in the Matter of C. D. H., a Juvenile , 273 S.W.3d 421 ( 2008 )

  •                     In The
    Court of Appeals
    Sixth Appellate District of Texas at Texarkana
    No. 06-07-00145-CV
    On Appeal from the County Court at Law
    Cass County, Texas
    Trial Court No. 07-J-015
    Before Morriss, C.J., Carter and Moseley, JJ.
    Opinion by Justice Carter
    C.D.H., a juvenile, waived his right to a jury trial, and the trial court found that C.D.H.
    engaged in delinquent conduct. The trial court then committed C.D.H. to the Texas Youth
    Commission (TYC) for an indeterminate sentence not to exceed his nineteenth birthday.
    I.     Background
    Three boys, one of which was C.D.H., approached two younger boys walking in Atlanta,
    Texas. C.D.H. held a toy gun to the head of one of the boys and demanded money and a lighter. The
    younger boy, not knowing that the gun was a toy gun, threw some change and the lighter toward
    C.D.H. C.D.H. hit one of the younger boys in the face, and the two younger boys ran away.
    Based on this conduct, the State filed its petition alleging delinquent conduct. Prior to the
    beginning of the adjudication proceeding and after explaining the allegations against C.D.H., the trial
    court admonished C.D.H. of the nature of the proceedings and the possible range of punishment:
    Okay. The nature of this proceeding is to determine whether or not you are a juvenile
    who has engaged in delinquent conduct. A possible consequence of this proceeding
    is that you could be committed to the Texas Youth Commission where they're
    authorized by law to keep you until your eighteenth birthday.
    C.D.H.'s trial counsel did not object to this admonition.
    After hearing testimony, the trial court found that C.D.H. did engage in delinquent conduct
    by committing the felony offense of robbery in violation of Section 29.02 of the Texas Penal Code
    and the misdemeanor offense of assault in violation of Section 22.01(a)(1) of the Texas Penal Code.
    See TEX . PENAL CODE ANN . § 22.01(a)(1) (Vernon Supp. 2008), § 29.02 (Vernon 2003). The trial
    court then sentenced C.D.H. to an indeterminate sentence in the custody of the TYC not to exceed
    his nineteenth birthday.1 No objection was made when the trial court pronounced its disposition.
    C.D.H. contends that he has a fundamental right to be sentenced in accordance with the trial
    court's admonishment. Disposition that does not mirror the admonition, then, runs afoul of his
    federal and state constitutional rights to due process and due course of law. The record clearly
    establishes that trial counsel lodged no objection to the trial court's admonition or disposition.
    C.D.H., then, is forced to address the issue of preservation of error and convince this Court that the
    error of which he complains is properly before this Court. First, he argues, the error is structural or
    systemic in nature, making it immune from preservation and harm analysis requirements.
    Alternatively, he contends the error is fundamental error to which no objection is necessary. We
    conclude the error alleged is neither and, therefore, was not preserved for our review.
    II.    Not Structural or Systemic Defect
    The United States Supreme Court has mandated that certain federal constitutional errors
    labeled as "structural" are not subject to a harmless error analysis.          See United States v.
    548 U.S. 140
    , 150 (2006) (erroneous deprivation of right to counsel of choice is
    When a juvenile court imposes an indeterminate sentence, it may only commit the child to
    the custody of the TYC, and the TYC must release the child no later than his or her nineteenth
    birthday. TEX . FAM . CODE ANN . § 54.04(d)(2) (Vernon Supp. 2008); TEX . HUM . RES. CODE ANN .
    § 61.084(e) (Vernon Supp. 2008). When the trial court imposes an indeterminate sentence for a
    child who committed aggravated assault, the term of confinement in a TYC residential facility ranges
    from twelve months to the child's nineteenth birthday. TEX . HUM . RES. CODE ANN . § 61.084(e);
    37 TEX . ADMIN . CODE § 85.23(d)(3) (2008) (Tex. Youth Comm'n, Classification); 37 TEX . ADMIN .
    CODE § 85.25(d)(3) (2008) (Tex. Youth Comm'n, Classification, Minimum Length of Stay).
    structural error because it has ''necessarily unquantifiable and indeterminate" consequences);
    Sullivan v. Louisiana, 
    508 U.S. 275
    (1993) (improper jury instruction on proof beyond reasonable
    doubt not susceptible to harmless error analysis); Garrett v. State, 
    220 S.W.3d 926
    , 931 (Tex. Crim.
    App. 2007); Johnson v. State, 
    169 S.W.3d 223
    , 235 (Tex. Crim. App. 2005) (discussing types of
    errors held to be structural by United States Supreme Court); see also Cain v. State, 
    947 S.W.2d 262
    264 n.5 (Tex. Crim. App. 1997); Matchett v. State, 
    941 S.W.2d 922
    , 927 (Tex. Crim. App. 1996).
    Except for those certain federal constitutional errors so labeled, no error, whether it relates to
    jurisdiction, voluntariness of a plea, or any other mandatory requirement, is categorically immune
    to a harmless error analysis. 
    Cain, 947 S.W.2d at 264
    . Harmless error analysis does not apply to
    a constitutional error that constitutes a ''structural defect'' in the trial process.
    Simply put, we find no authority that would suggest that error associated with a right to be
    sentenced in accordance with the trial court's admonishment required by Section 54.03(b) of the
    Texas Family Code is the type of error that can be characterized as a structural or systemic defect
    such that it would escape harmless error analysis. TEX . FAM . CODE ANN . § 54.03(b) (Vernon Supp.
    III.   Not Fundamental Error
    Further, the error alleged here2 is not immune from the requirement that it be preserved for
    our review. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals3 has consistently held that the failure to object
    in a timely and specific manner during trial forfeits complaints about the admissibility of evidence,
    even when the error may concern a defendant's constitutional rights. See Saldano v. State, 
    70 S.W.3d 873
    , 889 (Tex. Crim. App. 2002). All but the most fundamental rights may be forfeited if
    not insisted upon by the party to whom they belong. See 
    Saldano, 70 S.W.3d at 887
    . An exception
    The Texas Family Code requires the judge to explain to the child certain information at the
    beginning of an adjudication hearing. TEX . FAM . CODE ANN . § 54.03(b). One of the requirements
    is the judge is to explain the "nature and possible consequences of the proceedings." 
    Id. C.D.H. does
    not rely on Section 54.03, but makes only a constitutional argument. At one time, the failure
    to give the explanations in Section 54.03 did not have to be preserved for appeal by an objection, but
    later section (i) was added requiring preservation. TEX . FAM . CODE ANN . § 54.03(i) (Vernon Supp.
    2008). The Houston–First Court has read Section 54.03(i) as applicable only to omitted (as opposed
    to erroneous) admonishments, relying on the rule prior to the enactment of Section 54.03(i) that no
    objection was required to preserve error regarding the omission of the required juvenile
    admonishments. See In re T.W.C., 
    258 S.W.3d 218
    , 221 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 2008, no
    pet.) (citing In re C.O.S., 
    988 S.W.2d 760
    , 767 (Tex. 1999)). But see In re L.A.S., 
    981 S.W.2d 691
    692 (Tex. App.—Houston [1st Dist.] 1998, no pet.) (concluding that, even if Section 54.03(b)
    admonishment were inadequate, any error associated with the admonishment was not preserved as
    required by Section 54.03(i)). C.D.H. does not address the error as one related to Section 54.03(b).
    Juvenile proceedings are civil in nature. TEX . FAM . CODE ANN . § 51.13 (Vernon Supp.
    2008). Despite the civil nature of juvenile proceedings, the Texas Supreme Court has recognized
    a juvenile's right to the essentials of due process and fair treatment. In re B.P.H., 
    83 S.W.3d 400
    405 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2002, no pet.). The Texas Supreme Court looks to authority from the
    Texas Court of Criminal Appeals for guidance on issues of preservation of error. See In re C.O.S.,
    988 S.W.2d 760
    (Tex. 1999); In re D.I.B., 
    988 S.W.2d 753
    (Tex. 1999). Again, prior to the
    enactment of Section 54.03(i), error associated with the trial court's failure to provide required
    admonishments was treated as fundamental error to which no objection was required. We note that
    the error alleged here is characterized differently and was not briefed in terms of Section 54.03.
    applies to two "relatively small" categories of errors: (1) violations of waivable-only rights; and
    (2) denials of absolute, systemic requirements. See Aldrich v. State, 
    104 S.W.3d 890
    , 895 (Tex.
    Crim. App. 2003); 
    Saldano, 70 S.W.3d at 888
    Examples of rights that are waivable only include the right to the assistance of counsel, the
    right to trial by jury, and a right of appointed counsel to have ten days of trial preparation that a
    statute specifically made waivable only. 
    Aldrich, 104 S.W.3d at 895
    . A waivable-only right cannot
    be forfeited by a party's inaction alone; a defendant must take affirmative action to waive such a
    right. See Bessey v. State, 
    239 S.W.3d 809
    , 812 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007).
    In Bessey, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals held that a proper admonishment in an adult
    guilty plea was waivable only because the court has a statutory duty to properly admonish defendants
    as described by Article 26.13. "A law that puts a duty on the trial court to act sua sponte, creates a
    right that is waivable only. It cannot be a law that is forfeited by a party's inaction." 
    Id. (quoting Mendez,
    138 S.W.3d at 343). Thus, a court's failure to properly admonish a defendant cannot be
    forfeited and may be raised for the first time on appeal unless it is expressly waived. By contrast,
    the statute requiring the trial court to explain the "possible consequences of the proceedings" in a
    juvenile adjudication hearing explicitly requires preservation of any failure of the trial court to
    provide the proper explanation.
    While no precise rule has been announced for determining if a right is waivable only instead
    of forfeitable, it is important to be reminded of the reasons for requiring preservation of errors.
    "Stated more broadly, objections promote the prevention and correction of errors. When valid
    objections are timely made and sustained, the parties may have a lawful trial." 
    Saldano, 70 S.W.3d at 887
    . Here, if the trial court had been apprised of the misstatement of the law, the court could have
    promptly corrected it and cured any error. There is no evidence that the trial itself or the decision
    of the trial court was influenced in any manner by the trial court's misstatement. Further, the
    omission does not directly or adversely affect the interests of the public generally or bring disrespect
    to the judicial process. See Dix and Dawson, Texas Practice: Criminal Practice and Procedure
    § 42.252 (2d ed. 2001). We find that, if there is a right to be sentenced to the range of punishment
    previously announced by the trial court in a juvenile proceeding, it is not a right that is waivable
    only, but may be forfeited.
    Absolute, systemic requirements include jurisdiction of the person, jurisdiction of the subject
    matter, and a penal statute's being in compliance with the "separation of powers" section of the state
    constitution. See 
    Aldrich, 104 S.W.3d at 895
    . As discussed previously, there is simply no authority
    that would suggest that the type of error alleged here is in the nature of a systemic defect. The error
    alleged here, even though framed in terms of constitutional terms, does not fall within the exceptions
    that would excuse failure to lodge an objection in the trial court. It must have been raised in the trial
    court to preserve the issue for our review.4
    Consistent with our conclusion in the instant case, this Court has concluded that, within the
    context of juvenile probation revocation hearings, a due process complaint must have been raised
    before the trial court to preserve the error for appellate review. See In re J.L.D., 
    74 S.W.3d 166
    , 169
    (Tex. App.—Texarkana 2002, no pet.).
    Even if we were to conclude that this error need not be preserved for our review, C.D.H.'s
    contention would fail in that he must, but cannot show harm from, the alleged error. C.D.H. pled
    not guilty, and the record does not show that C.D.H. suffered harm as a result of the trial court's
    initial misstatement of the range of punishment and subsequent sentencing that might go beyond the
    range initially pronounced.5 The record would not demonstrate harm resulting from the error
    IV.    Conclusion
    The error alleged here was not preserved for our review and is not the type of error that is
    immune to preservation requirements. We are left then with the general rule regarding preservation
    of error: a party waives error unless the party preserves error for appeal by objecting in the trial
    Looking again at the closely related issue of failure to warn in strict compliance with a
    Section 54.03(b) admonishment, the Texas Supreme Court explained that error associated with
    Section 54.03 was not the type of error that defied analysis:
    Nor is the "data . . . insufficient" to conduct a meaningful analysis of harm in this
    case. D.I.B. pleaded "not true" to the allegations against her; she presented a defense;
    and she was found to be a delinquent. There is no indication that, had D.I.B. known
    of the potential uses of the record of an adjudication in juvenile court, she would
    have been able to avoid an adjudication of delinquency. Nor is there any evidence
    that she was offered and would have accepted an agreement to plead to an offense
    other than murder as the basis for her adjudication. Absent a showing that the trial
    court's failure to give the required explanation may have affected the adjudication or
    the basis for it, the error was harmless.
    D.I.B., 988 S.W.2d at 759
    . The court further explained that harm may be shown by proof that the
    juvenile could and would have entered into a plea agreement with the State based on a lesser offense
    if he or she had been properly admonished. 
    C.O.S., 988 S.W.2d at 768
    . Such considerations lend
    themselves to harm analysis of the error alleged here.
    court. See TEX . R. APP . P. 33.1. Applying that general rule, the absence of an objection, either at
    the time of the admonishment or at the time the indeterminate sentence was pronounced, leads us
    to conclude that the alleged error is not before this Court. We, therefore, overrule C.D.H.'s
    contention and affirm the adjudication and disposition of the trial court.
    Jack Carter
    Date Submitted:        October 8, 2008
    Date Decided:          December 16, 2008