Webb, Willard K ( 2015 )

  • Date: June 4, 2015
    Attn: Abel Acosta,
    Clerk of the Texas
    Court of Crimina]. Appeals
    P.OB. 12308! Capitol Station
    Austin, Tx. 78711
    RE: Relator's First Writ of Mandamus
    Cause No: 1278106
    Style: The State of Texas v. Willard K. Webb
    Dear C1 e r..- k ;
    Please find enclosed Relator's First Writ of Mandamus
    t:o be filed with the pr'Yper Court for review .;md disposition.
    Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
    Cordially,       '/, ~
    Willard K. Webb #1713120
    2101 FM 369 N.
    Iowa Park, Tx. 76367
    JUN 08.2015
    CC: file/WKW
    Abe\ Acosta, Clert<
    EX PARTEi                       §                    CAUSE NO: 1278106
    WILLARD K. WEBB                 §                    APPEAL NO: 01-ll-00403-CR
    v.                          §
    THE 179th JUDICIAL              §                    PDR NO: Unknow I filed on
    DISTRICT COURT OF               §                            June 1, 2012
    HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS            §
    HON. JUDGE PRESIDING;           §
    DISTRICT CLERK OF               §
    Anderson,       FOR HARRIS COUNTY
    •   .. ·.. :                ...,,
    Comes now, WILLARD K. WEBB, EX PARTE, in the above styled cause
    of action and proce~ding files this first Application For Wirt MAN=
    DAMUS, pursuant to ARTICLE 1, § 9 of the TEXAS CONSTITUTIONAL and
    In support of this complint the relator will sho.w that he has
    a legal right secured under, including, but not necessarily limited
    to, Article 1, § 12, to the texas coristitution Article 1, § 9, the
    first, fifth, and fourteenth Amendments to the United States Contitu-
    tion, as well as the mandatory provision set forth by the Texas Leg-
    islature under Article 10.07, section 1-7 and that the State has a
    legal duty to perform in this action.
    Relator will also s~ that the state th~ough its agents/officials
    doing business in the State of Texas, Southern District, under colot
    of State law and/or office, either acted in concert one with the other
    in order to advance or further a common scheme or goal to deprive Rel-
    '-· .:.:.• . ...
    ator of his liberty interest, due process of law, equal protection
    right, and other, and other ri0hts and/or priviledges secured under
    the United States Constitution ~nd/or laws of the United State and
    the State of Texas.
    Relator, WILLARD K. WEBB, TDCJ # 1713120, is illegaly restra-
    ined of his liberty by the Texa3 Department of Criminal Justice-c~r­
    cectional Institutioal Division at the : JAMES v. ALLRED Unit, lo~ated
    in IOWA PARK, TEXAS-WICHITA COUNTY, following conviction by Jiry trial
    D      D
    on or about February 23, 2012, in the !79th Ju.ict~ll~istrict court
    of HARRIS County, HJUSTON TEXAS under cause no: 127810Q and; Subse-
    quently sentenced to a term of (45) Years imprisonment for the felo~y
    offense of murd~r.
    Relator has exhausted his rimedies in an attempt to exercise his
    rights secured under both the T€xas State Constit:~tion and the United
    States Constitution pertaining to the Writ of Habeas Corpus and has
    no other adequate State remedy available to him in this action to compel
    the ~tate and its AGENTS~OFFICIALS to fulfil thier minis~erial duties
    specificallyi but not limited to, provioing the Relator with the rele-
    vant information pertaining to cause No:l278106 in order for Relator
    to abtain th~ necessary Trial Transcript, CLERKS RECORD, and EXHIBITS
    but not limited to, filed in the HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERKS Office
    and in the Custody of ~he HARRIS COUNTY DISTRICT CLERK: CHRIS DANIELj,
    The acl sought to be completed is ministerial, not Discretionary
    in natur.e, as it is stated in the Texas code of Criminal Procedure
    Articla 2. 21- duty o:l: Clerks.
    As of June 2, 2015 the District Clerk has failed to cornpl.ywith
    Relators prior requests for an itemized inventory of the Records,
    Doc~ments and EXHIBITS, but not limited to, filed and in custody of
    CHRIS DANIELS under cause NO: 1278106/STATE OF TEXAS V. WILLARD K.
    WEBB, also; failed to comply w·i th Relators prior requests and inquiries
    aa to the "total fees'' ewquired bythe office of the Dictrict Clerk
    in oraer for Relator to purchase copies of the requested Records,
    Documents and EXHIBITS, but not kexexkasxim~iNge~x®NxReiat®xsxEi~kkxk®
    limited to. The District Clerks Deliberate delay here has inpinged on
    Relators right to prepare and file his state 11.07 Writ of Habeas Cor-
    pus, challenging the V&lidity of his Conviction.
    Relator here in cause NO: 1273106-first requested information
    and Records properly to the District Clerk of HARRIS COUNTY, in about
    Septemb•?r of 2013, (See; Relators EXHIBIT~-' '~ncertified copy).
    Relators Second inquiry and re1uest for information and Records pro-
    perly to the Distr ic i: Clerk of .HARRIS COUNTY on February 25, 2014,
    specifically requesting an "Itemized Index of the statements of facts
    and Transcripts in Cause NO: 1278106 " (See, Relators EXHIBIT~: re-
    quest to CHRIS DANIEALI Dated 2-25-2014);
    Relators Third inquiry and request for information and records,
    but not limited to properly to the Distrct Cl~rk office file Date
    stamped on April 24, 2015 (See, Relators EXHIBIT 3. letter addre-
    ssed to CHRIS DANIELl District Clerk Date Aerill7-; 2015);
    Relators Fourth inquiry and request f~r trial Transcripts andre-
    cords by 'day of "motion" to the Honorable Judge Presiding in the ,l 79th
    Judicial District Court on or about A-PRi'1 fl(l 1 2015. (Relator is u,qable
    to provide this Court with a copy of said Motion) .fGt::t;i t2-ei~JN £X,
    AS of JUne 4, 2015, the State and its Agents/O~ficials have
    failed to reply to and take action in fulfilling RElators requests,
    therefore, violating his constitutional and statutory right~ to seek
    Habeas relief by way of the District Clerks office of Harris County.
    The District Clerks unecessary and deliberte delay and noncompliance
    of its ministerial duties deprive Relator of liberty interests, Due
    process of law, equal protection right and other priviledges ace-·
    corded under Article 1,§ 9 to the u.s. constitution and Article 1, i 12
    of the Texas Constitution, through and by knowingly and intentionally
    Falling to abide bu, artd to thereby violate by acts of ommission,
    statutes and/br codes of the State of Texas govering said rigfts
    and/o~ priviledges, aS well as laws of the United States. The State
    th~ough its agents/officials willful and intentional failure to ~i~e
    abicje by the statutory procedures authorized by the Texas legis-
    latilre injures Relator right to the Writ Habeas Corpus as guaranteed
    by th`` United States Constitution and only benefits the State and pre-
    judices the Relator.
    Said same named agents/officials below for this purposes of tfuis
    complaint are State actors doing business ir1 the State of Texaa, sou-
    t~ern District, Harris County under color of State law and/or office
    either acting in concert one wj.th the other in order to advance or
    further a common scheme or goal to deprive Relator of his Constitu-
    tional rights to the Writ of Habe~s COrpus and have failed to take
    preventative or corrective measures while having the opportunity to
    do so.
    1. State agents/officials-Chris Daniel i~ the District Clerk of
    Harris County, Texas acting in his official capa~ity M.r aaniel
    has authority to promulgate policies, rules, regulations, procedures,
    and practices governi~g the operation and daily operation of the
    office of the Harris Countv District Clerks office. Through his
    duties, Mr. Daniel conducts business throughout the State. in-
    cluding the sotithern District.
    2. State agents~/official-Hon KRISTIN M. GUINEY is a Judge of
    the !79th Judicial District Court of Harris Count¥, Texas, acting
    in her official capacity, the Honorable Kristin M. Guiney has the
    authority to promulgate policies, rules, regulations, procedures,
    and prctices for the operation and daily operation of the !79th
    Judicial District Court of Harris County, Texas. Through her i]uties
    the Honorable Kristin M. Guinev is conducting business throughout
    the St~te-including the Southern-Federal District of Texas.
    The above ;nentioned officials/agents of the State have failed
    to abide by the mandat(>ry language of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure
    Articles 11.07 et seq., and Article 2.21--Dtity of Clerk.
    Relator alleges the States officials/agents jointly and severally,
    each have a high ~egree of education along with a duty and of
    obligation to kno~ the law; thereby establishing the States officials/
    agents acterl knowingly.``~eiat`` further alle~es the States agents/
    officials acted knowingly and failed to take preventive measures to
    correct wrongful acts when having the opportunity to do so, this
    also establishes by silence and ommissions they acted in concert one
    with the other with the intent to cause the damage and injury of
    impediment to Relator and Relator's·rights, priviledges, and immunities
    secured unde~, including, but not necessarily limited to, Article I,
    § 12, to th~ Texas Constitution, Article I, § 9, the First, Fifth,
    and Fourteenth Amendments to the UnJted States Constitution, by violating
    the ;aandatory provisions set forth by the Texas Legislature under
    Article 11.07, et seq., and Article 2.21 of the Texas Code of Criminal
    Procedure, in failing to perform their duties and obligations in
    following the mandatory language of Article 11.07, et seq., and
    Article 2.21 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, causing
    irreparable damage,    h~rm  and injury to Relator and his right
    to a writ of habeas. corpus under both the Texas Constitution
    and the United States Constitution.
    The Texas Constitution at Article I, § 12 provides: "The
    Writ of Habeas Corpus is a writ of right, and shall never be
    suspended.   Th~ Legislature shall enact laws to render the remedy
    speedy and effectual."
    The United States Constitution, Article I,§ 9, also holds:
    ''The privilede of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended
    unless in cases of rebellion the public safety may require it."
    The State through its agents/officials herein are State
    actorS doing b~siness und~r color of law and/or office, acted
    with the intent to deprive Relator by practice and/or custom,
    of rights and privildges protected by the Constitutio~ and laws
    of the United States by failing to abide by, and thereby provide
    Relator Due Process of law and the Equal Protection of l~w,
    by circumventing th~ Te~as Code of Criminal Procedure, Artitle
    11.07 et seq,, and Article 2.21-Duties of Clerk .
    . IV
    Article 11.07 Sections 3 (b)(c)(d),      and Sections 6 and
    7, and Article 2.21-Duties of Clerk of the Texas Code of Criminal
    Procedure were emasculated by t~1e State's agents/officials when the
    mandatory language contained therein, time frames, and procedures
    were ignored and/or neglected when the Harris Counties' District
    Clerks Office and the States agent/official namely: _Chris Daniel,
    but not limited tb,has knowingly and intentionally refused to
    provide Relator here with the necessary information as requested
    (See; Relator's Exhibits 1-4), in order and for the purpose of
    Relator seeking his Post ~viction Remedies via an Article 11.07
    State writ of Habeas Corpus upon final conviction of his State
    Conviction and Sentence. The Stat~s agents/officials knowing and
    intentional acts to circumvent time frames and procedures were
    designed and purposed to cause Rel~tor damage and injury .
    In this cause the States agents/officials have substituted time
    frames and procedures of their own creation which had not been
    approved nor autho~ized by the Texas Legislature~
    Through prejudicial overt act.~, material omissions, material
    misrepresentations;.   and acts .of deceit and moral turpitude,
    compounded by guilty knowledge, the State agents/official:3 have
    promulgated and substituted alternative procedures to those
    authorized and enacted into law by the Texas Legislature.
    Article 11.07 et seq., was circumvented by the States agents/officials
    when implementation was frustrated by the adoption of an alternative
    Get of procedures.
    Evidence of moral turpitude can be drawn from these unauthorized
    time frames and procedures.      Moral turpitude contemplates acts
    which tend to betray in an evil and dishonorable manner. The
    Legislature as well as Federal courts have been mislead to believe
    the time frames ancl 9rovisions implemented by the State are             .   I
    those authorized by Article 11.07 et seq., and Article 2~21,
    when such is not the case. The State through its agents/officials
    enjoy a license to exercise unfettered and unchecked discretion.
    Outwardly,  theSe time frames and procedures appear to be
    legitimate.   Only a person thoroughly acquainted with l``~and
    procedure would pick up the fatal flaw they incorporate~ Th~
    State created the app~arnce of extending Relator's rights. to
    a writ of habeas corpus: to camouflage the fact that ther~were
    no actual provisions or time frames as set forth by the actual
    Article 2.21-Duties of Clerk being followed. It is dishonest
    to provide the outward appearnace that an actual right to a·
    writ of habeas corpus was being extended and granted, when      ,
    you know the provisions and time frames are unauthorized and
    therefore, counterfeit.
    The Texas Legislature in ocder to carry out the mandate
    of the Texas Constitution Article I,        § 12 andArticle I, § 9
    of the United States Constitution, has decreed, via V.T.A.C.C.P.,
    Article 11.07,   every person whose liberty is under restraint
    by way of a     final conviction has the right/priviledge to the
    writ of habeas corpu~ in order to determine the nature and cause
    for the restraint thereof, and to be discharged from such said
    restraint if determined illegal.
    Through prejudicial overt acts, material omissions, material
    misrepresentations and act~ of deceit and moral turpitude, compounded
    by guilty knowledge,    the State through its agents/officials
    acting in their official capacities have a practice of holding
    star chamber like proceedings rather han .the proceedings authorized
    under V.T.A.C.C.P.,   Articles 11.07 et sQq., and Article 2.21-
    Duties of Clerk and Article I, § 12 of the Texas Constitution
    and Article I, § 9 to the United States Constitution.
    As a result of practices by the State actor(s), relator
    has been denied his right/priviledge to acces3 to the necessary
    ano fundamental   trial transcripts,   r:ecords and exhibits that
    arc~ cr~-~ial to the prepe:.r ing and filing of Relator's Post Convict ion
    State 11.07 et seq., Writ of Habeas Corpus in a timely manner.
    The a£~rementioned, documents and          in~ormation are controll~d
    by and in the c~sto~y of the District Clerk's Off1ce of Harris _-
    County-Houston, Texas namely: Chris Daniel. The District Clerk',s·~ __,_'\· .. _ · · ··
    misconduct h.:,':''"~'{·b1\
    W:r'f.'lf;' of .. Habe.·as _:.Corpus.            Th1s Honorable court has the':,'a~ud_lclal"·· - '· _ ·
    po``r         ~nf 'Harris County District Clerks :9Jf./c~}?:J~[:,f;';':;"_;:j_
    District Attorney's office and the Hon. Judge of the l79t'h;~\j-{_i'(f:i,9;,~1a.'1!;:~·'.::V:~·
    District Court I to fulfill. its legal ministerial d'uties' un:q~):f?\~!HtiftL' "':~
    the provisions                       set_ forth    in     the V.T.A.C.C.P. 11.07 et··#.[~4sr!``~:.::~':\-
    and Article 2.21-Duties of Clerk.                                                         :?\;::i~->.,.,'..-\,,
    ~ '·i~::·~ _;.~ :~\ ``.!``~.   . .(
    SIGNED AND EXECUTED ON THIS DATE: June 4th of 2015.                                                                                                                                       ..: .
    ... -.: .,
    Respectfully Submitted;
    (Rel~to~-Ex        Parte, Willard K.' Webb)
    Will~rd           K. Webb #1713120
    ~'-~- ~-J·:~;~   .                                         . '':2101          FM 369 N.
    . . ~t~ ...~-     .
    ;f-:-::tOWA PARK I          TX. 7636 7
    .I' .... ,, ·.·'.
    ..... :
    ,y''          ....
    -~ f   • '•.
    CC: File/WKW                                                                                      .fi
    ~- * '
    (EXHIBITS 1-4)
    ``USl NO:. 10?7~/o~
    .w\LL~RD w~BB                                              .IN THE l7Cl +h" D1s·+Ric.t
    vs                                                CDlJR·t FoR
    THE StATE D f ·T-EX\\S                                    \-4A.RR\ S CDurrtY TEXAS
    MoTi r~ 1ll     +o o b-\- Cli n    T1o ~o meJ"\t r:t nd Ior
    TR~·1L          Rec.ofdS I_~       t=of'm 'PRu ·pus
    To t-\tf2. \-\o tu 0 \2_ PtBLE:) l) d s e... () F ~ {:~hd LolJ r·t:
    Co me. S \\lDu.J, Ull LL A-R D \JJ E_~B , ·p e -\-'\ -t-~ on '? ~c:) S E:. \ 1\.l +\JLS
    P._\r,ove ~nc~ ·t:are__9\Y\~ L4Se._ Af\d/or< c_.puse.cYt- AcJ-
    ·IoN~ Re_S'Pe~tFol\Y Re.-'1UQ.S-\-~n~ t'nls HofloRRh\e ~\)­
    R tD P-Llc) w ~ , M ·+-o ~ \ o c_e_e_ d \f\ ·r:-o r '{Y\e:t_ ·vo._Pos \f\
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    .. o·F V~Ac.-ttce \n ·the D~st~\c.:t- And Count/ Courts) OR-b
    4o.D9 e-t. Se Ch OF .the. ·-1E IZ l=lS Code 6+- C Rtm. Pr<.oc_.T&\.
    bYef\ Recof'd:S Ac__t. b:l51- ·lr (A) \JoT:C Pel \Uhteh sho-
    LJlcl SuP'Port th,s t-\Dnr'?Rab\~ ~ooQ-\--·s Pf<-o~QR' Q-m
    LPwf·D\\ J'ofZLSd ``+-tor'\~
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    h 1·S o.. \J'?Lt <:_&\-lot\ For w rt+ [l)':·F- \-.\-~ \oe-AS CoR. PoCO ~eltef
    for ·WR\+ oF '\-\CA'o~S e_oR_Pus, ·The ·K_e.q,ues-l-eddocomen1
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    __________________________ ________p-k,,wt/fk7 &:a~ ~---_________:__ _
    (Note: Relator here is unable to provide this
    Court with a copy of the "Motion for
    Transcripts'' filed with the 179th Judicial
    Dist,rict Court on or about the 22nd. day
    of April,   2015 and requests that this Court
    obtain a copy if necessary from the District
    Clerk of said Court   nam•:~ly:   _Chris Daniel).
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    ·'·: :.··:·   ;j
    ;    .          2101 FM 369 N.                                                                                 . :~·~· ·.
    Iowa Park, Tx. 76j67
    . . ,____-~"'``=·;. -.:~:. ~---``~. . --=· ~7,:``;~----. -.~-~_;``~
    P.O. Box 12308, CAPITOL STATIC
    AUSTIN, TX. 78711

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-83,464-01

Filed Date: 6/8/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016