M. v. Secretary of Health and Human Services ( 2018 )

  •                In the United States Court of Federal Claims
    Filed: August 31, 2017 1
    Refiled in Redacted Form: February 7, 2018
    J.M. and V.M., in their Own Right and as
    Best Friends of their Son, V.J.M.,                No. 02-10V
    Petitioners,                    Chief Special Master Dorsey
    Denial of Entitlement; Measles, Mumps
    SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND                           & Rubella (“MMR”) Vaccine; Hepatitis
    HUMAN SERVICES,                                   A (“Hep A”) Vaccine; Varicella Vaccine;
    Autistic Disorder (“AD”); Residual
    Respondent.                      Human DNA Fragments; HERV-K
    Fragments; Insertional Mutagenesis;
    John F. McHugh, Law Office of John McHugh, New York, NY, for petitioners.
    Ann Donohue Martin, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, for respondent.
    I.   Introduction
    On January 4, 2002, J.M. and V.M. (“petitioners”) brought a claim pursuant to the
    National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (“the Program”) 2 on behalf of their son, V.J.M.,
    in which they alleged that the measles, mumps and rubella (“MMR”) vaccine that he received on
    January 19, 1999, caused his pervasive developmental disorder (“PDD”), not otherwise
    specified, autism. Amended Petition (“Am. Pet.”) at ¶¶ 10, 12, 15. V.J.M. was one year old at
    When this decision was originally filed, I advised the parties of my intent to post it on the
    United States Court of Federal Claims’ website, in accordance with the E-Government Act of
    44 U.S.C. §3501
     note (2012) (Federal management and Promotion of Electronic
    Government Services). In accordance with Vaccine Rule 18(b), petitioners filed a motion to
    redact certain information. This decision is being reissued with minimal changes, including
    redaction of the petitioners’ name in the case caption and text to initials and redaction of
    V.J.M.’s date and place of birth. Except for those changes and this footnote, no other substantive
    changes have been made.
    The Program comprises Part 2 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, 42
    U.S.C. §§ 300aa-10 et seq. [hereinafter “Vaccine Act” or “the Act”]. Hereafter, individual
    section references will be to 42 U.S.C. § 300aa of the Act.
    the time of the vaccination, and thereafter, petitioners allege he failed to either gain or maintain
    his verbal and social skills. Id. at ¶¶ 1, 6.
    This case is the lead case for a mini-omnibus proceeding comprised of 23 cases. 3
    Petitioners in each of these cases have agreed to be bound by the decision in this case, which will
    be filed in each of the cases in the mini-omnibus.
    As their theory of causation, petitioners assert that V.J.M. had an adverse reaction to
    human DNA found in the rubella portion of the MMR 4 vaccine, which triggered his autism. 5
    Am. Pet. at ¶¶ 15-16; Pet. Ex. 10 at ¶¶ 3, 17. Respondent argues against awarding compensation,
    stating that petitioners failed to provide adequate evidence that V.J.M.’s MMR vaccination, or
    any other vaccinations, caused him to suffer from autism.
    After carefully analyzing and weighing all of the evidence and testimony filed and
    presented in this case in accordance with applicable legal standards, I find that petitioners have
    not met their legal burden under Prong One of Althen v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    418 F.3d 1274
    , 1278 (Fed. Cir. 2005). Petitioners have not demonstrated preponderant evidence that
    the MMR or any other vaccinations that V.J.M., or the children in the other related proceedings,
    received can cause autism. Therefore, this case, and the other cases, must be dismissed. 6
    The 23 cases in the mini-omnibus include: J.M. et al. (02-010V), J.K.R. et al. (09-143V),
    Fuesel (02-095V), E.H. et al. (09-206V), Arranga (02-1616V), B.W. (14-375V), J.H.R. et al.
    (03-1156V), M.P. et al. (07-750V), Coiro-Lorusso (04-258V), S.O. et al. (08-125V), Young (05-
    207V), Graddy (08-416V), C.B. et al. (05-1168V), Eworonsky (04-992V), C.B. et al. (08-131V),
    King (05-717V), F.J.D. et al. (08-254V), P.R. et al. (10-096V), F.J.D. et al. (08-253V), Torres
    (15-561V), N.P. et al. (08-388V), M.J. et al. (16-434V), and A.E.R. (17-470V). This Decision
    applies to all of these cases.
    The MMR vaccine at issue is occasionally referenced as “MMR II” in petitioners’ exhibits,
    expert reports, and medical literature, as this distinction is material to Dr. Deisher’s theory. For
    purposes of this decision, the term “MMR vaccine” is used with no distinction drawn between
    MMR vaccine and MMR II vaccine, except when discussing Dr. Deisher’s change point study.
    See section VIII(a).
    While the minor child in J.M. et al. received only the MMR vaccine, the petitioners in the other
    cases joined in this proceeding had one or more of the vaccines at issue: MMR, “Varivax, Vaqta,
    Havrix and Pentacel.” See Pet. Prehearing Memorandum at n.1. This decision applies to these
    additional vaccines as well. Varivax is indicated for vaccination against varicella zoster virus in
    individuals 12 months of age and older. Vaqta (by Merck) and Havrix (by GlaxoSmithKline)
    vaccinate against hepatitis A. Pentacel is indicated for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and polio
    A decision dismissing each of the mini-omnibus cases will issue following this decision.
    no developmental or behavioral concerns were noted. The varicella vaccine was offered and
    refused. Id. at 17. V.J.M. presented to his physician for his 18 month well-child visit on July 20,
    1999, at which time no behavioral or developmental concerns were noted. Id. at 17-18. During
    this visit, he received the DPT and the oral polio vaccine (“OPV”) vaccinations. Id. at 18.
    On April 6, 2000, V.J.M. visited his primary care doctor for an ear checkup, where
    residual otitis media was noted. Pet. Ex. A at 22. He had fluid in his left ear and his right ear
    was infected; he was prescribed Bactrim. Id. On June 21, 2000, a primary care note states that
    V.J.M. was pulling on both of his ears, and while he did not have a fever, he was cranky. Id.
    During that visit, he was referred to an early intervention program for a speech, hearing, and
    behavioral evaluation. 10 Id. At his next well-child visit on July 18, 2000, V.J.M. was noted to
    be a well-child with no developmental or behavioral concerns. Id. at 18. He received the
    Prevnar vaccination during this visit. Id. On September 26, 2000, he was given a neurological
    referral for “questionable pervasive developmental disorder (“PDD”).” Id. at 23.
    On July 21, 2000, when he was two and a half years old, V.J.M. underwent a
    psychological evaluation at the Programs for Special Children. Pet. Ex. B at 27. His evaluation
    indicated that he did not suffer from any significant medical problems at birth or thereafter, with
    the exception of repeated ear infections. 11 Id. at 28. The report further indicated that while his
    developmental milestones were within normal limits during his first year, his speech
    development did not progress as expected. Id.
    Based on his psychological evaluation, it was recommended that V.J.M. receive an
    intensive early intervention program with an emphasis on developing his social and
    communication skills. Pet. Ex. B at 31. On September 5, 2000, V.J.M. began an intensive multi-
    modal therapeutic program at the New York City Early Intervention Program, which included 20
    hours of behavioral therapy, one hour of daily speech and language therapy, and occupational
    therapy three times weekly. Pet. Ex. C at 33; Pet. Ex. F at 20. Notes from October 31, 2000,
    show that V.J.M. initially made great progress in therapy, though he continued to show speech
    and language delay. Pet. Ex. F at 20. Therapy notes reflect that his eye contact improved, he
    began responding to his name, and he was able to identify common objects. Id. at 19. While
    V.J.M.’s speech and language skills showed significant initial improvement, his progress
    plateaued, resulting in the need for neurological evaluation. Pet. Ex. C at 33. V.J.M. had no
    family history of neurological disorders, and his two month old sister had no behavioral
    abnormalities. Id.
    The doctor’s note from the visit on June 21, 2000, does not include an explanation as to why
    V.J.M. was referred to early intervention. See Pet. Ex. A at 22. However, this appears to be the
    first mention of any developmental issue in the medical records, which occurred approximately
    one year and five months after the January 19, 1999 MMR vaccination.
    V.J.M. went to the doctor for otitis media (recurrent ear infections) on the following dates:
    August 19, 1998, September 4, 1998, February 13, 1999, March 3, 1999, November 30, 1999,
    March 23, 2000, April 6, 2000, June 21, 2000, July 16, 2001, and December 4, 2001. Pet. Ex. A
    at 20-24.
    On May 24, 2001, Dr. Arnold Gold, a neurologist, evaluated V.J.M. Pet. Ex. C at 32.
    During the evaluation, V.J.M. was irritable and fussy, apparently because he had been wakened
    from a nap. Id. at 33. Dr. Gold reported that V.J.M.’s one year milestones were considered age-
    appropriate by his parents. He was able to sit on his own at the age of six months and was able
    to walk unassisted by the age of 14 and a half months. V.J.M.’s parents did not express concern
    about his development until he was approximately 14 to 15 months old. Id. at 32. Although he
    uttered his first word, “car,” at the age of 12 months, there was only limited improvement in his
    speech and language development. Id.
    During Dr. Gold’s evaluation, V.J.M. exhibited self-stimulatory behaviors such as
    spinning repetitively in a circle while seated. Pet. Ex. C at 32. The spinning eventually resolved,
    but V.J.M. then began jumping up and down and jumping across the room while grinding his
    teeth. Id. at 32-33. Additionally, he would frequently scatter and gather objects, such as blocks,
    and would at times rock in a repetitive manner. Id. at 33. He had no dysmorphic features or
    cutaneous lesions suggestive of a neurocutaneous disorder. His gait was normal and he had no
    difficulty walking, running, or jumping. Id. He did not like to have his head touched and could
    be occasionally physically aggressive by hitting. Id. Dr. Gold stated that V.J.M.’s behaviors
    were consistent with ASD. Id. An etiology could not be established, but Dr. Gold reported that
    he “would question any relationship to the MMR vaccination.” Id. at 35. There was no evidence
    of a seizure disorder or progressive encephalopathy. Id. at 34.
    b. Petitioners’ Affidavit 12
    Along with their petition, petitioners also filed an affidavit from J.M., in which she
    averred that V.J.M. was healthy at birth and developed normally until his first birthday. Pet.
    Affidavit at 6. By his first birthday, he could stand up, say several words, and use words to
    identify the objects that he was holding. Id. On January 19, 1999, after receiving the MMR,
    Hib, and hepatitis B vaccinations, V.J.M. fell asleep in the car on the way home. Id. at 7. He did
    not wake up when being transferred from the car to his crib, which was unusual. Id. J.M. avers
    that V.J.M. awoke several hours later and was cranky and clingy, and when she put him on the
    floor, he began to spin himself around. Id. J.M. stated that sometimes he would fall silent and
    sit and stare for several minutes.13 Id.
    Two days after his vaccinations, J.M. took V.J.M. back to the doctor with a chief
    complaint of a sore throat. Pet. Affidavit at 8. Although she described V.J.M.’s symptoms to his
    pediatrician, J.M. stated that she did not alert his doctor to the spinning or staring because she did
    not know that either was a significant symptom. Id. V.J.M.’s pediatrician diagnosed him with
    an ear infection and a sore throat. Id.
    Petitioners filed an affidavit from J.M. along with their petition. They did not attend or testify
    at the hearing in this matter.
    The medical records do not contain any mention of these behaviors after vaccination.
    After January 21, 1999, J.M. stated that V.J.M.’s development halted, and he stopped
    attempting to use words. Pet. Affidavit at 8. He began repetitive activities and stopped sleeping
    through the night. Id. V.J.M. became more easily cranky, he stopped trying to speak, and when
    he resumed speaking, he was incessantly repetitive. Id. J.M. stated that she began reporting her
    observations of V.J.M. to his pediatrician beginning on January 21, 1999, but was told that there
    was nothing wrong. Id. at 9. Although she stated that her reports to his pediatrician became
    more frantic, the medical records do not reflect her concerns. Id. Specifically, she noted that
    when she took V.J.M. to his pediatrician on July 18, 2000, she reported her concerns about his
    lack of development, but her concerns were not recorded by the pediatrician. Id. She stated that
    V.J.M.’s health problems began immediately after he received his vaccinations on January 19,
    1999, and that he is permanently disabled and in need of assistance. Id. at 10-11.
    III.   Procedural History
    a. Omnibus Autism Proceeding
    This case is one of more than 5,400 cases filed under the Program in which petitioners
    alleged that conditions known as “autism” or “autism spectrum disorders” (“ASD”) 14 were
    caused by one or more vaccinations. A special proceeding known as the Omnibus Autism
    Proceeding (“OAP”) was developed to manage these cases within the Office of Special Masters
    (“OSM”). A detailed history of the controversy regarding vaccines and autism, along with a
    history of the development of the OAP, was set forth in the six entitlement decisions issued as
    “test cases” for two theories of causation litigated in the OAP (see cases cited below), and will
    only be summarized here.
    A group called the Petitioners’ Steering Committee (“PSC”) was formed in 2002 by the
    many attorneys who represented Vaccine Act petitioners who raised autism-related claims.
    About 180 attorneys, including petitioners’ counsel, Mr. McHugh, participated in the PSC. Their
    responsibility was to develop any available evidence indicating that vaccines could contribute to
    causing autism, and eventually present that evidence in a series of “test cases,” exploring the
    issue of whether vaccines could cause autism, and, if so, under what circumstances. Ultimately,
    the PSC selected groups of attorneys to present evidence in two different sets of “test cases”
    during many weeks of trial in 2007 and 2008. In the six test cases, the PSC presented two
    separate theories concerning the causation of ASDs. The first theory alleged that the measles
    portion of the MMR vaccine could cause ASDs. That theory was presented in three separate
    Program test cases during several weeks of trial in 2007. The second theory alleged that the
    mercury contained in thimerosal-containing vaccines could directly affect an infant’s brain,
    ASD is a general classification, which as of 2010 included five different specific disorders:
    Autistic Disorder (“AD”), Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, Rett
    syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (“PDD-NOS”). Pet.
    Ex. 27; Pet. Ex. 34 at 2; King v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 03-584V, 
    2010 WL 892296
    , at *5 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Mar. 12, 2010). The term “autism” is often utilized to
    encompass all of the types of disorders falling within the autism spectrum. 
    thereby substantially contributing to the causation of ASD. That theory was presented in three
    additional test cases during several weeks of trial in 2008.
    Decisions in each of the three test cases pertaining to the PSC’s first theory rejected the
    petitioners’ causation theories. Cedillo v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 98-916V, 
    2009 WL 331968
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Feb. 12, 2009), mot. for rev. denied, 
    89 Fed. Cl. 158
    617 F.3d 1328
     (Fed. Cir. 2010); Hazlehurst v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 03-
    2009 WL 332306
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Feb. 12, 2009), mot. for rev. denied, 
    88 Fed. Cl. 473
     (2009), aff’d, 
    604 F.3d 1343
     (Fed. Cir. 2010); Snyder, 
    2009 WL 332044
    , mot. for rev.
    88 Fed. Cl. 706
     (2009). Decisions in each of the three “test cases” pertaining to the
    PSC’s second theory also rejected the petitioners’ causation theories, and the petitioners in each
    of those three cases chose not to appeal. Dwyer v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 03-
    2010 WL 892250
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Mar. 12, 2010); King, 
    2010 WL 892296
    ; Mead
    v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 03-215V, 
    2010 WL 892248
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Mar.
    12, 2010).
    The “test case” decisions were comprehensive, analyzing in detail all of the evidence
    presented on both sides. The three test case decisions concerning the PSC’s first theory totaled
    more than 600 pages of detailed analysis, and were solidly affirmed in many more pages of
    analysis in three different rulings by three different judges of the United States Court of Federal
    Claims, and in two rulings by two separate panels of the United States Court of Appeals for the
    Federal Circuit. The three special master decisions concerning the PSC’s second theory were
    similarly comprehensive.
    All told, the 11 lengthy written rulings by the special masters, the judges of the U.S.
    Court of Federal Claims, and the panels of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
    unanimously rejected the petitioners’ claims, finding no persuasive evidence that either the
    MMR vaccine or thimerosal-containing vaccines could contribute in any way to the causation of
    The proceedings in the six “test cases” concluded in 2010. Thereafter, the petitioners in
    this case, and the petitioners in other cases within the OAP, were instructed to decide how to
    proceed with their own claims. The vast majority of those autism petitioners elected either to
    withdraw their claims or to request that the special master file a decision denying their claim on
    the written record, resulting in a decision rejecting the petitioner’s claim for lack of support.
    However, a small minority of the autism petitioners elected to continue to pursue their cases,
    seeking other causation theories and/or other expert witnesses. A few such cases have gone to
    trial before a special master, and in the cases of this type decided thus far, all have resulted in
    rejection of petitioners’ claims that vaccines played a role in causing their child’s autism. See,
    e.g., Henderson v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 09-616V, 
    2012 WL 5194060
     (Fed. Cl.
    Spec. Mstr. Sept. 28, 2012) (autism not caused by pneumococcal vaccination); Franklin v. Sec’y
    of Health & Human Servs., No. 99-855V, 
    2013 WL 3755954
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. May 16,
    2013) (MMR and other vaccines found not to contribute to autism); Coombs v. Sec’y of Health
    & Human Servs., No. 08-818V, 
    2014 WL 1677584
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Apr. 8, 2014) (autism
    not caused by MMR or Varivax vaccines); Blake v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 03-
    2014 WL 2769979
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. May 21, 2014) (autism not caused by MMR
    vaccination); Long v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 08-792V, 
    2015 WL 1011740
    Cl. Spec. Mstr. Feb. 19, 2015) (autism not caused by influenza vaccine); Brook v. Sec’y of
    Health & Human Servs., No. 04-405V, 
    2015 WL 3799646
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. May 14, 2015)
    (autism not caused by MMR or Varivax vaccines); Holt v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No.
    2015 WL 4381588
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. June 24, 2015) (autism not caused by
    hepatitis B vaccine); Lehner v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 08-554V, 
    2015 WL 5443461
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. July 22, 2015) (autism not caused by influenza vaccine); Miller v.
    Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 02-235V, 
    2015 WL 5456093
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Aug.
    18, 2015) (ASD not caused by combination of vaccines); Allen v Sec’y of Health & Human
    Servs., No. 02-1237V, 
    2015 WL 6160215
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Sept. 26, 2015) (autism not
    caused by MMR vaccination); R.K. v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 03-632V, 
    2015 WL 10911950
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Sept. 28, 2015) (autism not caused by influenza vaccine), mot.
    for rev. denied, 
    125 Fed. Cl. 57
     (2016); Hardy v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 08-108V,
    2015 WL 7732603
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Nov. 3, 2015) (autism not caused by several vaccines);
    Sturdivant v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 07-788V, 
    2016 WL 552529
     (Fed. Cl. Spec.
    Mstr. Jan. 21, 2016) (autism not caused by Hib and Prevnar vaccines); R.V. v. Sec’y of Health &
    Human Servs., No. 08-504V, 
    2016 WL 3882519
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Feb. 19, 2016) (autism not
    caused by influenza vaccine), mot. for rev. denied, 
    127 Fed. Cl. 136
     (2016); Murphy v. Sec’y of
    Health & Human Servs., No. 05-1063V, 
    2016 WL 3034047
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Apr. 25, 2016)
    (autism not caused by DTaP or MMR vaccines).
    In addition, some autism causation claims have been rejected without trial, at times over
    the petitioner’s objection, in light of the failure of the petitioner to file plausible proof of
    vaccine-causation. See, e.g., Waddell v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 10-316V, 
    2012 WL 4829291
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Sept. 19, 2012) (autism not caused by MMR vaccination);
    Fester v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 10-243V, 
    2016 WL 1745436
     (Fed. Cl. Spec.
    Mstr. Apr. 7, 2016) (autism not caused by measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (“MMRV”)
    vaccine); Fresco v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 06-469V, 
    2013 WL 364723
     (Fed. Cl.
    Spec. Mstr. Jan. 7, 2013) (autism not caused by multiple vaccines); Fesanco v. Sec’y of Health &
    Human Servs., No. 02-1770V, 
    2010 WL 4955721
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Nov. 9, 2010) (autism
    not caused by multiple vaccines); Miller v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 06-753V, 
    2012 WL 12507077
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Sept. 25, 2012) (autism not caused by DTaP or MMR
    vaccines); Pietrucha v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 00-269V, 
    2014 WL 4538058
    Cl. Spec. Mstr. Aug. 22, 2014) (autism not caused by multiple vaccines); Bushnell v. Sec’y of
    Health & Human Servs., No. 02-1648V, 
    2015 WL 4099824
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. June 12, 2015)
    (autism not caused by multiple vaccines); Bokmuller v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No.
    2015 WL 4467162
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. June 26, 2015) (autism not caused by multiple
    vaccines); Canuto v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 04-1128V, 
    2015 WL 9854939
    Cl. Spec. Mstr. Dec. 18, 2015) (autism not caused by DTP and DTaP vaccines); Valle v. Sec’y of
    Health & Human Servs., No. 02-220V, 
    2016 WL 2604782
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Apr. 13, 2016)
    (autism not caused by DTaP vaccine). Judges of this court have affirmed the practice of
    dismissal without trial in such cases. E.g., Fesanco v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    99 Fed. Cl. 28
     (2011) (Chief Judge Braden affirming).
    In none of the rulings since the test cases has a special master or judge found any merit in
    an allegation that any vaccine can cause autism. 15
    b. Procedural History Specific to This Case
    Petitioners filed their petition on January 4, 2002. The initial status conference was held
    on February 6, 2002, and respondent filed a Rule 4(b) Report on June 3, 2002. 16 Respondent
    requested additional medical records, and petitioners were ordered to file those records. Resp. R.
    4(b) Rept. at 2-3. A Rule 5 conference was held on June 20, 2002.
    Petitioners filed additional exhibits on November 27, 2002, including an expert report
    from Dr. Harold Buttram and additional medical records. Notice of Filing dated November 27,
    2002 (ECF No. 17). On December 16, 2002, respondent filed an expert report from Dr. Arnold
    Gale, and petitioners filed a supplemental expert report from Dr. Buttram on February 19, 2003.
    Respondent filed a supplemental expert report from Dr. Gale on April 1, 2003. 17 During a status
    I note that during the years since the “test cases” were decided, Vaccine Act compensation was
    granted in only two cases involving vaccinees suffering from ASDs. But in neither of those
    cases did respondent concede, nor did a special master find, that there was any causation-in-fact
    connection between a vaccination and the vaccinee’s ASD. Instead, in both cases it was
    conceded or found that the vaccinee displayed the symptoms of a Table Injury within the Table
    time frame after vaccination and causation under the Act was presumed.
    In Poling, the presiding special master clarified that the family was compensated because the
    respondent conceded that the Poling child had suffered a Table Injury – not because respondent
    or the special master had concluded that any vaccination had contributed to causing or
    aggravating the child’s ASD. See Poling v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 02-1466V,
    2011 WL 678559
    , at *1 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Jan. 28, 2011) (a fees decision noting specifically
    that the case was compensated as a Table Injury).
    Second, in Wright v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No. 12-423V, 
    2015 WL 6665600
    Cl. Spec. Mstr. Sept. 21, 2015), Special Master Vowell concluded that a child, later diagnosed
    with ASD, suffered a Table Injury after a vaccination. However, she stressed that she was not
    finding that the vaccinee’s ASD in that case was caused-in-fact by the vaccination – to the
    contrary, she specifically found that the evidence in that case did not support a causation-in-fact
    claim, going so far as to remark that the petitioners’ causation-in-fact theory in that case was
    Id. at *2
    . The compensation of these two cases thus does not afford any support to the
    notion that vaccinations can contribute to the causation of autism.
    Respondent stated in her Rule 4(b) Report that because the medical records were not complete,
    she could not provide a full evaluation of the merits of petitioners’ case. Resp. R. 4(b) Rept.
    dated June 3, 2002 (ECF No. 8) at 9, 12.
    The reports of Drs. Buttram and Gale were superseded when petitioners later introduced and
    pursued a theory by Dr. Theresa Deisher. In their Joint Prehearing Submission, the parties
    conference on March 27, 2003, petitioners requested that the case be stayed pending the
    completion of the OAP. 18 See Order dated April 15, 2003 (ECF No. 25) at 1. On May 16, 2003,
    a formal notice was filed to inform the parties that the statutory time period for the special
    master’s issuance of a decision in the case had expired. Petitioners filed a response to the formal
    notice on June 24, 2003, stating that they wished to remain in the Program. Resp. to Formal
    Notice dated June 24, 2003 (ECF No. 27). Petitioners further stated that they wished for their
    case to be “consolidated with the omnibus autism litigation for initial determination of
    Id. at 2
    After June 24, 2003, no filings were made in the case until January 15, 2008, on which
    date petitioners were ordered to file the remainder of the medical records and a statement of
    whether their claim should proceed in an omnibus proceeding. Order dated January 15, 2008
    (ECF No. 29). The order provided an overview of the OAP to date, and petitioners were ordered
    to file completed records in anticipation of the forthcoming OAP rulings. 
    Id. at 1-2
    . The Order
    also explained the two-stage approach for filing medical records. First, petitioners were required
    to provide evidence that the “first symptom or manifestation of onset” occurred within 36
    months of the vaccine. 
    Id. at 3
    ; see also 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-16(a)(2). Assuming this first
    requirement could be met, petitioners would then proceed to gather and file all medical records
    from V.J.M.’s birth through either the date of the petition’s filing or the date of V.J.M.’s initial
    diagnosis of autism, whichever was later. Order dated Jan. 15, 2008 (ECF No. 29) at 5.
    On March 17, 2008, respondent filed a Statement Regarding Jurisdiction and
    Appropriateness of Proceeding within the Court’s OAP. Resp. Statement dated Mar. 17, 2008
    (ECF No. 31). Respondent stated that after an initial review of the record, petitioners’ claims
    appeared to have met the 36 month onset requirement. Id. at 2. On April 21, 2009, petitioners
    filed a Notice of Compliance that phase one medical records production was complete. Notice of
    Compliance dated Apr. 21, 2009 (ECF No. 35). Petitioners also filed a statement that
    “[V.J.M.’s] claim is that he became autistic following an MMR vaccination. This action belongs
    in the Omnibus Autism Proceeding.” Statement dated Apr. 27, 2009 (ECF No. 36). This case
    was converted to electronic case filing (“ECF”) on March 24, 2011.
    Petitioners filed an amended petition on June 10, 2011, which included additional details
    regarding V.J.M.’s medical history and diagnosis. Am. Pet. dated June 10, 2011 (ECF No. 42).
    The petition states that V.J.M. was diagnosed with PDD by Dr. Ruben Rosenblatt on July 20,
    2000. Id. at 3. Petitioners claimed that V.J.M. had an adverse reaction to one or more of the
    vaccines he received on January 19, 1999, which caused him to develop autism. Id. at 4. They
    also alleged that the MMR and varicella vaccines contained human embryonic tissue. Id. at 5.
    Petitioners claimed that the human DNA contained in these vaccines played a role in V.J.M.’s
    confirmed that “[t]he parties agree that the sole issue to be resolved through the upcoming
    hearing is whether Dr. Deisher’s theory of vaccine-caused autism meets petitioners’ burden
    under [P]rong [O]ne of Althen v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    418 F.3d 1274
    , 1278 (Fed.
    Cir. 2005).” See Joint Prehearing Submission (ECF No. 223) at 1.
    For a full explanation of the OAP, see supra Omnibus Autism Proceeding at 6-9.
    development of ASD. Id. Petitioners filed a status report on October 26, 2011, which listed
    several other Program cases alleging the same medical theory of causation. Status Report dated
    Oct. 26, 2011 (ECF No. 44) at 1.
    On January 3, 2012, petitioners filed an expert report and supporting materials by
    Theresa Ann Deisher, Ph.D.19 On February 3, 2012, petitioners filed their first motion to compel
    access to the Vaccine Safety Datalink (“VSD”). Pet. Mot. to Compel dated Feb. 3, 2012 (ECF
    No. 46). Petitioners sought access to data contained in the VSD in order to perform research
    related to their medical theory of causation. Petitioners argued that access to the VSD would
    allow their expert witness to independently corroborate her statistical data. Id. at 3. Dr. Deisher
    testified that she made several unsuccessful attempts to gain access to the VSD, and some of her
    efforts pre-dated her involvement in this case. Tr. 245. After she became involved in the case, in
    2011, she made another unsuccessful attempt to access the VSD. Id. Further, her team applied
    for an NIH grant to help fund her research on the VSD, but the application was denied. Id. She
    also stated that she applied for access to government maintained databases on ASD in two
    European countries but that her team was denied access to these databases as well. Tr. 97.
    Petitioners filed a second motion to compel on March 2, 2012, further seeking
    “documents in the custody and control of the respond [sic] which are reasonable and necessary to
    a fair and informed determination on the merits of this matter.” Mot. to Compel dated Mar. 2,
    2012 (ECF No. 50) at 1. Respondent and other non-party managed care organizations (“MCOs”)
    filed responses opposing petitioners’ motions on March 30, 2012. Resp. to Mot. to Compel
    dated Mar. 30, 2012 (ECF No. 58); Resp. to Mot. to Compel dated March 30, 2012 (ECF No.
    60). Respondent and the non-party MCOs made three essential arguments against petitioners’
    motions to compel. First, they argued that the proposed research investigation for which the data
    was requested was a litigation-driven and results-oriented study. Next, they argued that Dr.
    Deisher was not an independent and disinterested researcher, because her hypothesis was
    informed by an anti-stem cell research agenda. Third, respondent stated that Dr. Deisher’s
    proposed study did not meet criteria for institutional board review and thus would not be reliable.
    Scheduling Order dated Feb. 24, 2012 (ECF No. 49) at 2. Petitioners filed a reply to respondent
    and the MCOs’ responses on April 13, 2012. Pet. Reply dated Apr. 13, 2012 (ECF No. 63).
    Respondent filed a response to petitioners’ second motion to compel on June 14, 2012.
    Resp. to Mot. to Compel dated June 14, 2012 (ECF No. 65). Respondent argued that petitioners’
    requests were not reasonable or necessary, in accordance with the standards of the Program. Id.
    at 3. Respondent further argued that the discovery was irrelevant to petitioners’ medical theory.
    Id. at 5. Petitioners filed a reply on July 14, 2012. Pet. Reply dated July 14, 2012 (ECF No. 69).
    The litigation over petitioners’ motions to compel continued throughout the remainder of 2012
    and 2013. The presiding special master denied petitioners’ motion to compel access to the VSD,
    their motion for authority to issue subpoenae to the MCOs, and their motion to compel
    production of Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) documents. [redacted] v. Sec’y of Health
    & Human Servs., No. 02-10V, 
    2013 WL 3368236
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. June 12, 2013).
    Petitioners’ Notice of Intent to File on CD was previously filed on December 20, 2011. See
    ECF No. 45.
    Petitioners’ motion for reconsideration of the special master’s Order was also denied. [redacted],
    2013 WL 6038670
     (Fed. Cl. Oct. 24, 2013).
    Petitioners filed a supplemental report from Dr. Deisher on December 20, 2013. Notice
    of Filing dated Dec. 20, 2013 (ECF No. 95). On March 14, 2014, petitioners filed a status report
    in which they identified 13 other Program cases which alleged the same medical theory of
    causation. Status Rept. dated Mar. 14, 2014 (ECF No. 106). Petitioners filed an expert report
    from Dr. William Toffler on March 31, 2014, and a supplemental letter from Dr. Toffler on May
    9, 2014. 20 Notice of Compliance dated Mar. 31, 2014 (ECF No. 110); Notice of Filing dated
    May 9, 2014 (ECF No. 113). I held a status conference in the case on February 9, 2015, during
    which petitioners identified J.M. et al. as the lead case in the mini-omnibus. Scheduling Order
    dated Feb. 10, 2015 (ECF No. 130) at 2. Due to conflicts in Dr. Deisher’s schedule, the hearing
    originally scheduled for late 2015 was rescheduled for March 2016. Status Rept. dated May 15,
    2015 (ECF No. 134). Petitioners filed a number of medical records and additional medical
    literature throughout the remainder of 2015. Petitioners also filed an expert report from Dr.
    Karin Burkhard on January 15, 2016. Petitioners also filed a motion for interim fees, and I
    issued a decision partially granting that request. [redacted] v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs.,
    No. 02-10V, 
    2016 WL 720969
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Feb. 4, 2016).
    Petitioners filed their prehearing submissions on January 15, 2016. Pet. Prehearing Brief
    (“Prehrg Br.”) dated Jan. 15, 2016 (ECF No. 202). Respondent filed her prehearing submissions
    on February 8, 2016. Prehrg Submissions dated Feb. 8, 2016 (ECF No. 222). An entitlement
    hearing was held on March 7-8, 2016, in Seattle, Washington. The hearing continued in
    Washington, D.C. on March 10-11, 2016. I heard rebuttal testimony from Dr. Deisher and Dr.
    Burkhard in Washington, D.C. on May 6, 2016.
    On May 5, 2016, the day before the hearing on May 6, 2016, petitioners filed a motion to
    issue subpoena to obtain the testimony of Dr. William Thompson, an epidemiologist employed
    by the CDC, and to recall Dr. Fallin, one of respondent’s expert witnesses. Pet. Mot. dated May
    5, 2016 (ECF No. 261). Respondent filed a response opposing the motion on June 16, 2016,
    arguing that such testimony was unnecessary and irrelevant to the determination of vaccine
    causation. Resp. Res. dated June 16, 2016 (ECF No. 264). Petitioners filed a reply on July 7,
    2016. Pet. Reply dated July 7, 2016 (ECF No. 268). On August 30, 2016, I issued an Order
    denying petitioners’ motion to issue subpoena but granting petitioners’ motion to file
    documentation. [redacted], 
    2016 WL 5362878
     (Fed. Cl. Aug. 30, 2016).
    On August 1, 2016, respondent filed a supplemental expert report from Dr. Arking in
    response to the rebuttal testimony presented by Dr. Deisher and Dr. Burkhard. Notice of Filing
    dated Aug. 1, 2016 (ECF No. 270). Petitioners then filed a reply to Dr. Arking’s supplemental
    report on September 9, 2016. The parties agreed that post hearing briefs were not necessary, and
    the evidentiary record was closed on September 9, 2016.
    Petitioners did not call Dr. Toffler to testify at the hearing in this case. See Order dated March
    28, 2016 (ECF No. 254). Although not discussed herein, I have nonetheless reviewed his written
    opinion, and I do not find it to offer support to petitioners’ causation theories. See Pet. Ex. 263.
    The case is now ripe for adjudication.
    IV.      Issue to be Decided
    The sole issue to be decided in this mini-omnibus proceeding is whether Dr. Deisher’s
    theory of vaccine-caused autism meets petitioners’ burden under Prong One of Althen, 
    418 F.3d at 1278
    . Joint Prhrg Submission dated Feb. 8, 2016 (ECF No. 223), at 1. This Decision is
    therefore limited to an evaluation of whether petitioners have met their burden under Althen
    Prong One.
    V.       Standards for Adjudication
    The Vaccine Act established the Program to compensate vaccine-related injuries and
    deaths. 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-10(a). “Congress designed the Vaccine Program to supplement the
    state law civil tort system as a simple, fair and expeditious means for compensating vaccine-
    related injured persons. The Program was established to award ‘vaccine-injured persons quickly,
    easily, and with certainty and generosity.’” Rooks v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs. 
    35 Fed. Cl. 1
    , 7 (1996) (quoting H.R. REP. No. 99-908, at 3 (1986), as reprinted in 1986 U.S.C.C.A.N.
    6287, 6344).
    To receive compensation under the Program, petitioners must prove either: (1) that
    V.J.M. suffered a “Table Injury”—i.e., an injury listed on the Vaccine Injury Table—
    corresponding to a vaccine that he received, 21 or (2) that V.J.M. suffered an injury that was
    actually caused by the vaccine (or vaccines) he received. See §§ 300aa-13(a)(1)(A) and
    11(c)(1); Capizzano v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    440 F.3d 1317
    , 1319-20 (Fed. Cir.
    Although petitioners have not contended that V.J.M. suffered a Table encephalopathy, out of
    an abundance of caution, I have thoroughly analyzed the issue and concluded that V.J.M.’s
    symptoms cannot properly be classified as a Table encephalopathy. As explained in Waddell,
    2012 WL 4829291
    , “[t]he scope of the medical term ‘encephalopathy’ is more expansive than
    the narrower, statutory definition set forth in the Table.” Id.*12 (referencing Hazelhurst, 
    2009 WL 332306
    , at *26-29). The Qualifications and Aids to Interpretation (“QAI”) definition of
    acute encephalopathy simply does not encompass every type of brain dysfunction to which the
    broader meaning of “encephalopathy” applies.
    To establish an MMR-Table encephalopathy, petitioners would have to demonstrate that V.J.M.
    suffered an “encephalopathy” as defined by the QAI section to the Vaccine Injury Table within
    five to 15 days of his MMR vaccination. 
    42 C.F.R. § 100.3
    (b). According to the QAI, a
    vaccinee is considered to have suffered a Table encephalopathy if the vaccine manifests an injury
    encompassed in the definition of an acute encephalopathy within the appropriate time period, and
    if a chronic encephalopathy is present for more than six months after the immunization. 
    42 C.F.R. § 100.3
    (b)(2). I note that V.J.M.’s medical records fail to demonstrate evidence of such
    an encephalopathy.
    Because petitioners cannot show that V.J.M. suffered a Table injury, they must prove that
    a vaccine that he received caused his injury. To do so, petitioners must establish, by
    preponderant evidence, a medical theory causally connecting a vaccine and V.J.M.’s injury
    (“Althen Prong One”). Althen, 418 F.3d at1278; § 300aa–13(a)(1) (requiring proof by a
    preponderance of the evidence).
    VI.   Expert Opinions
    a. Experts’ Education, Background, and Experience
    i. Petitioners’ Experts
    1. Dr. Theresa Deisher, Ph.D.
    Dr. Theresa Deisher holds a Bachelor of Arts in Human Biology and a Ph.D. in
    Molecular and Cellular Physiology, both from Stanford University. Pet. Ex. 12 at 2. She also
    completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Pathology/Hematology at the University of Washington.
    Dr. Deisher’s career has been predominantly focused on commercial biotechnology, and
    her research has led to the development of 22 patents. Pet. Ex. 12 at 2. From 1988 to 1990, she
    worked as a research associate for Genentech, Inc., in the area of cardiovascular pharmacology.
    Id. at 4. From 1993 to 1995, she worked as a research scientist for Repligen Corporation in the
    Inflammation Department. Id. From 1995 to 1998, Dr. Deisher worked as a scientist and
    project leader for ZymoGenetics, Inc., where she directed a research program focused on the
    discovery of cardioprotective compounds for ischemic or cytotoxic damage. Id. at 3. 22 From
    October 2000 to July 2002, Dr. Deisher worked as a senior staff scientist in the Vascular Biology
    Department at Immunex Corporation, where she acted as a project leader on anti-thrombotics
    and inflammation/myocardial repair. In July 2002, after Amgen, Inc. acquired Immunex, she
    began working as a principal scientist in the Inflammation Department of Amgen, where part of
    her work focused on the use of stem cell therapies for myocardial regeneration. Id. While there,
    Dr. Deisher was the lead inventor on a patent for the use of stem cells in cardiac repair. Id.
    From September 2006 to October 2007, she served as the Vice President of Research and
    Development for CellCyte Genetics Corporation. Id.
    Dr. Deisher is currently the President of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (“Sound
    Choice”), which she founded in January 2008. Pet. Ex. 12 at 2. She is also the CEO, Founder,
    and Research and Development Director of AVM Biotechnology, LLC (“AVM”).23 Id. The
    Dr. Deisher’s work with ZymoGenetics in the areas of catecholamine or anthracycline
    administration led “to the discovery of a novel regenerative growth factor (licensed to Serono for
    development) and to the identification of adult cardiac stem cells.” Pet. Ex. 12 at 3.
    According to Dr. Deisher, AVM is “[d]edicated to safe, effective, affordable and ethical
    human therapeutics, focusing initially on regenerative medicine and vaccinations.” Pet. Ex. 12 at
    initial focus of AVM “was to develop drugs that optimized the activity of stem cells outside of
    the blood-forming cells.” 24 Tr. 34. According to Dr. Deisher, Amgen was already selling stem
    cell optimization drugs at that time, but AMV was formed to create drugs that would improve
    stem cell effectiveness for heart, pancreatic, or liver repairs. Id. at 35. AMV’s future business
    plan also included developing an alternative to vaccines that use human cell lines.25 Id. The
    company’s mission statement is focused on doing research “that would not exploit or harm
    another human being,” including human fetuses.
    Sound Choice Pharmaceuticals is a non-profit organization “whose purpose is to inform
    … pediatricians about the human exploitation that goes on in biomedical research and in the
    name of biomedical progress, and to conduct research into the autism human-fetal-manufactured
    contaminants in vaccines link.” Tr. 45. 26 Dr. Deisher decided to form Sound Choice due to the
    “compelling association” between autism and vaccines. Id. She states, “The association was so
    compelling, and the known biology of the potential dangers accumulated over decades from
    different scientific fields was so well established that it would be unconscionable to ignore this
    association.” Id.
    Dr. Deisher testified, “The publication of the articles we pursued largely at your [John
    McHugh’s] insistence. You … definitely wanted that data to be published, and so we did pursue
    that.” Id. Dr. Deisher has written papers focused on various aspects of stem cell treatments and
    research. 27 Pet. Ex. 12 at 5-8. She has also given speeches and lectures to religious, political,
    Dr. Deisher testified that while she was working at ZymoGenetics, she was involved in a
    research project to develop heart muscle cell lines that could be continuously cultured. Tr. 23.
    At that time, researchers at ZymoGenetics were using mice to try to develop these cell lines. Dr.
    Deisher testified that she was the first to isolate pluripotent stem cells from adult mouse hearts –
    something which had previously been thought as impossible. Id. at 25-26. She further defined
    pluripotent stem cells as “a stem cell that can give rise to any type of cell in the body.” Id. Dr.
    Deisher stated that her discovery resulted in a “huge controversy,” because scientists previously
    believed that adult stem cells did not exist outside of the blood-forming cells. Id.
    To date, AVM has not produced any such alternative vaccines. Tr. 312. AVM was
    unsuccessful in developing vaccines that did not use human cell lines, and thus this goal was
    dropped from its business plan by 2011. Id. at 229; 312.
    Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute is “[c]ommitted to providing education, scientific
    research, development and resources to encourage safe and moral medicines and therapeutics.”
    Pet. Ex. 12 at 2.
    Dr. Deisher did not disclose a conflict of interest in her 2015 article in the Journal of Public
    Health regarding the potential for vaccines derived from human fetal stem cell lines to cause
    ASD. Tr. 225. Dr. Deisher testified that at the time the article was published, she was attending
    to urgent personal family business and that the potential conflict of interest between her research
    and student-led organizations regarding the use of stem cells in scientific manufacturing and
    research. Id.
    2. Dr. Karin Burkhard, M.D.
    Dr. Karin Burkhard testified on behalf of petitioners during the hearing in Washington,
    D.C., on March 10-11, 2016, and she also offered rebuttal testimony on May 6, 2016. Dr.
    Burkhard has a Bachelor of Arts from the New School for Social Research in New York, New
    York, and a M.D. from Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, New Hampshire. Pet. Ex. 475 at
    1. 28 She completed her post graduate adult psychiatry residency at Beth Israel Medical Center
    from 1984-1987, and afterward completed a Child Psychiatry Fellowship from 1987-1989 at the
    Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
    From 1988-1990, Dr. Burkhard worked as a staff psychiatrist and consultant at Pride of
    Judea Mental Health Center in Douglaston, New York. Pet. Ex. 475 at 1. In 1989, she began
    working as a staff psychiatrist and consultant at St. Mary’s Children and Family Services in
    Syosset, New York, where she worked until 1993. Id. In 1989, she also entered private practice
    in child, adolescent, and adult psychiatry, where she has worked ever since. Id.
    ii. Respondent’s Experts
    1. Dr. M. Daniele Fallin, Ph.D.
    Dr. M. Daniele Fallin testified on behalf of respondent during the hearing in Washington,
    D.C., on March 11, 2016, as an expert in autism epidemiology. Dr. Fallin received her Bachelor
    of Science in Zoology at the University of Florida, and she was also a doctoral student in the
    genetic epidemiology of Alzheimer’s disease at the University of South Florida from 1995-1998.
    Resp. Ex. K at 1. She received her Ph.D. in Genetic Epidemiology from Case Western Reserve
    University in Cleveland, Ohio. Id.
    Dr. Fallin is a professor at Johns Hopkins University in both the School of Medicine and
    the Bloomberg School of Public Health. She holds a joint appointment in the Departments of
    Medicine, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology, and she is the Director of the Wendy Klag Center for
    Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Resp. Ex. K at 1-2. She also serves on the advisory
    board for Autism Speaks and as a committee co-chair for the International Society for Autism
    Research. Id. at 3. She co-organized the Autism Speaks Conference on Epigenetics in Autism in
    2011, and she has spoken on a number of panels on autism and genetics. Id. at 3-4.
    on alternatives to fetal cell manufactured vaccines and her ownership of AVM pharmaceuticals
    was not apparent to her or her research team. She stated that the team pursued the research
    independent of any legal claims. Id. However, Dr. Deisher further stated that “theoretically,
    [there] is a potential conflict of interest [that] probably should have been disclosed.” Id. at 226.
    Dr. Burkhard’s CV was filed on December 29, 2015, at CM/ECF No. 198-1.
    Dr. Fallin is an editor for numerous medical journals, including Epidemiology, Genetic
    Epidemiology, and the American Journal of Human Genetics. Id. at 4. She has published over
    160 articles in the areas of genetics, epigenetics, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism, and she has
    co-authored several book chapters. Id. at 4-24. Dr. Fallin also has extensive teaching experience
    and serves as an advisor for Ph.D. students, public health masters’ students, and post-doctoral
    fellows. Id. at 25-27. She has taught courses on Public Mental Health, Autism Spectrum
    Disorder and Public Health, Introduction to Genetic Epidemiology, and Genetic Epidemiology in
    Populations, just to name a few. Id. at 33. Dr. Fallin has received a number of grants to do
    genetic research on autism. She has received awards to do research as part of the Study to
    Explore Early Development (“SEED”), as well as the Early Autism Risk Longitudinal
    Investigation (“EARLI”) network. Resp. Ex. K at 37-41.
    Dr. Fallin described two autism epidemiology studies for which she is the main
    investigator, which are funded by the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) and the National
    Institutes of Health (“NIH”), respectively. Tr. 652. The first study is called SEED, which is a
    national case control study. Dr. Fallin explained, “There are six sites nationally that go out and
    recruit children between ages two and five who have autism, and then also recruit children who
    have a non-autistic developmental disability, as well as children from the same birth cohorts and
    geographic regions who are typically developing.” Id. at 652-53. Researchers collect bio
    samples from parents and children in an effort to understand both environmental as well as
    genetic components of autism. Id. at 653.
    The second autism study which Dr. Fallin leads is EARLI, which is a pregnancy cohort 29
    study. Tr. 653. The study follows pregnant women and fetuses in four different sites around the
    country in an effort to look at the interplay between genetics and the environment in a child’s
    risk for developing autism. Id.
    2. Dr. Neal Halsey, M.D.
    Dr. Neal Halsey testified on behalf of respondent during the hearing in Washington, D.C.,
    on March 10, 2016. Dr. Halsey received his Bachelor of Science and a Doctor of Medicine
    from the University of Wisconsin. Resp. Ex. M at 1. He completed an internship in pediatrics at
    the Center for Health Sciences in Madison, Wisconsin, and he completed a residency in
    pediatrics at the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver, Colorado. Id. From 1975 –
    1978, he worked at the CDC in Atlanta, Georgia, first as an epidemic intelligence service officer
    and then as a preventive medicine resident. Id. Dr. Halsey also completed a fellowship at the
    University of Colorado Medical Center in pediatric infectious diseases from 1978-1980. He is
    licensed to practice medicine in the State of Maryland, and he was licensed by the National
    Board of Medical Examiners in 1972. Id. He is board certified by the American Board of
    Pediatrics and a Diplomat in Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Id.
    In epidemiology, a “cohort” is a “group of individuals who share a common characteristic,
    e.g., all of the individuals born in one year (a birth cohort) …. The term [ ] indicates observation
    of the individuals over time.” DORLAND’S ILLUSTRATED MEDICAL DICTIONARY 382 (32d ed.
    Dr. Halsey is a professor in the Department of International Health at Johns Hopkins
    University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore, Maryland, and the Director of the
    Institute for Vaccine Safety at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Resp. Ex. M at 1. From
    1999 to 2011, he served as the Co-Director for the Center for Disease Studies and Control in
    Guatemala City, Guatemala, and he was the Director of the Division of Disease Control at Johns
    Hopkins from 1985-2002. Id. at 2. He has served on a number of advisory panels and
    committees, including the Advisory Board of the Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Foundation, the
    Scientific Advisory Committee at the Johns Hopkins Autoimmune Disease Center, and the
    Advisory Board for the Immunization Action Coalition. Id. at 3. Dr. Halsey has served as editor,
    advisor, and committee chair for five books, he has been on the editorial board of four medical
    journals, and he has participated in a number of manuscript reviews since 1981. Id. at 5-6. In
    2015, he received the Stanley A. Plotkin Lecture in Vaccinology Award from the Pediatric
    Infectious Disease Society. Id. at 6. He has also published over 230 articles in the areas of
    pediatrics, immunization, and infectious diseases. Id. at 8-28. Dr. Halsey was admitted as an
    expert in the fields of pediatric medicine, pediatric infectious disease, medical epidemiology, and
    vaccine safety. Tr. 431.
    3. Dr. Dan Arking, Ph.D.
    Dr. Dan Arking testified on behalf of respondent during the hearing in Washington, D.C.,
    on March 10-11, 2016. Dr. Arking has a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Genetics
    from the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland. Resp. Ex. I at 1. He holds a Ph.D.
    in Human Genetics from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore,
    Maryland, and he completed a post-doctoral fellowship in complex disease genetics in the
    McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine at Johns Hopkins. Id.
    From 2007-2011, Dr. Arking served as an assistant professor at the McKusick-Nathans
    Institute of Genetic Medicine and Department of Medicine, Institute of Cardiology at Johns
    Hopkins. Resp. Ex. I at 1. He is currently an associate professor at the McKusick-Nathans
    Institute, and he also serves as affiliated faculty for the Johns Hopkins Institute for Data-
    Intensive Engineering and Science. Id. He is a faculty member of the Wendy Klag Center for
    Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
    Health. Id. Dr. Arking has published over 100 articles in the areas of genetics, genetic variation,
    and autism, and he has made contributions to several patents and copyrights. Id. at 1-14. He has
    received a number of research grants for various studies, including grants from the Autism
    Center of Excellence, the American Heart Association, and the Simons Foundation Autism
    Research Initiative. Id. at 14-15. Dr. Arking serves as the Co-Director of the Johns Hopkins
    Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center Biological Mechanisms Core, and he
    has served as a member of a number of institutional committees. Id. at 16-18. He also currently
    serves as an editor for two academic journals and participates in a number of advisory
    committees, including the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative Gene Advisory Board
    and the Scientific Review Board. Id. at 18-19.
    Dr. Arking conducts large-scale genetic studies to identify and distinguish particular
    genetic traits for autism. Tr. 563. His research team at Johns Hopkins focused on mapping the
    entire genome 30 of autistic patients to look at gene variances. Id. He testified, “When I started
    up my own lab, I wanted to incorporate more than just genetics, so one of the things we focused
    on is getting access to brains from autistic individuals and match controls.” Id. The lab he began
    at Johns Hopkins in 2005 focuses on combining “traditional genetics” with the study of the brain,
    including gene expression. Id. at 563-64. 31
    VII.   Autism Spectrum Disorders
    The terms “autism” and “autism spectrum disorders” are used to describe a set of
    “complex neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by a combination of deficits in
    communication and social interaction and repetitive, stereotyped behavior and interest.” Pet. Ex.
    14 at 2; 32 Pet. Ex. 27; 33 Pet. Ex. 34 at 2. 34 There is no definitive diagnostic test, and thus,
    diagnosis is based on behavior, using the various criteria, tests, 35 and the Diagnostic and
    Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (“DSM”). 36 See, e.g. Snyder, 
    2009 WL 332044
    , at *39
    The genome is defined as “the entirety of the genetic information encoded by the nucleotide
    sequence of an organism, cell, organelle, or virus; it is DNA in eukaryotes and prokaryotes, and
    DNA or RNA in viruses. In a human being, the genome size is approximately [three] billion
    base pairs of DNA and approximately 25,000 genes.” DORLAND’S at 771.
    Dr. Arking’s lab performs research on ASD as well as in the areas of cardiovascular genetics
    and frailty in aging. Tr. 564.
    Hjoris O. Alottodir, Association of Family History of Autoimmune Disease and ASDs, 124
    PEDIATRICS 687-94 (2009) [Pet. Ex. 14].
    Michael E. McDonald & John F. Paul, Timing of Increased Autistic Disorder Cumulative
    Incidence, 44 ENVIRON. SCI. TECHNOL. 2112 (2010) [Pet. Ex. 27, 432].
    Helen V. Ratajczak, Theoretical Aspects of Autism: Causes – A Review, 8 J.
    IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY 68-79 (2011) [Pet. Ex. 34].
    Such tests include the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (“CARS”), a tool used to identify
    autism in children that includes classifying their symptoms on a numbered scale. See, e.g.
    Emanuela Rellini et al., Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and Autism Behavior Checklist
    (ABC) Correspondence and Conflicts with DSM-IV Criteria in Diagnosis of Autism, 34 J.
    AUTISM AND DEV. DISORDERS 703 (Dec. 2004) [Pet Ex. 461]; But cf. Synder, 
    2009 WL 332044
    at *39 (noting that CARS “has been used for many years,” but also noting more recent rating
    systems such as the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (“ADI-R”) and the Autism Diagnostic
    Observational Schedule–Generic (“ADOS-G”)).
    The DSM is published by the American Psychiatric Association. It comprises “a classification
    of mental disorders with associated criteria designed to facilitate more reliable diagnoses of these
    MENTAL DISORDERS xli (5th ed. 2013). First published in 1952, the DSM “has become a
    (noting that “specialized checklists and interview instruments are used to evaluate ASD” and that
    “most autism specialists use one or more of the checklists in making a diagnosis.”); Hazlehurst,
    2009 WL 332306
    , at *29 (noting that “[a]n evaluating clinician may select the method of
    assessing a child's symptoms, choosing either a clinical examination or one of the standardized
    checklists that afford a more standardized observation or measure, or a developmental interview
    that guides the clinician in the collection of informative symptoms and then can be used to apply
    DSM–IV criteria in an algorithmic manner to reach a diagnostic conclusion. The diagnosis of an
    ASD is based entirely on abnormalities in behavior and development observed by clinicians and
    reported by parents. There are no biological markers or medical tests that are diagnostic of an
    ASD.” (internal citations omitted).)
    Despite extensive investigation, the causes of autism remain elusive. Generally, autism 37
    is thought to be a “disruption of brain development caused by a combination of genes and
    environment.” Pet. Ex. 15 at 2. 38 Well-funded, large scale and highly technical studies have
    revealed considerable information on the genetic causes. 
     Current research suggests that
    1,000 genes, or more, may contribute to the cause of ASDs. Resp. Ex. J47 at 9. 39
    Approximately 50-56 percent of ASDs are due to inherited genetics, five to 10 percent are due to
    de novo genetic mutations,40 and the other 40 percent of cases have unknown causes. Tr. 572,
    As for environmental causes, research in neuroanatomy based on autopsies and imaging
    studies suggest that the prenatal time frame is the “window of susceptibility” for causation. Tr.
    660-61. See also Resp.’s Ex. J3 at 1.41 Environmental factors are believed to affect the fetus
    during the prenatal period. Tr. 661. In addition to neuroanatomical evidence, genetic research
    supports the prenatal period as important with regard to causation. 
    Id. at 663
    standard of reference for clinical practice in the mental health field.” 
    Petitioner’s expert, Dr. Deisher, characterizes autism as “an encephalopathy.” See Pet Ex. 10
    at 3; Pet Ex. 76 at 41. V.J.M. received the MMR vaccine at issue on January 19, 1999, and his
    medical records do not reveal any signs or symptoms consistent with any brain injury after
    vaccination. The first mention of any developmental issue was not until June 21, 2000. Pet. Ex.
    B at 27, 30-31. There is no evidence to support a finding that V.J.M. suffered either a Table or
    non-Table encephalopathy.
    Nature Publishing Group, The Mind’s Tangled Web, 479 NATURE 1 (2011) [Pet. Ex. 15].
    Jeremy A. Willsey et al., Coexpression Networks Implicate Human Midfetal Deep Cortical
    Projection Neurons in the Pathogenesis of Autism, 155 CELL 997 (2013) [Resp. Ex. J47].
    De novo mutations are defined as “a mutation observed in a child that is not observed in the
    parent.” Tr. 573.
    Margaret L. Bauman, & Thomas L. Kemper, Neuroanatomic Observations of the Brain in
    Autism: A Review and Future Directions, 23 INT. J. DEVL. NEUROSCIENCE 183 (2005) [Resp. Ex.
    VIII. Petitioners’ Theory of Causation 42
    Petitioners posit that residual human DNA 43 and/or retroviral fragments 44 found in three
    vaccines, MMR II, varicella, and hepatitis A, serve as environmental triggers, and that exposure
    to these vaccines accounts for the increase in the prevalence of autism. To develop her theory,
    Dr. Deisher performed a study in which she purports to identify change points 45 as to autism
    Though this decision does not discuss every medical article that petitioners filed, I have
    carefully reviewed and considered all of petitioners’ medical literature, as well as all other
    documents filed in this case. See § 300aa-13(a)(1) (stating that the special master should
    consider the “record as a whole”).
    Most biologicals, including vaccines, are produced within living cells in cell substrates,
    typically resulting in final products that contain some residual cellular constituents. Ivana
    Knezevic, et al., WHO Study Group on Cell Substrates for Production of Biologicals, Geneva,
    Switzerland, 11-12 June 2007, 36 BIOLOGICALS 203 (2008) [Pet Ex. 136]. These residual
    constituents include DNA from the substrate, which may be referred to variously as “residual
    cellular DNA,” “cell contaminating residual DNA,” “anomalous DNA,” or simply as “cellular,”
    or “residual” DNA. See, e.g., Pet Ex. 136 at 2; Pet. Ex. 34 at 1; Resp. Ex. L at 2; Pet. Ex. 42 at
    3; Pet Ex. 10 at 13. Cell substrates can be used from a number of different sources. Cell
    substrates commonly used in U.S. vaccine manufacturing include primary cells of avian or
    monkey origin as well as primate diploid cell strains and a continuous cell line called the Vero
    cell line. Pet Ex. 34 at 1. “Residual human fetal DNA,” refers to petitioner’s specific contention
    that certain vaccines manufactured using human cell lines contain residual DNA originating from
    human fetal material. See Pet Ex. 10 at 13; Tr. 239-40. At various points in her testimony Dr.
    Deisher also referenced “human-fetal-manufactured contaminants,” (Tr. 45) “residual fetal
    cellular debris,” (Tr. 79) “contaminating human fetal DNA,” (Tr. 80) “fetal DNA contaminants,”
    (Tr. 102) and “fetal DNA fragments” (Tr. 121).
    A retrovirus is any virus belonging to the retroviridae family of viruses, which are a family of
    single strand RNA viruses. DORLAND’S at 1636. A human endogenous retrovirus (“HERV”) is
    a retrovirus-like sequence found in the human genome and believed to be the remains of true
    retroviruses previously absorbed through evolution. Id. HERVs, which make up at least eight
    percent of the human genome, have been associated with several human diseases, including HIV
    infection, autoimmune diseases and malignancies. Derek Dube, et al., Genomic Flexibility of
    Human Endogenous Retrovirus Type K, 88 J. VIROLOGY 9673 (2014) [Resp. Ex. L4]. Human
    endogenous retrovirus type K (“HERV-K”) is the most recent family of HERVs to be
    incorporated into the human genome, integration having occurred as recently as 200,000 years
    ago. Id. In her expert reports, Dr. Deisher cites HERV-K fragments as a vaccine contaminant.
    See, e.g., Pet. Ex. 10 at 20-21; Pet. Ex. 76 at 5.
    According to Dr. Deisher, a change point indicates that “autism was rising at a lower rate in
    children” prior to the date of the change point, than after it. Pet. Ex. 26 at 8. For example, with
    regard to the change point in 1988, “this means that autism was rising at a lower rate in children
    born prior to 1988 than in children born after 1988.” Id.
    prevalence. The change points relevant to the United States are 1980.9, 1988.4, and 1996. 46 Dr.
    Deisher opines that these change points correspond to “the introduction of or increased doses of”
    the three vaccines manufactured using human DNA. Pet. Ex. 265 at 1. Dr. Deisher offers two
    broad causal mechanisms as to how these vaccines cause ASD: insertional mutagenesis and
    Petitioners’ theory of causation is discussed in two parts. Dr. Deisher’s change point
    research and the criticisms brought against it are discussed first, followed by a discussion of
    petitioners’ two causal mechanisms: insertional mutagenesis and autoimmunity.
    a. Dr. Deisher’s Change Point Study47
    The goal of Dr. Deisher’s change point study was to “investigate a previously
    overlooked, universally introduced environmental factor, fetal and retroviral contaminants in
    childhood vaccines, absent prior to change points in autistic disorder prevalence…and known
    pathologic mechanisms of action.” Pet. Ex. 265 at 1. Data was obtained from the United States,
    Australia, United Kingdom, and Denmark. Vaccines included MMR II, varicella and hepatitis
    A, given to children ages 19 to 35 months of age at the time of vaccination. Dr. Deisher
    identified birth year change points 1980.9, 1988.4 and 1996 for the United States (“U.S.”) data.
    In the United Kingdom, one change point, 1987, was identified. Change points of 1990.4, for
    Australia, and 1987.5 for Denmark were also identified. Dr. Deisher asserts that these change
    points “corresponded to introduction of or increased doses of human fetal cell line-manufactured
    vaccines.” Pet. Ex. 265 at 1. She opined that the change points were not due to other factors
    such as paternal age or to changes in diagnostic criteria due to revisions of the DSM. She
    concluded that “rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured
    utilizing human fetal cells.” 48 Id.
    Dr. Deisher referred to the second change point as occurring between “approximately 1988 to
    1989.” Tr. 67. Dr. Deisher’s valuation of the third change point is not entirely clear. She
    occasionally referred to this change point as occurring in 1995, but later, she testified that it
    occurred in 1996. Compare Tr. 67 with Tr. 817.
    Dr. Deisher’s change point study, “Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of
    autistic disorder after 1979,” was published in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology in
    2014. Theresa A. Deisher et al., Impact of Environmental Factors on the Prevalence of Autistic
    Disorders After 1979, 6 J. PUBLIC HEALTH & EPIDEMIOLOGY 9, 271 (. 2014) [Pet. Ex. 265].
    Follow-up articles were published in Issues in Law & Medicine at Mr. McHugh’s behest (Tr.
    227) in November of 2015. See Theresa Deisher & Ngoc Doan, Sociological Environmental
    Causes are Insufficient to Explain Autism Change Points of Incidence, 30 ISSUES IN LAW &
    MEDICINE 1, 25 (2015) [Pet Ex. 419]; and Theresa A. Deisher et al., Epidemiologic and
    Molecular Relationship Between Vaccine Manufacture and Autism Spectrum Disorder, 30
    ISSUES IN LAW & MEDICINE 47 (2015) [Pet Ex. 675].
    In an earlier draft of the study, Dr. Deisher is much more restrained and circumspect in stating
    the conclusions. She does not conclude that an increase in autism prevalence is related to
    Prior to Dr. Deisher’s study, in 2010, McDonald and Paul (“McDonald”) co-authored a
    study in which they calculated a change point in 1988-1989 associated with the increased
    incidence of AD. Pet. Ex. 27 at 2112. The purpose of their study was to identify one or more
    change points so as to focus the time frame required for researching possible environmental
    exposures associated with autism. Id. Using data from California and Denmark, McDonald
    identified a change point, or increase in the cumulative incidence of AD, occurring in 1987.5.
    Id. Based on a worldwide data set, the change point was estimated to be 1988.7. Id. The
    McDonald study, and the use of change points relative to researching environmental factors that
    may contribute to autism, provided a model and frame of reference for Dr. Deisher’s change
    point study. However, McDonald did not identify any environmental causes associated with
    their change point of 1988-1989. In fact, McDonald specifically stated that “studies on MMR
    vaccine…did not support a relationship with autism.” Pet. Ex. 27 at 2. Further, McDonald did
    not identify the additional two change points noted by Dr. Deisher for 1980.0 and 1996 (US). Id.
    No other researcher or publication has referenced the two additional change points found in
    Deisher’s study for 1980.9 and 1996. Tr. 236-37. Moreover, there is no evidence suggesting
    that any other researcher or publication has associated any autistic disorder change points as
    being associated with vaccines.
    Like the change point in McDonald, Dr. Deisher’s autism prevalence change points are
    reported based on birth year cohorts. Tr. 62. Data on autism prevalence are also typically
    reported by birth year, rather than the year symptoms become evident or the year of diagnosis,
    because children are diagnosed with autism at different stages of life. Id. Dr. Deisher “focused
    on autistic disorder…the more severe form of autism,” because of its “relatively constant
    diagnostic criteria over the past [five] decades.” 49 Id. at 48-49. Dr. Deisher used the print dates
    for DSM editions, and its revisions, to “indicate the rapidity with which changes in diagnostic
    criteria were disseminated to the professional community.” Id. Autistic disorder data was
    obtained from a number of sources, including the California Department of Developmental
    Services and Individuals with Disabilities Educations Act program. Birth data were obtained
    from the CDC, the U.S. Census Bureau and similar agencies. 50 Linear regression and R
    statistical software were used for analysis. Id. at 75.
    vaccines. Instead she states, “our results…place emphasis on identifying environmental or other
    factors that are temporally associated with specific AD [birth year] change points of 1981, 1988,
    and 1996. Further research on other environmental factors is clearly warranted.” Pet. Ex. 26 at
    The terms “autism” and “autism spectrum disorder” are used interchangeably to refer to the
    entire group of disorders within the broad PDD category. The specific term “autistic disorder,”
    (“AD”) on the other hand, refers to the subcategory of PDD, consistent with Dr. Deisher’s use
    described above.
    For a full discussion of methodology and data sources, see Pet. Ex. 265 at 2.
    Vaccines manufactured from human cell lines referenced in Dr. Deisher’s study included
    Meruvax (Rubella), the rubella component of MMR II,51 and HAVRIX (hepatitis A). Meruvax
    and MMR II are manufactured using fetal cell line WI-38 and were approved for use in 1979.
    Pet. Ex. 265 at 9; Pet. Ex. 30. Varivax vaccine is manufactured using fetal cell line MRC-5, and
    was licensed for use in 1995. Pet. Ex. 265 at 9. Havrix is also manufactured using cell line
    MRC-5, and while it was initially approved for use in 1995, it was not made part of the
    immunization schedule for children at that time. Pet. Ex. 29 at 3. In 2005, it was included in the
    childhood immunization schedule for children 12 months and older. Id. Each of these vaccines
    contain residual DNA from the cell lines used for their production. Safety guidance published by
    the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Food and Drug Administration, and
    Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research specified that residual DNA from “widely used
    human diploid cell strains, such as MRC-5 and WI-38 cells,” did not present a safety concern.
    Pet. Ex. 90 at 42.
    The graph below 52 represents a summary of Dr. Deisher’s data on AD prevalence in the
    United States among children born between 1975 and 2002. Tr. 66. The x-axis represents birth
    years from 1970 to 2005; the y-axis represents the prevalence of ASD per 10,000 children. Pet.
    Ex. 76 at 14, fig. 1. The arrows show the change points and the vaccine(s) or vaccine event
    associated with each change point which Dr. Deisher opines are associated with an increase in
    AD prevalence. 53
    The MMR vaccine was licensed for use in the United States in 1971, and MMR II vaccine was
    licensed for use in 1979. Dr. Halsey explained that MMR was renamed MMR II in 1979
    because the rubella portion was changed from strain HPV 77, which was not manufactured using
    human cell lines, to RA27/3, which was manufactured using human cell lines. Resp. Ex. L at 4-
    5. Dr. Halsey further explained that after 1979, RA27/3 was the only strain of rubella
    manufactured in MMR vaccines in the United States. Id. Presumably only MMR II was
    available after 1981-1982. According to Dr. Deisher, however, the shelf life of the earlier HPV
    77-containing MMR was two years, suggesting that uptake of the MMR II vaccine would not
    have been immediate. Tr. 60-61. This assertion factors into her analysis associating a 1980.9
    change point to the introduction of the MMR II vaccine. The Proquad vaccine, which was first
    licensed for use in 2005, also contains the RA27/3 strain of the rubella vaccine. Resp. Ex L at 4;
    see also Food and Drug Administration, CBER Clinical Review of Studies Submitted in Support
    of Licensure of Proquad, available at
    https://www.fda.gov/downloads/BiologicsBloodVaccines/vaccines/.../ucm123800.pdf (2005)
    (last visited August 30, 2017).
    Reproduced from “Human Fetal DNA and Retrovirus Contaminants in Vaccines Coincide
    with Autism Change points.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 14, fig. 1. These vaccines include MMR II, polio,
    varicella, and hepatitis A.
    “Chickenpox” in this graph refers to the varicella vaccine, Varivax.
    The first change point is approximately 1980, which Dr. Deisher attributes to the 1979
    approval of Meruvax and MMR II. See Pet. Ex. 265 at 6. The second change point occurs in
    “approximately 1988,” which Dr. Deisher attributes to three events. First, a polio vaccination
    manufactured in human cell lines, Poliovax, was released in 1987. Second, the CDC and
    Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (“ACIP”) recommended a second dose, or
    “booster,” of the MMR II vaccination for children. Id. at 7. The third event was an MMR II
    compliance campaign. 54 Pet. Ex. 265 at 7; Tr. 68, 824.
    The third change point occurs in 1995, which Dr. Deisher associates with the introduction
    of the varicella vaccine, Varivax, which was licensed by the FDA and recommended for routine
    use in 1995. Pet. Ex. 265 at 7. Rather than leveling off, however, as would be expected over
    time, autism rates continued to increase after birth year 1998, 55 which Dr. Deisher attributes to
    A measles outbreak led to an MMR II compliance campaign, which according to Dr. Deisher,
    “increased compliance” from ≤62.2 to 82percent between birth years 1987 and 1989. Tr. 68;
    Pet. Ex. 10 at 17. CDC data, however, show slightly different numbers. MMR vaccine coverage
    in the U.S. was 61.2percent in 1985 and increased to 82percent in 1991. Pet. Ex. 35 at 2. “No
    national coverage data [for the MMR vaccine] were collected from 1986 through 1990,” so it is
    not possible to confirm Dr. Deisher’s numbers. Id.
    Vaccine coverage was not uniform and immunization levels of pre-school age children were
    often low. The “increased incidence of measles in preschoolers living in densely populated
    urban areas reflect[ed] low vaccination levels in these populations” (relevant to 1988 to 1989).
    Pet. Ex. 66 at 2. “[I]mmunization levels in some inner cities [were] as low as 49percent in
    children [two] years of age.” Id.
    Dr. Deisher agrees that, from birth year 1998 forward, sociological factors could explain the
    continued increase in prevalence after the uptake of varicella leveled off. These sociological
    the approval and introduction of the hepatitis A vaccine, Havrix. Havrix was approved in 1995,
    but was not included in the schedule of vaccines recommended for use until 1999 and later. 56 In
    2005, it was recommended for children 12 months and older. Id.
    i. Limitations and Criticism of Dr. Deisher’s Change Point Analysis
    There are a number of limitations to Dr. Deisher’s study which call into question her
    conclusion that rising rates of AD are “directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human
    fetal cells.” To be fair, Dr. Deisher acknowledges several shortcomings of her study. In an
    earlier draft of the study, 57 she acknowledges that “the main shortcoming of our analysis stems
    from the original autism prevalence or incidence data: the diagnosis of autism is behaviorally
    based and there are currently no biomarkers available to validate diagnosis.” Pet. Ex. 26 at 19.
    She also recognizes that AD reporting systems may have contributed to “erroneous diagnoses.”
    Pet. Ex. 265 at 12; see also Pet. Ex. 419 at 3. Respondent’s experts also identified a number of
    weaknesses of the study, including the ecological study design, the reliance on faulty
    assumptions, and the study’s overreaching conclusions. Resp. Ex. J at 1.
    Dr. Deisher’s change point study does not present reliable evidence of vaccine-caused
    AD. First, as best explained by Dr. Fallin, the study design, even if perfectly executed, does not
    allow for an inference of causation. Second, there are concerns about the accuracy of the
    underlying data. Third, Dr. Deisher assumes that vaccines containing residual human DNA
    fragments, rather than other sociologic or environmental factors, are causing an increase in AD.
    Fourth, the statistical software used in the study may have been a poor fit for the data analysis.
    These criticisms are more fully discussed below.
    1. Ecological Study Design
    Dr. Deisher’s change point study uses an ecological study design. The goal of an
    ecological study58 is to identify differences between groups that may explain the outcomes or
    factors include: (1) funding for special education approved in 1995; (2) awareness due to
    availability of the internet; and (3) an increase in scientific publications. Pet Ex. 61 at 12-13.
    Dr. Deisher states that in 1999, 17 states recommended the hepatitis A vaccine for children
    two years and older. In 2005, the ACIP recommended it for children 12 months and older.
    Compliance was not uniform, and public tracking data for the vaccine was not available until
    2006. See Pet. Ex. 265 at 7.
    Marissa LaMadrid, et al., U.S. Autistic Disorder (1970-2002) Change Points Do Not Coincide
    with Change Points for Suspected Sociologic and Environmental Causes, unpublished
    manuscript on file with John Wiley & Sons (Mar. 16, 2011) [Pet. Ex. 26].
    An ecological study is a type of observational epidemiologic study which analyzes exposure
    and disease data at a population, rather than at an individual level. Federal Judicial Center, REF.
    risk of illness or disease seen in the groups. Federal Judicial Center, REFERENCE MANUAL ON
    SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE (“REF. MAN. SCI. EV.”) at 561 (3d ed. 2011). That is, ecological studies
    examine disease trends in a population and try to infer relationships based on the co-occurrence
    of trends. Tr. 667. One cannot, however, assume that the relationships seen in a population
    group are true or accurate at the individual level. Id. at 671. What may appear to be a cause and
    effect relationship at the aggregate level may be misleading when examined in individuals. Id.
    The name for this phenomenon is “ecological fallacy.” Id.
    Consider Dr. Fallin’s example of an ecological fallacy using the introduction of
    computers in the 1970s and 1980s. During this time frame, there was an increase in asthma. An
    ecological study could be designed to examine the frequency of computer use and the frequency
    of asthma. If data were gathered and plotted in a graph format, the study would likely show an
    association between computer use and an increase in asthma. Tr. 674. It would be erroneous,
    however, to assume that the use of computers caused an increase in the prevalence of asthma.
    This is because causation cannot by shown by an ecological study, even if the study is perfectly
    executed. 59 Id. at 672, 696.
    Dr. Deisher’s change point study used “specific discrete time points based on [ ] trends
    for autism,” and “discrete time points based on [ ] trends in vaccine utilization,” to see if the
    numbers, or time frames, were the same. Tr. 697. The ecological fallacy is Dr. Deisher’s
    conclusion “that vaccines using fetal cell DNA are a cause of autism.” Id. at 695. Like the
    example concluding that computer use causes asthma because computer use is seen in
    relationship to an increase in asthma, the assumption that there is a causal relationship between
    vaccines and autism is an ecological fallacy.
    MAN. SCI. EV. at 556-57, 561 (3d ed. 2011). Ecological studies are designed to collect data from
    defined groups and compare it to other groups, with the objective of identifying and explaining
    their differences. Id. at 561. While ecologic studies are useful for identifying associations
    between exposure and disease, “they rarely provide definitive causal answers.” Id.; see also
    Resp. Ex. L15.
    Unlike ecological studies, randomized control trial studies are considered the “experimental
    gold standard” for measuring causal associations. Researchers randomly assign participants to
    different groups in order to measure disease exposure. Tr. 666. Control groups that are not
    exposed to disease are compared with those who are exposed. Id. 665-66. Observational
    epidemiology is another study design which allows researchers to observe a cohort of individuals
    over a certain period of time. Id. at 666. Case control studies identify those with a particular
    disease and compare them to an appropriate control group. Id. Case control studies are often
    considered retrospective studies, because individuals are recruited and evaluated for potential
    risk factors and causes after they have been identified as having the disease. Id. Cross-sectional
    studies look at exposure to a disease and the outcome over a certain period of time, taking a
    “cross-section” of the information. Id. at 667.
    2. Incidence and Prevalence Data
    Another significant problem with Dr. Deisher’s change point study derives from the
    inherent difficulty in accurately measuring the incidence 60 and prevalence 61 of AD data, birth
    data, population data, and the other data used in the study were collected from numerous
    sources. 62 It is “incredibly difficult” to calculate accurate and reliable data as to rates of AD for
    several reasons. Tr. 678. These reasons include changes in the diagnostic criteria, changes in
    disease reporting practices, changes in clinician and parental awareness of autism, and
    confounding factors 63 such as access to services and stigma, the decreasing age at diagnosis, and
    Incidence is defined as the number of new cases of disease that occur during a specific period
    of time. Tr. 665. For example, in a total group of 100 people, 10 have disease A. Over the next
    year, four more develop disease A. The incidence for the year is 4 people. Id.
    Prevalence is defined as the total count of people with the disease in a given period. Id. In the
    example above, prevalence is measured by adding the 10 who already have the disease with the
    four who developed it, for a total of 14 out of 100 who have disease A. See Tr. 665. When
    measuring prevalence, it is important to know not only how many total disease cases there are
    (i.e. the “numerator” of a prevalence measure) but also the total number of people in the
    population who are eligible to get the disease (i.e. the “denominator” of a prevalence measure).
    Resp. Ex. J at 4.
    “For the U.S., autistic disorder data were obtained from the California Department of
    Developmental Services (DDS) (McDonald 2010; Cavagnaro 2003; Schechter and Grether
    (2008) and from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) program website of the
    Department of Education (IDEA 2012). Live birth data were extracted from the CDC’s ‘Annual
    [R]eports of the Vital Statistics of the United States, (Centers of [sic] Disease Control and
    Prevention 2012a; Centers of [sic] Disease Control and Prevention 2012b) and birth year autistic
    disorder prevalence per 10,000 was then calculated. Male population data were obtained from
    the U.S. Census Bureau website (U.S. Census Bureau 2012a) for data prior to 2000 and the ‘fact
    finder’ website for data after 2000 (U.S. Census Bureau 2012b). Birth rates by age of father
    were obtained from the National Vital Statistics Reports: ‘Birth Final Data’ (Centers of [sic]
    Disease Control and Prevention 2012). Varicella and hepatitis A immunization coverage for
    children 19 to 35 months of age was obtained from the CDC National Immunization Survey
    (“NIS”) (Centers of [sic] Disease Control and Prevention 2012).” Pet. Ex. 265 at 2.
    “Confounding occurs when another causal factor (the confounder) confuses the relationship
    between the agent of interest and the outcome of interest.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 591. For
    example, a study could find that individuals with gray hair have a higher rate of death than those
    with other hair colors. “Instead of hair color having an impact on death, the results might be
    explained by the confounding factor of old age …. Researchers must separate the relationship
    between gray hair and risk of death from that of [old] age and risk of death.” Id. Thus, when a
    relationship is found between a disease and a potential agent, it is important to recognize and
    eliminate confounding factors. Id.
    an increase in paternal age. All of these problems make it difficult to determine whether a true
    increase in AD has occurred, and if so, the amount of the increase. See id. at 679, 689. As stated
    by McDonald, “Distinguishing between whether the observed increases are real increases in the
    incidence of autism or simply an increase attributable to changes in reporting, clinical
    definitions, or the kinds of services offered continues to be a source of controversy. The impacts
    of these issues have been discussed extensively…but without definitive clarification of the
    overall reason for the increase.” Pet. Ex. 27 at 4.
    a. Changes in Diagnostic Criteria
    Over time, the name or label, as well as the diagnostic criteria, for the underlying
    construct that we now call autism has changed. Tr. 678-79. In particular, the diagnostic criteria
    set forth in the DSM, which is used to diagnose autism by psychiatrists and psychologists, have
    changed with successive revisions. Id. at 681.
    Since the original DSM was published in 1952, there have been six major revisions, the
    most recent in 2013. In her study, Dr. Deisher discusses five of the six revisions, including
    DSM-II (1968), DSM-III (1980), DSM-III-R (1987), DSM-IV (1994), and DSM-IV-TR (2000).
    Pet. Ex. 265 at 3, 6. Not addressed in Dr. Deisher’s study, the DSM-5 (2013) made further
    substantive changes to the diagnostic criteria for ASDs. Charles B. Nemeroff, et al., DSM-5: A
    Collection of Psychiatrist Views on the Changes, Controversies, and Future Directions, 11 BMC
    MEDICINE 202 (2013) [Resp. Ex. J31]. Dr. Deisher’s change point study encompasses the years
    1975 to 2002, spanning the DSM-II to the DSM-IV-TR.
    DSM-II included autistic behaviors under the diagnostic category of “schizophrenia,
    childhood type,” which was manifested by “autistic, atypical, and withdrawn behavior; failure to
    develop identity separate from the mother’s; and general unevenness, gross immaturity and
    inadequacy in development.” Onset was identified as “before puberty.” AM. PSYCHIATRIC
    1968). Significantly, in its third edition (1980), the DSM differentiated autism from
    schizophrenia and included a category for “infantile autism.” Diagnostic criteria for infantile
    autism required the following: onset before 30 months of age; pervasive lack of responsiveness
    to other people; gross deficits in language development; peculiar speech patterns (if speech is
    present); “bizarre” responses to various aspects of the environment; and absence of delusions,
    hallucinations, loosening of associations, and incoherence as in schizophrenia. AM.
    III”) 89-90 (3d ed. 1980).
    Under DSM-III-R (1987), the diagnostic criteria for autism – now listed as “autistic
    disorder” rather than “infantile autism” – were expanded significantly. Individuals were
    assessed using 16 criteria divided into three lettered categories. These categories related to: (a)
    “qualitative impairment in reciprocal social interaction,” (b) “qualitative impairment in verbal
    and nonverbal communication, and in imaginative activity,” and (c) a “markedly restricted
    repertoire of activities and interests.” To be considered autistic, a person would demonstrate
    eight of the listed criteria, with at least two impairments in reciprocal social interaction and
    communication and imaginative play (i.e., categories (a) and (b)) and at least one relating to a
    restricted repertoire of activities and interests (category c). DSM-III-R at 38-39. Specific
    criteria demonstrating impairment in reciprocal social interaction included marked lack of
    awareness of the existence or feelings of others; no or abnormal seeking of comfort at time of
    distress; no or impaired imitation; no or abnormal social play; and gross impairment in the ability
    to make peer friendships. Specific criteria demonstrating impairment in communication and
    imaginative play included having no mode of communication, such as babbling, facial
    expression, gesture, mime, or spoken language; markedly abnormal nonverbal communication;
    absence of imaginative activity; marked abnormalities in the form or content of speech; and
    marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain conversation with others. Specific criteria
    demonstrating a restricted repertoire of activities and interests included stereotyped body
    movements; persistent preoccupation with part of objects; marked distress over changes in trivial
    aspects of the environment; unreasonable insistence on following routines in precise detail; and a
    markedly restricted range of interests and a preoccupation with one narrow interest. An
    additional diagnostic category (d) called for onset prior to 36 months. AM. PSYCHIATRIC ASS’N,
    Under DSM-IV (1994), the three categories for autistic disorder were adjusted to the
    following numbered categories: (1) “qualitative impairment in social interaction;” (2)
    “qualitative impairments in communication;” and (3) “restricted repetitive and stereotyped
    patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.” Specific criteria demonstrating impairment in
    social interaction included marked impairment of the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors; failure
    to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level; a lack of spontaneous seeking
    to share enjoyment, interest, or achievements with others; and lack of social or emotional
    reciprocity. Specific criteria demonstrating impairments in communication included delay in, or
    total lack of, the development of spoken language; in individuals with adequate speech, marked
    impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain conversation with others; stereotyped and
    repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language; and lack of varied, spontaneous make-
    believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level. Specific criteria
    demonstrating restricted repetitive or stereotyped patterns of behavior included an encompassing
    preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal
    either in intensity or focus; apparently inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or
    rituals; stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms; and persistent preoccupation with parts of
    objects. To be considered autistic, an individual would demonstrate a total of six or more of
    these criteria, with at least two relating to impaired social interaction (category 1) and at least
    one each relating to impaired communication and restricted repetitive behavior (categories 2 and
    3) respectively. In addition to demonstrating these traits, additional criteria required delays or
    abnormal functioning prior to age 3 in at least one of the following categories: social interaction,
    language as used in social communication; or symbolic or imaginative play. Additionally, the
    DSM-IV distinguished autistic disorder from Rett syndrome and Childhood Disintegrative
    Disorder, requiring that “the disturbance is not better accounted for” by either of those
    DISORDERS (“DSM-IV”) 75 (4th ed. 1994). There were no changes to the above diagnostic
    MENTAL DISORDERS (“DSM-IV-TR”) 70-71 (4th ed. Text Revision 1994).
    In an attempt to discern whether changes in DSM diagnostic criteria accounted for the
    increase in incidence and prevalence of AD, Dr. Deisher studied the dissemination of DSM
    revisions after publication by analyzing the DSM’s printing dates. See Pet. Ex. 419 at 15, tbl. 4.
    By looking at these dates, Dr. Deisher attempted to gauge how quickly diagnosing professionals
    were using the DSM changes. Tr. 49. She then used these dates to predict expected birth year
    change points. Pet. Ex. 419 at 13. When her calculated change points for the DSM revisions did
    not correspond to her autistic disorder prevalence change points, Dr. Deisher concluded that the
    changes in the diagnostic criteria set forth in the DSM did not account for the increase in
    incidence and prevalence of AD. Tr. 50; see also Pet. Ex. 419 at 12-13. However, AD is a
    subjective diagnosis, and Dr. Deisher assumed that the newest diagnostic criteria are uniformly
    used by all diagnosing clinicians. Dr. Fallin explained that it is not possible to identify discrete
    dates corresponding to DSM revisions, because the uptake of the new criteria for AD across
    DSM revisions was not instantaneous or discrete. Tr. 712. Instead, the revised criteria are
    implemented by healthcare providers over time. Moreover, clinicians do not unanimously or
    uniformly follow the most recent DSM criteria when diagnosing AD. Id.
    As explained by McDonald, changes in the diagnostic criteria, and a “broadening of the
    definition of autism to PDD occurred during data collection relevant to the Danish and California
    data used for the study. Pet. Ex. 27 at 4. Even using only the diagnosis of autistic disorder,
    which has had fairly “consistent diagnostic criteria since about 1978” does not resolve the
    problem. A review of the California date from the 1990s to 2006 “suggests that changing
    diagnostic criteria may account for about a 2.2 fold higher cumulative incidence of autism,
    relative to the [seven]-fold increase observed over 11 birth cohorts.” Id.
    In addition to the changes and revisions to diagnostic criteria, there is the issue of how
    practitioners apply the criteria. Although autistic disorder has had relatively consistent criteria,
    “this does not necessarily mean that the diagnostic criteria have been consistently applied in
    practice over this time.” Pet. Ex. 27 at 4. Diagnostic practices are not only based on criteria
    from the DSM, but also on physician training, diagnostic tests, awareness, and the relationship
    between certain diagnoses and available services for particular diagnostic categories. Id. In her
    study, Dr. Deisher acknowledges that “[the] impact of DSM revisions on the diagnosis of autism
    depends on the significance of changes to diagnostic criteria and on the rapidity with which the
    DSM revisions are disseminated and applied.” Pet. Ex. 265 at 3. However, Dr. Fallin believes
    that Dr. Deisher did not accurately consider all of these factors and that nuances in diagnostic
    “classification rubrics” and training used by different professions (e.g., developmental
    psychologists versus pediatric neurologists) may also account for changes in diagnoses over
    time. Tr. 681-82.
    b. Reporting Practices
    Not only have diagnostic criteria changed over time, but so too have reporting practices,
    which affect how researchers count children who have autism. Tr. 682. Some countries, like
    Denmark, have a registry system which uses diagnostic reporting codes. Initially, Denmark
    reported and captured autism diagnoses only on inpatients. When Denmark began including
    outpatient data for children diagnosed with autism, the number of reported cases significantly
    increased. Id. at 683-84.
    Dr. Fallin cited a paper by Hansen et al., 64 in which the authors address how changes in
    Denmark’s reporting practices affected prevalence estimates. Resp. Ex. J12; Tr. 703. Hansen
    concluded that up to 42 percent of the increase in AD prevalence in Denmark in 1995 was due to
    the inclusion of outpatient data. Resp. Ex. J12 at 56. When including changes in diagnostic
    criteria and changes in reporting practices, the increase was 60 percent. Id. Hansen uses
    “sophisticated statistical methods to try to estimate the actual proportion of increase in autism
    prevalence [in Denmark] that could be attributed to this change … in reporting by including the
    outpatient data.” Tr. 703. Dr. Fallin cited Hansen’s paper as an example of why trend data like
    that presented in Dr. Deisher’s change point study must be used with hesitation. Id. at 703-04.
    One must question whether the data reflects an increase in the true prevalence of autism or
    changes in the reporting of diagnoses. Id.
    c. Access to Services and Stigma
    Lack of access to health and educational services may also affect autism prevalence data.
    Dr. Fallin explained that younger children, not yet in preschool or any other educational system,
    who have little or no access to healthcare, may not be reported. Tr. 686-87. Autism prevalence
    data are calculated in the United States through surveillance programs tied to children’s health
    and educational records. 65 Clinicians examine school and health records to determine whether
    children meet the criteria for ASD. Id. at 682. If a child with autism has not yet been diagnosed
    due to a lack of access to care, prevalence numbers are not accurate. Additionally, in settings or
    communities where there is a negative stigma attached to an autism diagnosis, families may not
    seek out care. Id. at 688.
    Dr. Deisher disagreed that lack of access to services impacts prevalence estimates. 66 She
    also disagreed that there was an increase in the diagnosis of autism due to an increase in federal
    Stefan Hansen et al., Explaining the Increase in the Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders:
    The Proportion Attributable to Changes in Reporting Practices, 169 JAMA PEDIATR. 56 (2015)
    [Resp. Ex. J12].
    Dr. Fallin explained that in the United States, access to services is connected to reporting
    practices because most of the data about ASD is collected from children enrolled in ASD
    services. Tr. 686.
    Dr. Deisher acknowledged a study that showed an increase in autism rates correlated to the
    approval of special services. Pet. Ex. 419 at 2. She addressed the issue of federal funds for
    special education in one of her papers and identified a change point of 1998.7 for federal
    funding, and thus rejected this as a factor influencing the increase in autism diagnoses. Pet. Ex.
    419 at 9.
    funding67 for special education, because federal funding for autistic children did not become
    available until 1995, and her change points precede that date. Tr. 52; Pet. Ex. 419 at 8.
    However, data may be “prone to diagnostic substitution” where certain diagnoses allow a
    child to receive administrative services. Pet. Ex. 27 at 4. For example, in “British Columbia
    [and] Canada, changes in the assignment of special education codes may account for at least one-
    third of the increase in autism prevalence from 1996 to 2004.” Id. While data from Canada were
    not used by Dr. Deisher, the issue remains. Diagnosis may be driven based on access to services.
    d. Physician and Parental Awareness of Autism
    Another factor that impacts prevalence is knowledge and awareness of autism. Tr. 684.
    Family advocacy efforts and social media have been instrumental in increasing parental and
    clinician awareness. Tr. 685. Increased parental and clinical awareness of autism impacts the
    number of children who are diagnosed; as awareness of the disease increases, previously
    undiagnosed children may now be diagnosed. See Tr. 51, 684-85.
    Dr. Deisher discounts the effect of parental awareness as it relates to the prevalence of
    autism. To measure parental awareness, she studied Yahoo chat group messages from 1990 to
    2008, totaling the number of messages sent about autism and the number of messages sent about
    children’s health generally for each year. Tr. 51; Pet. Ex. 419 at 4. She then compared the two
    numbers and calculated a change point that “follows all of the U.S. autism disorder change
    points.” Tr. 51. Dr. Deisher claimed that the autism chat group data mirrored the prevalence
    change points for 1980, 1988, and 1995. However, she acknowledged that Yahoo messaging
    was not available until 1994 and that the numbers of messages prior to 1998 were very small
    compared to the total. Pet. Ex. 419 at 4. Thus, her data do not account for the 1980 and 1988
    change points. Because the Internet was not available in 1980, the date of her first change point,
    it “cannot possibly have artificially elevated autistic disorder levels” at that time. Id. Dr.
    Deisher discounted other avenues for physician and parental awareness when she concluded that
    “rising autism levels were responsible for increased parental concern about autism.” Tr. 51-52.
    To address the issue of professional awareness of autism as a cause of increased
    prevalence, Dr. Deisher reviewed trends in the number of medical professionals qualified to
    diagnose autism. Pet. Ex. 419 at 3. Using data published by the U.S. Census Bureau, Dr.
    Deisher calculated the number of psychiatrists, neurologists, pediatricians, and clinical
    psychologists with office practices in the United States. Id. at 4. “The annual numbers of all
    professionals qualified to diagnose autism were then added and normalized to the annual U.S.
    population.” Id. (see also id. at 5, tbl. 1). Dr. Deisher reported that the number of physicians
    qualified to diagnose autism slightly decreased after the 1995 prevalence change point, and thus
    Dr. Deisher referenced the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) as federal
    law that provides educational funding for children with autism. She stated that the Act began
    providing funding for autistic disorder in 1992. Pet. Ex. 419 at 8.
    she concluded that an increase in physician awareness was not responsible for the increase in
    disease prevalence.68 Tr. 51-52.
    Dr. Fallin disagreed with Dr. Deisher’s conclusions and explained that increased
    awareness of AD could very well have impacted prevalence numbers. Tr. 684-85. Over the last
    several decades, awareness of AD has spread through various mediums. Id. at 684. Increased
    awareness of the disease has caused stigma to decrease, and thus parents are more likely to seek
    a diagnosis for their child. Id. at 688. If parents know that good services are available for their
    autistic children, there is an incentive to go to the doctor and get their child diagnosed so that the
    child can receive treatment. 69 Id.
    The findings in McDonald and other studies agree with Dr. Fallin that “wider awareness
    of autism, greater motivation of parents to seek services, and increased funding for services []
    may contribute to increasing cumulative AD incidence, but these factors [can] not be
    documented or quantified.” Pet. Ex. 27 at 4-5. With regard to data from North East London,
    researcher Lingam noted that the prevalence of autism increased from 1979 and then plateaued at
    1992. This suggests that the earlier increase was not a true increase in prevalence but was
    probably due to “factors such as increased recognition, [and] a greater willingness on the part of
    educationalists and families to accept the diagnostic label, and better recording systems.” Pet.
    Ex. 287 at1.
    e. Paternal Age
    Change or increase in the underlying risk factors for autism may also affect incidence.
    Evidence has established that paternal age is a risk factor for autism, and that children born to
    older fathers are more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder. Tr. 716-17. A Swedish study by
    Idring et al.70 used registry-based information to follow children based on birth year and identify
    those who developed autism. Id. The results demonstrated that children born to older fathers
    had an increased risk of developing ASD. Resp.’s Ex. J17 at 1.
    Dr. Deisher agrees that paternal age “provides an underlying risk,” but she does not
    believe it accounts for a rise in autism prevalence. Tr. 166. Her research, based on absolute
    Specifically, Dr. Deisher calculated a change point of 1997.4 for the number of autism-
    diagnosing professionals. Pet. Ex. 419 at 12, tbl. 2. Dr. Deisher also studied “the number of
    scientific publications referring to autism,” and calculated a change point of 1997.5, and thus,
    concluded that “sociological factors such as awareness of autism disorder among parents and
    professionals,” were not responsible for the increase in autism diagnoses. See Pet. Ex. 419 at 8.
    For example, the “increasing prevalence and incidence rates (in Denmark) during the 1990s
    may well be explained by changes in the registration procedures and more awareness of the
    disorders.” Resp. Ex. J24 at 1339.
    Selma Idring et al., Parental Age and the Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Findings from a
    Swedish Population-Based Cohort, 43 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY 107 (2014)
    [Resp. Ex. J17].
    numbers, shows that older fathers have just as many children today as they did back in 1960,
    when the prevalence of autism was lower. See Pet. Ex. 278 at 8, panel A. Although currently
    men may become fathers at a later age, statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau show that “older
    fathers had just as many absolute numbers of children back in the 1960s” as they do now. Tr.
    166. Dr. Deisher thus reasoned that “if older age was the trigger for autistic disorder, we would
    have seen equivalent numbers of children with autistic disorder who were born to older fathers
    back in the 1960s.” Id.
    Dr. Fallin disputes Dr. Deisher’s conclusion that paternal age has no impact on the
    increase in autism prevalence. Tr. 713. She further opined that whether paternal age is a
    contributor to the rise in autism prevalence is not a question that can be answered by the data
    provided in Dr. Deisher’s change point study. Id. at 714. Dr. Fallin explained that Dr. Deisher’s
    conclusions are not reliable because she relies on the absolute number of live births when she
    should be looking at proportions of children born to older fathers. Id. at 715. If, for example,
    200 total children were born in 1960, but only 10 were born to older dads, then the proportion of
    children born to older fathers would be five percent. Id. In 2016, if 100 total children are born
    and 10 are born to older dads, then the same absolute number (10) now gives way to a different
    proportion (10 percent). Id. Because the absolute number of live births is different today than in
    1960, Dr. Fallin opines that Dr. Deisher’s analysis is misleading. Id. at 716.
    f. Decreasing Age at Diagnosis
    The average age at diagnosis continues to decrease with the ongoing goal of early
    intervention. Tr. 686. This change affects prevalence data. For example, if you have 10 autistic
    children, only three may be diagnosed at age three. By age seven, however, all 10 children will
    have the autism diagnosis. Thus, reporting at age three versus age ten results in a different
    prevalence measure. 71 Id.
    The findings of McDonald and others agree with Dr. Fallin and have reported that
    “changes in diagnostic criteria and earlier age at diagnosis do contribute to some of the observed
    In “Sociological Environmental Causes are Insufficient to Explain Autism Change Points of
    Incidence,” Dr. Deisher did acknowledge a study which showed that as much as 12 percent of
    the increase in the California autism rate could be due to an earlier age at the time of diagnosis.
    Pet. Ex. 419 at 2 (referencing Irva Hertz-Picciotto & Lora Delwiche, The Rise in Autism and the
    Role of Age at Diagnosis, 20 EPIDEMIOLOGY 84 (2009)). Ultimately, however, she disclaimed
    any direct assessment of this factor, stating that “[b]ecause of the known difficulties with autism
    ascertainment, no attempt is made in this work to quantify these sociologic factors relative to
    autism trends.” Id. at 3. Instead, Dr. Deisher indicated that “[s]ociologic factors are represented
    by quantitative data such as the number of Yahoo groups discussing autism, the number of
    scientific publications referring to autism, and the number of professionals qualified to diagnose
    autism.” Id.
    increase in cumulative AD incidence in the California database for 1990-2006.” 72 Pet. Ex. 27 at
    Although research shows that more children have been diagnosed with autism in the last
    thirty years, all of the above factors make it difficult to determine whether there has been a true
    increase in prevalence, and if so, how to quantify that increase. Tr. 689. If Dr. Deisher’s
    prevalence numbers are not accurate, then her change points are also inaccurate.
    g. Vaccine Uptake and Change Points
    Even assuming that her autism prevalence data are accurate, Dr. Deisher’s assumptions
    regarding the availability and uptake of vaccines are equally problematic since vaccinations are
    not widely administered as soon as they become licensed by the FDA. 73 After a vaccine is
    approved by the FDA, the ACIP must decide whether to recommend its use. The
    recommendation is then reviewed by the CDC, after which the vaccine may be added to the
    official childhood immunization schedule.74 This process can cause a delay in the widespread
    use of the vaccine. 75 For example, Dr. Deisher assumed that the 1988 change point was
    attributable, in part, to the CDC’s recommendation that children between the ages of four and six
    receive a second dose of MMR. Tr. 458-59. Dr. Halsey testified that this recommendation was
    delayed, however, because the American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”) disagreed with the
    CDC and instead recommended a second dose of MMR for adolescents between 11 and 16 years
    old. Id. at 459. Dr. Halsey testified that the AAP’s advice was more widely followed and that
    the “vast majority” of children received the second dose of MMR at adolescence, years after they
    would have received an autism diagnosis. Id.
    With regard to the California data (1990-2006), the “changing age at diagnosis,” accounted for
    a 12 percent increase in autism incidence, while “inclusion of milder cases,” accounted for a 56
    percent increase.” Resp. Ex. J14 at 84.
    For the purposes of this decision, FDA licensure and approval are synonymous terms. For
    further information regarding the licensing of vaccines by the FDA, see Vaccine Product
    Approval Process, U.S. FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION, available at
    pplicationsBLAProcess/ucm133096.htm (last updated Aug. 24, 2015).
    The Journey of Your Child’s Vaccine, CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION,
    available at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/parents/infographics/journey-of-child-vaccine-
    text.html (last updated Dec. 28, 2015).
    Even though a vaccine is added to the immunization schedule, it may take years to achieve
    compliance. For 1967 and 1985, coverage for the MMR vaccine was only 60 percent and 61.2
    percent respectively. Pet. Ex. 35 at 2. Children ages two to four years old are “a weak link” in
    vaccine coverage because of the difficulty in targeting children before they are school-age. See
    Pet. Ex. 26 at 6. Preschoolers living in densely populated urban areas may have low vaccination
    levels. Pet. Ex. 66 at 2.
    As for Dr. Deisher’s third autism change point in 1995, Dr. Halsey testified that it bears
    no relevance to the use of the hepatitis A vaccine. 76 Dr. Deisher incorrectly assumed that the
    hepatitis A vaccination “could have affected autistic disorder rates for children born in 1997 or
    later….” Pet. Ex. 265 at 7. Dr. Halsey explained that although the hepatitis A vaccine was first
    approved in 1996, it was not widely administered until 2006, when the CDC approved it for use
    at age 12 months and older. Tr. 463-64; Resp.’s Ex L at 5. Thus, Dr. Deisher’s 1995 prevalence
    change point could not be associated with the hepatitis A vaccine because the vaccine was not
    widely used at that time. 77 Tr. 464.
    Similarly, there was a delay in the uptake of the varicella vaccine due to different
    recommendations by the AAP and the ACIP at the CDC, which also makes it irrelevant to Dr.
    Deisher’s change point study. Tr. 460. Although the AAP recommended administration of the
    vaccine in 1995, the ACIP did not recommend it for children until 1996, and uptake of the
    vaccine was slow. Id.; Resp.’s Ex L at 5 (illustrating the slow uptake of the varicella vaccine by
    year and showing a gradual increase).78 Dr. Halsey testified that one “would [not] see a change
    point in the diagnosis of autism in the same year that [the ACIP] make[s] the recommendation
    …. [I]f there were to be a causative association, which there isn’t, there would be a delay.” Tr.
    460. Because the uptake of the varicella vaccination was slow and AAP and ACIP
    recommendations were different, a change point associated with the varicella vaccine in 1995 is
    impossible. Id. at 461.
    3. Use of R Software
    In addition to challenging the change point study’s design and the assumptions upon which
    it is based, respondent’s experts also criticized Dr. Deisher’s use of the R software to calculate
    Dr. Deisher responds to Dr. Halsey’s criticism by stating that Dr. Halsey did not accurately
    read her study because her change point occurred in 1996, and not 1995. See Tr. 817. However,
    while describing her change point study during the hearing on March 7, 2016, Dr. Deisher
    testified that “the third change point is approximately 1995.” Id. at 67. Even if the relevant
    change point is 1996, this does not matter since hepatitis A vaccine was not widely used until
    Significantly, although Dr. Deisher postulated that “[b]ased on approval dates and
    recommendation dates, hepatitis A could have affected autistic disorder rates for children born in
    1997 or later,” she acknowledged that “there is no[] public data tracking vaccination rates prior
    to 2006.” Pet. Ex. 265 at 277.
    Dr. Halsey cited 2003, 2009, and 2015 data published by the CDC which estimated the
    coverage rate of the varicella vaccine. Resp. Ex. L at 5. “[I]n 1995, when the recommendation
    was made, there were no data on coverage, because … no children were really immunized. It
    took the manufacturer a while to get the vaccine out there.” Tr. 461.
    her change points. 79 Both Dr. Arking and Dr. Fallin opined that Dr. Deisher’s graphs do not
    accurately portray the data, calling into question the accuracy of the change points. Moreover,
    Dr. Deisher’s statistical analyses and graphs drawn using the R software are incorrect because
    the prevalence numbers upon which they are based are flawed, as described above.
    The R program used by Dr. Deisher is a statistical software package that is used to draw
    graphs and visualize data. If used incorrectly, it can yield incorrect results. Tr. 596, 98. Dr.
    Arking opined that the segmented line fitting package in the R software program used by Dr.
    Deisher did not yield accurate change point results because it was not appropriate for the type of
    data she analyzed. Tr. 598. The lines in Dr. Deisher’s graphs are drawn over data points that are
    all zero, causing Dr. Arking to question whether the data points were correctly calculated. Tr.
    596-97. 80 For example, in the figure entitled “Denmark, Autism Disorders, 1964-1995,”
    pictured below, data points from 1965 through 1980 are all zero value. Pet. Ex. 265 at 5. Dr.
    Arking explained that “[t]his is not how you analyze data that has lots of zeros,” and based on
    these concerns, Dr. Arking concluded that the graph is an incorrect application of the R program
    software. Tr. at 598.
    During the hearing on March 8, 2016, Ms. Ngoc Doan testified about her work on the change
    point study. Ms. Doan is employed by Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute as a research
    associate and was involved in the data collection process for Dr. Deisher’s research. Tr. 334-35.
    Her duties involved copying ASD prevalence data from government websites, published papers,
    and other publicly available sources and analyzing it with the R software. Id. at 335-36. She
    testified that she did not modify the data during the collection process and that Dr. Deisher
    validated the results in the R program. Id. at 337.
    Dr. Arking specifically criticized the bottom two graphs found at Pet. Ex. 265 at 4. Tr. 596.
    Dr. Arking also questioned the calculated slope for the lines in many of Dr. Deisher’s
    graphs because they contain lines that are above, rather than through, the middle of the data
    points. Tr. 596. For example, in the figure entitled “US Autism, 1973-2002, 8 and 19 Years
    Old,” pictured below, almost all of the data points between 1980 and 1990 are below the line of
    best fit. Tr. 597; Pet. Ex. 265 at 4. Similarly, the majority of the data points in the figure entitled
    “UK, Childhood Autism, 1979-1995, < 10 Years Old,” are also below Dr. Deisher’s line of best
    fit. Tr. 597. Dr. Arking opined that lines like those shown below are “a very poor fit,” and that
    the resulting change points are not reliable. Id. at 598 (referencing Pet. Ex. 265 at 5). There are
    better and more specific methods, including zero-inflated statistical models, which should be
    used to more accurately analyze this kind of data. Id.
    Dr. Fallin agreed with Dr. Arking that several of Dr. Deisher’s graphs did not appear to
    reflect a correct use of the R software program, specifically with respect to the appropriate use of
    a linear model. Tr. 705. For example, with regard to the figure above entitled “US Autism,
    1973-2002, 8 and 19 Years Old,” Dr. Fallin testified that an “exponential or curved model”
    would have been a better fit for the data because these data “do not overlap well with the line
    drawn on top of them,” meaning that the change points in the graph are likely inaccurate. Id. at
    707-08 (referencing Pet. Ex. 265 at 4).
    ii. Other Epidemiological Studies
    In contrast to Dr. Deisher’s ecological study, a number of well-designed observational
    studies 81 have tested and rejected Dr. Deisher's hypothesis that the MMR vaccination is causally
    An observational study is an analytic epidemiologic study in which the investigator “observes
    and assesses the strength of the relationship between an exposure and disease variable. Three
    types of observational studies include cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional
    studies.” Jae Song & Kevin Chung, Observational Studies: Cohort and Case Control Studies,
    associated with ASD. One of these studies, Jain et al.,82 is especially relevant to petitioners’
    theory, as Jain studied patients born in the United States between January 1, 2001, and December
    31, 2007, and the children in the study received the MMR II vaccination at issue in this case.
    Resp. Ex J18 at 1534; Resp. Ex. L at 4.
    Jain performed a retrospective cohort study on 95,727 children in the Optum Research
    Database, a database of privately insured individuals and Medicare patients across the United
    States. Resp. Ex. J18 at 1534. The purpose of the study was to determine whether siblings of
    children with ASD were at increased risk of developing autism due to the MMR vaccination.
    Research identified these children to be at increased risk for ASD due to the fact that they had a
    known sibling with ASD. Tr. 756-57. Siblings of children who have autism have a risk of one
    in five of developing autism, as compared with one in 68. Id. Despite being at an increased risk
    for autism, the authors concluded that “[r]eceipt of the MMR vaccine was not associated with the
    risk of ASD, regardless of whether older siblings had ASD.” Id.
    A large retrospective study of all children born in Denmark from 1991 through 1998 was
    done by Madsen, et al. 83 using Danish Registry data. In Denmark, children are assigned a civil
    registry number at birth, and their data are then input into the Danish Civil Registration System.
    Madsen obtained the children’s vaccination information from the National Board of Health and
    collected autism diagnosis information from another central registry. Resp. Ex. J26 at 1477. A
    total of 537,303 children were studied. Id. Of these, 440,655 received the MMR vaccine, and
    the remaining 96,648 did not. Id. The risk of autism was no different between the vaccinated
    and unvaccinated groups. The authors found "no association between [ ] age at the time of the
    vaccination, the time since vaccination, or the date of vaccination and the development of autistic
    disorder." Id. 84
    126 PLAST. RECONSTR. SURG. 2234 (2010).
    Anjali Jain et al., Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among U.S. Children With
    Older Siblings With and Without Autism, 
    313 JAMA 1534
     (2015) [Resp. Ex. J18].
    Kreesten Madsen et al., A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
    Vaccination and Autism, 347 N. ENG. J. MED. 1477 (2002) [Resp. Ex. J26].
    Dr. Deisher criticized the Madsen paper because the authors did not publish their raw data and
    because the immunization rate reported in the paper (82 percent) was lower than the rate which
    Dr. Deisher independently obtained from the Danish Board of Health's website (85.88
    percent). Tr. 154-56; 220. Dr. Fallin persuasively addressed both criticisms. First, she
    explained that Denmark is very strict about sharing data of its private citizens contained within
    its registries and does not allow the data to leave its system. 
    Id. 750-51
    . In order to access the
    data for research, one must be willing to travel to Denmark. 
    Id. at 751
    . As for Dr. Deisher's
    criticism of the discrepancy between the percentage of children vaccinated with MMR described
    in the study as compared with the numbers provided on the government website, Dr. Fallin
    explained that the difference was likely due to inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the study.
    The government website numbers may be slightly higher, as it would not exclude those children
    Other persuasive epidemiologic research has studied and rejected the MMR vaccine-
    autism causal association. In Taylor et al., 85 researchers studied whether the incidence of autism
    was associated with the introduction of the MMR vaccine in the United Kingdom in
    1988. Children diagnosed with autism who were born from 1979 through 1998 were identified
    and trends examined. Resp. Ex. J44 at 2026. As Special Master Hastings noted in Cedillo:
    The [Taylor] study took advantage of the fact that the MMR vaccine was first
    introduced in Britain in 1988, so that one could compare children born in earlier
    years who did not receive MMR vaccine with later-born children who did receive
    that vaccine. The study found that while there was a steady increase in autistic
    diagnoses throughout the study period, which was consistent with the world-wide
    pattern, the introduction of the MMR vaccine did not result in any significant
    “step-up” in that steady trend; one would have expected a clear “step-up” if the
    MMR vaccine were in fact contributing to autism in any significant way. 
    2009 WL 331968
    , at *85.
    The study did not support a causal association between the MMR vaccine and autism. 
    An impressive study was undertaken by The Cochrane Collaboration, a recognized world
    leader in performing systematic reviews of epidemiology and medical science studies, with the
    goal of providing a “summary conclusion” based on knowledge about MMR vaccine across
    different studies. Tr. 753. The authors, Demicheli et al., 86 reviewed 139 articles related to
    adverse events observed following MMR vaccination and identified 31 that met their strict
    criteria for review. Resp. Ex. J8 at 2. Based upon a review of the 31 articles, the authors
    concluded that MMR vaccination 87 was not likely to be associated with autism. Id.; see also Tr.
    Specifically, Dr. Deisher opines that fetal DNA in vaccines is the environmental trigger
    responsible for the “regressive” form of autism. Tr. 246. “There is no standard definition of
    what is meant by regression. When [it] is reported, parents recall the loss of a few words or
    that would have been excluded from the study due to death, or moving out of the country. 
    Id. at 751-52
    . For a more detailed explanation, see Dr. Fallin's complete discussion on this point at Tr.
    Brent Taylor et al., Autism and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine: No Epidemiological
    Evidence for a Causal Association, 353 LANCET 2026 (1999) [Resp. Ex. J44].
    Vittorio Demicheli et al., Vaccines for Measles, Mumps and Rubella in Children, Cochrane
    Database of Systematic Reviews, Wiley & Sons Publishing, Ltd. (2005) [Resp. Ex. J8].
    The 31 studies in Demicheli’s review included studies published as early as 1975 up until
    2004. Presumably, because MMR II was not introduced in the United States until 1979, some of
    these early studies assessed by Dimicheli et al. were based on the MMR vaccine, not MMR II.
    See Resp. Ex. J8 at 5.
    phrases acutely or over a period of time. Sometimes, the loss of language is accompanied by
    decreased social play or increased irritability.” Resp. Ex. L6 at 4; see also Cedillo, 
    2009 WL 331968
    , at *89. “Evidence from multiple centers indicates that regression does occur in
    approximately one third of children with autism.” Resp. Ex. L6 at 5. Although she believes her
    causal mechanism applies to the regressive form of autism, Dr. Deisher’s change point study
    does not apply only to regressive autism.
    Of note, in Cedillo, 
    2009 WL 331968
    , petitioners argued that epidemiologic studies were
    irrelevant because they did not distinguish between regressive and nonregressive autism. 
    Id. at *89
    . Special Master Hastings found as follows:
    It is true that most of the epidemiologic studies discussed [in Cedillo] generally
    did not make any distinction between regressive and nonregressive autism. Thus,
    it is arguable that those epidemiologic studies, while providing very strong
    evidence that the MMR vaccination has not played any significant role in the
    overall causation of autism, do not necessarily completely rule out the possibility
    that the MMR vaccine might play some role in causing the subset of autism
    known as regressive autism.
    But petitioners are wrong in contending that the epidemiologic studies are
    completely irrelevant. First, while those studies cannot completely rule out any
    possibility that the MMR vaccination might play some causative role in a subset
    of the overall autism cases, it seems … that the failure of so many studies to find
    any association between MMR vaccine and autism at least casts some doubt on
    the proposition that the MMR vaccine ever plays a role in causing any type of
    autism, including regressive autism.
    Id. at *89
     (emphasis in original).
    Moreover, several of the epidemiological studies cited in this case address the MMR
    vaccine and regressive and nonregressive autism. The researchers in Taylor questioned whether
    there was a potential causal association between MMR vaccination and age of autism onset.
    Resp. Ex. J44 at 2028. The study was performed on children with autism born in the United
    Kingdom since 1979. 
    Id. at 2026
    . A total of 498 children with autism were identified, and
    Taylor found no evidence of association between MMR vaccination status and age of autism
    Id. at 2028
    . Taylor noted, “Our results do not support the hypothesis that MMR
    vaccination is causally related to autism, either its initiation or to the onset of regression…” 
    Id. at 2029
    . And while the study did not “rule out the possibility of a rare idiosyncratic response to
    MMR …. [I]f such an association occurs, it is so rare that it could not be identified in this large
    regional sample.” 
    Fombonne also evaluated the relationship between the prevalence of PDD and MMR.
    Eric Fombonne et al., Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Montreal, Quebec, Canada:
    Prevalence and Links With Immunizations, 118 PEDIATRICS e139 (2006) [Resp. Ex. J9].
    Fombonne surveyed 27,749 children born between 1987 and 1998 in Montreal, Canada and
    found no association between PDD and one or two doses of MMR. 
     at e139-40. Although
    Fombonne’s data did not distinguish regressive versus nonregressive autism, the researchers
    noted that “the regressive phenotype of autism has not increased over time,” and stated that as a
    result, “our findings of a regular increase in PDD and autistic disorder prevalence while MMR
    vaccine uptake was decreasing during the study period are not consistent with any increase in the
    risk of PDD, regressive or not, that could be attributed to MMR.” 
     at e148.
    I thus adopt Special Master Hastings’ reasoning in Cedillo, 
    2009 WL 331968
    , where he
    In sum, it is true, as a statistical matter, that the epidemiologic studies detailed …
    above, while showing clearly that the MMR vaccination could not be causing any
    substantial portion of the cases of autism in general, do not completely rule out
    the possibility that the MMR vaccine might be associated with some small subset
    of autism, such as regressive autism. Nonetheless, the balance of evidence from
    those studies weighs against the petitioners’ causation theory. First, it is indeed
    an exceedingly slight point in the petitioners’ favor for them to claim that these
    many studies by different researchers in different countries have not completely
    ruled out the possibility of any merit to their causation claim. The larger point is
    that none of those many competent studies has yielded the slightest bit of
    evidence in the petitioners’ favor – and, of course, it is the petitioners’ burden to
    show that the MMR vaccine does likely cause autism, not the respondent’s burden
    to show that there is absolutely no possibility of a causal link.
    Second, in [ ] view [of] the failure of so many studies to find any association
    between MMR vaccine and autism, while not completely ruling out a possible
    causal role with respect to a subset of autism, at least casts considerable doubt
    upon the proposition that the MMR vaccine ever plays a role in causing any kind
    of autism, including regressive autism. 
    Id. at *89-90
     (emphasis in original).
    While no single study is definitive, when different scientifically reliable studies
    examining “the same exposure-disease relationship [ ] yield similar results,” particularly when
    the studies are performed in “different populations by different investigators,” the combined
    results are highly persuasive. REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 604. The studies cited specifically looked
    for evidence that the MMR vaccine caused or contributed to the etiology of autism and failed to
    find any evidence. As persuasively explained by respondent’s experts, there is an abundance of
    evidence showing no increased incidence of autism in children who have received vaccines as
    compared with controls who have not received vaccines. Tr. 432.
    b. Petitioners’ Theories Regarding the Mechanism of Causation
    Petitioners offer two mechanisms by which vaccines containing residual DNA fragments
    can cause ASDs. The first is insertional mutagenesis, whereby residual DNA fragments from the
    vaccines integrate into and transform host cells in the brain. Tr. 82. The second is based on the
    theory of autoimmunity: a child develops antibodies to fetal DNA, which then causes the child’s
    body to attack the self.88 
    Id. at 112-13
    . Dr. Deisher testified that it is not possible “to clinically
    distinguish between AD caused by DNA contamination [and] [AD] caused by something else,”
    and that “[t]he clinical symptoms would be similar.” 
    Id. at 248
    i. Insertional Mutagenesis 89
    Insertional mutagenesis in a “mutation caused by insertion of new genetic material into a
    (2012). The issue of insertional mutagenesis related to residual DNA in viral vaccines is not
    new. See generally, Pet. Ex. 350. Studies have shown, however, that integration of residual
    DNA is unlikely. 90 
    Id. at 16
    As posited by Dr. Deisher, insertional mutagenesisin the context of this case occurs when
    DNA is integrated into a host cell and causes a genetic mutation that is associated with an autism
    phenotype. Tr. 82; 100. Dr. Deisher explores four potential ways that insertional mutagenesis
    could occur. First, she posits that insertional mutagenesis could occur if fetal DNA fragments
    are integrated into hematopoietic stem cells. 91 Second, insertional mutagenesis could result from
    In her initial expert report, Dr. Deisher stated that markers of oxidative stress have been found
    in the brains of children with ASD. See Pet. Ex. 10 at 4. Presumably, Dr. Deisher posits a
    causal theory related to oxidative stress. However, this theory was not further developed and so
    it is not entirely clear what Dr. Deisher meant by the statement. The theory of oxidative stress as
    it relates to autism has previously been adjudicated and rejected. See King, 
    2010 WL 892296
    , at
    *24. I find the reasoning of King persuasive on the theory of oxidative stress and adopt its
    reasoning and conclusions herein.
    Mutagenesis is “the induction of genetic mutation.” DORLAND’S at 1213.
    “Ledwith and colleagues demonstrated in a rodent model that integration of a plasmid DNA
    vaccine occurred at a very low efficiency,” confirming that DNA integration was unlikely to be a
    safety concern. Pet. Ex. 350 at 17 (internal citations omitted). The more germane safety concern
    was whether DNA integration could cause infection or “induce oncogenicity,” so as to cause
    tumors, not autism. Additional studies were done which showed that even using a “plasmid
    containing a strong promoter failed to induce tumors” in mice. 
     As for MRC-5 and WI-38
    cell lines, these are not tumor-derived cell lines, nor are they tumorigenic, that is, capable of
    forming tumors in animal studies. See Pet. Ex. 350 at 4-5, 17. The vaccines at issue here were
    made in “human diploid cell lines (MRC-5 and WI-38), established from cells isolated from
    healthy tissues.” 
    Id. at 4
    . Thus, the risks associated with vaccines made in tumor-derived or
    tumorigenic cell lines do not apply to the cell lines at issue here. As for the risk of infection,
    petitioners do not provide evidence that MRC-5 and WI-38 cell lines are associated with
    infection, or that infection caused by these cell lines is associated with autism. To the extent
    that the exhibits filed in this case relate to other types of cell lines or other types of vaccines, they
    are not relevant to petitioners’ theories of causation.
    Hematopoietic stem cells are “blood cell progenitors that …. have the capacity for replication
    particles of human endogenous retrovirus K fragments that become reactivated. Third, fetal
    DNA fragments could be transported to the brain by microvesicles, where insertional
    mutagenesis would then take place. Finally, Dr. Deisher postulates that fetal DNA fragments
    found in vaccines could be transported to the nervous system via retrograde transport. Dr.
    Deisher concedes that she does not “know the exact mechanism of action,” but she opines that
    “all of these mechanisms are possible ...” Tr. 137. Once transported to the brain, the fetal DNA
    could potentially insert in “any cell within the brain … resulting in a mutation.” Tr. 258.
    1. Human Endogenous Retrovirus Strain K 92
    Retroviruses are a family of viruses whose genomes consist of single-stranded RNA. 93
    Human endogenous retroviruses (“HERVs”)94 are “retrovirus like sequences found in the human
    genome, thought to constitute the remains of true retroviruses that were absorbed through
    evolution.” 95 Retroviruses are “generally inactive,” and are considered “to be innocuous.” Pet.
    and differentiation and give rise to precursors of various blood cell lines…” DORLAND’S at 318.
    Dr. Deisher cites a number of articles about HERV-K and retroviruses, but they are not all
    discussed here, as they do not provide preponderant evidence to support her theory. In addition
    to her theory that HERV-K retrovirus fragments may play some role in the insertion of residual
    DNA from vaccines, Dr. Deisher seems to suggest that HERV-K fragments themselves,
    independent of the residual DNA central to her theory, may cause autism. This aspect of her
    theory is not very clear, but for purposes of this decision, I have assumed this idea to be an
    additional theory. For example, Dewannieux questions whether in vitro “recombinations among
    … HERV-K loci…can generate functional HERV-K elements,” which may have the potential to
    produce infectious retroviruses. Marie Dewannieux, Identification of an Infectious Progenitor
    for the Multiple-Copy HERV-K Human Endogenous Retroelements, 16 GENOME RESEARCH
    1548 (2015) [Pet. Ex. 104]. This seems unlikely because “as a general rule, these [HERV-K]
    elements tend to be silenced in the cells…” Id.; see also, Pet. Ex. 105. Additionally,
    Dewannieux questions whether “endogenous retroviruses could contaminate the vaccine virus
    and be injected together with the vaccine…[which] could result in [ ] infection….” Pet. Ex. 105
    at 4. Assuming that this idea that HERV-K fragments may cause infection is one of the
    potential theories of causation posited by Dr. Deisher, I do not find this to be a viable theory, as
    petitioners have provided no evidence to suggest that infection caused by a HERV-K retrovirus
    can cause ASD.
    DORLAND’S at 1636.
    “Nearly eight percent of the human genome is composed of sequences of retroviral origin.”
    Pet. Ex. 104 at 1548. The HERV-K family includes “endogenous retroviruses, most of which []
    integrated into the genome [more than] five million years ago.” Pet. Ex. 104 at 1548. These
    retroviruses are thought to be the “remnants of ancestral infections of primates.” 
    numerous studies on HERV-K viruses, researchers failed to produce a “functional provirus
    capable of producing infectious particles.” 
    Ex. 76 at 14. HERV strain K (“HERV-K”) is a type of inactive retrovirus found in most
    humans. Pet. Ex. 76 at 14.
    Dr. Deisher testified that fragments of HERV-K have been found in vaccines
    manufactured using human fetal cell lines. Tr. 271; Pet. Ex. 76 at 15 (referencing Pet. Ex. 98 96);
    see also Pet. Ex. 43 at 10. She hypothesizes that these fragments may “carry” DNA from a
    vaccine into the host cell, triggering gene insertion or neuro-inflammation, causing ASD. Tr.
    181, 271-272; Pet. Ex. 76 at 14, 15. Dr. Deisher hypothesizes that only a fragment of the
    retrovirus is needed to “carry” residual DNA from the vaccine into the host cell. Tr. 272.
    Reactivation 97 of the HERV-K retrovirus “may be relevant,” but not necessary. 
    More specifically, or perhaps in the alternative, Dr. Deisher opines that HERV-K
    fragments in vaccines “code[] for the integrase or the envelope protein,” which “induces gene
    insertion or neuro-inflammation.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 15 (internal citations omitted). She posits that
    HERV-K fragments act as an “integrase[],” 98 citing a study examining the biology of HERV-K
    published by Kitamura et al.99 Pet. Ex. 76 at 15; Pet. Ex. 103 at 3302. However, the findings
    stated in Kitamura were quite limited. “Possibly, HERV 100 is one of the agents involved in
    DORLAND’S at 1636.
    Joseph Victoria et al., Viral Nucleic Acids in Live-Attenuated Vaccines: Detection of Minority
    Variants and an Adventitious Virus, 84 J. VIROL. 6033-40 (2010) [Pet. Ex. 98]. The authors
    conclude that the vaccines at issue are safe and effective and raise no safety concerns associated
    with the finding of HERV-K in vaccines. 
    Id. at 6039
    During the latency phase of a viral life cycle, the virus does not replicate. “Reactivation is the
    process by which a latent virus switches to a lytic phase of replication. Reactivation may be
    provoked by a combination of external and/or internal cellular stimuli.” C.M. Traylen et al.,
    Virus Reactivation: A Panoramic View in Human Infections, 6 FUTURE VIROL. 451 (2011).
    An integrase is a retroviral enzyme that binds to the genetic material of a virus and inserts it
    into a host cell chromosome. Stephen Hare et al., Retroviral Intasome Assembly and Inhibition
    of DNA Strand Transfer, 464 NATURE 232 (2010).
    Yoshihoro Kitamura et al., Human Endogenous Retrovirus K10 Encodes a Functional
    Integrase, 70 J. VIROL. 3302 (1996) [Pet. Ex 103].
    In Kitamura, the authors appear to use the acronyms HERV and HERV-K interchangeably.
    The experiment reported in the article, however, dealt with HERVIN, a HERV-K10 integrase
    fusion protein. “To examine the biological activity of HERV-K, we have cloned an HERV-K10
    DNA fragment encoding putative integrase and expressed it as a fusion protein in E coli. This
    report describes the expression and characterization of the HERV-K10 integrase (“HERVIN”)
    fusion protein.” Pet. Ex. 103 at 3302.
    pathogenesis of seminomas 101 and immunological disorders…” Pet. Ex. 103 at 3306. The
    authors in Kitamura do not conclude that HERV-K fragments induce gene insertion. Instead,
    they state that “whether HERV can …trigger insertional mutagenesis and whether HERV can be
    activated to replicate in human cells remain[s] to be investigated.” 
     The Kitamura study did
    not involve residual DNA fragments from vaccines, and the authors did not conclude that
    HERV-K could trigger insertional mutagenesis.
    Evidence cited by Dr. Deisher in support of her theory that HERV-K fragments are
    involved in the etiology of autism included the report that HERV retroviruses (HERVs E, H, K,
    and W) have been found in the peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes 102 of patients with
    autism. Pet. Ex. 76 at 15. Dr. Deisher cites an article by Balestrieri et al. 103 in support of this
    alleged evidence. However, this study does not support Dr. Deisher’s claim. While the authors
    found that HERVs H and W were elevated in children with autism, HERV-K levels were
    approximately equal in both the group of children with ASD and the healthy control group. Pet.
    Ex. 110 at 1. Thus, Dr. Deisher’s cite to Balestrieri is erroneous and misleading.
    Respondent’s expert, Dr. Halsey, provided context for the finding of HERV-K fragments
    in vaccines. He explained that retroviruses comprise approximately eight percent of the human
    genome. Tr. 481; see also Resp. Ex. L17. 104 Retroviruses have been integrated into the human
    genome, passed down from one generation to the next. Tr. 480. The HERV-K fragments found
    in the vaccines are already present in all of our genomes. 
    Id. at 481
    . These fragments are not a
    new addition to the human genome, and therefore, their introduction into the body by a vaccine
    would not constitute a novel environmental factor. Dr. Halsey emphasized that Dr. Deisher
    provides no evidence to support her hypothesis that HERV-K plays a role in the etiology of
    autism, and she overstated and misinterpreted the literature. Resp. Ex. L at 3. Moreover, studies
    have examined the question of whether retroviruses play a role in various diseases, but to date, a
    causal relationship has never been established, and they may even play a beneficial role. Resp.
    Ex. L at 3; Resp. Ex. L17; see also Pet. Ex. 78.
    Ultimately, Dr. Deisher conceded that current studies regarding HERV-K retroviruses are
    “observational” in nature and that the role of these retroviruses in causing disease “is not
    known.” Tr. 182. In summary, petitioners provide no evidence to show that HERV-K
    Seminomas are malignant tumors of the testes. DORLAND’S at 1690.
    Leukocytes are white blood cells. DORLAND’S at 1028.
    Emanuela Balestrieri et al., HERVs Expression in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7 PLOS ONE
    1-10 (2012) [Pet. Ex. 110].
    Katja Schmitt et al., HERV-K (HML-2) rec and np9 Transcripts not Restricted to Disease but
    Present in Many Normal Human Tissues, 6 MOBILE DNA 1-13 (2015) [Resp. Ex. L17; Pet. Ex.
    fragments, either through insertional mutagenesis or some other process, play any role in the
    etiology of ASD.
    2. Retrograde Transport
    Another causation scenario proposed by Dr. Deisher involves retrograde transport. Dr.
    Deisher used an example of retrograde transport in the giant squid, where the phenomenon was
    first studied. Nerve terminals in the giant axon of squid 105 pick up substances that are then
    transported into cells in the central nervous system. Tr. 103-04. According to Dr. Deisher, nerve
    cells send out axons, 106 “long projections that make[] contact with … the periphery to send
    signals from the brain to the periphery….” Tr. 103. Those axons can also carry information
    back up into the brain. 
     The advantage of this mechanism, as compared to Dr. Deisher’s other
    theories, is that DNA fragments do not have to cross the blood-brain barrier, (“BBB”) 107 because
    retrograde transport bypasses the BBB. 
    Id. at 248-49
    Dr. Deisher hypothesizes that “DNA fragments injected into the muscle [via vaccination]
    could be picked up by the terminals of axons and transported …back up to the cell body of the
    nerve and the central nervous system (“CNS”).” Tr. 104. Once there, the DNA could insert into
    the genome 108 of cells in the CNS. 
     According to Dr. Deisher, insertion of the residual DNA
    fragments into the cell “could result in … mutations in the brain cells.” Id.; see also Pet. Ex. 76
    at 33-34.
    A giant axon is “an axon of certain invertebrates, e.g., the squid, whose size (500 to 700
    microns) has facilitated physiological studies of cell membrane excitation.” DORLAND’S at 187.
    An axon is “the [prominence] of a neuron by which [nerve] impulses travel away from the
    cell body[.]” DORLAND’S at 186.
    The BBB is defined as “the barrier system separating the blood from the parenchyma of the
    [CNS].” DORLAND’S at 201. Ghadge et al. state that the blood-brain barrier is “a capillary or
    barrier that allows relatively little transport of blood-borne molecules.” Pet. Ex. 226 at 132.
    Wang et al. note, “The existence of the blood-brain barrier precludes a vascular route of
    transgene delivery to the CNS.” Pet. Ex. 217 at 658. Dr. Deisher proposes at least two other
    methods whereby DNA fragments could cross the BBB. First, she suggests that a pre-existing
    illness could “predispose a child for diminished blood brain barrier competence,” allowing
    transport of DNA fragments into the brain. Pet. Ex. 76 at 37-37, 40. Second, Dr. Deisher stated
    that an immune response elicited due to vaccinations, along “with its concomitant physiological
    changes and cytokine expression, [is] known to increase permeability across the [BBB].” 
    Id. at 49-40
    . Petitioners provide no evidence that either method could account for how residual DNA
    from vaccines cross the BBB to reach the brain and cause ASD.
    The genome is “the entirety of the genetic information encoded by the nucleotide sequence of
    an organism, cell, organelle, or virus …. In a human being, the genome size is approximately
    [three] billion base pairs of DNA and approximately 25,000 genes.” DORLAND’S at 771.
    Petitioners cite a number of studies for the proposition that retrograde transport could
    deliver DNA fragments to brain cells. Generally, the purpose of these studies is to investigate
    the potential for gene therapy, or delivery of genes to the CNS for treatment of disease. None of
    these studies address DNA fragments from vaccines or ASD. For example, Wang et al. 109
    studied retrograde axon transport in rats and mice. The animals were injected with DNA and
    were later found to have gene expression of that DNA in their brain tissue. Pet. Ex. 76 at 39
    (referencing Pet. Ex. 217 at 658). Specifically, the tongue was injected with “plasmid DNA
    complexed with the cationic polymer polyethylenimine (“PEI”)….” Pet. Ex. 217 at 658. PEI is
    a non-viral vector which can be “internalized by nerve endings and retrogradely transported from
    the periphery into neuronal cell bodies in the CNS.” 
     The purpose of the study was to
    determine whether an intramuscular injection of PEI could be used to “achieve gene transfer in
    the CNS.” 
    Id. at 659
    . Wang concluded that “PEI/DNA complexes can migrate by retrograde
    axonal transport to neuronal cell bodies after being internalized by nerve terminals in the
    Id. at 663
    . The study “confirmed the feasibility of nonviral gene delivery to the CNS
    via peripheral injectional sites.” 
    Principally, the goal of the Wang study was to measure the effectiveness of PEI, a
    polymer known for its transfection 110 efficiency, for use in gene therapy. Pet. Ex. 217 at 659.
    Wang found that “[n]aked DNA, as well as PEI alone, produced no ... activity in the brain
    Id. at 660
    The findings in Wang do not translate to this case for several reasons. First, in the Wang
    experiment, DNA fragments were not used. Instead, DNA was joined with the polymer PEI to
    form PEI/DNA complexes to facilitate uptake. Dr. Deisher provided no evidence to suggest that
    the residual DNA in vaccines is like the PEI/DNA complexes. Secondly, the PEI/DNA complex
    was injected into tongue muscle, which is part of the rat’s hypoglossal nerve system. “Motor
    neurons of the hypoglossal nucleus in the brain stem innervate tongue muscles.” Ex. 217 at 660.
    Thus, there was a known nerve pathway from the brain stem via the hypoglossal nerve into the
    tongue. Petitioners provide no evidence of a similar nerve pathway from a child’s brain to the
    muscle where a vaccine is administered. Third, in Wang, “naked” DNA, or DNA that was not
    joined with the polymer, did not produce activity in the brain. 
     This finding suggests that
    DNA fragments in vaccines are not capable of retrograde transport, absent their combination
    with a specifically designed polymer. The Wang study in no way suggests that fetal DNA
    fragments found in vaccines could travel to a child’s CNS via retrograde transport, and the study
    does not contemplate this possibility.
    Shu Wang et al., Transgene Expression in the Brain Stem Effected by Intramuscular Injection
    of Polyethylenimine/DNA Complexes, 3 MOLECULAR THERAPY 658 (2001) [Pet. Ex. 217].
    Transfection includes “any means of artificial introduction of foreign DNA into cultured
    eukaryotic (cells with a true nucleus) cells.” DORLAND’S at 1952, 653.
    Dr. Deisher also cited a study by Beier et al, 111 which explores the difficulty of mapping
    neuronal connectivity in the CNS. Scientists engineered a recombinant 112 virus, vesicular
    stomatitis virus (“VSV”) with a rabies virus glycoprotein (“RABV-G”), and then mapped
    connections between neurons. Pet. Ex. 223 at 1. The recombinant virus (“rVSV-RABV-G”)
    “spread rapidly from neuron to neuron in only a retrograde manner.” 
     The study shows that
    recombinant viruses may be “engineered to transmit across [neuronal] synapses.” 
    Dr. Deisher does not explain how recombinant rVSV with RABV-G, a modified virus with
    added glycoprotein, is in any way similar to residual DNA in vaccines.
    Another study cited by petitioners was authored by Ghadge et al. 113 Pet. Ex. 76 at 39.
    Ghadge demonstrated “that intramuscular injection of replication-defective recombinant
    adenovirus 114 [manufactured with a specialized promoter and cytomegalovirus enhanced used for
    its vector 115 qualities] results in high-level recombinant gene expression, specifically in the CNS
    motor and sensory neurons that innervate the inoculated muscles.” Pet. Ex. 226 at 132. More
    simply put, recombinant replication-defective adenoviruses were used to deliver genes into CNS
    neurons via retrograde axonal transport following intramuscular injection. Id.; Tr. 478-79.
    Ghadge explained that recombinant replication-defective adenoviruses have “a number of
    properties that make them attractive gene transfer vehicles.” Pet. Ex. 226 at 132. Other than
    establishing that retrograde transport is a real phenomenon, however, petitioners do not offer any
    evidence that the recombinant adenoviruses used as gene transfer vehicles in Ghadge’s study are
    Kevin Beier et al., Vesicular Stamatitis Virus with the Rabies Virus Glycoprotein Directs
    Retrograde Transsynaptic Transport Among Neurons in Vivo, 7 FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS
    1 (2013) [Pet. Ex. 223].
    A new entity, such as a “gene, protein, cell…that results from genetic recombination.”
    DORLAND’S at 1607.
    G.D. Ghadge et al., CNS Gene Delivery by Retrograde Transport of Recombinant
    Replication-Defective Adenoviruses, 2 GENE THERAPY 132 (1996) [Pet. Ex. 226]; see also Anne
    Hennig et al., Intravitreal Gene Therapy Reduces Lysosomal Storage in Specific Areas of the
    CNS in Mucopolysaccharidosis VII Mice, 23 J. NEUROSCIENCE 3302 (2003) [Pet. Ex. 498],
    discussed at Tr. 174. The findings of the study indicated that “[a]xonal transport from the retina
    can be used to deliver therapeutic agents into the brain,” in lieu of intracranial injections. 
    Id. at 3307
    Adenoviruses belong to the family of DNA viruses with a genome consisting of a “single
    linear molecule of double-stranded DNA.” DORLAND’S at 30. “Conditionally replicative
    adenoviruses,” are “mutant adenoviruses that can replicate only inside certain types of tumor
    cells, infecting host cells with lethal abnormalities and thus being potentially useful in gene
    therapy for cancer.” 
     In Ghadge, “replication-defective” adenoviruses were used.
    A vector is, generally, “a carrier.” DORLAND’S at 2028. A recombinant vector carries “both
    the vector and foreign inert sequences.” 
    similar to residual DNA in vaccines, or that residual DNA can travel via retrograde transport so
    as to cause ASD.
    Dr. Halsey agreed that retrograde transport is a known phenomenon and that live viruses
    have been shown to be transported in retrograde fashion via neurons, as was demonstrated by
    Ghadge. Tr. 478-79. But Dr. Halsey testified that he has never seen evidence that injection of
    DNA in a peripheral part of the body can lead to transport across multiple synapses in the human
    neural system, up to the CNS, to different areas of the brain. 
    Id. at 503
    . Dr. Halsey also testified
    that Dr. Deisher misrepresented the findings in Ghadge and Hennig.116 The authors did not
    inject DNA or DNA fragments in the mice; instead, they injected a live virus in an attempt to
    devise a method of gene therapy. Tr. 479-80. While viruses may be delivered by retrograde
    transport, the same is not true of DNA. 
    Id. at 500
    3. Microvesicle Transport
    Microvesicle transport is the third mechanism proposed by Dr. Deisher whereby DNA
    fragments found in vaccines could be transported in the blood circulation and taken up by a CNS
    cell. Tr. 106. Dr. Deisher testified as follows:
    [Another] possible way that the contaminants [residual DNA fragments] injected
    into a peripheral muscle, like an arm or a leg, could reach the central nervous
    system and potentially be taken up by a central nervous system cell and cause
    insertional mutagenesis is by transporting the blood in what are called
    microvesicles. 117 Tr. 105-06.
    In Hennig, a “recombinant adeno-associated virus” was used as a vector for gene therapy via
    injection into the vitreous humor of the eye of mice for delivery within the CNS. Hennig et al.,
    23 J. NEUROSCIENCE at 3302. “The findings suggest that…trans-synaptic transfer contribute[d]
    to [] dissemination…within the CNS.” 
     Dr. Deisher cited a number of articles about
    retrograde transport, but none relate to the facts and circumstances here, and none of the articles
    provide preponderant evidence that retrograde transport is a plausible method of delivering
    residual DNA fragments in vaccines to the CNS, so as to cause autism. For examples, see Ping
    Yang et al., Lentiviral Vector Mediates Exogenous Gene Expression in Adult Rat DRG
    Following Peripheral Nerve Remote Delivery, 47 J. MOL. NEUROSCI. 173 (2012) [Pet. Ex. 218]
    (sciatic nerve retrograde transport experiment); Zarife Sahenk et al., Gene Delivery to Spinal
    Motor Neurons, 606 BRAIN RESEARCH 126 (1993) [Pet. Ex. 219]; Beier et al., 7 FRONTIERS IN
    NEURAL CIRCUITS 1 (2013) [Pet. Ex. 223]; and Kevin Beier et al., Anterograde or Retrograde
    Transsynaptic Labeling of CNS Neurons with Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Vectors, 108 PNAS
    15414 (2011) [Pet. Ex. 224] (VSV serve as vectors for retrograde transport). Dr. Deisher also
    cited studies dealing with gene therapy and retrograde transport, for example, see Devang
    Thakor et al., Subcutaneous Peripheral Injection of Cationized Gelatin/DNA Polyplexes As a
    Platform for Non-Viral Gene Transfer to Sensory Neurons, 15 MOLECULAR THERAPY 2124
    (2007) [Pet. Ex. 496].
    Dr. Deisher defined a microvesicle as a lipid vesicle “known to carry nucleic acids.” Tr. 106.
    Microvesicles are a known method of transporting “nucleic acids through the
    circulation.” Tr. 106. Dr. Deisher cites an article by Bess et al. 118 to support this theory. In
    Bess, the authors describe the finding of nonviral membrane protein particles, or microvesicles,
    in “purified preparations of immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1).” Pet. Ex. 207 at 143. The
    microvesicles contained RNA and DNA. Other than showing that microvesicles contain DNA
    and that they are a method of transport within the circulatory system, Bess does not provide any
    evidence that microvesicles transport residual DNA from vaccines as suggested by Dr.
    Additionally, Dr. Deisher seems to conflate or otherwise combine the theories of
    microvesicle transport (circulatory system) and retrograde transport (nervous system). She states
    that “DNA-containing microvesicles can be transported retrograde to the brain by motor nerve
    proteins such as kinesin120 or its homologs, which are known to transport vesicles in axons.”
    Pet. Ex. 76 at 37. To support this assertion, Dr. Deisher cited an article by Coy and Howard 121
    related to organelle transport. 122 
     The authors discuss the transport of materials from the
    nerve cell body to the axon. Pet. Ex. 208 at 662. The authors do not reference “microvesicles”
    or the theory posited by Dr. Deisher, but they do mention the transport of “multivesicular
    bodies” from synaptic terminals toward the cell bodies. 
     The article does not discuss the
    potential for DNA fragments to be transported to neurons by microvesicles, and Dr. Deisher does
    not explain how organelle transport is comparable, if at all, to the transport of fetal DNA
    fragments. Regardless of how this component of Dr. Deisher’s theory is described, the
    articles 123 cited in support of it do not appear relevant to the facts presented by this case or the
    theories being advanced by petitioners.
    Julian Bess et al., Microvesicles Are a Source of Contaminating Cellular Proteins Found in
    Purified HIV-1 Preparations, 230 VIROLOGY 134 (1997) [Pet. Ex. 207].
    Dr. Deisher also cites the Dinu paper, a discussion of the cellular function of kinesins,
    including the role of kinesins in “the movement of organelles and vesicles,” but the article does
    not provide support of petitioners’ microvesicle transport theory. C.Z. Dinu et al., Cellular
    Motors for Molecular Manufacturing, 290 ANATOMICAL RECORD 1203 (2007) [Pet. Ex. 209].
    Kinesin is a “family of large cytoplasmic proteins with ATPase activity that bind to vesicles
    and particles and transport them along microtubules, usually toward the plus end, using energy
    from ATP hydrolysis …. [C]ytosolic kinesins are responsible for the transport of vesicles and
    organelles.” DORLAND’S at 987.
    David Coy and Jonathon Howard, Organelle Transport and Sorting in Axons, 4 CURRENT
    OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY 662 (1994) [Pet. Ex. 208].
    An organelle is defined as “any of the membrane-bound organized cytoplasmic structures of
    distinctive morphology … including such structures as the nucleus, mitochondria, [etc].”
    DORLAND’S at 1334.
    These articles include Merck, Summary For Basis of Approval: Varicella Virus Vaccine Live,
    4. Hematopoietic Stem Cells
    According to Dr. Deisher, the most likely mechanism for insertional mutagenesis of DNA
    fragments is via hematopoietic stem cells. Tr. 107. She opines that a hematopoietic stem cell in
    the peripheral circulation may take up a DNA fragment from a vaccine and insert it in the
    genome, causing a mutation in that cell. 
     Dr. Deisher testified that hematopoietic stem cells
    produce all blood-forming cells, including immune cells, such as lymphocytes, in the blood. She
    further testified that immune cells give rise to glial cells. 124 
     Dr. Deisher stated that
    hematopoietic stem cells circulate in the periphery (blood vessels and lymph system) but are
    concentrated in the bone marrow and spleen. She also stated that hematopoietic stem cells give
    rise to immune modulating cells, and that the cells can replace other cells in the brain and
    provide new microglial cells.125 
    Id. at 251
    . She posits that a mutated hematopoietic stem cell
    could lead to, or produce, a “mature glial cell, that could get into the brain.” Tr. at 107. Once in
    the brain, Dr. Deisher believes the cells could impact “nerve signaling and nerve cell survival,”
    which, she theorizes, may cause ASD. 
    In support of this theory, Dr. Deisher cites a study by McNeer et al.126 to support her
    opinion that DNA fragments can be inserted into the genome of hematopoietic stem cells. See
    Tr. 98. In McNeer, the authors developed a novel technique to modify a defective gene in mice.
    The goal was to devise an in vivo, 127 “site-specific gene editing” tool using hematopoietic stem
    Reference No. 90-0395 [Pet. Ex. 91]; Li Sheng et al., Oncogenicity of DNA in vivo: Tumor
    Induction with Expression Plasmids for Activated H-ras and c-myc, 36 BIOLOGICALS 184 (2008)
    [Pet. Ex. 86]; U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Servs., World Health Organization, Evolving
    Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives on Cell Substrates for Vaccine Development, Rockville,
    MD (Sept. 7, 1999) [Pet. Ex. 87]; World Health Organization, WHO Expert Committee on
    Biological Standardization, Forty Seventh Report, 878 (1998) [Pet. Ex. 88]; Coy et al., 4
    1203 [Pet. Ex. 209]; and Bess et al., 230 VIROLOGY 134 [Pet. Ex. 207].
    Glial cells, also referred to as “neuroglia,” are “the cells of the supportive tissue of the central
    nervous system.” There are three types of glial cells: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and
    microglia. DORLAND’S at 321.
    The microglia are “the small, nonneural, interstitial cells of mesodermal origin that form part
    of the supporting structure of the central nervous system …. They are migratory and act as
    phagocytes to waste products of nerve tissue.” DORLAND’S at 1159.
    N.A. McNeer et al., Systemic Delivery of Triplex-Forming DNA and Donor DNA by
    Nanoparticles Mediates Site-Specific Genome Editing of Human Hematopoietic Cells in Vivo,
    20 NATURE GENE THERAPY 658 (2013) [Pet. Ex. 184].
    The phrase “in vivo” describes a process, procedure, or test within an intact organism.
    DICTIONARY OF BIOMEDICINE, Oxford University Press (2010). In contrast, “in vitro,” is an
    cells for the treatment of diseases. Pet. Ex. 184 at 658. The authors note that historically, gene
    therapy was unsuccessful or had limited use due in part to problems with delivery, such that
    genes were integrated into random sites. 
     To address this problem, McNeer’s group designed
    a tool that would be capable of specific editing of genes at their “endogenous loci.” 128 
    of the previous techniques for “site-specific gene editing [had] been used directly to edit human
    genes in human cells in vivo.” 
     The researchers combined two technologies, 129 “synthetic
    triplex-forming oligonucleotides and polymer nanoparticles – to modify human cells after [ ]
    delivery into [ ] mice.” 
    Id. at 659
    . Using this technology, the researchers modified the human
    CCR5 gene in hematolymphoid cells in the mice. 
    Id. at 658
    . McNeer, however, does not
    support Dr. Deisher’s theory as it relates to hematopoietic stem cells. Instead, McNeer
    establishes that the delivery and insertion of donor DNA requires “the use of molecular tools” for
    delivery as well as technical manipulation at every stage of the process. 
    In addition to McNeer, Dr. Deisher cites several articles 130 about gene therapy trials in
    children with severe combined immunodeficiency (“SCID”), also known as “Bubble boys.” Tr.
    experiment “observable in a test tube.” DORLAND’S at 956.
    Loci is the plural form of “locus,” a genetic term for “the position of a gene on a
    chromosome, different forms of genes (alleles) being found at the same position on homologous
    chromosomes.” DORLAND’S at 1072.
    The technology used in McNeer is complex and far beyond the scope of this Decision.
    Specially engineered polylactic co-glycolic acid (“PLGA”) nanoparticles were used to deliver
    peptide nucleic acids (“PNA”) for the purpose of gene modification. Pet. Ex. 184 at 659.
    Moreover, the McNeer researchers note that their results suggest that “PLGA nanoparticles
    become widely distributed throughout the mouse, where they are taken up in human cells,
    allowing for reliable gene modification, which was not achievable with equivalent dosages of
    naked oligonucleotide.” Pet. Ex. 184 at 661 (emphasis added). [PLGA is “a previously
    engineered poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid), an FDA-approved biocompatible material, to produce
    nanoparticles that deliver nucleic acid cargo.” Pet. Ex. 184 at 2.] In fact, there was only “low to
    negligible gene modification detected when naked oligonucleotides were used.” 
    Id. at 661-62
    (referencing Figure 4a). Thus, McNeer shows that DNA fragments that are not specifically
    engineered to combine with a specialized delivery vehicle, like those in vaccines, would not be
    taken up by hematopoietic cells.
    Salima Hacein-Bey-Abina et al., A Serious Adverse Event After Successful Gene Therapy for
    X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, 348 N. ENGL. J. MED. 255 (2003) [Pet. Ex. 81];
    Salima Hacien-Bey-Abina et al., Insertional Oncogenesis in 4 Patients After Retrovirus-
    Mediated Gene Therapy of SCID-X1, 118 J. CLINICAL INVESTIGATION 3132 (2008) [Pet. Ex.
    82]; Steven Howe et al., Insertional Mutagenesis Combined with Acquired Somatic Mutations
    Causes Leukemogenesis Following Gene Therapy of SCID-X1 Patients, 118 J. CLINICAL
    INVESTIGATION 3143 (2008) [Pet. Ex. 83]; David Williams and Christopher Baum, Gene
    Therapy: New Challenges Ahead, 302 SCIENCE 400 (2003) [Pet. Ex. 134].
    206. In one of these clinical trials, 10 boys had hematopoietic stem cells extracted from their
    bone marrow. The researchers then combined a retroviral vector with corrected and defective
    gene fragments creating a transgene 131 that encoded the protein that was defective in the boys
    and which compromised their immune systems. Pet. Ex. 134 at 400. The treated stem cells were
    then transfused back into the patients. 
     Nine of the 10 boys had “clinically significant, long
    term improvements.” 
     Subsequently, however, several of the boys developed T-cell
    leukemia. Further research revealed that the retroviral vector that carried the transgene inserted
    “near the promoter of the proto-oncogene 132 LM02.” 133 
     This unexpected downstream
    insertion caused leukemia.
    As it relates to her theory, the SCID trials illustrate that retroviral vectors carrying a
    transgene can be inserted into stem cells, which may then insert into a child’s genome to cause a
    mutation. Gene therapy, however, is not comparable to vaccination. 134 Petitioners offer no
    evidence to show that DNA fragments in vaccines insert into the human genome via the
    techniques used in gene therapy procedures. The process of removing hematopoietic stem cells
    and then transfusing them back into a child 135 after highly engineered gene therapy is not
    analogous to giving a child a vaccine.
    ii. Insertion, Mutation and Proliferation
    A transgene is a “segment of recombinant DNA that has been transferred from one genome to
    another; the term is sometimes used specifically to denote one that has been integrated into the
    germline of the recipient…” DORLAND’S at 1953.
    An oncogene is “a gene capable under certain conditions of causing the initial and continuing
    conversion of normal cells into cancer cells.” DORLAND’S at 1321.
    The LMO2 gene encodes for a protein that is required for normal hematopoiesis (the
    formation and development of blood cells). “Aberrant expression of this [protein] has been
    implicated in…T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.” Pet. Ex. 134 at 400; DORLAND’S at 833.
    For a complete explanation of the multi-step processes utilized in gene therapy techniques,
    see Pet. Exs. 81-83.
    Hematopoietic stem cells were harvested from the bone marrow of 10 patients with SCID.
    Pet. Ex. 134 at 400. There are two main components of the SCID gene therapy process:
    transduction and transplantation. Transduction involves introducing foreign DNA to a
    hematopoietic stem cell ex vivo through the use of a gamma retroviral vector carrying a
    transgene. Pet. Ex. 82 at 3132; Pet. Ex. 134 at 400. After the foreign DNA was introduced, the
    hematopoietic stem cells containing the foreign DNA were then transplanted back to the patients.
    Throughout her expert reports as well as during the hearing, Dr. Deisher emphasized that
    she did not know the exact manner in which insertional mutagenesis occurs so as to cause ASD.
    See Tr. 108; Pet. Ex. 76 at 31. She also testified that one or more of the mechanisms described
    above may combine so as to result in a mutation that causes ASD. Regardless of the exact
    underlying mechanism, in order to establish insertional mutagenesis as a plausible theory,
    petitioners must provide evidence that residual DNA from the vaccines could insert into the
    genome of the vaccine recipient, resulting in a mutation along with proliferation of that
    mutation(s), and that the mutation(s) is associated with an ASD phenotype. 136
    1. Insertion
    Dr. Deisher posits that a vaccine recipient’s cells take up “extracellular DNA fragments
    by receptor mediated endocytosis.” 137 Pet. Ex. 76 at 16. Dr. Deisher stated that uptake is “most
    efficient at low concentrations of extracellular DNA,” and peaks at two hours. Pet. Ex. 76 at 16
    (citing Pet. Exs. 117 138 and 118 139). Based on experiments cited by Dr. Deisher, fragments of
    nucleic acids, or DNA, “readily enter cultured cells through receptor mediated uptake 140 within
    [two] to [four] hours.” 
     She hypothesizes that these DNA fragments then insert into a cell’s
    genome and cause a mutation.
    Dr. Deisher opines that insertion of short DNA fragments is more efficient than large
    DNA fragments and cites a number of studies to support this proposition. See Pet. Ex. 76 at 27-
    31. However, none of these studies support her novel idea that DNA fragments from vaccines
    are inserted into a child’s genome, as opposed to being destroyed through the usual process of
    Phenotype is defined as “the observable…characteristics of an individual…as determined by
    a combination of the genotype and the environment.” DORLAND’S at 1431.
    Endocytosis is defined as “the uptake by a cell of material from the environment by
    invagination of its plasma membrane; it includes both phagocytosis and pinocytosis.”
    DORLAND’S at 617. Phagocytosis is the uptake of cell fragments. “The material is taken into the
    cell in membrane-bound vesicles (phagosomes) … Phagosomes fuse with lysosomes, forming
    phagolysosomes in which the engulfed material is killed and digested.” 
    Id. at 1423
    . Pinocytosis
    is “the cellular uptake of extracellular fluid and its contents by enclosing them in vesicles derived
    from the plasma membrane.” 
    Id. at 1449
    Leonid Yakubov, et al., Mechanism of Oligonucleotide Uptake by Cells: Involvement of
    Specific Receptors? 86 PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI. USA 6454 (1989) [Pet. Ex. 117].
    Valentin Vlassov et al., Transport of Oligonucleotides Across Natural and Model Membranes,
    1197 BIOCHEMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA 95-108 (1994) [Pet. Ex. 118].
    “Receptor mediated uptake” is a synonymous term for “receptor mediated endocytosis.” See
    infra note 137.
    phagocytosis. 141 She posits that the ability of the DNA fragments to insert may turn on the size
    of the fragments, because insertion of short fragments is more efficient and more likely. 
    Id. at 26
    . Insertion is “maximal when fragments are between 100 and 1000 base pairs 142 in length.” 143
    Dr. Deisher measured the size of the residual DNA fragments in the MMR, hepatitis A,
    and varicella vaccinations. She opines that the DNA fragments in MMR II and Varivax are
    shorter and thus more likely to insert, and that the fragments in HAVRIX are “relatively intact”
    and large, and thus, unlikely to insert. Tr. 96. Thus, she concedes that her theory of insertional
    mutagenesis is not a good fit for the hepatitis A vaccine. 144
    According to Dr. Deisher, the MMR vaccine contains approximately “150 nanograms
    [of] cell substrate [double-stranded] DNA and [single-stranded] DNA per dose, fragmented to
    approximately 215 base pairs in length.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 12; Pet. Ex. 322 at 8; Tr. 94. Dr. Deisher
    performed an experiment using “Human Cot1 DNA (Invitrogen),” to measure its ability to insert.
    Pet. Ex. 322 at 6. She used Human Cot1 DNA because it is 315 base pairs in size, and it “has
    reverted epigenetically towards undifferentiated primitive fetal type cells,” making it similar to
    the DNA fragments in MMR. 
     The results of the experiment showed “[s]pontaneous cellular
    and nuclear DNA uptake,” within “24 to 48 hours after addition of … the Cot1 DNA to the
    culture media of U937 or NCCIT cells.” 
    Id. at 58
    . While this experiment appears to support Dr.
    Deisher’s hypothesis of DNA fragment insertion, it did not involve the residual DNA in
    vaccines, and it was an in vitro experiment, where the DNA fragments were added directly to
    prepared cell cultures. Thus, Dr. Deisher’s experiment does not simulate vaccination.
    As for children who receive the vaccines at issue and who do not develop ASD, Dr. Deisher
    testified that DNA fragments would be engulfed and destroyed by the child’s innate immune
    system. Tr. 324-25.
    Base pairs are defined as “a pair of hydrogen-bonded bases, a pyrimidine with a purine base
    that bind together two strands, or two parts of a strand, of nucleic acid. In DNA, the pairs are
    guanine-cytosine and adenine-thymine.” DORLAND’S at 1363.
    Dr. Deisher also testified that insertion of residual DNA fragments is more likely when the
    vaccine contains a higher concentration of DNA fragments. See Pet. Ex. 76 at 12-13. Petitioners
    provide no evidence that DNA fragments insert into human cells, regardless of fragment size or
    Even assuming that Dr. Deisher’s theory regarding insertional mutagenesis is correct, her
    concession that the hepatitis A vaccine is not a good fit for the insertional mutagenesis theory in
    turn calls into question the validity of her change point study as it relates to the hepatitis A
    vaccine and its association with the increasing prevalence of autism.
    The paper by Petricciani and Horaud 145 further demonstrates that Dr. Deisher’s
    hypothesis regarding insertion of residual DNA is not viable. By way of background, residual
    DNA is known to be circulating in our blood and is thought to be the result of the breakdown of
    leukocytes, bacteria, and cell necrosis. See Pet. Ex. 495 at 2-3. “Extracellular DNA is [also]
    present in [our] blood plasma and other interstitial fluids.” Pet. Ex. 94 at 191. “Fetal DNA has
    [even] been detected in the blood of mothers during pregnancy.” 
     DNA can also be
    introduced by blood transfusions of whole blood, which contain large amounts of cellular DNA.
    See Pet. Ex. 72 at 235. Dr. Deisher agreed that patients who receive whole blood transfusion are
    exposed to human DNA fragments from other persons. Tr. 269-271. However, she did not
    opine that insertional mutagenesis is a risk due to residual DNA from blood transfusions. 
    Id. at 271
    . 146
    In Petricciani, the authors generally discuss DNA as a risk factor in a number of
    biological products, and they specifically address the issue of whether the high levels of DNA in
    blood plasma pose a risk of mutagenesis for patients receiving blood transfusions. Pet. Ex. 72 at
    233. To address this question, Petricciani reviewed studies done in the 1970s in which no
    statistical difference was found in the incidence of leukemia in patients who received blood
    transfusions and those who did not. The research indicates that although foreign DNA is given
    to a patient receiving a blood transfusion, “substantial amounts of cellular DNA, as well as the
    cells themselves, do not carry a measurable risk,” of insertional mutagenesis causing leukemia.
    Id. at 235
    Dr. Deisher cites numerous studies 147 related to uptake of oligonucleotides, presumably
    in support of her theory of DNA insertion. Generally, these are older reports on in vitro studies
    related to the delivery and uptake of nucleic acids for research and development related to gene
    therapy. Findings or conclusions set forth in these in vitro experiments cannot be extrapolated
    beyond the cell lines, culture conditions, and/or methodologies used in any particular study. As
    John Petricciani & Horaud Florian, DNA, Dragons and Sanity, 23 BIOLOGICALS 233-38
    (1995) [Pet. Ex. 72].
    Dr. Deisher testified that DNA in blood used for transfusions “is not fetal DNA,” and that it
    does not readily insert because it is not “primitive.” Tr. 271.
    See Vlassov et al., 1197 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA 95 [Pet. Ex. 118]; Frank Orson et
    al., Oligonucleotide Inhibition of IL2Rα mRNA Transcription by Promoter Region Collinear
    Triplex Formation in Lymphocytes, 19 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 3435 (1991) [Pet. Ex. 119];
    Paul Zamecnik et al., Inhibition of Replication and Expression of Human T-cell Lymphotropic
    Virus Type III in Cultured Cells by Exogenous Synthetic Oligonucleotides Complementary to
    Viral RNA, 83 PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI. USA 4143 (1986) [Pet. Ex. 120]; S.L. Loke et al.,
    Characterization of Oligonucleotide Transport into Living Cells, 86 PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI.
    USA 3474 (1989) [Pet. Ex. 121]; and E.H. Postel et al., Evidence that a Triplex-Forming
    Oligodeoxyribonucleotide Binds to the c-myc Promoter in HeLa Cells, Thereby reducing c-myc
    mRNA Levels, 88 PROC. NATL. ACAD. SCI. USA 8227 (1991) [Pet. Ex.123].
    the researchers in Loke concluded, “whether there is a physiological role for oligo transport is
    unknown. We may, nevertheless, utilize our understanding of the properties of the uptake
    process to design oligos that are transported more efficiently and are more resistant to
    degradation.” Pet. Ex. 121 at 3478. This sentiment is echoed by Vlassov, as follows: “Although
    the existing methods of delivery of nucleic acids into cells allow easy transfection of any kind of
    cells in vitro, the in vivo incorporation of oligo and polynucleotides in heterogeneous
    populations of different cells in organism[s] remains a problem.” Pet. Ex. 118 at 95-96.
    Another idea advanced by Dr. Deisher is that DNA, once inserted into a host cell, may
    contribute to chromosomal “breaks or rearrangements.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 7. In variations on this
    theme, she also posits that DNA fragments could more easily insert during ongoing cellular
    processes “such as DNA repair, recombination, and replication.” 
    Id. at 22
    . Cells can “repair by
    homologous recombination 148 and by illegitimate recombination of DNA fragments.” 
    suggests that this cellular repair process “provides the opportunity for insertion of DNA
     Petitioners, however, provide no evidence that DNA fragments from vaccines
    are involved in chromosomal breaks or rearrangements, or that they insert in the cell’s genome
    during the cellular repair process described here.149
    Dr. Deisher opines that DNA “integration is opportunistic and most likely occurs during
    gene repair which is maximized during periods of disruption, such as…when a child’s neurons
    are being pruned, i.e. from [one] to [three] years of age.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 5. However, petitioners
    provided no evidence that residual DNA fragments from vaccines integrate into the genome
    during “pruning.” Further, Dr. Deisher proposes that “[m]eiotic recombination involves highly
    regulated pathways of double strand break formation and repair. [It] occurs at clustered sites
    within the human genome, termed recombination hotspots….Sites of [meiotic recombination]
    have been demonstrated to be [] susceptible to double strand breaks and mutations.” Pet. Ex. 76
    at 24. Dr. Deisher suggests that hotspots are areas where DNA fragments from vaccines could
    insert into the genome and cause a mutation. 
    Id. at 23-26
    ; 34-35. Petitioners offered no
    evidence to show that DNA fragments from vaccines could insert in this manner.
    Recombination is “the process that creates new combinations of genes by shuffling the linear
    order of the DNA, such as occurs naturally by crossing over of homologous chromosomes during
    meiosis or of homologous DNA sequences in somatic cells during mitosis, or occurs in vitro
    when DNA or RNA is manipulated for genetic engineering.” DORLAND’S at 1607. Homologous
    recombination “comprises a series of interrelated pathways that function in the repair of DNA
    double-stranded breaks…. [it] plays a prominent role in faithfully duplicating the genome by
    providing critical support for DNA replication…” Xuan Li & Wolf-Dietrich Heyer, Homologous
    Recombination in DNA Repair and DNA Damage Tolerance, 18 CELL RES. 99 (2008).
    Dr. Deisher also opines that “[a]ltered double strand break formation and repair pathways
    may be a commonality among the extremely diverse genetic mutations observed in ASD.” Pet.
    Ex. 76 at 26. She suggests that residual DNA from vaccines may insert during the repair
    process, and that this would account for the many diverse genetic mutations reported in ASD, but
    petitioners offer no evidence to support this idea.
    One of the reasons that Dr. Deisher favors hematopoietic stem cells as the most likely
    mechanism is due to their use in gene therapy studies.150 In these experiments, researchers use
    specifically designed DNA fragments as “agents for gene replacement therapy.” Pet. Ex. 127 at
    2293. “Gene targeting modifies a gene in its chromosomal location, preserving existing
    mechanisms to regulate its function in cells, and thereby holds great promise as a medical
    treatment strategy.” 
     These experiments may result in uptake or insertion of small fragments
    of DNA but with specifically produced “DNA constructs.” 
     Yakubov provides a brief
    summary of the different types of DNA constructs used in those experiments. See also Pet. Exs.
    131, 132. Dr. Deisher does not provide evidence that these experiments simulate the conditions
    of vaccination.
    Another variation on the theme of insertion relates to insertions and deletions. Dr.
    Deisher states that “[w]hole exome sequencing of DNA [] from the peripheral blood of 20
    children with [ASD] has identified non-inherited insertions and deletions….Insertions/deletions
    are known to cause subsequent additional mutations and therefore, this observation requires
    further studies to determine the DNA source for the[se] de novo insertions.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 42.
    This idea adds an additional step to the process. Dr. Deisher suggests that DNA fragments from
    vaccines cause insertions/deletions, and that these insertions/deletions cause additional mutations
    which cause ASD.
    Ultimately, however, Dr. Deisher concedes that even if insertion could be proven, the
    question then becomes how “such an insertion would impact neural development or would occur
    within a cell in the [CNS], [given that] autism spectrum is a neurodevelopmental disorder.” Pet.
    Ex. 76 at 31.
    2. Mutation
    Assuming that DNA fragments from vaccines could insert into a host genome, the next
    question is whether there is evidence that insertion could cause a mutation. 151 Fundamental to
    Dr. Deisher’s theory is that “small DNA fragments efficiently insert into the recipients’ genome
    … [and are] involved in de novo mutations.” 152 Pet. Ex. 76 at 41. She states that approximately
    nine to 10 percent of children with ASD have de novo mutations. Pet. Ex. 76 at 42 (referencing
    Dr. Deisher states that the Chin and Liu studies both demonstrate “the efficiency of DNA
    integration into stem cells.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 30 (referencing Pet. Exs. 184 and 185).
    Dr. Deisher also stated that, “DNA can insert into a genome, cause mutations upstream or
    downstream of that insertion and then be excised from the genome, a phenomenon termed [h]it-
    and-run.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 41. She suggests that this idea may make it difficult to measure
    genomic insertions, presumably caused by vaccines. 
    Id. at 42
    . Petitioners offer no evidence to
    show how this idea is relevant to their theories.
    Dr. Deisher also posits that “DNA fragments could cause “de novo mosaic mutations among
    nerve cells.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 34. Petitioners offered no evidence to support this idea as it relates to
    her theory here.
    Pet. Ex. 238 153). She believes these de novo mutations are caused by vaccines (postnatally). Tr.
    132, 185. Additionally, Dr. Deisher posits that the genes associated with ASD “have a more
    concentrated susceptibility for insults to genomic stability” as compared to other genes, and that
    “regions of the genome where meiotic recombination 154 occurs,” (i.e. hotspots) may be “highly
    predisposed … to disease causing mutations.” Pet. Ex. 322 at 4.
    Dr. Deisher readily conceded that there is a problem of evidence. She stated, “this
    observation [of de novo mutations] requires further studies to determine the DNA source for the
    de novo insertions and whether the DNA fragments contained in childhood vaccines may
    provide the DNA documented in de novo insertions.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 42. Thus, by her own
    admission, current studies do not provide evidence that DNA fragments in vaccines cause the
    mutations at the heart of her theory.
    While Dr. Deisher did not provide an evidence-based explanation as to how these de
    novo mutations occur, she testified that many studies demonstrate that children with ASD have
    diverse mutations in lymphoblastoid cell lines.155 Tr. 125-26; see also Pet. Ex. 283. The
    Brian O’Roak et al., Sporadic Autism Exomes Reveal a Highly Interconnected Protein
    Network of De Novo Mutations, 485 NATURE 246 (2012) [Pet. Ex. 238].
    Meiotic recombination (“MR”) is defined by Dr. Deisher as the process during meiosis in
    which “genomic material is exchanged between the maternal and paternal chromosomes.” Pet.
    Ex. 322 at 50. “Hotspots are sites in the genome … where MR occurs most frequently.” 
    “[R]egions of the genome where [MR] has occurred (hotspots) have been shown to be highly
    predisposed to … disease causing mutations.” 
     She further hypothesizes that autism
    associated genes (“AAGs”) have a “concentrated susceptibility for insults to genomic
    Id. at 48
    . Specifically, she suggests that X-chromosome genes may be susceptible
    to DNA fragment insertion, which could “lead to de novo mutations.” 
    Id. at 55-59
    . Dr. Deisher
    urges “additional study and investigation of this potential relationship.” 
    Id. at 59
    Dr. Deisher opined that de novo mutations account for approximately 10 percent of ASD
    cases. Pet. Ex. 10 at 6. She proposes that residual DNA fragments from vaccines could insert
    into lymphocytes, which are derived from hematopoietic stem cells. Tr. 130. A lymphocyte is
    “any of the mononuclear, nonphagocytic leukocytes, found in the blood, lymph, and lymphoid
    tissues, that are the body’s immunologically competent cells and their precursors.” DORLAND’S
    at 1084. A lymphoblast is “an activated lymphocyte that has that has been transformed in
    response to antigenic stimulation.” 
     After a lymphoblast is activated, it divides and makes
    clones of the original cell, and the copies of the original all carry the same mutation. In this way,
    lymphoblastoid cell lines are useful tools for researching genetic diseases.
    When a lymphocyte becomes activated by an antigen, it creates a lymphoblast, which then
    divides and creates more lymphocytes. This process creates lymphoblastoid cell lines, and all of
    the cells in the lineage are identical. Dr. Deisher points to several genetic studies which have
    found that “rare diverse mutations” are present in the lymphoblastoid cell lines of children with
    ASD. Tr. 125. She cites to the 2012 O’Roak paper to support her theory that de novo mutations
    mutations cause “deletions in exomes” 156 that result in the lack of a protein, or a “truncated
    protein that may not work.” Tr. 127-28.
    Dr. Arking strongly disagreed with Dr. Deisher’s theory of insertional mutagenesis. A de
    novo mutation is a mutation seen in the child that is not found in the parent. Tr. 572-73. When a
    de novo mutation occurs postnatally, 157 it will only be observed in the cell that mutates and the
    cells that divide from that mutated cell. It will not be observed in other sets of cells in the body.
    Id. at 574
    . Thus, a single mutated cell, even one that divides exponentially, may lead to a
    disease, such as a localized tumor, but would not cause a diffuse brain disease like ASD.
    Further, there is a question about how a mutation in a single cell could cause ASD. An
    individual neuron with a mutation does not cause disease. Tr. 575. 158 For neurons to cause
    disease, Dr. Arking testified that the mutation must occur in a significant percentage of cells.159
    found in lymphoblastoid cell lines could cause ASD. Tr. 130 (referencing Pet. Ex. 238; Resp.
    Ex. H7).
    O’Roak compared the lymphoblastoid cell lines of children with autism with their non-autistic
    siblings and found that both affected and unaffected children had de novo mutations that their
    parents did not have. Pet. Ex. 238 at 585. The results also showed that affected children had
    insertions and deletions (“indels”) that their unaffected siblings did not have. 
    Id. at 586
    . Dr.
    Deisher testified that because the de novo mutations were found in lymphoblastoid cell lines, the
    O’Roak results demonstrate that ASD can be caused by de novo mutations. Tr. 126. She further
    postulates that the de novo insertion mutations are caused by residual DNA fragments found in
    Id. at 130, 132
    . However, the O’Roak paper does not contemplate the mechanism for
    the creation of indels, nor do the authors hypothesize that residual DNA fragments from vaccines
    could cause insertion mutations.
    An exome is part of the genome formed by exons, or “coding sequences in a gene.”
    DORLAND’S at 660.
    Postnatal mutations occur after the child’s birth (as the result of vaccinations, as posited by
    Dr. Deisher).
    The brain is tolerant to mutations in individual neurons; people with normal development may
    have abnormal neurons. To affect function, one must have the “same mutation in lots of
    neurons.” See Resp. Ex. H10; Tr. 589. Even assuming that DNA from a vaccine can get into the
    brain and cause a mutation, “the brain is robust to those mutations.” 
    Id. at 589-90
    Under Dr. Deisher’s theory of insertional mutagenesis, once DNA reaches the brain, it then
    must integrate into the genome of neurons. Tr. 255. Dr. Deisher testified that the quantity of
    DNA that reaches the brain is irrelevant. Even “a very small percent[age]” may be sufficient.
     Using her method of hematopoietic stem cells as a vehicle for DNA insertion as an example,
    Dr. Deisher testified that six percent of hematopoietic stem cells with the mutation would be
    sufficient to cause disease. 
    Id. at 257
    . “[T]heoretically, uptake from a very small percent[age] of
    The only way that a mutation can be found in a substantial number of neurons is for it to occur
    early in the prenatal period, not postnatally, when children receive vaccines. See 
    id. at 575
    Respondent filed six articles to support his position that genetic mutations which cause ASD
    most likely occur prenatally. 160
    One paper cited by respondent, O’Roak, suggests that the majority of mutations found in
    ASD occur pre-conception, in the sperm of the father. Tr. 585, 574; see also Resp. Ex. H7 (Pet.
    Ex. 238). A mutation in the sperm cell of the father could be in all of the cells of the child. Tr.
    574. The earlier a mutation occurs post-conception, but before birth, the more cells will be
     If, for example, the mutation occurs when the embryo is 64 cells, then the vast
    majority of the cells will have the mutation. If the mutation occurs later, it may be tissue
    specific, depending on what stage the mutation occurs during development. 
    Id. at 574
    Dr. Arking also cites the Iossifov et al. 161 paper to support his opinion that de novo
    mutations associated with ASD occur prenatally. Tr. 599; Resp. Ex. H4; Pet. Ex. 641. Iossifov
    the hematopoietic stem cells could lead to a mutated cell that takes over and outgrows the other
    Id. at 258
    . However, Dr. Deisher concedes that the mutation of one neuron does not
    trigger autism. 
    Id. at 261
    . And she does not know the percentage of mutated cells that would be
    required to cause autism. 
    Id. at 259-60
    In addition to the issue of what percentage of mutated cells are required to cause disease, there is
    also the issue of whether insertional mutagenesis would give rise to one type of mutation, or
    many mutations. Dr. Deisher gave contradictory answers when asked whether neurons would
    have to share the same mutation as a result of insertional mutagenesis to result in ASD. Initially,
    she testified that “I would not necessarily expect [] other neurons to share the same mutation.”
    Tr. 262. Later, she testified that if the mutated cell gives rise to a monoclonal cell line, then all
    of the cells would carry the same mutation. 
    Id. at 265
    . However, she then testified that based on
    published studies, children with ASD “all have different mutations …. [and] each child has a
    different mutation.” 
    Id. at 266
    . She posits that her theory of insertional mutagenesis
    contemplates that “insertion is a random event,” leading to “diverse mutations.” 
    O’Roak et al., 485 NATURE 246 [Resp. Ex. H7; Pet. Ex. 238]; Annapurna Poduri et al.,
    Somatic Mutation, Genomic Variation, and Neurological Disease, 341 SCIENCE 43 (2013) [Resp.
    Ex. H9]; Xuyu Cai et al., Single-Cell, Genome-Wide Sequencing Identifies Clonal Somatic
    Copy-Number Variation in the Human Brain, 8 CELL REP. 1280 (2014) [Resp. Ex. H10];
    Michael McConnell et al., Mosaic Copy Number Variation in Human Neurons, 342 SCIENCE
    632-37 (2013) [Resp. Ex. H11]; Frederico Azevedo et al., Equal Numbers of Neuronal and
    Nonneuronal Cells Make the Human Brain an Isometrically Scaled-Up Primate Brain, 513 J.
    COMP. NEUROL. 532-41 (2009) [Resp. Ex. H12]; Rich Stoner et al., Patches of Disorganization in
    the Neocortex of Children with Autism, 370 N. ENG. J. MED. 1209 (2014) [Resp. Ex. H24].
    Ivan Iossifov et al., The Contribution of De Novo Coding Mutations in Autism Spectrum
    Disorder, 515 NATURE 216 (2014) [Resp. Ex. H4].
    focused on ultra-rare mutations passed from parent to child, as well as genes expressed in the
    embryonic brain, and concluded that evidence suggests that de novo mutations causing ASD
    occur prenatally. Tr. 599-601.
    Dr. Arking also cited a paper by Poduri et al.,162 regarding de novo mutations that arise in
    the germline cells,163 as well as “after fertilization during embryonic development”, which cause
    somatic mutations associated with neurodevelopmental disease. Resp. Ex. H9 at 43. While
    Poduri suggests that somatic mutations can cause disease, these mutations are thought to “occur
    during [ ] cell divisions that generate the embryo after fertilization and zygote formation.” 
    Id. at 44
    . That is, these mutations “occur early enough in development to be present in many tissues.”
    Id. at 46
    . Moreover, “patients can show dysfunction … when only [eight] to 35 percent of the
    brain cells carry the mutation.” 
    Id. at 43
    . Dr. Arking testified that the eight percent of neurons
    referenced in Poduri would be impossible to achieve with Dr. Deisher’s insertional mutagenesis
    hypothesis. Tr. 588. Even if one accepts Dr. Deisher’s idea that DNA can get into the brain and
    cause a mutation, it would not affect a sufficient number of neurons to cause autism. 
    Id. at 590
    And a mutation of one neuron would not lead to an observable phenotype such as ASD. 
    Id. at 592
    3. Proliferation
    A fundamental problem with Dr. Deisher’s theory, as explained by Dr. Arking, is that she
    posits that autism is caused by a postnatal mutation, which by its very nature would only affect a
    small number of cells, as opposed to a mutation found throughout all the cells of the brain. Tr.
    643. Autism is a diffuse syndrome of the brain, and thus it is not conceivable that a single cell
    mutation occurring postnatally could affect a sufficient number of cells so as to cause such a
    diffuse process. Tr. 639-40. This is why cell proliferation, the idea that the mutated cells
    multiply so as to cause ASD, is a basic tenet of Dr. Deisher’s theory.
    One of the reasons Dr. Deisher favors hematopoietic stem cells as a mechanism is that
    they have a “survival advantage,” and proliferate much more than other cells. 164 Tr. at 260.
    Presumably, if a stem cell has a mutation, it would multiply and take over so as to outgrow other
    cells. To illustrate her hypothesis that hematopoietic stem cells proliferate and can lead to the
    Poduri et al., 341 Science 43 [Resp. Ex. H9].
    A mutation in the sperm or egg is called a germline mutation. “Mutations in germline cells
    are transmitted to progeny; those in somatic cells (all other body cells) are not.” DORLAND’S at
    Dr. Deisher testified that she could not comment on what quantity of fetal DNA in the brain
    required to cause autism, because “experiments have not been done to determine that.” Tr. 254.
    Although she testified that “one mutated nerve cell,” could cause “significant disease,” she does
    not believe that the mutation of a single neuron is a trigger for autism, and that is not one of her
    Id. at 259, 261
    development of autism, Dr. Deisher cited articles by Lu et al., 165 Naik et al., 166 Cheung et al., 167
    Busque et al., 168 Smith et al., 169 Garrits et al., 170 and Verovskaya et al.171 Generally, these
    articles discuss experiments in mice using cellular barcoding analysis of hematopoietic stem
    cells. Barcoding allows tracking of individual stem cells with the goal of better understanding
    clonal 172 dynamics and characteristics, including size, age, lineage, and proliferation tendencies.
    After reviewing the articles, the most that can be said is that “the number of hematopoietic stem
    cells that contribute[] to blood formation and the dynamics of their clonal contribution is a matter
    of ongoing [research and] discussion.” Pet. Ex. 691 at 523.
    For example, in the Lu article, individual hematopoietic stem cells were tracked using
    “barcodes” that allowed the researchers to follow and measure the proliferation of an individual
    cell. Pet. Ex. 685 at 928. The researchers then transplanted 9,000 stem cells into irradiated
    Id. at 932
    . Twenty-two weeks after transplantation, the mice were sacrificed and
    Rong Lu et al., Tracking Single Hematopoietic Stem Cells In Vivo Using High-Throughput
    Sequencing in Conjunction with Viral Genetic Barcoding, 29 NAT. BIOTECHNOL. 928 (2002)
    [Pet. Ex. 685]. According to Dr. Deisher, the researchers in this study used a process known as
    bar coding in order to track blood cell cloning. Tr. 858.
    Shalin Naik et al., Diverse and Heritable Lineage Imprinting of Early Hematopoietic
    Progenitors, 496 NATURE 229 (2013) [Pet. Ex. 686] (discussing the clonality of the blood
    system); see Tr. 680.
    Alice Cheung et al., Analysis of the Clonal Growth and Differentiation Dynamics of Primitive
    Barcoded Human Cord Blood Cells in NSG Mice, The American Society of Hematology, (2013)
    [Pet. Ex. 687] (cited by Dr. Deisher to show the clonality of the blood system); see Tr. 861.
    Lambert Busque et al., Recurrent Somatic TET2 Mutations in Normal Elderly Individuals
    with Clonal Hematopoiesis, 44 NAT. GENET. 1179 (2012) [Pet. Ex. 688] (cited by Dr. Deisher to
    show the clonality of the blood system); see Tr. 680.
    Laurie Smith, Clonal Analysis of Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Differentiation In Vivo, 88 PROC.
    NATL. ACAD. SCI., USA 2788 (1991) [Pet. Ex. 689] (cited by Dr. Deisher to show the clonality
    of the blood system); see Tr. 860.
    Alice Gerrits et al., Cellular Barcoding Tool for Clonal Analysis in the Hematopoietic
    System, 115 BLOOD 2610 (2010) [Pet. Ex. 690].
    Evgenia Verovskaya et al., Heterogeneity of Young and Aged Murine Hematopoietic Stem
    Cells Revealed by Quantitative Clonal Analysis Using Cellular Barcoding, 122 BLOOD 523
    (2013) [Pet. Ex. 691].
    Clonal is defined as “one of a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived …
    from a single common ancestor.” DORLAND’S at 373.
    analyzed, and approximately 50 to 80 of the 9,000 originally transplanted cells had begun to
    proliferate in the mice. 
     This finding “suggests that [hematopoietic stem cells] do not equally
    contribute to blood cells after irradiation-mediated transplantation.” 
    Id. at 928
    . Dr. Deisher used
    the Lu experiment to opine that only “seven or eight hematopoietic stem cells at any one time are
    making all the cells in the body, and one or two of them are actually making the most of the cells
    ….” Tr. 858. Thus, Dr. Deisher infers that a mutation in a single stem cell could proliferate
    sufficiently to cause ASD. 173 
    Dr. Arking explained why these barcoding studies do not support Dr. Deisher’s
    hypothesis. Resp. Ex. P at 2. All of the studies were performed in mice, whose native
    hematopoietic stem cells had been lethally irradiated, which is very different from the normal
    human blood cell production process. 
     The researchers “recovered barcodes after the infected
    [hematopoietic stem cells] had undergone proliferation and differentiation in vivo.” Pet. Ex. 685
    at 935. This means that “50 [to] 100 cells … originally engrafted … expanded to replace the
    radiation destroyed native [stem cells], over time expanding out to the [approximately] 15,000
    [stem cells] that a typical mouse requires to maintain its blood cells.” Resp. Ex. P at 2. It does
    not mean that under normal circumstances, the body only uses 50 to 100 hematopoietic stem
    cells to make all of the blood in the body. The most one can say based on the Lu experiment is
    that hematopoietic stem cells may not equally contribute to the formation of blood cells in mice
    Dr. Deisher also cited the SCID gene therapy trials to support her idea that “a mutation in [a]
    single cell could … contribute significantly to a disease other than cancer.” Tr. 856. She also
    cited to a paper by Josef Prchal et al. for the proposition that “just a handful of stem cells
    contribute to all of the blood cells of our body, and that [their] contribution is stable over time.”
    Id. at 857
     (referencing Pet. Ex. 864). She further testified that Prchal’s research shows that the
    majority of blood cells come from a single clone.173 
     (referencing Pet. Ex. 864, Table 1, at
    Dr. Arking disagreed that the SCID trials support Dr. Deisher’s notion of cell proliferation. He
    explained that in the SCID trials, 20 million cells per kilogram of body weight were removed
    from each child. After gene therapy procedures were performed, the cells were infused back into
    the children. Tr. 594. Thirty-five percent of the cells given back to the children had the
    abnormal gene, which propagated in the child’s bone marrow, ultimately causing leukemia.
    Dr. Arking further testified that Dr. Deisher incorrectly cited the Prchal study, stating that the
    paper does not address “the number of active [hematopoietic stem cells] for normal blood
    production.” Resp. Ex. P at 2 (referencing Pet. Ex. 684).
    after “irradiation-mediated transplantation.” Pet. Ex. 685 at 928; see also Resp. Exs. P1 174 and
    In summary, Dr. Arking explained that a mutation arising from a vaccination, occurring
    after birth, cannot result in autism for several reasons. First, the timing is wrong. The current
    state of scientific knowledge suggests that autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that occurs
    prenatally during brain development. Tr. 575. Second, effects on individual neurons, through
    the process of insertional mutagenesis as contemplated by Dr. Deisher, will not have an effect on
    the number of cells that would be necessary to cause disease. 
     For the effect to be observed,
    the mutation would need to be present in a substantial portion of cells. And for that to occur the
    mutation would need to occur prenatally, during the first or second trimester. 
     If the mutation
    occurs postnatally, as suggested by Dr. Deisher, it will be found in far fewer cells. If the
    mutation occurs in a single cell, as contemplated by Dr. Deisher, then mutations would only be
    observed in that cell and immediately around that cell as it divides. 
    Id. at 574
    . Third, the brain is
    robust to postnatal somatic mutations. Tr. 201 (citing Resp. Ex. H10; Resp. Ex. H11).
    iii. Autoimmunity
    Dr. Deisher’s second proposed mechanism is that human DNA fragments in vaccines
    cause an autoimmune reaction that causes ASD. Tr. 82; Pet. Ex. 10 at 3. She opined that
    “autoimmunity is demonstrated to be a likely mechanism by publications that have come out
    since 2012, in approximately 40 percent of children with autistic disorder.” 176 Tr. at 256. Dr.
    Deisher testified that an autoimmune response can occur due to homology between the DNA
    fragments in the vaccine and the DNA of the vaccine recipient. 
    Id. at 116
    . Although she opined
    that autoimmunity may be a “possible mechanism,” she did not focus on it in her written papers,
    in part because, in its Summary Basis of Approval for the varicella vaccine, Merck reported that
    “they had not seen any potential antibody responses that could trigger an autoimmune response.”
    Tr. 97-98 (citing Pet. Ex. 28 at 3).
    Katrin Busch et al., Fundamental Properties of Unperturbed Haematopoiesis [sic] From Stem
    Cells in Vivo, 518 NATURE 542 (2015) [Resp. Ex. P1] (“[B]arcoding of transplanted
    [hematopoietic stem cells] suggest that very low numbers of [hematopoietic stem cells]
    perpetuate a continuous stream of differentiating cells. However, the numbers of productive
    [hematopoietic stem cells] during normal hematopoiesis, and the flux of differentiating progeny
    remain unknown.”)
    Katrin Busch and Hans-Reimer Rodewald, Unperturbed vs. Post-Transplantation
    Hematopoiesis: Both in Vivo but Different, 23 CURRENT OPINION HEMATOLOGY 295 (2016)
    [Resp. Ex. P2] (“Noninvasive genetic experiments in mice have identified a major role of stem
    and progenitor cells downstream from [hematopoietic stem cells] as drivers of adult
    hematopoiesis, and revealed that post-transplantation differs quantitatively from normal steady-
    state hematopoiesis.”).
    It is not clear which studies Dr. Deisher is referencing.
    Dr. Deisher testified that “autism is probably a multi-hit disease, similar to [] other
    autoimmune diseases, where [] children may have underlying genetic susceptibility, exposure to
    something that[] … trigger[s] antibodies against their own DNA, and then perhaps a viral insult
    … [or] infection breaks down the blood-brain barrier,” with the result being that “circulating
    antibodies are … present to the brain.” Tr. 123. She referred to this as “exposure and
    Id. at 124
    . She posits that an “autoimmune attack” could cause permanent damage
    to the child’s brain. 
    Dr. Deisher stated that HERV-K fragments may also cause an autoimmune response and
    have been “associated with several autoimmune diseases.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 15. She cites articles
    by Tai, Freimanis, and Dickerson 177 in support of these assertions but does not further explain
    how they apply to her theory. 
     (referencing Pet. Ex. 111-113). The article by Tai et al.
    discussed the expression of a HERV-K envelope protein and its potential role in the development
    of multiple sclerosis. Pet. Ex. 111 at 1176. Freimanis et al. studied the potential role of HERV-
    K in causing rheumatoid arthritis, noting that a significant percentage of patients with
    rheumatoid arthritis showed serological increases of HERV-K. Pet. Ex. 112 at 340. Dickerson
    et al. studied HERV-K in the context of individuals with schizophrenia who are also at risk of
    developing type 2 diabetes. Pet. Ex. 113 at 121. However, none of these articles discuss HERV-
    K in the context of ASD, nor are they based on residual HERV-K fragments found in vaccines.
    The authors of these studies do not contemplate that HERV-K fragments in any way create an
    autoimmune reaction that leads to the development of ASD.
    Dr. Deisher also posits that from birth to approximately three years of age, “nerve cell
    death occur[s] on a massive scale. During periods of intense brain cell death such as this, DNA
    not otherwise found extracellularly would be present and serve as the target for autoimmune
    attacks, originally triggered by exposure of a young child to the fetal DNA fragments found in
    vaccines.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 21-22. This idea appears to add another step in the theoretical process.
    Dr. Deisher seems to suggest that once residual DNA from vaccines triggers an autoimmune
    process, the extracellular DNA from the breakdown of the child’s own neurons during a period
    of intense cell death causes ASD. Petitioners provided no evidence to support this idea.
    A.K. Tai et al., Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K18 Env as a Risk Factor in Multiple
    Sclerosis, 14 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 1175 (2008) [Pet. Ex. 111]; G. Freimanis et al., A Role for
    Human Endogenous Retrovirus-K (HML-2) in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Investigating Mechanisms
    of Pathogenesis, 160 Clinical and Experimental Immunology 340 (2010) [Pet. Ex. 112]; Faith
    Dickerson et al., Polymorphisms in Human Endogenous Retrovirus K-18 and Risk of Type 2
    Diabetes in Individuals with Schizophrenia, 104 SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH 121 (2008) [Pet. Ex.
    1. Auto-Antibodies and Autoimmunity 178
    Petitioners cite several papers published by Mostafa and his colleagues that report an
    increase in autoantibodies, antibodies directed against the self, in children with autism as
    compared to controls. 179 For example, in a study published in 2014,180 Mostafa demonstrated the
    presence of anti-double-stranded-DNA antibodies 181 and anti-nuclear antibodies (“ANA”) 182 in a
    group of autistic children. Pet. Ex. 551 at 94. These antibodies were assessed in 80 children
    with autism and 80 controls. Significantly higher levels of the antibodies were found in children
    with autism as compared to the control group. 183 
    Id. at 97
    . In a 2010 study by Mostafa 184
    analyzing a subgroup of children with severe autism, the finding was more pronounced. Pet. Ex.
    620 at 464. The authors postulate that these antibodies may cause diffuse brain abnormalities,
    however, “it is far from clear whether autoimmunity to neuronal antigens is a consequence of the
    I also note prior cases in which the theory of autoimmunity as a mechanism for ASD has been
    rejected. See R.K., 
    2015 WL 10911950
    ; Cunningham v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    2016 WL 4529530
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Aug. 1, 2016); mot. for rev. denied 
    2017 WL 1174448
    Cl. 2017); R.V., 
    2016 WL 3882519
    See Gehan Mostafa et al., Systemic Auto-Antibodies in Children with Autism, 272 J. IMMUN.
    94 (2014) [Pet. Exs. 481, 551]; Gehan Mostafa et al., The Relationship Between the Increased
    Frequency of Serum Antineuronal Antibodies and the Severity of Autism in Children, 16
    EUROPEAN J. PAEDIATRIC NEUROL. 464 (2012) [Pet. Exs. 489, 620].
    Mostafa et al., 272 J. IMMUN. 94 [Pet. Ex. 551].
    Anti-DNA antibodies are a subtype of anti-nuclear antibodies. “The anti-DNA antibody test
    is useful for the diagnosis and follow-up of systemic lupus erythematosus.” MOSBY’S MANUAL
    OF DIAGNOSTIC AND LABORATORY TESTS, (“MOSBY’S”) (5th ed.) at 78. (2014). There are two
    types. “The first and most commonly found is the antibody against double-stranded DNA (“anti-
    ds-DNA”). The second type is the antibody against single-stranded DNA (“anti-ss-DNA”).” 
    ANAs are “autoantibodies to intracellular antigens.” Pet. Ex. 481 at 94. They are “used to
    diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus (“SLE”) and other autoimmune diseases.” MOSBY’S at
    The words “anti-human anti-double stranded DNA antibodies,” “antineuronal antibodies,”
    and “anti-double stranded DNA antibodies” are generally synonymous for purposes of this
    decision. See Tr. 119; see also Tr. 469.
    Mostafa et al., 16 EUROPEAN J. PAEDIATRIC NEUROL. 464 [Pet. Ex. 620]; see also, Pet. Ex.
    481 at 97 (“[I]ncreased frequency of autoimmune disease among families of patients with autism
    may … point to [ ] auto-immune background.”). However, replication studies of larger samples
    are warranted to validate whether autoantibodies are “a mere association or have some
    pathogenic role.”); Pet. Ex. 489 at 466 (“However, it is far from clear whether autoimmunity to
    neuronal antigens is a consequence of the autoimmune diseases or actually initiates the
    autoimmune diseases or actually initiates the process.” 
    Id. at 466
    . 185 Dr. Deisher concedes that
    while anti-DNA antibodies have been found in autistic patients, it is not known whether they
    represent a pathological finding or a compensatory response. Tr. 278.
    Dr. Halsey testified that while the Mostafa studies provide an interesting observation,
    they do not provide evidence of causality. Tr. 469. Dr. Halsey provides context for
    understanding the findings reported in the Mostafa studies. He cites to a paper by Aggarwal, 186
    which explains that autoantibodies are found in the general population as well as in those with
    autoimmune disorders. Tr. 470-71. Thus, “the presence of autoantibod[ies] alone do[] not make
    a diagnosis.” Resp. Ex. L24 at 907. “The pathological significance of autoantibodies in the
    causation of disease is limited.” 
    Id. at 909
    . For many autoimmune disorders, the presence of
    antibodies is believed to be a secondary effect, caused by the breakdown of human cells. Tr.
    543. DNA left from the destruction of cells may trigger the formation of antibodies. 
    the presence of antibodies is not evidence that the antibody caused the illness. 
    Dr. Deisher testified that with regard to children who receive a vaccine with DNA
    fragments who do not develop any adverse autoimmune reaction, the body’s innate immune
    system would recognize the DNA as foreign, and it would engulf and destroy the residual DNA
    fragments through the process of phagocytosis. Tr. 324-25.
    A varicella vaccine safety study187 was performed by the manufacturer to assess whether
    residual DNA in the vaccine could induce a harmful anti-DNA response. The study was
    performed on 293 people who received the vaccine. Pet. Ex. 28 at 14. Anti-DNA titers were
    tested before vaccination, at six weeks, and one year after vaccination. There was no significant
    change in titers before or after the vaccination. 188 
     Dr. Halsey testified that the study showing
    “no increase in autoantibod[ies] after two doses of [the] vaccine … is evidence against the
    hypothesis that the residual DNA might induce an immune response to the DNA.” Tr. 475.
    In Mostafa, the authors speculate that an autoimmune reaction to neurons might be triggered
    by infectious agents (chronic bacterial infections), food allergies, heavy metals, and latex.
    Further studies are recommended. Pet. Ex. 620 at 467.
    Amita Aggarwal et al., Role of Autoantibody Testing, 28 BEST PRACT. & RESEARCH CLIN.
    RHEUMATOLOGY 907 (2014) [Resp. Ex. L24].
    Merck and Company, Summary For Basis of Approval: Varicella Virus Vaccine Live,
    Reference No. 93-0395 [Pet. Ex. 28].
    Dr. Deisher was critical of the study’s use of the phrase “mammalian DNA.” “They do not
    specify what species of DNA (human vs. another mammal) they are using to look for antibody
    responses in the children. That’s very odd.” Tr. 86.
    Ultimately, Dr. Deisher agrees with Dr. Halsey that “autoimmunity can [at] times, be a
    reaction and not a cause.” Tr. 828. With regard to whether DNA from the vaccines may cause
    an autoimmune response, Dr. Deisher concedes that “causality has not been examined.” Tr. 828.
    2. Analogy to PANDAS
    Petitioners’ expert, Dr. Burkhard, 189 hypothesized that the varicella vaccine causes an
    autoimmune response that attacks a child’s brain, interfering with development and causing
    autism. Tr. 369-70. Her hypothesis is derived from pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric
    disorders after strep infection (“PANDAS”). She explained that PANDAS is associated with
    certain neuropsychiatric disorders, including obsessive compulsive disorders, Tourette’s
    syndrome, 190 and abnormal movement disorders. 
    Id. at 369
    . She posits that if strep infection can
    cause neuropsychiatric disorders, then the varicella vaccine could cause autism. 
    Id. at 369-70
    In 2015, Dr. Burkhard reviewed data 191 related to the incidence of autism and noted an
    “abrupt increase in the rate of autism,” within a year in countries that mandated that children
    receive the varicella vaccine. Tr. 371. She cited the Walker 192 article to support her hypothesis
    that vaccine-related autism is an autoimmune illness like PANDAS. Tr. 378. Walker provides a
    summary of studies that used diffusion tensor imaging 193 (“DTI”) to study the brains of children
    Dr. Burkhard has no training in the field of immunology or infectious disease. Tr. 407. She
    did not review the expert reports of Dr. Halsey, Dr. Fallin, or Dr. Arking. 
     Her understanding
    of genetics appeared to be limited, and with regard to questions in medical articles by Iossifov
    (Pet. Ex. 641), she deferred to a scientist with knowledge in the field. Tr. 409-10.
    Tourette’s syndrome is “a syndrome comprising both multiple motor and one or more vocal
    tics, occurring over a period of at least one year, at least intermittently but sometimes as
    frequently as many times daily. Obsessions, compulsions, hyperactivity, distractibility, and
    impulsivity are often associated. Onset is in childhood and tics often lessen in severity and
    frequency and may even remit during adolescence and adulthood.” DORLAND’S at 1831.
    Dr. Burkhard testified that an intern completed this research. She did not produce the data or
    research referenced. Tr. 371.
    Lindsay Walker et al., Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Young Children with Autism: Biological
    Effects and Potential Confounds, 72 BIOL. PSYCHIATRY 1043 (2012) [Pet. Ex. 644].
    DTI is defined as “a magnetic resonance imaging (“MRI”) technique that allows in vivo
    investigation of compositional, microstructural, and architectural characteristics of tissues … and
    is currently the most common method for examining the architecture of white matter in the
    human brain.” Pet. Ex. 644 at 1043. Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity are calculations
    used in the evaluation of DTIs. Fractional anisotropy is “a measure indicating the overall
    directionality of water diffusion that is greater in organized white matter tracts and lower in
    [cerebrospinal fluid] disorganized fibers.” Kristi Clark et al., Mean Diffusivity and Fractional
    Anisotropy as Indicators of Disease and Genetic Liability to Schizophrenia, 45 J. PSYCHIATR.
    RES. 980 (2011). Mean diffusivity “describes the rotationally invariant magnitude of water
    with autism. Pet. Ex. 644 at 1043; Tr. 378. Dr. Burkhard testified that 80 to 90 percent of the
    studies showed dysfunctional myelitis in the brain, including areas of the brain responsible for
    executive functions. 194 Tr. 379. Dr. Burkhard suggested that the studies show “widespread and
    diffuse dysfunction of myelin [or white matter] in brains of … children with autism.” 
    Burkhard testified that the abnormal areas seen on the imaging correspond to the functional
    abnormality in the brains of autistic children. 
    Id. at 388-90
    . She further testified that certain
    childhood diseases thought to be autoimmune in nature are thought to be caused by an attack on
    the myelin by autoantibodies. Tr. 379.
    In Walker, DTI was used to make images of the brains of 39 children with autism and 39
    controls. The authors found “reduced fractional anisotropy (“FA”) and increased mean
    diffusivity (“MD”) in [the] children with autism.” Pet. Ex. 644 at 1043. The authors also
    reviewed similar studies done by other researchers summarizing the brain regions of statistically
    significant differences. 
    Id. at 1044
    . The goal of the study was to “characterize the regional
    distribution of differences in the brains of children with autism,” as compared to children with
    “typical development.” 
    Id. at 1045
    . The DTI images of autistic children “revealed widespread
    differences of FA and MD in brain parenchyma,” as compared to the control group, with a
    “predominant pattern of reduced FA and increased MD.” 
    Id. at 1047-488
    . 195 While most of the
    studies showed the same changes of reduced FA and increased MD, the regions of the brain
    affected were inconsistent. Pet. Ex. 644 at 1048.
    Walker strongly cautioned against drawing false conclusions from the data and using the
    study to suggest that reduced FA is a measure of “white matter integrity” or evidence of
    demyelination. Pet. Ex. 644 at 1049.196 In spite of the caveat issued by Walker, Dr. Burkhard
    diffusion within brain tissue.” 
    “Executive function refers to a domain of cognitive abilities (e.g., self-regulation, set
    maintenance, cognitive flexibility, planning, prioritizing, organizing time and space) that
    provides support for organization, anticipation, inhibition, working memory, and control and
    autoregulation of behavior.” Kenneth F. Swaiman, Pediatric Neurology: Principles & Practice
    892 (4th ed. 2006).
    I note the caveat that some of the studies looked at the entire brain, while other only imaged
    certain regions. See Pet. Ex. 644 at 1044.
    The authors go on to state, “For example, in healthy white matter the underlying organization
    of fibers heavily influences the value of anisotropy (i.e., the more coherent the fiber organization,
    the higher the measured value of FA. In regions with complex white matter architecture, FA
    might even paradoxically increase after white matter degeneration. More recently, it was shown
    that FA values increased in perilesioned cortex after traumatic brain injury in a rat model,
    because of organized gliosis, not axonal regeneration. In healthy white matter, diffusion
    anisotropy is known to increase during postnatal maturation, although the relative importance of
    each specific maturational process (i.e. change in the size of the extracellular space, composition
    of the extracellular matrix, and degree of myelination) in driving the FA increase is not clear.”
    testified that Walker shows “widespread and diffuse dysfunction of myelin in the brains of [ ]
    children with autism.” Tr. 379. Walker also cautioned that “DTI studies of autism should be
    interpreted with caution, because their small magnitude 197 make these measurements particularly
    vulnerable to the effects of artifacts and confounds, which might lead to false positive and/or
    false negative biological inferences.” Pet. Ex. 644 at 1043. Moreover, Walker did not discuss
    any of the theories proposed by petitioners as to the cause of autism, especially Dr. Burkhard’s
    theory of autoimmunity.
    Moreover, postmortem studies cited by respondent do not support Dr. Burkhard’s
    testimony that autistic brains show “widespread and diffuse dysfunction of myelin.” Resp. Ex.
    J3 at 183. Bauman and Kemper 198 have extensively studied the autistic brain, and they report
    few gross abnormalities. 
    Id. at 184
    . Specifically, they state that “patterns of myelination have
    appeared to be comparable to that of controls….” 
     Bauman and Kemper have found
    abnormalities in the cerebellum, brainstem, and cerebral cortical area, suggesting a prenatal
    origin, and a “pattern consistent with developmental curtailment.” 
     “Available data provides
    evidence for a prenatal onset of at least some of the neuroanatomic abnormalities reported in the
    autistic brain.” 
    Id. at 184
    In a more recent article, Stoner et al. 199 described abnormal “prefrontal and temporal
    cortical tissue,” which suggests a problem with “neuronal differentiation at prenatal development
    stages.” Resp. Ex. H24 at 1209. Further, while a number of neurobiological mechanisms have
    been proposed, “there is no firm pathological evidence to support any of these suggested
    hypotheses.” Resp. Ex. J3 at 186. Suggested mechanisms identified by Bauman and Kemper
    include “brain over growth,” and neurogenesis, “decreased neuronal cell death, increased
    production of non-neuronal brain tissues (i.e. glial cells), decreased synaptic pruning and
    abnormalities of myelin.” 
    IX.        Petitioners have failed the Althen Test For Determining Causation-In-Fact
    In Althen, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit discussed the issue of
    “causation-in-fact” in Vaccine Act cases. The court stated:
    [Petitioner’s] burden is to show by preponderant evidence that the vaccination
    brought about [the child’s] injury by providing: (1) a medical theory causally
    Pet. Ex. 644 at 1049.
    In fact, Walker states, “[E]quating FA to a specific measure of integrity of white matter is
    misleading.” Pet. Ex. 644 at 1049. The finding of reduced “FA in widespread regions,” and MD
    “only in posterior regions” of the brain is indicative of a pattern that “could be consistent with
    global differences in the level of tissue maturity between groups, abnormal maturation, or
    degenerative processes.” 
    Bauman & Kemper, 23 INT. J. DEVL. NEUROSCIENCE 183 [Resp. Ex. J3].
    Stoner et al., 370 N. ENG. J. MED. 1209 [Resp. Ex. H24].
    connecting the vaccination and the injury; (2) a logical sequence of cause and
    effect showing that the vaccination was the reason for the injury; and (3) a
    showing of a proximate temporal relationship between the vaccination and injury.
    If [petitioner] satisfies this burden, she is entitled to recover unless the
    [government] shows, also by a preponderance of the evidence, that the injury was
    in fact caused by factors unrelated to the vaccine.
    418 F.3d at 1278
     (internal citations and quotations omitted). In the pages above, I have
    provided a detailed explanation of how petitioners have failed to demonstrate preponderant
    evidence of “causation-in-fact.” The next section shows how that analysis fits within the Althen
    test. For the reasons set forth below, I find that petitioners have failed to satisfy the Althen test
    and are therefore not entitled to compensation.
    a. Althen Prong One: Lack of a Reliable Medical Theory
    As noted at the outset, the sole issue to be decided is whether Dr. Deisher’s theory of
    vaccine-caused autism meets petitioners’ burden in this case under Althen Prong One.
    Petitioners must set forth a medical theory explaining how the vaccines could have caused
    V.J.M.’s autism. Andreu v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    569 F.3d 1367
    , 1375 (Fed. Cir.
    2009); Pafford v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    451 F.3d 1352
    , 1355-56 (Fed Cir. 2006).
    Although petitioners need not identify the exact mechanism involved, their theory of
    causation must be informed by a “sound and reliable medical or scientific explanation.”
    Knudsen v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    35 F.3d 543
    , 548-49 (Fed. Cir. 1994); see also
    Veryzer v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    98 Fed. Cl. 214
    , 223 (2011) (noting that special
    masters are bound by both § 300aa- 13(b)(1) and Vaccine Rule 8(b)(1) to consider only evidence
    that is both “relevant” and “reliable”). If petitioners rely upon medical opinions to support their
    theory, the basis for the opinion and the reliability of that basis must be considered in the
    determination of how much weight to afford the offered opinion. See Broekelschen v. Sec’y of
    Health & Human Servs., 618 F.3d at 1347 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (“The special master’s decision often
    times is based on the credibility of the experts and the relative persuasiveness of their competing
    theories.”); Perreira v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    33 F.3d 1375
    , 1377 n.6 (Fed. Cir. 1994)
    (stating that an “expert opinion is no better than the soundness of the reasons supporting it.”)
    (citing Fehrs v. United States, 
    620 F.2d 255
    , 265 (Ct. Cl. 1980)). However, petitioners are not
    required to file medical literature proving their theory. As the Federal Circuit noted in Althen,
    “the purpose of the Vaccine Act’s preponderance standard is to allow the finding of causation in
    a field bereft of complete and direct proof of how vaccines affect the human body.” Althen, 
    418 F.3d at 1280
    Petitioners argue that the evidence they have presented “satisfies the criteria for
    establishing a plausible theory of causation, as that criteria is recognized by the scientific
    community.” Pet. Prehrg Br. dated January 15, 2016 (ECF No. 202) at 6. They concede that
    “the precise way the DNA fragments from the human cell lines cause the injury in issue is
    subject to debate.” 
     They state that “where expert opinions extrapolate from existing data, the
    weight to be given to an expert’s opinion is based, in part, on the size of the gap between the
    science and the opinion proffered.” 
     at 7 (citing Cedillo v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs.,
    617 F.3d 1328
     at 1339 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (quoting Gen. Elec. Co., 
    522 U.S. 136
    , 146 (1997))).
    They also agree that evidence of causation must be “more than a mere scintilla,” and that to
    establish relevant and reliable evidence there much be “such relevant evidence as a reasonable
    mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion.” Id. at 7. (citing Huvis Corp v. United
    570 F.3d 1347
    , 1351 (Fed. Cir. 2009) (quoting Consol. Edison Co. v. NLRB, 
    305 U.S. 197
    , 229 (1938))). Cases in which there are close calls “must be resolved in favor of the
     Evidence “should be viewed under the preponderance standard, as it is
    understood in civil courts, and ‘not through the lens of the laboratorian.’” 
     at 9 (citing
    569 F.3d at 1380
    Respondent disagrees that petitioners have established Prong One. Respondent argues
    that Dr. Deisher “has not set forth a cogent theory of vaccine causation that makes sense to
    unbiased, knowledgeable scientists.” Resp. Prehrg Br. dated February 8, 2016 (ECF No. 222) at
    2. Respondent further argues that Dr. Deisher’s “methodology is unscientific,” and that her
    expert reports contain “scientifically inaccurate or dubious propositions.” Id. at 3.
    i. Hill Criteria 200
    Both parties cited the Hill criteria, developed by Arthur Bradford Hill in 1965, as a
    method to evaluate Dr. Deisher’s theories of causation in this case. See Pet. Prehrg Br. at 5;
    Resp. Ex. J at 3. The criteria are:
    (1) strength of association (e.g. correlation coefficient); (2) consistency across
    data sets and populations; (3) specificity of finding to a particular cause and
    particular outcome; (4) evidence that the causal factor occurred prior to
    disease onset; (5) evidence for dose-response; (6) biological plausibility; (7)
    coherence with other types of evidence (e.g., animal models); (8)
    experimental evidence that removing the causal factor prevents the outcome;
    and (9) analogy to other known causes of the outcome.
    Resp. Ex. J at 3.
    It is important to note that these criteria or guidelines are generally considered “only after
    a study finds an association to determine whether that association reflects a true causal
    relationship.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 598-599. Dr. Deisher’s change point study, however, uses
    I include Bradford Hill criteria in my analysis, because petitioners urge that Dr. Deisher’s
    study and opinion should be found persuasive when viewed in the context of the Hill criteria.
    Pet. Prehrg Memo at 5. Several courts have cited the Hill criteria as a helpful tool for
    determining whether an epidemiological study establishes causation. See, e.g. Amorgianos v.
    Nat. R.R. Passenger Corp., 
    137 F. Supp. 2d 147
    , 168 (E.D. N.Y. 2001) (stating that
    “epidemiologists generally look to several additional criteria to determine whether a statistical
    association is indeed causal.”); In re Breast Implant Litig., 
    11 F. Supp. 2d 1217
    , 1243 (D. Co.
    1998) (“Plaintiffs have not demonstrated that Dr. Blais’ methodology or opinions are generally
    accepted in the scientific community. To the contrary, the accepted method for determining the
    cause of disease is epidemiology and, if necessary, the Bradford Hill criteria.”). Other courts,
    however, have held that the Hill criteria are not “necessary or helpful” when considering
    reliability under Daubert. In re Phenylpropanolamine Prod. Liab. Litig., 
    289 F. Supp. 2d 1230
    (W.D. Wa. 2003). In any event, the Hill criteria are not necessarily dispositive even when
    viewed as helpful. In re Viagra Prod. Liabl. Litig., 572 F. Supp. 2d. 1071, 1081 (D. Mn. 2008)
    (“The court agrees that the Bradford Hill criteria are helpful for determining reliability, but
    rejects Pfizer’s suggestion that any failure to satisfy those criteria provides independent grounds
    for granting its Daubert motion.”). In that regard, prior vaccine cases have included
    consideration of the Hill criteria in conjunction with other factors in deciding whether petitioners
    have provided preponderant evidence of a theory of causation. See Koehn v. Sec’y of Health &
    Human Servs., 11-355V, 
    2013 WL 3214877
     (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. May 30, 2013), mot. for rev.
    113 Fed. Cl. 757
     (2013), aff’d 
    773 F.3d 1239
     (Fed. Cir. 2014); Baker v. Sec’y of Health
    & Human Servs., 99-653-V, 
    2003 WL 22416622
     (Sept. 26, 2003). In this case, I need not reach
    the question of how much weight to place on the Hill criteria, because I have found, for the
    reasons detailed below, that Dr. Deisher’s opinion in this case is not in accord with the Hill
    criteria. Further, my decision in this case does not turn on my analysis of the Hill criteria, and
    even without it, I find petitioners have not proven Althen Prong One by preponderant evidence.
    an ecological design, which, as discussed above, is not well suited to establishing causation. See
    REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 561. As such, Dr. Deisher’s study cannot answer the question of whether
    an association exists between exposure to vaccines which contain residual DNA fragments and
    autism. Moreover, Dr. Deisher’s change point study, and her causal conclusions, are “built on
    [an] unproven link.” See Pet. Ex. 62 at 7. Nevertheless, the Hill criteria provide a framework to
    analyze the evidence. The criteria are useful to evaluate the question of whether there is a “true
    cause-effect relationship.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 597.
    1. Strength of Association
    The first Hill criterion assesses the strength of the association between the exposure
    (vaccines) and the disease (autism). See REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 602. Strength of association is
    often measured by relative risk, the “ratio of the incidence rate … of disease in exposed
    individuals to the incidence rate in unexposed individuals.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 566. “The
    higher the relative risk, the greater the likelihood that the relationship is causal.” 
    Id. at 602
    . For
    example, for cigarette smoking, the “estimated relative risk for lung cancer is very high, about
    10. That is, the risk of lung cancer in smokers is approximately 10 times the risk in
    Petitioners argue that this criterion has been met because the change point study showed
    an increase in autism following the introduction of or increased doses of the vaccines at issue in
    the geographical areas studied. Pet. Prehrg Memo at 5. Respondent disagrees, and counters that
    the study only shows a correlation between the change points and the dates of vaccine licensure,
    “although this is at the ecological level and based on unverified assumptions.” Resp. Ex. J at 5.
    Dr. Fallin explained that in ecological studies, the strength of association is often
    measured by a correlation coefficient, which is a measurement of the strength of the correlation
    of the amount of exposure at the group or aggregated level, and the amount of outcome at the
    group or aggregated level. Tr. 719. Dr. Deisher’s change point study does not contain any such
    “numeric metric” by which to measure the correlation. 
    Id. at 720
    . Because her study does not
    contain measurable correlation parameters, Dr. Deisher’s claim that the association between fetal
    manufactured vaccines and AD prevalence change points are consistent across each different
    geographic location cannot be verified. 
    Id. at 721
    . The only way to compare prevalence data
    sets from Denmark and prevalence data sets from California is by looking at the year in which
    the prevalence was measured and comparing it with the year that fetal manufactured vaccines
    were licensed. This comparison, however, does not meet the first Hill criterion for measuring the
    strength of association, using relative risk, correlation coefficient, or other verifiable parameters.
    2. Consistency 201
    The second Hill criterion, the consistency factor, assesses whether “the findings are
    consistent with other relevant knowledge.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 606. Relevant to this criterion
    is whether other epidemiological studies have shown an association between vaccines and
    autism. Tr. 721; Resp. Ex J at 5. Petitioners argue this criterion was satisfied because there was
    “an increase in autism follow[ing] every introduction or increased dose of [the] vaccines in every
    jurisdiction studied.” Pet. Prehrg Br. at 5. Respondent disagreed, noting that no other studies
    verified Dr. Deisher’s results, and numerous studies have shown that there is no association
    between vaccines and autism. Resp. Ex. J at 5.
    Dr. Fallin cited a number of epidemiological studies, all of which found no association
    between vaccines and autism. 202 Moreover, there are no studies or literature, other than Dr.
    Deisher’s study, which show any association between fetal manufactured vaccines and autism.
    See Tr. 219.
    Dr. Deisher’s 1988 change point was reported by McDonald. In effect, Dr. Deisher
    verified McDonald’s 1988-1989 change point. However, McDonald cited the numerous studies
    on the MMR vaccine and the 2004 IOM report and rejected a causal relationship between the
    MMR vaccine and autism. Pet. Ex. 27 at 2. McDonald did not identify the other two change
    points reported by Dr. Deisher, and Dr. Deisher conceded that no one else has confirmed her
    change points in published literature.203 Tr. 236-237.
    Petitioners refer to this criterion as “the consistency of the association in varied
    circumstances.” Pet. Prehrg Br. at 5. However, the REF. MAN. SCI. EV, quoted by petitioners,
    uses the phrase, “consistency with other knowledge.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 600, 606. Dr.
    Fallin’s explanation of this criterion appears more accurate than petitioners’.
    These studies include Jain et al., 
    313 JAMA 1534
     [Resp. Ex. J18]; Madsen et al. 347 N. ENG.
    J. MED. 1477 [Resp. Ex. J26]; Taylor et al., 333 Lancet 2026 [Resp. Ex. J44]; Demicheli et al.,
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Resp. Ex. J8]; Fombonne et al., 118 PEDIATRICS
    e139 [Resp. Ex. J9]. These articles are discussed earlier in the epidemiology section. See also
    Robert Schechter and Judith Grether, Continuing Increases in Autism Reported to California’s
    Developmental Services System, 65 ARCH. GEN. PSYCHIATRY 19 (2008) [Resp. Ex. J41]; Anne
    Hurley et al., Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines and Autism: A Review of Recent Epidemiologic
    Studies, 15 J. PEDIATR. PHARMACOL. THER. 173 (2010) [Resp. Ex. J16]; and Yota Uno et al.,
    Early Exposure to the Combined Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Thimerosol-Containing
    Vaccines and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder, 33 VACCINE 2511 (2015) [Resp. Ex. J45].
    Dr. Deisher testified that “several independent scientists have corroborated” her change
    points, but this information is not published. Tr. 294.
    Dr. Deisher’s study and her theories of causation are not consistent with other relevant
    and reliable knowledge, and her findings have not been reported by others or verified by
    epidemiological studies.204
    3. Specificity
    The third Hill criterion, specificity of the association, requires a showing that the effect of
    exposure on a particular outcome is specific to that outcome. Tr. 722. “An association exhibits
    specificity if the exposure is associated only with a single disease or type of disease.” REF. MAN.
    SCI. EV. at 605. The rationale behind this criterion is that the “vast majority of agents do not
    cause a wide variety of effects.” 
    Id. at 605-6
    When asked whether this criterion had been met, Dr. Deisher testified that she is not
    claiming vaccines are “responsible for all childhood diseases.” Tr. 220. Instead, she is studying
    the “relationship and the biology that would tell us how [children with autism] could be harmed
    by the vaccine.” Tr. 220. Petitioners’ theory is only designed to explain the cause of autism, not
    other diseases.
    Dr. Fallin explained that specificity could not be assessed by Dr. Deisher’s change point
    research. Resp. Ex. J at 5. In order to meet this criterion, Dr. Deisher would need to compare
    children with autism to children with other developmental disabilities and demonstrate “evidence
    of specificity to autism specifically as opposed to other kinds of disorders.” Tr. 722. Thus, Dr.
    Deisher’s study does not address specificity.
    4. Temporal Relationship 205
    “A temporal, or chronological, relationship must exist for causation to exist. If exposure
    causes disease, the exposure must occur before the disease develops.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at
    601. Dr. Fallin testified that this factor is met when exposure to the cause of the disease predates
    the actual disease. Tr. 722-23.
    Dr. Deisher testified that she did not address this criteria in her study. Tr. 220. In order
    to fully investigate whether vaccine exposure occurred prior to disease onset, Dr. Deisher
    I stress that I am not requiring petitioners to provide epidemiological evidence of their
    mechanisms of causation. However, petitioners cited epidemiological evidence, so I may
    evaluate it. See W.C. v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    704 F.3d 1352
     (Fed. Cir. 2013); Grant
    v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    956 F.2d 1144
     (Fed. Cir. 1992).
    For purposes of this decision, I am applying the temporal relationship factor as part of my
    analysis of Althen Prong One, as it is a factor in the Hill criteria. This section is not meant to
    constitute a discussion of Prong Three of Althen, which measures the temporal relationship
    between the receipt of a vaccination and the onset of the injury.
    testified that she would need access to the VSD 206 so that she could study children on an
    individual basis. Tr. 221. Dr. Fallin agreed that this criterion was not satisfied. The change
    point research contains imprecise dates and ecological data. Resp. Ex. J at 5.
    Moreover, Dr. Fallin testified that “the field [of epidemiology] overwhelmingly now
    believes that the … most likely environmental susceptibility window [for ASD] is in utero,”
    which is prior to the time that children receive vaccinations. Tr. 723. Dr. Deisher’s change point
    study and theories of causation contemplate exposure after birth, during vaccine administration.
    Thus, the theory is inconsistent with current scientific knowledge with regard to exposure.
    There is also an issue with regard to disease onset relevant to the criterion of temporal
    association. Dr. Deisher opined that autism disease onset due to her theory “could be as short as
    a few days … up to a few years from a first exposure.” Pet. Ex. 10 at 23. “If the phenomenon is
    genomic insertion into a stem cell, onset … could be … even years.” 
     It is not clear whether
    Dr. Deisher’s change point study takes into account this wide range of exposure to disease onset
    from a few days to years.
    5. Dose-Response
    A “dose-response relationship means that the greater the exposure, the greater risk of
    disease. Generally, higher exposures should increase the incidence (or severity) of disease.”
    REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 603. In this case, the greater the coverage of a vaccine, the higher the
    prevalence of the disorder should be, if there is evidence of dose-response. Tr. 725. Dose-
    response is often confirmed by correlation, and the higher the correlation, the greater the
    evidence of dose response. Id. at 724.
    Dr. Deisher testified that petitioners “clearly demonstrated evidence for a dose-response,”
    by evaluating “autistic disorder prevalence compared to uptake” with the varicella and hepatitis
    vaccines. She attempts to demonstrate dose-response by displaying the graphs below, which
    depict autism prevalence and varicella vaccine coverage over time, respectively. Pet. Ex. 265 at
    10. Recall that Dr. Deisher attributes the third change point in approximately 1995, in part, to
    the varicella vaccine.
    Dr. Deisher explains in her affidavit that “[t]he [VSD] contains data regarding immunizations
    and autism disorder for hundreds of thousands of children.” Pet. Ex. 10 at 25. She testified that
    she was denied access to the VSD partly due to lack of funding. Tr. 327.
    The graphs show the
    increase in autism
    prevalence over time, and
    the coverage and uptake of
    the varicella vaccine over
    time. Pet. Ex. 265 at 10;
    Tr. 725. Dr. Deisher
    opines that increased
    coverage of the varicella
    vaccine results in higher
    prevalence of autism. Id.
    However, the graphs raise
    a significant question. In
    the bottom graph, varicella
    coverage plateaus at
    approximately 2002, but
    the top graph shows that
    the prevalence of autism
    continues to increase. If
    the two were causally
    associated, one would
    expect that autism
    prevalence would level off
    as varicella coverage
    plateaus. The charts do not
    explain why autism
    continues to increase when
    the coverage of the
    varicella vaccine coverage
    levels out. Tr. 725.
    Moreover, Dr. Deisher concedes that her study “does not rule out the possibility of sociologic
    effects artificially elevating AD prevalence after 1996.” Pet. Ex. 419 at 19. As such, I find there
    is insufficient evidence of a dose-response relationship.
    6. Coherence
    The sixth Hill criterion measures coherence with other types of evidence, including
    animal models. Tr. 222; Resp. Ex J at 6; Tr. 726. Dr. Deisher testified that anti-double-strand-
    DNA antibodies and published evidence of mutations in lymphoblastoid cell lines are evidence
    of “actual clinical observation in autistic children.” Tr. 222. There is, however, no evidence
    which establishes that anti-double-strand-DNA antibodies found in autistic children are caused
    by vaccines. Likewise, there is no evidence that mutations in lymphoblastoid cell lines are
    associated with vaccines. Therefore, Dr. Deisher’s testimony on this point is erroneous.
    Dr. Fallin opines that coherence with other types of evidence such as animal models has
    not been shown. Dr. Deisher’s hypothesis is not consistent with current autism research,
    especially with regard to the time of exposure (prenatal vs. after birth). Resp. Ex. J at 6. I agree
    with Dr. Fallin that Dr. Deisher’s research and theories do not meet this criterion.
    7. Effect of Ceasing Exposure
    The seventh Hill criterion explores whether the outcome (autism) could be prevented by
    removing the causal factor (vaccines). Tr. 727. “If an agent is a cause of disease, then one
    would expect that cessation of exposure to that agent ordinarily would reduce the risk of the
    disease.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 605.
    Dr. Fallin testified that ecological studies can never meet this criterion. Tr. 727. This
    criterion requires an experimental study design with randomized control trials to assess exposure
    and outcome. Tr. 727. Even at an individual level, experimental evidence can be difficult to
    demonstrate, because the exposure of interest has to occur in subjects that are reasonably alike.
    Dr. Deisher’s research reaches conclusions at an aggregate level and thus cannot meet this
    criteria. Id.
    Dr. Deisher testified that this criterion was satisfied by her paper published in 2015, an
    ecological study about autism incidence following the “Wakefield scare.” 207 Tr. 223. For this
    study, Dr. Deisher obtained autism prevalence data from five sources: two from Norway, two
    from the UK, and one from Sweden. She reported that the “average MMR coverage” for
    Norway, Sweden, and the UK fell below 90percent after Dr. Wakefield’s 1998 paper. Pet. Ex.
    675 at 2. During the same time frame, she reported that the prevalence of average ASDs in these
    same three countries decreased “substantially after birth year 1998 and gradually increased again
    after birth year 2000.” Id. She concluded that the “Wakefield scare” resulted in decreased
    vaccine coverage, which “created a natural experiment that may demonstrate a causal
    relationship between fetal cell-line manufactured vaccines and ASD prevalence.” Id. Dr.
    Deisher testified that when the vaccines were removed, autism decreased, and when the vaccines
    were reintroduced, autism increased. Tr. 218.
    Dr. Arking testified that Dr. Deisher’s presentation of the data could be misleading
    because it came from “multiple sources within a country and multiple sources across countries.”
    Tr. 735-38. Using the same data used by Dr. Deisher, Dr. Arking hand-plotted it separately for
    each country, yielding different results. There was a decrease in autism for the UK, but for
    Norway, there was an increase, and for Sweden, there was no change and then an increase. Id. at
    738. Dr. Arking then plotted data from just one of the UK studies (Wales), and that data was
    In 1998, Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a paper in The Lancet, “suggesting a link between
    MMR and autism.” Tr. 217. Dr. Deisher testified that there was widespread coverage by the
    media in the three countries referenced above, and “compliance with the MMR…decline[d]
    abruptly.” Id. Subsequently, Wakefield was discredited by Kaye’s paper published in the
    British Medical Journal, and others. James A. Kaye et al., Mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine
    and the incidence of autism recorded by general practitioners: a time trend analysis, BRIT. MED.
    J. 322 (2001). Dr. Deisher testified that once Wakefield was discredited, “compliance rose again
    in those countries.” Tr. 217. For a full discussion of the Wakefield paper and the subsequent
    course of events, see Cedillo, 
    2009 WL 331968
    “almost flat.” Tr. 739. While Dr. Arking emphasized that his illustrations and examples were
    cursory, they served to illustrate that using data at an aggregate level can be misleading. 
    Id. at 740
    . “Every time you aggregate, you lose something.” 
     Dr. Arking concluded that Dr.
    Deisher’s paper regarding the “Wakefield scare” did not provide evidence of a decrease in
    vaccine coverage associated with decreased autism prevalence. 
     He also made another
    important point: rigorous epidemiological studies using individual level data have shown no
    association between vaccines and autism. If Dr. Deisher’s theories were correct, studies about
    the MMR vaccine would have shown an association. See 
    id. at 741-42
    . On these points, Dr.
    Arking was more persuasive.
    8. Analogy to Other Known Causes
    The eighth Hill criterion measures whether the hypothesized cause of the outcome is
    analogous to any other known causes of the outcome. Resp. Ex. J at 6; Tr. 728. According to
    Dr. Deisher, petitioners have presented:
    [A] large body of scientific evidence in multiple disciplines … immunology,
    virology, gene therapy, genetic engineering, manufacturing, process development,
    clinical interventions in autoimmune diseases, and actual empirical evidence from
    the SCID gene therapy trials, that the potential damages of the contaminants
    found in the vaccines are real and present; that the mechanisms of action are not
    only plausible, but possible.
    Tr. 223. Respondent disagrees. Dr. Fallin explained that Dr. Deisher’s research does not
    meet this criterion because “other known causes [of autism] are rare genetic anomalies that occur
    at the time of conception, or very close [there]after.” Tr. 728. Recent research overwhelmingly
    shows that the greatest potential for autism risk factors points to the prenatal period. 
    An example of an autistic disorder known to be caused by a “germline mutation,” is Rett
    syndrome. Tr. 133, 185, 246. Dr. Deisher agrees that Rett syndrome is caused by a de novo
    germ cell mutation that leads to autism. 
    Id. at 133, 185
    . A germline mutation is a mutation
    occurring in the parent’s egg or sperm cells. Therefore, it is an example of a mutation occurring
    in the prenatal period that is known to cause autism.
    I find respondent’s position more persuasive. Dr. Deisher’s research and theories
    suggesting that fetal manufactured vaccines are a cause of autism is not analogous to the current
    understanding of the timing or mechanisms of the potential causes of autism, or to the example
    of Rett syndrome and thus do not show evidence of any other analogous causes.
    9. Biological Plausibility
    “Biological plausibility is not an easy criterion to use and depends upon existing
    knowledge about the mechanisms by which the disease develops.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 604.
    “The saliency of this factor varies depending on the extent of scientific knowledge about the
    cellular and subcellular mechanisms through which the disease process works.” 
    Id. at 605
    With regard to environmental causes of autism, “[t]he majority of autism research to date
    implicates the gestational period as the window of risk.” 208 Resp. Ex. J at 5. Based on existing
    knowledge about the mechanisms by which autism develops, respondent’s experts unanimously
    agree that “the idea that there can be an adequate amount of human DNA transferred to the
    children and that then within each child enough of that can insert itself into the genome of cells
    in ways that would manifest disease [postnatally] is unlikely.” Tr. 726.
    10.    Replication of the Findings
    Another Hill criterion not specifically enumerated by petitioners, but generally
    recognized as a Hill criterion, as well as important factor to “assess whether a causal inference is
    appropriate,” is whether the results of a study have been replicated. REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 600.
    “Rarely, if ever, does a single study persuasively demonstrate a cause-effect relationship. It is
    important that a study be replicated in different populations and by different investigators before
    a causal relationship is accepted by epidemiologists and other scientists.” 
    Id. at 604
    Dr. Deisher concedes that her theories, as well as her change point study findings, have
    not been published by anyone else. “The need to replicate research findings permeates most
    fields of science.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 604. Without replication, it is very difficult to draw
    any reasonable inferences from Dr. Deisher’s study or her theories.
    In summary, Dr. Deisher’s change point study does not offer persuasive evidence of
    causation based on the Hill criteria. The study does not contain any parameters by which to
    measure the strength of association between the vaccines at issue and the prevalence of autism.
    Dr. Deisher’s epidemiological study has not been verified and her findings have not been
    In support of this assertion, Dr. Fallin referenced studies by Patricia Rodier et al.,
    Embryological Origin for Autism: Developmental Anomalies of the Cranial Nerve Motor Nuclei
    370 J. COMP. NEUROLOGY 247 (1996) [Resp. Ex. J38]; A. Bailey et al., A Clinicopathological
    Study of Autism 121 Brain 889 (1998) [Resp. Ex. J2]; Bauman and Kemper, 23 INT. J. DEVL.
    NEUROSCIENCE 183 [Resp. Ex. J3]; Joachim Hallmayer et al., Genetic Heritability and Shared
    Enviornmental Factors Among Twin Pairs with Autism, 68 ARCH. GEN. PSYCHIATRY 1095
    (2011) [Resp. Ex. J11]; Sally Ozonoff et al., Recurrence Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders: A
    Baby Siblings Research Consortium Study, 128 PEDIATRICS e488 (2011) [Resp. Ex. J34];
    Matthew Johnson et al., Functional and Evolutionary Insights Into Human Brain Development
    Through Global Transcriptome Analysis, 62 NEURON 494 (2009) [Resp. Ex. J19]; Irina
    Voineagu et al., Transcriptomic Analysis of Autistic Brain Reveals Convergent Molecular
    Pathology, 474 NATURE 380 (2013) [Resp. Ex. J46]; Willsey et al., 155 CELL 997 [Resp. Ex.
    J47]; Marilyn T. Miller, Thalidomide Embryopathy: A Model for the Study of Congenital
    Incomitant Horizontal Strabismus, LXXXIX TR. AM. OPTH. SOC. 623 (1991) [Resp. Ex. J29]; K.
    Stromland et al., Autism in Thalidomide Embryopathy: A Population Study, 36 DEVL. MED. AND
    CHILD NEUROL. 351 (1994) [Resp. Ex J43]; Lonnie Zwaigenbaum et al., Behavioral
    Manifestations of Autism in the First Year of Life, 23 INT. J. DEVL. NEUROSCIENCE 143 (2005)
    [Resp. Ex. J48]; and A.N. Bhat et al., Relationship Between Early Motor Delay and Later
    Communication Delay in Infants At Risk for Autism, 35 INFANT BEHAV. DEVL. 838 (2012)
    [Resp. Ex. J4].
    replicated by others. Moreover, her results are directly contrary to many other epidemiological
    studies which do not demonstrate a correlation between vaccines and autism. The change point
    study does not demonstrate that exposure to vaccines containing human DNA fragments is
    specific to the outcome of autism. Due to the ecological design of the study, it cannot provide
    evidence that the vaccines were given prior to the onset of autism. Dr. Deisher’s study does not
    show evidence of dose-response, and her hypothesis is not consistent with current autism
    research. She has not demonstrated that autism could be prevented by discontinuing the use of
    vaccines manufactured with residual DNA fragments, and her causal theories are not analogous
    with existing and current knowledge and understanding that the timing of the cause of autism is
    likely during prenatal development. To the extent that there may be environmental triggers
    involved in the etiology of autism, these are thought to occur during the prenatal period. Dr.
    Deisher has not offered a biologically-plausible mechanism by which vaccines containing
    residual DNA could cause autism.
    ii. Epidemiological Evidence
    In addition to arguing that they have satisfied the Hill criteria, petitioners assert that Dr.
    Deisher’s change point study satisfies the following three questions, set forth in the REF. MAN.
    SCI. EV.:
    1) Do the results of an epidemiology study reveal an association between an agent and
    2) Could this association have resulted from limitations of the study (bias, confounding
    or sampling error), and, if so, from which?
    3) Based on the above analysis, and on other evidence, how plausible is a causal
    interpretation of the association?
    Pet. Prehrg Br. at 10.
    These three issues arise when an epidemiology study is used in a legal dispute. To assess
    “the methodological soundness of a study and its implications for resolution of the question of
    causation,” these three questions must be addressed. REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 554.
    Respondent’s counsel generally argues that Dr. Deisher’s change point study is flawed,
    and that “no reliable scientific conclusions” can be drawn from it due to its “substandard
    methodology.” Resp. Prehrg Br. at 7.
    1. The results of Dr. Deisher’s Study Do Not Reveal an
    Association Between Vaccines and Autism
    Dr. Deisher employed an ecological study design which, by definition, is one in which
    data is collected about a group or groups. Generally, the goal of ecological studies is to identify
    a difference between different groups, so as to study disease trends in a population. While
    ecological studies are useful for identifying associations, “they rarely provide definitive causal
    answers.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 561. Ecological studies provide “nearly no evidence on
    causality.” Tr. 451. That is because what appears to be a cause-and-effect relationship at the
    group level may not be true at the individual level. This can lead to an ecological fallacy, such
    as the example given by Dr. Fallin with computer use and asthma. Therefore, Dr. Deisher’s
    change point study, even if perfectly executed, cannot reveal an association between residual
    DNA in vaccines and autism.
    2. Dr. Deisher’s Study Has Numerous Limitations
    Which Render Its Conclusions Invalid
    There are a number of limitations to Dr. Deisher’s change point study which call into
    question her conclusions. There are many sources of potential error in the data used to calculate
    incidence and prevalence data which may have produced erroneous results. As carefully and
    thoughtfully explained by Dr. Fallin, the changes in diagnostic criteria changed over the time
    frame relevant to the study. Four different DSM editions and revisions were published, with
    changes to the number of symptoms needed to establish a diagnosis of autism. For example,
    from 1968 to 1980, symptoms that described what is now called autism were described under the
    diagnostic rubric for schizophrenia, childhood type. In 1980, the diagnosis “infantile autism”
    was published in the DSM-III. McDonald and others have suggested that the changes in
    diagnostic criteria accounted for a 2.2-fold higher incidence of the autism diagnosis in the
    California data used.
    How physicians and other health care providers apply the criteria presents another issue.
    Because autism is a clinical diagnosis, the criteria for diagnosis are subject to the interpretation
    of the person applying them. There is no easy way to quantify how this problem affects
    prevalence data.
    Once autism is diagnosed, it must be reported to be counted in incidence and prevalence
    data. Reporting practices changed over the time frame relevant to Dr. Deisher’s study. For
    example, in Denmark, the prevalence of autism increased, perhaps as much as 60 percent once
    outpatient data and changes in diagnostic criteria were accounted for. Similarly, access to
    services presents an issue, which may account for why children who have not started school may
    be underreported. Funding for programs to treat children with autism may affect whether
    children are diagnosed or reported. Data may change due to “diagnostic substitution,” where a
    certain diagnosis is required in order for a child to receive services. Physician and parental
    awareness, stigma, geographical location – all may affect whether accurate data is reported. The
    average age at the time of diagnosis continues to decrease, which has been noted by McDonald
    and others as a cause of the increase in autism incidence in the California data. For all of these
    reasons, the prevalence data in Dr. Deisher’s study may not be accurate.
    Another source of error which may have contributed to a false result in Dr.
    Deisher’s change point study is the inappropriate use of R software. If an exponential or
    curved model had been used, as suggested by Dr. Fallin, the study may have shown
    different change points, or no discrete change points at all. And Dr. Deisher’s analysis of
    the vaccine uptake data and her use of vaccine licensure dates are also problematic.
    The change point study may also lack reliability due to Dr. Deisher’s failure to
    adequately account for confounding factors. Confounding factors create interference so
    as to “distort the association being studied between two variables.” DORLAND’S at 403.
    Confounding can occur “when a confounder is both a risk factor for the disease and a
    factor associated with the exposure of interest.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 591. An example
    of a potential confounding factor here is paternal age. As shown by Dr. Fallin, Dr.
    Deisher’s analysis as to the effect of paternal age on her study was inadequate.
    The most glaring source of error in Dr. Deisher’s study is her underlying presumption
    that residual DNA in vaccines cause autism. This may be viewed as “information bias” as “a
    result of inaccurate information about either the disease or the exposure status of the study
    participants or a result of confounding.” REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 585. This may also be viewed as
    a conceptual problem with the study. See REF. MAN. SCI. EV. at 590. This bias by Dr. Deisher to
    attribute the disease of autism to a vaccine-related cause affects the overall reliability and
    validity of the study.
    Dr. Deisher’s conceptual bias against the use of human fetal cells for vaccines has
    been identified before in other contexts. 209 In 2011, Dr. Deisher, as principal investigator
    for Sound Choice, applied to the NIH for funding for a study entitled, “Safety Study of
    Human Fetal DNA and HERVK Contaminants in Childhood Vaccines.” 210 See Pet. Ex.
    62. Members of the Scientific Review Group (“SRG”), noted professors from prestigious
    universities and medical schools, were asked to review and comment on the application.
    Id. at 1
    . Dr. Deisher proposed three studies:
    1) A trend analysis of Varicella vaccination and autism using the Vaccine Data
    Safety Link database, 2) an ecological analysis of the association between MMR
    vaccine and autism using data collected through web searches and contact with
    Southeast Asian and African health officials, and 3) a lab based study to measure
    DNA incorporation into human cell lines.
    Pet. Ex. 62 at 2.
    The application was reviewed and three written critiques were issued by the SRG.
    The first reviewer acknowledged the importance of ongoing safety evaluations for
    vaccines, but expressed concern that Dr. Deisher’s approach was “heavily biased,
    including an assessment of the current literature that fails to adequately consider the
    recent data that has rebuked the association between vaccination and autism.” Pet. Ex. 62
    at 2. The reviewer also noted additional weaknesses, including that “the concept of birth
    year change points is a weak approach to defining causal links between vaccine exposure
    and adverse outcomes.” 
     The reviewer criticized the study design, stating that, “the
    ecological analysis proposed…is unlikely to generate significant, valid results given
    multiple threats to internal validity.” 
    Dr. Deisher’s company, Sound Choice, is “opposed to the use of exploitation of [human
    embryos] for biomedical research.” Tr. 239. Further, Dr. Deisher was a plaintiff in a lawsuit
    filed to halt federal funding for embryo-destroying stem cell research. Tr. 244. Sherley v.
    644 F.3d 388
     (D.C. Cir. 2011).
    The application discussed was filed as Pet. Ex. 62.
    The second reviewer agreed that the ecological study design was problematic. Dr.
    Deisher’s proposed research “relies heavily on ecological associations that would not
    advance this line of research.” Pet. Ex. 62 at 4. The third reviewer stated that “all the
    epidemiological and scientific evidence suggest that there is no link between autism and
    vaccines. Yet, the entire application is built on this unproven link.” Id. at 7.
    Dr. Deisher formed Sound Choice for the purpose of informing the public about
    human exploitation in biomedical research and to conduct research into the link between
    human fetal manufactured vaccines and autism. Tr. 45. She spent 18 months working
    with Japanese manufacturers to develop animal cell lines and to work on licensing these
    vaccines in the U.S. Tr. 163-164. She also had discussions with a Japanese vaccine
    manufacturer, Takeda, about bringing back their animal-based MMR vaccine. Tr. 164.
    She had similar discussions with Merck and the Kitasato Institute. Tr. 229. Ultimately,
    these discussions were not successful, and Dr. Deisher did not pursue developing, or
    aiding in the development of vaccines to replace the current MMR vaccine used in the
    U.S. 211 However, her moral opposition to the use of human cell lines and her business
    plan to develop alternative animal manufactured vaccines are issues that raise grave
    concerns about her ability to present objective data and conclusions, especially when she
    ignores the weight of the evidence presented by countless epidemiology studies which
    have been performed using much more rigorous methodology.
    3. Dr. Deisher’s Causal Interpretation Is Not Plausible
    Possible theories or mechanisms are insufficient to establish causation by a
    preponderance of evidence. “Expert medical testimony which merely expresses the possibility –
    not the probability – of the occurrence of a compensable injury is insufficient, by itself, to
    substantiate the claim that such an injury occurred.” LaCour v. Sec’y of Health & Human
    Servs., 90-316V, 
    1991 WL 66579
    , at *5 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. April 15, 1991); accord Burns v.
    Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., No 90-953V, 
    1992 WL 365410
     (Fed Cl. Spec. Mstr. Nov. 6,
    1992), aff’d 
    3 F.3d 415
     (Fed. Cir. 1993).
    The Federal Circuit has made clear that the mere possibility of a link between a
    vaccination and a petitioner’s injury is not sufficient to satisfy the preponderance standard.
    Moberly v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    592 F.3d 1315
    , 1322 (Fed. Cir. 2010) (“proof of a
    ‘plausible’ or ‘possible’ causal link between the vaccine and the injury” does not equate to proof
    of causation by a preponderance of the evidence.); Waterman v. Sec’y of Health & Human
    123 Fed. Cl. 564
     (2015) (denying petitioner’s motion for review and noting that a
    possible causal link was not sufficient to meet the preponderance standard). While certainty is
    by no means required, a plausible or possible mechanism does not rise to the level of
    preponderance. Id.; see also de Bazan v. Sec’y of Health & Human Servs., 
    539 F.3d 1347
    , 1351
    (Fed Cir. 2008); Capizzano, 
    440 F.3d at 1323
    In 2011, Dr. Deisher ceased her efforts to develop a vaccine that did not use fetal cell lines.
    Tr. 312.
    In her expert reports and during the hearing, Dr. Deisher candidly and not infrequently
    acknowledged the speculative nature of her theories by using the words “possible,” “possibly,”
    and “possibility.” For example, in her initial report, Dr. Deisher stated that “[w]hile not yet
    proven medically,” in reference to her assertion that the “manufacturing process is the cause of
    the increase in autism.” Pet. Ex. 10, ¶ 21, at 18. Throughout her reports, Dr. Deisher stated,
    “[w]e don’t, at this point, know what the mechanism is.” Id., ¶ 27, at 23. She goes on to state
    that, “[w]e do not yet know how the debris from the manufacturing process is causing [autism].”
    Id. 212
    In her second expert report, Dr. Deisher stated that “we cannot show exactly what effect
    these insertions are having by experimentation.” Pet. Ex. 76 at 2. Again, referencing her theory
    of insertional mutagenesis, she says, “We do not know the exact mechanism for how DNA
    insertion reaches the brain to elicit autism.” Id. at 31-3. Repeatedly, Dr. Deisher testified that
    she does not know how DNA reaches the CNS. She testified that her different theories were
    “possibilities” of how DNA might get into the CNS. Tr. 249. She also testified about the
    “possibilities” of her mechanisms. Tr. 829.
    Referencing her proposed mechanism using hematopoietic stem cells and the survival
    advantage of certain cells, she stated “that advantage could increase the possibility.” Tr. 847. As
    for the proposed theory related to microvesicle transport, Dr. Deisher testified that it was “a
    second possible way that contaminants injected into a peripheral muscle … could reach the
    CNS.” Tr. 105-06.
    Dr. Deisher’s use of words suggesting her theories are speculative constitute expert
    scientific testimony which “merely expresses the possibility – not the probability” of her
    proposed theories, and thus, her opinions are insufficient to substantiate petitioners claim.
    1991 WL 66579
    , at *5
    Although petitioners are not required to provide a specific biological mechanism, the theory
    they propose must be plausible. Knudsen, 
    35 F.3d at 548-49
     (“The determination of causation
    in fact under the Vaccine Act involves ascertaining whether a sequence of cause and effect is
    ‘logical’ and legally probable, not medically or scientifically certain.”); see also Colon v. Sec’y
    of Health & Human Servs., No. 04-44V, 
    2007 WL 268781
    , at *19 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Jan. 10,
    2007) (“While the [p]etitioner is not required to propose or prove that a specific biological
    mechanism can and did cause [the child’s] death, she must still proffer a plausible medical theory
    that causally connects the vaccine with the injury.”); Betancourt v. Sec’y of Health & Human
    Servs., No. 04-458V, 
    2007 WL 4820969
    , at *22 (Fed. Cl. Spec. Mstr. Dec. 10, 2007)
    (“[p]etitioner is not required to propose or prove definitively that a specific biological
    mechanism can and did cause the injury leading to his condition, he must still proffer a plausible
    medical theory that causally connects the vaccine with the injury alleged.”).
    iii. Adverse Inference Rule
    In their prehearing memorandum, petitioners’ counsel argue that respondent’s failure to
    provide Dr. Deisher with access to the VSD 213 warrants application of the adverse inference
    rule, giving rise to “an inference that the evidence is unfavorable” to respondent. Pet. Prehrg Br.
    at 13-15. Petitioners’ counsel further argue that Dr. Deisher’s change point study should
    therefore be “deemed conclusive.” 
    Id. at 16
    In support of this argument, petitioners cite Federal Rule of Evidence 301 214 and
    Langford v. Norris, 
    614 F.3d 445
    , 462 (8th Cir. 2010). In Langford, however, the court of
    Appeals did not apply the adverse inference rule because there was no evidence to show
    that the documents at issue “were destroyed or misplaced.” Further, the court stated that
    where a party fails to produce evidence in their control, the adverse inference “is open
    always to explanation by circumstances which make some other hypothesis a more
    natural one than the party’s fear of exposure.” Id. at note 8 (internal citations omitted).
    Similarly, there is no evidence in this case that the VSD has been destroyed or
    misplaced. A formal application process is in place for researchers to access VSD data.
    See Resp. Ex. C at 35-37. In fact, Dr. Deisher sought access to the VSD and was denied
    such access prior to her involvement as an expert in this case. As previously discussed,
    in 2011, she applied for an NIH grant for a study that would provide access to the VSD.
    Tr. 245. In her application, Dr. Deisher proposed a “trend analysis of varicella
    vaccination and autism using the [VSD] database.” See Pet. Ex. 62. The application was
    Petitioners filed several motions requesting that the Court give them access to the VSD. The
    first motion for access to the VSD was filed on February 3, 2012, while former Chief Special
    Master Patricia Campbell-Smith was assigned to the case. Chief Special Master Campbell-Smith
    denied petitioners’ motion in a detailed order filed on June 12, 2013. [redacted], 
    2013 WL 3368236
    . Shortly after the order was issued, the case was transferred to Special Master George
    Hastings. On July 12, 2013, petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration of Chief Special
    Master Campbell-Smith’s Order. Respondent requested additional time to respond to the
    motion, which was granted, and several managed care organizations whose data are held in the
    VSD also filed responses. On October 24, 2013, Special Master Hastings denied petitioners’
    motion for reconsideration. [redacted], 
    2013 WL 6038670
    After I was assigned to the case, petitioners made a third attempt to gain access to the VSD on
    October 1, 2015. (ECF No. 164). On August 30, 2016, I denied petitioners’ motion. [redacted],
    2016 WL 5362878
    . On May 11, 2017, petitioners made a fourth attempt to renew their motion
    for access to the VSD during the rebuttal testimony of Dr. Deisher, which I denied from the
    bench. Dr. Deisher’s requests for access to data from Norway and the United Kingdom were
    also denied. Tr. 318-19.
    Petitioners incorrectly cite FRE 301, which states, “In a civil case, unless a federal statute or
    these rules provide otherwise, the party against whom a presumption is directed has the burden
    of producing evidence to rebut the presumption. But this rule does not shift the burden of
    persuasion, which remains on the party who had it originally.”
    reviewed by prestigious scientists and physicians from preeminent medical schools and
    universities across the country. Three reviewers read and critiqued Dr. Deisher’s
    application, providing specific reasons for denying it. See 
     One reviewer concluded
    that the “proposed methods are weak” and that there were “major methodological
    concerns throughout.” 
    Id. at 2
    . Another said there was inadequate “evidence of prior
    experience working with [the VSD] or similar large scale epidemiological databases.” 
    Id. at 3
    . Another reviewer stated “[t]he investigator is not trained as a statistician or
    epidemiologist and does not acknowledge the assumptions and complexities of
    interpreting data analyzed in the way it is proposed.” 
    Id. at 5
    . With regard to Dr.
    Deisher’s 2011 application for use of VSD data, the reviewers gave reasonable
    explanations as to why Dr. Deisher was not granted access to VSD data.
    Once Dr. Deisher became an expert in this case, petitioners filed several motions seeking
    access to the VSD. Each time, there was a detailed and reasoned order issued explaining the
    basis for denial of the motion. There is no evidence of bad faith or negligence by respondent.
    As such, the adverse inference rule is not applicable. Likewise, there is no support for
    petitioners’ assertion that Dr. Deisher’s study “should be deemed conclusive.” Pet. Prehrg Br. at
    Previously, I stated:
    [A] party seeking an adverse instruction on the basis that evidence was not
    produced in time for trial must show: (1) that the party having control over the
    evidence had an obligation to timely produce it; (2) that the party that failed to
    timely produce the evidence had a “culpable state of mind”; and (3) that the
    missing evidence is “relevant” to the party's claim or defense such that a
    reasonable trier of fact could find that it would support that claim or defense.
    2016 WL 5362878
    , at *8 (citing Residential Funding Corp. v. DeGeorge Financial
    306 F.3d 99
    , 107 (2d Cir. 2002)). Now, as then, it is reasonable to conclude that the
    adverse inference rule is not appropriate in this situation.
    iv. Summary of Analysis of Petitioners’ Theories of
    At the outset of the hearing, petitioners identified their focus – to show that DNA
    fragments in vaccines “can cause damage to brain cells by disrupting their function, manifesting
    clinically as symptoms, now diagnosed as autism.” 215 Pet. Prehrg Br. at 3. Respondent
    countered by identifying “a fatal shortcoming” – the failure to present a “plausible scientific
    Petitioners also state in their prehearing memo that DNA fragments in vaccines “can cause an
    encephalopathy manifesting clinically as autism.” There is no evidence in this case that V.J.M.
    had encephalopathy. To the extent that they argue that DNA fragments or HERV-K fragments
    cause encephalopathy, that argument is also rejected, for all the reasons cited herein.
    explanation” as to how DNA fragments or HERV-K fragments in the vaccines “reach the brain.”
    Resp. Prehrg Br. at 9. I agree with respondent that petitioners have failed by preponderant
    evidence to provide a plausible scientific explanation as to how fragments of DNA or HERV-K
    reach the brain of a child so as to cause ASD. There are, however, many other problems with
    petitioners’ theories that are just as fatal to their claim as the problems with petitioners’
    epidemiologic evidence discussed above. As for HERV-K retroviruses, Dr. Deisher concedes
    that current studies as to these retroviruses are “observational” and that their role in causing
    disease is not known. As for DNA fragments, Dr. Deisher did not proffer preponderant evidence
    showing that retrograde transport was a viable hypothesis. While viruses have been shown to
    travel from neuron to neuron in a retrograde manner, the petitioners provided no study or
    experiment to show that peripheral intermuscular injection of DNA fragments from vaccines
    travel in the same way, neuron to neuron, in a retrograde fashion.
    Dr. Deisher’s hypothesis about microvesicle transport is similarly undeveloped.
    Assuming that microvesicles are transported in the circulatory system, Dr. Deisher did not
    provide a plausible hypothesis as to how they could cross the BBB. As for Dr. Deisher’s most
    likely hypothesis, that DNA fragments are taken up by hematopoietic stem cells, she failed to
    adequately explain and provide evidence of how stem cells cross the blood brain barrier, reach
    the brain and cause disease. While she suggested that vaccination might set up an immune
    response, or an ill child might have an infection at the time of vaccination, either of which might
    allow a breakdown of the BBB so that DNA fragments could reach the brain, the evidence was
    woefully lacking.
    Another fundamental flaw is that there is no evidence that residual DNA in vaccines
    cause genetic mutations. Petitioners provided preponderant evidence that ASD is associated
    with many different mutations, including de novo mutations. But there was no evidence
    presented that any mutation associated with any disease, let alone ASD, is caused or could be
    associated with residual DNA in the vaccines at issue. Dr. Deisher readily conceded that there is
    a problem of evidence. She advocates for more studies to determine whether residual DNA in
    vaccines presents a safety issue. But a lack of evidence is not evidence.
    In contrast, Dr. Arking carefully and persuasively testified about the current state of
    knowledge regarding genetics. Dr. Arking’s report, testimony, and medical literature provide a
    more credible and plausible explanation as to how mutations, particularly de novo mutations,
    play a causal role in the development of autism.
    Similarly, petitioners failed to provide preponderant evidence that residual DNA or
    HERV-K retrovirus fragments in vaccines trigger an autoimmune process that causes ASD. The
    studies cited by petitioners about auto-antibodies did not support their hypothesis. All that can
    be said is that auto-antibodies have been found in autistic individuals. What this means is simply
    not yet known.
    The testimony by Dr. Burkhard drawing an analogy to PANDAS was not persuasive.
    Neither was her testimony as to the findings on DTI studies and how they support petitioners’
    theories. She provided no evidence to tie together the findings on the imaging studies with an
    autoimmune response secondary to residual DNA or HERV-K fragments from vaccines. Her
    testimony on this point also ignored the caveat issued by the author of the study cited, that DTI
    studies of autism should be interpreted with caution.
    Dr. Deisher specifically opines that her causal theories apply to autism caused by de novo
    mutations, which account for approximately 10 percent of ASD cases, and/or autoimmunity,
    which accounts for 40 percent of ASD cases. See Pet. Ex. 10 at 6; Pet. Ex. 76 at 25. However,
    her change point study appears to address all cases of autism, regardless of etiology.
    Additionally, Dr. Deisher opined that her causal mechanisms applied to “regressive” autism.
    Again, her change point study does not appear to address only the regressive form of autism,
    which accounts for approximately one-third of all autism cases. Thus, there appear to be
    disconnects between her change point study and her causal mechanisms, which also call into
    question their validity.
    My decision in this case does not turn solely on the deficiencies in Dr. Deisher’s change
    point study. Even if the study provided credible and reliable evidence of the three change points
    presented, petitioners failed to provide preponderant evidence of causation because their
    proposed theories lack an evidentiary foundation. Many of Dr. Deisher’s hypotheses are pulled
    from medical articles and are taken out of context. Petitioners’ counsel argues that it is
    acceptable for experts to “extrapolate from existing data,” and that the “weight to be given to an
    expert’s opinion is based, in part, on the size of the gap between the science and the opinion
    offered.” Pet. Prehrg Br. at 7 (citing Cedillo, 
    2009 WL 331968
    ). However, the gaps between the
    science and the opinion offered in this case are too large and too many.
    Moreover, petitioners often make conclusory statements not supported by the evidence.
    For example, petitioners state that DNA fragments can “enter the brain via any gap in the
    [BBB],” but this was not shown by preponderant evidence. See Pet. Prehrg Br. at 1-2. They
    state that DNA fragments “disrupt[] cell function,” but offer no evidence that this could occur.
     They state that the DNA fragments from the vaccines at issue are “homologous with the
    protein in the tissues of the vaccine recipient.” 
     But this was not shown. They also state that
    “the injury (from residual DNA from vaccines) can be detected in relevant areas of the brain.”
     Again, this was not shown. Ultimately, petitioners concede that, “as is the case with many
    human diseases, we know what happens but we do not know how it happens.” 
     But here,
    they have provided no evidence of “what happens” or “how it happens.”
    Petitioners ask me to consider the following concept of biological plausibility: “The
    concept of biological plausibility…asks whether the hypothesized causal link is credible in light
    of what is known from science and medicine about the human body and the potential offending
    agent.” Pet. Prehrg Br. at 3 (citation omitted). I agree with petitioners that “substantial evidence
    means ‘more than a mere scintilla’ and ‘such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind might
    accept as adequate to support a conclusion.’” Pet. Prehrg Br. at 7. I find, however, that
    petitioners have failed to show by preponderant evidence that residual DNA fragments and/or
    HERV-K fragments from the vaccines at issue in this case cause autism. Petitioners have failed
    to prove by preponderant evidence Dr. Deisher’s theory of vaccine-caused autism, and therefore
    have failed to meet their burden under Prong One of Althen.
    X.     Conclusion
    I extend my deepest sympathy to the petitioners and V.J.M. for the difficulties and
    challenges they have faced. However, I cannot decide this case based upon my sympathy for the
    family but by my analysis of the evidence.
    For the reasons discussed above, I find that petitioners have not established entitlement to
    compensation and thus that their petition must be dismissed. Therefore, this case is dismissed
    for insufficient proof. 216 The Clerk of Court SHALL ENTER JUDGMENT in accordance
    s/ Nora Beth Dorsey
    Nora Beth Dorsey
    Chief Special Master
    The 23 cases in the mini-omnibus include: J.M. et al. (02-010V), J.K.R. et al. (09-143V),
    Fuesel (02-095V), E.H. et al. (09-206V), Arranga (02-1616V), B.W. (14-375V), J.H.R. et al.
    (03-1156V), M.P. et al. (07-750V), Coiro-Lorusso (04-258V), S.O. et al. (08-125V), Young (05-
    207V), Graddy (08-416V), C.B. et al. (05-1168V), Eworonsky (04-992V), C.B. et al. (08-131V),
    King (05-717V), F.J.D. et al. (08-254V), P.R. et al. (10-096V), F.J.D. et al. (08-253V), Torres
    (15-561V), N.P. et al. (08-388V), M.J. et al. (16-434V), and A.E.R. (17-470V). This Decision
    applies to all of these cases.

Document Info

Docket Number: 02-10

Judges: Nora Beth Dorsey

Filed Date: 2/7/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/7/2018

Authorities (19)

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