Nova group/tutor-saliba v. United States ( 2022 )

  • Sn the Anited States Court of Federal Clauns
    Nos. 15-885C, 16-925C
    (Reissued: March 17, 2022)!
    MM Re eK Contract Disputes Act;
    Construction; Type I Differing Site
    Condition; Type II Differing Site
    Condition; Defective Specifications;
    Design Specifications; Suspension of
    Critical Path Work; Excusable
    Delay; Constructive Acceleration;
    Damages; Overtime; Lost
    Productivity; Modified Total Cost
    Approach; Equipment Expense;
    Reopening the Record to Admit an
    Exhibit Post-Trial; FAR 52.244-4;
    FAR 52.243-4(d).
    Gerald Scott Walters, Smith Currie & Hancock, LLP, 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, NE,
    2700 Marquis One Tower, Atlanta, GA 30303-1227, and Brian S. Wood, and Sarah K. Carpenter,
    Smith Currie & Hancock, LLP, 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC,
    20036, for Plaintiff.
    x + & + &£ © & £ & & H& HF X
    Joseph H. Hunt, Robert E. Kirschman, Jr., Steven J. Gillingham, and Adam E. Lyons,
    United States Department of Justice, Civil Division, Commercial Litigation Branch, P.O. Box 480,
    Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044, for Defendant. David M. Marquez, Naval
    Litigation Office, Office of General Counsel, United States Department of the Navy, 720 Kennon
    St., Room 223, Washington Navy Yard, D.C. 20374, and Melissa L. Baker, Andrew J. Hunter, and
    Kristin B. McGrory, United States Department of Justice, Civil Division, Commercial Litigation
    Branch, P.O. Box 480, Ben Franklin Station, Washington, D.C. 20044, of Counsel.
    WILLIAMS, Senior Judge.
    These consolidated Contract Disputes Act (“CDA”) cases come before the Court following
    atrial on liability and damages. Plaintiff Nova Group/Tutor-Saliba (“NTS”), a joint venture raises
    two claims. First, Plaintiff seeks $1,881,900 for a constructive change due to the Government’s
    ! The Court issued this opinion under seal on February 28, 2022 and directed the parties to
    file any proposed redactions by March 14. Because the parties requested no redactions, the Court
    reissues the opinion as is.
    questioning of its design of a pier at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. The Government’s issue
    with the design caused a stoppage of critical path work, an independent review after the
    Government previously approved that design, and an ensuing acceleration of work. Second,
    Plaintiff seeks $10,498,284.85 for extra work caused by differing site conditions or defective
    specifications. For the reasons stated below, the Court grants Plaintiff's design-related claim in
    part and denies its differing site conditions/defective specifications claim.
    Findings of Fact?
    The Pier B Project
    The P-356 Carrier Vessel Nuclear (“CVN”) Maintenance Pier Replacement Project
    (“Project”) at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility was a design
    and construction project for the replacement and upgrade of various waterfront substructures at
    Naval Base Kitsap, Bremerton, Washington. JX 2.1; DX 2.5. The Project involved the demolition
    of the existing Pier B (“Old Pier”), a 60-foot wide and 1,175-foot long pier, and the design and
    construction of an 85-foot wide and 1,325-foot long replacement pier (“Pier B”) for the berthing
    of CVN-class aircraft carriers, supporting vessels, and submarines for repair operations. JX 2.536,
    .2618; Tr. 78.
    The Old Pier extended south into Puget Sound from the east-west shoreline. See JX
    2.1216; PX 39.36. Pier B was to partially overlap the area of the Old Pier. While Pier B would
    share its western border with the entire Old Pier, it was to be longer to the south, and wider to the
    east. See PX 39.36; Tr. 82-84. The Project also contemplated that the contractor would join Pier
    B and a new parallel structure to the east, the Mole Quaywall, to create a contiguous surface. JX
    2.537, .1220; compare JX 2.1219 with JX 2.1220. The drawing below indicates the location of
    Pier B (outlined in red) as compared to the Old Pier:
    These findings of fact are derived from the record developed during a 12-day trial.
    Additional findings of fact are in the Discussion. The Court uses “PX” to cite Plaintiffs exhibits,
    “DX” to cite Defendant’s exhibits, “JX” to cite joint exhibits, and “Tr.” to cite testimony. The
    Court does not correct grammatical errors in quotations from the record.
    “ i Wi6-67
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    May 2011 21-1-21017-101
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    4 Barings performed for the current study were taped from existing features
    PX 39.36.
    In addition to work on Pier B, the Project required that the contractor construct a new Mole
    Quaywall -- a continuous steel-coated sheet pile bulkhead with solid prestressed concrete piles,
    approximately 22-feet, 6-inches wide by 1,000-feet long, that would buttress the west side of Dry
    Dock 6, which ran parallel to the Old Pier. Under this Project, the contractor was also to demolish
    and replace portions of Quaywall 729 -- “a two-level reinforced concrete structure consisting of a
    concrete deck, columns, and framing members, supported by timber piles.” JX 2.536; Tr. 79-80,
    88; Tr. 1947-48.
    The Shannon & Wilson 2006 Report
    Prior to seeking proposals for the Project, the Navy hired a construction engineering firm,
    KPFF Consulting Engineers (“KPFF”), and its geotechnical subcontractor, Shannon & Wilson,
    Inc. (“Shannon & Wilson’), to conduct a preliminary geological study. DX 2.1, .5; Tr. 456. On
    April 24, 2006, Shannon & Wilson provided its conclusions to KPFF in its Preliminary
    Geotechnical Report (“2006 Report”). DX 2.1; Tr. 541.
    The 2006 Report contained “the results of the geotechnical baseline information for the use
    by design-build (DB) contractors, and conceptual geotechnical engineering recommendations for
    use by KPFF Consulting Engineers (KPFF) in evaluating potential structure configurations for the
    project.” DX 2.5. The 2006 Report specified: “[t]he recommendations provided in this report
    should not be used for final design.” DX 2.7. In addition, the 2006 Report expressly stated that it
    “was prepared for the exclusive use of KPFF and NAVFAC NW,” and that it “should be made
    available to prospective DB contractors for information on factual data only, and not as a warranty
    of subsurface conditions such as those interpreted from the subsurface profile and presented in the
    discussion of subsurface conditions.” Id.
    For its evaluation and findings regarding Pier B, Shannon & Wilson relied on “existing
    subsurface information from previous projects performed at or near the project site,” as well as
    drilling and sampling five borings during a two-and-a-half-week field exploration. DX 2.7-.8, .37.
    “[T]he subsurface explorations were performed along the east side of the existing Pier B,” and “no
    borings were performed overwater in the slip between the drydock mole and the pier, or to the
    south of the existing pier.” DX 2.9.
    Based on the data, the 2006 Report concluded that the subsurface beneath the proposed
    new Pier B was comprised of four layers in descending order: (1) fill deposits; (2) estuarine
    deposits; (3) beach deposits; and (4) glacial-overridden deposits (advance outwash and fluvial
    deposits). DX 2.10-.11, .38. The fill and estuarine layers were uncompacted. DX 2.12. These
    layers were comprised of soft soils -- “loose to dense, sand to gravelly sand and sandy gravel soil”
    in the fill layer and “sandy, clayey silt, to clayey silt” in the estuarine layer. DX 2.10. The beach
    layer consisted of “dense to very dense sand to gravelly sand,” with thicknesses ranging from five
    to 20 feet along the Old Pier. DX 2.11. The glacial layer, below elevations of 30 to 60 feet, was
    comprised of sand and gravel, and “based on [Shannon & Wilson’s] observations during drilling,
    these very dense deposits likely contain[ed] cobbles.” Id. The 2006 Report used the Unified Soil
    Classification System, which defines “dense” as 30 to 50 “blows” per foot and “very dense” as
    more than 50 blows per foot. DX 2.128.° Gary Horvitz, Vice President and a Senior Principal
    Geotechnical Engineer at Hart Crowser, Inc., explained that “very dense” was “defined by the
    standard penetration test resistance” and meant “that the blow count is greater than 50 blows per
    foot, so it’s a very high-strength, competent material.” Tr. 1756-58.
    The 2006 Report contained the following diagram depicting Pier B’s subsurface profile:
    3 Blows per foot is a geotechnical measurement that means the number of times a hammer
    weight needs to be dropped to penetrate one foot. See DX 2.130-36.
    re) PU TaRESUUEN ie rruaraE Pig Uae koe ees roar rmamnn nee
    Approximate Elevabon in Feat (PENS Datum)
    B2-A Top of Pier B B+ B-5 4s
    MW-380 L418 \n 7s) Tn .
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    dense, 2
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    Vertical Scale mn Feet Honcontal Scate wn Feet
    Vertical Exaggeraton = 4.
    1. This subsurface progie is genemlized trom materials
    observed in soil borings. Vanabions may exist
    between profile and actual conditions.
    NOTES -356 CVN Malenance Pir Replacement
    2. The muciine adjacent io tha Guay Wall was PROFILE ALONG PIER
    eshmated for: eld measurements using a weeghieg
    tape. April 2008 21-1-20435-002
    2. The current boring locations ware surveyed by KPFF, SHANNON & WILSON, INC. FIG. 3
    DX 2.38.
    The 2006 Report anticipated that the contractor would need to drive concrete displacement
    piles, which “would be difficult to penetrate a sufficient distance into very dense glacial soils” and
    would likely require stingers to help penetrate the denser soils. DX 2.12. A stinger is an “H-beam
    that has been cast into [the pile] that may be 10 feet or 5 feet into it,” and extends 10 feet below
    the pile. Tr. 434. The stinger is “smaller in diameter [than the pile] by 10 to 12 inches.” Id. The
    purpose of the stinger is to make it easier to penetrate the soil. Tr. 502-03. The following is a
    photo of a typical stinger used at Pier B:
    JX 49.135; Tr. 447.
    The 2006 Report warned that, “any pile installation for the proposed pier would encounter
    moderate to hard driving conditions in the existing fill deposits and soft to moderate driving
    conditions in the existing estuarine deposits, and hard driving conditions in the dense to very dense
    beach deposits and glacial soils.’ DX 2.12; Tr. 542. In general, hard driving involves repeated
    hits at a pile with a high-quality hammer.* Tr. 407-08 (Mr. Brenner understanding “hard driving”
    to mean “hit[ting] a pile 60 to 70 times to make it go a foot’).
    In addition to hard driving, the 2006 Report stated that “[o]bstructions, such as large
    cobbles, boulders, or miscellaneous construction debris could be encountered within the fill and
    underlying soft estuarine deposits” and reiterated that cobbles or boulders could be encountered in
    the glacial deposits. DX 2.13. There was also “an existing riprap layer along the slope east of and
    below the [Old Pier]” and “[c]oncrete debris” on the slope east of the Old Pier. DX 2.13. The
    2006 Report advised that “the contractor should develop remedial measures to mitigate the impact
    of obstructions,” and that obstructions included cobbles and boulders. DX 2.13; Tr. 544.
    The RFP
    On November 7, 2007, NAVFAC issued Request for Proposals (“RFP”) number N44255-
    08-R-6000, for the Project. JX 1.7. The RFP informed bidders that NAVFAC sought a contractor
    “to demolish the existing Pier Bravo and design and construct a new ship repair wharf, including
    the replacement of approximately 300 lineal feet of quay wall (Structure 729), the strengthening
    [of] the sheet pile wall west of the Dry Dock 6 mole, and the demolition of Pier 8.” Id. Award of
    a firm-fixed price contract with a maximum funding limitation of $142,000,000 would be made
    to the successful bidder. JX 1.9.
    The RFP included the following clauses to be incorporated into the Contract: FAR 52.236-
    2, Differing Site Conditions (April 1984), 52.236-15, Schedules for Construction Contracts (April
    1984), 52.242-14, Suspension of Work (April 1984), 52.243-4, Changes (June 2007), 52.249-10,
    and 52.236-21, Specifications and Drawings for Construction (February 1997) - Alternate 1 (April
    1984). JX 1.52-.54, .64.
    The contractor had to submit its design at various stages for review, including at 70 percent
    and 100 percent. JX 1.335. The RFP put bidders on notice that “Government review or approval
    of any portion of the proposal or final design shall not relieve the contractor from responsibility
    for errors or omissions with respect thereto.” JX 1.337.
    Regarding the scope of work for Pier B, the RFP stated in pertinent part:
    1. Demolish the existing 60-foot wide by 1197-foot-long Pier B .. . . [and] the existing
    30-foot-wide by 104-foot long reinforced concrete platform and prestressed
    concrete piling supporting Substation 78... .;
    2. Demolish all mechanical and electrical utilities to and on the existing Pier B. . . .;
    3. Provide a new 85-foot-wide by 1,325-foot-long pier identified as Pier B (solid
    prestressed concrete piles and/or prestressed concrete cylinder piles -- metal pipe
    4 See Tr. 555 (explaining that when hard driving, “you would [typically] do the WEAP
    [Wave Equation Analysis of Piles] analysis to figure out a proper hammer that’s strong enough,
    have enough energy to drive the pile”). WEAP is “a wave equation analysis that is done on a
    particular set of soil conditions and with a particular pile and equipment to model its performance.”
    Tr. 111.
    piles shall not be used in-water to support the pier), including prestressed concrete
    fender piles, prestressed concrete reaction piles, reinforced concrete and/or
    prestressed concrete deck system, corner fender units, rubber fender units,
    supporting members, and associated hardware. . . .;
    10. Provide a new concrete Quaywall 729 structure (approximately 30 feet wide by 580
    feet long) .. . . [and] [s]eparate the Quaywall 729 structure from Pier B with a
    seismic joint that has a minimum width of 1 foot 6 inches;
    14. Provide a new concrete Mole Quaywall structure (approximately 22 feet 6 inches
    wide by 1000 feet long)... . [and][s]eparate the Mole Quaywall structure from Pier
    B with a seismic joint that has a minimum width of 1 foot 6 inches. . . .;
    JX 1.456-57.
    The contractor had responsibility for the design subject to specified design requirements:
    The Contractor shall design and construct all new waterfront substructures and
    transitions to existing structures that are to remain, that are required for the project,
    and as identified on drawings provided in Part 6 of this RFP, except for identified
    prescriptive elements that shall be constructed as indicated in the Prescriptive
    Specifications in Part 5 of this RFP and on the Prescriptive Drawings in Attachment
    B of Part 6 of this RFP. Each substructure and transition shall meet all loading
    requirements for dead (gravity); soil pressure; static (live, crane, etc. including
    impact where applicable); environment (seismic, wind, current, berthing, and
    mooning); and long term (creep, shrinkage, temperature). Each substructure and
    transition shall also meet structural design requirements as specified in the
    performance technical specification of Paragraph H1010 in Section H10 of Part 4
    of this RFP and the prescriptive specifications in Part 5 of this RFP.
    JX 1.489; Tr. 117 (Mr. Fedrick stating “[t]his project and many other projects that are design-build
    projects, the design responsibility is that of the contractor and not the responsibility of the owner;
    in this particular case, the Navy.”). The prescriptive elements in the RFP included the design of
    Quaywall 729 and the design of a “typical section” of the Mole Quaywall, both of which the
    Navy’s subcontractor Berger ABAM had designed. JX 1.488-90, .499; Tr. 120; Tr. 1945; Tr. 2326.
    The RFP provided that the contractor was to determine where the piles would be placed and stated
    that “[a] variation of more than 1 percent from the vertical for plumb piles, or more than 2 percent
    from the required angle for batter piles, is not permitted.” JX 1.333, 570.
    The RFP directed that the contractor was to “[r]emove existing piles” by employing Best
    Management Practices (“BMPs”) “to minimize disturbance of [the] contaminated layer of
    sediment underlying deposited clean sediment.” JX 1.471. These BMPs included “cutting or
    breaking [an] existing pile at the mudline where feasible to maintain sediment stability” and
    reinforcing the sloping surface and subsurface layers under the new Pier B project. JX 1.471; see
    also Tr. 1805; Tr. 1761.
    In addition to the design and build requirements for the Pier B project, the RFP required
    the contractor to develop the following items:
    a. Geotechnical engineering report, including soil borings as needed for final
    b. Requirements for indicator test piles?
    c. WEAP [Wave Equation Analysis of Piles] analyses for proposed pile hammers
    and pile types
    d. Use of dynamic pile analysis and CAPWAP (Case Pile Wave Analysis
    Program) during the installation of indicator test piles
    e. Pre-construction survey of any settlement-sensitive structures near pile driving
    or fill placement included in this project
    f. Piles to be pulled versus cut-off of at the mudline for Government review.
    JX 1.461.
    Although a “geotechnical engineering baseline study” was included with the RFP and
    provided observations and recommendations for Pier B, the Mole Quaywall, and Quaywall 729,
    the contractor was required to develop a post-award “[g]eotechnical engineering report” after
    performing “a detailed and complete geotechnical engineering investigation, including additional
    borings as needed for the final project design and construction.” JX 1.461, .464, .2354; JX 2.541,
    .544. The contractor’s geotechnical engineering report was to be a final design submittal. JX
    1.505, .555, .565. The RFP directed that the contractor’s geotechnical engineering report be
    “based upon Government-provided subsurface investigation data and all additional field and
    laboratory testing accomplished at the discretion of the Contractor’s Geotechnical Engineer.” JX
    1.505. KPFF was NTS’ geotechnical engineer and used Shannon & Wilson to prepare the required
    post-award geotechnical engineering report (“2009 Report”). JX 10.1; see also JX 4.4, .10.
    Additionally, the RFP required the successful bidder to develop and conduct an indicator
    pile program, in which the contractor would drive at least five indicator piles in the area of the
    proposed Pier B and three in the area of the Mole Quaywall. JX 1.560. Specifically, the RFP
    Install indicator piles unless noted otherwise. The load capacity of piles, as
    determined by pile driving formulas or geotechnical analysis, shall be verified by
    dynamic pile driving analyzer (PDA) performed on each indicator pile, including
    Case Pile Wave Analysis Program (CAPWAP). Indicator pile installation
    procedures shall be as directed by the Contractor and shall use the same hammers
    and other pile installation equipment as for the production piles. The indicator pile
    procedures shall include underwater inspection in accordance with Paragraph H10
    1.3.4. Results of the indicator pile program and final pile installation criteria shall
    be submitted to the Contracting Officer prior to ordering or installation of the
    production piles. The Contractor shall select the number of indicator piles to be
    > The terms “test pile” and “indicator pile” were used interchangeably throughout this
    litigation. Tr. 496.
    installed for each structure, however the numbers shall be at a minimum the
    a. Pier B - a total of five indicator piles spaced evenly along the Pier, with a
    minimum of two piles of each size used
    b. Mole Quaywall - a total of 3 indicator piles along the structure
    C. Quaywall 729 - indicator pile requirements determined by the Contractor.
    If used, local demolition may be required to install the indicator piles.
    d. Craneway on the West Mole of Dry Dock 6 - indicator pile requirements
    determined by the Contractor. If used, the Contractor shall avoid damage
    to existing features, including underground utilities and tie rods providing
    lateral support to the existing steel sheet pile wall along the West Mole of
    Dry Dock 6.
    After inspection, all indicator piles of precast/prestressed concrete shall be removed
    and stored by the Contractor until 30 days after the installation of all production
    piles is completed. Precast/prestressed concrete piles shall be cut off and removed
    without damage and shall be accessible to the Contracting Officer at all times.
    JX 1.559-60.
    The GEBS
    The Solicitation included as Attachment J, an October 23, 2007 geotechnical engineering
    report, prepared by Hart Crowser, entitled, “Geotechnical Engineering Baseline Survey” (the
    “GEBS”). JX 1.2351-602; Tr. 1735. Hart Crowser was “the geotechnical engineer acting as a
    subconsultant to BergerABAM, who was under contract to the Navy to develop [the] design for
    the Mole Quaywall and to provide design-build RFP products for the Pier B design-build portion
    of the project.” Tr. 1735. The scope of Hart Crowser’s work included performing additional
    explorations for the project and developing geotechnical engineering documents, such as the
    GEBS, in support of the design of the Project. Id. Hart Crowser completed nine new soil borings®
    and collected and analyzed soil samples. JX 1.2362. Hart Crowser’s role with respect to Pier B
    involved “demonstrat[ing] to the Navy how the pier might be built,” while recognizing that the
    contractor was “free to do the final design how they see fit based on whatever is prescribed in the
    contract documents.” Tr. 1737.
    The GEBS was the “final milestone” of Hart Crowser’s recommendations -- “all of the up-
    front work, including exploration, testing, analyses, and development of those recommendations,
    were done prior to that date.” Id. The purpose of the GEBS was to provide NAVFAC and its
    Contractor “with subsurface information, interpretation, and geotechnical engineering
    recommendations for the development of the design-build RFP documents for the P-356
    Maintenance Pier.” JX 1.2362
    6 See Tr. 2353 (“Borings are where a subsurface investigation is performed consisting of
    drilling a hole into the ground, and then at discrete and distinct elevations, taking samples to test
    the relative density or stiffness of the subsurface materials at prescribed depths; also, to obtain
    physical samples of the soil for visual observation as well as laboratory testing.”).
    Garry Horvitz, senior principal geotechnical engineer and Vice President of Hart Crowser
    and the firm’s principal in charge of the Pier B replacement project, signed the GEBS and oversaw
    its preparation. Tr. 1728-36; JX 1.2353. As the principal in charge, Mr. Horvitz had “the last say
    on the technical aspects of the project and the budgets that [Hart Crowser] prepare[d].” Tr. 1736.
    Mr. Horvitz explained that the designer of record was not required to follow the recommendations
    in the GEBS. Tr. 1740. He testified:
    So we asked the Navy, ‘Do we have to rely on the design recommendations
    that are in the report?’ And the Navy said, “No. You’re going to be stamping the
    design. It’s your design. Take the factual information, and do what you will with
    Tr. 1742.
    Site and Subsurface Conditions Described in the GEBS
    The GEBS’ conclusions regarding site and subsurface conditions were based on 48 hollow-
    stem auger borings: “nine new soil borings performed by Hart Crowser, five older borings
    previously performed by Hart Crowser, [and] thirty-four borings performed by others.” JX 1.2365.
    Of the nine new borings performed by Hart Crowser, six “were performed in front of and behind
    Quaywall 729, and were executed with the intent of determining the extent and elevation of the
    fill and the native soil interface along the quaywall” and three “were performed to determine
    maximum pile lengths and fill density along the existing Pier B and Mole Quaywall.” JX 1.2365.
    The GEBS diagram below shows the location of the borings in relation to the location of
    the proposed Pier B:
    ¥ vcore |
    Gusywall 728 —H_
    (7 Proposed Rlaplacemant Pie 7 ff x
    é f
    ~ ao
    i Se ae
    meaPe i RleB80) ioe
    z 1 Owe-ssse Owssr Dey Dodk 8
    Exploration Location and Number
    A A
    RCOE101@ Hart Growser Boring (Curent Study) t + Approximate Cross Section Location and Designation
    6-550 Previous Boring Seale im Feet 1737800 1woF
    Wola: Al chawalions bused on PENE Datum, . — nar
    JX 1.2416.
    The GEBS instructed that the contractor should perform additional exploration it deemed
    necessary, stating:
    The Contractor should review the existing soil explorations and determine if they
    are adequate to complete the design of the proposed project. If the quantity or
    location of the soil explorations is insufficient, the Contractor should include
    additional soil explorations in their scope of work.
    To date we have only been able to advance a limited number of borings along the
    mole quaywall due to logistical constraints. It would be beneficial to conduct
    additional borings along the length of the mole quaywall once the site is open for
    JX 1.2367-68; see Tr. 1748.
    Like the 2006 Report, the GEBS indicated the presence of four layers of soil under the Old
    Pier, from top to bottom: fill, estuarine, beach, and glacially overridden soils. JX 1.2365. The
    GEBS stated that the fill layer was “loose to dense, wet, gray, clean to slightly silty, gravely SAND
    to sandy GRAVEL,” and that estuarine deposits were “very soft, wet, gray-brown to gray-green,
    organic, clayey SILT and silty CLAY with a trace of sand and sea shells.” JX 1.2366-67. The
    GEBS stated that the beach deposits were “dense to very dense, wet brown, trace to slightly silty,
    slightly gravelly to very gravelly SAND,” and noted that “[t]his material is competent and would
    support a portion of the foundational loads.” JX 1.2367. Finally, the GEBS described the glacial
    soils as consisting of overridden material in the “material forming the upper portion of the glacial
    soils,” while “the majority of the glacial soils consist of very dense, wet, gray brown, slightly silty
    to silty, gravelly SAND to sandy GRAVEL,” which is “competent and would support foundational
    loads.” Id.
    Just as the 2006 Report, the GEBS indicated uncertainty as to the density, material, and
    estimated elevations in soil areas outside the borings. JX 1.2367-68. The GEBS provided the
    following diagram of the subsurface layers under Pier B based on former borings, including the
    2006 borings and new borings driven by Hart Crowser:
    North HCO5-104 L-48-57 Top of Existing PierB — —HE06-105 _ South
    | Elev. 126.5" |
    ‘Oy M380 ‘SW06-B-24 Quaywall 728 Swo06-B4 SWO06-B-5 \ 140
    | vw) (1 Ww) ww) \ SWO06-5-6
    120 * Lose to danse, ye 120
    ? 7 sony GRANEL t 2 ¥ ‘¥ MLLW (109.4"
    (Fill 7
    100 Pt K — Existg 00
    = Sandy SILT rT i, | PN {= E
    é 80 an a a HHS aamanieg Medium stiff, sandy TT,’ ° |? 80 6
    é [2 “SILT owen =, fe acne Lt, LL, &
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    a a Rowerke Sava dae ia Deposit) [a Par = 7 20 &
    0 : Fe ne | 0
    -20 tar | -20
    Very loose, silty SAND —
    z B-B D->
    : 40 40
    é HG06-105 Exploration Number
    + (345°) (Offset Distance and Direction)
    : Exploration Location
    Water Level At Time of Drilling
    Hote: The ett ne are ted po inet bean 1 Sanat Penan Rosine ee
    conditions based on currently available data. a HARTCROWSER
    —%?——|— _ Approximate Soil/Geolagic Contact Vertical Scale in Feet 17339-00 10/07
    Vertical Exaggeration x 5 Figure 3
    JX 1.2417.
    Mr. Horvitz explained why the diagram included question marks:
    Geotechnical engineers do that to point out the fact that the information that we
    have is very specific to the particular location of the boring. And we are doing our
    best to interpret or interpolate what the conditions are between borings. But, you
    know, Mother Nature can be fickle. And sometimes between two borings, that line
    that we draw may be higher. It may be lower. We really don’t know.
    And there was a time when geotechnical engineers got sued a lot because they
    didn’t put those question marks on there, and people would take that at that -- take
    that line as the gospel.
    Tr. 1751.
    Mr. Sarieddine, Shannon & Wilson’s vice president, who prepared the 2009 Report, agreed
    the question marks in the GEBS meant “unknown.” Tr. 567. KPFF’s owner, Mr. Johnson also
    understood the question marks to mean unknown conditions. Tr. 788. The Government’s
    geotechnical expert, Rudolph Frizzi, had the same understanding testifying that “a question mark
    is unknown.” Tr. 2335.
    This interpretation of the question marks is also reflected in the GEBS itself:
    Please note that there is uncertainty in the estimated elevations for each soil unit;
    the Contractor should consider adding additional borings along the western edge of
    the pier. We recommend the Contractor add an appropriate cutoff length to the
    overall pile length for contingency purposes to minimize delays and costs
    associated with building up concrete piles in the field.
    Given the uncertainty in the elevation rise of the glacial soils toward the north, we
    recommend that the Contractor conduct further explorations to determine what
    reductions in pile length[’], if any, are possible.
    JX 1.2370-72. Additionally, when discussing subsurface data indicated by the GEBS, the contract
    stated that “[v]Jariations may exist in the subsurface between boring locations.” JX 2.1041; see
    also Tr. 789; Tr. 2354-55.
    The GEBS also addressed pile drivability:
    Pile driveability is, to a large degree, a function of soil conditions and pile hammer.
    The soil conditions encountered in our explorations generally consist of fill,
    estuarine deposits, beach deposits, and glacially overridden soils at depth.
    Difficulties during pile driving may be encountered as a result of obstructions that
    may exist throughout the areas where piles are anticipated to be specified. Such
    obstructions may consist of riprap and other larger size material for piling driven
    near the upper portion of the submerged mole slope along the west side of the mole.
    In this area, it is likely that shallow obstructions could be pushed aside with the
    piling to allow for pile driving at the design location. If deep obstructions are
    encountered, the pile may need to be moved.
    JX 1.2381 (emphasis added).
    The GEBS’ Geotechnical Engineering Recommendations
    At the outset, the GEBS recommended that existing piles under Pier B “remain in place
    (i.e., broken off at the mudline)” to maintain seismic stability. JX 1.2369. With respect to the type
    of piles, it stated:
    We understand that 24-inch prestressed, solid, octagonal concrete piles are
    preferred for much of the replacement of Pier B.... [W]e recommend that the piles
    be driven to and tipped[*] a minimum of 5 feet into the glacial soils or practical pile
    7 Pile length affects the ability of a pile to carry its load, a characteristic called “capacity.”
    Tr. 1948-49. The more capacity a pile is designed to carry, the fewer number of piles are necessary
    to support a structure. Tr. 1949. Mr. Sarieddine described “axial pile capacity”, stating:
    It’s the capacity -- the piles -- to carry the load, it -- the pile gets capacity from the
    sides, friction along its length, and the tip at the bottom. And to get the capacity
    needed to carry that load, that’s how you determine how deep you have to take the
    Tr. 477. Mr. Johnson also testified to his understanding that “there is a capacity that the pile can
    have if it is driven to the certain tip elevations and within a certain amount of embedment into the
    -- the glacial -- the glacial till or the -- the bearing strata.” Tr. 674.
    8 The term “tipped” refers to the depth of the soil at which the lowest portion of the pile
    would be driven. See Tr. 1773.
    refusal. Assuming an approximate, practical pile refusal of 5 feet, piles should be
    driven to a minimum of elevation 37 and 29 feet (PSNS Datum), for Stations 0+00
    to 8+25 and 10+00, respectively, or 5 feet of embedment into the glacial soils as
    shown on Figure 3. Tip elevations can be linearly interpolated between Stations
    8+25 and 10+00, with approximately a drop of 1 foot in pile tip elevation per 22
    feet south of Station 8+25. Note, practical pile refusal is a function of the hammer
    selected by the Contractor, and therefore must be estimated during construction
    with observation of the actual equipment and pile driving behavior.
    JX 1.2371 (emphasis added).?
    These statements are not determinations of practical pile refusal. See Tr. 1768. Mr.
    Horvitz testified:
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] Okay. And the language, “We recommend that
    the piles be driven to and tipped a minimum of 5 feet into the glacial soils,” is this
    telling the design-build contractor that the piles have to be driven 5 feet into the
    glacial soils?
    A. No. What we’re really saying there is we were anticipating that he would
    need to do that to get the piles fixed enough, turn around and get the capacity that
    he needed.
    Q. And what is the effect of adding “or practical pile refusal”?
    A. Well, it means that, you know, our anticipation is that if he’s going to get 5
    feet of penetration into that material, he’s likely going to get capacity. But if he
    gets capacity above that elevation, say in the beach deposits, whatever reason, we’re
    okay with that.
    Q. The next sentence states, “Assuming an approximate, practical pile refusal
    of 5 feet, piles should be driven to a minimum of elevation 37 and 29 feet, for
    Stations 0 plus 00 to 8 plus 25 and 10 plus 00, respectively, or 5 feet of embedment
    into the glacial soils as shown on Figure 3.”
    Are you setting tip elevations for the Pier B replacement project in that
    A. We’re not setting elevations. We are anticipating that that’s what would be
    required. You’re not going to know exactly how deep the piles have to go until after
    you’ve done some additional work in the form of indicator piles. At this point in
    the process, that’s our best estimate. “Cause essentially somebody has to come up
    with the budget, figure out how long the piles need to be.
    Tr. 1767-68. The GEBS did not set pile tip elevations for Pier B. JX 1.2384.
    Mr. Horvitz further explained:
    ? The final underlined sentence emphasizing that practical pile refusal depended on hammer
    size and “must be estimated during construction with observation of the actual equipment and pile
    driving behavior” is repeated in the RFP three times. JX 1.2371 (twice), .2373.
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] In your experience, or would you have
    interpreted this language to have required the tip -- or the piles to be driven to
    Elevation 37 and 29 feet based on this paragraph?
    A. Well, the -- the intention at the time was to tell the reader what we
    anticipated would have to be done.
    Q. Does that mean that you would have read this to reflect you had to drive the
    piles to those particular elevations?
    A. No. Which is why we have the term “practical refusal” in there.
    Q. Would you read this language to mean that the budget is fixed for the rest
    of the project based on these tip elevations?
    A. No, not at all.
    Q. And why do you say that?
    A. Because this is our estimate of what we think might happen at this stage in
    terms of what we know. But what the actual budget . . . is based on any additional
    exploration information that was done. It would depend on the analysis that the
    contractors, geotechnical and structural engineers do, how they interpret the data.
    The same way we threw out the existing data or recommendations on Pier D and
    did it ourselves, we would certainly expect that the design-build contractor’s design
    team would do the same thing. So there’s -- in my mind, there was never any
    intention of being something sacred about that language.
    Tr. 1768-69.
    In terms of equipment, the GEBS analyzed how piles were driving with a Delmag 46-23
    hammer and a Delmag 62-22 hammer, but explained that “[o]ther hammer types with variable
    energy settings may also be used.” JX 1.2386. The GEBS concluded that “the results indicate that
    either of the [Delmag] hammers can be used to achieve the desired ultimate pile capacity of 1,000
    kips,” or 10,000 pounds. JX 1.2389-90.
    Hart Crowser “performed preliminary wave equation analyses using the computer program
    Wave Equation Analysis of Piles (WEAP) to predict axial pile driving stresses and penetration
    resistances during driving with different hammers.” JX 1.2386. The GEBS included the results
    of this WEAP analysis but expressly stated “The Contractor should perform their own WEAP
    analyses and submit the results for approval.” JX 1.2355, .2390.
    Under “Additional Considerations,” the GEBS stated:
    The output produced by the wave equation analyses depends on the pile, hammer,
    and soil input parameters. We selected input parameters based on the results of in
    situ tests, laboratory tests, pile parameters supplied to us by BERGER/ABAM
    Engineers, and manufacturer-supplied hammer information. Actual field
    conditions, project requirements, and hammer type and performance may vary from
    what we have assumed and, therefore, the actual driveability and driving stresses
    may differ from what we presented above. Finally, our analyses did not include
    possible effects of pile installation such as interruptions to driving and subsequent
    pile setup.
    JX 1.2390 (emphasis added).
    The GEBS stressed the value of an indicator pile program:
    Based on past experiences within the PSNS and other Navy facilities, indicator piles
    with dynamic pile testing provide extremely useful information to supplement soil
    explorations and analysis for evaluating pile capacity and drivability. The purpose
    of the indicator pile program is to verify the location of the top of the glacial soil
    bearing layer(s) to aid in selection of pile tip elevations and lengths, and to verify
    design shaft friction. The benefit of an indicator program with dynamic pile testing
    over soil explorations is that the indicator piles may be used to assess pile capacities
    and safety factors and drivability through dense zones of soil, and to identify
    possible unforeseen circumstances.
    JX 1.2391 (emphasis added). Again in discussing general pile installation recommendations, the
    GEBS stated “It is very important for driven piles that indicator piles be installed before
    construction of any particular segment. Subsequently, production piles can be ordered for the
    segment taking into account the results of those indicator piles.” JX 1.2380; see also Tr. 1136-37;
    Tr. 2355-56. The GEBS reiterated that “[w]e strongly recommend a minimum indicator pile
    program for Pier B consisting of ten indicator piles... .” JX 1.2392.
    The Prebid Site Visit
    On November 27, 2007, interested bidders, including NTS’ former president, chairman,
    and CEO, Ronald Fedrick, NTS’ project manager, Dana “Dan” Fox, and KPFF’s owner, Richard
    Johnson, attended a site visit. JX 1.9; Tr. 77; Tr. 595-96. At the visit, NTS’ team members were
    allowed to walk up and down the Old Pier. Tr. 121; Tr. 596.
    NTS’ Bid for the Pier B Project
    To prepare its bid, NTS “secured the professional services of KPFF Consulting Engineers
    as the lead engineer... .” JX 4.3; see also Tr. 585. KPFF, as NTS’ potential subcontractor, would
    be tasked with leading the design team that was also comprised of Sparling, Notkin Engineering,
    and Shannon & Wilson. JX 4.4. For Shannon & Wilson, Ming-Jiun “Jim” Wu served as the
    principal in charge on the Pier B Project. Tr. 458. Mr. Wu also served as the principal in charge
    on the 2006 Report. Id.; DX 2.32.
    NTS submitted its bid on January 22, 2008. JX 4.3. As part of its technical proposal, NTS
    provided its “basis of design” -- a “sketch” of its final design with “a general summary of the
    highlights of the design and how [NTS] intend[ed] to complete the project.” Tr. 2451; see also Tr.
    2520; Tr. 670.
    In its Basis of Design, NTS proposed a transverse batter pile system which “would consist
    primarily of concrete pier bents spaced at 25 feet on center with eight 24-inch-diameter octagonal
    solid concrete piles per bent carrying the vertical and lateral loads.” JX 4.198. Its design provided
    for 54 east-west bents, with Bent 1 starting on the north end of Pier B and Bent 54 ending at the
    south end of Pier B, and eight north-south rows, labeled Rows A through H:
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    JX 4.211-12. Pier B piles in Rows A and H, as well as all piles in Bent 1, were designed as vertical
    (or plumb) piles. Id.; JX 50.1-.5; JX 53. Pier B piles in Rows B, C, D, E, F, and G were designed
    in an east-west batter configuration.!° JX 4.211-12; JX 50.1-.5; JX 53. Plumb piles are vertical
    piles “driven straight down into the ground without an angle to it,” while a batter pile “is driven at
    an angle to provide a triangulated bracing to a structure.” Tr. 584.
    In the Basis of Design, NTS outlined its plan to avoid interferences from preexisting piles
    from the Old Pier:
    The Design/Build team will develop a computer model of all existing and planned
    pile locations to identify potential interferences. We will survey existing pile
    locations after the existing Pier Bravo deck is removed. Where potential
    interferences are identified, the structural plan for Pier Bravo will be modified as
    needed. Possible modifications include, but are not limited to, adjusting the skew
    angle on batter piles, changing the direction of the skew, adjusting the pile location
    (for plumb piles), or adjusting the location of a bent line. In all cases, we will
    conduct an analysis of the modified structure to ensure continued compliance with
    all project requirements.
    JX 4.195.
    Contract Award and Pre-Design Work
    On May 2, 2008, NAVFAC awarded NTS Contract No. N44255-08-C-6000 at a firm-fixed
    price of $122,877,000. JX 2.1-.3. The Contract required NTS to begin performance within 15
    calendar days and complete the Project within 1,345 calendar days after award. JX 2.1.
    The Indicator Pile Program
    In order to complete its design, NTS conducted its indicator pile program between
    November 10 and December 9, 2008. JX 2.541; JX 10.15, .171-73. The Contract required NTS
    to install, at minimum, “five indicator piles spaced evenly along the Pier, with a minimum of two
    piles of each size used” and three indicator piles along the Mole Quaywall, and the GEBS “strongly
    recommend[ed] a minimum indicator pile program for Pier B consisting of ten indicator piles.”
    JX 2.649, .2640. The placement of the indicator piles was left to the contractor’s discretion. JX
    2.649. NTS did not drive indicator piles in the footprint of the Old Pier, although the Old Pier
    encompassed approximately 75 percent of the area where NTS planned to drive piles. Tr. 170; PX
    34.4. As Mr. Fedrick testified during his deposition, NTS chose the location of the indicator piles
    based on where the piles “would be in the permanent structure” to avoid added expense. Tr. 229.1!
    NTS’ subcontractor, ACC, ultimately drove eight indicator piles between November 10
    and December 9, 2008. JX 10.15, .171-73; Tr. 142; Tr. 495, 550. ACC drove five Pier B test piles
    -- CP-1, CP-2, CP-3, CP-4, and CP-5 -- and three Mole Quaywall test piles -- CM-1, CM-2, and
    10 Mr. Fedrick described the design stating that “we have B and C, which are two batter piles
    that basically face each other; and then D and E, two batter piles that face each other; and F and
    G, two batter piles that face each other, which is what we talk about were the transverse batters.”
    Tr. 134.
    iM The Court recognizes that on direct examination at trial, Mr. Fedrick testified that
    NAVFAC “wouldn’t allow us to cut holes in the existing deck because they had to do a radiation
    survey on the deck.” Tr. 146. The Court does not credit this testimony, as Mr. Fedrick
    acknowledged this information came out of the trial preparation process. Tr. 227-28. The Court
    credits Mr. Fedrick’s deposition testimony.
    CM-3. JX 10.172; Tr. 142-43. None of the Pier B test piles were driven within the footprint of
    the new Pier B. JX 10.26; Tr. 497-98. The Mole Quaywall test piles were within the footprint of
    the new Pier B, but because the new Pier B is wider to the east than the Old Pier, the Mole Quaywall
    test piles were still outside the footprint of the Old Pier. JX 10.15-16, .26; Tr. 331; Tr. 497-98.
    NTS only drove plumb piles for the test program, although its design primarily used batter
    piles. Tr. 549; Tr. 1819. This was because, as Richard Davis, a senior construction specialist at
    BergerABAM, and Mr. Fedrick testified, it is not common to drive batter piles as part of a test pile
    program. Tr. 1820; Tr. 167. Plumb piles and batter piles behave differently. Tr. 2005; Tr. 428-
    29. According to Mr. Sarieddine, “for the plumb piles, if we drive the piles, doesn’t matter where
    it ends. Ifit ends in refusal, we got enough base to carry the load.” Tr. 486. Batter piles, however,
    “require uplift” and “deeper embedments.” Tr. 486-87. According to Mr. Branlund, a senior
    project manager at Berger ABAM,
    [t]rying to drive a new batter pile through an existing field of batter piles is a lot
    more difficult than trying to drive a plumb pile straight down. Plus the plumb pile
    system behaves in a different manner so that skew issues and things like that aren’t
    -- aren’t important.
    Tr. 2005. Reading from an email that he wrote, Mr. Branlund also testified that “batter piles are
    temperamental with regard to inclination and skew. .. . Selecting a plumb pile scheme would have
    been a whole lot easier to install and a lot more forgiving with respect to the problems with
    location.” Tr. 2030. NTS drove test piles with and without stingers because the Pier B design
    incorporated plumb piles “that did not require stingers and batter piles that did require stingers.”
    Tr. 503.
    The results of the indicator pile program were:
    Table 3. Summary of Case Method Results
    Pile Test Approx Blow Ram Average | Average Max.
    Penetration Count Stroke Max, Max. Tension
    Below Transfer Comp. Stress
    Mud-line Energy Stress
    (STK) (EMX) (CSX) (TSA)
    ft blow/set ft kip-ft ksi ksi
    CP-1 Drive 60 122/9" 9.9 112 5.5 14
    CP-2 Drive 58 86/12" a7 110 5.3 1.6
    GP-3 Drive 36 56/710" 10.2 122 5.1 0.9
    CP-4 Drive 47 91/6" 9.8 98 4.7 1.6
    CP-5 Drive 26 46/4" 6.9 52 3.4 1.3
    CN-1 Drive 49 ori" 10.3 114 5.0 1.6
    CM-2 Drive 32 68/8" a8 103 4.5 1.5
    CM-3 Drive 35 Tati" 10.3 114 4.7 1.3
    JX 10.173.
    These results were based on using a Delmag 80-23 hammer. JX 10.172. ACC “elected to
    use a Delmag 80-23 hammer in lieu of the recommended Delmag D62-22 or Delmag D46-23 to
    ensure the piles could be driven to the desired elevation... .” PX 36.11. Mr. Fedrick testified
    that the Delmag 80 hammer has “about a 30 percent greater capacity than what the Navy
    geotechnical report said we should have to anticipate.” Tr. 144. Mr. Branlund confirmed that the
    Delmag 80 was a stronger, higher capacity hammer than the Delmag 46 and Delmag 62. Tr. 2024-
    25. Although Hart Crowser evaluated pile driving with the Delmag D46-23 and Delmag D62-22
    and determined that the results indicated that either of the hammers could be used “to achieve the
    desired ultimate pile capacity,” Hart Crowser made clear in the GEBS that other types of hammers
    could be used and might even be preferable for some contractors. JX 1.2389-90.
    The three test piles driven in the Pier B footprint did not have stingers and reached refusal
    in the beach deposits, indicating the beach deposits were a competent bearing layer. Tr. 554-55
    (Mr. Sarieddine stating that the beach deposits “turned out better than we expected” for piles
    without stingers); Tr. 941-42.
    Four test piles driven outside the Pier B footprint contained stingers. JX 10.15; Tr. 509.
    Although the stingers attached to the tip of the test pile reached the glacial soils, the concrete test
    pile itself stopped in the beach layer. JX 10.15; Tr. 506, 509, 554.
    The Shannon & Wilson 2009 Report
    The Contract required NTS to “[s]ubmit a written Geotechnical report based upon
    Government-provided subsurface investigation data and all additional field and laboratory testing
    accomplished at the discretion of the Contractor’s Geotechnical Engineer” and “include a cover
    letter identifying any recommendations of the report proposed to be adopted into the design that
    are interpreted by the Contractor as either conflicting with, or being modifications to, the
    Geotechnical or Pavement related requirements of this RFP.” JX 2.593-94; Tr. 482.
    On February 25, 2009, Shannon & Wilson produced the required geotechnical report. JX
    10.1; Tr. 480-82. No cover letter was included, indicating NTS did not make any
    recommendations that conflicted with the requirements of the RFP. Tr. 483. This 2009 Report
    presented the results of Shannon & Wilson’s “geotechnical study completed for the new Pier B
    structure only” and contained “the results of the geotechnical field explorations performed along
    Pier B alignment and the results of laboratory tests performed on samples collected from these
    borings.” JX 10.5. It also included “the results of a test pile program performed for the project
    and... geotechnical engineering recommendations for design and construction of Pier B.” Id;
    Tr. 1134.
    At the outset, the 2009 Report stated that “[t]he analyses and recommendations contained
    in this report are based upon site conditions as they presently exist, and further assume that the
    explorations are representative of the subsurface conditions along the proposed pier alignment,”
    with the primary assumption being “that the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly
    different from those disclosed by the explorations.” JX 10.6. The report included four sections:
    1) field explorations and geotechnical laboratory testing, 2) regional geology and subsurface
    conditions, 3) engineering studies and recommendations, and 4) construction considerations. JX
    In terms of field explorations, Shannon & Wilson conducted nine borings, five of which
    were “completed along the Pier B alignment.” JX 10.7. These five borings, identified as NB-1
    through NB-5, were completed prior to test piles being driven. JX 10.27. The locations of the
    borings are shown below:
    JX 10.26. NB-3, NB-4, and NB-5 were drilled on the edges of the Old Pier, while NB-1 and NB-
    2 were drilled through the middle of the Old Pier. Id.; Tr. 2354; Tr. 2528. NB-1 and NB-2 were
    “taken through manholes in the deck, which by the nature of their location would not be installed
    close to the bents or where the existing piles were located.” Tr. 2528.
    With these extra borings, Shannon & Wilson updated the subsurface profile provided in
    the GEBS as follows:
    RSE cece
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    JX 10.27.
    In its recommendations, premised on its analysis of the new and former borings and ACC’s
    execution of the test pile program, Shannon & Wilson stated:
    In general, the pile tip elevations recommended for piles with stingers are ten feet
    lower than those [for] piles without stingers. In addition to the pile tip elevations
    given in Figure 14, we recommend ordering piles with a minimum five additional
    feet to account for unknown variations in the elevation of the competent bearing
    soils which, if deeper than expected, could potentially require built-up extensions
    on piles that prove to be too short.
    JX 10.16.
    The referenced Figure 14, a diagram of the recommended pile tip elevations for Pier B in
    the 2009 Report, is reproduced below:
    280 ale 280 aL 250 y= 20 mf 280
    42008 Logins ea
    ADJUSTED cling ranelved *2/31/2008,
    1, This figure adapted from drawing file PB
    LESS P-386 OWN Pier Replacernent
    Naval Base Kitsap
    Bremerton, Washington
    A are recommended to determine the required pie lengths. (83, 73)
    tenth should be determined basod onthe recommended — / \ 7 vs
    he tip of thal pite is located. Tip Etevation-—“ Tip Elevation (PSNS Datum)
    4, To account for potertie! varlations tn suncuriace cenditars, we acammerd sal ¢ minimum ger) FOR PRODUCTION PILES
    of S feet be added to the a lengths d
    of Plumb File {Battor
    determined trom the recummentied sie tip eevations, dod Pile
    Recommended Pile Tip
    February 2009 21-4-21017-003
    5. Balter piles aré recommended to be.eruipped with 2 10-footlong stect HP t4x89 stinger, 3 Elevation Zanes ‘Boruary
    Sootecinial and Enw seria Cone .
    3. For batter pile
    tip elevation in
    JX 10.38.
    The 2009 Report described subsurface conditions and potential pile driving as follows:
    [P]iles supporting the proposed pier would be installed through some fill material,
    the dense beach deposits, and into the very dense glacial deposits. Based on the
    anticipated subsurface conditions underlying the Pier B alignment, and the driving
    conditions encountered during installation of the test piles, moderate to hard driving
    conditions would likely be encountered in the beach deposits, and hard driving
    conditions would be expected in the glacial deposits. As discussed earlier, we
    recommend that the batter piles that will experience uplift (tension) loads be fitted
    with 10-foot-long steel HP 14x89 stingers.
    Riprap may be encountered in front of the Quaywall 729, near the north end of Pier
    B. The proposed concrete piles may have difficulty penetrating through riprap. We
    recommend that the contractor be prepared to drill, spud, or use some other
    appropriate methods to penetrate through the riprap layers prior to pile driving.
    JX 10.19.
    LiDAR Survey
    As stated in its Basis of Design, NTS, through a subcontractor recommended by KPFF,
    conducted a LiDAR survey to develop a three-dimensional computer model of the existing piles
    under the Pier B footprint to identify potential interferences. JX 4.195; Tr. 154-58. The survey
    was conducted during the design process, after the Old Pier was demolished, with the exception
    of the subsurface piles left in place. Tr. 216. The top of the pier had been removed and the piles
    were cut off at the mudline, but any parts of the piles below the mudline were left in place.
    Because NTS was planning on driving “450, 470 new piles around a[n] existing thousand
    piles that were cut off’ and many of the existing piles were likely not “exactly where they’re
    supposed to be,” the LiDAR survey was intended to inform NTS exactly where the existing piles
    were located. Tr. 158. However, the survey could only image above the mudline -- the subsurface
    positions of piles under the mudline had to be extrapolated. Tr. 232; Tr. 771. The results of the
    survey did not cause KPFF to alter or modify its Basis of Design submitted to NTS. Tr. 683-84.
    NTS’ Driving Difficulties at the Mole Quaywall
    On February 12, 2009, NTS’ subcontractor, ACC, commenced pile installation at the Mole
    Quaywall. See PX 25. ACC drove 13 plumb and 30 batter piles at the Mole Quaywall in February
    2009, but the vast majority of the pile driving started in June 2009. PX 25.1-.2.
    Unlike Pier B, where the design was to be done by the contractor, the Government designed
    pile elevations at the Mole Quaywall and set these elevations at 38 feet for batter piles and 44 feet
    for plumb piles. Tr. 815-16. After the indicator pile program, BergerABAM changed the design
    tip elevations at the Mole Quaywall to vary in elevation depending on locations, with pile tips
    designed to go deeper and shallower than the original elevation of 38 feet and 44 feet. Tr. 820-21;
    Tr. 1950-51; PX 25. BergerABAM tended to design longer piles, because it was cheaper to cut
    off piles that were too long than build up piles that were too short. Tr. 1952.
    ACC could not drive some of the piles in the Mole Quaywall as deep as designed, resulting
    in excessive cutoffs. Tr. 1992-93; Tr. 819-21 (Mr. Elgenson noting that most of the as-built tip
    elevations were “higher than what was required” by the Government’s design); Tr. 192; JX 57.4.
    Additionally, ACC was not able to drive the piles within the prescribed tolerance. Tr. 821. On
    August 14, 2009, NTS completed the Mole Quaywall pile installation. PX 25.
    NTS Finalizes Its Pier B Design
    While beginning performance on the Mole Quaywall, NTS was still working on its Pier B
    design. As required under the Contract, NTS had to provide NAVFAC with its design in stages.
    JX 2.397. Robin Zylstra, the Construction Manager for NAVFAC, explained the process:
    Designs -- certainly for a project this large, they are very iterative. You would have
    the concept design and have that submitted and reviewed. You might go to 35 or
    50 percent review, make comments, 70 percent, 100 percent. We also had
    incorporated into this project RFP fast track designs, elements that we knew needed
    to go quickly, get started early. We allowed them to submit on those. We would
    review those and comment on those separately.
    Tr. 2456.
    In March 2009, NTS submitted its Fast Track No. 2 design submittal to NAVFAC on the
    design of the Pier B piles. JX 24.3. On April 27, 2009, the Government returned the design with
    a directive to “Revise and Resubmit” Fast Track No. 2, explaining that the Government required
    revisions due to a concern that Pier B batter piles did not remain elastic during the transverse
    contingency-level earthquake (“CLE”) event. Id. On May 5, 2009, KPFF provided the
    Government “supplemental information demonstrating the elastic behavior of Pier B piles during
    the transverse CLE event.” Id. In May 2009, NTS submitted a revised Fast Track No. 2 design
    submittal, which the Government “Approved with Comment” on June 4, 2009. Id.
    NAVFAC’s approval of this fast track design allowed NTS to proceed with Pier B pile
    installation before final design approval. Tr. 2457-58. NTS accelerated construction of the first
    half of the piles, with the second half to be produced after completion of the Pier B design “so that
    that production activity for the piling and the installation activity could go on as the rest. . . of the
    design was progressing” and meet the required end date. Tr. 667-68.
    In May 2009, NTS submitted a 70 percent design submittal and on July 28, 2009, its 100
    percent Pier B design to NAVFAC. Tr. 2001; PX 14.1. BergerABAM reviewed NTS’ submittals
    on behalf of the Government for conformance with the RFP documents on technical and
    engineering aspects of the design. Tr. 1954, 1958.
    On October 26, 2009, NAVFAC approved NTS’ Final Design Submittal, but provided final
    comments for NTS to address. JX 65; Tr. 2457, 2542. On November 12, 2009, NTS submitted
    its final conformed design submittal to NAVFAC with responses to NAVFAC’s final comments.
    JX 26.1.
    ACC Raises Concerns About Excess Cutoffs For Pier B Piles
    On August 19, 2009, four days after completing work on the Mole Quaywall, ACC began
    to install plumb piles at Pier B. PX 21. As with the Mole Quaywall, NTS representatives observed
    pile installation at Pier B. Tr. 179, 2721-22; Tr. 830; Tr. 1477.
    On August 20, 2009, ACC began to install batter piles. PX 175.47. The first batter pile
    ACC drove reached refusal “roughly 15 feet” above cutoff grade. Id. On August 24, 2009, ACC’s
    Project Manager, James D. Carroll, informed Mr. Elgenson that “[t]o date, all driven Pier B piles
    have excessive cutoff lengths, and ACC is concerned that this will be a problem over the entire
    length of the Pier.” Id. On September 2, 2009, Mr. Elgenson, Tutor Perini’s senior project
    manager, responded to ACC “that longer than usual pile cut offs are a result of existing unknown
    geotechnical conditions and can be expected in this type of work” and that NTS did not believe
    the scope of work had changed or that extra work was involved entitling ACC to additional
    compensation. DX 23.1-.2. Instead, NTS directed ACC to review the plan sheets and pile driving
    sequencing and stated that using “a shear with [a] crane for assistance” removing the excessive
    cutoffs was “acceptable and typical industry standard.” DX 23.1.
    To account for these geotechnical conditions and in response to the pile driving problems
    at the Mole Quaywall, Shannon & Wilson revised its design pile tip elevations for Pier B between
    February and October 1, 2009. Tr. 520, 560; see also PX 171; PX 172; DX 24. Piles in rows H
    and G primarily were to be driven shallower between bents 10 through 31, and the remaining
    design changes planned for piles to go deeper. Compare JX 10.38 with DX 24.1.
    Pile Driving Issues
    The majority of the Pier B piles were driven by ACC, NTS’ subcontractor. ACC was in
    charge of driving all of the piles for NTS, including at both Pier B and the Mole Quaywall. Tr.
    150-51; Tr. 349. The record shows that NTS had problems with ACC during the project. Although
    ACC’s proposal contemplated using a template to drive piles and ACC used the template when
    driving test piles, it did not use that template when driving Pier B piles. Mr. Fedrick testified as
    to why ACC did not use the template:
    With the complexity of the opposing batter piles on here, if you can imagine trying
    to capture all eight of those piles, or even four of the eight piles, and have a system
    which can be taken apart, put back together again. And we sat there, and I worked
    with the operations manager of ACC on this for several weeks. And there was just,
    unfortunately, no logical design we could come up with, with some basis to do that.
    They had a concept at bid time. And it, quite frankly, just didn’t pan out.
    Tr. 151. ACC was “going out of business,” and NTS was forced to finish “a good portion of
    [ACC’s] work” -- including the additional 28 piles driven to correct pile misalignment. Tr. 152,
    252. On the portion of the work NTS completed, it used a template. Tr. 152-53.
    ACC did not have had a trapezoidal spotter or moon beam when driving piles, which would
    make adjusting piles to account for skew more difficult, and its equipment “was not always
    functional” requiring alternative methods to align the piles for skew. Tr. 2489-90; see also Tr.
    1810-13; Tr. 2778-79.
    NTS was dissatisfied with ACC’s performance. Tr. 251; DX 70.1. Mr. Davis, a Senior
    Construction Specialist at BergerABAM, stated that he spoke with ACC personnel and got the
    impression that the crew was not “the A-team” but they were “experienced enough” to do the
    project. Tr. 1809. Mr. Brenner, a former ACC employee, similarly testified ACC’s team was
    experienced, but he indicated there were problems with management. Tr. 361. Mr. Brenner
    considered ACC’s management representative a “sand sweeper,” meaning he had experience in
    street paving projects, not marine projects, and believed its project manager was in over his head.
    Tr. 399-400. Mr. Brenner also testified:
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] You also thought that when Danny [ACC’s
    barge foreman] ran into problems on Pier B pile driving, he didn’t get support from
    ACC management, right?
    A. Yes.
    Q. And because he didn’t get support, when Danny had problems, his answer
    to that was to just keep driving, right?
    A. Yes.
    Tr. 400-01.
    NTS Claims Differing Site Conditions at Pier B
    Sometime between Mr. Elgenson’s September 2, 2009 letter dismissing ACC’s concern
    about excessive pile cutoff lengths -- stating that “longer than usual pile cutoffs can be expected
    in this type of work”-- and December 2009, NTS changed its position and formed the view that its
    subcontractor, ACC, was encountering differing site conditions, as noted in the Remarks section
    of a contractor production report. DX 23.1-.2; Tr. 963-64. The earliest remark to this effect in the
    record was on December 8, 2009 in a daily contractor production report, PX 114.43.”
    Specifically, according to that report, NTS “continued remediation of excessive length of
    piling on pier B due to [Differing Site Conditions]” PX 114.43. Plaintiff's witness, Gary
    Elgenson, the Senior Project Manager at Tutor Perini Corporation, stated that this was not an
    Vo NTS kept records of activities via daily contractor production reports, which it submitted
    each day to NAVFAC. PX 114; JX 2.355; Tr. 831, 833.
    isolated incident and was reported in other contractor production reports. Tr. 833-34; see PX
    114.49. However, in the September 2, 2009 letter to ACC, Mr. Elgenson stated:
    You state that the pile cutoff lengths are longer than anticipated and require the use
    of a concrete pile shear and crane assistance for removal. It is the Joint Venture’s
    position that longer than usual pile cut offs are a result of existing unknown
    geotechnical conditions and can be expected in this type of work. We consider the
    use of a shear with crane for assistance as an acceptable and typical industry
    standard. The Joint Venture does not believe that that the scope of your work has
    changed, and there were discussions during the bid process that specifically
    included this topic.
    DX 23.1.
    Mr. Elgenson testified as follows:
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] Based upon your observations of the pile driving
    and your examination of those records for the Mole Quaywall, how did the pile
    driving compare to what was designed here, the design as shown?
    A. We had difficulty driving the piles to the tip elevations that are indicated in
    the plans. And there was a requi -- basically that there was excessive cutoff of piles
    as a result of that.
    Q. Based on those observations and the examination of the documents, how
    did the pile driving at Pier B compare to the pile driving that you described at the
    Mole Quaywall?
    A. It was similar, in that we were unable to drive the piles to the specified tip,
    which was, we -- the spec -- or were required to drive the piles to 5 foot into the
    glacial till or practical refusal, and then we were unable to do that.
    Tr. 817-18, 830.
    In meeting notes from a December 17, 2009 production meeting, NTS described its “Pier
    B Pile Driving Issues” under a section discussing old business:
    Pile Driving Criteria- Due to the inability to drive piles to tip, KPFF is reviewing
    the pile driving criteria with Shannon & Wilson and Bert Miner to mitigate costs
    associated with excessive pile cut off. Broken Batter Pile- ACC advised that getting
    back on a batter pile for a restrike/redrive is very difficult. ACC will provide more
    information on the broken pile when it becomes available. Bert Miner believes the
    pile broke 60 feet down. 9-2['9]; NTS will follow the driving criteria in the
    specifications... . 10-1: NTS and ACC will stay with pile driving criteria that is
    specified in the specs. NTS is casting piles with extra dowel tube length added in
    to keep from coring and/or exposing stands. 10-2: ACC has moved to the end of
    8 These bold numbers in NTS’ meeting notes refer to dates.
    pier B to drive H row piles. Moving to the end should give the engineers better
    length data. 10-3: KPFF is reviewing tip elevations to determine the uplift capacity
    of the piles. The uplift capacity will decide if a pile will need to be removed and a
    new pile driven in it’s place. NAVFAC requested [pile-driver analyzers] to be
    performed on the pier B piles due to the low penetration elevations. 10-4: Restrikes
    to be conducted on three piles. Meeting was held on the pile driving issues- meeting
    minutes to be distributed. 10-5: ... ACC is waiting to cut piles until KPFF has
    given official word to do so... . 11-2: A representative from Shannon and Wilson
    is now on site counting the blows during the pile driving. The representative will
    be to able make an onsite determination on the piles. Many piles are. . . out of
    tolerance, way more then [sic] anticipated. KPFF will need to redesign the pile cap
    for the areas where the piles go out of the design tolerance... . 12-2: Butt elevations
    have an extreme variation, most are high... . NTS will be compiling the costs
    related to pier B driving issues.
    PX 116.6; see also Tr. 180-81.
    A total of 104 piles reached refusal more than 12 feet higher than NTS’ designed elevations.
    PX 132.4; see also PX 21; PX 22. Additionally, 278 piles did not penetrate through the beach
    layer into the glacial layer, but not all of these piles were designed to penetrate through the beach
    layer. PX 132.4. On March 4, 2010, NTS completed installation of the original Pier B piles. Tr.
    218; see also Tr. 2624. NTS and its subcontractor, ACC, drove a total of 456 piles at Pier B. PX
    NTS Observes that Batter Piles were Driven Out of Tolerance
    KPFF designed the Pier B batter piles to have a small amount of skew to prevent the driven
    piles from interfering with each other or existing piles from the Old Pier. Tr. 754. The amount of
    skew “varied from place to place” depending on the circumstances of a particular location, e.g.,
    locations with existing piles sometimes required a “little bit more than typical amount” of skew.
    Tr. 755. By February 2010, NTS observed that some of the batter piles driven as part of the Pier
    B construction were out-of-tolerance “in terms of the skew angle that was utilized.” Tr. 756; Tr.
    421-22. This resulted in reducing Pier B’s capacity “to take load in the east-west direction” and
    “necessitated a fix.” Tr. 756-57.
    On March 25, 2010, NTS sent a letter to its subcontractor, ACC, and informed ACC that
    various batter piles had rotated past allowable skew angles:
    During recent survey operations to determine batter and skew angles, it became
    apparent that multiple batter piles are rotated beyond the allowable skew angle.
    Preliminary engineering calculations suggest that these out of tolerance, excessive
    skew angles will result in the batter piles being overloaded and thus subject to
    Please consider this letter as notification that all costs for the replacement,
    supplemental engineering, and other costs associated .. . will be tracked and back
    charged to ACC’s account.
    JX 13.1.
    To correct the issue, NTS’ lead engineer, KPFF, “adopted a fix that added 28 new piles to
    the pier” which brought “the load capacity back” into Pier B. Tr. 756-57. The design -- referred
    to as Delta 12 -- also required NTS to construct new crossover beams to tie the 28 new piles into
    the existing structure and strengthen pile caps “affected by the skew tolerance problems,” which
    included “additional bumpouts, rebar changes, [and] pile connections.” Tr. 2495-96; see also JX
    26.7; Tr. 756-58. Mr. Johnson, the owner of KPFF, the designer of record, testified that the Delta
    12 redesign addressed issues that arose due to the construction of Pier B, not the design. Tr. 762.
    On May 6, 2010, KPFF submitted to the Government the design calculations for the Delta
    12 redesign. JX 26; Tr. 758-59. On May 27, 2010, the Government approved the Delta 12
    redesign. JX 16.1. The redesign work was not implemented until later in the Project. Tr. 2557.
    In the time between the approval of Delta 12 and the performance of the redesign work, NTS
    continued to perform bent work at Pier B. Tr. 2557-58.
    BergerABAM Raises a Concern with the Pier B Design
    On November 6, 2009, NTS informed NAVFAC that NTS had installed two piles that had
    not achieved specified compressive strength requirements. PX 61.1. NTS’ letter stated in part:
    [NTS] drove two 24 inch concrete octagonal piles on October 7, 2009 that did not
    have a compressive strength of 8,000 psi. The two concrete piles (B-55 and B-60)
    _.. were subsequently driven on October 7", B-55 at C-5 and B-60 at E-6.
    The casting yard cannot hold all of the piles we cast and thus we store piles on three
    barges where the piles aged past the 16 days and 8,000 psi required for driving. We
    tried a new concrete mix on the casting days of August 11" and August 14” and we
    found that the concrete mix did not perform as we had anticipated and we ceased
    use of that concrete mix. The piles cast on both days did not meet strength at 28
    days and we subsequently took these piles off of the ready to drive list. Our error
    was that we did not immediately return those piles to the beach or segregate the
    piles onto the bottom layers of a barge as a reject layer. What further complicated
    the matter is that the two piles driven with low breaks were replacement piles and
    had low casting numbers, B-55 and B-60, compared to the other 14 piles with
    casting numbers ranging from B-157 to B-173. We are currently reviewing the
    procedures we have in place for numbering replacement piles and for releasing
    concrete piles that are over 8,000 psi and 16 days and we will advise you when we
    have finished our review.
    The concrete piles driven at C-5 and E-6 have been accepted by KPFF....
    Id. NTS enclosed a letter from KPFF stating that NTS could leave these piles in place as support
    for Pier B based on its calculations. PX 61.11-.43; Tr. 726-28; Tr. 2543-45.
    In its November 17, 2009 response, NAVFAC’s consultant, BergerABAM, began
    questioning the k-factor of the understrength piles. JX 23. “K-factor” -- “k” representing
    slenderness -- is a term used in calculating the capacity of piles or “any particular element” that is
    in compression. Tr. 705; Tr. 2076-77. BergerABAM observed that KPFF had used a k-factor of
    0.5 for its Pier B piles, which BergerABAM questioned. Tr. 1977. Mr. Branlund, a senior project
    manager at BergerABAM, brought Dr. Schneider'* into the Project to evaluate whether the
    M4 Dr. Schneider is a senior project manager at BergerABAM, and he has a master’s degree
    and Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of Washington. Tr. 2068-72. Dr. Schneider is
    licensed in Washington and California in structural engineering. Tr. 2071.
    understrength piles created a stability issue. Tr. 2075. In conducting his evaluation, Dr. Schneider
    did not review the RFP materials, the Project specifications, or NTS’ design submittals. Tr. 2120-
    21. Instead, he relied on Mr. Branlund to provide him with an understanding of the Project and
    the necessary design calculations. Tr. 2121.
    NAVFAC advised NTS that BergerABAM’s review of KPFF’s calculations raised further
    concerns about the Pier B pile design, in particular, the values used for the effective length factor
    in the design, and requested that NTS provide a written response. JX 23.1. On November 24,
    2009, NTS responded and attached a letter and report from KPFF. PX 62.1. NTS explained that
    it had “reviewed the underwater video inspection records for piles C-5 and E-6 and . . . both piles
    [were] acceptable.” PX 62.1. KPFF stated that “the slenderness (K) factor we have used in our
    analysis is correct for this type of structure...” PX 62.2. KPFF further stated:
    The value of the slenderness factor “K” normally is obtained from commonly
    available tables like the one enclosed or by using the more accurate Moreland
    Alignment charts. These allow a graphical determination of K for a pile of constant
    cross section by summation of rigidity of all members rigidly connected to that joint
    and lying in the plane in which buckling of the pile is being considered, in a
    multibay frame system such as the Pier B structure. By using the charts, we have
    determined K to be equal to 0.50 to 0.505. Knowing the difference to be negligible,
    we chose to use K=0.5 for a fix-fix condition.
    Although KPFF asserted that the k-factor of 0.5 was correct in the context of the entire Pier
    B structure, BergerABAM remained concerned because the Uniform Facility Criteria (“UFC”) --
    which was included in the Basis of Design -- stated that the k-factor should be 0.7. Tr. 1979-81.
    In BergerABAM’s view, an incorrect k-factor could indicate that the structure itself would be
    unstable and could collapse or “show severe structural distress,” which in turn would raise a global
    stability issue. Tr. 1976-77. “Global stability for a structure is its ability to maintain its
    configuration and shape under the imposed loads, vertical and/or lateral, that it’s designed for
    without... becoming unstable.” Tr. 1976.
    According to American Concrete Institute (“ACT”) Code 318-05, Section 10.13.6, there are
    three methods -- referenced here as A, B, and C -- for determining the global stability of a structure.
    JX 22.4. The engineer performing the work, in this case, KPFF, chooses which of the three
    methods to utilize. Tr. 738-39. Method A uses a computer, analytical model to precisely depict
    the entire structure. Tr. 739. Methods B and C are more conservative approximations that can be
    done on a spreadsheet without a computer model. Id. BergerABAM/’s senior project manager,
    Dr. Schneider, explained that each method is “trying to achieve the same basic goal, which is to
    look at the slenderness of the system. The reason they are broken up as to A, B, and C depends
    on how you magnify the moments.” Tr. 2082.
    On December 1, 2009, BergerABAM provided NAVFAC a response to KPFF’s letter,
    .... Global stability of the pier in the longitudinal direction relies on the piles to
    resist lateral deformations by frame behavior. However, as the buckling load is
    approached, these columns lose stiffness and, hence, their ability to prohibit
    sidesway. Because pile stability has been considered with an effective length factor
    of K=0.5 only, and the effective length factor for sidesway uninhibited must be
    larger than 1.0, there is a concern that global stability of Pier B has not been
    considered properly.
    Ultimately, we feel, Pier B as designed, is a sway frame in the longitudinal
    direction, and as such, should meet appropriate design requirements for slenderness
    and stability. This is not evident in the design calculations submitted. KPFF should
    be clearer about design procedures being used, requirements being satisfied, and be
    more explicit about their final design process of the piles.
    PX 63.3-.5.
    On December 15, 2009, KPFF replied via NTS stating that it also “performed the
    calculations using Items B and C of the ACI provision” and “all three methods resulted in a value
    less than 2.5.” PX 64.4. KPFF reiterated that the original design was correct and met the
    requirements of the RFP as previously submitted and approved. PX 64.6.
    On January 12, 2010, NAVFAC sent a January 7, 2010 letter from BergerABAM identified
    as the “official Government response.” PX 65.1. In its letter, BergerABAM disagreed with
    KPFF’s calculations supporting the finding that the design was correct. PX 65.2-.7. BergerABAM
    recognized that “ACI 318-05 Section 10.13.6 permits the use of either of three methods [A, B, or
    C] for gravity load stability assessment” but asserted that method C was the “most appropriate
    consideration” and that “only alternative (c) checks the margin against the limit state of gravity
    load buckling” which “is a necessary step in the design of any structural system.” PX 65.3.
    BergerABAM further suggested that the inputs used in KPFF’s calculations, including the pile
    lengths and “creep factor,” how the material behaves under sustained, long-term loading, were
    incorrect and recommended that KPFF reevaluate and “revise” its calculations. PX 65.4, .7; Tr.
    In NTS’ January 18, 2010 response, KPFF refuted each of BergerABAM’s critiques and
    provided additional calculations and analysis in response to BergerABAM’s requests, even though
    it deemed this unnecessary to demonstrate compliance with RFP or code provisions. PX 66.9.
    KPFF concluded:
    We have now responded to two complete rounds of review comments from
    BergerABAM, and have clearly and amply demonstrated with multiple approaches
    in both rounds that KPFF’s structural design of Pier B is in compliance with the
    requirements of the RFP and the reference codes and standards.
    The net result of these additional investigations and review has been no change to
    KPFF’s original, approved structural design of Pier B.
    After a series of correspondence between KPFF and BergerABAM in late January 2010,
    NAVFAC accepted the two understrength piles on February 15, 2010, but noted that the pile
    connection type for these piles still needed to be addressed. PX 153; see PX 67; PX 68.
    On March 8, 2010, NAVFAC notified NTS that, “[b]ased on the attached BergerABAM
    correspondence dated 12 February 2010, the Navy has concerns that the final approved design
    . may not be in conformance with the RFP” and “other concerns that are surfacing when
    reviewing .. . the approved design.” JX 24.1. NAVFAC directed NTS to address these concerns
    by submitting “archived analytical models” and “detailed example calculations” justifying NTS’
    design. Id.
    Upon receiving NAVFAC’s March 8, 2010 letter, NTS was very concerned -- Mr.
    Elgenson viewed the letter as a “bombshell” because “the design had already been approved” and
    “[NTS] basically had to stop work.” Tr. 902; Tr. 197 (Mr. Fedrick describing it as a “very, very
    scary moment’); Tr. 1529 (Mr. Fox stating NTS “needed to stop the critical path activities until
    we could get this issue resolved”). After receiving NAVFAC’s March 8 letter, NTS stopped
    “critical construction activities” on Pier B, and stopped placing concrete. Tr. 2555; Tr. 198.
    NTS informed the Government at morning project meetings that after March 8, 2010, NTS
    was not pouring concrete or performing critical construction activities and was stopping all critical
    path activities until the global stability issue was resolved. Tr. 1529-30. Between March 8 and
    May 7, 2010, NTS performed some non-critical work in connection with Pier B bent construction,
    including setting pile collars and temporary deck forms at a few select locations, but stopped most
    critical construction. JX 60.6; Tr. 1318; Tr. 1618-19; see also Tr. 2507-08, 2555; Tr. 2621.
    KPFF Hires Gerwick to Conduct An Independent Review
    In light of this ongoing dispute regarding global stability, KPFF retained Ben C. Gerwick,
    Inc. (“Gerwick”) on February 22, 2010, to perform a third-party independent review of KPFF’s
    global stability calculations of ACI 318-05, Section 10.13.6 (a). Tr. 747-48, 794; see also PX
    173.1. Henrik Dahl, a Senior Project Manager, prepared the Gerwick Report, which discussed
    information reviewed, including KPFF’s design calculations and drawings, pertinent parts of the
    RFP, as well as the GEBS and site bathymetry drawings. Tr. 1060, 1073-74; JX 25.5, .8. Gerwick
    prepared an independent model to compare with KPFF’s assumptions. Tr. 1089-90. To ensure
    the production of an independent model, Gerwick’s modeler was denied access to KPFF’s model.
    Tr. 1090-91.
    Gerwick’s independent review modeled a different approach to verify ACI 318-05, Section
    10.13.6 (a) compliance, and the results of Gerwick’s model were within 10 percent of KPFF’s
    model, which, in Mr. Dahl’s view, showed that KPFF’s model was done correctly. Tr. 1091; JX
    25.8. The Gerwick Report concluded that “KPFF’s method of evaluating the strength and stability
    of Bremerton Pier B as a whole under factored gravity loads” and was in compliance with ACI
    318.05, Section 10.13.6 (a) “with a considerable margin,” i.e., “in the range of 30 percent.” JX
    25.8; Tr. 1091-92. In Gerwick’s view, KPFF’s model for global stability was more conservative
    than ACI 318-05, Section 10.13.6 (a) required, and from an engineering standpoint, provided a
    greater safety margin in the design. Tr. 1092.
    On April 2, 2010, in response to the Gerwick Report, NAVFAC Design Manager Matt
    Butler sent a series of emails to NTS. See JX 14. Mr. Butler stated that “the most significant part
    of the structural pier substructures is going to have to be completely re-designed and resubmitted
    for Navy review.” JX 14.1. Because he did not “want to spend the next two or three months
    reverse engineering what is behind the numbers [NTS] or a third or fourth party say are just fine,”
    he requested NTS “open [the design] for examination” and provide the Navy with the “same
    program and to the same input data” so the Navy could make its own evaluation. Id.°
    Ultimately, in its May 24, 2010 review comments, BergerABAM agreed that NTS’ Delta
    12 redesign -- which addressed the skew issue -- resolved the Pier B stability issue. JX 16.7.
    Specifically, in reviewing the redesign, BergerABAM commented: “As a result Pier B, with the
    addition of 28 new battered piles satisfies the stability requirements of ACI318-05, Section
    10.13.6, since technically it is sufficient to satisfy only Section 10.13.6a.” Id. KPFF interpreted
    these statements as a concession that ACI 318-05, Section 10.13.6 (a) was satisfied with the
    addition of the 28 additional piles necessitated by the Delta 12 redesign. Tr. 760-61. None of the
    prior discussions between KPFF, BergerABAM, and the Government had included adding 28 piles
    to satisfy global stability requirements. Tr. 761.
    The Global Stability Design Issue Led to Schedule Slippage.
    On February 5, 2010, NTS provided NAVFAC a CPM Schedule Update, stating that, as of
    the end of January 2010, the Project was only six days ahead of the Contract completion date --
    that the Project had six days of “float” in the schedule. JX 62.105-50; Tr. 1252. On February 11,
    2010, Janet Olson, the contracting officer (“CO”), sent a letter to NTS regarding the “significant
    decline in the available float in the schedule.” JX 12.1. CO Olson stated in part:
    107 days of float have been lost in the last 4 months, which causes the Government
    concern for the overall completion of the project.
    While I recognize that you are actively working on maintaining the project schedule
    to complete Pier B and associated activities by the contract completion date, I feel
    it necessary at this time to inform you that should the float go negative you will be
    required to submit a recovery plan demonstrating how you will improve progress
    without additional cost to the Government in accordance with Federal Acquisition
    Regulation 52.236-15, Schedules for Construction Contracts.
    On March 5, 2010, NTS submitted a “Recovery Schedule” to NAVFAC. JX 62.151-.282.
    However, three days later, on March 8, 2010, after receiving NAVFAC’s letter expressing concern
    with its design, NTS stopped most critical construction until May 27, 2010. Tr. 197-99, 254-55;
    Tr. 1618-19; Tr. 1318. This work stoppage resulted in between 62 to 64 working days of further
    delay. Tr. 2621.
    NTS’ Acceleration
    In early June 2010, NTS began to accelerate performance. This included making
    arrangements to move a crawler crane onto a barge to perform Pier B pile cap work and purchasing
    additional false work. JX 62.435. NTS’ crews “worked extra hours every week for an extended
    period of time” to expedite the work and “had to bring in extra equipment” to support the larger
    crew size. Tr. 904; see PX 81.
    1s This included providing the archived analytical models that NAVFAC had requested on
    March 8, 2010. JX 14.2; Tr. 1880-81. Sometime after April 2, 2010, KPFF provided NAVFAC
    with archived analytical models. Tr. 792-93; Tr. 1986.
    On July 21, 2010, NAVFAC sent a letter to NTS informing it that “there is... again a
    significant decline in the float available in the schedule.” JX 15. According to CO Olson, “100
    days of float have been lost in the last 4 months, which causes the Government significant concern
    for the overall completion of the project.” Id. CO Olson reminded NTS that “should the float go
    negative you will be required to submit a recovery plan... .” Id.
    On October 4, 2010, NTS delivered a work plan to the Government for the Pier B
    crossbeam piles. Tr. 1511. As of that date, NTS had not started installing the additional 28 piles
    and crossbeams -- which were intended to address excessive pile skewing. Tr. 756; JX 26.7. On
    November 12, 2010, CO Olson sent NTS a letter expressing concern that “float is once again
    declining” and the “activity durations and completion dates of many activities appear to be
    unrealistic.” JX 17. On December 2, 2010, Dan Fox, NTS’ project manager, '° responded, stating
    that NTS was “evaluating options for re-sequencing work on Pier B” to accelerate work. JX 18.1.
    He also noted that NTS had mitigated Pier B schedule impacts by working overtime which allowed
    NTS to maintain the project schedule. Id. On December 2, 2010, CO Olson responded
    acknowledging that NTS had hired nine additional employees and planned to increase crews to
    accomplish the contract work. JX 27.1.
    On January 7, 2012, the Government commenced an inspection, and on January 26, 2012,
    confirmed that the “work has been inspected and found acceptable with final inspection punch list
    items.” JX 28.
    NTS’ REAs
    REA 5
    On November 18, 2010, NTS submitted REA 5 seeking $1,079,189.55 for costs incurred
    as a result of differing site conditions encountered at the Mole Quaywall, including costs for cutting
    and handling and disposal of long piles, grouting and coring dowel holes, exposed pile strands and
    disposal of debris, false-work, reinforcing steel modifications, and additional inspection. PX 28.4-
    .8; PX 176; see also Tr. 1484.
    On June 19, 2013, NAVFAC issued Contract Modification Number A00057 providing
    NTS an equitable adjustment in the amount of $675,000 in settlement of REA 5. JX 2.3791. The
    reason code indicated in Modification Number A00057 was the differing site condition clause,
    although NAVFAC did not believe there were actually differing site conditions. JX 2.3790; Tr.
    1634-35. The CO noted in a June 4, 2013 Non-Competitive Pre-Negotiation Business Clearance
    Memorandum that “[t]he Government does not see this as being a differing site condition nor an
    issue of defective specifications as is implied in the contractor’s Serial Letter 233.” DX 89.3.
    NAVFAC’s decision finding merit in part of REA 5, states:
    Due to the Government providing the pile tip elevations, the Government is
    responsible for the costs associated with additional pile cutoffs, grouting, and
    disposal to include all associated labor, materials, equipment, supervision and
    16 In late February 2010, NAVFAC removed Mr. Elgenson as NTS’ project manager. Tr.
    914 (explaining that NAVFAC issued a letter that “referenced a contract specification where they
    could have any personnel removed”); Tr. 219-20; Tr. 1503 (“My understanding is the government,
    as part of the contract, had the ability, if they chose, to change out management on our .. . side
    ... and they did.”). In early March 2010, Dan Fox became the new Project Manager. Tr. 1504.
    associated markups. With the revised request from the Contractor the Government
    does now see some merit with some alignment issues that are due to the over length
    piles, which is addressed in the technical analysis.
    DX 89.3 (emphasis added).
    REA 14
    On April 1, 2011, NTS submitted REA 14 for $1,881,900 for costs incurred to mitigate the
    64-work-day stoppage on Pier B -- “the Global Stability Delay.” PX 73. On February 5, 2013,
    CO Olson denied REA 14. PX 93.1. On June 26, 2014, NTS sent a certified claim requesting a
    contracting officer’s final decision for REA 14. See JX 21. On September 4, 2014, Eileen
    Mitchell, Chief of the NAVFAC Contracting Office, issued a final decision denying NTS’ REA
    14 claim. Id.
    REA 9
    On October 11, 2011, NTS submitted REA 9 seeking $10,498,284.85 for costs incurred as
    aresult of differing site conditions encountered at Pier B, including engineering and redesign work,
    cutting and handling of long piles, additional time for disposal of long piles, grouting dowel holes,
    coring dowel holes, exposed pile strands and disposal of debris, false-work, reinforcing steel
    modifications, precast concrete plank modifications, and additional inspection. PX 33.
    On February 5, 2013, CO Olson denied REA 9. PX 34.17. On October 31, 2013, NTS
    submitted a certified claim requesting a contracting officer’s final decision for REA 9. See PX 36.
    On August 12, 2015, CO Mitchell issued her final decision denying REA 9. JX 20.
    Jurisdiction and Legal Standard
    Plaintiff brings this action under the Contract Disputes Act (“CDA”), 
    41 U.S.C. § 7104
    (b)(1), appealing the contracting officer’s final decisions on its claims. The Tucker Act, 
    28 U.S.C. § 1491
    (a)(2), confers jurisdiction on the Court of Federal Claims “to render judgment upon
    any claim by or against, or dispute with, a contractor arising under section 7104(b)(1) of title 41
    [of the Contract Disputes Act]... on which a decision of the contracting officer has been issued
    under section 6 of that Act.” In accordance with the CDA, the Court reviews the contracting
    officer’s decision de novo. 
    41 U.S.C. § 7104
    Contract interpretation is reviewed as a matter of law, and the Court gives no deference to
    the interpretation adopted by the agency. Lockheed Martin IR Imaging Sys., Inc. v. West, 
    108 F.3d 319
    , 322 (Fed. Cir. 1997). Where the United States is a party to the contract, the Court of
    Federal Claims applies general rules of contract interpretation, giving the terms of the contract
    “their customary and accepted meaning.” Scott Timber Co. v. United States, 
    333 F.3d 1358
    , 1366
    (Fed. Cir. 2003) (citing Alaska Lumber & Pulp v. Madigan, 
    2 F.3d 389
    , 392 (Fed. Cir. 1993)).
    NTS’ Differing Site Conditions Claims
    NTS’ subcontractor, ACC, experienced pile driving difficulties at Pier B from the start of
    the Project in August 2009. DX 20.2. NTS originally advised its subcontractor, ACC, that these
    difficulties were to be expected in this location and soil type and denied ACC’s differing site
    condition claim. However, NTS later changed its position and claimed that ACC’s inability to
    drive 136 piles to their designed tip elevations -- resulting in excessive cutoffs and lack of
    alignment -- was caused by “unknown subsurface conditions,” and “a Differing Site Condition at
    the Pier B structure.” PX 33; PX 71; JX 13; Tr. 756. NTS alleges that it encountered a Type I or
    Type II differing site condition at Pier B. For its Type I Claim, NTS argues that it encountered
    unspecified conditions and obstructions that were not disclosed in the contract documents. For
    Type I, NTS alleges that it encountered an “unknown physical condition,” causing “shallow and
    erratic pile refusals.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 142-43.
    In addition to the piles failing to reach expected elevations, NTS claims that the differing
    conditions allegedly “caused piles to move during pile-driving and fall outside the specified
    tolerances.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 130. When piles are “out of tolerance” or “out of alignment,”
    they can reduce the load capacity of the entire pier, and because the piles did not go where they
    were supposed to, they could not “conform to [NTS’] design that was approved.” Tr. 757; Tr.
    Alternatively, NTS alleges that the Government furnished defective specifications “as to
    the site conditions that would be encountered and the method by which piles at Pier B should be
    designed and installed.” Compl. (16-925C) 4 103.
    NTS Failed to Demonstrate a Type I Differing Site Condition.
    Type I differing site conditions are “subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site
    which differ materially from those indicated in th[e] contract.” 
    48 C.F.R. § 52.236-2
    Meridian Eng’g Co. v. United States, 
    885 F.3d 1351
    , 1356 (Fed. Cir. 2018). Plaintiff alleges it
    encountered undisclosed obstructions, likely boulders and cobbles, and variable elevations at
    which piles reached refusal in the beach deposits -- resulting in excessive pile cutoff and a lack of
    alignment. Pl.’s Supp. Reply at 4; Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 123-24. Plaintiff did encounter difficult
    pile driving. During performance, 104 of the 456 Pier B piles reached refusal more than 12 feet
    above NTS’ design depths, 186 pile tops “were more than 6 inches out of their horizontal position,”
    and 35 pile tops “were more than 18 inches in misalignment.” PX 132.4. However, it was NTS
    who determined these design depths, not the Government, and Plaintiff has not established that its
    pile driving difficulties were due to differing site conditions. '”
    In order to recover for a Type I differing site condition, the contractor must prove by a
    preponderance of the evidence that:
    [1] the conditions indicated in the contract differ materially from those actually
    encountered during performance; [2] the conditions actually encountered were
    reasonably unforeseeable based on all information available to the contractor at the
    time of bidding; [3] the contractor reasonably relied upon its interpretation of the
    M NTS suggests that because the Government granted an equitable adjustment of $675,000
    for differing site conditions at the adjacent Mole Quaywall under Contract Modification A00057,
    NTS is entitled to an equitable adjustment for pile driving difficulties at Pier B. Pl.’s Post-Trial
    Br. at 131; JX 2.3791. However, the Government did not deem the situation at the Mole Quaywall
    to be a differing site condition. DX 89.3. There is a significant difference in what transpired at
    the Mole -- the Government provided the design and pile tip elevations for the Mole Quaywall,
    while NTS designed and chose the pile lengths and arrangement for Pier B. JX 2.574, .1356,
    .1358, .1360.
    contract and contract-related documents; and [4] the contractor was damaged as a
    result of the material variation between expected and encountered conditions.
    Comtrol, Inc. v. United States, 
    294 F.3d 1357
    , 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (citing H.B. Mac, Inc. v.
    United States, 
    153 F.3d 1338
    , 1345 (Fed. Cir. 1998)); see also Stuyvesant Dredging Co. v. United
    834 F.2d 1576
    , 1581 (Fed. Cir. 1987).
    To recover for a Type I differing site condition, a contractor must first prove, as a threshold
    matter, that the contract contained some identification of the conditions to be encountered at the
    site. Renda Marine, Inc. v. United States, 
    509 F.3d 1372
    , 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (citing H.B. Mac,
    153 F.3d at
    1345 and P.J. Maffei Bldg. Wrecking Corp. v. United States, 
    732 F.2d 913
    , 916 (Fed.
    Cir. 1984)). Such indications “‘need not be explicit or specific’ so long as they provide sufficient
    grounds by which the contractor can justify his ‘expectation of latent conditions materially
    different from those encountered.’” Neal & Co. v. United States, 
    36 Fed. Cl. 600
    , 617 (1996)
    (citing P.J. Maffei, 
    732 F.2d at 916
    “When determining whether site conditions were reasonably foreseeable to the contractor,
    both the contract and any other information available to the contractor are considered.” CCI, Inc.
    v. McHugh, 608 F. App’x 937, 940 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (citing Int’l Tech. Corp. v. Winter, 
    523 F.3d 1341
    , 1349 (Fed. Cir. 2008)). Contract documents “include not only the bidding documents
    (Invitation for Bids, drawing specifications and other documents physically furnished to bidders)
    but documents and materials mentioned in the bidding documents as well.” McCormick Const.
    Co. v. United States, 
    18 Cl. Ct. 259
    , 263 (1989); W.M. Schlosser, Inc. v. United States, 
    50 Fed. Cl. 147
    , 153 n.8 (2001).
    NTS claims that the contract documents did not indicate it would reach refusal in the beach
    layer or encounter refusal at “unpredictably” varying elevations, and instead indicated that pile
    driving conditions would be predictable and manageable. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 124, 127; Pl.’s
    Resp. at 2 (‘NTS came away from its review of [documents and information furnished by the
    Government before Contract award] with the reasonable conclusion that, although pile driving
    conditions would be hard, they would still be predictable and manageable.”); see also Tr. 1130-31
    (Mr. Boirum opining that “it was anticipated that, for instance, all of the piles would be able to
    penetrate through the beach deposits and terminate in the glacially consolidated materials below
    that.”); Tr. 880-81 (Mr. Elgenson stating that the GEBS “told us that we should be able to drive
    the piles... within 5 foot or drive to 5 foot into the glacial till”).
    The GEBS Did Not Represent that Piles Could Be Driven Into Glacial Soils.
    Plaintiff argues that the GEBS indicated that piles could and should be driven five feet into
    the glacial soils. In so arguing, NTS misinterprets the GEBS. The GEBS provision on which NTS
    relies states:
    We understand that 24-inch prestressed, solid, octagonal concrete piles are
    preferred for much of the replacement of Pier B.... [W]e recommend that the piles
    be driven to and tipped a minimum of 5 feet info the glacial soils or practical pile
    refusal. Assuming an approximate, practical pile refusal of 5 feet, piles should be
    driven to a minimum of elevation 37 and 29 feet (PSNS Datum), for Stations 0+00
    to 8+25 and 10+00, respectively, or 5 feet of embedment into the glacial soils as
    shown on Figure 3... . Note, practical pile refusal is a function of the hammer
    selected by the Contractor, and therefore must be estimated during construction
    with observation of the actual equipment and pile driving behavior.
    JX 1.2371 (emphasis added). Hart Crowser’s recommendation was phrased in the alternative --
    that the contractor drive piles “5 feet into the glacial soils or practical pile refusal.” JX 2.2619
    (emphasis added). The use of the connector “or” indicates an alternative, i.e., either five feet into
    the glacial soils or some other unspecified depth that equates to practical pile refusal. The GEBS
    indicated that practical pile refusal could be different than “five feet into the glacial soils” and
    could instead be an undetermined depth until practical pile refusal was achieved during
    construction upon the the driving of a pile. 
    Garry Horvitz, the Vice President and Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer at Hart
    Crowser, who oversaw production of the GEBS, testified that the above paragraph in the GEBS
    did not provide determinations of practical pile refusal. Mr. Horvitz further explained that adding
    “or practical pile refusal” meant that although Hart Crowser anticipated the contractor would
    achieve capacity in the glacial soils, it could achieve capacity in the beach layer and “we’re okay
    with that.” Tr. 1767. NTS’ geotechnical expert, Ralph Boirum, acknowledged that “the language
    ‘until practical pile refusal’ softens the prior language ‘5 feet into the glacial till.’” Tr. 1185.
    Contrary to Plaintiff's arguments that the GEBS repeatedly indicated “that practical pile
    refusal would occur in or at the glacial soils,” Hart Crowser did not define in the GEBS what
    practical pile refusal would be for the Pier B Project. See Pl.’s Resp. at 63; Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. J
    12. Rather, Hart Crowser put forth an assumption, and based on that assumption, spelled out
    minimum elevations stating “[a]ssuming an approximate, practical pile refusal of 5 feet,” “piles
    should be driven to a minimum of elevation 37 and 29 feet.” JX 2.2619. Hart Crowser made clear
    that the contractor would need to make its own determination regarding practical pile refusal
    during construction, expressly stating “practical pile refusal is a function of the hammer selected
    by the Contractor, and therefore must be estimated during construction.” 
    In sum, as the GEBS stated, the depth at which piles would meet practical pile refusal was
    not definitized.
    The Contract Documents Indicated Uncertain Subsurface Conditions.
    The GEBS expressly advised potential contractors that it only provided limited information
    about the subsurface conditions via data from borings and indicated that there was uncertainty
    regarding subsurface conditions in areas between borings. While the borings allowed Hart
    Crowser to determine the subsurface conditions at the boring locations themselves, borings are
    only 3.5 inches in diameter and gave insights into a relatively small area. Tr. 548.
    The following diagrams in the GEBS showed generalized north-to-south and west-to-east
    cross sections with question marks indicating uncertain and unknown subsurface conditions in an
    array of locations between borings:
    A A
    North H05-104 Top ot Eating Per B HCO6-105 South
    440 ‘Quaywall 729 4 eee 140
    (ew) (aw) SW06-B-6
    Fis J
    120 | {Lose to dense, 120
    Bs ay ORATEL MLW (109.4)
    —?7 lr
    100 7 — pit? Existing 100
    = — a Mudline _
    Z Sandy SILT la ? i
    (Fill tur Le fe —e
    Medium stiff, sandy | L 2 ? 80
    g = ie Loose to dense SAND LS 2
    2 = ae \ CT to gravelly SAND (Fill) 40 “™, 2: 7 zg
    3 0 fi SANS 4 ne It ee eee o §
    c wor fa — 9» — 7? Fs — 7? lo clayey SILT | o £
    & sos + 53 + 6s i bo to a §
    a 7s 7 o_o sillyCLAY Fa q
    3 4 % Foor? [sa i 2 (Estuarine) | * 40 §
    rs 50° Dense to very dense ur Very dense [oe qf Pt — 9 a
    | a SAND to gravelly Loe ae and GRAVEL es a ee :
    ; SAND (Beach ance or r ]
    a * Rana Giacial) ace Fluvial Deposit) [ toe ee — i 20 &
    2 Lt te — 2
    + te —
    o Saat —_ 0
    f sae
    -20 -20
    Very loose, silty SAND
    B-B' D-DD
    40 | 40
    HC06-105 Exploration Number
    (4.55) (Offset Distance and Direction)
    Exploration Location
    z ‘Water Level At Time of Drilling
    Note: The stratum li based interpolation betwee! i " i Horizontal Scale in Feet aa
    esiereions ieee air Ghanraeiisnef sien 8 isos ia Coed Foetiatteen it 0 150 300 a
    conditions based on currently available data. ar er HARTCROWSER
    —?——|— _ Approximate Soil/Geologic Contact Vertical Scale in Feet 17339-00 10/07
    Vertical Exaggeration x 5 Figure 3
    F Existing Drydack & Mole F"
    West East
    SW06-8-5 HC06-104 SW54-8-4
    1407 Exésting Pier 8 Existing Desaman 7140
    “\ Anchor and Tierod
    120 /\ N 4 120
    MLLW (109.4) ¥ 1 a
    5 oF Existing Moe | Mes €
    400+ um dense io wary 4100
    5 ; mewn cea sy 3
    eS N LT es sity, gravelly SAND 8
    4 5 Paa (Fil
    @ sof iT ha bs orf |% @
    N Liz aa
    3 ral b= is 3
    Lag Las
    t 60}: = | fas P36 4 60 -
    La Ss a
    5 ea — ~ + 7a a wi “ 5
    2 404 t-—4—2-—— —2--— -— — ese aa Very lose to medium Estimated 4 49 =
    ace Dense, slightly silty, dense, trace to silly SAND Drydock 6 2
    Ww Medium de Poe Gravelly SAND to and gravelly SAND (Fill) Dredge Line a
    mse fo very dense, are sandy GRAVEL
    20/ slightly silly to silty, gravelly Peas" (Sand Blanket) J a9
    SAND (Beach Deposits) p sas" Very dense SAND and GRAVEL
    Ca A--A' (Glacial Deposits)
    ol | Jy
    HC06-1 Exploration Number
    Exploration Location
    at Water Level At Time of Drilling
    Note: Contacts between soil units are ‘ ‘ .
    besa interpolati a Standard Penetration Resistance in
    aed upon interpolation Blows per Foot 0 40 80
    between borings and represent Aporosd
    pt mate Soil/Gaologic Contact 1
    our interpretation of subsurface “ PP ng Scale in Feet
    conditions based on currently
    available data.
    JX 2.2670.
    Witnesses from both parties testified that the question marks between boring locations in
    these diagrams in the GEBS meant that the subsurface conditions between the borings were
    unknown. Tr. 564 (Mr. Sarieddine stating “it’s typical in our profession to [insert question marks]
    because we know the conditions at the boring locations. We didn’t know in between.”); see also
    Tr. 333; Tr. 788; Tr. 1751; Tr. 2333.
    Ronald Fedrick, NTS’ former chairman and CEO and Rule 30(b)(6) representative,
    acknowledged that NTS had to make assumptions about how deep the pile elevations would be
    and how much cutoff it would have, because “there’s nothing more variable than geotechnical
    conditions.” Tr. 108; see also Tr. 1765. Mr. Fedrick testified:
    A. So what we did is add 5 feet in length to be able to allow for the variability
    of the soil conditions there.
    It’s a lot -- well, when we have to do a buildup is when the pile goes to a
    depth, and all of a sudden now it can’t reach the top of the structure, so we have to
    build on top ofa pile. And, generally speaking, it’s more expensive to do that than
    to cut off a pile, assumedly it’s not too big of a piece of cutoff.
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] And for this project, did -- did you assume that
    you would have to cut off some of the piles?
    A. We assumed we’d have to cut off, I think, half of the piles on the project.
    Q. Half of the -- not half of the pile lengths, but half of the total number of
    A. Half the total number of piles.
    Q. Okay. And how much on each pile did you assume that you would have to
    cut off?
    A. You know, again, we’re assuming 2- or 3- or 5-foot cutoff.
    Q. So, at most, 5 feet?
    A. At most, 5 feet.
    Tr. 108-09.
    In explaining why NTS chose 5 feet, Mr. Fedrick testified:
    A. And what [JX 2.2665 and JX 2.2670] are indicating is [the drafters of the
    GEBS] really don’t know where that bottom is at. And they’ve done a boring here,
    and they know that location; done a boring here, and they know when it’s at that
    location. And, you know, they’ve done a boring here, and they know what that
    location is.
    So in between those borings, we really don’t know. We know what it’s at
    there. So the logical assumption that we would make at bid time is we’ re drawing,
    like I said before, straight lines between those, but then we’re adding 5 feet to them
    because, you know, we don’t want to be 5 feet short. It’s much more economical
    for us to add 5 feet to a pile and cut off 5 feet, let’s say, than it is for us to have to
    add 5 feet after it’s been installed and it comes up 5 feet shor -- it comes, you know
    THE WITNESS: -- below that piece. And the --
    THE COURT: ... Why -- why 5 instead of --
    THE WITNESS: Why 5 feet?
    THE COURT: -- [instead of] 3 or 10 or 20?
    THE WITNESS: So what -- what we envision there is that the worst case we’d ever
    see would be something like 15 feet, you know, of variability, and maybe -- and
    with suspicions, more like 3 to 5 feet. Because they do have a lot of information in
    between here. And just like is shown in here, this is kind of what we’d expect. So
    what we do is we just grab -- and I'll say it’s -- it’s a number and it’s 5 feet. And
    that number is based on, I'll say, the experience of building numerous piers and
    wharfs for United States Navy.
    Tr. 333-35.
    The contract documents expressly informed the contractor that it should conduct additional
    e Within “The Need for Additional Explorations” section of the GEBS, Hart Crowser
    recommended that:
    The Contractor should review the existing soil explorations and determine if they
    are adequate to complete the design of the proposed project. If the quantity or
    location of the soil explorations is insufficient, the Contractor should include
    additional soil explorations in their scope of work.
    To date we have only been able to advance a limited number of borings along the
    mole quaywall due to logistical constraints. It would be beneficial to conduct
    additional borings along the length of the mole quaywall once the site is open for
    JX 1.2367-68.
    e Within the “Subsurface Data” subsection of the “Contract Drawings” section, the RFP
    warned that the GEBS “is included for the Contractor’s information only and is not
    guaranteed to represent fully all subsurface conditions” and that “[d]epending on the
    proposed design by the Contractor, the Contractor shall perform, at its expense, such
    additional subsurface exploration, investigation, testing, and analysis as its Designer of
    Record deems necessary for the final design and construction of the foundation systems.”
    JX 1.248.
    e Within the “Engineering Systems Requirements” section, the RFP stated that “[t]he
    Contractor shall perform a detailed and complete geotechnical engineering investigation,
    including additional borings if needed, for the final project design and construction.” JX
    The Contract Documents Described an Indicator Pile Program that Contractors Were to
    Use in Formultating their Design.
    The contract required contractors to conduct an Indicator Pile Program post award to assess
    pile capacities, drivability through “dense zones of soil” and “possible unforeseen circumstances.”
    JX 2.2639. The contract documents described the Indicator Pile Program, stating:
    Based on past experiences within the PSNS and other Navy facilities, indicator piles
    with dynamic pile testing provide extremely useful information to supplement soil
    explorations and analysis for evaluating pile capacity and drivability. The purpose
    of the indicator pile program is to verify the location of the top of the glacial soil
    bearing layer(s) to aid in selection of pile tip elevations and lengths, and to verify
    design shaft friction. The benefit of an indicator program with dynamic pile testing
    over soil explorations is that the indicator piles may be used to assess pile capacities
    and safety factors and drivability through dense zones of soil, and to identify
    possible unforeseen circumstances.
    Id. (emphasis added).
    NTS understood the Indicator Pile Program described in the contract and recognized in
    its technical proposal that it was responsible for incorporating its indicator pile results into its
    During design development the indicator piles will be installed and dynamically
    tested. Due to the critical timing for incorporating the indicator pile results into the
    design we plan to utilize non-production piles (sacrificial) for the concrete indicator
    piles. We anticipate completion of the test pile program in 46 calendar days.
    Results will be shared with the owner for review prior to incorporation into the
    design and used to confirm the load capacity of the piles.
    JX 4.197. Further, as Mr. Fedrick testified, NTS’ proposal stated that its tip elevations and pile
    lengths would be based on the indicator pile program, not the bidding documents. In its Basis of
    Design, NTS expressly anticipated potential interferences from preexisting piles from the Old
    Pier B and planned to modify the structural plan for Pier B “[w]here potential interferences are
    identified.” JX 4.195.
    Knowing that it would base its design and tip elevations on the results of its indicator pile
    program, NTS chose to test only eight piles -- the contractual minimum, even though the GEBS
    “strongly recommended a minimum indicator pile program for Pier B consisting of ten indicator
    piles.” JX 1.2392. NTS did not test any piles in the footprint of the Old Pier, where NTS would
    encounter preexisting piles and densified soil, even though Mr. Fedrick described the preexisting
    piles in the footprint of the Old Pier as a “major risk.” Tr. 157; see also Tr. 142; Tr. 494. Instead,
    NTS’ subcontractor used LiDAR imaging to conduct a survey of the preexisting piles, but this
    survey did not indicate the position of these piles under the mudline.
    The Contract Documents Indicated that the Beach Layer Deposits Were Dense or Very
    Dense and that Hard Driving Was to be Expected.
    The GEBS stated:
    Beach Deposits. This material consists of dense to very dense, wet, brown, trace
    to slightly silty, slightly gravelly to very gravelly SAND. Some boring logs identify
    seams of coarse gravels. This material is competent and would support a portion
    of the foundation loads.
    JX 2.2615.
    Three boring logs described in the GEBS indicated the presence of cobbles, -- i.e.
    obstructions which could adversely affect pile driving. PX 132.6; Tr. 918. The 2006 Report, cited
    in the GEBS’ Appendix D, “Summary of Previous Geotechnical Explorations and Data,” stated
    that “[b]each deposits consisting of dense to very dense sand to gravelly sand were encountered
    below the fill and estuarine deposits.” DX 2.11. Mr. Frizzi explained that “dense to very dense”
    meant the soil “has a high resistance to penetration.” Tr. 2331; JX 2.2665. The 2006 Report futher
    explained that, “[i]n our opinion, any pile installation for the proposed pier would encounter .. .
    hard driving conditions in the dense to very dense beach deposits and glacial soils.” DX 2.12.
    Contrary to Plaintiff's argument, the contract documents did not indicate a “predictable”
    level of drivability and variation within the beach layer. The GEBS made clear that the beach
    layer varied from “dense to very dense,” indicating that NTS could encounter differing levels of
    density throughout the beach layer causing it to reach refusal at varying elevations. The 2006
    Report stated that the beach layer would be “medium dense to dense” once, “dense” four times,
    and “dense to very dense” three times, and that the glacial layer would be “dense” twice, “dense
    to very dense” once, and “very dense” 19 times. DX 2.10-.30.
    NTS’ witness, Mr. Brenner, a former pile driving consultant to NTS and former employee
    of ACC, testified that driving would be difficult:
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] Okay. As for your mention of looking at
    geotechnical information, based on that examination did you form any
    understanding about the subsurface conditions that ACC intended to -- or expected
    on the project?
    A. It was going to be -- in a scale of 1 to 10 for hard driving or easy, it was
    going to be an 8.
    Q. Okay. Did you form any expectations about how -- whether that work could
    be done?
    A. It’s -- it’s always got to be done, yes. I mean, it was -- there were no
    expectations of not being able to do it.
    Tr. 352-53; see also Tr. 555; Pl.’s Resp. at 64; Tr. 1177.
    The Contract Documents Indicated Possible Subsurface Obstructions.
    Under the section on “Pile Driveability” in the GEBS, Hart Crowser stated that
    “Td]ifficulties during pile driving may be encountered as a result of obstructions that may exist
    throughout the areas where piles are anticipated to be specified” and “pile[s] may need to be
    moved” if “deep obstructions are encountered.” JX 1.2381.
    The contract itself warned of obstructions. Part 4 of the contract, “Performance
    Specifications,” stated:
    H10 - Riprap Material, Pile Stubs, and Other Debris
    The Contractor and Designer of Record shall be aware that unknown sizes of
    riprap material, pile stubs, or other debris may exist at the planned locations of
    piles and/or sheet piles at the locations for Pier B, the Mole Quaywall, and
    Quaywall 729. It may be necessary for the Contractor to remove and/or spud
    through riprap, pile stubs, or other debris, or use a similar method to penetrate
    through the obstructive material to enable installation of the prestressed
    concrete piles, fender piles, reaction piles, and/or sheet piles without damage
    and at no additional cost to the Government. . . .
    JX 1.555; JX 2.644.
    When discussing prescriptive elements for “soil anchors”!® for Quaywall 729, the
    contract documents stated:
    A Geotechnical Engineering Baseline Study [is] in Attachment J of Part 6 of this RFP
    document. Subsurface soil data logs are shown on the drawings in Attachment B, Part 6
    of this RFP and in the Geotechnical Engineering Baseline Study. While the foundation
    information is representative of subsurface conditions at the respective locations, local
    variations in the characteristics of the subsurface materials may be anticipated. Local
    variations which may be encountered include, but are not limited to, variation in the soil
    classifications, the presence of cobbles, boulders, existing timber piles or existing timber
    elements. Such variations will not be considered as differing materially within the scope
    of the Contract Clause “Differing Site Conditions.”
    JX 2.1135 (emphasis added). Defendant contends that this clause waives any of NTS’ claims
    regarding cobbles and boulders. Def.’s Post-Trial Br. at 121-23. The Court disagrees. This
    provision concerned Quaywall 729, not Pier B. This clause, however, does inform the contractor
    that cobbles and boulders were reasonably foreseeable in pile driving in the Pier B area. Quaywall
    729 was adjacent to and just north of the Pier B structure and thus, local variations under Quaywall
    729 would have put NTS on notice that these variations could exist in the subsurface of the
    neighboring Pier B.
    NTS argues that the GEBS did not make clear disclosures that the beach deposits under
    Pier B might contain obstructions. However, the GEBS references the 2006 Report, which
    indicated obstructions, including “large cobbles, boulders, and miscellaneous construction
    debris” above the beach layer and boulders in the lower advance outwash deposits. DX 2.13.
    The 2006 Report stated that “[o]bstructions, such as large cobbles, boulders, or miscellaneous
    construction debris could be encountered within the fill and underlying soft estuarine deposits.”
    Id. Even the borings -- which are only 3.5 inches in diameter -- detected three instances of
    cobbles. PX 132.6; Tr. 548.
    The Contract Documents Indicated the Presence of Pre-Existing Piles and Soil Densification.
    NTS had to avoid preexisting piles during performance, a condition disclosed in the
    contract documents. JX 2.587. The preexisting piles from the Old Pier were within the footprint
    of the new Pier B, and could have adversely affected pile driving. Id.; Tr. 2341; Tr. 439; see also
    Tr. 529-30, Tr. 1829-30. None of the borings driven into the footprint of the Old Pier were close
    18 Soil anchors are “like tieback anchors on a retaining wall,” but are steel rods or strands
    embedded in a hole drilled in the soil and filled with concrete grout. Tr. 617.
    to where the preexisting Old Pier B piles were located, preventing Hart Crowser from determining
    the effects that such preexisting piles in the Old Pier had on the subsurface conditions. Tr. 2528-
    29. As Defendant’s geotechnical expert, Rudolph Frizzi, pointed out, “there wasn’t any boring
    data right underneath the middle of Pier B,” which made it “clear” that there “wasn’t information
    [of the subsurface conditions] .. . underneath Pier B, the former Pier B.” Tr. 2354-55.
    Under “Pile Installation and Construction Considerations,” the GEBS stated that “[p]ile
    spacing within groups of driven piles or adjacent to existing piles should be no less than 3-pile
    diameters on center.” JX 1.2380 (emphasis added); Tr. 2337-38 (Mr. Frizzi testifying that he
    believed this sentence was included to warn bidders that there was densified soil around the
    preexisting piles that could impact driving). Mr. Brenner testified that densification is not
    permanent in soft soils, but in hard soils, a process call “setup” occurs in which the soils around
    the piles become “much stronger” over time. Tr. 386; Tr. 407; see also JX 2.2615. The densified
    soil could extend as far as 10 feet around the pile, and could cause pile driving issues. Tr. 425,
    439; Tr. 2341-42, 2368-69; Tr. 1815, 1829-30; Tr. 2017.
    NTS’ subcontractor, KPFF, conducted a LiDAR-imaging survey to determine the location
    of preexisting piles so NTS could avoid hitting them. PX 132.5; Tr. 1186; Tr. 156-57. However,
    the LiDAR survey only showed “the inclination of the pile from pile cutoff at the pile cap to the
    waterline,” which does not account for the pile below the mudline. Tr. 1814. Mr. Davis, a senior
    construction specialist at BergerABAM, stated:
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] Is there anything about the use of LiDAR that
    concerns you as to whether it would show where the pre-existing piles really were
    in the subsurface?
    A. Well, it -- you get a survey that takes a relatively short section of a pile and
    -- and you get an inclination and a direction from that survey, which you -- you
    probably have 20, maybe 25 feet of pile that you get information on. But you got
    another 60 to 80 feet of pile that’s below the water and -- below the -- the surface
    soils that you’re assuming that that direction and angle are exactly the same for the
    remainder of the pile that you can’t survey.
    Q. ... In your experience, are piles below the subsurface always in the same
    angle as what you can observe above the subsurface?
    A. No. They’re -- they sometimes can be, but more often than not, they’re a
    bit different. And the reason I know that is because I’ve been on projects where
    we’ ve put inclinometer tubes inside of piles, that you drive the pile, and you send
    this “rabbit” down that gets our south-east-west directions at incremental places
    along the pile so that you can actually tell -- you can actually plot the course of that
    pile and the shape of it that’s below the surface that you can’t see.
    Tr. 1827-28. The LIDAR survey fell short of ascertaining where preexisting piles were located
    under the surface of Pier B.
    Based on this record, NTS has not established a Type I Differing Site Condition. The
    contract documents did not indicate that the Contractor would uniformly be able to drive piles five
    feet into the glacial layer or that its piles would reach refusal in “predictably” varying elevations.
    NTS Failed to Demonstrate a Type II Differing Site Condition.
    Proving a Type II differing site condition is more difficult than proving a Type I differing
    site condition. Randa/Madison Joint Venture III v. Dahlberg, 
    239 F.3d 1264
    , 1276 (Fed. Cir. 2001)
    (citing Charles T. Parker Constr. Co. v. United States, 
    193 Ct. Cl. 320
    , 333 (1970)); Fru-Con Const.
    Corp. v. United States, 
    44 Fed. Cl. 298
    , 312 (1999) (“Plaintiffs burden in establishing a Type II
    differing site condition is relatively heavy.” (citation omitted) (quotation omitted)).
    To prove Type II differing site conditions, a contractor must show by a preponderance of
    the evidence: “unknown physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, which differ
    materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inhering in work of the
    character provided for in the contract.” Int'l Tech. Corp., 523 F.3d at 1348 n.4 (citing 
    48 C.F.R. § 52.236-2
    (a)). As the Federal Circuit has recognized, “the unknown physical condition must be
    one that could not be reasonably anticipated by the contractor from his study of the contract
    documents, his inspection of the site, and his general experience if any, as a contractor in the area.”
    Randa/Madison Joint Venture, 
    239 F.3d at 1276
     (quoting Perini Corp. v. United States, 
    381 F.2d 403
    , 410 (Ct. Cl. 1967)); All Power, Inc. v. United States, 
    60 Fed. Cl. 679
    , 685 (2004) (“A Type
    II differing site condition depends on the existence of three elements -- (1) the condition must be
    unknown to the contractor; (2) unusual; and (3) materially different from comparable work.”);
    Kiewit Constr. Co. v. United States, 
    56 Fed. Cl. 414
    , 417 n.8 (2003); Lathan Co., Inc. v. United
    20 Cl. Ct. 122
    , 128 (1990).
    NTS posits that it “was not required to prove the precise cause of the differing site
    conditions at Pier B,” and generally describes the condition as subsurface obstructions. Pl.’s Post-
    Trial Br. at 143; Tr. 2912. The essence of Plaintiff's claim is that piles reached refusal at higher
    elevations than Plaintiff anticipated and assumed in its design. NTS’ geotechnical expert, Ralph
    Boirum, testified that during pile driving in Pier B, NTS hit undisclosed logs, cobbles, and boulders
    in the beach layer, which caused piles to reach refusal at higher-than-designed elevations and to
    be out of alignment.’ Tr. 1147-48. Although Mr. Boirum believed the obstructions were likely
    logs, cobbles, or boulders, he testified that there is no way to tell what type of obstructions NTS
    hit. Tr. 1150.
    9 Based on Plaintiffs proffer, the Court admitted Mr. Boirum as an expert in “[g]eotechnical
    investigation, including the preparation, analysis, and presentation of soil borings; the preparation
    of geotechnical reports; geotechnical designs, including the designs of pile foundations; the
    development, performance, and analysis of test pile programs; the development and draft
    specifications for driven piles, including recommendations for means, methods, and equipment;
    monitoring, inspection, and evaluation of pile installation; and the geology and subsurface
    conditions in the Pacific Northwest, including the Puget Sound area.” Tr. 1128.
    Mr. Boirum spent 22 years at Shannon & Wilson before moving to HWA GeoSciences,
    where he currently serves as the principal of the firm. Tr. 1105-06. He has served as a consultant
    on over 6,000 projects, most of which were in the Puget Sound region. Tr. 1109-10. Mr. Boirum
    has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Geotechnical Engineering,
    both from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, and he has completed the coursework
    for a Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Washington. Tr. 1107. He holds a
    professional engineer’s license in Washington, Alaska, and Illinois, and was previously licensed
    in Oregon. 
    In pressing its Type II differing site condition claim, Plaintiff relies on the testimony of
    Mr. Horvitz, Vice President and Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer at Hart Crowser:
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] Did you anticipate that obstructions would be
    encountered during pile driving?
    A. No. The only obstructions that I can think of -- and trying to think back on
    it -- would have been interferences with existing piles. Had no reason to believe,
    based on the geology, that there would be anything in particular buried out there.
    It’s always the possibility that something might be buried in the fill that was placed,
    but just based on natural conditions, in situ conditions, we weren’t predicting that
    there was going to be anything particular in the way of obstructions.
    Tr. 1762-63.
    Potential obstructions were, however, disclosed in the contract documents. A condition
    cannot be unknown if it was described in the contract documents.
    NTS’ geotechnical engineering expert, Mr. Boirum, admitted that the presence of cobbles
    and boulders would be obvious in the Puget Sound area:
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] And the presence of cobbles and boulders in
    the Puget Sound area would be known to anyone that walks the beach, right?
    A. Certainly.
    Q. And the beach deposits in Puget Sound virtually always contain cobbles and
    boulders, right?
    A. Most of them do, yes.
    Q. Virtually always, correct?
    A. Well, at some depth or location, yes, I would say that pretty much always
    have them.
    Tr. 1171.
    The Government’s geotechnical expert, Rudolph Frizzi, testified that NTS’ pile driving
    problems and out-of-alignment piles were the result of various known and disclosed factors,
    including existing piles from the Old Pier, densified soil around the existing piles, and cobbles and
    boulders.”° Tr. 2341, 2370-73, 82, 85; see DX 130.2-.3, 130.20-.23. Mr. Frizzi testified that
    20 The Court admitted Mr. Frizzi as an expert in geotechnical engineering. Tr. 2323. Mr.
    Frizzi is the managing principal at Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, where he has
    worked since 1987. Tr. 2289. He has been involved in hundreds of projects and thousands of
    geotechnical investigations, most of which involve coastal areas and hundreds of which have
    involved indicator pile programs. Tr. 2292-97, 2306-07. He has served as an expert consultant in
    geotechnical engineering on approximately 80 matters and has served as a testifying expert on
    geotechnical engineering. Tr. 2309-10.
    Mr. Frizzi has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Ohio State University and a master’s degree
    in Civil Engineering with a specialization in geotechnical engineering from the University of
    Illinois, as well as a Diplomate of Geotechnical Engineering from the Association of
    Geoprofessionals. Tr. 2299-2300. Mr. Frizzi holds a professional engineer’s license in civil
    contract documents did indicate the possibility of obstructions, because the GEBS “identified the
    presence of the former Pier B piles” and “identified obstructions in the soils, fill soils.” Tr. 2342-
    43.*1 Mr. Frizzi researched “readily available geologic information” regarding the Kitsap County
    region, where the Pier B site is located, and came across a 1957 report by J.E. Sceva, “The Geology
    and Groundwater Resources of Kitsap County, Washington,” (“Sceva Report”) which discussed
    the geology in the region. Tr. 2339-40; DX 130.8; DX 1. He noted that the publicly-available
    Sceva Report shows cobbles and “larger size material that exists above the glacial till.” Tr. 2341;
    DX 1.18-.26.
    The record as a whole establishes that cobbles and boulders were not unusual in the Puget
    Sound region and should have been anticipated as potential obstacles to driving piles. As Mr.
    Boirum observed, the “glacial till always contains scattered cobbles and boulders” and “[m]arine
    beach deposits in Puget Sounds also often contain cobbles and boulders.” PX 133.2; PX 132.4-.6;
    Tr. 1171. Besides the Government’s disclosure of such conditions in the contract documents, NTS
    knew it was encountering refusal in the beach layer during its Indicator Pile Program before it
    determined final design elevations. Tr. 554-55. Hisham Sarieddine, the Vice President at Shannon
    & Wilson, testified:
    Q. So after the test pile program, Shannon & Wilson was aware that you were
    encountering pile refusal on the beach deposits, right?
    A. Correct.
    Q. And the beach deposits can be a competent bearing soil; is that right?
    A. It turned out to be better than we expected. Again, refusal for the piles
    without stingers. That’s -- I guess that’s an important point.
    Q. Okay. But beach deposits can be a competent bearing soil?
    A. At this case, they turned out to be better than we expected to be, yes.
    Tr. 554-55; see Tr. 543. Thus, prior to setting the final tip elevation design, NTS determined the
    beach deposits were competent bearing soils. JX 2.2615; Tr. 554-55. According to Mr. Horvitz,
    competent bearing soils meant “that the material is, for all intents and purposes, as far as designing
    pile foundations, is incompressible. And if capacity could be reached in those materials, we would
    not necessarily ask anybody to go deeper with the piles.” Tr. 1757.
    engineering in Ohio, California, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
    South Carolina, Florida, Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, and Wyoming. Tr. 2296, 2300-01.
    1 While Mr. Frizzi stated that the documents put NTS on notice that it might encounter
    cobbles or boulders, he opined that it was less likely these caused NTS’ pile driving difficulties
    because obstructions were not encountered in most of the borings or during the indicator pile
    program. DX 130.3. Instead, Mr. Frizzi opined that where greater variation or pile misalignment
    occurred, NTS’ decision to use a batter pile design rather than a plumb pile design made it more
    likely that NTS would hit existing piles from the Old Pier, and that NTS should have driven more
    than the minimum number of piles during its subsurface investigation, tested driving batter piles
    at the work site, and driven test piles within the footprint of the Old Pier to mitigate potential high
    refusal or misalignment. Tr. 2346, 2350-53, 2355; see also DX 130.2.
    In sum, NTS was aware of a number of factors that could cause premature or inconsistent
    refusal, including densified soils around preexisting piles, riprap, debris, logs, cobbles, and
    boulders. Plaintiff has not demonstrated that any of these potential causes for hard driving or the
    piles reaching refusal in the beach layer were unknown or unusual in the region or materially
    different from comparable work. NTS cannot recover for a Type II differing site condition.
    Defective Specifications
    In what it characterizes as a defective specifications claim, Plaintiff alleges that the contract
    documents furnished by the Government were “incorrect, misleading, and defective as to site
    conditions that would be encountered . . . and the method by which piles at Pier B should be
    designed and installed.” Pl.’s Resp. at 78. Specifically, Plaintiff alleges it was “misled by
    unachievable, latent defects in the plans and/or specifications” regarding: 1) hammer size
    selection, 2) permissible tolerances for pile verticality and batter angle, 3) prohibitions on pre-
    drilling piles, and 4) prohibitions on removing existing piles. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 147-49. NTS
    seeks the same relief under its defective specifications theory, as under its differing site condition
    theory, i.e., $9,217,741.37 plus interest for extra costs incurred due to additional design and
    construction work due to difficult pile driving. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 198.
    In this Court’s view, Plaintiffs allegations regarding misleading contract documents do
    not give rise to a defective specifications claim. “When the government provides a contractor with
    defective specifications, the government is deemed to have breached the implied warranty that
    satisfactory contract performance will result from adherence to the specifications, and the
    contractor is entitled to recover all of the costs proximately flowing from the breach.” Essex
    Electro Eng’rs, Inc. v. Danzig, 
    224 F.3d 1283
    , 1289 (Fed. Cir. 2000). This stems from the
    longstanding principle that “if the contractor is bound to build according to plans and specifications
    prepared by the owner, the contractor will not be responsible for the consequences of defects in
    the plans and specifications.” United States v. Spearin, 
    248 U.S. 132
    , 136 (1918) (citations
    omitted); see also J. L. Simmons Co. v. United States, 
    412 F.2d 1360
    , 1362 (Ct. Cl. 1969).
    Here, however, what Plaintiff denominates a defective design specification claim is merely
    a recasting of its differing cite condition claim. First, Plaintiff identifies hammer size
    recommendations as a design defect. Specifically, Plaintiff contends that it relied upon
    recommendations in the GEBS suggesting certain pile hammers -- Delmag 46-32 and Delmag 62-
    22 -- in preparing its pricing proposal, but that in performing the contract, it “discovered that the
    pile hammers recommended by the GEBS were inadequate and that pile-driving required a larger
    hammer than indicated in the GEBS.” PI.’s Post-Trial Br. at 147-48. Plaintiff asserts that “[e]ven
    with the more powerful hammer, NTS was unable to drive most of the piles.” Id. at 148. The
    GEBS, however, provided NAVFAC’s contractor “with subsurface information, interpretation,
    and geotechnical engineering recommendations for the development of the design-build RFP
    documents for the P-356 CVN Maintenance Pier” -- it did not require the use of specific
    equipment. JX 1.2362. Although the GEBS mentioned two hammer sizes the contractor could
    use, NTS was permitted to choose whatever hammer size it wanted. This GEBS recommendation
    was not a design specification. See J. L. Simmons Co., 
    412 F.2d at 1362
     (“[I]n [design]
    specifications, the defendant set forth in precise detail the materials to be employed and the manner
    in which the work was to be performed, and plaintiff was not privileged to deviate therefrom, but
    was required to follow them as one would a road map.”). The predicate for this claim was the
    differing site condition, not a constraint on hammer size. As NTS noted in its certified claim,
    “Td]Jespite the larger hammer, most of the piles encountered refusal conditions above the Glacial
    Soil deposits as a result of Differing Site Conditions.” PX 36.10 (emphasis added).
    Second, Plaintiff argues that the contractual tolerances for pile verticality and batter angle
    were unattainable and that NTS was forced to perform substantial additional work and “modify
    its design and install 28 additional piles.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 149. NTS points to Subsection
    3.34 of Contract Specifications Section 31 62 13.99 which “limited variations in pile verticality
    for plumb piles to no more than one (1) percent from vertical” and “variations of batter piles to
    no more than two (2) percent from the pile axis in elevation and not more than one (1) degree in
    plan.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 148-49; JX 1.910. NTS claims that “[t]hrough no fault of NTS or
    its pile driving subcontractor, ACC, numerous piles were driven out of the specified tolerances at
    the Mole Quaywall and Pier B.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 149. NTS has not, however, pointed out
    anything defective about the tolerance requirements -- its claim is that it could not meet those
    tolerances due to differing site conditions in the soil.
    Plaintiff's geotechnical expert, Mr. Boirum, testified that piles were out of tolerance
    because they hit obstructions:
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] In your opinion, were the tolerances required in
    the contract consistently achievable given these subsurface conditions?
    A. Well, the out of tolerances that were -- the ones that were substantially out
    of tolerance were because they hit something. I mean, it’s -- I don’t believe that
    there’s any reason why the piles would have been out of tolerance with the methods
    and equipment the contractor used if some kind of an obstruction wasn’t hit.
    Tr. 1169-70.
    Third, Plaintiff argues that contract prohibitions on pre-drilling “prevented NTS and ACC
    from being able to drive piles through or by obstructions to design elevations and within specified
    tolerances.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 150. Specifically, NTS alleges “pre-drilling would have
    reduced or eliminated the problem of piles reaching refusal at elevations higher than designed.”
    Pl’s Post-Trial Br. at 149. Again, the prohibitions on predrilling were only problematic because
    NTS had pile driving problems due to alleged differing site conditions.
    Fourth, Plaintiff argues that to “the extent that old Pier B piles caused new Pier B piles to
    reach refusal at elevations higher than indicated in the GEBS and/or designated by NTS and/or
    caused Pier B piles to be driven out of alignment, these difficulties are the responsibility of the
    [G]overnment for requiring the old Pier B piles [to] remain in place.” Pl’s Post-Trial Br. at 150.
    Again, the gravamen of this claim is not the requirement that old Pier B piles remain but rather
    Plaintiff's pile-driving difficulties due to differing site conditions. While the presence of the Old
    Pier B piles may have caused or exacerbated this difficulty, that does not render the requirement
    to maintain Old Pier B piles a design defect.
    All of Plaintiff's four defective specifications claims are intertwined with its differing site
    conditions claims. The Federal Circuit has recognized that although differing site conditions and
    defective specifications claims are distinct in theory, they collapse into a single claim where the
    defective specifications and differing site condition claims are intertwined. See Meridian Eng’g
    Co. v. United States, 
    885 F.3d 1351
    , 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2018) (finding that Meridian’s defective pipe
    specification claim was “so intertwined” with its DSC claim as to constitute a single claim) (citing
    Comtrol, Inc. v. United States, 
    294 F.3d 1357
    , 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2002)). Here, NTS’ defective
    specification claims regarding hammer size, pile tolerances, prohibitions on pre-drilling, and
    prohibitions on removing existing piles are “so intertwined” with its differing site condition claims
    that they collapse into a single claim. As such, this Court treats Plaintiffs allegations regarding
    defective specifications as part and parcel of its differing site conditions claim.
    The Court Has Jurisdiction Over NTS’ Constructive Change Claim.
    Defendant argues that the Court lacks jurisdiction over NTS’ constructive change claim
    because Plaintiff's counsel withdrew an exhibit from evidence, PX 74, that detailed its REA 14
    claim, and failed to establish that NTS presented this claim to the CO. Def.’s Resp. at 144-47.
    The REA 14 claim stems from the Government’s requirement that NTS and its designer, KPFF,
    defend the Pier B design as to global stability after the Government approved that design. This
    Government conduct caused NTS to stop critical path work from March to May 2010, until the
    design issue was resolved, and then NTS accelerated work to meet the Government’s original
    project deadline. Tr. 903; JX 16.1; JX 23; JX 24; Tr. 1529-30.
    On April 1, 2011, NTS submitted REA 14, claiming a constructive change and seeking
    $1,881,900 representing costs incurred due to the global stability dispute. REA 14 is contained in
    two exhibits -- PX 73, Plaintiff's REA 14 Transmittal Letter, and PX 74 titled REA No. 14 Global
    Stability Delay Explanation of Scope, which detailed the basis for REA 14.
    Given Plaintiff's withdrawal of PX 74, Defendant asserts that by citing documents “not in
    evidence, or which are wholly silent as to the issues NTS now argues it presented to the contracting
    officer,” NTS failed to establish that this Court has jurisdiction over its REA 14 claim. Def.’s
    Resp. at 146. The Government avers that it “does not dispute that NTS presented something to the
    contracting officer regarding its REA 14 claim,” but that “[i]t is not clear. . . either from NTS’s
    arguments in its post-trial briefing or the evidentiary record developed at trial, what, exactly, that
    something is, let alone that it was a proper claim.” Id. at 145.
    It is undisputed that Plaintiff withdrew PX 74 (REA No. 14 Global Stability Delay
    Explanation of Scope) and PX 75 (Global Stability: Schedule Perspective) during trial. Id. at 145.
    Plaintiff submits that “[t]hese exhibits were ultimately withdrawn because NTS .. . believed that
    the evidence was in the record elsewhere, and NTS sought to simplify the evidentiary issues that
    were coming up during trial.” Tr. 3053. However, the evidence was not in the record elsewhere.
    In PX 73, the transmittal letter, NTS briefly summarized REA 14 stating “[t]his REA with a
    requested cost of $1,881,900.00 is submitted to the Government to recover extra cost[s] resulting
    from NTS’s mitigation of the 64 work day stoppage on Pier B, the Global Stability Delay.” PX
    73.1. The only detailed explanation of REA 14 was contained in the exhibit that Plaintiff
    withdrew, PX 74.
    Plaintiff's Motion to Reopen the Record
    NTS filed a post-trial motion to reopen the record and admit PX 74 into evidence arguing
    that it indicates the scope and timing of Plaintiff’s claim. Pl.’s Supp. Br. at 7-11.?? Defendant
    asserts that NTS cannot justify reopening the evidentiary record because NTS’ failure to introduce
    22 NTS included this motion in its Supplemental Brief. Pl.’s Supp. Br. at 7-11. NTS did not
    seek to admit PX 75, the Global Stability Schedule Perspective.
    PX 74 was inadvertent, and admission of PX 74 now would prejudice the Government. Def.’s
    Supp. Br. at 2-3.
    The Court of Federal Claims addressed the standards for reopening the record post trial in
    Dairyland Power Co-op. v. United States, 
    103 Fed. Cl. 640
     (2012). There, the Court stated that
    although reopening the record “is to be encouraged to afford the fullest possible hearing
    (particularly in nonjury cases),” there are three factors a trial court must consider: “1) the probative
    value of the evidence proffered, 2) why the evidence was not offered earlier, and 3) the likelihood
    of undue prejudice to the opposing party.” 
    Id. at 642
     (quoting Michael H. Graham, Handbook of
    Federal Evidence § 611:5 (6th ed. 2009) and citing Precision Pine & Timber, Inc. v. United States,
    596 F.3d 817
    , 833-34 (Fed. Cir. 2010)).
    Application of these factors here warrants reopening the record and admitting Exhibit PX
    74. As to the document’s probative value, PX 74 details the scope of the claim presented to, and
    denied, by the contracting officer. PX 74 speaks specifically to the following topics: Basis of
    Request, Design Approval Process, Schedule Impact and Time Impact Analysis, Overview of Cost
    Impacts to the Project, Impact Cost Pricing, and Benefits to Project, and PX 74 is not elsewhere in
    the trial record. Although PX 156, Plaintiff's request for a final decision on REA 14, which was
    admitted into the record, stated that REA 14 was attached, it was not included in the version of PX
    156 that was admitted into evidence. PX 74 is the only trial exhibit which explains Plaintiff’ s
    global stability delay claim and delineates the costs associated with the claim. As such, the exhibit
    clearly has probative value.
    With respect to the second Dairyland factor -- why the evidence was not offered earlier --
    NTS stated it believed “that the same information was sufficiently before the Court in its REA 14
    transmittal and the COFD,” and that the Government “had stipulated to the REA 14 claim costs
    for KPFF.” Pl.’s Supp. Br. at 9. While Plaintiff cites Paragraph 14.a. of the Stipulations, which
    lists one cost element of REA 14, i.e., the agreed-upon quantum of KPFF costs in the amount of
    $115,937.71, the other costs that comprise the $1,881,900 claim are not there. May 25, 2018
    Stipulations 7 14.a. NTS’ justification for not offering the evidence earlier does not hold water.
    Finally, with respect to Dairyland factor 3 -- prejudice from admitting the evidence --
    Defendant argues:
    had NTS put this document into evidence, the Government could have examined
    Ms. Mitchell to have her confirm that she did not understand that PX 74 showed
    some basis prior to March 8, 2010 for NTS’s REA 14 claim. NTS did not put the
    document into evidence, however, and we did not have the opportunity to establish
    it does not show what NTS claims. That is prejudice.
    Def.’s Supp. Br. at 3.
    Defendant’s claim of prejudice is unpersuasive. PX 74 clearly and expressly references
    costs beginning in November 2009:
    By letter dated February 8, 2011, KPFF Consulting Engineers submitted a request
    for additional compensation in the amount of $115,938 for work to validate KPFF’s
    design approach. KPFF claims the costs incurred for its professional staff in the
    period November 2009 — November 2010 totaling $78,940. KPFF also claims
    $36,997 for work performed by sub-consultant Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. Consulting
    Engineers in the period January — April 2010. The documentation provided by
    KPFF in support of its request for additional compensation is included at
    Attachment H.
    PX 74.7. The document speaks for itself, and a claim of prejudice based on a witness’ inability to
    convey her purported “understanding” of such a document fails.
    Although Plaintiff erred in withdrawing PX 74, Defendant has been on notice of PX 74
    and its contents since the inception of this dispute. Indeed, the transmittal letter in PX 73 along
    with the details of the claim in PX 74 were sent to the Government on April 1, 2011, and were
    addressed in the COFD. In her final decision, the CO summarized NTS’ claim, stating:
    In refuting the Administrative Contracting Officer’s denial, your summary of
    claims is as follows:
    . . NTS respectfully requests that the Navy reconsider the fact that it
    constructively changed the work at Pier B when it issued its untimely and
    unanticipated Notice of Non-Compliance on 08 March 2010 alleging that NTS did
    not comply with the ‘global stability’ (K factor) requirements of the RFP. No
    reasonably prudent contractor would continue with critical construction in the face
    of such a notice from the Navy. Instead, NTS properly completed those
    construction tasks that were appropriate and immediately redirected its design staff
    to defend and/or reconcile the non-compliance allegations brought by the Navy’s
    A/E, Berger/Abam. The Navy was well aware of NTS’ redirection of construction
    activities and design personnel until the matter was resolved. Immediately after
    resolution, NTS resumed construction but, in the absence of a time extension from
    the Navy for the delay it imposed by its unfounded notice of non-compliance, NTS
    had no choice other than to accelerate.”
    JX 21.1-.2 (quoting NTS’ letter to NAVFAC asking for reconsideration of REA 14, PX 95).
    Further, PX 74 was attached to the Complaint as Exhibit 4. The Government in its Answer
    admitted Exhibit 4 to the Complaint was a copy of NTS’ quantification of REA 14 that was
    submitted to the contracting officer. While attachments to pleadings are not in evidence, it would
    place form over substance to refuse to admit this document when Defendant has been responding
    to it throughout all phases of this litigation. See Veloz v. Foremost Ins. Co. Grand Rapids,
    306 F. Supp. 3d 1271
    , 1281 (D. Or. 2018) (“pleadings are not evidence”); Globe Refin.
    Co. v. Landa Cotton Oil Co., 
    190 U.S. 540
    , 546 (1903).
    The Court grants NTS’ motion to repoen the record and admits PX 74 into the record.
    Costs Incurred Prior to March 8, 2010
    In the alternative, Defendant contends that NTS failed to establish this Court’s jurisdiction
    over claims for costs incurred prior to March 8, 2010. Def.’s Resp. at 146-47. Defendant argues
    that NTS’ claim is based on the Government’s March 8, 2010 letter questioning the Pier B design
    and only encompasses work occurring after March 8, 2010, not subcontractor work performed
    prior to March 8. Def.’s Resp. at 145-46; Def.’s Supp. Br. at 1. This argument is not supported
    by the record. The contracting officer’s final decision reflects that NTS requested costs incurred
    prior to March 8, 2010 in its certified claim and that the contracting officer was aware that NTS
    was claiming these costs. JX 21.1-.2.
    The contracting officer’s final decision states that NTS requested damages of $1,881,900,
    which includes $115,937.71 for work performed by KPFF and its sub-consultant, Gerwick, to
    validate KPFF’s design between November 2009 and November 2010, and quotes NTS’ claim,
    which states that NTS “redirected its design staff to defend and/or reconcile the non-compliance
    allegations brought by the Navy’s A/E Berger/Abam.” JX 21.2; JX 34; PX 74; PX 77. This
    redirection occurred between November 2009 and March 2010.
    Finally, there is no basis for the Government’s suggestion that NTS’ claim may not have
    been “a proper claim.” Def.’s Resp. at 145. To establish jurisdiction in this Court, a plaintiff must
    first submit a certified claim to a contracting officer for a final decision within six years of the
    claim’s accrual and then must appeal any adverse final decision to this Court within 12 months.
    41 U.S.C. § 7103
    41 U.S.C. § 7104
    (b)(3). As reflected in the contracting officer’s final
    decision, NTS submitted a certified claim to the contracting officer for $1,881,900 pursuant to
    FAR 52.243-4 within six years after the accrual of the claim. JX 21.1. CO Mitchell correctly
    describes NTS’ June 26, 2014 letter, PX 156, as a “certified claim.” CO Mitchell denied this claim
    on September 4, 2014, and Plaintiff filed the present suit on August 17, 2015, within 12 months of
    the denial. JX 21; Compl. (15-885C).”°
    NTS Performed Work Beyond the Contract Requirements at the Government’s Direction.
    NTS seeks compensation for a constructive change claiming that it performed work beyond
    the scope of the Contract because NAVFAC required a reevaluation of its design when
    BergerABAM questioned the global stability of Pier B. “A constructive change occurs where a
    contractor performs work beyond the contract requirements without a formal order, either by an
    informal order or due to the fault of the Government.” Kiewit Infrastructure W. Co. v. United
    972 F.3d 1322
    , 1329 (Fed. Cir. 2020) (quoting Int’] Data Prods. Corp. v. United States, 
    492 F.3d 1317
    , 1325 (Fed. Cir. 2007)); see Pl.’s Supp. Br. at 2 (Jan. 31, 2022). For a claim to succeed
    under the theory of constructive change, a plaintiff “must show (1) that it performed work beyond
    the contract requirements, and (2) that the additional work was ordered, expressly or impliedly, by
    the government.” Bell/Heery v. United States, 
    739 F.3d 1324
    , 1335 (Fed. Cir. 2014).
    After approving NTS’ Pier B design, the Government and its consultant, BergerABAM,
    required NTS and its designer, KPFF, to defend the Pier B design’s k-factor and global stability
    calculations over the course of four months, culminating in NTS stopping critical path work from
    March to May 2010. JX 23; JX 24; Tr. 1529-30. To resolve this design issue, NTS commissioned
    an independent, third-party review from Ben C. Gerwick, Inc (“Gerwick”’). JX 25. Ultimately,
    the Government determined the issue was resolved by NTS’ Delta 12 redesign that addressed the
    unrelated skew angle problem. JX 16.7. Once the dispute was resolved and critical path work
    could resume, NTS accelerated work to meet the Government’s original project deadlines, and
    deemed this extra work to be a constructive change to the Contract. Tr. 903-04.
    23 NTS claims that PX 73 is the certified claim in post-trial briefing, but neither PX 73 nor
    PX 74 include any contractor certification. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 120-21. Rather, PX 156 -- the
    June 26, 2014 letter -- constitutes the certified claim because it is asking the CO for a final decision
    and contains the required CDA certification by Mr. Fox.
    The global stability dispute is centered on compliance with the ACI code. Section 10.13.6
    of ACI 318-05 is used to check the global stability of a sway frame structure, like Pier B, and
    prescribes three methods to comply with the Code’s stability requirements: A, B, or C. Tr. 737-
    38. NTS’ subcontractor chose method A. NAVFAC approved the design, but later between
    November 2009 and May 2010, BergerABAM questioned KPFF’s k-factor and KPFF’s use of
    method A of ACI 318-05, Section 10.13.6. According to KPFF’s former owner, Mr. Johnson,
    method A was the most precise method. Tr. 739. He explained:
    Well, for a project like this, I would choose A. A is the one -- we -- we have a
    computer model, three-dimensional computer model that depicts the -- the entire
    structure. The structure has batter piles and plumb piles. It has a sloping ground
    condition that varies from one end of the structure to the other.
    So the complexity of the -- of the project demands a precise approach to doing this.
    And so A is the most precise method. It also requires you to have the analytical
    horsepower to get that done, and so which we do have. And rightfully so for a
    significant project, you would be applying that type of methodology for more
    complex and more significant structures.
    As -- the other ones are approximations. They are things that you can do on a
    spreadsheet without a computer model. And they’re more conservative. And they
    yield reasonable answers, and at times are useful when you don’t have a full-blown
    computer model of a structure and you don’t have the -- the capacity to do one or
    you don’t have the -- the ability under your current scope to do something like that.
    So they’ll -- those types of methods can be used in those circumstances.
    Tr. 739-40.
    The Government had reviewed and approved the design at intervals during performance
    after NTS furnished the Government with a concept design at approximately 30% and 70% and
    100%, as well as certain Fast Track Design Submittals for discrete items of work. Tr. 696-97, 699;
    PX 14, JX 64, JX 65. However, after the Government approved NTS’ design using method A,
    BergerABAM asserted that method C was the only appropriate method.
    In response, each party retained a third party to review Plaintiffs calculations. KPFF hired
    Henrik Dahl”* from Gerwick. PX 173.1; Tr. 747-48. Mr. Dahl was admitted as a percipient expert
    witness to analyze KPFF’s longitudinal stability calculation under ACI Code Section 10.13.6. Tr.
    1094-95. Mr. Dahl determined that KPFF’s model was compliant with the code “with a
    considerable margin,” which meant the design was “more conservative in regard to stability.” Tr.
    Dr. Schneider, a senior project manager from BergerABAM, retained Dr. Charles Roeder,
    a retired professor of civil engineering from the University of Washington, to perform a separate
    4 Henrik Dahl is a licensed professional engineer in California and Washington and is Chief
    Project Manager at COWI North America, formerly known as Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. Tr. 1057-59.
    As Chief Project Manager, Mr. Dahl is the project manager for large marine projects, including
    design-build projects. Tr. 1060-61. Prior to May 2010, Mr. Dahl was involved in the design of
    about 55 marine structures, about half of which included the design of prestressed, precast concrete
    piles. Tr. 1061-63.
    analysis of KPFF’s calculations. Tr. 2159-60. In his original draft report, Dr. Roeder found that
    although method C was a “much more rational method for addressing this gravity load stability”
    than method A, there was no reason why method A would not be “an acceptable method for
    addressing the issue by the ACI provisions.” PX 92.5. Dr. Roeder concluded in this draft that
    KPFF had “a strong argument that they have done their job,” and he commented to Dr. Schneider
    in an email that “every thing I read tells me that ACI regards 10.13.6.a as an acceptable method.”
    PX 92.5, 1.
    In response, Dr. Schneider emailed Dr. Roeder inquiring whether Dr. Roeder’s report’s
    language could be “tempered” and commented that he (Dr. Schneider) had no confidence in
    KPFF’s ability to “accurately predict results from the analytical model and interpret the code.”
    DX 142.1-.2; Tr. 2186. In response to Dr. Schneider’s email, Dr. Roeder altered his report and
    did an about face to conclude that KPFF’s k-factor was “clearly inadequate” and method A was
    “inappropriate.” DX 78.3-.4. Dr. Roeder did not testify, and his changing his conclusion in
    response to Dr. Schneider’s request, completely undermines the reliability of his final opinion.
    Thus, although Dr. Roeder’s final report ultimately stated that KPFF should not have used method
    A, the Court discounts the final report as unreliable because Dr. Roeder was directed by Dr.
    Schneider to “temper” the language and altered his conclusion to accommodate that request. Tr.
    The Government’s requirement that NTS and KPFF justify the Pier B design after its
    approval caused NTS to stop critical path work. It was only after NTS’ design was modified to
    add the additional 28 piles in the Delta 12 redesign to address a different issue -- the skew angle
    issue -- that the Government put the issue of global stability to rest, permitting work to proceed.
    Both sides agree that the designer of record, KPFF, should have had the discretion to choose which
    method to use for the design. Tr. 740-41; Tr. 2126 (Dr. Schneider testifying in deposition that
    “(navigating the code is always at the discretion of the engineer of record. It can often be a matter
    of opinion.”). And both KPFF’s third-party examiner, Gerwick, and BergerABAM’s third-party
    examiner, Dr. Roeder (in his original, untainted opinion), agreed that KPFF did not commit error.
    Tr. 1091-92; PX 92.5. The Court finds that the designer of record had the discretion to use any of
    the three methods in the ACI provision, that KPFF’s design complied with method A, and that
    BergerABAM erred in concluding that KPFF was required to use method C instead of method A.
    Thus, the Government’s challenge to NTS’ and KPFF’s previously approved design was
    unwarranted, and the reasonable costs that flowed from the Government’s conduct are
    The Government contends that NTS hiring Gerwick was beyond what the Navy required
    and that Gerwick’s costs are not recoverable because NTS never sought approval from the Navy.
    Def.’s Post-Trial Br. at 135-36. The Government points to FAR 52.244-4, Subcontractors and
    Outside Associates and Consultants, which states:
    Any subcontractors and outside associates or consultants required by the Contractor
    in connection with the services covered by the contract will be limited to individuals
    or firms that were specifically identified and agreed to during negotiations. The
    Contractor shall obtain the Contracting Officer’s written consent before making any
    substitution for these subcontractors, associates, or consultants.
    JX 2.8 (emphasis added). This FAR clause does not cover this situation. The services the
    Government was requesting were not “services covered by the contract,” but instead extra work
    by an independent consultant, Gerwick, to re-evaluate KPFF’s design, despite the Government
    having previously approved the design. The Government’s suggestion that NTS’ design failed to
    conform with the RFP and the ACI Code necessitated Gerwick’s involvement.
    NTS’ Acceleration
    NTS alleges that the Government’s “questioning of NTS’s design for global stability
    caused an excusable delay to critical path activities on the Project” from March 8 to May 27, 2010,
    resulting in a “62 to 64-day delay,” which required NTS to accelerate work in order to meet the
    project’s deadline. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 163. Critical path work includes “items of work [that]
    are given no leeway and must be performed on schedule; otherwise, the entire project will be
    delayed.... A delay, or acceleration, of work along the critical path will affect the entire project.”
    R.P. Wallace, Inc. v. United States, 
    63 Fed. Cl. 402
    , 408 n.10 (2004) (quoting Haney v. United
    230 Ct. Cl. 148
    , 168 (1982)).
    Constructive acceleration “occurs when the government demands compliance with an
    original contract deadline, despite excusable delay by the contractor.” Zafer Taahhut Insaat v.
    Ticaret A.S., 
    833 F.3d 1356
    , 1362 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (citing Fraser Constr. Co. v. United States, 
    384 F.3d 1354
    , 1361 (Fed. Cir. 2004)). The Federal Circuit in Fraser defined the elements of
    constructive acceleration as follows:
    (1) that the contractor encountered a delay that is excusable under the contract; (2)
    that the contractor made a timely and sufficient request for an extension of the
    contract schedule; (3) that the government denied the contractor’s request for an
    extension or failed to act on it within a reasonable time; (4) that the government
    insisted on completion of the contract within a period shorter than the period to
    which the contractor would be entitled by taking into account the period of
    excusable delay, after which the contractor notified the government that it regarded
    the alleged order to accelerate as a constructive change in the contract; and (5) that
    the contractor was required to expend extra resources to compensate for the lost
    time and remain on schedule.
    384 F.3d at 1361
    ; see also Zafer, 833 F.3d at 1362.
    In Fraser, the Federal Circuit recognized that it is acceptable to use “different formulations”
    “in setting forth the elements of constructive acceleration,” citing Norair Eng’g Corp. v. United
    States -- a case where the five Fraser requirements had been compressed into “three essential
    elements -- excusable delay, an order to accelerate, and acceleration with attendant costs.” Fraser,
    384 F.3d at
    1361 (citing Norair Eng’g Corp. v. United States, 
    666 F.2d 546
    , 548 (Ct. Cl. 1981)).
    In a similar vein, in 2007, the Federal Circuit affirmed a Court of Federal Claims’ decision
    applying the following factors for constructive acceleration:
    (1) excusable delay; (2) knowledge by the government of the delay; (3) a statement
    or act of the government that can be construed as an acceleration order; (4) notice
    by the contractor that the order is a constructive change (causation); and (5)
    incurrence of additional costs as a result of the acceleration.
    Ace Constructors, Inc. v. United States, 
    70 Fed. Cl. 253
    , 280 (2006), aff'd, 
    499 F.3d 1357
    Cir. 2007) (citing John Cibinic, Jr. & Ralph C. Nash, Jr., Administration of Government Contracts
    451 (3d ed. 1995)).
    In the present case, recognizing that different formulations of the standards for constructive
    acceleration are acceptable, this Court applies the standards articulated in Norair. The Fraser
    standard requiring the contractor to submit a time extension request would not be appropriate here
    since the evidence established that the Government was insisting on compliance with the original
    schedule despite the delay caused by the global stability dispute. See JX 12; JX 15; JX 17; JX 27.
    Excusable Delay
    NTS states that the Government’s March 8 letter questioning its design’s conformance with
    the RFP “constituted a constructive stop work order” and that “no reasonable contractor would
    have proceeded with critical construction work given the government’s loss of confidence in the
    design .. . because of the risk of proceeding with work and the costs associated with having to
    correct any work performed pursuant to an allegedly defective design.” Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 164-
    65. The record establishes that during the delay period, NTS only performed non-critical path
    activities. While the global stability issue was being resolved, Plaintiff could “no longer conduct
    the critical activities on the Pier B.” Tr. 1529. According to Mr. Fox, NTS’ Project Manager,
    “critical path bent, you know, putting all of the falsework and the other components required to --
    to place concrete and pour caps” had to be halted. 
     Plaintiff was only able to continue with
    minimal work. Tr. 1618. Plaintiff could not “proceed to place concrete that was going to become
    permanent, that you couldn’t remove or change.” Tr. 1619.
    NTS began to perform some critical construction activities beginning on May 7, 2010 at a
    slower than planned pace. However, NTS did not resume work until May 27, 2010, the date the
    Government stated the Delta 12 redesign satisfied its global stability concerns. JX 16.1; Tr. 2575-
    76; Tr. 1262. NTS began implementing its acceleration plan during the May 28 through June 22,
    2010 period, and continued accelerating through November 2010. Tr. 1262.
    Defendant disputes that its March 8, 2010 letter caused a delay and, instead, posits that
    NTS stopped work to complete the Delta 12 redesign that corrected the skew angle issue. Def.’s
    Post-Trial Br. at 138-43. Defendant argues that the March-to-May 2010 delay was either caused
    by the Delta 12 redesign, or concurrent with the Delta 12 redesign delay, which would have
    prevented NTS from completing work even absent the global stability issue. The record does not
    support Defendant’s contention. Mr. Fedrick testified:
    Q. [By Counsel for Defendant] There’s some work you can do without
    knowing where these 28 additional piles are going to be placed?
    A. There is a tremendous amount of work you can do without knowing where
    those 28 piles are going to go.
    Somewhere in the middle of May, we started placing concrete again. And
    the reason we did that was based on the fact that we had a comfort level. And if
    you read the e-mails from Matt Butler, from Rob Zylstra, obviously we’re now
    getting comfort level with the fact that the Navy is going to be accepting A and not
    C. Has nothing to do with the skew issue. The 28 additional piles are for our skew
    Tr. 265-66; see also PX 69.1, Tr. 304.
    Mr. Fedrick elaborated on work that continued despite the skew angle issue:
    Q. Could you -- could you just describe for the Court what exactly the work
    was that NTS could continue to do on the Pier B bent caps or Pier B with -- even
    while the skew angle issue was continuing to be resolved?
    A. Well, the skew angle issue is an issue where our as-built location of the piles
    was not as we designed them to be. So what we did do is we still drove piles; we
    still placed formwork; we still installed rebar. And with the skew angles, we still
    placed concrete. Unlike the global stability issue, where we halted our concrete.
    Q. Okay. So you were -- you were able to form and pour bent caps in Pier B
    even with the skew angle issue, or were you able --
    A. Yes.
    Tr. 313.
    The Court finds that the March 8-to-May 27, 2010 delay was the result of the Government’s
    March 8 letter expressing “concerns that the final approved design . .. may not be in conformance
    with the RFP when considering global stability and the observed out of tolerance piles.” JX 24.1.
    An excusable delay “arises from unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or
    negligence of the Contractor,” including “acts of the Government in either its sovereign or
    contractual capacity.” FAR 52.249-10(b)(1). Here, months after approving the design, the
    Government informed NTS that it believed the design might be out of conformance with the RFP,
    an unforeseeable act given the Government’s prior approval. Because the entire design was called
    into question, it was reasonable for NTS to stop critical path work until the issue was resolved.
    NTS’ reaction that the Navy’s March 8 letter questioning its design was a “bombshell” and a “very,
    very scary moment” underscored its reasonable concern about the Project’s path forward. Tr. 902;
    Tr. 197.
    The Government further contends that delays due to the Delta 12 redesign and global
    stability were concurrent, which would preclude Plaintiff from recovering. Def.’s Post-Trial Br.
    at 143. “Where both parties contribute to the delay, neither can recover damage[s], unless there is
    in the proof a clear apportionment of the delay and the expense attributable to each party.”
    Blinderman Constr. Co. v. United States, 
    695 F.2d 552
    , 559 (Fed. Cir. 1982) (quotation omitted).
    However, the record indicates that the Delta 12 redesign delay occurred after the global stability
    issue delay, not concurrently. This is evident from the fact that NTS was able to start some critical
    construction work on May 7 -- 20 days before the Delta 12 redesign was even approved -- once it
    felt assured the global stability issue would be resolved based on emails from the Government.
    PX 134.13; PX 74.2. The Government approved the Delta 12 redesign on May 27, 2010, but work
    on the redesign was not performed until later. JX 16.1; see Tr. 2557. The Court is persuaded by
    Plaintiffs expert’s opinion that there were two separate acceleration periods: Acceleration Period
    1 covering June through November 2010 resulting from the global stability issue, and Acceleration
    Period 2 covering December 2010 through the completion of bent construction in early 2011,
    related to the skew issue. Tr. 1294-95, 1324.
    NTS’ damages expert, John Anderson, attributed 57 working days of delay, March 8-May
    27, 2010 to the global stability issue? PX 147.21; Tr. 1318. Mr. Anderson made his
    2 The Court admitted Mr. Anderson as an expert in four areas: “[c]onstruction project
    scheduling and schedule analyses, including but not limited to CPM schedule analysis; (2)
    determination by taking the total number of calendar days during the delay period, 80, and
    removing any days NTS would not have normally worked, such as weekends. Tr. 1257-58.
    Defendant’s damages expert, Mark Boe, acknowledged “delay of 62 days between NTS’ February
    2010 and May 2010 schedule updates,” but stated that the delay only absorbed float and did not
    delay the project beyond the Contract’s deadline.?° DX 126.34.
    In Mr. Anderson’s view, Mr. Boe’s method of calculating delay failed to address whether
    the delays concerned critical path work and were related to the design issue. PX 147.20. In his
    rebuttal expert report, Mr. Anderson opined:
    Boe did not provide an independent opinion concerning the number of delay days
    caused by the contract change due to Global Stability Design Review. Boe
    acknowledged that the critical path during the global stability design review flowed
    through bent construction. He further stated that work on the pier was not fully
    suspended. He provided no further opinion as to what level of progress relative to
    the planned schedule was achieved, if any, relative to a full suspension. I agree a
    small amount of work continued on bent construction during the suspension period,
    mostly involving installation of collars. This was probably offset at least in part by
    the delay in ramping up to full production after the lifting of the suspension. It is
    my opinion that the work accomplished during the Global Stability Design Review
    construction project delay, including but not limited to impact caused by multiple delaying events;
    (3) acceleration of construction activities; (4) loss of productivity analyses.” Tr. 1233. Mr.
    Anderson is a director at Berkeley Research Group, providing consulting services related to
    construction, construction productivity, delay, and delay analysis. Tr. 1205-06. He is a licensed
    civil engineer in California specializing in construction, construction management, scheduling and
    delay, and lost productivity associated with construction. 
     Before becoming a construction
    consultant, Mr. Anderson worked as a design engineer for piers, wharfs, and coastal structures,
    and as a project manager for a marine contractor. Tr. 1213-15. He has performed dozens of critical
    path method (“CPM”), forensic schedule, acceleration, and loss-of-productivity analyses
    throughout his career. Tr. 1218-24.
    Mr. Anderson has a B.S. and master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of
    California at Berkeley. Tr. 1206.
    26 The Court admitted Mr. Boe as an expert in the areas of critical path scheduling, forensic
    schedule analysis, analysis of lost labor productivity, and construction damages. Tr. 2604. Mr.
    Boe is a delay analyst and claims consultant with Capital Project Management, Inc. Tr. 2599. He
    has approximately 35 years of construction scheduling experience -- first while serving in the
    Coast Guard on active duty for 10 years and as a delay and disruption consultant after that. Tr.
    2600. Throughout his career, he has consulted on hundreds of scheduling matters, varying from
    marine projects, lab building, state and federal prisons, embassy-type projects, to medical facilities.
    Tr. 2600-01.
    Mr. Boe has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the Coast Guard Academy and
    a master’s degree in Civil Engineering and Construction Management from the University of
    Illinois. Tr. 2599. He holds a professional engineer’s license in Washington and Pennsylvania.
     Mr. Boe is also a planning and scheduling professional with the Association for the
    Advancement of Cost Engineers. Tr. 2599-2600.
    delay was relatively insignificant in terms of the effect on the schedule and within
    the level or precision expected from a forensic delay analysis for this matter.
    Boe concluded that an overall schedule delay of 62 days occurred in the period of
    February 28, 2010 to May 27, 2010, however he does not directly attribute this
    project delay to specific impacts or the critical path. Accordingly, it is difficult to
    compare his results to mine, in which I determined the number of delay days
    associated with the Global Stability Design Review to be 57 working days (80
    calendar days).
    PX 147.20-.21.
    Mr. Anderson thoroughly explained his rationale for the 57-working-day delay:
    On March 8, 2010 NAVFAC issued a notice of non-compliance regarding the
    global stability (k-factor) of the pier. In response, NTS retained an outside
    engineering firm to perform an[] independent review of pier’s structural design.
    While the structural design review was being performed, NTS substantially ceased
    work on bent construction. Some minor work continued on bents already started
    such as Bents 3 and 5. Temporary deck forms and pile collars were also set on a
    few selected bents. Work during this period was sporadic and confined to locations
    that would not be affected by potential changes in the ongoing design review.
    At the end of March 2010, the critical path of the project went through bent
    construction for Bent 5. The critical path continued through bent construction for
    Bents 10, 18 and Bent 24. After the bent construction, the path continued through
    setting of the precast planks and block-outs, placement of the concrete deck and
    then electrical/utility testing. The critical path then continued through final
    inspections and punch-list. The critical path of the project continues to follow the
    logic of the baseline schedule as originally submitted but was delayed as a result of
    the loss of production on the bents. A loss of 8 days during the month of March
    2010 was reported, reducing the early completion duration from 103 working days
    to 95 working days.
    During the month of April, the lack of progress on bent construction continued to
    delay the project such that the early completion duration was reduced from 95
    working days to 70 working days.
    On or about May 7, [2010], confidence in the design was reached such that NTS
    started to ramp up work on the bents with increased manpower, equipment, false-
    work, and overtime. On May 13, the concrete for Bent 3 was placed. On May 19,
    the concrete for Bent 5 was placed. On May 27, 2010 formal written
    acknowledgment was received that the structural design of the pier was in
    The Project Schedule Narrative for the end of May was published on May 27, 2010.
    It claimed that the skew/design issue for the bents is nearly closed and individual
    bent redesign for out of position piles is proceeding. The critical path at the end of
    May continued through bent construction, followed by installation of the precast
    panel, placement of the concrete deck, utilities, and the final inspection. The critical
    path was similar to prior months.
    At the end of May, 24 days of delay occurred which reduced the early completion
    milestone duration from 70 working days to 46 working days, setting the
    anticipated completion for the project at November 15, 2011. In total for the period
    of February 28, [2010] through May 27, [2010], a total of 57 working days was lost
    relative to the anticipated completion schedule.
    PX 134.12-.13 (footnotes omitted); see JX 60; JX 58; JX 61. The Court finds Mr. Anderson’s
    method of calculating delay persuasive and attributes 57 working days of delay to the
    Government’s questioning Plaintiff's global stability design.
    Government Knowledge of the Delay
    The Government was aware of this delay. Dan Fox, NTS’ project manager, testified:
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] Did the government know that NTS was not
    pouring concrete or placing -- or performing critical path work at the Pier B bents
    after March 8th?
    A. Yes. We -- we certainly discussed it in our morning meetings. We certainly
    showed it on our schedule that way. It was very -- it was very clear that we weren’t
    proceeding with -- and I -- I actually had had this conversation with the government
    staff that we were -- we were stopping all critical path activities until we could get
    this resolved.
    Tr. 1529-30; see also Tr. 1588-90, PX 114.
    The Government acknowledges that “the Navy was aware of a significant decrease in work
    on critical path activities on Pier B,” but attributes this delay to the Delta 12 redesign. Def.’s Resp.
    at 164-65; Tr. 2507-08. As explained above, the record demonstrates that the delay was due to the
    global stability issue, not the Delta 12 redesign. As this Court has previously stated, “[i]ndeed, it
    would have been strange for the Government not to have known of a work stoppage for over two
    months followed by acceleration prompted by the Government’s warnings about schedule
    slippage.” Nova Grp./Tutor-Saliba v. United States, 
    125 Fed. Cl. 469
    , 474 (2016). Government
    representatives were at the site daily and often attended daily production meetings in which the
    superintendent and crews discussed “what work they were going to perform that day and what
    work needed to be performed.” Tr. 1526-27; Tr. 2449, 2490-91.
    Statements by and Acts of the Government That Can be Construed as Acceleration Orders
    As Mr. Anderson summarized, “NTS never requested a time extension because NTS
    understood that the government required the project to be completed ahead of the contract
    completion date, and NTS intended to complete the project ahead of the contract completion date.”
    PX 147.7; see JX 12; JX 15; JX 17; JX 27. Mare Javorski, Tutor-Saliba’s project manager,
    credibly testified as to his understanding that the Government would not allow time extensions:
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] In your dealings with the government, Mr. Klein
    or Mr. Hill or others, did you form an understanding as to the government’s position
    regarding delays on the project?
    A. Yes.
    Q. What was your understanding?
    A. The understanding was that delays wouldn't be tolerated. There were --
    there were hard milestones to be met. No time extensions.
    Tr. 2199; see Tr. 2200.
    Even after the global stability issue was resolved, the Government continued to press NTS
    to complete the project within the originally scheduled time frame, despite NTS’ critical path work
    stoppage from March 8 to May 27, 2010. Specifically, after NTS began work again, in a July 21,
    2010 letter, CO Olson warned NTS:
    It has been brought to my attention that there is a again a significant decline in the
    float available in the schedule. As of March 2010 there were 108 days of float
    available. As of July 2010 there are now only 28 days of float for activity
    GEMIL1220 which is the projected early completion milestone. 100 days of float
    have been lost in the last 4 months, which causes the Government significant
    concern for the overall completion of the project.
    While I recognize that you are actively working on maintaining the project schedule
    to complete Pier B and associated activities by the contract completion date, I feel
    it necessary at this time to provide you another reminder that should the float go
    negative you will be required to submit a recovery plan demonstrating how you will
    improve progress without additional cost to the Government in accordance with
    Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.236-15, Schedules for Construction Contracts.
    JX 15; see also JX 12; JX 17; JX 27.
    Meeting notes from August 5, 2010 and a September 3, 2010 letter from Mr. Fox to CO
    Olson, both of which occurred during NTS’ acceleration efforts, indicate that NTS was required
    to accelerate to mitigate delay. PX 124.10; PX 71.3 (NTS letter describing REA 14, stating the
    Government’s “concern that the design was not in conformance with the RFP required all work on
    Pier B to be stopped until these issues were resolved” and the resulting delay “required NTS to
    accelerate the falsework operation to mitigate the delay to the construction schedule.”).
    “An order to accelerate, to be effective, need not be couched in terms of a specific
    command. A request to accelerate, or even an expression of concern about lagging progress, may
    have the same effect as an order.” Norair, 666 F.2d at 549; see Ace Constructors, Inc., 70 Fed. Cl.
    at 281 (applying Norair). Here, the Government’s repeated warnings that NTS maintain the
    original project schedule despite a critical path work stoppage of over two months constituted an
    order to accelerate.
    The Government argues that it knew NTS was accelerating, but thought it was part of NTS’
    recovery schedule dated March 5, 2010, which anticipated that NTS would accelerate during the
    spring and summer 2010. Def.’s Post-Trial Br. at 76. However, NTS performed additional work
    beyond what was required in the March 5 recovery schedule. See JX 59. To accelerate work, NTS
    increased crew sizes by adding labor and working additional hours, including more shifts and
    overtime, and added equipment and other resources. Tr. 1540-41; PX 147.31-.32. The CO
    acknowledged NTS’ decision to hire additional employees, stating “[t]he Government appreciates
    the fact you are planning to increase crews to accomplish the contract work which will allow you
    to maintain the contract schedule.” JX 27.1; see also PX 114.
    The Government Was on Notice of NTS’ Constructive Change Claim.
    The Government contends that NTS failed to provide timely written notice that NTS
    considered the Government’s demands a constructive change. Def.’s Post-Trial Br. at 136-38.
    The Court rejects this argument. The contracting officer had actual knowledge of the
    circumstances giving rise to NTS’ constructive change claim, because it was the Government that
    issued the letters questioning NTS’ previously approved design, requested KPFF to respond to
    BergerABAM’s letters, and reiterated that NTS needed to adhere to the schedule, which caused
    NTS to accelerate after the stoppage of critical path work. JX 23; PX 63; PX 65; PX 153; JX 24.
    NTS disputed the Government and BergerABAM’s questioning of its design and never agreed
    with their interpretation of the ACI code. Although FAR 52.243-4(d) requires 20 day-written
    notice of changes, there is an exception to the 20-day notice requirement where, as here, the
    Government had “actual or imputed notice of the circumstances giving rise to the claim.” Nova
    Grp./Tutor-Saliba, 125 Fed. Cl. at 474; see also K-Con Bldg. Sys., Inc. v. United States, 
    778 F.3d 1000
    , 1010 (Fed. Cir. 2015).
    NTS’ Claimed Damages for Constructive Acceleration
    This Court finds that NTS has demonstrated that the Government constructively changed
    the Contract and required NTS to accelerate work, causing NTS to incur additional costs.
    Plaintiff requests $1,275,632.10 in damages due to the Government’s questioning of NTS’
    design, NTS’ concomitant delay and acceleration. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 199; JX 34.1. These
    damages are broken down as follows:
    1. NTS’ Work Due to Constructive Change
    A. Overtime $105,762.00
    B. Productivity Loss $607,280.00
    C. Equipment Operating Expense (Standby and Overtime) $140,487.00
    D. Allowable Field Overhead (8.4% of Subtotal 1.A, 1.B, and 1.C.) $71,696.44
    2. Subcontractors’ Work Due to Constructive Change
    A. KPFF Consulting Engineers $115,937.71
    B. Hayre McElroy & Associates, LLC $59,207.50
    C. Northwest Cascade, Inc. $5,431.20
    3. NTS’ Allowable Overhead on Subcontractors (11.4% of subtotal Item 2) $20,585.71
    4. NTS’ Allowable Home Office Overhead (3% of Total for Items 1 and 2) $33,174.06
    5. NTS’ Allowable Profit (8% of Total for Items 1 and 2) $88,464.15
    6. B&O Tax (.6440%) $8,037.29
    7. NTS’ Bond Premium (1.568%) $19,569.04
    Total Costs REA No. 14 $1,275,632.10
    JX 34.
    NTS claims $105,762 in “costs for overtime premium paid to NTS employees during the
    acceleration period,” May 27 through November 21, 2010. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 187-88; DX
    144.40. NTS’ expert witness, Mr. Anderson, and the Government’s expert witness, Mr. Boe, agree
    that NTS employees worked overtime due to the global stability issue. PX 147.22; DX 144.37.
    According to Mr. Anderson’s Overtime Cost Detail chart, the total overtime hours were 4,422. PX
    134.31. In his rebuttal expert report, Mr. Anderson stated that NTS worked an overtime rate of
    19.72 percent during the acceleration period -- equating to $105,742.’ PX 147.24; PX 134.23,.31.
    The Government’s expert, Mr. Boe, however, opined that Plaintiff's overtime rate should
    be reduced by “casual overtime.” Tr. 2638-39. Specifically, Mr. Boe opined that NTS’ average
    overtime rate outside the alleged acceleration period was 11.60 percent in relation to total hours
    worked, and characterized this 11.60 percent as “casual overtime” that NTS cannot recover
    because it was attributable to NTS’ standard practice of overtime throughout the project. Def.’s
    Resp. at 178 (citing DX 144.46).
    Mr. Boe submitted the following chart reflecting overtime expended between July 2008
    and May 2012:
    27 Plaintiff's overtime request is based upon calculations performed by NTS’ expert, Mr.
    Anderson, but Mr. Anderson’s expert report calculates NTS’ overtime costs at $105,742 for the
    acceleration period, not $105,762. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 187-88; PX 134.31. Because Plaintiff
    relies on Mr. Anderson’s expert report for its damages demand, the Court uses that number,
    $105,742, for NTS’ overtime costs.
    25.00% a
    [23.30% Average Overtime|
    16.00% Average Overtime
    8.34% Average Overtime
    a aa
    ° oo
    5 >
    3 a 65
    2 as
    DX 144.41; see Tr. 2639.
    Mr. Boe concluded that outside of the March 8 to May 27, 2010 acceleration window, NTS
    averaged an overtime rate of 11.60 percent in relation to total hours worked and, consequently,
    that NTS would have expended overtime at an approximate rate of 11.60 percent between May 27
    and November 21, 2010, regardless of acceleration. DX 126.45-.46. Thus, he opined that Mr.
    Anderson’s overtime damages should be reduced proportionally yielding $43,541 in overtime
    costs. DX 144.46.
    Dec 0S
    Nov 09 EEE
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    NTS’ expert, Mr. Anderson, thoroughly supported his overtime calculations, as seen in the
    chart below:
    Attachment 3: Overtime Cost Detail
    A 8 c D E F 6 H ISH/B J=G/A  K=I-J-L=K*Burden = M=K+L N=M"B
    OT Cost (Delta +
    Taxes, WC & Total Burden Avg Weekly AvgWeekly DeltaOTPay- OTBurden Burden) per OT Cost (Delta+
    WE. RegHrs OTHRS Genins HealthIns CashFringe Pension Reg Pay OTPay Payroll OTWage RegWage ReguiarPay per hour hour Burden)
    06-Jun-10 4035 $4,161.08 $1,267.40 $1,965.05 $1315.93 $13,158.90 $21,808.36 $3261 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
    13-Jun-10 694.5 285.5 $11,189.73 $3,164.48 $5,458.23 $2236.05 $22,359.59 $13,803.41 $58,211.49 $48.35 $32.20 $16.15 $6.68 $22.83 $6,518.85
    20-Jun-10 1015 265 © $15,492.32 $4,62146 $7,683.10 $3.26085 $32,60739 $12,820.05 $76,474.18 $4841 $3213 $16.29 $6.74 $23.02 $6,10061
    27-Jun-10 7855 199 $10,507.79 $3,197.14 $5,202.09 $2453.82 $24,537.69 $0,859.15 $55,932.68 $49.51 $32.05 S17.48 $7.22 $24.88 $4,911.13
    04-Jul-10 881.5 135 $10,305.52 $3,283.19 $5,12256 $2826.56 $28,26489 $6,486.45 $56,289.17 $48.05 $32.06. $15.98 $661 $22.59 $3,050.08
    t1Jul-10 681 236 $9,423.24 $2,853.81 $4,878.24 $2,197.72 $21,977.11 $11,666.55 $52,996.67 $4843 $32.27 $17.46 $7.10 $24.26 $5,725.47
    18-Jul-10 690 256.5 $10,333.30 $3,289.89 $5,277.74 $2209.16 $22,09184 $12,628.78 $55,830.71 $49.24 $32.02 $17.22 $7.12 $24.34 $6,242.80
    25-Jul-10 1022 245.5 $15,206.02 $4,553.87 $7,21743 $3.275.41 $32,784.28 $12,000.83 $75,097.85 $48.88 © $32.05, $16.83 $6.96 $23.80 $5,841.87
    01-Aug-10 1109 338.5 $16,741.06 $5,283.81 $8,437.95 $3.55255 $35,525.49 $16,636.30 $86,177.16 $49.15 $32.03 si7.44 $7.08 $26.19 $8,188.52
    08-Aug-10 1054.5 255.5 $14,447.44 «$4,766.03 $7,093.31 $3336.47 $33,364.22 $12,398.28 $75,405.75 348.53 $31.64 $16.89 $698 $23.87 $6,098.50
    15-Aug-10 096 3035 $18,120.07 $4,980.34 $8,208.02 $3206.60 $32,08543 $19,175.38 $83,825.82 $4873 $32.19 $16.54 $6.84 $23.37 $9,197.92
    22-Aug-10 1012 313 $14,463.82 $4,480.94 $7,737.54 $3240.11 $32.40122 $15,467.82 $77,791.45 $49.42 $32.02 $17.40 $7.20 $24.60 $7,698.92
    29-Aug-10 7545 477.5 $10,286.07 $3,456.19 $5,252.88 $2420.35 $24,263.77 $8,80121 $84,219.46 $4789 $32.20 $15.70 $6.49 $22.19 $3,938.13
    05-Sep-10 562 655 $5,905.52 $2,068.20 $2,804.96 $1747.56 $17,475.45 $3,214.87 $33,216.56 $45.08 $31.66 $17.42 $7.21 $24.63 $1,613.21
    12-Sep-10 190.5 125 $2,286.06 $766.23 $1,02067 $504.35 $5,043.55 $612.94 $11,192.80 $49.04 $31.20 $17.84 $738 $25.21 $315.14
    19-Sep-10 639 283.5 $11,948.08 $3,808.78 $5,956.26 $1,965.15 $19.65146 $13,870.53 $57,200.37 $48.93 $30.75 $18.17 $7.52 $25.69 $7,282.53
    26-Sep-10 688.5 7 $7,727.50 $2,819.63 $3,214.44 $2111.28 $21,53949 $3,284.34 340,696.68 $46.26 $31.28 $14.97 $6.19 $21.17 $1,502.79
    03-Oct-10 6105 289 $10,056.18 $3,260.28 $5,240.14 $1,943.25 $19,432.40 $14,292,05 $54,224.30 $4945 $31.83 $17.62 $7.28 $24.91 $7,199.37
    10-Oct-10 S71 555 $7,257.13 $2,743.05 $3,19208 $1.78445 $17,844.08 $2,673.10 $35,493.86 $48.18 $31.25 $16.91 $6.99 $23.91 $1,326.90
    17-Oct-10 5045 1155 $7,789.40 $2,631.15 $4,128.39 $1925.08 $19,250.20 $5,642.84 $41,266 86 $4885 $3238 $16.47 $6.81 $23.29 $2,680.56
    24-Oct-10 3905 184 $8,425.42 $2,786.78 $4,470.96 $1.260.70 $12,696.93 $0,034.11 $98,682.90 $4910 $32.54 $16.58 36.86 $23.44 $4,313.97
    31-Oct-10 6245 155 $6,010.53 $2,115.28 $2,930.44 $2,009.67 $20,095.95 $774.77 $33,936 64 $49.99 $32.18 $17.81 $7.36 $25.17 $390.13
    10-Now10 7185 4 $5,946.03 $2,165.47 $3,374.45 $2,335.89 $23,35843 $196.14 $38,376.40 $49.04 «$32.51 $16.53 $6.83 $23.36 $03.44
    14-Nov-10 4115 915 $5,243.69 $1,583.88 $2,830.89 $1287.03 $12.87026 $4,561.10 $26,376.84 $49.85 $31.28 $18.57 $7.68 $26.25 $2,402.06
    21-Nov-10 936 134 $11,013.94 $3,429.33 $5,885.37 $3,093.13 $30,930.37 $6,621.75 $60,973.89 $49.42 $33.05 $16.37 677 $23.14 $3,100.89
    Grand Total 18006 4422 $249,426.92 $79,356.81 $124,753.29 $57607.13 $576,400.37 $216,225.53 $1,303,050.85 $105,742.21
    Burden Rate Calculation:
    Ratio of OT Hrs to Total Hrs (B(A+B) 0.1972
    Total Burden Applicable to OT (C+D+E)  $ 453,536.82
    Portion of Burden Allocable to OT $ 89,421.25
    Total OT Pay (H) $ 216,225.53
    OT Burden Rate 041
    [1] Revised OT Hours and OT Pay excludes Cost codes 01030-050, 01045-050, 17016-010, 17024-010 from REA #14 OT Cost Detail. See Revised Cost Detail and Revised Cost Pivot Table Tab
    [2] Refer to Revised OT Burden Cost Tab for Total Burden Applicable to OT Calculation
    PX 134.31; see also PX 134.21; Tr. 1326.
    The Court credits Mr. Anderson’s overtime calculation without adjustment. The Court is
    not persuaded by Mr. Boe’s reduction. Mr. Boe relied upon a speculative argument that overtime
    would have been standard throughout this project, could have been appropriately averaged, and
    that his calculated average must be deducted from awarded overtime damages. Plaintiff has
    demonstrated that its overtime was due to the 57-day delay in the project coupled with no extension
    to the project’s completion date, and the need to accelerate to meet that date. As such, the Court
    finds that NTS is entitled to its full amount of overtime damages -- $105,742 -- as calculated by
    Mr. Anderson.
    Lost Productivity
    NTS claims $607,280 for costs incurred due to “direct labor costs (excluding overtime
    premium)” resulting from loss of productivity caused by acceleration. Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 188;
    JX 34; PX 147.32; Tr. 1281. Mr. Anderson opined that this productivity loss occurred due to
    overtime, increased work force and increased scope to construct bump outs, and pile coring. PX
    In his evaluation, Mr. Anderson considered three approaches to determining labor
    productivity loss: (1) industry factors, (2) measured mile, and (3) modified total cost. See PX 134;
    Tr. 1287-89, 1304.
    The industry factors approach is based on published loss percentages that should be
    expected due to a discrete type of impact that could occur on a project and is used to determine the
    cost of that impact. Tr. 1224, 1288. Several industry groups publish these factors, including the
    Mechanical Contractors Association (““MCAA”), which NTS relied upon in its industry factor
    calculation. Tr. 1224; PX 134.21. Mr. Anderson ultimately rejected the use of the industry factors
    approach -- stating that the technique was “a great method for looking forward in time, but because
    ... this is after the fact, this is a forensic analysis, we have actual data, a more accurate method
    would be to use either measured mile or the modified total cost approach.” Tr. 1288. Mr. Boe
    agreed than an industry factor analysis was inappropriate. Tr. 2692.
    “[T]he measured mile approach is an approach where you look at an unimpacted piece of
    the work to find out what it actually took to do that piece, and you compare it to the impacted
    production to see if you had a production loss, and you can measure that loss.” Tr. 1289; see also
    Tr. 1225. Mr. Anderson originally determined that “the measured mile approach [was] the most
    accurate and preferred approach.” PX 134.23. For his measured mile comparison, Mr. Anderson
    looked at construction of the very first bent out of 54 completed, which was not impacted by the
    acceleration. Tr. 1289. Mr. Boe was critical of Mr. Anderson’s measured mile analysis based on
    the first bent for multiple reasons -- “selection of Bent #1 as the un-impacted work, productivity
    sample size, unreliable [timecard] data, and a lack of consideration for NTS delays.” DX 126.46.
    After considering Mr. Boe’s criticisms, Mr. Anderson revised his conclusion stating,
    Given the criticism, the facts of this case, and the limits of the data, while the
    measured mile is normally considered the best method, a measured mile approach
    might not be achievable. In such case, the modified total cost approach for
    calculating loss of productivity can be used as an accurate measurement tool.
    PX 147.27. Mr. Anderson ultimately concluded that the modified total cost approach was the
    preferred method given the facts of this case. Tr. 1305.
    A total cost method determines damages by taking “the difference between the actual cost
    of the contract and the contractor’s bid.” Raytheon Co. v. White, 
    305 F.3d 1354
    , 1365 (Fed. Cir.
    2002). This method is disfavored by courts “because of concerns about bidding inaccuracies,
    which can reduce the contractor’s estimated costs, and performance inefficiencies, which can
    inflate its actual expenditures.” 
     “The modified total cost methodology addresses some of the
    objections to the total cost method” by adjusting for possible inaccuracies. Id.; Neal & Co. v.
    United States, 
    36 Fed. Cl. 600
    , 638 (1996), aff'd, 
    121 F.3d 683
     (Fed. Cir. 1997) (“The modified
    total cost method is simply the total cost method, adjusted for any deficiencies in the plaintiff's
    proof in satisfying the requirements of the total cost method.”); see also Tr. 1225-26.
    The modified total cost method requires the contractor, typically through an expert, to
    prove: (1) the impracticability of proving actual losses directly; (2) the reasonableness of its bid;
    (3) the reasonableness of its actual costs; and (4) its lack of responsibility for the added costs.
    Raytheon Co., 
    305 F.3d at 1366
     (quoting WRB Corp. v. United States, 
    183 Ct. Cl. 409
    , 426
    Here, Defendant does not dispute the impracticability of proving actual costs directly or
    the reasonableness of Plaintiff’ s initial pricing estimate.”* The final two elements for applying the
    modified total cost approach are the reasonableness of Plaintiff's actual costs and Plaintiff's lack
    28 Mr. Anderson evaluated NTS’ bid, looking at the method it used “to determine the bid, the
    quantities, the calculations, and the basis of the production.” Tr. 1305. Mr. Anderson looked for
    bid inaccuracies but did not find any. Tr. 1305-06. In evaluating NTS’ bid, the Government
    concluded that the NTS price proposal was reasonable. JX 7.7.
    of responsibility for those costs. Because these elements overlap, the Court considers them in
    tandem. Mr. Anderson testified that he evaluated Plaintiff's costs in performing specific work,
    and in particular looked at cost codes related to concrete work in his analysis. Tr. 1306; PX 147.28-
    .29; PX 143.12-.13. He confined his analysis to “only labor that was involved with the building
    of bents, contract work” -- the labor that was allegedly affected by the acceleration. Tr. 1285; PX
    The specific tasks included in Mr. Anderson’s analysis were 1) bent field fab form, 2) bent
    survey, 3) pile collars, 4) deck panels, 5) bent/wall forms, 6) rebar handling, 7) place bent concrete,
    and 8) strip. PX 134.23. Mr. Anderson then compared budgeted versus actual costs for the
    identified task codes:
    Loss of Productivity - Modified Total Cost Approach
    Cost Code Description Budget Actual
    '3510.010 Inventory, Shake out, Build Forms $ 54,501.36 $ 52,518.40
    3511.010 Pier B Survey $ 15,000.00 $ 110,849.73
    512.010 Install Pile Collars $ 422,800.00 $ 588,171.53
    513.010 Deck Panels $ 166,939.00 $ 235,181.56
    3514.010 Bent/Wall Forms $ 103,697.00 $ 419,364.31
    515.010 Rebar for Pier - Handling $ 61,400.00 $ 94,121.51
    3516.010 Place Beam Concrete $ 69,847.00 $ 236,720.55
    3517.010 Strip Pile Col & Beam Forms $ 222,786.00 $ 600,971.11
    $ 1,116,970.36 $ 2,337,898.70
    PX 147.32; Tr. 1291-92.
    Mr. Anderson then “removed productivity losses that occurred for bents that were
    constructed prior to the end of May of 2010 [because] those initial bents were done essentially in
    an unaccelerated fashion.” Tr. 1292. Mr. Anderson also removed budgeted scaffolding costs on
    the last 17 bents, since NTS “didn’t implement the scaffolding.” 
     Mr. Anderson did not adjust
    his cost calculation for any contractor-caused inefficiencies because he “didn’t find any that were
    relevant during this period of time which was analyzing specific to bent construction.” Tr. 1306.
    The Government contends that Plaintiff has not established the reasonableness of its costs
    or its lack of responsibility for such costs because Plaintiff fails to properly account for activities
    Plaintiff voluntarily undertook, which should have been subtracted from its calculation.
    Specifically, Mr. Boe concluded that NTS’ undertaking ACC’s backcharged work caused 196 days
    of work delay. Def.’s Resp. at 173 (citing Tr. 2627-28).
    According to Mr. Boe, “[s]leveral factors contributed to labor overruns for bent
    construction: Pile Cutoffs (Backcharged to ACC), Dowel Install & Repairs (Backcharged to ACC),
    Underwater Pile Repairs (Backcharged to ACC), Out of tolerance piles (REA 9), Skew Angle
    Redesign (REA 9), [and] Global Stability (REA 14).” DX 144.49. Mr. Boe opined that NTS
    failed to apportion loss of productivity among these multiple factors. DX 144.53; DX 126.50. No
    productivity loss was attributed to backcharged ACC work or skew angle redesign. DX 144.49.
    The record supports Defendant’s argument. NTS voluntarily performed pile cutoffs, pile dowel
    installation, and pile repair work that ACC was intended to perform, and then backcharged ACC
    for that work. PX 170; Tr. 2624 (Mr. Boe explaining that PX 170 states “that NTS is going to take
    over this work, this pile cutoff work, because ACC didn’t complete the work.”). The Government
    asserts that “NTS’s undertaking the Backcharged Work negatively affected NTS’s productivity
    during the acceleration period.” Def.’s Resp. at 172. NTS does not dispute that it was performing
    ACC backcharged work during the acceleration period. This performance inefficiency inflated
    NTS’ expenditures and should have been adjusted in its modified total cost methodology. See
    Raytheon Co., 
    305 F.3d at 1365
    Plaintiff has not met its burden of proving modified total cost damages, in particular,
    Plaintiff's lack of responsibility for lost productivity costs because Plaintiff failed to attribute any
    lost productivity to backcharged ACC work.
    Equipment Operating Expenses (Standby and Overtime)
    NTS seeks $140,487 in equipment operating expenses. This cost is divided into two
    components: equipment standby and equipment overtime.
    Equipment Standby
    NTS claims it incurred $44,526 in equipment standby costs because it “was forced to idle
    certain pieces of equipment during the March 8 to May 27, 2010 delay period.” Pl.’s Post-Trial
    Br. at 191. The Government argues that equipment standby costs are not recoverable for three
    reasons: (1) NTS did not include a delay claim in REA 14, (2) Plaintiff's calculation of rates and
    percentages ignores adjustments required by the Army Corps of Engineers manual, and (3) NTS
    improperly relies on Mr. Elgenson’s long-after-the-fact allocation of costs. Def.’s Resp. at 179-
    The fact that NTS only alleges a constructive acceleration claim, and not a delay claim, is
    undisputed. See Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 186 (“Here, the government appears to be mis-classifying
    this as a delay claim, as opposed to a constructive acceleration claim.”). The Government’s expert,
    Mr. Boe, testified that NTS’ equipment standby costs were “a delay cost without a delay claim,”
    and therefore, these costs should not be awarded. Tr. 2648.
    Defendant, however, was on notice that Government-caused delay due to its questioning
    of Plaintiff's design was a key allegation put forth by Plaintiff. REA 14, submitted in 2011, was
    expressly titled “REA No. 14, Global Stability Delay.” PX 73.1 (emphasis added). REA 14’s
    stated purpose was to “recover extra cost resulting from NTS’s mitigation of the 64 work day
    stoppage on Pier B.” 
     PX 74 expressly states NTS “is requesting compensation for the overtime
    and inefficiencies NTS incurred to mitigate the sixty four (64) work day stoppage.” PX 74.1. REA
    14 was attached to Plaintiff's certified claim, and this language encompasses Plaintiff’ s equipment
    standby claim. PX 156. Plaintiff's equipment standby damages are based on the same operative
    facts as its constructive acceleration claim. Whether these damages are classified as delay costs
    or suspension costs is a matter of nomenclature and should not preclude recovery in the
    circumstances here. The costs were incurred as a direct result of the Government’s challenge to
    Plaintiffs design and Plaintiffs concomitant suspension of critical path work.
    Defendant’s second and third arguments against equipment standby damages relate to the
    calculation performed by Plaintiff's expert, Mr. Anderson.
    In his initial expert report, Mr. Anderson calculated equipment standby costs to be $89,430,
    based on the list of equipment, percent of use, and costs provided by site personnel Dan Fox, Gary
    Elgenson, Glenn Paulk, and Walt Birdsall. PX 134.23, .84. Mr. Anderson adjusted his calculation
    to $44,526 in his rebuttal report, stating “After my initial report, and as a result of the DCAA Audit
    which concluded in early August, 2017, NTS agreed to adjust its equipment rates by using USACE
    Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Manual. The rates have been
    modified to meet this standard.” PX 147.23.
    The Government asserts that NTS’ equipment standby costs are “improper in that they
    ignore the adjustments the Army Corps of Engineers manual requires to be applied.” Def.’s Resp.
    at 179. To calculate equipment operating expenses, Mr. Anderson applied equipment rates using
    the United States Army Corp of Engineers’ Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating
    Expense Manual and adjusted rates from NTS. See PX 147.24. Adjusted equipment rates provided
    to Mr. Anderson were calculated by NTS’ Project Manager, Mr. Elgenson. Tr. 911. He testified
    that he “reviewed each item, and understanding what work was in front, what the work was -- what
    equipment was allocated and what it was supposed to be doing. And if there was no work able to
    be performed, . . . then that equipment was on standby.” Tr. 912. Mr. Elgenson conferred with
    other project personnel, Dan Fox and Glenn Paulk, to determine if his rate calculations were
    appropriate. Tr. 913. Mr. Anderson further testified that he followed the Corps’ rates and that
    NTS made the adjustments required, and “we have not seen an alternative analysis that shows our
    numbers are wrong.” Tr. 2890.
    Mr. Anderson utilized the lower rate as between NTS’ adjusted rates and the Corps of
    Engineers’ unadjusted rates. Defendant does not dispute that NTS incurred costs associated with
    equipment standby, and Mr. Anderson’s use of the lower rate as between NTS’ and the Corps’
    rates provides a sufficient basis to award these damages. Accordingly, the Court awards Plaintiff
    $44,526 for equipment standby costs.
    Equipment Overtime
    NTS also requests $95,961 for equipment overtime costs during the acceleration period.
    Pl.’s Post-Trial Br. at 192; Tr. 1299. To calculate equipment overtime expenses, Mr. Anderson
    relied upon NTS’ identification of equipment used on overtime and applied adjusted equipment
    rates using the United States Army Corps of Engineers’ Construction Equipment Ownership and
    Operating Expense Manual. Tr. 1300. Mr. Anderson’s equipment overtime calculation was
    evidenced in the following chart in his Rebuttal Expert Report:
    Attachment 4: Revised Equipment Overtime Analysis
    Nova Group
    NTS Total Total Hourly
    NTS USACE Total Hourly Rate Cost Used for FCCM (Facilities
    Equipment Hourly Rate (Whour) (See Analysis Capital Gostof Overtime Rate Total Overtime
    Number NTS Description USAGE ID No. USACE Description ($/hour) Note 7) (SMour) Money) (3fhour) Hours Overtime Cost
    999993 Flexi Floats, 7x7" MiOMZ001 MARINE EQUIPMENT, WORK BARGE, SECTIONAL, $5.22 - $5.22 $0.34 $4.88 197 3961
    MEDIUM DUTY, 40° X 8! X 4" 23 TON
    23. 25 Aluminum Survey Boat, MIOXXO15 MARINE EQUIPMENT, BOATS & LAUNCHES. 26°, $40.94 . $40.84 $1.99 $38.95 187 ‘$7,673
    20-547 Lancer assult Craft/stael work =M1OMZ005 MARINE EQUIPMENT, WORK BARGE, SECTIONAL, $1.89 $0.63 $0.63 $0.00 $0.63 197 $0
    12 * 4, 36 TON
    Subtatal 38655
    Tutor Saliba
    NTS Total Total Hourly
    NTS. USACE Total Hourly Rate Cost Used for FCCM (Facilities
    Equipment Hourly Rate (#/heur) (See Analysis Capital Cost of Overtime Rate
    Number NTS Di ‘iptir USACE ID No. USACE Description ($/hour} Note 7} ($/hour) Money) {$fhour} Overtime Hours Overtime Cost
    00850 210 Tan Crawler Grane Ca5KC006 CRANES, MECHANICAL LATTICE BOOM, CRAWLER. $155.31 $86.77 $86.77 $20.69 $65.66 197 $12,978
    200 TON, 50° BOOM, LIFTING
    o0868 330 Ton Crawler Crane CRSMA01O CRANES, MECHANICAL, LATTICE BOOM, CRAWLER, $190.57 $1265.84 $128.84 $26.08 $100.76 197 $19,850
    330 TON, 500' BOOM, LIFTING
    O0s67 109 Ton R/T C&aSTENOS CRANES, MECHANICAL, LATTICE BOOM, CRAWLER, $191.05 $61.46 $61.48 $13.03 $48.43 197 $9,541
    100 TON, 230° BOOM, LIFTING
    91010 Concrete Pump - 43m CSSOE001 CONCRETE PUMP, PUMP & BOOM, 130 CY/HR, REACH: $70.07 365,22 $63.22 $2.81 965.41 197 $12,886
    72' HORIZONTAL / 85' VERTICAL (ADO 50,000 GVW
    O1335. Generator 20KW-3SKVA G1OXX0US GENERATOR SET, SKID MTD, 25 KW $10.61 : $10.61 $0.28 $10.33 197 $2,035
    O13F4 Generator 12KW-21KVA, G10Xx002 GENERATOR SET, PORTABLE, 10 KW $4.92 : $4.92 $0.08 $4.84 197 $953
    1376 Generator 12KW-21KVA GIOXAOU2 GENERATOR SET. PORTABLE, 10 KW $4.92 : $4.92 0.00 $4.84 ig7 $953
    01436, Ail Compresser ATSXXOZ7 AIR COMPRESSOR, 175 CFM, 125 PSI (ADD HOSE) $24.64 $23.51 $23.31 $0.78 22.53. 197 34,458
    01475 Ait Compressor ATSXXO27 AIR COMPRESSOR, 175 CFM, 125 PSI {ADD HOSE) $24.64 $23.31 23.51 076 $22.53 197 $4,431
    02208 Light Tower L20AB016 LITE SET, TRAILER MTD., 41.000W, WiBKVY GEN, $6.60 : 36.80 0.26 $6.54 197 $1 268
    02328, Generator 12KW21KVA, G10XxD02 GENERATOR SET, PORTABLE, 10 KW $492 : $4.92 $0.08 $4.84 197 $963
    O232F Generator 12KW-21K VA, G1GXxX002_ GENERATOR SET, PORTABLE, 10 KW $492 : $4.92 $0.08 $4.84 197 $983
    OME1 Forklift-10K (Reach) FiaJCO02 FORK LIFT, ROUGH TERRAIN, § 000 LBS @ 30° HIGH $21.95 $22.13 $21.06 $1.32 $20.63 197 $4,064
    O2462 Forklift-10K (Reach) FiQJCOO2 «FORK LIFT, ROUGH TERRAIN, 6 OOOLBS @ 30 HIGH $21.95 $22.13 $21.95 $1.32 $20.63 34,064
    02485 Forklift-10K (Reach) FidJCO02 FORK LIFT. ROUGH TERRAIN, 8 000LBS @ 30 HIGH $2195 $22.13 $21.95 $1.32 $20.63 34.064
    03363 Light Tower L30AB018 LITE SET. TRAILER MTB., 4/1,000W, WSK GEN $8.80 - $6.80 $0.28 $6.54 197 $1,288
    Ques Light Tower LOUABOIS LITE SET, TRAILER MTD, 4/1 COOW, WWEKW GEN, $5.80 . $6.80 $0.26 56.54 197 $1,268
    os367 Light Tower L20AB018 LITE SET, TRAILER MTD., 4/1,000W, WW8KVW GEN, 36.60 - $6.80 $0.26 $6.54 197 $1,288
    Subtotal $87,326
    Grand Total $95,961
    Overtime % of Hours: = 19.72%
    1. NTS Equipment Number and NTS Description from Nova and Tutor Saliba Equipment Rates See Attachment 4B and 4C
    2. USACE ID No, USACE Description, USACE Total Hourly Rate and FCCM (Facilities Capital Cast of Money) from 2009 USACE Region 8 Conetruction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule
    3. NTS Total Hourly Rate from Walt Birdsall, See Attachment 40
    4. More conservative rate of NTS and USACE rates used for Total Hourly Cost Used for Analysis
    5, Ovettime Rate (S/rour) = Total Hourly Cost Used for Analysis - FOCM (Facilities Capital Cost af Money}
    §, Overtime Hours = Gvertime period (25 weeks) * 40 hoursAvk * Cvertime % of Hours (19.72%) = 197 hours.
    7. Qvertime % of Hours calculated from Attachment 3 of BRG Affirmative Report
    8, Overtime Cost = Overtime Rate * Overtime Hours:
    PX 147.56.
    Although Mr. Boe opined that Mr. Anderson did not make required adjustments, the Court
    is persuaded that Mr. Anderson made sufficient adjustments as supported by Mr. Anderson’s
    examples. Mr. Anderson testified:
    A. Yes. So what happened here was, originally we were provided notes by
    NTS, the contractor, as to what their equipment hourly rate was. One of the
    criticisms I received in my initial report was that we should be using U.S. Army
    Corps of Engineer rates. I looked at both rates. And when the NTS rate was lower
    than U.S. Army Corps -- I use whatever rate was lower in my analysis. And so I
    have two columns. One is the U.S. Army Corps rate, one is the NTS rate, and then
    the one I use the analysis was the lower of the two.
    Q. [By Counsel for Plaintiff] So let’s walk through a couple of examples. If
    you have -- let’s go with the 230-ton crawler crane, which is the second item. NTS
    Equipment No. 00868. Do you see that?
    A. Yes.
    Q. What’s the USACE total hourly rate listed there?
    A. $190.57 an hour.
    And then the NTS total hourly rate is, what is that listed?
    Hundred twenty-six, eighty-four cents an hour.
    Okay. So of those two, you used the lower number?
    I used the lower, the 126.84 provided by NTS.
    ; And then from that number, did you subtract the FCCM [Facilities Capital
    ost of Money]?
    Yes, I did.
    And what does that -- what -- what did that calculation give?
    22 >O >
    It provides -- it then provides an overtime rate, a usage rate of $100.78 an
    our for that crane. I then multiplied it by the number of overtime hours.
    5 OF
    And that yielded your overtime cost?
    That yielded the overtime cost for that piece of equipment.
    Q. And moving down the page further, there’s an item for forklift. Do you see
    that? There’s two of them.
    A. Yes.
    First one. What’s the corps rate there?
    The corps rate was 21.95 an hour.
    What was NTS’s rate?
    Which one did you use?
    We used the corps rate, which was slightly less, of 21.95.
    And did you subtract the FCCM from that?
    ; And then after that calculation, what did you do next to determine the
    overtime cost?
    A. Multiplied that by the -- you have an overtime rate of $20.63 an hour. You
    multiplied it by the number of overtime hours to achieve an overtime cost for that
    piece of equipment.
    Tr. 1301-04. Mr. Anderson’s analysis sufficiently addressed Mr. Boe’s criticisms regarding
    required adjustments for equipment overtime calculations and supported Plaintiffs revised claim.
    The Government also argues that, as with labor overtime, equipment overtime should be
    reduced by 11.60 percent to account for casual overtime, but as explained above, the Court is not
    persuaded by Defendant’s casual overtime argument. Def.’s Resp. at 179; Tr. 2648-49. As such,
    the Court awards NTS $95,961 for equipment overtime.
    Overhead, Subcontractor Costs, and Markups
    The parties stipulated to the quantum of all subcontractor costs in Plaintiff's REA 14:
    a. KPFF costs: $115,937.71
    b. Hayre McElroy & Associates, Inc. costs: $59,207.50
    c. Northwest Cascade: $5,431.20
    Total $180,576.41.
    Tr. 3080; May 25, 2018 Stipulation 7 14. This Court has determined the Government is liable for
    acceleration costs, including these subcontractor costs, and awards $180,576.41 to NTS for the
    subcontractor work related to REA 14.
    The parties also stipulated to home office overhead, profit, B&O tax, and bond premium
    markups as follows:
    a. Home Office Overhead: 3% of direct costs and subcontractor costs;
    b. Profit: 8% of direct costs and subcontractor costs;
    c. B&O Tax: .6090% of all costs and markups|;]
    d. Bond Premium: 1.590% of all costs and markups.”
    May 25, 2018 Stipulation ¥ 15.7?
    * Kk OK
    The Court awards NTS $528,802.82 on its constructive change claim, as follows:
    1. NTS’ Work Due to Constructive Change
    A. Overtime $105,742.00
    B. Productivity Loss $0.00
    C. Equipment Operating Expenses (Standby and Overtime) $140,487.00
    D. Allowable Field Overhead (8.4% of Subtotal 1.A, 1.B, and 1.C.) $20,683.24
    Subtotal $266,912.24
    2. Subcontractors’ Work Due to Constructive Change
    A. KPFF Consulting Engineers $115,937.71
    B. Hayre McElroy & Associates, LLC $59,207.50
    C. Northwest Cascade, Inc. $5,431.20
    Subtotal $180,576.41
    29 The field overhead rate of 8.4 percent, subcontractor overhead rate of 11.4 percent, home
    office overhead rate of 3 percent, and profit rate of 8 percent were included in NTS’ bid and
    approved by the Government. JX 4.300; Tr. 1440-41.
    3. NTS’ Allowable Overhead on Subcontractors (11.4% of Subtotal Item 2)
    4. NTS’ Allowable Home Office Overhead (3% of Total for Items 1 and 2)
    5. NTS’ Allowable Profit (8% of Total for Items 1 and 2)
    6. B&O Tax (.6440%)
    7. NTS’ Bond Premium (1.568%)
    Plaintiffs who succeed on a CDA claim are entitled to interest on that claim. 
    41 U.S.C. § 7109
    . Interest accrues “beginning with the date the contracting officer receives the contractor’s
    claim, pursuant to section 7103(a) of this title, until the date of payment of the claim.” 
    41 U.S.C. § 7109
    (a)(1). NTS’ certified claim was filed on June 26, 2014, and it is entitled to interest
    calculated according to the CDA from that date until payment.
    The Clerk is directed to enter judgment for Plaintiff in the amount of $528,802.82 together
    with interest calculated according to the CDA from June 26, 2014 until the date of payment.
    s/Mary Ellen Coster Williams
    Senior Judge

Document Info

Docket Number: 15-885

Filed Date: 3/17/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 3/18/2022

Authorities (21)

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