in Re Overille Denton Thompson ( 2015 )

  •                     IH THE COURT OF APPEALS FORTH? FIRST Jjl Itf//T) Q^M-fiP.
    c^t No. m$qv\
    MMSJ                W 05 2015
    Xn rey
    Overt Ik Anton Thompson,
    Susan &roWh
    Pi'ttrict C»ur1~ of Appalsi 30! Fani'n 5frertjHcusibh.TeXA<> 7700£
    l>   Juclai Susan Sn^n.fkrris Ccu/fty Criminal Jad-jr? Center. 1201 Frankllh,l7+h titeryttcusten.
    Hx&s lioo^i
    ?,   5farfe proSecutcr(s) maimtj) Adi/g been r"sieJ hy Re^ter^ou/ever Jue to lie 'ateifectiVe
    dfiJi insumutfit counsel a~f court-appoinfeJ aHerney^Toflimy UFom. Relator has been ttnavk
    -to obtain tkU information .hutsuch jS &y&rtcf rzeerd/
    a,   PUttrgrille fa-hn llompsoy^ A/ft OtHtS3U. thrrk C^tsiy Sheriff's Orffre Jg/L
    IZOO hhr Street. Houston Jkxu 71001,
    J/Jgy of Authorities                                         fAjeS—l "£
    1, 5+
    ,                                               -
    Artlrle£§3 tFdeTeniLudMJM                                               FfijeS 15, l{*f17, ll^,tt
    Article l§34afiUTeu,G*tihrf-;M'                                         ftjf5 •/$/ ty, fjf Hf ^
    3i Articlel§t aiikeTiX&s Catfhitiw                                         PqjtS 15/lb 17/12/2Z-
    1.\ArHrie Iff? »f-Hie lex* Constitution                                  FaytS 15/ 17f tL
    s. Article i SlOoftUTeas CnsiMm                                          fyes 15/ If,/ 17/ l2, it
    ArflcletdlZoftheTeXtsConstlfatm                                      fojeS II/I7/I8/1&
    1A Art-:citl$V0f+UT*Y«c,»fHhHt*                                          fyes iBjIL/ff/lti/lt
    A.+lrk mi of-tie T*»s Cm&UhHm ;                   .                  fiyS /5/%/ 17/%L
    V ArticleSMrfiteTexMConttutcn                                      .   _&qt$ ll*/fl/2$
    IDA    ArfckSM JjUTms restitution                                        UfS tlf/fyli/fl/ZS
    JL  Article 11,01 J+k Teas CrJe aPCrUlul ProrJaK           .             FtfS    %/ 17/18/^3
    J2J Article llOBif-tkTms CJeafCnWW Procure                 :             ?*fS    !(>//7/18/^3
    m Article HMir-HieTcHS Ue ofCrWml PmJan                                 FafS     lQ/l7jl8/23
    m. Article IUI cfineTevKGJt ofCrinbtl ProceLnt .                        f*fS    !(>/17/It/^3
    15, Article (USof+ke Tws 0>k ACrlmlJ PrveJum                            F&J&    ll°/ 17/(1/£3
    M M\r\e HHOtF-heT,,« tokACn'vU PrcCeljrt                        :       pAjeS   fa/17/1$/ 23
    JZi    Attlrfe M3oMeTeM Ue cit-UJ tnceL*                                 hjes 16/17/1$/ &l.
    A      Artilck ML *MeTn« Cje ofCrl^IfhJure                               hjtS $/J7/li,&t
    A      Mirk WJfi *fii*Tem Ck efCnnlJ fhcJim                             fajt$ Ify 17/JJf^
    m  Article ILOl oMe Tern GkofQrlmlJ Pmce^                               F<\f> /$/#/#/
    1L /MJe nM§\(\)«f^T™.Fe(m-iJi-^se^oji_o£jFi'cm:^
    C.tea*,'™ ofaControlled Suksjurt-Wftii Zrfentto Deliver- Penalty Gr,>«f 7. „r l4 _ HOP Gnrt1-
    _,.   l_/Wc/)i^_*4/L_"
    PTKidl* inttmse feurCv rises. Her office is hcahd attint Hum's County Criminal Just-let Ce/ikr, IZo\
    Franklin/1't7tt\ floor. Houston T**Al 7700£,                           -_
    _ _
    ksfondent/Susan Srou/n/In contemptofcourtand tampering with apenJlnj official proceeding^ is
    mJjftiyJkl. fu/fi'llmj lr\tr ministerial iutyh ansytr Relator'* properly
    submitted notionsjparticularly l\ls petitions and applications for writof habeas corpus
    -filed individually ii\ these ioar (M) rases,
    ,.   I l . l i l , . - . M .         --
    /Zpl/ PentoA Thomson^invokes' thejurisdiction of the
    first Court of Appeals kpcatisr Ae has no other plain/SpitdyJni adtau<&t  Perform its ministerial dufj/
    Al\k n/rh lta\/e void ielaforb properly filed documents,-fkerehy enaUinj
    Relaford freedom of speech,
    fluffs msEtfTEf)
    Relator Owrlile Denton Thompson's necessary lejal rijlnfiv he heard, gnd
    gnd that of UU due process of law 'have effectively been denied hitn hccausc of'
    Faint I ' Ineffective and Xnsa-fficienf Counself*4nd
    feint3E' fotMfiderifSatan Bran's Refusal to Arp\jer ^elatir]s Properly Filed Remedies.
    STfrrmerfF of facts
    Feint H                Ineffective and Insufficient CnunseI
    Ccurt-appoiriwi attorney/Tomy UFon^ from the onset did knowingly and purposefully nlsrtppzseit
    falator/Querlllt fiprifon~Fko*py Ufon helped to keep Relator unfairly
    TtmM to custody whlk the 5tate conducts an w-jolna investigation oftie neyj allegation,
    •It.                 \   lil. J             I,             i       .           ,.         r\       I                 ../.
    of tihich tz> t^/s day exist no physical evidence or material facts just mere accusation
    su^pportid by confllctlnj circumstantial/^ur^ay testimony,
    h.Tommy UPon jid attempt to mai\lpudatt klator Jntt unlawfully comparing evidence against klm<>eff,
    t   .   ,          \ t   .     •            .         .    .       '                      i        .       i   i           .1
    which Is evidenced ly
    hy the numberjf paragraph enhancement tron the ortjlnal cent/olided
    Conplaintpmented on AW ft/toS to that ^hlch was presented mAugust ft/VOlS after the
    i uly£7,26lS Consalfaton appearance Supposedly for all foarCLi) cases.
    C, Hatvr u/as ralobed nfdue process from the onset atthe new allegation; of dnlck Tommy
    UFw possessing clear full kmaikdge helped ficlUfdZ/M^du^sJ.
    (t) Relator was never accorded aprobahle ctqse hearing at the commencepetit of'tht
    Dew allegation brought M*y l^/ZOl"cr was he e\Jtr formally arraigned', to
    Qlgrlfy/ no presinftion of the new charge wa.s ever r^ak before <3 magistrate hy
    electronic broadcastsystem or in-person f
    _J_   _ .
    dLr\a,rch iA.ljDfr atPn>.-Tr^l Hearing In open Court.Tn"y Uhn \ld acknowledge without
    xedr3SsJiespj>AttitJiixsAn-&a.w                                                    — **
    the time hem offered ihitddy/then at Suppression Hearing fclatcr would have to enter into
    aplea /jpauift Jth fie PA LPistrlct Money! f Respondent were to side h/lth State at~
    Said Suppression Hearing,
    e>,June 1/1Q& at scheduled Suppression Hearing and subsequentJury TrUI,
    ll)Jx>.fainV-LTAFoA-didi^uspsna^iihfjjt^ustcAUS^ Relater's right toJuie process of Ui^u.nJiotk
    oF these necessary proceedings shnJoa Insufficient overriding necessity for such as being
    jtke^eh/J^S£_b,rMgbt^usJcJ"              with no indlctment/-
    later for July/ %/i£lh
    t° recklesslyIaHow
    prosecution time to correctthe convolute,'
    n     • l I       I     l     HI \ l   ,1           IA SIAIf   It       I    I    ,   ,1
    'XL         /.
    4- './/-/_,.._-h -J                 -
    jj(fl____y__Ojb_^                                               than sufficienttime to
    j&ttMLMJl^                                         M/MISL.
    „d_-_J___Q^J"                                                  in the t-___I_^cas.e5_i_i
    _J)d^__jca_dS_^                                                :                            .
    (/) Is clearly Indicative ofthe grpPh lljfrtjlven Ulm LTomny UhnJby prosecution because
    tilth tie Confidential Tnformant already cp/np forth in the new CASe,this action
    how Ls loe&n rendered harmless toward Shrfe's cause in the aid cases,And
    (11)demonstrates his trMe unwillingness to suppress State's evidence because he LTommy
    LafonJ never reasserts Relator's right to suppression hutInstead flits thiS Useless
    motion to bring forward the Confidential Tntorpnant,                                .
    a, Also on July 17.?J0\^ at Consultation for oil four (t) cases cam* the following '
    (1)Relator naife second requestef Tommy ighn to subhft motion for examining trial mthe netV
    Caseffor yvhlch there <,flll tykfed £0 d*V< ^fcre IndictmentLAuju<;flH/2G&l.& total
    of 75 days in total fry* Relator's original request made on June ZfZOfc.
    •fli/Tommy UFon submits amotion -Cnr^Urmi/ery In the new Case gust two months mexistence.
    with no indictment, In attemptto dUpmt/e Relator's allegations ofIneffective counsel/
    h/hen In fact 4)is action only served to effectually substantiate the claims because such
    discovery was never «>ugkr~hy Tommy LgFon In the three(f) old uses hefore indictment
    afhr indictment,and /or mosti^porfntfy before he set the cases for tnah
    I,   T*/"»y l^fo*\ in fiefhredt) nld cases ^ver filed the necessary pretrial motions to ppofct
    f\e cnnsfttiftflAdl and .statutory rights 0f felafcr^wrllle Pentcnlhcmpsan/Acrdid he
    rzmsint feUfcr honnrMy in the /lew CAse.,
    7"   omtny UFon hy \i\ver if) flttS yeAcsjif fcgal egrtrienCA/ both
    defense, and provei/fanglj has III factprrflSSed to havinn knowledge at Criminal proceMCSjiL
    AvrMlp^fe h\nt»r in all fourfa)carJ^pcop^ly_sMbmjfM-rj!^                  affjdmfs' is cl^sIy^MAjdnrea^nahlyJinyiQg-
    fal&tcr U\S right to be heard and due process of law.                        ,
    i.,    August3l.2CfS in open court the, following facts were establishfid '>
    a, Through ler c-.lrrujfeus retortj, Respondent/ Susan Brown/ has acknowledged receipt of
    Relator QyeriHe Denton Thompson's August20/2015 .submissions ofApplication for Urffof
    .habeas corpus_mJdudiL
    j_Xs_g-£gfe/_i___ &* beingj^.ere^m.oflo-nS-/AnL
    (luslnp has removed Tommy UFon nr allowed Tammy UFon to remove himself from Relators
    _caSp< by stating thatsuch was not dene, because ofanything KeUthr u/ if
    Relator had wrote nothing /she uould have reacted j/\ the same, fashion,
    Akfosiflon foivard. Relator and these cases/fr*m which b\&S ran he inferred» Relator issarv
    . fransrrlpt Ifacafrate-
    C, Respondentexpressed far desire that the net/ case should hold priority/ yet jje next )ny on September
    I/20& wUn r Raptor's constitutional and statutory rljhfs,
    Here.ln lies reasonable suspicion to conclude Huff Respondent/ ifshe ever was/no logger presides^
    Impartial Ja these fourit) matters,
    X   Rejtk-pArtiieslA^l.oAS^bo.w_co"
    loft'leers she presides oVer in these matters ,Pier discretion Is abusive and clearly needs fo be .
    igoverned by that of this Court.
    0,1 ftefjrfcry Over!Ik Denton Thompson/ has submitted many remedies to "the Iftth Judicial DistrictCurtof Hams
    County/Texas but he bis confinement could only obtain the submission, dates of those papers that may be
    \vlewed as pertinent foiward this cause/gnd they are gs listed '<
    WPetition for Writaf thbe&s Corpus for Bond Reduction Prized oncp on ^'p\/£> and at/am on ,1/J^/Jfi f-
    \bMotion far Evidentiary hearing served nnre on fa/HjjjS and again on ,(j/£/^>, /
    \CMotion fo DliMi<n f'/W/j5 f-
    d,Application -far Writof Habeas Qrpus separately served for each ofthe 4\ree(3)ald cases on         t
    e..Application for jJriftf Habeas Corpus served -Porthe new cose nn jJmL" '
    31    Ptlator Ls provided in the Appendix asworn affidavit -fa satisfy the. Court's exhibit requirement
    hecn,use. copies sf the documents in guerfloA cj>uld (\of be hereto attached due to Relator's lack of dCCtSS
    any \nnyr +° tnose materials /y his confinement/ butevidence of their submission can be ascertained
    jimugh court record of the IfiStk Judicial Plstrict Cturtef Harris County/Te/as and by
    arresting the Website of Chris Daniel. Harris County District C(er^Jalso as evidence of th
    August Z0/7MS SjuJsJwssJfinS/4 copy ofeach ofthe threefold rAses. was mailed fo the Court
    iif Cn^m_^W_mijiW_Q££-(?f t/impson/ ha$ made over 10 requests by !~bOf one wrlikn letter ~fo the
    .                                                         faf. l^
    Harris County Sheriff's Office Tnternal Affairs/and two grievance forms/ all in effort for the last
    three (3) months tv receive from Xomate Sank at Hum's County Jill mHouston/Hams Gantt//Texas an
    Account Activity Ledger covering the lastsly months ofperformance with no success, butas tn
    effect such and declare his indgence, Relator has incorporated in the Appendix" a sworn affidavt,
    Ihtrefore/ Relator now humbly requests that the Court allow him fo proceed in foma\ pauperis,
    i_        Relator/Over!He Penton Thompson/iwould also shavthe Court that Relator enjinally-filed an
    IleafIon for Writ0-P mandamus. In ike Court nf Criminal Appeals en September l3/Z0lSJWl'^3,
    7fi7~0iJ and the motion for leave to file Was denied without written order on September 10/
    UB because Relator broke the chain of order In filing such document but Relator does
    now Correct such error by first apologising to the Court for that unfortunate break in
    procedure due his ignorance and revest permission to file tils Application In the First Cnurf
    f Appeals. :                                                  :
    fgge, 13
    \hint I \ Ineffective, and Xnsafficienct Ca^W
    l\ To show Ineffective counsel. Relator/Overllle knfon Thompson. moves the Courtto recoj*lze. the two
    lelemtKh ofsuch In ""Ji^ls^M^JO^S.Ct.^Sr^ll LTdM 3C5(im)4ereln
    no pretrial discovery'was conducted nortimely Suppression motion filed -Tn Relator's threpCs)
    •>ld cgsesTommy UFon en March 23.201$ at Fre'Trlal fkarlna does tie following '>
    aSets Relator for trial withoutconducting apretrial 41n'^ refusal -h, accord Relator an 'x-gmlnlng trial for the ne.WCase as requested
    having /)/J sufficienttime for such, atotal of' Hdays.\/\o\ated Relator Overllle Denton
    _____                                                 :                     .            ?a5e I'd
    HtnpsnnS nakfs puraia.rfr °fa Article \L0\ of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure,
    _ _
    Tommy LafoA 's failure or refusal to file any of tie necessary pretrial mctlonS to frofect
    hl&toris constitutional and statutory rights tn these fcur(t) cases are violations pursuantto the
    First/Fourth,FIfthjSlxth/Eighth/and fourteenth fimeadmits ofthe United States Constitution/
    frtick'lM.S^MMJlO/PftoJI $11 tftbeTenS Constitutionf4hi Article 3111 of tie JoXas U
    5,   Tommy UHn by and ijreugh bis mspiraterlal effortto aid and abetState prosecutor(s) has prejudiced
    justcruel and unusual punishment butalso acriminal act of tampering btcause such was dene
    knowing the falsity ofdocuments and information in ail of the four (H) cases dud using such with . .
    the lifkiit to affect thy, course oroutrode of Relator's pending criminal procedure pursuant to
    Textf Penal Codes 931M and §37.10 and violates Relator's rights protected under ihe Eighth/Fourth/
    Wgfthe Texas Constitutionfand Article 3113 offin Texas Code of CriminalJrcceJm.,
    5IfmiayJLtfjDJLfMy"                                                £0 plus yeaTS-ofLtriminaJjM.
    jy/ie/xe/iceJi"                                                    to impeach the criminal tmryyL
    1,       Toj^myuLaB^AiloM!^
    a.Adopt into actlvlfy My of Motor's properly snlm\M& motions,
    b.Act on Relator's request-h file for an evidentiaryhearing in tjt threefold rjses and examining
    trial in the mw case.

    §£ -Jjft? ofthe Texas &*Wnfs Refusal to fasuler Relators Properjy Filedj Remedies I On fAtrrk 11/U>iS/RespondentSusan flr^n i>y alkmpHna to coerce Relator Over!lie kntinlbempion into 0^tiA^fJea^fg.uiJtdld Infgct viojstej^latoris rights wow thzJilftfySixth/t^i£^ $_i__si_L<_^ 1, Jstfwiie__^_" ilL^AjxdccdjtJLUtJoA An.a\jAsmg^ucktj}fk..crjj.el o,nd unusual pursuant fo the frihth 4Amendmentof the llnltzl5id& Constitution/ Article 1§I3 of-fke 7__s Constitution,and > 'dUJoQ.. ajdJ..L..0i^fiLLTmsSJe ofStlmal PrrxedursAlnaddlfi^/viators rights .\\ Relator/ OvenIk knton Thompson/ has shown f\\e existence of legal duty on the khaff. oT r \Cthe.USth -MImaI. filitrlctLoucfoffams^\ubSSfjl AppUsMf -H- J&/____ VE&FZCATTON JSltXTEjSFjrEMS- COUNTY OF HMfcS 0^rlk.Jkitt)mI^ \\ X MiJie.ApylkMt...icL.^ __l________^___y______^ MsfkeJtp^l^ SjgAdurs"^Appilo&lltL •^r!^Pr^rt"3^f^>7M"'S-'. ' SUBSOcTBEP AMP SWOtN TV BEFORE ME TWSSS n mcf QcMk+j '/ ___?__ "___._!__g___ Pagel:L APPENDIX u..\Ml<-k'3-§3 cfihzT'xvConsfifutltn.E'MAL KtOHTS.M fne tf?.n,"htn thy term ascc.ul ^npact^ave e^lrijtts./ Um MpiMjSrseftf rvMyis entitled1 fo exclusive, zepmte public mclmtntstar prlvlleaes^ut In centIderation ofpublic, service. MMc^ 4£& ifikTemCcnstltutlcn.MMlJtfmttTHF UW.^Iltv unkrfk foshlllnctk denied crdn'JjJ . .j\k?Ci.uss. ofsty/race/ColeC/cretajec natitm *rUinilhis..4nenJei\tiMca,mRcm<_$ s&IMSH:Tk fufksUI bestcurt In tklr/erm^hous^papersmL- \.\fessas.le^ttTXiia.Jl.Mr!^en^k.sth»i^.ersi«r^>m k/Aer vt'tliMtfnbahk cAUSe^supported fa *.*fk or ^ Ii .I IsUU *W dsfsdy pMlt trklty sn i/np/trtiAjury.ltesUII /i«Ve tk rljhttc A«*ml tk.. natire And cause efctkeAccusation mlnit \lkle\,AM it..have, acopy there.d~.ite shall not be owpelki to qike.Mm&..aju6st..fatoelf/4ai s.UH[ nMttiirljhtff.hlg.- . .].[ heard by fa' counsel/fckctk,shall he csfftcntAhtk wttmsts.4k! hive mtfukuy..prccessSceMkUina._ .._ji.w#?)__ it hisfmcj,. :. ^nl/irtrcieSLil^eftkTextsCwtHuhtnMfH^/iS.CORPUS, Theyclttf hnkv corpus U*uritcfrljktfMi shallneftcksj&f&m . . IJhtl^lsltureskull[enactUviStn rtidtf-fM rwdyspeedy and effectual.<.... _ . ._. _. . 7.1 IktlckiS&'fiklmCt*^ . \\L^,EyctssM:.k^ imptsedy.atr...trusiar.Manmal.fiMiihimt..Lriill.d$AJMjwl5..shtlL. H {Joe c.pei\,4id .every person, tec an injury acne hm/inhiLUnas/jceds/pfrsener repute .\:M,. ' '. - - : -- i.i\ 'MldeiSNcftkTvis QnstMleiupEri&mZOH CfmE/LZmfflfETC'/MEm iShAllie hfrim cf IfeJlhertv/pri i^/iner.Jiseathiachshed^eXQ^t.fa Jiie.course Ilet the law ef the Und> ... ....... V Page oV?r in [Article $§(> eflht Texts Q>.iutJfvtlti\l CcMTs ofWFhLsy,, S*li Curtcf-Appeals .skill hTk wnte-fh he. uiised wkn any pxrm.lsrzstre.Ued In his llherty, Zfis an.order. Issued. hy a. courtorjudge cfcompetent^. ._ ;\\urlsMctkn/ k*vlnj.4..p.ersen In kls custody/or under his restraint, ctmnAndkg hies to.pmdm ...sack persco/ata tine and pkeg flawed Inthe M/rlt-and f.hoy u/liy he is. held In.custody or mdzr restraint, ... II: \ArfltkJl05efik TmUdicfMvln&i ftWw*," ttf&k/ik...- \Iplftr.lctScurfSftlfi.ComfyCmrisjfrAnyJulqetf.s«\d Courtsjfavep_?*> issueH\«^.corp.uS/..a/illtIs...., proper motionft> arant theyrtt.under the rules prescribed..hy. law.:.. _.__ ..#: ]jWi'cJe. fUMthcTms Ccd^c£.(j-lMkLfrc£dm,.f^ MmmTIm .._s.icaa._W*ufe\..a |.|^ _ jle/amine the cause ofthe appikant/and Issue tk WritreturnMt attiat.tim./ In tf"mty.Jaere.thzM%S^_ V.Was charted.Infix, inJlldi» toUv?ies/i cofniffed, ulso. specify...Strut.Am., mfh?. .Cey/t/v. iU/rWsft ,_ _.... .... It;\hrfck. II..//,Cc!a.inA.fmadure .EMXJFA&tJ&JfatirpscappfiMttJ.sUlLfetiie earliestJay... \\idilck.tntj.mgt can devote to..hearing tk cause otths-Appli'cant - $,\]Arfck. I!d$ oftkTx&S 0>dt «f.Cnenul hoJmt.k!R[TQmwP..VX^r.MftY,]lie.rttrfh4fasjcciftisl*llk ....arA'itti vltioxt dekyhy the judqt crcavrtrecelvliuthe petitiM/unlessitb?-tnt<\ifa£__e._a_, at/t the. definda/rHs demotion. ntj\Mic\eJLZlJ£ik^&^ car. St&e£.pej36AjaMiotdMlL^ y£:_L._.:i" _jl_k»._c_5M_.^ i • ...J\.„fvr.isjuA6.c?,..£±Mrit^ %fi_l_ _j__t_.noAiisccdmary aSt/dsmnd fec^sr3>rm&nc^aad["iHLj^..CDurttc.perform, J_i_lgiii___" enquired .norexcess!*! fines i^pos&d,ncr .C_?LW..J_i_5M[^usi)_. ___f_U___Wi" -_x_^/_...__-^ i__u__^__L^nW .2L^irst3mJn<^jttk.U&itd MirfisJ"tidjoAj" an establishmentcfnlUlpA,, ' .aj:..dridj.ina...tM..^ :_.._- tl, F.^r____i_f/>7frt1.._._g..4/d__ States CsrutltufiM, AH\ persons born t>r faturalized in the Unfch Sjzctes and __^_Ltg:_^._^ And ofthe State: therein tkey reside,htofkfe shall ..__-j___£..._" _Sai_Je/dW.._y.y?xd__ ts _jM_lz!c____" __Lj_____ie_£^ -f^iy____C:G^_" __e/_t_^_.pi^k^ searrke.dfaad the pern< orfhlnjs -fo loejei^ed , : ; -Mj_J_.._4^U" _T_ ^rltof Mandamus uert nofreaulmd to be admlsdhte t»i//Ve/if._, __U__Wj.__" — .yhe__._ M/iW conducted _Q_a pretrial discovery !a_jand fulled tc file afinely supprtSilcn mtUfi W dysuMtssSiei against ..^l!__C_}_._.r uses any record-, _.. . .demiwnt/orthlnj with knewledae ofits falsifyand with InhnttP affect fhi course invesjiaatipn erofficial proceeding *. .__ _ __ _.... %t Texas Penal CcdeSSIAO, ft person cpwlt* <*/. 6ffi?.0*e if he mulcts presents, erases any record JocUMnt^rthing k/lm Ifjnowlidjt it its falsity and wfh intent thatIt be taken as agenuine jcvernnenfalre&rd * fytU> STAT*OFTEX)t5 COUhiTYCFm&S .' £/ Ovcrllle Perrffin Thompsonyfirst, kinj Jul/ SvJcri^ depose ciaJ say'' LI aw tmtelatcr Iniiie.dwc proceeding.m. ^kidi..Reif>6mid'ySMSA0.Jktwaytfawnib/e. Judy?., cf[the JiSth Judicial Phtrlct Courtoftkrris.CouAtyT^S,..presides in . Causf_..Mers.lWW/.M5ffl/fl'i(,.i,57/finl l%M3,sty\4 State, of Tem vs, OverilkThompSc(\i ___ _ _.._,__ '£>,\ fa later. iS Minfiffe .tit- thrrls CountyJulIin .tkrris County/Tus....who has keen itvrona(y ._,. cctrfimi ctfeoses charted m$0,la cause numbers re}U\/e fiIs oppfej^e .ctnl illejdresiralotjnsucl] miters, hasfiki in saij_ exurftiw-followin*,remedies'. dfetifon fi>r Urif0f tt&lms Corpus for fond Reduction stmd ence en 3/lj/lS and again on jj/i/l$'/ hSpflon for Evidentiary ttearlm served once 0/1^/lj/i^ and\. */ C.Moflcn fp Plsmlss seri/ed on 7//6V/9 / Atpplla&icn. for h/nfef kkas Corpus septrctlyserYeLfbrmh cfife :fhmb)old.oc&s en y§JtO/lS> / BMktt mac"T [%e /- of__J fye, 27 e.-. Application for Uritof Hakas Corpus.senLelJk2J£JL*Ji££&&jPA^(l/& SjJkL&^SSLj£Jt^...QQftlM ia_^ficfafi___f__{_ __._________^ ..___!e._.4_ii_l_L. Qrf7>jper tZyiO.^ .___.4_._%lj^ .4.J_i__-j___M .____L__t._._J __i__i.______fe^__ .___i_u___^ fc_i.i_t__^_l__^ _l__J__^i5^ _______^_!_!_k___ ____________<__T_W _<_L_J__^1L__________^ ____£_. : ____^___/__i___i_" i____l_dbl£S_______" ^_c&ei____i___ tEf oa$.2l5Tr -5MQ£mpj^mtiJPj£mE.MJtt& _._^._6l ofJktAr.y.Ml&.. Til CftOn/tA Om\ ncn^r-r Co n -P/?l •7,1 Disciplinary and Grievance Section Date: 9/16/2015 To Inmate: THOMPSON, OVERILLE DENTON SPN# 2425321 Location JA09 6E1A01 FROM: Inmate Grievance Board Your complaint regarding BANKING/VALUABLE PROPERTY has been received by the Grievance Board. After review, it has been determined this matter does not conform to criteria applicable to a grievable issue as outlined in the Inmate Handbook, but instead is a Banking request Your request will be referred to a supervisor. No further action will be taken by the Grievance Board regarding this matter. You are required to review and follow the approved Grievance procedure on all future complaints. INMATE GRIEVANCE BOARD ?af>3\ Disciplinary and Grievance Section Date: 9/25/2015 To Inmate: THOMPSON, OVERILLE DENTON SP/V# 2425321 Location JA09 6E1A01 FROM: Inmate Grievance Board Your complaint regarding BANKING/VALUABLE PROPERTY has been received by the Grievance Board. After review, it has been determined this matter does not conform to criteria applicable to a grievable issue as outlined in the Inmate Handbook, but instead is a Banking request Your request will be referred to a supervisor. No further action will be taken by the Grievance Board regarding this matter. You are required to review and follow the approved Grievance procedure on all future complaints. INMATE GRIEVANCE BOARD fyt 31- Case fdo.MSW . ... H^30 mm mm 2rt re./ (fertile Penton Thompson, Matery \ V. Susan Brown V Respondent, CERTIFICATE- OF QD^Ll^CE fgldzr*Ovtrllk.Dentin.Thompson, submits.thlS-hisCertificate>.. of.. Compliance in [fke AoM..e~cajtioned cam numbers hayinj-Ser^Lan affl!..cdloAJ^r...^r.(tof'_.__ ':mai\ .the. FirsT .//j ttousft?nyTex4S/4nJ hereh. cerfifi^. fhdifhc nuinher.oi1." ppll, 3t "^ ____fc._____ W_?3P J_4tt__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ilj_l ____J_____9^__^_- J__£__y : _____/____! '/- __^_W___ X, -W/'Z/e /WP/) Thompson,certify thatoA Qcsbjser £7.10$ ^. /./i ' / J _ r^ f _. /' „' ./^ _ __ / ' _ __id___l_____tfc" ^j_Xs£^_2p_i______^ .J_.J__f_" ___•___._. PMtmJ}wMfSc>.a./Jri __%__! _9GS__S^ __\i_tscoi*rf" Efi8_D j£8 U.S. POSTAGE » PITNEY BOWES Ham* Ownjle tkrfth/l ThomfOf]-__ Stteet: |_t__ fofer Houston, Texas 77002 ,v_a^ __ ^ ZIP 77002 « 02 4W ' -^/ ^ 0000334684 NOV 03 2015 J R v Flirt Court ofAffea IS 301 Fanln SfnetyfimZw Houston yTexts HOOt -Wfa

Document Info

Docket Number: 14-15-00939-CR

Filed Date: 11/5/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/30/2016