State v. Martinez , 2017 UT 26 ( 2017 )

  •                  This opinion is subject to revision before final
    publication in the Pacific Reporter
    2017 UT 26
    IN THE
    No. 20141043
    Filed May 2, 2017
    On Certification from the Court of Appeals
    Third District, Salt Lake
    The Honorable Ann Boyden
    No. 141900017
    Sean D. Reyes, Att’y Gen., Jeffrey S. Gray, Asst. Solic. Gen.,
    Mikelle C. Daugherty, Salt Lake City, for appellant
    Joan C. Watt, Ralph W. Dellapiana, Salt Lake City, for appellee
    JUSTICE PEARCE authored the opinion of the Court in which
    JUSTICE PEARCE, opinion of the Court:
    ¶1 A Utah Highway Patrol Trooper stopped a vehicle for an
    improper lane change and asked both the driver and George
    Matthew Martinez, a passenger, for identification. The trooper ran a
    warrant check and learned that Martinez had an outstanding arrest
    warrant. The officer searched Martinez incident to his arrest and
    discovered a glass pipe with methamphetamine residue inside. The
    State charged Martinez with possession of a controlled substance,
    but the district court granted Martinez’s motion to suppress the
    Opinion of the Court
    evidence. The district court concluded that the trooper had violated
    Martinez’s Fourth Amendment rights when he asked to see
    Martinez’s identification and ran a warrants check without
    reasonable suspicion that Martinez had committed or was about to
    commit a crime. The State appeals the district court’s suppression
    order, arguing that an officer may ask a passenger to supply his
    identification and run a background check on him during a routine
    traffic stop. We hold that officer safety concerns justified the
    negligibly burdensome extension of the traffic stop and reverse the
    district court’s order.
    ¶2 Utah Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremy Horne stopped a car
    after the driver failed to properly signal a lane change. Martinez was
    a passenger in the vehicle. Trooper Horne explained the reason for
    the stop and asked the car’s driver for his license, vehicle
    registration, and proof of insurance. While the driver was collecting
    his documents, Trooper Horne also asked Martinez for
    ¶3 Trooper Horne gathered documentation from both the driver
    and Martinez and returned to his patrol car. He conducted a records
    check of both the driver and passenger using his in-car computer
    system. He entered the driver’s driver license number first and then
    immediately entered Martinez’s driver license number. According to
    Trooper Horne, after entering a number, it generally took “less than
    five seconds or so” to retrieve information regarding warrants,
    license status, and a photo. Trooper Horne first learned that the
    driver’s license was valid and that the driver had no outstanding
    warrants. “Immediately after” that, Trooper Horne reviewed
    Martinez’s inquiry results and learned that Martinez had an
    outstanding arrest warrant.
    ¶4 Trooper Horne returned to the car—now two to three
    minutes into the stop—and arrested Martinez. When Trooper Horne
    asked Martinez if he had anything illegal on his person, Martinez
    admitted that he did and produced a glass pipe, which later tested
    positive for methamphetamine residue. After Martinez’s arrest,
    Trooper Horne gave the driver a “verbal warning and allowed him
    to leave.” The driver chose to stay, however, to help Martinez locate
    a battery for his hearing aid. The driver left twenty-two minutes after
    the initial stop.
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    Opinion of the Court
    ¶5 The State charged Martinez with possession of a controlled
    substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Martinez moved
    the district court to suppress the evidence Trooper Horne collected,
    arguing that the officer had violated his Fourth Amendment rights.
    Martinez claimed that “‘[a]ny further temporary detention’ for
    investigative questioning after fulfilling the original purpose for the
    traffic stop constitutes an illegal seizure, unless an officer has
    probable cause to arrest or a reasonable suspicion of a further
    illegality.” (Quoting State v. Hansen, 
    2002 UT 125
    , ¶ 31, 
    63 P.3d 650
    Because Trooper Horne asked for Martinez’s identification without
    reasonable suspicion, Martinez argued, the information Trooper
    Horne obtained as a result of that illegal inquiry should be
    ¶6 The district court granted Martinez’s motion to suppress
    evidence after concluding that Trooper Horne had violated
    Martinez’s Fourth Amendment rights when he asked to see
    Martinez’s identification. It concluded that “[i]nvestigation of the
    passenger without reasonable suspicion of criminal activity is
    beyond the scope of a routine traffic stop.”
    ¶7 The State appeals the district court’s suppression order,
    arguing that an officer may ask a passenger to supply his
    identification and run a background check during a routine traffic
    stop as long as it does not unreasonably extend the stop’s duration.
    The State’s argument is consistent with United States Supreme Court
    precedent. We reverse and remand for further proceedings.
    ¶8 The district court’s determination presents us with a mixed
    question of law and fact. We disturb the district court’s findings of
    fact only when they are clearly erroneous. See State v. Worwood, 
    2007 UT 47
    , ¶ 12, 
    164 P.3d 397
    . But the deference we afford the district
    court’s application of the law to those factual findings depends upon
    (1) the degree of variety and complexity in the facts to
    which the legal rule is to be applied; (2) the degree to
    which a trial court’s application of the legal rule relies
    on “facts” observed by the trial judge, such as a
    witness’s appearance and demeanor, relevant to the
    application of the law that cannot be adequately
    reflected in the record available to appellate courts; and
    (3) other policy reasons that weigh for or against
    granting [deference] to trial courts.
    Opinion of the Court
    Murray v. Utah Labor Comm’n, 
    2013 UT 38
    , ¶ 36, 
    308 P.3d 461
    (alteration in original) (citation omitted).
    ¶9 In Murray, we suggested how we would apply that
    framework to a Fourth Amendment question. We opined that
    “a finding that a common set of recurring law
    enforcement practices qualifies as a ‘reasonable’ search
    or seizure” would warrant nondeferential review. Such
    a finding is “law-like” in that law enforcement and the
    general public need “a consistent rule established by
    set appellate precedent.” And it is not “fact-like”
    because the ultimate determination will often rest on
    the “general reasonableness” of the facts rather than
    “the demeanor or credibility” of witnesses.
    Id. ¶ 39 (citations omitted). We thus afford no deference to the
    district court’s application of law to the underlying factual findings.
    ¶10 This case presents a single issue: does a law enforcement
    officer violate the Fourth Amendment if she requests that a
    passenger voluntarily provide identification and then runs a
    background check on that passenger without reasonable suspicion
    that the passenger has committed—or is about to commit—a crime? 1
    1  The State initially framed the question presented as whether it is
    “reasonable under the Fourth Amendment for a police officer to ask
    to see a passenger’s identification and run a background check
    during a routine traffic stop.” (Emphasis added.) At oral argument,
    the State pivoted, reframed the question, and asked us to decide
    whether, under the Fourth Amendment to the United States
    Constitution, officer safety concerns allow an officer to demand
    identification from a passenger in a vehicle during a routine traffic
    stop absent reasonable suspicion. The State’s attempt to modify the
    issue suffers from two problems. First, the district court analyzed
    this case as a request and not a demand. The district court concluded
    that “[i]t was beyond the permissible scope of a routine traffic stop
    for the trooper to run a warrants check on the passenger, Mr.
    Martinez. Moreover, it was unreasonable for the trooper to do so
    without at least some minimal suspicion that Mr. Martinez was
    involved in some kind of criminal activity.” The court found that
    (continued . . .)
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    Opinion of the Court
    We conclude that an officer does not violate the Fourth Amendment
    if she does so. We recognize that the result we reach comports with
    that of a number of state and federal courts to have considered the
    issue. 2 And while the United States Supreme Court has never
    squarely addressed the issue before us, our holding aligns with the
    analysis the Court employs when discussing the legitimacy of taking
    steps to promote officer safety during a traffic stop.
    ¶11 The Fourth Amendment provides that “the people [shall] be
    secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against
    unreasonable searches and seizures.” U.S. CONST. amend. IV. “The
    touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is reasonableness.” Florida v.
    500 U.S. 248
    , 250 (1991). Thus, it “is not . . . a guarantee
    against all searches and seizures, but only against unreasonable
    Trooper Horne “asked for and took” identification from Martinez, not
    that he demanded identification from Martinez. (Emphasis added.)
    Second, the word demand appears nowhere in State’s opening brief.
    The State doubles down in its reply brief, explaining that “[t]he issue
    in this case is straightforward: Is requesting to see a passenger’s
    identification and then running a criminal background check a
    reasonable safety precaution during a traffic stop?” (Emphasis
    added.) It then clarifies, “[f]irst, Trooper Horne did not demand
    Defendant’s identification; he merely asked if he could see it.” The
    State did argue on reply that even if Trooper Horne did not demand
    Martinez’s compliance, he could have. But a party cannot raise an
    argument for the first time on reply with any assurance that this
    court will address the substance of that argument. See Allen v. Friel,
    2008 UT 56
    , ¶ 8, 
    194 P.3d 903
     (“It is well settled that ‘issues raised by
    an appellant in the reply brief that were not presented in the opening
    brief are considered waived and will not be considered by the
    appellate court.’” (citation omitted)). We thus limit our ruling in this
    opinion to the question the State briefed.
    2  Some state courts have ruled that their state constitutions
    prohibit officers from questioning passengers in stopped vehicles
    absent reasonable suspicion. See, e.g., Commonwealth v. Alvarez, 
    692 N.E.2d 106
    , 109 (Mass. App. Ct. 1998); State v. Thompkin, 
    143 P.3d 530
    , 534 (Or. 2006); State v. Rankin, 
    92 P.3d 202
    , 207 (Wash. 2004) (en
    banc). Martinez has not argued that Utah’s state constitution affords
    the people of Utah more robust protections in this instance than the
    federal constitution.
    Opinion of the Court
    searches and seizures.” United States v. Sharpe, 
    470 U.S. 675
    , 682
    ¶12 To decide whether police conduct during a traffic stop is
    reasonable, we consider whether the stop was (1) “justified at its
    inception” and (2) carried out in a manner “reasonably related in
    scope to the circumstances [that] justified the interference in the first
     at 675–76 (quoting Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
    , 20 (1968)). An
    otherwise lawful traffic stop can become unreasonable “if it is
    prolonged beyond the time reasonably required to complete that
    mission.” Illinois v. Caballes, 
    543 U.S. 405
    , 407 (2005).
    ¶13 Here, Martinez does not argue that the traffic stop was not
    justified at its inception. Instead, Martinez contends that Trooper
    Horne was required to have a “reasonable suspicion that [Martinez
    was] involved in criminal activity” and that the trooper’s conduct
    “impermissibly added to the time reasonably necessary to complete
    the traffic check.” We thus consider the facts of Martinez’s case
    through current Supreme Court precedent with an eye toward both
    the scope and duration of the traffic stop.
    ¶14 We begin by underscoring that reasonable officer safety
    measures are related to the mission—and therefore to the scope—of
    a traffic stop itself. In Rodriguez v. United States, the Supreme Court
    Like a Terry stop, the tolerable duration of police
    inquiries in the traffic-stop context is determined by the
    seizure’s “mission”—to [1] address the traffic violation
    that warranted the stop and [2] attend to related safety
    135 S. Ct. 1609
    , 1614 (2015) (citations omitted). The Court reiterated
    that “the government’s officer safety interest stems from the mission
    of the stop itself,” because “[t]raffic stops are ‘especially fraught with
    danger to police officers.’” 
    Id. at 1616
     (citation omitted); see also
    Maryland v. Wilson, 
    519 U.S. 408
    , 413 (1997) (“Regrettably, traffic
    stops may be dangerous encounters.”). “Indeed, it appears ‘that a
    significant percentage of murders of police officers occurs when the
    officers are making traffic stops.’” Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 
    434 U.S. 106
    , 110 (1977) (citation omitted). Thus, in Maryland v. Wilson, the
    Court repeated that it is “too plain for argument” that officer safety
    is “both [a] legitimate and weighty” concern. 
    519 U.S. at
    412 (citing
    434 U.S. at 110
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    ¶15 The Supreme Court further stated that because “[t]raffic
    stops are ‘especially fraught with danger to police officers,’” officers
    may “need to take certain negligibly burdensome precautions in
    order to complete [their] mission[s] safely.” Rodriguez, 
    135 S. Ct. at 1616
     (citations omitted); cf. Utah v. Strieff, 
    136 S. Ct. 2056
    , 2063 (2016)
    (“While [an officer’s] decision to initiate the stop was mistaken,
    his . . . decision to run the warrant check was a ‘negligibly
    burdensome precautio[n]’ for officer safety.” (second alteration in
    original)). For example, the Court has held that an officer may
    require all occupants of a vehicle to stand outside the car during a
    stop to minimize access to firearms that could be concealed in the
    car. See Wilson, 
    519 U.S. at 413
    . To reach that conclusion, the Court
    reasoned that “the same weighty interest in officer safety is present
    regardless of whether the occupant of the stopped car is a driver or
     It explained that
    the possibility of a violent encounter stems not from
    the ordinary reaction of a motorist stopped for a
    speeding violation, but from the fact that evidence of a
    more serious crime might be uncovered during the
    stop. And the motivation of a passenger to employ
    violence to prevent apprehension of such a crime is
    every bit as great as that of the driver.
    Id. at 414
    . This conclusion is premised on the assumption that officers
    may uncover evidence of a passenger’s “more serious crime” during
    the course of the stop. Thus the Court concluded “danger to an
    officer from a traffic stop is likely to be greater when there are
    passengers in addition to the driver in the stopped car.” 
    3 Although the issue was not squarely before the Court in
    Rodriguez v. United States, there the Court did not avail itself of an
    opportunity to suggest that background checks of passengers violate
    the Fourth Amendment. 
    135 S. Ct. 1609
     (2015). In Rodriguez, a canine
    handling officer pulled over Rodriguez and his passenger. 
    Id. at 1613
    The officer collected Rodriguez’s identification and ran a background
    check on him. 
     After returning to the vehicle, the officer
    asked [the passenger] for his driver’s license and began
    to question him about where the two men were coming
    from and where they were going. . . . [The Officer]
    returned again to his patrol car, where he completed a
    (continued . . .)
    Opinion of the Court
    ¶16 Many circuit courts have relied on these principles to
    determine that an officer may request to see a passenger’s
    identification and run a background check. The Tenth Circuit
    explained that “because passengers present a risk to officer safety
    equal to the risk presented by the driver, an officer may ask for
    identification from passengers and run background checks on them
    as well.” United States v. Rice, 
    483 F.3d 1079
    , 1084 (10th Cir. 2007)
    (citation omitted); see also State v. Martynowicz, No. 109, 056, 
    2013 WL 5303557
    , at *5 (Kan. Ct. App. Sept. 30, 2013) (citing Rice and allowing
    an officer to request a passenger’s identification); Cortes v. State, 
    260 P.3d 184
    , 190 (Nev. 2011) (same). The Fourth Circuit similarly
    reasoned that “[i]f an officer may ‘as a matter of course’ and in the
    interest of personal safety order a passenger physically to exit the
    vehicle, he may surely take the minimally intrusive step of
    requesting passenger identification.” United States v. Soriano-Jarquin,
    492 F.3d 495
    , 500 (4th Cir. 2007) (citations omitted). The Fifth Circuit
    likewise concluded that “[a]n officer may ask for a driver’s license
    and registration of the occupants and may run a computer check on
    both.” United States v. Jenson, 
    462 F.3d 399
    , 403–04 (5th Cir. 2006)
    (emphasis added). See also United States v. Diaz-Castaneda, 494 F.3d
    records check on [the passenger], and called for a
    second officer.
     The officer asked Rodriguez “for permission to walk his dog
    around Rodriguez’s vehicle.” 
     “Rodriguez said no,” but the canine
    officer led his dog around the car anyway, and the dog alerted to the
    presence of narcotics in the vehicle. 
     A search of the vehicle
    revealed methamphetamine. 
     In determining that the stop was
    illegally prolonged to accommodate a dog sniff “aimed at
    ‘detect[ing] evidence of ordinary criminal wrongdoing,’” id. at 1615
    (alteration in original) (citation omitted), the majority opinion failed
    to mention at all—even in a footnote—the prolongation that resulted
    because of the officer’s separate background check of the passenger.
    Justice Alito’s dissenting opinion, however, noted that the officer
    collected the passenger’s driver license. Justice Alito drew attention
    to this fact, reciting that the officer “called in the information needed
    to do a records check on [the passenger] (a step that the Court
    recognizes was properly part of the traffic stop).” Id. at 1624 (Alito, J.,
    dissenting). The majority did not respond to Justice Alito’s
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    1146, 1153 (9th Cir. 2007) (“[The officer] was therefore free to ask [the
    passenger] for identification without implicating the Fourth
    Amendment.”); United States v. Chaney, 
    584 F.3d 20
    , 26 (1st Cir. 2009)
    (finding than an officer’s inquiry into the passenger’s identity “did
    not measurably extend the duration of the stop,” and that any delay
    “was independently warranted by the officer’s reasonable suspicion,
    based on [the passenger]’s implausible answers and nervous
    ¶17 Martinez cites United States v. Henderson as support for his
    assertion that the First Circuit has departed from this trend. 
    463 F.3d 27
    , 45–47 (1st Cir. 2006) (refusing to recognize an officer’s ability to
    demand identification in every instance). However, three years after
    Henderson, the First Circuit relied on the Supreme Court’s rationale
    and precedent to recognize an officer’s ability to inquire into a
    passenger’s identity without reasonable suspicion. “Noting the
    inherent dangers of a traffic stop,” the First Circuit explained,
    the Supreme Court has allowed officers to, as a matter
    of course, take the arguably more intrusive step of
    ordering passengers out of a vehicle during a valid
    traffic stop without any individualized suspicion or
    justification. More recently, the Supreme Court
    emphasized that “[a]n officer’s inquiries into matters
    unrelated to the justification for the traffic stop, this
    Court has made plain, do not convert the encounter
    into something other than a lawful seizure, so long as
    those inquiries do not measurably extend the duration
    of the stop.”
    584 F.3d at
    26 (citing Arizona v. Johnson, 
    555 U.S. 323
    , 333
    (2009)). The First Circuit held that “the officer’s initial inquiries into
    [the passenger’s] identity took at most a minute or two and did not
    measurably extend the duration of the stop.” 
     It concluded that the
    officer’s “initial few questions concerning [the passenger’s]
    identification were allowable officer safety measures, not themselves
    requiring any individualized suspicion of [the passenger], but rather
    justified based on the inherent dangers of the motor vehicle stop and
    the officer’s need to orient himself to who and what he may be
    dealing with.” Id. at 27.
    ¶18 The other two cases Martinez cites to support his arguments
    do not persuade us to part company with the vast majority of courts
    that have considered the question. The Massachusetts case Martinez
    cites determined that “[i]nterrogation of passengers in a car stopped
    Opinion of the Court
    for a traffic offense, without an objective basis for suspicion that the
    passenger is involved in criminal activity, slips into the dragnet
    category of questioning that art. 14 [of Massachusetts’s State
    Constitution] prohibits.” Commonwealth v. Alvarez, 
    692 N.E.2d 106
    109 (Mass. App. Ct. 1998). As evident from the quoted language, the
    Massachusetts Court of Appeals analyzed Massachusetts’s state
    constitution, not the Fourth Amendment. The New Mexico Court of
    Appeals’ holding in State v. Affsprung was, in contrast, decided
    under the federal constitution. 
    87 P.3d 1088
    , 1094–95 (N.M. Ct. App.
    2004). There, the court of appeals determined that officers may not
    request passenger identification and run a background check
    because “this generalized [officer safety] concern, without more, is
    [in]sufficient to override reasonable Fourth Amendment privacy
    considerations of passengers.” 
     We believe its decision is out of
    step with the interpretive framework dictated by United States
    Supreme Court precedent.
    ¶19 Having recognized that certain measures promoting officer
    safety fall within the permissible scope of a traffic stop, we conclude
    that Trooper Horne’s voluntary interaction with Martinez did not
    violate Martinez’s Fourth Amendment rights. 4 We next consider
    4  Although it may seem somewhat blithe to characterize an
    interaction between an officer and a passenger in a stopped car as
    voluntary, that characterization squares with the facts the district
    court found and the way in which the United States Supreme Court
    has described similar interactions. The district court found that
    Trooper Horne “asked” Martinez for his identification. Trooper
    Horne testified, “There was a passenger and I asked if I could see his
    ID, which he supplied.” Martinez testified similarly: “He asked for
    my ID and I gave it to him.”
    The United States Supreme Court has held that the Fourth
    Amendment “does not proscribe voluntary cooperation.” Florida v.
    501 U.S. 429
    , 439 (1991) (concluding there was no seizure
    when two officers boarded a bus and asked a passenger’s consent to
    search his bags). Interaction with the police is deemed voluntary as
    long as “the police do not convey a message that compliance with
    their requests is required.” 
    Id. at 435
    Muehler v. Mena is instructive. 
    544 U.S. 93
     (2005). There, the
    Supreme Court considered the questioning of Mena, a woman
    “detained in handcuffs during a search of the premises that she and
    (continued . . .)
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    whether Trooper Horne’s questioning and background check of
    Martinez unreasonably extended the stop in question.
    ¶20 The record reflects that running Martinez’s background
    check prolonged the stop by anywhere from one to five seconds.
    Martinez contends that this extension “impermissibly added to the
    time reasonably necessary to complete the traffic stop.” But the
    evidence does not support that contention.
    ¶21 Trooper Horne offered the only testimony as to how long it
    took to run Martinez’s background check:
    Q:     How long, once you’ve entered that license
    number into the field and hit enter does it take to get
    the information that you’ve just described; the
    warrants check, the license status and a photo?
    A:     Usually less than five seconds or so.
    Q:     And you ran the passenger’s information before
    or after the driver’s information?
    A:     After.
    [T]he way our system works is you type in the [driver
    license number], hit enter, and I immediately type in
    the other one and hit enter, and then review the inquiry
    results. So I did review the driver’s first and then I
    reviewed the passenger’s immediately after and saw
    that he had a warrant.
    several others occupied.” 
    Id. at 95
    . Immigration and Naturalization
    Service (INS) officers present at the scene questioned Mena
    regarding her “name, date of birth, place of birth, and immigration
    Id. at 96
    . The Supreme Court explained that it has “held
    repeatedly that mere police questioning does not constitute a
    Id. at 101
    ; see, e.g., United States v. Mendenhall, 
    446 U.S. 544
    555 (1980) (holding that where police “requested, but did not
    demand to see the respondent’s identification and ticket[,] . . . .
    [s]uch conduct without more, did not amount to an intrusion upon
    any constitutionally protected interest”). Thus, “the officers did not
    need reasonable suspicion to ask Mena for her name, date and place
    of birth, or immigration status.” Muehler, 
    544 U.S. at 101
    Opinion of the Court
    Trooper Horne testified that he received Martinez’s information
    “immediately” after receiving the driver’s information. He also
    testified that, usually, after entering a driver license number, the
    database took “less than five seconds or so” to retrieve the
    ¶22 In State v. Simons, we considered the parameters of a
    reasonable extension when an officer’s questioning prolonged a
    traffic stop. 
    2013 UT 3
    296 P.3d 721
    . There, we noted the Supreme
    Court’s lack of guidance in “elucidat[ing] the length of time” that
    would qualify in order to determine that a stop had been
    “measurably extend[ed].” Id. ¶ 30. We also noted that other federal
    jurisdictions had weighed in on the issue and found that an
    extension of mere seconds was reasonable. See id. ¶ 31; see United
    States v. Everett, 
    601 F.3d 484
    , 495–96 (6th Cir. 2010) (holding that a
    single question “taking up several seconds . . . . did not render the
    traffic stop an unreasonable seizure under the Fourth
    Amendment”); United States v. Dixie, 382 F. App’x 517, 519–20 (7th
    Cir. 2010) (holding that an officer’s question regarding weapons that
    took “only seconds” did not “unreasonably prolong[] the duration
    of the stop”). The First Circuit sanctioned an extension of “a minute
    or two” for an officer’s “initial inquiries into [a passenger’s]
    identity.” Chaney, 
    584 F.3d at 26
    . And the Eleventh Circuit
    sanctioned a three-minute extension while the officer was
    requesting “criminal histories.” United States v. Purcell, 
    236 F.3d 1274
    , 1279 (11th Cir. 2001) (“[T]he duration of the traffic stop did not
    violate the Fourth Amendment.”). See also United States v. Mason, 
    628 F.3d 123
    , 132 (4th Cir. 2010) (“The one to two of the [eleven] minutes
    devoted to questioning on matters not directly related to the traffic
    stop constituted only a slight delay that raises no Fourth
    Amendment concern.”). By contrast, traffic stop extensions that
    have been deemed unreasonable have involved longer detentions
    than the extra seconds at issue here. See, e.g., United States v. Stepp,
    680 F.3d 651
    , 663 (6th Cir. 2012) (finding that “six minutes of
    questioning” unreasonably extended “the traffic stop beyond its
    original purposes because the topics covered more than just context-
    framing questions and the extraneous questions lasted a not
    insubstantial amount of time”); Rodriguez, 
    135 S. Ct. at 1616
    that the delay of seven to eight minutes unlawfully prolonged the
    ¶23 Here, the extension lasted anywhere from one to five
    seconds. Trooper Horne testified that from the time he hit enter until
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    he received the requested information on any given search was
    about five seconds. He testified that, in the instant case, he received
    Martinez’s information “immediately” after receiving the driver’s
    information. He explained, “I did review the driver’s first and then I
    reviewed the passenger’s immediately after and saw that he had a
    warrant.” Trooper Horne further testified that, “from the time that
    [he] had pulled the car over until the time that [he was] arresting
    [Martinez] on his warrant,” only “two to three minutes” had lapsed.
    This scenario is easily distinguishable from the scenario the
    Supreme Court considered in Rodriguez. There, the officers
    performing the dog sniff extended the traffic stop by seven to eight
    minutes. Id. at 1613. Furthermore, the extension in Rodriguez took
    place after the mission of the stop had been concluded. Id. We do
    not believe that Trooper Horne’s five-second extension
    unreasonably prolonged the length of time of this traffic stop. And
    because the extension flowed from Martinez’s voluntary compliance
    with Trooper Horne’s request, it was also not a “burdensome
    precaution,” as precautions go. Furthermore, the stop was
    legitimately extended as part of the stop’s “‘mission’—to [1] address
    the traffic violation that warranted the stop, and [2] attend to related
    safety concerns.” Id. at 1614. (citations omitted). Within the
    framework of officer safety concerns, running Martinez’s
    background was a “negligibly burdensome precaution[]” that
    Trooper Horne was justified in taking. See id. at 1616.
    ¶24 Finally, Martinez argues that “adopting the State’s
    argument would require this Court to overrule” State v. Johnson, 
    805 P.2d 761
     (Utah 1991), State v. Hansen, 
    837 P.2d 987
     (Utah Ct. App.
    1992), and State v. Chism, 
    2005 UT App 41
    107 P.3d 706
    . All three
    cases turned on whether an officer could articulate reasonable
    suspicion under Terry v. Ohio, 
    392 U.S. 1
     (1968)—and none of them
    presented the question of whether safety concerns permitted an
    officer to ask a passenger for identification and run a warrants check.
    State v. Chism considered the reasonableness of the officer’s
    2005 UT App 41
    , ¶ 17 (“Chism’s state-issued driver license
    dispelled the reasonableness of any suspicion that [the officer] may
    have had about Chism’s age.”). State v. Hansen held that once the
    purpose of the traffic stop is dispelled, “any further detention is
    permissible only if the officers have a reasonable articulable
    suspicion of criminal activity.” 
    837 P.2d at 989
    . In State v. Johnson, we
    overturned the court of appeals because we determined that the
    officer did not have reasonable suspicion that defendant had
    committed a crime. 805 P.2d at 764. The officer in Johnson ran a
    Opinion of the Court
    warrants check on a vehicle’s passenger because the driver did not
    possess identification, which caused him to believe the car had been
    stolen and that a warrants check on the passenger might reveal a
    warrant for a crime involving stolen vehicles. Id. at 763. We were not
    asked whether safety concerns would have permitted a negligibly
    burdensome warrant check, and, in fact, we specifically noted that
    Johnson was not “a case where an officer detains a passenger in a
    stopped vehicle because of safety concerns.” Id. at 764. These cases
    do not prevent us from joining the multitude of other courts that
    have held that, to promote officer safety, the Fourth Amendment
    does not prevent an officer from asking a passenger to produce
    identification and running a warrants check as long as that does not
    unreasonably prolong the duration of the stop.
    ¶25 Trooper Horne’s request for Martinez’s identification did
    not violate Martinez’s Fourth Amendment rights under the United
    States Constitution. An officer may request that a passenger provide
    identification. Here, Trooper Horne’s seconds-long extension of a
    lawful traffic stop did not unreasonably prolong the detention. We
    reverse the decision of the district court and remand for proceedings
    consistent with this opinion.