McDonnel, Thomas Elton ( 2015 )

  • ..."..''>   p
    July 8, 2015
    ~3,5~0            -())
    This document contains some
    Court of Criminal Appeals         pages thafare of poor quality
    Clerk of Court                    at the time o~ Imaging.
    P.O. Box 12308
    Austin, TX 78711
    RE:   Original Appliaation Fo.r Writ of Mandamus
    District Clerk, Harris County, Non-compliance/T. C. C. P. 11.07
    Dear Honorable Clerk of Court:
    Please find enclosed: (1) Original Application for Writ of
    Mandamus, and (2) Exhibits "A" through "E".
    Please forward the Mandamus with attached exhibits to the
    Court for consideration and ~ulin.g. Thank you for your kind assist~
    ance with this matter.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    tm~· ~-McDannel
    f/h~                                                  JUL 13 2il15
    TDCJ-ID #1562227
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, TX 77515
    IN THE
    AUSTIN, T Ex·A S
    TDCJ-ID 11562227
    v •
    CHRI S DANI E L :·:
    CAUSE   NO~     1131353-B                     RECEIVED IN
    JUL 13 2u15
    Abet, Clerk
    ·coMES NOW, THOMAS E. McDONNEL, ·Rel·ator; pro se in the above
    styled and numbered cause of action and             f~les   this Original Appli-
    cation for   Wri~   of Mandamus, pursuant to Art±cle 11.07 Section
    3(c) of the Texas Code of Criminal            ~rocedure     (T.C.C.P.), and would
    show the Court the following:
    Thamas E. McDannel,     TDCJ~ID      J1562227, is an offender incar-
    cerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and is                    a~pear­
    ing pro se, who can be located at the             Wayn~   Siott   ~nit,    Brazoria
    ·County, Texas 77515. Relator ha.s exhausted his. remedies and has no
    other adequate remedy at law.
    The act sought to _be compelled is                miniater~al,       not discretion-
    ary in nature. T.C.C.P. Art. 11.07, §3(c) requires Respondent to
    immediately to the Court of Criminal Appeals a copy of'.
    the   appli~ation      for writ of habeas corpus, any answers filed,                       and
    a certificate raGiting ths date upon which that finding was made,
    if the convicting court            dec~des     that thers were nd issues to be
    resolve.d.    No copy ·of the applicatimn fmr writ of habeas corpus,
    any answers filed, Bnd a certificate reciting ths date upon which
    that finding was made has·been transmi.tted to the Court of Criminal
    Appeals by Respbndent as required by                   statute~    Relator would have
    received notice fram the. Cnurt of Criminal Appeals had Respondent
    done so.
    Responden:t, Chris Daniel;::, in his official capacity as Dis-
    trict Clerk of County, Texas, has                   ~   ministerial duty to re-
    ceive and file all papers in a cr±minal proceeding, and perform
    all other duties imposed on the                cl~rk    by law pursuant to T.C.C.P.
    Art . 2 . 21 , a n d is . res pons i·b 1 e. under T . C . C . P . Art . 11 . 0 7 , § 3 ( c ) to
    immediately transm±t to the Court of Criminal Appesls a copy of
    the application for writ of habeas corpus, any answers                          filed~     and
    a certificate reciting the date upon which the finding was made if
    the convicting court decides that ·there are no issues to be re-
    solved. Chris       Daniel~,     District Clerk, Harris County mBy be served
    at his place of business at 1201 Franklin St., Houston, Texas
    VI 0 LAT I 0 N 0 F ART I CLE 11 . 0 7 0 F T HE T EXAS
    The Respondent ·violated·11.07, §3(c) of the T.C.C.P. by fail-
    ing to provide a copy nf the application far wri.t of habeas corpus,
    any answers fil.ed,        and a certificate reciting the date upon which
    that f.inding was made to the Court of                  Crimina~     Appeals within the
    tims prescribed by law and within a reasonabl8 time from the date
    on which the documents were required to be                      transmitt~d.
    Requests for the           tr~nsmittal             of the application for writ of
    habeas corpus, and any             an~wsrs          filed,      and a c.ertif±cate reciting
    the date upon which that finding was made were made to Chris
    Daniel~;,         District Clerk, Harris County, in the following ways:
    ( 1 ) in the form o f a motion , . ,"5 tate s 0 r de r to Com p l.y " ,               ( Exhibit " A" )
    submitted by Rel.ator on January 10, 2012;                          (2)   in the form of a
    motion,           "To Compel Coinpliance 11 (Exhibit "8"), submitted by Relator
    on Apr i 1 01 , 2 01 3 ;     ( 3) in the form of a motion ; "For a Live P l·e n-
    ary Evidentiary Hearing" (Exhibit "C"), submitted by Relator on
    October 09, 2014;           (4)   in the form of a motion,                 "To Have Previous
    Motions Ruled On"           (Exhibit   11   0 11   );    and in the form of a letter dated
    July 17, 2015 to Chris Daniei~ making one last requ~st for his
    compliance with Art. 11.07, §3(c) and notif.ying him of Relator's
    intent to file this Mandamus if Relator does not receive notice
    that the Court of Criminal Appeals has received a copy of the
    application for writ of h.abeas corpus·, any answers filed,                               a certi-
    ficate. reciting the date upon                     wh~ch      that finding    wa~    made, and any
    attachinsnts filed with rir after the filing of the application.
    (Exhibit "E").
    To date, the Relator has received no response from Respondent
    regarding Relator's request for transmittal of a copy of the appli-
    cation for writ of habeas corpus, any answers filed,                                 and a certif-
    icate reciting the date upon which that finding was made to the
    Court of Criminal Appeals. Nor ·has Relator been notified of any
    resolutions to the trial court's designated issues.
    As is clear from all of the Relator's motions and final let-
    ter,   Relator has repeatedly put Respondent on notice that Relator
    seeks the resolving of the designated issues and the transmittal
    of a copy of the application for writ of habeas corpus, any answers
    filed,           and a certificate reciting the date upon                    ~hich    the finding
    was made'to the Court of Criminal Appeals and that such records
    are required by the Court of Criminal Appeals to act on Relator's
    writ of habeas corpus. Relator has gone well beyond any requirement
    or obligation imposed. upon him by the T.C.C.P. In contrast to the\
    Relator's efforts, Respondent has wholly faiLed to                 ~omply    with the
    T.C.C.P. Article 11.07, §3(c), is acting in bad faith,                    and has
    also failed to afford Relator the professional and common courtesy
    of any written response to his correspondence and motions.
    Article 11.07, §3(c) clearly states that "·[i]f the convicting
    court decides that there are no such issues, the                 c~erk    shall imm- transmit [emphasis added] to the Court of Criminal Appeals
    a copy of the application, any answers filad,                and a certificate
    reciting the date upon which that finding was made. Failure of the
    court to act within the allowed 20 days shall constitute such a
    finding." T.C.C.P. Art. 11.07, §3(c). In this particular case, the
    court did make a finding of fact.              However, i t has been almost four
    (4) years since Relator has filed his original application and
    approaching two (2) years since he filed the amended application.
    Certainly time has passe.d for allowing the trial court to resolve
    Relator's issues, and Respondent is well past due in complying
    with Art. 11 .07, 13(c). Respondent .is in violation of this proce-
    dure, minister.ial duties, and thus the laws of the State.
    Relator has already submitted a motion for a "Live Plenary
    Evidentiary Hearing" on October 09, 2014 (Exhibit "E") which the
    trial court either       f~iled   to rule on or failed to provide Relator
    with a copy of its ruling. Therefore, Relator is requesting this
    Court either order the trial court to hold a Live Evidentiary
    Hearing and finally resolve Relator's issues (the                 cou~t's    findings
    of facts)    or to hold its own Live Evidentiary Hearing once the
    Respondent complies with this Court's ruling anrl sends a copy of
    the application, any answers filed,              and a certificate reciting the
    date upon which that finding was made. The necessity for this Live
    Evidentiary Hearing is great because the convicting Judge (Joan
    Cam be 11) is no 1 on g e r p r·a c tic in g at the 2 48th 0 is t ric t   Court . A
    new Judge, Kathrine Cabanis, is           presidi~g    and she is not familiar
    with the case or the finding of facts made by the previous judge.
    WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Relator, Thomas E. McDannel,
    pro se, respectfully requests a finding that the Respondent did
    not transmit the documents to the Court of Crimirial Appeals within
    a reasonable time after the date they werB required to,                and re-
    quested to,    and that the Relator       ~rought   this litigation in good
    faith and has substantially prevailed.           Relata~    prays for an ORDER
    directing the Respondent to transmit a           cop,~of   the application
    far writ a f habeas c o.rp us , any answers f i 1 e d , and a c e r t if i cat e
    reciting the date upon hlhich that finding was made to the Court of
    Criminal Appeals as      di~ected    in ArticlE 11.07 Section 3(c) of the
    Texas Code of Criminal Procedure and as requested in Relator's
    motions and letter previously sent to Respondent (Exhibits A
    through E). Further, Relator prays this Honorable Court to make
    and ORDER directing th.e trial court to hold a Live Evidentiary
    Hearing if this Court simply ORDERS for the trial court to resolve
    the findings of facts and issues. Or, conversely, Relator prays
    this Court to hold its own Live Evidentiary Hearing once the Re-
    spondent has complied with Article 11.07 Section 3(c).
    Respectfully Submitted,
    §           OF
    THOMAS ELTON MCDONNEL,                              §           HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
    Having considered the application for writ of habeas corpus in the above-captioned cause
    and the State's original answer, the Court finds that the issue of whether the applicant was denied
    effective assistance of counsel still needs to be resolved in the present case.
    Therefore, pursuant to Article 11.07, §3(d), this Court will resolve the above-cited issue
    and then enter findings of fact                                                   \
    To assist the Court in resolving these factual issues, counsel Mary toore is ORDERED
    to file an affidavit summarizing her actions as counsel for the applicant in the primary case,
    cause number I i31353, and specifically responding to the following:
    1. Please outline how counsel investigated the applicant's case. Wias the investigation
    limited in any way? If so, please explain why.
    2. Was counsel aware of the applicant's lack of a criminal background or prior arrest
    history? Was there anything in particuiar about the applicant's lack of criminal
    background or prior- arrest history that counsel used at trial or believes would have
    been beneficial and admissible at trial that she failed to employ at trial? If so, please
    explain why.
    3. Does counsel believe that she had a finn grasp of the facts surrounding the applicant's
    case at the time of trial? Was counsel ready for trial?
    4. Please indicate if the applicant brought any potential witnesses to the attention of
    counsel that. counsel chose not to interview. If there are any such witnesses, please
    explain why no interview was conducted.
    5. Was counsel aware of any witnesses that would have been beneficial or necessary to
    the defense of the applicant that she failed to interview or call at trial? If so, please
    explain why.                           :
    6. Please indicate the nature of any grievances that the applicant filed with the State Bar
    against counsel prior to trial, and please include copies of any such grievances or
    responses to such grievances that are available.
    7. Does counsel believe that any grievances that the applicant filed with the State Bar
    affected her representation of him at trial in any way? If so, please explain how.
    8. Please indicate whether counsel believes that any actual conflict of interest existed
    between herself and the applicant as a result of any grievances filed by the applicant
    with the State Bar.
    9. Please indicate whether counsel felt it would have beenbeneficial or necessarj tc file
    a motion for discovery or a motion to suppress evidence in the applicant's case.
    Please explain why or why not.
    Mary Moore is ordered to file said affidavit with the Appellate Division of the District
    Clerk's Office, 1201 Franklin, Third Floor, Houston, Texas 77002, within THIRTY DAYS of
    the signing of this Order.
    The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED to send a copy of this Order to the applicant and to
    the State, and to serve copies of this Order, the application, and the memorandum supporting the
    application on attorney:
    Mary Moore
    1314 Texas St., Suite 1600
    Houston, TX 77002
    When the affidavit of Mary Moore is received, the Clerk is ORDERED to send a copy of
    said affidavit to the applicant, Thomas Elton McDonnel, #1562227 -Wayne Scott Unit, 6999
    Retrieve Rd., Angleton, Texas 77515 and a copy to the attorney for the State, Kevin Keating, 1201
    Franklin, Suite 600; Houston, Texas 77002.
    '   ·,,   .
    Cause No. 11313 53-)(   i3
    EX PARTE                                                      §       IN THE 248th DISTRICT COURT
    §       OF
    THOMAS ELTON MCDONNEL,                                        §       HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
    · The undersigned counsel certifies that I have served a copy of the ".State's Proposed
    OrJu- {)e-'~5"'~-~;I'-S"'e. -"'~ ~ ... F,"/i'n.!l Aff'c.\ov ;.J--
    Findings of Fad, Cgaell:lsiefts ef lam, and Onief" in cause number 1131353-B to the applicant
    on January 10, 2012 by mail as follows:
    Thomas Elton McDonnel·
    #1562227- Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, Texas 77515
    Kevin P. Keating          ..
    Assistant District Attorney
    Harris County, Texas
    1201 Franklin, Suite 600
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 755-6657
    Texas Bar ID #00787813
    Chris Daniel
    District Clerk
    JAN 1 0 20\2
    •.   : ....,   c
    The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED NOT to transmit at this time any documents in the
    above-styled case to the Court of Criminal Appeals until further ordered by this Court.
    By the following signature, the Court adopts
    the State's Propo d Order for Filing Affidavit.
    Signed                   day of              2011.
    JAN f.7 2012
    EXHIBIT "8"
    - Motion:   To Compel Compliance -
    . "'   '
    Thomas E. McDannel
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, TX 77515
    April 1, 2013
    Attorney General
    Harris County Clerk
    Attorney Moore
    Re:   Filing of Motion
    Cause: 1131353-8
    Enclosed you will find the MOTION TO COMPEL COMPLIANCE WITH
    FIDAVIT.    Included is the Court's Copy,   Clerk's Copy,   Attorney Ms.
    Mary Moore Copy mailed to 1314 Texas Street,      Ste.,#1600 Houston,
    Texas 77002 and Attorney General Greg Abbot,      Post Office Box 12548
    Austin,    Texas 78711-2548.
    Enclosed you will also find my self addressed & stamped enve-
    lope for return of the filemark,    date and stamped copy for my per-
    sonal records in this action before the Court.
    Thanking this Honorable Clerk's Office for your timely attent-
    ion to this most important legal matter.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    -``          z. ~C/~'M/
    Thomas Elton McDannel
    TDCJ-ID #1562227
    cc:   AG Greg Abbot
    Attry M. Moore
    CAUSE NO: 1131353-8
    THOMAS E. McDONELL                        §        IN THE DISTRICT COURT
    vs.                                       §       24BTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT
    STATE OF TEXAS                            §        HARRIS COUNTY,   TEXAS
    COMES NOW,   Thomas E.    M~Donnell,       hereinafter referred as Movant,
    proceeding in own     beb~lf    pro-se,       pursuant to the Texas Code of Cri-
    minal Procedure, Article 11 .07, § 3(d), in above listed cause and would there-
    fore show this Honorable Court the following facts:
    Movant previously has filed a Texas Code of Criminal Procedure
    11.07 Application for Writ of Habeas Corpus with this Court on the
    7th day of September,     2012.    This. Court issued State's Proposed Ord-
    er Designating Issue And For Filing Affidavit from Mary Moore whom
    previously represented movant in this Trial Court as his attorney.
    This Order contained issues of fact and was certified on Jan 17,12.
    Copies were mailed by this Court's Clerk pursuant to rule going un-
    answered by said attorney indefinitely.
    Movant did,   after said delay in answer from Mary Moore, file a
    Motion To Compel. Compliance With Court Order on the 29th of Novem-
    ber 2012 and placed into the unit United States Mailbox with proper
    certificate of service dated and signed by movant.              Said motion did
    contain movant's filemark copy with sef addressed and stamped en-
    velope for return to movant.        Movant never received said filemark
    copy from this Court's Honorable Clsrk's Office.              It is now been
    (1    of 3)
    approximately six months with no reply from Mary Moore.
    Movant requests that upon attorney Mary Moore's compliance to
    State's Proposed Order Designating Issue And For Filing Affidavit
    is received by this Honorable Court and Clerk's Office that a com-
    plete copy of said answer be forwarded to movant/applicani.
    WHEREFORE,   PREMISES CONSIDERED,    movan.t prays that this Honorable
    Court will demand compliance with its ORDER previously issued and
    with all things considered in the interest of justice and grant
    this pleading.
    Respectfully Submitted,
    Thomas E. McDonnel,prose
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Road
    Angleton, Texas  77515
    (2 of 3)     Attached Certificate of Service
    I,   HEREBY CERTIFY,   that on this 1 day of April 2012,      a true and
    correct copy of this above and foregoing MOTION TO COMPEL COMPLI-
    FILING AFFIDAVIT was placed into the Texas Department of Criminal
    Justice -   Institutional Division Wayne Scott Unit internal United
    States Mail System out-going-box,        with proper postage attached,
    for delivery to the Harris County Criminal Judicial District Clerk's
    Office at Post Office Box 4651        Houston,   Texas 77210 - 4651,   as
    well as copy to attorney Ms.     Mary Moore at 1314 Texas Street in
    Suite #1600 Houston,     Texas 77002.
    R~spectfully   Certified,
    Thomas Elton M~Donnel
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Road
    Angleton, Texas 77515
    (3    of 3)
    October 28, 20 13
    6999 RETRIEVE RD
    ANGLETON, TX 77515
    To Whom It May Concern:
    Pursuant to Article ll.07 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, please tind enclosed
    copies of the documents indicated below concerning the Post Conviction Writ filed in
    cause number 1131353-B in the 248th District Court.
    D         State's Original Answer Filed
    D         Affidavit
    [ZJ Court Order Dated October 25, 2013
    D         Respondent's Proposed Order Designating Issues and Order For Filing Affidavit.
    D         Respondent's Proposed Findings of Fact and Order
    D         Other
    R~. · a Garcia, Deputy
    Criminal Post Trial
    Enclosure(s)- AMENDED ORDER TO FILE AFFIDAVIT FOR MS.                                MARY MOORE
    120 I FRANKI.IN   •   P.O. BOX 4651   •   HOUSTON.   TEXAS 77210-465 I   •   (888) 545-5577
    PAGE I OF I                                                                                                REV: 01-02-04
    . f~
    ~;,.,,~ 2
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    ->:2~. :;u co, 0<¥~"?1c, C.~se No. 113 13 53-B
    (?!-      ·
    'C.r· ·    · .J         /o :1 ~
    "-- / _:;. '                         . (}        ~'+
    EX PARTE                '<:~\~.;·;,...                      ``?          §   IN THE 248 1h DISTRICT COURT
    ~.,                   ......
    ..``' ... :;;.,
    ·'·"•:,, ~                            §   OF
    Having considered the application and supplement appli;;,ation fur vvrit of habeas corpu5 in
    the above-captioned cause and the State's original answer, the Court finds that the issue of whether
    the applicant was denied effective assistance of counsel still needs to be resolved in the present
    Therefore, pursuant to Article 11.07, §3(d), this Court will resolve the above-cited issue
    and then enter findings of fact.
    To assist the Court in resolving these factual issues, counsel Mary Moore is ORDERED
    to tile an affidavit summarizing her actions as counsel for the applicant in the primary case,
    cause number 1131353, and specifically responding to the following:
    I. Please outline how counsel investigated the applicant's case. Was the investigation
    limited in any way? If so, please explain why.
    2. Was counsel aware of the applicant's lack of a criminal background or prior arrest
    history? Was there anything in particular about the applicant's lack of criminal
    background or prior arrest history that counsel used at trial or believes would have
    been beneficial and admissible at trial that she failed to employ at trial? If so, please
    explain why.
    3. Does counsel believe that she had a firm grasp of the facts surrounding the applicant's
    case at the time of trial? Was counsel ready for trial?
    4. Please indicate if the applicant brought any potential witnesses to the attention of
    counsel that counsel chose not to interview. If there are any such witnesses, please
    explain why no interview was conducted.
    - I "·
    'L-i IJ U       r·~i
    5. Was counsel aware of any witnesses that would have been beneficial or necessary to
    the defense of the applicant that she failed to interview or call at trial? If so, please
    explain why.
    6. Please indicate the nature of any grievances that the applicam filed with the State Bar
    against counsel prior to trial, and please include copies of any such grievances or
    responses to such grievances that are available.
    7. Does counsel believe that any grievances that the applicant filed with the State Bar
    affected her representation of him at trial in any way? If so, please explain how.
    8. Please indicate whether counsel believes that any actual conflict of interest existed
    between herself and the applicant as a result of any grievances filed by the applicant
    with the State Bar.
    9. Please indicate whether counsel felt it would have been beneficial or necessary to tile
    a motion for discovery or a motion to suppress evidence in the applicant's case.
    Please explain why or why not.
    I 0. Please indicate whether counsel "opened the door" to Applicant's extraneous offense
    on cross-examination of the State's witnesses. If so, please state counsel's trial
    strategy for "opening the door" to Applicant's extraneous offense.
    11. Please indicate whether the State commented on applicant's failure to testify during
    closing argument. If the State commented on applicant's failure to testify during
    closing argument, did counsel object and preserve the issue for appeal? If the State
    commented on applicant's failure to testify during closing argument and counsel did
    not object and preserve the issue for appeal, please state counsel's strategic reasons
    for doing so.
    Mary Moore is ordered to file said affidavit with the Appellate Division of the District
    Clerk's Office, 1201 Franklin, Third Floor, Houston, Texas 77002, within THIRTY DAYS of
    the signing of this Order.
    The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED to send a copy of this Order to the applicant and to
    the State, a;1d to serve copies of this Order, the application, and the memoranJum supporting the
    application on attorney:
    Mary Moore
    1314 Texas St., Suite 1600
    Houston, TX 77002
    When the affidavit of Mary Moore is received, the Clerk is ORDERED to send a copy of
    said affidavit to the applicant, Thomas Elton McDonnel, #1562227- Wayne Scott Unit, 6999
    Retrieve Rd., Angleton, Texas 77515 and a copy to the attorney for the State, Aimee Bolletino,
    1201 Franklin, Suite 600; Houston, Texas 77002.
    The Clerk of the Court is ORDERED NOT to transmit at this time any documents in the
    above-styled case to the Court of Criminal Appeals tmtil further ordered by this Court.
    By the following signature, the Court adopts
    Cause No. 1131353-B
    EX PARTE                                     §            fN THE 248 1h DISTRICT COURT
    §            OF
    THOMAS ELTON MCDONNEL,                       §            HARRJS COUNTY, TEXAS
    The undersigned counsel certifies that I have served a copy of the "State's Proposed
    Order Designating Issue and for Affidavit" in cause number 1131353-B to the applicant on
    September 30, 2013 by mail as follows:
    Thomas Elton McDannel
    #1562227- Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, Texas 77515
    Aimee Bolletino
    Assistant District Attorney
    Harris County, Texas
    1201 Franklin, Suite 600
    Houston, Texas 77002
    (713) 755-6657
    Texas Bar ID #2405671 7
    EXHIBIT   11
    - Motion: For a Live Plenary Evidentiary Hearing -
    EX PARTE                                  §       IN THE 24BTH DISTRICT
    THOMAS E .. McDONNEL                      §               COURT OF
    Applicant                        §        HARRIS. COUNTY, TEXAS
    COMES NOW,    Thomas E. McDannel,       Petitioner prose in the above
    numbered and styled       cau~e   and files this motion for a Live Plenary
    E vide n.t i.a r y Hearing and Bench Warrant,      pursuant to art. 11 . 0 7 of
    the Tex.Code. Crim. Proc. and will show the Court as followed:
    A.   Petitioner
    1 . 01   Thomas E. McDonrrel,    TDCJ-ID #1562227,    is an offender
    incarcerated in the Texas Dep.t. of Crim. Justice             (TDCJ)   and is
    prose, who can be located at the Wayne Sco.t·t Unit,              6999 Retrieve
    Rd.,    CR 290,    Angleton,   Texas 77515.
    1 . 02   Petitioner has repeatedly petitioned this Court to ·act
    on Petitioner's 11.07. Petitioher requests the Court to take ju-
    dicial notice of the District Clerks file on the above cause num-
    ber and obtain motions and inquiries asking that the issues be
    1.03     The previous presiding judge,       Judge Cambsll,     did in
    fact order the· Court Clerk .not to transmit any doc u me.n t s in the
    above styled case until further notice due to the fact that there
    were issues to be resolved by this said Court.
    1 . 04   The defense c.ounsel,    Attorney· Mary Moore,     was issued a
    notice to answer by affidavit the questions set forth in the Peti-
    tioner's 11.07 Writ of Hab~as Corpus. The defen~e attorney has
    been issued several notices to answer ths aforementioned affidavit.
    To this date the Petitioner has not received a copy of the affi-
    davit nor has any of the documents been             tran~mitted    to the Court
    of Criminal AppealB" If                   the~e.ab.ove          styl~d         documents had been
    t r a n s mi t t e d . t o t h e Co u r t . o f Cr i mi n a l   Ap p e a.l s· , t h e . P e t i t i o n e r   wo u l d
    have- been notified.
    The. State,        Feder~l       and Supr.eme Court case.- law_ mandates that
    when an. applicant. files                 a. collateral attack on ··his criminal con-
    viction , t h.e initial task is . to. ·de t.e.r mine whet h e.r his allegations
    if proven would establish the right to HabeEs                                      ~elief.        If so proven,
    he   is:enti~led          to .an      evide~tiary         hearing to further develop the
    factual .. basis        w~th     facts outside the record.                       Ex Parte Reyna,               702
    S . W. 2 d 9 21    ( T x . Crim . Ap p . 1 9 8 6) ; Streetman v . 'Lv n aug h , 81 
    2 F. 2
    d 9 50
    ( 5th Ci r . ) ; Towns e_nd v . Sa in , 3 7 2 U . S .                2 9 8 , 3 0 7 , 8 3 S ..Ct . 7 4 5 ,
    9 L. Ed. 2d 770
    Applicant asse.rts              (inter alia) .constitutional ineffectiveness
    of trial counsBl,              prosecutorial misconduct,                        ~nd   error of the trial
    court.      In seeking          th~    instant Live Plenary Evidentiary Hearing to
    prove these assertions,                   Applicant has need to develop facts that
    are presently outside the record.                           It will be impossible for this
    Honorable Court to adequately determine the merits of Applicant's
    claim without· further develop me n.t of these facts that are outside
    the record.          The need to fully develop the record is of the utmost
    importance because the Court of Criminal Appeals will be .limited
    to the record as it was developed within; the trial court.                                                Galvin
    v.   State,       869. S.W.2d 526,            527-29      (Tx.App.         -    Corpus Christi 1993).
    As the record now stands,                     it is totally inade.quate for the Court
    to perform its .required duty.
    I                                                          I I I.
    Inordinate- Delay:
    1 . 01      The Court , the ·.District Attorney , and . the Petitioner ' s
    defense counsel,              Mary Moore, ·have wholly failed to comply with
    article 11.07 df the Tex.Code Crim.Proc.,                                  are     actin~       in bad faith
    and have not afforded Petitioner with profes&ional and common cou-
    rtesy at resolving these issues in Petitioner's 11.07 as so order-
    ed by the previous judge.
    1 . 02   Wilwording v.      Swenson,    
    92 S. Ct. 487
    at. 249-250    (rejecting
    suggestion tha.t Sta.te prisbner should have invoked any other poss-
    ible alternative to state            habe~s.   including a suit for injunction,
    a writ of prohibition,          or mandamus or declaratory judgment in
    State's court       o~   perhaps    ot~er    relief under State     Administratio~
    Procedure Act.).         In Turner v.       Bagley,   
    401 F.3d 718
    {6th Cir.     2005)
    28 U.S.C.       2243 confers Federal Courts with the discYetion to dis-
    pose of Habeas Corpus matters and tailor remedies as law and jus-
    tice requires.
    The Petitioner has shown this Court that under the Sixth Amend-
    ment of the. United States CO,nstitution he has been denied the
    right to effective assistance of counsel as·well as dus process of
    la~.    The District Court has deni·ed.Petitioner due process of law
    by delaying to rule on his 11.07 Writ of Habsas CorpuB.                       As a prose
    litigant,       Petitioner respectfully asks this HDnorabla Court to
    grant his motion for A Live Ple.nary Evidentiary Hearing.
    WHEREFORE,    PREMISES CONSIDERED,            Petitioner prays that this
    ~otion     will b.e. granted,      a bench warrant issuerl,       and a ruling be
    is~ued     that have been filed in the cause number and grant Petition-
    er any other orLadditional reLief he is                  justly entitled to,      it is
    so prayed.
    •   0
    I    hereby ce~tify that a true. copy of th.e foregoin~ instrument
    wa~    served to the District Court Clerk by placihg a. copy in the
    U.S.       mail addressed to:
    Harris County;Courthouse
    248th District Court
    1201 Franklin St., 16th Floor
    Houston, Texas 77002
    EXECUTED on the          day of                     2 01 4.
    Thomas E. McDannel                                    Respectfully Submitted,
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd., CR 290
    Angleton, Texas 77515                                 T4lomas E. McDannel
    EXHIBIT "0"
    - Motion: To Have    Previo~E   Motions Ruled On -
    • }   )         "!:"\
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    'l.__,~ \.)'C',y_~Lf'<;<
    Chris Daniel                                                                                        "i:.                   ':~                 Oc!;..rJ~,·
    Ha r r i s Co u n t y Di s t r i c t             Cl e r k                                                  :r,..-1'>'              /..> '1:>-f}:~j``
    4 6 51
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    ~.,·y"·   (#.
    Nov ember                         21 04                                                                                    ~b.
    '(1:;.:                ·vv1
    RE : Mo t i o n P u r s u a n t t o F e d e r a l           Ru l e s o f   Ci v i l   P r o c e d u r e Ru 1 e 7 2 . \~b~-
    To have motions ruled on:                                                                                                          ~
    '~   Ch r i s       Da n i e 1    11
    Dear Sir:
    I   have enclosed a motion for ruling according to Fed.                                                 Rules of
    Civil Proc.                   Rule 72,         for filing with your office and also to be
    considered                   by        the 248th Judicial District Court Judge Katherine
    Cabanis presiding.                         I   have a self-addressed stamped envelope to be
    returned unto me with this coverletter,                                    requesting that you please
    file date stamp it and return to me using said envelope showing that
    this motion was presented to said Court and Judge presiding.
    Your cooperation,                time and patience is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you.
    Thomas E. McDannel #1562227
    Wayne Scott Unit                                                                  Respectfully Submitted,
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, Texas   77 51 5
    Thomas E.        McDannel
    Date:     November                      ,2014
    Cause Nos. 113153-B &
    Ex Parte                                            §
    ------Tliomas E. McDannel                                    §
    COMES NOW,       Thoma~     E. McDannel,         Plaintiff herein,              proceeding
    Pro se and in support of this motion will show this Honorable Court
    the following:
    p 1 ai n t i f f. i s . e n t i t l e d to have mo t i o n s r u l e d on t h a t   ate ·no t
    dispositive of the entire Cause of Action.                        See Fed.      R.    Civ. Rule 72;
    "Non-dispositive Matters. When a pretrial matter not dispositive of
    a parties claim or defense is referred to a trial Judge to hear and
    decide,    the trial Judge must promptly conduct the required proceed-
    ings and when appropriate,              issue a written order stating the                     deci``
    sian. A party may serve and file objections within 10 days after
    being served with a copy."
    Plaintiff has the following motions pending for which he is
    now seeking a ruling:
    1 .) Plaintiff's Application of Writ of Habeas Corpus Cause No.
    113153-B wherefore Assistant District Attorney for Harris
    County and said Court designated issues on the date of
    February 14, 2011. "Applicant was denied the effective
    assistance of counsel.'' Controverted praviously unresolved
    facts material to the leqalitv of ApplicaMt's confinement
    and needs to b~ resolved.
    2.)    ?laintiff's motion for a Live Plenary Evidentiary Hearing,
    filed on October 9, 2014.
    WHEREFORE,   premises considered,     Plaintiff prays that this motion
    -----G:ri-rrBe gran'fed and thereafter a ruling be issued on each motion that
    has been filed in these causes, and grant Plaintiff any other or add-
    itional relief he is justly entitled to,       it is so prayed.
    Service has been accomplished by mailing a true and correct
    copy of the following forgoing instrument to the following address:
    Chris Daniel
    Harris County District Clerk
    P.O. Box 4651
    Houston, Texas 77210-4651
    Executed on this day of      I~      November 2014, under both Fed-
    eral Law (28 U.S.C.   §1746~   and State Law CV.A.C.C. Proc. & Remedies
    Code §132.001-132.003).
    Respectfully Submitted,
    '7 ``    t[ lv 0~.__/'
    Thomas E. McDonnel
    TDCJ-ID #1562227
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, Texas 77515
    -Letter: Inquiry and Notice to File Mandamus.-
    June 17, 2015
    Harris County Courthouse
    Clerk o~ Court - Chris Daniels
    1 201 Franklin St.
    Houston, TX 77002
    RE:   Writ of Habeas Corpus Application
    Cause No. 11 31353-B
    Dear Honorable Clerk            Da~iels:
    I  am writing to you because you have not complied with Article
    11.07, §3 (c) of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure.                              On August 31,
    2011, I filed my original 11.07 hlrit of Habeas Corpus                              Application.
    The Court designated. issues, but then ~L\.•did not hear any·thing after
    that. So, on January 10, 2012 I filed. a 11 State 1 s Order· to Comply 11
    motion with the court • Then on Apr i 1 1 , 2 01 3 I f i 1 e d · a motion 11 To
    Co mp e 1 Co mp 1 i a n c e 11 wi t h t h e Co u r t . I t h e n f i 1 e·d a n Am e n d e d 1 1 . 0 7
    Writ of Habeas Corpus with the Court on 09-25-2013. On October 9,
    2 0 1 4 I f i 1 e d a mo t ion 11 For a Live P 1 e n a r y · Ev i de n .t i a r y H·e ar in g 11 • An d
    finally on November 17, 2014 I filed a motion 11 To Have Previous
    Motions Ruled On 11 •
    To this date, my motibns hav~ not been ruled on (if they have
    then I have not been provided with a copy of the ruling) and my
    11.07 Writ of Habeas Corpus Application has not been forwarded to
    the Court of Criminal Appeals.
    Per T CCP 11 . 0 7 , § 3 ( c ) , you are required to immediate 1 y .trans-
    mit to the Court of Criminal ~ppeals a copy of the applic~tion, any
    answers filed, and a certificate. reciting the date upon which that
    finding was made, if the convicting court decided that there were
    no issues to be .resol.ved. In my ·c.a•se.,·,··ther'eo.were.:is"SUes~·:designated
    to be resolved. In that case, I believe. you are given 180 days to
    resolve the issues and if you (the Court) has not, then you, Clerk
    Daniels, are required to immedicately send the above listed ite~s
    to the Court of Criminal Ap~eals. You have faile~ to do this. Since
    my original. Application was mailed to you, it has been almost four
    (4) years and since the Amended Application was sent it has been
    just over one and a half years. It' is beyond time to send every-
    thing to the Court of Criminal Appeals. It is to the point now where
    you are acting in bad faith.
    This letter is to serve two purposes. The first, is to request
    o n e 1 a s t t i me f o r y o u t o f u 1 f i 11 y o u r d u.t y a s t h e Ha r r i s Co u n t y
    Clerk, and mail my 11.07 Application, any answers filed, the cert-
    ificate reciting the date upon which the findings were made, exhibits,
    and r~ason for untimely delay in doing. so to the Court of Cri~inal
    Appeals. The second purpose, is to.inform you that I will be filing
    a Writ of M.andamus to the Court of Criminal Appeals if I do not
    receive notiGe from.them within 14 business days of this letter
    that you have transmitted to them.all the a.ppropriate doc~ments.
    It is my understanding that the convicting Judgs, Judge Cambell,
    i s n o 1 o n g e r t h.e r e a n d t h a t Ho no r a b 1 e J u d g e Ka t h r i n e Ca b a n i s i s
    the sitting judge at this time. It was for this Very reason that
    I submitted my motion for a Live. Plenary Evidentiary Hearing.
    I have enclosed a ~ASE for the purpose of sending me a file
    ma r k e d I d a t e s t am p e d c o p y t o me .s h o wi n g y o u r .r e c e i p t o f t·h i s 1 e t t e r
    and notice of intent tb file a mandamu·s. Also~enclosed, inside the
    SASE , is the first page copy of this 1 e t t e r for you · t·o use in f i 1 e
    marking/date stamping. I appreciate your timely response to this
    matter and pray that you will follbw the rules ~rovided in TCCP,
    11.07, §3(c). Thank you.
    Thomas E. McDannel
    TDCJ-ID #1562227
    Wayne Scott Unit
    6999 Retrieve Rd.
    Angleton, TX 77515
    - I!JoJ(Jf2S 117t   !Jo~J;Vtl :1/1..5~2;}.;1,_ 1 ~. ,.
    iJilj~G 5tJtl M:                     ..
    !o Vi? kli/t~ .· d
    4vg!t itJ;/)   7t'xu~ 17515

Document Info

Docket Number: WR-83,580-01

Filed Date: 7/13/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/29/2016