08-24-00155-CR through 08-24-00157-CR 08-24-00199-CR ACCEPTED 08-24-00155-CR 08-24-00159-CR through 08-24-00161-CR 08-24-00201-CR through 08-24-00202-CR EIGHTH COURT OF APPEALS 08-24-00163-CR through 08-24-00180-CR 08-24-00204-CR through 08-24-00209-CR EL PASO, TEXAS 10/25/2024 11:22 AM 08-24-00183-CR through 08-24-00197-CR 08-24-00212-CR through 08-24-00213-CR ELIZABETH G. FLORES CLERK IN THE COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS FILED IN 8th COURT OF APPEALS THE STATE OF TEXAS Appeat from the EL PASO, TEXAS 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM County Court at Law Number Seven ELIZABETH G. FLORES Clerk MELVIN ISMAELZURITA 08-24-00155-CR (20240C03822) JOSBEIKER JOSE VILORIA 08-24-00156-CR (2024OC03e321 LUtS ANTONTO VELASQUEZ 08-24-00157-CR (20240C03831) RAFAEL ANGEL GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ 08-24-00159-CR (20240C03755) ALDAIR MILLER VALENXIA 0B-24-00160-CR (20240C03829) JULIO ENRIQUE VEGA 08-24-00161-CR (20240C03830) ELVIS STEFANO TORRES 08-24-00163-CR (20240C03828) JOSE ANTONIO TORRELLES 08-24-00164-CR (20240C03827) ENDERSON JOSE SILVA 08-24-00165-CR (20240C03826) RAMON HEBERTO RUIZ 0B-24-00166-CR (20240C0382s) JOSUE RAFAEL ROMERO 08-24-00167-CR (20240CO3824) SEBASTIAN AN DRES QUI NTERO 08-24-00168-CR (20240C03821) ANGEL EDUARDO QUINTERO 08-24-00169-CR (20240C03820) ANGELO MOISES POLANCO 08-24-00170-CR (20240C0381e) WILSON SALVADO PALENCIA 08-24-00171-CR (20240C03816) ULISES JOSE OLIVEROS 08-24-00172-CR (20240C03801) LUIS ANGEL GONZALEZ 08-24-00173-CR (20240C03713) RODRIGO AN DRES MARTINEZ 08-24-00174-CR (20240C037s2) MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA 08-24-00175-CR (20240C03756) LUIS JOSE MORA 08-24-00176-CR (20240C03799) LUIS FERNANDO ORTIZ 08-24-00177-CR (20240C0381 1) JOSE SNEYDER ORDONEZ 08-24-00178-CR (20240C03807) JOSE DARIO PAZ 08-24-00179-CR (20240C03817) HEIDER JEFRED PALACIOS 08-24-00180-CR (20240C03815) KEVIN JOSE IRIARTE 08-24-00183-cR (20240C03782]' OMAR RAFAEL GONZALEZ 08-24-00184-CR (20240C03757) EZER ANTONIO MONTIEL 0B-24-00185-CR (20240C03797) OSCARALBINO MARIN 0B-24-00186-CR (2A240C03728) EYLER ROLL MOREJON 0B-24-00187-CR (2O24OCO3769), LENIN ANTON SUAREZ 0B-24-00188-CR (20240C03754\ JELKEL MICHEL HERNANDEZ 08-24-00189-CR (20240C03781) JUAN CARLOS PRESBI 08-24-00190-CR (2O24OCO377O) YORDAN JESUS QUINTERO 08-24-00191-CR (20240C03771) CARLOSANDRES RUBIO 08-24-00192-CR (20240C03752) JOSE ESTEBAN VALERIANO 08-24-00193-CR (20240C03773) ELEAZAR ISAAC PACHECO 08-24-00194-CR (20240C03813) ALDEMARO RAIAEL PEREZ 08-24-00196-CR (20240C03737) ASAEL DANIEL POLANCO 08-24-00196-CR (20240C03741) LUrS TGNACTO VASQUEZ 08-24-00197-CR (20240C03775) ANGEL GABRIEL MACHADO 08-24-00199-CR (20240C03789) EMILIORANON TORRES 08-24-00201-CR (20240CO3772) CRISTIAN EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ 08-24-00202-CR (20240C03748], DARWIN RAMON JIMENEZ 08-24-00204-CR (20240C03785) DIEGO JESUS RIVAS 08-24-00205-CR (20240C03743) DAN I EL ALEXANDER PEREI RA 08-24-00206-CR (20240C03818) GUSTAVO ANDRES ROBLES 08-24-00207-CR (20240C03747) LUIS EDUARDO GONZALEZ 08-24-00208-CR (20240C03778) DEIKER DAVID RAMIREZ 08-24-00209-CR (20240C03823) ELISAUL ISMITH MENDEZ 08-24-00212-CR (20240CO3795) ELIGIO JOSE HERNANDEZ 08-24-00213-CR (20240C03779) APPFI I FF'S VFRIFIFD M TI rrN TN AR,ATE ADPFAI NOW COME APPELLEES, by and through their Attorney, Chief Pubtic Defender Ketti M. Chitdress, and respectfutty request that this appeat be temporari[y abated and that the Triat Court be ordered to make findings to be inctuded in the Cterk's Record on Appeat, and in support thereof, states as foItows: Page 2 of 24 'l . On May 21 ,2024, the Et Paso County Cterk's Office received f rom the 34'h Judiciat District Cterk's Office, a one-page document entitted,,ORDER OF CERTIFICATION AND TRANSFER" (hereinafter "ORDER"), purporting to order the transfer of indicted cases from the 120th District Court to County Court at Law Number Seven. (See attached Exhibit A, 'l page). 2, The ORDER: a. bore the stamp of the District Cl.erk, aLthough no case or record of any kind had been opened by the District Cterk; b. contained neither a name nor case number of any matters to which it apptied; c. had no exhibit attached; d. was f il.e stamped by the County Cterk. (ld). 3. Atso on May 21 , 2024, the County Cterk's Office received 59 documents each entitted "RE-INDICTMENT," purporting to charge these 50 Appettees, and 9 others, with a Ctass B misdemeanor offense, brought by the Grand Jury for the 120th District Court. (See attached Exhibit B, 59 pages). 4. The re-indictments had never been fited in the District Cterk's Office, but onty in the County Cterk's Office, as evidenced bythe Proof of Fiting on the face of the indictments, showing their originat flting to be made in the Page 3 of 24 office of Et Paso County Cterk Detia Briones, and signed by her Deputy. None of the re-indictments were fiLe stamped either by the District Cterk or by the County Cterk. (ld.). 5. Atso on May 21 ,2024, the County Cterk's Office received an eight-page true bil.t [ist of cases heard by the Grand Jury for the 120th District Court. The eight pages were stapted together, but the document was not bound to any other document. The eight-page list was atso not tabeLed, titted or marked in any way that wou[d identify it as an appendix or exhibit. The eight-page document, tike the re-indictments, was not fite stamped either by the District Cterk's Off ice or the County C[erk's Office. 6. When new case fites are opened in the County Cterk's Office, a case number is assigned automatically by the case management system in which the fites are kept. An audit trail. in the system togs the exact minute that the matter is opened, and who opened it. 7. Between May 23, 2024, aI 1:58 p.m. and May 28,2024, at 8:24 a.m., a court file was opened by Deputy County Cterk Cheryt ViLta, for each of the 59 indictments received. (See attached Exhibit C,59 pages). 8. A copy of the ORDER, and each individua['s respective one-page re- indictment were p[aced into each fite upon opening. Page l of 24 9. Misdemeanor indictments are highty unusuat, and in fact had never been done in the years that any of the individuats deating with these cases have been employed by the County. The process exptained to the County Cterk's Office inctuded that the District Attorney was to prepare a tist of cases for the District Court Judge whose Grand Jury returned misdemeanor indictments. That tist wou[d then be incorporated into the transfer order. Those matters were to be handted by the District Cterk, the District Attorney and the transferring judge. Then the indictments and orders woutd be detivered to the County Cterk in their final form. (Appel.tee's position is that the process as set forth by the District Courts, even when fottowed, does not compty with the [aw, in that the matters are not fited with and docketed by the District Cterk prior to transfer. The tawfuI process woutd have insured that the District Cterk ptaced at[ necessary documents into their fite prior to transferring their fite to the County Cterk. Here, however, even the set process was not fottowed). 'l O. On Thursday, June 6, 2024, al 9:00 a.m., the Triat Court hetd a consotidated hearing on 59 Pteas to the Jurisdiction, where it found that none of the 59 court fites contained a transfer order that identified the case to which it apptied. The Court took judicial. notice of the ORDER Page 5 of 24 contained in each fite and made a finding that each was a one-page document with no attachment. The State agreed on the record at hearing that the ORDER faited to identify a case to which it apptied or to inctude an exhibit. RR Vot 2., p 63, 1.8-12. The Court indicated it woutd issue a ru[ing on the 59 matters the fotl.owing day, Friday, )une7,2024. 11.That afternoon, unbeknownst to the Triat Court or defense counsel, Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Vandenbosch, who was handting the matters heard that morning, had a conversation with Administrative Services Manager Diannia Leyva, a Supervisor at the Et Paso County Cterk's Office. (The content of that conversation is discussed betow). 12. On the afternoon of Friday, June 7, defense counseI used the El, Paso County Cterk's case management system to view the Court fite. At that time, she noticed the ORDER had been substantivety changed since the hearing the prior morning, by the addition of eight pages behind the one- page ORDER. Further review indicated the same had been done in att 59 cases. In each, none of the new eight pages contained a fite stamp or exhibit marking. No notices had been sent to the parties to indicate that anything new had been fited in the cases. No notation or documentation appeared in any of the fites to document the alteration of the originaI one- Pagc 6 of 24 page ORDER. Defense counsel woutd not have known of the atterations had she not happened to open a fite. (See attached Exhibit D, 9 pages). 13. Knowing the ORDER was under consideration by the Triat Court at the time it was altered, and that the alteration was never authorized or discussed in the presence of the defense, counsel immediatety fited "DEFENDANT'S WRITTEN OBJECTION TO THE ALTERING OF COURT'S FILE WITHOUT NOTICE OR HEARlNG," in the case of State v. Victor ManueI Esca[ante, No. 20240C0371 1 , with the intention of f iting same in the other 58 cases on the fottowing business day, Monday, Juty'l 0, 2024. (See attached Exhibit E, 4 pages). 14. On June 9, 2024, prior to any additionaI defense fitings, the Court issued orders dismlssing aLt 59 matters for lack of jurisdiction. (See attached Exhibit F, 118 pages). 15. On June 11 ,2024,34'h Judiciat District Attorney Bitt Hicks he[d a press conference at which he admitted 1) that no exhibit was fited with the originat ORDER, but an exhibit was added to the ORDER tater, and 2) his off ice had nothing to do with the transfer order or exhibit at issue in these ca ses. (See https ://www.yout u b-e.c o m/watc h?v=VM 7 F n tM at 1:55 - 2:36). PageT of24 16. On )une 28,2024, the State fited Notices of Appeat in these matters, ctaiming the TriatCourt erred in finding that the ORDER was insufficient to confer subject matter jurisdiction. 17. On Juty 10, 2024, betore the record had been f ited in the Appettate Court, and white the Trial, Court was sti[[ authorized to act in this matter, defense counse[ emaited the State and the Triat Court to inform them that the ORDER had been altered since the hearing, and to seek cooperation in ensuring the Appettate Court received an accurate record. She received no response. (See attached Exhibit G, 1 page). 18. On the tate afternoon of Juty'1 0, 2024, Appettee's attorney [earned that atterations to the County Cterk's electronic records [eave an audit trait in the case management system in which they are kept. Counsel then reviewed the audit traits for the ORDER appearing in the cases and learned that an atteration had been made to the ORDER in each of the 59 cases, on the afternoon of June 6,2024, between 2:39 p.m. and 3:03 p.m. (See attached Exhibit H, 59 pages). 'l 9. Between Juty 10 and12,2024,the Statefited "STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL," in these matters, specificatty asking the Et Paso County Cterk to prepare "true and correct copies of the fottowing Page 8 of24 matters: ... 6. The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and fited on May 21 ,2024," knowing at the time of fiting said designation, that it had caused the alteration of the ORDER in each case. (See attached Exhibit l, 177 pages). 20. On the afternoon of Juty 1 1,2024, Chief Pubtic Defender KeLti Chitdress and her Senior Division Chief Chad Bernaeyge, met with Et Paso County Cterk's Office Administrative Services Manager Diannia Leyva and Senior Administrative SpeciaList Jessica Romero, to inquire about the alterations made to the ORDER in each of the 59 cases. CounseI met again tater with Ms. Leyva on October 18 and 22,2024. Ms. Leyva conveyed the fottowing facts: a. On the afternoon of Thursday, June 6, 2024, severat different individuats from the District Attorney's Office were franticatty trying to reach Ms. Leyva. She received a message from Deputy Chief lnvestigator lgnacio Frausto, advising her that First Assistant Battard Shapteigh was trying to reach her. Ms. Leyva then attempted to catt Mr. Shapteigh on Teams but received no answer. She then catted Mr. Frausto, who atso did not answer. A few minutes later Ms. Leyva received a Teams cat[ from Mr. Shapteigh, Pagc 9 of 24 but due to technical issues, she was unabl.e to hear anything coming from his end. A few minutes after that, Ms. Leyva received a Teams ca[[ from Senior Division Chief Jennifer Vandenbosch. (See attached ExhibitJ, 1 page). b. Ms. Vandenbosch, who appeared to be irritated, totd Ms. Leyva (not verbatim) that the County Cterk's office had improperty fil.ed the "ORDER OF CERTIFICATION AND TRANSFER" in each of the 59 cases. Ms. Vandenbosch then instructed Ms. Leyva that she had an obtigation to correct the existing court fites in those cases immediatety, by attaching the true bitt tist from the May 21 , 2024 Grand Jury session to each of those orders. c. Ms. Leyva expLained to Ms. Vandenbosch (not verbatim) that the District Cterk had detivered the ORDER to the County Cterk's office, and no exhibit was attached to the ORDER. Therefore, she betieved they had fited it property. d. Ms. Vanderbosch then totd Ms. Leyva (not verbatim) that the officiat true bitt tist from the May 21 ,2024 Grand Jury proceedings shoutd have been attached by the Judge of the 120th District Court who signed the ORDER, and that regardtess of how the District Page 7O of 24 Cl.erk del.ivered the ORDER, the County Cterk now has an obtigation to correct the 59 court fites by attaching the true bitt tist to the ORDER. e. Ms. Leyva's professionaI retationship with Ms. Vandenbosch exceeds sixyears, and Ms. Leyva betieved that, as a prosecutorand officer of the court, Ms. Vandenbosch was authorized to instruct her to atter the off iciat court fi[es. f. Upon ending the tetephone catl. with Ms. Vandenbosch, Ms. Leyva divided up the 59 cases among hersetf and two Deputy County Cterks, and they modified the existing court records for these cases by adding a photocopy of their true bitt [st from the Grand Jury proceedings of May 21 , 2024, on which Deputy Cterk Cheryt Vitta had handwritten County Court case numbers for each of the misdemeanor fites she opened. Onty at this point did the one-page ORDER become a nine-page document. g. No entry or notation of any kind was made upon the Cterk's record to document the atteration of the ORDER, other than the audit trait, which is onty visibte if a user has access to and knows how to find. Page 17 of 24 h. At no time did the Judge of the 120th District Court instruct the County Cterk to atter the one-page ORDER. i. At no time did the Judge of the 120th District Court, identify for the County Cterk an exhibit or tist that shoutd have been attached to her ORDER. j. At no time did the Judge of the County Court at Law Number Seven authorize the a[teration of the ORDER that appeared in the otficial, court fites for any of the 59 retated cases, nor was he made aware when it was done. k. The copy of the true bitt tist that was added to the ORDER in each of the fiLes had alt 59 County Court case numbers handwritten on it. At the time the ORDER was fited, no County Court case numbers existed for any of the fites, and some didn't have case numbers unti[ as late as May 28,2024. L. The first time the true bitt tist was attached to any copy of the ORDER was after the conversation with Ms. Vandenbosch, and it was attached at her direction. 2'1 . The true bitt tist attached to the ORDER in the Cterk's record on appeat cannot be identicat to the document contemptated by the Judge of the Page 12 of 24 120th Judiciat District Court for attachment, as the County Court case numbers which appeared on the true bitt List attached did not exist when the ORDER was signed and fited. 22. Alno time did the State request an opportunityto reopen evidence in the hearing on the Ptea to the Jurisdiction in any of the 59 cases, to offer witnesses or other evidence of an exhibit that shoutd have been attached to the ORDER. 23. At no time did the State inform defense counseLor the TriaI Court of the fact that the ORDER, which was under consideration by the Court, had been substantiveLy aLtered after the hearing. 24. At no time was a nunc pro tunc transfer orderwith a tist duty attached signed and fited by the '1 20th District Court. 25. On )uly 12, 2024, before the record had been fited, and white the Triat Court was authorized to act in this matter, AppelLee's attorney reached out again to the State and the TriaI Court to propose a Bitt of Exception to correct the record so that it woutd accuratety reftect the evidence considered by the Triat Court. She received no response. (See attached Exhibit K, 1 page). Page 13 of 24 26. On Juty 16, 2024,betore the record had been fited, and white the TriaL Court was authorized to act in this matter, Appettee's Attorney reached out a third time to the State and the Trial Court, inquiring as to the correction of the record. (See attached Exhibit L, 1 page). 27.On )uly 17,2024,betore the record had been fited, and white the Triat Court was authorized to act in this matter, the Triat Judge advised the parties (after some additionatdiscussion atso inctuded in the exhibit) that he woutd schedu[e a hearing on Appettee's Motion for Bitl, of Exception. The State did not respond. (See attached Exhibit M, 5 pages). 28. On Juty 18, 2024,before the record had been fited, and white the Triat Court was authorized to act in this matter, the Triat Court scheduted a hearing on Appettee's Motion for Bitt of Exception for Monday, luly 22, 2024, at which time and ptace Ms. Leyva agreed to appear and give testimony consistent with the assertions stated herein. The State did not respond. (See attached Exhibit N, 1 page). 29. The State never responded to any communication retated to correcting the altered ORDER for the Appettate Court, inctuding, in addition to the attached emaits, approximatety a dozen attempts via telephone, text messages and ontine Teams messages, by three different attorneys from Page 1.4 of 24 the Pubtic Defender's Office to three different attorneys from the District Attorney's office. 30. On Friday, Juty 19,2024, before the record had been fited, and white the Triat Court had authority to act in this matter, the State fited "STATE'S EMERGENCY MOTION TO ENFORCE ARTICLE 44.01 STATUTORY STAY" with this Honorabte Court, in which it doubted down on its goatof ensuring that this Court not receive an accurate Cterk's record, by ctaiming it "disputes the veracity of the factuaI altegations contained in the appettee's purported 'Bitt of Exception' in their entirety." (See attached Exhibit O, 7 pages (exhibits exctuded)). 31. Upon receipt of the emergency motion, Appettee's attorney prepared a response and began gathering exhibits, but minutes before fiting, received an order f rom this Honorabte Court granting the State's emergency motion and ordering the Triat Court to refrain from hotding the hearing scheduted for the fottowing Monday morning. 32. On October 18, 2024, the State doubl.ed down once again on their risky bet that they coutd keep the truth from this Court, when it fited briefs on the merits attempting to ctaim that the attachment now appearing in the Cterk's record had appeared in the Clerk's "physicatcourt fites" since day Page 15 of 24 one, and simpty was not ptaced into the electronic fiLe: "...the transfer Order and the attached 8-page exhibit had been in each of the 59 Cterk's fites att atong." (See State's Brief, p. 12). 33. First, this argument faits because the Et Paso County Cterk has designated its e[ectronic files as the officiat Cterk's f ites under Rute 2.4 of the Statewide Rules Governing ELectronic FiLing in CriminaICases, which is precisety why the appettate record was sent etectronicatty. 34. Second, espousing that argument at att is yet another indication of the State's intention to perpetuate this fraud. Three pieces of evidence ctearty dispet the State's purported betief that there is some physicat fite kept by the County Cterk which differs from their etectronic fite, and has hetd the originat exhibit "att atong": a. On the morning of June 6, 2024, the Assistant District Attorneys representing the State in the dismissa[ hearing (Preston Munson and Jennifer Vandenbosch) were asked by the Triat Court whether they agreed that the ORDER in question had no attachment. They unequivocalty agreed, as stated in the fottowing cotl.oquy found at RR Vot. 2, p. 63, 1.8-12: THE COURT: ...1 can take that under consideration Pagc 16 ol24 assuming that an Exhibit A is even fited at some point, but it's not in the fite. And you agree, right? lt's not in there? MR. MUNSON: Yes, it is notthere. and b. 34th Judiciat District Attorney Bitl, Hicks hel.d a press conference on June 11 , 2024, foLl.owing the 59 dismissa[s, in which he admitted that the exhibit was not fited with the ORDER, and was onty added to the ORDER "once it was pointed out" to the Cterk. (See hI M StM at 1:55-2:36 ); and most importantty c. The exhibit now attached to the ORDER in each appettate fite, contains att 59 County Court case numbers, which had not been assigned at the time the ORDER was fited. lt is itl.ogicat to assert that after the f iting of the ORDER with this phantom originat exhiblt into att 59 "physicat files," someone removed and disposed of that exhibit, and replaced it with an attered copy that had County Court case numbers written on it. 35. The State has repeatedty engaged in egregious misrepresentations, to try to obtain an advantage in the trial and appettate titigation of these Pagc 17 of 24 matters, when they have known since defense counsel pointed out in the June 6, 2024hearing, that the ORDER did not have an exhibit attached. 36. The TrialCourt gave the State ampte time to avert dismissat - if in fact the proper cases were transferred - by seeking a nunc pro tunc transfer order f rom the Judge of the 120th District Court, with an exhibit dul,y attached. However, the State inexpticabty chose instead to embark on an effort to rewrite history, intimidate the County Cterk's Office staff, then deny invotvement in tampering with officiat records and fabricate the existence of some "physical, flte" that contained the exhibit "al.t atong." The onty exptanation for choosing this route rather than a corrected order is their awareness that, had they sought a nunc pro tunc order with a true exhibit attached, it woutd not have been the same as the exhibit they chose to pLant. 37. The State has repeatedty placed Appettees in undue harm by perpetuating this fraud and viotating their due process rights. 38. The repeated misrepresentations by the State have caused substantial unnecessary investigation and work by Appettees' attorneys to ensure that the true and accurate record is provided to this Court, and to see that their ctients' rights are protected. Page 18 of 24 39. The appettate arguments for both sides in these matters are whoLty different depending on whether the ORDER was a singl.e page with no cases identified and no attachments, or whether there was in fact an exhibit that identified these 59 cases. This [eaves Appeltees in a position to have to unnecessarity argue the myriad proceduraIerrors that occurred with the transfer beyond just the tack of identifying cases. 40. ln the case of Parilsh y. State,67 Crim.55B,561 (1912), the Court of Criminat Appeats heard a simitar case, wherein the record sent by the Cterk had been modified, atthough the reason for the modification in Parrish was due to records having been [ost. ln that matter, the Court discussed the necessity that appeltate records be unattered, and stated: lf the record justified and authorized us to find that any person had intentionalty sent to this court an incorrect record for the purpose of securing either an affirmance or reversal of the case, we wou[d assess such punishment as woutd in the future deter men from so doing. We are sitting here, far removed from the triat of cases, depending whotty and entirety upon the transcriptof the proceedingsforwarded to us, certified to bythe cl.erksof the various courts, and we cannot and will not tolerate any tampering with the records. We hope that att officers and other persons coming in contact with the records wit[ recognize and appreciate the necessity for these transcripts to be unimpeached and unimpeachable and ... if any papers bear a ny evidence wh ich a rouses suspicion, Iet that lssue be tried by the trial judge before that paper is copied and sent to us. (Emphases added.) Page 1.9 of 24 WHEREFORE, AppetLees respectfutty request that this Honorabl.e Court temporarily abate this appeatto inquire into the attegations made herein, and make the fol.towing findings: 1) The dismissal order by the Triat Court was based upon a one-page unaltered "Order of Certification and Transfer," without any exhibit attached, which is the same as what was fited in the County Cterk's Off ice on l{ay 21, 2024, and was the off icia t Cterk's record i n these matters; and 2) By asserting authority which it did not have, the 34th Judiciat District Attorney's Office caused the atteration of the official. Cterk's record on June 6,2024, after reatizing it woutd tikety tose the dismissat motions fited by Appe[[ees; and 3) The 34th Judiciat District Attorney's Office made fatse statements in its Emergency Motion retated to Appettees'request to correct the CLerk's record prior to it being fited in the Eighth Court of Appea[s; and 4) The 34th JudiciaI District Attorney's Office made fatse statements in its Briefs on the merits of these appea[s related to the existence of an Page 20 of 24 exhibit attached to the ORDER in the Cterk's "physicat" court fites, when in fact the etectronic record is the official. record, and when in fact it was aware that the true bitt tist attached on June 6,2024was not and cou[d not have been the same exhibit viewed by the Judge of the 'l 20th District Court; and 5) The 34th JudiciaI District Attorney's Office engaged in a pattern of behavior intended to perpetuate fatse ctaims about the ORDER, with the goal. of gaining an advantage in this titigation; and 6) Sanctions shatt be imposed against the 34th Judiciat District Attorney's Office, for its viotation of the due process rights of these 59 Appettees, as wet[ as for its btatant compromise of the integrity of the Triat and Appettate Court processes, to inc[ude the fottowing: a DismissaI of these appeats with a bar to future prosecution; and b. Payment of the cost of Appettees' representation in these appeals; and c Any and a[[ other sanctions or reprimands this Honorable Court deems just and appropriate to ensure propriety in atl matters handted by the 34th Judiciat District Attorney. Page 21 of 24 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: KELLI M. CHILDRESS Chief Public Defender State Bar No.24123476 500 E. San Antonio, Room 501 El Paso, Texas 79901 kchildress@epcounty.com Phone:915-546-8185 Fax:915-546-8186 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the Motion to Abate was sent by e-mail using the EFile system to the District Attorney’s Office at DAappeals@epcounty.com on the day of October 25, 2024. BY: /s/ Kelli M. Childress KELLI M. CHILDRESS Page 22 of 24 VERIFICATION NOW COMES Ketti M Chitdress, Counsetfor Appettees, and affirms that, upon information and betief, the foregoing statements in Appettees'Motion to Abate are true and correct to the best of her knowtedge. I tl lit n /A ( A Ketti M. Chitdress Subscribed an d Sworn to Before me this Abtouv Of Octo 20 lan otary Pubtic @ Pa:ge 23 ol24 A FF I NA\/I TIN st tPPo OF MOTION TO ARATF NOW COMES your AFFIANT, Diannia Leyva, and affirms the fottowing: 1) I am a Supervisor at the Et Paso County CLerk's Office and was on a[[ relevant dates mentioned in the foregoing Motion to Abate. 2) The statements contained in the foregoing Motion to Abate retated to actions taken in the County Cterk's Office, are true and accurate to the best of my knowl.edge. 3) The statements contained in the foregoing Motion to Abate related to a conversation between Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Vandenbosch and mysetf on June 6,2024, are true and accurate. I LEWA Subscribed and Sworn to Before me this ,j{ day nicir I I Of October, 2024. ff* \G9 XOTARY tD{, t t6. arxl br h. tly corrm.si, ! .r) .gtgJ-,r.q, Notary Pu Lic Page 24 of 24 EXHIBIT A litf''n*"n' FR.M rHE GRAND .;;;ttl"Ei -." \2C\n JUDrcrALDrsrnrc{o&d1l}I6 pil f: Sl EL PA so coUNTY, TEXAEL PAsJ CL]IjIJIY, IEXAS !) Y.* IN THE MATTER OF CHARGES OF $ L'l- r' i1 T'l $ MISDEMEANOR OFFENSES $ s BY GRAND JURY INDICTMENT $ ORDER OF CERTIFICATION AND TRANSFER The Grand Jury inquired into misdemeanor level offenses and returned indictrnents relating to those misdemeanor cases listed in the Charging Instrument Report consisting of k pages attached hereto as Exhibit A, dated rncg A\ r6q and incorporated by reference as if fully set tbrth herein Pursuant to Texas Constitution Article.S, Section 17, the Court hereby cenities to the County Courts that said indictments were retumed into the District Court and that the same should be transferred into the County Courts ofEl Paso County, Texas, being the courts with appropriate jurisdiction. iT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that each of the cases listed on Exhibit A attached hereto should be transferred to the County Courts ofEl Paso County having jurisdiction. SIGNED and ENTERED this the Atfi, 2024 !'' :.;,-.';':l],",'1.1' -''' IN GE ; =,'.;;P: : ! ;-;; v.,, - = ',1,2 'a !Z iV!1..;,.' .rl.it.; .,'.t 1.1; t,' ,ir[T]'!!' ,'tl ' r-.- -. A-1 EXHIBIT B R r-t-tNt)t1'l Nfl-. N_'! A(il-_N('Y (: Slr NO.: 20241-('lD1-500 60 - .- 970,119{_-_-=-- CONTROL NO.: 24-04607-CR STATE OT TEXAS VS, VICTOR MANT'EL IJSCAI-ANTE Count Ofli6q I RIOI' I'A R]'ICIPATION IN I'HE NAMT AND BY THEA(IfIIORI I'Y OI: TIIE STAI'D OI-- TEXAS Ihe Cralq-l,urols ftrr thc Cuuttty r.rf El Paso, Stale of Texas, duly organiz.crl as such, a( the January 'lbnn, 4,D., 2024, oi the -- -lZUnl 2024. Juditial District Coun for said Counly, upon their oaths in said Coun, present that oo or about the l2th drry olApril, and anterior to thc prcscnlrncnt of this indictn)eot, in the Counry ot' Dl Paso and Srarc of'lexas, VIC'IOR MANUT-:L ESCAI,ANTII, hereirrafter refcrred ro as Dcl'endant. Paragraph A did then and there knowingly panicipste in an asscmblage of seven or nrore persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that creatcd an immcdiatc danger ol'darnaBe to propeny: Paragraph B did then and thcre knorvingly parlicipate in an assenrblage of seven or more pcrsons. knowirg that ir was rcsultirrg in conduct lhat substantial ly obstructcd law cnt'orccmcnt; I)aragraph C did then and there knowingly panicipatc in an assemblage ol scvsn or orore pcrsoDs, knowing tlrat it was rcsulling in cond[ct lhat subst0ntihlly Qbslluctecl a governrnental lunclion or service ol l'c\as Arnry Natiolal Cuard pcrsonnel. ACAINS',f nllt t,t-.ACl.. ANI) t)t(;NI lY ot;'IIIt.: SlAt' (;rund Jury l:ortpcrsorr Filed the Ilt 0htxrrl I'I tl'lln l)cpuly 't"HE S]'ATE Ot 'l'brXAS 0 COI]NTY OF DL I'ASO I ccrlil.v thal thu foregoing is a true and correct llre o lt ictment on file in nry office. Civen under rny harrd and seal ol' the coun at lry ol)ice in El Paso.'T't'ras on tlre I l)elia llrion,"'s ( oun ('lsrk l:l l'aso Count). l,) l)('llll\ Ilail Amorrnl: $ L B-1 Rll-tNI)l CI lvltiNl' -50 2J (' R I, N STATE OF TEXAS vs. ROBDR IO ALONZO CARCIA Count Off'ense I RIO PARIICIPA'['ION IN THE NAM[ AND BY fIIE AL]I'IIORIl'Y OF TIIE S'IXI I.J oI. TLXAS fhe Grand Jurors for the County of El Paso, State of ltxas, dull' organized as such, at thc Jaruary lcnn, A.D., 202.1, o,'thc ilt Judicial Disllict Coun f'ol slid County, upon thcir oaths in said Court, prcsrnt thal on or about lhe l2th day ol April, 2024, and antcrioI to lhe prcsenturent o Ithis indictmcnt, in thc ( ounty ol Ill l'aso and Statc ol'Texas, ROIIER.l O AI-ONZO (iARClA, hercinatler relerred to as Def'cndan1. Paragraph A did then and there knowingly participate in an assemblaBe of seven or rnore persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that crcated an itnmcdiate danger of datnagc to properly, Paragraph B did then and there knowingly participate in an assenrblage of scven or nrore persons, knowing that il was resulting in conduct that substantially obstructed law enforcementl Paragraph C did then ard there knowingly participate in an assemblage of seveu or more persons, kllowing that it wns rcsulting in sondusl that substantially obstructed a govenrrnental functio|1 or service of'lexas Anny National Guard personnel. AGArNSl ]-t tE P[ACti AND DICNll Y Ol"',flll:: slxl u (ir J ury !'orepersul l)ilcd thc MAY 2 3 2024 Lly I)cputy ,I'HE SIATE OF TEXAS COUNI'Y OIT EL PASC) I ceni{i that the foregoing is a rue and corecl al lndictrnent on file in nry oftice. Civetl under my hnnd ard seal ol lhe courl lt my otlice in lrt Paso, Texas on the rfitrY 9'Tlti'{ De lia llriones Courl ('lerk El Paso Ccrunt IJ\ I I)rFutY Bail Anlou|ti $ I B-2 IE.!NDICTMENT AJIEN_LY- C AS n N ( ),-{)_2 4 lr,-q D{:5 Q()01 00 9',104298 ( ()N'f ROt. NO r 2.1-0.162.1-('R S1ATE oF I'EXAS vs. LI.]IS ANGEI- GONZALEZ Count Offensc I RIOl' I'ARTICIPA1'ION lN'IHE NAMtiAND tlY l HhALITtlORllY Olj lllll SIATI: OF]'EXAS lhc rors lbr thc County of Ll l'aio, St.rl( ot li'ras, dull org(niz('d as such. al lhe Januu) Ilrnr, A.D., 102.1. ol thc '{2t,1}1 Judicial District Courr tbl suirl Countl. upon their oaths in said (',.ru11, prcscrl thal on or aboul thc l21h day ol April 'lcxas, l.t/lS AN(iEL CONZAl.liz, 2014, trnd antcrior to thc prcscntment uf tlris irrdictnrcnt. in thc a-ounrl* ot I-ll l)aso and Sttttc ol hercinaltcr rcfcrrcd to as Dcfcnditnl. Paragraph A did thcn and thcrc knowingly panicipate in an assemblage of scven or morc persons. knowing that it was resulling in conduct that crealed an irnrnediate dangerofdamage to propenyl Paragraph B did then and there knowirBly participate in an asscmblage of sevett or rrore Persons, knowing that it was resulting in conducl that substanl ially obstructed law crforcemcrl; Paragraph C did thcn and there knowingly panicipate in an assemblage of scvcn or trrore persons, knowhg that it was resulting in colduct that substantially obstructed a govemmental function or service ofltxas Anny Natiortal Cuad pcnonnel. A(iAINSl lllll l'l:A(ll-ANI) t)lCNIlY olj llllr S'lAll1 4.- rald Juty lrorcpersott Filcrl thc t'4AY 2 3 2021 I llt: S l^.l l: ()l I IiXAS ( ()t lN l\'Olr l:1. PASO llv W on rirc in ,r' o,icc civen lnder nrv hand a]'l'"i' l;""li['lll,$""1i;:"il'ii i:;i:i::ll":i["Jury{$?dfl1l'"-ent 'f l)clia Briones I Court Clcrk Fll Paso Counly, Itl Deputy I lAmount. $ - e-g L40cI3r25 I I | *r,-rN I)r(-r'M L.Nr' Lt.,n^,'",'na,*u.,,oro,-,.r,rry coNrRr)r.No.:24.0.16r7.e8 SlA't-E Or' lllxAs II vs. EMlr_to JosE llr.tNRteUEZ I I Crrunt - Offense I Rrur P^Rrcrr,^,oN I IN ]'I{E NAME AN D BY l'H E AU'IHORI IY OF TI IE S'TATE OF' IEXAS The GrrtA!-jurors for lhe Counly of El Paso, State of fexas, duly organized as such, fl the January 'lenn, A.D., 2024, of lhc ==- )4U"t -ludicial District Courl for said County, upon thcir oaths tr said Coun, presenl that on or about lhe lzth day ofApril, 2024, and anterior to the presenhnent of this indictmcnt, in the County of Ul Paso and Stare of lexas, EMILIO JOSE HEl.iRteU'EZ, hereinafter rcfcrred to as Defcndant, Paragraph A did then and tlrere knowingly panicipate in an assemblage ol sevcn or nrore pcrsons, knowing thai it was resulting in conduct thal crealed an immcdiate danger ofdamtge to propenyl Paragraph ll did then and there knowingly participale in an assemblage of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct thol substantially obstructed law cntirrcernent; l'uragraph C did then and lhere knowingly participate in an assenthlage ol scven or nlore persons, kno*ing thut it was resulting ir) cotrrlucl lhat substantially obstructed a govrromcnhl lunction or service ol lixas Anny National Cuard pcrsonncl. ACAINS'T f HIl PtrA('l'l ANI) I)l(;Nl I Y o| l llL S'IAlll /- 4 (; roita .lu pr"' n I II lillcd the MAY23202{ It! Ohor.rl u.U \tl R\, d Deprty l t rH slxfE oF Tr-rxAS ('( )UN l'Y OF F.t. PASO I rndiu""cnt *''l' '11 1,,::lllli;,'lll,ll:,li::*ll'li iil,l:li:"11Y.ilfi:!{4tlt&8:, "" 'll"__'_ll '11":ll "u"."'llu "*' l)clia ltrirrncr Coun Clerk ( I Ill Paso Coun ti) Deputy [TJi ---r r*r ] U* llirilAnlount: ti T-_ l B-4 70? 31 It|'lNl)lclMrNI Ao[]!!Y ICA$E N().: ?024t-CDtt5000360 9704335 ('oN't Rot. N( .: 2.1-0,1614-{'R S I'A TtJ OI' TF:XAS vs. oS(]AR AI-I]INO MARIN &ult Ot}'ense I Rt(It t,AR', IPAI tON C lN TllE NAME AND IIY TtlE Atl rHORt't Y Of 't ttE S.TATI: OI.'I EXAS 'Ihc C.[aI{ llors tbr the County of I]l Paso, Slate ol I'c\as, duly org nizcd as suclr, ut rhc January -l'emr, A,D,, 2024, of thc Judicial District ('ourt ftn said Counly, upon their oaths in srid Coun, present lhat on or about the I2th day of April, -L'4)i' 1024. and anterior lo the presentnrent of lhis indictrncnt, in thc Cou[ty ol. F:l l)aso and Stale of l'exas, OSCAR ALI]lNO MARIN, hereinalier rcferred to as Defendanl, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly parlisipate in an assemblagc ofseven or r orc pcrsons, knowing lhat it was resulting in conduct that crcalcd an imrnediatc danger ofdarnagc to prop('rty; Paragraph R ditl then and therc kDowingly padicipalc ir an assembl gc of sevcn or nrorc pcrsons, knowing that it was resultinB in conduct thal substantial ly obstructed law enforc€menti l'aragraph (. did then and therr knowingl), panicipntc in an asscrnblagc of scven or rnore pcrsons. knowilg that it was resultirrg in conducl that substantially obstructed l govcrnrnental l'unction or scrvicc of lcxas Arnry Nati,.rnal Cuard pcrsolncl. AGAINSI'lIII] I'I'ACEAND I)ICNI'I'Y()II 1'IIE S'TAI'I: z' Crand ,lury I urr,'pcrson Fircd thc MAY 2 3 202{ I]\ l)cpul)' 'fI IIJ S-IN'I'I] ()I; I t;XAS cot.rN'rY 0r ut. PAs( ) I cenity that lhe loregoing is a truc I Indictrncnt orr tile in rny olllce. Givcn under tny hand and seal ot' the coun at nl)'ollicr: in ['il Paso, Te #',;ilff'fiffi i'5"2utT" Delil llriorres Coun ( lerk I lll Pas() ( ounty, lc llr I)cful\ llrril Antourrt $ I I I I B-5 Rlj-lNt)l ( t ivtLN I S r-ctD{- 97 oN R 1-0.1 SlATE OI}'TLXAS vs. PIN YHONSON MARTINEZ I Count Q[.:r$! r Rtol' l, RI'tctPAl'toN I IN THI] NAME AND tsY'It.IE ATJTHORITY OF THE STAI'D OF 'TEXAS l'he Q;gq({grors for thc Count)' of El Paso. Stale of Texas, duly orgalized as such, at the January Term, A.D., 2024, ol rhe .- -l 1U": Judicial Districl Cou( lbr said Courty, upon their oaths in said Coun, prcscnt thtt on or about thc l2th dsy ofApril, 2024, and anterior to lhc prcsentrncnt of this irdictnrent, irr the County of El Paso and Srare of'l'cxas, PIN YIIONSON MARTINEZ, hereinafter refencd to as Defcndant, I'aragraph A did then and there knowingly panicipate in an assenrblagc of scven or rnore pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that created an immediate danger ofdamage to propeny; Paragraph [] did thcn and thcrc knowingly participale in an assemblage of scven or nrorc pcrsons, knowing that it was resulling in conduct that substantiallv obstructcd larv enforcemenl; l'tragraph C did thcn and thcrc kno*ingly panicipatc irr an asscnrblage of seven or rnore pcrsons, Lnorlirg that ir rvas resulting in conduct rhar substutially ol)strucled a govenrrrrental tLnction or scrvice ofTer,as Anny Nationul Cuard pcrsonnrl. A(iAINSI'I'III] PI]ACI]AND t)IGNI'TY oI:'IIIL S'IAI IJ, ,--2 JUD'[ioreperson I.ilcd rhe MAY 2 3 zl21 llt 0ho--J rrr t D.pW- l llh S'IA]'L OF I I,XAS CoI]N]'Y OIT I:I, I'ASo in o*ic' Given under nv hand and seur ol i,"."::lL'1fl,1},.,"fi::'*;l'li,,:,,:j:f.fllj.::[:.'ullltjdill] 'llilYj:'le '|nv Dclia llrioncs I Court Clcrk l:l l'aso Courty, Ic l]) Dcfut) lJailArnountr iii B-6 I I Itti-lN t)t('t MtlNl' I A(iF-NCY CASLI NO.: 20141-(lltX-5000360 970.1i{ CON'TROI- NO.: 2.1-0J637-CR I s rAIE Otr 1lix^s VS, CAT{I-OS oSI\4IN MEJIA E9ulrl OlIetus t RIOT PARTICIPA'I'IoN IN T}IE NAME AND BY THI] AI.]1ITORII'Y OF'TI IE SlATE OII'TUXAS The Crand Jurors for thc Counly of El Paso, State ol Teras, duly organized as such, al the January 'l'enn, A.D., 2024, ol'rhe ,J 2ott-lrdicial District Coun lbr said County, upon rheir oalhs in said Coun, present lhar on oiabout the t2th day ofApril, 102.1, andanterior lo the presennnclt ofthis indictment. in thr (l,unty ofEl Paso and Srate of'l'exas. CARLOS OSMIN MEJIA, hereinafter rcfcncd to as Defcndarrt, [)arugraph A did then and there knowingly participste in an assernblage of seven or rrore persons, knowing that it was resuking in colrduct fiat crcaled an imnrediate danger ofdamage to property: l'aragraph u did then and lhere knowingly panicipale in an assenrblage ofseven or lrore pcrsons. knowing thal it was resulting io conduct that subslnlltinlly obslructcd law cnli)rccmcnt; Paragrilph C did then ancl lhcre knowingly p nicipulc in arr assenrblage ol's(vcn or rnorc p(rsons, knowillg thut il was rt'sulting ir! oonducl lhat substartially obstrucl.ed a liotefl)tncnlal luuction ()r' st'rvicc ol lc\as Arnlv Natiourl (iuard pursounr:1. AC;AINsl'l lll: PL.A('t: ANI) I)l(iNl I Y oI l lll: S ti a--- I Crand Jury Forepcrson r:ired rrre MAY 2 3 2024 llr': 0hp-,,q1 \N.LLN I)eputy \.J 't t[] s tAlti()t. rF.xAS (()tlNlY()l lll.PASO 1,,::lill,'ill,ii'"l;:"j;l'11[,,li:t":l'li:[:''ft[?'1"3'fl8]'"''''*l1:'''*j." "'*,,L'|ndermvhardandsearor l)clia 8[iones coun Clerk [:l l'aso County,'li' IlI Depur! I llail Amounr: $ I B-7 *t t{tr-tNl)t('|\tt,N I I I-CI NI J s-lA'l ti ()F I tixAs vs. ALDEMARO I{A'AIJT, PIJREZ Count Offense I RrOI P RTtCtP l-tON IN T}IF: NAIVIFJ AND BY lHE AU f}IORI'I'\'OF THE STATD OI''I'[XAS Thc $rand Jurors for the Counry ol El Paso, Statc of'lexas. duly organizcd as such, at thc January Temr, A,D,, 2024, ol thc | ZW: -Jrtdicial District Court lbr said County, r.tpor the ir oa(hs in said Coun, prescnt thar on or Bbout rhe l2lh day of April. - and anterior to the prcscnlnrenr ofthis indictnenl, iD the Counry ol El Paso and Statc ol'l'cxas, Al-DtiMARO RAlAEL pEiEZ, 2024, hereinafler referred to as Def'enclant, Paragraph A did then and lhere knowingly parlicipale in an assemblagc of scven or nrore persons! knowing that it was resulting in conduct thal created an inrmcdiate danger of darnage lo propeny; Paratsraph B did thcn and lhere knowingly panicipatc in an assenrblage ol scvi:D or morc persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in condgcl lhat substantial ly obstlucted Iarv snfilr'6g111sn1, P rirgr ph (' did then and lhcre knowingly participatc in al assenrtrlage ol sevcn or rlore persons, knos'ing thal it was resultiug in conduct thar subsl$ntially obstrucled a govenrmenlal (irnction (}r service ol' I!ras Anrry National Guard pcrsonncl. AOAINS t t Ii PF]A( tANt) r)l(;Nt tYOI:lllti SrAIti (irand iury l:oreperson I',lLd rl,c MAY 2 3 2021 Ilv 0hnrrl U,\l'l(a I 1l ll1 S'fAl li OIr I FIXAS l)cpul\ c couN'fY ( )1, lil. I>Aso lJ"'lli';'llll,il,l,!:"jii'ii ix,l:rr:lll;"1i,'".:ury"!'{tfli1 r^dictnrcnt on trre in nr} o,rce Givcn under nrv h.,d ']u ':':f [)clir I]riortes CouIt (:lerk I Ll l'aso Countl'. le' Ii) Deputy []ail Anrourtt:li t_ 8"8 BFI-UAlEl.It1l:Nl No ,1 l) o s t^l E OF't LXAS VS, ASAh,I, DANIEL POI-ANCO Colnt Oll'e nsc I R IO'I' PAR TICIPATI()N IN TIIE NAME AND ttY I}IL AU'IHORII'Y OIITIII] STATE OI:'TEXAS -Ihe Cralld Jurors t'or the Counly of El Paso, S(ate ot tcxas, duly orgarrizcd as such, ut the January Term, A.D., 2024, of the , 120!],: -Jtrdicial District Cuun for said Counly, upon their oarhs in saiLl (bLrrt, prcsenr rhat on oiabout the l2th day of April, 1014. and anterior to lhe pr€senlnrent of lhis indictmcnt, in the Counly of Fll Paso and Srate of Texas, ASAEL DANIEL POLANCO, hereirafter referred to as Def'endant, Paragruph A r.lid then untl there knowi|gly purticipate in an assenrblage ol scvcr or rnorc pcrsons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct thal creatcd trn immcdiatr danger ofdanlflBe to propert-'; l)aragraplt Il did then and there knorvingly pani(ipitte in irn ass,,'rnbiagc ol sevcn or rnorc persons. kno\rints thal it was rcsultirrg ir conduct that substantial ly obstructed law enlirrccnrcnt; Paragroph (' did lhcn and therc knowingly plnicipate in an asseurblage of sevcn or more persons, knorying that it was resultirrg in conducl that substantially obstructcd a govemrnental t'unction or service ofTexas Anrry Nalionrl Guard personnel. A(;AINS I I lll, l'l.AL l, AND l)lUNl lY Olj IllL SlAlli I L-' I Orrnd Jur'1' lirrcpcrsort r,ired rhq MAY 2 3 2021 I]\ 0hrrulu.\ lil[ N" l)cpurv d' lllti S'l-Aflr Olr l liXn S coUNTY Olr Ul. I}ASO I crrlity that thc lbrcgo ing is ir trur 0rrd (orrect copy olthc clriginal lndiutrrrcrtl Lrrt tilc in nry otllc!' Givcn undcr m! hand and scal ol' the court at rny otlicc irr El Paso, lcxas on thc -l'lAL2+2S21 l)clia []riorrc' ( ourt e lerk lrl l'nso ('ounty, [!x It\ l)clul\ I [u,rfrur ), 11, N t_-- I Bail Amounr: s B-9 8!:!-Nl)!! ! l\U=Nl AGFINCY CASF NO.r 20241-CID4-500(D60 * e704ll?_ _--- CONTROL NO,: 24-04642_CR STATE OF I"I]XAS VS- JONATHAN JOI IAO QUINONEZ Q9!LI] Otl'cnse I RIO'I PAR'I'ICIPAllON IN T}IE NAME AND BY THE AIJI'IIORI1'Y OF TIIE STATE OII I'EXAS Ihe Crarrtl Jurors tbr lhe Counly ol Lll Paso, Stale of'fexas, cluly oryanizerl as such, al thc Jsnuary-l-enn, A.D., 2024, ot the ^.J fQtll-tudicial Districl Court tbr said Counry, upon their oaths in said Coun, prcsenr lhal on or about the l2th day of April, 2024, aod anterior to lhe presenlrnent ol this indiclDent, in thc County of El Paso and Slarc of'texas, JONAI'HAN JOI{AO QUINONtjz, hereinaf'tcr ref'cned to as Def'endant, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly panicipale in an assernblagc of scvcn or rnore persors, krrowing that it was resulting in conduct tlnt crealed an inrmediate danger ofdamage to propent,i l'orIgrirl)h l] did then and there knowingly participatc in an assemblage of seven or rnore persons, knowing thut it rvas resulling in conduct that subshntially obstructed law enforcentent; Par g.rilph (' did then and there knowtrgly panicipatc in un assemblage ofscvcn or Dtorc Fcrsolls, kl|oilillg that it rvas rcsulting in conduct tlrat substantiIlly obstructed a govrrnrrrcnt l lirnction or servise ol.lexas Anny National Guard personnel. I A(;AINS'r'Illtr PtrA('n ANI) DlCNll-Y OF TIIE SlAl t: '-7 I U (irand Jury f'orepersoI L'ired rhc MAY 2 3 2024 lll' 0hor"tl U.t Il/n' D"N!.-: - -lJ Illli S ln l l, Oi. 1hxn S (lol lN.l Y OIr LrL. I'n So rndictnrent.n t,e i, rnv o,icc Given under nrv hand and sraror' l,,"ilili;'li"ii".n::-;l'Li;::,i:li:1'i"?',l".""ffdf'/':.'16i11r I)clia Britrncs (lout1 Clerk l:l I'aso County. Ie\ I I]\ Dcputt Ilniln rlounlr $ B- 10 bf,re R lt:IN-Dt( t I, ,N 1. A.CENSY!4!!Ia-;.20241-CD4:l!qql6L_ 9?04328 CON.TROL No.: 24-046s3_cR S'IATE OtI TEXAS VS, l)lFtGo JESUS RTVAS eount Offense I ITIOT PARI'ICIPATION _--t IN I'IIE NAIIIE AND BY'TIIF: AUI}IoRI'TY OF ]]IE STATI] oI: TEXAS Ihc (irand Jurors lbr the C ounty of El l'aso, State ol 'l'exas, duly organized as such, at lhe Janu!ry Itrnr, A.D., 1024, ol rhc iir Judiciul t)i slricl Court lbr said (.'ounty, ufun rheir (,aths in said CoLrrl, l)rescnl thal on or aboul the l21h day ol April, 2024. and anterior to the prcscnttnent of this indictmcnt, in thc Cou y of El Paso and State of fex as. Dltic() JISLIS RIVAS, hereinalier referred to as Def'endanl, Paragraph A did then and therc knorvingly panicipatc in an assemblage of seven or more persons, knowing that ir was resultinB in conduct that created an immediate danger ofdanrage to propeny; Paragraph B did then and lherc knowinBly panicipatc in an assenrblage of sevcn or r)rore persons, knowing thdt it was rcsulting iu conduct that substantiall), obstructed law cnforcerncn(; l)aragraph C did then and there k[owingly panicipatc in an assrnrbluge ofsevcn or mere pcrsols, koor!iIlg thi1t it rvas resulting in conduct that substantiully obstructed a governrncntal llnctiou or scrviec u1 'feras Arnly National liuard pcrsonnel. ACAINST TI]I] PEACF, AND DICNI'IY oI.''I'TIU S IAI'I] 0rand Jury Forepcrson pircrr rhr MAY 3 2021 l]) I t HE S1ATE Or- TEXAS couNl Y oF EL PASO I I ifi*t'"'lh'l""fr--ilH F,:i:?:ili"Tffi'tfiAy.^- ol tT 2rd?r{ar tndictrnent on nre in rnv ortrce Given under nrv ha"t yY I I)clia Bri0ncs Corrn Clerk Ill l)as o.o,,,,,r,r..flL_2ruL B): Itro t.p*y: [- BailAmount: $___ L- B-11 --l RE-INt)IC'rMENl ACENCY CASE NO.: 20241-ClD4-5000360 9?04345 co NTRO[. NO.: 24 657-CR S1Al'ti OF TEXAS vs. GUSTAVO ANDRES ROBI-ES eaU!! !)lli.lse I R IoI' PARI'ICIPATION IN 1'I]E NAME AND I]Y 'IIIE AI ]1'IIORII Y OI' 1}ITJ S'IA'II.] OF'IIJXAS 'lhc Crand Jlrrors ltrr lhc Couoll- ol lll Paso, Sute ol lexas, duly organized as such. al thc J nuary Tenn, A.D.,202"1, ol the Judi< ral District i oLrn tbr said Counry, upon thcir oaths in said Court. prcsenr th r on or about the I2rh day of April, - ,-1 20tii - 2024, ard antcrior to lhe prcsentrncnt ol this indictnrenr. in the Counry of H l) so and Slure of lcras, Cl.IS'IAVO ANI)l{l-ls ROI}t.ljS. hcreinalter rcllrrcd to as I)el'endant, Paragraph A did then and there knowirlgly panicipatc in an assenrhlage rrf scvcn or rnore persons. Lnowing lhat it was resulting in conduct thar created an inrnrediate danger of damnge to propeny; l'lrlgraph I did then and there knowingly panicipate in an assernblage ol'scvcn or nlorc p€nons, knowinll that it was rcsuhilg in conduct that substantially ohstructcd law enforccnrent; l)aragraph ( I did then ard there knowingly participate in an asscrublage ol'scverr trr rnors persons, linouing thirt it was rcsulting in conduct thal I -li'\cs sul)stantially (,bsh'uctcd govemrncnlal lunction or 5crvicc ol Aruy Nalional CIard pcrsollocl. A(iAlNSI ItIU PIIACLANI) t)lCNllYOF llllr SIAtl:l ,? -/---/ ,ay' nd .lLrrt lrolepcrsou I rritctl thc MAY 2 3 2021 It) l)cpur) ftll': S IA ll, (JIr I t,XAS ( ouNTY Oli tit- PAs() I I cenili' thut the fbregoilg is a lrue $nd co rrccl coot ol lhe original lndictrnent on lilc in mt olllcc Civ cl under nrl lrand and seal of the coun al my oflice in n Paso,-li'xas on rr,. - MAY 2_3 2021 I l)elia Illirrrtcs Cou!1 ('lcrk lil Paso County, lly l)rpu1y Bail AnloLIlt: $ B-12 z0240c0bf4s I R b,-lN l)lC l I.N I 4 l)r)( ) 970.1 Nt' 2{"0{ STATE oI ]'IJXAS vs. CRISTIAN EDTJARDO RODRIGUEZ CouE offense I RIO'I PAKIICIPATION IN 1]IF: NAME AND BY THE AT)'THORII'Y OF THE S'TA'I'I] Or I'IXAS 'Ihc Grand Jurors lbr the Counly of El Paso, Slatc ol 'lcxas. duly organized as such, al the January -lenn, A.D.,2024, of rhc ,r(licial District'Court lbr said County, upon thcir oaths in said Coun, prcsent thal on or about thc l2rh day ofApril, - - 120t', 2024. und anleriot to thc presenlm€nt of this indictment, ill thc ('ounly of El Paso and State of'tcxas, CRISTIAN I]DUARDO ROI)RlCtlFlZ. heleinatier rctbrrcd to as l)ctendant, I)aragraph A did then and there knowinglv panicipatc in an asscrnblage ofscvcn or nlore pcrsoos. kno\ring lha( it rvas resulting in c(mduct that crealcd a|l irnnrediate danger ofdanrage to propeny; l'aragraph ll clid thcn nnd there knowingly panicipalc in an assemblage of scvel or nrorq persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct lhat substantially obsiructed law enlbrcen]entl [',rragraph (' did thcn aud thcre knowing,ly panicipate in an assemblage ofseven or nrore persons, kno*ing that it rvas resulting i[ corrduct lhat substanlially obstructed a governrnental l'unction or servicc ofTcras Army Nalional Cuard pcrsonrrcl, At l,\ INS I IIItr. Pl:A('LANI) I)l(;NlIY ( )l:'l lll, S'lAI'li ,iri (irun(l Jury l:orcpersun Irilcrl thc MAY 2 3 ?8?l llr' I)cputy l llE s'lAft, oF'rExAS coLlNl'Y Ol' El. I,ASO I 0cnily that the lbregoing is a true and corrccl copy of the original Indictm€nt on file in llty ol]ice, Oiven under llly hand and scal ot th" ilAy-?t2024 thc court iu nr) ofllcc irt lil ['aso, I'cxns on l)rlia llt ioncs I ('ou11 ( lcrk lil Paso Count-r, I I I ll) [)cput) lliril n rlrouIll lj B- 13 _-_l l Rr;llrQlel_t{ FtNr AGEN('Y (IASE NO.: l0l.ll -clD4-5000360 9'704326 C()N IROL NO.: 24-04 659-CR S ATE OF TEXAS vs. CARLOS ANDRES RIiI]Io Count Offcnse I RIO1 PAR'nC[Wt',tON IN 'I'IIE NAMt] AND BY'I}]IJ AIJl'IIORIl'Y ()F' T'TII: S1A'I'E OII'I'EXAS I'he fir1gj,,lurors for thc Count) of t:l Paso, State of lbxas, duly organized as such. at th!' January 'Ibrnr, A.D., 2024, of rhe I Zll"' _|udicial l)islrict Coun lbr said Count-v, upon their oa(hs in said Coun. prcscnt rhat on or about the l2th day of April, 2024, and anlerior to the presentnren t of th is indictme r, in rhc County of El Paso and State of '[exas, CA RLoS A N DRES RU fj lO, - hcreinafter retlned to as [)elbrrdant, Paragraph A dicl thcn and (here knowingly participate in an assenrblage ol.sevcn or nlorc persons, knowing that it rvns resulting in conduct that creatcd an irnrncdiate danger ofdatnnge lo pt'opcrlyt l)aragraph B did thcn and there krtowingly participatc in an asscnrblage of scven or rnore persons, knowing that it wrs resulting in conduct that substantially obstructed law cnforcerncnl; l'aragraph C did thcn arrd therc knowingly participatc in an assenrblage of seven or rnore persons, knowing that it rvus rcsulting in corduct thar .l'exas subslantially obstructed a govemlnerrtal function or scrvicc of Anny National Guard personncl. A(;AINS I Illtl P[A('l: AND Dl(;Nl'IY Ot; I llL S lAlu (irand Jrrlr lirrcpclson |ilcd thc MAY 2 3 2024 I IID S'tAl I: ( )lr lt,Xn S Uy ,,S*#Mo ( oUN't'Y Ot' Ul- I'ASo I certil)'thal thc lbr(goillg is a true ard correct c oi thc inal Indicrrrrrnt on filc in mv ollice. (livcn urrder rnv harrtl ancl scrl ol the coun irl nr1 otlice in lll Pitso, Ir'xas on the Dclia llriones Coun ( lerk El Paso Count), 'I l!1 l)epury Bail ADrourll: $_ B-14 3r54 Rr"-tNt)t("t'MItN t' ACtjNCY CASI", N0,: 2 024I-C ID4-500{)16(J 97().1317 ( ( )N',l'R( ) NO.:24- (r{-CR STATD OI: TEXAS vs. LENIN ANTON SUAREZ Counl Cllfcnsc I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN I'HIJ NAME ANl) BY TTIE AIITTIORITY OF TIIE S1ATE oF TEXAS I'hc !r4y[r,f5ron tbr thc County of t-l Paso, Stale ot Texas, rluly oryanized as such, al the January Terrn, A.D., ?024, ol thc . --1 4U"'-- Judicial Disl rict Coun li)r said Counly, upon thc ir oaths ill said Coun, prcsenl that on or about llrc I 2th day of A pril, 202{, and aDtcriol to thc preseDtnrcnt ol this indictnrcnt, ill lhc Counlv of lil Paso and Stale ol'Te\a!i, l,!:NlN AN I-ON SUAREZ, hereinatler rcl'ened to as Dcl'cndanl, l)llagruph A did thcn and thcrc knowingly participate in an asscnlblage of sevcn or nrore persons, knorving that it was resul(ing in conduct that created an immediate danger ofdamage to property; Paragraph Il did then and there knowingly panicipate irr an assenrblage of sevrn or nrore persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that subslantially obstructed Iu\v cnforccntent: ParagraDh ( rlid then and thcrc knowingly ponicipate in an asserrtblagc ol sevcl or nlore persons, knowing that it rvas resultilg irr conclucl that substantially obslructcd govcrnruelltal funclion or servi(e ol lt\as n rmy National Guar(l pc'rsonncl. A(IAINS'l l llL PI-)A('1": ANI) l)l(;NIIY olr l llli S lnl li (irand Jurv lioreperson l;iled ll)c l)\ L l)epur!' |I 'rxn s rxlu ot't txes I I COUNl'Y OII EL PASO I l;*;lnT:F;'iilrl F":i:l: fl'i#r['iu{f jTifui' lndictm.nt on tile in oly ofiice. Civen under my harrd ard seal t'tf I Delia Ilriones I Court Clcrk El Paso County, Tcxa (\)N"Inilll- Bail Arnount: li- ll) l)cIutv I B- 15 &E:INDIqTM!,NI AQENC.Y CASE- NO.:l I-('tD4-5000 t) 9704)5'.1 ('o .IROI, N-Q.i24:94-24{:Ets STATE OF 1'UXAS vs. RATAEL ANCht- G ON7-A1.F.7. FERNANDEZ Count Q$LOI9 I RIOI' PA R'I'CIPA TION IN TIIE NAME AND BY TIIE AUTHORITY 0F'I'TIU S'IXriJ OF TEXAS l'hc (irand-Juron for the (ounty of El Paso, State of'lexas, dulv organized as such, al the January 'l'emr, A,D., 2024, of rhc Dislricl Coun lbr said County, upon the ir oaths in said Coun, present that on or about rhe l2rh day of April, .--lZU:t-lrdic-ial 2024, and anterior to the presentmenl 'l'exas, ofthis irdicnnenr, in the Counry ofEl Paso and Srare of RAFAEL ANGEL GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ, hereinafter refened ro ar Defendan(, Iraragraph A did then and there knowingly participats in an assemblage of sevcn or Inore persons. knowing that it was resulting in conduct lhat created att immediate danger of damage to property; Paragraph B did then and there knowingly parlicipale in an assemblage of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it wus rcsulting in conduct thal substantially obstructed law cnforcemcnt; Paragranh C: did thcn and there knowintsly parlicipate in an assemblugc of seven or more pcrsons, knowints thal it was resulting in conduct that substantially obstructed a govenlnrental function or service of 'l'exas Anny National (iuard pcrsonncl. A(iAlNS l ltlI PIA(t,ANI) I)l(iNllYol lllll S IAII: 7--t- d Jury I'or!'pcrson tiited rhc MAY 2 3 20?4 Il) 0hu.rt t t,"tIl[.r" Deput) 0 _l rHE StAt L Orr IEXAS COUNI'Y OI' LI- I'ASO l;li?"':ll,$'"n'.'"-iJ!1i:;i:i::lliJffi"''lifif'r'Tif,Ti-'ll '. '_11_ '111'"1: Delia Brioncs Coun Clcrk El Paso (lountv- I]\ _l t)cpuly I uo,' o,nu,u, , l- B- 16 RtJ-INDICTMENl' AGENCY CASE NO.: 20241-C tD4-5000160 910437 3 ( ON l ROl- NO.: ll -0J7J6,CR STATE OF TEXAS VS. MICUTiLANGEL CARCIA Count Offcnse I RIOI'PARTICIPA ION IN I'HE NAME AND BY 1'IIIi AUTHORII'Y OF THE STAI'E OtI TEXAS fhe $ran;(,lurors for )c Counly of H Paso, Stalc of 'l'cxos, duly orgolized as such, at thc Januiiry Tem), A.D., 2024, of lhe I zII' Judicial Dislricl Coun for said Couoty, upon the ir oaths in said Coun, present that on oi about the I 2lh day of April, - 2O24, and, arterior to the prcsentmenl ot this indictnlcnt. in the Coonty of El Paso and Stare of Texas, MIcUDL ANGlll. CARCIA, hcrcinalier rcfcned to as Dcl'endant, Paragraph A did then and there kno\yingly panicipat\r in an assenrblage of seven or rnole persons, knowing that ir was resulting in 0onducl thfll created an inrrnediatc danger ol'damage to propcrty; Paragraph B did then and thsre knowinBly panicipate in an asscmblagc of seven or nrore pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that substantial ly ohstructed law cnforccmenti Pamgraph (' did then and thcrc knowingly parlicipale in an asscnrblagc of seven or more persolls, knorving that il was resul(ing in coflduct lhat subslantially obstructed a govcrnnrental lunction or servicc ol'fcxas Anny N tional Cuard pcrsonnel. ACAINS I l Ht: PEAC E AND l)l(iNl'l Y OF Tll t-. SlAl t: Clarrrl Jur'1' frorcpcrson Iiled thc MAY 2 3 2021 [-]r I l)cl)rr l lIU SIA-fh Olr rEXAS CoUN'fY OIT EI. ['ASO .'"]:' - ''" "' ",' l;.-'ljll"'lil,ll:,lil:::fi'll ;,i.1:":i:'lj:[:' :fldr?iftLi' :""' 'l'l "'- 111"' '*'ll Delia []rioncs Court Clerk El I'aso Counr). li' ll) I)epury Ilail Arnount: li B-'t7 RI.J.INDICTMENI ACIiNCY C SIi No.:202.11-ClD.l- .i60 9?0438 t CONI'ROl. NO.: 2.1- 04747-CR st.ArLoflLxAS vs. oMAR RAI-AUl_ (iONlAt_l:Z CoLrnt Ol)qnse I RIOl' PARIIC'IPAI'ION IN TIIE NAME AND BY 1'I IE ATJT}]ORITY OF TIIIi STATE Otr ']}:XAS 'l'hc f}3{,,lurors lor thc Cour)ly ot til Paso, Statc ol"l"exas, duly orgiuized as such, at thc January l!rm, A.D., 2024, ot thc ,l 1U':' - Judicial District Court lbr said County, upon their oaths in suid Court, prcselt that on or abour rhe l2th day of April, :O:+. ana-ant"ri,rt to thc prcscntnrenl olthis indictnreni, iri the Counrl,ol'El PBso and Srotc ol 'fexas, OMAR RAI.AEt. GONZALEZ, lrcreinafler rel'cncd to as Dcleudant, l'ar gritph A did then and there knowingly pa(icipalc in an asscnrblage ol scvel or nrort pcrsons, knowing that it was rcsulling in cooduct tho( created an imuediale dangcr ofdamage to propcryi Paragmph u did then and thcrc kno$'ingly panicipate in an assemblagc of sevcn or rnorc pcrsonst knowing that it was rcsultirrg in conduct lhat substantially obstrucled law enforcement; Parirgraph C did lhcn and lhcre knowingly participatc in an asscnrblage ol scvcD or rnore pcrsons, kno$ing that it was resulting in coDduct that substantially obstructc(i a goverrrnrental ,Unction or servicc oi lexas Aml), Nati0rral Guard pcrsolncl. .\(ji\lN5t llll l,l:^('1,.{Nl) t)t(;NIl\ ol Illl,stAlll .r,- *1"ru- "ffi; J""/ n Filed the MAY 2 3 202( Il_t t)ep u v llll: S lAll: ()l llrXAS ( ()llN l'Y Olr Irl.lAso l,:-:::L':lil,ii:,i;i:"jll'ii i.:,1:rii;::'',i."i;,"J"fffy "r:5ldli1"*l:l':,:l:"'," '," *'lll "''"" -::llll* li I)elir Brioncs Court ('lerk Ll Paso L'ount)', I IJ\: Dcputt tlail Anount: li B- 18 2l CC EE:lNDte rN,rr:N1 ACENCY eA$E NOJ 20241-C:lDzl-5000360 9704347 CONTROT. NO.: 24-0475t_CR s IAI E OI.', n-tXAS vs. lYl.r-rR Rol.l NtoRIiJON Count Otlbtsc I RIOT PARIICIPATION IN 'THE NAME AND BY l'HE AIIITIORI'rY OI l'HE STATE or TEXAS Ihc Grand _Juroru lbr lhe County of El Paso, State of Texas. duly organizcd as such, al rhc January I'ernr, A.D., 2024, ol thc lrdiciat Districl Coun lbr slid County, upon thcil oaths in said Court, presenl rhat on oiabout the l2th day of April, ^...120!! 2024, and anterior lo thc prcscntrnent of this indictrnent. in thc County of Lll Paso and Sratc of Texas, Eyt,EIt ROLL MbREJbN. hereinafler ref'erred to as Defendant. l'aragraph A did then and there knowingly purticipate in an assemblagc of seven or more persons, knowing rhat it was resulting in conducl that created an immaliate danger ofdamage to propeny: Paragraph B did then and there knowilgl) prnicipatc in ar) assemtrlage oi scven or rnore pcrsons, knowirrg rhat it rvas resultilg in conduct that substantiall!, obstructed law etrtrrlccrrrcnt; I)aragraph C' did then and there knowingly participalc in irn assenrblage of seven or morc persols, knowing thut it was rcsultirrg in conducr that substanti[lly obstructed a govcrnmcnlal t'uDction or servicc ol'lcxas Arnly Nalional Cuard pcrsonncl. A(iAlNS l'1'llE PLACE AND t)lGNl'lY OF TllE SlAl'U. -/t--' 16rand Jury Foreperson lriled the MAY 2 q 2024 B)' v .l l llh S'lAlli ( )lj t')XAS ('or.tN'l Y ot t,l_ l,AS0 I lf""ijy,,'lll,'l""li::-lltl;j;i::::li;iffi"iffry'ry'fillt''1::''"'*l:'"'-i Dclia Brioucs Coun Clerk I Ul Paso County, lJ_\ I)eput)' Biiil Anrount:$ t B- 19 il-lr RE:LNUjE_| rv!El!_L YCA N() 4t- tD.t - .t - -!QNIBOI,XQ:i4:0412:CB STATE OTT TEXAS vs. JUAN CARt,OS PRESBI Count Offcnsc I RIOT PARTICIPAI'ION IN ]'HE NAMI] ANt) BY TIIE AUI]IORITY OF TI,IE SIAfE OtI'TEXAS The Crand Jurors ftrr thc County of El ['aso, State of Teras, duly organized as such, al thc January Tenn, A.D., 203.1, of the --t20t l-trdicial Distrtct Coun for said County, upon thcir oaths in said Coun, prescnt that on or about rhe l2th day of April, 1024, and enterior lo lhr prcsenlrncnt of this indictment, in the County of Dl Paso and Statc of Texas, JUAN CARI.OS pRESBl, hereinaller referrcd to as Dcfcndant, l'aragraph A did thett afld there knowingly participate in an assemblage of sercn or rnore pcrsons, knowing that it was resulling in conducl thal created an imrnediate danger ofdarnage to propcny; l)aragraph tl did then and there klowingly panicipatc in an asscmblage of seven or rrorc pcrsons. knowing that it was resulting in conduct that substantially obslruclcd l{lw enlbrcement; l)aritgraplt (' did then and thcre knowingly panicipate in an assemblage of seven or nlore persons, kno\rints lhat it was rcsulling in currduct that subs(antially obstnrctc(l a govcrnmental l'unclion or service of 'l'exas Arm), National Guard pcrsonnel. ACAINST T'IIE PEACI] AND I)I(iNI'I'Y OF IIL SIAI'I]. (irand Jury frorcperson l'ilcd tlrc MAY 2 { 202( ll) Illti STATFI OF 'I IIXAS ()t.rN l Y oF El- PASO I ccrliry that the lbtegoing is a true and corrcct !_opy gflhc original Indir;trucnt on fllc ill n]y ollice, Civen uncicr tny himrl and seal of ttrc court at my otil(iin Ll Paso, lexas orr lh. 2 4 ?ll2{ -MAY [)clia I]riones (\rurt Clerk El Paso Counlv, lJr: t)cputy IlililA0lount: li_ - B-20 _ _cc-l R ti-tN Dt c Il\, iN I 4(itl.lcY CAsll : 2024 l -C I t)1--s0001 4)0 970438 l ( oN't R I- NO.: 24 :01]!-eB S1A'I'I] OF TNXAS VS. YORDAN JT'SI ]S QUIN'IERO Count Offensc I RIOI'PARTICIPATION IN I IE NAME AND BY l'H[i AUI'}IORI'I-Y OF ll|ti S1ATE OF TEXAS 'l^he Grand Jurors for thc County ol El Paso, State of'fexas, duty organized as suclr, ar the January 'l'cnn, A.D., 2024, of the 20,tt J.J0.14, und lrdicial District Coun lbr said County, upon their oathsin said Court, prcscnt that on oiubour the tzth day ofApril, enterior to the presenlment ofthis indictmcnr, in rhe Counry of El Paso and Smre ofTexas, YORDAN JESUS eUINTERO, hercinatier refcncd to as f)efendant, l'aragraph A did then and there knowintsly participate in an uscnrblagc ofseven er rnore pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that creflted an inrmediate dangcr of damage k) propenyt l'arirtlaph l) did lhcn and lher!' knowingly participnle in an asrcnrblage of seven or rlore persons, knowing that it wus resultinB in coDduct that substanlially obs(nrcted larv enforccrllenti l'aragr ph C' did thcn and therc knowingly participale in an ussemblage ofscven or rnore persons. knowing that it was resulti[g in conduct that substuntially obs(ructed a Bovernrrrcnl0l llnction or scrvicc of 'l'exas Anny National Ouard pcrsonnel. A(;AINSl' TIIt] PEACE AND DI(iNI'I'Y oI:'I'IIE S'tATIi (irand.lury Forcpcrsul I'itc<r rhe MAY 2 \ 202\ lly: 0\n*ulIIT u.r.\J[s, Dcpu t)' U tE STATE Ot; I EXAS CO(JNTY OIT I'L I'ASO I I cenify rhat thc lbrcgoing is a lruc and correc t copy ofthe orig inal lDdiclnrcnt on lilc in rDv olllec. (iivtn urtder urv harrd and scal ol' the courl at nr1'oflice irr El Paso,-fcras on the .UAY2_|202 t, Dcliir llriones (loun Clerk Irl l'aso Counly, 'l! lll Dqputv r_ Ila il A ntountr $ B-21 !]EI-NDIEI]d!N]' ACENCY CASE NO.: 2024 t-Cl p4-5000360 e704f,j0__-_ NI ROI, N O.;24-04'1 5-('R S'IAI'E OI.' TEXAS vs. EMII.IORANON TORRES Count Offense I RIOI PARnCIPAT-|ON lN 1'llD NAME AND BY Ttttl AtJ I UORIt'y Of 'IltE S'rAf[ OF. ]XAS Thc Crand Jlrors lbr the County ol ltl Paso, State of'lc\as, rJull organiacd as such, at the January Tenn. A.D.. 2024, of (he *J ZUI' -lrdicial Dislricl Coun for said County, upon lhe ir urths in said Court, prcsenr lhar on or abour lhe l2rh day ot April, 2024, and anterior to the presertmert of this inclictnrent, in the County ot'lll Paso and srate of'lcxas, EMILIORANON TORRIIS, hereinallcr rel'erred to as De,tndanl. Parugraph A did tht'n and therc knotvingl;- purticipdte in an usscmblagc of scven or |rorc persons, kno\ying th{t it was t€sulting in conduct thirt crcatcd ln irnmcdiolc dangel oldrrnagc to prollcrtS,; Paragraph ll did lhclr and thcre knowingly panicipale in an assenrblugc olsevcn or nrorc persons, k[owing lhul it was resulting in condu0t that substartirlly obslnlcted law r)nforcr,ltlent; Paragraph Cl did thett and therc knowiugly pilrticipalc in an asscnrblage olscven ur ulorc pcrsons. kno\,ying thitl it was resulting in conduct that subslirntially obstlucted a gevcrnrrcnlal f'unction or scrYicc ol Texas Anny Nutiolral (;uurd personllcl. AGAINS'l lllE Pt:A( L AN I) l)l(iNI'lY oF I lll: Sl,AI Ii Crand Jury |oreperson I nir.a,r," MAY 2 tt 2024 0 hrv.rl u"t]Jts" ixp6; -1 tli' I THE STATE OF I'EXAS COUN.I'Y OF EL I,ASO I cenity that the loregoing is a truc and correc ol thr orig inal tndictrnent on tilc in my otYice. Civen under nry hand and seal of the coun at nry office in lil Prso,l'cxas on the MAY ? L?A ,L Delia llrionr's Court ( lcrl, lil Poso (lourly. ll\ [)cpul) llail Aruount: li B-22 l A(;l,N CY CASE N ().:2(1211'C l X)l t'0 !!tr-..IN DIC]-lvlEN I 5l ( ()N tR()r. SlAIB oI' TLXAS VS. JOSE lrs fEBAN VALERIANO Count Offense I RIOT PARl'ICIPA|ION lN 'tHE NAME AND UY lltti AU'IItORITy Ol.1IE STA-|E OF .ttrXAS 'l'hc gFfid..ltrrors frx lhe County o, til Paso, Stale of'l"r\as, duly orgalized as such, at rhe January 'l'enn, A.D., 2024, of rhe I1U- Judicial District court ti'r said County, upon lheir oarhs in said Coun, prescnt thal on or about rhe l2th day ofApril, :OIa, ana i,reiiot to thc prcscltmenl of this indictrrent, in rhe Counly of tl Paso and Stare of ltxas, JOSE ESTEBAN VAI.ERIANO, hercinafler referred to as Defcndant, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly participate in an assemblagc of sevcn or morc persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct thar created an hnmediate danger ofdamage to propcrtyl Pnragraph B did thcn and thcrc knowingly pa(icipate in an asscmblage of seven or more persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that substantially obstrucled law enforcenrent; Pamgraph C did then and there knowingly parlicipate in an assemblage ofseverr or rnorc persons, kno\ring that it was resuhilg in conduct thal substantially obstructcd a goverrrmelltal llnclion or servicc'rrf Iixas Army Nalional Guard prrsonnel. AGAtNS',I I tD PtiACE AN l) Dl(;N t',t',\', OF lltU S-tAl ti --'?_---- .z--- ...-..". Crand Jury ljorepcrs()n r-ircd the MAY 2 q 2024 Il) 0tnud trt,\.Jrltu I lltr Sl A Il: o| 'l'ltXAS I)uputy J CoI JN'TY oI: I::I, I)AS() I ccnil-v thal lhc lbrcgoillg is a truc and c oi lhe or inal lndietrncrt orr ljle'in rI y ollir(. (iivcn undcr rrrl hrnd an(l scal ol thc court at rn1'ot)icc'in EI Pasrr, leras on (he I)r.lia Briones ('ourt ('lerk Il Paso ( ()unly, tll l)enut) I Bail Amount: $__- I B-23 - ZO2AXD6X5 RE- rN rlr('l-M LN',! 4!hN!Y N lt).1- 5 1 (' S'I'Al'E OF TEXAS vs. r.urs l(;NACto vAsQt,EZ Count Ofl'ense r Rtot'PAR' CtPAI tON IN IIE NAME AND I}Y TTIE AUTIIORI'I'Y oIJ'I'TIE S]ATE OF TEXAS lltc (' and Jurors tirr lhe ounty of El Paso, Slale of'lexas, duly organized as such, al rhe January 'l!mr, A.D., 2024, of the th Judi"int Districl Cou( fbr said County. upon thcir oarhs in said Coun, present rhat on or about rhe l2th day ofA pril, 2024, and anterior to the prescr(rrrcnt ol this indictmen(, in thc Corrnrl,ol lil l)ilso irnd Slrtlc ol fc\as, l_trlS IGNACIO VASe LtF-7., hcleinafter re l'erred lo as Detendant, Paragr.rph A dld then and there knowingly panicipate in an arisenrblagc of scven or rnorc pcrsons, knowing lhat it was resulting in conducl that created an imrnediate danger ofdamage to propeny: l'aragraph I did then and there knorvhgly particfate in an assenrhlagc of seven or nlore pcrsons. kno\riog that it rvas resulting in conduct that substanli0lly obstruclcd law cnlbrcetrent: l'ilrograph (' did lhen and lherc knowingly panicipate in un assemblage of seven or more persors, knowing that it was rcsultirrg in colducr that substantially obstructed a govenrncntal l'urrction or servicc ofTcxas Arrny National Guard personncl. A(iAlNS l l l ll: l'ttACF AND DIGNI I Y OIr l llU S'IAI L (irand Jury li)rrperson ljilerl thc MAY ? \ ?B?1 ll) 0hou.rl u,tIltr, l)cnur)' U 1l ll, S1A I t, OIj 1l'.XAS (\)r.lN1'\' otr El_ l^so rndict,"cnt ..r rire in r1v o'nce Given under mv hand and scaror' l,:::l;'iil,ll'"1,i::-ilti ffi:i::lY#ff."fiffy "l"ti'i'dI["' I)cliu Urioniir (loun Clerk [:l Paso Cou[ty. Ilv Dcputr" Bril Anrorrnt: $ B-24 I I RE.INDICTMENT l- 9704449 I acellcvceseruo.: zozat-ctoq-soooreo _ _ coNTRoLNo.: 24-04780_cR SIATT OF TEXAS vs. CARI-OS ALBERTO CIMENEZ !9991 Offensc I RIOT PATTICIPATION IN I'IITJ NAM I: AND IJY 'I'H E AUTHORI Y OF 1'I IE S]ATE OI: TI]XAS 'l'hc,,(irand.Jurors for the County of El Paso, State of Texas, duly organizcd as such, at thc January Term, A.D., 2024, of the I /Uttt l'.tdicial District Coun for said County, uput lheir oaths in said Coun, presenr that on or abour the l2th day of April, 1024, and anterior to the pres€lltrncnl of Ihis irrdictmcnt, in the County ol [1] Paso and State of'l'exas, CARLOS AI.BERTO GIN4ENEZ, hereinaflcr rel'encd to as Defcndant. l)aragraph A did lhen and thcrc knowingly panicipatc in an assetnblage ol scv€n or rror.. pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that crcated an immediilte danger ofdanrage to propcnyi l'xrir8raph tl did then and there knowing,ly panicipatc in al assernblagt, of seven or rrore persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct lhat substantially obstructed law enlbrcenrcnti Paragraph C did thell and therc knowingly participatc in an assemblagc 0f sevcn or rnore pcrsons, knowilg that it was resulting in conducl that substa[lially obslructcd a governmenlal l'unclion or service of 'l'cxas Army National Guard personnel. ACAINST'IHE PI-)ACE AND DI(iNITY OII 'TIIE S'TAIE Grand Jury l:0reperson rilc<l thc MAY 2 4 ?l? 1 IJv Depuly llIL S I^l U Ot]l I,XAS C()L.rNl'Y OIr t:.1. l,AS() on tire in mv ornce Given under ntt hand and searor i;;xiHll'J[ii:'ii]'ll i,'"xi]:::Y"::',i:'illl'2nqTuf'rndictmenr Delia Llrioncs Court Clerk El Paso County, B, t)cpur), BailArnount: $__ B-25 t-- Ii L-lNt)l('l I\,1llN 1' ,,\( i I:NC' Y ('ASI.: NO.:202.11-ClD4-5000 3602 9?0J.l.ll _lqQN I ROL No.: 24-04762-CR SIAI'E OF TEXAS vs. CRISNER ENRIQUE OONZALEZ Count qfeSq I RIOl'PARTICIPATION IN'I'IIE NAME AND BY'IHE AUTI1ORITY Ot.'THE STATE O['1'EXAS lhc Grand Jurors tbr lhe County of El Paso, State ol Tcxas, duly orgallized as such, at rhe January Tcrm, A.D..2024, of rhc :- . l1U"' Jtrdicial Districl ('ourt for said County, upon their oaths in said Court, prescnt that on or about the l2th day ofApril, 2024, and antclior to thc presentment of this indictrnent, in the Counry ol' El Paso urrd State of lcxas, CRISNER if.fnfeUf CONZALEZ, hcrcirafter rcfcrred to as Defcndant, l'lragrirph A did then and therc knorvingly panicipate in an assemblagc of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it rvos rcsultiDg in conduct that created an irnmediate danger ofdarnage to propeny; Iriragraph B did then and there knowingly participate in an assemblagc of seven or rnore persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct that substantially obslructed law enforcemenl; Paragraph (' did thcn and thcre knowingly panicipate in an asscrnblagc ofseven or nrorc persons. knowing that il was resulting in conduct thal substantially obstructcd a govenmenial functior or service ofTexas Anny Notional Cuard personncl, AGAINS I'I'HE PEACI] AND DIGNITY OII THE S ATE. -.r' ---'-.-'-' Grand Jury lroreperson 1.;1...1 11," MAY 2 4 2024 u) 0hor.,rl l)cpuq J I tJ'ltn". 'I lllt S IAI Ir ol|l LlXAS ('()( rN IY Or: Iil. PAS0 rndictnent on nre in mv onice civen under mv hand and sear of l;'l;l;'r:JI,H'"""tlJ'li F,:j1:lll;"ffit lxtYflhlorifiinnr t)clia Briones Coun Clerk t l Paso County, Ilv Dcpuly Bail Anlount: $,_ I B-26 Z I -t R[.lNt)tclMEN1' A(ilrN Y CASI] NO,: 2024 t-ClD4- 160: 9704412 Nt'l{ L NO.: 24 -0,1'7 l{ S'IATE OF TEXAS vs. LUIS EDUARDO GONZALEZ $un! afillus I Rlol'I'ARTICIPAI'IoN IN ]'IIE NAML AND BY THE ATJI'I]ORI Y OF TIIE STATE OII TI]XAS Tltc (iratrd,Jurxs for.the County_ of lll Paso, Slate ol Texa$, r.luly organized as such, at the January Term, A.D.,2024, olthe - . I ZUtn lrdicial District Coun l'or said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, prescnt thar on oiabout the l2th day of April, " 2024, und anlcrior to the presentrncnl of lhis indictment, in lhc County of t-ll Paso and State nf'lexas, LUIS EDUARDO CONZAaIIZ, hcrcinaltcr rcfencd to as Defcndant, Paragraph A did then and thcre knowingly participate in an assemblage of seven or mor€ p€rsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that crealed an immcdiate danger ofdamage to property; Paragrsph B did then and there knowirgly panicipate in an asseinblage of scven or more persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct ftar substantially obstructed law cnforcement: Paragraph C dirl then and lhere knowingly participate in an assemblage ol'sevcn or rnore persons, knorving lhat it was rcsulrinB in conduct that sobstantially obstruc{ed a govcrnrnental tirnction or servicc of lcras Army National (;uard persolocl, A(iAlNS l 'l llL PtrA( li ANI) l)l(;Nl1 Y OIr l lll: S'lA l Il I l'an d Jun lirrepcrson rir"a rr. MAY 2 \ 2l2l I]) l) oly 'l'llt, S'lAI Il OIr TIIXAS COLJNI Y OF trl- PASO I I certily thst th€ forcgoing is a true and correct I lndicrrrent on lile in my olllce. civsn under my hand and seal ol the court ut nry ofice in El Paso,'Icxas on the l)clia Ilriones ('our( Clerk Ill l'aso C0unty, llt Deputy ,.,,, , | ',,,,,,,,,, B-27 Rr-rNptc!:M!II_J AC_ENCY CASE NO.:20241.CID4.50003602 9704423 CON.I.ROL NO.: 24-04771_CR STATE OF 1'EXAS vs. ELICIO JOSE I]ERNANDEZ Count Ofensc I RIO'I'PARTICIPATION IN'I'HI] NAME AND BY THE AUTIIORITY OF TIIE STATE OF TEXAS 'lhe ErH*,JHrors for fie County of fl Paso, State of Tcxas, duly organized as such, at rhe January'lcrm, A.D.,2024, of lhe I Zll"' Judicial Dislricl Coun for said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, present rhat on oraboul the l2th day ofApril, 2024, and anlerior to fte presentment of this indicrmcnr, in the County ofEl Paso and State ofTexas, ELIGIO JOSE HERNANDEZ. -hereinafler refencd to as Del'endant, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly panicipatc in an assemblagc of seven qr more pcrsons, knowint that it was resuhing in conduct that created an immcdiate danger ofdamage to propertyi l'arugraph l, did then and there knowingly panicipatc in an assenrblage of seven or more pcrsons, kno\ying that it was resulting in conduct that substantially obstructed law entbrcell)cnt; I'aragraph ( did then and there knowingly parlicipate in an asserrblagc of scvcn or nrore persons, knowing lhat it wls resulting in conduct that substantially obstructed a govemmental function or service of 'l-cxas Army National Guard personnel, ACAINS'I'I'IIF PF]ACL ANI) t)I(]NI'TY OI: TIIt] S AI E. (irand JurT [joreperson lril('d the MAY ? U ?filt lll 0hr,n,,l U Uttla D"puE J' l'llll S'fAl l: OIr l EXAS COT]NTY OF I]I, PASo I asrtily that the tbregoing is a truc and correcl c-opy _ot the original lndictment on file il] nty office, Given under my hand ond seal of thc coun at nry olfice ir El l'aso, ltxas on th. MAY 2 4 Zi?a Delia Briones Coun Clerk UI Paso Counly, lex ll)' Dcput) [] il A lou l: S B-28 RIj-tNt)r C'I Mt]N 1' ACI]N CY CASE No. :20241-CtD4- 5000i602 5.1 (l NIROLN O.:24-0477 5-Cl{ slAI l! ()f t'ExAs vs. J t-:l.KtrL MICHEL HERNANDEZ Count Ql&!!g I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN THE NAMD AND I]Y THE AU'I'IIORII'Y OF ]LIE S'TA'rE OF I'EXAS The qrr{rl.iurors for.the-County of El Paso, State of Texas, duly organized as such, at the January Tenr, A.D.,2024, olthe | Zt l"' Judicial Dis(rirt Courl lbr said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, present lhat on oiabour the l2th day ofApril, --- 202'1, and anterior to the presentmcnt of this indichnent, in the Counry of El Paso and Statc of lcxas, JELKEL MlCt{[L IIERNANI)EZ, hcleinafter refered ro as t)cfendanr, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly participate in an asscmblage of seven or more personsr knowing that it was resulring in conduct that created an immediale dang$ ofdamage to propertyi Paragraph B did then and thcre knowingly panicipate in att asscmblage ofscven or rrore persons, knowilg thal it was rcsulting in conduct thac substantially obstnrcted law cnforc€mcnti I'aragraph c^ did then and lhcre kDowingly panicipate in an assemblage ol sevcn or rnore pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in colduct that substanlially obstructcd a Bovemmental frrnction or scrvice of lexas Anny National Cuard persrrnnel, ACAlNSl llll'. Pl'lACIr AND DI(iNll Y OF 1'llE SIAIl:1, (irand Jury Foreperson 0 ho *'.r ) u.r h llat. L Fired trre MAY 2 4 ll]j-- By Depiiy' J I'HE S'IATI.: OF TtiXAS COTJN'I'Y OF EL I'ASO iven rtnder ntv hrmd and seor oi i;"::y"'lli,ii""*:."i;iH i:i,li:lll.::'ii,"."' "lftI?''1"4'tdfl " Dclia Brionr:s Court Clerk lll Paso County, tly Dcputy lJail Anrount: S B-29 ItL-lNDlll t4tr{T ACFIN(IY (lASL NO.: 20 241-('lt)4-50003602 910 1463 CON I'ItoL NO,: 2 4-0.1779.C R STATF, OF TEXAS vs. KIJVIN JOSE IRIARTF. Elunt QIIins I RIOI PARI tClPA ON IN'TIIIJ NAME AND BY'I-Ht] AIJI'HORI'I'Y OIT T'I.II S]'A'I'E OF TEXAS Ihe qreod Jurors for lhe County of El Paso, State of'Iexas, duly organized as such, at the Januflry'ler[, A.D., 2024, ol the || :! iciirl District Coun for said Counly, upon thcir oaths in said Court, pre scnt that oll or abour the I 2th day of April, J ud I ZoZ1. and-arrrcrior to lhe presenunent of this indictrnent, in lhe County of El Paso and State of'lcxas, KEVIN JOSE IRIARTE, hereinatier ref'erred to as Del'enda[t. I' rirgrafh n did thcn and thcre klowingly participate in an assemblage ofseven or more psrsons, knowing that it was resultirrg in conduct lhat cre{ltcd an immediate danger of danrage to prop$rty; l'arirgraph ll did lhcn and thcre knowingly panicipate in an assernblage of seven or more pcrsons, kno\ying that it was rcsulting in conduct lhat substantially obstructcd law enlbrcement; Prragraph C did then and there knowingly punicipate in an assernblEge of scven or nlore persons, knowing that it was r'ssulting in conduct th0t suhstlntially obstructed a govenurcntal function or scrvice of lexas Army National Ctturd personnel, ACAINST TIIE PEACE AND DIGNITY 0[ 'I}IU S'TATE. ,'/-- d Jury ltrcpcrson ()ln o^,1 U -rh ltn l'ilcd rhc MAY 2\ ZA? \ B1 *-t---I- I HU SlhTD OF TEXAS COIJNI'Y OI; Et, PASO I ccrtili that the foregoing is a true and correct cop oi the original lndictrncnt (.rn lilc in nly o{I'ice. Givcn undcr nty hand and seal of thc uoun ot rnl,oflice in [':l l]aso.-ltxas on the Delia Briones Court Clerk El Paso County, lcx B) Dcputy []iril Arnornrti S B-30 I RI].INDICIMENl' A(it-.NCY ('ASFI NO.: 2{) 24t-Ctt)4-5000 -'t 601 970u6(t co N',l ROl. NO.: 24 7E5-('R s rA rE ol"t-tixAs vs. DARWIN RAMoN JIMENTiZ Count Onqlg I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN 'IIIE NAN4E AND BY TIIE AUTIIORITY OF IIE S'IAI'E OI !'EXAS lhe Grand,Jurors for lhc Counly of [ll Paso, State of .lexas, duly oryanizetl as such, at ihe January Term, A,D., 2024, of the 7U"' Judicial Dislrict Courl lbr said County, upon their oaths in said Court, prcsenr (hat on or about the l2th day of April, -l 2o24, and anterior to the presentrrcnl of this indicnnent, in the Counry of El Paso and srate of Tcxas, DA RWIN RAMoN jtvef.ruz, hereinaller rcfened to as Deltndart, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly panicipate in an assemblage of seven or morc p$sonsr knowirrg that it rvas resulting in conduct that created an imrnediate danger ofdamage to propeny; Paragraph B did then and there knowingly penicipate in an assemblage of seven or more persons, knowing lhat it was resuhing in conduct ihat substantially obstructed l0\N enforcementt Paragraph C did then and lhcrc knowingly panicipatc in an assemblage of sevcn or more pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that subslantially obstruoted 0 goverDruental function or scrvice ofTexasAnny National Cuard personnel, A(JAINS'I"I'IIIi PEACD ANT) DIGNI-I-Y oIT TIIE STATE . ,7 Crand Jury l:orcperson triledthe-L lhoru) U.rlr"llu 1I IE SIA'I'E OF TEXAS u)' I)eputy J_-- couN'l'Y otr tit- PASo I cenify that lhe lbregoing is a lruc and corrcct copy of the origina I lndictnrent on file in rny office. (iivcn undcr nry harrd and scal of the coun at my ollice in EI Paso,'Iexas on lhe --tlAL+4192{ Dclia IJriones Coun Clerk Ll Paso Count lJr" I)ct!uty Bail Arnourrt: $ B-31 RE-INI)ICT|IIIN1' ACINCY!ASE-.NAI024I-_eIB-50003002 qToaj RoL No,: 24_04787-CR STATE OF TEXAS vs. FAUSlO ROMARIO JIMENIZ Count OfTense I RIO'I'PAITTICIPdTION lN 'lHtr NAMI- AND llY l llti AUll lORIl'Y OP l tttt S'tAlli OF 'IltXAs The fpld Jurors for the County of El Paso, Stale ol ltxas, duly oryarized as such, at the January Tcrm, A.D., 2024, of rhe I Z[ l'r I Jud ic ial Disl rict Coun for said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, presenr rlrat on or aboul the l2rh day of April, 2024, and anterior to the presenlnrent of this indictment, in lhe County of El Paso and State of Tcxas, FAUSTO ROMARIO JIMtlNUZ, hereinaffer relbrrcd to as Defendant. Parugraph A did then and there knowiogly panicipate in an assemblage of seven or nrorc persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct lhat created an inrmediate danger ofdamage to propenyi l)arograph l] did then and $erc knowingly participate in an assemblagc of scvcn or more persons, knowing that it was resultirg in conducl that substantially obstructed law cnforc€ment; Paragraph C did then and thcre knowingly participate in an assemblage of seven or rnorc persons, knorving that it rvas resulting in conduct that substantially obslructed a governmenlal function or servicc oiTcxas Army National Cuard persolnel, AGAINS'T l IIE PEACE AND I)IGNI'I'Y OIT TIII] SIAI'E. Crand Jury Forepcrson Filed thc MAY 2 q 2071 Ily 0\n,r,,l u.\lrlln ocffi [)' THE STATE OF I'EXAS COUN'TY OF EL PASO t ceairy that thc foregoing is a uue and conect copy ofthe original lndictnrcnt on file in my ollice. Given under my hand and seal of the couft at rny olllce in El Paso, T€xas on thc I)clia Briones Coun Clerk 'f'extl r | t I EI Paso County, - (tlu,u0 wt )tIl"- Bail Arnounlr S lll l)cpur_! E_ r- B-32 R tl-tNl)t("t-M!tN.1 A(i I]NCY ('ASIi NO,: 2 024 I-C It).1.5000160 9',7 0.1190 ( oNTR OL- NO.r 24-0.1 7q0-('R STATE OF TEXAS VS. ANGEL OABRIEL MACHADO Count Offense I RIOl' PAR-I'ICIPAI'ION IN TIID NAME AND BY-IHL] AUI'HORI'I'Y Or THE S'TATE OF I'I]XAS thc G-rxd^Jrrrors lur lhe (i)unty of Ll Paso, State ol Texas, duly orgarrized as such. at the January Temr, A.D., 2024, of the Dislricl Coun lbr said Counry, upon lhcir oaths in said Court, prcscnt rhal on or about lhe l2th day olApril, --"-JZU''' 1014, .Judicial and antcrior to thc presentment of this indicnnent, in rhe County of El Paso and Slarc of Texus. ANCEL GAIIRIEL MACI IADO, hcreinaflcr referred to as Dcfendanr, Paragrdph A did then and there knowingly participate in an asscmblagc of seven or nlorc persoosr knowing that it was resulting in conduct that created an immediate danger ofdansgc lo propertyi Paragraph B did (hen and thcre knowingly parlioipate in an assemblage of sevcn or nlore pcrsons, knowing that it was resuking in co[duct that substantially obslructed larv cnforcement: l'aragraph (' did thcn antl (here knowittgly participate il an sssenrblage of scvcn or more persons, knowing thal il wss rcsulting in conduct (hat subslantially obstructcd a govemnrenlal lirncli(nr or service ol'Texas Anry National Guard personnel, ACAINS'I" T}IE PEACI] AND DICNI'I'Y OF THE SlATE -1=z'L Crarxl Jury lroreperson t'iterl rhc lf[! |-{-UZl-- tlt 0hurul u"tlt(a D"prE \) . Ut STAtI Ot- t EXAS COLINTY OIT I.]I, I'ASo lcenili thal the foregoitrg is a nuc and inal lndichnent on filc in nty oflice. Civen under rry hand arrd scal of the coun at my oflicc irr lil l'aso, 'la'xas Delia Briones Coun Clerk El Paso Courly, B\ Dcp0ty Bail Arnounlr $ B-33 R t.- lN l)l ('l MIlN I ACENCY CASE NO.j 20241-ClD4-5000j602 9704415 CONTROL NO.: 24_04796_CR S'TATE OF 1'EXAS vs. RODRICO ANDRES MARTINEZ (lounl Qtlbllr I RIO'T PARTICIPATIoN IN T}IE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STA'I'E O!'TEXAS $nr5[,{urors ,'or.the County of El Poso, State of Texas, duly organized as such. at rhe January'Ierm, A.D.,2024, of the The I lU"' ludicial Districr Coun for said County, upon their osths in said Coun, prcsenl that on o; about thc l2th day ofApril, 2024, and anlerior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, RODRIGO ANDRES l\4ARtlNEZ, hereinatler refened to as Defendant, Paragraph A did then and therc knowingly panicipate in an assenrblage of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct rhat created an immediate danger ofdamage to properly; Paragraph [] did then and there knowingly panicipate in an assenrblage ol seven or morc pcrsons, knotling that it was resulling in conduct that substantially obstructed law enforccolenti I)aragraph C did lhen and there knowingly pflrticipatc in sn assenrblaBe ofseven or more pcrsons, knowing rhat it was resLrlting in conduct that substaltially obslructcd a governrnental linction or service olTexas Anny National Guard personnel, ACAINS I'1HE PIJA('I] ANt) I)IGNITY (irand Jury Forcpersorr lited rhe MAY 2 It 20?1 llv -I'EXAS THE STAI'E OF COUNTY OF EL PASO I cerliry that the forcgoing is a true and correct c op)'ol lhe ori8,inal lrrdicttnenl on ljle in nt y ofTice. Given under nrv hand and seal of lhe court at my oflicc in Ll Paso. lexas on thc MAY ? 41fr?4 Delia uriont's Courl Clerk Ll I'flso County (T\rur^,1nu )tllu- B1' .---:-v llail Arrount: 5 Lrcpoty d'-- B-34 R I-J.INI)I Cl'MtrNT AGENC Y CASI: NO.: 20 241-CI D4-50001602 e70.1{ 5 7 CO N] ROt- NO.: 24 781-CR STATE OF NXAS VS, Et,ISAUL ISMITTI MENDEZ Count Offense I RIO1 PARI'ICIPATION IN THE NAME AND BY'I'HE AUI'HORITY OF THE STATE OII TEXAS 'lhc Grand^Jurors for the County ol El Paso, State of Texas, duty organized as such, at thc January Term, A.D,,2024, of the t)islricl Coun for said County, upon their oaths in said Couri, present thar on oi about the l2th day of April, -J and 2024. tfiilantcrior -lrdicial to the presentrnent of this indictmenl, in the County ol El Prso and Stare ofl'exas, ELlSAtit, lSMIT.}l MENDEZ, hereinafler ret'ened to as Defendsnl, Paragraplr A did then and thcre knowingly panicipate in an assernblage of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conducl that created an inrmcdiate dangcr ofdatnagc lo property; I'aragrtph B tlid then and therc knowingly participatc in an asscntblage of scvcn or morr persons, knowinB that it was resulting in conduct that substantially obslructed Iaw enforcetne (; l)alagraph Ci did then and thcre knowingly parlicipatc in an assemblage of sevcn or more persons, knorving that it was resulting in conduql that substantially obstructed a govelnrnental llnction rrr service ofl'exas Army National Cuard persrrnncl, AGAINST HE PEACE ANI) I)I(iNITY OF 11ID STAI'II d Jurj,Forep€rsoD l:iled rhc llLY ? h 7nol lly TI IIr SIA I Ii OIr I EXAS ('ot_tNl Y oF BL PASo I ccrlili lh,ll thc li)rcguir!g i5,r lnrc,lnd (orrccl col)\ (,1 lhe oriBina I lndictment on lilc in nry olfice. Given undcr my hilrd arrd seal o t the court l rln ull'icc in lrl l)a'.r, ferls,rtt lh( l4AY ? \ ?n?t, Dclia Briones Coun Clerk El ltaso County, u) Dcprrtv lJail Anrount: $- B-35 ttL-lNlL&l tt4 riNI A(}ENCY CASIINO.: 20141-ClD4-50003602 9704460 CONTROL NO.: 24-04783-CR SlATE OF TEXAS VS, EZER ANTONIO MONTIEL Count Qjlbug I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN'rHtrNAMFlANDltY I'HEAUlllORl lY Ol;1I lL SIAI E Ol: l tiXAS lhc (lrand J urors tbt tlre County ot DI l'aso, State ol ltxas. duly orgrurizcd as such, at thc January Ternr, n,D., 1024, of lhe 1 tlr Judicial District Coun lbr said Coun ty, upor thcir oaths in said (:ourt. presenl that on or about thc 12th day oiApril, 20:4, and arrlcrior to lhe prcscntrncnt ol'this indiclntent, in the C'ount1' o l'El Paso rnd Statc e[ ltxi]s, EZER ANTONIO MON tlllt-, hcreinafter rel'erred to irs [)efcndant. Paragraph A did then and there knowingly participalc in an assemblage of seven or mor€ pcrsons, knowing that il was resulting in conduct that created an immediate danger of damage lo property; Paragraph B did the[ and there knowingly participatc in an assenrblage of seven or more p€rsons, knowing thal it was resul]ing in conduct that substanlially obstructed low enforcemenll Paragraph C did then and thcre knowingly participatc in an assemblage of seven or morE persons, knowing that it was resulting in cqnduct that substantially obstructed a goyernmental lunction or service ofTexas Army National Guard personnel, AGAINS'I''IIII] PI].ACE AND DICNI'IY OF'ITIE S]'ATE. rand Jury ForePerson l"-iled the _ 8r ) 'l I lltr S'IATE OI: F.XAS COLINTY oI] I]I, PASo gtfics, Given under nty hand and scal of I ceniry that lhe ftrregoing is a true and conect copy of rhc original lndictmenl on tile in nry rhr. coun ar my oficJin El Paso, Texas on th. MAY 2 42821----- Dclia Briones I Coun Clerk El Paso County, Tc t]rr Dr'puty Bail Amount: $ t B-36 RL--IN I)ICl'M F.N I AGENCY CASE NO.: 202.11-ClD4-50003602 9704395 CONTRO|. NO.:24_04786_CR STATE OF TDXAS vs. LUIS JOSE N4ORA Count Offense I RIOl' I'ARTICIPATION IN THE NAME AND BY THE AIJ-IHORITY OF T}IE S'TAI'E OF TEXAS The Gland -luron for thc County of El Paso, State of Texas, duly organized as such, at rhe January ltrm, A.D., 2024, ot'lhc ZU:' -Jttdicial District Court for said County, upon lhcir oaths in said Coun, present that on or about the l2lh 6uy of April, - - .Jand 2024, anterior to thc presentmen( of this indictment, in the County ofEl Paso and Stare ofTcxas, l-UIS JOSE MORA, hercin;fle; refuned to as Defendant, Parue,raph A did thcn and there knowingly partioipate in un assemblage of seven or nrore persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that created an immcdiate danger ofdumage to property; Paragmph B did then and there knowingly panicipate in an asscmblagc of seven or nore pcrsons, kno\ying thtt it was resulting in conduct that substanlially obslrucled law cnforcement; Paragraph C did then and lhere kno\r'ingly panicipate in an asscrnblagc ofseven or more persons, knowing that it rvas resulting in condud that substantially obstructed a governnlental Iunction or service ofTcxas Anny National Cuad personncl. AGAINS l'lllti PIIACL AND l)l(iNlI'Y Ol" ]'tlE 51A1 D. Z: Crand Jury Forcperson Filcdthc MAY 2 t uv 0lrrnr',rl I'l- ll, lla r7--__ DepE-- i1'- \-,, THE STATE oI]'IEXAS COUNTY OF EL PASO I certify that the foregoing is a true and corrccl coD\ of the original lndictnlerrt on file in nry crllicc. Given under rny hand and scal ol the coun at n1y oflice in El Paso,'l'exas on thc MAY ? lt ?Ml, Delia Elriones Coun Clcrk Fll Paso County, Bt l)eput), lllil Arn()unt: S B-37 BI:INDJEIMEN I A(iF]NCY cn st) No 202.1t-C IDI-50001 602 9704392 ( ()N Ol. N().r 24-04 7lllt-( R STATE OF TEXAS VS, ULISES JOSE Ol,IVEROS Count Ofl'ensc I RIOT PARTICII'A]'ION IN l'tlE NAME AND BY TtlD AUTITORTTY OF't'HE S'[AIIr Ot.-t EXAS 'l]te.( [it1r{, Jurors lbr the County ol El Paso, State of]axss, duly organized as such, ar rhc January Tcnn, A.D., 202.1, ol the I lU"' .Judicial Dis(rict Coun for said County, upon lheir oaths in said Coun. prcsent that on or about rh€ l2th day ofApril, 1024, and anterior to the presentment of this indictrnent, in rhe Counry of El Paso aud Statc ol Texas, IJLISES JOSI, OifVOffftS, hereinafter referred to as Defeodant, Paragraph A did then and thcre knowi,lgly panicipate in an assemblage of scven or morc persons, knowing lhat it was resultilg in colduct that crcated Un imrnediate dalgcr ofdanlage to propeny, Paritgr ph B did thcn and there knoryingly panicip[te in Bn lssemblage of seven or rrore pcrsons, knowing thut it was resultirg in conduct that substantially obstructed law enlbrcement; l'aragrrph (' did then and therc knowingly panicipate in an asscmblage of sevcn or more persons, knowing thal it was rcsulting in conducl that substontially obslructcd r governnrcnlul funclion or ssrvicc olTcxusArrry National (iuard personntl, AGAINST TTIE PEACE AND DICNITY OF THE STATE. --,.. d Jury [oreperson r.ired rhe - [lgf. LLJA\| By I)eputy Illti stxrE or rFlxAs COL'NTY OtI III, PASO I certili, rhat lhe tbrcgoilg is a truc and correcl capy.gl lhc origirral lndictrncnt on lilc in nty oflicc. Civen undcr my hand and scal of tn" the cuun at nry otlicc irr L-l Paso, Tcxus on [lAY 2 {-212t-- Dclia Briones Court Clerk lil Paso Counay, T l)) Deputy llail Arrrount: S B"38 RllN l)rcl Mr.rNt' ( Y CAS ().: l 241-C ID.l- I 2,1-0J 79 S-TATE OF TEXAS vs. JOSE SNEYDER OIIDONEZ Ceunt Oflunse I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OtJ TIIE STATE OT TEXAS lhc Crnnd Jurors for lhe Counry of El Paso, Slate of Texas, duly organiircd as such, at th€ January'lbnn, A.D.,2024, ol thc , 12{& Judicial District'Court lor sairl County, upon their o;ths ln saidCoun, present thaton oiabout the l2th day ofApril, 2024, and antcrior ro thc presentment of this indictrnent, in thc County of El Paso and Stat€ of Texas, JOSE SNEYDER ORDONEZ, hereinalier relbrred to as Defendanr, l']aragraph A clid then and lhcre Lno\yingly participate in an asscmblagc of scven or nore persons, knowing that it was rcsultilg in aonduct that creatcd an irnnleditllc danger ofdaulagc lo propcny; lhragraph B did thcn and lhcrc knowingly participate in an assernhlagr ol'scven or nlorc pcrsons, knowiog lhat it was resulting in conduct thut substantially obstrucled law enfbrcement; l'aragraph C did the|r and there knowingly parlicipatc in an assemblage of seven or nlore petsons, knowin8 lhat it was resultinB in conducl that substantially obslrucled a g,overnmental function or scrrice of'lexas Army National Cuard pcrsonnel, ACAINSI llll: PIIACE AND DIGNIlY Ol;1l1L STA1'[. .-----' ---'a--Z .'---.. Grand Jury l"orcpcrson rilcrl rhc-[[f-]_{ffi Iit Depul)' TI IE STAI'E OF TI-]XAS COTJNTY OF EL PASO I ccrtify that the foregoing is a true and correct c ot thc ori inrl lndictrncnt on lilc in nty ollicc. Civcn trnder nty hand and scal ol' tlrc c(run at my otfice in El Paso, Texas on the Delia Llriones Court Clcrk El Paso County, B) l)rPut)' llail Arreunt: S B-39 R L.I Nl)lt t M t:N I AGENCYCASENO.: 20241-C lD4-50003602 __ 9704451 CON,I.ROL NO.: 24-0479S-CR STATE OF TEXAS VS. LUIS FERNANDO ORTIZ Count Otlense I RIoT PARIICIPAI]ON IN THE NAMF] AND BY THE AU'I'HORII'Y OF THE S ATE O}'I'EXAS 1'hc Cjrnrl Jurors lbr lhc County of El Paso, State of 1!x6s, duly oryanized as such, at the January 'lbmr, A.D,, 2024, of the _--.lZU,'t l"dicicl l)islrict Coutl lbr said County, upon thcir oaths in said Coun, present thar on oraboutthe I2th day of Aprit, 2024, aod anterior to ihe presentnlent of this indictrnent, in the CounD. of El Paso and State of'fcxas, LUIS rERNANDb ORilZ, hereinatlcr refened to as Defendant, I)aragraph A did en and there knowingly panicipale il an asscmblage of seven or rnore persons, knowing lhat ii was resulring in conduct that created an imrnediate danger ofdamage t() property; Paragraph I) did then and thorc knowingly participale in an asscnrblagc ol scven or nrorc persons, knowing that it ryss resulting in conduct that substanlially obstructcd law enforcemenr; l)aragraph C did thcn and lhurc knowingll- purlicipatc in an asscnrblage of sevcn or rnorc pcnions, kno\ying thut it rras resulting in conduct that substantiirlly obslructcd a governmenlal Iinction or scrvice ol Jtx0s Am1)' Nalional Guard pcrsorrnel, A(;AINST THE PEACEAND DIGN II'Y OF TI'I t., SIAIL Crand Jury Forcperson Filetl thc MAI 2 tr 2021 lJl 0hovrrl U rlrll,r r;piv -t HE SIArE OF l tiXAS J I COUNTY OF Et, PASO I certiry that lhe foregoing is a true and crrrrect copy of the original lndictnrent on file in my oliice. Civen under my hand and scal of thc coun irt my ollicc in hl l'aso, Tcxas un thc l)elia Llriolcs Coun Clerk lll l)nso Counl\,. ll) I D.p,,t) I Ilail All]ounl: l; I B"40 RE-lNDICl'l!ltiNl AGENCY CASFj NO.: 2 02..11-('t I){-5000 ll60l 9704199 CON 'I R( )1. N().: 24-0 479n-CR SIA|E OF TEXAS VS, ELEAZAR ISAAC PACHECo Count Qffcnsg I RIOT PARTICI PATION IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTIIORITY OF TI IE S'TATE OI' 'TEXAS The Grand,Jurors fgr. t!1S.'olrnty of El Paso, State of Texas, duly oryanized as such, aI the January Tcnn, A.D.,2024, of the --- -l?L)tn . ludi(ial District Coun for said County, upon their oaths in said Court, pressnt rhat on oiabout the l2th day ;fAprjl, 2024, and snterior to the presentment of this indicrment. in the Counry of El Paso and State of Texas, ELEAZAR ISAAC pActlEbO, hereinafter refened to as Delendant, Paragraph A did then and thcre knowintly panicipatc in an asxmblage of scven or more persons, kDowing that it was rcsulting in colduct thar created an inrnrediale danger of damage to property; Paragraph B did thcn and lhere knowingly panicipate in an asscmblage of seve[ or more persons, knowing thst it rvas resulting in conduct that substantial Iy obstructcd ls\y enforcement; I)aragraph C did thcn and therc knowingly panicipate in an assenrblagc of seven or more persons, knowing that it rvas rcsulting in conducl thal suhstantially obstnrcled a Bovernurcntal Iunction or service ol'Texas Anny Natiorrll Cuard personnel, A(iAlNSl Tl tE t'UA( U ANI) t)t(iNll Y Or THU SIATt-. .--==7 (jrdrd Jur)' lorcpcrson liiled thc MAY 2 q 202{ ll:" 0horul ---1J' u.rJr D"E.:,ti r [[n' THE S]ATE OI' TEXAS COUN'IY oF EL PASO I ceniry rhat lhe foregoing is a true and correcl copy ol'the original lndictmenl on file in rny trllice. Given undcr rny hand and seal of llre court at rry olllce in M Paso, Tcras on the lilAY_+f rn7!, l)clia llrioncs ( oun Clcrk I [:l Paso Coult), I ll) -..-. : Dcpuly I I BailAnrounl S-- B-41 Rli-tNDlc'IM LI.t_l AQjlNeY-tQllE No.: 202.11-CID4-50003602 9704406 CONTRoL No.: 24-04800-CR STATE OI;'I'DXAS VS. III]IDER JEFRED PALACIOS Count Offense I RIOT PARTICIPATION ,I}{li tN NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OI; TI,IE SlATE OF TEXAS lhc Crand Jurors tbr the County ol'El Paso, St&te of llxas, duly organized as such, ar the Januory Terrn, A.D., 2024, of the . --J 2{l ir-lrdicial District coun lbr said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, present that on oiabout Oc l2th day of Aprit, 2024, aiiiYnterior to the presrntment of this indictlnent, in the Counry of Lll Paso and Siare of Texas, HEIDER JEFRED PALACIbS, hereinafter refcned to as Dcfendant, ['alagraph A did lhen and thcrc knowingly panicipate in an assenlblage of seven or nrore penonsr knowing thal it was resulting in conduct that created an immediate danger ofdamage to propenyi l)flragraph ts did thcn and there knouingly panicipate in an assenrblage olseven or more persons, knowing that it rvas resulting in co duct rhat substantially obstructed law enforcementi l'aragraplr C did then and therc knowingly pilrticipatc in an assemblage ofsevcn or llore persons, knowing that il \ras rcsullhg in conduct that substantially obstructed a governrnertal tunclion or scrvice of Texas Army National Guard personnel, ACAINSI' I III] PEACT] AND I)ICNI'fY OF TI]E SIATE ffia-aJ,,,y-- r-.lrerion !iled the Y 14?n?[ I|) 0 krnrr) Nl.tJrllu, ,-6-l' -MA 'l l tE slxfE olj ltaxAs L]oUN'I'Y OF EI- I'ASC) I lertify that the lbregoing is a tr uc irnd correcl c()Dv oi thc oriEin al lndictmeot on tile in my oflice. Given under my hurd and seal of lhe courl at my office h El Paso, 'rt'n. un ttrcMAY'2 4 ?02I Delia Briones Coufl Clcrk []l Paso Counry, llr 'fl\n r",{tu,rJ,ll.-: I D"prtyv-:l I llail A[rourrt: $ I B-42 RE.INDICTME!{[ A(itiN('Y (' ASE N().r20241 -c'll)4-50 44'7 0 {) N -0.1 STATE OF TtlXAS vs. WILSON SALVADO PAI,ENCIA Count Olfense I ITIOI' PARI'ICIPATION IN 'THE NAME AND tsY'THE AUTHORITY OIJ T}IE STATE OF TEXAS The lor the Counly of El Paso, State of Tcxas, duly organized as such, at thc January Tcnn, A.D., 2024, of th1' $rarrd,Jurors I Jud ic ial Dislrict Coun for said Counly, upon the ir oaths in said Courl, present that on or about th€ l2th day - --lZLf' 2024, of April, and aDterior lo the prescntrnent of this indictrnent, in the County of El Paso and Srate of Texas, WTLSON SALVADO PALItrNCIA. hereinatler referrcd to as Defendant, Paragraph A did then and lhcre knowingly panicipate in an assemblage of scven or morc persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that created an immediate danger ofdatnage to property; Paragraph B did thcn and therc knowirlgly participate in an asscntblage ol scvcn or rnore persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in contluct that substantially obslructed larv entbrcemenl; I'aragraph C did then and there knowingly purlicipatc ir an asscmblage of seven or rnorc p*solls, knowing that it \ryas resulting in conduct thilt substantially obstrucled a govomnrental funclion or service of 'l'exasArnry Nationll Guard personncl, ACAINST TTII] PEACE AND DICNITY oIJ 'I I]t] S-IAI t] Z2 Grand Jury l'Qrcpersr'rn F-ircti ,IHE thc )lAY ? 4 ?ML S ATE OI. IIX S lll' *r:u 0hoo,rl u"\)rtlN COIjN]'Y OF EL PASO I cenify that thc foregoing is a lrue and correct c of thc original lndictment on lile iu nry oflice. Given undcr rny hand and seal ol' thc coun at nry otTicc in Ll l'aso, lbras on the Delia Briones Coun Clerk El Paso Counly, Tc [:}\ I )cpu(\ v_- o ,rf rtrJ,JJr--' fUn Bail Amount; S B-43 Rlr-t NDICTMI,]N'I' AGENCY CASE NO.; 20241-ClDl-50001602 9704410 _ CON.|.ROL NO.;24_04805-CR SIA|E OT TEXAS vs. JOSI] DARIO PAZ C-ag1! Oflcnse I RIOT PARTICIPAIION IN ]'HE NAME AND BY THtJ AUTHORITY OF TIIE STATE OF TEXAS 'l'he .lexqs, Srp,pd,Junrrs for (he County of El Paso, Statc ol duly organized as such, at rhe January'lbrm, A.D., 2024, of thc District Court lor said County, upon lheir oaths in said Coun, prcsent that on or about the l2th day of April, ----14)u'-ludicial 202.1, and anlerior to thc prescnhncnt of this indicnnsnt, in lhe County of El Paso and Stare of Texas, JosE DARIo pAZ, hereinilier rcfened to as Defendant, Parlgrnph A did then and thcre knowingly participate in an asscntblage ol scven or nrore pcrsons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct lhal crcalcd an immediate dangcr ofdamage lo property; l'rrrgraph l] did then and there knowingly pBnicipale in an assemblagc ol'seven or nlore persons, knowirg that it was rcsulting ir cond[cr thal subslanlially obstructed law enforccmcnl; l'alaB,raph C did thcn ard there knowirlgly p0rticipate in an assemblage ol seven or nrorc peruons, koowing that it was resulting in conduct that substantially obstrucled a governtllental tunction or scrvice r.rl lcxas Artny National Cuurd psrsonnel, AGAlNSl rlll, PIA( t, AND DIONITY OIj 1 l{h Sl Al l-l zrand Jury Forcperson ------1 Filcd thc MAY 2 4 7n?( Br'-: t l t slxl E olj fExAS Dcputy J couNt'Y ot, EL PASO l'"JliH:llil",p;""';,- itxJt:ll"::ffi":"P{Av,t_uilii:,,-j"'-::l'"*':o'"*:Illilli:il Delia Brioncs Coun Clerk El Paso Cou[ty IJ) t)cFuty Iln il Amounl: $ B-44 1n B!:INUIEIMENI acEN(l@ 9704427 coNTRol. No.: 24-04807-cR SIATE OF TEXAS VS DANIIJL At-EXANDER PERI]II(A q.qul!! Offense I RIOT PARTICIPAIION IN 'I},IE NAME AND ItY'I'IIE AUTHORITY Or'rIIE S'TATE OF TEXAS lhe Crand Jurors for tlte (ounty of El Paso, Slate of Texas, duly organizcd as such, at the January l'erm, A,D., 2024, of (hc .l lU:t Judicial District Coun for said County, upon thcir oaths in said (--oun, present that on or aboul thc l2th day of April. - .' 202'1. and anterior to the prcscntrnent of this irrdictrnel1t, in the Counl-y of EI Paso and Stare oi lexas, DANIEI. AI-EXANDER PERflRA, hereinafler ref'ercd (o as Defcodant, I'aragraph n did then and there knowingly panicipatc in an asscmblage of seven or morc p€rsons, knolving, thal it was rcsulting in conduct lhat created an immediale danger ol'danrage lo propcrty; Parrgraph B did thcn and lhere knowingly panicipate in an assemblage of seven or mor€ pcrson\ knowing that it was rcsulting in co[duct lhat substutially obstructed law enforcenrent; l'arrgruph C did then and lherc knowingly participate in an assenrblage of seven or Dlorc pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct lhnt subst ntially obstructed a govrlrnnrcnlal tirrrction or servicc of lcxas Anny National Ciuald pcrsonnel, A(;AlNSl 'l Ht PliA(:ti ANt) DICNr'tY Otr tl lE Slxt-ti. Crand Jury Forepcrson Filcd lhc MAY 2 { 2021 ll! 0houul U.LLUs D"lE llttt stAI Ii ol: l l:xAS J CoI.'N'I'Y OIT DI, I)AS() l#lii'.'llil:n'.:"1'E i:"iJ:t:f #ffi"""1{Al'T "{''r}1 i"'' Delia llriones Coun Clcrk El Paso Counry, tl) I)cprrty I uu',ou'nun,, $- B -45 R t-_- tNt) l( l NI A(lEN(lY CASLI No.: 20241-ClD4-5Q0Ql6!f 91044 t'7 CONl' NO.:2{-0J 80e-( R slxlE OI l EXAS vs. ANGIJLO MOISES POLANCO Count Ofl'ensc I RIOT PARTICIPATIoN lN l l l NAMt. AND Uy t. E AUTUORn.Y otr . lE s lA.rn ot: t.oxAs The.{i[ilq4 Jurors ltrr tltc County ol El Paso, Srate of.lexas, duly organizcd as such, ar the January 'lerm, A.D., 1024, ol the i i, JuJicial l)islricl Coun for said County, upon thcir oaths in ssid Coun, preseDl that on or about the l2th day ofApril, i'OU'1, an,l-unt"ti;, ro the presentrnenr ofthis indictnreni, in rhe Courty olEl paso and State ofTexas, ANGULO MOISES POLANCO, hcrcinufter reterrcd to as I)clbndant, Paragraph A did then and thcre knorvingly panicipate il an assembhge of seven or more persons, knowing that it rvas resulting in conduc( that crcaled an immediate danger ofdarnage to propeny; Paragraph B did then and thcrc knowilrgly panicipate in un ruscmblagc ol'seven or nrore pcrsons, knowing lhat it was rirsulting in conduct that subslantially obst! uctccl law enforcement; f'alagraph C did then and there lnowing)y panicipate in urt assentblage of seven or morc persons. knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct that subslanlially ohstructed a govemmcnlal lunction or scrvicc ofTcxai Anny National (iuard personncl, ACAINS'ITHE PEACE AND DIGNITY OF TIIE STATE, ./ -.-'_ -4.- -.1.-- I ---i.' (irand Jury lioreperson Filed rhe MAY 2 { 202r, t}y; DePutY -:- 0hu..rl U.U,(luitr-_'-_- I\) I Ttlltr S'IATE OF TDXAS COUNTY OF IrL PASO I ceniry that rhe tbregoing is a true and conect copy ofthe original lndictment on file in my oflice. Given under my hard and seal of thc coun ot nry ollicc in li.l Paso, 'lixas on the Z+ -- I4AL Delia []rioncs Coun Clerk Ll Paso Counly, 'lb It: I)cput) Bail ,\rnount: $ B-46 7 trZlOcnr8" l Cr'' , I{lr-lNDlCTMIiN I A(i t:NCY CASE NO.: 202 4 r-(' 14.50003 7014t9 ( ()N lt{( )t. N() .:24-U4 797-CIt S TAIE OF TEXAS VS, ANGEL EDUARDO QUIN'I'ERO Coun! Ollense I RIOl'PARI]CIPAfION lN 'l lll., NAMI ANI) I]Y llll, At,lHORI'l Y()tr tllt, StAt l: Ot; ft:XAS lhc (irand Jxrors for lhe County ol El t'aso, State of Tcxas, duly organized as such, at rhe Januar} 'ltnll, A.D., 2024, of rhe lrOicial District C'oun for said County, upon their oaths ir said Court, present that on or obout rhe l2th day of April, -JZ(r"' 20?4' and anterior lo lhe prescDtnrcll of this indiclnrcnt, in the Counry of F]l Paso and Statc of Texas, ANOEL EDUARDO QtllNl liRO, hereinaller relcncd to s Detcndanl, Paruglraph A did rhcn and thtrc knorvingly participate in an assernblage ol'ssven or morc persons, knowing that it was resulring in conduct lhat created m irnmcdiatc danger ol darnuge to propeny; Pirr graph ll did thcn and there knowingly panicipate irt an asscrnblagc of scven or more persons, kno\ving that it was rcsulting in conduci that substanlially obslruclcd larv c'rrlbrcement; Paragraph (' did therr and therc knowingly participate in an assenrblage of seven or morc persons! knowing thlt it was rcsulting in corducl that subslantially obstructed a govcrnmental tLnction or scrvicc uf 'l'cxas Arnry National Guard personnel, ACAINSl' IHII PLACE AND DICNI f Y OF TllL s lAl l: ..?..\ ffio-/--turT t'orcp"ison Irilcd rhe MAY 2 tl ? t? t, tsy 0hovrt u.Urlln l)cpuly d' TI IIi SIAI'L OI] l'EXAS COUNTY OI-' EI- PASO ri e in mv ofrrce civcn und:1111::li l#::i'"':il,$:ii:"fil'li i:;i:i::ll"::ffi_lMtztsd{lll Delia Brioncs Coun Clerk El Paso Couflty, ]c By, Dcputy Ilail,Anrounl: $ B-47 l(tj-INDICTMtTN l' AGENCYCASENO.: 20241.C1D4-50003602 9704a01 CONTRoL NO.; 24-04799-CR S'IXTE OF 'I'EXAS vs. SEBASl'IAN ANDRES QUINTERO Count Olltrse I RIOT PARTICIPAllON IN THE NAME AND BY 1}IE AU'|HORII'Y O1.'T}IE S'TATE OF TEXAS 'l'he Qrplfr,Prors for lhe County of El Paso, State ol' Icxas, duly organizcd as such, at the January Tenn, A.D., 2024, of the I ZV"' Judicial District Court for said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, prcscnt that on or about the l2th day ofApril, :OZd-a-nt anrerio, to the presentmenl of rhis indictrneni, in the County of El Paso and Srate of'l'exrs, SEBASTIAN ANDRES QUINl'ERO, hereinafler referred to as Dcfendanr. l'aragraph A did thcn and there knowingly panicipale in an assenblagc ofscven or nrorc pcnons, knowing that il was resultirrg in conduct that crcated on immcdiate d0ngcr ofdarnagc to propcrty; l'aragraph ll did then and there knowingly parlicipate in an assernblagc of seven or more persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct that substantially obstructed law enforcemcnt; Paragraph C did then and there knowingly purticipatc in an assentblage of seven or llore pcrsons! knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct thal substanli0lly obstructsd a govcrnmentnl tirnction or scrviuc ol Te)(as Army National Cuard pcrsonnel, ACAINS I lllh PIlA(.ll AND Dl(iNl lY OIIrllt: SlAf!i. I .? --.. -/.-. -"t-,t' t-i raiil-h ry [orcpcrson Filcd lhc MAY 2 \ 2021 B) 0kurul u -t,,/r1hL 'f tl slAI'l] oF TEXAS Deputy c' (]OUN'I'Y OI] EL PASo I cc,rlify that the foregoing is a true and correct cppy.pflhc- t-rriginal lndictrnent on file in rny ollice. Civen undcr nry hard and seal of rhe corin at rny oflicJin L-l Puso, Texas on rrre MAY 2 { 1l?l Delia []rioncs Coun Clerk EI Paso Cou Ily Dcputy B ilAnrount: $ B-48 TNDICTMENT AGENCY CASE NO.r 9704322 CONTROL NO,: 24-04670-CR STI\TE OF TEX S vs. N,ELVIN ISMAHI, ZURITA (i)unt Offensc I RIOT PARTICJP^T]ON IN THE NAME AND BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STi\TE OIr TEXAS Thc.lCg1p$Jurors for lhe Corflly of Et Paso, Statc trf Tcxas, duly organize.d as such, al thc January ]'crm, A.D., 2024, of rhe -- l ZU" Judicral l)islrict Coun for said County, upon their oaths in said Coun, prsscnt that on or about rhc l2(h day of April, i0-2-4,and anrerior to lhc prcsenhncnl of rhis indictment, in Ihe County of E! Paso and Sratc of Tcxas, MELVIN ISMAEL ZURITA, hercinafter rcferrctl lo as Dcfendunl, Paragraph A did then and thcrc knowingly participEtc in on asscmblage of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it was rcsulthrg in conducl that crested an imnlediale danger ofdamagc to propcrtyi Paragraph B did then ond therc kno\vingly participat9 in an assemblagc ofscven or rnore pcrsons, knowing thrt il was resulting in conduct thot substantially obslructcd luw enforccment: Paragraph C did lhcn and lhcre knowingly panicipate in an ussernblage ofscvcn or rroro psrsons, knorving that it was rcsultiDg in corduct lhat substantially obstructed u govcnrlrrerrtal funclion or servrce of'fc)ias Arnry N0lional Cuard porsonncl, AGAINST THll PliACu ANl) l)l(;NIl Y OIj THh SI'AI Li Crand Jury lrorcpcrson I-ilcrl thr liAY2\)nL Llv 0huu\ kr.Llr(l Depu'Ii' g TIIF] STATE OI.'TEXAS COUNTY OF Et, I'ASO copv of rhfilflai?rrfl0tTnt on nrc iI) nrv ofticc civcn und(r r v h.nd sear ol 'nd I,,::::r"'f l,$""i:::'ll'li ili l1:;':'.,t":l'irect I I)c lia llriortt's ( oun ( lt'rk Uail Anrounlr S llyi *---r- tll Paso counr,'rlr\ L-* l^* 0 nu),1 B-49 RE.INDICTM]]N I' A(il:N(l Y CASti No,:2 02.r t.cll)4-5000 .t 602 9704456 (oN l Rot. N(). 2.1. 802-CR S]AI'E OI. 'IF-XAS vs. DEIKt;lt DAVID RAMIREZ (iurnt Otlerlse I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN THE NAME AND BY ]'tIT.) AIJ'I}IORII'Y OI' TIIE S'TATE OF TEXAS 1-heaG4ntlnJurors lor lhc ( ourlly ol El Paso. State of Teras, duly organized as such, ar rhe January Tenn, A.D., 2024, of thc I zl-\./- --Jud ic ial Disl ricl Coun for said County, upon lheir oaths in said Coun, prcsent rhat on or about the I 2th day of April, 2024, and anlcrior to lhe presenhrent of this indictmenr, in thc County of El Paso and State of Texas, DlllKER DAVID RAMIREZ, hereinafter rct'ercd to s Del'cndant, Paragraph A did then and there knowingly Participate in an assemblage of seven or more persons, knowing thar it was resulting in conduct that created an inrmediate dangcr ofdamage to property; Paragraph B did thsn and therc knowingly p nicipate in rn issemblage of seven or rnore persons, knowing that il was resulting in conduct thal substantially obstrucled law enforcsment; l'lragraph C did therr and thcre knowingly participate in an assernblagc of seven or more persons, knowing (hat it was resulting in conduct lhEt suhstantially obstructcd a g,overnrnental tirnction or sErvics o,"fexas Arnly Natiorral Cuard prrsonncl, AGAINS'f 'II]E PLA('I' ANI) t)ION I I Y OF 1'IIE SI'AII]. --.-.: /,---..' ciirro iury For.p"rron lriled the _t4At_24 Iln.r UTT-t l]) OJn lrul u -t/,/h' 'I1 IE STA TE OF ]'EXAS l)cpuLv d' CO(JNTY OF EI, PASO I cenify rhat the foregoing is a true and eorr€cr copy of the original lndictruent on file in my office. Given under my hand and seal of thc coun at tlly o,llce ir El Paso, Te\ar(nrlhelllY, r1Fir r -IL,n,L a,u(!l Delia B ('oun C lerk ;["''''fi[rrr2hJ tl Paso uv: Dcputy 0 W []ail Amounl: $_ I B-50 l:-lNDl (itiN('Y -c Il).1 -5 000:1601 65 N I ROL NO.: l -l-0t808-( R S'I-ATE OF TTJXAS VS, JOSUT' RAFAEL ROMERO Count C)rlensc I RIOT PARTICII'A'fIoN IN 'THE NAMI AND BY TIIE AUTHORII'Y OF THE S1ATE OF TEXAS the {i4ylrt{urrrrs t'or lhe County of lil Paso, State of'lexas, duly organizcd as such, at lhe January Teml, n.D., 2024, of the I ZV-' Judicitrl [)istrict Courl tbr said County, upon their oaths in said Courl, prescnt thal on or aboul the I2th rhy ofApril, :O:a, an,i aniiiio, ru thc presentment of this indictrneirt, in the County of El Paso and State of 'l!xas, JOSUE RAl.AL,t, RoMU{O, hereinafter rclcrrcd to as Dcfcndanl, Paragraph A did then ald therc knowirtgly participate in an assemblage of scvcn or nrorc persons! knowing that il was resulting in conduct lhat crcated an inrnrediate dangcr ol d8magc to property; Paragruph Il did thcn and therc knowilgly participatc in an assemblugc ol seven or rnore persons, knowing that it was resulting, in conduct th1l sIbslantially obslruclcd ln\.v cntbrccrnentl l'aragraph C clid thcn ald thEre knowingly panicipate in an assenrblagc of scven or nrore persons, knowing that it was resulting in conducl rhur substantially obstructed u govenrrrrental function or service ofTcxas Anny Nntional Guard personncl, A(iAlNS l IHE PIlACtt AND t)lCN lTY OF lflE SIATI.: Jury froreperson I liilcd the MAY 2 { 2021 lJr I I lll S lA11: OF I'[Xn S Co[JN'fY OI] t] T. PASo Indiutnren'| on firc in mv ofrce Given undcr mv hard and searor l,:"Iy.'lll'1".f#;M ffi:?::li"::[:'"11t?' ?"{'ffi21 Delia Briones Coun Clcrk El Paso Counly, "lcxas By 0-0n, ,ur x uMJ,L/,-' l)cputy 0 Bail Amount: $__ B- 51 R ti-l N l) tcTM It N t' A(iEN('Y (' ASE NO. i 202 4l-cl t)4-50001602 97044 t1 ('0N l- R( )l- NO.: 2.1 I E t0-( t{ SlA'IE OF l-EXAS VS. RAMON HEBERTo RUIZ Count Ofl'cuse I RIOT I'ARTICIPATION IN I'HTJ NAME AND BY ]'HE AUTI IORITY OF THE STAI'E O}' I'IJXAS 'l'he for.the Counly of Ul Paso, slatc of Tcxfls, duly oryanized as such, at the Januery Term, A.D., 2024, of rhe fgfittlurorsludicisl I ZV"- District Coun for said County, upon their oarhs in said Coun, prcsent thar rrn oiabout the l2th day ofApril, 202'l' and anlerior to the presentment of this indictrncnr, in the Counry of El Paso and State of 'l'cxas, RAMON HEBERio RUIZ, hereinaller relbrred lo as Delendant, Paragraph A did then and there knovringly Panicipate in an asscmblage of scven or nrorc persons, knowing rhat it was resulting in conduct that created an irnnrediate danger ofdetnage to property; Paragraph B did then and there knowingly panicipatc in an assenblage of seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it was resulring in conduct that substantially obstructed law enforccnent; Paragraph C did lhen and there knowingly p,rrticiptls in an assenrblage ofscven or rnorc pcrsons, knowints that it was resulting in coDduct (hat substantially obstrucled a governnrcntal lunction or service ol 1'cxas Army National (iuard persontrel, A(iAINSI I'IIIi I'F-ACE AND DIGNIl'Y OIT TIIt' S'IAI'IJ ) //? -1- Jury Forcpcrson I:iledthc-MAYru By 0 Vrn-ru I Deputy J I llli S l;\ I ti (l[ l [:-XAS ('()r,NTY OF I]_ Pn So I ceniry that the forcgoing is a true and correct ol'the original Indictment on lile in nry oflice. (iiven undcr rny hand and seal of the coun al my officc irt Ill Paso, Texas on the Dclia ljriones Court Clrrk El Paso Counly, 'lb B) Dcpuly Bail Anrount: $ I I B-52 RT-INDICTMEN'I A( il N( Y (' ASI) N().: l02.ll-('l I)4-50(,0-1602 9104409 coN rROt, No.: 24 -04{t I 3-CR STA TE OIT TEXAS VS ENDERSON JOSE Sll-VA (lount Offense I RIOT PARTICIPAI'ION IN 'I'I,II] NAME AND I]Y I}IL AUI'IIORITY OF l'HE SIAI'E O}'TEXAS 'I {;lqnd,nfurors t'or llte Counly ol Fjl Paso, state of'ltxas, duly orgunized as such, at lhe Januar} hc 'l'erm, A,D., 2024, of thc I ..'U-' Judicial District Court tbr said County. upon lheir oaths in said Coun, present that ott or about lhc l2th day ofApril, 202a, ana anicrlor to thc prcsentnrcnt of this indictrnint, in thc County of El Paso and State of Tcxas, INDI]RSON JoSE SII.VA, hereinalier rclcrred to as Defcndant, Paragraplt A did then and there knowingly panicipate in an assemblage ol'seven or morc pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that created an imrnediate danger ofdanlage lo propcrty; Paragraph ll did then and lhcre knowingly panicipatc in an assenblage ef seven or more persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct lhat substanlially obstructcd law enforcemcDt; l)aragraph (' did then and there knorvingly paflicipate in an asscmt:lagc of scven or morc persons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that subsldntially obstructed a govcnrmental function ur scrvicc r.)f'li'xas Army National (iuur<l pcrsolnel, A(iAINS',l l tIU PUAL I-. AND DIGNrl Y otr 1l i 51ArU. ..--.-| Crand Jury lioreperson Filed the ll! , 0\nnr.ult{"t D"p,,F--,--U- tr/1,1 I tlU S IAI L OF TEXAS ('ot)N rY ()1, II_ PASO Delia Briones Coun Clcrk El Paso County, Te Br I l)cpul) BailAnrountr li B- 53 RE.INDICTMENT AQENCY CASE NO.: 20241-ClD4-50003602 9704418 CON'IROL NO.: 24-048t7-CR slAt E Ot t-EXAS vs. JoSE AN'IONIO 'I ORRLLI,ES I qlu!! Q$eus I RIOT PARTICIPATION IN 1]][i NAME ANt) BY'I'I]!] AU IHORI'I'Y Ot."I"IIE S]ATD OII-TEXAS lhc. Grand Juror s lbr the County ol' El Paso, Stato ol 'lcxas, dul1, organized as such, al the January 'ltrm, A.D., 2024, of thc r.(-)iir Judicial District Coun lor said Couttl,', upon thcir oaths in said Coun, presenl that on or about the l2lh day ol April, 2024, and anterior to tlrc presentrnent ofthis indicnncnl, in the County oF El Paso and State ofTexas, JOSE ANTONIO l ORRELLES, hereinafler referred to as Delendant, l)orugraph A rlid thcn and therc knowingly piulicipale in an assentblugc of sevcn or r)ore persons, knowing that it wus resultilg in conduct thar r,rca(ed an inrmediirtc danger ol'damagc to propenyl I'ura3lraph [] did then and thcrc knowingly participate in an assernblage of seven or more persons, knowing that it rvas resulting in conduct thal subslantially obstructed law cnforcement; l'aragraph C did then and thcrc knorvingly panicipat€ in all asscmblage of scven or morc persons, knolring that it was resulting in condlrcl that substantially obstruc(od a govcrnnrctltal lunction or sctvice t)l'Texas Anny Nalional Guard pcrsontrcl, ACAINST l I|ti PFACE AND DIGNI'I-Y OT IHE S]AI'E. (l@r.br.p.'r", I:ilcd the _ MAY 2 T ?n? I lJ1 Ilcputy I'IIIJ S'IAI'E OF TEXAS CoT)N'IY OF ET, PASo copv or tilAYeial,rrlu'f on tirc irr mv of]ice Givcn under ntv hand and sear or l,i"liH::i)""1i:".'il'li [,:J:i:":;Y,ffn.'ct rcnt l)elia Briones Coun Clcrk El Paso Counly, 'ltx ll) Deput)' llir il ArnoLrnt: $ B-54 Ru-lNI)lC'rNl t:"M A(;ENCY CASFI NO.: 20241-(llD4-50003602 9104469 coN l'RoL NO.: t4-0.18 l8-Cti STATE OF EXAS VS, DLVIS S'I'EI.NNO IORRES Count Offensq I RIOT PA R'I'ICIPATION IN ]'HE NAME AND BY THE AU'I-HORII'Y OF"THE STA'I-E O} TEXAS Thc Qrarrd Jurors for the Coulty of El Paso, Slate of Texas, duly oryaniz.ed as such, at the January Tenn, A.D., 2024, of thc ' ndicial District i'ourt tbr said County, upon their o;thsln said Court, present thal on oiabout the l2th day of April, -12( 202,1, and &nftrior to the presentment of this indictmenr, in the County of EI Paso and State of'l'exas, ELVIS STEFANO I-ORRES. hcreinalter referred lo as Dei'endant, I'aragraph A did then and there knowingly participatc in an assemblage of scven or more persons, kno\ying that it was resuhirrg in conduct that crcated aI irnmediatc danger of danrage lo property; Paragraph B did then and lhere knowingly panicipate in an assemblage ot seven or more persons, knowing tha( it was rcsullirtg in conduct that substantially obstrucled law enforcemelrt; Paragraph C did then atrd therc knowingly participate in an asscrnblage of scvcn or mors pcrsons, knorving that it was resulting in conduct that substantially obstnrclcd a govcmmental function or service oiTexas Arlny Natioltal Cuard personnel, AOAINST TI,IE PEACE AND DIGNIl'Y OI..,I'IIT S ll ran d Jury Forcpcrson I.ilcd thc By Dcputy l HIt S',ln',rE Olr ]'lixAS COI,INI'Y OI EI, PASO I cerlily that the tbregoing is a true and corrtct cop the ori inal I dictnreni on lilc in nry olticc. Given under my lrand and seal of thc courl tt rny trllicc in Bl Paso. Texas oll thc Delia Brioncs Coun ('lcLk El Poso (loun \AJ ll"y l.)cputy Bail AmoLrnt: $ B-55 c B!:lNUlerNl I N 1' stxt Ft otr ]'ExAS VS. AI-DAIR MII,I-t]R VALENXIA go-u!]! OtTcnse I RIO'I' PARTI(][PAI'IoN lN TllI NAMI-- AND UY ItlI AU'lllORll Y ot"rHl] S1A1l, ol: l t,XAs Thc.[i rard Jurors for the County of El Paso, State ol'lbxas. duly organized as such. at thc January'lernt,4.D.,2024, ol the i r rfi Judicial District Coun lbr said County, upon thcir oaths in said Coun, prcscnt lhat on or about the l2th day ofApril, 2024, and anterior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County ofEl Paso and State ofTexas, ALDAIR MILLER VALENXIA, hcrcinaflcr rcfcrred to as Defendant, Paragraph A did then end there knowingly panicipatc in an assemblage of scvcr or more persons, knowing that it rvas resulting in conduct lhal created an immediale danger ofdatnugc lo propcny; Paragraph B dirl then and lhere knowingly participatc in an asscmblagc ol s€ven or trorc pcrsons, knowinB lhal it was resultillg in conducf tlnt substaotially ohstructed law enforcernenti Paragraph C did then and there knowingly pErticipate in an assemblage of seven or more persons, knowitlg thal it was resulting in conduct lhat subsmntially obstructed a govemlllental function or servic€ ofTexas Amty National CuaId pcrsonncl, AGAINSTTHE PEACEAND DtGNIl'Y oF1'HE S'IA]'E. --' t-, "2 Grand Jury Foreperson l;ile(i thr B): l)c pu t) 1' Ft S lAfL OIj IUXAS COtIN'lY OF hL PASO I lerlity lhal lhc tbregoillg is a trlc and corrccl cop)'o t rhe o tn lndiclrrl nt on lilc in nty ol)iec. (iivcrt ttntler rlly ha d ald seal ol- the court at nry omce in El Paso. Itxils (nl thc l)elia tlrioncs C'oun Clerk Ill I'xs(, County, I|) | I)spury llailArnounl: tj B-56 LD o 3D RE-INDICTMENI' AGINCY C4 sll N().: 0241-c )-l-5000 ] 601 97M420 CoNTR0I, No. :24-04ti2 (t-!!t SIATI] OF T'IJXAS J(JLIO ENRIQUE VEGA Count Oflbnse I RIOT PARTICIPAI'ION IN THE NAME AND BY TITE AUTHORITY OTT THE S'IXTF] oF ITXAS l'hc (lrtnd Jurors lbr thc C' ounty ol lll Paso, S(rtc of'lbxas, duly organized as such, at rhe January 'l'errn, A.D., 2024, of the I Judicial Di stricl Coun for said County, upon their oaths in said Court, pre5ent thal on or about thc l2th day of April, 1024, a anlcrior lo thu prcsentmcll ol'lhis indictnlenl, ill the County of Paso and Stale of f']xas, Jl.Jt,lo ENRI ()uti: vti(jA, heleinaller rcl'crrcd (o as Dclendant, l'aragroph A ditl thctr arrtl lhere knowingly panicipate in an asscmblagc of scven or nrorc persons, knowing tha( il was resulting in conduct lhal crcatcd arr immedialc danger oI danrage to property: l'ar.lgrilpll tl did thstt and therc krowingly participatc in an assemblage ol.scven or more pcrsonsj knorving that i( was resulting in conduct lhat substanlially obstructed Iaw crfbrccnlcnt; t'ar grxph (.' did then and there knowingly participatc in an asserrtblagc of seven or morc persors, knowing that il was resulting in conducl thar substantially obstruclcd a governrnental t'unct,on or servicc ol 1'cxas Aruy National Ciuard pcrsonnel, A(iAlNSl lllti PhACD AND DICNII'Y ()F rllt SlAl ti Crand Jur) Foreperson l:iled the cr,lz*lznn I l,]: It\ro vul \r.r ),1[l ffi" --J- .THE S'IAI E OF TEXAS COUN'I-Y OF EL PASO I cenity that thc foregoing is a true and correcl c n inal lrrrli ment on lile in my office. (iiven under nty hand and seal of thc coun al nty ollice in [al Paso, I(xil> on lhe Dclia Briones Court Clerk Hl Paso County, By Deputy Bail n mount: $-- -- - B- 57 I{E.INDICTMI.:N1- A(;IiNCY CASIJ N( ).: 2(12.11-Cl I).1-.50003601 9'104468 ( oNt' ROl, NO.: 24-04 8l2-( R SlAI'[ OIT 'T'DXAS VS. LUIS ANTONIO VELASQT.,EZ Count Oflense I RIOT PAKI'ICIPATION IN I}IE NAME AND BY HE AIJ HORII'Y OF ]TIE STATE OF I-EXAS 'l'hc tjlg1(.1|rors [or the County of I;l Paso, Slats of Teras, duly organizcd as such, ar rhe January.fcmr, A,D.,2024, of rhe -- I l tJ l' .. ]udiuial District Court lbr said County, upon their oalhs in said Court, present thar on or about thc l2th day of April, 20:4. and presentment anterior to the ofthis indicrmcnr, irr thc County of El Paso and Sratc oflbxas, LUIS ANTONIO vELASeUEZ, hcreinafler refened lo as Defr:ndant. Paragraph A did then and there knowingly participate in an assemblagc ol seven or more pcrsons, knowing that it was resulting in conduct that ffeatcd an immediate danger ofdamage to propertyi Paragraph B did then and lher€ knowingly panicipate iu an asscmblage ol seven or more persons, knowing that it was rcsulting in conduct thsl substantially obstructed law elforccment; l'atagraph C did then and there knorvingly paflicipate in an assemblagc of scven or nrors pcrsons, knorving that it rvas resulting in conduct thut substantially obstructc(l s governrncrrlal function or scrvice oflcxas Anny Nationol (juard personncl, A(iA INS I 'llll, P[IACL n NI) t)l(iNl IY ol' lllE S lxl li. -2 \ ritn d Jury Ir lrilud th.- B) 0hov,l\ tr.'Jrllr D"'p,,,y-a- ]'l.tE srATE O! TEXAS (:OIJNTY OI.' EL PASO I cenili lhBt the foregoing is a true and corrcct of the lt diclnrent on filc in my oflice. Civen under my hand and scal of thc (oun at nly ollicc itl El Paso,-liras orr the Dclia Erioncs Coun Clerk El Paso Corutv BY D.pLrt) Bail Amounl: S- L B-58 Illa.rNDrcTMENl' A(;llN( Y (lASll N( ).: 20lll-( ll)1-5 :l60 970t.15 l CONTRoI, ().;14-04816-CI{ SIATE OF TEXAS VS. JOSBI]IKER JOSE VILORIA Count Ql&nse I RIOT PAR'I'ICI PATION IN II I NAML AND BY TI IF AUT}IORITY OT 1'IIE STATI.: OF IEXAS The Jipnd Jurors lbr rhc ('ounty of Dl Paso, State of lixas, duly organized as such, at (he January Tcnn, A.D., 2024, of lhc I Judicial Disrrict ( oun lbr said Coun ty, upon their oaths in said Coun, present thflt on or about the I2th day olApril. 2024, and antcrior to the presertment of this indicnnent, in the County of El Paso and State of Texas, JOSBEIKER JOSL: VILORIA, hereinaller ret'ercd to as Defeudan(, l)aragraph A crs tcd an irrnrcdinlc (langeI ol'dar]tagc lo propcrl)'; Parrrgroph B did then and thcre knorvingly participate in an assernblage of seven or morc pffsons, knowing lha( i( was rcsulting in conduct thtll subslantially obstructed law enlbrccnlcrtt; Par8graph C ditl then and there knowingly panicipirtc in an assemblage of sevcn or more persons, knowing that it was resulling in conduct lhal substanlially obslnlcted a governnlental tunction or scrvicc ofTexas Anny National Guard personnel, A(iAlNS f lI IL Pt:A('!l AND D|CNl lY O[ 1'llE STAI'li. ----'--1 ---' --a--- zt7- Crand Jury l:orepcrson ljiL"d the B) Alolqt Dcputy L) tr t\r lta THE STATti Ol; lrixAs COUNTY OF EL PASO I ccnify $at thc lorcgoing is a true irnd correc ictrnenl on lile in nry otlicc. Civcn undcr trll'haltd attd scul ol' thc coun at my ollice irt l-ll Paso. Iexas on lhe I I l Delia Briont's Court Clcrk I U I'aso Count), I,il, Drput)' llail Arllount: S_, 1_ B-59 EXHIBIT C l,i:,r.triE.. 5 .:: v o€t^tt aH.rR6E! 5€Ri]r(€ i.itaRrNcs clNoriroNs ctsPcstiloN FINANCIaL D Ac-tive Sceen Tab6 20240C03711 EE Srate of ras vs vICIOn t,lAtlUEL EscAl]rxIE 2@!aEAm Type MLrt Misd€manor zerrtE4tll ) gn E d lsxs ,,E \']Cr-CP iatt{El Esa-Al-r,rfiE lyDe Adult Mird..m.nor I zozrrqm ,) 6tzlm2+ Seorty Ere lsriJEmcnt c:tsa FCes 02.$3lr:l n.j a-t2a-:Z!?. )udrol Off(€r ,€r: Cruated: 52312024 1 :56 9M ViIe, Chery' A5eioilrr"fG tud-.bl ofncer manu:lly essigned. Lone Slar Case I Cage {ro6s RarErer@ illrrlt €r5 C c,ts StelE Add,ton:l Barcr<les 06/28/202.1 Afp..lcd Iffi Cascs .& c-l LFdits..- '-a DtTArt aBrl,cES iiElC! itlitllcs toNDtIlcN5 orspoglloal arNlN(t4t D A.tive S.reen Tabs 20240C03714 IE $ate oI r€ras tls RoaERTo Afoxzo GARCI Type fuult l.f6d6l]earlor I zozroco:nz st/t lsr.dT4r rE R:EF{o/:{OtzC A4P'CIA TvDe Adull llisalamcrnor ?' s,*ype | : -ii I ae o:te r@]]6 ---- --El sedft'/ i-- casc l*gr@€r C:sa Fdes Crr,t : cr.srrd: 523l2C24 2$5 PM !'itra. Ch€ryl Assign Eals ndnd 06.!r rrdrr6lly arsiFd Star Cas€ Casa Cto* Rete}rilta tlcEEas 3 C:se Sn s ldfional Barc5{ies i o6t2a/2024 App.rl.d fLLled gaEe5 69 IEi . Eni.l-a;sr c-2 ( L:)i:ie " t c3: v l,-.- 1 ir': ' otTAtt (ri:lF(45 tfR l(E llE PJl,l6S COx9lIlOl.lS OlsPOSl':lCN fltDN(A! | A.liE S(,tefl Iabs 20210C03713 HfiJ T*tr OEI st"t o, ta, ,s rurs AflGfl co?{zllEz (a sa-dr Fre s Type A{lult I'isdsneancY llrcrct':a dT;**ue xrtn coiErrnE iYle Adult Hiadamcanoa S ive" S -r^e ltl *7+3.4 cale {lrlgrft€nt 4,42d:i_;t!! i! houtv C>-n 4 12f, ,'_ EJ21,fr.4 l*olats n te: ll .lsc.$ErrG crered: 5,2t202/t 219 PM Villa, Chel'vl C.* fEg6 L-Egilscte!e${9!e-::l C:aa Cro!5 Retrerlc€ ,.|Elbcas a as€ statE ldtti,n, Eilrc..les oat2El2021 App..lrd Rt{rei, c.6ei c* I lri Eer ldri.EL c-3 <.' l,:;^.;i-i ' t :.4 i v DfIA'L PlAUES cNARt!i! !ralJi! :il,1al tEt lr\65 cofprltcNs orlP.xltoN Fl$al{tAr- > Active Screen Tabs 20240COX725 3El state of T@s vs Exluo ,oS€ H€llRIQUEz Type Mot llllderna0or I aerocorizs stYt ia.d; o{ TrB rs Ei'LE JOSE iJE]ScxEi ivoe Arlu[ lrl.damr.nor i iFl l6.an@f I G Case AlgqF n"nt i"= C:.* F €5 -n .tEsgrcErtB (Eated: i/?3/zozr l:32 PM vila Chlri,l i Fags Ildi(irl ofll(€r trEx6lt assrg..d. Lone Slar Cas€ cGC ca!95 f,eEreiae tgEib€rs ! case slrlus AdAn id BEodeE O7lg2l2i21 Alpczl.d REIEled Cases . i99! r Erit €rE ibdr&L c-4 t() I (J q I p l I E T- t d tr _2 t ITH I I rl f$H ,5 b fr ,! Ir b ,$ I I E (] E 3 ; E s 3 I t 1$] I E 2 Li:l ii n a s * Pd ,l r -E 9 # (, t. E ,-s a1 E q z qr' s .U 1( I B z tI I I I I I I I E I 5 I 6 E j ! ( t ) I4 i1 4 6 $ E t: d 2 (, ,t B! ! !t e 6t 5 $ & rf g! t *n E t & i ) a_6 ii4 ,I fl tsFE I 2a t o I d I t g B o (l (i gLl (, (l DF U d. (o I (J Y F I e e &_ i€ir T tr i&s g$* te trs d l,l ;, I I L E o 3 ! lsl s n = tHl ! B.l s 2 ,! a e l3 I P a 0r 0t # o a E 6 i a I q. q. # 3 ! 9 ;, ii [J I I- k x ! tt a o .j ) t z g . 6 r EE c( t E >: SE i $ 6f I I ,) q 4 & rE ,I E s € d Ed f; aci { ! e xE t o IJ ) =() 0\ .< 3: IJ It ti nt ;ri (, .sr u t (l 4 It I F- a O !:. ,I J I I d & t5 I6 t: .a .t t Irh t; I II 3 tl $f JI e a EI l9 I tEt g tHl E lr?l E 1 9- lr E 3 I # E * 5 q p I c. 6 I .6 g l l I I siI: I I I iI i I I I I I i I I s1 al I.i ft ir$ 5 lr ) c(l < :-, E I z v I I ! ': o U6 B I E & & 3 E tr &EPi qs F* { ) t: 6. ti{ l e EtE ,g., i E ;T tlr j o fl Li d { I u t D;riltEs a:.ia,irrs !E?!i::! HEA.lt{4s aCN9ffONs oiSpCqnON irNi!'r( A! } Acti\rE Screen Tabs m240c03737 ag srate ot r@s vs AfDEt{ARo RATAEL pEar.z TYp€ adut tdsderneanor I zo-zcrco:z:r ls:t C Tg)c. ,: FlLDEi:,rRO F/a]FEL EEZ -we Adult Ml3dtm€rnor V I I rr" o.t" iretanzml ! CiEa lssE snarl Gasa Fileg rudt$ off.er ar.d.dr 5/23,/202. !M lafia Clt.ryi As5qtrfteGG ':54 asa Ftrg5 i,o!d-ati*!91!g"l !"s9* cate cae53 ;leterrnc€ lfiebets Case s'tarE itkttiort 8arc6€E 06/28/2024 App.el.d f.ll:ted cases c E!3 x lit t erliHcrL . c-8 o, I O 4 llr I g I E -) .,. i! rf6 ! { ff fI x irt r$t o : b '11 E E a o1 l frl .9 lEl 3 4 = tH1 I JI si Lts-] & ti I & : 0i E] t5 # (.) o t, 6 "P z ie E 6 EE :; c# c * 6q t - <o to E$ dd ) E4 A 1d I I ilri I H rE { nF !: E E6 P & I ) : o :f i i!6 E E .H' :" EE F 5Fg $ oe ft 0 I 6< &-l I <E al U B T lLl * tir}r tl a () ll L,' e' 3', EE B ir u .Jr,a,r. t ,.-: l: - '1.::'i:r'.. - DITAIT a.tt^cEs SEFJ]'g Hln&tNcs (clrDrllolls otsPoqnoll FoiaNclAt t Active Screen TaLrs 2t)210C03712 lE srut" or roo rr xxATHAn rorAo QUrM)tlEI aare Seadr RPsulB Type fuul HGdsi€arDr l:ozrrro:zc q':ut sr; ,{ i.,cs ; Jc:ran+ri .riiiao oLn.aE Itee Adult Misdameanor a Cas€ itssqrrrmrt Gr6e Fdes raqrEEt ti crearedi 5/2312024 4:C9 PMVilla, CheryJ Ca5e Frali rtdnial ofii..r msnbaltu a op€(atoal Looe staa Case Cage CaEss ReE erc€ Nurr&tE C ce€ slrEtg 4daliorEl :Lrcoilet -I 0€128/2024 App..l.d I Relrte<l Crs!5 E lsigr \ Err c-10 ,t 3 ,1C j v --\^i::.j': v .H,TF6ES :/ir!- SER'riaE tturNcs (aNr-IrcNs DI5PO9iCN arNrn/CLAt D Arlive Sqeen labs 20240C037,13 :g State of Ta6 Ys DIEGO ,Eslls RrvAS I I Typ€ lzerc:zr: I T!!e Adull Lisdcma.nor I r':14 .f1.rl6 rs CTEGO.ESi:S ,qr-:AS , I t .z342a- 6 l Seo.Jlty G3e ars Daf,rB Etril coun : itssrE rE G Operatioo Looe Slar Case ) Cese €oas Rcbrenco llwrbors 3 C.se s|lattrs Adatton€l Bats3a[es 0ar2812024 app..hd tlgder! C.ea3 I c5F Edira!i+! I c-11 ir.]]. : 1-:. :, ?dat? ri a Ci -'- v -:'-:ii': v :ij oEt^tt ,::]APCE5 !E!?ai HiaAlNSS CCND'TlOfls t!$ognoN FiN N0AL t Active Screen Tab6 20210C037 47 3El sr. ot ro.. o cusrlvo AlDRfs RoBrEs C-.s€ S€{dl flQ'ults Type Adut l.lrdsnenr6. I zozaoco:z+z sBie isrra i{Teg vs GJSiArjo ATIORES Rcg-Ei Trle Actutt iltsdamaanor r*o"re[@l! E lsaiEnhaot / -TZCCL-.)3r4 t:r=r- bJrtr aqri :i 5rZ3=2{ luditillOfEef ,qil<!. PuSet Ass.qE@nlE created 5/231202.,4:19 Pi,{ Vila. Cheryi e*r Rags ,udi(d onicer inanualv arsign.d. Lone Slar Case ese cioss RrlatEnce Nrrotseas 3 cra€ SrrBE E!Fl!rt!!!.r?|!E 06128/202lt App..l.d R€kd Cases -: ESir c- 12 I I irlJMAn! DEIr,t ,:H'F6ES !riN_r5 5rr.!iaa !118[{65 CCl.iDrIlOxS o]'TDCSTION FlNAlr,:jAL D A.tive Sqeen Tabs 2024tC03718 Etl I St tr or r* r" cRIsTIAta Et uARrro ROaR.EUEa Type Mut Midsneanor laelrc'aa -.qe Aduli f,ltd.me.nor isrdr d i.ss E c&Slllfl EIIJIEIJ FOCSgfZ u l: re cate ii:@]l I ! CaEa Airgoa.if Cs€ FieE 4$tslltncnrs crrrted 5n3l20?r 4?3 pM villa. chQrl ::ae Ft6qs rudi.i6{ cffker menuar d. Lone Slar Cas€ Carc Crorr SaEnliE. ilufrrtse.s a qsE slrtEs AaH:cn:S Earcodes 06/28i2024 Appe.l.d EeEted c:ses c atg :a ;.*.,rc.'_ c- 13 <.) i1z.::,:'-:::a-a .i:J51., E, ,J .< i-= OFTA'L ilt\i5 laRircE ,{EAR]N6S CCNCiIlClts DtsPCgIrCat FltlANO,lL I Active Screen Tak 20240C03752 Tl *t of roo r. CARIOS AIIDRES RUBr0 Type ACult tlM$)ea.E I zcz.rc.,.azs: i Sat c-:.:rE E CA.RCS A}GES ?-AS -, lre Adrjlt Uladerncrnor I 83a2,,r E i I c:selssgrEa€.rr ,iril'i (} lrl rl L2r i EE- i I tss<rscartg c.e3l€d: 5/23,2c?4 rr?9 PM villa (heryi CsaF13gs Lcne Star Case c:sa Crlt s R€erglca x!&bert I es,E SLEis ialr&3 l Barco{teB I 0612812o24 Arp.rled f I i . !5b* i k'./.i.i$ c-14 :,'fj;te -- "b DEIAIT aar|689 a/Iri1! 5€t';laE HEtiMS (CNCITICNS FIM(CIAL t ktive Screen Tabs 'lsPggTiON 20240C03754 IEI srate otrsas vs tE I Atalota slr^Rtz C.essdr R!$ts Type Anu[ l'lM€rnea.Er l:eaolsa S*i d:irE :i il:."'J ij{,ro'l SJ;frE iyoe Adutt illrdamsrnoa ./ Fre o.t" lesBre{ l6 C.E ts.rt$rEnr 3?:33:-.'4 EE- I ABsilFrielis creaed: 5/23?2024 .:14 PM VilL. ahtrll c*G FBr Lone Slar Case grse CrcqRa5.ance tlE Sers 3 Cao sl.tus lEl!E!!!:F.il 06/2812024 AFp..l.d Rel# c.ses t 6 6,9 I t I IEA " .trL*aiiti c-t5 ,-,rnn-j' t ,f l: -: v -:r'i:.-1i v ofrAlt P'r(lll! aFn&6is ir!rJis sEI,JCE HE,{THCS CO'IO|IOIIS DtSDOgTrCrl gLrrJCrAl > AcliYe Screen Tabs 202,aOC 03755 EEI state ol rrc vs ufAEL Ar{GEt GoxzaEz F€R AtlD€z .-5r S€ dr Re$l6 Type ACuit :,t6dciea{rcr l:elocorr;i I 5t/ie C -r ,:l! !: aA5A= -in'G€i Ga+gEEZ FER}AI.€EZ rD. Adul! Mlsd.fncrnot g rt o"te '€,,ZlAnl6 casr As€igr6!!! C:9E Fdeg I f.tcats;:5 v.fff aadit d i-a, : iz-.&4 iEs. Rr!e: tss,g@.{rs Cre,te& 3n,/2o24 1t39 PM vlra. citryl Ops-atlxl Lme Star Case Cil'se Gtl}$ EBF'tn€e ,r&EDcrE ! 6s. ganrs fl!:?#!t!1Et|!E- : oai?a12021 App..led Ret led Cesas I r _.'9 c- 16 :::a::t.-.1:-:l : -rllate .. t otrAIt r+.Itts CilA9.6iS erws '-+Rri(: FEAEII.IGS CCNUnCNS 0r5p99noii FI ANC|TL > Aariv€ S.reen Tabs 202t0c03756 lE st t" of rae ,s xIGUEt AllcEf GARCIA C.6.5.-d' &r].B Type ACut M6dsYleific{ lzrg.,(:ott* slt i3re ;r.d* lr€rd Allct creqi r'^]e Adutt Ulsd€nr€.ro. :?' 5ut*rpe fe a9st rFrent crse FiFs As=!|Estls Glated: 5/23202r r:41 PM villa, clEryt :a5e FEas ludidal Offictr dunusly ,55i9o.d. Lone Slar Case C*e qo6a SeFrenae tteb4rs ! case i-rs A!EF.1d ELiro<les -,I 06/2812024 App.rl.d Re{rc{ G$ee :59. IE E;E =k<nr. : c-17 @ I () tlt $ I lr Ji 1, $ j i l!H r' g f;*5 I x ,l'l c,!H I ff f5 E E fj .! r:l tNt T f; -4 tfft I I Ll!.t e Id e $ E A 3 # t t! t. !i>tr 9 t+ 2 :-8 q g I i Y. N 3,, tl H;5 { a.d s:1 ,H ) E$ I E l{ ? i gI t, tr ei c' BE I t e & E5 [ Ir g E fr fri * IEEs B ) -L:l : o u,a .d i *r n tP fi r! o D T ( B$ a* o t n !'!dlte 5 o3is v . Dfr tt erPrti: a! nca5 n:xi5 iil';ii: Htlnltfil (oNlrncl6 Dlspclaio{ FlrlAt\Kia,L D Acti're Sqeeo Tabs 20240C03769 EO stitc of rffi t5 ElrfEn Roll taoREloll Type tdrt ilMsffa.tor I aoerco:zes :trt s,ri aroi,i rwe Adu[ LirdE.mrno. a =irEn-p,rrffi I I a" o"t" Io:.mpnzf IG i c*e atsEllns1! calin L5 / = ra6€fin€ir3 (reated: 5/2412024 1 1 r43 AM y,la. Chlryl C.3e if-!s I op(rarJn Looe_star cese__ _] C6€ Grosr R4ierc. lftnll'Frs I 3 Cs. St lJs At <ltraal Earco{ie5 061281202zl Applal.d ReLlad Casas I t ar idalin- -. c- 19 If a '3i i v -:J .- otTAtt P2Pi:: asaacaS :VEN- lla,titres i,-1NCfiONS DlSPCt,'nCfl .|lANclAL , Active Screen Tabs 20210C03770 EE stare or ta"s tx ruAtt cARfos pRrsar Type Mult ltEderne.ncr l:oz.roco:rzc 5€ S.:e ci-i.ra 1. ]trB C:RC€ ?Eg rYie Adult ialrdamcanor a rr o"tc @]6 Erefs4re.lt Cila FEea '2l0c4-?.rii :i,It Cdn, tar ,ssiltffits crlated: 5r2aE0:4 lr:54 AM Villa, Cher, EEEil i.9.e!r-!91 Looe Siar Case casa &or9 ReEaerce taatle's tr cere sEtr3 E!+|-!=tE- 05rr28r2024 Apezl.d . €slgs ta*r -.-.:*r- c-20 ,r.)l;te % r aa.: v i-i.;::J': v ? DFIAiL i€r,Frli6s (Sriolilotls 11!PO{nOn iNAlrciAt D AEtive Screen Tab6 2021tc03771 ml sbtc o( rc vs Y0RD ta JEs[s QUI ftRo Type -qdut M6dsrearo( l:ozrm:z'r s* :$aE t'T.xar E YoRs}r .-ES..,s fl.BlT=c Iwe Aalult Ulrdm.rnor rreoateiiji;,zrta+lQ Aira,al!'E rrr Ca.e Fi€g tsrlqaFE{ilE ctpet d: s/21na2, 1:1o pMyilib, che.d Fr:qg Lone Star Case 8.. Cro* Rttsresce nrEnbats 3 Arr SLnt! Idaltoo:d Braco-:€3 06128/2024 applaled R€lrt€d Crsatt r BE6 r bit a*s.. c-21 a . '-lJt:i'.1 % c: : v ii:rt ;.i'_: - D€IAIt tiAatNcs acN9moN5 csrc$notl aiNAtJ(iar > Activ? Screen Tabs 20240C03712 lEl St t ot r* tr f].llLloffAtlot{ TORRts TyF Adut t{6dsne lo{ I :tptl.r.cznz sts s;;;i'u;; H'fi-oP;:rJi roRFEs Tr1!4 Aduli Uir{rame.nor FreD:tafsc.jellD I ei!€ as'tgnEltrrt Eil I , I I ludatloff(er As6lg-,EBen!5 cr.ded: 5/24l2c24 1:15 PM \flIa, ChQr}i :e fiigs ludi.ial Cfncer manualy assigm€d. Looe Slar aase case Go95 Re:re.Et iir.I''treas E c:* staors 08j24I2024 aFpe.,rd @Bil G t59r c-22 t ll! v -a_::rl: v pnPIqt a8:isa! eir-\T: |{!PlN65 CC|{CnCN. DtspoqION Fif{Ara:tAt } A.tive S<reen Tabs 20244CO3773 EEI Sbte of I@5 vs JosE ESTEB l{ vALERIAno Type Adut M6d6neanor I zcrc:,.a sY :Sdr c ruE E tcsE ESiEilt VAI-EPIA'rc 16. Adult Mird.mc.nor rr oat" lqzrt:rrl $ Case Asc€rcalnr GtrE=- t agSl!'Blentg (r!at.d: j,2lr?02i :!1 tM viia chQryi ::se Htgs 1 I ,rdicial otfice. mnsary as5i Lone Slar Case c:!€ Crose Retr*ce tll.ir6e.s a c*€ siaEls lErltr6!* BsrcodeE 0ff28/2024 AFcrt.d L letaae€ CrlaE t cs E €er*cirL c-23 rt 1'r < a a:i: v i_a^_ ar'-: v DEIA'T FiiTt[5 .HA"T: t/Er5t 5EA"1a! Htrfllu6! (oNomcf6 ct5Pcsl-ilcN FtNAitCAt b ActiYe Screeo Tabs 20210C03n5 ffl sbt€ of ras vs turs rctiAcro vasQoEz Type Aiut l.{sdsneanrr I aczcoco:.- Sr.de iT.r6 a+ iUrS rcflAgo \:ASOIF-Z rrle AdulI Mi.d.m€.nor fr rr" oat. lEr@jl ! aal€ r65€dnerr crre Falls t-En {--n 7 lgsijnEl€n15 (.eated 5241202,1 127 PM vila. ch.ryl C.qe Fteg5 ludidal gfit .r manu.ll-v arligned- : qlllaq !9!9 9lalc3s9 _ - j a:5s grcs Rt*rerEe }}ldbeis cae :lt trrB lltrtti:ad gslodes 0€/28U202./r Afpc.l.d : 'JSF 1Et tJt r eEcis'- c-24 r'-1:1'' t ir--:l; v 'i .,"::.,'. - = I}TTAIL .+n!! cr.1,18Gt9 !?4i,1 iEl'rr(E !rr-re$.'€i ccN0incN6 crsPosmfi .Bf{ANaiA! D Aaive Srreen Tabs 20210CO3f76 EE State o, IG.s ll5 CARIOs ALBfRTO GIHEiEZ Adut ltlMemeancr I zerol;r iS;;r;;.;-oiH.os ,qi.Frf, GEt€z 'i.,/oe Adult Uisdemcanoa i ! t @16 eEefs6.gts!€rtr a-- Fl GE F'TES c.e.red: 5/24l2o2,a r:l: pM Villa, cheryl cE Flags ,udidal offttr runuaily assrqn.d. .-qege!-.l!g-. c*e a:r,oer REbrPnc. tlumb.rs 5 CGa 3taQs 06/28/202/t Appcrlcd E@- Ra'fe{Ed Ce5ca GE5b Edi-sd;; . c-25 <) a Dfr tt nE arjcs icNcrnoi6 *sPcs,itcN eNANQA! t Active S(reen Tabs 20240c03trt lEl srat or r*r o cnrsnER E TRTQUE Gor{z^tz Type Adut ,{bdemeano( arocr:zr I sryE 'er! d-;6 L'FlgfF aG$OUE G)E/iE Ivre Adult itrEdamarnor '= Eza;Tn soorv L . Are A3sijrB6lt ?;Il:C3'?: Eil D-^rttl aai5l a AssigrrEE crearedr 52.n02. 1:5r pM vil.. c}l€.y' l#e Fltgs ,udioal olficd manualy arrign€d p€(atioo Lme Star Case tu Cro6s t:terl'E taEl'te's -t a_ C:s€ StEqs Ad{laoa{l Befta<te5 r oc/24/2024 app.rl.o Lel*ed a5€5 :i$ 6€d'i- c-26 a ;a: v .,:l_i'.:!.'e v - --a: DtrAtt ct-'48.;i5 it?!ii: ir!,811{6! CCtOmCfls ClspgsilloN flNtllcM t Active Soeen Tabs 202ioco377a lE State of rmu ,r ruIS f lXrARDo cofizAttz rytr &iurt \{s{lsn€arrr. I aa+rq::;e J-tez=E i.-'S E {riPrc aeizni=] -v:re Aclult lUis{ane.no, ge oae ii@lG qase rrant Ce Fi,es ludtbl ofiter (r!3tQd sp4l?924 r:58 PM Villa Ctl€|.y1 Case nrqs rudi.ial offker manualt 8ri Operalim Lone Slar Case Cag. Crr'ts SeFre{rca N(trr6crs = c*E lttat s LEtdld EEacodec 06,12812024 App€rl.d RelalEd Caseg : ir95 :d EE.tr c-27 a DEaAtt ,:FAqC!i 5Eelrc! FlflalNc! coNollrcNs Drspognc,{ FrAL1NCt4t D Activc Sseen Tabs 20210C0XrI9 lEl sute ot ras vs rrrcro xls€ HERxaxD{z c.!r s..tdr Grft Type Muk ldsddnearDr I :ozrocoarrs sqL lsr& of-ra;.! A-EErxi= renrrirE rype Adull Mlsdc{reano. ':l i I n o.t" Fa-si:sza I ! I cag! tstrgraB€a[ t G* Frias AsEgn Elrls creat.dr 524202,1 2S,( PM V a Chiry' ,udichl officer maftraty asrigmd. EEil.qr:1"-r,9iF-i L"@9! Caaa Cioss R€lbrenre .'&e5ers 3 ct5e Slatts 0€/28/2024 App.rl.d @Eil . ESgs E tlr!*riirL c-28 Li:ll.r:.: t ftrllt t.\{Tlt: aHaRCaJ SERlir(a HlAiOlGs aONCrICtG lrs?ggitoN arNAN€{AL } Active S.reen Tabs 20240C03781 ffI srate or ras vs lf Ll(fl HICtlEt HtR ATDZ I TyD€ 4iut MSdsrcancY I l:ozrm:,,r: lrYe S::r .{T:86 rr)4 AduI Llr<llm.rnot 'S.EL'€L i,!CIEL,.E!P+iOE 6$!Zm 6ara *!slF@?rl Ca:€ Fller AgEijlE ci'tB c..ar€d: i/?4/?024 2;09 pM vjlla, cheryl S_lar Case casecro9s 8!E errce llurrbert a Case Stalrt tE?tEiE!- I 0€./28l202i1 ApP..t.d nekde*E .! q' E&i*iscll c-29 : Uljc.rle.. t a'r'-. v a-rri il.i'i v Otlrt,l i i:N.t !i1fi; HI..PJNGS CCr.rlErCN5 C|9C5F(\ fritAt(rAL Active Screen Tabs ' 20240CO37a2 I IEI st"t dttrac,r KEvIn losE IRIARTE Cas€ Sea(h RecJts Type A!!t irMcneamr l:ozrrorz.z s!4 igae dr:e.= a'R+i JOSE n-.a*rF Tyre Adult Liadama:nor ,di .r" o,t" if*.zrrz+1fi Case rrqre.lt Ca* F es rrY cavl;l ::542{ IrdtC off(er :gaEs id€-r created s2r2024 2:r9 PM WIa, Cheryi Ce FLag9 Judicial officer manualt a$iqn€d :.ojf1_lPtlojggar_c: t GsEa Crolr ReEranca t&l$erg t 3 C+ SEt s lItdlcoal Earclde. I 05/2812024 App.al.d Re€l"at Ga5cr -. ESir IE(n ' trcr rdedirL c-30 ,::de:. tl,a a * sUt"1t{AaY Drr^lt Pltlt!5 a,i;8CEs irtlrl: HE!8rNfS CCtl0{ltot6 tNANflAL } A<tive S.reen Tabs 'IsrOtUCN 20240c03785 lEl slete of Ic ts DARlfrfl RAllolt rrtaEl,lfz C-e SasEh Raits Type Adut MMrneaoor Izeesrgs swh Srs C-rE- E Crr1lgrftt Ralr|c,ti lirE.Fj rvD€ Adult llsd$-.nor 5'rUy9€ |i Seonty ciBe A5sigrtancfi eala FBeg I Cout t'.rl 5t L:-- :|'2!:vra ludtolo,ker i ar.atee. 5t242C21 ?26 PM vll., Cneol Assgnisr!3 FtsgB ,udicial offi.er ma.udly rssign.d. =!e Lone Star Case l -l ca3e cros. R€ta.€oce Husrt els a 63Ea slafus rlrrEtonal Ba.Ea!ei 04128/2024 Am..l.d I G 59r Elitnht;L c-31 <.| tl -'3iS v rrtr I stFlrcS iiEull,i65 (ON0lIOr6 FINAIJOA! D A{tive Sseen Teb,s 'ISPC9.a]CN 202,t0c03787 TI state of far ys fAusro RoitaRro ,rtlftlz Iype adut tilEdrneanor I zcerco:rrr sq| S;! cre,.- E F-;us-rlr-+i,iRic-.,F€rE 1're Ac,utt llisd.mt.nor * ,r24!AZ+ Eq as$goargr il I &{rlt I I fsrgrl{Eits crea€d: 52{n02.2:31 PM ViIa. Cheryl cae Fegs id(iel otrc.r m.nualt essiJred. Op€ratm Lone Star C3se--_ -,_ l C6€ Ctos3 Rehftl}ca ltDtlavt 3 Ctse slatra ft!'!til!tli!r!!- : 0€I2a/202/t Al,P..l.d ReLted Cases rsr frE.ElrliL c-32 !!:.<i.rra-- , q :l * lrir,etlsty 9g!g PAaTrEs .FARCII ir'!lrI! -.atv:ca '1E8ll6t (ONOTiICNS CISPCgUON FNAIKT1L t Adirrt So€cn Tabs 202r0c03789 IEI sute of raas vs ercEl GABRIEf HAcllADo Typa Adut taarderneanor I zozrrcrieq sryh sie drus* r}{;aai6es EA#im T 7re Adull Mrsdaiheaho. Esa a.!eJ.lr"?t Cale FitEs ,s.aq'lsErti cr€3te(t sr2dl2c2. 2:L PM villa, ch€ryl Caee F.gs -rudki, oltier hanua 9-Pg3$!r.l,t9-:!3l99i-e--.- i iBse CrGs ;€Elenca t{rrthrg 3 casE sstra add.llo*d asr6e3 ' a6t2alm24 a#.la(, .89 hrid€dii]- c-33 .taa l :1.: iJ.13:9 A a a:: v ia':r_::1_:> v DEIAIL ,:ii1€5 a al,l-r! HSTPJMS (ON0rrOr6 CtJpOSmOai Fra,{,t(iA! t Active Screen Tabs 20240C03792 .CI g.te of Iaas v5 RODRIGO AITDRES ITAR I INEZ Type Mut lilFderrea nor I zozroco:zsz 5t/h Sda C:e€:s ROmlC4 AiD*:S 144-.r.iE: iEe Adull Mlsdrmc.no. @11C cG€Asg*n carB Frles asdqflnrenrs crQrld: 5/2r2(2a 2:3a PM Villa. cheol Ca* Fqs Ops-ation Loie Star Case Cise ctcBs Rlkr"rEe l.As.rs ! c-. lr.urg td.Etiord Ba€oder, 06/?811024 alp!:t.d ael.te<t ca99s . rsi EE .'Eiin c-34 a a3; v ,a-- --;.i': v Dtl^I F+ri5 i:-qra! ',.{E!8rlrGS aClJofiOUS }6?qJiIO|l FlNaNCta! t Active Screen Tabs 20240C03795 EEI sate ot rms vs tus^Ut IsllITH xENIxz Type anlt Edsma,]cr l:oz.cor:g; l€t oi-FrE K B 6{l lsl?glrt !EIi'F? s!4" Etl I.oe Adult Lisdcnrrao(v EWZvZI Seo]rty Car€ AssigrEErn Cesa FEes I coun i I -!..izi.s ! r{r:t crea€d: 5/2./2024 2ri pM viila, ch€ryl C.{a Fhg5 LgestpLtrles{g:9- care clo55 RelBrehe llaEtiaI! C Cse St4rs Adrttlosri E:r.od.. 06128/2024 Ap9c.t!d Rdated C:r€g G5F I c-35 t : a:: v i-a'r_ ::-': v DEI IT :+3i a5 frtNi! iltISlNGS aONDlllCl'lS tls,ag?CN FlHIlla,4L I Actiw Scr!?n T^hs 2021t c.O3797 E rvpe State o( I@s vs EZER AXfOf IO OllTIff arse S.rdl Rt'.G ,qdut lqg1erneanor l:e.m:lgr 3-iJ i1E 's i=R rr;t-cr.lo u"ctii*r Type Adult lllsalslaanor s,t"-ie" f-------ii EztaIZi c8e ,isigarr€rn E Fff€9 fssigare+e Crcaled. t/211202a 2A9 PMYlla, Cherrt Cen qs mnd, ergftd. ludiciat Offics i-9!g-?E!-Lo-r-s$r.!3x _. I Ctse CJosr ReElence ilurtb€nl A care gaq.! E@il i o€/2u202/t ap?€.|.d . 45,9 \Ed Es*lcirL c-36 ( ,4.:: _ 5 I$i; - i:',"i.:r.': - DEIAIT PAATEi aHnPc!s itRvtaE .ar-.r8iN65 CCNtlTlCllS 0l9cqn0N tlHANCltL D Aative Screeo Tabs 202{rc03799 IEI state of tas s LUIS 106[ r{oRA Type Adu[ llrJdsne3ncr I zc:ucccrne siie gd e cf -r .xx LLIS iO-cE tL{A rvDr Adult ll lrdemlaDor = n" o"t" tr:?.g@r l3 SecJ.ty .C6e Assig!@nl C.e Fite3 lsargnrl! ti crealed: s2.a/202,a 2:56 pM vil€. ch!.yl I C:se Fl4s !P3i9n Lqqqr q?!9 c:sc cross R€Efeaee nsu$bef 5 tr Ctrc Sll3 a?r?t:r'|l"itil 07102/2024 Appcrl€d Retn€d cr5r9 ;L= I I : t 5q' I ErErld€dirL c-37 ( oa j> c:ls ' i::i::u';' - 3 DtIllt ?:tiE5 !rEilE SiFl)aa +l8INGS CONOI]]Ci5 FINANCJA| D Active Sc.een Tabs 'ISPO5J'ION 20240C03801 IE SAtc ot rm vs ULIS€S ,OSE otwfRos Ca!€ S€af.h &!5rA Type .dut ltisdemeanc. I zcalocc*o stb s,-fraE i! iIISES .,CsE af,!\EROS Type Aalut lrisdeniaan(r =aE sue'lel 6 n" o.t" Io+z..fs2! | t"rr*ri--T c.* rgsigrsa.lll Cilp aalas -l!l u rl zl t:R 7 rres- :i:!e|: AErrgtE ea:ls crlatrd: 52412024 3SO PM Vilh, €he.y' caEP ire!6 xnicial orfice. mairaly asrig.€d. Cp.{alion Looe Star Case C*+ CtGs ReGaerEa fttcl'Eta 5 Ci3e Et*rs F!r_,!'tt!!F,I!- , 06/28/2024 App..l.d : ES!' F-rer#sL c-38 ' i r;:.r.-' aa i..cl'. ' ,lc-i:u'e - otIAtt t+ltEi a,]aF::5 tltliT! ii^ltaa LiilENis ioNct':rcN_( D'sPc9ltcN FrNAtictaL It Active Screen Tabs 20240C03807 m Statc of raas las los€ sxEyD[R oRr]ottEz Type Alul '4M6neano. I zozrocoracz i !-:a. d-, rar6 ... -rl,t SIEI.DER oEm= I!.e Aclull Miideme:no. I {2 !ajz*-p' carc .Asi€ErErt Ca- F{es Car'l al t-*: lrdtblOff,€. A.lsilIn,Bins areated:5,2{2924 li3r PM VlIb, Cheryl Case FLgs J{didd ofrGr mnuafly arrig.ed. i.geg?lsr,,-9119-9Fr,q?-:= C.se Caoss ReE eDce lSsrhae a Casa Slr{Js Adc6on:l Barcodes I 06/28/2024 app..led I . .s& I t I I I i c-39 ;cr+. 5 a l,: v -:,-: -l-': v oEIAtt Aafie Screen Tabs 202i10C0381 I l0 state orr*" "r Llrls rER At{Do oRrrz (Ee Se.dr REsrts Type adut H6d€rnea ncY l:e,rcco,'ol l _:{e Adult MlsdacEanor SE. er6 ,s iLiS FEF-rl+.'rDC 3Rni fr -: I ralimi C-a Assijlln'eit 455'9a,rlrlrnls ffi*:*' creanQd: 521nA?. 3:1i PM Yaz Che?' li ca* Fi:gs tudkial Ofrr€r drao.Ja ijqg4!lrgr-"!-,L"*!--l Cse Caoss R*tence llrrrhers 5 3e.e Sl*trs oat7al2nal @Eil App.c.lrd tli'tirled Ceses G EEF IEN c-40 5 3a ! v L:'-:i li': v OETA'L itril: HE ittlGs ccNoftcits 9tsPosl]ioat ,if{rirc|.! } Aative Sseen Tabs 20240C03813 IEI state ot rsas vs TI.IAZAR ISAAC pAcHEco CEe S.sdr illlft type AduI H6derneanor I zo:rro:err sYre $de d renl :.2 i BETzAR rgr,ci pF.trFcC Ty!e Adull trllldcm..nor nuo"tuliffilG gase A ese FA€3 crearpd: 5/24l202a l:52 pM VI4 Cnery! Ca= Ft.gs [didal offi.er mrnuafly assig".d. Slar Case Cit€Crcs ReCaeice ltmbers ! A3e Sarirs AdattarrEl Baftoaes g6l28t2024 Atr zl.d . lsgt ra , Er3ssdedni- c-41 t ':cl: - C-.r':-.tu': v DtrAlL t4trEi .:rai6tJ iiE Sr\Gs ccNDrr9.\ls 0jsPosmcN FrNrlNoAL I A.tive Screen Iabs 202C0C03815 gEI Stat€ of T@s Ys HEIDER,EFRED PAt^cTos Type Ad![ MisdgnearEr I eqorss 9n. a'i,E E r€oEP -Efe=D PTAOOS iira Adult MBd.m..nor Sueype 0!r4,']E! --=] CaE ,giilnltEnt EE- E'2t-t|21 ludld offi(et .!'"-5a il--€o l6sgt! €.'a C..rt€d: 52412021 356 PM ViIa, Cherfl Ga- f1ag3 ,udicial olficer manElt Esigned. , Op6atlon Looe Slar,Casa__ i csa crasr Ral.re.rcQ llrErbas -3_ e,re staqr. adalton{ Bdra{q9 06./28t2024 Am..l.d Ra{.t€d Cai€s _. 5F Eertr c-42 (tD sa o lli I b =I ) i -, ,*B rJ(!l P T {b ful E$X U I ff I,E ,-E I 6 t) u 5 I 8 n EI & l'hl P I I ll q t iJ E o 6 E E 4 t, E E : E a I € eE 9 nE * s 2 i 7 fi 8 d ll !r I t a B i. u ) E fi g f t H6 & IE ( ,! i, 3 E NE a I 8 6h ! A .E T E & oa t 6t i?9i 6 PA I J RE ) =o fi< I d -E E P o t - trE I dr B t l€ i;i", (l d r:) 3 ll o 4 t a-: \. -::i: l::'c-'e - ;jj ' . ofrln (prRaa! <aei",: HldPrNGS COtDmoN9 06pO9ION FTNANCE! D Aative Screen Tabs 20240C03817 SB Ste of T@s Ys ,G€ DARIO PAZ 'rype AduI uEd€fiieancr I acrro:an ;sra"-.v. res i -+s cir*c pe. iv!e Adult i/lladcmcrnor rroatciij@lG CaEe Assrtrsigrr 2.5ijc?81i rEE- av3iE lre.ils Cr.atrd: 524202,1t:17 ,M Vila. Ch€nl @- ,rdidal C{ficer Operal0n Lone Slar Case ca'e t}gss F€ter€r'€e i&a*ers a rcase SreE Fr.+,- E+-?!r!!- 05?2412024 Appc.l.d RaEEd Crses .5F traE d€(fuL c-44 1a... a'.:-' I ,.rj , ! :_-.-;.J.e v ; oFfArl :H!qGas !.E,rPlll:s CSNCrtlCti! DaSPf,gnON i|{n|ionL ] Active Screen Tabs 20240C03818 3El seate ot r*r * D rfl AlExArao€R ptxrrR^ cas! s€.dr RPq* Type Aaut rdEdoreonor I zcc.ao:srs lirEl -a|-E{AT{!EA F-LR=P; r,ae adult Mi3d.maanor t =e; 'iT:E I Ys t s!EYle I E2aN21 I CGa assiltnt€all Ca.* Filss t,:]*r-rr l_si, tr L-a,i-Ei a L;r ? 'tai=. { El lss,gr!Erenls created 5/2,4/202. r:2 I pM villa. Cheq,l grse Fag5 rudicial ofii(er manualt arsigned. tel*lrJsegrg* :-:l c336 cr33r SgleLhEe it dlrBrs ! CGe ffirE altll,i'n l BELo-res 06l28/2o2rt Atp.r l.d . :tF I E ri' rd€GirL I c-45 ( i,r.rrt",- I ca: v -:r" i:r,-: v DII IT ,!R:t:! allaRcis aYEliiS iEa,lie HEAilN65 CCtiDinCNS Ci5p9satoN ilt*lNalri D A.live Sdeen Tatr' 202{0c03Els tEl str. of r*. ,r AtacELo t,toISES pol-atlco Caie sandr 8!sdB fyte AC,rk l,lsdsieancr l:oz,rocogsa sle s,le =r IpI!E .s A\CuO .,rCrStS ptx,+.r-C -) we Adull illtdamaanor rr2*'2g2{, * is6ign.nsrt AssigleeaE cftat d: 5n4l2o?4 1:21 PM Vitia. ChQ$ ',.* fE€s Lone Slaa Case Qce eross ,tEitenc! }..rrrtt!€?s a C.se ShE lrlaE {rtd Eacodes 0628im24 Appa:l.d -,& trerleci 'j c-46 .:3,::..,i::ii'. \ otr rr aPlt6f! ElElil: HEA?l^lGs COI'IDiTIONS ,lS?O9IlOr{ FNrnC|Ai } Active Screen Tabs 2024C,c03820 3B state ot raas vs eracEl EIXJAIDo QUITTIRo Cise Ssdr hr..s Iype Aiut lGde$ear'cr I aozloco:ezo st* sx: * rrys e ,rrril rar{;+]b a-Br=ro _r.. aalult lllisdcnEtnor I reoat" lrstzrnoar lQ cisa A5s.lflr€rt .iij.-'u--l3il .*j:ir a_rrri 6 t;ri ? EE- assalr*E t9 cr..red: 5r4,2c24 a:27 PM $la. Ch€ryi ludidal Ofi(er m..nu.lty aJJi EE- Op€ratbo Looe Staa C3se Case cra6e R€lereoaa !.irsb€ir 3 .CE5e St3tE Aadlro'l:l Blrzdes , oci2sl2024 App€.|.d R$rtec Cas G59l i ErEd€aiEL c-47 @ s t O I F. I I r [. I ,x .E tj rit I$H I T 5 r$ il { E ! x E o El { : tftt -s u c t$l LSI 9 5 t n z ! f; I ,1 $ g d I lr E o (, I * d E 5 g h ; t e 5 E p I z-. A ll) ;E ((, :1 iE ) st 3 I ? ilE yI 6 r'j G t tr ti ! t $ t - !E 6 iri ^.ir, 0r * E x x EsFg I ) } E f;i # B I o 3! te st *ts$s* li U B II ( r:dai. a Ja; v -':a- ---l': v -: :.. - '. tEr^lt asrRaE! H€IFTNCS CONorliC'{S D9C9TTCN g|rANt|AL ] Active SoBen T:bs 2024$C$An IEI gre of tsas vs XELVIII IsLafl zllRrra Type Adut lrli9dsneancr i!i=. a:='e* c i€Llfi s;rAE aEtA ._--] ri!. Adult Mrsdem!.nor I zeroco:ezz S',i*yDe atz+zal 5 I ci9c as5{gar €ait ::aC-!:{iz ,.i:n_ i3iji EE- f I 414-. FLt1g1 I lssiqcrr€its C..al!dr 5/24l2C2,{ d35 PM \61a. Ch€.yl i Crse F,"gE I Judi(nl ofiic!. Enual, a5ign!d. i op€ralbo Lone slar case :l Cise gcsr FeElerE€ llufiErs !! gJGe sl3tus Ad&lbner Bircad€s A7B1i?921 A*ezLd EeEEd cag€s i I 6gg IEi Erer *iEL c-49 i. ,t ::: ir v otr tt al.i1t6E! i€Nir HEa8ltr€s coN0rlotls 06!c9lror{ FiNAN4ril t Active Screen Tat6 20240C03823 EEI St.te of Ta6 vs DFJI(ER DAVID RAUIRZ Type Ml]t tttisrca.r)r I zozrocnazr Sx! i IeE e IEEF ?A'nD *4IE IrrP duh raiid.m.rno. 5uttyp. =Z Fh D:te cE+ta6E Eeit Ca_.e Fttet '$=-4i.-aJ *B C<{.E-l , La{ 5?njaze kr_+cs. Rscn r6igrsFe.trs crEated 5/2{2024 439 pM Vil.a. cller/l cale Ftrgs ;-Pegsst-!o.r-$1l-9€9.. i C;sg Ctoss ReE ei6e lirtSe.s 3 CaEe Slilts rr.!F,..EFl-F'Er- oC/28/2024 App..i.d RPTTlld G5C5 I El, IA E rr sl€rirL c-50 <: :-*:!: , \ o;nra5 aFliaEa 5it',a. '-rElBrArGs Ci!!anc:\is ,t_irosincN EuAt{EraL t Active Screen Tabs 20240C03824 EA state of T@s vs losuE RAFAEL Rota[Ro Type Aiut FrEdateancr I zozroco:rz. slvle ig"r" itil'.as ,-i iC-itF,p.aF-"5i- {G-'r=c , Tlp4 A<lutt Li.clsrr3rnoa 2 ! I i A"e Arlrgrlat€G caiC Fre9 As*qnme|}ag Cr.atedr 5/241202r ,!ri2 PMvilla Cheryl t- Calp Fraos iud(ial c,fiic€r manla tr@r-lrliliiil-' Ee EosE ReEaeir€ :luEr5€as 3 c.s€ slatls ,l€allirrial Barratl€s 06{2!u2024 3 Elij! c- 51 ( tra n .:a ! v ,:'r_.::-: v 3 Dft^tt ti4]ttt (HAR6EI LtN-\ Lf/rSltLrcs coiorloNs DsPcatncN ;rN^N(iAL o Ad;ve SdEen Tab 20240C03825 OB s"t of r*u r. rexotl HfBEnTo RUE Type adlt lr6dareanor I zozqox:: i A? isdr;-,.r- 'e R:lici IEIEXT? iLI ilr. Adull Uladafta.not a" o't" lqzrrmr ! 0 i Ca5e Ar5tgrBera !:,:C2}; EE- I L:ruF:r CaI( n_ t iE 7 "'2),-!Z1a ai5 R,*i AssrqrBe6ts a.. ed: snr202.4ti PM Vlh- (heryl Crse Fags 9lSat9LL.9!9-Y9r_cS9__ j Ces: erEa Re:re'ae |hr!E!= 4 cas€ s.aE i o7n2tm21 A#411 IEEil R!{*edc-es :* I ! adr EE.*-if c-52 l9:i:): :-_:r:=:: "t -;a::. v 1:-: lrr': - aiEtri ;8e.1,:! ac cfitcN! DrSp4SrroN ailAfiar D Activ€ Screm Tatrs 20210C03826 I lEl state or raas vs riDfR-solt losr sltvA Type }lut l{kd€',leanor I ztc?@rs26 is=, dr."r- !. EHiE b.rlar jcsE g!':1 I TDe Adult Mltdem..nor t :t I I Fre orte E i6 :! c-5€ ts3}gDEl&n Casa FrEj tr$v e.}n al I lssrEfi--(ls creat€ct 5/242024 d,l€ PM V b, Che0,l Gese FEgs ludicjal Ofiicer l]Hely atlgmd. 9?ry81 Lofie Slar Case Cese Crq55 FetereDcc i{rErbefs E ese Satu @il 06/28/2824 apcal.d ReJreC C,6€s I c ES96 I I Eirrid. c- 53 ' , Ji!= E a clls v :-iri qr.jr: o€r tt ?:P1IEi .HAF6E5 ::?{c: HtrSrNGs CGNDT]]ONS Cr90s110fl FrNrria:AL > Adive Screefl Tab6 m2,0C03827 lO s.t" of r* o r6E Axrottro roRRElLEs C.-.se.dr n sa! Type Mut xsdaneI'.Y I zp<orerr stg -star.tia;.6 JasEAioCrrGriFEiiEs I - 1r4 Aduh rrl.d.rne.not I I I * oat" iffil I Case A3saglr,er,t EF,e3 ludi Ofrt€r creatrd: 5/2,02024 4:50 PM Villa. Ch.ry{ Ga- FLgs Op€fairon Lofle Siar Case C5Bc Cro6s ReIEte'Ee t&r:&ss ,: c.s! stdrs At&teld g.rc*s : e6t1at2oz4 Relatad Ca3e6 c :s9 iriB td-nL c- 54 :r:;:.:i: \ otlrlr ai!;\;! \iP\!t( i HE 8ifl65 (ONOl',llOM ntsPOs[]ON FXAttaiAL D n ctive Screen Tabs 20240C03828 Etl st t of loo" ,r. rlvrs sr€F^rlo ToRREs C-e serdr ftsgft Type M uI l\tsdsi'leanor I zeqo<o}ze ga. ,{Ta6 }- ELYIS S]E&|IO iCFPES It?6 Adult lltsaL{n :nor l I I $:azt21 Caq ,,sslglnnant cee F_= arrf,tY Cai f-2:iZvi-: lor;|cs. IirE,l A5s,gfiftenl' crededr ta8l2024 &0 aL,t vi{r (hcryl C.* F:a!s .rod(ial Offi(.r mauuaBy aisrgned. Op€ratiofi Lone Slar Case C&e Cra6t ReLte*ce liurErs ! CGe Strtls 7F-??!.tSttEE- 06J28/2m,a . Am..rod E59t !El EE <,h_!tr c- 55 tra .,1 * s9,iMA8Y D(r ll p4na: {H;jl6E5 ! r!M:s Hr_a]]NGs (Ci\DiUCr,ls 0t9C5mON FrN,r!({ } AdirE Sceen Tabs "Eqrr-! 20240C03829 llEl statc ot raas rc efDAIR lrItLER v^lf ]o(IA Type A(lut ilEdgn€a{ror laazrm St.ar dTeE6 r! AfDtlR i.lrLLa vai:FP Tyoe Adult lrladamaanor s,wp.i-----l Fl rt c..t" ffil! s.e't' i-------- -- -- c..€ rssig[-ranr Eil !r.Jr: ,:la\!t a Lai 5.:'91rrZ{ I asS'grE renls cr.are& jta82o2,( 8:13 ann MSa, Ch!r' xddal crfficer manu3lly aerign d. O9€ialDfi Lo{re Slar Case c:s€ crEir ReF E ae laslDds c:9€ sleurs t-tril := 06/2812024 app.rl.d 'l?i?r-!t R€Lled ci5e5 €E rEi c- 56 F- 1r, I O lll I .l ! I y' il trfis x I ! ,$s lr il E ri l:;] 8 = e o 2 ad HI L z te E 6 i I t a fi (, I 6 E 2 .!; E >i 3 EE !F Sr ts 1b I !r !i .ii g i, & !J 4 z ) g o E E q E .!i E 8E I 9ts I 0 BE t{ IG * ft ,p 't1 :;i:': I 5 & : 5 i, *F e ) o E< 1 ?r E E fl n& r o 3 I tE DF I ,'i DEr rt !r.Eit'tl !_tairll61 cor.Dt'iot{t 9sPosmoN f rNANcli! } Active Scr€an Tab6 202.0c03831 8E se of 16 vs tuls A!{rolllo vEtAsQUEz (& *ard' Re* Iype Mut Mid€rrearrr I aqzoo(Ga:r rtY! .$ae .fi?G \5 Ll-.6 Alfio.m !jELt-S&-Ei Type Adult Uisdcmaanor Dt: s.nrce i---Ii Fr" c.t luBia+ I 6 crsa r4ag[mcan C6e FIE (re6tQd: 5/?e/202a 8:21 Ars Villa, cturyl Ctle Fl4s Judidal Otr .r.rian(r.Iy arsil.t a Loeg4gt-L_qE*qggse I Ca6a Ctais lletre.rca- XolE8erg a C.6c Sl*.s @Eil 06/292024 Apt.l.d G ES6 IEi Erft( sei{;rl c-58 o, to I () I e ti I E J. I tr ,*E r,r(8 J t ui t ff *r 1; l.t I r5ft B I a o 2 r*l I x I I ln , B $ t! I q * B -a * 3 lt fl o I o I 6 L. ir I h 6 .e! >6 >g nt E XE f: iE t;v p I 6 :r I i B g 6 4 B c 5 ) E u ii E o E y! t 3 'J n !4 eF i( ,0 19 st E () EO d ,UE I t3 T & :E ot ! 5 t d It ) 16 5 d rE t Ex q B T gm f,E I (l E EXHIBIT D F,R.M rHE GRAND TT*",";;;t!1"[]'!f{'g';"n' \e0!n JUDICIALDIsTnTcflefffifil pil f: Sl ELPASO COUNTY, TEXAEL PASC CCiJHIY, IE,TAS 2V INTHE MATTER OFCHARGES OF $ :t::l :lt 'i $ MISDEMEANOR OFFENSES $ s BY GRAND JURY INDICTMENT $ ORDER OF CERTIFICATION AND TRANSFER The Grand Jury inquired into misdemeanor level offenses and returned indictments relating to those misdemeanor cases listed in the Charging Instrument Report' consisting of k pages attached hereto as Exhibit A, dated fncu ?\.q'nq and incorporated by reference as if lully set tbrth herein Pursuant to Texas Constitlrtion Article.5, Section 17, the Court hereby certities to the County Courts that said indictments were returned into the District Court and that the same should be transferred into the County Courts ofEl Paso County, Texas, being the courts with appropriate jurisdiction. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that each of the cases listed on Exhibit A artached hereto should be transferred to the County Courts ofEl Paso County having jurisdiction. SIGNED and ENTERED this the Alt", )n1.1 : L. rr" -, t:t , I . I ;. I rr_,'i.r ,: i.;i,r,'- '-' DIN GE --, =:,: -- :.: : : *"'. - -7 r, ;-;. .., -,1 i\! :Z ,rc i c, iVil l,;,,.' .,1-r';-r-t l\ln r,, ti r (r l:l ,j ,rrl.l -i::; D-1 TRUE BItI. LISI May 27,2024 -JANUARY 2024 I20TiI GRAND ruRY Re-lndictment 20240CO2E-7 4 I]SCALA).iTE. RIOI 2024C-CID4- 24-04607-('R N VICTOR PARTICIPA,IlO}. 50003602 so 9?0429.1 09,?l/1995 l\risdcmca.nor Class B 3-1U t(.r140('02872 CARCI.A. RIOT 2021C-CID{- 24-046r5-{'R R()BERTO PARTICIPATI()\ J000-1601 AI-ONZO Misdcmeanor Citrs B zuz cccr1tL so 970{i2,1 ,:i10,11984 20:{0c01864 (ioNZALEZ. RIOT :02{c{tD4- 2,14+621-('R Ltrls ANGEI_ PARTICIPA'I'IO\ -i0003601 so 9701:9lt Misdomeanor l)ti t81t99l Class B zoz4ccDb-113 l :034(Xlo1868 IIE\RIQUE7. RIOT 1024c-ctDr- :,li.r6:7-cR IiMILIO JOSI] PARTICIPAI-Io]\ 50001602 so 9704109 t22.ti)989 Misdemcaror Class B ZoZ4t)cl3rZr 5 202d0(:02877 \,IARIN. OSCAR RIOT 202.rc-ctDl. 2J{.16-14-CR AI-BINO PARTICIPAI I0\ s000160: s(J e70t3l5 0l;()7,1999 \lisdcmt'anor Class B ZDLNAfl78 (, 20240C0:881 MARI-lNhZ. Plli RIOT l0l{c-c ).t- t4-016t5-( L YH0NSON PARTICIPAl'IO\ 5000360: s() 970410i Misdemcanor l(, l(, I q88 Clais B z0L4CCD5l3l :0ld0c0:88.1 \{I:JIA. CARI-OS FJOT l0l4c-ctD1- 2.1416i?-CR osMt\ PARTICIPATIO\ 5000i602 so 970414t Misdemeanor 0:'1t,1980 Class B L0L+ccD 3134 Pagr lot8 oI f\) TRUE BILL LIST May 27,2024 JANUARY 2024 l2OTH GRAND JURY Re-lndictment 8 2024{X1t2909 PI]REZ. RIoI 2024C-CrD4- t.r{4640-cR ALDI;V RO PARl'ICIPATIO.\ 50003602 S( ) 9,- t).1-'i i: RAIAF-I- visdcmcrnor Class B ZD 61b1 03,'21lr987 9 202,10C02919 POLANCO. RIO I 2024C-CrD,l- 1.1-0J6lt-cR ASAI;1. D.\)it!:l PARIICIPA'TION 50m3601 so 9701:86 I l/01jt985 Visdcmeanor Class B Au1rysrill l0ttlx o?92q t1{)t(,Jt-('R M l0 Qt:lNo\1.2. RIO'I 2014c{tDJ- JONA'THA\ PAR'TICIPA-IION 5000-1602 JOlrA0 Misdc canor so e?0{31? Cldss t] lO 2O?0ol n 20240CO2959 RIVAS. I)IL,Co RIOI :014( -ctD.t- I.l-046:t-( R JDSt;S PARl ICIPAl IO\ 50003602 so 970J32E 1109i.201).{ llisdcnrcaror Cl::.ss Il bz*omb143 ll t0:.t0c029?9 ROBI-IS. RIO I' 2014c{rDJ- :4-0J65r-CR GUSl'AVO PAR NCIPA'I10\ 5000J602 A...*DRl:S \lisdcmcanor so 9?(H i I: l: l9e! Class B zDL4ry161n l_i 20240( 0198 t RODRICI II:2. RIO'T 1024c-clD4- 2.1-0{658-CR cRISl lA\ PAITTICIPA'I'ION 5o(n1602 I.]DTJARDO Misdcmcanor so 970{107 0:, t I/t998 Class Il LDUALD3148 t.+ 20t{0c01980 RUBIO. CARI,OS RI()1' 102,rc-crDl- 24-0.1(r59-CR ANDRIS PARl'ICIPA'IIO\ 5000t602 so c704326 t)6,0: l99l Visdcmcdnor Class ll LDUWE'52- Pr!.I .fs oI C^) TRUE BILt LIST May 21, 2024 JANUARY 2024 I20TH GRAND JURY ReJndictment t5 r0240c0290i SL:AREZ. I-I:\I\ RIO'I 2024( -CtD,l- 2{{,1664-('R AN'TON PARTICIPAI'IO\ iotSl602 so 9704117 05.,10.'t98,1 Misdcmeanor Class ll 202{m-D6154 16 20240C02949 I:I.]RNA\DI]I Rtol' 20?4( -CID4- R .FAEL A\(iEI- I'AR'TICIPATION 5000160: 2.14.1744 -CR 970ti57 0x/:l/r9e0 Misdcmcanor Clars B 2l,2Am3ls5 l7 20:40L02e5E (i RCIA- RIOI' ?014c-clDr- vtGt.EL PARTICIPATI0\ 5000-i602 24-0{746-( R 9704173 n,,30/t969 ^\(;l,t_ Midcmcanor Cluss B k2ArcD3rsk ls 201+0( 01965 GONZAI_l:2. RIoT 2024( -CID4- Olvt R RAfAEL P RTICIPA'I'IO\ 50003601 l,l-{r{j4;-cR l9 9?04.1$ I 20:{0c01907 0ti1l5/t 9lti) VOR!JO\. Misdcmcanor Class B RIOT :01{( -( lD.r- Lotxxnflbl l:Yl.!-R R0l.l PARIICIPAlIoN 5ofi)l6t)2 24-017J t -( R 970414? Misdcmearor I l/l I it 989 Cliss B LyL\^ccfr31rrq 20 10140('019 r0 PRI]SBI- JUA\ Rl()1' l0l{a-ctD.t- CARI,OS PARTICIPATION 50001602 21-0{?5:-( R 970,1184 \'lisdcmeanor :r 05il0i t 99i Cla-(s B l0l1( -ctD1- LDL4uD3IID 20240({)29t5 Ql. t\TLR0. RI()T 1()RDA\ JIiSLS PAR'I-ICIPAI'IoN 50m160: 14-04751-( R 9704i82 Visd.mcaDor olnIit999 Class B L,L4oc3ar_1 l 20240C019?8 I ()RRftS. RIOT :021C-CID.{- I.},,ILIORA\O\ PARTICIPATrc\ 50ml60l 2.1-0.1755-CR 9704350 \lisdemeanor 0e l0 t9:: Class B LoAocoslL P.8c i oiE o I .s TRUE EILT LIST May 27,2024 JANUARY 2024 I2OTII GRAND ruRY Re-lndictment :3 20240C02919 VAI,I]RIA\(). RIOT ?O24C.CID1. .J0SI: I--S I I:ll \ PARTICIPATION 5(X)03601 24{1758-CR 970135 t Misdemeanor 09i I 6/ l99 t Class B ZDZ{DCI51?3 l.l 20240C02951 v sQt.it,t. t.t'rs RIOT 2024C-CtDr- ICNN CIO PARTICIPA'l'ION 50001602 2.r-04760-( R 2ozlccl5115 97041J3 M isdemcarot (., '1 0j 1 l X,9 Class B 20210CO2921 GIMENF]2. RIOT 20:4C-ClD4- CA RLOS PARI'ICIPAI IO\ 5t(x,1602 24-0478(r-CR 9704t49 .4I BI:RTO 0t;27 n969 M irdemeanot Class B LVWfi311b :(! 201.10r'0293l CONZALLZ Rlo t :0:JC-( ).r- CRISNDR PARIICTP I rO\ i000_1601 t{-0.t782-( R 9704144 ENRIQUI] 04/09r1999 M isddneanor Class B 2-ouqre3-nl 2l 20:.10c02E87 GON7,AI.I.:2. Rtol 2024C.CIDJ. I-UIS I]DT'ARD{) PAR'TICIPATIO\ 5000160: 2-{-0i769-( R 97(i.t47l 08 2?' 1996 lvl isdcmcanor Cla\s B Lb2/i(-D311b lx :03.10C02897- I IIJRNANDtT, Rlol' 1024c-c )4- l4-04ltl-('R EI-IGIO JOSI: PARTICIPATIO\ LoL4vDb-nq 50003601 e704l2l 05,1r, r 997 Visdcmcanor Class B lq 10240c0290t tiliR\A\Duz. RIOT l0:4c{-tt).1- JIiI,KI:I- MICIIIiI PARTICIPAl'ION 50m1602 l{-0,t77i,( R 9701454 0: 0t tdo: N| isdcmeanor Cla-ss B Lo4aco6-18\ l0 202,10C02913 IRIAR'I'F]. KI:VN RIO'I ?024C-ClDl- JoSE PARlICIPAIIO)i 50003602 :4-04i79-CR 970.1461 II 2 l(n5r \l isrlcmcnnor Class B l$L4bcDnBL Pagc J of Il oI (rr o s F sra o- o N !o o- gI.-*" o: 6a r &, r\.J z:) G M }C\ [rt o: O O O a Io O<) aaE <) O e3 ? 2 E 8 a Q s C{ C\.J O L-) N \( N O N a\--t s a) sO e..l C! q-...l _.J s <) c-{ U U ,.) a 3 I ? c c I -ql o -qJ -z -c .:\ a LJF 2.8 xt ird .i5 38 s8 <5 xc Z z Z- Z Z /- I 4 _o = <9 tr- id, :-:j ;3 c'l = Eao I !:T LFf 44 d a-, :<i! :<=: t tr tE2 Y<=j =<:t1 d,c-z") ^/.8 d,L2.l) It-2J d a- 2 :-.) \ -i l\i ,i 9. l/=t s^3 o\Ja( c; 3 I=- /.)c (ruaa o<= !J 7.u.= <: d9 >;2 =.a> <'z < e 2-,r. at 3\" =?5 2<J i< 8 8^ US Cc- ql i.J d 8? 8g i,s jf.r 6i l> E: I FE D-6 TRUE BILI LIST May 27,2024 ,JANUARY 2024 I2OTI' GRAND JURY Re-lndictment l9 20240C0195? ORD(]NlT-. JOSII R]OT 2024C-ClD1- SNI]YDLR PARTICIPATION 50003501 24-04791-CR 970446 t I !,15'199E Misdcmcanor Class B ZDLWfr3BO1 10 r0240c0t96t ORTIZ. I(JIS RIOT 20:.lc-c ID-+- FT]R\AND0 PARTICIPATIO}i 5000i60: 21-o.1795-CR ND&D,BLl 970J451 Misdemea.nor 0li'l L'l0Ol Cla-s-s B JI 2 0240('0 2964 PAC IT('O. RIOT 2024C-CID4- trl-llAZAR PARTICIP.\TIO}i 5000,1601 t4-0.119{,t-cR 9704 t99 IS.AAC 0ir05,:ft)l MisdemcaDor Class B ?) %6 .l: 102d0c02930 PAI, CIoS. Rtot. l0:.rc-crD.l- HritDriR JI],RLt) PARTICIPAl'ION 5000i601 2.1-04800-('R 9704106 r 2,17,/2005 Misdorcaoor Class tJ LbL+trirzss J.l 10240('01935 PAI-E\CIA. RIoT ?024C-CtD4- wtt.s{)\ PARlICIPATION 5000160: ]{{MEOI-CR 9704470 SALvADo 06117r2005 Misdcmcanor Clrs: B 202Arcca8rb .11 20240C01954 PAZ. lOSl: Rlo'l 2024C-CrDl- I)N RI0 P Rl-ICIPAl'ION 5000i601 l4-{'.{lt05-('R. 9704.1I0 t0(,5.l9l(4 Misdcmeanor Clas,s Ll LDLA{o6sr7 t5 20t4{x'01969 PERt,lRA. PJO'f 1024( -ctD.r- DAN]IiL PARTICIPA'TION 50001602 :4-04807-( R 9 701427 ALI]XANI)I;R 06, t: l0r)1 Misdcmeanor Class Il L\Lt\cco3B/B Plge 6 oi 8 o I ! TRUE BIIL LIST May 27, 2024 IANUARY 2024 l20III GRAND JIIRY Re-lndictment J6 2024rc02912 POLA\CO RIOT 2024C-CID4- ANGEI,O PARTICIPAT]O}i 50003602 24-0,t809-CR 97C44t1 MOTSUS t2t t7!t991) Misdemeanor Class B Lul4vh3b\q 2024rc0297'1 QUINTI'RO RIOT 202.rc-ctD.4- ANGEI. PARTICIPATION 50001602 2{44797-CR 9704419 EDU,{RDO 06!17/t994 Misdcmeanor Cla^ss B LoLWs2un ,18 :0240c02971 QUIl(t IIRO. RIOT 20t4c,ctD,1- SF-BASTIA\ PARTICIPATION 50001601 ?.1-0.t799{R J9 ?0140( 029t7 A\DRI:S l0-20-100s ZURTTA. Visdemeanor Cl&ss B RIOT 2024L'-CtD4- 2.1 (r.16l() CII nLryr3vt M EI,\TI\ PARTICIPATION 50003602 s() 9704312 ISlvlAl:t. I l./:8r2(Dt Misdemcanor Class B ZWsor$L 5() 20210C02978 RAMIRIIZ. RIO'I 20:4(--CtD4- DIJIKIIR DAvIL) PARTICIPATION 50003602 24-0180:-CR 9704.158 MisdcmcaDor 06/05/t005 Cla$s B LUL+v$s23 :I 102.10c02988 ROMI]R(), JOSL'I: RIOT 2024C-ClD4- R4FAUl. PARTICIPATION 50003602 2{-0.1t0E{R 9704{65 04/0{/200 t Misdemeanor Class B Loupcn?s24 5: ?0240c02989 RUIZ. PWIMO\ RIOT 2024C{tD.r- I{EBERTo P.ARTICIPA.I.IO^- 50001602 2.1-041 o-CR 970411I 04n2Jt994 Misdemeanor Class B 2o?-4rnftrE Pa-qe 7 of 8 o I @ TRUE BILT LIsT May 2L, 2024 JANUARY 2024 I2O,IH GRAND JURY Re-lndictment 5l 10240C02982 SILVA. RIOT l02,rc-ctDl- ENDERSON PARTICIPATIO\ 50003601 21+r8 r l-cR 9704409 JOSE 0l/ l52u0l tvlidcmcanor Class B LbAut3BLb 5.1 ?0210c02987 TORR-EI-LES. RIOT 1024c-ctD4- JOSI] ANTONIO PARTICIPN 1'IO\ 50m3602 24-t)4817-CR 97044 r 8 I lr2tt 1986 I\,[isd emearlor Class B L\LA.or:D=pL1 55 :0140c02990 TORRF:S. nt.VtS RIOT 2024C-Clt)4- STI]FANO PARlICIPA'TION s000160: 24-0{8l{i-(:R 9?04469 Midemcanor 0.i ?o, l9t{{ Class B LD?-+bcL3\% 5o 102.10c0299 t \',\l-h\XI.^. RIOT 2024C-ClD{- I-I)AIR VII-I i]R PAR]'ICIPA'I'ION 50003601 2d-0.t8 r9-('R 970,ll9rt r0.it, t99t I\tisdcmcanor Class B LDADL\SEtq 57 20240C0299.1 vt-_(i^. Jt:l.lo Rtol' 2011c-t lt)4. I:};RIQt:I-: P.1RTt('lPAl tO\ 5oftJ16{'l 24-0.1810-cR 97(X{20 0' 0-t/t997 Misdcmcanor Class Il LDL4Y)f'eo ix 20240C02956 VF-LASQUEZ. RIOT 2024C-CII).1- l-t.;lS A:\.fO\lo PARTICIPA'I'ION 50001602 24-048 r l-('R 97M468 Misder*-anor 061 I -5/199l Class B LD?Atr,o'$Zl 10240c02968 VlI ORIA Rtol' 102-1c{tD4- J()SttT]IKER PAR I'I(]IPATIO\ 5t003601 lJ-018 t6-cR 970415i JOSI, Misdcmcanor 09to9n(tlt Class B ?b1,4DLbqw l'a8c I ot 8 oI (.o EXHIBIT E El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61712024 2:44 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS THE STATE O}'TEXAS N Js VS s I'AUSE NO. 20240C037t I rs VICTOR MANUEL ESCALANTE s l)E[,'ENt)AN',t'S Wttil iliN OB.tEc',r'rON t'0't'HE ALTERING ()1,' COtrR'l''S h't l_tl \\'n-llotr'[ \0'ttc'E 0R HEARTN(; TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF THIS COURT: COMES NOW, VICTOR MANUEL ESCALANTE, the Defendant in the above- entitled and nurnbeled cause, by and tlror,lgh undersigned cor.rnsel, and pursuant to Articles 1,04 oflthe Texas Code of Crinrinal Procedure, the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Ar.nendnrents to the United States Constitution, 'fex. Const. ar1, I, $ 10, 13, 19, and V.T.C.A., Goverument Code $ 5 1.303 hereby objects to: I . the addition of exhibit "A" of the "Order of Certiiication and Transt'er" dated May 2 I , 2024, As ofthe time of thr-'healings on the PIea to the Jurisdiction on June 6 ', 2024, such exhibit had not been attached and the Stale, the Court and the Del'endanl noted thal such was the case at that hearing. L the tnct thal thete was no hearing or notice to the Det'endant as to the alteration ot'tlte Court's lilc. who altered the lllc, when it rvas altered. how it was altcred, and under wltat authtxity the lile was altercd. Under V.T.C.A., Govemment Code $ 51.303, a district clerk, "of a district court has custody ofand shall carefully maintain and arrange the records relating to or lawfully deposited in the clerk's oflice", and "record the acts aud proceedings of the court". A clerk should not add or delete anything fiom the documents fumished by the parties. We therefore are requesting a hearing to ascertain how exlribit "A" was added to the court's file. E"'l Respectfully subrritted. EL PASO COUNTY PUBLIC DEFENDER BY: /Si KELLICHILDRESS KELLI CHILDRESS state Bar No. 24123476 Attomey tbr Det'endant 500 E. San Antonio Ave., Room 50l El Paso, Texas 79901 (9 ls)546-8l8siFax (91 5)546-8 I 86 t'lrl{TIFICA TE OF SERVICE The untlersignetl certifies that a true and correct copy of the foregoilg doctulent was delivered to the El Paso County Distlict Attomey's Office via E-Ftle.Texas.Gov on the date this document was aocepted tbr hling by the Clerk's Othce. KELLI CHILDRESS E-2 IN TIIE C]OUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO C'OUNTY, TEXAS TIIE STATE OF TEXAS s s VS N c'AUSE NO. 20240C02871 :\ VICTOR MANUEL ESC'AI-ANTE N ORDEI{ SETTIN(; HEARING On this tlay ol' , 201.{, the Courl consitlered thc Defbndant's Written Objection to the Altering of Court's File Without Notice or Hearing, and it appearing to the Court that Defendant is oonfined in the El Paso County Jail Annex, the Court is of the opinion that Defendant is entitled to a hearing on the Defendant's Written Objection to the Altering ofCourt's File Without Notice or Healing. IT IS THEREFOR-E ORDERED that the Sheriff of El Paso Cormty, Texas, have and produce the person of VICTOR MANUEL ESCALANTE before tne in the courtroonr of the COUNTY COURT Al' l-AW NtlMllllR SEVEN on the day o1' t0l"+, at _ O'('L(lt'K . M. Srgnerl this d.ry of l0l{. - iUDGh -, E-3 Automated Certificate of eService This automated certificate of service was created by the efiling system. The filer served this document via email generated by the efiling system on the date and to the persons listed below. The rules governing certificates of service have not changed. Filers must still provide a certificate of service that complies with all applicable rules. Adriana Luevano on behalf of Kelli Childress Bar No. 24123476 ALuevano@epcounty.com Envelope lD: 88579799 Filing Code Description: Motion Filing Description: Defendants Written Objection to the Altering of Courts File Without Notice or Hearing Status as of 617 12024 3:1 9 PM IVST Case Contacts Name BarNumber Email TimestampSubmitted Status DA CRIMINAL DACRIVfl NAT @EPCOUNTY.COM 61712024 2:44:46 Pl,,r'' SENT CC7 Efile ccTefile@epcounty.com 61712024 2:44.46 PM SENT E-4 EXHIBIT F El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/9/2024 9:31 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBIiR SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS $ $ vs. $ CAUSE NO. : 2024OC 037 1'l VICTOR MANUEL ESCALANTE s s ORDIJR t)ISMISSING INDIC] MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts perlaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120ft District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120fi District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024. the Coun tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Cenification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed ou an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not uansfer any case from the l20th District Court to the Counly Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing. the matter was taken under advisement. Asof thesiguingof this Order, ontheeveof trial, the State has not filed any document explaining fte det'iciency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-1 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department ofPublic Safety. -P,-u-?'tt ., Nt : €--q<q. JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F-2 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61912024 9:27 PM Oelia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COIJNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBI]R SEVEN EI- PASO, COUNTY. TEXAS S'TA1'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240CO3712 $ ROBERTO ALONZO GARCIA $ ORI)I:R DISMISSI N(; INDIC'] MI:NI' This cause is before the Court to detennine whether it has jurisdicti<ln over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were ca.lled on June 6, 2024, the l'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indiclments returned by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice oflhe matters contained in the court file. Each of fie files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained aone- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an anached document from the 120fi District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware oithis at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he S1ate has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-3 gircumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriff s Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safc'ty. 'P"L-htLn,.t,,: 6-?-!+ JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F-4 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6i '10/2024 3:03 PM Delia Briones County Clerk EI Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AI'LAW NUMBF]R SEVEN EL PASO, COTINTY, TEXAS S TATE OF I'EXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240CO3713 $ LUIS ANGEL GONZALEZ $ ORDIJR I)ISMISSI NG INDICT'MI]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Courr Crand Jury on May 21, 2024. A.'Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictmenrs retumed by the l20s District Courl Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Coun finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any olthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20d District Court Grand Jury on }'iray 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court look judicial notice oflhe malters contained in the court file. Each of rhe files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Coun to the County Couds. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transtbr any case from the l20s Districl Court to the Countv Courts. Although the State was made aware of this a1 the hearing on lune 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or conect the Order. l he State has been given ample time to address the matter aad it has not done so. Under these F-5 circumstances, the Coul is unable to llnd that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. ?d,,^h\....r,o (o-cl- 4 JTJD(iE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Courl at Law #1 F-6 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/9/2024 9:17 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'HE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS S'TA'fE OF 1'EXAS $ $ vs. $ CALIS E NO. : 20240C 037 25 EMILIO JOSE HENRIOUEZ s $ ORDIiR DISMISSING INI)IC'I'MIINT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2074. A *Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on Jure 6,2024. Although not all the cascs were called on June 6, 2024, the thcts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by rhe l20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any olthe misdemcanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on Jtue 6, 2024. the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters conlained in the court file. Each of the {iles on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er". This document purported to lranst'er cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. I{owever, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not lransfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on lvne 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion olthe hearing, the mattr was taken under advisement, As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order, The State has been given ample time to address the maner and it has not done so, Under these F-7 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sherifls O{fice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case lrom the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Depanment of Public Sat'ety. -Pr-L,^,hl-,^-L.t (r-?'?q' JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F-8 El Paso Counly - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/9/2024 9:38 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'HE COIJNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS S'IA'I'E OF I'EXAS $ $ VS, $ CAUSE NO.: 2OZ40C 03728 OSCAR ALBINO MARIN $ $ ORt)IJR DISMISSING INDICI'MIINT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictmens returned by the l20th District Court Crand Jury on May 21, 2024, A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Ahhough not all the cases were ca.lled on June 6, 2024,|he facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the 120'n Disl.rict Coua Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurixliction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any olthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,20?4. At the hearing held on June 6,2024. the Court lookjudicial notice ofthe mattem contained in the court file. Each ofthe files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, conlained a one- page document titled "Order of Cenification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attachcd document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not uansfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-9 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any condilions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center dalabase maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. -P,h..-Vlt- C-,-?-2t/- JUDCE RUBEN MORALES ^,.r,, DATE County Court at Law #7 F-10 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/9/2024 8:58 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN TTIE CoUNTY COT]RTAT LAWNUMBTjR SEVEN EI- PASO, COTINTY. TEXAS S'TA'|E OF I'I]XAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO. : 202.10C03731 PIN YHONSON MARTINEZ $ $ ORDF]R I)ISMISSI NG INDICI'MI]N1' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over midemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are idcntical. Therefore, ii the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20m District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matterc conlained in the court file. Each ofthe tiles on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Clertification and Transf'ei'. This document purported to transl'er cases listed on an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Ortler did not transfer any case from the l20th Districl Court to the County Couns. Although the State r*'as made au'are olthis at the hearing on lune 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. I'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has nol done so. Under these F-11 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdictkrn has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released from cuslody and the EI Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. H*^h!..*t JUDGE RUBEN MORALES 6-cl--?+ DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F -12 El Paso Counly - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61912024 8151 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN I'HE COI]NTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COI.INTY, TEXAS STAI'E OF I'EXAS $ $ vs. $ CALISE NO.: 20240C03734 CARLOS OSMIN MEJIA s $ ORI)llR t )lSlvll s S NCi INI)I(II'MEN'T This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrnents retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,Lhe facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any olthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the I20'h District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Coua fookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the courl file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21.2024, contained aone- page document titled "Order of Cerrification and Transfer". This document purported to transtler cases listed on an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts, However, no document was attached, Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case frorn the 120'h District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on lune 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At*le conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l-he Sate has been given ample time to address the matter and t has not done so. Under these F- 13 circumstances, the Coufl is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this casc from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Depanment of Public Sat'ety. -Pr*JL*.!.,,s 6-cl-2tt. JUDCE RUBEN MORALES DA'fE County Court at ]law h7 F -14 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6i 10/2024 3:54 PN4 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COIJNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COI.JNTY, TEXAS S'[A]'E OF TEXAS $ s VS $ CAUSE N0.: 2024OC03737 $ ALDEMARO RAIAEL PEREZ s 0 t)trR I)lSMl SIN ICT MENT This cause is before the Court to delermine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A '.Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although nor all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the tacts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments rctumed by the I20d Disrriot Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical, Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one ca;e, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Coua took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transl'er". This document purportd to transler cases listed on an attached document from rhe l20th District Court to the County Courts. I{owever, no document was anached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer anv case tiom the l20d Dislrict Coud to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this al the hearing on lwe 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of rhe hearing, lhe matter was taken under advisement. Asof the signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. 'I'he State has been given ample timc to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F- 15 circurnstances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Delbndant is ORDIIRED released liom custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case tiom the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safbty. '-P/t"hl-,^-t r,o-?'2q , JUD(}E RIJBEN MORALES DAl'E Oounty Court at La*' #7 F- l6 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 4:00 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'HE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CAtiSE NO.: 2A210(' 03741 s ASAEL DANIEL POLANCO ss ORDI]R DISMISSING I NI)I(]T'MI]N'I' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it hasjurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the t'acrs pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20e District Courr Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. 'lherefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s Disrrict Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order ofCertification and Transt'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the Counly Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any czre from the 1201h District Court to the County Courts. Although the Slate was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken turder advisement. As of fte signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -17 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defbndant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Depanmcnt of Public Saf'ety. 'kl*^Vtt 6-?-^?+ JUDGT' RUBEN MORALES t)At E County Court at Law #7 F- 18 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61912024 9:02 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS $ $ VS, s CAUSE NO.: 20240C 03742 JONATHAN JOHAO QUINONEZ $ $ ORD[.-R I)ISMISSINC INDI (lT lvll:N'l' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea ro rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2O24, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20u District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, ilthe Court finds lhat it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does nol have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice oflhe matters contained in the court file. Each ofthe files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and I'ransfer". This document purported to transt'er cases listed on an attached document I'rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was artached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the 1206 District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F- 19 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sherilfs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this cane from the 'fexas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -?,1*^ht. ,| Cr-?-?4 JUDGE RUI]EN MORALES DAl ll County Court at l-aw #7 F -20 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61 1012024 4:12 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County INTHE COUN'IY COI,JRT AT LAW NUMBIR SEVEN EI, PASO, COTINTY. TEXAS STATE OF I I]XAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 10240C 03743 $ DIEGO JESUS RIVAS $ ORDI]R DISMISSINC INT)ICl M}INT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,lhe t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by thr 1206 District Coun Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds &at il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ol the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice oithe matters contained in the coun file. Each ofthe files on the defendants indicted on May 21. 2024, contained aone- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transiey''. This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Coun to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case fiom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this al the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement, As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matler and it has nol done so. Under these F -21 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P'**hL*^r, ,J G,-q-2+ JUDGI] RUBEN MORALES DA'IE C'ounty Court at Law #7 F -22 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012O24 4:14 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COIJNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COTINTY, TEXAS SI'A'IE OF TEXAS s $ vs. $ CALISIT NO. : 20240C 037 47 $ s GUSTAVO ANDRES ROBLES ORDIiR I)tSM ISSING INDICI'MI]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,|he facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120n District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20e District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on lhe defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certilication and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached documenl from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Houever, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transf'er any case from the 1206 District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was mken under advisement, As of the signing ofthis Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -23 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Detbndant is ORDERED released t'rom custody and the El Paso Sherifls Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions ol bond associated with this cuse lrom the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. ,1 6-?-24" JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DA'IE County Court at Law #7 F -24 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:17 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI, PASO, COI,I}ITY. TEXAS STATE OF ]'EXAS s $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240CO3748 $ CRISTIAN EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ $ ORDIiR DISMISSINC INDI(]'I I\,lIlN'f This cause is before the Court to delermine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2O24, the facr pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 Disrrict Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Coua took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in rhe court file. Each of the files on lhe defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained aone- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er". This document purported to transt'er cases listed on an attached document l-rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no documcnt was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case from the 1206 District Court to the County Courts. Although the State rlas made aware oithis at the hearing on June 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Clrder, on the eve oftrial. the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -25 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released tiom custody and the El Paso SherifPs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lntbrmation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P,-t ,*V)L,u-t,,t C-,-?-2q JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Coult at Law #7 F -26 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61 1012024 4:21 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN TTII| COTJNI'Y COI]RT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI, PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS S'TA'I'E OF I'EXAS $ $ vs. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240CO3752 $ CARLOS ANDRES RUBIO $ ORDER DISMISSIN(i INDICT MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Ple& to rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although nor all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20s District Court 'l'herefore, if the Court finds that it does not have Grand Jury on May 21, 20?4, are identical. jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120'h District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Coufl tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court tile. Each of the tiles on the delendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to lransfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Iiowever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did nol transfer any case tiom the 1206 District Court to the County Courts. Although the Smre w'as made aware of rhis at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. AI the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the maner and it has not done so. Under these F -27 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove ary conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lntbrmation Center dalabase maintained by lhe Department of Public Sat'ety. -kl*-Vtr ,:.-'1 l4 JTJDGI] -.,. RUBEN MORALES DATE County Courl at Law #7 F-28 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61 1012024 4:28 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBI.]R SEVEN Et, PASO, COIJNTY, TEXAS S'I'A]-E OF TEXAS $ s\ VS s CAUSE NO.: 26249903754 "N LENIN ANTON SUAREZ \\ ORD|R DISMISSING t NDIC'IMENT This cause is before the Court to determine whelher it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indicunents retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A *Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining ttr all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. 'fherefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20t District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court lookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court f'ile. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Coufl to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not translbr any case liom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the maner aad it has not done so. Under these F -29 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Detbndant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions oi bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Infbrmation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. k*^71r. JUDGI] RUBEN MORALES G,- ?-34- DATE County Court at Law #'1 F-30 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 12:35 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS S'TA]'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CALISE NO.: 20240C03755 $ RAFAEL ANGEL GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ $ ORt)ER DISMISSING INt) ICTMIINT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over miylemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A, "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120fi District Court Grand Jur1, on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it do€s not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the t20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024. the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on lhe defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transl'er cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Coun to the County Courts. Ilowever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case tiom the 120ft District Court to the Count-v Courts. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. Asof the signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample lime to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-31 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lntbrmation Center database maintained by the Depanment of Public Sat'ety. -PrL.Jlt-^r, 6-q-:,4. JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DA'I'E County Court at Law #7 F -32 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 12:38 Pl..it Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COIjRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COIjNTY, TEXAS S'TAI'E OF ]'EXAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03756 s MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA $ ORDER DISMISSING INI)ICT'MF:N"I This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Coun Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A *Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. .Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2O24, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20d Distdct Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120ft District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe malters contained in the courl file. Each of the files on the defendants indicled on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an altached documenr from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not uansfer any case tiorn the l20th District Court to $e County Courts- Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken rurder advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correcl the Order. The Stale has been given ample time ro address the matter and iI has not done so. Under these F-33 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs O{fice is ORDERED to remove any conditions oi bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnfbrmation Center dalabase maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. n ,6-?-:/q JUDGE RUBEN MORALES I)A'IF] County Court at Law #7 F -34 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 3:10 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN'TIII] COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COLINTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS S $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 2O240C03757 $ OMAR RAFAEL GONZALEZ $ ORDIiR I)ISMISSING INI)I(]I MI]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments relurned by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facrs pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. l'herefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdicrion in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120fi District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024,the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Translbr". This document purported to tansfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts, However, no document was atlached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case tiom rhe 120fi District Court to the County Couns. Although the State was made ar,r'are of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the Sute has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has nol moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-35 circumstanccs, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case fi'om the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department ofPublic Safety. k*^7tl.n.t,.t JUDGE RUBEN MORALES 6-q--2t/ I)A1'E County Court at Law #7 F-36 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6l'1012024 3'.34 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY C]OURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STA'IE OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CALTSE N0.: 20240C03769 s' $ EYLER ROLL IMOREJON ORI)l:R I)l S 14 ISSING INDIC'I'MI,N'f This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,|he facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indicrments retumed by the l20s District Coud Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6. 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the Counly Courts. I{owever, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case tiorn the l20o District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on lune 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not tiled any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The Slate has been given ample time to address the mafter and it has not done so. Under these F -37 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Def'endant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SheriIPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions oi bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Inlbrmation Cenler database maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. ?,uhr. JUDGE RUBEN MORALES 6''i-t4 DA'TE Counly Court at Law #7 F-38 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4.03 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'HE COUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS S'TATE OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CALISE NO. : 20240C037 7 0 $ JUAN CARLOS PRESBI $ ORt)tJR DISMISSIN(} INI) I("t MllN"f This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the lacts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120& District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the tiles on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases lisled on an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case frorn the 120fi District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was uken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l-he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-39 circun'lstances, the Cowt is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 'kl,*^?xr. C.-?-2q- JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DATE County Coun at Law #7 F-40 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:10 PM Delia Eriones County Clerk El Paso County IN'I'HL] COI.]NTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVI]N EI. PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STAT'E OF ]'EXAS $ $ VS $ CALISE NO. : 2024OC0377 1 $ YORDAN JESUS QUINTERO $ ()RDIiR I)ISMI S S ING INI)IC]'MENT 'fhis cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea ro the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cascs were called on June 6, 2024, the tacts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the I20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Thercfore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 2l ,2O24. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of rhe files on the defendants indicted on May 2l, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Ce(ification and Transfei'. This document purported to lransler cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Ortler did not transt'er any case from the l20s Districl Court to the County Courts. Although the Slate r,l'as made aware oithis at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanalion. At the conclusion oithe hearing, the malter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and ir has not done so. Under these F -41 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safcty, -P,,*^hr. C',-cl-!+ JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F -42 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:34 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN'I'HE COUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COT]NTY, TEXAS STAI'E OF'TEXAS s $ VS, $ UAUSE NO.: 2O24OC03772 $ EMILIORANON TORRES $ oRt)tiR t)tsM TSSING INt)IC]'MtIN-I This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on Jrme 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Coun finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120'h District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the coun t'11e. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 2l , 2024, contained a one- page document titlcd "Order of Certification and Transl'er". This document purported to transt'er cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequenrly, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20th District Court to the Countv Courts. Although the State was made aware of this al the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. Asof the signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l-he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -43 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associatcd *'ith this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P,*^hr. -2 JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F -44 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4.39 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN TI,IE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI, PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STA I'E OF I'EXAS $ $ VS. ii CAUSE N0. : 20240(: 0377 3 $ JOSE ESTEBAN VALERIANO s ORDI.,R DISMISSINC INI) rcl MuN-l 'fhis cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "PIea ro the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cascs were called on June 6, 2024,|he facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20d District Courr Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurixliction in one case, it does nol have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2O24. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Coua took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the tlles on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l2fth District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transttr any case from the l20s District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware oithis at the hearing on Jt:r:.e 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At dre conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -45 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. DetLndant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case lrom the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. Ti-u-vt t- *,Lt's JUDOE RUBEN MORALES 6-?-?// DATE County Coun at Law #7 F -46 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 4:41 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'FII] CoUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COLINTY.'TEXAS S'IA'I'E OF 1'EXAS s $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 2024oC03775 $ LUIS IGNACIO VASQUEZ $ ORDIJR DISMISSING INI)IC'I MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over mislemeanor indictments returned by the l20th District Cout Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2O24, the facrs pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. 'fherefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the I20s District Court Grand Jur.v on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial nolice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on lhe defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transler cases listed on an attached document from the 120th District Court 10 the County Courts. IJowever, no document was atta,ched. Consequently, lhe Order ditl not transt'er any case from the 120ft District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -47 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffls Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P,**ht ,(--cl-:/4 JUDGE RUBEN MORALES I]A'I'E Counry Court at Law #'7 F-48 El Paso Counly - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6t9t2024 9.21 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso Counly IN THE COUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COI.JNTY. TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS $ $ vs. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03776 CARLOS ALBERTO GIMENEZ s ii ORD}iR I)ISMISSIN 1N,IT.]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,ihe facts perraining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, il does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice of the malters contained in the court tlle. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transf'er cases li$ed on an attached document t'rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any ctrse from the 120'h f)istrict Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. Asofthe signing ofthis Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F"49 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked, It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released tiom custody and the El Paso Sherifls Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this cass lrom the Texas Crime lnlbrmation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. 'P,-t ^-1'h-n,t.,: 6"?-2tl. JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAT'E County Court at Law #7 F-50 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Fited 61912024 9:42 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COT]NTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STAI'E OF TEXAS $ $ vs. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C 03777 CRISNER ENRIQUE GONZALEZ s $ ORDI]R t)ISMISSI NG INI)ICTMINT This cause is before the Court to determine whelher it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to rhe Jwisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2O24, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024. the Court took judicial notice ofthe malters contained in lhe coun file. Each ofthe files onlhe defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- pa.ge document titled "Order of Certificalion and Transfer". This document purported to transler cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any ctse from the 120fi District Court to the County Courts. Although the Slate was made aware of this al the hearing on hne 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. Atthe conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or conect the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-51 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this caux is DISMISSED. Detbndant is ORDERED releascd from custody and the El Paso Sherilfs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center dalabase maintained by the Department ofPublic Salbty. 'Prl**hl-^,.!, -,) 6-?-3q- JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DA'IIl County Coun at Law #7 F -52 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 3:O7 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]"HE COUN'TY COURT AT LAW NUMBIIR SEVEN EI- PASO, COT-INTY. TEXAS STA'TE OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03778 $ LUIS EDUARDO GONZALEZ $ ORI)IiR DISMISSIN G INDIC'I'MENl' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misrlemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,|he thcts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120fr District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. 'l'herefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Cout Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the tiles on lhe defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled 'Order of Ce(ification and Transf'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an altached document from ihe l20th District Court to the County Courts. Ilowever, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transt'er any case tiom the 1206 District Court to the County Courrs. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of lhe hearing, the matter was taken under advisernent. As ofthe signing of this Order, ontie eve oftrial, the State has not tiled any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has nol done so. Under these F-53 ciroumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Depa(ment of Public Salbty. -P,+-.11r. 6-?-2q JTJDGE RUBEN MORALES DA-TE County Court at Law #7 F -54 Filed 61912024 9tO7 PM El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'HE CoUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COLINTY, TEXAS STA'I'E OF I'EXAS $ $ VS $ CALTSE NO. : 2O24OC 037 7 I s ELIGIO JOSE HERNANDEZ $ oRDIJI{ t)ISN,IISSIN(i I NDICI MI]N'T This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurivliction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Courr Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the lhcts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024. the Court lookjudicial nolice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases lisled on an attached document l'rom the l20th District Clourt to the County Courts. I{owever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case hom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although lhe State was made aware of this at the hearing on lune 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At tle conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement, Asof the signing ofthis Order, on the eve of trial, the State has notfiled any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-55 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sherift's Oflice is ORDERED lo remove any conditions of bond associated with this casc from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database mainlained by the Depanment of Public Safety. -Pru,hL*,-t (.-'i !rt* - JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DA'fE Cowrty Court at Law #7 F-56 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 3:12 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THTJ COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBIJR SEVEN EI- PASO, COI.JNTY, TEXAS STAI'I] OF ]'EXAS s $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 2O240C 03781 $ JELKEL MICHEL HERNANDEZ $ ORI]IJR I)ISMISSI NG INDI('I'MI]N'f This cause is belore the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th Dislrict Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facr perraining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120fi District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. arc identical. l'herefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the t20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Cou( took judicial notice oflhe malters contained in the coun file. Each ofrhe files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Cenification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases lisled on an attached document from the l20th Dislrict Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, lhe Order did not transfer any ca.se frorn the 120'h District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the ma(er and it has not done so, Under these F -57 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Ofiice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnlbrmation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P,*,^hr. Cr-?-2+ JUDGI] RUBEN MORALI]S DATE County Clourt at Law #7 F-58 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6i 10/2024 3:15 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STAI'E OF I'EXAS $ $ VS. s CALTSE NO. : 2O24OC 037 82 $ KEVIN JOSE IRIARTE $ ORDIiI{ I)ISMISSING I NI)ICI'MENT This cause is before the Coun to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrnents retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the thcts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by rhe l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. 'lherefore, if the Court finds that it does nol have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemearor cases indicted by the I 20rh District Court Grand Jury on May 2l , 2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice of the matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Trarsfer". This document purported to transfer cases lisled on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case lrom the l20th District Court to fie County Courts. Although the Stare was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement, As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-59 circumstances, the Cowt is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is lherefore ORDERED that lhis cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released tiom custody and the El Paso SherifYs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center dalabase maintained by the Depaflment ofPublic Safety. 'P"uhr. 6-q-2//- JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DA"TE County Court at Law #7 F-60 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 3t17 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT A'f LAW NUMBER SEVITN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS S'TA]'E OF 1'EXAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C 03785 s DARWIN RAMON JIMENEZ $ ORDI:R l)ISMISSING INI)l(11' lvlllNT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it hars jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts perraining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Cowt Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120ft District Court Grand Jur-v on May 21,20?4. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe mallers contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document li'om lhe l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not uansl'er any case frorn the t20th District Court to fte County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,20?4, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was talien under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the Sute has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or conect the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-61 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that is jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED lhat this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. 'kL,- 7h-.^.t o 6-ci-3q JUDGI' RUBEN MORALES DATE County Cou( al Law #7 F -62 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/9/2024 9;'l'1 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUN'|Y C]OURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COTJNTY, TEXAS STA'I'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03787 FAUSTO ROMARIO JIMENEZ $ $ ORDLR I)ISMISSI NG INDICTMI]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l2fth District Court Cnand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6. 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indicrments retumed by the l20s District Coun Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Coun finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the I20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe malters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Cenilication and Transfer". This document purported to translbr cases listed on an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Couns. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case trorn the 1206 District Court to the Count_v Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved lo arnend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-63 circumstances, the Courl is unable to lind that iajurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Depanment of Public Safety. 'P,-u^ht. G,''i4t/- JUDCE RUBEN MORALES DA Ih. County Court at Law #7 F-64 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 3:19 pN.4 Delia Briones Counly Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C 03789 $ $ ANGEL GABRIEL MACHADO ORDIiR DISMI..\ Sll\lG I Nl)ICI MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,lhe facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on rhe defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certificalion and Transf'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from lhe l20th District Coun to the Counly Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case frorn the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanalion. At the conclusion of the hearing, the maner was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-65 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the EI Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -?,*^Vtr. 6-?-:t4" JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAT'E Counry Court at Laut #7 F-66 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 3:21 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT A'I LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS S'TAI'E OF I'EXAS $ s VS. $ CALISE NO. : 2O24OC. 037 92 s RODRIGO ANDRES MARTINEZ $ ORDIJR DISMISSI NG INDICTMENT 'lhis cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemea.nor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the czuies were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. 'l'herefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20m District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe nratters contained in the court tlle. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported lo lransfer cases listed on an attached documenl from the l20th District Court lo the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not aalsfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on Jtrne 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisemeni, As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -67 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Sat'ety. -Hl,^ht. 6-q-!+ JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F-68 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61 1012024 3:27 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS S AI'E OF I'EXAS $ $ VS. $ CALTSE NO.: 20240C03795 $ ELISAUL ISIMITH MENDEZ $ ORDLR I)ISMISSING INDIC]I MENI' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, we identical. Therefore, if the Coun finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the I20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024- At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transl'er cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. I{owever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transtbr any case frorn the l20th District Court to the County Couts. Although the State was made aware of this al the hearing on llufjle 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was talien rurder advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l-he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-69 circumslances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked, It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released fiom custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED lo remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. /, 6-2 24. JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DATE County Court at Law #'l F-70 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 3:30 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ]'HE COUNTY COI.JRTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COI.]NTY, TEXAS S'TA]'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CALISE N0.: 202-+0C03797 s EZER ANTONIO MONTIEL $ ORI)IJR t)ISMISSI NG INDICTMENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisrliction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20n District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does nol have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2O24. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er'. This document purported to transt'er cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court 10 the County Courts. I{owever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case trom the 1206 District Court to the County Courts. Although the Slate was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, il did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing. the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -71 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that is jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED thal this caus€ is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texiu Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department ofPublic Safety, k**7n JUDCE RUBEN MORALES 6-q-3+ DAl'E County Coun at Law #7 F -72 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/9/2024 9:34 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COTINTY, TEXAS STA'IE OF ]'EXAS $ $ VS. $ CALISE NO.: 20240C 03799 LUIS JOSE MORA $ $ ORDI]R I)ISMISSI NG tNI)IC]'MI]NT This cause is before the Coun to determine whether it h:rs jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the l'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120ft District Coun Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20o District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. AI the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Cou( look judicial notice ofthe malters contained in the court file. Each ofthe files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transl'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document l'rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Ilowever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20th District Coun to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any docurnent explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time 1o address the maner and it has not done so. Under these F -73 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety, -P)*^?1r -. 6-E- 2// JUDGI] RUBEN MORALES DA'TE Courry Court at Law #7 F -74 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 3:36 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COTJNTY, TEXAS S I'A]'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03801 $ $ ULISES JOSE OLIVEROS ORDIJR DISMISSING INDICI MENT This cause is before the Coun to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20th District Coun Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,lhe l'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictmens returned by the 120fi District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any oithe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2O24. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, conlained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Ortler did not transfer any case from the l20th District Court to the Counqv Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -75 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that lhis cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from cuslodv and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -H-t *Ttl- n^t,c 6-?-24 JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DATE County Court at Law #7 F -76 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 3:40 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THI] COUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS S]'AI'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS, $ CALISE NO.: 20240C 03807 $ JOSE SNEYDER ORDONEZ $ OIIDER DISMISSING INI)IT'I'MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it hau jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A..PIea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024. the Coun tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in lhe coun llle. Each of the tiles on lhe defendants indicted on May 2l , 2024, contained a one- page document titled 'Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to lransfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court 1o the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transt'er any case from lhe l20e District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this al the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanalion. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve of trial, the State has nor filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -77 circumstances! the Court is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case fiom the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -PrL^ht.,*o Gr-?-3q' JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E Cornly Court at Law #7 F'78 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h0/2024 3.42 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STAI'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CALISE NO.: 20240C 038'1 '1 s $ LUIS FERNANDO ORTIZ ORDI.:R I)ISMISSI NCi INI)IC,I IvlI]N.T This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrnents retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts perlaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, ue identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the courl t'ite. Each of the files on rhe defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached documerrt from the l20th District Coun to the County Courls. However, no documcnt was attached. Consequently, the Order did not translbr any case from the l20rh District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. l'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-79 circumstances, the Court is unable to lind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED releascd from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Departnrent of Public Safety. -P,u-?u.., JUDGI' RUBEN MORALES t ,) r.o-q-3//- DAI'E Counly Court at Law #'1 F"80 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61 1Ol2O24 3:44 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THt] COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STA]'E OF ]'EXAS $ $ VS, $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03813 $ $ ELEAZAR ISAAC PACHECO ORDI:R DISMISSI NG INDICTMEN'I This cause is before the Court to delermine whether it has iurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the l'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictmens retumed by the 120fi District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the I 20th Di strict Court Grand Jur.v on May 2l , 2024 . At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Coun tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court llle. Each of the tiles on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Iiowever, no document was auached. Consequently, the Order did not rransfer any case from the 1206 District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As oflhe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed -l'he any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. State has been given ample rime to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-81 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that lhis cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherilPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case lrom the Texas Crime lnformation Center dalabase maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 'Prl,-1't'l-,u.1 , 6-?-2q- JIJD(iE RUBEN MORAT,ES DA'fE County Court at Law #7 F -82 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/'10/2024 3:46 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COLIRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS S'I-A'I'E OF ]'EXAS $ $ VS. $ CALISE NO.: 20240C 03815 $ HEIDER JEFRED PALACIOS $ ()ltl)lrl{ l)l S lvt I S ING INI)I('TMENT This cause is before the Cou( to determine whelher it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cascs were called on June 6, 2024, the facrs pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical- Therefore, if the Court linds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does n()t have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the coun file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document t'rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was altached. Consequently, the Order did not uansfer any case ftom the 120'h District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or corect the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the mafter and it has not done so. Under these F-83 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is fierefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffls Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center dabbase maintained by the Department of Public Safety. *?r*^Vlt-.,^t .. c.--'1.3q- JUDGF] RUBEN MORALES t)A] E County Court at Law #? F-84 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 3:48 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COTJRT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COTJNTY. TEXAS S'IAI-E OF'I'EXAS $ ll vs. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03816 $ $ WILSON SALVADO PALENCIA ORDI:R DISMISSING INI)lC1' MIINT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were ca.lled on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments rctumed by the 1206 District Coun Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the t20ft District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the coun l'ile. Each ofthe files on lhe defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to lransfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court 10 the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20s District Court to the County Courts. Although the Slate was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address dte matter and it has not done so. Under these F-85 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Det'endant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department ofPublic Safety. -P,*^Vtr. r.o-?-2+ JUDCE RUBEN MORALT]S DA'I'E County Coun at Law #7 F-86 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 3:50 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN'I'HII COUNTY COUR'| AT LAW NUMBL]R SEVEN EI- PASO, COLINTY, TEXAS STATE OF I'EXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 2024OCO3817 $ $ JOSE DARIO PAZ ORDI:R DISMI SIN(i I]NT This cause is before the Court lo determine whether it h:s jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on Jure 6, 2024, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, ue identical. l'herefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20e District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the courl file. Each of the files on the delendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on lune 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the maner and it has not done so. Under these F -87 circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that is jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texzs Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -kLhr. (', ''?-?4 JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DA'I'E County Court at Law #7 F-88 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 3t52 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBTJR SEVI]N EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF I'EXAS S $ VS. $ CAUSII NO.: 20240C 03818 $ DANIEL ALEXANDER PEREIRA $ ()RDtiR DISMISSING lNl)lC]'l\.lllN'l' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it hm iurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrnents retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on Jure 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,lhe facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 120'h District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurixliction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the I20$ District Court Grand Jury onMay 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Cou* took judicial notice ofthe malters contained in the court tile. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 2l, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Ordcr of Certification and Transfey''. This document purported to transfer cases listed on an altached document from the l20th District Court 10 the County Courts. l{owever, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Cnurts. Although the State was made a$'are of this al the hearing on hrne 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was talien under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or corect the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -89 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Detbndant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheritfs Oftice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lntbrmation Center dalabase maintained by the Department of Public Salbty. ?,uh!...-r,,, JUDGE RUBEN MORALES 6-cl-2+ DA'I'E County Court at Law #7 F-90 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/10/2024 3:57 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS s $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240CO38'1 I $ ANGELO MOISES POLANCO $ ORDtTR l)ISMISSI NG TNDICI'MEN'| This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th Districr Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea ro rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,|he facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indic(ments retumed by the 120fr District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2O24. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice of the matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transl'er cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transl'er any case from the l20th District Court to the Count_v Courts. Although lhe State was made aware of this at the hearing on Jtne 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The Stale has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-9'l circumstances, the Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Detbndant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions oi bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Depanment of Public Safety. '?il,,-hr-nny',,s 6-?-2q JT]DGE RUBEN MORALES DA'I'E County Courl at Law #7 F -92 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/'10/2024 4:06 PN4 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THI.] CoUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI, PASO, COLINTY. TT]XAS STA'IE OF I'EXAS S $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.:20240C03820 ANGEL EDUARDO QUINTERO " $ ORDIiR l)lSMlSSlnvG INDICTMIINT This cause is before the Coun to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictmene returned by the l2fth District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A..Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the thcts perlaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the l20o District Cour Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that il does nor have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20d District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on $e defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained aone- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to lranst'er cases lisled on an attached document f'rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case tiom the l20d District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on June 6, 2024, il did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion oflhe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the mafier and it has not done so. Under these F-93 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Delendant is ORDIIRED released I'rom custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lntbrmation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. --kl*^ht y't /a-?-!q" JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F-94 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61 1012024 4:0A PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, CO{.II{TY, TEXAS STATE OF I'EXAS $ $ vs. $ CALISE NO. : 20240CO382'l $ $ SEBASTIAN ANDRES QUINTERO ORDI]R t)ISMISSI N(i INI)lCl lv{IlN'I This cause is before the Court to determine whelher it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrneots retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to rhe Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the t'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 Disldct Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20e District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the delendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Cenification and Transfer". This document purported to transl'er cases listed on an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did nol transfer any case t'rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made awnre of this a1 the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As oflhe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-95 circumstances, the Courr is unable to tind that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Inlbrmation Center dalabase maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 'PrJ,r.*4)l-.^*., Cr-?--?tt' JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAI'E County Cou( at Law #7 F-96 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:49 PM Oelia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THI] COUNTY COUR'I AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COLNTY. TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS s $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03822 $ IVELVIN ISIVAEL ZURITA $ ORDER I)ISMISSING INDICl'MIIN'I This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictmens retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the l'acts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 2l, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Coun finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it docs not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice of the matters contained in the court tlle. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transf'er cases listed on an altached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. IJowever, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any case tiorn the 120fi District Court to the County Couas. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on J:ul:,e 6,2O24, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of lhe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-97 circumstances, the Coul is unable to find that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Oftice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P,1,,^Vtl. 6-q-2+ JI.JDGTJ RUBEN MORALES DAI'E County Court at Law #7 F-98 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 61912024 9:45 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THF] COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COTINTY, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS $ $ vs. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03823 $ DEIKER DAVID RAMIREZ $ ORDI]R DISMISSING INDIC'I'MENl' This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrnens retumed by the l2fth District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "PIea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,lhe facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the t206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court tlle. Each ofthe tiles on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained aone- page document titled ''Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to lransfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Ilowever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case frorn the l20th District Court to the County Couns. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. Asof the signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Llnder these F-99 oircumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this c&se from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safery. 'Fil,.^.ht,,.*o Cr-cl-2tt' JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E Counly Court at Law #7 F-100 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 4:19 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso Counly IN l'HE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STA'|E OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20740C03824 s JOSUE RAFAEL ROMERO $ ot{D}lR DISMTSSIN(i tNDIC] MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Courr Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments rctumed by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20d District Court Grand Jur-v on May 21, 2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each ofthe files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transt'er cases listed on an attached document from the I 20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the t20fi District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. I'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-'t 01 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Detbndant is ORDERED released from custody and the E[ Paso SherifPs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P'**h\..*.t, ()- ci -1//- JUDGE RUBEN MORALI]S DA'I'E (lounty Court at Laut #7 F -102 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 4123 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THI.] COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COT]NTY, TEXAS STATE OF'I'EXAS s $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 2O24OC03825 $ RAMON HEBERTO RUIZ s ORDIR I)ISMISSING I NI)ICTMENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 2t, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the ciuies were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 Dislrict Cowt Grand Jury on May 21, 2O24, are identical. Therefore, if the Coun finds that il does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeaaor cases indicted by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the coun file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 2l , 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order ofCertification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an altached document fiom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. llowever, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transler any case t'rom the 1206 Disrict Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing oithis Order, onlhe eve oftrial, the State has notfiled any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-103 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that lhis cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SheriiPs Oflice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Intbrmation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safcty. -H1,"-hL n.t,.t 6-cl-?+ JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAlll Counry Coun at Law #7 F-104 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 4:26 Pt'A Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBT]R SEVEN EL PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS STATE OF I'EXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03826 $ ENDERSON JOSE SILVA $ ORDTiR DISMISSING INI)I C'i.MI]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictrnents retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024, A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the l'acts peaaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20e District Coufl Grand Jury on May 21,2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120ft District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court took judicial notice ofthe malters contained in the coun t'ile. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 2 l, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Ceflification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case fiorn the l20G District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on Jwre 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing. the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing olthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deticiency and it has not moved to amend or corect the Order. T'he State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has nol done so. Under these F-105 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso SherifPs Offrce is ORDERED lo remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -P,*^hr.,--r, C-,-?-2t-/ JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DAl'E County Court at Law #7 F-106 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:29 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS SI'AI'E OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03827 s JOSE ANTONIO TORRELLES $ ORDIIII DISMISSING INI)IC]]'MI]NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has juridiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on Jure 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the t'acts pertaining 1o all the misdemeanor indictments rctumed by the l20d'District Courl Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024, the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached documenl from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transl'er any case from lhe l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made au'are oithis at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At tlre conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and il has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the mafier and it has not done so. Under these F-107 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs Offrce is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 'Pil,,^ht.,-r,, Cr-?'24 JT'DGE RUBEN MORALES DAI'E County Court at Law #7 F-108 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:31 Pln Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN l'HE COUNTY COT]RT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI, PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS STATE OF I'EXAS $ s VS $ cAUSE NO.: 20240C03828 s ELVIS STEFANO TORRES $ ORDl]R DISMISSING INDICI'Mt--N'f This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the 120fi Dislrict Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any oithe misdemearor cases indicted by the l20s District Court Grand Jury on May 71,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024. the Court tookjudicial notice ofthe malters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was anached, Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20s District Court to the Count-v Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ol the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-109 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED thar lhis cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs OIIice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Saicty. 'P**h L 6-cl-2+ JUDCE RUBEN MORALES DATE County Court at Law #7 F-110 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:37 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBIIR SEVEN EI, PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STATE OF I'EXAS $ $ VS. $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C03829 s ALDAIR MILLER VALENXIA $ ORDER DISMISSING INDIC'I MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments returned by the 120th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20e District Cout Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, arc identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20th District Coun Grand Jury on May 21,2O24. At the hearing held on June 6,2024, the Court took judicial notice of the matters contained in the coun file. Each of the tiles on fie defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, contained a one- page document litled "Order of Certification and Transl'er". This document purported to transl'er cases listed on an attached document f-rom the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not transfer any c.tse from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made ar.r'are olthis at the hearing on lune 6, 2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was uken under advisement. As ofthe signing of this Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The State has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-1't1 circumstances, dre Court is unable to tind that itsjurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defbndant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sherilfs Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. kl,.^ht.*.* JUDGE RUBEN MORALES G-q 4 DATE County Court at Law #7 F -112 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6h012024 4143 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EL PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS STA'fE OF TEXAS $ $ VS s CAt.rSI: N0.: 201.10(' 03830 $ JULIO ENRIQUE VEGA .s ORDI,R I)ISMISSIN(; INI)l("1 lvll,NT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdcmeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the facts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, we identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ol the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20n District Court Grand Jur-r on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024. the Court took judicial notice of the matters conlained in the coun file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21, 2024, conlained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document purported to transtbr cases listed on an attached docurnent tiom the I20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequently, the Order did not transfer any case from the l20th District Cout to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware olthis at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As ofthe signing ofthis Order, on the eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The Sute has been given ample time to address the matter and il has nol done so. Under these F-113 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that its jurisdiction has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sherilf s Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this casc from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. -Pt^hr. 6'?-:tq. JUDGT] RUBEN MORALES DA'IE County Coua at Law #7 F -114 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 611012024 4:45 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURTAT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI, PASO, COLNTY, TEXAS STA'IE OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CAtTSE NO.: 20240C0383 1 s LUIS ANTONIO VELASQUEZ $ ORt)}iR I)ISMISSING INDIC'fMII,N'f This cause is before the Court to determine whether ir has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l20th District Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6, 2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024, the thcts pertaining to all the misdemeanor indictments returned by the 120fi District Coul Grand Jurl' on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any ofthe misdemeanor cases indicted by the 120ft District Court Grand Jury onMay 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6, 2024. the Court took judicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on the defendants indicted on May 21,2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer". This document puported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court lo the Counly Courls. However, no document was attached. Consequently. the Order did not translbr any case from the 120'h District Court to the County Courts. Although the State was made aware of this at the hearing on June 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion ofthe hearing, the matter was taken under advisement. As of the signing of this Order, on the eve of trial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or conect the Order. The State has been given ample timc to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F-115 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that is jurisdiction has been properly invoked, It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffs OfIice is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime Information Center database maintained by the Depanment of Public Sat-ety. -?,*-ht.-^r, Cr-?-24- JUDGE RUBEN MORALES DATE County Court at Law #7 F"116 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 6/'1 1/2024 8:18 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW NUMBER SEVEN EI- PASO, COUNTY, TEXAS SlA'TE OF TEXAS $ $ VS $ CAUSE NO.: 20240C 03832 $ JOSBEIKER JOSE VILORIA $ OR DER DISMISSIN(; INI)ICI'MENT This cause is before the Court to determine whether it has jurisdiction over misdemeanor indictments retumed by the l2fth District Court Grand Jury. on May 21, 2024. A "Plea to the Jurisdiction" hearing was held on June 6,2024. Although not all the cases were called on June 6, 2024,\he facts perlaining to all the misdemeanor indictments retumed by the 1206 Districr Court Grand Jury on May 21, 2024, are identical. Therefore, if the Court finds that it does not have jurisdiction in one case, it does not have jurisdiction in any of the misdemeanor cases indicted by the l20s District Coun Grand Jury on May 21,2024. At the hearing held on June 6,2024. the Cou( lookjudicial notice ofthe matters contained in the court file. Each of the files on th€ defendants indicted on May 2l , 2024, contained a one- page document titled "Order of Certification and Transf'er". This document purported to transfer cases listed on an attached document from the l20th District Court to the County Courts. However, no document was attached. Consequcntly, the Order tlid not transfer any case from the l20th District Court to the County Courts- Although the State was made aware oithis at the hearing on J:uu;re 6,2024, it did not provide any explanation. At the conclusion of the hearing, the matter was taken under advisement, As of the signing ofthis Order, onthe eve oftrial, the State has not filed any document explaining the deficiency and it has not moved to amend or correct the Order. The Stale has been given ample time to address the matter and it has not done so. Under these F -117 circumstances, the Court is unable to find that itsjurisdictkrn has been properly invoked. It is therefore ORDERED that this cause is DISMISSED. Defendant is ORDERED released from custody and the El Paso Sheriffls Office is ORDERED to remove any conditions of bond associated with this case from the Texas Crime lnformation Center database maintained by the Department of Public Safety. 'H.**ht /o-?-!tl" JUDCI] RUBEN MORALES I)ATE County Courl at Law #7 F-118 EXHIBIT G Appeals of Migrant cases Kelli Childress < KChildress@epcounty.com > Wed 7/10/2024 1:44 PM To:Ruben Morales < RuMorales@epcounty.com> Cc:Rebecca Spencer Tavitas <RTavitas@epcounty.com>;Preston Munson < PMunson@epcounty.com >;Todd D. Morten <TMorten@epcountycom>;Daniel Marquez <DlMarquez@epcounty.com> Good afternoon, Your Honor, l'm sure you are aware that the District Attorney appealed the dismissal of the 59 in-custody migrant cases. As we a ll a re aware, on June 5, 2024, at the hearing on the ju risdictiona I question, there was no exhibit attached to any of the 59 transfer orders, nor was there a name or case number on any of the 59 transfer orders, nor had the matters previously been filed in the District Clerk's office, in order to preserve any judicial intentions there. On Friday, June 7, exhibits quietly appeared in each of the County Clerk's files, with no notice, no file stamp, no motion, no court order, not even a notation from the Clerk as why an official record had been modified without the Court's permission, On that same day, we filed a Motion to Strike the improper (and probably unlawful) modification of the official record, which never went to hearing due to the dismissal of the case on June 9. Now as the DA has requested the Clerk to prepare the record for the appeal, they have requested the inclusion of "6. The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,,2024, and filed on May 21, 2024," That document, as it appears today, is NOT the same document that was filed on May 27,2024, or even on June 6, 2024. The inclusion of the improperly modified record will be misleading as to the issue of whether Your Honor's findings as to the inadequacy of the transfer order were correct. l'm exploring options for the clarification of the record to the Appellate Court, but I am also hoping that Your Honor and Mr. Munson will clarify that reality to the Appellate Court, as a grave injustice would occur if parties and/or clerks were allowed to manipulate records that actively alter appellate reviews. I would suggest that the Your Honor, Mr. Munson and myself all sign a sworn bystander's report, which I am happy to draft, informing the Justices of the unexplained appearance of the phantom exhibit, and requesting that they not consider it in their review of the dismissal. Thank you for your consideration Kelli G-1 EXHIBIT H DOCI,NIENTS 20240C03711 d - state of Tsas vs VICTOR ITANUEL ESCALAN I t Type .Jdult i ' sdeneancr Previous Sealch Refresh s T.,0e All ! open in External Vie.ver ScI tr Use Default Image Pnnter 5h o,.Y -!99D.9-"9-"-,rq!9--: All Documents v Dat€ OCR I t'! MarI tr 05t3012024 Scanned Image subpa€na i$ued J 2 tr c>i3ci2024 Scanned Irnage Appkatbn for Subpoena tr 05i30i2024 Scanned Image SUBPOENA ISSUED J 2 tr a 5, ?q'fn?l 2 tr osi2912024 Sranned imaq ? 1 fl a5;29i?024 SCarneC rnlag llame i tr 05123120?+ cc scann€d Il ', -: 9 l c5i232024 ,-1 I L ScannPl t_t Y L f, a5i2312024 rask queue Li 1 Descrptron i', Flleclue uete I E!t i Updated: 061061 2C24::59 PM vii14 Chet/l Credted: J5.,21i2C24 Z:03 PM Vrll4 Cheryl H-l *< trl.liN,:l:L :.-. -1 D(rt,MFiaTS ;ppiil5 {PPotNT[4Ei.,lt] 20240C03712 ri State of Texas vs RoaERTo ALoNzo GARCIA Typ€ lillrt : -id-"i-rta.,rr PreYious Sea$h Refresh $ TYFe A I Open in E\temal !'ier'!er SoJt _Dg_te. L€giLd.llg E Use D€tJuE InEge Printer show All Documents t E OCR Type E Indq * Pqs Et tr 05i202024 Task queue Aitached PDF COI-Order Appornting 5 fl h.2,c,,202t Scdnned Image Subpoena Roberto Alonzo Garcia.pdf 2 tr 05i29.t2024 Scanned Irnage Appkalron t tr os[zsl2o24 ':cCit'Document I9 F\ 05i23i2024 CC Scanned tr a5 23t2i24 Task Queue lrame ,11 . ,--, -,, Securty G.oup ill -fcanns.i rege Descriptroo Effective Date : ,- 5 E!r i Updated :6J'06/2024157 Phl Villa, Cheryl j2024 Created: Ctll 2:16 Pltl Viila. Cheryl H-2 ,.'<l -: : DOCUMTMTS 20240C03713 Z 3;-' State of Tsas vs LUI,S AIIGEL Gor,zAr-EZ Z Type Adurt tJdemeancr F Previous Search Refresh s Z IY9a Alr z E open rfl Fjdernal vie',{er Sort D€te Descendinq t 2 E use oehult lnrage Printer Show All Documents v F rc OCR TyF EX Inds # Mark o E 05t2_e,2024 ScanneC lrnege Subpoena Lus Ange{ Gonahz.pdf 2 1 tr 0 512 -o.120 2.1 Scanl]ea Ir.'rag. Appiatron Luis logel Gonalez.pdf E osl23Do24 CC Scanned Irnage Order of cermcatbn And Trarder ; E 05i23;2A24 Task Queue 1 l 05!23i2A24 CC Scanned ,.-..... 1 ilame :E:- : : :.1 Descnptlon EffectPe Date i updatedr 06/05/2024 2:59 pM \ill4 Cheryl Geared:05P3/2i24 222 PM Villn. Cheryl H-3 $ t I rffi o eo s : ,, o ,, n -!' E : + t( a( l1 I I ,E I {h ib (,) ii o E o ltl o o tr f o ur (l ::) <]o o- ot^ zF .zq I I i'ii b f 5 &. (-, u E I.UgE d 3lJp 5i q< o-l ;pE l'1 oN tr l 5ILE o=ts I -"PE g Eiiu [] rr! E 6to E :.1 FE.iF"E >i(> IJ.J .) _Li :6 H d {,, ; lJ.l z ",",r uJ \h E.EE Eq EEE Ed c. t EUI I H.YU UF (r- >: g lE r, tr-,'t.tn_ o i,l .!r!Nr!.\l o'-oaro ro N ol PE trlc!rlQ .n ai ri n) cr' (! r.- (J,1 .! c! (\ .: c) () o Q 'l --,8 I u) r.n vt rr'\ u, 'f,:,ocli= N N ,ri8. of trtr trtrflilE to a I m o d ih g A n 'l ln,r c ,r :== * ai ! I *& 6 o o c_ ! c o) q) E f 8 [J t! I Ir f,p 0) o e a F d UJ t- d L-) E LlJ f o o o o (J o.t 6 (Jc -cD l-E -E D E8 oi b< I :E: FtnE F|rJO ,: I zE= c E :1 a e ls f. 6 o o- r-) I d .o ttr cE o rrE = RBf EEq ) E 6 ;;g I L E II o, n c c-y I (, $ 388 F U (.) d >i t C.l U;J II I }E qo, oooo .!N^l N o o .\l N N F. o :. N N o () o o J, lr, '' f;s ca) I oo(fo a c! 8. .r. H o trtrEflEr.r 6l Da trn DOCUMTNTS 5 20240C03731 t State of Texas vs pIN YHoNSON MARTINEZ Type lil,-, t ' .d:*.af ar Previous Sealch Refierh $ Type All ! Open in E\ternal Vle?\,er Sot DEte Descendinq I E Use Defullt intage Pnnter shc ri All Documents Y I oCR Iype E Inds Il Pgs Mark o tr 0:i30i 2024 scanned Image SUBPOENA DIJCES TECUII RETURN 2 E Task Queue AttacfEd PDF Order AppoAnthg Attomey 5 tr os,izgizozq Scanned fnage subp'J€na issued 2 1 E ca.'29 2024 scanned 1 tr a5!23i2024 Task Queue 1 E osl23[2024 CC scnned It I i 0s123 i2024 CC Scanned Name TYPe 1 Security Group -: iiri - :C '.: - = 0escrption Effecdve Date G -:1't i Updated: C6/0o''2024 l:0'l PM Villa, Ch.ryl Cr..tc* 95/2112024 3:.15 P[l iilla a H-6 : :. DOCUMINTS 2024CC03734 3., . state of tsas vls CARfoS OSMIN MEIIA Type .adult )1Eder-rreancr E Previotls Sealch Refresh $ Type AI f]open in Ext€rnal Viei'rer Sort te Descendlng t E Use DefEult L'nage Prlntel Show All DrEUmenls Date OCR TWe r pDF CC7 D6covery & Pre-Tnal order Ido( * PSs Marl ct tr O,l23l2o24 Task Queue Attached tr I osl23l2o24 cc scanned rndge D5'23i2024 cc Scanned inrele hditment (OCA) I 9 1 lldme TYPe Securty Group Des{rhtion Effedive Date EXjt Updat dr 06/0612C24l:CZ PM Vill4 Cheryl Credted: 05/21,j202,t l::5 PM Villa. Cher-vl N-7 @ I I d, o (, d E-, 9b o5 5-c ,; * +> x ..! Ha E i* 9;. 9; o TU &3 -() L\1 ct a zF f o b E !JP o d: L I o-l qp EF t ts' ,i! i a[; n Vt tru :89 Fp I I n vl I t.1 8I-- t,,l il I ZUU aou ,9 .9 N tL lt a c 6 q,J LlJ ao o.o- L o EE E 66 ",[,J9t Pt d E c cc 2 I E &A .H uJ o l,FF UU UU &, (, ). t x f. orloclo gG Fe c1 o .a- Q 1, f T vi G !i B'Ln i c.J o- 3.s of ll 3 rli trtr trEtrET.] o) r I rffi tl ti :dli * x ,it L] E Elle drll x oL5 ?il.E Eila ,,m , , o l;u 6 o.l +l ir I o.ts .z N :t- i-E H !r h:, o 5r ;l O r: vaP lr l:l t-i T E :!,- l,l .9 l I 6 o o o = Pu* i' o E PE PCc :;.: qEE Z qEE g. 9,H s ii< uu F FXl UU <a (n 5< I . .1- .r ab 6F l!(u I 6E .{ N .\r C,OC] FE EE -i- L!, -i ri o= t) 2 1 B IiH <') 0 lU ll 2? fia I 3s .n Rdi ca ra 6, trn o: trEr r ] : DO(UMTNTS -.::_ _: _r. _ - : -: ) ?0244C037 42 O state of Texas rrs IOIAIHAI{ ]OHAo QUIIIONEZ TyFE rduf 'l:.ief reanoi' I Previous Seagh Reliesh $ TvDe AII E open n ExternalYle$rer 5cI iD-'.19*S-9i1gg E Use Defuult Irnaqe Prnter Shorr All Documents v Date OCR Type E Inder ll Marl g tr 05,3t'20)4 Scann€d lrnage State's l.l::cn To lscics€ axDert','itn6ses.9df 4 lz fl a5137',2024 Task Queue Atbched PDF CCI-Cder ADp.inirng 5 tr oslz3[2024 Order of cerfubn ffid Trant'er 9 )5.23,2t21 Task Queue I : )5,23i2A24 cC scnned 1 lllme ;e(-r:r.GfcL, - , De5cripton Effectrue Dir:e qr pM Ro.ne,o, .ese(a I LJpdated: c6 :5,2024::.15 I Cr.ated: 05/21/'2C2,1 {:1 1 Pt,t vr '. ch.ryr I H- 10 .-, DOCUIUINTS 20240C03743 - state of lexas vs DIEG0 IESUS RMs Type :-,-.- ''>rc-:ar :' Previous Sealch Refresh $ Type All E open in Fxrernal viewer Sort Descending I n Use Def"ult Irnag€ Prhter Show All Documents v Date OC-R T he IrdE # Pgs lrark ct tr OSI23!2O24 Task Queue Attachd PDF CC7 Dbcovery & Pre'TrElOrder tr osn3t2o24 - order 0512312024 CC Scinned lrnage lndictment (OCA) 1 l{;me :;a,t-. , a,a Descrpr:lon Effedive Date ,: -- ---- 3 E!t Updat€d: C6l0612014 zr,lf pM Romero.Iessicd Createdr 0:,121/ 2024 Jr 16 PM V'ill., Cheryl H-11 I Jt< :l\:l.la !.1 : DOIUMINTS 2 20240C03747 d - state of texas vs GUsTAvo ANDRES RoBLEs lnactive 2 Type :i,.i;: il."'Eai:r I TYPe Seagch Refresh $ z ( AII D Open n Eternal Vierver Sort Date Descending E U5e Deiault InBge Prnter Sho14, All Documents 2 tre ocR rFe IEE IDdq * Pgs g 2 tr 07 ioBi2o24 T6k Queue Attached PDF LETTER FROM COURT OF APPEALS { t: tr c7 i02t2024 Task Queue Attached PDF M€ting Certificite tr a6i28i2024 Scanned Irnage STATE'S NOTICE OF APPET 1 2 E 0 6i'10 /'2 L.'l24 Task Queue 2 tr a6j'05i2024 scanned I fl 05r'3ii2024 Task Queue fla.ne 5 tr oa!23,2024 Task Queue tr os[?5,lzo24 osl23i2024 CC CC Scanned i:: - :, t:ra"D 9 E 0escrption G I I Exit I Updatedr 06/06/1024147 PM Romero, Jessi<a Cr€ated 05/2320244121 pM Villa, Ch.ryl H-12 lt<l i i,:)1,- -: i::l :!!Er: 'r:iF:ii-! :a l!: DO(UMTMTS 20240C03748 lJ -. state ofrsas ys CRTSTIAN EDUARDo RoDRrcuEz Type Adult Nrsdemeancr Previous Sealch Refresh g Type All E open in External vieyrer Sori D€te Descending I l] Use oehult triage Printer Sho','r A.ll Documents v Date OCA fype Ilare Irder( ,t llark EI tr 05l3u2o24 SGnned Image Ste's l'lotion to lM6e Experts lvrtne6s€s.pdf 4 f, 05i3ri2024 Task Quzue Attacfied PDF col{rder App{irtjng 5 tr 05123t2024 Task Queue Attacied PDF CC7 Discovery & Pre-Trd Order 1 tr osl23l2oz4 9 I OSl23l2OZ4 CC Scanned 1 x ame ieaii':, : cL! E:N i tlpd.tedr 36r'C611024 2:4€ PM Romerq Jessica crentedr 05,r13,r: -i2,1 .l 15 PM vila, cheryt H-13 :.-:-:I DOCUMTNTS ctis 2024CC03752 7l state of Tqas vs cARLos ANDRE5 RUBro Type .:iu: '!:en:ar:f lrevious Seafgh Refresh $ TYpe A I open n External Viewer Sort D6te Descendinq E use Dehult lrrEge Printer Show All Documents v Date ocR TIE Idq * Fgs Mart o fl 0512320.74 PDF CC7 Discovery & Pre'TrAl order Task Queue Attached 1 fl 0512312024 CC Scann€d Inrage Order ff CetffiGtili And Trarder 9 I l 05!2312024 CC Scinned ltnage hdictment (OCA) 1 llame TYpe Cl .icar Fed racE __ Sra,rrtr Giour - ':) EXit Updated: 06/'06/2824 249 pM Romero, Jessi(a C teated: 05l2lr'2ti.l A I1 pM Villa, Cheryl N- 14 : -: : DOCUMTMIS .] 20240C03754 J st te of roas vs l-fNIN ANToN suAREz Type Arlu,i i ;l:i.Ejrr.r lrevious Sealch Refresh $ TYpe Alr f]open n EYternal ?lerver 5ort Oate Descending t : E use Default lnrage Printer Show All Documents Y lla rlr I ft osl23l2o24 cc scnnd lrnage hd'rctment (CrCA) 1 name Type Security Group DesCIption -, Effective Date --.-.._E E!t I Updated: C6r'06/2024 241 PM Leyv4 Diannia Creat€d: C5,/23./2024 4rl7 PM Villa, Cheryl H-15 . -- , DO(UMH{Is 20240C03755 A State of Texa6 Ys RAFAEL ANGEL GOT{ZALEZ FERNANDEZ Type :11!i: !aa:-'EaT:: Sea1ch Reftesh $ TYpe A n open n Extemal Vre$er Sort ! use 0ehult lrnage ennter show All Doclments Y Date OCR rrpe E Ird€x * 6 f,lark o E a7 !a812a24 Task Queue AttacH PDF Letter from Court of Appeas 3 f, D7.A!;2A24 Task Queue Pttadred PDF DOCKETING CERT]FICATE 1 fl a6i2A12024 Scanned rnaqe STATES NOTICE OF APPEAL 2 E Task Queue 2 tr 0 5,/3 0/'2 0 2 4 Task Queue 5 tr A5,23t2i21 Task Queue l,lame 1 tr osr,3Do24 TYpe 05i23i2024 CC Scinned 1 Securjty Group Des(rDuon 7 Effed,ve Date I EIrt Updatedr 06/06/2024142 PM Ley.,a, Diannia Createdi C5/2ir'2C244.41 PM Villa. Cherj,i H- 16 F- a I ffi E q) ffi .!c go .! e, g a : -:^ _::ffi: i. ,"- s a> .E I s ,., N* q, lEi I 9^- o c) l5l c ; oi a E !r f,g i ori oI \] I ol t6l e sE 6 zF IL I== 9) I 6 rl iJ Lu o- o-F <(J< bEh E k a lr d*1 I Lr.: t, EEH lr: t oJ i'] F t: ! EEtr c o E I t; a E o ,g llu- = oa o- o" - c) o OE o e d .cE 1: EE", J lu ttE :l :rl E IJ cc J uJ C'c/ E C/5 c o/(} =f (]i U FFta F 3 FF U - d I >,1 dll IE t ttftrf$$$ Eo. NNNNf.,JNN N (o FE ,i ooooo(fo NNNNNN'.I a o N N trL!t ;.h. ;- ts.;'ts- ;,i. l'- ooNdomN t\l N () Gtr h; a. F. ro \D \o rn ro a oooooo<) L'' <, tn" ot I oa <) c.l ta,: T! FtrFf,IflEfl E a : -: -, DOCUMTNTS ..,|: 20240C03757 2 A State of T€xas vs OMAR RAFAEL GONZALEZ Type r,1r-1.' lrsilar-arr a- I Previous Search Refresh $ rt pe A 2 I Open rn External VEr',rer Sol Date Descendrng v 2 E Use Def?ult lrnage Printer sh i.t! All Documents Y 2 IIre ocR Iype f,E IIdo( *r Pgs Marft o 2 tr asi23t2o24 Task queue Attached PDF CC7 DiscoYen/ & Pre-rrEI Order 1 l: E oslz3l2oz4 c SGnned hage order of cermctbn And Trarder 9 I ] l5t'23/2D2a CC Scanned Im3o? lnd;fiment IOCA) 1 itodif/ Dociiment ll?me i.a? r:l. : ::-: Descriotan z I :-ec:.: l a:i EIit i Updatedi 36/6t/202r1245 pM Le),/a, Diannia Created: 05,rlll2024 4:51 PM Villa. Cheryl H-18 : -_-i DocuMtNrs 2024CC037e9 -I State of Tgas vs EYLER ROLL MOREJON z Type.d':li s.l:r'iarcr Previous Seatch Refresh $ TYpe A t z D Open In Extemal Yiewer Soa Date Descending t 2 E Use Def?ult lrnage Printer Show All Docurnents t + CI o5t2412o24 cc scanned irnage Indictment (OCq) 1 Nane Securiry Group :- :- :_: ":.-: Descrptlon 1 EffectMe Date -' ---.' G EEt i Updatcd: C6,'06,i202{ l.16 PM Lq,v4 0i.nnia Createdr05/24r'2024 I 1:.17 AM Villa, I H-19 DOCU[!ENT5 2A244C43770 aJ State of Texas vs IUAN CARLOS pRESAI Type :lr: ::ar-e:'a lrevious Sealch Reftesh $ TYPe Alr )' E Open in E(tetnal Vie.rer Sort Date Descending E use oef"uft Irnege Printer Show All Documents I ocn l{ame Ird€x # Mark g tr a5 !29 i2024 Scanned Irndge SUBPOENA ISSUED 2 1 tr a5129'2C24 SGnned Irnage Appkatbn luan Carios Presti.pdf .. tr a5!2Li2024 Task Queue Attached PDF CC7 Discovery & Pre-Trid order T 1 tr o5t24no24 CC 9 'jj os!21t2024 CC Scanned 4 1 llarne I Se(uflty Group vr Des(nptron / Effedrve Date .! I Exrt Updated: 06C612C24 2:46 pM Lewa, Di.nnia Cr.dted: 0tr'24l2024 1 l r57 AM Villa, Cheryl H-20 *4 jr\t-r.-:iL ii.a;. J5.EE:: .,--:i_i.-: : -!-: DOCUMENTS 20240C03771 A State of Texas vs YOROAfl -lEsUS QUII{TERO Type lJul: ':Cerrear:r lrevious Sealch Refresh $ TYDe Alt D open in E\ternal viewer Sort Djtg Descending t ! UEe Default lrEge Prnter show AII Oocuments t Date {r(n Type lkE Irdd * Pgs Llark EI tr o5r'29i2024 Scann€d Image SUBPOENA ISSUED 2 1 l tr o=i29i2a24 Scanned Irnage APPL]CATION FOR SUBPOENA 1 E oi!24tzoz4 Task Queue Attached PDF CC7 Discovery & Pre-Taai Order 1 tr oslz4l2o"4 9 :ll II i oslzctzozc CC Scan ned 1 llime -r! I tut updatedr !6,i06/'2024 ?.41 PM Le!,r,a, Diannia Crcatedr 95/24;20241:13 PM Villa. Cher.vl H-21 ocrt r u tr*ts 2C2,10C03772 2 d state of Tsas vs EMILIoRAi{oN ToRREs 2 Type Adrli i :iaEFrE3r.,r 2 Previous Sealch Refresh Ql 2 T. oe Alt ? n Open in External Vier'{er oaloee-.e!!!!!= E Use Defru[ ]nEge Pnnter 5. r: All Documents v ' z Sh r,,,r i E OCR Trpe EE IDd€x * PSs o z tr 05r29;2024 Scanned r"'na-ce APruCATION FOR STJBPOENA I 2 E 73,21i2024 T.sk Queue A:tacheC tlF CC7 Discovery & Prs.Trial Order fl osr24no24 CC Scann€d lnage order of c-ermctbn And TranSer I 9 Z l a5'2a:2024 Cc Scanned .. :ecL,r:/ GroL! . .: Effe ctve Date Ext i Updated: 06/06/2024 248 pM Lq/va, Di.nnra areatedr 05/24120241:18 PM Vil!a. Cheryl H-22 OD (\l a I r0 o q) to) E-- 9b g N r,l rn r r Ch ,r * 6.= T g- I cx g P i;, o o a c tr: ! oI :E q, CE - .EI' ,:E qr! zF cc Er! f t 6 't0)o ts.P fr E dni 0-t 9HE s9; I l t1 E I uEIi 899 ccc g ! e88 ooo !f p o z H d o ti llJ L]J z ot c, c'r UJ EEE :, E c t- -,EE 5 (} (, ccc ccc .ts IJJ a >E I gE c t ,B ,Y ,rl F U U 83t: \, t l\I N a) EE, oooo NNNN o N F. \r !! o5 ET F. OJ N N (- (J <) ti 4. Lrl ; I oo<)o o ot o ,& C)r N irE trtr trtrEflET J DOCUMTNTS 2A240C03775 : state of Texas vs LUIS IGNACIo VASQUEZ Type r.Cr.rt ' 3Lrar.e3a -r Sealch Refresh $ TYPe Alt I open in ExtemalVie^,er Sort Date Descending I .- n Use Def?ult InEge Printer show All Documents I tlate OCR lfE Ind€x ,t f,lark 4t tr D7 iA3i2024 Task Queue Attdched PDF Letter from Court of App€ab 3 fl D7 :02;2021 Task Queue Attached PDF DOCKETING CERTIFICATE 1 tr 06i28i2024 kanned Image STATE'S NOTICE OF APPEAL 2 r{ tr ,q lo i2o21 Task Queue 2 tr a6i06i2024 scanned lrn.d 1 fl 061'05,2024 task Quaue Al Name ,.: = E 05i24i2024 Task Qreue .Al I r l-': 1 E 6[2clmz+ cc scnned { 9 x _:1 os12412024 ( ( \Canneo rI 1 l DescrD:ion Etrective Date ' - ; E-'d Updatedr 061Cr6l2024 Zl9 pM Vil14 Cherrl Created: 0J/24./20241rjC pM Vjlla, Ch€ryI N-24 DOCU MIMIs aii5 20240C03776 8 . State of Tga vs CARLOS ALBERTO GIHENEZ Type Adult il sden'reancr Previous Search Reftesh g TlJp e A E Op€n in E{ternal vierler Sort Date Descending E Use oef?ult InEge Printer 5ho,r Documents t At! fmfil Indd * l,lark fl 05!29;2024 Scanned ImaEe ArE lcaijon Cadcs Alberta Gimenez.pdf 1 fl 1J5124i2024 Task Queus ii:acheC rlF aa, 9=.3y6n7 & Pre Taal Cid€r 1 fl osl24l2o24 Cc Scanned InEge ord€r of c-erfutim And Trar$er 9 a 05i24i2024 CC SGnned 1 llame TyPe Security Group Cil Scsrned Description Effective Date i =xit Upddted; C6./I612024 240 pM Villa. Cherll CrE.ted: 05i'2412S24 'l;14 PM Villa. Cheryl H-25 : :: -. DOCUMEHIS 20240C03777 rJ State of Texas rrs CRISIIER ENRIQUE Gol{ZALEz Type Ad r[ ::L]e eerrlr Erevious Sealch Refresh $ T,vpe ATI ! open rn E\ternal vrewer Sort D*gplqllS ' 9*a_te rt E U5e Def"ult Irnage P0nter show Ail Documents ? I OCR T E Irdo( {, Fgs Mark o E 0s137i2024 scannd lnrage STATE S NIOTION TO DI5CLOSE E{PERT \ryTNES5ES 'I E D5 i30'2024 Task Quale Athdred PDF Ordef Appointhg Attomey tr 05i24i2a24 Task Queue Attached PDF CC7 Discovery & Pre-TrialOrder I 1 tr osl24[2024 9 l 05i24i2024 CC Scanned 1 llame TYPe Security 610up Descrption z Effective Date E I E!t i Upd6t.dt mr'06/2024 2:40 PM Villa, Cheryl Created: 05.,2+'20241156 PM Villa, Cha! H-26 *,{ :II,.f.I'IAL PFCI. CRDEP! DO'IIMtNTS 20240C03778 J . State of Texas vs LUIS EDUARDO GONZALEZ Type ,lC rt l\lisd er|re3 r or Sealch Refresh $ Type A E open in E(ernal vie,,{er - Sort Dste Descendrng v E Use Def?lt lnEge Pflnter 5ho!r All Documents I OcR rype hE rda * BF E E 07 [oa/2024 Task Queue Attached PDF Letter from Court of App,eab 3 , E 07 '02 j2024 Task Queue Attached PDF DOCKENNG CERT]FICATE 1 E 06i23120?4 Scanned Image STATE'S NOTICE OF APPEAL 1 2 x tr 06r'i"c 2024 Scanned oCitj Doc!ment 2 E 0si30!2024 Task Queue E 05.i27 !7024 Scanned 2 fl 05!24!2A?4 Task Queue fl; me T, i. 1 tr ,:1 osr24r2o24 cc 9 05i24i2024 CC Scanned Secunty Group 1 DescrptiJn E!t iJpdated: 06/'Oi/2024 2:42 pM Vill.. Ch.ryl Created: 05./2.1,202,1 2:02 PM Villa, Cheryl H-27 : :- DOCUMtt{rS 20240C03779 O -,1 state of rexas vs ELIGIo losE HER]{A]|DEZ Type Adult l.l;demeanor Previous Sealch Refresh $ TYPe ALI ! open ur ExternEl viewer so,-t .Ds- te Descending t E Use Def?ult InBge Prnter show All Documents t Date o{R TIpe XE Irds It Lla.t o a tr c5 3C :C2-1 Task Queue ritached PDF ,!F CoiOrder ApE(frting f, ,i r-::l:: -iask Qu:ue i.iiached CC7 D6covery & PreTrBl Order I tr 0512412024 _:2: )_!: cC SGnned Irnage cc Scanned I ffierofffiixlAdTrar*r I T 9 I Type 5ecurty Group Description I Effective oate ..' -- -, -- 6 i Updat.d: C6,/06/'2024 Z:42 PM Villa, Cheryl Created: C5l'14l2024 z07 PM Vilt4 Cheryl H -28 *4 : iri:j:.i: F.a: aiia;! -ririr-! :al';t! DOfUMtNTS 20240C0378{ 3., State of rexas vs IELKEL HICHEI- HERI{AI{DEZ Type Adult l'lsdemeanor Previous Sea&h Rehesh $ TYDe n Open n Extenral Viewer So- Dste Descendinq v I Use 0ehult InEge P.hter Show All Documents Y I ()lcR rt-E Irder( *t B tr c3,12412a24 Task queue Aftached PDF CC7 Dscc,/En, & Pre-TrEl Order 1 tr OSl24f2O24 C S(zn]led Irnage order G cerfubn And Trarder 9 O5i24i2CZ4 CC Scanned Inraqe Ind[tment iCCA) 1 f{ime : : TYp e Securh/ Gro!p I Description I Effectrve Date -- - . G E-!,t i updated: c6106,2024 2:44 pMviri4 cheryl Created C5l2.t12024 &1 1 PM Villa Cheryl H-29 DO(UME}{I5 20240 C03782 3 state of Teras vs KEVM I0SE TRIARTE Type Aa J.i ' sdeneanir Previous Sea[ch g TYpe Arl n open in External viewer sot _qg!9_Oescendqll flUs€ Default InEqe Printer ShowAllDocumens v In&x {t Llark I I 0 05!242024 cc scanned Irnage hd-L-tment (OCA) l :{ secLrtY 6roup :rr -.-.. - : ' - t Descrption Effectve Date .- -.. a Exjt I upo.ted: J5,'2.1,'2 021 Z 2 3 pM V ll., Cheryl I pM v,lla Che!./l I Cr..t.d: C5/2.U2Cla 2:22 ! H-30 acHcs : -: DOCUMTMTS 20240C03785 ; 3-, state of fexas vs DARWIN RAHoI{ lI!,lE Ez Type Adurt : lsdenrearor Sealch Reliesh $ TYpe Alr E Open n Etemal Viewer E use Default Insge Pnnter So.t show .9u!e9:seqoi,rg All Documents v ' Ilda OCR T E Indo( * Pgs i!ark g tr a7 ioai2o24 Task Queue Attached PDF Letter from CoJrt of Appeab 3 tr t,-;02:2a2+ Task Queue Attached PDF Dockethg Cer$cate 1 tr o6i2Bi2o24 Scanned Image STATE,S NOTICE OF APPEAL 1 2 E :6r'rci2o24 Task Queue 2 tr osi24i2o24 Task Queue 1 tr I oslz4l2oz4 nqr)a;)n7,r Name 9 CC Scanned Il Type 5€cunty Group . Descriltion Effedive Date i PM Vr a, cneryt i updatedr :6. c6, Zcz.r l:46 pM i | :,eatedr:5,:.1,:0:.1I:8 VirlB Chetu{ I H -31 I *< :INAI]C !L PFICT, TF].DERS : ai i.105 DOCU M EMIS .2 2024CC03747 2 I . state of rexas vs FAUsro RottARro lIMEtlEz 2 Type .].dLr: i lil:-t:r:r 2 Previous Search Refresh s 2 Type A 2 ! open rn Extemal vEr',/er Solt Date 2 E Use oefault irnage Pnnter Sh,lry AII Documents v 2 tr=Ftl! ocR I Ind€r( * ?'lark E 05 i29,2024 Scanned Irnaqe APPLICATION FOR SUBPCENA 1 tr Task Qx.ue A:tic:red ?lF CC7 lscc,. er,, S. ?ia-T-e, OiJer 1 fl 05124t2O24 CC Scnned fnage order Of cerffibn And Trarder 9 l aa:21:2024 cC Scanned 1 Name TYPe Securrty Group 0escnption Effe(trve Date E Exrt i Updatedr t6/C'6/1024 2:46 PM Vill., Cheryi Createdr C5/24l2!q24 ]31 PM Vill4 Cheryl H-32 : .- a -, DOCUMIHTS 20240C03789 E State oT Texas vs AI{GEL GABRIET HACHADO Type AdL: r,lisdemean:r il I Type Alr Sealch Refresh $ E Open h ExternalVierv€r Sort Dote Descendinq t n use Deftsult L.rEge Pmter show All Documents t Date OCR T h Ilds# l,lark g E 0710812024 Task Queue Atfdched PDF Lefter from court of Appeab 3 )! fl 07 i0212024 Task Queue Attached PDF DOCKETING CERTIFICATE 1 tr 061282074 Scannd hage STATE's NOTICE OF APPEAL 1 2 l{ B 06ltol2o24 Task Queue 7 tr osl24/2024 Task Queue I E 0512412024 CC llame ,:,1 o5i2412024 CC Scanned I TYp e Securrtrr' Group Desciiotloo FreatNe lJzte I I Elot i Upd.ted: 06.i06r024 447 PM Villa Cheryl Creatrd: C5,:2,t/2024 l:17 PM Vill4 CheDl H-33 € :.n -: : DO(UMIi{IS 2[ 2024AC03792 Er- State of rexas vs RoDRIGO ANDRES MARTINEZ Type A,lut l;dereanrr grevlous SeaSch Refresh $ 2[ T.jnE A ! open n Exte.nal v e'A/€r 5oI &!eqe:!e!!].1l_I- E Use Dehult lnrage Pnnter ;h o !'r All Documents I 2C I OCII Type llame Ind€r t IlF lJark g fl c6,03i2A)4 Scinn€d Irnage MOllCN TO REDUCE BCNO 3 I tr aa. =tr 12a24 Task Queue Atbdred PDF COI€rder Appoa,nthg 5 tr 05;24,'2C24 Task Queue Atbched PDF CC7 DEcovery & Pre-Trt Order I tr osl24l2024 9 t:5 i24i2A24 CC tanned 1 llame TYO e Security Group 0escrption ! EffectNe Oate E!t I Upd.te& 061'06/2C24 2141PM Villa Cheryl i I Cr.ated: 0j/2a./202.r l:.11 pr,.4 !rlla (he".l I H -34 : -: : DO(UMENTS 20240C03795 3 . State oT Tqas vs ELISAUL ISHITH MENDEZ Type qdr t :n.neanc, Previoss Sealch Refresh $ i-./o e Alt E open in External viewer So r: qg!:e D_€geldilg v D u5e Oerauh IrrEge Prnter sho,t All Documents t hte ocR llanr Ilrd6( Il Pgs tr f, aa'2412024 Task Oueue Attsched ,DF CC7 DL<cc,./erv & Pre-TlarCrder 1 f, l osl24l2o24 ia,24,2A24 CC Scarin€d nnage CC Scanned Image Order Of ffitimAM Trarder I,rC:-ment , 3Cq) 9 I llame Securify Group De9cnphon 1 EtrectMe Date : -- --- 6 Ent Updatedr C'6l06/2024 J.19 pM Vill6, Cheryl Created: 15,'24,/2024 245 PM Vill., Che4jl H-35 -:<l ; i.:,C.-L rlil;,lfaaF! '.'.:iF-,illi.-: ;: t5 ooculrtt{rs 20240C03797 e g State of rexr vs EZ ER ANToNIO llOtlTIEL Type Adult Misdemeancr Previous Search Rehesh $ rype i AI E open n ExtemEl Vierver soli iDate Descending n U5e Default Irnage Plinter Show lAll Documents Ei Ocn rype f Irdo( * Pgs a.k o fl t15i24,2A24 Task Queue Attached PDF CC7 Discovery & Pre-Tnal Order I tr os[2412074 order d Cerfrctbn And TrarEfer 9 l a5i24i2021 CC S.inned i nage IndEtment (C,cA) 1 (ame Tvp Sec!rity 6roup !,:: li,:an|ie,J ir i, - 0escrption EffectMe Date .c =*i updated: 06/'06,:2024 2:49 PMvil14 cheryl Crcitedr 05!'2412024 2i1 pNl Villa, (heryl H-36 : ::': DOCUMEMTS 20240C03799 J State of Texas 15 LUIS IOSE MORA Type Adu[ f r;denreJ..r r Previous Sealch Refresh $ Alt f]open rn Er,emal Vielrer sot -D-a!e Dglc,ejdltg t f]use oefault Irnage Pnnter 5h orr All Documents Y 2 I ocE E Indo( # llork o tr 05,3!,2024 Task Queue A:tached PDF coj€rder Appdnting 5 tr Task Queue Aiz.hea ?DF CC7 Dirovery & Pre.Trbl Order 1 E osl24l2024 AC Scnned hagE Order Of Cermctim And Tran$er 9 ):\ n5 24,2424 CC Scanned 1 Narl€ TyDE Secuirty Group Des(rFtbn Effe(trve me G Art Upd.ted: C6,/C{y'2024 }51 PM Villa, Cheryl Created: C1l2ar2024158 pM vilta, Cheryl H-37 @ (D a I ,-T o q) d. =l F-, 9n sl or-ri +€ * Ill => i^o o) P+ ! 6 c 6 ii=irl -gE q) o ) ;-s E cl a o zF b - o !r rE l' o FU o 0, o.l E# EI, 'il n h.z? Eril nf,r b 1t uh! -"- btlE I €r, I E 9H 'o al o l:) x> 9U 4, !! ) E IJ E LlJ (n E'rE (, lLt 8.,3 t uHu tt) J UI.U d >:: 8 o o' EE o () o O rl Ot' ul 2 I h. ,,, ; N 8. 9o o O= 6r IIF trtr FFT.I o) (q I I rS a .E t 9. a o, s ;> _il R'+ I ]-i *f, o) € s": a 0) o) E U.l o. E? o F as 5U 8 o (!) o ZZ I @ o dl UJ LJ > Lrl dt- F z Un .iU E 5 ER. gsE I != .9 6 o o.l rYa HB! lhrO- I UP"6 f*> fj o<b <9> I rJ<li :il a9l 6 ii I (a<9ao 6- F\ :]ILU E s :l I e o lr,l z o- € o 8 & '.i: o ,'E P9e E :li> 6 EEe lr,J EEg cC z (/) g ,B [] rr .H8P U U :,' o 4 l', 9E t \t!rr!r+ I ., l, ,! d! n lloJ XE rytu NTiJr\INN oooocl l\ Ft: Nr'r.!N.! ? g E: Po o\o)-tll<t r! a.J r! t\l a{ -,j R et !J:E E: l?: r rn rn ln lrl T <l .Jooo " ts 6< N r:r8. &s o, , R + ria trn EEEE.. : DO(U MtNIs 2 2C2.10CC3811 Z A State of Texas vs LUIS FERNANDo oRTIz 2 TYFre :Ll -: ' :::r'e:' :; 2 Erevious Sealch Reftesh $ 2 Type AI 2 E open n External vrewer Sort qate Descending I 2 E Us€ Deftult Irnage Prnter Show All Documents t 2 IEE ocR ryF E Itr* DgE l,la rk tr 2 tr 05i29i2A24 Sa.anned fnage SUBPOENA ISSUED 2 1 lz n '.:5 29,'2t)24 Scanned Irnage APPUCATION FOR SUBPOENA fl 05 2,112024 Task Queue Atrdched PDF CC7 Diroverv & Pre.Triel Order ; P osl24l2o24 05t24r2424 CC Scanned I 9 1 Name Type I r:: ; - Secuflty 6roup lL-U Sc5f,.e,l ,. : -? 0e5<rirtion Efredive oate E:rt i updatedr C6116/202.1Zj51 PM Leyv-d. Diannia Createdr 0;/Z4r:2024l:50 PM Vill.. Cheryl H-40 : -:r-: DOCUMEI{T5 20240C03813 d,-, state of tqas vs ELEAZAR rsAAc pAcHEco Type Adult Ilsdemeancr Seagch Refresh $ TYPe Alt ! Open rn Extemal Viewer Sort Date Descend ing v E use Def"ult InBge Prnter Show All Documents t Date ocR iaarm In@( s Pgs l,lar|( o fl 07108i2024 Task Queue Attached PDF Letter from Court of Appeais 3 tr 07lou2024 Task Queue AtEched PDF Docketjng Cerficate . tr 0612a!2024 Scanned Image STATE,S NOTICE OF APPEAI 1 2 fl 06lto12024 Task Queue 2 fl 06i0612024 scanned 1 l{ tr osl30i2o24 Task Queue fl 0s12412024 Task Cueue llarne ; li fl1 osz4noz4 nq, ta trt;a 9 I CC Scanned Secuflbr/ Group Effectrve Date -, - -- G Etrt Updatedr C6./C6,r2024 ]52 PM Leyv6, 0iannia l Cr.atedr 0i124,,2024 3:54 pM Villa- Cher,'l H-41 . : -: DOCUMENTS :rs 2 20240C038'15 2 A State of Te)(as v5 HEIDER ]EFRED PALACIOS Type .:,r: :dere;rfcr lrevious Sealch Refresh g ? T'/pe All 2 E oDen n External Vier'1er !.i - Dsie Descendi 2 E Use oefaut lrr€ge Printer Shc,r, All Documents t 2 I (}cR. ItF E trtart i+r 2 fl 9 O5!24i2024 CC SGnn€d lrnage iodfi iocunrent Descflption Effective Date ,: :- :,- G L!t Updatedr CS,/06/2024 2.51 pM Lqr.ra, 0iannia Cr.ited: 0ti'24.,'2024 }58 pM Vjll., Ch.ryl H- 42 : -: -: DOCUMEIrS 20240C03816 I State of T€ras vs WILSON SAwADO PALEI{CIA Type nilli i sdemPar cr Previous SeslEh Refresh $ Type A D open in Extemal Vewer Sot Date Descending t E Us€ D€taut InEge Printer Sho l\r All Documents v E ocR TyF E Indq * l,lark o E 06;04i2024 scanned Irnage Court Setting 1 tr i5.='J:2024 Task Queue Athched PDF COI-Order Appohtjng 5 fl 05/28i 2024 Scinned fnage I.lOTION TO RELEASE DEFENDANT 2 fl i3;2!i2024 Task Queue 1 B osp4r2o24 cc sonned I{ T 9 l LL 5Canneo lla|,lre 1 :: Effecrre Date .: ------ 6 EXrt Updatedr 06r'06/2024153 PM Lqf,,4 Diannia Createdr 0i/24/':324 4:16 PM Villa Cheryl I H-43 q'< ;i;.i;frr: iL r::l ,-l:;R5 .AlP;l'r'I9 : -: DOCUMEHTS 20240C03817 B:a State of rsas Ys lOSf DAf,Io PAz Type Aouf, llsdemeanor I E Sealch Reftesh $ TYPe 3!!__. ". . -__': . E open n L\ternal vie'.1,4[ E Use Defuult L'ruqe Pflnt€r Sot Show ryegr-: Doa,ments t .All Date OC-R T E Ind€!( ,f lJark E tr D7to6:?c24 Task Queue AtEched PDF Letter from Court of Appeab 3 tr c7,azt2r24 Task Queue Athched PDF Dockethg Cermcate 1 tr c6i 2si 2oz4 scanned Irnage STATE,S NOTICE OF,APPEAL 1 2 tr ns rc.2c24 Task Queue 2 f, c6/o6i2az4 r,. ),'rr Scanned 1 'F a <. Task Queue 5 tr oslz4l2oz4 I Iarne T..!! 9 T tr at24iza24 Task Queue 1 X osi 24/2024 CC SGnned Secunty 6roup 1 D e 5(nptlon Effective Date . - .- 6 EZrt I tJpd.ted: 06. C6,'2021Z)-t Ptll Leyl/a D annra | (r.ated: 0:./24lZC24J:2, PM ,,,llr. Cher,1 H-44 :i.l :llr\ia -, ::-_- _::::: -ii- :-l !:l\:-< oocutuEt{T5 2 20240C03818 j 3;r state of Tsm vs DAIIIEL AL A DER pERIIRA : Type Adult l.lisdemeanor Previous 5ea1ch Reftesh $ 2 TYPE 2 D Open n External Viewer sort Date Descendr ngv : nuse Def?ut tmage Pffter show All Oocuments v I ocR Type I Inds Jt Mark o 2 tr 05i29 2024 ScannEd 1ma9? APPLICA]IOI'] FOR SUBPOEi.TA DUCES TECUM 1 I tr l5 24.2n2+ Task Que,J: Afa.hel PDF CC7 DEcoYery & Pre ircl Ordei 1 E osl24t2024 CC Scnned hage frer Of Cerfi@tixl And Tran*r 9 .J5i24,2014 i T :drf\, locument Nare TYpe Securty Group Desobtjon Effedove oatB 't Exrt Updated; 96rrCt,'202a 255 PM L9va, Diannia Createdr ,5;24i20:.1 4:21 pM illa, Cheryl H-45 E *4 :lNAt'lalAl pRCT, aR;EF.S rVnRSAl'lTs DOCUMENTS 202,10C03819 d State of Teras vs AI{GELO MOISES POtAllcO Type ;C": lidei'rean:r [ext Sealch Refresh $ Tvpe A f]open n Extemalv€wer Sort D€te Descending f]use Def?uk frn ge Prhter show All Docurnents t I ocR Type E Inds $ Pgs I'lark E tr 07lo8i2o24 Task Queue Attdched PDF Letter from Cou rt of Appeab 3 tr 07lo2!2024 Task Queue Attached PDF Docketing Cerfficdte 1 tr 06i28i?O24 Scan ned Irnage STATE.S NOTICE OF APPEAL 1 2 :t tr 05ir0i2024 Task Queue nJ 2 fl a6io6i2024 Task Queue 1 tr 06i 06i 2024 1 fl 05.i31,r2024 Task Queue llame tr 0s124i2024 Task Queue Type I 1 a osn4Doir4 CE Security 6roup 9 DessDtlon Effective Date Eat Updatedr tl6/06/2024 2r)O PM Romerc. .lessica Crcdte4t 05/24i2024 4126 Pt'l Villa C h eryl H -46 - - ?:: OOCUMII$S 20240CA3420 A state of Texas vs ANGEL EDUARDO QUII{TERO Typ€ : j,:: i-:'.lireaaaf Previous Sealch Refresh $ Type Alt n opefl n F-xternal viewer 5ot Dste Descending v E l.Jse oef"ut In€ge Pnnter 5ho!\, All Documents v I ()cR Trpe f,irE lrrde,( ,F f,la rk o tr c5i31i2024 Scanned image REQUEST FOR NOUCE OF EffRANECIJS OFFENSES OR 3 i tr 13i3'Li202t Scanned lrnage OBJECTTCN TO CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS AS R,'IDENC 2 fl n5!29i2024 Scanned Image Subpoena ISSUED 2 1 tr aa!29i2o24 saanned 1 -f, L15i24t2024 T-.sk Q'rere 1 tr o512412024 CC SGnn€d ii; iie I 05i2112021 CC Scanned 1 Y Se(I-roW Group Descrlption EfeCrve Date 6 Elit , Updatedr ,6/'061f024 2ri0 PM Romero. Jessi.a areated: C5l24.r024 4130 plvl Villa, C H-47 s@ a I m E (l d) d g-E .fiH.!a!Hrni(^r * x it t ;f o! P-- Ei c I oi yi-; 6 o! ii= gE E 0Jl f oi I AE ol o t\l ol ot t zF E ilt E o "gd 6- 6- b*b ', EEU it U,qE T EE-.n i: o d T qHH c E I 9 _f n1 2 LL LL I fl g 5 (:0 n n o- o- .; 6 U o E'! Y:d UJ .cE a!z ,+< EHF :.. 2 qEE :1 E < :, =5H E o ll F clcy ctr cv c/ x'? 9rO FF(a F FF .H U Q -,, ir H3 BE i! I nrt!'!ttrtrtrf<t 6E a! N a{ a\r a\l r\l a! N N oocrocJoooo F! .!.!i\NNNNNOI '; e$ bE co .'.1 .b o\oHt ooN:oaialNN tl !l .; P E; ii (D B 6< -- X (J! 9. 1 uri t ooooooooo Fi F\ \D (D !D rl) rn Vl Ul ;r& 3s ol o t( R rla tr! l|-.,] rlr [_r Gr [l l|l [J lJ I I ': : - .' DOaUMIMTS ,-s a^a I i/. ^17an J State of Texas vs !'IELVIH ISMAEL ZURTTA T\/lE I ": -- '':-, Sealch Refresh $ Type A D Open rn Extemal vaewer Sort DEte Descending t E Use Def?ult Imaqe Pnnter show All Documents v lbte ocn Tvpe liE Irds l, [! ark o fl a7t08i2024 Task Queue Atfdched PDF Letter from Court of Appeab E c6 28i2C21 Scanned Irnage STATE'S NOTICT OF APPEAL 2 tr oe,D9i2a24 Task Queue Attached PDF IIOTION/ORDER TO DISTIISS 2 tr 0 6, Li 6.12,12-1 Scanned I fl 06105i2024 Tdsk Queue 5 fl a5 i21;2021 :ask Queue llan:€ 1 tr os[24PO74 cc 9 i 0512!.'2C21 aC Scanned Se(unty Group 1 Derrption 4 EffectMe Date alrt UFdatedr 06i06/2024 215 pM Rom.ro, Jessica Credted: 05,,:.1''102.14:l? PM Vill4 Cheryl H -49 DOaUN',ttNTS 2 20240C03823 2 l O., State of rqm vE DEIKER DAVID RAi{!REZ Type Adult : Isdemeanor 2 Previous S€alch Refresh g 2 Type A 2 D Open n Extemal VEi{er Sort DEte Desgending 2 E use Dehult lr.Bge Pdtar show All Documents t Date ocn tiE- Ind€x # hla,k 2 fl 0531i2A24 TasK Queue Aaached PDF COI-Crder Acpcrning 5 f 75i24i2A24 ;ask Queue Attached ?DF CC7 Disccven/ & ,rr-T'al 3!'der fl osr24ao24 CC Scnn€d fnqe Order of cerfubn Ard Tran$er 9 :..) 0s:21!2i21 CC SGnneC 1 I i'e :'r Joc'jrn:rt N?me Type 5ia!i:.::ruD Des(rigtion Effectwe Date L,ct i Updated: 15106r'202.1 2:56 P['l Rcmero, J6sica I H-50 -x!< l! DOCUf,ItT{TS \PPE.ILS APCOIIJTLIEI]TST 20240C03824 C State of Tsas vs IOSUE RAFAEL ROMERo Type AaiJ t l.l6demeir.r Previous Sealch Refresh g Tvpe All I Open in E(emal Viewer Sor! D6te Descending v f] U5e Defrult InBge Printer Shorv AII Documents Y Dat€ OCR I E frde!( * ark g tr 05;29i2024 Scanned image APPUC,TTION FOR 5UB?OEtlA 1 fl )5;24i2024 Task Queue Attached ?DF CC7 D'ECo',,ery & Pre--r'Bi Crder fl 05124f2O24 CC SGnned Im4e order of @rm@tbn And Trar$er 9 )5i2r.2024 CC Srcnned Narne Type Secuirty Group Description Effective Date i '.!it Updat.d: 06/D5y'2024 z57 PM Romero..le<sic. Cr.6ted: 35.r24,i2024 4144 Pl\4 Vi[a, Cheryl H -51 J.!4 : r- : _:.. r.--:- a ::;?.5 ..isi-i:-: : : DOCUMENTS al! 20240C03825 e.. State of fems vs RAIIO HEBERTO RUL,Z Type Adut i'liSdemeanor PreYious [il Sealch Refresh $ TYpe AII E open n E\ternal viewEr So rt QLq9eeqelqlg-' n Use D€hult lnEqe Pnn[er show All Documents v I ocR r rre Irdex , i.lark tl fl 15,?9 2C24 Task Queue Atbched PDF COJ{rder Apponthg 5 f, _5 23 2C2+ s€anned Irnage lilotbn to Reduce Bond 1 fl 05,23,2024 Scnned lrnage order on tr,totbn to Reduce Bond.pdf 1 f ,-]3, 24 i7t)24 Task Queue 1 osl24l2o24 cc I 3 fS 2r;2C2.1 CC scanned llafi]e 1 Se.uflt/ Group ETeCive Uale 7 Elrt Ucoated: :6/t5/:124l:8 FM q.onero lerlrca I lC,.ut.a, O-.i:aiZrZa r,l-, Ct'.r, pV u'tt", I H-52 ra< itflii.]l: jr Ea_: .:t,Eii! .rii_i]-a : .: : DO(UMEI{TS 20240C03826 OJ State of rm ys E]{DERsio losE SILVA Type Adult llsderneancr Previous Sealch Reftesh $ Type ,A1t n Open in External Viewe. Sort E Use Defuut lnage Pmter Show AJI Documents t Date oc*. IYpe I Adt'( * &E o tr 03t24i2024 Task Queue Attached PDF CC7 Drscovery S. Pre-T ial Order 1 fl osl24l2024 C SGnned IrnagE mer Of Cermcatbn Ard TrarEfer tnddment (oCA) 9 t ati24i20)4 CC Scanned Image Security Group Descnoton -Z EffeGMe Dar-e E!t i l,.lpdited: 06/062024 z52 p[,] vill., cheryt Crcated 05124/ZlZ4 Atil PM Vill4 Cheryl I H -53 ?( rtl.t.ll.ii:ill 2(C-l'aFlERS DO{UMTNTS 20240C03827 - State of Texas vs IOSE AllTOtaIo IoRRELLES Type rc.r: il ;d e i'r ea iir,r E Sealch Reftesh $ TYpe AI E oDen in Externalvie,,ver 5ot Dale Descendi lf u5e Def?ult InBge Pmter Show All Documents I I IITE Ofr. Type llame Ider * Fgs a! tr 07 ioBi2a24 Task Queue Attached PDF Letter from Court of Appe* 3 ! a q7.0t 2024 Task Queue Attached PDF Dockethg cerficate 1 fl a6i2a!2a24 Scdnned Irnage STATE,S NOTICE OF APPEAL 2 fl Task Queue 2 fl 06i0612024 Scanned 1 fl 06r'c5/2024 Task Queue fl 05!242A24 Task Queue lJame rTpe . a:'-l _1lE 1 fl os[24/20.24 cc . !l I 9 l )5 i24i2024 CC Scanned 1 Desaie.ion qrt ! Upddtedr C6/i6/2024l:52 Pl,l'" lia, Cherrl I I c,eatea: o:.'z.r:cz+r.5: ptu i,,rta. cter/t J H-54 E r{ :.;...i.:r_i ri;- _:,:i: .-i!_:i-! 3._ t,: DO{U ltt Et{r5 20240C03828 :t: 3J State of rem vs ELVIS STEFAN0 ToRREs Iype Aduh Flsdemeanor 22, [ext Sealch Refresh $ zCi E ooen in Extemalvievrer TY-pe Sort 4t=:==i. q9!9 Q9lqgndrl ! use oef?u[ InBoe Prht€r ' 23: show All Documents I I OCR Type E Indt' I Pgs II zCZ tr o7 iogi2az4 Tsk Queue Attached PDF LETTER FROM COURT OF APPEATS 3 E 07r08;2024 Task Queue Atfached PDF Letter trom Court of Appeab 3 fl C7 i01i2t)24 Task Queue Attached PDF Dockdhg cerffcate 1 fl DF.l28rZn?t scanned 2 fl c61 1C.2024 Task Queue 2 E a5ia6;2a21 Scanned 1 fl ce/05i2024 Task Queue llame 5 E 4i,24t2021 Task Queue TYPe 1 fl 05r2qm24 cc secLrflt" Grau! l.,:__ -: 9 DesarDtjon a Effectve oate , .- E Efrt urd.ted:c6rc5'za2J t:3 PM vi .. che.,t i c;e.ted: c5,2s,:ct{ &t I AM vi a, cheryt I H-55 'j< i it-i. -r-:,. : :iI lRr,':P: . :i: -r:-: : -i-'r Do(uMENtS :l 20240C03829 tr Stnte of Texas v5 ATDAIR I.IILLER VALENXIA Type :!"t :.!saer:eir.r PreYious ru Sealch Rerresh g T/9e All ! open in External v'ewer SoE D€te Descending t I Us€ Default lrEge Pnnter Shox All Documents I E OcR lrpe re Irdo. t IUs ttrarft o tr 05i23i2t)24 Task Oueue ArtdcheC PDF CC7 Dsccven/ & Pre Tfal Order 1 osl2wo24 CC Scarined Irnage order of cerfubn Ard Trardet 9 B a5i2ai2024 CC Scanned lrnace Indcir.ent ICCA) I'lame TYPe Se(unW Group DesclPtofl ! Effedive oate ':l E!t i upddted 06,'t6/2024 2154 PM V,lla. Cheryl Createdr 0tr?Sr02.t &16 AM Villa Ch.ryl H-56 : ::.. DOCUMTNTS 20240C03830 3ul State ot fexas vs IULIO EIIRIQUE VEGA Type Adult !lsdemeancr Sealch Reftesh g Type A ! open n Eternal vierer Sort -Dq!e Dgfgltqlng t E Use Dehult trnage Pnnter Show All Documents v Ilate ocR I Indor * Pgs ila rk II tr 071082024 Task Queue Attached PDF Letter from Corrt of Appeab 3 fl 07,'07i2024 Ta-<k Queue Atbched PDF Dockethg C€rfficate 1 fl 06l28l2OZ4 Scanned Irnage STATE'S NOTTCE OF APPFJL 1 2 tr 06i1oi2024 Task Queue I 2 tr 06l06!2024 Sca nned lcr;'r lccun ent 1 tr o6josizo24 TeS k Queue 5 fl 051282024 Tas k Queue tlame 1 tr o6,I2a[2O24 cc 9 l 051287024 CC Scanned 1 De5crbtirn Efective Date ' l. --- G Ern Updated: C6/06/2C24 2:55 PM Vill., Cheryl Created: C5l28/2024 8:20 AM ViU4 Cheryl H-57 DOCUMTNIS 20240C03831 ! state of Texas vs LUIS ANTONIO VELASQUEZ Type Adrr: : ' !lereanc: Previous Sealch Refresh g Type Alr ! open rn Eternal Vhwer Sor'! Date De,scendi ngl flUse Def"ult lrnage Panter Show All Documents I I+. tr 05l2ano24 cc sGnned Imag€ order of cerfuim And TGn$er 9 I i5'26,'2024 ( ( \.-a_,''lec lT'lioe -:: crrer: r'CCn. 1 Ili.': I 0es[rplDn Liiecve u;te l I E!tt Updatedr 06.10612C24I55 PM Villa, Cheryl Created: C5/2912024 &24 At!,!Villd, Cheryl H"58 .t.tr : ,1i..{ -. -:;r-r':;: -.: -: DOCU MTtITS :.1! 20240C03832 3 - state of rqas vs IoSBEIKER IOSE VIL0RIA Type AduI l.isden']earLcr Sealch Refresh d TYPe A] E open h E(ternilviewer SoA .q9!"Pf..:?I!!!s_ !use Dehut Irnage Prnter show 4lqoc. uqFnts Date ocR IF E Irxler l, N.rt B fl a7 iae;2024 Task Queue Attach€d PDF LETIER FROM COURT OF APPEAIS tr 07i 01,r2024 Task Queue Afached PDF Docketing Cerfute 1 tr a6i7al2o24 Scanned Irnage SIATE'S NOIICE OF APPEAL 1 2 tr t6::1:2i24 Task Queue 'rldifv 2 tr t6;i6!7024 Scanned -lcaument 1 tr a6,'at'202! Task Queue ilame 5 tr 05,'26.,'2024 Task Cuzue 1 q os[2e[2.o24 cc T:'9e a I 9 o5i2g 2024 CC Scanned 1 !!t Updated: 06/'06.r2C2n Z:56 Ptvl Villa, Cheryl Createdr 05/28/2024 & 2j Alvl Vill4 CheryI H-59 EXHIBIT I El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7/10i2024 11:38 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN r-HE CouNry Counr A'r'Law NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNTy. Texas TnE SrarB or Tgxas CALTSE No. 20240C0371 I Vrcron MANUEL ESCALANTE STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in thc above stylctl anrl nurnbsred cause ancl files this Desiqrration of Clerk's Recoltl on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 14.5(bX l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk make and pl'epare as part of the record in the appeal ol- this case true and correct copies of the fbllowing mattr: rs: l. All docunrcnts clcsignated by Ttr, R. Al't'. t'). 3-1.5(a) in crinrinal cases. 2 The inrlictnrcnt tlated May 2i,, ?024. J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries. 4 The Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any rvas filed. 5 The State's response to Defeudant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 2l, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lntlictutent, signed on.lttue 9.2024. and filed on June 9, 2024. I t-1 8 Any orders appointing any attorxeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereou. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, flled on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of ('lerk's Rccorcl on Appcal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk recluesting the Clerk's record 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Repofter's Record, if any is filed. Plt.,\\'E,lt WIIIIRITFORE. the Stato rcspccttirlly prays that thc Clcrk olthis ('ourt nrlkc and prcparc as part of thc record in thc appcal of this car.rse true aud correct copies ol'nll matters designatcd abovc, ancl nrakc thern a part of thc Clerk's Record, ancl tinrcly tlcliver the documetrts designatcd to thc Clcrk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El l'aso iu a bound volun.tc ccrtiticd as thc Clcrk's Recoril on appeal. Respectfully submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTII.I('T ATTORNEY 3-1'I' JUDICIAL DISTRICT _')_ t-2 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROTJD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (9 l5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud(iilepcounty. con.r sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE S'IATE CE,RTI FICATE OT.' SERVICI] I Irereby certily that on.luly 10. 2024. a truc and colrect copy olthe tbregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal was submitted to the County Clerk's Of'licc lirr liling via efile.txcourts.gov^ uttcl it col)y was plovidcd to tlre Public Del-entler ( pdnotices{alepcounty.coln ), Attorney tbr the det-endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD --1 r-3 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711012024 12:22 PVt Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rHe CouN'rv CoURT AT Lnw Nunasnn 7 op El Peso CouNry. TExAS THe SrerE or-'Trxes C,qusr No. 20240C'037 12 [{ont H't'o At.oNzo Ci.,rnt'r,l S'TATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COM ES NOW, thc Stalc ol' 'l cxus in thc atrovc slyled ancl rrultbclccl cuusc and tiles this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk nrake and llrepure as purt of the rectlt'd in thc appeal ol'this case true ancl correct copics of the Iollo'"ving luxt tc rs: l. All docuurents designatcd by Tu.r. R. AI,l,, I'. 34.5(a) in criurinal cascs 2 Thc indrctrrent datetl May 23,2024. 3 l'hc trial court's docket shccl and/or arrv rccorcl ofdocket entrics. 4 The Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was f-rled 5 The State's resporlse to Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was tiled. 6 The Order of Cerlificatiou and Transt-er', signed orr May 21,2024, and filed on May 2\,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9,2024, and f-rled on Jtrne 9, 2024. -l- t-4 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadirrgs and motions filed by the det'endant and by the State, and the rulings of the tlial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice ol'Appcal, fllecl on Jur.rc 28,2(124. I l. This Designation ot Clcrk's Recorcl on Appc'al 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record 13. The State's letter to thc Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIEREFORI:. thc Stltc lcspccttully prays thal thc ('lcrk of this Court nrake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and cotrect copies of all rnatters designated above, and uake them a part of thc Clerk's Record, and timcly dcliver tlic docunrcnts clcsignaterl to thc Clcrk of thc Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volurnc oediflcd as the Clerk's Recorcl on appeal. Respectftrlly submittcd, BILL D. HI('KS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34d'ruDICIAL DISTRICT -1_ t-5 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls) 533-ss20 EMAI L lstroud(atepcounty.corr sBN 24046929 A'I']'ORNEYS FOR'I'I IE STATE ('Ft l{'il t'tc',\'t'}t ot.' s!t RYtct.l I hereby cer-tify thal on.luly 10,2024, a tnre and correcl copy of the tbregoing State's Designation o1' ('lerk's Recortl on Appeal rvas subrnitted to the C'ounly Clerk's Olfice for filing via etile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to the Public Dei'crrder ( pclnotices(rrteltcotrttty.cotn ), Attorney tbr the det'endatrt. /s/Lity Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-6 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711012024 12:5A PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rttn CouNrv CouRt AT L,qw NurvrsEn 7 oF EL PASo CouNTy. TExAS THE STATE oF TEXAS C.,\trsn No. 20240C03713 Lurs AN(iEL GoNzlr-uz STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc Stale of Texrs in llre above stylod and uumbclerl cuusc and flles this Designation of Clerk's Recoltl on Appeal, pursulnt to Rule -34.5(bX t ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and reques(s that the Clerk make and prepurc as purt of the rccoltl in tlre appeal ol'this case tnre anrl correct copies o1'the tbllowing matlcrs: 1. All'docurnents designated by Tex. R. At'p. P. 3-1.5(a) in crimina[ cases. 2. Thc intlictnrcnt datccl May 23,2024. 3. ]-hc tlial court's docket sheet irnd/or atry lccord ol tlocket entt'ies. 4. 'fhe Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any rvas filed 5. Tho State's response to Dei'enclant's Plea to the Juristlictiort, if any was lilecl. 6. The Order of Cenification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7. The trial coult's Ordet' Dismissing lndictr-nent, signed on June 9,202,1, and tlled on June 9. 2024. -l- t-7 8 Any orders appointing any attonleys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions tiled by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28.2024 I l. This Designation of Clerk's Recorcl on Appeal. 12. Thc State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PIIAYER WIIEREFORE. the State lespcctfirlly 1;r'ays that the'Clerk of this Court makc antl prepare as part of the recorcl in thc appcal of this cause truc and corrc-ct copics ol'all rnalters designatecl above, lncl urakc lhcnr a part ol thc' Clelk's l{ccord, rnd tinrcly dclivcr thc tlocLrments dcsignatctl to thc Clcrk olthe Eighth C'ourt ol'Appeals in [il l)aso in a bouncl volumc ccrtificd ls the ('lcrk's Rccold on appeal Respecttirlly subrnitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRI('T ATTORNEY 34'I' J UDICIAL DISTRICT _)_ t-8 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915)s33-5520 EMAIL lstr oud(Depcounty.corn sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TIIE STATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby cerlily that on July 10, 2024, a tnre ancl corrcct copy ol'the fbregoing State's Designation of C'lerk's Record on Appeal was subnritted to the Corurty Clerk's Office for filing via etile. txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to the Public Del cnder ( pdnoticesfrlellcor.rnty.com ). Attorney lbr the tlef'etrdant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUI-) -3- t-9 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7l1Ol2O24 1 12 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rus CouNry COURT Ar LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PAS0 CouNry, Texes Trtr. Sr,tru ()1, Tti-\,\:i CAuseNo. 20240C03725 Enrrr.ro Josp HuNnrqunz STATE'S DESIGNA'|ION OF CLERK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, ttre State of 'l'cxas in the atrove stylcd ancl numbered causc anrl flles this Designation ol C'lerk's Record on Appeal. pursuant to Rule -14.5(bX I ) of tlre Texas Rules o1'Appellate Proceclure, ancl requests that the C'lerk make and l)repare as part ol'the recortl in the appeul of this case true und correct copies of the tbllowing mattel's: l. All clocunrcnts designated by Ttx, It. Apr. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cascs 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any recorcl of tlocket entrics. 4 The Def'cndant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any r.vas filed. 5 The Strtc's resporlse tu Def'enclant's Plea to the.lulisdictiort, ilany was lilecl. 6 The Order of Certification and Transf-er. signecl on May 2l, 2024, and tlled on May 21,2021. 7 The trial coufi's Order Dismissing [nciir:tment. signed or-r.lune 9,2024, and filed on .lune 9, 2024. -t- t-10 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in thc instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motious filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings ol the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. lllcd ou Junc 28.2024. I l. This Dcsignation ot'('lcrk's Recot'rl on Ayrpcal. 12. The State's lettel to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record 13. The State's letter to the Court Repofter requesting the Reporler's Record, if any is filed. l,ltAYlilt WHEREFORE, the State respecttr-rlly prays that thc Clerk of this Courl rlake and prepare as part of the record iu the appeal of this causc true attd correct copies of all n-ratters dcsignated abovc, and urake thcttt a part of the Clclk's Record. and timely deliver the documents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Cotrrt of Appeals in EI Pnso in a bounrl volutt.tc certitled ls the ('lcrk's Rccortl tllr apllcal. Respect firl I y subni i ttecl. I]ILL D. III('KS DISTRIC'T ATTOT{NtJY 3]'I' JUDI('IAL DISTRICT -l- r-11 /s/ Lily Strtrud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls) s33-s520 EMAIL lstroud(g4epcounty.corl.r SBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS F-OR THE STATE CEIT'I'I FICATE OI.' SERVICE I lrereby certify that on July 10,2024. a tl'ue alld correct copy olthe fbregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was subnritted to the County Cllelk's Olllcc firr liling vil e filc.txcourts.gov, aurl r copy was ltrovitlcd to the Public Dcf'entler (ptlrrotices(rrre1)county. conr ), Allorttey tirr the clel'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUI') -3- t-12 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7h012024 1t31 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN TUI COUNTy COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 op Er- Pa.so CouNry, Trxas Tug Stetrot Tnxns CausnNo. 20240C03728 OSCAR ALBINO MARIN STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and numbered cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuiurt to Rule -14.5(trX l) of the Texas Rules of Appc-llate Procedure. and recluests thut the Clerk rrrake uncl prepare as plrt of the recortl ir.r the irppeal ol this case tnre and oorrect copies ol'1he lbllowing matte rs: l. All clocur.nerrts clesignated by Tnr. R. At,t,. P. 34.5(a) in crinrinal cases 2 TIre indictnrcnt datetl May 23,2024. J The trial courl's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries 4 The Det'endant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction, if any was flled -5 The Stirte's l'L'sponse to Del'endant's PIe to tlre Jurisdiction. i1'any u,ls lilecl 6 The Order of Certillcation and Transf'er', signeci on May 21, 2024, and t'iled orr May 2l ,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indichnenl, signed on June 9,202.1, and tiled on June 9, 2024. -l- r-13 t3 Any orders appointing any attorleys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and niotions fited by the def'endant and by the State, and the rulings of the tlial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. flled or.r June 28,2024. II. This Designation o1'('lclk's Recotcl on Appeal 12. The State's letter to thc Clerk requesting the Clerk's rccord. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PI{AYER WIIEREFORIT. thc Slalc rospccttllly plays that thc ('lcrk ol'this Court nrakc and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and correct copies of all rnatters designated abovc, and make thetn a part of the Clerk's Record, and tinrcly cleliver the docunrcnts clcsignated to the Clcrk olthc liighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bouncl volunrc certilicd as the C'lcrk's Rccolcl on rppcal. Respecttirllv subnrittcct. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34I'' JUDICIAL DISTRICT t-14 /s/ Lily Stloud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COLTNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-s520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.conl sBN 24046929 A'|.IORNEYS FOR TIIE STATI] (]ERTI FICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certily that on July 10, 2021,t tnre and correct copy of tlte tbregoing State's Dcsigrration ol'C'lerk's Record on Appeal was subnritted to the C'ottnly Clclk's Ofllcc lirr liling via c il L'. tx courts.gov. atrcl a copy was proviclcd to Josclth Vasclucz ivasq rue'z(ctioseDhvastluezlaw.cour and the Public Defender (pdnotices(@epcouuty.com), Attomeys tbr the detbndant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD t-15 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7110t2024 4:27 Plt Delia Briones Counly Clerk El Paso County In rns CouNry Counr Ar Lew NUMBER 7 or El Peso CouNry, TExAS TrrE STATE or- Tpxes CausE No, 20240C03731 PIN YHoNSoN MenTrNnz S'IATE'S DI]SIGNATION OF C'LERK'S ITECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the Statc ol'l'cxas in the above styletl and numbered cause and files tlris Designation olClerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.-5(bX l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Prooeclure. and requests that the Clerk nrake ancl prepare as part of the lecord in the appeal of this case true and correct copies of the fbllowing urattel's: L All docunrents designated by TEr. R. App. P. 34.5(a) in climinal cases 2 Thc inclictnrcnt clatcd May 23.2024. 3 Thc trial court's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries 4 The Def'cntlant's Plel to the Jr.rrisdiction. if any was filett. 5 The State's rc'sponse to Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filetl. 6 The Order of Cetification and Transfbr. signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 1 The ttial court's Order Dismissing lndictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on lune9,2024. l- r-16 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All othcr pleadings and motions filed by the clet-enclant and by tlie State, anci the rulings ol the trial court thereon. 10. The Stale's Notice ol'Appcal. llled on June 28,2(\24. I l. This Designatiou o1-('lelk's ILecorci on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter lequesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WI-IEREFORE. thc State lespecttllly prays thal the Clerk of this Court makc antl prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and correct copies ol'all rnatters designated above, and ntake theur a parl of thc Clerk's Record, and tinrcly tlcliver the clocunrcrtts tlcsignatctl to thc Clclk ol-thc Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bouncl volun.tc ccrtific(l as thc Clet'k's [tccortl on appoal Respecttirllv subrniltcd. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34.h JUDICIAL DISTRICT t-17 /s/ Lil Strorul LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COLINTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-s520 EMAIL lsh'oud@epcounty. conl sBN 24046929 A]'I'OIINEYS FOR THE STATE CERTI I.-ICAT E O F SI'ITVICE, I lreleby certify that on July 10,2024, a true and correct copy of lhe lirregoing State's Desiguation ol'Clerk's Rel'orcl on Appeal was submitted lo the C'ounly Clc,rk's Office tbr filing via eti lc.lxcourts.gov. and a copy wxs providcd to Kclli Childress. El Paso Counfy Public Defender'(kchildress(lepcounty.com), Attol'ncy lbr thc del'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r- 18 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7 h112024 2143 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE CoUNTY COURT AT Lew NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNTy. Trxes THr Srere or Tues I CAUSr No. 10140C03734 Crnlos Osr,rrN MErra I SI'ATE'S DESIGNAI'ION o}" CLERK'S I{ECOIiD ON APPEAL C'OMES NOW. the Statc of 'l'cxas in the above stvlcd ancl nunrberetl causc antl llles this Designalion o['C'lerk's Recorcl on Appeal, pursuant to Rr"r]e -14.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that thc Clerk make and prepare as part of the recortl in the appeal of this case tnte and correct copies of the lbtlowing nlatte rs: l. All documcnts dcsignatcd by Tur. [t. APP. ['. .]4.-5(a) in crinrinal cascs 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. J The trirl conrt's tlocket sltcet and/or arry record of tlocket cnll'ies. 4 'Ihe Del'endant's Plea to tlte Jurisdiction, if any was tlled 5 The State's respollse to Defendant's Plea to the Julisclictiotr, il any was lilcd 6 The Order of Certification attd Transf-er', signed on May 21.2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Ordet' Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- r-19 8 Arty ortle'rs appointirtg any atlorncys in thc instant causc. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the clcf'enclant antl by the State, ancl the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice olAppeal, lrted on.lune 28,2024. 1I . This Designation of Clcrk's Rccolcl on Appcul 12. The State's lettr:r to the Clet'k t'ecluesting the ('lerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Coufi Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. l'l{,\\'EIl WHERE.FORE. the State respectfirlly prays that the Clcrk of this Cotut make and prepare as part of the record in thc appeal ol this cause' true and cot'rect copies of all matters clcsignated abovc, antl utitkc thctn a part of thc Clcrk's Recortl. aud timcly deliver tlre documents designated to the Clerk of thc Eigltth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volutuc cerlifled as the Clerk's Record on appcal. Respecllirlly subrttittc'd. BILL D. I]ICKS DISTRI('T ATTOIi.NEY 34'I' JUDIC]IAL DISTRICT _1_ r-20 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-ss20 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.conl sBN 24046929 AT'IORNEYS FOR THE STATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certiiy that on July I1,2(\21. a true ancl correct copy of the fil'egoing Statc's Designatiorl ()l'C'lerk's Rccord on Appeal was subnrittecl to tlie Courrty C'lcrk's Oltrcc lbr filing vir cti Ie.txcourts.gov. and a copy was providcd to Kclli C'hiklrcss. El Paso ('ounty Public Def'ender ( kchildressqzrtcpcoLlnty. coui ), Attorncy fbr the det'endant. /s/Lily Sttoud LILY STROUD _1 t-21 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Fited 711112024 8154 AM Delia Briones County Clerk EI Paso County IN ruE CouN'ry CouR'r AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASO CouNry, Texes Tsa SrerE or Texes CALTSE No. 20240C03737 At.DEMARO RAIAET- PEREZ STATE'S DESIGNATION OF ('t-I]RK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL COM IIS NOW, thc' Slatc ol' 'l !'\as in thc abovt-' stylecl and nuurbcrc-d clusc ancl tlles this Designation of Clerk's Recortl on Appeal, pursuant to Rule -34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. and requests that the Clerk rnake and prcpare as part of the recorcl in the appell of tlris case lruc ilnd correcl copics ol'the tbllowing nrirtters: l. All documcnts designatetl by TLlx. R. Al'l'. P. 3,1.5(a) in criurinal cases. 2 Thc inclictment dalcd May 23,2024. J 'l'he trial court's dockLt shr'cl and/or anv record of clocktl cntries. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 5 The State's response to Det'endant's Plea to tlre Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Orcler of Certification and Transtet', signcd on May 11, 2(\24, ancl llled on May 21,2024. 7 The tdal oourt's Order Disrnissing Inclictrlent, signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-22 8 Any orde|s appointing any attomeys in ttre instant cause. 9 All other pleadings alld motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. tlled on June 28,2021 I l. This Designation of Clelk's Record on Appeat 12. Thc Statc's lctter to the ('lerk requesting 1he Clerk's recold. 13. The State's letter to the Court Repofter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIltiltE[.ORli, tlrc State rcslrccltirlly plays that thc Clerk of this ('oult rnakc ancl prcpare as part of tlte recot'd in the appeal of this cause tt'ue ancl correct coplcs of all matters clcsignatcrl above, and rttake thern a part of the Clelk's Rccot'cl, atrcl tinre ly tle tivcr thc clocumcnts clesignatecl to the Clerk of the Eighth Currt o1'Appcals in El Paso in a bounrl volutnc celtitlcd as thc Clcrk's Record otl appcal. Respectlirlly subrnitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT t- t-23 /s/ [,ily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) 533-5s20 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.conl sBN 24046929 A1"I'ORNEYS FOR 1'I IE STATE CEIITIFICATE OF SERVICE I ltereby certify that on July 11,2024. a true and correct copy of the tbregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was subrnittecl t<l the C'ounty ('lcrk's Ollrce lbr liling via ci t Ic. txcourts. qov, ancl a colly was plovitlcd to Veronica Lemra (vtlcnrralaw(rlquuril.corn) and Kelli ChilcL'ess, El Paso C'ounty Pr.rblic Dcfc'ntler (kchilcficsstrl cpcoruitv.c()nr ). Attol'ncy lor lhc tlct'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD --1- t-24 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 9102 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE CoUNTY CoURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF'EL PASo CouNry, Trxns THE STATE op Tnxes Clusr, No. 20240C03'741 ASAEL DANTEL Pot.ANC o STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State ol''l'exas in the atrove styled and numbered cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Recorcl on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( l) of the Texas Rules of Appetlate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk urake and prepare as paft of the record in the appeal of this case true and correct copies olthe tbllowing llratters: l. All documents designated by Trx. R. App. P. 34.-5(a) in crirninaI cases. 2 The indictmcnt dated May 23,2024. J Thc lr'ial coult's tlocket shcct antl/or atlv recorcl o1'clockct ctttries. 4 The Dct'endant's Plca to ths.luristliclion. il'any rvas tiled 5 The State's rcsponse to Det'entlant's Plea to the Juriscliction, if arry rvlrs 1iled. 6 The Order of Certiflcation aud Transf-er, signed on May 21.2024. and filed on May 21,2024, 7 The trial court's Ordet' Disntissing lndictment, signed on Jrtnc 9,202,1, and filed on June 9. 2024. I t-25 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. t0. Tlre State's Notice olAppcal, lllecl on.lune 28,2024. II. This Designation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal. l?. The Statc's letter to the Clerk rcquesting thc Clerk's record. l3 The State's letter to thc Coult Reportcr requcsting the Re'porter's Record, il' any is filed. PITAYER WIItll{EtOI{E. thc State rcspcctlirlly prays thal thc C'lcrk of this Court nrakc antl prcpare as palt of thc- rccord irr thc appcal cll'this cause tmc ancl corrLrct copics ol'all nrattcrs clesignalcd above, rncl nrtkc thcnr a part of the Clclk's Rccolrl, ancl tintely deliver thc docunreuts desisnatccl to the Clclk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El l)aso in a bound voltnnc certitlcd as the C'lcrk's Record on appeal Respectfully submitted, BILL D. HI('KS DISTRI('T ATTORNEY 3]II' J L-JDICIAL DISTRICT -2- t-26 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (el5)s33-s520 EMAIL lstroud(irepcounty.cout sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CERTI FICATE OF SI.]RVICE I lrereby certity that on July I1,2024, a true and correct copy of the tbregoing State's Designation ol- Clerk's Recorcl on Appcal was sLtblnitted to the County Clerk's Otllce fbl tiling via efilc.txcourts.gov, atrtl a copy was provictcd to Kelli Childress. El Paso County Public Dct'ender (kchildrcss((ltepcounty.com), Altor'11gy lrrl thc tle lentllrnt. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -l- t-27 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711212024 11:35 AM Oelia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rrrn CouNry C'ouRr AT LAw NLTMtsER 7 op El Paso CouN'ry, Texrrs Tur StaTE on Texas ('eusr No. l(Jl-10C03741 Jotl,,\'l n rr r.,r Jclniro QurNoNuz STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL ('OMES NOW, the Slate of Tcxas in lhc abovc stylccl and numberecl cause and tllcs this Dcsignation ol'('lerk's ltccold on Appeal. pursuant to Rulc -i21.5(bX I ) of the l'c-xas Rules of Appcllate I)t'occtlurc. ancl requcsts tlrat thc Clerk nrake antl preparc as part ol'lhe rccord in thc appeal of this case tnrc antl corroct copies olthe tbllowing rnatters l. All documcnts dcsignated by Ttt.r. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crinrirral cases. 2 The'intliclment datctl May ll, 10211. J The trial court's docket sheet andiot anv rccorcl ol'rlocket entries 4 Thc Deltnclant's PIca to the JLrriscliction. if rnv was liled 5 Thc State's response to Det'endant's Plea to the Juriscliction, if any was filed. 6 Tlre Oldel of Cerlitioation and Transf'er', signed on May 21,2024, ancl filed orr May 21,2024. 7 Tlie trial court's Oldet' Dismissing Indictment, signed on.lttne 9, 2024, and t'iled on June 9, 2024. -l- t-28 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All othel pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the nrlings of the trial couft thereoll. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. fllcil on Junc 28,2024. I l. Tlris Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Repofter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. I'I{AYI]R WHEREFORE, the Stutc rcspectfirlly plays lhat the Clerk of this ('ourt rrrakc antl prcpale as part ol the lccorcl in the appell of lhis cause tt'ue and correct copics ol-all nrattcrs tlesiguate'd abo'n'e. attcl nlnke thcrn a pafi of thc Clcrk's Rccord, antl tinrcly deliver the docunrents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Coun of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -l t-29 Rcspcctfully submitted. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34Ih JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9rs) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcourlty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CE II.'I'I FIC,,\1'E O F- SIi RV ICE, I hereby ceftily that on July 12,2021, a true and correct copy of tlte tbregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was subrnittcd to the County Clcrk's Ollice ibr tiling via cfi le.trcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Leouatd Morales ( Ieonarcl(almoraleslarv.corn ) ancl El Paso Couttty Public Def'cnder Kelli Childress l Kch ilclress(rilepco unty. coru ). Atlorneys tor the Defendant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r-30 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 9t3O AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN'run CouNry Counr Ar LAw NUMBI,R 7 oF EL PASo CouNry. Teres THr Srere oF TEXAS I CeusENo. 20240C03743 DIEGo JESUS RIVAS STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc Statc of Tcxas in the abovc stylcd and nunrbcred causc and files this Designalion of Clerk's Recot'd on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(trX l) ol thc Texas Rules ol'Appellale Ploceclure. and requests that the Clerk nrake and pl'eparc as part ol'1he tecorcl in the appeal ol'this oase tnre ancl currect copies of the following llrattcrs: l. All ckrcurlcnts rlesigrtatcd by Tur. R. APP. P, 3,1.5(a) in r;riutinal cascs. 2 The inclictnrcnt dalcd Mly 23,2024. 3 The trial coul't's docket sheet and/or any record of docket entries. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction. if any was tlled. 5 The State's response to Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was tiled. (-> The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. I t-31 8. Any orders appointing any attonieys in the instant cause 0 All other pleadings aud motions tiled by the defi:ndant and by the Srate, and the rulings of the trial court thereou. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal, filecl on June 28,2024. I 1. This Dcsignation of ('lelk's Rccoltl ou Appcul 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PlaA\ [-R WHEREFORE. the State respecttllly prays that the Clerk of this Cour-t rnake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and corect copies of all rnatters designated above, and nrake thern a part of the Clerk's Record, and timely deliver the documents designatcd to thc Clerk of the Eighth Cor.rrt of Appcals in El Paso in u bouncl volrrurc ccrtillcd ls lhc ('lclk's [{cctrrd on appcal. Respect firl Ii, srrblnittctl, BILL D. HI('KS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'I' JUDICIAL DISTRIC'T _)* t-32 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (9 l5) 5,16-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.conl sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TI.IE STATE CE R'I'I I'ICATE O[' SI],RVICE I hereby certily that on July 11,2024. a lruc aud con'ect copy of tlte lbregoing Slate's Designation ol'Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the County Cler*'s Ot'flce fbr tiling via eti le.txcoults. gov, ancl a copy was providecl to Danicl Robletlo cx ertlaw LI hotnrail.conr and Kelli Chiltlrcss. El Paso Couuty Puhlic Dcf-ender (kchildress(!repco tlnty. com ). Attorneys lbr thc dcf'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -,1- |-33 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 9:55 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County Ir Trrs CouNTv Cour<'r'A'r LAw NuMBirR 7 or El Peso CouNly. Tlxes THU Sr',q'rE ol Tc-r,rs Ce,Usr No. 20240('037 4'7 Cus tnvrt ANI)RLs R{ )Bt.t,5 STATE'S DESI(;NA1'IoN OT. ('LERK'S ITE('ORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State ol'Texas in thc above stylcd and numbered cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests lhat the Clerk nrake and prepare as part of the recorcl in the appeal of this case tnle and correct copies of the following lnatters: l. All documents designated by Tt x. R. Al'P. P. 34.5(a) in critrtinal cases. 2 The irrdictnrent datcd May 23,2024. J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket enh'ies. 4 'Ihe Del'cndant's Plca to the Julisdiction, il'arty u,as lilctl. 5 The State's response to Def-enclant's Plea to the Juristlictiort. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transl'er, signed on May 21. ?024, ancl t'iled on May 21,2024. 7 The tlial court's Older Dismissing lnclichnent, signed on June 9,2024, and lllecl on June 9. 2024. -l- t-34 8 Any orders appointing any attorreys in the instant canse. 9 All other pleadings and rnotions filed by the defendalt and by the State. and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. liled on .lune 28,2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Reoord on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's reoord l-l The State's letter to the Court Reporter reqtLesting the Reporler's Record, if any is filed. I'IIAYER WHERE,FORE, the State respectfirlly prays that the Clerk o1'this Court rnake ancl preparc as part of the record iu the appeal of this cause true and cort'ect copic's of all mattels designatecl above, ancl rllake therr a prl't of the Clerk's Recorcl, and tirnely cleliver the documents designated to the Clerk of the Eightlr Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound voluurc ccr-titled as the Clerk's Record on appeal. Respectfirlly subrnitled, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3+'I, JUDICIAL DISTRI('T 1 t"35 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COTINTYCOURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (9 I 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) 533-ss20 EMAIL I stroud(ilepco tu'rty. com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CtiRTI FICA'I'E OF SEIIVI('E I hercby ccrtity that on July I I , 2()2-1, a trur: aud corrt:ct col-ry o1- the Ioregoinu State's Dcsignation ol-('lerk's Recoltl on Apperl rvls subnritted to the Courty Clerk's Office fbr filing via efile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Roger Mor.rtoya (roger montoya(rilive.con.r) and Kelli Childress, El Paso County Public De'tcndcr'(kchildlcsskr epcounly.conr). Altonrcys fbl tlre clefi'nclanl. /silily Stroud LILY STROUD r-36 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7/11/2024 10:00 AN.4 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rrrr CouNry Counl A'r LAw NLTMBER 7 or, El Paso CouNrr,, Tt xes Tuu Srerr oF Texas ('ALrsINo. 20240C03748 Cnls-llaN Er;tt.,ttiDo Il lottt<;t rt,z STATE'S DESICNA'TION OF CLERK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above stylcd and nunrbered cause and hles this Designation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procednre, and recluests that the Clerk nrake and prepare as part olthe recortl in tlre appeal of this case true rnd correct copics of the fbtlowing nratters: l. All clocurrrcnts dcsignalctl try Tt:r. R. Al't'. ['. -]-1.5(a) in crinrinal cnscs. 2 Thc intlictnrent dalctl May 21, 102.1. J The tnal court's dockel shcct anrl/or anv lccortl of dockct cntlics. 4 The Del'enclanl's Plea to lhe Jurisdiclion, ilany rvas 1lled. 5 The State's response to f)el'entlirnt's Plea lo the JLrrisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certit'ication and Tt'ansttr. signed on May 2l , 2024. and llled on May 21,2024. 1 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on.lune 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -1- t-37 8 Any orders appointing any attol'ncys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings aucl motions tilecl by the dcf'cndant and by the State. ancl the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024 I l. This Designation of Clcrk's Record on Appeal. 12. The Statr''s lettel to thc ('lerk rerlucsling thr' Clclk's record. 13. The State's letter to thc Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Recold, il any is filcd. PRAYER WIJERIIFORE, the Statc respcctlirlly prays that thc'Clerk ol'this Courl make and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true atrd coffect copies ol'all matters tlcsignatecl rbovc, and ntrkc tlrctn a palt ol the C'lcrk's llecold, and timely deliver the docurneuts designatetl to the Clerk of tlre Eighth Coult of Appeals in [:I Paso in l bound volur.uc cerlit-rcd as thc C'lerk's Rccorcl otr appcal. ltespecttirl lv srrbrnittecl, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3-I'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT t-38 /sl Lil Stroud LILY STROUD ASST, DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2(]I EL PASO COLTNTY COURTHOUSE .5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (91-s) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.conl sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CERTI FICATE 0F SEITVICE I herelry certify that on July I 1.2021. a true and correct copy of the lbregoing Slate's Designation ol' Clerk's Recot'cl on Appeal was subnrittetl to the Couuty Clerk's Olfice for filing via efile.txcourts.gov. and a copy was provicled to Arif Abrar ( aritllr,thcuv lawyer'.conr ) ancl Kclli('hiltlrcss. EI Paso County Public Deftncler (kch ildless(ritepcounty. conl ), Attolneys fbr lhc def cntlant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r-39 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 'lO:08 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rsr CouNry CoURT Ar Lew NuMeEn 7 oF EL PASo CouNry, Ttxns Tt tE Sr.qru ot' TEtas I C,rusg No. 20240C.037 52 CARLoS ANones Rugro STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COM ES NOW. the Stutc of Teras in the abovc stvled and nurnbcrecl causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.-5(bX l) o1'the Texas Rules olAppcllate Procetlure, and rcquests that the Clerk nrake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this case true and correct copies of the fbllowing uratters: l. All tlocuments designated by Ttx. R. Arp. P. -14.5(a) in critninal cases 2 Thc intliclrncnt daterl Mly 23,2021. 3 Thc trial court's docket shcet and/or auy recorcl ofdockct entlies 1 TIrc Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any ri,as tllcd. 5 The State's resporlse to Det-endaut's Plcir to the Juriscliction. if any rvas filed. 6 The Order of Certificatiou aud Transfer, signed on May 21.2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lndichnent. signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -t- t-40 8 Any orders appointiug any attonleys in the instant cause. I Al[ other pleadings and motions liled by the det'endant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, tlled on Juue 28.2024. I l. This Designation of Clelk's Recold ou Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Cterk requesting the Clerk's record 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter rcquesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. Pl{AYtilt WHIIREFORE, thc State respcctfirlly prays that the Clcrk of this Court makc arrcl plcpaler as part o1'lhc rccord in thc appcll o1'this causc tluc ancl cot'rcct co1'rir-'s of all rnatters designated above, and nlake thelr a part of the Clerk's Record, and tinrely delivcr the docunrcnts designltctl to thc C'lerk ofthc [riglrth Coult ol'Appells in El Paso in a bound volume certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. Respectfirlly submittcd, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3]'I' JUDICIAL DISTRICT t- 41 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) 533-5520 EM AIL lstroud@)epcounty. con.t sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CERTIFICATE OF SE,RVICE I hereby certify thlt on.luly I l,202-1, a true antl correct copy ofthe tirregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Recortl on Appeal was submitted to the County C'lcrk's Of'flce for filing via etile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Kelli Chrldress, El Paso Counly Public Det'cnder'(kcltildress@)cpcounty.cortl), Attorneys fbr' the tlcll'nclant /siLily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-42 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 10:17 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE CouNTy COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo COUNT'I,, TEXAS TIIL STArE ()rr TI\AS Causr,: No. 20240C103754 LENrN ANToN SUenpz STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and nurnbered cause and files this Designation ol'Clerk's Recold on Appcal, pursuant to Rule 34.,5(b)( l) of thc Texas Rules of Appellalc Proceclure. and recpests thlt the Clerk nrake and pl'el)are as part ot'the recortl in tlrc appeal of this case true ancl correct copies ol'the fbllowing rrattct's: I . All docurnents designated by Ttx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in critninal cases. 2 Thc inrlictutunt datecl Miry 23,2021 J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket er-rtries 4 The Def-enclant's Plea to thc Jurisclictiort. il'artv rvas lllct[. 5 The State's response to Detbndant's Plea lo the Jurisdiction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification aud Transtbr, signed on May 21.2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signecl on June 9.2024. and filed on June 9. 2024. -l- r-43 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in the illstant cause. 9 All other pleadings ancl rnotions filed by tlie defendant and by the State, and the rulirrgs of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024 I l. This Dcsignation of Clcrk's Rccord ou Appeal. 12. The Statc's letter to the C'lcrk l'cquesting thc- C'lelk's recorcl. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requcstirlg the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WHEREFORE. the State rcspecthrlly prays tlrat the Clerk of lhis Court make ancl prepare as part ol thc recortl irr thc appcal ol-this cause truc atrrl col'r'cct copies of all mattcrs dcsignated abovc. antl ntake thctn a part of thc Clclk's ltecord. and timcly delive.r'the clooumcnts dcsignalc'tl to thc C'lclk o1-tlte Eighth Coult of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volutne certitled as the Clerk's Rccord ou appeal. Respect t'Lr I ly subnritted. BILL D. FII('KS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3-I'I' JUDtCtAL DISTRICT _,\ t-44 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5()O E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-s520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.corn sBN 24046e29 ATTORNEYS FOR THE S'IATE CEIT'I'IFI(",\TE 0F SEI{\1ICE I hereby certify lhat on July I1,2024, a true arrtl correct copy of the t'oregoing State's Desiguation ol' Clelk's Record on Appeal was sulrmittetl to the County Cletk's Olfice fbl tiling via cfi Ie. txcoults.gov, ancl a copy was providcd to Fclix Salclivar ( ltalclivar 195 (r(rrtyahot.r. conr ) and Kctli Childress, El Plso Ciounty Putrlic Defender (kchildress(i)epcounty.conl ). Attorneys for the def'endant /s/Lily Stroutl LILY STROIJD -3- t-45 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 1033 Ann Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN'rHrr Courury CouR'r'AT Lew NuusEn 7 or El Peso CouNry, TEres Tsr SrRre or Trrns Causn No. 20240C03755 RAFAET- ANCjEL GoNZAT-tiz FERNANDEZ STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL C'OME,S NOW. thc State of Tcxrs in tlrc above slyled and nurlbered cause and llles this Designation of Clerk's Recorcl on Appeal, pursuarlt to Rule -]4.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. and requests that the Clerk make and prepare as part of the recorcl in the appeal of tlris case tnre ancl correct copies of the following nlatters l All docunrents clcsignatcd by Tex. R. Al'P. P.3tr1.-5(a) in crilninal cases. 2 The inclictment datcd May 23,2024. J 'fhc trial court's tlockct sheet ancl/or anv record of clocke't entnes. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was tlled. 5 The State's resporlse to Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any rvas tiled. 6 The Order of Certit'ication and Transfer. signed on May 21,2024, and frled on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Disr-r-rissing lnclictment, signed on.lune 9, 202'1, and flled on June 9. 2024. -l- t-46 8 Any orclcrs appointing any attontcys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and rnotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28.2024 I L This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record l3 The State's letter to the Courl Repofter requesting the Reporter's Record. if any is filed. PRAYER WllliltliliOltlj. thc Statc respectlirlly plays tliat the'C'lcrk ol'this C'ourt nrrkc alrd prcpare as prrt o1'thc rccold in thc appeal of this cause truc aud cot'rcct copics of all nrattcls tlcsignatccl abovc, rnd ntakc them a parl of the Clerk's Recorcl. antl tinrely dclivcr thc documerlts designatcd to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a lrouncl volutttc ocilitlcd as thc Clerk's Record on appeal. RespectI'ully submitted. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT .', t- 47 lsl Lil Stroucl LILY STROUD ASST. DISI'RICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5s20 EMA I L lstroud@epcounty.corr sBN 24046929 A'|]'OITNEYS FOR'IHE STATE CEltTl FIC;\TE ()F SERVICE I hereby certily that on July I l, 2024, a true and correct copy of the fbregoing State's Desigrralion ol' ('lerk's Rccord on Appcal rvas srrburittetl to the CoLrnty Clcrk's OfTice fbr'filing via cl ilc.txcourts.gov, and rr copy was providecl to Araccli Solis ( nrelissa,"*t,rn."lr,yalroo.cout ) and Kelli ('hildress. El Paso ('ounty Public Defencler (kchildrcss(ri,epcoutlty.conl ), Attorneys tbr the det'endant. /s/Lily Sntud LILY STROUD t-48 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 10:57 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rsE CcluNly CouR'r'AT LAw NUMBER 7 or EL- Peso CouNry, TE.\AS TUE Sr,qre oF TEXAS Cause No. 20240C03756 MlcuEr- Arc;nL- Gancre STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW. the State of Texas in the above styled and numbered cause and tlles this Designation ol'Clerk's Record on Appcal, pulsuant 1o Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas ltulcs ol Appellate Procedure, ancl lerluests that the C'lelk nrake ancl prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this case true and correct copies of the following nrattcrs: l. All ckrcunrcnts cle-signatccl by Tur. R. At't'. I'. 3,1.5(a) in ct'intinal cases. 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. 3 The trial court's docket shcet autVor any recortl of docket entries. 4 'l'hc [)cl'cndant's Plcu 1o thc JLu'ist]iction, il'any rvas lllctl. 5 Thc State's response to Det'endant's Plea to thc Juriscliction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictntent, signed on June 9.2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. l- |-49 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions iilcd by thc det-endant and by tlre State, and the rtliugs of the trial court thereorr. 10. The State's Notice olAppcal, l'rled on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of CIcrk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's lcttcr to the Clelk reclucsting thc C'lerk's rccortl. l3 Thc State's lctter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporler's Record, if any is filed. PITAYER WHIII{EFOItll. the Statc respectlirlly prays that the Clcrk of this C'ourt makc and prepare as pall of tlie lecorcl in thc appeal o1'this cause truc and corrcct copics of all rnatters designated above, aud nrake- thenr a part of thc Clerk's Record. and tinrcly clcliver thc rlocur.nents dcsignatcrl 1o thc Clclk of the trighth Cotrrt of Appeals in El Paso in a bountl voluure certitled as the Clerk's Recortl on appeal. Respectfirlly strbmitted. BILL D. TII('KS DISTRICT NTTORNEY 3-I'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT ') r-50 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.cor.n sBN 24046929 ATT'ORNEYS FOR'IFIE STATE CE,RTI I.'I('A'TE, 0F SERVICE I hereby certity that on July I l, 202"1. a tt'ue antl corrL'ct copy of the lbregoing State's Desiguation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was subnritted to the County Clcrk's Otllcc tbr titing via efi Ie. txcoults.gov, and a copy was provided to Gerald A. Cicorges.lr. (gcraldgcorges.l(4rgnrail.com ) ancl Kelli ('hilclrcss, EI Paso C'ounty Public Def'cndcr (kchikh-esstr epc()unt y. collr ). Attorneys firl thc tle fendant. /s/Lily Stroutl LILY STITOUD -3- r-51 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7h112024 11 19 At\,4 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rHe CouN'ry Counr Ar L,qw NUMBER 7 OF EL PASO CouNrr,. Tpxes THE SrATE oF'TEXAS Cnuse No. 20240C03757 OMen Rerepl GotzalEz S1'A1'I]'S DESI(;NATION OI, CLERK'S RET'ORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Toxas in thc abovc styletl and nurnbereci causc and flles tlris Designation of C'lcrk's Record on Appeal, pursilant to Rule 14.5(bX I ) of the Tcxas Rules of Appellatc Procedule, ancl requests that the Clerk n-rakc and preparc as palt of thc record iu the appeal ol'this case tlue arrd coltect copies ol the fbllowing ulat tcrs l. All clocuurcnts designatetl by Ttrx. R. App. ['}. 34.5(a) in clintinal cases. 2 Thc indictrlent dated May 23,2024. J The tlial c:ourt's clockct shect anrl/or any rccot'cl ol'docket cntt'ics. 4 Thc Del'cndant's Plca to the Julisdiction, if any rvas tlled. 5 Tlre State 's lesporlsc to Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was iiled. 6 The Order of Certification and Trausfet', signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2tJ24. 7 The trial coru't's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on Jttne 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -t- t-52 8 Any orders appointing any attol'lteys in the instant cause 9 All other pleadings and motrons filed by the defendant and by the State, and the mlings ol the trial court thereon. 10. Thc Stlte's Noticc of Appeal, lllccl on June 28,2021 I 1. This Dcsignation of Clcrk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requcsting the Clerk's recolcl. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PITAYEII WI{EREF'OIIE. thc State lespectfirlly plays that the Cklk of this Courl make arrtl pre;rarc xs part r)f tltc t'ccot'c[ irr thc appeal ol lhis cituse true and colrcct copics ol'all mattcrs ticsignatcd above. und t-uakc thcnr a part of thc C'lclk's Rccord. and tinrcly tlelivcr the (loor,luronts tlu'signrtc-d lo thc Clerl< of thc Eightlr C'ourt olAppcals in El Paso in a bound volul'rlc certiflccl as thc C'lerk's Rccoril on appcal. Respectfirlly subrnitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT _')_ r-53 /s/ Lily Stror.rd LILY STROUD ASST, DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE .5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9rs) s33-5s20 EMAI L I stroud(@2epcounty. conl sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TI{E S'IATE ('tiRl't Flc.\'tE o[- sEtt\11('l] I hereby certily that on July I 1.2(\21. a true antl correct copy ofthe t'oregoing State's Designalion ol' Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the Counly Clerk's Olfice for filing via eli lc.txcourts.gov. aud a copy was provicletl to Kelti ('hildrcss, El Paso ('ounty Public Dct'cncler'(kchildlcss(r:cpcounty.corll). Attorncy tbr the defendant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD .r- t-54 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7 11112024 1129 Plt Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN lrrt, CouNly Counr A l LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNT\', Texas Tt tt, St.A,rt ot. Tx,,rs causrr No. 20240C03769 Et'r.un Ror.t- Monr,loN STATE'S DESIGNAI'ION OF ('LERK'S RE('ORD ON APPI]AL COM trs NOW, thc Statc of' Tcxus in the abovcr stvlert and nuurbercd cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.-5(b)( 1) ol'the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. antl requesls that the Clerk rnake and prepare as part of the recorcl in the appeal ol this case true antl correct copies ol the fbllowing nrattel's: l. All documents designated by Tax. R. AI'P. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 Thc indictnrcnt datccl May 23,2024. 3 'fhc trial corrrt's tlocket shcct antl/or any rccot'tl ol'tlockct cntt ies, 4 Thc Detcnclant's l)lca to thc Jurisdiction, il'any *'as t'ilctl 5 The State's response to Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certiflcation aud Trausf-et'. signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Disn.rissing Indichrtent, signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -t- r-55 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and nrotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the nrlings of the trial court thereon. 10. Tlrc Statc's Noticc ol Appcal. tjled on Junc 28,2024 I l. This De-signation olC'le'rk's Record on Appeal 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Coufi Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. I!RAYE,R WI IEI{E,FORE, the Slate rsspcctiully prays tlrat thc Clc'rk of tlris Court rnake and prepare as part ol thc record iu the appeal of this cause true and correc't copies ol all rnatters designated above, and make thenr a parl of the Clerk's Record. and timely delivcr the docunrcnts designated to the Clcrk olthc Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a bound volurne certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. Respecttirlly submitteil, BILL D. IIIC'KS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3.T'h JUDICIAL DISTRIC'T _')_ r-56 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COLINTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5s20 EMAIL lstroud()epoourlty.conl sBN 24046e29 ATTORNEYS FOR 1'IIE STATI] CI]ITTI FIC.\TE ()Ii SE RVICE I hercby oertily that on .lLrly I 1.2021. u tnre and correct copy ot'tlre tbregoing State's Designation ol' Clerk's Record ou Appeal was sutrnrittecl to the County Clelk's Office for filing via cti le.txcourts.gov. antl a copy was plovided to Kelli Childress, El Paso County Public Dct'enilcr ( kchildlcss(alepcounty. coln ). Altorney tbl thc detcnchnt. /s/Lily Stloud LILY STROUD -3- t-57 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7l1Ol2O24 1:02 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rHE CoUNTY CouRr AT Lnw NuNasEn 7 oF EL PASo CoLrNTy. TEXAS THE STATE oF TEXAS Cnuse No. l0:-10C03770 JueN CenLos PR lrser STATE'S DIISICNAl'lON OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMI-.S NOW. the Statc ol'Texus in thc abovc stylctl and nuniberecl cause and flles this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Ploccdure, and requests that thc Clerk make and prcparc as part ol'the record in the rppcal of this case tme ancl colrcct copies of tltc fbllowing rnatters: l. All documents designatetl by Tnx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crirninal cases. 2 T'he inclictrtrent rlated May 2-1. 202.1. J The trial court's docket sheet anrl/ol uny record of clocket enlr'ies 4 The Det-endant's Plca to the Juriscliction. if anv was tiled 5 The State's l'esponse to Def'endant's Plea to the Juriscliction, if any was filed 6 The Order of Cer-tit-rcation and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2021, and filed on June 9. 2024. -t- r-58 8 Any orclcrs appoirrtinu any attontL.ys in thc instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and nrotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rLrlings of the trial couft thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024. 1 l. 'l-his Desiqnation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk recluesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Repofier requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WHEREFORE, the State lcspecttr.rlly prays that thc Clerk olthis Courl make Irnrl prcpu'e as part ol'the recortl rn thc u;rpcal ol'this causc truc irrttl corrcct copies of all nrattcls tlcsignirtetl abolc, and r.nake tht'nr a part of'the Clcrk's Recorcl, antl timely deliver the docunrents de'signatc'd to the Clcrk of thc'Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volurne ccrtitjc-tl as thc Clcrk's Recortl on altpeal. Respectfully subnritted, BII-t- D. HICKS DISTRIC'T ATTORNEY 3.I'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT r-59 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6-109 FAX (915) 5-13-5520 EMAI L lstroud(n/epcorulty.con.r sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CERTIFICA'I'E OF SERVICE I hcrcby certily thal on July 10, 2021. a tlue and corrcct copy ofthc toleuoing Stattr's Designation ot' ('lcrk's l{ecoltl on Appcal was sLrbrnittccl to the County Clerk's Office for filing via elile.txcoults.gov, and a copy was providcd to the Public De-fbndcr (pdnotices(rl e1)county. conr ), Attolncy fbr thc dcicndanl. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r-60 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711012024 1:49 PM Delia Briones Counly Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNry, Texas THE SrerE oF'TE.\AS CAUSENo. 20240Co3771 Yono,,rN .lusLrs QurNrt,nci I STATI]'S DESIGNAI-ION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the Statc ol'Tc-xas in thc above styled and nunrbercd cause and llles lhis Designation of ('le'rk's Re:colcl on Appeul. pulsuaut to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of thr- l-cxas Itules ol'Appe-llalc' Proccdurc, arrd rcqucsts llrat thc Clcrk nrakc ancl prcpare as part of the record in thc appeal of this case tnre and correct copies of the tbllowing lratters: 1. All documcnts designated by Tt,x. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cascs. 2 'fhe indictrnenl datecl May 23.2024. .) The trial corrrt's tlocket sheet antlior lnv lecortl o1'tlocket entries 4 The Dclendant's Plca to the Julistliction, if anv rvas llled. 5 Thc Stltc's rcspollsc tn Dcfi'nclant's Plca to (hc .lurisrliction, if any wLrs f)lcd. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and tlled on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Ol'der Dismissing Indictmeut, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9. 2024. -t- r-61 8 Any orders appointing atry attomeys in the instant cause . 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by thr-' defendant and by the State, and the nrlings of the tlial conrt thereou. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, tiled on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record ol Appeal. 12. The Stale's leller to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's recortl. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporler's Record. if any is filed. PRAYER WIIERITFORE. thc Statc respcctlirlly prays that the ('lclk of this Coult make and prepalc as part of the record in the appcal of this ctuse lruc und correct copies of all nratlcrs tlcsignatctl abovc. antl make thcm a part ol- tlrc' ('lcrk's Rccord, aud tinre'ly dclivcr thc docunrcnts dcsignltetl to thc Clerk of the Eiglrth C'oult olAppcals in El ['ast-r in a bountl volume ccrtitlsd as thc C'lelk's ltecortl on appeal. Rcspcct ltrl I y subnritte'tl, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34Ih .IUDICIAL DISTRICT l t-62 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls) -s33-ss20 EMAIL lsh oud(rirepcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTOITNEYS FOIT THE STATE CER'tIFICATE OF SERVICE I helcby ccrtily that on .luly 10, 201-1, a tnrc antl con'cct copy o1'thc fbrcgoing Statc's Designa(ion of' ('lcrk's Rccorcl un Appeal rvas subruilted to the ('ounty Clcrk's Ofllce ltrr liling via cli le. trcourts.gor,, irnd a copy \\'its providccl to thc l)ublic Det'cndcrr (pdnoticcs(rle 1)county.cont ), Attorney tirr thc dcttndatrl. /s/Lily Stloud LILY STROUD .r r-63 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7 I 1Ol2O24 3:40 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rur CouNrY CoURT AT La.w Nuvsnn 7 oF Er- PASo CouNry. TEXAS THE STATE oF TEXAS CausrNo. 20240C03772 EMILIon,rNoN TonRes STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW. tlre' State of Tcxas in the above styled and numbered cause and liles this Dcsignatiorr ol'C'lerk's Re'cord on Appr'al. pursuilnt to Rulc -14.5(bX I ) of thc l'cxas Rules ol Appellatc ProcctJurc, urcl lccprests thal the Clerk make and prepare as part of the record in thc appeal of this casc tr-ue and corrcct copies of the lirllorving maltcrs: l. All documents designatcd by Tt,x. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 The indichnent dated May 23,2024. J The trial court's docket sheet an(l/ol'auy record of rlocket entries 4 The Dclcndant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction. ilanv rvas fllcd 5 The'State 's response lo Def'endant's Plea to thr-" Jtrrisdiction. if any was filed 6 The Order of Certification and Transfet', signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lndictntent, signed on Jurte 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-64 tt Any orders altpointing ally attolucys in thc itlstlnt cause. 9 All othel pleadings and ntotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial coult thereon. 10. Thc Statc's Notrce of Appcal. flled on Juue 28.2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeat. 12. Tlre State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PITAYEIT WIIEItEITOI{E. thc Sta(c rcspecttirllv prlys that the Clcrk of this ('ourt rnake antl preparc as paft of the record in the appeal of this cause truc and correct copies ol'all nrattcls tlcsignatctl alrovc. and nrtkc thctrt a pat't of thc ('lclk's [tecord, antl tinrely cleliver thc tlocumcnts designatecl to the Clerk ot'the Eiglrth Coult of Appcals in El Paso in a bound volume ccrtifletl as the Clcrk's Rccord on appeal. [{cspc'ct lir lly sutrnrrttecl. I]ILL D, HICKS DISTRI('T ATTORNEY 3-I'I' JUDI('IAL DISTRICT -l r-65 /s/ Lily Stroucl LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (9151 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud(@epcouuty.com sBN 24046929 ATT0II.NEYS FOt{ TTIE STATE CERI'l l'lCi{IE ()F SE, ttVIC E I hercby ccrtif y that on July 10. 202-1, a Inrc ilnd con'cct copy ol'thc tirrcgoing Statc's Designation of C'lerk's Rccorcl on Appcal was subnrittc-cl to thc Colmly Clerk's Office for filing via efi Ic.txcoufts.gov, and a copy was providcd to the Public De'ltnder (pcfiroticos(a,cylcor-urty. conr ). Attolney lirr the tlcf'enclant. /s/I-ily Stroud LILY STROUD --l t-66 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711012024 5.26 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rHs CouNly CoURT AT Lnw NuHaseR 7 oF EL PASo CorrNry. Tuxas Tt tt-: Srrrrn oF- TtixAS Cause No. 10240C03773 JosE ESTEBAN VAr-ERrANo STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW. the State of'Texas in the above styled and numbered cause and lilcs this Dcsignalion olC'lclk's Rccortl orr Appcll, pul'sr.rlnt to Rulc -34.5(t)X l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. and requests that the Clerk make and prL'pare as part o1'thc rccold in thc appeirl of this case ttrte and corrcct copir's of the following rllatters: l. All documents designated by Tur. R. App. P. -34.5(a) in crinrinal cases. 2 The indictmenl dated Mly 2.1. 2024 J Tlre trial court's dockel shect lnd/ol anv lecord ol'docket etrtries. 4 The Dct'cndant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction. if any was tllcd. 5 The State's l'espollse to Det-endant's Plca to the Jurisdiction. if arry was filed 6 Tlre Order of Certifrcation and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on Jrtne 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- r-67 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and rnotions filed by the det-endant and by the State, and the nrlings of the trial coul't thereon. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal, flled on June 28,2024. 1I . Tl.ris Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letler to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 1-1. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PI{AYER WHEREFORE, the State respectfirlly prays that the Clet'k of this Court make and preparc as part of the record in the appcal ol this cause tt'ue antl cort'ect col.ries ol'all urattcrs tlesignatccl abovc, and utake thcttt a pal't ol thc CIerk's ltccortl, artd timely delivel the docunrents designatcd to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in lrl Paso in a bound volutt'tc certilled as thc ('le'rk's Ilc'cot'd on appeal. _1_ t-68 I{especttul ly srrbrnittcd. BILL D. HICKS DIS'fRICT ATTORNEY 34'I' .IUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915 ) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (91s) s33-5520 EMAI L lstroud(rgepcorulty.com sBN 24046929 ATTOITNEYS FoR TtIE STATF, cEltl'I F'lcA't'E ot' sE ltvIcll I hereby celtity that on July 10,2024, a true and correct copy ofthe tbregoing State's Designalion of Clerk's Record on Appeal rvas suburittetl to the County Clclk's Otllcc lor filing viLr c fi le .txcoru'ts.gov, and a copy was provided to Manny Parra (offlce(rrlpan'alaw.cour)and El Paso C'ounty Public Defendel Kelli Childless ( Kch iklress(r,epcounty. cotn ). Attorneys tirr the Delentlarrt. isll-ily Stroud LILY STROUD --)- r-69 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 10:19 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE C0UNTY COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF Er- PASo CouNry. Texas THn Srare ol'Tsxas CauspNo. 20240C03775 Lurs IcNacro Ve,squnz STATE'S DI]SIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above' stylcd antl numbered cause and fllcs this Designation of Clerk's Record ou Appeal. pulsu.rnt to Rule 34.5(bX I ) o1- thc 'l'crrs Ilule-s ol'Appcllalc [)roccdurc. atrd t'ctlucsts llrat the ('lc'r'k nrakc and pleparc as part of thc recorcl in the appcal of this casc tnre ancl correct copies of the fbllowing malters: l. All docuurents designated by Trtx. R. App. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 The irrclictrnent dated May 23.2021 3 The trial court's docket slteet aud/rlr any record of docket entries 4 The Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was tlled. 5 The Slate's rcsponsc to Defendant's Plca to thc Jurisdiction, if any was tileil. 6 The Order of Certiflcation and Transl'er', signed on May 21,2021, and flted on May 2l, 201-1. 7 The trial court's Order Disrnissing Indichnent, signed on June 9, 202-1, and filed on June 9, 2024. I t-70 8 Any ordcrs appointrn-q any attomeys in the instiint car.rsc 9 All othcr pleadings and motions filed by the cle'ftndarrt and by the State, and the rulings of the trial couft thercon. 10. 'l'he State's Notice of Appeat. tlletl ou Junc 2u. 2024 I l. 'fhis Designatiorr of Clelk's l{ecorcl on Appeal. 12. The Statc's lettel to thc C'lerk requestiug the Clerk's record. tl The State's letter to the Court Repofier requesting the lleporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYE,IT WIIERITFOI{U, thc Stlte rcspcctlirlly prays lhat thc Clct'k of this ('oult nrakc antl prcpare as parl of thc recold in the lppcll of this caLrse' tluc arrtl col rcct copies ot'all nratters tlesignated abovc, and ntakc thctu l part ol'thc C'lclk's ltccorcl, ancl timely deliver the docunrents designated to the Clerk of the Eiglrth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -)- | -71 Respectful ly submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3,1tI' .IUDIC'IAL DISTRICI' /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 79901 (9 l5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915)5-33-5520 EMAIL lstroud(i?lepcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THts STATE CERI'I I.'ICA'I'F] OF SI]IIVICE I hereby ccrtify that on July I 1.202,1, a truc aucl correct copy of the tbregoing State's Dcsignation of Clerk's Rccold on Appeal was subruittccl to thc County Clerk's Otficc'for fiting via efile.txcourts.gov, antl a copy was provided to Justin Underwootl (r'eception(a lvutrial.cont) ancl Bl Paso Coturty Putrlic Del-ender Kelli Childress (Kchildress(alepcounty.com), Attonleys tbr lhe Del'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-72 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 4:41 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rug CouNly CoURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 ot'EL PASO CouNrr'. Tpxes TTIE STATE OF.TEXAS CAUSE No. 20240C03'776 I c'ARl-( )S At.Bt,H trI (itr"-tt,rrrLz STAI'I]'S DESIGNATION OF- CLERK'S RECOTTD ON APPEAL COMF.,S NOW. thc State ol Texirs in thc above stylcd and nurnbelcd causc and files tlris Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the '['exas [tules of Appellalc Pt'occdurc, antl lequcsts that tlre C'lerk rttakc ancl prepilrc as part of the rccorcl in the appcal of this case tl'uc and correct copics olthc following lllatters l. All docurnents designated by Tux. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crimitral cascs. 2 Tlre indictment dated May 23.2024 J The tliul court's docket slteet attd/or atrv t'ecord o1'tlockel etrtries. 4 The Dctendant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction, if itny was Illed 5 The State's response to Det'endant's Plea to the Julisdiction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The tlial court's Order Disurissiug lndictnrent, stgned on Jutie 9,202.1, ancl t'iled on June 9. 2024. -t- t-73 8 Any orders appointing arly attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and nrotions filed by the def-endant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial courl theleon. 10. 'lhe State's Notice of Appeal, tiled on Junc 28, 2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter lo the C'lerk rcquesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record. if any is filed. PITAYEIT WIttlltEF'ORIr. thc State'r'cspccttrlly prays that thc C'lcrk ol'this Cotrrt ntakt-' ancl prcpalc as parl o1'thc lecot'd itt the altpcul of this causc tt'uc aud cort'ect collies of all mattcrs designatccl above, antl ntake thcnt lt part ol the C'lcrk's Recorcl. antl tinrcly tltlivcr tlre docuurents designltcd to thc ('lelk ol'thc Ilighth ('otrrl of Altpcals in El Paso in a bound voluttte ccrtifled as the Clcrk's Recot'tl on allpcal. t-7 4 Respectfully subnritted, BILL D, IIICKS DISTRIC'T ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (91-5 ) 533--s520 EMAI L l sh'oud(alepcoun ty. conr sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS I.'OIT TtJL] STATE CERl'I FIC.\'I'E O}' SEITVICE I hcleby ccrlify tllilt on .luly I l. 201-1, a lrrrc antl corrcct col)y ol lhc lirtctoing Statc's Dcsignation of ('lclk's Rccr:rrd on Appcal was subnritted lo the County Clerk's Offlce for filing via etlle.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to El Paso C'ounty Public Def'endel Kclli Chilclress ( Kchilil'c'ssrrlepcoutrty. cour ), Attorney for the Def-endant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STI{OUD t-75 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7l'1112024 11:27 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN 'rHE COUNTY CoURT A't LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo COUNTY, TEXAS TttH St ,rtt, ol, TLXAS L C'arrsr No. 20210C03777 CnrsNe n ENRreul-r GoNzaLEz S]'ATE'S DESIGNA'IION OF CI-ERK'S RE('OIID ON APPI]A L COMES NOW. the Statc of Texas in thcr abovc stylecl and nunrbered cause and flles this Dcsignltion ol('lr..rk's Rccord on Appeal. llllsulnt to Rulc 34.5(b)( l) ol'the I'exas Ilulcs ol'Appe'llatc I)roccclurc. and rcqucsts that thc C'lcrk ntakc ancl prcpare as pafl of the rccord in the appeal ol this case tnre antl correct copies of the tirllowing ulatters: l. All documcrrts dcsignatetl lry 'lnr. R. At,r,. P. 34.5(a) in crinrinul cascs 2 Tlre intlictrnent dirted May 23,2024. J The trill court's (lockel sheet ancl;or anv record oldocket entries. 4 The Def'endant's Plea to thc Jr.rrisdiction, if any was tlled 5 The Statc's rcsponsc to Dcti'ndanl's Plca to thc Juristliction. if any was tilctl 6 The Ordel of Celtitlcation and Tlansf-er', signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 2l ,2(121. 1 The trial court's Order Disrnissing Indictment, signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. I r-76 8 Any ordcrs appointing alty attorteys it the iustant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State. and the rulings of the trial couft thereon. 10. l-hc State's Notice of Appeal. filed on.lune 28,2024 I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the C'lerk requesling the C'lerk's record. l3 The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYI,IR WHEREFORE, thc State respecttllly prays that thc Clelk of this Court make and prcpare as pal't ol the recoltl in the appeal of this cause true and correct copres of lrll nrattcrs dcsignltetl abovc. antl rtrakc thcm l palt of thc ('lerk's ll.ecortl. anrl tiurcly rlelivcr thc docunrcnts tlcsignatcrl to thc Clcrk of thc lriuhth Court ol'Appeals in El Paso in a bound volunle certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. 2- t-77 Respectfully submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COL'NTY COURTHOUSE 5()O E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915)533-5s20 EMAI L lstloudgilepcounty.com sBN 240,16929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CER'I'I FICA'I'I] OI.' SERVICE I hereby cerlify that on July I l, 202-1, a truc and correct copy of tlre lbregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Recorcl on Appeal was submitted to the County Clerk's Offlce fbr filing via eli le.txcor,u1s.gov, and a copy was plovidcd to Leortald Morales ( leouartl(irnrolaleslarv. conr ) ancl El Paso County Public Defender Kelli Childress ( Kchildress(@epcounty.conl ), Attorneys fbr the Defendant. slLily Stroud i LILY STROUD -3- |-78 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 1'l:OS AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ruE CouNrv COURT Ar LAw NTJMBER 7 oF EL PASO CouNry, Texas Tue Srete or TExas Cnusr No, 10140('03778 Lurs EDLTARDo GoNznlsz STATE'S DESIC;NA'I'ION OF CI-ERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL C'OMES NOW, thc Statc of Texas in the alrove styled and nunrtrercd cause and llles this Designation of Clcrk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX l) of thc J'c-xas [{ulc's ol Appcllate Procedure, antl lcqucsls that thc ('lelk nrake and pl'epare as parl of lhc rscorcl in thc appeal ol'this casc tluc ancl corrcct copics ol thc Ibllowing mxttel's l. All documents designated by Tar. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criuriual cases. 2 J'he in(lictnrerlt ([ate(l Mly 2-]. 202-1. J Thc'trial coul't's (lockcl sheet anrl/or anv Lcconl of ckrckct entlies 4 TIrc Dclcntlant's Plcl to tlre Juristlictiorr. i1'unv ivas t'ilcd. 5 Thc State's resporlse to Defendant's Plca to the Jurisdiction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Cerlification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Orcler Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 202.1, and fited on June 9. 2024. - t- t-79 8 Any orders appointing any attorreys ill the iltstant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, flled on June 28,2024 I L This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. t3 The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYEIT WHEREI'ORE, thc Statc respecttirlly prays that the Clc'rk of this Court make antl prcpalc as part of thc record in the appeul of this causc truc antl corrcct copics olall nrattcrs clesignatecl abovc, antl ntake tltenr a part ol tltc ('lerk's Rccord, and tinrely delivcr tlre tloculncnts dcsignated to thc Clcrk of the Eighth Cor,rrt o1-Appcals in El Paso in a tround volutne certific'd as the Clerk's Rccord on appeal. l r-80 lLespectlirl ly subrrritled, BILL D. HICKS DISl'RICT ATTORNEY 341}' .IUDICIAL DISl'RICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls) 533-5520 EMA IL I stroud(rr)epcourlty.corn sBN 24046929 AT'IORNEYS l''OR TtIh STATE, C tIR'I'IFI CATE OF' SE, IIVICE I lrereby certify that on July 11,202.4, a true arld corrcct copy ofthe fbregoing State's Desigrration ol Clelk's Rccord on Appeal was submitted to the County Clelk's Olllcc tbr filing via efi le.txcoults.gov, and a copy was providcd to Anthony Conzales (agonzales [0(a]e'lp.rr.com ) and E[ Paso County Public Def'ender Kelli Childress ( Kc li ilclressrrlepcounty. com ). Attonreys lirr the Detbrttlant i5ilily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r"81 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 11:44 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso Counly IN rrrp CouNrv CoURT Ar Law Nurr,lsan 7 OF EL PASo CouNry. Texas Trtr Srern on TExes CAUSE No. 20240C03'179 I Er-r<;to Josn HrrnN.qNonz STA]-E'S DESICNATION OTT CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and numbered cause and files this Designation of Clc'rk's Rc'corcl on Appeal, pursuant to Rulc 34.5(bX l) ol the Texas Rules of Appellate Proccdnrc, and requests that the Clerk rnake ancl prepare as part of tlre record in tlrc appeal olthis casc truc and correct copies of thc tbllowing matters: l. Alt documents designated by Tr:x. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crimirral cases. 2 The indictrnent dated May 23,2024. 3 The trial court's dockel sheet and/ol any lecorcl of docket entries. 4 Thc Del'cndant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, ilany was lllctl. 5 Thc' Statc's respollse to Deti'ndant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction. if any rvas filed. 6 Tlre Order of Certitication and Transt'er', signed on May 21, 2024, antl filed on May 21,2021. '7 The trial court's Order Disnrissing Indictnlellt, signed on Jttne 9, 2024. and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-82 8 Any ordcrs appointing any attolxeys in the instant cause. 9 All othcr pleadings and motions tiled by the defenclant and by the State. and thc rulings of the lrial court thereon. 10. The State's Noticc of Appeal, trled on June 28.2024. II . This Designation of Clerk's ltecorcl on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk lequesting the Clerk's recortl. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIEREFORE, thc Statc lespectlirlly plays that thc Clerk of this Coult nrakr' antl plepale as part of thc record in thc appeal of this causc truc aud corrc'ct colliL-s of all nrltlers tlesignale-d above. atrtl r.ttakc thr-'tt.t a pittl ol'thc ('lclk's Rccold, and tinrcly dcliver the docurlents designatetl to the Clerk of thc Eigtrtlr Court olAppeals in El Paso in a bound volume ccrrifled as the Clerk's Record on appcal. r-83 Rcspectfirlly subnrittecl, BILL D. HICKS DISTRIC'T ATTOI{NEY 34(I' JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (9 I 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls)s33-s520 EMAIL Istroud@epcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOII TIIF, STATE cEtt't't FtcA't'E o[,' sERVtct], I hereby cerlity that on July I l, 2024. a true arrd corrcct copy ol-the lbreuoing State's Desigrration of C'lerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to tlre County Clerk's Officc for fiting via eti le.txcoults.gov, and a copy was provided to Joseplt Vasquez (jvasquez(rfuosephvasquezlaw.cotn) and El Paso County Public Defender Kelli Childress (Kchildress(lepcotutty.coln), Attomeys fbr the Det'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROTJD -3, r-84 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 12:OO PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rup Couury COURT AT Law NuvsEn 7 oF EL PASO CouNTy. TEXAS TIIE ST,ATE oF TEXAS Ceusr No. 20240C037t1I JgLTEI MICHEI, HERNANDEZ STATE'S DESICNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW. the Statr' of Texas in the above styled and nur.nbclecl causc and flles this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. pru'suaut to Rule 34.5(bX1) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk rnake and prcpare as pafi of the record in the appeal of this case true and corect copies of the following lnatters: l. All docurnents designated by Trx. R. App. P. 34.5(a) in crirninal cascs. 2 Tlre indictment dated May 23,2024 J The trial court's rkrcket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries. 4 The Dcf-endant's Plea to the Juristliction, if any was tilerl. 5 The State's rcsponse to Detl'nclant's Plea to thc Julisdiction, i1'any was lilccl 6 Tlre Orcler of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21 ,2021, and filed on May 21,2021. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024. ar,:d filed on June 9. 2024. l- t-85 8 Auy oltlcrs appointing any attorneys in thc instanl causc 9 All other pleadings and rlotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial coul't theleon. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal, filed ol1 June 28,2024. II. This Designation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal 12. The State's letter to the Clerk lccplcsting the Clerk's recold. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter rcquesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYI,]R WHEREFORE, the State respectfully prays that the Clerk olthis Court makc and prepare as part ofthe record in the appeal of this cause true and correct copies ol all matters clcsignated above, and trtake thenr a part of thc C'lcrk's Record, atrd tinrely dc'livcl thc tlocunrents clesignatcd tu the Clcrk of thc Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a bound volume certified as the Clerk's Record ort appeal. 1 r-86 Itespccttir I ly subrrittctl. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /si Lily Stroucl LILY STROUD ASST, DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (9 I 5) 546-2059 ext. 6-309 FAX (9r_s)5-13-5520 EMA tL lstroud(@epcoullty.com SBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TIIE STATE CER'I'I I.' I CA'I'E O}.' S I.] RVIC I] I hcreby ccrtity that on July I l. 202,1, a tl'uc iurd conect L:ol)y of the tblcgoing State's Designaliorr ol Clcrk's Recotcl on Appcal was sut"rnritted lo thc C'ounty Clerk's Office for filing via efile.txcoruts.gov, and a copy was provided to Daniel Robleclo (Expertlaw(Ohottnail.corn ) and El Paso County Prrblic Det'ender Kelli Childress (Kchildress(@)epcounty. com ), Attomeys for the Defendant. /sil-ily Stroud LILY STROL]D r-87 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Ftled 711112024 12.18 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County lN rue CouNly CouRr Ar LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNTy, TEXAS THE SrATE 0!'TEXAS (',nusl No. 202.10C037tt2 KtsvtN Josli Inrrrnrr STATE'S DESIGNA]'ION OF CLI]RK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in thc abovc styled and rruurbercd cause and flles this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. pursuant to Rulc 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk make and preparc as part of thc record in thc appcal of this casc true and correct copies ofthc following matters: l. All documents designated by Trx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criuriual cases 2 Tlre inclictment dated May 23.2024 J The trial coufi's docket sheet and/or any record of docket entries 4 The Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was flled. 5 The Statc's responsc to Defcndant's Plea to the- Jtlristliction, if any rvas filc-il 6 Tlre Order of Ce'rtification and Transfer. signed on May 21 ,2024, and f-rled on May 21,2021. '7 The tlial court's Order Disnrissing Indictlreltt, signecl on June 9,2024, and filecl on June 9. 2024. -l- t-88 8 Any orders appointing any attol'neys in the instant cause 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the nrlings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, flled on Junc 28.2024. II . This Designation of C'lelk's ltecord on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Repofier requesting the Repofier's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WHEREFORE. the State respectf'ully prays that the Clerk of this Court make and prepale as part olthc rccotcl in the appeal of this cause tt'uc and cotrect copie's of all mattels clesignated above, and urake theur a paft of the Clcrk's Rer:ord, ancl linrcly delrver thc tlocunrcnts dcsignatcd to the Clerk o1'thc Iislrth f'otrrt olAppeals in El Paso in a bound voluurc'celtilled as thc- Clc-rk's Rccorcl ott appeal. _1_ t-89 Respectfully subrnitted, BILI- D.IIICKS DISTRIC'T ATTORNEY J4Ih JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lity Stroud LILY STROTJD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 79901 (915) 546-2059 ext. 6-109 FAX (915)533--5s20 EMA I L lstroud(@epcounty. colll sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS F'OR THE STATE CERTI FICA'[E OI' SERVICE I hr'rcby ccrtify that on July I l. 2024. a truc atrd correcl copy ol'the firregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Itecord on Appeal was subtnitted to the County Clelk's Otllce for liling via eti le.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to E[ Paso C'ounty Public Det'enclcr Kelli Clhildress ( Kchiltlress(zrrepcounty. conr ), Attorrrey tirr the Del'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -J- r- 90 EI Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7 h'l 12024 '12146 PM Delia Briones Counly Clerk El Paso County IN luE CouNry CoURT AT LAW NuNasF:n 7 oF EL PASo CouNTy, Texes Tt tn St'.,rrl ( )t Tt:xAS C'ausr No. 20240C037ti5 DARwTN RAMoN JIMENEZ STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK' S RECORD ON APPEAL C'OMES NOW, thc State of Texas in tlie above styled ancl nunrbercd sausc antl t'ilcs this Dcsignation ol'C'lct k's Itecord on Appeal, pursuant to Rtrlc 34.5(b)( 1 ) of the Texas Rules of Appellalc Proccdure, and requests that thc Clerk make irnd prcpal'c as part olthc rocord in thc appeal of this casc trLre and corrcct copies of the following nratters: 1. All documents designated by Tt -x. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criurinal cases. 2 Tlre irrdictn.rent clated May 23,21t24 J The trial court's tiockel slteet ancl./or anv recortl of tltlcket entries. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 5 The State's lcsponse to Dcf'enclant's Plca to the Juristliction. if any was t'ilcd. 6 Tlre Order of Cetification antl Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024. and t-iled on June 9, 2024. -l- r-91 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in the instant cause. I All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. tlted ou June 28.2024 I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record I 3. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WHERBFORE, the State lespectfirlly prays that thc Clerk of this Court nrake antl prepalc as par-t of thc lecord iu lho appeal of this cause tt ue ancl correct copics of all malters designated above, and urake thenr a part of the Clelk's Record. and tinte ly dcliver tlic clocr.rnrcnts tlcsignatcd to thc C'lclk of thc Eighth ('ourt of Appc'als in El Paso in a bound volume certifled as thc Clcrk's Record on appeal. -2 t-92 Respectfirl ly submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34Ih JUDIC'IAL DISTRICT /sr Lilv Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COT]NTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915),s3.3--s520 EMAIL lstroud(i)epcounty.cor.r.l sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THI] STATE CER'I'IFICA'I'E OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on July I l, 2024, a tnre and correct copy ofthe lbregoing State's Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appcal was subrnitted to thc County Clerk's Of'fice for filing via efi le.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to El Paso County Public Def'ender Kelli Childress ( Kchildress(alepcounty.coln ), Attonrey tbr the Del'entlant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD 3 t"93 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 1:54 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County In rue CouNr-Y Counr AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo Cour.rty. TExas Ttte Ste.rn ol'Tgxas C^usE No. l0:.10C03787 l F,lus'r<l Rolannro J IN,lrNrz I STA]'E'S DESICNAI'ION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the abovc styled and numberod cruse ancl fllss this Dcsignatitln olClcrk's RL'cord on Appcal, pursuaut to Rulc 34.5(bX I ) ol'lhc Te-xas I{ulcs ol'Appcllatc [)rocr-'clr,rlc. antl rcqucsts that the Clclk urakc and prcpare as part of the record in the appeal of this case true and corrcct copies olthe fbllowing lraltels: l. All documents designated by TEx. R. Apr,. P. 34.5(a) in crirninal cases. 2 T'lre indictment dated May 23,2024. J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries. 4 The Deftnclant's Plca to thc luriscliction, if anv was fllecl. 5 The State's resllonse to Det'endant's Plea to the Juristliction, if any was tiled. 6 Tlre Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The triat courl's Order Disrnissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June9,2O24. I t-94 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in llre instant causc. 9 All other pleadings and motions tiled by the defendant and by the State, and the mlings of the trial court thereon. 10. Thc State's Notice of'Appeal. filed on June 2u.2014. I l. This Designatiorr of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporler requestirlg the Reporler's Record, if any is filed. PITAYER WHEREF'Ot{E, lhe State respectlirlly prays that the Clerk ol'this Court makc and prepare as paft of the record in the appeal of this c,ause true and correct copies of all nratters designated above, and make them a part of the Clerk's Record, and tinrely delivel the documents designatcd to the Clerk of the liiglrth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume cerlilied as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -2- r-95 Respcctfirl ly subnritted, BILL D, HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COLINTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 5-33-5520 EMA IL lslroud(t)epcoturty.coln sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CER'I'II-ICATE OF SERVICE I hereby c,eltify that on July 11,2024, a tluc and oorrcct copy olthe fbregoing Slate's Desigr-ration of Clerk's Rccord on Appcal was subnrittecl to the Courtty Clerk's Ofllcc fcrr lrling via c1i le.txcoutls.gov, aud a copy was provided to El Paso Couuty Public Det'ender Kelli Chiltlress (Kchitclress(rrlepcotutty.com ), Attorney fbr the Def-enclant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r-96 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 1 16 Pt\4 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THt CouNTy CouRr At Lew NUuaen 7 OF EL PASo CouNry. Texes Tue SrnrE oF'TEXAS CAUSE No. 20240C03789 AN(;t I (i\rJRI t. Mnr rD(, I STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc Statc o1'Te'ras in the atrovc styled and rruntbered causc and flles this Designation olClerk's Record ou Appeal, pursuant to Rulc 34.5(bX I ) ol thc -l'cxas ltulcs ol'Appcllalc Proccdure, und reclucsts that the C'lcrk make and prcpilrc as palt of'lhe rr.corcl in tlte appcal of this casc tr-ue anrl colrcct copics of thc lbllowing rratters: L All doctulents designated by Tex. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crirninal cases. 2 The irrclictment dated May 23,2024. J Tlre trial courl's clocket slteet and/or any reoord of docket entries 4 Thc Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, ilany rvas filed. 5 The State's response to Detbndant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certitlcation and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2021. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-97 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and rnotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28.2024 1 L This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk l'equesting the Clerk's recorcl. 13. The State's letter to the Courl Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record. if any is filed, PRAYER WHEREFORII. the Slatc rcspccttirlly prays that thc Clcrk ol'this Court makc and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and conect copies of all nratters tle signltctl abor.'c. and urakc thenr a parl ol' the C'lcr-k's ftccorcl. anr.l tinrely delivcr the docurncnts clcsignatcd to thc Clcrk of the Eighth C'ourt of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -t- r-98 Respcctfirlly suburitted, tsILL D, HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDIC'IAL DISTRIC' I /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls) -s33-5520 EMA I L lstroudf@epcounty.coln sBN 24046929 ATTORNITYS FOR THE STATE CE,R'I'II-ICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certity that on July I I, 2024, a true and con'ect copy olthe ftiregoing State's De'siguation of Clcrk's Record on Appeal was subrnitted to the County Clerk's Office tbr filing via efile.txcourls.gov, ancl a copy was providecl to E[ Paso County Public Def'ender Kelli Childress (Kch ildress(rlepcounty. conr ). Attolney fbr the DelL'rrdant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD r-99 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 2109 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rur CouNry Coun'r Al Law Nu\aeeR 7 or Er Paso CouNry, TEXAS Tur Srlrr ot, TExes ('^t sF No. l0ll0('037q1 RoDRTGO ANDRES ManrruEz STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COM l-.S NOW, the Stafe ol' 'lcxas in thc abovc styletl und nurrbered cause ancl llles this Designation of C'lcrk's llecord on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bXl) of thc Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, aucl requests that the Clerk rnake and prcpare as part of the recold in the appcal of this case ttne and correct copies of tlte fol lowing rr']ilttels: 1. All doctunents designated by Tar. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criurinal cases. 2 Tlre indictnrent tlated May T.2021. 3 The trial court's docket sheel ancl/ot'any recorcl ofdocket eutries. 4 The Dct':ucllnt's Plca to the Julistliction. if anv rvas lllcd. 5 The State's response to Det-endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certiflcation and Transf'er, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 1 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictrnent, signed on .luue 9, 2024, and filed on June 9. 2024. I t-100 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings ancl motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial coult thereon. 10. Tlre State 's Noticc of Appeal, tiled on Jrure 28.2024. I L This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requestirlg the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PIIAYER WHEREFORE, the State respecttirlly prays that the Clelk of this Court make irntl prcpare as part of the recortl in thc appeal of this cuusc truc autl correct copic-s of all mirtters designated above, and make them a palt of the Clerk's Record, atrd tinrely deliver the docunrcnts designated to the Clerk of the Eiglrth Court of Appcals in El Paso rn a bound volutttc ccrtilit'd as the Clerk's Recot'd on appcal ')- t-'t01 Rcspccttirl ly submittcd, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34tI. JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6-309 FAX (9r5)s.r3-_s520 EMAI L lstroud@lepcounty.conl sBN 240,+6929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CER'II I.'ICATE OF SERVICE I hercby certily that on July 11,2021, a true and cu'rect copy ofthe loregoing Statc's Dcsiguation of Clelk's li.ect>rd on Appeal was submittecl to thc County Clerk's Otflcc fbr filing via efi [e.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provicled to Veronica Lelrna ( r,l lernralarvrrr gnrail.conr) and El Paso ('ounty Public Delencler Kelli Childress ( Kch ildresskrrepcounty.conl ), Attonleys tirr the Det'enrlant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STI{oI.ID - -t- t-102 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 2:22 Pl\,l Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE CouNry CouRr A't LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASO CoUNTY. TEXAS TrrE, SrATE oF TEXAS CALTSE No. 20240C03795 Er-rsAUr- IsMrrr{ MINDEZ STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLtsRK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in thc above styled and nurlbered causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appc-al, pulsuant to Rule 34.5(b)(l) of tl-rc- Texas Rulcs of Appcllale Proccclr,rre, and requests thot thc Clcrk makc and prcpare as pal't of thc re'cor(l iu the appeal of this case tnrc and correct copies olthe following matters: 1. All documents designated by Tnr. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crinrinal cases. 2 Tlre indichlent dated May 23.2024. J The tlial court's docket sheet antl/or any record of docket entries 4 Tlic Det'endlnt's Plea to tlre .lurisdictiort. il'any wls tllcil. 5 The State's response to Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Disnrissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 202.1, and filed on J:une9,2024. -l- t-103 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in thc instant cause. 9 All other pleadirrgs and motions filed by the defendant and by the State. and the nrlings of thc trial court thereou. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on.lune 28,2024. II. This Designation of Clerk's l{ecord on Appeal. 12. The State's letter lo the C'lerk requesting the Clerk's record 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER Wl'lEIttrFORli, the State rr'spcctlirlly prays that thc (]lerk of this ('ourt nrirkc and prepare as part of the record in the appeal ofthis cause true and con'ect coples of all matters dcsignatcd abol'e , aud make them a paft of the Clerk's Record, and tintely dclivcr thc clocunrerrts clesignatc'tl to the Clcrk of thc Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a bourtd volume ccrtitied as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -:- t-104 Rcspectful ly submtttcd, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h .IUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) s33-5s20 EMAIL lstroud(@epcoLutty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOIT THIl STATE CER'I'I FICAl'E OF SERVICE I hereby certily that on July I 1, 2024, a tnrc and correct copy of the forcgoing State 's Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the County Clerk's Office tbr filing via efilc.txcourls.gov, and a copy was provided to El Paso County Prrblic Def'encler Kelli ('hiltlrc'ss (Kchiltlress(rrlepcounty.com ), Attolney fbr the Del-endant. 1s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-105 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 2:43 Plt Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County II r.uE CouNry CouRr AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASO CouNry. Trxas TrtB Starg or Texes Cnusu No. 2024t)C03797 EzsR ANToNro MoNrrnr STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the Statc of Texas in the above stylecl and nurnbc:retl cause and filcs this Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bXl) of the Texas Rules of Appellatc Procctlure, and rcquests that thc Clcrk maks and prcparc as part ol'the lccolcl in the lppcal o1'this case truc auc[ colrect copies of the following lnatters: l, All tlocuments dcsignatcd by'['1.;.r. R. App, P. 34.5(a) in clinrinul cases 2 'Ilre indictnrent dated May 23.2024. .) The trial court's docket sheet and/or any reconl ofdocket entries. 4 The Delcndant's PIcl to the.luriscliction. il'anv was tilcd 5 The State's l'cspousc to Dcf'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if ar-ry was tiled. 6 Tlre Order of Certification and Transt'er, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Orcler Dismissing Indictment, signetl on June 9, 2024, antl t'iled on June9,2024. -l- t"106 8 Any orders appointing auy attomeys in the instaut cause. 9 All othel pleadings and motions tiled by the defendant and by the State. and thc nrlings of the trial court rhcleon. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal, filed ou June 28.2024. I I. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requestiug the Clerk's record. 13. The Statc's letter to the Court Rcporle r requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIERTTFOR[J, thc State: rcspccttirlly prays llrlt thc C'lelk ol'this ('ourt urake and prcpare as part of the record itr the appeal of this cause true and conect copies of all mattc'rs designated abovc, and make theur a part of the Clerk's Record, artd tinrcly dcliver ths clocurlents designalccl to the Clerk of thc Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a bouncl volume certified as the Clerk's Recorcl on altpeal. -2- t-107 Respecttirlly subrnitted, BII-L D.IIICKS DISl'RIC'I'ATTORNI]Y 34'I, JU DIC]IAL DISTITICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COLTNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (9 l5 ) 546-2059 ext. 6-109 FAX (915)533--ss20 EMAIL lstroud(rgepcounty.corr sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CI.],II,TI I.-I CA'TI.] OF' S ERV I C E I hereby certify that on July I l, 2024, a truc and colrect copy ol'thc foregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the County (llerk's Oftrcc fbr filing via cli le.txcourts.gov, urd a copy was provided to El Paso ('oruty I']Lrblic Det'entler Kelli Childress ( Kch ildressklepcoun ty. conl ), Attorney tirr the Def'endant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -)- t-108 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 2:58 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rue CouNry CouRr A't'L.qw Nuvapn 7 oF- EL PASo CouNr-r'. Tnxas THE STATE OF TEXAS I CAUSENo. 20210C03799 Lurs Josn M<lre I STATE'S DESIGNATION OF T'LERK'S Ii,ECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc Slatc ol'l'!'xas in thc atrovc stylctl atrd nur.nbcred cause ancl tlles this Designation of Clerk's l{ecold on Appc'al, pursuant to Rulc 34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clcrk make and prcpare as part of the- record in the appeal of this casc tnre and correct copies of the fbllowing matters: l. AlI documents designated by Tax. R. APP. P. 34.5(a)in critninal cases. 2 Tlre indichnent dated May 23, 2024 J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any record of tlocket entries. 4 The Dcf'entltnt's Plea to the Jurisdiction. if any was filetl 5 The State's rcsponsc to Deftndant's Plca to the Jurisdiction. if any r.vas filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer. signed on May 21,2024, and filetl on May 21.2024. 1 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on Jrne9,2O24. -t- r-109 8 Any ordcrs apltointing any attot'ltcys in the instaut causc. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by tlre State. and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. Tlre Statc's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024. I 1. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. t,ttAYlit{ WIllll{I1F-ORE, thc Statc lcspectfirlly prays that the Clerk ol'tltis C'ourt utakc antl prcpare as palt of lhc recortl iu thc appcal of this cause truc and cot't'cct copics of all matters tlcsignatcd above, and ntake them a part of the Clelk's Rccold, ancl timely deliver the docunrents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Couft of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volutne certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -)- r-'t 't 0 Respectful ly subrnitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRIC'I AT'|ORNEY 34th JUD]CIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COLINTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 79901 (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6.309 FAX (9r5) s33-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TI.IE STATE CURTI I.'ICATI' OF- SERVICE I Irc'reby certily that on July I l. 202'1, a tluc ancl c()rreol copy olthe' lbreqoinu State's Designation of Clerk's Rccord otr Appeal was subrrrittecl to the County Clelk's Office 1br fiting via efilc.txcourts.gov. and a copy was provided to Joseph Vasquez (-jvastluez{rr josephvascluezlarv.corn ) artrl E,l Paso County PLrblic Detbnder Kelli Childress (Kchilclress(crepcounty.cotn), Attorneys firr the Det'enclartl. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STI{OL]L) -r- t-111 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 3:1O PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN run CouNrv CoURT A I LAW NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo Cout't'y. TExas Tue Srarp oF THXAS C'AUSE No. 20240C031J01 Ur-rsES JosE Or.rvInos S'IATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL C'OMES NOW, thc State of Texas in thc above stylcd antl numbc'rcd cause and Illcs this Dcsignatiou r-rt'C'lc'r'k's Recorcl on Appeal. pr.ll'suant to Rulc 14.5(tr)( I ) of the Texas Rulcs of Appcllate Procedure, and requests that thc Clerk make ar"rd prepare as pafi ofthe record in the appeal of this case true ancl cot'rcct copies of thc following nlatters: l. All docurncnts designatcd by Ttt.r. R. API'. P. 34.5(a) in critrinal cases -l'he 2 intlictnrcnt datctl May 2-1. 102-+. J The trial court's rlocket sheet and/or any record o[-tlockel enlries. 4 Tlie Dct'cndant's Plca to the Jurisdiction, if any was tllecl 5 The State's response to Defendant's Plea to the Jtrrisdiction. if any was filetl. 6 The Order of Certitlcation and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, arrd filed orr May 2l ,2024. '7 The trial court's Olcier Dismissing h.rdictment, signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-112 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in thc instant cause 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the nrlings of the trial court thereon. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal, tiled orr June 28,2024. I l. 'fhis Designation of Clerk's Recorcl on Appeat. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. ll The State's letter to the Court Rcpotter requcsting the Reportet''s Recold. if any is filed. PI{AYI,l,lt WHEREFORE, the State respectftrlly pt'ays that the Clerk of this Court make and prepale as parl of the record in the appeal of this cause true and correot copies of all matters designated above, and tuake them a palt of the Clerk's Record, and tinrely deliver the documents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. -2.- r"113 Respectlirl ly subnritted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34th JUDICIAL DISTRICl' /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915)533-5520 EMAIL lst roud(alepoo unty. com sBN 24046929 ATTOI{NEYS FOIT TIIt] STATE CERTIFTCATE OF SERVICE I hereby certi$, that on July I l. 2024,a true and correct copy of the foregoing State's Dcsignation of Clcrk's Rccord on Appeirl was subn-ritletl to thc County Clerk's Ofllce fbr tiling via etilc.txcourts.gov. aucl a copy was providecl to E[ Paso County Public Delcnder Kelli Childress (Kchildress(ur epcounty.conr), Attorney fbr the Delbndant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STI{OUD t-114 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7l1Ol2O24 4151 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rur C<"ruNry CoURT AT LAW NUMBER 7 oF EL PASO CouNrv, Texes Tsu Srare 0r'TExAS CAUSE No. 20240C03807 JosE SNEYDTiR ORDoNEZ STATE'S DESIGNA'TION OF CLERK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL COM ES NOW, thc State of 'l'cxas in the above stylcd and nuurbered cause and flles this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. pursr.rflnt to Rule 34.5(tr)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. and requests that llre Clerk nrake and prepitre as part of the recorcl in the appeal of'this casc true ancl correct copies of the tbllowing uratters: l. All documents tlesignated by Trx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 The intlictnrent dated May 23,2021. 3 The tlial court's clockct sheet and/or any recorcl ofdocket entrics. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 5 The State's lesponse to Defeudant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. '7 The tliat court's Order Dismissing lndichnent, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-115 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 AII other pteadings aud rnotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rr.rlings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024 11. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeat. 12. The State's lettel to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. l3 The State's letter to the Court Repofter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. I'I{AYER WtllrR[]FORE, thc Statc lcspcctfirlly prays lhlt the Clerk ol'this C'ourt make' and prepare as part of thc rccortl itr the appeal of this causc true aud correct coplcs of alI rnatters dcsignated abovc, antl urake them r part of thc C--lcrk's l{ecord, and timely dclivcr thc tlocuments clcsignrted to thc Clcrk o1'the Eighth Coutt of Appeals irr El Paso in a bound volutne certitled as the Clerk's Record on appeal ) r-116 Rcspcctfirlly submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34th JUDICIAL DISTRlC]T /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST, DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5)s33-5520 EMAI L I stroud@)epcounty.corn sBN 24046929 ATTOI{NEYS FOR TTIts STATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certity that on July I0,202.1, a tlue and con'ect copy ofthe fbregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Rccorci on Appeal was suburittcd to the C'ounty Clerk's Office for filing via etile.txcourts.gov, and ii copy was provided to Kelti Childress, El ['aso C'ourrly Public Del'ender', at (kchildt'e-ss(a cpcounty.cour), Attonrey fbr the Dcf'entlant. /s/Lily Stloud LILY STROUD -3- t-117 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7/10/2024 5:03 Ptt4 Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rus CouNry CouRr A'f LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASO CouNTy, TEXAS Tur. Stelu or Tux,rs C.rLrsr, No. 20240C0381 I l-tl s FTTRNANt)o ORT|z STAT.E,S DITSIGNATION OF CLERK.S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and nurnbered cause lnd flles this Designation of Cllerk's Recorcl on Appeal, pulsuarll to Rule 34.5(b)( I) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure. and requests that the Clerk make and prepare as part of the rccord in the appeal of this case true aud correot copies of the fbllowing nratters: l. All documents designated by Tar. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in crinrinal oases. 2 TIre indictment dated May 23,2024. J Thc trial coult's dockct sheet and/or atry record ol docket etttrics. 4 The Defendant's Plca to the Jurisdiction, if any rvas flled 5 The Stute's response to Def'enclant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filecl. 6 The Order of Certification aud Transfet', signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 1 Thc tlial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. - l- r-118 8 Any orders appointing any attonleys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions fited by the defendant antl by the State, and the rulings ol the trial court thereon. 10. TIre State's Notice of Appeal, filed or.r June 28,2024. II . This Designation of Clerk's Reoord on Appeal. 12. The State's lettel to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporler's Record, if any is filed. PITAYEIT WHITREFORII, thc State rcspccllirlly prays that thc Clerk of this Court rrakc and prepare as part of the record in the appcal of this cause true and comect copies of all matlers dcsignated above, and tnake thcnt a part of the Clerk's Record. antl tirnely deliver the docurnents designatcd to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El l)aso in a bound volutle cefiit'ietl as the C'lerk's Rccorcl on appcal. t-119 Respectfully subrnitted, BILL D. HIC'KS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'I, JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COIINTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 cxt. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EMAI L lstr oudfalepcorurty.con'r sBN 24046929 ATTOII.NEYS FOR TIIE STATE CERTI FICATE OF SE,ITVICE I hereby certify that on July 10. 202.1. a true and correct copy ofthe fblegoing Statc's Dcsignation of Clerk's Rccord on Appcal was submittccl to lllc ('our.rly Clerk's Office for filing via eflrle.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Kelli Childress, El Paso County Public Def'ender, at (kchildress(!epcounty.com), Attonrcy lbr thc Dcttnclant. /s/1- ily Stroud LILY STROTJD -3- | -'t 20 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 10115 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rHn CouNrY Counr Ar LAw NUMBER 7 t_lr, El Paso CouN'r'y, Tnxas TIjE STATE ot' Trxes Causn No. 20240C03813 ELEAZAR ISAAC, PACHEC.o S]'^TE'S DESICNAI-ION OF CLERK'S I{LCORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of 'l'exas in the above styled and numbered cause and files this Designation of C'lelk's Record on Alrpeal, pursuarlt to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and lequests that lhe Clerk nrake and prepare as part of the recortl in the appeal of this case true and correct copies of the tbllowing nla( tcl s: l. All tlocunrcr.rts designalecl try TEx. R. Apt'. P. 34.,5(a) in oriminal cases 2 TIre indictment dated May 23,2024 J The trial court's docket shect and/or any record of docket entries. 4 Thc Dcf'cndant's Plca to the Jurisdiction, if lny was filed. 5 The State's response to Det'endant's Plea Io tlre Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 Tlre Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indichrc'nt, signed on Jnne 9. 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -t- t-121 8 Any orders appointing any attol'neys in the instant cause 9 All other pleadings and rnotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. l0. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024. I 1. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporler's Recold, if any is filed. PRAYER WHEREFORE, thc Statc respectfully prays that the Clerk of this Court makc and preparc as palt of the record in the appeal ol this carrse true and correct copies of all rnatters clesignated above, and nlake thelx a part of the Clerk's Record, and tirnely delivcr thc documents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volrnne ceftified as 1he Clerk's Record on appeal. 1 t-1?2 Respectlirlly subrnitted, I]ILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3.III' JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COLTNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTON]O EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5)533-5520 EMAIL lstroud (g)epcounty.com SBN 24046929 ATTOI{NEYS FOR THE STATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on July 11,20?.4, a true arrd correcl copy ofthe fbregoing State's Dcsignation of ('lcrk's Re'cord on Appeal was subnrittctl to the ('ounty Clerk's Office for filing via etile.txcourts.gov. and a copy was provided to Kelli Chiltlress, El Paso County Public Defcnder'. at (kch ildressf()r'pcounty. cont ), and Fernando Chacotr, at (altolney.lchacou(glyahoo.com ) Attomeys fbr the def'endant /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD --l t-123 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711 112024 1035 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN lut CcluNry CoURT Ar LAw NUMBER 7 or. El Pe,so CouNry, Ttrxas Tue Srare oR TExes Causr No. 20240C03815 I HEIDER JEFRED PALACIoS STATE'S DESICNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc State of l-exas in the above stylerl and numbercd causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules ol'Appellate Procedure, anci recluests that the Clerk ntake and prepare as part olthe recorcl in the appeal of this case tnre autl correct copies of the Iollowing nratters l. All docur.r.rcr.rts clcsignatcd by Te.r. R. APt,. P. 3,1.5(a) in criminal cascs. 2 Thc intlictmcnt tlatcd May 23.7024. J Thc trial coult's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entnes 4 'fhe Dcf'cndant's Plca to thc Jurisdiction, if any was tlletl 5 The State's resporlse to Det'entlant's Plea lo lhe Jurisdiction, il any was filecl. 6 The Ordel of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2024, and filed on May 21.2024. 7 The trial court's Order Disrnissing Indictment, signed on Jtme 9,2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. I t-124 8 Any olders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024. I l. This Dcsignation of Clclk's Record on Appc-al 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The Statc's letter to the Courl Repofter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. I'RAYER WIllrl{trl.'Ol{lt. tlrc Stlte rcspcctlirlly prays that the C'lcrk ollhis ('oLrrt rrrake and prcparc as part ol- the rccord in the altpeal of this cause truc attd cot'rect copies of all mattcrs clesignated abov,-', and t.ttake thetn a part of the Clerk's Record. arrcl timely dclivcr thc documenls dcsignated to the Clerk of thc Eighth Court olAppcals in Hl I'aso in a bouttd volutnu'ccrtiflecl irs thc C'lcrk's Rccorcl tltl itppcal. t-125 Respecttirlly submiltecl. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34d'JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROT]D ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) 533-5520 EMA IL lstroud@epcourlty. corn sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS F'OII. TIIE STATE CEIT'II FICAI-E OF SEITVICE I hcleby ceftify that on.luly I l. 2024, a tnrc and correct copv ofthe tblcgoing State's Designation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal was submittetl to the County Clerk's Office for filing via efile.txcourts.gov. and a copy was provided to Kelli Childlcss, El Paso C'ounty Pulrlic Def'cndcr, at ( kchildlcss(rl)cpcou nty. com ). ancl Jose Trochc, at (jose- judgc(4,aol.cour) Attorneys lirr the tlcfcntlant. /s/Lily Stror.rd LILY STROUD t-126 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Ftled 711112024 11 .23 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN'r'HE CouNry CouRr Ar Law Nuuern 7 on Er- Paso CouNry, Trxes THE STATE oF TEXAS CAUSE No. 20240C03816 I Wrr.s0N SaLvnoo PAr-riNClA STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the Statc of Texas in the above styled and numbercd causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellatc Procetlure. aud requests that the C'lerk nrake and pre[)are as part of thc recold in the appell of this casc' truc' ancl correct copies of the following matters: l. All docrrnrents desrgnatetl by Tu-r. [t. Al'P. I'. 34.5(a) in ct'iniiual cascs. 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. J The trial cor.u1's docket sheet and/or any rccord of clocket cntries. 4 The Dct'cndant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction, if any was frled. 5 The State's response to Defendant's Plea to the .lurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Trausfer, signed on May ?1, ?024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lndictment, signecl on Jrtne 9, 2024, and tlled on June 9. 2024. -l- t-127 8 Any orclcrs appointing any attonleys in the instant causc. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the def'endant and by the State, and the rulings o f the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal. filed on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal 12. Thc State's lcrtter to the Clerk rec}rcsting thc Clerk's rccortl 13. The State's letter to the Conrt Repoftel requesting the Reporler's Record, if any is filed. l,l{,\\'ltt{ WHEREFORE, the State respectli.rlly plays that the Clclk ot'this Court make and preparc as part of the record in thc appeal of this cause true and co ect copiL's of all rnatters tlcsignated above, irntl nrake thetn a part of thc Clcrk's Record, atrd timely deliver the documeuts designatcd to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a boLmd volume certillcd rs thc Clcrk's Rec,ortl otr rppcal. 1 t-128 Re'spectfirlly submitted, I]ILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3.+'h ruDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EMAIL stroud.alepcounty.conl I sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOI{ TFIE STATE CERl'I I.-ICA'I'Ii O[' SIIRVICE I lrcreby ccrtify that on July I l. 202.1. a truc antl coll'cct copy of thc fbrcgoing Statc's Designation ol C'lcrk's ltccold on Appcal wirs sutrnrittccl to thc Cor.rrrty Clerk's Office for filing via efile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Ketli Childress, El Paso County Public Defcnder. at (kchildress(.Ilepcounty.com ), and Jesus Ol ivas, (ol ivasj law(4)gmail.com), Attorncys for the clefendant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-129 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 11:49 AM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County INlsp CouNrv CouR'r A'r LAw NUMBER 7 OF EL PAS0 CouNry, Texes T r: Sr,rrc ot, T[xAs I CauseNo. 20240C03817 .l( )s rr DAII( ) PAI STATE'S DESICNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMtlS NOW. the Statc of Tcxas in the irbovs styled and rrumbcred cause and t'iles this Designation of Clerk's Rectx'd on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appe llate ProcedLrre, and requests that the ('lerk make ancl prcparc as part ol'the recoltl irr the appeal o1'this cusc tnrc and correct copies ol'thc Iirllorving nratters: l. All clocuurcnts designated by Tn. R. App. P. 3.1.5(a) in climinal cases. 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. 3 Thc trial court's dockc't shect and/or atrv recorcl of tlosket cntl'ics. 4 The Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was f'rled 5 The State's response to Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, il any was liled. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer. signed on May 21,2024, and fited on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indichlent, signed on Jtttie 9. 2024, and flled on June 9, 2024. -l- l-130 8 Any olclels appointing any attorneys in the instant cause. 9 All other plcadings and motions filecl by the clef-endant and lry the State, an<[ the rulings olthe trial court thereou. 10. The State"s Notice olAppeal, llletl on June 28,2021. I I. This Designation of Cllerk's Record or.r Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporler requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PITAYER WHERIIFORE. thc State respcctfirlly prays that the Clelk ol'this Cor"rrt nrake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause tme and comect copres ol'all rnattels dcsignated above, and urake thetn a part ol the Clerk's Recorcl, and timely deliver the docunrents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bountl voluute ccrtitlcd as tho Clcrk's Rccord on appcal _1_ r- 131 Respecttul ly submittcd, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) s33-5520 EMAIL lstroud@/epcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTOIINI]YS FOR TFIE STATE CERTIFICATE OI,' SERVICE t hereby certi0/ that on July 11,2021. a true and correct copy ofthe fbregoing State's Dcsignatior-r of Clcrk's Resord on Appeal was submittccl to the County Clerk's Oftlce for filing via efile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was providetl to Kelli Childlcss, El I'aso County I']ublic [)ct'ender, at (kch ildre ss(a]epcottttty.cont ), atlcl Rogcr Montoya, at (Rogcr Montoya(rtrlive.cottt ), Attolncys filr thc defenclant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROL]D -3 t-132 EI Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 12:15 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN l rrE CouNTy Coun l A'r' LAw NuMgr,R 7 or El Paso CouNrr,, l-Exas Tr ru Sr,rru or, TL\,\s CAUSc No. 20240C03818 D,\Nt Lt- ALtix^NDER Ptit{t'tRA STATE'S DESIGNAI'ION OF C'LERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc State of Texas in thc above styled ancl numbered causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules ol Appellate Proceclure, and recpesls lhat the Clerk make and prepure as part ol'the rccorcl in tlre appeal ol this case tnre ancl correct copies ol the tbllowing rratters: 1. All docunrcnts clesignatccl by Tu-r. R. At't'. ['. 34.5(a) in crinrinal cascs. 2 The indictrnent dated May 23,2024. 3 'lhe n'ial coult's tlocke't shcct and/or auv t'ccorcl ofdockct entrics 4 'l'he Dclcnclant's Plea to thc Juristliction, if any rvas trlec[. 5 The State's response to Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdictiort, if any was filed 6 The Order of Certification ancl Trausfer. signed on May 21.2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 1 The tlial court's Order Dismissing Indictment. signed on June 9,2024, and tiled on June 9, 2024. -l- t-133 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in tlre instant causc. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by tlre defendant and by the State, and the nrlings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, lllcd on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting thc Clerk's reoord 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter reqnesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WHEREFORE, the State respectfully prays that the Clcrk of this Courl rnake ancl prcpare as part of the recold in thc appcal ol- this causc tt'uc and colreot copies of all rnatters designated above, and make thern a paft of the Clerk's Record. and timc'ly deliver the clocuments tlcsignatecl to thc Clcrk of thc l:ighth Court olAppcals in Bl Paso in a bouttd volunre ccrtillcd as thc ('lcrk's Recotd ott altpeal. t-134 Respectfirlly subrnittctl, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'I'ruDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915)533-ss20 EM A I L lstroudfr4epcounty.conl sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TI-IE STATE CER'tI FICAl'E O}- SEI{VIC]E I hcleby ce rtily that on.lLrly I l.102-+. a tntc lntl concct col)y of'thc lirregoing State's Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the County Clerk's Office fbl filing via eli lc.txcourts. gov, ancl a copy was providcd to Ketli Childress, El Paso County Public Def'ender, at (kchildress@epcoutrty.conr), Attonrey lirr tlre def'cntlanl. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -.1- r-135 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 12.51 PM Delia B.iones County Clerk El Paso County IN't'rtu CouNrv CouRl'AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNry, Texas Tr-ru Staru on Tetes Car.rsuNo. 20240C03819 ANGEr-o MorsES PoLAN('o STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COM ES NOW, thc Statc of 'fcxas in the abovc stylcd and nuurbercd causc and ljlcs this Designalion of'C'lelk's Recorti on Appeal. pursuant to Rule .14.-5(bX l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk nrake and prepare as part o1'lhe record in the appeal ol'this case true ancl correct colties of the tbllowing nrattcrs: I. All clocuments dcsignatc'd lry Tur. t{. App. P. 3,1.5(a) in criminal cascs. 2. Thc indictmc:nt datcd May 23,2024. J. The trial court's docket sheet and/ol auy record ofdocket eutries. 4. Thc Def-endant's Plca to the Jurisdiction, if any was fllcd. 5. The Stute's rcspollse to Def-encl nt's Plea to the Jtrrisclictiott, if any was lilecl. 6. The Order of Ce(ification and Transfer. signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7. The trial court's Ordel Dismissing lI.rdich.ttent, signed on June 9, 202'1, and llled ou June 9, 2024. -l- r-136 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and urotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice olAppeal, tlled ou June 28,2024. I l. This Dcsignation olC'lerk's Record on Appe'al. 12. The State's letter to the C'lcrk recluestirrg the Clcrk's recorcl. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIIiILEFORI:. tlrc Statc rcspcctfirlly prays that thc ('lcrk of'this Court nrakc and prr-larc ls pafi i)l'lhc recortl rn thc appc'al o1'this clusc truc irnrl con'ect copius o1'rll mattcrs designatctl abovc, anrl rnake thcrn a part of'the Clclk's Rccolcl. anci tinrcly dclivel llre clocurncnts dcsigrratcd to lhc Clerk of thc l:iglrth ('ourt of Appcals in E,l Paso in a tround volume celtitlcd as the C'[erk's Rccurtl on appcal. -L- r-137 Respectfully submitted, tsILL D. HIC'KS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3.IIh JUDIC'IAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-ss20 EMAIL lstroud(4epcounty.corn sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS I.'OR THE STATE CEII.'I'I FICA'I'E OF SF]RVICE I lreLeby ccrtily that on.luly ll.2l)24. a true ancl col'rect sopy of the fbregoing State's Dcsignation of Clerk's Recold on Appeal was subnritted to the County Clerk's OIlrce lbl filing via ct-r lc.txcourts. gov. antl l copy was providecl to Kelti Childress, El Paso County Pubtic Def'ender, at (kchildrcss(llepcounty.conr ), Attorney lbr the clct'cndant. /s/Lily Stroucl LILY STROUD -3- t-138 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 2:36 PM Delia Briones Counly Clerk El Paso County Iu r-np CouNrv Coun'r'A'r LAW NUMgER 7 oF EL PASo CouNry, Tnras Tur Srern on Trras Calrsr No. 20240C03820 ANcEr Eoue.nDo QUTNTFRo STATIT'S DESIGNATION OIr CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, thc State of Tcxas in the above slylctl and nur.nbered causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.-5(bX l) ol the Texas Rules of Appellale ProceclLrre, anrl requesls thlt thc Clerk rrake ancl Ilrepare as part o1'the record in the appcll ol this case tnre and oolreot copies of the tbllowing nlattcrs: L All docuurents designated by Tux. R. App. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 The irrtlictnrcnt dated May 23, 202;1. 3 'lhc tlral coult's tlockct shec{ and/or anv lccotcl ol'dockct ctttt'ics. 4 Thc De lcntlant's Plea to the Jurisdistion. ilany rvas 1llcd, 5 The State's response to Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiclion, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Tratrsfer. signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lndictment, signed on June 9,2024, and filed on June9,2024. -l- r"139 8 Any orders appointurg arly attomeys in the iustant cause 9 All other pleadings and lllotious filed by the def'endant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Noticc of Appeal, filed on June 211,2024. I l. This Designation of ('lcrk's Record on Appcal. 12. Thc Statc's lettel to the ('lcrk lecluesting thc Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYE,II WHEREI"ORE. the State rcspecthrlly prays that the Clerk of this Court rnake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and correct copies of all rnatters dcsignated above, and trake thetn a part of the Clcrk's Record, and timely tleliver the documents dcsignatcd to thc Clcrk olthc Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume certifled as the Clerk's Record on appeal. _-)_ t-'140 Rcspcctfirlly submitted. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3.1'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /si Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COLINTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (91 5) 546-2059 cxt. 6309 FAX (91s) s33-ss20 EM A IL Istroud(gcpcounty.collr sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TI]E STATE CE,Rl'IFICA'I'E OF' SERVICE I hereby certifo that on July I I, 202.1. a true and col'rect copy of the tbregoing State's Designation of Clcrk's Record on Appeal was subnrittcd to the C'ounty C'lclk's Officc liu'filing via cfi le.txcourts. gov. antl a copy was provided to Kclli Childress, El Paso C'ounty Public Dcti'nder, at ( kch ildless(arcl')county.conr ). Attornev ftrr thc .lef'endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-141 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 1:26 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rur CouNrv Colrnr Ar Lew NuNasEn 7 or El Paso Couxry, TexRs TLIL STATI. oF TtrxAS C'.,rrrsr, No. 20240C0382 I S TjBASTTAN ANr)ltES Qu rN'rEn<r STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COM ES NOW. the Statc of Texas in the abovc stvled and nuurtrered cause and tlles this Designation olC'lerk's Recolcl on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX l) ol the Texas Rulcs ol Appe llalc Procedure, and rerluests that the ('lerk n-rake ancl prcpare as part ol'the record in the appeal ol'lhis case true and correct copies oflhe fbllowing mattcls: l. All documcnts designatc'tl by Tur. R. Alp. I'. 34.5(a) in crintinal cases. 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. -) Thc tlial court's dockct sheet ancl/or any recot'd ofdockct entries 4 The Del'endant's Plca to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 5 The State's response to Def-endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any rvas tiled. 6 The Order of Certification and Tratrst-er, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lndictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June9,2024. -t- t-142 8 Any orders appointing ally attonleys in the instant cause. 9 All other plcadings and motious filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial couft thereoll. 10. The State's Notice olAppeal, filed on June 28,2024 II . This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal 12. The Statc's lettcr to thc'Clc'rk letlucsling thc Clcrk's recold. 13. The State's letter to thcr Court Rcporter requcsting the Rcponer's Recorcl, il any rs filed. PITA\'ER WHERtlF()RE, thc Slatc respecllirlly prays that thc Clerk ol'tltis Court rnakc and prepare as palt of the record in the appeal of this cause tnte and correct copir's ol'all matters clcsignatecl abovc, ancl nrakc thent a part of the C'lclk's Rccortl. ancl tiure'ly deliver the documents designatcd to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El Pirso in a bouncl volutnc ccrtitled as the Clerk's Rccolcl on appcal. 1- t- 143 Itespecttir I ly subrniltcd, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h ruDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) 533-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.com SBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOIT THE STATE CER'I'I F'ICA'I'E, OIT SERVICI' I lrereby certity that on July I1,2024. a truc and correct copy of the fbregoing Statc's Desigrration ol- Clerk's Rccoltl on Appcal was submittecl to the (lounly Clerk's Ofllce tbr filing via eti le. txcou rts, gov. and ii copy was providcd to Kelli Childress, El Paso County Pubtic Defender, at (kchildress@epcounty.conr), and Anthony Gonzales at ( agonzales(ilagonzalcs lO@tclp. rr.com), Attorneys for the de ltnclirnt /s/Lilv Stroucl LILY STROUD -3- t-144 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 2:57 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rur CouN'ry Counr Al LAw NUMBER 7 op El Peso CouNty, Texas Trlr, SrarE oF TExAs C.,rusr.; No. 20240C03822 MEr-vrN ISMAEL ZuRn-A STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the Statc of Texas in the above styled and nurnbered cause and files this Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pulsulnt to Rule 34.-5(b)( I ) of tlre 'fcxas Rules ol Appellrtc Procedure. untl requcsts that the Clerk rrrake and prcpilrc as part ol tlre r!'cor(l in thc appell ol'this case true uncl correct copies of the fbllowi ng rllattL-l's : 1. All documents designated by Tex. R. App. P. 34.-5(a) in criminal cases 2 Thc intliclrncnt clatcd May 23.2024. J 'fhe lrial court's dockc't shcct and/or atrv rccord of clockel cttries 4 'l'hc Defbnclant's Plea to thc Jurisdiction, if lrty u,as tllecl. 5 The State's resporlse to Def'endaut's Plca to the Julisdiction, if any was tiled 6 The Order of Cefiification and Transfer. signed on May 21,2024,, and flled on May 2l ,2024. 7 The trial coult's Order Dismissing Indictnrent, signetl on June 9.2024. and t-rled on Jure 9, 2024. -l- t- 145 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and nrotions filed by the def'enclant and by the State, antl the rulings ol the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice ol Appeat. flled on June 211,2021. I l. This Dr'signation olClclk's Recold on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's recold. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIEREFOI{h. thc Stalc lcspcclfirlly prays lhat thc Clcrk of this Cor,rrt n.rakc and prepare as part of the rccord in the appeal of this cattse true and correct copies of all matters designated above, and make them a parl of the Clerk's Record, and tinrcly delivel thc tlocumcnts dcsignatecl to the Clerk of thc tlighth Courl of Appeals in El Paso in a bouncl volunrc certitled as the Clerk's Rccorcl on appcal. ') r" 146 Respectfully submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34d'JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-20-s9 ext. 6309 FAX (9r5) 533-5520 EMA I L I stroud(@epco rurty. corn sBN 24046929 ATTOI{NEYS FOtT THE STATE CERTI FICATE OI.- SBRVICE I hclcby certify that on July Il,2024, a true aud colrect copy of the tbregoing Statc's Designation ot'Clerk's Rccord on Appeal was submittecl to the County Clerk's Olfice tbr fiting via etilc.txcoruts. gov, and a copy was provided to Kelli Childress, E,l Paso ('ounty Public Defendcr', at ( kch ildl'ess(r4epcounty.cotn), and Anthony Gonzales, at (agonzales@ragonzales l0@ lOelp.rr.com). Attorneys for thc clcfendiint. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t- 147 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 3:51 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rHe Couurv COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 on El Peso CouNrv, Trxes Ttre Srars or Texes C',,rrrsrNo. 20240C03823 Dltxrn Dnvro Rrur rn Lrz ! STATE'S DESICNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW. thc Statc of Texas in the above slyletl ancl numberecl cause and flles this Designatiun of'C'lelk's Recorcl on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules ol'Appellate Procedure, and retluests that the Cllerk rrake and prepare as part of the' recolcl in the appeal of this case lnre anrl correct copies of the fbllowing matters: l. All documents designaled by TEx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 Tlre inclictnrcnt rlatctl May 23, )024. J Tlre trial court's clocket shce't and/or auy recot'tl ol rlockct entlies. 4 The Defendant's Plca to thc Jurisdiction, ilany was tlled. 5 The State's resporlse to Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer. signed on May 21, ?024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signetl on Jttne 9, 2024, and filed on Jrure 9. 2024. -l- t- 148 8 Any ordcls appointing any attorrleys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and rnotions tiled by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024. I 1. This Designation of Clelk's Record or.r Appeal. 12. The State's letter to thc C'lcrk re'questing the Clclk's rec-ord. 13. The State's letter to the Courl Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PITAYE,R WHEREFORE, the State respecttully prays that the Clerk of this Court make antl prcparc as plrt of the rccortl in the appell ol'this cause truc irnd c()n'cct copics of all rnatters tlesignatecl abovc, and rnake them a part of the Clerk's Recold, and time-ly dclivcr thc documcnts dcsignatcd to the Clcrk of the Eighlh C'ourt trlAppeals in El Paso in a bound volurne ccrtified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. ') t- 149 Respectfully submitted, I]ILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (91s)533-5520 EMAI L lstroud@epcounty.con.l sBN 24046929 ATTOITNEYS F'OR TFIE STATE CERTI FICAI'E, OI- SERVICE I hereby certity that on July I I, 2024, a true and correct copy of the fbregoing State's Designation of Clcrk's Recor-d on Appeal was subnritted to the County Clcrk's Officc tbr'filing via eti le.txcou rls. gor,, ancl a copy wxs plovided to Kelli C'hildress, El Paso County Public Dctcncler, at (kch ildress(irlcpcounty.conr ), arrd Sarlantha Rauo, at (slagolarv(rlsnrail,conr). Attorncys firr thc dclentlant. ,'si Lily Stroud LILY STI{OLID -3- t-150 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 4:39 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE CouNTy Counr Ar Law Nurvrse n 7 oF EL PASo CouNTY. TEXAS TltE Staru or. Tgxes Cetisr, No. 202,10C03824 JosuE R-,rparl RoMERo S1'ATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Tcxas in the above styled and nurubered cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) of the Texas Rules of Appetlate Procedure, arrd requests that the Clerk rnake and preparc as part o1'tlte rccord tn thc uppeal ol'this case trrre and corrcct copies ol'the fbllowing nrattcrs: l. AII clocutnctrts tL:signatccl by Ttrx. R. AI't'. P. 3,1,5(u) in crinrinirl cascs. 2 The indictment dated May 23,2024. J The trial court's dockct shect and/or any lecord o1'tlocket entlics. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 5 The State's response to Del'endant's Plea to the .lurisdiction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer. signed otr May 2l ,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lntlictment, signcd on June 9,202-1. and filecl on June 9. 2024. -t- t-151 8 Any ortlers appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All othel pleadings and tnotions filed by thc defbndant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024 I l. This Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appcal. 12. The State's letter to the Clcrk requesting thc Clcrk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Repofier requcsting the Reporter''s Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIIIRIlFORE, thc State rcspectfirlly prays lhat the- Clerk of Ihis Court make and preparc as part of the recorcl iu the appeal of this cause true aud correct copies ol all maltcls dcsignated abovc, and ntrkc tltcnt a purl of the C'lclk's l{ccrord, and timely delivcr lhc docunients designated to the Clcrk of thc Eighth Coult of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volutue certitieil as the Clelk's Record ott appeal. _1_ t-152 Rcspccttirl lv submilted. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 3.+'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroutl LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 20I EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5520 EM A I L lstroud(r4epcounty.corn sBN 24046929 A'l'l'( )l{NI:YS lrOI{ TI Itr Sl'n Tlr ERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hercby certify that on July 11,2021, a true attd correct copy ofthe fbregoing State's Designation of C'lerk's Rccorcl on Appeal was submittecl to the County Clclk's Offlce fbr filing via c t'ile.txcottrts.gov, irntl 0 copy was provitled to Kelli Childress, El ['ast-r County ['ublic Det'entler. at ( kcliildrcss(?rlepcottnty.conr ), Atlonrev lor tlrc tlelendant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD r-153 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7l'1112024 4:43 PM Oelia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN lHp CouNly CouRr Ar LAw NLTMBER 7 OF EL PASO COUNI-Y, TExAS Tue Srers on Ttxes CAUSE No. 20240C03825 RAMoN HEBERTO RUIZ I S1-ATII'S DIISIGNA'I'ION OF CLhltl('S RECOI{D ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and numbered cause and llles this Designation of C'lcrk's Record on Appeal, pursuilnt to Rule -14.5(b)( l) of tlre Tcxas RLrlcs of Appellate Proccdurc, antl rerluests thilt the Clerk rnake and preparc as part ol'thc'recorcl in the appeal olthis case true antl correct copies olthe tbllowing urattcrs: l. All docunrents designatcd by Tux. R. Al'P. P. 34.5(a) in crinrinal cases 2 Tlre inclictnrcnt clated May 23,2024 J The trial court's docket sheet and/or any record of docke-t entries. 4 'fhc Det-cndlnt's Plea to thc Jurisdiction, ilany was lllccl. 5 The State's response to Dctcntiant's PIea to the Juriscliclion, if any was liled 6 The Order of Certification aud Transt-er, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 't The trial court's Order Dismissing Indicturent, signed on June 9. 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-'l 54 8 Any ordc'rs appointing any attomeys in the iustaut cause 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice olAppeat, filed on June 28,2024. II . This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. l3 The State's letter to the Couft Reporter requesting the Reporter's Reoord, if any is filed. PRA}'ER WI lllRllFORE. thc Statc rcspeotfirlly prays that the Clerk of this Court rnakc and prepare as part of the record itr the appeal of this cause true and comect copies of all matters designated abovc, and rnake theur a part of the Clcrk's Recold. artcl tinrcly dclivcr thc tlocuttrcnts tlcsignatcd to thc Clerk of thc Ilighth Cotrrt of Appcals in fl l)aso in a bountl vulutttc ccrtifictl as the Clerk's Rccortl on all1tcal. -2- r-155 I{cspe-ct lirl ly subrnitte-d. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34tI' JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5()() E, SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) 533-5s20 EMAIL Istroud(gepcoullty.corn sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS }.'OR TIIE STATE CE,R'I'I I.'ICA]'E OT.' SERV I CE I hereby ccrtity that on July I l. 202,1, a true and correct copy ofthe tbregoing Statc's Designation ol- C'lerk's Rc'cord on Appeal was subnritted to the County Clerk's Office for filing via efile.txcourts.gsl,, and a copy was provided to Kelli Childress, El Paso Courtty Putrlic Defcnder, irt (kch ildress(rt lepcounty. cotrt ), and Petcl Escobar, at ( cscobalofficc_nrail(a/sbcglobal.net), Attorncys 1br thc tlet'cndant. /siLity Stroud LILY STROUI) 3- r-156 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7h112024 4.27 PM Delia Briones County CIerk El Paso County IN rue CouNrY CoURT Ar LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CouNrr", Tpxns TI IE STATE C)F TF,,\AS Cettsu No. 20:40C03826 IIN DF,RSoN Josr-: Sr r.v.q I STn'f l:'S DIISI(iNAl'tON OI- (ll[il{K'S REC'ORI) ON n Pl)tlAI- COMES NOW, the State' ol Texas in the abovc stylctl and nurnbered causc and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(bX I ) o1'thc' Texas ltulcs o1-Appellatc- Proccdurc, and re'quests lhat thc Clerk make and preparc as part ol-the rccord in tlrc appcal ol'this case tluc ancl corlcct copics of the tbllowing rnatters: l. All documcnts designated by Ter. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in critlinal cases. 2 The inclictnrent dated May 23.2024. 3 The trial court's ckrcket sheet attrl/or ituv recorcl of docket entries I The Dcfcndant's Plea to thc Julisdiction. if any tvas t'ilcd 5 The State's resporlse to Det-endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction. if any was filed. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfcr, signed on May 21,2024, and tiled on May 21.2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment. signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- l-157 8 Any orders appointing ally attorneys in the iustant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the deferrdant and by the State. and the rulings of the trial court thereon. I0. Thc State's Notice of Appeal, tiled on Jture 28,202-4. 1 l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Courl Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WlllrREFORE, the Statc rcspccttLrlly prlys thal thc Clcrk ol'lhis Coult nrake and prepare as palt of the rccortl in the appeal ot'tltis cause true and cot'rcct coltic-s of all matters designated above, and make them a part of the Clerk's Record, and timely deliver the docunrents designated to the Clcrk of thc Eighth Cotrrt of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volttt.ne certified as the Clerk's Recold on appeal. l- t-158 I{cspcctlirl ly subrnittctl. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRI(]T /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 201 EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5O() E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (9 l5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (91-s)533-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcorurty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CER'I'IF'tCAI'E OF SERVICE I hereby ccftify that on July I l. 2024, a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Record ou Appeal was submittcd to the Coturty Clerk's Otfice fbr filing via efile.txcor.u1s.gov, and a copy was provided to El Paso County Public Det'ender Kelli Chitdress (Kchildress(lepcotlltty.com), Attomey for the f)efenclant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- r-159 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7 I 1212024 2:46 PM Della Briones County Clerk El Paso County Ir rse CouNry Counr Ar LAw NUMBER 7 OF EL PASO CouNry, Tnx,qs Tt{E SrATE oF TEXAS i CAUSENO. 20240C03827 JosE ANTONro ToRRELLtS STAI'E'S DESIGNA'IION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL C'OM LiS NOW. the Statc ol' Texas in lhc atrove stylecl and nunrbcrcd cur.rse and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appc'al, pru'sr.rlrrt to Rule 34.5(bX1) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk make and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this case true and correct copies of the following lnatters: 1. All docurnents designated by Tnx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in critniual cases 2 Tlre indictrnent dated May 23,2024. J The trial court's docket sheet an<Vor any record of docket entries 4 The Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction. if any rvas filctl 5 The State's response to Del'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed 6 The Order of Certification and Transt-er', signed on May 21, 2021, and flled on May 21.2024. 1 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment. signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-160 8 Any orders appointing any attomeys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State. and the nrlings of the trial court thereon. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal. llled on June 28,2024. I L This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. l3 The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PR.\YER WHEREFORE, the State respectfully prays that the Clerk of this Court make ancl prcpare as part of thc tccottl in the appeal of this clusc truc itud correct copie-s of all matters designatecl above, and make thetn a palt of thc Clerk's Record, and timely deliver the docurnents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Couft of Appeals in Ill Paso in a bouncl volutrc certifie'd as the Clerk's Rccord on appeal. _1_ r- 161 Respectfully submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext, 6309 FAX (9ls) s33-ss20 EMAIL lstroud@epcourlty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATT] CI' R-I'I FICA'I' E OI.- SERVIC E I hercby certity thal on July I I,202,1. a truc'ancl corrcct oopy ofthe tbrcuoing Statc's Designation of Clerk's Recortl on Appeal was submitted to the C'orurty Clerk's Office for filing via efile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Araceli Solis (melissalawofflce(a/yahoo.corl1) ancl El Paso County Public Defender Kelli Childress (Kchildress(zitepcounty.com), Attorueys for the De1-endant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD - -r- t-162 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7 I 1 'l 12024 3:46 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN ruE CouNry COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 oF EL PASo CoUNTY, TEXAS Tue Srerp on Texes C',qusr Nr.r. 202.10C0182t1 Elvrs SrrraNo ToRRES S]-ATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW. the Statc of Texas in the above stylcd and numbcred cause and t-rles this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appcllate Procedure, and recluests that the Clcrk rnake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this case tnre and correct copies of the fbllowing rnatters l. Atl docurnents designated by Tu-x. R. App. P. 34.5(a) in crirninal cases 2 Tlre indichrrent dated May 23,2024 3 The trial cou('s docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries. 4 Thc Detcntlant's Pler to the Juriscliction. it anv rvas fllccl. 5 Thc State's rcsllonse to Def'enclant's PIea to thc Jurisdiction, if any r.vas filed. 6 Tlre Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and tited on May 2l ,2021. '7 The trial courl's Order Disrnissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on June9,2024. -l- t-163 8 Any orders appointing any attorneys in the instant cause 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State. and the nrlings of the trial cou( thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024 I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. 13. 'l'[re State's lettel to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is tiled. PRAYER WHEREFORE, the State lespectfirlly prays that the Clerk of this Court nrake and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this cause true and correct copies ol all uratters designated atrove. atrd ntake thcm a part o1'the Clerk's I{ccord. and tinrely deliver the docunrurts designated to the ('lerk trf the [lighth Currt of Appcals in El Paso in a bound volume certified as tlie Clerk's Ilecorcl on appeal. _)_ t- 164 Respecttirlly submitted, BILL D. HICKS DIS'fRICT ATTORNEY 34'h .IUDICIAL DISTRIC'I /s/ Lrl Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO. TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9ls) s33-s520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR TIIE STATE CER'l'l Fl Cr\.l'li OF SltllvlCE I hc-reby ccrtity that on July I l, 202.1. a truc ancl correct copy ofthe tbregoing State's Designatiou of Clerk's Record on Appcal was submitted to the County Clerk's Officc tbr filing via efile.txcourts.sov, and a copy was provided to Daniel Arrchondo (daniel@Tanchondolaw.corn ) and El Paso County Public Defender Kelti Childress (Kchildress@epcounty.conl), Attomeys for the Defendant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STI{OUD -3- t-165 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7l'1112024 3125 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rus CouNrv COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 or El Peso Counry, Trxes THE STATE oT. TEXAS CatrsrNo. 202.10C03829 Ar-oarn Mtt-tn Vat-uNxt,q STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S REC'ORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and nunrbered cause and lllcs this l)csignation ol'Cllerk's Recorcl on Appr'al. pursuant to Ilule i4.5(trX l) of the Texas l{ules of Appellate Plocetlurc, and requcsts that the Clclk make and prepare as part of the recold in the appeal of this case tlue and correct copies of thc (bllorving Inattcrs: l. All documents designated by Trx. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criuriual cases. 2 The irrdichnent dated May 23,2024. J The trial coult's rlockct slteet artcllot urrv tccord ofclocket entries. 4 The Det-eudant's Plca to the Jurisdiction, if any was f.ilecl. 5 The State's response to Def'enclant's Plca to the Jurisdiction. if any was filc'tl. (r Tlre Ortler of Certitlcation and Transfer, signed on May 21, 2021, ancl t'iletl orr May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing lndictment, signed on Jrtne 9, 2024, and filed on Jtne9,2024. -l- t-166 8 Any orders appointing any attorrleys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and rnotions filed by the defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial couft thereon. 10. Tlre State's Notice of Appeal, fited on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of Clelk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter lo the Clerk requesting the Clerk's record. l3 The State's lettel to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PITAYER Wtltrl{h,F'OI{E, thc Statc lespcclfirlly prays that thc Clcrk of this Court nrakc and prepare as part of the recotd in the appeal of this cause true and colTeot coplcs olall nrattcrs designatetl abovc, antl tnakc theut a part of the Clerk's Record, and timcly deliver thc docurncnts clcsignatetl to thc Clclk of the Eighth C'otrrt of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volume ccrtifiecl as the Clc'rk's Re-cord on appcal. -)- r-167 Respcctfirl ly submittetl. BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 341h JUDIClAL DISTRICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COL]NTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (9 l5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) -s33-5520 EMAI L lstroud(!epco u llty. collr sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CER'I'I FICATE oF- SERVICE I hereby certify that on July I 1,2021, a tmc and correct colry olthe fbregoing State's Dcsignation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the County Clerk's Oftlcc lbr filing via etl le.txcoufis.gov, antl l copy wls provided lo El Paso County Public Def'ender Kelli Childress 1Kc hildress(i4epcor.urty.conl ), Attorney firr the Det-entJant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-168 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 7h112024 3124 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN THE COUNTY COURT AT Law NuMsen 7 oF EL PASO COUNTY, TEXAS Ttru SrarL, oF Ttr-\AS CAUSENo. 20240C03830 JULTo ENRIQUE VEGA STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL COMES NOW, the State of Texas in the above styled and nunrbered cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( I ) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, ancl requests that the Clerk make and prepale as part of the recorcl in the appeal of this case tt'ue ancl correct copies of the fbllowing rnatlel's: l. All documents designated by Tnx. R. Apt'. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases. 2 The irrdictrrrent datcd May 23,2024. -) The trial court's clocket sheet and/or any tecord of dockct entries. 4 The Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. -5 The State's response to Def'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 6 Thc Order of Certitlcation and Transf-et'. signed on May 21, 2024. anil flled on May 21,2021. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on June 9, 2024, and filed on Iune9,2024. - t- r"169 8 Any orders appointing any attol'ueys ir-r the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings aud motiorls filed by the defendant and by the State, and the mlings of the triaI court thereorr. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024. I l. This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's lettel to thc Clerk recluesting the Clcrk's record. 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYE,R WHEREFORE, the State respectfirlly prays that the Clerk of this Coult mal<c and prepare as part of the tecord iu the appeal of this cause true and correct copies ol'rll matters designatcd abovo, and uritkc thetn a part of the- Clclk's Rccord. ancl timely deliver the docuurents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appcals in El Paso in a bound volunre certii'ied as thc Clerk's Record on appeal. Respectfirlly subnritted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'I' JUDICIAL DISTRICT -1- t- 170 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (9rs) 533-s520 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty.com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR -fHE STATE CER'l'IFIC;\'IE O [' SE ttVl CL, I hereby certify that on July I1,2021, a true and correct copy ofthe fbregoing State's Designation ol'Clerk's Recold on Appeal was submitted to tlre County Clerk's Office fbr tiling via efi le.txcourts.gov, and a copy was providecl to Gerald Ceorges (geraldgeorgesjrrggmail.com) and Kelli Childress, El Paso County Public Defender (kchildress(r-lepcounty.com). Attomeys for the defendant. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -3- t-171 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 3t55 PM Delia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rur CouNrv Counr AT Lew NuNaaEn 7 oF EL PASo CouNlY, TExAS TrtE Sr,rru oF' TEXAS CArrsr,No. 20240C03831 Luls ANTONro Vnrasqunz STATII'S DUSICNAI'ION 0I- C'LIJITI('S REC'oI(D ON N PPEAL COMES NOW, the State ol Texas in the above styled and nuurbered cause and files this Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rule 34.5(b)( l) of the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, and requests that the Clerk make and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this case true atrd colrect copies of the fbllowing lnatters: l. All documents designated by Tux. R. App. P. 34.5(a) in criminal oases. 2 The indictnrent dated May 23,2024. J The trial couft's docket sheet and/or auy record ofdocket entries. 4 The Det'endant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. 5 The State's response to Def'enclant's Plea to the Jurisdiction. if any was tiled. 6 The Order of Certification and Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and tlled on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Order Dismissing Indictment, signed on Jttne 9,2024. and filed on June 9, 2024. -l- t-172 8 Any orders appointing any attolneys in the instant cause. 9 All other pleadings and motions filed by the defendant and by the State, ar.rd the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, llled on June 28.2024. I1 . This Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal. 12. The State's letter to the Clerk lequesting the Clerk's record 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WHEREFORE. the State respectfirlly prays that the Clcrk of this Cor"rrt rnakc and prepare as part of the rccord in the appeal of tltis cause truc aud correct copies of all rr-ratters designated above, aud nrake thcur a part of tl-re Clelk's Record, and timely cleliver the docurnents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bound volutnc certified as the Clerk's Record on appeal. Respectfully subrnitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34th JUDICIAL DISTRICT 1 t-173 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (915) s33-ss20 EMAIL lstroud@epcounty. com sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR THE STATE CEIT'tIFICATE OF SE,RVICE I hereby certily that orr July 11,2021. a tnre anrl corrcct copy of the firregoing State's Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal was submitted to the County Clerk's Officc for filing via elile.txcourts. gov. and a copy was provided to Ketli Childress, El Paso ('ounty Public Dct'ender ( kch itdress(4epcour1ty. conl ), Attomeys lirl thc dc l'cndirnt. /s/Lily Stroud LILY STROUD -l- t-174 El Paso County - County Court at Law 7 Filed 711112024 4:23 PM Deiia Briones County Clerk El Paso County IN rue CouNrv COURT AT LAw NUMBER 7 OF EL PASO COIINTY, TEXAS THE STATE oF.TEXAS C.AusE No. 20240C03832 JoSBETKER Josr VrL<xra I STATE'S DESIGNATION OF CLERK'S RECORD ON APPEAL C'OM ES NOW, the Stlte o1' 'f exas in the above styled and rtuurbet'ecl causc and flles tlris Designation of Clerk's Record on Appeal, pursuant to Rr.rle 34.-5(b)( | ) of the Texas Rules of Appetlate Procedure, and requests tltat the Clerk make and prepare as part of the record in the appeal of this case true aud correct copies of the Ibtlowing nlattcrs: 1. Atl documents designated by Tl,x. R. APP. P. 34.5(a) in criminal cases 2 TIre indictrncrrt datcd May 23,2021 3 The trial coul't's docket sheet and/or any record ofdocket entries 4 The Delendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed 5 The State's response to Defendant's Plea to the Jurisdiction, if any was filed. (r The Order of Certification aud Transfer, signed on May 21,2024, and filed on May 21,2024. 7 The trial court's Ol'der Dismissing Indictment, signed on.lune 9,202'1. and tlled on.lune 9. 2024. -l t-175 8 Any orders appointing any attorncys in the instant cause 9 All other pleadings and molions filed by tlre defendant and by the State, and the rulings of the trial court thereon. 10. The State's Notice of Appeal, filed on June 28,2024 1 l. This Designation of Clelk's Record on Appeal. 12. The Statc's lettel to the Clerk recluesting the Clerk's recold 13. The State's letter to the Court Reporter requesting the Reporter's Record, if any is filed. PRAYER WIIEREFORE, the Statc rcspectfully prays that thc Clert of this Court rnake and prepare as parl of the record in the appeal of this car,rsc true attd corrcct copic's of all nratters designated abovc, aud tnakc thetn a part ol the Clcrk's Record. ancl tinrely deliver the docurnents designated to the Clerk of the Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso in a bor"urd volnlue certified as the Clcrk's Rccold on appeal. Respectfully submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNEY 34'h JUDICIAL DISTRICT r"176 /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 2OI EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO E. SAN ANTONIO EL PASO, TEXAS 7990I (915) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX (el5) s33-5520 EMAIL lstroud@epcoul'lty.corlr sBN 24046929 ATTORNEYS FOR ]'tIE STATE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certily that on July 1 1,2024, a true and correct copy olthe foregoing State's Designalion ol' Clcrk's Recortl on Appeal was suburittecl to the County Clerk's Office for filing via efile.txcourts.gov, and a copy was provided to Otnar Carnror.r (carnronalaw(rr)gnrail.corn) and Kclli Childress, El Paso ('ounty Pttblic Defcntier lkch ildress(ri,epcounty. cor.n ), Attolncys fbl the def'cndant /s/Lily Stroutl LILY STROUD ,1- t-177 EXHIBIT ) , :ear.h ((trll El C Hirtory All Mirsed hcomrng voa(email = Spctd dial e (indv B. Perei (Sgt I o C C6IIAVA & MGMT tY ri.'rm nq tcr ahla vir:r Meqo e Nrorales lrna :s i!! I t11:2023 6/11 ?n:r G Maqgre l,!orale! Aina G 6;rr'2',1:J a (herylVilla 1I ortqr,-p Eallard shapleigh am 19. 6ii12izr 85 a t lgna<io Frausto Balla.d Shapleiqh t3s E1t 2lll a'aI::r2/ 8S a o Jenndet vendenbosch B ca't I t lgnacio Fiautto E Mt;'ed r.c.m,"q Ma99re Morale, Aina G a/i'2112d Add peopl. to sp€ed dirl : t- tt:l G Frc Roaha P6 Add JennifPr vend€nbo;ch < tt:t.n o ti clltqo ns a Ch€r,4 villa 5m tls 5:1ir:02a J-1 EXHIBIT K Bill of Exception Kelli Childress < KChildress@epcounty.com> FrlT/12/202411t53 AM ToiRuben Morales < Ru Morales@epcounty.com >;Preston lVunson < P lV u nson @epcounty.com > CcrRebecca SpencerTavitas < RTavitas@epcounty.com >;Daniel Marquez < DMarquez@epcounty.com> [l 1 attachments (328 KB) Bill of txceprion with attachments.pdt; Good morning, Your Honor and Counsel, Attached you will fine one motion for Bill of Exception, with exhibits. I will be filing an identical motion in each of the appeals the State has filed on the migrant cases. The only case whose motion will be slightly different will be Victor Manuel Escalante,2O24OCO377I, as that was the only case in which I filed a written objection to the altered transfer order, so the facts are slightly different there. Additionally, each client's exhibit 2 will be different, as it will be the screenshot from their individual record. lhave reviewed the motion with the County Clerk referenced in the motion, and she has indicated her agreement with the statement. I don't know if the Court wants that documented somehow within the motion, or would like to reach out to her directly to ensure that I have not misstated her words. I can also add that finding as a check box at the end where the Court would sign if that is preferred. I am uncertain if the procedure is to file the motion first, or have all parties review and obtain the Judge's signature before filing, Please advise. Thank you for taking the time to review and I await your responses Kelli K-1 EXHIBIT L Re: Bill of Exception Kelli Childress < KChildress@epcounty.com > f ue 7 / 1 6/2024 1.58 PM To:Ruben Morales < Ru Morales@epcou nty.com >;Preston Munson < PMunson@epcou nty.com > Cc:Rebecca Spencer Tavitas < RTavitas@epcounty.co m >;Dan iel Marquez < DN.4arquez@epcou nty.com >;Chad Bernaeyge <CBernaeyge@epcounty.com>;Todd D. Morten <TMorten@epcounty.com> Good afternoon, I was wondering if anyone has had the time to review my requested Bill of Exception. lf so, is there agreement to the facts or will a hearing be needed? lf we need a hearing, my availability is slim over the next few weeks, so maybe we can get something on schedule. Thanks, Kelli From: Kelli Childress <KChildress@epcounty.com> Sent: Friday, July L2,2024 tli53 AM To: Ruben Morales <RuMorales@epcou nty.com>; Preston Munson <PM unson@epcou nty.com> Cc: Rebecca Spencer Tavitas <RTavitas@epcou nty.com>; Daniel Marquez <DMarquez@epcou nty.com> Subject: Bill of Exception Good morning, Your Honor and Counsel, Attached you will fine one motjon for Bill of Exception, with exhibits. I will be filing an identical motion in each of the appeals the State has filed on the migrant cases. The only case whose motion will be slightly different will be Victor Manuel Esca lante ,2024OCo3711., as that was the only case in which I filed a written objection to the altered transfer order, so the facts are slightly different there. Additionally, each client's exhibit 2 will be different, as it will be the screenshot from their individual record. I have reviewed the motion with the County Clerk referenced in the motion, and she has indicated her agreement with the statement. I don't know if the Court wants that documented somehow within the motion, or would like to reach out to her directly to ensure that I have not misstated her words. I can also add that finding as a check box at the end where the Court would sign if that is preferred. I am uncertain if the procedure is to file the motion first, or have all parties review and obtain the Judge's signature before filing. Please advise. Thank you for taking the time to review and I await your responses Kelli L-1 EXHIBIT M RE: Bill of Exception Ruben Morales < RuMorales@epcounty.com > Wed 7 /17 /2024 3.2a PM To:Kelli Childress < KChild ress@epcou nty.com >;Todd D. Morten <TMorten@epcounty.com> Cc:Preston Munson < PMunson@epcou rlty.com >;Rebecca Spencer Tavitas < RTavitas@epcounty.com >;Daniel Marquez < DMarquez@epcounty.com>;Chad Bernaeyge <CSernaeyge@epcounty.com> I will set this matter for a hearing. If an agreement can be reached as to what should be included in the Bill of Exception, we can dispense with the hearing. Thank you, i Ruben Morales Judge County Court #7 From: Kelli Ch ildress <KCh ild ress@epcou nty.com> sent: Wednesday, July !7 ,2024 lt25 PM To: Todd D. fvlorten <TMorten @epcounty.com> Cc: Ruben Morales <RuMorales@epcounty,com>; Preston Munson <PMu nson @epcounty.com>; Rebecca Spencer Tavitas < RTavitas@ e pcou nty, com>; Daniel Marquez < DM a rq u ez @ epcou nty. co m>; Chad Bernaeyge <CBernaeyge@epcounty.com> Subject: Re: Bill of Exception And if the Court still has any concern, no record has been submitted in the case for which I sent a proposed Bill. Furthermore, only 4 records have been submitted, and those were done yesterday, after my request for the Bill. From: Todd D. Morten <f!!gEcq@jplsu.4!y,gg!0> sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 1:14 PM To: Kelli Childress <KChildress@ep-e9g!l!y.9qE> Cc: Ruben Morales <8gN!glalCg@Spg@O!y,gg-n0>; Preston Munson <PMunson@!plg!I]!y.eelq>; Rebecca Spencer Tavitas <8!yi!ag@Sp!og-trty,Eq-D>; Oaniel Marquez <DMarqqcz@€plo!- y.eqll>; Chad Bernaeyge <CBernaeyBg@epgggEly.egl0> Subject: Re: Bill of Exception Thanks, Kelli. I was thinking only of motions generally. Yes, that appellate rule governs the situation here, the bill of exceptions. And that rule makes perfect sense. lt wouldn't make any sense to ask the COA to abate the appeal so they can order the trial court to take some action when that action is precisely what the court of appeals wants in the first place. The court of appeals is saying, look, we're giving you plenty of time to get your record straight before we look at it. tv-1 I just wanted to reiterate that the filing of a NOA does not automatically divest the trial cour1s of jurisdiction because that is something that keeps coming up. And based upon the precise concerns in this case it pretty clearly behooves everyone to either come to an agreement or have a hearing. Todd On Jul 17, 2024, at 12:45 PM, Kelli Childress <KChildress@gplo-U_nly.eem> wrote: I disagree, and believe the law requires the matter to be heard here and included in the appellate record. Under the stalute a Bill of Exception can be filed up to 30 days after the filing of a notice of appeal in a civil matter, and 60 days after in a criminal matter; TX R APP Rule 33.2(e). Furthermore, the Court of Criminal Appeals, in Parrlsh v. Stafe, 67 Tex.Crim.558, said "We are sitting here, far removed from the trial of cases, depending wholly and entirely upon the transcript of the proceedings forwarded to us, certified to by the clerks of the various courts, and we cannot and will not tolerate any tampering with the records. We hope that all officers and other persons coming in contact with the records will recognize and apprecrate the necessity for these transcripts to be unimpeached and unimpeachable and clerks before sending us the record will compare the copies with the originals on file, and, if any papers bear any evidence which arouses suspicion, let that issue be tried by the trial judge before that paper is copied and sent to us." I would ask that the Court set the matter for hearing as soon as possible if there is no agreement to the contents of the Bill as requested. Thanks, Kelli From : Todd D. Morten <fl4-q-tc-[@spgog!!y.e.s!0> sent: Wednesday, )uly 17 ,2024 11:49 AM To: Ruben Morales <8tl!!9lalc!@epr9!-u!y.eg_![> Cc: Kelli Childress <KChildress@Sp!qu_0!y.ea!0>; Preston Munson <PMunson@ep-ee-ul!y.ee!n>; Rebecca Spencer Tavitas <RTavitas@epls!!!y.fol[>; Daniel Marquez <DMarqucz@fplq!_0!y.ea!1>; Chad Bernaeyge <CBernaeygg@Sple!!lly,eg!0> Subject: Re: Bill of Exception Hi, Judge Trial courts can take action up until the time that the record is filed. And of course that means whether it is the clerk's record or reporter's record, it's whichever is later That said, it does look like records are beginning to be filed at this moment, in which case in those particular cases you would be correct in that the trial court would be unable to act on most requests. M-2 Todd On Jul '17, 2024, al l l:43 AM, Ruben Morales < RuMorales@gpsog n [ir=gsn0> wrote: Good morning, I have reviewed the requested Bill of Exception but given that these cases are all currently on appeal, I don't believe the Court is legally authorized to take any action to address this matter without directiorr from the Court ofAppeals. At the time of the hearing when the Courl was asked to take.iudicial notice of the matters contained in the couft file, the only document on file, was a one-page document titled "Order of Certification and Transfer" filed on May 21,2024. This document purported to transfer a group of cases which were identified in a nonexistent exhibit. The State was given an opportunity to explain the deficient transfer order, but it could not. It also had arnple opporlr-rnity to request a Nunc Pro Tunc order or file a motion to amend the transfer order or any other motion it believed was appropriate, but it did not. It is inappropriate to modifli a document after it has been filed of record. Consequently, the improperly "updated" documents were not considered by this Court. I will wait for further instructions frorn the Eighth Court. IV -3 Thank you, <image00'l .png> From: Kelli Childress <(ghjld-tC55@jpegU-nly.CO4[> Sent: Tuesday, Julv 16, 2024 1:59 PM To: Ruben Morales <Bg!!plalCsl@_Cp_egu-dy.cg-n0>; Preston Munson <gM-u-Es.s-E @ e prg-u-oly.egrlr> Cc: Rebecca Spencer Tavitas <RTavitas@jplguq!y.eg!0>; Daniel Marquez <DMarquez@rpr9.U-E!y.eA!q>; Chad Bernaeyge <CBernaeygql@Spegg!lLy.!9!0>; Todd D. Morten <f!!9r!e!J@jp_es.ulty.gQ-!l> Subrect: Re: Bill of Exception Good afternoon, I was wondering if anyone has had the time to review my requested Bill of Ex(eption lf so, is there agreement to the fa(ts or will a hearing be needed? lf we need a hearing, my availability is slim over the next few weeks, so maybe we can get something on schedule. Thanks, Kelli From: Kelli Childress <Xehjls[css]@Sp!.e.u!!y.s.sr]1> Sent: Friday, July 12,2024 17t53 AM To: Ruben Morales <Bg!!qIalcg@jpgsuGy.sp-!0>; Preston Munson <gM-u-Ess-E@spr9!-!!y.s9-!o> Cc: Rebecca Spencer Tavitas <RTavitas@ep_!9!l!!y.ge!!>; Daniel Marquez <DMarquez@ep!9!gly.gg!!> Subiect: Bill of Exception Good rnorning, Your Honor and Counsel, Attached you will fine one motion for Bill of Exception, with exhibits. I will be filng an identical nrotion in each of the appeals the State has filed on the migrant cases. The only case whose nrotion will be slightly different will be Victor Manuel Escalante, 20240C03711, as that was the only case in whi.h I filed a written objection to the altered transfer order, so the facts are slightly different there. Additionally, each client's exhibit 2 will be different, as it will be the screenshot from their indivldual re(ord. I have reviewed the motion with the County Clerk referenced in the motion, and she has indicated her agreement with the statement. I don't know iI the Court wants that documented somehow within the motion, or would like to reach out to her directly to ensure that I have not misstated her words. I can also add that finding as a check bor at the end where the Court would sign if that is preferred. M-4 I am uncertain if the procedure ls to file the motion first, or have all parties review and obtain the Judge's signature before filing. Please advise. Thank you for taking the time to review and I await your responses Kelli M-5 EXHIBIT N CC7: Palencia/20240C03816 Araceli Jane <A.Jane@epcounty.com > wed 7 /'17 /2024 3:55 PM To:Maria Chavez < Marichavez@epcounty.com >;Patricia De La Rosa < P.DeLaRosa@epcou nty.com >;Ru ben Morales < Ru Morales@epcounty.com >;Adriana Luevano < ALuevano@epcounty.com >;Bernadette Solis < B.Soli5@epcounty.com >;Blanca Flores < BFlores@epcounty.com >;Bobbi J. Torres < BoTorres@epcounty.com >;Christopher Canava < C.Canava@epcounty.com >; CJCP reTrial < CJCPreTrial@epcou nty.com >;County Clerk Criminal Cou rt Clerks < CCLKCrimCClerks.gem@epcounty.com >;DG- CCLK-Criminal N.4anagement < Cou ntyclerkcriminalManagement@epcounty.com >;C ristina Viesca < C.Viesca @epcou ntytx,gov >; Deborah lbaven (Public Defender) < Dlbave n@ep€ounty.com >;Griselda Lasky <G.Lasky@epcountytx.gov>John lvliller < l.Miller@epcounty.com >;Kristian Gallardo < KGallardo@epcou nty.com >;Lorena Garcia < LoGarcia@epcounty.com >;Manuel Papadakis <M Papadakis@epcounty.com>;Monica De La Cruz < M Delacruz@epcounty.com >;PDNotices < PDNotices@epcounty.com > 0 1 attachments ('l 15 KB) Court Setting 20240C0381 6.pdf; Monday, July 22,2024 - 9:00 A.M. IN PERSON County Court at Law No. 7 500 E. San Antonio Ave., 8tl' Floor El Paso, Texas 79901 N-1 EXHIBIT O 0d-24-0u1 / EIGHTH COURT OF APPE/ 08-24-00171-CR EL PASO, TE) 7119120241004 ELIZABETH G. FLOF CLT N(). 08-24-00171-cR IN THE COURT O!- APPEALS EIGHTH DISTRICT OF TEXAS .THE STATE O}-'IEXAS APPELLAN'I' WILSON SALVADO PALENCIA APPELLEE S'I'ATE'S EMERGENCY MOTION TO ENFORCE AR'tICLE 44.0I S'I'ATUTORY STAY TO THE COURT OF APPEALS, EIGHTH DISTRICT OF-'TEXAS: COMES NOW, the State of Texas, in thc above styled and numbered cause. and requests an emergency enforcentent of the statutory stay of the underlying proceedings. pul'suant to Article 44.01(e) of the Texas Code of Crirninal Procedure, ar.rd would show the Court as follows: l. The case belble the h'ial court is styled: Ilre Stute ol Tcxus v. ll/ilson Sulwdo Palencin, trial courl cause nutnber 202-10C03816, in the County Court at Law Number Seven. 2. On June 28, 2024, the State timely perfected its appeal of a pretrial order, signecl on Jutre 9,2024, disrnissing the indictment I o-1 3. On July 12,2024, the El Paso Cour.rty Public Defender sent an email cornrnunication, on belrall' of the appellee, to the trial court, the Hon. Ruben Morales presiding, and the parties, requesting that the trial courl sign a purported "Bill of Exception" that appellee intended to trle in this appeal (with identical motiorrs filed in "...the appeals the State has filed on the nrigraut CASCS ). See (Appendix A tmail conr nrunical ions with attachcd purported "Bill of Exception";.t 4. In this email comrnunication. the Public Def-ender indicated an intent to add purported evidence to the record through a purported "Bill of Exception," including an alleged staternent by an employee with the County Clerk's Offlce. See ir1. 5. Because: (a) the trial court lacks authority to act firrther in the case, (b) the State disputes the veracity of the factual allegations contained in the appellee's purported "tsill of Exccptiotr" in thcil entircty. antl (c) what thc appellcc is attcmpting to havc thc lrial court sigtr is not actually a lrill ol- exception, but is instead an atternpt to supplement the rccorcl with additional purportecl evidence. the State did not respottcl to these cor-trmunicatious. I By attaching this email comrnunication and appended purported "Bill ofException," the State is in no way agreeing to the veracity oftho statelnents contained therein or agreeing to the inclusion ofthe purported "Bill of Exception" as part of the appellate record. 2 o-2 6. In a follow-up email cornmunication on July 16,2024, the Public Defender requested a hearing in the event that there was no agreement over the allegations contained in appellee's purported "Bill of E,xception." See (Appenclix B -nrail comnrunicat ions ). 7. On July 17.2024. the trial courl respondecl, initially correctly opining that it was not "...legally authorized to take any action to address this rnatter witliout direction tiorn the Courl of Appeals." Scc irl 8. ln additional ernail communications, the Public Defender and a deputy public def'ender represented to the tlial cor.rrt that it had the authority to hold a hearing on the recluestecl purportecl "Bill ol'Exception" under rule 3-j.2(e) ol the rules of appellate procedure. ,See id. 9. Late in the afternoon on Wcdnesday, July 17,2024,the trial cor.rrt respondcd that it would "...set this matter tbr a hearing," unlcss the parties could agrct' as to what should be included in the purported "Bill of Exception." See lrl. 10. The h'ial court subsequently set a hearing on the "Defendant's Request for a Bill of Exception" lbr this upcoming Monday, .luly 22,2024, at 9:00 a.nr. See (Appendix C-"Court Setting," setting a hearing for Monday, luly 22,, 2024. al t):00 a.ut.) J o-3 I l. The State rcspectfi"rlly requests that this Court order the trial court to vacate its hearing setting pursuant to TEx. Cooe Cnltr. PRoc. art. 44.01(e) and Er- Purte Mucius. 54l S.W.3d 782, 785-86 (Tex.Crim.App. 2017). 12. TEX. CoDE Cnrv. Pnoc. art. 44.01(e) plovides rhat "[t]he state is entitled to a stay in the proceedings pending the dispositiou olan appeal uuder Subsectiorr (a) or (b) of this article." TEx. CoDE CtrtHa. Pnor'. art. 44.0t(e). ll. lt't E.t Purtc llluc'itt.s, the Court ol'C'rinrinal Appeals held that wlrcn the Slale appeals uncler 44.0 l(a) or (b), it is entitled to a stay in the ploceeclings and that "'. ..the trial court is deprived oflurisdiction over the case during the pendency ot' a State's lppeal and that iurisdictit)n resunrcs in the trial court only allcr' 'the appellate court's. . rnandate issue[s]."' See Er purte Mucias, 541 . S.W.-ld at 786, quoting Stute v. Robittson,
498 S.W.3d 914, 921 (Tex.Crim.App. 20I6). 14 . Aclclitionally, this Courl has the authority to take whatever actions are necessary to ensure the enforcement of its orders. ,See State v. l/i//egas, No. 08-15-00002-CR,
2015 WL 1417748, at *3 (Tex.App.-El Paso Mar. 23, 2015,nopct.)(op.tlnrnotion).t'itirrgTl,r.Gov''t.Coot $21.00 l(a) ("Acoull has all powers necessary fbr the exercise of its owtt discretion and the errfbrcement of its lawful orders, including autl.rority to issue writs aud orclers -+ o-4 necessary and proper in aid ofitsjurisdiction."). 15. In the email comtnunicalions with the trial court, the Public Defender arquetl tlrat rule 33.2 of the rules of appellate procedure gave the trial court the authority to hold appellee's requested hearing. See (Appendix B). 16. Rule 33.2, located within the section of the rules of appellate procedure lcgarding error pleservation.fbr ttn uppeuling partr,, allows 1br formal bitls of exception by a con.rplaining party. which appellee, as the prevailing paty in these appellate proceedings, is rrot. See Ter. R. App. P. 33.2 ("To compluin on upTtcal about a rnatter that woulcl not otherwise appear in the record, a palty nrust file a fbrmal bill of exceptiotr.") (entpltasis adcled) 17 . Black's Law Dictionary dc'fines a "bill of exception" as: ( I ) "[a] formal written statement-signerl by thc trial judge and presented to thc appellate court-olr. party's objections or cxccptions taken during trial antl the grouncls on which they are tbuncled," and (2) "[i]n some jurisdictions, a rec<lrd macle to preserve error after the judge has excluded evidence." See BLa,cr's Lew DTcTIoNARY. 18. Likewise, rule 33.2, upon which appellee attempts to rely, is located within the section of the lules of appellate procedttre cntitled, "Preservatiou of Appellate Conplaints." See TEx. R. App. P. 33. 5 o-5 19. And contrary to the Public Def-ender's rcpresentation that rule 33.2(e ) provides that "...a Bill of Exception can be fiIed...60 days after in a criminal matter," see (Appendix B), rule 33.2 provides only that a bill of exception may be filed in crin.rinal cases: (a) "...no later than 60 days after the trial court pronounces or suspends sentence in open court;" or (b) "...if a motion for new trial has been tirnely filed, no later than 90 days after the trial court pronounces or suspends sentence in open court." See TEx. R. APP. P. 33.2(e)(2)(A)-(B). Neither scenario applies here. 20. The docunrent the appellee is attenrptrng to induce the trial court to sign is not actually a bill of exception as that tenll is det'ined. Rather, the appellee's purported "Bill ol- Ilxception" is an atternpt to reopen the evitlence and atlcl an tunsubslant iatc-d, uuc ross-cxaurincd, ltcat'say vcrston of tactual allcgations lhat the appellee wants the trial court to find as true in order to buttress the trial court's favorable-not adverse-ntling. See (Appendix A). 21. As such, the State requests this Court to direct the trial court, specifically, the County Court at Law Ntrrnber Sevetr, to vacate its hcaring setting and takc uo further action in this case or to enter any orders that constitute a violation of the Article 44.01 statutory stay, with the exccption of uratters related to appellee's bail. if applicable. See l/illegas.20l5 WL 1477718 at *2 (op. on () o-6 motion to enforce stay) (granting the State's motion to enforce the stay, vacating orders entered by the trial couft that violated the stay order, and directing the trial couft to not take any further action or enter ally orders in the underlying case, except on motion filed with this Court and on notice to the concenred parties): ln re El Pu.so (\tunt.t, C'onrtni.s.vioner'.s Court,
164 S.W.3d 787(Tex.App.-El Paso 2005, op. on urotiou to euforce stay) (granting the relator's rnotion to entbrce the stay, cleclaring the respondent's orders, issued in violation of this Court's stay order, a nullity, and admonishing the respondent not to take furlher action on the case cluring tlre pendency of the stay). 7 o-7 PRAYI,IR WHEREFORII, the State prays that its r.notion to enforce the Article 44.01 statutory stay will be granted and that the State's request that the trial court be directed to vacate its hearing setting and take no further action be granted. Respecttully submitted, BILL D. HICKS DISTRICT ATTORNI]Y 34th JUDICIAL DISTIIICT /s/ Lily Stroud LILY STROUD ASST. DISTRICT ATTORNEY DISTRICT ATTORN EY'S OFFICE EL PASO COUNTY COURTHOUSE 5OO ts. SAN ANTONIO AVE., STE.201 EL PASO, TEXAS, 7990I TELEPHONE: (91 5) 546-2059 ext. 6309 FAX: (915) 533-5520 E-MAIL : lstroud@)epcounty.com SBN:24046929 It o-8 Automated Certificate of eService This automated certificate of service was created by the efiling system. The filer served this document via email generated by the efiling system on the date and to the persons listed below. The rules governing certificates of service have not changed. Filers must still provide a certificate of service that complies with all applicable rules. Yvette Unzueta on behalf of Kelli Childress Bar No. 24123476 yunzueta@epcounty.com Envelope ID: 93581612 Filing Code Description: Motion Filing Description: Motion to Abate Status as of 10/25/2024 1:57 PM MST Associated Case Party: District Attorney's Office Name BarNumber Email TimestampSubmitted Status El Paso District Attorney's Office daappeals@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Lily Stroud daappeals@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Ballard Shapleigh B.Shapleigh@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Case Contacts Name BarNumber Email TimestampSubmitted Status DISTRICT ATTORNEYAPPEALS daappeals@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT TODD MORTEN TMorten@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Blanca Flores bflores@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT KAREN RIVERA KRIVERA@EPCOUNTY.COM 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Yvette Unzueta yunzueta@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Associated Case Party: MelvinIsmaelZurita Name BarNumber Email TimestampSubmitted Status Anthony Gonzales 8118575 agonzales10@elp.rr.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT Kelli Childress kchildress@epcounty.com 10/25/2024 11:22:30 AM SENT
Document Info
Docket Number: 08-24-00168-CR
Filed Date: 10/25/2024
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 11/7/2024