//& \l£r&» IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appe als Austin, Texas 201 West 14th1 Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nema Bardin P O Box 772 Austin, Texas 78767 512-487-0197 bardimema@vahoo.com Re: "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" in previously filed Original and Amended Emergency Habeas Corpus WritNo. WR-78,165-02 Dear.Mr.. AfmM., Please find enclosed the "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" in previously filed Writs pursuant tc f^mlPBarain- i^tiponer POBox 772/# Austin, Texa& 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema@fyahoo.com 6-1- £0/5 RECEIVED \U COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS JUN 0 9 2015 Abel Acosta, Clerk u (A) IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 6 WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnemia@yahoo.com EX PART1E FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAX JUSTICE TABLE OF CONTENTS EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIOUSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING RELIEF FROM A VOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 pages LETTERJOCLjpaC^FTHE COURT 1page COVER SHEET 1 page EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE 4 pages JURISDICTION PAGE 2 PROCEDURAL HISTORY PAGE 2 REASON TO FILE AS EMERGENCY PAGE 3 ADEQUATE REMEDY PAGE 3 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED PAGE 2 CONCLUSTION PAGE 4 PRAYER PAGE 4 PROPROSED ORDER 1 page CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 pages PETITIONER'S OATH 1 page IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 201 West 14th1 Street Austin, Texas 78701 P O Box 772 Austin, Texas 78767 bardinnema@,vahoo.com Re: "Emergemcy Motion for Leave to FiTe^in previousfy lifed" Original" andAmended'Emergency Habeas Corpus WritNo. WR-78,165-02 Please ^nd enclosed the "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" inpreviously filed Writs pursuant tc WTC- ?& 165-G2:. Fkssc Sk this MrtAjrr rigifr awayas- it is time ssosithv. NifoijPBardins 4tiponer POBox 772 ,• Austin, Texaj> 78767 512-487-0197 bard'mnema@,vahoo.com IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PROSE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-9197 bardinnemia@yahoo.com EX PART1E FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ#01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL, JUSTICE EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIOUSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING RELIEF FROM A VOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR COVER SHEET IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PROSE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL, JUSTICE EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FDLE IN PREVIOUSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING RELIEF FROM A VOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR PURSUANT TO ARTICLE V. SECTION 5 OF THE TEXAS CONSTITUTION AMENDMENTS 1, 5, 6. and 14 OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION TEXAS COMMON LAW AND INHERENT POWER VESTED IN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: WyW COBLES, Yt&uvubi Henra&tcr&ifi tmbete&i ?£ AppVireffACVrato&ft.1??^?; prtsansa iVregjity confined at the Stiles Unit, Beaumont Texas pursuant to an illegal and void Judgment and Conviction and respectfully submitsthis Emergency Motion Under Trap Rule 72 For Leave To File OrigiHialWrit Of Habeas Corpus in Cause No. WR-78,165-02 And Amended Enuergency Application For Original Writ Of Habeas Corpus. 1. And Motion for Temporary Relief for Bail Seeking Relief from Void Final Judgment and Conviction. JURISDICTION The Court of Criminal Appeals has Original Jurisdiction under Article V, Section Five of the Texas Constitution,Amendments 1, 5, 6 and 14 of the United States Constitution, Texas Common Law, and this Courts Inherent Power. State v. Johnson, 821 S W 2d 609. 612 Tx. Crim. App. 1991, and Exparte Young 418 SW 2d 824,827 1968. PROCEDURAL HISTORY TheOriginal Writ of HabeasCorpusWR-78,165-02 lays out the procedural history before it's May 19* filing into this Honorable Court. Some of that history is included herein. The Initial Halbeas Corpus filed pursuant to the Void Judgment in Trial Court Cause No. A-08-508C -4CR 36th Judicial District Court Aransas County, Texas and made returnable to this court pursuantto Article 11.07 No. WR-78,165-01 received no "adjudication on the merits " by this court, and the trial court refused the Writ without findings or holding a hearing. On Dec. 5,2014 Applicant Pate filed into the trial court a "Motion to Vacate Void Judgment" pursuant to Article 11.07 Jurisdiction. That court when they were asked stated that they filed the Motion but to date have not acknowledged the motionin any way. Applicant did amendthat Motionon the 5* Day of January 2015 and asked numerous tirmes for a decision between the the 5th day of December2014, and the 5* day of January 2J1US. Filially dri May 18th because that court ignored the rriotidri, Petitioner filed the above rheritidried Writs and Motions into this Court. Applicant Pate deserved a "hearing" on the merits of his Initial 11.07 Writ and on hds "Motion to Vacate Void Judgment" and was denied such hearing. Petitionerfiled. ORIGINAL PROCEEDING in this Court WritNo. WR- 78,165-02 on May 19*, 2015 2. and then AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS WRIT (with bail request) filed on June 02,2015. Each filing was delivered by Petitioner in person to the Clerk of this Court. Petitioner is filling Pro Se, and unschooled in the law and did not realize that it was a required procedure that a "MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE" must accompany the "ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS". Petitioner is still not sure that she has interpreted Rule 72 as a necessary procedure but in an abundance of caution to avoid any procedural default files this " EMERGENCY MOTION FOFJ. LEAVETO FILE" incorporating this Motion with all other Writs and or Motions previously filcdpursuant to Writ No. WR-78,165- 02, and Trial Court Cause NO. A-08-5080-4CR, CHADRICK IB. PATE. REASON FOR FILING AS AN EMERGENCY Because Petitioner failed to file this "Motion for Leave to File " may be the reason that the Original Writ has not been submitted to a Justice for a determination. Petitioner requests that this Motion and all Writs and Motions filed in this cause be submitted to a Justice on an Emergency basis and that a determination be made expeditiously. It has been 19 days since the Original Writ was filed with no action having been taken by this Court. While Petitioner understands that her inability to file the paperwork properly at times in this cause has probably delayed the submission to the Justices it makes Applicant Pates illegal incarceration no less important or illegal. Applicant Pate has been illegally incarcerated for more than 7 years and Petitioner has offered up the proof of his illegal incarceration, conviction and judgment by submitting the Trial Courts own Records . Any delay in making a deteirmination on these matters only prolongs applicant's misery and allows the continuation of the abuse ofApplicant's rights to "due process" and the right to his liberty. Petitionercontendsthat this Honorable Court has the power to on it's own motion or by suspending certain rules can grant the relief that Applicant deserves in a much more expedious way than the tedious and time consuming 3. requirements of each and every procedure required by the Rules ofAppellate Procedure, and specially in light of the Trial Court and State's illegal abuse ofprocedures used to convict Applicant of a crime he did not commit. Applicant believes that under normal circumstances that The Writ of Habeas Corpus is and expedient process for most prisoners, but the subject of these proceedings are not normal circumstances„ these are Extraordinary Circumstances, and deserve Extraordinary Attention and Determinations. ADEQUATE REMEDY This Court opiined in Smith v. Flack 728 S W 2d : "In some cases, a remedy at law may technically exist; howeveir, it may nevertheless be so uncertain, tedious, burdensome, slow, inconvenient, inappropriate
Id., 728 S.W.2d at 792. With this in mind Petitioner request that this Honorable Court will provide relief to Applicant in a way that allows it's authority to miove expeditiously and finally. Applicant is aware that Mandamus might have also been a remedy that she could have applied for, but is unsure of that option being as expeditious as Habeas relief. If Mandamus is a more expeditions option, then perhaps this Honorable Court has the option of construing Petitioner's Writ as such. CONCLUSION Because Pro Se Petitioner has brought a reasonable argument for good reason to grant "Motion foi Le ave to File" then this Honorable Court should do so in an expedious manner. PRAYER Petitioner prays that this Honorable Court grant her Motion for Leave to File all documents in Writ Cause No. WR-78,165-02, and to grant any other relief that this Honorable Court has the authority to grant that Applicant is due and deserves. 4. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PROSE NE.MARA.RDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnenua@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORDER EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIOLJSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING REJLIEF FROM A VOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A- 08-5080-4CR. After consideriing the Emergency Motion for Leave to File by Petitioner in Writ No. WR-78,165-02, and for good cause appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that said Motion is hereby GRANTED. IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: June 2015 Jdaoatahte Judge^ Judge of The Texas Court of Crirtiirial Appeals CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR.78,165^02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMABATtDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnenna@yahoo.com EXPART1E FROM CAUSE JVQ.A-0S-5A80-4CB CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIOUSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING RELIEF FROM AVOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A- 08-5080-4CR. I do hereby certify that a true copy of the above and foregoing "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" was mailedregular mail with the properpostage affixed on the 9* day of June, 2015 to the following parties, and a true original "Emergency Motion for Leave to File" was personally delivered by Petitioner to Clerk of The Texas Court of CriminalAppeals at 201 West 14th StreetAustin., Texas 78701. PARTIES Anamssu C-&unty District Clerk's OSice Pam Heard 301 North Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 1. Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P O Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14* Street 5* Floor Price Daniel Bldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512-463-9988 NEMAR PETITION IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PROSE NE.MABARDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnenna@yahoo.com EX PART1E FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICKBPATE TDCJ#01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE PETITIONER'S OATH EMERGENCY MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE IN PREVIOUSLY FILED ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS WR-78,165-02 AND EMERGENCY APPLICATION FOR ORIGINAL WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS AND BAIL SEEKING RELIEF FROM A VOID FINAL JUDGMENT AND CONVICTION IN CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TRAVIS I NemaBardiin,being dulysworn, under oath says"/am the petitioner in this matter and I know the contents of the above "Emergency Motion For Lea^e To Fjjb", and according to my belief, the facts stated in the document are true. Ntfna BaVdin Petiti Petitioner Subscribe and. Sworn To, Before me aa June 9th, 2/115. NOTARY PUBLIC .<"#*,, N. A. CADENA *"•%, Notary Public. State of Texas My Commission Expires October 20, 2018 1. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 201 West 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nssna Bands: P O Box 772 Austin, Texas: 78767 5T2-W7-t»Y97 bardinnema(Styahoo. com Re: Supplement To Original and Amended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings inWR-78,-165-02 Chadrick B. P'aite Dear Mr. Acosta, Please find emclosed " Supplement To Original andAmended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings that adds parties to the Writ and provides a Certificate of Service to all parties added to the previously filed documents referenced above. Itwas a failure/oversight that I did not serve the parties, as I was unsuire of the proper procedure calling.for service to theseparties. Please file this Supplement under WR-78,165-02 immediately. All parties listed in the Supplement have now been served(Set enclosed Certificate of Service). rP OBox llli Austin, Texas; 78767 bardirmema@vahoo.com IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMA BAR DIN P.O. BOM 772 xcmTN„'rE'XA'S'raffi7 512-487-0197 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT? TtEALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY,TEXAS VS. JKiWA K WKATELV TRIAL JUBGE STATE «0F TEXAS DIRECrtFR OFTEXAS OEPT. SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL and AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN WB-7& -J65nfl? CILtDiBJCX JR PATS TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER TO CLERK COVER SHEET SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL and AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN WR-78.-165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE LETTER TO CLERK REQUESTING ( ADD CERTIIFCATE OF SERVICE DOCUMENT TO ORIGINAL HABEAS FILED JUNE 02.2015 qgrrmcjnrBTO ~sekvio;^ekvedthsi ATfpmreATmiSTNTyminNAX^wrai"^ CERTIFIC ATE OF SERVICE ON SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL AND AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS 1. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The "Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 20 L West 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nana BarSn P O Box 772 Austin, Texas: 78767 bardinnema@,.vahoo. com Re: Supplement To Original andAmended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings in WR-78,-165-02 Chadrick B. F»aite Dear Mr. Acosta, Please find eniclosed " Supplement To Original andAmended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings that adds parties to the Writ andprovides a Certificate of Service to all parties added to the previously filed documents referenced above. It was a failure/oversight that I did not serve the parties, as I was unsuire of the proper procedure calling,for service to these parties. Please file this Supplement under WR-78,165-02 immediately. All parties listed in the Supplement have now been served (Set enclosed Certificate of Service). Tha Nj, rP O Box 11/1 Austin, Texas 78767 bardinnemaffilvahoo.com IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 77 2 XUSTflft.TEXAS 7B767 512-487-0197 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK: B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS D WECTOBL OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL. JUSTICE SUPPLEMENT TOORIGEVAL *tnlA$lEN&EI?E&mRGEACY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDWGS JSV WR-78.-165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE COVER SHEET IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONED PRO SE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 77 2 AUS1TN,TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK! B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DKECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL mrfAMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS IN WR-78.-165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAH) COURT: Now Comes, Petitioner Nema Bardin pro se on behalf of Applicant Chadrick B. Pate and respectfully submits this - supplement to trie Original* ana' Amenaea' Emergency Habeas Corpus rTiYhgs in WK-T^fo^-iyrCnaaVic^ S. fate. The supplement is brought to add all named parties identified above and in the list that follows. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE Petitioner is unschooled in the proper procedures of the Honorable Court and while she is not sure she has interpreted tortTitos, vimtzf&yfen *li&rda&xK tox-voxs,:m7&i Tlocndmsjt tAvaitcarti, "&& n^pa^&dh^ rtqat"hithCtrttfifei -j&Vcw hen to add the parties; in order that she does not abuse any procedures that would require the dismissal of the Writ for her failures. The Applicant deserves relief as he has been incarcerated for more than 7 years pursuant to an illegal mtfyJfJJAtt ^of)jijisd^.mfittfJhuotted -Ofl./WAlatvnos Af.his C-oosti&utieaaS DueP.noc£ss JL\ghts, Fxaud ao ihe Cnunrby Jtta Court, and for the Officer's of the Court Tampering with the Government/Court Record, in Cause A-08-5080-4CR Chadrick B. Pate:, from the 36th Judaical District Court,Aransas County Texas. N THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 201 West 14th Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nema Bardin PO Box 772 Austin, Texas 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema(g),vahoo.com Re: WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Certificate of Service serving all parties added to Writ Proceedings WR-78,165-02. Dear Mr. Acaata, Please file the enclosed Certificate of Service with the Writ WR-78,165-02 filed on June 02,2015 . Thank/You, (,-q-*ZOtS 1. IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 77 2 AtfSTTN,TEXAS 7*767 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CERTD7ICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby certilfy that a true copy of the following instruments Writ of Habeas Corpus WR-78,165-02, and rtmenaea' Emergency Wh'tor~FiTa6eas Corpus were sent regui'ar maiT to me rbn'owihg parries that have 6een aaberf to these Original H.abeas Corpus Proceedings. Thecopies were mailed on this 9th day of June with proper postage affixed to same. Aransas County District Clerk's Office Pam Heard 301 North Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P O Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14th Street 5th Floor Price DanielBldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512-463-9968 " IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 772 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTIE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS.. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OIF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE SUPPLEMENT TO ORIGINAL and AMENDED EMERGENCY HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS .IN WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE I do hereby certify that a true copy of the above and foregoing "Supplement To Original Habeas Corpus Proceedings" were mailedregular mail with thejproperpostage affixed on this 9th day of June 2015 to the following parties, Aransas County District Clerk's Office Pam Heard 301 North Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P O Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 1. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE CONTINUED Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14th Street 5th Floor Price Daniel Bldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512-463-9988 I do hereby certify that a true and original of the above and foregoing "Supplement To Original and Amended Emergency Habeas Corpus Proceedings" was personally hand delivered by me to the Clerk of The Texas Court of CriminalAppeals at 201 West 14th Street,Austin, Texas 78701, on the 9th day of June, 2015 N THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Clerk of The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Austin, Texas 201 West 14* Street Austin, Texas 78701 Nema Bardin P O Box 772 Austin, Texas 78767 512-487-0197 bardinnema(a),vahoo.com Re:WR-78,165-02 CHADRICK B. PATE Certificate of Service serving all parties added to Writ Proceedings WTl-78,165-02. Dear Mc. Aco&ta, Please file the enclosed Certificate of Service with the Writ WR-78,165-02 filed on June 02, 2015 . ThantfYou, stitioner IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS WRIT NO. WR-78,165-02 PETITIONER PRO SE NEMABARDIN P.O. BOX 77 2 AYiSrnN,TEXAS 7*767 bardinnema@yahoo.com EX PARTE FROM CAUSE NO. A-08-5080-4CR CHADRICK B PATE TDCJ #01563340 THE DISTRICT COURT 36TH JUDICAL APPLICANT REALTOR DISTRICT ARANSAS COUNTY, TEXAS VS. JANNA K. WHATELY TRIAL JUDGE STATE OF TEXAS DIRECTOR OF TEXAS DEPT. CRIMINAL JUSTICE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I do hereby certilfy that a true copy of the following instruments Writ of Habeas Corpus WR-78,165-02, and Amended'£merg;ency Whir ofHabeasCorpus were sent reguilarmaiT to tne rM'owihg parties tnat nave 6een aab'ea'to these Original Habeas Corpus Proceedings. Thecopies were mailed on this 9th day of June withproper postage affixed to same. Aransas County District Clerk's Office Pam Heard 301 North Live Oak Rockport, Texas 78382 Office of the Aransas County District Attorney 301 North Live Oak Street Rockport, Texas 78382 Jana K. Whately Trial Judge P O Box 700 Sinton, Texas 78797 Texas Department of Criminal Justice TDJC Executive Director Brad Livingston 209 West 14th Street 5th Floor PriceDaniel Bldg. Austin, Texas 78701 512- >ETITIONER
Document Info
Docket Number: WR-78,165-02
Filed Date: 6/9/2015
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 9/29/2016