Sexton, James Audie ( 2015 )

  • Abel Acos'ta, Clerk
    M~ ~'1 OF ~0 F'Alltb ')0 "';,)a:t(' fu1P``~                       0¥- \Jr~l"Mr~                 SfbJ
    IV ~ -ea;N .MMIIP\1~0 '"to `` Ro~as. S~Rt~ TE~Tt; ~ ~.,­
    'TO PRD``I£ c.4.t&: ~ AQlDN. ~\II~. ~Wl~ 5tWw~ n\f ~EftJJfY'VJ"r-~v.tT&
    ~-oB~R Wt~ ~r&r.l~ 8:F r~te:An&N ~· JJf&*T!.Va.. PRD~ UW'ti£ fZ-flR 1\JJ~ A-CrleJJ
    aN' i'lt£ PtJLlCC o-R ~ ~D FRl;MPn~b. A. 'V'MR`` BlcoD ~AW f.)U-t ·1"0
    Itt£ ~MJ.JT Rf!\J~ ~ C7R:. -~ tJ ~.
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    '.Nt'JU) W\'Vt:· f=)iEb
    ~N\OfltWt; 1"$ ~p`` ·All*. F'J~ Df"PDRTUISL'\'i 1D 'E~J'() llt6' NGY.> ~ ~
    ~ .AcnVN ~ \WJJ `` fLEAtltAI.-~ ~nn-\-f)l.)"r -E:\If)J r\A'\IlN"t
    \i \..eWE.b     'D!~Ct:Ne-R'{ OR ~t.AJ ~    th S CLLGhl\.
    1l\-t5 C/t'Z£'   A-s ts   MM'i r MAJJ-'( `` 1 A .-e`` Hsu=. c-~ at:: nt£ l.A{,k
    ()1:' E``~(APPO\~t£D t.>~UAlL'l) CoUNbtL At.! t> D\S R:``f) ~ ·ntt ~
    fEt\f>Lc tiF RE:o.Ul~ PE:R~ o-F A Col.>tl'i:.£L l A:L.Lf&_tDtl'f 'FOR f)EF~\
    JNt:ffEa}>~e ASSISf~ rs A ~EN -t N nttS I N~T'NJtE A~ VIOL~                                    OF
    ~ .ANtJJ~ ~ftvnGAlAt. PR~Een[:Mj S HA.s `` PRov&J ,
    .             :[WilL PRt:C:EEb WlTli A NtW 1\-f'FUCAll.lN\1 FfJR Wtk,·l1 OF 1-\~
    tF-' l\1£tts~V .· I· D~l lSE"Lit-'1£ 1T WD\Jl.J) E?E J\.(3.{XE' tn= w ~. • G. •"' L. CbRifJ~
    Ru UNGt er<= \-t       .            .
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    .r ~           Be£N ~                                                                11(/\/V w 'PRo~
    lf.lf:. lt> ltfESE AC.ll&/JS gy IH& PvLi .
    TH£: 1"1M£. :t WA-S. 'QTOP~ffi gy Iff£ 7(Rli.D               '*AA1      'l'Ht;;,J             ·.         ~R.c1r€C"Ifat.J-5
    tj1= ).#( ``L£Gm I t)£F"-EN£E. Co\..MJ~'                                OIJ I BY ALL p`` IN``
    P.s. r:        wAs NOT     -~TDff\Eb ~'( m~ ~R.          rt>R                                                     ·
    1W';- 8>SPieto.N 01= A J)Rh)lf,l~ V'IOI..AiJVIJ i>KtJr.l€ Cf1M            ~-OSPJet&\) 01=- j~IC4Jt:~    M1\Jt.l.b-
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    `` ~ kty -\-o -~Lt 'f>{,e_~ of- (j U ~ lty, .-r
    {vld N\r, `` ~ w~ VU> w-ay 1t ~
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    l ~ `` VV!Jy ~, t9v[ T tuU e;~ I a W1
    vwf- I'{ 1~. I fe-lt I`` OL ``ss, TLo W1V1
    'S ~-twn l'lfft ~"'-€_
    of 0 l + b W
    Ut               -t\-w_ t~d<
    ef- (1'\~ ;``~ d.e__~SQ__ ~ WlMieH- ~ ~
    tow+' rvt'f 'I~.``~-~,, WuAse.J a.vtJ ot lS ~ ttrol                 !'
    _w~ enA~ ·CA. p~ 6 ~ ``II    f
    M>.f 0\~ re__f«seJ iv obJ'kf-1 o-r«``+-
    --tv 'hufpress a\'l'f of -+4ls,        .      ·
    ~ lfe1\( f;r1>t n+* of. ll.¥l 1~.e1:,.Jcd o~
    Vvtlwlel ~ ~- owt. cvM DY1 Trevino, supra
    , .the •etgnifie&nt
    unfaimesa" of the Court of Crialnal Appeals• denial of Defendant's claim
    of ineffective aaaiatance of trial counsel, raised in the initial-review
    collateral         proceecUng .without tbe aid of a akilled attorney due to hia status
    as an indigent p:isoner, ahould not serve aa a reliably valid 11disposition
    on the marit& 0 GUCh tbat pneentment of that fundamentally iq»ttant claim
    in a subsequent application for writ of habeas corpus vi tb the aid of appoint-
    ed counsel would be ··barred by section 4 of Articl.e 11.07, Code of Criminal
    Defendant respectfully expresaea his               ~t       desire   for the District
    COUrt.      to    remain mindful that peramount foCus in this partic:ular judicial
    matter       •ie not the (Defendant's] innoc:enc:e or guilt, but solely whether [his)
    constitutional rights have been pnaened.• Accord Moon v. Dempsey, 261                   u.s.
    86,    87-88            see alae Irvin v. Dovd, 366 u.s. 717, 722 (1961) (habeas
    corpus relief available to J:edress due proc:esa violations •regardless of
    .               .
    the heinousness of the crime ••• (and] the apparent guilt of thft offendec' 11 )~
    Ex parte Milligan, 71 u.s. (4 Nall.) 2, 118-19 (1866) (•(I]t is the birthright
    of every American citizen vhen charged with a crime, to be tried and punished
    according to the law o 1'00 power of punishment is &lone through the means
    vbich the laws have provided for that purpose, &nd if they are ineffectual,
    there is an . inlmmity from punishment, no ftll!\tter how gnat an offender an
    individual may be, or how much his crimea may have ehcx:ked the sense of just-
    ice of the country, . or encl&ngend ita safety. By the protection of the law,
    human rights are sec:uretf)
    I'VL ~+``J {-rowt. .T\tlL befj·,~etlr.~ -tk h(aJ &;~
    t.t~ lAfpc~ct.f me. ~ ut1ck L{`` by ~vty wt.Mt ~Dl·~
    ~urise-l Wtt~ ·t~qOtlfy o~-k'lv1l?c( w,~t ~ wA-«CUV\,+, 1k
    ~t 'ftA.\`` ~ ik_ loi11- WA- ~ls, Cta\-vH~ (           tf
    ~       ot t\``ts of-T``         U.S,     S~rtW\tti. ~r+
    · ~l~ ft.-tis         ex``~ <:.-\~, :      ·.· .
    ~ `` ,, Co~\J,, l-l>t4- T``P· Laxis t-3'+'1~ s.~Ca(
    T``~ (~-``.W4-)
    z.   ··~        \1\   \)~.1\~fC(.(, PO ,'30~·-('-f, :tot'f- ~UI\+1,~,
    L£.ilS 'f'qg
    z.     "'``":·'fl    \t'   M~ ~y   I   f 3~ 5. Cr 1552      I' ~5 L &1: zJ ``3)
    'Pl.ta~ feb~ +.s:> VVly               Mlf,,(l'Vt          ace. ~ a~ ~....61We.
    a~ ! f>\~ -to t~MX--                 a.   ~w,f ~"f A~ou'YW.~                  m~
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    Q;loP~t``O founhf, D6\rJ                      1
    .       • .
    •. PI`` r-e~t my N1oftC+1 fM Appo;vrt~f
    of    Ceu\1\~J 4o p-re.~cw~ Wt·,·4
    o{ +f~beas .
    V-(~V\b -+o ~iw_ ~t.trt"fw C\ p~'o~ tul1w5,.                                                                .-   .   .   ,,.
    rn~IO" Wet~ pos1ed +o 'fouri>,ff,ce. CwJ
    A-tfc``~.~               of{t(,R.. +~rov5~ +~
    l01w·   L, bra '1        1-1 e<.e.O~">·            I A.- 1(. 2. 0 ll/-.                ·
    Vour r:e.spo11~ 4-o                      my Cot re``or'ld£.0c..e.
    uf_ 5 -IS~ .ZDIS",           o:;,    to -f~ "2:;{-0if.y<>.       +Lu..            of               ·..
    .    /J\o\1'0V\-   vJ.;   S. meo VI ;V1_51€ 5:,$ CtVI of vi       f> f's~e_# tly , .
    ' J"avVtt5 ~k~         .
    T. D.c;. . :r:+f 17·&``1~03·
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    t?o71 t .M4 isS~Z­
    . Ab~le.~..t~.,~ · · ,
    ... ·...          7q~D/      ·
    St-t?~Mh~!j ~<;,LeJ7.1,6. (           §B   tcJ)
    /l'lt<:.~rt V.
    !VI-   N   -~·y   133 5.q: 1557...1 ~ L &f.. ZJttfrlift,l'ZiJY3]
    .                 .                  .
    `` ..J. ~-ie_ 2'ol ~ls f3GCfLf
    t:>e-uh V`` ZotlfT~Vf ~tS (p1~-z_
    +1-o\~ V- ~ un<-t `` Lfut.ts t.f1oul
    8¥-~     V.    &`` 'LO~L.f TeN                    A-w   ~t-~ lu371-
    AF    .
    ~            CM"UL     ~         ..-.   -1
    ~ \ktcoh~ cwJ r~ ;~-Av~ b, , f1' wuviJ ~ ~
    uV\~ '6~ ``Cowt ~ `` IM'VI( rao~vht)W
    ~ W~ ~ ~·1Zlf,Dt7. (b){z,'tJ3)                                       M    CW\
    '0f~UVL -fo --tk·~ `` ~-``~

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-79,966-06

Filed Date: 6/10/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016