Andron Deshawn Petteway v. State of Texas ( 2013 )

  • Opinion filed May 30, 2013
    In The
    Eleventh Court of Appeals
    No. 11-11-00148-CR
    THE STATE OF TEXAS, Appellee
    On Appeal from the 350th District Court
    Taylor County, Texas
    Trial Court Cause No. 9746-D
    Pursuant to a plea bargain agreement, Andron Deshawn Petteway pleaded
    guilty to the offense of possession of cocaine in a drug-free zone. The trial court
    assessed his punishment at confinement in the Institutional Division of the Texas
    Department of Criminal Justice for a term of seven years. In a single issue,
    Appellant challenges the trial court’s denial of his pretrial motion to suppress
    evidence. We affirm.
    Background Facts
    Appellant executed a stipulation of evidence admitting to possession of
    between four and two hundred grams of cocaine within one thousand feet of a
    school on or about October 5, 2010. Officer Ismael Jaimes of the Abilene Police
    Department executed a search warrant on Appellant’s residence on that date.
    Officer Jaimes relied on information provided by a confidential informant in order
    to obtain the warrant. His probable cause affidavit provided in relevant part as
    [P]rior to making this application for this search warrant your affiant
    has received information from a confidential informant whose identity
    must remain a secret for security reasons. Your affiant knows this
    same confidential informant to be credible, reliable, and trustworthy
    and this belief is based on the following set out facts:
    That this same confidential informant has provided
    information to your affiant in the past in reference to
    criminal activities in the Abilene area that has always
    proven to be true and correct.
    That this same confidential informant has never
    been convicted of a Felony offense in the State of Texas
    or any other state to the best of your affiant’s knowledge.
    That this same confidential informant has
    voluntarily admitted the informant’s own prior abuse of
    drugs to your affiant, however this informant no longer
    condones the abuse of drugs.
    That within the past 48 hours this same
    confidential informant has been inside the above
    described suspected place and observed the suspected
    party, Andron Deshawn Petteway black male date of
    birth 2-27-82 in possession of a quantity of an off-white
    powder substance which the Suspected party purported to
    be Cocaine.
    That this same confidential informant believes the
    same off-white powder substance to be Cocaine.
    The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution mandates that “no
    Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation,
    and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be
    seized.” U.S. CONST. amend. IV. A magistrate judge cannot issue a search warrant
    without first finding probable cause that a particular item will be found in a
    particular location. Rodriguez v. State, 
    232 S.W.3d 55
    , 60 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007).
    An application for a search warrant must be supported by an affidavit setting forth
    facts establishing probable cause. TEX. CODE CRIM. PROC. ANN. art. 1.06 (West
    2005), art. 18.01(b) (West Supp. 2012). Probable cause exists when, under the
    totality of the circumstances, there is a fair probability that contraband or evidence
    of a crime will be found at the specified location. State v. McLain, 
    337 S.W.3d 268
    , 272 (Tex. Crim. App. 2011). The test for finding probable cause is “whether
    a reasonable reading by the magistrate would lead to the conclusion that the
    affidavit provided a ‘substantial basis for the issuance of the warrant[,]’ thus, ‘[t]he
    magistrate’s sole concern should be probability.’” 
    Rodriguez, 232 S.W.3d at 60
    (alterations in original, footnote omitted). This is a “‘flexible and nondemanding’
    Id. We review
    a trial court’s ruling on a motion to suppress by using a
    bifurcated standard of review, giving almost total deference to the historical facts
    found by the trial court and reviewing de novo the trial court’s application of the
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    ; Amador v. State, 
    221 S.W.3d 666
    , 673 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2007). However, when the trial court determines whether there is
    probable cause to support the issuance of a search warrant, there are no credibility
    determinations; rather, the trial court is constrained to the four corners of the
    probable cause affidavit. 
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    ; Hankins v. State, 
    132 S.W.3d 380
    , 388 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004). Accordingly, when we review the
    magistrate’s decision to issue a warrant, we apply a highly deferential standard
    because of the constitutional preference for searches to be conducted pursuant to a
    warrant as opposed to a warrantless search. 
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    Swearingen v. State, 
    143 S.W.3d 808
    , 810–11 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004) (citing
    Illinois v. Gates, 
    462 U.S. 213
    , 238 (1983)). As long as the magistrate had a
    substantial basis for concluding that probable cause existed, we will uphold the
    magistrate’s probable cause determination. 
    Gates, 462 U.S. at 236
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    . We are instructed not to analyze the affidavit in a hyper-technical
    Gates, 462 U.S. at 236
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    .                                  “[W]hen an
    appellate court reviews an issuing magistrate’s determination, that court should
    interpret the affidavit in a commonsensical and realistic manner, recognizing that
    the magistrate may draw reasonable inferences. When in doubt, we defer to all
    reasonable inferences that the magistrate could have made.” 
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    Rodriguez, 232 S.W.3d at 61
    We note at the outset Appellant’s contention that the informant was a “first
    time informant.” 1 Appellant supports this contention with testimony offered by
    Officer Jaimes at the hearing on the motion to suppress. 2 Appellant’s reliance on
    this testimony is misplaced, however, because our review of the sufficiency of the
    probable cause affidavit is limited to the four corners of the affidavit. See 
    McLain, 337 S.W.3d at 271
    . The probable cause affidavit does not support Appellant’s
    The distinction between a first-time informant versus a repeat informant is significant in light of
    the corroboration requirements for a first-time informant recognized in State v. Duarte, 
    389 S.W.3d 349
    (Tex. Crim. App. 2012).
    Specifically, Officer Jaimes testified that the informant had given him information on three or
    four previous occasions that he had been able to verify but that he had not relied on information provided
    to him by the informant to obtain an arrest or search warrant prior to this case.
    contention that the informant was a first-time informant because it expressly
    provides that the informant “has provided information to your affiant in the past in
    reference to criminal activities in the Abilene area that has always proven to be
    true and correct.” Accordingly, the affidavit establishes that the informant was not
    “an informant of unknown and untested reliability.” 
    Duarte, 389 S.W.3d at 351
    Appellant contends that the probable cause affidavit at issue in this appeal
    was insufficient because it was conclusory with regard to its reference to
    information that the informant had provided in the past and the informant’s ability
    to identify cocaine. We disagree. When an unnamed informant is relied upon in
    an affidavit for a search warrant, his credibility may be established by allegations
    that the informant has proven reliable on previous occasions. Avery v. State, 
    545 S.W.2d 803
    , 804 (Tex. Crim. App. 1977). This reliability may be established by
    the general assertions of the affiant, as stated in the affidavit, concerning the
    informant’s prior reliability. Capistran v. State, 
    759 S.W.2d 121
    , 128 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 1982); Blake v. State, 
    125 S.W.3d 717
    , 726 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.]
    2003, no pet.). In such circumstance, no corroborating information is necessary.
    Capistran, 759 S.W.2d at 128
    . An affidavit in support of a warrant to search for
    narcotics need not provide more specific details regarding the informant’s
    reliability than to state the informant had given information in the past regarding
    narcotics trafficking that had proved to be correct. Torres v. State, 
    552 S.W.2d 821
    , 824 (Tex. Crim. App. 1977); see also Hammond v. State, 
    898 S.W.2d 6
    , 7–8
    (Tex. App.—Dallas 1995, no pet.).       Further, because such a statement, when
    interpreted in a realistic and common-sense manner, indicates the informant’s
    familiarity with controlled substances, no further details are required to spell out
    the informant’s qualifications in recognizing drugs. 
    Torres, 552 S.W.2d at 824
    Based solely on the probable cause affidavit’s four corners, we find that the
    magistrate had a substantial basis for concluding probable cause existed to search
    the location identified in the affidavit and warrant. The affidavit established a
    sufficient nexus between criminal activity, the things to be seized, and the place to
    be searched. The affidavit was sufficient to provide the magistrate with facts on
    which to base a determination of the informant’s credibility and reliability because
    it provided that the informant had supplied information in the past relating to
    criminal activities and that such information had proved to be true and correct.
    The affidavit also established that the informant was familiar with controlled
    substances based upon his or her prior use. The affidavit additionally provided that
    Appellant identified the targeted substance as cocaine to the informant.
    Furthermore, the affidavit established that the informant had observed Appellant’s
    possession of the targeted substance at the targeted location within forty-eight
    hours prior to the warrant’s issuance. Appellant’s sole issue is overruled.
    This Court’s Ruling
    We affirm the judgment of the trial court.
    May 30, 2013
    Do not publish. See TEX. R. APP. P. 47.2(b).
    Panel consists of: Wright, C.J.,
    McCall, J., and Willson, J.