May Ha Goetsch, A.C.N.P., AND Alvin Uchenna Anene, M.D., AND Jagadeshwar Reddy, M.D., AND Sathishkumar Seeliyur Duraiswamy, M.D. and Brant Erwin, APRN, AGACNP-BC, AND Jay Arvind Patel, D.O., AND Baylor All Saints Medical Center and Century Integrated Partners, Inc. v. Deanna Rolls, Individually and as Wrongful Death Beneficiary of David Rolls, And as Representative of the Estate of David Rolls, and Wanda Yates ( 2021 )

  •                          In the
    Court of Appeals
    Second Appellate District of Texas
    at Fort Worth
    No. 02-20-00263-CV
    PARTNERS, INC., Appellants
    On Appeal from the 141st District Court
    Tarrant County, Texas
    Trial Court No. 141-307517-19
    Before Sudderth, C.J.; Birdwell and Walker, JJ.
    Memorandum Opinion by Justice Walker
    David Rolls died after emergency surgery, and his family sued the involved
    healthcare providers and their employers. The defendants moved to dismiss the suit
    because they asserted they had not been timely served with the required expert report.
    The trial court denied the motion, and the defendants appeal that denial.         We
    conclude that the expert-report deadline was suspended by a mandatory, statutory
    stay; thus, the claims were not subject to dismissal for a failure to comply with the
    deadline. Therefore, we affirm the trial court’s denial order.
    David was admitted to appellant Baylor All Saints Hospital (BASH) for an
    emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomy to remove his gallbladder. Over the next
    eight days, he experienced postoperative internal bleeding, and a radiology
    embolization was performed to try to stop the hemorrhage.           Shortly after the
    embolization and while being transferred back to his room after the procedure, David
    went into cardiac arrest and had to be placed on artificial life support. This support
    was discontinued eleven days after the cholecystectomy had been performed, and
    David died.
    On April 22, 2019, David’s wife and mother—appellees Deanna Rolls and
    Wanda Yates—sued BASH and many of the doctors and nurses (and their employers)
    involved in David’s hospitalization and treatment, alleging that each had been
    negligent. These healthcare-liability claims were governed by the Medical Liability
    Act, which required Rolls and Yates to serve on each defendant an expert report
    addressing liability and causation. See 
    Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 74.351
    (j). Such reports must be served no later than 120 days after the defendant’s answer is
    filed. See 
     § 74.351(a). Each defendant answered Rolls and Yates’s petition between
    May 10 and May 24, 2019.
    Capson Physicians Insurance Company, which was defendant DFW Critical
    Care, LLC’s liability insurer, had been placed in receivership in February 2019, and the
    receivership court had stayed any actions involving Capson’s insureds until June 28,
    2019. See 
    Tex. Ins. Code Ann. §§ 443.008
    (d), 443.051. On that date, the receivership
    court declared Capson insolvent and entered a liquidation order. See 
     §§ 443.058,
    443.151. To ensure payment of Capson’s contractual obligations, the Texas Property
    and Casualty Insurance Guaranty Association (the Association) became responsible
    for Capson’s covered claims. See id. §§ 462.002, 463.101, 463.253(b). An automatic
    six-month stay—until December 28, 2019—was thereby triggered as of the date of
    the liquidation order to allow the Association to properly defend Capson’s insureds
    against Rolls and Yates’s claims. See id. § 462.309(a).
    DFW Critical and its employee, defendant Margaret Adelia Davis, N.P., quickly
    notified the trial court of the automatic, mandatory six-month stay and asked for an
    entry of an order recognizing “this automatic stay and ordering [that] the stay applies
    to all parties in this proceeding and applies for all purposes.” On July 25, 2019, the
    trial court found the automatic-stay notice to be “well taken” and entered an order
    removing the case from the trial court’s “active docket of pending cases” and staying
    the case “as to all parties and for all purposes” until December 28, 2019, when the
    case would be “reinstated to the Court’s docket of active pending cases.”1 See id.
    § 462.309(b). In so ordering, the trial court was faithfully following the express
    language of Section 462.309: “The stay applies to each party to the proceeding and the
    proceeding is stayed for all purposes.”           Id.   Indeed, the trial court cited
    Section 462.309 in its order.
    On December 30, 2019, two days after the expiration of the statutory six-
    month stay and approximately seven months after the answers were filed, Rolls and
    Yates served on each defendant expert reports regarding liability and causation. See
    Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 74.351
    (a), (j). Except for DFW Critical and
    Davis,2 all defendants objected to the sufficiency of the expert reports within 21 days
    after the report was served. See 
     § 74.351(a), (l). Each also moved to dismiss Rolls
    and Yates’s claims because they had failed to serve their expert report within 120 days
    after each defendant had answered in May 2019, instead waiting until after the six-
    month stay expired. See id. § 74.351(a)–(b). The trial court denied the motions to
    dismiss to the extent each was “based on the failure to serve expert reports within the
    120-day deadline.” The trial court did not rule on the defendants’ objections to the
    On January 23, 2020, the trial court formally lifted the stay, noting that the
    receivership court’s stay had already expired on December 28, 2019.
    DFW Critical and Davis are not parties to this appeal.
    sufficiency of the reports. The affected defendants noticed their interlocutory appeal
    of the denial, which all parties concede we have jurisdiction to consider.3 See id.
    § 51.014(a)(9) (permitting interlocutory appeal from order that “denies all or part of
    the relief sought by a motion” for dismissal based on a failure to timely serve an
    expert report); cf. Badiga v. Lopez, 
    274 S.W.3d 681
    , 684–85 (Tex. 2009) (recognizing
    right to “immediate” appeal from dismissal denial when no expert report timely
    served); Wheeler v. Luberger, No. 14-14-00992-CV, 
    2016 WL 146008
    , at *2–3 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [14th Dist.] Jan. 12, 2016, no pet.) (mem. op.) (finding no jurisdiction
    to consider appeal from denial of dismissal based on failure to timely serve any expert
    report because appellant waited to appeal timeliness issue until after objections to late-
    filed report were determined).
    We apply an abuse-of-discretion standard of review to the denial of a motion to
    dismiss based on an asserted failure to comply with the 120-day deadline in
    Section 74.351(a). See Van Ness v. ETMC First Physicians, 
    461 S.W.3d 140
    , 142 (Tex.
    2015) (per curiam). The Healthcare Parties assert that Rolls and Yates’s claims were
    required to be dismissed (and that the trial court’s failure to do so was an abuse of
    The appellants are May Ha Goetsch, A.C.N.P.; Alvin Uchenna Anene, M.D.;
    Jagadeshwar Reddy, M.D.; Sathishkumar Seeliyur Duraiswamy, M.D.; Brant Erwin,
    APRN, AGACNP; Jay Arvind Patel, D.O.; BASH; and Century Integrated Partners,
    Inc. We will refer to the appellants as the Healthcare Parties.
    discretion) because Rolls and Yates did not serve an expert report until 100 days after
    the expiration of the 120-day statutory deadline to do so. Although the receivership
    court’s stay was in effect during this time, the Healthcare Parties contend that the stay
    did not apply to the expert-report deadline and only applied to DFW Critical and
    Davis, not to the Healthcare Parties. Finally, the Healthcare Parties argue in the
    alternative that even if the stay applied to them and to the expert-report deadline, the
    stay cannot trump the expert-report deadline. For the following reasons, we disagree
    with the Healthcare Parties and conclude that the automatic stay based on Capson’s
    insolvency extended to the claims against the Healthcare Parties and to the expert-
    report deadline. See, e.g., Campbell v. Kosarek, 
    44 S.W.3d 647
    , 650 (Tex. App.—Dallas
    2001, pet. denied) (“There were no words to limit the abatement to the cause of
    action against the insurance company, and we conclude it therefore operated to abate
    the cause as to all parties and claims. . . . We conclude that, by virtue of the
    abatement order, Campbell was not required to file expert reports during the
    abatement period.”); Tibbetts v. Gagliardi, 
    2 S.W.3d 659
    , 664 (Tex. App.—Houston
    [14th Dist.] 1999, pet. denied) (“Because the [prior version of Section 462.309 of the]
    Insurance Code stays ‘all [judicial] proceedings’ during the pendency of a stay order,
    Appellant was not required to file exp[e]rt reports during such period of abeyance.”);
    44 Michael P. Penick, Texas Practice Series: Medical Malpractice § 10:25 (4th ed. 2020)
    (“[I]f an insured’s carrier goes into receivership, the date for mandatory filing of the
    patient’s Chapter 74 expert [report] is stayed.”).
    The automatic stay at issue in this appeal arose under Section 462.309 of the
    Insurance Code:
    (a) To permit the association to properly defend a pending cause of
    action, a proceeding in which an impaired insurer is a party or is
    obligated to defend a party in a court in this state . . . is stayed for:
    (1) a six-month period beginning on the later of the date of the
    designation of impairment or the date an ancillary proceeding is
    brought in this state; and
    (2) a subsequent period as determined by the court, if any.
    (b) The stay applies to each party to the proceeding and the proceeding
    is stayed for all purposes.
    (c) A deadline imposed under the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure or the
    Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure is tolled during the stay. Statutes of
    limitation or repose are not tolled during the stay, and any action filed
    during the stay is stayed upon the filing of the action.
    Tex. Ins. Code Ann. § 462.309
    (a)–(c). This statute plainly applies to each party to a
    proceeding involving an impaired insurer and stays such a proceeding for all purposes;
    thus, the automatic stay here applied not only to the Healthcare Parties but also to the
    statutory, procedural expert-report deadline. See Campbell, 
    44 S.W.3d at 650
    ; see also
    Tex. Gov’t Code Ann. § 311.011(a) (providing statutory words and phrases shall be
    interpreted in context and according to common usage); Silguero v. CSL Plasma, Inc.,
    579 S.W.3d 53
    , 59 (Tex. 2019) (“In interpreting statutes, we must look to the plain
    language, construing the text in light of the statute as a whole.”); RSUI Indem. Co. v.
    The Lynd Co., 
    466 S.W.3d 113
    , 124 (Tex. 2015) (recognizing “all” defined as “the
    whole number, quantity, or amount” or “the whole of” (quoting Merriam-Webster
    Dictionary));      Every,      Merriam-Webster       Dictionary,      http://merriam- (last visited Feb. 10, 2021) (defining “every” as “being
    each individual or part of a group without exception”). Nothing in the plain language
    or context of Section 462.309 indicates that either the expert-report deadline in a
    healthcare-liability case or parties not connected to an impaired insurer are excepted
    from the stay’s applicability. See 
    Tex. Ins. Code Ann. §§ 462.002
    (1)–(2), 462.003
    (requiring Chapter 462 to be liberally construed to “provide a mechanism for the
    payment of covered claims” and to “avoid financial loss to claimants or policy holders
    because of an insurer’s impairment”); RSUI Indem., 466 S.W.3d at 124 (“We cannot
    construe these undefined words to mean things they do not ordinarily mean.”);
    Willard v. Davis, 
    881 S.W.2d 907
    , 911 (Tex. App.—Fort Worth 1994, orig. proceeding)
    (holding predecessor statute to Section 462.309 is “unambiguous and expressly
    require[s] the granting of a six months’ stay”).
    First, the Healthcare Parties assert that because the trial court’s stay order and
    Section 462.309 do not specifically state that the 120-day, expert-report deadline was
    stayed, that deadline was not affected. But the trial court’s language, which tracked
    Section 462.309(b), specifying that Rolls and Yates’s suit was stayed for “all
    purposes,” was clear: The entirety of the case was stayed. See Campbell, 
    44 S.W.3d at 650
    . To require the specificity urged by the Healthcare Parties would ignore the
    inclusive word “all” in Section 462.309(b) and in the trial court’s order. We decline to
    do so. See El Paso Educ. Initiative, Inc. v. Amex Props., LLC, 
    602 S.W.3d 521
    , 531–32
    (Tex. 2020) (“[W]e read the statute to give effect to every word.”); Columbia Med. Ctr.
    of Las Colinas, Inc. v. Hogue, 
    271 S.W.3d 238
    , 256 (Tex. 2008) (“The Court must not
    interpret the statute in a manner that renders any part of the statute meaningless or
    superfluous.”); Campbell, 
    44 S.W.3d at 650
     (“There were no words [in the trial court’s
    abatement order] to limit the abatement to the cause of action against the insurance
    company, and we conclude it therefore operated to abate the cause as to all parties
    and claims.”).
    Second, the Healthcare Parties assert that Rolls and Yates could have observed
    the stay while also properly and timely filing their expert reports: Rolls and Yates
    “could have served [their] reports without violating the stay by simply serving [their]
    expert reports on each non-Capson-insured party and not serving anything on the
    Capson-insured parties.” Again, this argument ignores the plain language of the
    statutory stay, which extends its reach to “each party” to a proceeding involving an
    insolvent insurer such as Capson. 
    Tex. Ins. Code Ann. § 462.309
    (b). We defer to the
    statute’s plain language and not to the Healthcare Parties’ preferred interpretation. See
    Hegar v. Am. Multi-Cinema, Inc., 
    605 S.W.3d 35
    , 41 (Tex. 2020) (“When the words read
    in context are clear, they determine intent; a court must never rewrite them under the
    guise of interpretation.”). That plain language extends the stay to every party to the
    proceeding, even “non-Capson-insured” parties.
    Third, according to the Healthcare Parties, “proceeding” in Section 462.309(b)
    does not include the expert-report deadline because such reports are not filed with the
    court. But nothing in the plain language of Section 462.309 or the common usage of
    the word proceeding indicates that the stay is limited to filings or to only those
    portions of the proceeding requiring “judicial involvement,” as argued by the
    Healthcare Parties. See Proceeding, Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019) (defining
    proceeding as “[t]he regular and orderly progression of a lawsuit, including all acts and
    events between the time of commencement and the entry of judgment”). Instead, “all
    purposes” of an implicated proceeding are stayed.4 
    Tex. Ins. Code Ann. § 462.309
    Fourth, the Healthcare Parties contend that because the Section 462.309 stay
    expressly does not toll “[s]tatutes of limitation or repose,” 
     § 462.309(c), the 120-day
    deadline was not tolled because that deadline has been described as “a statute-of-
    limitations-type deadline,” Ogletree v. Matthews, 
    262 S.W.3d 316
    , 319 (Tex. 2007). By
    equating Section 74.351(a)’s deadline to a statute of limitations, the Supreme Court in
    Ogletree was acknowledging that the failure to comply with the deadline could lead to
    Rolls and Yates argue that the application of the Healthcare Parties’ not-a-
    proceeding argument would result in an absurdity: The stay would not apply to the
    expert-report deadline but would apply to the Healthcare Parties’ deadline to object.
    We agree that this apparent consequence seems to belie the Healthcare Parties’
    position, but we also agree with the Healthcare Parties that this possible absurdity is
    irrelevant here.
    “harsh results” as can a limitations statute; the Court was not holding that the 120-day
    service deadline is, in fact, a statute of limitations. 
     at 319–20. The Court relied on
    the statute-of-limitations analogy to illustrate that the expert-report deadline similarly
    could not be extended by a court and required dismissal if ignored, not to categorize
    the procedural deadline as an enacted limitations statute. See Rosemond v. Al-Lahiq,
    331 S.W.3d 764
    , 767 (Tex. 2011) (per curiam) (describing Ogletree’s “limitations-type”
    holding to be a recognition of a trial court’s lack of discretion regarding the 120-day
    deadline). Indeed, a statute of limitations is “a statute establishing a time limit for
    suing in a civil case, based on the date when the claim accrued (as when the injury
    occurred or was discovered).” Statute of Limitations, Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed.
    2019). Section 74.351 is not such a statute. See, e.g., 
    Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 74.251
    (a) (providing express two-year statute of limitations for healthcare-
    liability claims). Indeed, Subchapter H of the Medical Liability Act, which includes
    Section 74.351, is entitled “Procedural Provisions,” and courts have referred to
    Section 74.351(a) as a “procedural requirement.” 
     §§ 74.351–74.352; Lance Thai
    Tran, DDS, PA v. Chavez, No. 14-14-00318-CV, 
    2015 WL 2342564
    , at *1 (Tex.
    App.—Houston [14th Dist.] May 14, 2015, no pet.) (mem. op.); see also Tenet Hosps.
    Ltd. v. Boada, 
    304 S.W.3d 528
    , 537 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2009, pet. denied). Section
    74.351 is a procedural provision, not a statute of limitations. Thus, the limitations
    exception to the reach of the statutory stay found in Section 462.309(c) does not apply
    The Healthcare Parties argue in the alternative that the stay provided for in
    Chapter 462 of the Insurance Code is in irreconcilable conflict with Chapter 74 of the
    Civil Practices and Remedies Code; thus, the Chapter 462 stay must yield to the
    Chapter 74 deadline. To support their argument, the Healthcare Parties rely on
    Section 74.002, which provides that Chapter 74 controls to the extent of a conflict
    with another law. 
    Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 74.002
    (a). Chapter 462
    includes a similar conflict-of-laws provision: “[I]f this chapter conflicts with another
    statute relating to the association, this chapter controls.”      
    Tex. Ins. Code Ann. § 462.010
    We conclude, however, that the statutes are not irreconcilable. Section 74.351
    implicitly does not allow trial-court extensions of the expert-report deadline, only
    extensions by party agreement. 
    Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. § 74.351
    (a). But
    the mandatory stay in Section 462.309 is not an extension of a procedural deadline;
    rather, it is a stay of the entire proceeding to guarantee that an insured is sufficiently
    represented by the Association because the insurer is impaired.              See Willard,
    881 S.W.2d at 911 (interpreting predecessor statute to Section 462.309). Compare
    Extension, Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019) (defining extension as a “period of
    additional time to take an action”), with Stay, Black’s Law Dictionary (11th ed. 2019)
    (defining stay as the “postponement or halting of a proceeding”). Even though the
    120-day deadline was automatically halted to ensure a proper defense for two of the
    named defendants to Rolls and Yates’s claims, the purpose of Section 74.351’s
    procedural deadline—“to identify and deter frivolous claims while not unduly
    restricting a claimant’s rights”—was not offended. Ross v. St. Luke’s Episcopal Hosp.,
    462 S.W.3d 496
    , 502 (Tex. 2015). The expert-report deadline and the stay may be
    read in tandem, allowing both to be enforced and honoring both statute’s purposes;
    thus, they do not irreconcilably conflict. See, e.g., Ferrell v. Univ. of Tex. Sys., 
    583 S.W.3d 805
    , 810–12 (Tex. App.—El Paso 2019, no pet.) (recognizing that if both statutory
    provisions’ purposes can be given effect, they are not in conflict because “we must
    harmonize statutory provisions and avoid reading language as a nullity, if at all
    possible”); cf. Lomax v. State, 
    233 S.W.3d 302
    , 312 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007) (“Two
    statutes irreconcilably conflict when only one of them can apply to a particular
    situation.”). See generally Tibbetts, 
    2 S.W.3d at 664
     (“Because the Insurance Code stays
    ‘all [judicial] proceedings’ during the pendency of a stay order, Appellant was not
    required to file exp[e]rt reports during such period of abeyance.”).
    The plain language of the automatic statutory stay and of the trial court’s order
    made the stay applicable to the Healthcare Parties and to the expert-report deadline.
    The automatic stay and the procedural deadline do not irreconcilably conflict. Thus,
    the trial court did not abuse its discretion by denying the Healthcare Parties’ motion
    to dismiss Rolls and Yates’s claims for failure to timely serve expert reports during the
    mandatory stay. We overrule the Healthcare Parties’ issue and affirm the trial court’s
    order. See Tex. R. App. P. 43.2(a).
    /s/ Brian Walker
    Brian Walker
    Delivered: February 25, 2021

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-20-00263-CV

Filed Date: 2/25/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/1/2021