Karen Haffelfinger v. Blake Adams ( 2013 )

    NO. 03-12-00512-CV
    Karen Haffelfinger, Appellant
    Blake Adams, Appellee
    This proceeding arises from persistent and acrimonious disputes between
    Karen Haffelfinger and Blake Adams, whose relationship, it would appear from the record, has
    consisted principally of conceiving a daughter born in 2006 and thereafter litigating (through a
    succession of different attorneys representing each party) their respective rights and duties with
    regard to child support and visitation. The immediate backdrop for this latest round of litigation was
    a 2009 order that held Adams in contempt for failing to pay his monthly child-support obligations
    timely and imposed sanctions that included 180 days’ jail time, but suspended the sentence and
    placed Adams on community supervision conditioned on, inter alia, compliance with his child-
    support obligations going forward. Thereafter, Haffelfinger, alleging continued noncompliance by
    Adams, filed a succession of motions to revoke the suspension of Adams’s confinement. Although
    Haffelfinger’s efforts yielded her some additional attorney’s fees, they ultimately backfired to the
    extent the district court was persuaded that section 157.162(d) of the Family Code, then still in
    effect, had barred it from holding Adams in contempt in the first place because he had paid the
    outstanding child-support obligation made the basis for contempt by the time of the contempt
    hearing.1 Consequently, the district court denied Haffelfinger’s most recent motion to revoke and
    instead vacated the portions of its 2009 order holding Adams in contempt and all of the sanctions
    and conditions it had imposed on that basis.
    Haffelfinger has now filed a notice of appeal from the portion of the district court’s
    order that denies her motion to revoke and vacates the contempt findings and sanctions. We lack
    subject-matter jurisdiction to consider, on direct appeal, what is in substance an order refusing to
    hold a party in contempt. See In re Office of Attorney Gen., 
    215 S.W.3d 913
    , 915 (Tex. App.—Fort
    Worth 2007, orig. proceeding) (citing Norman v. Norman, 
    692 S.W.2d 655
    , 655 (Tex. 1985)
    (per curiam) (holding that “an order finding a party not in contempt is not a final, appealable
    judgment”)). Nonetheless, we will construe Haffelfinger’s briefing as an attempt to invoke our
    original jurisdiction by way of a writ of mandamus. See CMH Homes v. Perez, 
    340 S.W.3d 444
    452–54 (Tex. 2011); see also Tracy v. Tracy, 
    219 S.W.3d 527
    , 530 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2007,
    Section 157.162(d), which the Texas Legislature repealed during its most recent regular
    session, prohibited courts from holding a parent in contempt for failure to pay child support “if the
    respondent appears at the hearing with a copy of the payment record or other evidence satisfactory
    to the court showing that the respondent is current in the payment of child support as
    ordered by the court.” See Act of May 23, 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., ch. 1189, § 1, 2007 Tex. Gen. Laws
    4054, repealed by Act of May 22, 2013, 83d Leg., R.S., ch. 649, § 2, 2013 Tex. Gen. Laws 1735
    (effective June 14, 2013). When repealing section 157.162(d), the Legislature continued the prior
    law in effect as to any “hearing” that “commences” before the act’s effective date, June 14, 2013.
    See Act of May 22, 2013, 83d Leg., R.S., ch. 649, § 3, 2013 Tex. Gen. Laws 1735. There is
    no dispute that the underlying proceedings commenced prior to June 14, 2013. Consequently,
    section 157.162(d) would apply here.
    no pet.) (noting that court lacked jurisdiction over attack on contempt order on direct appeal, but
    treating appeal as a mandamus petition).
    Although Hafffelfinger advances waiver, estoppel, and “collateral attack” arguments
    that we conclude are without merit, she does alert us to In re Office of the Attorney General, in which
    the Texas Supreme Court recently construed former section 157.162(d) of the Family Code as
    purging contempt only where the respondent is current in payment of all child-support obligations
    by the time of the contempt hearing, not merely those obligations that may be the basis for contempt.
    ___ S.W.3d ___, No. 11-0255, 
    56 Tex. Sup. Ct. J. 360
    2013 WL 854785
    , at *3–5 (Tex. Mar. 8,
    2013) (orig. proceeding). The district court did not have the benefit of In re Office of the Attorney
    General at the time it signed the order at issue, and it used language that is potentially inconsistent
    with the supreme court’s reasoning. In particular, the district court concludes that Adams was
    current in the payment of his monthly child support obligations as of the date of the contempt
    hearing, which the court held sufficient to purge contempt under former section 157.162(d), yet it
    also seems to hold that Adams was in arrears for other forms of compensation that it termed “child
    support.” But the district court’s reasoning is not entirely clear, and, of course, neither it nor the
    parties had occasion to address specifically the implications of In re Office of the Attorney General.
    Nor is it clear that the district court’s ultimate decision not to impose contempt on Adams would be
    an abuse of discretion in any event, given the broad discretion that trial judges possess in this regard.
    See, e.g., In re Reece, 
    341 S.W.3d 360
    , 362 (Tex. 2011) (orig. proceeding).
    Under the circumstances here—and despite our reluctance to encourage
    further litigation between these parties—we believe that the district court and the parties
    should have the opportunity to revisit, in light of In re Office of the Attorney General,
    whether Adams can be held in contempt based on his conduct preceding the 2009 order,
    and, if so, whether he should be. Accordingly, we deny Haffelfinger’s petition for writ of
    mandamus without prejudice. See In re Van Waters & Rogers, Inc., 
    988 S.W.2d 740
    , 741
    (Tex. 1998) (orig. proceeding); In re Ford Motor Co., No. 03-08-00617-CV, slip op. at 4–5
    (Tex.   App.—Austin     Mar.   6,   2009,   orig.   proceeding)   (mem.   op.),   available   at
    Bob Pemberton, Justice
    Before Chief Justice Jones, Justices Pemberton and Field
    Filed: November 21, 2013