from (I) an individual who is imprisoned or confined in a correctional facility; .....
    Ail further correspondence                           s~quld                    indicate the above cause number.
    ·,      t•
    · Yours Truly,
    Caroline Woodburn
    District cierk ·
    By ----+---1---'A.------ Deputy
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Document Info

Docket Number: WR-83,387-01

Filed Date: 6/1/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016