Larry Mark Polsky, Esq. v. Sheriff Omar Lucio and Cameron County ( 2020 )

  •                          NUMBER 13-19-00062-CV
    LARRY MARK POLSKY, ESQ.,                                                  Appellant,
    SHERIFF OMAR LUCIO AND CAMERON COUNTY,                                    Appellees.
    On appeal from the 445th District Court
    of Cameron County, Texas.
    Before Justices Benavides, Longoria, and Perkes
    Memorandum Opinion by Justice Perkes
    Appellant Larry Mark Polsky, Esq. appeals from the denial of his application for a
    sexually oriented business (SOB) permit. He contends that his application should have
    been granted because the public beach within 1,500 feet of his property is not a “public
    park” as the term is defined by appellee Cameron County’s SOB regulations. Polsky also
    challenges the district court’s implied finding in the judgment that appellee Sheriff Omar
    Lucio was not a proper party.
    First, however, the parties dispute whether it was appropriate for the district court
    to review the Cameron County Commissioners Court’s decision for an abuse of
    discretion. Because we agree with Polsky that the substantial evidence rule is the correct
    legal standard, we reverse and remand to the district court to consider Polsky’s appeal
    under the appropriate standard of review.
    Chapter 243 of the Texas Local Government Code delegates legislative authority
    to local governments to regulate SOBs. TEX. GOV’T CODE ANN. § 243.003(a); Ex parte
    156 S.W.3d 608
    , 610 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2004, pet. denied). Pursuant to its
    authority to prohibit SOBs within a certain distance of a specified land use, see TEX. GOV’T
    CODE ANN. § 243.006(a)(2), Cameron County promulgated, among others, a regulation
    prohibiting SOBs within 1,500 feet of a “public park,” defined by the regulations as “any
    tract of land dedicated for public use and accessible to the general public for recreational
    purposes, including locations owned by non-profit organizations that provide educational
    and recreational facilities but not including public roads, walkways, easements, and rights
    of way.” Cameron County, Tex., Regulations for Sexually-Oriented Businesses Operating
    within Unincorporated Areas of the County §§ V(gg), X(k)(4)(i) (Dec. 21, 2004) (County
    SOB Regulations).
    Polsky purchased three lots in the unincorporated area of the County on South
    Padre Island. It is undisputed that Polsky’s property is within 1,500 feet of a public beach
    that crosses four privately owned lots and borders on the Gulf of Mexico. 1 In 2016, Polsky
    filed an application with Sheriff Lucio to operate a topless bar on his property. See County
    SOB Regulations § X(a) (requiring applications to be filed with the Cameron County
    The Cameron County Commissioners Court held a public hearing on Polsky’s
    application after receiving objections from property owners and City of South Padre Island
    officials. See County SOB Regulations § XIII. Based on the Commissioners Court’s
    finding that “[t]he public beach, which is within 1,500 feet of Mr. Polsky’s property is a
    public park, not owned by Cameron County but dedicated to public use by dedication and
    implication and used for recreation, swimming, fishing, sunbathing and family uses since
    time immemorial,” Sheriff Lucio denied the application. 2 Pursuant to the County’s SOB
    Regulations, Polsky appealed that decision to the Commissioners Court. See County
    SOB Regulations § XVI(b). After presiding over a contested evidentiary hearing between
    1 Gulf Coast public beaches consist of the area from the line of mean low tide to the line of
    vegetation. Severance v. Patterson, 
    370 S.W.3d 705
    , 714 (Tex. 2012) (citing TEX. NAT. RES. CODE ANN.
    § 61.001(8)). The area from mean low tide to mean high tide is known as the “wet beach” while the area
    from mean high tide to the vegetation line is known as the “dry beach.”
    Id. The dry part
    of a public beach
    can be State-owned but is often privately owned property on which a public easement has been established.
    Id. at 715.
    Wet beaches, on the other hand, are owned by the State of Texas and “constitute[] public
    property that is held in trust for the use and benefit of all the people.”
    Id. (quoting Lorino v.
    Crawford Packing
    175 S.W.2d 410
    , 413 (Tex. 1943)).
    2Although the County generally delegated authority to Sheriff Lucio to administer, investigate, and
    approve or deny applications, in this case, because the Commissioners Court held a public hearing and
    issued written findings, the sheriff was required “to enforce the Court’s conclusion.” See County SOB
    Regulations § XIII(g).
    Polsky and Sherriff Lucio, the Commissioners Court upheld the denial of Polsky’s
    application on the same ground. 3 See County SOB Regulations § XVI(d), (e).
    Consistent with chapter 243, Polsky sought judicial review of that decision in
    district court. See TEX. LOC. GOV’T CODE ANN. § 243.007(c). In their brief to the district
    court, the appellees framed the issue before the court as whether the Commissioners
    Court abused its discretion in finding that Polsky’s properties were within 1,500 feet of a
    public park as defined by the County’s SOB regulation. During the final hearing, the district
    court asked the parties to advise it on the correct standard of review, and the appellees
    responded that the district court should review the Commissioners Court’s findings for an
    “abuse of discretion, which means that we must have acted arbitrarily, without guiding
    principles, or that we’ve otherwise violated the law or the regulation.” When the district
    court expressed doubts about the Commissioners Court’s finding, the appellees again
    pointed to the standard of review, saying that “because of the standard of review, we
    might not agree, and clearly Mr. Polsky doesn’t, but there is no showing here that [the
    Commissioners Court] acted fraudulently, collusively, or even arbitrarily.”
    In announcing its decision in open court, the district court specifically referred to
    the standard of review, saying the Commissioners Court decision did not constitute an
    “abuse of discretion.” Likewise, in its judgment, the district court made a finding that that
    “the proper standard of review of the decision of the Cameron County Commissioners
    3 The initial decision to deny Polsky’s application also cited his failure to notify interested property
    owners as required by the County’s SOB Regulations. See County SOB Regulation § X(q). This defect was
    subsequently cured, and the Commissioners Court’s decision was based solely on the public park issue.
    Court is whether the Commissioners Court abused its discretion.” The judgment also
    states that the court’s decision was “based on the evidence in the record, the argument
    of counsel and consideration on an abuse of discretion standard of review.” Finally, the
    judgment makes a finding that “the proper defendant is Cameron County.”
    This appeal ensued.
    The parties disagree about the standard of review in this case. The County
    maintains that the Commissioners Court’s decision should be reviewed for an abuse of
    discretion while Polsky argues that the substantial evidence rule is the proper standard.
    Contrary to the County’s position, when cities and counties undertake the
    regulation of SOBs, they do so in an administrative capacity, and as such, the denial of
    an SOB permit is reviewed under the substantial evidence rule. A.H.D. Hous., Inc. v. City
    of Houston, 
    316 S.W.3d 212
    , 217 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] 2010, no pet.); City of
    Arlington v. Centerfolds, Inc., 
    232 S.W.3d 238
    , 249–50 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 2007, pet.
    denied); Webworld Mktg. Grp. v. Thomas, 
    249 S.W.3d 19
    , 24–25 (Tex. App.—Houston
    [1st Dist.] 2007, no pet.); cf. Lindsay v. Sterling, 
    690 S.W.2d 560
    , 562–63 (Tex. 1985)
    (holding that county’s denial of application for alcohol license was administrative in nature;
    therefore, judicial review was subject to substantial evidence rule). Under this standard,
    “an appellant bears the burden to prove that the findings, inferences, conclusions, and
    decisions of the administrative agency are not supported by substantial evidence,”
    defined as more than a scintilla, but less than a preponderance. Fox v. Medina, 
    848 S.W.2d 866
    , 871 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi–Edinburg 1993, no writ) (citing Tex. Health
    Facilities Comm’n v. Charter Medical–Dall., 
    665 S.W.2d 446
    , 452–53 (Tex. 1984)). “The
    true test is not whether the agency reached the correct conclusion, but whether some
    reasonable basis exists in the record for the action taken by the agency.” City of El Paso
    v. Pub. Util. Comm’n of Tex., 883 S.W.2d 179,185 (Tex. 1994). Whether an administrative
    body’s findings, inferences, conclusions, and decision are supported by substantial
    evidence is a question of law subject to de novo review. Tex. State Bd. of Dental Exam’rs
    v. Brown, 
    281 S.W.3d 692
    , 701 (Tex. App.—Corpus Christi–Edinburg 2009, pet. denied)
    (citing Montgomery Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Davis, 
    34 S.W.3d 559
    , 562 (Tex. 2000)). In this
    case, the trial court should have reviewed the evidentiary record to determine if
    substantial evidence supported the Commissioners Court’s finding that the public beach
    within 1,500 feet of Polsky’s property is a “public park” as that term is defined by the
    County’s SOB regulations. See A.H.D. 
    Hous., 316 S.W.3d at 217
    Centerfolds, 232 S.W.3d at 249
    Webworld, 249 S.W.3d at 24
    Generally, when a reviewing court applies the wrong legal standard, the judgment
    should be reversed and the cause remanded to that court for further consideration under
    the correct standard. Andrews County v. Sierra Club, 
    463 S.W.3d 867
    , 867 (Tex. 2015)
    (per curiam); Jaffe Aircraft Corp. v. Carr, 
    867 S.W.2d 27
    , 29 (Tex. 1993). The same holds
    true when judicial review of an administrative decision is conducted under an incorrect
    legal standard. Tex. Dep’t of Transp. v. Jones Bros. Dirt & Paving Contractors, Inc., 
    92 S.W.3d 477
    , 485 (Tex. 2002) (reversing court of appeals judgment and remanding to
    district court for review of ALJ’s decision under correct legal standard). Accordingly,
    without reaching the merits of the appeal, we reverse the district court’s judgment and
    remand the case to the district court to consider Polsky’s appeal under the correct legal
    Polsky also contends that the district court erred by dismissing Sheriff Lucio as an
    improper party. 4 We agree.
    “[A]ll persons who have or claim a direct interest in the object and subject matter
    of the suit and whose interests will necessarily be affected by any judgment that may be
    rendered therein, are not only proper parties, but are necessary and indispensable
    parties.” Scott v. Graham, 
    292 S.W.2d 324
    , 327 (Tex. 1956). In this case, the County
    designated “the Cameron County Sheriff, through his authorized agents, to investigate,
    approve, deny, issue, attach conditions to, suspend and revoke Sexually-Oriented
    Business Permits.” County SOB Regulations § II(a). Accordingly, Polsky submitted his
    SOB application to Sheriff Lucio, and, after denying his application, Sheriff Lucio
    appeared at the contested evidentiary hearing before Commissioners Court and
    defended his denial of Polsky’s application. 5 See County SOB Regulations § XVI(d) (“At
    the hearing at which the appeal is considered, the affected party and Sheriff shall have
    the right to present evidence, call witnesses, and present arguments and authorities.”). In
    4 Although there is no express language in the judgment dismissing Sheriff Lucio from the appeal,
    both parties treat the district court’s finding that “the proper defendant is Cameron County” as an implied
    dismissal of Sheriff Lucio.
    5   Sheriff Lucio designated one of his deputies to represent him at the hearing.
    other words, as the adverse party in that proceeding, Sheriff Lucio necessarily has an
    “interest in the subject matter and outcome of the suit.” 6 See
    id. Moreover, from a
    procedural standpoint, the County’s regulatory scheme requires
    that Sheriff Lucio remain a party until this case becomes final. For example, if this case
    were remanded to Commissioners Court, Sheriff Lucio would resume his defense of
    denying Polsky’s application. See County SOB Regulations § XVI(d). Therefore, the
    district court erred by dismissing Sheriff Lucio as an improper party.
    The judgment is reversed, and the case is remanded to the district court.
    Delivered and filed the 24th
    day of September, 2020.
    6  Indeed, as one of the commissioners acknowledged during the hearing, “[Polsky’s] argument is
    against the Sheriff’s office.”