farmers-insurance-exchange-truck-insurance-exchange-fire-insurance-exchange ( 2002 )

    NO. 03-01-00649-CV
    Farmers Insurance Exchange; Truck Insurance Exchange; Fire Insurance Exchange;
    Mid-Century Insurance Company; Mid-Century Insurance Company of Texas;
    Farmers New World Life Insurance Company; Farmers Texas County
    Mutual Insurance Company; Texas Farmers Insurance
    Company; and Farmers Group, Inc., Appellants
    Michael Leonard and Michael Sawyer on Behalf of Themselves
    and all Others Similarly Situated, Appellees
    Farmers Insurance Exchange, Truck Insurance Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange, Mid-
    Century Insurance Company, Mid-Century Insurance Company of Texas, Farmers New World Life
    Insurance Company, Farmers Texas County Mutual Insurance Company, Texas Farmers Insurance
    Company, and Farmers Group, Inc. (collectively AFarmers@), bring this interlocutory appeal challenging the
    trial court=s order certifying a class action. See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. ' 51.014(a)(3) (West
    Supp. 2002). By four issues, Farmers contends that the trial court erred in certifying the class action
    brought by appellees, Michael Leonard and Michael Sawyer. Farmers contends that the class does not
    meet the requirements for class certification under rule 42 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, and urges
    reversal and decertification. We will affirm the trial court=s order.
    This case involves a number of essentially unilateral bonus award contracts that Farmers
    gives its agents each year to reward them for meeting certain profitability and sales requirements. Although
    Farmers offers a number of award programs, only four distinct bonus programs are implicated in this
    dispute. The four bonus contracts, and the years in which Leonard and Sawyer claim Farmers breached the
    agreements, are the Underwriting Contract Value Bonus for 1995-1999, the Agency Profitability Bonus for
    1995-1999, the Auto Retention Bonus for 1999, and the Life Performance Bonus for 1996-1999.
    Farmers sent these bonus contracts to 13,000 agents in twenty-nine states.
    Because these contracts may change, Farmers explains the bonus programs in annual
    Achievement Award Brochures, Field Bulletins, and the Farmers Agent Guide. These written explanations
    contain the rules, eligibility criteria, and qualification requirements for each bonus award available that year.
    Each bonus is calculated by Farmers, based on an individual agent=s sales and profitability. Accordingly, the
    written explanations for the bonus contracts notify the agents that A[p]roduction qualifications are based on
    official Company production records for the qualifying period for each award.@ Farmers also furnishes its
    agents with a copy of their individual production records so that they will be able to monitor their individual
    sales, production, and profitability, as determined by Farmers. Leonard and Sawyer claim that Farmers
    uniformly breached the four bonus contracts at issue by improperly calculating and awarding the bonuses
    due to the class members. Accordingly, Leonard and Sawyer filed this suit as a putative class action.1
    Although each of the four bonuses involve different methods of calculation in order to determine
    an agent=s eligibility and the size of the bonus awarded, an explanation of the intricacies of each bonus is
    unnecessary for purposes of this opinion.
    After a six-day certification hearing, the trial court certified the class. Farmers appeals that
    decision and raises the following four issues for our consideration: (1) the trial court erred in determining that
    California=s substantive law should apply in this case; (2) the decision to allow Leonard and Sawyer to
    represent multiple subclasses was an abuse of discretion; (3) the determination that Leonard and Sawyer
    are adequate representatives typical of the class was in error and amounts to an abuse of discretion; and (4)
    the requirements of rule 42(b)(4) have not been met because individual issues do not predominate, the class
    action is not superior to individual actions, and the proposed trial plan is unworkable.
    In a class action, the trial court is charged with the duty of actively policing the proceedings
    and guarding the class interests. See General Motors Corp. v. Bloyed, 
    916 S.W.2d 949
    , 954 (Tex.
    1995). Therefore, the trial court is afforded broad discretion in defining the class and determining whether
    to grant or deny a class certification. See Intratex Gas Co. v. Beeson, 
    22 S.W.3d 398
    , 406 (Tex. 2000).
    On appeal, our review is strictly limited to determining whether the trial court abused its discretion in
    ordering class certification. See Tana Oil & Gas Corp. v. Bates, 
    978 S.W.2d 735
    , 740 (Tex.
    App.CAustin 1998, no pet.); Vinson v. Texas Commerce Bank-Houston, N.A., 
    880 S.W.2d 820
    , 823
    (Tex. App.CDallas 1994, no writ). An appellate court must not substitute its judgment for that of the trial
    court. Tana 
    Oil, 978 S.W.2d at 740
    . Even if a trial court determines an issue differently than would an
    appellate court, the ruling does not necessarily constitute an abuse of discretion. Downer v. Aquamarine
    Operators, Inc., 
    701 S.W.2d 238
    , 242 (Tex. 1985). In determining whether a matter should be litigated
    as a class action, a trial court abuses its discretion if its decision is arbitrary, unreasonable, or without
    reference to any guiding principles. Tana 
    Oil, 978 S.W.2d at 740
    In making its class certification decision, the trial court can consider the pleadings and other
    material in the record, along with the evidence presented at the hearing. Employers Cas. Co. v. Texas
    Ass=n of Sch. Bds. Workers= Comp. Self-Ins. Fund, 
    886 S.W.2d 470
    , 474 (Tex. App.CAustin 1994, writ
    dism=d w.o.j.). The evidence on which a trial court bases its certification ruling need not be in a form
    necessary to be admissible at trial. See Texas Commerce Bank Nat=l Ass=n v. Wood, 
    994 S.W.2d 796
    801 (Tex. App.CCorpus Christi 1999, pet. dism=d w.o.j.); Microsoft Corp. v. Manning, 
    914 S.W.2d 602
    , 615 (Tex. App.CTexarkana 1995, writ dism=d). We view the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the trial court=s action, entertaining every presumption that favors its judgment. 
    Vinson, 880 S.W.2d at 823
    Although the standard of review, generally, for class certification decisions is an abuse of
    discretion, because Farmers challenges the trial court=s choice of law determination, we must apply a
    different standard for that discrete issue. The determination of which state=s law applies is a question of law
    for the court to decide. Torrington Co. v. Stutzman, 
    46 S.W.3d 829
    , 848 (Tex. 2000). Therefore, we
    must review the trial court=s decision to apply California law in this case de novo. See Minnesota Mining
    & Mfg. Co. v. Nishika Ltd., 
    955 S.W.2d 853
    , 856 (Tex. 1996). But determining the state contacts to be
    considered by the court in making this legal determination involves a factual inquiry. Hughes Wood Prods.,
    Inc. v. Wagner, 
    18 S.W.3d 202
    , 204 (Tex. 2000). Texas courts apply the Restatement=s Amost significant
    relationship@ test to decide choice of law issues. 
    Torrington, 46 S.W.3d at 848
    ; Restatement (Second) of
    Conflict of Laws ' 6 (1971).
    Our review of the record in this case supports the trial court=s decision to apply California
    law and our conclusion that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in certifying the class. The trial court
    conducted a thorough certification hearing in which it went well beyond the parties= pleadings in order to
    examine the claims, defenses, relevant facts, and applicable substantive law of this case to make a
    meaningful determination of the certification issues. The record before us indicates that the trial court
    conducted a rigorous analysis of all issues presented and arrived at a reasoned decision in certifying the
    Texas rule 42, governing class actions, is patterned after its federal counterpart.
    Consequently, federal decisions and authorities interpreting current federal class action requirements are
    persuasive authority. Southwestern Ref. Co., Inc. v. Bernal, 
    22 S.W.3d 425
    , 433 (Tex. 2000). The
    class action serves as a mechanism to eliminate or reduce the threat of repetitive litigation, prevent
    inconsistent resolution of similar cases, and provide a means of redress for individual claims that are too
    small to make independent actions economically viable. See Ford Motor Co. v. Sheldon, 
    22 S.W.3d 444
    452 (Tex. 2000). The principal purpose of the class action device is the efficiency and economy of
    litigation. See 
    id. (discussing origins
    and general design of class action device). Thus, when properly used,
    a class action saves the court=s and the parties= resources by allowing class-wide issues to be tried in an
    economical fashion. See 
    id. at 452
    (citing General Tel. Co. v. Falcon, 
    457 U.S. 147
    , 155 (1981)).
    All class actions must satisfy the following four threshold requirements: (1) numerosityCthe
    class is so numerous that joinder of all members is impracticable, (2) commonalityCthere are questions of
    law or fact common to the class, (3) typicalityCthe claims or defenses of the representative parties are
    typical of the claims or defenses of the class, and (4) adequacy of representationCthe representative parties
    will fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class. See Tex. R. Civ. P. 42(a); 
    Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 433
    . Additionally, class actions must satisfy at least one of four subdivisions of rule 42(b). Here, the trial
    court certified the class under rule 42(b)(4), which requires that common questions of law or fact common
    to the class predominate over questions affecting only individual members and that class treatment be
    superior to other available methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy. Tex. R. Civ. P.
    42(b)(4); see also Amchem Prods. Inc. v. Windsor, 
    521 U.S. 591
    , 615 (1997); 
    Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 433
    Choice of Law
    In its first issue, Farmers contends that the trial court erred in determining that California=s
    substantive law should apply to the claims of all class members. Farmers argues that, under a proper choice
    of law analysis, each agent=s claim should be decided under the law of the state in which that agent worked
    and resided. In an interesting juxtaposition, Farmers further argues that the application of California law to
    class members from other states is unfair to those class members because they would have a better chance
    of success under the law of their home states. Specifically, Farmers argues that California law, more so than
    the law of other states, allows for the introduction of extrinsic evidence in contract disputes that could aid
    Farmers in undermining the class members= claims. Farmers contends that a proper choice of law analysis
    requires the application of the law of all twenty-nine states in which the class members live. It follows,
    according to Farmers, that the class must be decertified because the individual issues would predominate
    and a class action would no longer be the superior method of adjudicating this dispute. We disagree.
    Applying the relevant sections of the Restatement of Conflict of Laws to the facts of this dispute leads us to
    the conclusion that the trial court was correct in determining the proper substantive law to be applied in this
    case is that of California.
    We begin our choice of law analysis with the Restatement=s Amost significant relationship@
    test. See 
    Torrington, 46 S.W.3d at 848
    ; Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws ' 6 (1971). That
    section requires us to apply the following factors to the facts of this case:
    (a) the needs of the interstate and international systems,
    (b) the relevant policies of the forum,
    (c) the relevant policies of other interested states and the relative interests of those states
    in the determination of the particular issue,
    (d) the protection of justified expectations,
    (e)   the basic policies underlying the particular field of law,
    (f)   certainty, predictability and uniformity of result, and
    (g) ease in the determination and application of the law to be applied.
    Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws ' 6(2).
    The basic principles of section 6 favor the application of California law. Because all
    drafting, mailing, calculating, and awarding of bonuses originated from California, it is reasonable to assume
    that Farmers and its agents expected that California law would control any disputes that arose between the
    parties concerning the bonuses. See 
    id. ' 6(2)(d)
    (protection of justified expectations). No other state
    involved in this dispute has equal interests to California in having its law applied. While each agent=s home
    state has a great interest in having its law applied to disputes arising within its borders, the only actions in
    dispute here occurred in California. While the agents sold insurance policies in their home states, the dispute
    here concerns the calculation of bonuses which occurred only in California. See 
    id. ' 6(2)(c)
    interests of states in determining particular issue). Also, with virtually all activity involving the bonus
    contracts having originated in California, and the relative uniformity in the various states= laws governing this
    dispute, the ease of determination and application factor favors California law. See 
    id. ' 6(2)(g)
    (ease in
    determination and application of law to be applied). Finally, in a class action such as this one, where the
    class members reside in twenty-nine states but all of the defendants= alleged breaches of contract occurred
    in California, the desire for certainty, predictability, and uniformity of result lean heavily toward application
    of California law. See 
    id. ' 6(2)(f)
    (certainty, predictability, and uniformity of result).
    However, our inquiry does not end with section 6. Because these unilateral contracts did
    not have choice of law provisions, we must also examine the factors listed in section 188. See Restatement
    (Second) of Conflict of Laws ' 188 (1971). Section 188 provides the following:
    (2) In the absence of an effective choice of law by the parties . . ., the contacts to be
    taken into account in applying the principles of ' 6 to determine the law applicable to
    an issue include:
    (a) the place of contracting,
    (b) the place of negotiation of the contract,
    (c) the place of performance,
    (d) the location of the subject matter of the contract, and
    (e) the domicil, residence, nationality, place of incorporation and place of business of
    the parties.
    These contacts are to be evaluated according to their relative importance with respect to
    the particular issue.
    Id. ' 188(2).
    Although not all of the appellants have their principal place of business in California, the
    most integral actor with regard to the class members= allegations, Farmers Group, Inc., does maintain its
    primary office in California.2 Farmers Group, Inc. is the only appellant that is not an insurance company.
    However, Farmers Group, Inc. acts as the agent for Farmers in administering the bonuses that form the crux
    of this case. Farmers Group, Inc. drafted the bonus contracts, collected the data, determined how that data
    Of the nine appellants, five have their principal place of business in California. Those five are
    Farmers Insurance Exchange, Truck Insurance Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange, Mid-Century Insurance
    Company, and Farmers Group, Inc. Three others, Mid-Century Insurance Company of Texas, Farmers
    Texas County Mutual Insurance Company, and Farmers Texas Insurance Company, maintain their principal
    place of business in Texas, and a fourth, Farmers New World Life Insurance Company, maintains its
    principal place of business in Washington.
    would be applied in the calculations, and issued the bonuses to Farmers= agents. Furthermore, although the
    class members reside in twenty-nine states, a majority live in California. Based on these facts, the trial court
    found that California had the most significant relationship to the bonus contracts at issue and the parties to
    the lawsuit.
    Taking into account the requirements of section 188, we conclude that the trial court was
    correct in ruling that California law applied to the claims of the class. Particularly relevant is the place of
    performance of the contract. See 
    id. ' 188(2)(c).
    Farmers argues that the place of performance is the
    place where the agents performed the functions that qualified them for the bonuses in questionCin other
    words, the place of performance is where the insurance agents sold the insurance products. Farmers=
    argument overlooks the nature of the bonus contracts at issue. The relevant performance for the purposes
    of this dispute is that of Farmers. Once these unilateral bonus contracts were formed, Farmers had an
    obligation to accurately calculate and remit bonus payments to their agents.3 The calculation of these
    bonuses, the central issue in this case, was performed by Farmers in California. In the context of these
    bonus contracts, the actions of the agents in selling and maintaining various insurance products merely
    While it is true that the acceptance, and thus the formation, of these unilateral bonus contracts was
    triggered by the agents selling a certain amount of insurance policies, the dispute between the parties does
    not focus on contract formation. All issues in this case revolve around the breach of contract which
    allegedly occurred during Farmers= performance of its obligations under these contracts.
    provides the measuring stick that Farmers uses in performing its obligations under the contract. Thus, the
    relevant place of performance of these bonus award contracts was California.
    The remaining factors listed in section 188 also point to the application of California law.
    Because these bonus award contracts were drafted solely by Farmers in California and then sent from
    California to the class members without the possibility for further input from those class members, the place
    of contracting factor indicates that California law should apply. See 
    id. ' 188(2)(a)
    (place of contracting).
    The location of the subject matter of the contracts is also California because Farmers maintained all official
    company production records for the calculation of the bonuses in California. See 
    id. ' 188(2)(d)
    of subject matter of contract). Finally, with regard to the relative importance of these particular contracts,
    the party solely responsible for performance, Farmers Group, Inc., has its principal place of business in
    California. See 
    id. ' 188(2)(e)
    (place of business of parties).
    Farmers attempts to overcome the strong indication from sections 6 and 188 that California
    law should apply by arguing that section 196 of the Restatement, the section governing service contracts,
    trumps the other sections. Section 196 provides the following:
    The validity of a contract for the rendition of services and the rights created thereby are
    determined, in the absence of an effective choice of law by the parties, by the local law of
    the state where the contract requires the services, or a major portion of the services, be
    rendered, unless, with respect to the particular issue, some other state has a more significant
    relationship under the principles stated in ' 6 to the transaction and the parties, in which
    event the local law of the other state will be applied.
    Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws ' 196 (1971).
    Because the agents provided the service of selling insurance products in their home states,
    Farmers contends that the contracts in question should be governed by the law of the states in which those
    sales took place. We disagree. We have already discussed the place of performance for these bonus
    contracts in our discussion of section 188, and we conclude that the proper law to be applied in this case is
    that of California.
    Although our examination of the relevant sections of the Restatement has brought us to the
    conclusion that the trial court properly determined that California law should apply to the class members=
    claims, Farmers urges that the differences in the parol evidence rules between California and the other
    twenty-eight jurisdictions involved in this case require the application of each states= substantive law in order
    to protect the absent class members= interests. The essence of Farmers= argument is as follows: if the law of
    Farmers= home state of California applies to the claims raised by the class, class members from other states
    will suffer because the more liberal California law on parol evidence will allow Farmers to defeat the claims
    of the class. Therefore, rather than using the liberal rules of its own state=s law against the class, Farmers
    urges this Court to protect the interests of the absent class members and decertify the class, thus allowing
    each class member a better opportunity to successfully bring an individual breach of contract claim against
    Farmers in that class member=s home jurisdiction.
    Ignoring the irony of Farmers= position, we are unpersuaded by this argument concerning
    the differences in the twenty-nine states= parol evidence rules. As applied to this case, the parol evidence
    rules of all twenty-nine states, including California, function in a substantially similar manner and would allow
    extrinsic evidence to be admitted. Farmers correctly asserts that California=s parol evidence rule does not
    restrict contract disputes to the four corners of an unambiguous document. Cal. Civ. Proc. Code ' 1856
    (2001) (extrinsic evidence admissible unless meant to contradict writing by showing prior agreement or
    contemporaneous oral agreement). However, California=s rule only differs from the parol evidence rules of
    the other twenty-eight states when the contracts in question are unambiguous because those jurisdictions
    limit the examination of unambiguous contracts to the four corners of the documents. See, e.g., Butts v.
    919 P.2d 363
    , 367 (Kan. 1996); Ruble v. Reich, 
    611 N.W.2d 844
    , 849-50 (Neb. 2000);
    Geo. B. Smith Chem. Works, Inc. v. Simon, 
    555 P.2d 216
    , 217 (Nev. 1976); Spring Brook Acres
    Water Users Assoc. v. George, 
    505 N.W.2d 778
    , 780 (S.D. 1993); Wolter v. Equitable Res. Energy
    979 P.2d 948
    , 951 (Wy. 1999).
    Although both Farmers and the class members argue that the contracts in question are
    unambiguous, they dispute which documents constitute the contracts. Thus, a question of intent concerning
    contract formation is raised. A disagreement as to what documents form a contract is a latent ambiguity that
    allows for the admission of parol evidence. See, e.g., Friendswood Dev. Co. v. McDade + Co., 
    926 S.W.2d 280
    , 282-83 (Tex. 1996) (AA latent ambiguity exists when a contract is unambiguous on its face,
    but fails by reason of some collateral matter when it is applied to the subject matter with which it deals.@);
    Wolter, 979 P.2d at 952
    (existence of latent ambiguity allows parties to explain intent with extrinsic
    evidence). Therefore, regardless of which state=s law is applied to this case, the rules governing the
    admission of extrinsic evidence remain constant.
    Finally, while we remain steadfast in our decision that California=s substantive law should
    apply in this case, we are equally convinced that Farmers= argument concerning the parol evidence rule does
    not result in the need to decertify the class.4 Because the same rules governing parol evidence apply to
    every state once a latent ambiguity is found in the contract, a decision to apply the law of any of the twenty-
    nine states involved would result in the same effect on the parties. We overrule Farmers= first issue.
    Representation of Absent Class Members
    Farmers= second and third issues challenge the trial court=s ruling that Leonard and Sawyer
    can protect the interests, and serve as adequate representatives, of every class member. The trial court=s
    order has divided the class into four subclasses. The definitions for each subclass correspond to the type of
    bonus contract the agents in that subclass were eligible to receive. Thus, we will refer to the subclasses as
    (1) the Agency Profitability subclass, (2) the Underwriting Contract Value subclass, (3) the Auto Retention
    subclass, and (4) the Life Performance subclass. The trial court ordered that both Leonard and Sawyer
    would serve as the representatives for the Agency Profitability, Underwriting Contract Value, and Life
    Performance subclasses, but only Sawyer would represent the Auto Retention subclass. In its second issue,
    Farmers contends that, initially, the trial court abused its discretion because a conflict exists within the Life
    Performance subclass and, secondly, another conflict may be created by allowing Leonard and Sawyer to
    represent multiple subclasses with possibly divergent interests. The latter argument relies on the assumption
    that the subclasses will compete with one another to maximize each subclass=s share of the available funds if
    Of course, if class members feel disadvantaged by applying the law of a foreign state to their
    claims, they may opt out of this class action litigation and pursue an individual breach of contract claim
    individually in their home state.
    the parties settle the lawsuit. In its third issue, Farmers challenges Leonard=s and Sawyer=s credibility and
    personal integrity. Absent a proper finding that these representatives possess these two qualities, Farmers
    contends it was error for the trial court to allow Leonard and Sawyer to represent the various subclasses.
    Adequacy of representation is a question of fact addressed to the sound discretion of the
    trial court, and the trial court does not abuse its discretion in finding adequacy if there is evidence to support
    the finding. See Glassell v. Ellis, 
    956 S.W.2d 676
    , 681-82 (Tex. App.CTexarkana 1997, pet. dism=d
    w.o.j.). Only a conflict that goes to the very subject matter of the litigation will defeat a finding of adequacy.
    Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. v. Fry, 
    27 S.W.3d 573
    , 583 (Tex. App.CCorpus Christi 2000, pet. denied).
    Speculative allegations concerning potential conflicts are insufficient to show that the trial court abused its
    discretion in finding the representatives to be adequate. Employers 
    Cas., 886 S.W.2d at 476
    At the certification hearing, Dean Edward F. Sherman testified for the plaintiff class
    members that dividing the class into four proposed subclasses would provide superior means for trying the
    breach of contract issues in this case. On cross-examination, Farmers attempted to elicit testimony from
    Sherman showing a potential conflict within the Life Performance subclass. However, Sherman=s testimony
    established that no conflict existed because, by definition, the subclass excluded agents with a potential
    conflict of interest. The trial court=s certification order includes the class definition for the Life Performance
    subclass that excludes such agents. Because the trial court=s order is supported by the evidence presented
    and we have found no conflict within the subclass, we conclude that the trial court did not abuse its
    discretion in overruling Farmers= objection. See 
    Glassel, 956 S.W.2d at 682
    Next, Farmers speculates that allowing both Leonard and Sawyer to represent multiple
    subclasses will create a conflict if a settlement opportunity occurs because these classes will be competing
    for the maximum return from a limited settlement fund. Farmers claims that each subclass requires its own
    representative in order to adequately represent the interests of each member of that particular subclass.
    Additionally, Farmers argues that the presence of both former and current agents in the competing
    subclasses will exacerbate the conflict because the former agents do not need to maintain an ongoing
    business relationship with Farmers. In support of its argument, Farmers cites us to two cases involving
    settlement classes in which conflicts were present between subclasses. See Amchem, 
    521 U.S. 597
    ; Ortiz
    v. Fibreboard Corp., 
    527 U.S. 815
    We are unpersuaded by Farmers= reliance on these two cases. Both Amchem and Ortiz
    dealt with the certification of a proposed settlement class in personal injury class actions based on the class
    members= exposure to asbestos. Therefore, the posture of those cases that led to the development of intra-
    class conflicts differs from the posture of this case. The class in our case does not involve personal injury
    causes of action, nor has a proposed settlement been negotiated by the parties prior to the certification
    hearing. The problems which led to a conflict in the asbestos cases were unique to personal injury cases. In
    Amchem and Ortiz, the proposed settlement had already been established but the damages to each class
    member were largely undefined and could vary based on time and severity of exposure to asbestos. That
    situation created a conflict because not all members of the class had suffered the same amount of damages,
    but all would be competing for a portion of the same settlement fund.
    Farmers= case differs from Amchem and Ortiz because the amount of damages for each
    subclass can be determined mathematically based on the amount of the bonus due to each class member
    according to the bonus award contracts. Thus, the damages for each class member are identifiable and
    questions about the mathematical calculations to be applied for each class member could be answered by
    the fact finder. Furthermore, this case does not involve a settlement class. Because the parties have not
    negotiated a settlement, Farmers= argument that possible conflicts between the subclasses could develop if
    the opportunity to settle presents itself is purely speculative. Farmers presented no evidence at the
    certification hearing that it would be limited in its ability to pay the class members= claims if a jury determined
    a breach occurred, and thus, there is nothing in the record to suggest a limitation on Farmers= ability to pay
    damages. The conflicts present in Amchem and Ortiz do not exist in this case. We overrule Farmers=
    second issue.
    In its third issue, Farmers contends that Leonard and Sawyer fail to meet the requirements
    of rule 42 concerning adequacy of representation. Two elements must be considered for determining if the
    named plaintiffs adequately represent a class: (1) it must appear that the named plaintiffs will vigorously
    prosecute the class claims through their attorneys, and (2) there must be an absence of antagonism or
    conflict between the named plaintiffs= interests and the interests of the absent class members. Sun Coast
    Res., Inc. v. Cooper, 
    967 S.W.2d 525
    , 538 (Tex. App.CHouston [1st Dist.] 1998, pet. dism=d w.o.j.).
    Among the factors affecting the adequacy determination are (1) adequacy of counsel, (2) potential for
    conflicts of interest, (3) personal integrity of the plaintiffs, (4) whether the class is unmanageable because of
    geographical limitations, (5) whether the plaintiffs can afford to finance the class action, (6) the
    representatives= familiarity with the litigation and belief in the legitimacy of the grievance, and (7) the
    representatives= willingness and ability to take an active role in and control the litigation, and to protect the
    interests of the other class members. Forsyth v. Lake LBJ Inv. Corp., 
    903 S.W.2d 146
    , 150 (Tex.
    App.CAustin 1995, writ dism=d w.o.j.); 
    Glassell, 956 S.W.2d at 682
    . A class representative should be
    familiar with the basic issues, including composition of the class and damages sought. See 
    Microsoft, 914 S.W.2d at 615
    Farmers disputes Leonard=s capacity to serve as a representative on the grounds that he
    breached a fiduciary duty he owed to Farmers. Although this matter does not directly bear on the breach of
    contract claims asserted by the class, Farmers claims that Leonard=s purported breach provides Farmers
    with an affirmative defense as to Leonard individually, thus rendering Leonard atypical of the class. Farmers
    also challenges the personal integrity of the class representatives by claiming that both Leonard and Sawyer
    suffer from a lack of credibility. Farmers bases its contention largely on the fact that Leonard and Sawyer
    made a large number of errata sheet corrections to their deposition testimony. Farmers also contends that
    Sawyer concealed facts after he had resigned as an agent and then sought reinstatement. Farmers believes
    that Sawyer=s failure to disclose that he had been in discussions with Leonard and class counsel about the
    possibility of filing this lawsuit because Farmers breached the bonus contracts, demonstrates that Sawyer is
    dishonest and unsuitable to serve as class representative. Farmers also doubts that class counsel can
    provide adequate representation for the class because class counsel permitted Leonard and Sawyer to
    change their depositions. However, Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 203.1 allows a witness to change
    deposition responses. Tex. R. Civ. P. 203.1(b). Although the errata sheet changes totaled 163 combined
    corrections, we note that the Leonard and Sawyer depositions lasted for approximately fourteen hours, and
    resulted in 873 pages and 21,000 lines of testimony. Farmers presented these arguments at the certification
    hearing. Although Farmers reiterates these arguments on appeal, we recognize that the trial court is in the
    best position to weigh the credibility of Leonard and Sawyer as well as to determine the ability and integrity
    of class counsel to represent the entire class.
    After the certification hearing concluded, the trial court found that class counsel possessed
    the qualifications and experience to handle this class action litigation.5 Furthermore, the trial court found that
    Leonard and Sawyer would fairly and adequately protect the interests of the class and that their individual
    interests were not antagonistic to the members of the subclasses which they represent. The trial court also
    found that each class representative demonstrated personal integrity, possessed sufficient knowledge,
    interest, and understanding of the litigation, and believed in the legitimacy of his case. Farmers= arguments,
    based on Leonard=s and Sawyer=s credibility and that they made too many changes to their depositions, do
    not persuade us that the trial court abused its discretion in determining that Leonard and Sawyer met their
    burden on the adequacy of representation requirement. Therefore, we overrule Farmers= third issue.
    Predominance and Superiority
    Farmers points to that portion of the record wherein the trial court admonished class counsel for
    certain alleged misstatements and inaccuracies regarding some submitted case authority. However, we note
    that, in exercising its discretion in ruling on the adequacy of representation, the trial court concluded in its
    findings of fact and conclusions of law that class counsel possessed the qualifications and experience to
    represent the class and conduct this litigation.
    In its fourth issue, Farmers claims that the trial court abused its discretion in certifying the
    class because the predominance and superiority requirements have not been met. See Tex. R. Civ. P.
    42(b)(4). Farmers asserts that the certification order does not contain an adequate trial plan describing how
    the trial court anticipates the common and individual issues in the case will be tried. Within its attack on the
    trial plan, Farmers opines that the common issues in the case do not predominate over the individual issues.
    Farmers also contends that the class action device in this case is not the superior means for trying the class
    members= claims because individual adjudication is plausible.
    In conducting the initial evidentiary review at the certification hearing, the trial court must
    conduct a rigorous analysis to determine whether all prerequisites have been met before ruling on class
    Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 435
    . Trial courts may not adopt a Acertify now and worry later@
    approach to class certification. 
    Id. However, we
    accord trial courts an abuse of discretion standard
    because the class certification decision occurs early in the litigation process, before the parties have had the
    opportunity to fully develop the case and such issues as trial plan will have only been determined as a
    preliminary matter. The trial court must approach the certification decision cautiously in order to balance the
    requirements of rule 42 and the difficulties presented by the case=s infancy. See 
    id. Thus, the
    trial court=s
    certification order must indicate how the claims will likely be tried so that conformance with the rule may be
    meaningfully evaluated. 
    Id. After thoroughly
    reviewing the record, we are convinced that the trial court rigorously
    analyzed the issues presented in this case and properly arrived at the determination to certify the class. In
    addition to hearing multiple motions from both parties prior to the certification hearing, the trial court
    conducted a six-day certification hearing. During this lengthy hearing, the trial court thoroughly reviewed all
    of the parties= claims and was presented with an enormous amount of evidence. The record in this case
    comprises a seven-volume clerk=s record containing 1,579 pages, a five-volume first supplemental clerk=s
    record containing an additional 1,974 pages, and a ten- volume reporter=s record. The trial court heard
    testimony from ten witnesses and received deposition transcripts from a number of other witnesses. During
    the hearing, nearly 260 exhibits, including expert witness reports and all of the contracts at issue, were
    admitted into the record. The trial court based its certification decision on the extensive development of the
    issues presented in this case, and we cannot say that its decision was improper. The trial court=s order and
    the state of the record assure us that the trial court=s decision was informed, cautious, and made in
    compliance with the requirements of rule 42.
    The certification order contains a detailed explanation of the anticipated trial plan.
    Following the certification hearing and a review of all of the evidence before it, the trial court determined that
    the substantive matters at issue in Leonard=s and Sawyer=s breach of contract claims are identical to the
    issues of all class members. The trial court found that the bonus documents and the manner in which they
    were applied were identical for the class. Therefore, a determination of all questions raised in Leonard=s
    and Sawyer=s pleadings resolve all of the issues for the class. Furthermore, the trial court found that the
    calculation of any damages for Leonard and Sawyer would establish a formula by which all class members=
    damages, if any, could be computed. These findings demonstrate that the issues common to the class
    predominate over individual issues.
    Based on these findings, the trial court announced in the order that the case could be tried
    as a single breach of contract action in a bench trial. The order continues with the following statement:
    Issues such as whether any or all of the bonus documents constitute one or more contracts,
    the identity of the parties to any such contracts, the terms of the offers, the meaning of the
    terms, words, and phrases contained within any such contracts, and the interpretation of
    any such contracts are questions of law which the Court anticipates can be determined at a
    summary judgment or bench trial.
    Recognizing that other issues, such as a determination that the bonus award contracts were in fact
    ambiguous, may develop in the course of this litigation, thereby requiring a reevaluation of the trial plan, the
    trial court included the following alternative to the trial plan:
    In the event fact issues of contract interpretation develop, the Court anticipates presenting a
    single jury with specific questions concerning the disputed terms and, once receiving the
    jury=s findings, utilizing those findings to determine as a matter of law the correct contract
    interpretation and, depending upon the findings, establishing a damage formula applicable to
    all Class Members.
    In Bernal, the supreme court stated that a trial court abuses its discretion if it certifies a class
    without knowing how the claims can and will likely be tried. 
    Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 435
    (citing Castano v.
    American Tobacco Co., 
    84 F.3d 734
    , 744 (5th Cir. 1996)). The trial court=s findings and statements
    regarding a trial plan comply with the Bernal mandate. The trial court=s order demonstrates that based on
    the parties= claims and defenses, the relevant facts, all of the evidence in the record, the applicable
    substantive law, and the parties= anticipated theories of the case, the trial of this case may proceed under
    one of two alternative paths, both of which will be manageable and protect the interests of all parties.
    Finally, Farmers contends that this case does not comply with the requirement that class
    treatment be superior to other available methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of the controversy.
    See Tex. R. Civ. P. 42(b)(4); 
    Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 433
    . Among the factors a court should consider in
    determining superiority are (1) the interests of members of the class in individually controlling the prosecution
    or defense of separate actions, (2) the extent and nature of any litigation concerning the controversy already
    commenced by or against members of the class, (3) the desirability or undesirability of concentrating the
    litigation in the particular forum, and (4) the difficulties likely to be encountered in the management of a class
    Bernal, 22 S.W.3d at 433
    -34. Farmers bases its superiority challenges on the fact that the
    damages for each class member could be substantial enough to make individual adjudication not only
    possible, but the superior method of disposing of these claims. However, a marginal case value for
    individual cases, while important in determining superiority in some class actions, is not an absolute
    prerequisite to certification under the rule. See Tex. R. Civ. P. 42(b)(4).
    The trial court found class adjudication to be superior to individual actions for a number of
    reasons. Trying this case as a single action provides great economic benefits, as opposed to the alternative
    of trying 13,000 individual actions. And with no other lawsuits having been filed regarding these particular
    issues, the economic benefit has not been diluted. Furthermore, individual adjudication of identical fact
    patterns poses the risk of inconsistent results. Finally, because many of the unnamed class members are
    current Farmers agents, class treatment can quell the fears of retaliation by Farmers if individual lawsuits
    were filed. Based on this reasoning, we cannot say the trial court erred in determining that class issues
    predominate over individual issues and that class treatment is superior to the pursuit of 13,000 individual
    actions. We overrule Farmers= fourth issue.
    Having reviewed the record and considered the arguments of both parties, we conclude
    that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in ordering class certification. The trial court=s order is
    Mack Kidd, Justice
    Before Justices Kidd, Patterson and Puryear
    Filed: August 30, 2002