- ACCEPTED 14-14-00927-cv FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 7/15/2015 2:28:00 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK No. 14-14-00927-CV In the FILED IN 14th COURT OF APPEALS Fourteenth Court of Appeals at Houston, TexasHOUSTON, TEXAS 7/15/2015 2:28:00 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE ULRIKA BJORKSTAM AND JOSEPH DANIEL DRAY, Clerk Appellants, v. WOODWARD, INC., Appellee. On Appeal from the 190th Judicial District Court Of Harris County, Texas Trial Cause No. 2010-31214 The Honorable Patricia J. Kerrigan, Presiding UNOPPOSED MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO FILE APPELLANTS’ REPLY BRIEF Appellants Ulirka Bjorkstam and Joseph Daniel Dray file their Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Appellants’ Reply Brief, pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 10.5(b). 1. Presently, Appellants’ Reply Brief is due July 15, 2015. 2. Through this Unopposed Motion, Appellants seek an extension of fourteen (14) days to file their Reply Brief. Should the Court grant this Motion, the new deadline will be July 29, 2015. 3. This Motion is timely, pursuant to Tex. R. App. P. 38.6(d). 4. The requested extension of time is necessary because the undersigned has a heavy docket, including substantial involvement in the following matters: Case No. C2012-7881; Jefi Jeannette Ochoa, et al. v. Giti Tire Corporation, et al.; in the Superior Court of the State of Arizona in and for the County of Pima – hearing on Giti Tire (Fujian) Co., Ltd.’s and Giti Tire Corporation’s Motions to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction – occurred on July 10, 2015; Cause No. L-13-0061-CV-B; Texas Crude Energy, LLC and Amber Harvest, LLC v. Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company LP; in the 156th District Court of Live Oak County, Texas – preparation of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Reconsideration by the Court of Written Findings and Recommendations of the Master in Chancery with 29 Exhibits that total 679 pages – filed on July 13, 2015. 5. The requested extension is therefore necessary to allow Appellants adequate time to prepare their Reply Brief. The request for additional time is not made for delay, but only so that justice may be done. 6. These facts are within personal knowledge of the undersigned. Therefore, verification is unnecessary. Tex. R. App. P. 10.2. 7. Appellee’s counsel has no objection to the requested extension of fourteen (14) days. Therefore, should the Court grant this Motion, the extension will not result in undue hardship or material harm to Appellee. For these reasons, Appellants request that the Court grant their Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to File Appellants’ Reply Brief. 2 Respectfully submitted, PIERCE & O’NEILL, LLP /s/ John C. Schwambach, Jr. John C. Schwambach, Jr. Texas State Bar Number 17858450 4203 Montrose Boulevard Houston, Texas 77006 713-634-3607 Direct 713-634-3600 Main 713-634-3601 Facsimile jschwambach@pierceoneill.com Attorney for Appellants 3 CERTIFICATE OF CONFERENCE I, John C. Schwambach, Jr., counsel for Appellants, Ulrika Bjorkstam and Joseph Daniel Dray, hereby certify that I have conferred with Terry Adams, counsel for Appellee, about the merits of this Motion, and he is unopposed to this Motion. /s/ John C. Schwambach, Jr. John C. Schwambach, Jr. 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Pursuant to the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was electronically filed and served upon all know counsel of record this 15th day of July, 2015. John Michael Kelly N. Terry Adams, Jr. (admitted pro hac vice) tadams@bmpllp.com jkelly@amm-law.com BIERNE, MAYNARD & PARSONS, Gina Marie Diomedi L.L.P. (admitted pro hac vice) 1300 Post Oak Boulevard, 25th Floor gdiomedi@amm-law.com Houston, Texas 77056 Christine Marie Niemczyk Telephone: (713) 623-0887 (admitted pro hac vice) Facsimile: (713) 960-1527 cniemczyk@amm-law.com ADLER MURPHY & MCQUILLEN LLP 20 South Clark Street, Suite 2500 Chicago, Illinois 60603 Telephone: (312) 345-0700 Facsimile: (312) 345-9860 /s/ John C. Schwambach, Jr. John C. Schwambach, Jr. 908608.1 5
Document Info
Docket Number: 14-14-00927-CV
Filed Date: 7/15/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/30/2016