Martin v. Kristensen , 2021 UT 17 ( 2021 )

    2021 UT 17
    IN THE
    No. 20190797
    Heard March 10, 2021
    Filed May 27, 2021
    On Certiorari to the Utah Court of Appeals
    Third District, Salt Lake
    The Honorable Todd M. Shaughnessy
    No. 084902378
    Karthik Nadesan, Salt Lake City, for appellant
    R. Stephen Marshall, Kevin M. Paulsen, Salt Lake City, for
    ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE LEE authored the opinion of the Court, in
    and JUDGE FONNESBECK joined.
    Having recused himself, JUSTICE HIMONAS does not participate
    ASSOCIATE CHIEF JUSTICE LEE, opinion of the Court:
    ¶1 Yvonne Martin filed for divorce from Petter Kristensen in
    2008. The divorce court awarded Yvonne 1 temporary possession
    1 We use first names to avoid confusion. No disrespect to the
    parties is intended.
    Opinion of the Court
    of the marital home during the pendency of the divorce
    proceedings. But the home was owned by Petter’s father, Frank
    Kristensen. Frank served Yvonne with a notice to vacate shortly
    after Yvonne filed for divorce. When Yvonne refused to vacate,
    Frank filed an unlawful detainer action against Yvonne. Yvonne
    claimed that the temporary possession order precluded Frank
    from seeking the remedies available in an unlawful detainer
    action. The district court disagreed, found Yvonne in unlawful
    detainer, and entered a judgment that included a substantial
    ¶2 The court of appeals affirmed. It held that the temporary
    possession orders entered in the divorce action did not foreclose
    the unlawful detainer remedies available to Frank by statute. We
    affirm. We hold that the possession orders in the divorce
    proceeding functioned like a temporary possession order in an
    unlawful detainer proceeding—they precluded the tenant’s
    eviction from the property but did not affect the availability of
    statutory remedies for unlawful detainer.
    ¶3 Yvonne Martin and Petter Kristensen married in Summit
    County, Utah in 1995. Starting in 1999, they lived together at a
    home on Quicksilver Drive in Salt Lake City. Yvonne owned the
    home and Petter retained an interest in any proceeds from its
    eventual sale.
    ¶4 Yvonne transferred ownership of the Quicksilver Drive
    home to Petter’s father, Frank Kristensen, in 2004. The couple
    continued living in the home, however, under a tenancy at will 2—
    neither Yvonne nor Petter paid any rent or otherwise
    compensated Frank.
    2  See, e.g., Utah Optical Co. v. Keith, 
    56 P. 155
    , 158 (1899)
    (determining that a tenancy at will existed where there was no
    “positive arrangement entered into between the plaintiff and his
    lessor, but . . . an implication of law arising from the voluntary
    acts and relations of the[] parties”); see also Tenancy, BLACK’S LAW
    DICTIONARY (11th ed. 2019) (defining “tenancy at will” as a
    “tenancy in which the tenant holds possession with the landlord’s
    consent but without fixed terms (as for duration or rent)” and
    noting that “[s]uch a tenancy may be terminated by either party
    upon fair notice”).
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    Opinion of the Court
    ¶5 Petter left the home in May 2008, when Yvonne received
    a protective order against him after she alleged that Petter had
    abused her. Yvonne filed for divorce soon thereafter. She then
    sought and received another protective order in the divorce
    proceeding—an order granting her the use, control, and
    possession of the martial home.
    ¶6 Frank then sought to evict Yvonne in a notice to vacate
    served on July 1, 2008. Yvonne did not vacate during the five-day
    period provided in the notice to vacate. Instead, on July 3, 2008,
    Yvonne filed an amended petition in the divorce proceeding. The
    amended petition named Frank as a defendant and asserted,
    among other things, that Yvonne had transferred the home to
    Frank under duress and that she rightfully owned the home. The
    next month, on August 1, 2008, Frank filed an unlawful detainer
    action against Yvonne.
    ¶7 In the divorce      proceeding, Yvonne sought an order
    granting her possession   of the home until the court divided the
    marital property. After   months of motions and argument, the
    divorce court entered     an order awarding Yvonne use and
    possession of the home    pending final resolution of the divorce
    ¶8 Frank remained an absent party during the pendency of
    the above-noted motions in the divorce proceedings. He never
    responded despite being named as a party in Yvonne’s amended
    complaint. Eventually he defaulted. After the default, Frank
    appeared and convinced the divorce court to set aside the default.
    On the same day, before arguments on Yvonne’s temporary
    possession motion, a commissioner recommended dismissing
    Frank from the divorce action.
    ¶9 The recommendation was never implemented—no order
    was ever entered formally dismissing Frank from the divorce
    action. But the parties seemingly proceeded as if he had been
    dismissed. Frank’s counsel did not appear that day in the
    arguments on the motion for temporary possession. And Frank
    was not listed as a party to the divorce action in subsequent filings
    and orders.
    ¶10 Not long after this hearing, Yvonne filed a separate action
    against Frank seeking to quiet title in the home. Yvonne again
    claimed that she had transferred the property to Frank under
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶11 Yvonne next sought and received an order that prevented
    Petter from evicting her during the pendency of the divorce
    proceedings. Frank was incapacitated in Norway at this time, with
    Petter acting on Frank’s behalf through a power of attorney.
    Yvonne sought to prevent Petter from using the power of attorney
    to evict her.
    ¶12 The divorce court granted Yvonne’s motion in June 2012.
    It entered a preliminary injunction preventing Petter from
    evicting Yvonne. And, perhaps contemplating that Frank might
    evict Yvonne when he regained capacity, the district court
    required Petter to “make arrangements for comparable housing
    for” Yvonne if she were evicted. The elements of the June 2012
    order were reinforced in a subsequent order entered in September
    2012. That order again enjoined Petter from interfering with
    Yvonne’s possession and declared that Petter would be
    responsible for providing comparable housing if Yvonne were
    ¶13 Two years later, after Yvonne had requested several
    delays, a trial was held in the unlawful detainer and quiet title
    actions—which by then had been consolidated. At trial, a jury
    rejected Yvonne’s assertion that she had transferred the property
    to Frank under duress. On that basis, the district court concluded
    that Frank was the rightful owner of the property and that
    Yvonne was guilty of unlawful detainer starting on July 6, 2008—
    five days after Frank filed the notice to vacate. See UTAH CODE
    § 78B-6-802(1)(b)(ii) (2008) (providing that “in cases of tenancies at
    will,” tenants are guilty of unlawful detainer while they “remain[]
    in possession of the premises after the expiration of a notice of not
    less than five calendar days”).
    ¶14 The original four proceedings—for fraudulent transfer,
    unlawful detainer, quiet title, and divorce—were then
    consolidated. After consolidation, the district court initially
    ordered a new trial in the unlawful detainer and quiet title
    actions. In so doing, the court declared that “no one may interfere
    with Yvonne Martin’s right to stay in the . . . home during the
    pendency of the suit.”
    ¶15 That order was set aside, however, after the case was
    transferred to a new judge. Upon transfer, the district court
    vacated the order for a new trial and ordered a new trial only on
    the damages in the unlawful detainer action. The district court
    affirmed the prior determination on the unlawful detainer issue. It
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    held that Yvonne was in unlawful detainer and Frank was entitled
    to possession of the property.
    ¶16 Shortly thereafter, on October 12, 2015, Yvonne vacated
    the home. Several months later, the court convened a new trial on
    damages in the unlawful detainer action. In that proceeding, the
    district court found that Yvonne was in unlawful detainer from
    July 6, 2008 (five days after the notice of unlawful detainer) to
    October 12, 2015 (when she vacated the property). Based on
    evidence of fair market rental value for the property, it also
    concluded that Frank’s damages were in the amount of
    $224,534.10—an amount that in the court’s view was required to
    be trebled under Utah Code section 78B-6-811(3).
    ¶17 The district court acknowledged the sizable nature of the
    treble damages award at stake. But it also noted that the unlawful
    detainer statute includes a “significant safety valve that is
    designed to protect against excessive damages for unlawful
    detainer”—in section 78B-6-810, which “allows a person to
    request a hearing or trial within 60 days and/or otherwise
    provides for expedited proceedings.” In the district court’s view,
    “[t]hat should have happened here but it did not.” Instead, there
    were “machinations” that resulted in an “unreasonable delay in
    the resolution of th[e] case” that took “a relatively manageable
    amount of damages to an enormous amount of damages.” And
    because “the statute requires” an award of treble damages, the
    court held that “the total amount awarded to Frank Kristensen
    [was] $673,602.30, plus attorney fees in an amount to be
    determined.” The fee amount and other costs were calculated in a
    subsequent proceeding, and set at $227,060.96. The resulting final
    judgment was for $900,663.26 in Frank’s favor.
    ¶18 Yvonne challenged that judgment on appeal, asserting
    that Frank had no right to seek remedies for unlawful detainer
    where her possession was lawful under orders awarding her
    temporary possession in the divorce action. The court of appeals
    affirmed. See Martin v. Kristensen, 
    2019 UT App 127
    450 P.3d 66
    . It
    held that the temporary possession orders did not render
    Yvonne’s detainer lawful because (1) the divorce court’s orders
    were not entered until after Yvonne “had unlawfully remained on
    the Property for nearly ten months,” id. ¶ 37; (2) the temporary
    orders did not “definitively adjudicate” Frank’s rights, and thus
    authorized Yvonne’s lawful possession at most vis-à-vis Petter, id.
    ¶ 38; and (3) statutory remedies for unlawful detainer are
    Opinion of the Court
    available notwithstanding an order of temporary occupancy, id.
    ¶ 40.
    ¶19 Yvonne filed a petition for certiorari, which we granted.
    “In reviewing the court of appeals’ decision we apply the same
    standard of review that it would apply in reviewing the decision
    of the district court.” Est. of Faucheaux v. City of Provo, 
    2019 UT 41
    ¶ 9, 
    449 P.3d 112
    . The case primarily raises questions of law—as to
    the effect of temporary possession orders on the availability of
    remedies for unlawful detainer. And we decide those questions de
    novo, affording no deference to the lower courts’ analysis. See
    Manzanares v. Byington (In re Adoption of Baby B.), 
    2012 UT 35
    , ¶ 41,
    308 P.3d 382
    ¶20 Yvonne does not defend the lawfulness of her possession
    of the Quicksilver Drive home during the ten-month period that
    preceded the entry of the first order authorizing temporary
    possession entered in the divorce action. She thus effectively
    concedes the first-stated basis for the court of appeals’ decision—
    that she “unlawfully remained” on the property for a period of
    almost ten months. Martin v. Kristensen, 
    2019 UT App 127
    , ¶ 37,
    450 P.3d 66
    . And she accordingly appears to acknowledge her
    liability to Frank for remedies for unlawful detainer during that
    ¶21 Yvonne does challenge the other two grounds for the
    court of appeals’ decision, however. She claims that Frank was a
    party to the divorce action, participated in it, and was bound by
    orders entered in that case. Alternatively, she contends that the
    court in the divorce action had every bit as much authority over
    the parties as the court in the unlawful detainer action. And with
    that in mind, she asks us to conclude that her possession was
    lawful (as authorized by the divorce court) and thus cannot be a
    basis for remedies for unlawful detainer.
    ¶22 We disagree with this last point and affirm the court of
    appeals on the third basis for its decision without reaching the
    second. 3 Yvonne has a point that the divorce court’s jurisdiction
    3 Frank defends the district court’s determination that Yvonne
    failed to preserve the argument that Frank was a party in the
    divorce action. He also contends that he was not a party in any
    event and should not be deemed to be bound by orders entered in
    (continued . . .)
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    was no less than that of the unlawful detainer court. At the same
    time, however, neither court’s power was any greater than the
    other’s. And the remedies available to Frank in unlawful detainer
    were governed by the terms and conditions of the unlawful
    detainer provisions of the Utah Code.
    ¶23 The unlawful detainer provisions of the code make clear
    that a temporary possession order does not deprive a landlord of
    the right to the remedies available upon an eventual
    determination of unlawful detainer on final judgment. Such an
    order may make the tenant’s possession lawful during the
    pendency of the unlawful detainer proceeding. But the full
    panoply of statutory remedies remains available to the landlord
    upon entry of final judgment.
    ¶24 A tenant in Yvonne’s position is admittedly in a
    precarious position. If the unlawful detainer action is not resolved
    expeditiously, the tenant may ultimately be on the hook for an
    outsized award of treble damages, as occurred here. But the
    statutory framework provides mechanisms for avoidance of that
    problem—through provisions for expedited resolution of the
    action. See UTAH CODE § 78B-6-810(1). Yvonne did not avail herself
    of those provisions. Instead she took several steps that had the
    effect of dragging out the process. The large award at issue was
    partially a result of those steps—and is not a problem that this
    court can erase under the clear provisions of the governing
    ¶25 We affirm on these grounds. We describe the basis for
    our decision in greater detail below. First, we outline the
    governing provisions of the Utah Code. Second, we explain the
    basis for our decision that Frank remained entitled to the statutory
    remedies for unlawful detainer despite the entry of temporary
    possession orders in the divorce action. And third, we address
    additional objections raised in Yvonne’s briefing.
    the divorce court. And he asks us to conclude that these questions
    lie beyond the grounds on which we granted certiorari review.
    Yvonne disagrees on all counts. The briefing on these and
    related questions leads to a series of questions. We need not and
    do not reach them because we uphold the court of appeals on the
    third basis of its decision.
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶26 The unlawful detainer provisions of the Utah Code
    establish a framework “for quickly and clearly resolving conflicts
    over lawful possession of property between landowners and
    tenants.” Osguthorpe v. Wolf Mountain Resorts, L.C., 
    2010 UT 29
    ¶ 22, 
    232 P.3d 999
    . They do so by defining the terms and
    conditions of a tenant’s unlawful detainer, prescribing procedural
    mechanisms for disposition of unlawful detainer actions, and
    providing remedies available upon a determination of unlawful
    ¶27 “A tenant holding real property for a term less than life”
    may be “guilty of an unlawful detainer” in a number of ways set
    forth by statute. UTAH CODE § 78B-6-802(1) (2008). 4 Some of the
    listed grounds are implicated by remaining “in possession” of
    property beyond a specified date. See, e.g., id. § 78B-6-802(1)(a)–(c)
    (2008). Others concern the misuse of property, as by engaging in
    tortious or otherwise unlawful activity on the premises. See id.
    § 78B-6-802(1)(d)–(f) (2008).
    ¶28 The statute contemplates an initial “notice” by the
    landlord of these or other alleged grounds for unlawful detainer,
    see id. § 78B-6-805 (2008), followed by a complaint initiating an
    “action” for unlawful detainer, see id. §§ 78B-6-806, -807 (2008). It
    also sets forth a timeline and procedures for a response by the
    tenant. For some alleged grounds, the code provides that the
    tenant may “save the lease from forfeiture” by performing “the
    condition or covenant” in question “[w]ithin three calendar days
    after the service of the notice.” Id. § 78B-6-802(2) (2008). For others,
    the code acknowledges the possibility that “the covenants and
    conditions of the lease violated by the lessee cannot afterwards be
    performed,” or that “the violation cannot be brought into
    compliance.” Id.
    ¶29 The code expressly contemplates that a tenant may be
    granted a right of temporary possession of the property during
    4 During the period when Yvonne was allegedly in unlawful
    detainer, the legislature recodified the unlawful detainer statute. It
    did not make many (or any relevant) substantive changes.
    Compare UTAH CODE § 78B-6-801–811 (2008) with UTAH CODE §
    78B-6-801–811 (2021). We thus proceed on the assumption that the
    2008 version of the code controls.
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    the pendency of the action. See 
     § 78B-6-808 (2008) (providing
    for the execution of a possession bond by a landlord and a
    tenant’s right to “remain in possession if he executes and files a
    counter bond”); id. § 78B-6-810(2)(b)(i) (2008) (providing for a
    determination of “who has the right of occupancy during the
    litigation’s pendency” in an action for nonpayment of rent). But it
    also prescribes remedies available to a landlord upon an eventual
    determination of unlawful detainer. See id. § 78B-6-811 (2008). And
    the statutory scheme makes clear that the landlord’s remedies are
    not suspended or affected by an order authorizing a tenant’s
    temporary possession.
    ¶30 If the court finds that the tenant was in unlawful detainer
    upon entry of final judgment, “judgment shall be entered against
    the defendant for the rent, for three times the amount of the
    damages assessed [by the court] . . . and for reasonable attorney
    fees.” Id. § 78B-6-811(3) (2008). The award of such remedies is
    mandatory. And their availability is unaffected by the entry of a
    prior order authorizing the tenant’s temporary possession of the
    property. This is clear from the structure of the statute—the fact
    that such orders are in effect “during the litigation’s pendency,”
    id. § 78B-6-810(2)(b)(i) (2008), and contemplate “further
    proceedings” on issues that “remain to be adjudicated between
    the parties” at trial, id. § 78B-6-808(6) (2008). 5
    ¶31 The statutory proceedings are to be expedited on terms
    and conditions set forth in the code. In actions “in which the
    tenant remains in possession of the property,” the court is to
    “expedite” the disposition of all motions and “shall begin the trial
    within 60 days after the day on which the complaint is served,
    unless the parties agree otherwise.” Id. § 78B-6-810(1) (2008). “In
    an action for unlawful detainer where the claim is for
    5 A tenant who is granted a right of temporary occupancy is
    thus in a position parallel to that of an applicant for a preliminary
    injunction. In both circumstances, the temporary order imposes a
    status quo hold on the parties’ legal rights. In both settings,
    however, the party seeking that hold is still on the hook for any
    damages that accrue if the order is later found to have been
    wrongfully entered. See Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co. v. Atkin,
    Wright & Miles, Chartered, 
    681 P.2d 1258
    , 1262 (Utah 1984) (noting
    the availability of damages “if it is finally determined” that an
    applicant was not entitled to a preliminary injunction).
    Opinion of the Court
    nonpayment of rent,” the court is also required to “hold an
    evidentiary hearing, upon request of either party, within ten days
    after the day on which the defendant files the defendant’s
    answer” to “determine who has the right of occupancy during the
    litigation’s pendency.” 
     § 78B-6-810(2) (2008). The above-noted
    possession bond proceeding is also subject to expedited time
    constraints. If the landlord files a possession bond, the tenant is
    entitled to demand a hearing “within three days of being served
    with notice of the filing of plaintiff’s possession bond” and has a
    right to “a hearing within three days of the defendant’s demand.”
    Id. § 78B-6-808(4)(c) (2008).
    ¶32 Yvonne has a point that her possession of the Quicksilver
    Drive home was “lawful” in the sense that her occupancy had
    been authorized in orders entered by the divorce court. But that
    alone does not tell us that Frank was thereby foreclosed from the
    statutory remedies available upon a final judgment in the
    unlawful detainer action. The divorce court’s jurisdiction was no
    less than that of the unlawful detainer court. But it was likewise
    no greater. And the effect of a temporary occupancy order on the
    remedies for unlawful detainer is prescribed by the statutory
    provisions that govern such proceedings.
    ¶33 Those provisions make clear that an order of temporary
    occupancy has a limited effect. It gives the tenant a temporary
    right of occupancy “during the litigation’s pendency.” See id.
    § 78B-6-810(2)(b) (2008). But such a right of occupancy is tentative
    and conditional. A temporary order contemplates “further
    proceedings” that “remain to be adjudicated between the parties”
    at trial, id. § 78B-6-808(6) (2008), including proceedings on the
    merits of the landlord’s allegation of unlawful detainer.
    ¶34 The alleged unlawful detainer at issue here arose under a
    tenancy at will—a lease for an indefinite term without
    specification as to duration or rent. 6 By statute, unlawful detainer
    6  See Buchanan v. Crites, 
    150 P.2d 100
    , 102 (Utah 1944)
    (determining that tenant was no longer a tenant at will once “it
    could [not] be said that the [tenant] was in possession with the
    consent of the [landlord]”); Carteri v. Roberts, 
    73 P. 818
    , 819 (Cal.
    1903) (defining a “tenant at will” as someone “who enters upon
    land by permission of the owner” without a contract); Coinmach
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    for such a tenancy is established if the tenant “remains in
    possession” of property “after the expiration of a notice of not less
    than five calendar days.” 
     § 78B-6-802(1)(b)(ii) (2008). Frank
    alleged that Yvonne was in unlawful detainer under this
    provision from July 6, 2008 (five days after the notice of unlawful
    detainer) to October 12, 2015 (when Yvonne eventually vacated
    the premises). The district court agreed. In the consolidated trial
    on the quiet title and unlawful detainer actions, a jury rejected
    Yvonne’s assertion that she had executed a quitclaim deed on the
    property under duress, and the district court concluded that
    Yvonne had thus been in unlawful detainer since July 2008.
    ¶35 The court of appeals affirmed that decision and we
    likewise affirm. The temporary occupancy orders entered in the
    divorce action had no greater effect than a temporary occupancy
    order entered in an unlawful detainer proceeding. And the terms
    of the unlawful detainer provisions of the code make clear that a
    temporary occupancy order does not foreclose the availability of
    statutory remedies for unlawful detainer upon entry of final
    ¶36 The temporary possession orders made Yvonne’s
    possession lawful in the sense of protecting her from eviction. But
    that is no different from a temporary possession order entered in
    an unlawful detainer action. And such a temporary order does not
    preclude an unlawful detainer action—or foreclose the remedies
    available upon final judgment in such action. Such orders simply
    preserve the status quo pending disposition of the unlawful
    detainer proceeding. Unless and until a final judgment is entered
    in such proceeding, the tenant remains on the hook for the
    remedies available to the landlord if the landlord succeeds in
    securing a final judgment in its favor.
    ¶37 Yvonne assumed a risk when she remained in possession
    of the property during the pendency of the quiet title and
    unlawful detainer proceedings. If she had prevailed in persuading
    a jury that her quitclaim deed had been entered under duress,
    presumably she would have established that she was not in
    Corp. v. Aspenwood Apartment Corp., 
    417 S.W.3d 909
    , 915 (Tex.
    2013) (explaining that “tenants at will remain in possession with
    their landlords’ consent, their possession is lawful, but it is for no
    fixed term, and the landlords can put them out of possession at
    any time”).
    Opinion of the Court
    “unlawful detainer” as a tenant who “remain[ed] in possession”
    of a landlord’s property. See 
     But she failed to succeed on that
    claim. And her gamble turned out to be a bad one. As a result of
    the extensive time it took to resolve the quiet title and unlawful
    detainer issues, Yvonne ended up owing over $900,000 in
    damages—an amount that included fair market rental value as
    damages (trebled under the statute) as well as costs and attorney
    ¶38 Such an award may seem unduly large at this juncture.
    But the amount was the inevitable result of delay under a
    statutory scheme that calls for treble damages. Much of the delay
    was Yvonne’s own doing; at very least, she did not choose to
    expedite the proceedings. And the ultimate disposition of
    Yvonne’s duress claim left the district court with no options.
    ¶39 Once title was quieted in Frank’s name, the writing was
    on the wall for the unlawful detainer proceeding. Frank’s lawful
    title was conclusively established. And that meant that Yvonne
    had “remain[ed] in possession” of the premises of Frank’s home
    under a tenancy at will “after the expiration of” Frank’s five-day
    notice in July 2008. See 
     Yvonne could have vacated the home
    within five days. She could have sought expedited proceedings on
    the unlawful detainer proceedings, as provided by statute. But she
    did neither. And the result was a very large award that included
    treble damages and attorney fees.
    ¶40 That award may seem lamentable. But it cannot be
    avoided on the ground that Yvonne’s possession of the
    Quicksilver Drive home was lawful under temporary possession
    ¶41 Yvonne advances two sets of challenges to the above
    framework for disposition. First, she identifies circumstances that
    purportedly would foreclose “continuing damages for unlawful
    detainer,” which she cites as grounds for concluding that Frank’s
    damages should likewise be foreclosed. Second, she advances
    legal and equitable grounds for precluding the accumulation of
    treble damages in a case like this one. We reject both sets of
    arguments for reasons explained below.
    ¶42 Yvonne contends that “[t]here are any number of events
    that should terminate continuing damages for unlawful detainer.”
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    And she asks us to analogize this case to the hypothetical
    circumstances she identifies. We accept the premises of Yvonne’s
    argument. But we find the cited circumstances distinguishable
    from the case at hand.
    ¶43 Yvonne first posits a circumstance in which a tenant at
    will under a notice of unlawful detainer “enter[s] into a lease
    agreement with the property owner that allowed him to stay in
    the property.” The new lease, in her view, could “transform” the
    tenant’s “possession to a lawful one” that terminates liability for
    unlawful detainer. And “if the term of the new lease started
    retroactively,” Yvonne asserts that “unlawful detainer liability
    should be eliminated completely.”
    ¶44 Yvonne also imagines a case in which the landlord
    “withdraw[s]” the notice of unlawful detainer and “authorizes the
    tenant to remain in possession.” She asserts that such “action
    would restore the tenant to lawful possession and should render
    the tenant’s initial unlawful detainer liability void ab initio.”
    ¶45 Yvonne seeks to analogize her case to these hypothetical
    circumstances. In this case and in the cited hypotheticals, Yvonne
    claims that the tenant has “gained lawful possession.” And in all
    of these circumstances, she asserts that it is “both unjust and
    nonsensical” to allow the tenant to “continue to accrue” wrongful
    detainer damages “so long as he remained in possession.”
    ¶46 We assume for the sake of argument that unlawful
    detainer damages would not accrue in the cited hypotheticals. But
    the hypotheticals are easily distinguished. And the distinctions
    highlight a core defect in Yvonne’s position.
    ¶47 In the event of a new, retroactive lease, it can no longer be
    said that the tenant “remain[ed] in possession” of the landlord’s
    property “after” expiration of the five-day notice. See 
     The new
    lease reestablishes the tenancy. And its retroactive application
    means that there never was an unlawful detainer. That is not the
    case here. The temporary possession orders did not reestablish the
    tenancy at will. They did not establish (retroactively or otherwise)
    that Yvonne was never in unlawful detainer after expiration of the
    five-day notice. They simply put a temporary hold on eviction,
    subject to the availability of unlawful detainer remedies upon
    entry of final judgment in favor of the landlord.
    ¶48 The landlord’s withdrawal of the notice of unlawful
    detainer is similarly distinguishable. An unlawful detainer
    plaintiff is certainly entitled to waive the right to assert damages
    Opinion of the Court
    for unlawful detainer. Such a waiver is enforceable, and forecloses
    the right to seek statutory remedies. That did not happen here.
    And Yvonne’s hypotheticals thus provide no basis for a decision
    in her favor.
    ¶49 Yvonne next challenges the accrual of treble damages
    against her. She contends that the governing statutes do not
    clearly provide for “treble damages during a period of court-
    authorized possession.” And she advances “public policy and
    equity” grounds for foreclosing the accumulation of treble
    damages in a case in which the operative possession orders did
    not provide “notice” of Yvonne’s “continued liability for treble
    ¶50 We find no basis for these arguments in the operative
    terms of the code. By statute, the factfinder is required to “assess
    the damages resulting to the plaintiff from . . . unlawful detainer.”
     § 78B-6-811(2) (2008). In an action under a tenancy at will, the
    plaintiff’s damages are primarily measured by the fair market
    rental value of the property. See, e.g., Valley Lane Corp. v. Bowen,
    592 P.2d 589
    , 592 (Utah 1979). Once such damages are calculated,
    “[t]he judgment shall be entered against the defendant” for “three
    times the amount of the damages” assessed by the court and for a
    “reasonable attorney fee[].” UTAH CODE § 78B-6-811(3) (2008). The
    entry of judgment is mandatory upon a determination of unlawful
    detainer. And the judgment must include an award of treble
    damages. The statute leaves no room for a court-made exception.
    ¶51 These remedies provisions themselves may not speak
    directly to the effect of a temporary possession order. But
    temporary orders do not affect the eventual availability of any
    statutory remedies—for reasons set forth in Parts II.A. & B. above.
    And we reject Yvonne’s position on that basis.
    ¶52 Perhaps it would have been ideal for the temporary
    possession orders to specify their limited effect—to make clear
    that Yvonne could remain on the hook for the statutory remedies
    for unlawful detainer. But hindsight is 20/20 and judges aren’t
    always in a position to anticipate the ideal terms of an entered
    order. Yvonne was responsible for assessing the effect of the
    orders of temporary possession under our law. And we are in no
    position to deprive Frank of the remedies available to him by
    Cite as: 
    2021 UT 17
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶53 We reject Yvonne’s invocation of “public policy and
    equity” on that same basis. Treble damages, in a sense, may seem
    a “severe remedy.” Osguthorpe, 
    2010 UT 29
    , ¶ 23 (quoting Sovereen
    v. Meadows, 
    595 P.2d 852
    , 853 (Utah 1979)) (characterizing them as
    such, while noting that they are necessary to hasten a quick
    resolution of unlawful detainer actions). But they are the remedy
    provided by statute. And our court has no equitable power to
    override that remedy on public policy grounds.
    ¶54 A landlord who establishes unlawful detainer is entitled
    to the remedies prescribed by statute, including treble damages.
    Such remedies are not foreclosed by an order authorizing
    temporary possession, whether entered in the unlawful detention
    action itself or in a related proceeding.
    ¶55 This holding may appear to have produced an outsized
    judgment in this case. But the size of the judgment here was the
    product of the delay in the proceedings, which was initiated at
    least in part by the tenant. And we have no authority to override
    the statutorily prescribed remedies in any event.