Smith v. Smith , 2017 UT 77 ( 2017 )

  •                      This opinion is subject to revision before final
    publication in the Pacific Reporter
    2017 UT 77
    IN THE
    A. S.,
    R. S.,
    No. 20151023
    Filed November 14, 2017
    On Certification from the Court of Appeals
    Fourth District, Provo Dep’t
    The Honorable Fred D. Howard
    No. 084401555
    F. Lavar Christensen, Draper, for appellant
    Ronald D. Wilkinson, Nathan S. Shill, Orem,
    Sara Pfrommer, Salt Lake City, for appellee
    JUSTICE DURHAM authored the opinion of the Court in which
    JUSTICE DURHAM, opinion of the Court:
    ¶1 A.S. (Father) appeals the district court order awarding R.S.
    (Mother) attorney fees and costs for the underlying juvenile court
    proceedings. We do not reach the merits of this case because we hold
    that we lack jurisdiction. 1 Mother is awarded reasonable attorney
    1   See infra ¶ 35 n.12.
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    fees and costs on appeal. We remand this case to the district court for
    a determination of those fees and costs.
    ¶2 Mother and Father petitioned for divorce in the district
    court in 2008. In 2012, Father petitioned to terminate Mother’s
    parental rights based on unsubstantiated allegations of her sexual
    abuse of their two children. Mother counter-petitioned the court to
    terminate Father’s parental rights or to award her physical custody
    of the children. As a result of the exclusive original jurisdiction of the
    juvenile court over matters concerning “the termination of the legal
    parent-child relationship,” Utah Code section 78A-6-103(1)(g), and
    “mak[ing] a finding of substantiated, unsubstantiated, or without
    id. section 78A-6-103(6),
    on matters of “a severe type of child
    abuse or neglect,” 
    id. section 78A-6-323(1),
    the juvenile court heard
    the petition rather than the district court. The juvenile court and the
    district court maintained concurrent jurisdiction under 
    id. section 78A-6-104
    until the exclusive original jurisdiction of the
    juvenile court was extinguished. 
    Id. § 78A-6-104(1)(b).
    (“The district
    court or other court has concurrent jurisdiction with the juvenile
    court: . . . with regard to proceedings initiated under Part 3, Abuse,
    Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings, or Part 5, Termination of
    Parental Rights Act.”). Therefore, while the district court had
    continuing jurisdiction over the divorce proceedings, including a
    determination “of support, custody, and parent-time . . . incidental to
    the determination of a cause in district court,” the juvenile court
    could “change the custody . . . support, parent-time, and visitation
    rights previously ordered in the district court as necessary to
    implement the order of the juvenile court for the safety and welfare
    of the child. . . . so long as the jurisdiction of the juvenile court
    Id. § 78A-6-104(3)–(4)(b).
    “The juvenile court has
    jurisdiction over questions of custody, support, and parent-time, of a
    minor who comes within the court’s jurisdiction . . . .” 
    Id. § 78A-6-
    104(5). The juvenile court denied Father’s petition to terminate
    Mother’s parental rights, granted Mother custody of the minor
    children, cited both Father and J.S. (Stepmother) for contempt, and
    ordered Father and Stepmother to pay all legal fees, costs, and
    expenses incurred by Mother.
    ¶3 Father and Stepmother prematurely appealed the juvenile
    court’s order before it became a final order, because the award for
    attorney fees and costs had not yet been reduced to a judgment. See
    DFI Props. LLC v. GR 2 Enters. LLC, 
    2010 UT 61
    , ¶ 20, 
    242 P.3d 781
    (2010) (“This case represents another in the line of cases where we
    have held that a judgment awarding attorney fees in a yet-to-be-
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                             Opinion of the Court
    determined amount is not final for purposes of appeal. . . . [and] we
    lack jurisdiction over appeals from such judgments . . . .”). But the
    court of appeals, apparently unaware that the order appealed from
    was not a final order, failed to dismiss the notice of appeal and
    instead issued an opinion affirming “[t]he juvenile court’s order . . .
    in all respects except for the determination of contempt,” which it
    vacated because of lack of notice and hearing and remanded to the
    juvenile court for a hearing on the contempt allegations. In re E.S. &
    2013 UT App 222
    , ¶ 9, 
    310 P.3d 744
    . Because the time to petition
    for writ of certiorari on the court of appeals’ opinion has lapsed, the
    parties are foreclosed from arguing that the court of appeals lacked
    jurisdiction, and we treat it as a final judgment. 2
    ¶4 During the pendency of the first appeal, the juvenile court
    continued to have jurisdiction over, and hold status hearings
    regarding, the welfare of the children. On remand from the court of
    appeals, the juvenile court held contempt proceedings on December
    13, 2013, issuing its contempt order against Father and Stepmother
    on January 23, 2014. A child welfare status hearing was held on
    January 16, 2014 with a follow-up phone conference on February 20,
    2014. The juvenile court, having determined that the outstanding
    motions regarding the child welfare case were resolved as of its
    March 17, 2014 order, released the Guardian ad Litem from the
    matter and terminated the juvenile court’s jurisdiction, noting that a
    separate order regarding the contempt charges was issued and that
    2 Although the proper action for the court of appeals in this case
    would have been to reject the appeal for lack of jurisdiction because
    the judgment was not final, there is now no remedy for the error. We
    have held that “jurisdiction is a threshold issue, which can be raised
    at any time and must be addressed before [turning to] the merits of
    other claims.” Am. W. Bank Members, L.C. v. State, 
    2014 UT 49
    , ¶ 10,
    342 P.3d 224
    (alteration in original) (citation omitted). “Generally
    speaking, the [final judgment] rule prevents a party from
    prematurely appealing a non-final judgment, and thereby preserves
    scarce judicial resources.” Loffredo v. Holt, 
    2001 UT 97
    , ¶ 11, 
    37 P.3d 1070
    . However, the ability to raise questions of jurisdiction expires
    after the last available opportunity to appeal final judgments on a
    particular set of issues has passed. This comports with our res
    judicata doctrine precluding claims after “a ‘final judgment on the
    merits in [a] previous action.’” Jordan Constr., Inc. v. Fed. Nat’l Mortg.
    2017 UT 28
    , ¶ 43, ___ P.3d ___ (alteration in original) (citations
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    the outstanding order for attorney fees would be referred to the
    district court for entry of a judgment, because that court now had
    exclusive jurisdiction. See UTAH CODE § 78A-6-103 to -104. The
    findings and order of the juvenile court are “binding on the parties to
    the divorce action as though entered in the district court” when “a
    copy . . . has been filed with the district court.” 
    Id. § 78A-6-
    (emphasis added). However, once the district court again has
    exclusive continuing jurisdiction, the district court is able to make
    changes to those orders to ensure the appropriate needs of the
    children and the parties are met. See 
    Id. § 30-3-5(3)–(4)
    (“The [district]
    court has continuing jurisdiction to make subsequent changes or
    new orders for the custody of the children and their support,
    maintenance, health, and dental care, and for distribution of the
    property and obligations for debts as is reasonable and necessary. . . .
    Child support, custody, visitation, and other matters related to
    children born to the mother and father after entry of the decree of
    divorce may be added to the decree by modification.”).
    ¶5 As jurisdiction over the case had been transferred to the
    district court, Mother filed a motion for a judgment on the attorney
    fees and costs ordered by the juvenile court, with accompanying
    memorandum and affidavit. Father opposed the motion, arguing
    that the court did not have authority to award attorney fees and
    costs, but not addressing the specific validity of the amount
    requested. The case first came before a commissioner, who ended the
    proceedings when Father’s counsel began to argue the lack of
    authority of the juvenile court to award attorney fees. The
    commissioner correctly noted that a juvenile court judge, with the
    equivalent authority of a district court judge, had made the ruling
    and that the commissioner did not have authority to change the
    ruling of “a higher judicial authority . . . [that says Mother] gets
    attorney’s fees.” “[A commissioner] cannot decide that a higher
    judicial authority got it wrong.” The matter then came before the
    district court, which granted Mother’s motion for attorney fees,
    found that the fees requested were reasonable, and entered a
    judgment in the amount of $180,780.47 against Father. This judgment
    and order was dated April 6, 2015.
    ¶6 Father then had 14 days 3 to file a motion for a new trial
    under Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 59. UTAH R. CIV. P. 59(b) (2014)
    3 Prior to the 2014 amendment of Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 59,
    parties only had 10 days to file a motion. It was amended again in
    2016 to allow 28 days to file a rule 59 motion.
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    (“A motion for a new trial shall be served not later than 14 days after
    the date of entry of the judgment.”). Thus, the deadline for filing a
    rule 59 motion in this case was April 20, 2015. Father admits in his
    brief that “[o]n April 20–21, 2015” he filed “documents associated
    with a U.R.C.P. Rule 59 motion.” In the district court’s order denying
    Father’s rule 59 motion, the court correctly stated that the Father’s
    motion was filed on April 21, 2015. Father attempts to overcome this
    timeliness issue in his brief to this court with the following
    explanation: “(NOTE: That date [April 21st] is in error. It was filed
    electronically the day before.)” However, the docket shows that
    although the memorandum and its exhibits were filed on April 20,
    2015, just before midnight, the electronic time stamp shows that the
    rule 59 motion along with several other supporting documents were
    filed just after midnight on April 21, 2015, ranging from three to
    sixteen minutes after midnight.
    ¶7 Because counsel for Father was not able to account for this
    procedural defect at oral arguments, we ordered supplemental
    briefing from both parties regarding the timeliness of the rule 59
    motion and whether, if the rule 59 motion was untimely, the filing of
    the memorandum was sufficient to confer jurisdiction. Father did
    not meet his burden of persuasion in his supplemental brief, and we
    therefore hold that we do not have jurisdiction to rule on the merits.
    ¶8 The timeliness of a rule 59(e) motion is a matter of law
    reviewed for correctness. A district court judge “err[s] as a matter of
    law in granting [an] untimely rule 59 motion.” Sanpete Am., LLC v.
    2011 UT 48
    , ¶ 66, 
    269 P.3d 118
    . Whether jurisdiction to
    reach the merits of an appeal “exists is a question of law which we
    review for correctness, giving no deference to the court below.”
    Pledger v. Gillespie, 
    1999 UT 54
    , ¶ 16, 
    982 P.2d 572
    . Jurisdiction is a
    question that may be raised by the court or a party at any time
    during the proceedings. See Workers Comp. Fund v. Argonaut Ins. Co.,
    2011 UT 61
    , ¶ 8, 
    266 P.3d 792
    (“Because we agree that [Father] did
    not file a timely notice of appeal, we are without jurisdiction to
    address the issues . . . raise[d] and therefore dismiss this appeal.”).
    This court has jurisdiction to hear this appeal under Utah Code
    section 78-3-102(3)(b).
    ¶9 Because the jurisdictional issue is controlling in this case, we
    will only address the rule 59 motion filed by Father and its lack of
    timeliness, thereby divesting this court of jurisdiction. See State v.
    Sun Sur. Ins. Co., 
    2004 UT 74
    , ¶ 7, 
    99 P.3d 818
    (“Because this case is
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    fully resolved by our analysis of the jurisdiction question, we do not
    address the [case on its merits].”). We first examine the rules that
    govern electronic filing and the rules’ requirements. We then discuss
    the untimely filing of the Rule 59 motion in this case and determine
    that we lack jurisdiction to address the merits.
    ¶10 The Judicial Council has mandated that all documents in
    district, juvenile, and justice courts be filed electronically, with rare
    exceptions. 4 See UTAH CODE JUD. ADMIN. Rules 4-503 (district civil,
    probate, and domestic cases required as of April 1, 2013); 4-603
    (district criminal cases required as of March 31, 2014); 4-901 (juvenile
    courts required as of December 1, 2015 for existing cases and as of
    August 1, 2016 for new cases); and 9-302 (justice courts required as of
    January 1, 2017). The Judicial Council has also provided a guide to
    assist attorneys and courts with these transitions and establish
    guidelines and requirements for the e-filing system. See STATE OF
    FILING GUIDE (2013) [hereinafter E-FILING GUIDE].
    ¶11 Utah Code of Judicial Administration Rule 4-503(1) (2013)
    requires that “pleadings and other papers filed in civil cases in the
    district court on or after April 1, 2013 shall be electronically filed
    using the electronic filer’s interface.” 5 Additionally, under its
    “authority for establishing and representing the official position of
    the judiciary on issues within the jurisdiction of the Council,” 
    id. 1- 102(2),
    the Judicial Council has published the e-Filing Guide to set
    requirements and assist attorneys with electronic filing. “Electronic
    filing is subject to the rules of the Utah Judicial Council and the Utah
    Supreme Court. In the event of a conflict between the electronic
    filing system requirements and the rules of the Judicial Council or
    the Utah Supreme Court, the rules of the council or court will
    prevail.” E-FILING GUIDE, supra ¶ 10, at 2. The e-Filing Guide defines
    the official filing date: “The filing date and time is not when the filer
    4 These exceptions include “[a] self-represented party who is not
    a lawyer” and “[a] lawyer whose request for a hardship exemption
    from this rule has been approved by the Judicial Council.” UTAH
    CODE JUD. ADMIN. Rule 4-503(2)(A)–(B).
    5 The current version, rule 4-503(1) (2016), contains the same
    See supra
    n.4 for exceptions to this rule.
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    submits the document to their Service Provider. For purposes of
    electronic filing, the file date will be the date and time recorded
    when the filing was received and was posted by the court’s
    electronic filing manager.” 
    Id. at 3.
    The e-Filing Guide also states that
    technical failures will not excuse a late filing. 
    Id. (“The filer
    responsible for a timely filing and should take appropriate action if
    the electronic filing system is inoperable or fails to notify the filer
    that the court has received the filing.”).
    ¶12 The Board of District Court Judges published the E-filing in
    Utah’s State Courts: Frequently Asked Questions for Attorneys to answer
    procedural questions regarding e-filing. STATE OF UTAH DISTRICT
    QUESTIONS FOR ATTORNEYS (2013) [hereinafter E-FILING FAQS]. This
    document further clarifies that “if the efiling system is temporarily
    unavailable or [the] filing fails because of a technical problem,” it
    will not excuse a late filing. 
    Id. at 2–3.
    “The filer is responsible for a
    timely filing. Best practice is to allow adequate time to file a time-
    sensitive document.” 
    Id. The e-Filing
    FAQs also recommends that
    “[i]f a technical failure of the efiling system interferes with a case
    deadline, [the filer] may wish to file a stipulation or motion,”
    recommending that the filer “[c]ontact the efiling specialist at the
    court for direction.” 
    Id. II. THE
    ¶13 It is undisputed that the rule 59 motion in this case was filed
    after the deadline established by the electronic filing system docket.
    The Judicial Council has placed the burden of ensuring timely filing
    on the filer. “The filer is responsible for a timely filing and should
    take appropriate action if the electronic filing system is inoperable or
    fails to notify the filer that the court has received the filing.” E-FILING
    GUIDE, supra ¶ 10, at 3.
    ¶14 Father argues that the timely filed memorandum in support
    of his untimely rule 59 motion “is a ‘de facto’ equivalent” that “has a
    sufficient caption and label to fairly and equitably meet the
    appropriate standard.” “If the Rule 59 motion was somehow to be
    treated as untimely, the prior filing of the supporting memorandum
    and all that it expressed, represents and incorporates, is sufficient to
    confer appellate jurisdiction.” However, the only legal support he
    offers for deeming the memorandum as a motion is a line of cases
    concerning motions to reconsider that was abrogated by Gillett v.
    2006 UT 24
    135 P.3d 861
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶15 Additionally, Father argues that his untimely rule 59 motion
    should be considered “minimal, excusable and harmless error,
    because it was “submitted in good faith” and was “excusable
    neglect,” which is “a flexible standard.” Unfortunately, he supports
    this theory with cases that do not address the mandate in Utah Rule
    of Civil Procedure 6(b)(2) that divests the district court of authority
    to allow an untimely rule 59 motion because of excusable neglect.
    The plain language in rule 6(b)(2) gives no discretion to the district
    court in deciding whether to accept an untimely filed rule 59 motion.
    Therefore, his rule 59 motion cannot be remedied by an equitable
    plea of excusable neglect.
    ¶16 Father’s exclusive reliance on cases that are easily
    distinguishable or have been abrogated instead of citing valid legal
    authority and his failure to address rule 6(b)(2)’s proscription on a
    district court’s ability to accept untimely rule 59 motions renders his
    briefing on the relevant issues of the supplemental brief inadequate.
    “Appellants have the burden to clearly set forth the issues . . . and to
    provide reasoned argument and [valid] legal authority.” ASC Utah,
    Inc. v. Wolf Mountain Resorts, L.C., 
    2013 UT 24
    , ¶ 16, 
    309 P.3d 201
    (citing UTAH R. APP. P. 24(a)(9)); see also 2010-1 RADC/CADC Venture,
    LLC v. Dos Lagos, LLC, 
    2017 UT 29
    , ¶ 30, ___ P.3d ___ (“[I]t is not the
    size of an argument that matters. Some parties adequately brief an
    argument in a well-crafted paragraph. Others manage to
    inadequately brief an argument in fifty pages.”) Arguments, like
    gardens, take work, and a party who hopes to prevail on appeal
    should be willing to dig in the dirt and not expect that opposing
    counsel or the court will do that work for them.
    A. The Timely Filed Memorandum in Support of the Rule 59 Motion
    to Alter or Amend Is Insufficient to Cure the Late Filing of
    the Rule 59 Motion
    ¶17 Father seeks to use the timely filed memorandum as a
    substitute for the untimely filed “formal” rule 59 motion. This we
    cannot do because the plain language of rule 59 requires that “a
    motion to alter or amend the judgment . . . be filed no later than 28
    days after entry of judgment.” UTAH R. CIV. P. 59(e) (2014) (emphasis
    added). Therefore, a timely memorandum in support of an unfiled
    motion will not act as a substitute for an untimely filed rule 59
    motion. Father’s argument that Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 7 was
    amended to require merger of the motion and the memorandum at a
    later date than when he filed his rule 59 motion is also of no avail,
    nor is his claim that rule 61 grants him leeway if the untimely filing
    of the motion was due to “harmless error.”
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                              Opinion of the Court
    ¶18 Motions are defined in the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
    UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(b)(1) (2014) 6 (defining a written motion as “[a]n
    application to the court . . . [that] shall . . . state succinctly and with
    particularity the relief sought and the grounds for the relief
    sought”). The requirements for initial memoranda are listed
    All motions, except uncontested or ex parte
    motions, shall be accompanied by a supporting
    memorandum. . . . Initial memoranda shall not exceed
    10 pages of argument without leave of the court. . . .
    The court may permit a party to file an over-length
    memorandum upon ex parte application and a
    showing of good cause. . . . A memorandum with more
    than 10 pages of argument shall contain a table of
    contents and a table of authorities with page
    references. A party may attach as exhibits to a
    memorandum relevant portions of documents cited in
    the memorandum, such as affidavits or discovery
    UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(c)(1)–(3) (2014). 7 These definitions and
    requirements use “shall,” indicating that they are mandatory.
    ¶19 Rule 7 clearly distinguishes between a motion and a
    memorandum. Motions are required to be a succinct document,
    stating “with particularity the relief sought and the grounds for the
    relief sought.” UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(b)(1) (2014). Moreover, a rule 59
    motion also requires a separate, supporting memorandum. UTAH R.
    CIV. P. 7(c)(1) (2014). Here, the only timely filed document was the
    supporting memorandum. Without a timely filed motion, the
    supporting memorandum is of no value. We note that even if the
    6   Rule 7 was substantially altered in November 2015, with
    additions in 2017 “addressing limits on orders to show cause. . . .
    initiated by parties” and “clarify[ing] the discretion the court retains
    to manage its docket.” UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(b)(1) (2017) advisory
    committee’s note. We will refer to the 2014 version of rule 7 in this
    opinion as that was the version of the rule in operation at the time of
    the rule 59 motion under consideration.
    7  Sections (c)(3)(A) and (c)(3)(B) are related to memoranda
    supporting and opposing summary judgment and are not relevant
    or included. However, sections (c)(3)(C) and (c)(3)(D) are relevant
    and the language is included here.
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    motion had been timely filed, the acceptance of the supporting
    memorandum would have been at the court’s discretion because
    Father filed an overlength memorandum without seeking leave of
    the court. The memorandum was 20 pages instead of the 10 allowed.
    See UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(c)(2) (2014). And, notwithstanding its
    overlength, it did not contain the mandatory “table of contents and
    . . . table of authorities with page references” required for overlength
    memoranda. UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(c)(3)(C) (2014).
    ¶20 We have held that where a party timely filed an insufficient
    motion that is barred from untimely filing by rule 6(b)(2), the district
    court does have discretion to allow that party “to supplement the
    originally insufficient motion,” because “sufficiency is not a logically
    necessary component of timeliness.” Menzies v. Galetka, 
    2006 UT 81
    ¶ 68, 
    150 P.3d 480
    ; see also Blosch v. Natixis Real Estate Capital, Inc.,
    2013 UT App 214
    , ¶¶ 15–18, 
    311 P.3d 1042
    . However, these cases
    dealt with timely filed, albeit insufficient, motions and not timely
    filed memoranda in support of untimely filed motions. In the instant
    case, Father did not file a timely motion, sufficient or insufficient,
    and district courts do not have discretion to allow a party to
    supplement an untimely motion barred by rule 6(b)(2).
    ¶21 Historically, we have held that an “incorrect title placed
    upon the pleading was not a bar,” Watkiss & Campbell v. Foa & Son,
    808 P.2d 1061
    , 1064 (Utah 1991), and allowed district courts to treat
    motions to reconsider as the appropriate motion that would toll the
    time to appeal. See Bair v. Axiom Design, LLC, 
    2001 UT 20
    , ¶ 9, 
    20 P.3d 388
    (“[I]t is the substance, not the labeling, of a motion that is
    dispositive in determining the character of the motion.”); 
    Watkiss, 808 P.2d at 1064
    –65. (An incorrectly titled pleading is not necessarily
    a bar, and where the court has treated it as a motion that will toll the
    time to file an appeal, “the time period to file an appeal beg[ins] to
    run . . . when the judge sign[s] the order of denial”); Gallardo v.
    800 P.2d 816
    , 817 (Utah 1990) (“If the nature of the motion
    can be ascertained from the substance of the instrument, we have
    heretofore held that an improper caption is not fatal to that motion.”
    (citations omitted)). Father relies heavily on these cases for support
    of the idea that “substance over form is controlling.” Unfortunately
    for him, this entire line of cases was abrogated by Gillett eleven years
    ago, when we stated “that it [was] time this practice [came] to an
    2006 UT 24
    , ¶¶ 7–8 (“We . . . hold that, regardless of the
    motion’s substance, postjudgment motions to reconsider and other
    similarly titled motions will not toll the time for appeal because they
    are not recognized by our rules.”); accord Radakovich v. Cornaby, 
    2006 UT App 454
    , ¶¶ 5–6, 
    147 P.3d 1195
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    ¶22 Notwithstanding that “[t]he filing of postjudgment motions
    to reconsider ha[d] become a common litigation practice,” Gillett,
    2006 UT 24
    , ¶ 1, despite not being authorized by the Utah Rules of
    Civil Procedure, we determined that we would no longer “treat[]
    motions to reconsider as rule-sanctioned motions based on the
    substance of the motion,” 
    id. ¶ 8.
    “Motions to reconsider are not
    sanctioned by our rules and therefore do not toll the time for appeal
    under any circumstance.” 
    Id. ¶ 5.
    While Gillett is instructive, its
    particular bar applies specifically to “postjudgment motions and
    other similarly titled motions,” which are not at issue in this case
    concerning a motion for a new trial under Utah Rule of Civil
    Procedure 59. 
    Id. ¶¶ 7–8
    (“We . . . hold that, regardless of the
    motion’s substance, postjudgment motions to reconsider and other
    similarly titled motions will not toll the time for appeal because they
    are not recognized by our rules.”). Father’s argument that we should
    accept his untimely filed rule 59 motion based on the cases regarding
    motions to reconsider that Gillett abrogated is inapt.
    ¶23 “In our system, the rules provide the source of available
    relief. They ‘[are] designed to provide a pattern of regularity of
    procedure which the parties and the courts [can] follow and rely
    Id. ¶ 8
    (alterations in original) (citation omitted). “The rules
    of court are intended to refine and explain the procedure set forth in
    the statutory scheme . . . .” 21 C.J.S Courts § 166 (2017). Gillett
    requires that “when a party seeks relief from a judgment, it must
    turn to the rules to determine whether relief exists, and if so, direct
    the court to the specific relief available.” 
    2006 UT 24
    , ¶ 8. Despite
    Father’s assertions to the contrary, “the form of a motion does
    id., insofar as
    improper form often leads to insufficient
    substance. 8 “’[T]he form of the motion does matter’ when
    determining whether the motion tolls the time for appeal ‘because it
    directs the court and litigants to the specific, and available, relief
    sought.’” Workers Comp. Fund v. Argonaut Ins. Co., 
    2011 UT 61
    , ¶ 11,
    266 P.3d 792
    (citation omitted). Therefore, Father’s timely filed
    memorandum, even were it to be accepted by the court despite its
    structural and procedural flaws, cannot be a substitute for a timely
    filed rule 59 motion: not only was its form improper, being titled and
    structured as a supporting memorandum, but also it failed in
    8 We do not hold that any clerical error or defect in form would
    render a motion invalid, but the substance of the filed document
    must be in accord with the substantive requirements of the intended
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    substance to succinctly state “with particularity the relief sought and
    the grounds for the relief sought.” UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(b)(1) (2014); see
    Id. R. 6(b)(2);
    UTAH R. APP. P. 4(b).
    ¶24 Father’s assertion that the amendment of rule 7(c)(1) seven
    months later renders his error “innocent, harmless and insignificant”
    is without merit. He cannot rely on a rule that was amended after his
    untimely filing. His obligation was to file within the constraints of
    the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure as they existed at the time of filing.
    Future amendments do not remedy past failures. Furthermore, his
    memorandum would still fail to qualify as sufficient even under the
    new scheme. The 2015 version of rule 7 requires that “[a] request for
    an order must be made by motion. The motion . . . must state the
    relief requested, and must state the grounds for the relief requested.”
    UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(b) (2015). Nor does it comply with requirements of
    form or substance detailed in rule 7(c)(1). Father also attempts to
    shore up his late filing by citing the harmless error standard in Utah
    Rule of Civil Procedure 61. While this rule provides that courts
    should “disregard any error or defect” that “does not affect the
    substantial rights of the parties” during proceedings, this rule is not
    intended to provide lawyers grounds to seek “a new trial or
    otherwise disturb[] a judgment or order” by a finding that a mistake
    was “harmless error.” 
    Id. R. 61.
    Rather, it allows for the remedy of
    “harmless error” in these circumstances only when “refusal to take
    such action appears to the court inconsistent with substantial
    Id. Regardless, Utah
    Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b)(2)
    forecloses remedying a late rule 59(e) motion by a court’s finding the
    tardiness to be “harmless error.”
    ¶25 In summary, the timely filed memorandum is not sufficient
    in form or substance to substitute for a rule 59(e) motion. It did not
    “state succinctly and with particularity the relief sought and the
    grounds for the relief sought.” UTAH R. CIV. P. 7(b)(1) (2014). A
    subsequent amendment of a procedural rule regarding the filing of
    motions does not affect the procedural requirements that existed at
    the time a motion is filed. Regardless, Father’s memorandum would
    fail to meet the requirements of the amended version of rule 7 as
    well as the 2014 version of rule 7. An untimely rule 59 motion is not
    “harmless error” under rule 61 and is specifically prohibited from
    being considered by the district court by Utah Rule of Civil
    Procedure 6(b)(2).
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                              Opinion of the Court
    B. Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b)(2) Prohibited the
    District Court from Extending Time to File a
    Motion Under Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 59(e)
    ¶26 Utah Rule of Appellate Procedure 4(b)(1) extends the 30-day
    time to file an appeal to 30 days from the “entry of the dispositive
    order” of any of several listed timely filed motions. See Blosch, 
    2013 UT App 214
    , ¶ 17 (“Tolling of the time to appeal under rule 4 is
    triggered when a party ‘timely files in the trial court’ one of the
    motions enumerated under rule 4(b), such as a rule 59 motion for a
    new trial.” (citation omitted.)). This extension applies to Utah Rules
    of Civil Procedure 50(b) (“motion for judgment [notwithstanding the
    verdict]”); 52(b) (“motion to amend or make additional findings of
    fact, whether or not an alteration of the judgment would be required
    if the motion is granted”); 59(e) (“motion to alter or amend the
    judgment”); 59(b) (“motion for a new trial”); 60(b) (motion for relief
    “from a judgment, order, or proceeding” that occurs because of
    “mistakes; inadvertence; excusable neglect; newly discovered
    evidence; fraud, etc.”(UTAH R. CIV. P. 60(b)); and 73 (“motion or
    claim for attorney fees”). 9 UTAH R. APP. P. 4(b)(1). The court “must
    not extend the time to act under” the civil procedure motions that
    extend the time to appeal under Utah Rule of Appellate Procedure
    4(b)(1). UTAH R. CIV. P. 6(b)(2) (emphasis added).
    ¶27 In this case, Father filed a rule 59 motion to alter or amend
    the judgment, but he filed it after the deadline of midnight on April
    20, 2015. Father quotes Arches Condominium Association v. Robinson, 10
    for the proposition that “trial courts may consider an untimely post-
    trial motion, so long as it still has jurisdiction, absent an objection from
    the opposing party that sets forth how it will be prejudiced . . . .” 
    131 A.3d 122
    , 129 (Pa. Commw. Ct. 2015) (emphasis added). This
    argument fails for two reasons. Not only is the decision of a lower
    court in Pennsylvania not binding, it is not even persuasive or
    relevant in this case. Moreover, within the quotation itself, the
    opinion requires that the trial court “still ha[ve] jurisdiction.” In the
    9It also applies to “[a] motion for a new trial under Rule 24 of the
    Utah Rule of Criminal Procedure.” UTAH R. APP. P. 4(b)(1)(G).
    However, the rules of criminal procedure are not at issue in this case.
    10  A case decided by a court he repeatedly mistakenly refers to as
    the “Pennsylvania Supreme Court.” He also fails to provide pincites
    for most of the quotations or citations from this case and others in his
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    present case, the district court was divested of jurisdiction by Utah
    Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b)(2). “A court must not extend the time to
    act under Rules 50(b) and (d), 52(b), 59(b), (d) and (e), and 60(c).”
    UTAH R. CIV. P. 6(b)(2). In Arches, the trial court had not yet made a
    final judgment, and so “the trial court, acting in its discretion,
    [could] accept[] the untimely post-trial 
    motion[],” 131 A.3d at 129
    requesting the court “to reconsider awarding . . . attorney’s fees,” 
    id. at 126.
    In the present case, the district court had already issued a
    final, appealable judgment and did not have discretion to consider
    an untimely rule 59 motion. See UTAH R. CIV. P. 6(b)(2).
    ¶28 Father also cites Burdick v. Horner, Townsend & Kent, Inc. for
    the proposition that the district court did not err as a matter of law in
    ruling on the merits of the untimely rule 59 motion. 
    2015 UT 8
    345 P.3d 531
    . In Burdick, before a final judgment was entered, the United
    States Supreme Court decided a case that might “impact the grant of
    summary judgment against the [plaintiffs]. The court asked the
    parties to brief the [statute of limitations] issue.” 
    Id. ¶ 12.
    plaintiffs filed a motion for reconsideration that addressed not only
    the [statute of limitations] issue on which the court asked for
    briefing, but also “seeking a review of all claims previously granted
    summary judgment and raising new claims for the first time.” 
    Id. ¶ 13.
    The district court refused to admit new evidence that could
    have been entered during the initial proceedings for summary
    judgment, but did modify its order “to read that there were genuine
    issues of material fact regarding the statute of limitations.” 
    Id. ¶¶ 15–
    16. In our review of the Burdick court’s ruling, we restated that
    “motions to reconsider are not recognized anywhere in either the
    Utah Rules of Appellate Procedure or the Utah Rules of Civil
    Procedure,” and held that “’trial courts are under no obligation to
    consider motions for reconsideration’ and ‘any decision to address or
    not to address the merits of such a motion is highly discretionary.’”
    Id. ¶ 34
    (citations omitted). Once again, a final judgment had not
    been entered in Burdick when the motion for reconsideration was
    filed, and the trial court still had jurisdiction, distinguishing it from
    the present case. Therefore, the court was not barred in Burdick from
    considering the merits according to its discretion. However, in the
    case before us, Utah Rule of Civil Procedure 6(b)(2) deprived the
    district court of jurisdiction to hear the untimely rule 59 motion. This
    was not an abuse of discretion because the court did not have
    discretion to accept the untimely motion. This was error.
    ¶29 Next, Father cites a United States Supreme Court case,
    Pioneer Investment Services, Co. v. Brunswick Associates Ltd. Partnership,
    507 U.S. 380
    (1993), to delineate factors to be considered when
    analyzing “excusable neglect.” He “submits that these [factors] and
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                             Opinion of the Court
    other applicable considerations are fully met and satisfied.” Under
    Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, a “court may, for good cause, extend
    the time . . . . on motion made after the time has expired if the party
    failed to act because of excusable neglect,” except that “[a] court must
    not extend the time to act under Rule[] . . . 59(e).” UTAH R. CIV. P. 6(b)
    (emphasis added). Therefore, “excusable neglect” is not available as
    a remedy for an untimely rule 59 motion, and Pioneer Investment
    Services is inapplicable.
    ¶30 This court has held that an untimely rule 59(e) motion is a
    complete bar for the district court to do anything other than to deny
    the motion. See Sanpete Am., LLC v. Willardsen, 
    2011 UT 48
    , ¶ 67, 
    269 P.3d 118
    (“A district court ‘may not extend the time for taking any
    action under [rule 59(e)] except to the extent and under the
    conditions stated in [the rule].’ Rule 59(e) contains no conditions
    extending the timeliness of service beyond the ten-day limit.
    Consequently, when a rule 59 motion is served later than ten days
    after entry of judgment, ‘the trial court’s only alternative is to deny
    the motion.’”11 (alterations in original) (citations omitted)); see also
    Burgers v. Maiben, 
    652 P.2d 1320
    , 1321 (Utah 1982) (“When such an
    untimely motion is made, the trial court's only alternative is to deny
    the motion”). An untimely rule 59(e) motion will not toll the
    deadline for filing an appeal. See 
    Burgers, 652 P.2d at 1321
    untimely motion for a new trial has no effect on the running of the
    time for filing a notice of appeal.”); accord Garcia-Velazquez v. Frito
    Lay Snacks Caribbean, 
    358 F.3d 611
    (1st Cir. 2004) (basing its opinion
    on Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (which our Utah Rules of Civil
    Procedure mirror) and holding “that a late-filed motion under rule
    59(e) did not toll the running of the notice of appeal period even
    though the district court adjudicated the motion on its merits”).
    ¶31 Absent a timely-filed rule 59 motion, the district court
    lacked the authority to rule on the merits of the untimely rule 59
    motion. The district court’s order of October 27, 2015 is thus void
    and the judgment and order of April 6, 2015 is the final judgment on
    the underlying matter of attorney fees and costs.
    ¶32 Father argues that this court has jurisdiction because the
    trial court properly exercised its discretion in considering the
    11The ten-day limit was changed to 14 days in 2014, and then to
    28 days in 2016.
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    untimely rule 59 motion and because neither the trial court nor
    Mother raised the issue of jurisdiction in the proceedings below.
    Both arguments fail.
    ¶33 Father declares that “[i]t is a very significant fact and
    equitable element of this issue and case that the district court itself
    identified and found harmless and immaterial the alleged
    untimeliness.” According to his theory, “court[s] ha[ve] inherent
    authority to address prior misstatements in its rulings at any time
    and no matter how the error might come to its attention. . . . to
    maintain and protect the integrity of the courts.” Father cites Burdick
    in support of his theory that trial courts have discretion whether to
    consider a motion. Burdick v. Horner Townsend & Kent, Inc., 
    2015 UT 8
    , ¶ 50, 
    345 P.3d 531
    (noting that “trial courts are under no obligation
    to consider motions for reconsideration,” but “if a trial court decides,
    in its discretion, to address the merits of a claim for the first time in
    the motion to reconsider, that claim is preserved”). Because the
    district court in the present case allegedly used its discretion in
    allowing and considering the untimely rule 59 motion, Father argues
    it was also “preserved,” and as a result the notice of appeal was
    ¶34 He also claims that because “[t]here was no objection by
    Appellee or the district court,” this court should “find no abuse of
    discretion in the district court accepting and ruling upon [the] Rule
    59 Motion.” To buttress his argument, he cites to Warner v. Warner,
    2014 UT App 16
    319 P.3d 711
    , and to Barnard v. Wassermann, 
    855 P.2d 243
    , 249 (Utah 1993) (“It is undoubtedly true that courts of
    general and superior jurisdiction possess certain inherent powers not
    derived from any statute. . . . Such inherent powers of courts are
    necessary to the proper discharge of their duties.” (citation omitted).
    ¶35 But Father’s arguments are ineffective. Utah Rule of Civil
    Procedure 6(b)(2) strips a district court of authority to hear an
    untimely rule 59 motion, operating as a bar that prevents the district
    court from considering the motion. Further, neither the district
    court’s ruling on the untimely rule 59 motion, nor the lack of
    objection by Mother in the underlying procedure, constitute a proper
    waiver. The mandate of rule 6(b)(2) cannot be waived. It is not open
    to discretion but is required, and failure to follow its mandate
    constitutes error. It is irrelevant whether the district court treated the
    motion as timely filed, because the issue before us is whether Father
    appealed the district court’s final order as required by Utah Rule of
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                              Opinion of the Court
    Appellate Procedure 4(b)(1)(C), thereby establishing the jurisdiction
    of this court. 12
    12  We note that the terminology used to state which form of
    jurisdiction is revoked by failure to comply with rules of procedure
    has been imprecise in our precedent. The federal courts, in which
    jurisdiction is an even more complicated issue have noted the
    difficulty in categorizing jurisdiction. “As for ‘jurisdiction’: the word
    is a many-hued term. Courts may have jurisdiction for some
    purposes but not others.” United States v. Wey, 
    895 F.2d 429
    , 431 (7th
    Cir. 1990) (citation omitted). Similarly, state courts across the nation
    have grappled with the precise terminology to use. See, e.g., Zajac v.
    Trail Cty Water Res. Dist., 
    881 N.W.2d 666
    , 668 (Mem) (N.D. 2016)
    (“We have recognized ‘[t]imely filing of an appeal from a decision of
    a [local governing body] is mandatory to invoke a district court’s
    appellate subject matter jurisdiction over the appeal.’” (alterations in
    original) (citation omitted); State v. Maldonado, 
    223 P.3d 653
    , 655
    (Ariz. 2010) (“In current usage, the phrase ‘subject matter
    jurisdiction’ refers to a court’s statutory or constitutional power to
    hear and determine a particular type of case. Jurisdiction in this
    sense cannot be conferred by the consent of the parties and a court
    that lacks subject matter jurisdiction cannot adjudicate the action.
    [State v.] Smith, however, employed a more expansive concept of
    ‘subject matter jurisdiction.’ . . . [State v.] Smith's remarks about
    jurisdiction must have referred instead to the superior court’s
    inability to enter a valid judgment of conviction based upon a
    defective information. But concluding that a court cannot enter a
    valid judgment because of a procedural error does not mean that the
    court lacks subject matter jurisdiction.” (citing State v. Smith, 
    189 P.2d 205
    (Ariz. 1948), abrogated by Maldonado, 223 P.3d)). Our own case
    law offers some guidance as to how this court has interpreted the
    difference between “appellate jurisdiction” and “subject matter
    In general, when we refer to “appellate jurisdiction,” we have
    spoken in terms of the authority established in the Utah Constitution
    or by statute of the appellate court to review the decision of a lower
    court. See State v. Smith, 
    2015 UT 52
    , ¶ 3, 
    374 P.3d 1
    (“The framework
    for allocation of appellate jurisdiction between this court and the
    court of appeals is set forth in, respectively sections 78A-3-102 and
    78A-4-103 of the Utah Code.”); Pledger v. Gillespie, 
    1999 UT 54
    , ¶ 17,
    982 P.2d 572
    (“In its sua sponte decision, however, the court of
    appeals overlooked Cigna’s proffered basis for appellate jurisdiction,
    (continued . . .)
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    (continued . . .)
    i.e., the Utah Arbitration Act, which states that ‘an appeal may be
    taken . . . from any court order: (1) denying a motion to compel
    arbitration.’ (alteration in original) (citing UTAH CODE ANN. § 78-31a-
    19(1) (1996)); Holden v. N L Indus., Inc., 
    629 P.2d 428
    , 431 (Utah 1981)
    (“This Court has never defined the term ‘appellate jurisdiction’ as it
    is used in Article VIII, Section 4 of the Utah Constitution, but there
    are ample authorities defining the term as used in other
    constitutions. . . . ‘Appellate jurisdiction’ obviously connotes review
    of the action of an inferior court. ‘Inferior court’ has been
    appropriately defined as ‘any court subordinate to the chief
    appellate tribunal in the particular judicial system.’ (citations
    omitted)); Peatross v. Bd. of Comm’rs of Salt Lake Cty., 
    555 P.2d 281
    , 284
    (Utah 1976) (“The standard rule is that appellate jurisdiction is the
    authority to review the actions or judgments of an inferior tribunal
    upon the record made in that tribunal, and to affirm, modify or
    reverse such action or judgment.”); State v. Johnson, 
    114 P.2d 1034
    1037 (Utah 1941), overruled on other grounds by Boyer v. Larson, 
    433 P.2d 1015
    (Utah 1967) (“Appellate jurisdiction is the jurisdiction to
    review the decision or judgment of an inferior tribunal, upon the
    record made in that tribunal, and to affirm, reverse or modify such
    decision; judgment, or decree. . . . In the first place, it may not be
    without use to ascertain what is here meant by appellate jurisdiction,
    and what is the mode in which it may be exercised. The essential
    criterion of appellate jurisdiction is, that it revises and corrects the
    proceedings in a cause already instituted, and does not create that
    cause. In reference to judicial tribunals, an appellate jurisdiction,
    therefore, necessarily implies that the subject-matter has been
    already instituted in and acted upon by some other court, whose
    judgment or proceedings are to be revised.”). Only recently has that
    construction of “appellate jurisdiction” been altered to include
    substantive defects in an appeal. See Matter of Adoption of B.B., 
    2017 UT 59
    , ¶ 106, ___ P.3d ___ (“An order not identified in the notice of
    appeal falls beyond our appellate jurisdiction. And the failure to
    identify an order is a non-waivable (jurisdictional) defect.”); In re
    Adoption of Baby E.Z., 
    2011 UT 38
    , ¶ 28, 
    266 P.3d 702
    (holding that
    subject matter jurisdiction can be limited by statute); Johnson v.
    2010 UT 28
    , ¶ 8, 
    234 P.3d 1100
    (defining subject matter
    jurisdiction in terms of the authority granted by law).
    On the other hand, “subject matter jurisdiction” has been used
    when determining whether a court has jurisdiction to reach the
    merits of a particular case because of procedural defects even though
    (continued . . .)
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                             Opinion of the Court
    ¶36 The district court erred as a matter of law in treating the rule
    59 motion as timely because the court’s only option according to the
    procedural rules was to deny the motion because it was untimely.
    We therefore vacate the October 27, 2015 order of the district court.
    Because the rule 59 motion was untimely filed, the deadline to file a
    notice of appeal was not tolled, and the 30-day window to file an
    appeal began to run on April 6, 2015, the date of the district court’s
    judgment and order. The notice of appeal filed on November 25,
    2015, was therefore also untimely and does not establish jurisdiction.
    ¶37 In Smith v. Smith, the court of appeals noted that “[i]n
    domestic cases, when a party has prevailed below and the trial court
    has awarded attorney fees, we will generally award the same party
    attorney fees when he or she prevails on appeal.” 
    1999 UT App 370
    ¶ 18, 
    995 P.2d 14
    , rehearing denied (Utah Ct. App. 2000), cert. denied, 
    4 P.3d 1289
    (Utah 2000); see also Gray v. Gray, 
    2001 UT App 274
    2001 WL 1097716
    (Utah Ct. App. 2001) (awarding attorney fees to party
    who was awarded attorney fees in the district court and prevailed on
    appeal); Rosendahl v. Rosendahl, 
    876 P.2d 870
    , 875 (Utah Ct. App.
    1994), cert. denied, 
    883 P.2d 1359
    (Utah 1994) (same); Moore v. Moore,
    872 P.2d 1054
    , 1056 (Utah Ct. App. 1994) (same).
    (continued . . .)
    it has appellate jurisdiction to review the appeal under statute. This
    is a determination that courts should consider at the outset of every
    case. See In re Adoption of Baby E.Z., 
    2011 UT 38
    , ¶ 36 (“[C]ourts have
    an independent obligation to . . . . raise and decide jurisdictional
    questions that the parties either overlook or elect not to press.”
    (omission in original) (citation omitted)). See also Gudmondson v. Del
    2010 UT 33
    , ¶¶ 11–17, 
    232 P.3d 1059
    (holding that timeliness
    of filing the appeal was determinative of whether this court has
    subject matter jurisdiction over the appeal).
    The foregoing discussion is intended for context because it does
    not have an impact on the issues that must be decided in this case.
    Because there is no doubt that the timeliness of an appeal raises
    jurisdictional questions, we need not determine whether this is a
    matter of “appellate jurisdiction” or “subject matter jurisdiction.” “It
    is axiomatic in this jurisdiction that failure to timely perfect an
    appeal is a jurisdictional failure requiring dismissal of the appeal.”
    Workers Comp. Fund v. Argonaut Ins. Co., 
    2011 UT 61
    , ¶ 10, 
    266 P.3d 792
    (citation omitted).
    A. S. v. R. S.
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶38 The juvenile court found that
    Mother substantially prevailed on all of her claims
    and defenses to the abovementioned litigation tactics,
    as well as the underlying actions. The attorney fees
    incurred were reasonable and necessary to protect the
    Mother’s custody and visitation rights. The Mother has
    substantially prevailed on her claims that the Father
    did not abide by the terms of their Decree of Divorce
    and Amended Decree of Divorce, and is therefore
    entitled to compensation for legal expenses from the
    Consequently, the juvenile court awarded Mother attorney fees and
    costs incurred in “establish[ing]” and “enforce[ing] an order of
    custody, parent-time, child support, alimony, or division of property
    in a domestic case, the court may award costs and attorney fees upon
    determining that the party substantially prevailed upon the claim or
    defense.” UTAH CODE § 30-3-3(1)–(2). Additionally, the juvenile court
    awarded Mother attorney fees and costs pursuant to the provision in
    the Decree of Divorce, stating that “[i]n the event either party fails to
    perform his or her obligations under the Decree of Divorce, such
    person shall pay all costs and attorney fees of the other party
    incurred in enforcing the terms of the Decree of Divorce.”
    ¶39 As mandated by Utah Rule of Appellate Procedure 24(a)(9),
    Mother, “seeking to recover attorney’s fees incurred on appeal,” has
    “state[d] the request explicitly and set forth the legal basis for such
    an award.” As Mother has prevailed in the domestic case in the
    juvenile court and the district court below and has prevailed on
    appeal, we award attorney fees and costs.
    ¶40 The e-Filing Guide establishes the filing date and time of
    documents filed in Utah courts. Father’s rule 59(e) motion was
    untimely. Father’s timely filed memorandum is not a substitute for
    an untimely filed motion. Father’s untimely motion was barred
    under rule 6(b)(2). Consequently, the district court did not have the
    authority to rule on the untimely motion, and we vacate the district
    court’s October 27th order denying Father’s rule 59 motion. This
    leaves the April 6, 2015 judgment and order as the operative order.
    ¶41 An untimely motion under rule 59(e) does not extend the
    time for filing a notice of appeal. Thus, Father’s notice of appeal filed
    November 25, 2015, is also untimely, and this court lacks jurisdiction
    to rule on the merits of this case. Mother, as the prevailing party on
    appeal, is awarded reasonable attorney fees and costs on appeal. We
    Cite as: 
    2017 UT 77
                           Opinion of the Court
    remand this case to the district court for a determination of those
    fees and costs.

Document Info

Docket Number: Case No. 20151023

Citation Numbers: 2017 UT 77

Filed Date: 11/14/2017

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 8/17/2018

Authorities (28)

State v. Maldonado , 223 Ariz. 309 ( 2010 )

State v. Smith , 66 Ariz. 376 ( 1948 )

ASC Utah v. Wolf Mountain , 2013 UT 24 ( 2013 )

Loffredo v. Holt , 37 P.3d 1070 ( 2001 )

United States v. Danny Lee Wey , 895 F.2d 429 ( 1990 )

Pioneer Investment Services Co. v. Brunswick Associates Ltd.... , 113 S. Ct. 1489 ( 1993 )

Gillett v. Price , 2006 UT 24 ( 2006 )

Bair v. Axiom Design, L.L.C. , 20 P.3d 388 ( 2001 )

State v. Sun Surety Insurance Co. , 99 P.3d 818 ( 2004 )

Burgers v. Maiben , 652 P.2d 1320 ( 1982 )

State v. Smith , 374 P.3d 1 ( 2015 )

Jordan Const v. Fed Nat Mort , 2017 UT 28 ( 2017 )

2010-1 RADC v. Dos Lagos , 408 P.3d 313 ( 2017 )

Adoption of B.B. , 417 P.3d 1 ( 2017 )

Pledger v. Gillespie , 982 P.2d 572 ( 1999 )

Menzies v. Galetka , 150 P.3d 480 ( 2006 )

Johnson v. Johnson , 234 P.3d 1100 ( 2010 )

Gallardo v. Bolinder , 800 P.2d 816 ( 1990 )

Gudmundson v. Del Ozone , 232 P.3d 1059 ( 2010 )

Burdick v. Townsend , 345 P.3d 531 ( 2015 )

View All Authorities »

Cited By (19)

Croft v. Morgan County , 2021 UT 46 ( 2021 )

Copper Hills v. Countrywide Bank , 2018 UT 42 ( 2018 )

Build v. UDOT , 428 P.3d 995 ( 2018 )

State v. Sanchez , 422 P.3d 866 ( 2018 )

Espensched v. Fleetwood , 422 P.3d 829 ( 2018 )

State v. Hernandez , 428 P.3d 1023 ( 2018 )

Nakkina v. Mahanthi , 2021 UT App 111 ( 2021 )

CBS Enterprises v. Sorenson , 414 P.3d 925 ( 2018 )

Syme v. Symphony Group , 437 P.3d 576 ( 2018 )

Ross v. Barnett , 436 P.3d 306 ( 2018 )

Potts v. Potts , 436 P.3d 263 ( 2018 )

UDAK Properties v. Spanish Fork , 2020 UT App 164 ( 2020 )

Greyhound Lines v. UTA , 2020 UT App 144 ( 2020 )

Cook Martin Poulson v. Smith , 2020 UT App 57 ( 2020 )

In re B.T.B. , 2020 UT 36 ( 2020 )

In re K.T.B. , 2020 UT 51 ( 2020 )

Stein Eriksen Lodge v. MX Technologies , 2022 UT App 30 ( 2022 )

Wittingham v. TNE Limited Partnership , 2020 UT 49 ( 2020 )

Accesslex Institute v. Philpot , 2023 UT App 21 ( 2023 )

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