State v. Cory Ray Molder ( 2011 )

  •                         COURT OF APPEALS
    NO. 02-09-00385-CR
    THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                 APPELLANT
    CORY RAY MOLDER                                                     APPELLEE
    In four related points, the State appeals the trial court‘s order granting
    appellee Cory Ray Molder‘s motion to suppress evidence that the police found in
    his truck. The State contends that officers found the evidence during a legal
    inventory. We affirm.
    Background Facts
    One morning in June 2009, Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS)
    Trooper Earl (―Dub‖) Gillum Jr. stopped at a gas station to wash his windshield.
    While Trooper Gillum was there, Denisa Rudnicky, a clerk from the station,
    walked outside, began talking to Trooper Gillum, and received a call on her cell
    phone from appellee. Trooper Gillum heard appellee scream to Rudnicky that he
    was going to ―f--- [her] up‖ and ―ram [her] vehicle.‖ Trooper Gillum put the phone
    to his ear and said, ―This is Trooper Dub Gillum with the highway patrol.‖
    Appellee hung up.
    Trooper Gillum traced the call to a Granbury motel, and he called
    appellee‘s room. Trooper Gillum told appellee that he had heard the threats
    appellee had made, and Trooper Gillum said that he was going to come to the
    motel to talk to appellee. Appellee said that he would leave the motel. Trooper
    Gillum called dispatch, and two Granbury Police Department officers went to the
    motel to ensure that appellee did not leave.
    When Trooper Gillum arrived at the motel, appellee was outside in a
    parking lot between the motel and another building that contained Song Hays
    Chinese Restaurant.      An officer gave appellee‘s keys to Trooper Gillum.
    Appellee was shirtless and handcuffed.         His eyes were dilated and moving
    rapidly as if he was ―high on some type of drug.‖ Trooper Gillum told appellee
    that he was under arrest for assault by threat.      Appellee expressed concern
    about the motel owner‘s throwing his possessions away, but Trooper Gillum told
    appellee that would not happen. One of the officers took appellee to jail.
    Trooper Gillum decided to take an inventory of appellee‘s truck—which
    was parked and locked in a private lot near the motel but closer to Song Hays—
    and then have a wrecker transport the truck to an impound lot.           Two other
    troopers brought Trooper Gillum an HQ-109 inventory form, which must be
    completed as part of DPS‘s policy, and helped Trooper Gillum inventory the
    During the inventory, Trooper Gillum found a blue cloth bag that had a
    rope around it and smelled like marijuana.       He opened the bag and saw a
    cigarette box.     Inside the box, he discovered three clear plastic baggies
    containing a crystal white substance that he believed to be methamphetamine.
    Also inside the blue cloth bag, Trooper Gillum found another baggie with two
    prescription pills, $166, an electronic gram scale, a glass pipe that could be used
    to smoke methamphetamine, a metal pipe that contained marijuana residue, a
    gas lighter, and approximately thirty empty plastic baggies.1
    A Hood County grand jury indicted appellee for possession of
    methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine with intent to deliver.2
    Appellee filed a motion to suppress the evidence found in his truck, arguing that
    officers had violated his constitutional and statutory rights by searching the truck
    without a warrant or probable cause. He relied on the United States Supreme
    The inventory form also shows that the truck contained valuable items
    unassociated with drug use. Officers found an air tank, two chairs, two
    hammers, and a cooler in the truck‘s bed. They found ―ammo‖ in a toolbox.
    They also found a wallet inside the truck.
    See Tex. Health & Safety Code Ann. §§ 481.102(6), .112(a), .115(a)
    (Vernon 2010).
    Court‘s decision in Arizona v. Gant.3 The trial court held a hearing, at which the
    State called Trooper Gillum in an attempt to prove that he had found the
    evidence while conducting a lawful inventory. The trial court granted appellee‘s
    motion, and the State filed notice of this appeal.4
    The Suppression of the Evidence
    In four points, the State argues that the trial court erred by granting
    appellee‘s motion to suppress. Specifically, the State contends that the court
    erred by finding that (1) Trooper Gillum did not conduct the inventory under
    DPS‘s general policy, (2) the impoundment of appellee‘s truck was unreasonable
    and therefore illegal under federal and state law, and (3) Gant affects the legality
    of inventories.
    Standard of review
    We review a trial court‘s ruling on a motion to suppress evidence under a
    bifurcated standard of review.     Amador v. State, 
    221 S.W.3d 666
    , 673 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2007); Guzman v. State, 
    955 S.W.2d 85
    , 89 (Tex. Crim. App. 1997).
    In reviewing the trial court‘s decision, we do not engage in our own factual
    review. Romero v. State, 
    800 S.W.2d 539
    , 543 (Tex. Crim. App. 1990); Best v.
    118 S.W.3d 857
    , 861 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2003, no pet.). The trial
    judge is the sole trier of fact and judge of the credibility of the witnesses and the
    129 S. Ct. 1710
    , 1723 (2009).
    See Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 44.01(a)(5) (Vernon Supp. 2010).
    weight to be given their testimony. Wiede v. State, 
    214 S.W.3d 17
    , 24–25 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2007); State v. Ross, 
    32 S.W.3d 853
    , 855 (Tex. Crim. App. 2000),
    modified on other grounds by State v. Cullen, 
    195 S.W.3d 696
    (Tex. Crim. App.
    Therefore, we give almost total deference to the trial court‘s rulings on
    (1) questions of historical fact, even if the trial court‘s determination of those facts
    was not based on an evaluation of credibility and demeanor, and (2) application-
    of-law-to-fact questions that turn on an evaluation of credibility and demeanor.
    Amador, 221 S.W.3d at 673
    ; Montanez v. State, 
    195 S.W.3d 101
    , 108–09 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2006); Johnson v. State, 
    68 S.W.3d 644
    , 652–53 (Tex. Crim. App.
    2002). But when application-of-law-to-fact questions do not turn on the credibility
    and demeanor of the witnesses, we review the trial court‘s rulings on those
    questions de novo. 
    Amador, 221 S.W.3d at 673
    ; Estrada v. State, 
    154 S.W.3d 604
    , 607 (Tex. Crim. App. 2005); 
    Johnson, 68 S.W.3d at 652
    Stated another way, when reviewing the trial court‘s ruling on a motion to
    suppress, we must view the evidence in the light most favorable to the ruling.
    Wiede, 214 S.W.3d at 24
    ; State v. Kelly, 
    204 S.W.3d 808
    , 818 (Tex. Crim. App.
    2006). When the trial court makes explicit fact findings, we determine whether
    the evidence, when viewed in the light most favorable to the trial court‘s ruling,
    supports those fact findings. 
    Kelly, 204 S.W.3d at 818
    –19. We then review the
    trial court‘s legal ruling de novo unless its explicit fact findings that are supported
    by the record are also dispositive of the legal ruling. 
    Id. at 818.
    We must uphold
    the trial court‘s ruling if it is supported by the record and correct under any theory
    of law applicable to the case even if the trial court gave the wrong reason for its
    ruling.     State v. Stevens, 
    235 S.W.3d 736
    , 740 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007);
    Armendariz v. State, 
    123 S.W.3d 401
    , 404 (Tex. Crim. App. 2003) (―Our task . . .
    is to determine whether the trial court could have reasonably denied appellant‘s
    motion to suppress given the record evidence and given the applicable federal
    and state law.‖), cert. denied, 
    541 U.S. 974
    The legality of Trooper Gillum’s inventory
    The United States and Texas constitutions protect against unreasonable
    searches by government officials. U.S. Const. amend. IV; Tex. Const. art. I, § 9.
    Once a defendant shows that a search occurred without a warrant, the burden
    shifts to the State to prove that the search was reasonable under the totality of
    the circumstances. 
    Amador, 221 S.W.3d at 672
    –73; Torres v. State, 
    182 S.W.3d 899
    , 902 (Tex. Crim. App. 2005). Trooper Gillum found the items in appellee‘s
    truck without a warrant.
    Thirty-five years ago, the Supreme Court recognized that in some
    circumstances, the police‘s standardized, routine inventory of a vehicle may be
    reasonable and valid. South Dakota v. Opperman, 
    428 U.S. 364
    , 375–76, 96 S.
    Ct. 3092, 3100 (1976). Eleven years later, the Supreme Court repeated that
    holding. Colorado v. Bertine, 
    479 U.S. 367
    , 369, 
    107 S. Ct. 738
    , 739–40 (1987);
    see also Illinois v. Lafayette, 
    462 U.S. 640
    , 643, 
    103 S. Ct. 2605
    , 2608 (1983)
    (explaining that the absence of a warrant in an inventory is immaterial to the
    inventory‘s reasonableness).
    In Opperman, the Vermillion, South Dakota police had towed a car to an
    impound lot because it was unoccupied and illegally 
    parked. 428 U.S. at 365
    66, 96 S. Ct. at 3095
    .      At the lot, an officer, using a standardized form,
    inventoried the contents of the car, which included looking in an unlocked glove
    compartment, and found marijuana.        Id. at 3
    66, 96 S. Ct. at 3095
    .          After
    Opperman came to the lot to claim his property, the police charged him with
    possessing marijuana, and he filed a motion to suppress the evidence found
    during the inventory. Id. at 3
    66, 96 S. Ct. at 3095
    –96. The trial court denied his
    motion, and a jury convicted him, but the South Dakota Supreme Court reversed
    the conviction, holding that the marijuana had been obtained in violation of the
    Fourth Amendment. 
    Id. at 366–67,
    96 S. Ct. at 3095–96. In reversing the South
    Dakota court, the United States Supreme Court stated in part,
    When vehicles are impounded, local police departments
    generally follow a routine practice of securing and inventorying the
    automobiles‘ contents. These procedures developed in response to
    three distinct needs: the protection of the owner‘s property while it
    remains in police custody . . . ; the protection [of] the police against
    claims or disputes over lost or stolen property . . . ; and the
    protection of the police from potential danger . . . . The practice has
    been viewed as essential to respond to incidents of theft or
    vandalism. . . .
    The Vermillion police were indisputably engaged in a
    caretaking search of a lawfully impounded automobile.
    The inventory was conducted only after the car had been impounded
    for multiple parking violations. The owner, having left his car illegally
    parked for an extended period, and thus subject to impoundment,
    was not present to make other arrangements for the safekeeping of
    his belongings. The inventory itself was prompted by the presence
    in plain view of a number of valuables inside the car. . . .
    On this record we conclude that in following standard police
    procedures, prevailing throughout the country and approved by the
    overwhelming majority of courts, the conduct of the police was not
    ―unreasonable‖ under the Fourth Amendment.
    Id. at 368–76,
    96 S. Ct. at 3097–3100 (citations and footnotes omitted).
    Similarly, in Bertine,
    a police officer in Boulder, Colorado, arrested [Bertine] for driving
    while under the influence of alcohol. After Bertine was taken into
    custody and before the arrival of a tow truck to take Bertine‘s van to
    an impoundment lot, a backup officer inventoried the contents of the
    van. The officer opened a closed backpack in which he found
    controlled substances, cocaine paraphernalia, and a large amount of
    cash. . . .
    The backup officer inventoried the van in accordance with
    local police procedures, which require a detailed inspection and
    inventory of impounded vehicles. He found the backpack directly
    behind the frontseat of the van. Inside the pack, the officer observed
    a nylon bag containing metal canisters. Opening the canisters, the
    officer discovered that they contained cocaine, methaqualone
    tablets, cocaine paraphernalia, and $700 in cash. In an outside
    zippered pouch of the backpack, he also found $210 in cash in a
    sealed envelope. After completing the inventory of the van, the
    officer had the van towed to an impound lot and brought the
    backpack, money, and contraband to the police station.
    After Bertine was charged with [various offenses], he moved
    to suppress the evidence found during the inventory search on the
    ground, inter alia, that the search of the closed backpack and
    containers exceeded the permissible scope of such a search under
    the Fourth Amendment.[5]
    In the Supreme Court‘s opinion, it noted that the Colorado trial court had
    found that the ―standard procedures for impounding vehicles mandated a
    8 479 U.S. at 368
    –69, 107 S. Ct. at 739–40. The Supreme Court held that the
    inventory was lawful, reasoning,
    [I]nventory searches are now a well-defined exception to the warrant
    requirement of the Fourth Amendment. The policies behind the
    warrant requirement are not implicated in an inventory search, . . .
    nor is the related concept of probable cause . . . .
    In the present case, as in Opperman and Lafayette, there was
    no showing that the police, who were following standardized
    procedures, acted in bad faith or for the sole purpose of
    investigation. In addition, the governmental interests justifying the
    inventory searches in Opperman and Lafayette are nearly the same
    as those which obtain here. In each case, the police were
    potentially responsible for the property taken into their custody.
    By securing the property, the police protected the property from
    unauthorized interference. . . .
    . . . We conclude that . . . reasonable police regulations
    relating to inventory procedures administered in good faith satisfy
    the Fourth Amendment . . . .
    Id. at 371–74,
    107 S. Ct. at 741–42 (citations and footnotes omitted); see also
    Jurdi v. State, 
    980 S.W.2d 904
    , 906, 908 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 1998, pet. ref‘d)
    (relying on Bertine to overrule a defendant‘s challenge to the denial of his motion
    to suppress evidence found during an inventory of a car); Starlling v. State, 
    743 S.W.2d 767
    , 772 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 1988, pet. ref‘d) (citing Opperman to
    hold that evidence obtained during an inventory was admissible).
    ‗detailed inventory involving the opening of containers and the listing of [their]
    Bertine, 479 U.S. at 370
    , 107 S. Ct. at 740 (emphasis added).
    The trial court recognized the existence of the inventory exception to the
    warrant requirement but held that it is not applicable to this case. To support that
    decision, the court concluded that Trooper Gillum‘s inventory was not authorized
    because, in sum,
    it was not conducted according to DPS‘s general policy because DPS did
    not have possession of the truck or an obligation to protect it or its
    it was not reasonable under federal and state law because the truck was
    not in DPS‘s possession, it was not creating a traffic hazard, it was parked
    and locked, and there were reasonable alternatives to impoundment
    because (1) appellee‘s confinement was expected to be short, and the
    truck would have been protected by leaving it parked and locked; and (2)
    appellee‘s family was at the arrest site;6 and
    Gant affects the validity of an inventory that would otherwise be authorized
    by Bertine.
    The State‘s four points essentially attack these conclusions.        We need not
    address any of these reasons for suppression, however, because we conclude
    that the trial court‘s decision must be affirmed on a different, more specific legal
    basis. See 
    Armendariz, 123 S.W.3d at 404
    In appellee‘s brief, he argues,
    It is noteworthy that [Trooper] Gillum had to pass through two
    closed containers during his inventory search before he arrived at
    several clear baggies of meth. The first closed container was a blue
    bag with a white rope around it. The second container was a
    cigarette box. There was no testimony developed by the State as to
    what the standard criteria was for the search policy regarding
    containers, and closed containers. Part of the reasonableness of an
    However, according to Trooper Gillum, appellee‘s father arrived after the
    inventory occurred while the ―wrecker was . . . hooking up to the truck.‖
    inventory search derives from its standard and clearly defined
    After it decided Opperman and Bertine, the Supreme Court readdressed
    inventories in Florida v. Wells. 
    495 U.S. 1
    , 4, 
    110 S. Ct. 1632
    , 1635 (1990). In
    A Florida Highway Patrol trooper stopped respondent Wells
    for speeding. After smelling alcohol on Wells‘ breath, the trooper
    arrested Wells for driving under the influence. Wells then agreed to
    accompany the trooper to the station to take a breathalyzer test.
    The trooper informed Wells that the car would be impounded and
    obtained Wells‘ permission to open the trunk. At the impoundment
    facility, an inventory search of the car turned up two marijuana
    cigarette butts in an ashtray and a locked suitcase in the trunk.
    Under the trooper‘s direction, employees of the facility forced open
    the suitcase and discovered a garbage bag containing a
    considerable amount of marijuana.
    Wells was charged with possession of a controlled substance.
    His motion to suppress the marijuana on the ground that it was
    seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the United States
    Constitution was denied by the trial court. . . . On appeal, the Florida
    District Court of Appeal . . . held . . . that the trial court erred in
    denying suppression of the marijuana found in the suitcase. Over a
    dissent, the Supreme Court of Florida affirmed.
    Id. at 2–3,
    110 S. Ct. at 1634. The United States Supreme Court affirmed the
    suppression of the marijuana that was found in the closed suitcase, reasoning,
    Our view that standardized criteria . . . or established routine
    . . . must regulate the opening of containers found during inventory
    searches is based on the principle that an inventory search must not
    be a ruse for a general rummaging in order to discover incriminating
    evidence. The policy or practice governing inventory searches
    should be designed to produce an inventory. The individual police
    officer must not be allowed so much latitude that inventory searches
    are turned into ―a purposeful and general means of discovering
    evidence of crime[.]‖
    In the present case, the Supreme Court of Florida found that
    the Florida Highway Patrol had no policy whatever with respect to
    the opening of closed containers encountered during an inventory
    search. We hold that absent such a policy, the instant search was
    not sufficiently regulated to satisfy the Fourth Amendment and that
    the marijuana which was found in the suitcase, therefore, was
    properly suppressed by the Supreme Court of Florida.
    Id. at 4–5,
    110 S. Ct. at 1635 (citations omitted and emphasis added).
    Thus, opening closed containers while conducting an inventory is lawful only
    when there is evidence of a policy or established procedure that allows for such.
    See id.; Rothenberg v. State, 
    176 S.W.3d 53
    , 57 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.]
    2004, pet. ref‘d) (―[T]he Fourth Amendment . . . allows police to open closed—
    even locked—containers as part of the inventory of an automobile, as long as
    they do so in accordance with standardized police procedures‖); Richards v.
    150 S.W.3d 762
    , 771 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2004, pet. ref‘d) (en
    banc) (stating that either ―standardized criteria or established routine must
    regulate the opening of closed containers during an inventory search‖ and
    upholding a search because an officer testified that he was trained to inventory
    any container he had access to); see also United States v. Salmon, 
    944 F.2d 1106
    , 1121 (3d Cir. 1991) (citing Wells and holding that based on ―the lack of
    evidence of any criteria or established routine regarding the scope of an
    inventory search, we conclude that the searching officers had impermissible
    discretion regarding the . . . treatment of closed containers‖), cert. denied, 
    502 U.S. 1110
    (1992); cf. Perry v. State, 
    933 S.W.2d 249
    , 252–53 (Tex. App.—
    Corpus Christi 1996, pet. ref‘d) (distinguishing the holding in Wells and holding
    that an inventory of an ashtray was permissible because it was not a closed
    container); 1975 Chevrolet v. State, 
    801 S.W.2d 565
    , 566–67 (Tex. App.—Dallas
    1990, writ denied) (upholding the inventory of a closed container because the
    police department‘s policy was to open locked containers if the police had access
    to the keys of the container).
    The burden is on the State to show a lawful inventory. State v. Giles, 
    867 S.W.2d 105
    , 108 (Tex. App.—El Paso 1993, pet. ref‘d). Here, the State did not
    provide the trial court with a written inventory policy.7 Instead, the sole evidence
    of DPS‘s inventory policy came from testimony by Trooper Gillum when the State
    asked him the following questions:
    Q . . . Let me ask you, does the Department of Public Safety
    have prescribed procedures for an arrest and when there‘s a vehicle
    involved and . . . people‘s property?
    A Yes, ma‘am. It‘s our policy that the arresting officer take
    control and secure that property in the safest way possible.
    Q Okay.
    A That property is now my responsibility as the arresting
    officer, so I have to take care of that property and do it through
    policy with an inventory and a written inventory and witnesses and
    filing of that inventory.
    The trial court admitted DPS‘s property inventory form, which contained
    the results of the particular inventory in this case but did not contain any
    statement about DPS‘s policy. The general legality of an inventory is not
    contingent on whether the inventory policy is written. See United States v.
    947 F.2d 1268
    , 1275 (5th Cir. 1991), cert. denied, 
    503 U.S. 949
    Richards, 150 S.W.3d at 771
    Q Did you feel safe in leaving his vehicle there?
    A No, ma‘am, I didn‘t. I didn‘t know what was in the vehicle,
    so I inventoried it and then called the wrecker to store it in a safe,
    secure place.[8]
    Trooper Gillum‘s concise testimony establishes that DPS has a general
    policy to inventory vehicles associated with defendants‘ arrests, but the testimony
    relates nothing about the scope of the policy or how it affects closed containers
    such as appellee‘s roped blue bag. DPS‘s actual inventory policy may require
    opening all containers or some containers under specific circumstances, but
    those details were not proved in this case.
    We recognize that courts have held that an officer does not need to
    specifically mention ―closed containers‖ to establish a policy regarding them.
    See, e.g., United States v. Mundy, 
    621 F.3d 283
    , 290–93 (3d Cir. 2010)
    (explaining that ―[s]tandardized criteria or routine may adequately regulate the
    opening of closed containers discovered during inventory searches without using
    the words ‗closed container‘ or other equivalent terms‖ and holding that a policy
    had sufficiently described the scope of an inventory to allow the opening of a
    shoebox). But we hold that in this case, Trooper Hall‘s testimony, as the sole
    evidence at the suppression hearing, was too barren to show any particular
    Trooper Hall also testified about some exceptions to requiring an
    inventory, but he did not give details about DPS‘s procedures when those
    exceptions do not apply and an inventory therefore proceeds.
    standardized criteria or routine concerning the scope of the inventory; the
    testimony is therefore insufficient for us to infer the extent of DPS‘s policy
    regarding closed containers.    Also, we conclude that we cannot infer DPS‘s
    policy to open closed containers from the mere fact that Trooper Hall did so; such
    an inference would eviscerate the requirement described in Wells.
    Because the evidence at issue was found within a closed container, and
    the State did not meet its burden to show the legality of the inventory of that
    container, we hold that the trial court did not err by granting appellee‘s motion to
    suppress, and we overrule all of the State‘s points that contest, on other grounds,
    the trial court‘s suppression decision. See Wells, 495 U.S. at 
    4–5, 110 S. Ct. at 1635
    Armendariz, 123 S.W.3d at 404
    Having overruled all of the State‘s points, we affirm the trial court‘s order
    granting appellee‘s motion to suppress.
    MEIER, J. filed a concurring opinion.
    DELIVERED: February 24, 2011
    NO. 02-09-00385-CR
    THE STATE OF TEXAS                                                    APPELLANT
    CORY RAY MOLDER                                                             STATE
    I concur in the result reached by the majority opinion, but I write separately
    to voice my belief that the trial court‘s ruling to suppress the evidence found
    during the inventory of Molder‘s truck was correct for the additional reason that
    the truck should not have been impounded in the first place. The majority holds
    that because the State did not offer evidence of any particular standardized
    criteria concerning the scope of inventory searches that would lead to a
    conclusion regarding DPS‘s policy as to opening closed containers, the State
    failed to meet its burden to show the legality of the inventory of a closed
    container found in Molder‘s vehicle. I join in the majority‘s analysis and ruling
    concerning closed containers under the facts of this case.
    I write separately, however, to express my view and opinion that
    regardless of what DPS‘s policy is toward closed containers, an inventory of
    Molder‘s vehicle should have never occurred. And that is what the trial court
    specifically found.
    An inventory search is permissible under the federal and state
    constitutions if it is conducted pursuant to a lawful impoundment. South Dakota
    v. Opperman, 
    428 U.S. 364
    , 375–76, 
    96 S. Ct. 3092
    , 3100 (1976); Benavides v.
    600 S.W.2d 809
    , 810 (Tex. Crim. App. [Panel Op.] 1980).              For an
    impoundment to be lawful, the seizure of the vehicle must be reasonable under
    the Fourth Amendment. 
    Benavides, 600 S.W.2d at 811
    . Courts have identified a
    number of circumstances in which law enforcement may reasonably impound an
    automobile; principal among these circumstances is whether there is some
    reasonable connection between the arrest and the vehicle. Id.; Delgado v. State,
    718 S.W.2d 718
    , 721 (Tex. Crim. App. 1986); Daniels v. State, 
    600 S.W.2d 813
    815 (Tex. Crim. App. [Panel Op.] 1980). But to be sure, an inventory cannot
    simply be a ―ruse for a general rummaging in order to discover incriminating
    evidence.‖ Florida v. Wells, 
    495 U.S. 1
    , 4, 
    110 S. Ct. 1632
    , 1635 (1990).
    According to the trial court‘s findings of facts, Molder‘s truck was parked
    and locked approximately 175 feet from Molder‘s hotel room in front of a nearby
    business—as the trial court phrased it, ―a private parking lot and not the street.‖
    Molder‘s truck faced the street, but otherwise was not impeding the flow of traffic
    nor was it a danger to public safety. The trial court found that the distance
    between where Molder was detained and eventually arrested was approximately
    100 feet from his truck. The trial court further found that there was no reasonable
    connection between the arrest and Molder‘s truck; that Molder had not consented
    to the search of his truck; that the truck was not blocking traffic; that no exigent
    circumstances existed to authorize the search of Molder‘s truck; and that there
    was ―no likely evidence of ‗assault by threat‘ to be found‖ in the truck and that
    there was no evidence that ―Molder‘s truck had been used in the commission of
    this or any other crimes.‖ Furthermore, the trial court determined that Molder
    ―was not in the proximity of his truck such that he could gain access to the
    passenger compartment.‖ Regarding its legal determination of whether a valid
    inventory of Molder‘s truck occurred, the trial court specifically concluded that as
    a matter of law Molder‘s truck ―never validly came into the possession or
    responsibility of the DPS and therefore should not have been impounded.‖
    This conclusion by the trial court regarding the impoundment and inventory
    of Molder‘s truck is supported by the court of criminal appeals‘s decision in
    Benavides. 600 S.W.2d at 810
    .       In Benavides, the police discovered the
    defendant and his wife in their home; both had been shot, and the defendant‘s
    wife was dead. 
    Id. The police
    discovered the type of car the defendant drove
    and began looking for it. The car was found locked and legally parked about two
    blocks away from where the defendant and his wife were found. The police
    impounded the car for ―protective custody‖ and ―safekeeping.‖ Before towing the
    car, the police inventoried its contents and discovered a suicide note
    incriminating the defendant. 
    Id. at 810–11.
    The court of criminal appeals held the car was unlawfully impounded
    because (1) there was no evidence that the car was impeding the flow of traffic or
    a danger to public safety; (2) the vehicle was legally parked in a residential area
    and locked; (3) while the appellant may not have been able to retrieve the car,
    there may have been someone else who could have done so for him, and (4)
    there was no reasonable connection between the arrest and the vehicle. 
    Id. at 812.
    In so holding, the court stated, ―The mere arrest of a defendant cannot be
    construed to authorize the seizure of his automobile when the arrest took place
    two or more blocks away from the automobile.‖ Id.1
    This case is similar to Benavides.      Molder was detained and arrested
    approximately 100 feet from his truck. His truck was legally parked. The trial
    court specifically found that there was no evidence Molder‘s truck was impeding
    the flow of traffic.   The trial court, which listened to the arresting officer‘s
    testimony and reviewed the photographs depicting where Molder was in
    The rule in Benavides that the mere arrest of a defendant cannot be
    construed to authorize the search of his automobile has been expanded by some
    courts to encompass those situations where there is a reasonable connection
    between the crime of arrest and the vehicle. Lagaite v. State, 
    995 S.W.2d 860
    865 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1999, pet. ref‘d). The trial court in this case
    specifically found there was no reasonable connection between the crime for
    which Molder was arrested and his truck.
    relationship to his truck when he was arrested, found that there was no
    reasonable connection between Molder‘s arrest and his truck. I conclude that
    there is no reasonable distinction that the distance in Benavides was two blocks
    and in this case approximately 100 feet. The gravamen of Benavides, like in this
    case, is that the defendant‘s mere arrest does not automatically give the State
    the authority to conduct an inventory. 
    Id. I would
    hold that the mere arrest of
    Molder did not authorize the seizure of his truck and that, given the record
    evidence and the applicable federal and state law, the trial court could have
    reasonably granted Molder‘s motion to suppress upon this additional ground.
    See Armendariz v. State, 
    123 S.W.3d 401
    , 403 (Tex. Crim. App. 2003) (We must
    ―uphold the trial court‘s ruling on appellant's motion to suppress if that ruling was
    supported by the record and was correct under any theory of law applicable to
    the case.‖), cert. denied, 
    541 U.S. 974
    (2004). Because I would affirm the trial
    court‘s judgment granting the motion to suppress on this basis, I concur with the
    majority‘s opinion.
    DELIVERED: February 24, 2011