Manning v. United States ( 2015 )

  •                                                                        0Rr0r[\|At
    Itu tbt @nitr! Ststeg g,:*tJ                                                          ot   fr[trul      @[aims
    ocT - 2 206
    (Filed: October 2, 2015)
    * * * +,r * * * *   +   * * * * * * *,fi   1.   **   r. :|   ***   +   ***   *'1.   * {.                                           FEDERAL CLAIMS
    )   Purported claims ofpatent infringement and
    ROBERT LEE MANNING, JR', et aI.,                                                           )   taking of intellectual property; application to
    )    proceed in forma pauperis; scope and
    Plaintiffs,                                     )   administration of 28 U'S.C $ 1915;
    )   frivolous claims
    UNITED STATES,                                                                             )
    Defendant.                                      )
    ,,   *****   *'t :N * * * :t *,1' * * {' * *'r * * * * *'* + *'t :l' * * :i
    Robert Lee Manning, pro se, Los Angeles, CA'
    United States Department            \t;#;"t' D C'' for defindant' With him on the brief
    Fargo, Director, and Gary L. ;"I;l;", distant
    Director' Commercial Litigation Branch' Civil
    Oiul.ion, United States Department of Justice, Washington'
    LETTOW, Judge.
    damases of more than a trillion dollars
    Plaintiff Robert Lee Manning, Jr', seeks monetzuy
    fraud, and discrimination'
    from the United Srates for i"tri"e;.?ri;i;intellectual iropertyl"                      weather
    Compl. fl 33.r Mr. Manning             in", h. i"venred an'intirstellar spaceship and
    ;;;tt;., unA tf,ut tt. Unit"d "ii."g",
    st#t has infringed upon or taken this intellectual
    that property, and discriminatedagainst him
    fraudulently prevented him tiom capitatizing in
    as a black man from                bu;"ess uJittg tttat pioperty. Compl . fln"'U:?Y]:]j: ,
    "onau"tlng                        ieave to proceed in forma pauperis" Pl 's
    Mr. Manning appeaxsprorr, uiJ r'" rtu' appfiJd for
    The govemment opposes the
    Appl. to Proceed In Forma eoup"is,EcF iqo 2'                                        "oPtt"^"]i*'
    and dismiss the case as frivolous
    ";;; i" a"ny tn" uplti"ution
    court has ,nr i"rrrJfiv
    under 28 U.S.C. $ 1915(eX2XB;6             ;"f''th"tp in opp'n to Mot for Leave to Proceed In
    rMr. Manning also lists NOCH Technological Scientific Research Institute,        Inc' as a
    ..[a]n individual
    under the court's rules,
    plaintiff, but the court will ignore that inclusion because,
    but 1a1 not represent a c-orPoration ' ' in any
    who is not an attomey may rlpresent oneself ' ' '                                        Claims'
    proceeding before *,i,            Ruit s3'i("lAl ofthe Rules ofthe Court ofFederal "
    Forma Pauperis, ECF No. 5. The govemment's opposition raises issues about the scope and
    application of Section 1915.
    Section 1915 of Title 28 enables federal courts to allow a person to commence an action
    without prepayment ofcourt fees, so long as the person provides a swom affidavit establishing
    his or her inability to pay:
    Subject to subsection (b), any court ofthe United States may authorize
    the commencement, prosecution or defense of any suit, action or
    proceeding, civil or criminal' or appeal therein, without prepayment of
    fees or security therefor, by a person who submits an affidavit that
    state the naturi of the action, defense or appeal and affrant's beliefthat
    the   person is entitled to redress.
    1915 injects an element
    28 U.S.C. g 1915(a)(1) (emphasis added).2 Paragraph (a)(1) of Section
    of confusion into application of this statutory provision by altemating between
    ;per*n" and "prisoner" when referring t o in forma pauperls applicability ' ,See'
    3                                      1915(e)'
    inited States,iZ f.a. Ct. 661, 662 (1997). This ambiguity extends to Subsection
    which authorizes federal courts to dismiss frivolous or malicious actions:
    (eX1) ' . .
    iijXo,*itfttt-Aing        any frling fee, or any portion^thereof, that may have been
    iJia. iir. court shalidismiss the case at any time ifthe court determines
    (A) the allegation ofpoverly is untrue; or
    (B) the action or aPPeal-
    (i) is frivolous or malicious;
    (ii) f'ails to state a claim on which relief may be granted; or
    (iii) seeks monetary relief against a defendant who is immune
    ftom such relief.
    2By its terms, Subsection 1915(a) applies only to a "court of the United states Pursuant
    g 2503(d), the court of FiierJ claims is a "court of the united states"
    for the
    to 2g u.s.'c.
    prrp"t"fi"rio.tt9iS.         SeeMatthewsv'{JnitedStates'72Fed'CI 274'277(2006)'
    apply only to prisoners, whereas others apply to all
    persons' Subsection l9i5(b) creates a
    #;ii;1" fo, prisorrer filers,    requiring ihi court to assess and collect fees from prisoners
    paragraph 1915(b)(1) does not,use_the-  term
    on a formula incorporating' a-ccorrrrts.
    .'oerson,,at all, but in.tead.eiers only to a "prisoner.'; In contrast, Paragraph 1915(e)(1) permits
    ,f;.o,,rt;;;;;*i.""t"r fo. "a"y persot';'and does not use the term "prisoner'"
    28 U.S.C. $ 1915(e). Nonetheless, the scope of the statute becomes evident upon an examination
    of the origin and chain of amendments made to the text over time.
    A, lltho Is a " Person" within the Meaning of Section         I91 5?
    The current version of Section 1915 is the product of several amendments made by
    Congress as part of the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995.4 The prior statute, enacted in
    1948, allowed for filing by "a person." Indeed, since 1892 the United States Code has provided
    avenues for in forma paupens filings. See Ben. C. Duniway, The Poor Man in the Federal
    Courts, 18 Stan. L. Rev. 1270 (1966). The 1892 statute applied to citizen-plaintiffs, providing
    that "any citizen ofthe United States, entitled to commence any suit or action in any court ofthe
    United States, may commence and prosecute to conclusion any such suit or action without being
    required to pt.puy f."t or costs." Act of July 20, 1892, ch. 209, $1, 27 Stat.252.s Congress re-
    *tote th" statute in 1948, expanding it to cover all persons, including defendants, and codifying
    it at Section 1915 in Title 28: "Any court of the United States may authorize the commencement,
    prosecution or defense of any suit, action or proceeding, civil or criminal, or appeal therein,
    without prepayment of fees and costs or security therefor, by a person who makes affidavit that
    ne is uniUte to payl, 28 U.S.C. $ 1915(a) (1995) (originally enacted as Act ofJune 25, 1948, ch.
    646,62Stat.giq(1948Act")(emphasisadded). Thelg48Actthusappliedbroadlyto
    persons. see McTeague y. sosnowski,617 F.2d 1016, 1019 (3d Cir. 1980) (applyingthe 1948
    ict  to a non-prisonei frling;; see a/so 
    Duniway, supra, at 1286
    (observing the unique problem of
    frivolous prisoner filings under the statute).
    when congress enacted the Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995, it did not re-write
    v. Lacy'88
    Section 1915 but instead amended it to add rules for prisoner filings. see Leonard
    F.3d 181, 133-84 (2d Cir. 1996) (\lewman, J.) (providing a line-by-line listing of the 1995
    phrase  "such   prisoner.
    revisions to the text of section 1915). The 1995 Act inserted            the
    possesses" into Paragraph 1915(aXi) while also leaving intact the requirement
    in the original
    i9+8 e"t thut      ,,u p"rr-on-" file an
    "affidavit" regarding his  or her inability to  pay.  
    Id. ln the
    Second Circuit's opinion in Lacy, the court evin inserted a notation of"sic"
    next to the phrase
    .,such prisoner" inihe court's quotation of Paragraph 1915(a)(1), signaling that the court thought
    that the reference to,,such prisoner" was *                  Id.;see also schagene' 37 Fed. cl. at652n2
    "rro..                                          prisoner"
    (commenting that there are actually two errors in Paragraph 1915(a)(1) because "such
    in the statute).  As
    *u, arl                the word "and" should appear after the word "possesses"
    ".ro,  -d                                                                   Act], as-reflected by
    other courts have observed, "the purpose oithe [Prison Litigation Reform
    its title, is to curtail inmate litigafion," implying that Congress did not intend
    to affect filings by
    Litigation Reform Act of 1995 was actually enacted in 1996 as Title.VIII
    aThe Prison                                                                       of
    Pub. L' No 104-134'
    the Omnibus Consolidaied Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996,
    110 Stat. 1321.
    sln his article, Judge Duniway traced the history of informa pauperis stat$es in the
    English-speaking nat'ions iack to u ,Ltut" adopted during the reign ofHenry
    VII in England.
    See-Duniway, tipro, ut 1271 (citing Act 1494, '        ll
    Hen' 7 , c' l2)'
    non-prisoners. Floydv. UnitedStates Postal Sent.,105F.3d274,275 (6th Cir. 1997) (citing
    H.R. Rep. No. 104-378, at 166, for the proposition that the act was intended "to discourage
    frivolous and abusive prison lawsuits").
    In light ofthis evolution of Section 1915, it would be improper to assume that by adding
    the phrase "such prisoner" in Paragraph 1915(a)(1), Congress intended to repeal by implication
    the century-old authorization for in forma pauperis filing by persons generally. See Powell v.
    Hoover,956 F. Supp. 564,566 (M.D. Pa. 1997) ("The appearance ofthe phrase 'such prisoner,'
    without more, cannot reasonably be interpreted as effecting such a sweeping change.").6
    Accordingly, Section 1915 should be applied to prisoners and non-prisoners alike, and the phrase
    "such prisoner" should be interpreted as "such person." Floyd,105F.3daI277;see also
    Salgado-Toribio v. Holder, Tl3 F.3d 1267,1270 (lOth Cir. 2013); Martinez v. Kristi Kleaners,
    [nc.,364 F.3d 1305, 1306 n.1 (11th Cir. 2004); Haynes v. Scott, I l6 F.3d 137, 140 (5th Cir.
    1997). The Federal Circuit has in effect endorsed this construction of Section 1915 in a non-
    precedential decision. See Jackson v. United States,  _  Fed. Appx. _, _,2015WL2343625,at
    *2 (Fed. Cir. May 18, 2015) (affirming a Court of Federal Claims dismissal of a non-prisoner's
    complaint for frivolousness under Subparagraph 1915(e)(2)(B)); see also Dziekonski v. United
    120 Fed. Cl. 806
    , 81 I (2015) (granting an application to proceed in forma pauperis vrder
    Paragraph 1915(aX1)); Hayesv. United States,7l Fed. CI.366,368 (2006) (same).
    B. llrhat Is a Frivolous Cqse?
    Although Section 1915 removes the burden ofpaying filing fees in appropriate cases, it
    imposes limitations affecting certain tlpes of claims. Of relevance here, a "court shall dismiss
    the case at any time" if the action or appeal to be filed informa paupens "is frivolous or
    malicious." 28 U.S.C. g 191 5(e)(2)(B)(i). In contrast to a motion to dismiss for failure to state a
    claim, which requires the court to assume the truth of allegations in the complaint, Clause
    1915(eX2XBXi) gives courts "the unusual power to pierce the veil ofthe complaint's factual
    allegations and dismiss those claims whose factual contentions are clearly baseless." -/ardy v.
    obama,60l Fed.Appx.620,623 (1OrhCir.2015)(quotingNeitzkev. lltilliams,490u.s.319,
    327(1959)):Brodzkiv.TribuneCo.,48lFed.Appx.705,706(3dCir.2012)(same)' A
    "finding of fa"tual frivolousness is appropriate when the facts alleged rise to the level ofthe
    *2 (quotl'ng Denton v'
    inational or wholly incredible." Jacl2013 WL 1801673
    , at *3 (Fed. Cl. Apr. 29,2013) ("[T]he court must exercise caution, and
    cannot dismiss an informa pauperls complaint 'simply because the court finds the plaintiff s
    allegations unlikely."') (quoting McCullough, T6 Fed. Cl. at 3 (in tum quoling Denton,504 U.S.
    at 33).
    C.   If a Case Is Frivolous, Should the Court Grant or Deny the
    In Forma Pauperis Application?
    Courts are split as to whether an in forma pauperis application should be granted or
    denied if the court finds the filing is frivolous. Compare Kenney v. Prime Recruitors Trucking
    Co.,61l Fed. Appx. 370 (8th Cir. 2015) (reversing district court's denial of application because
    of frivolous claims), wirlr Wartman v. Branch 7, Civil Div., Cnty. Court,510 F.2d 130' 134 (7th
    Cir. 1975) ("[A] districtjudge should deny leave to proceed in forma pauperis if an action rs
    frivolous or malicious.").
    The text of the statute, however, requires that the court deny ut informa pauperis
    application if, in connection with or prior to ruling on the application, the court finds the case is
    frivolous. Paragraph 1915(e)(2) provides plainly the court "shall" dismiss the case "at any time"
    if the court determines the complaint is "frivolous or malicious." 28 u.s.c. $ 1915(e)(2). The
    phrase ,,at any time" indicates that the court is not restricted as to when the case may be
    iismissed. Tie only condition is that the court find the action to be frivolous. And, the court has
    no discretion once it determines a filing is frivolous because a frivolous case "shall" be
    dismissed. The Federal Circuit has emphasized this "obligat[ion] to dismiss" complaints that are
    factually frivolous. Jackson,2015WL2343625,at+2(citingNeitzke,4g0 u.s. at327 (1989)).
    This result is supported by the Supreme Court',s opinion in Neitzke, which observed that
    ,,[d]ismissals on these
    1'friuoloustress] grounds are often made sza
    sponte prior to the issuance of
    process, so as to spare prospective defendants the inconvenience and expense of answering
    complaints." Neitzke,490 U.S. at 324. Paragraph 1915(eX2) thus serves as a screenmg
    mecilanism to preserve public
    resources, becirrse ifthe application "is granted and the complaint
    filed, the matte; caffiot      dismissed until summons has issued." 
    fl/arlman' 510 F.2d at 134
    consequently, the court is not persuaded by the Eighth circuit's holding in Kenney,6ll
    Fed. Appx. at j70, tfiat the in forma piuperis application must be decided prior to
    examining the
    n'2 (8th
    comptuint for frivolousnes s. Kenney ciies Foriiter v. Catif, AdultAuth.,5l0 F.2d 58, 60
    cir. iszs) for support, but the Forester opinion is inapposite because it interpreted the 1948
    version of section'1915, which provided merely that courts "may" dismiss frivolous in forma
    ?Additionally, the Fifth Circuit has held that "dismissals under the in forma pauperis
    statute are . . . deniais of informa pauperis status." Marts v. Hines,ll7
    F.3d 1504, 1505-06 (5th
    a dismissal
    Cir.1997)(en banc) (citing Dentin,5b4 U.S. at 34 (explaining that "dismissal is not
    pauperis statute" that 'do€s  not
    on the meriis, but rather an exercise . . . under the in forma
    e*clusi.,rely, such dismissals .uy i"*" as resiudicata for subsequent in forma
    paupe.rls filings,
    making the same
    but they effect no prejudice to the subsequent frling ofa fee-paid complaint
    allegations." 1d.
    pauperis cases. Forester concluded that the 1948 Act gave courts "discretion" and thus that the
    "better practice" was to grant the application first, so that an appellate record could be
    developed. See Forester,5 l0 F.2d at 60. But today, Paragraph 1915(e)(2) provides that cowts
    "shall" dismiss Nr informa pauperis filing if it is frivolous, lails to state a claim, or is against an
    immune defendant. It leaves little room for discretion.o
    D. Summary of Paragraph l9l5(e)(2)
    Section 1915 applies to all informa pauperrs filings, not only prisoner frlings. If at
    any time the court determines the case to be frivolous or malicious, it must dismiss the case
    28 U.S.C. $ 1915(e)(2)(B)(i). And if the informa pauperus application has not already been
    granted, the court cannot grant the application after finding the case to be frivolous or malicious'
    instead, it must deny the application and dismiss the case. If the court cannot make an initial
    determination of frivolousness, it may be appropriate to grant the in forma pauperls application,
    only to dismiss the case later upon makingiuch a finding. But if the application is pending when
    the court determines the case is frivolous, it may not be granted
    tax-returns as
    United States has sornehow taken oi infringed upon his intellectual property, citing
    that Mr.I4anning
    widence of the spaceship. Compl. ffl 4, 10, 16. The complaint also alleges
    has built a "weatirer machine" that ttri Unitea States has used without
    (dismissing_case as-frivolous when
    S iSfjt.XZXSlti). SeeJackson,ZOtsWL2343625,at*2
    Mr. Manning's
    .".pf"iri^i[gJ ownership of ievice that prevents hurricanes). Similarly,with this purported
    aifejations of iraud on the part of govemm"tttul u"tott  in connection
    inr.ifr"*ut property a.e wiihout aiy factual foundation, as is his claim of discrimination
    on his race.
    sOne could argue that the language in Subsection 1915(e) that the-court "shall dismiss the
    that the application has been
    case" presumes that a-"case" has been fiied' and thus implies
    further argue that the text in subsection 1g 15(e) that the case shall
    !i^t"a. o".   might
    ,,[n]otfothstanding                   fee, or any portion thereof, that may have been paid"
    Eismissed                        iny filing
    have paid
    ;;;i;;;i"i;li"                 i'as be"en gianted, because it assumes the litigant might
    a riduced fee. However, the use of the wJtd ".uy"
    "pplication                               demonstrates that it is proper to dismiss  a
    i.guraf"., ofa filing fee. Thus,      the referenci to "any filing fe9 ' ,1lrat may have been
    paid,' is best read as meanlng that
    ,,even  though an initial examination did not result in a finding
    ii"ltv or malice, if it should later be detJrmined that the action is frivolous or malicious
    not realize a
    ,r,.*   -"it"   a dismissal  of the complaint )' I|/artman,s10 F.2d ar 132. A court may
    pauperis hasbeen    ganted    But
    case is frivolous until after the apptication to proceed informa
    to be frivolous prior to ruling on the
    this does not change the f'act thai if the court irnds the case
    in   r)o Oou1rrls-application, the court must deny the application'
    Because the court finds that Mr. Manning's claims are frivolous, it is obligated to
    dismiss the case and to deny his application to proceed in forma pauperis.
    For the reasons stated, the plaintiff s application to proceed informa pauperis is
    DENIED and the complaint is DISMISSED. The clerk shall enter judgment in accord with
    this disposition.
    No costs.
    It is so ORDERED.
    Charles F. Lettow

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-884C

Judges: Charles F. Lettow

Filed Date: 10/2/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 11/7/2024