McFarland v. McFarland , 2021 UT App 58 ( 2021 )

    2021 UT App 58
    Appellant and Cross-appellee,
    Appellee and Cross-appellant.
    No. 20190541-CA
    Filed June 4, 2021
    Second District Court, Farmington Department
    The Honorable David J. Williams
    No. 084701533
    Jacob K. Cowdin and A. Douglas Anderson,
    Attorneys for Appellant and Cross-appellee
    Angilee K. Dakic and Ryan C. Gregerson Attorneys
    for Appellee and Cross-appellant
    JUDGE RYAN M. HARRIS authored this Opinion, in which JUDGES
    HARRIS, Judge:
    ¶1     Bruce Ray McFarland (Bruce) and Nicole S. McFarland
    (Nicole) 1 divorced in 2009 pursuant to a stipulated divorce
    decree, but soon thereafter began to ignore many of the decree’s
    important provisions. However, neither party brought any
    matter to the attention of the district court for some eight years,
    until Bruce filed a petition to modify in 2017, and Nicole
    followed up with a request that the court hold Bruce in
    1. Because the parties share the same surname, for clarity we
    identify them by their first names, with no disrespect intended.
    McFarland v. McFarland
    contempt. Both parties now appeal the court’s ruling on those
    requests and, for the reasons discussed herein, we affirm in part,
    reverse in part, and remand for further proceedings.
    The Divorce Decree
    ¶2     In 2008, after almost sixteen years of marriage, Bruce and
    Nicole separated, and Bruce filed a petition for divorce. Soon
    thereafter, the parties negotiated a resolution to the divorce
    proceedings, and filed papers memorializing their agreement. In
    February 2009, the court entered a decree of divorce (the Decree)
    that incorporated the parties’ stipulated agreement. With regard
    to alimony and the house in which they lived while they were
    married (the Home), the parties’ agreement was straightforward:
    Bruce was ordered to pay $1,700 per month in alimony to Nicole,
    beginning in November 2008 and continuing until Nicole
    “remarries, cohabits, dies, for a term equal to their marriage, or
    further order of the Court,” and Nicole was awarded the Home,
    including the obligation to make the mortgage payments.
    ¶3     But the parties’ agreement regarding custody and child
    support was unusual. Bruce was to have overnight custody of
    the parties’ four children every week from Sunday evening until
    Friday morning, with the parties each enjoying weekend
    overnight custody on an alternating basis. During the
    modification proceedings at issue here, Nicole acknowledged
    that the arrangement entitled her to fewer than 30% of the
    overnights; indeed, the district court found that this
    arrangement resulted in Bruce having “24 overnights per month
    with the children,” leaving Nicole with just six, and neither party
    takes issue with that finding. But despite the fact that Bruce was
    awarded more than 70% of the overnights, see Utah Code Ann.
    § 30-3-10.1(2)(a) (LexisNexis 2009) (defining “joint physical
    custody” as any arrangement in which “the child stays with each
    parent overnight for more than 30% of the year”), the parties
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    labeled their arrangement “joint . . . physical custody,” perhaps
    because the arrangement contemplated that Nicole would pick
    the children up from school every day and care for them until
    eight o’clock p.m., at which point Bruce was to retrieve the
    children so that they could “stay with him overnight.”
    ¶4     With regard to child support, the parties agreed to
    calculate the amount using the sole custody worksheet, even
    though they labeled their arrangement as joint custody, and
    agreed that Bruce—and not Nicole, notwithstanding the fact that
    Bruce had the lion’s share of the overnights—would be
    considered the “Obligor Parent” on the worksheet. Using these
    parameters, the parties agreed that Bruce would pay Nicole
    monthly child support equating to one-half of what the
    worksheet said Bruce would owe if he were the Obligor Parent,
    an amount the parties computed to be $739.73 per month at the
    time the Decree was entered, when all four children were still
    minors. 2
    2. Divorcing parties have limited ability to make child support
    obligations the subject of a stipulated agreement. See Utah Code
    Ann. § 78B-12-201(4) (LexisNexis 2018) (“A stipulated amount
    for child support . . . is adequate under the guidelines if the
    stipulated child support amount . . . equals or exceeds the base
    child support award required by the guidelines.”); see also Baggs
    v. Anderson, 
    528 P.2d 141
    , 143 (Utah 1974) (stating that a child’s
    right to receive child support is his or her own and “is not
    subject to being bartered away” by the litigating parents); Price v.
    289 P.2d 1044
    , 1044 (Utah 1955) (“Future child support
    effectively cannot be the subject of bargain and sale.”). Because
    no party asks us to do so, we do not reach the question of
    whether it was appropriate for the district court, at the time the
    Decree was entered, to approve this particular child support
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    Post-Divorce Events and Conduct
    ¶5     Soon after the court entered the Decree, both parties
    began to ignore many of its provisions. For instance, Nicole
    made no mortgage payments on the Home. And Bruce made
    only one alimony payment (in January 2009) and three child
    support payments (in December 2008, and January and February
    2009), but after that made no payments of either kind.
    ¶6     In addition, with Nicole’s permission, Bruce moved back
    into the Home in April 2009. After that point, although Bruce
    made no payments denominated as alimony or child support, he
    did resume paying the mortgage on the Home, a payment that
    happened to be $1,728 per month, only slightly more than
    Bruce’s alimony obligation. When Bruce first moved back in, he
    and Nicole lived separately for a time, but beginning in
    September 2009, and lasting until April 2010, Bruce and Nicole
    resumed cohabiting as a couple, which included sharing familial
    expenses and reinitiating sexual relations. It is not a matter of
    dispute in this case that, during that seven-month period, the
    parties were cohabiting, as that term is used in relevant statutes
    and case law. See Myers v. Myers, 
    2011 UT 65
    , ¶ 17, 
    266 P.3d 806
    (identifying the “hallmarks of cohabitation, including
    participation in a relatively permanent sexual relationship akin
    to that generally existing between husband and wife and the
    sharing of the financial obligations surrounding the maintenance
    of the household” (quotation simplified)); see generally Utah
    Code Ann. § 30-3-5(10) (LexisNexis 2017) (stating that alimony
    “terminates upon establishment by the party paying alimony
    that the former spouse is cohabitating with another person”).
    ¶7     In April 2010, Nicole enlisted in the military, and left Utah
    for basic training. Over the next seven years, Bruce resided in the
    Home with the children, and provided all necessary childcare
    and financial support, including making the monthly mortgage
    payments on the Home. Nicole served two tours of duty
    overseas with the military, and visited the children or took them
    on vacation periodically while on leave. But other than these
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    short visits, Nicole exercised no custody or parent-time, and
    provided no significant financial support to the children.
    Eventually, in 2015, Nicole remarried.
    ¶8      For the seven years following Nicole’s enlistment, both
    parties seemed content with their arrangement and, even though
    both were materially violating the terms of the Decree, neither
    filed so much as a single document with the court. In particular,
    neither party sought to modify the terms of the Decree, and
    neither party sought contempt sanctions against the other.
    The Post-Divorce Filings
    ¶9     The parties’ tacit arrangement came to an end in 2017
    when Bruce sought to refinance the Home. Because Nicole had
    been awarded the Home in the Decree, Bruce asked Nicole to
    deed him the Home to facilitate the refinance. Nicole refused to
    authorize the refinance unless Bruce paid her half the equity,
    asserting that she owned the Home and that any mortgage
    payments made by Bruce constituted “either rent or alimony
    payments” that he owed her. Then, in June 2017, Bruce filed a
    petition to modify, followed by a motion for temporary orders in
    February 2018, bringing three separate provisions of the Decree
    to the court’s attention. First, Bruce requested that alimony be
    terminated, dating back to 2009. Second, Bruce asked the court to
    modify the Decree to award him sole physical and legal custody
    of the two remaining minor children, and asked that he be
    awarded child support payments from Nicole going forward.
    And finally, Bruce asked the court to modify the Decree to
    award him the Home, alleging that he assumed the mortgage to
    avoid foreclosure because Nicole had “abandoned the property
    when she joined the military.” While the petition and motion for
    temporary orders were pending, Bruce completed a refinance of
    the Home, apparently finding a way to close the transaction
    without Nicole’s authorization.
    ¶10 Nicole responded by filing two orders to show cause,
    asking the court to hold Bruce in contempt in three respects:
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    (1) for failing to make alimony payments; (2) for failing to make
    child support payments; and (3) for occupying the Home and for
    refinancing it without her authorization. Nicole asked the court
    to enter judgment in her favor for alimony and child support
    arrears, as well as for “the amount that [Bruce] cashed out when
    he refinanced” the Home, and asked the court to order that she
    obtain immediate “use and possession” of the Home.
    ¶11 After a hearing, a domestic relations commissioner
    certified a number of issues as ripe for an evidentiary hearing
    before the district court, including the following: (1) whether
    Bruce should be held in contempt for failing to pay alimony and,
    if so, the amount of arrears at issue; (2) whether Bruce should be
    held in contempt for failing to pay child support and, if so, the
    amount of arrears at issue; (3) whether Bruce should be held in
    contempt for refinancing the Home without Nicole’s consent;
    and (4) whether Bruce should be held in contempt for occupying
    and refusing to vacate the Home. All of the issues certified by
    the commissioner were framed as contempt or temporary order
    issues; the commissioner apparently did not envision that the
    hearing would be a final dispositive hearing on Bruce’s petition
    to modify.
    ¶12 In anticipation of the evidentiary hearing before the
    district court, both parties filed papers outlining their positions.
    Citing section 30-3-5(10) of the then-applicable Utah Code, Bruce
    argued that he did not owe any alimony arrears because his
    obligation to pay alimony terminated in 2009 due to “the
    cohabitation relationship” that the two established when they
    moved back into the Home together. Citing Scott v. Scott, 
    2017 UT 66
    , ¶¶ 10, 26–27, 26 n.7, 
    423 P.3d 1275
    , Nicole argued in
    response that, under the applicable statute as interpreted by our
    supreme court, a party attempting to terminate alimony for
    cohabitation must file a motion or petition “during [the] alleged
    ¶13 Regarding child support, Bruce asserted that he should
    not be required to pay Nicole for any point after 2009, because
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    the children had been almost entirely in his care since then. In
    particular, Bruce argued for the applicability of section 78B-12-
    108 of the Utah Code, which provides that child support
    payments generally “follow the child,” and that changes in child
    support obligations can, under certain circumstances, occur
    “without the need to modify” the governing decree. See Utah
    Code Ann. § 78B-12-108(1), (2) (LexisNexis 2017). Bruce’s
    arguments in the pretrial briefing were entirely defensive—that
    is, he asserted that he should not be required to make child
    support payments to Nicole after 2009, but at no point did he
    assert an entitlement to child support arrears from Nicole
    regarding any time period prior to the filing of his petition to
    The Hearing and Subsequent Ruling
    ¶14 At the ensuing evidentiary hearing, the court heard live
    testimony from Bruce, Nicole, Bruce’s father, and the parties’
    adult daughter. At the conclusion of the evidence, the court took
    the matter under advisement, and asked the parties to submit
    written closing arguments in the form of post-trial briefs.
    ¶15 In her closing brief, Nicole attempted to rebut Bruce’s
    cohabitation claim with two arguments. First, Nicole asserted
    that the governing statute, as interpreted in Scott, required Bruce
    to have requested termination of alimony during the period of
    cohabitation. Second, Nicole argued that, even if Bruce’s request
    was timely, no cohabitation occurred because Bruce, the payor
    spouse, did not qualify as “another person” within the meaning
    of the governing statute. See Utah Code Ann. § 30-3-5(10)
    (LexisNexis 2017) (stating that alimony terminates if “the former
    spouse is cohabitating with another person”). For his part, while
    he attempted to rebut all of Nicole’s claims, Bruce again made no
    affirmative claim to child support arrears running in his
    ¶16 A few weeks later, the court issued a written ruling. With
    regard to alimony, the court found Bruce in contempt for failing
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    to make payments. First, the court concluded that the mortgage
    payments Bruce made were just that—mortgage payments on a
    house Bruce lived in—and could not be considered alimony, and
    it found that Bruce had not paid any alimony since 2009. Second,
    the court determined that, even if all of the hallmarks of
    cohabitation were present between September 2009 and April
    2010, cohabitation had not occurred because “‘cohabitation’ does
    not include meeting the elements of cohabitation with the ex-
    spouse.” Accordingly, the court concluded that Bruce’s alimony
    obligation had not terminated in 2009 when the parties moved
    back in together, and that Bruce was in contempt for not paying
    alimony between 2009 and Nicole’s remarriage in 2015. Based on
    those findings, the court computed the alimony arrearage
    amount to be “$150,744.50 plus post-judgment interest,” and
    ordered Bruce to pay that amount.
    ¶17 With regard to child support, the court found that Bruce
    was not in contempt. The court accepted Bruce’s argument that,
    pursuant to section 78B-12-108 of the Utah Code, the child
    support obligation was to follow the children, and concluded
    that, pursuant to subsection (2) of that statute, which the court
    found applicable, Bruce was relieved of his child support
    obligation dating back to 2009, even though he did not file a
    petition to modify until 2017. In addition, the court offered its
    view that, even if section 78B-12-108 were inapplicable, “it
    would not be equitable to require” Bruce to pay child support to
    Nicole for time periods in which he cared for the children. On
    those bases, the court determined that Bruce had no obligation to
    pay child support to Nicole after 2009. But the court did “not
    find that [Nicole] was required to pay child support payments to
    [Bruce] after leaving for military service,” noting that, in its
    view, Bruce had not made any such affirmative claim, and
    instead had raised only defensive claims regarding any
    obligations he might have to Nicole.
    ¶18 With regard to the Home, the court declined to find Bruce
    in contempt for not vacating the Home, refusing to quitclaim it
    to Nicole, or refinancing it. However, the court made no ruling
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    on altering the Decree’s provision that originally awarded the
    Home to Nicole, stating simply that Bruce “shall be allowed, on
    a temporary basis, to remain” in the Home “until the matter is
    brought forth and certified” by the commissioner as ripe for an
    evidentiary hearing.
    ¶19 Both parties appeal the district court’s ruling, raising two
    main issues for our review. First, Bruce challenges the court’s
    determination that his alimony obligation was not terminated by
    cohabitation. In advancing this argument, Bruce relies entirely
    on Utah’s alimony statute, and asserts that the court’s
    interpretation of that statute was incorrect. See Utah Code Ann.
    § 30-3-5(10) (LexisNexis 2017) (stating that a payor spouse’s
    obligation “terminates upon establishment by the party paying
    alimony that the former spouse is cohabitating with another
    person”). 3 “The proper interpretation and application of a statute
    3. The Decree contains slightly different language than the
    alimony statute; it states that the alimony obligation continues
    until Nicole “remarries, cohabits, dies, for a term equal to their
    marriage, or further order of the Court.” Thus, unlike the statute,
    the operative language of the Decree contains no language
    requiring that the payor spouse prove that the payee spouse “is
    cohabitating” at the time of the petition to modify, and contains
    no language specifying that cohabitation, in order to terminate
    alimony, must be “with another person.” See Utah Code Ann.
    § 30-3-5(10) (LexisNexis 2017). But no party argues that the
    language of the Decree mandates a different result than the
    language of the statute; rather, in making their arguments about
    alimony, both parties rely exclusively on the statute. As our
    supreme court has done under similar circumstances, we limit
    our analysis to the language of the alimony statute. See Scott v.
    2017 UT 66
    , ¶¶ 3 n.1, 21 n.5, 
    423 P.3d 1275
     (stating that,
    because “neither party argues . . . that [the court] should decide
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    is a question of law which we review for correctness . . . .” Veysey
    v. Veysey, 
    2014 UT App 264
    , ¶ 7, 
    339 P.3d 131
    ¶20 Next, both parties challenge the court’s child support
    rulings. Nicole takes issue with the court’s determination that
    Bruce did not owe her child support payments, pursuant to the
    terms of the Decree, after 2009. And Bruce asserts that the court
    erred by declining to order Nicole to pay child support arrears to
    him. Because the parties’ arguments center on interpretation and
    application of section 78B-12-108 of the Utah Code (Section 108),
    we review the district court’s decision for correctness. See Veysey,
    2014 UT App 264
    , ¶ 7. 4
    this case under the language of the divorce decree or that the
    decree’s language demands a different result,” the court would
    “limit [its] analysis to the parties’ arguments and [would] not
    consider the decree’s language”).
    4. In addition, Nicole argues that the court erred by “failing to
    enter requisite findings for final disposition” of the Home. But
    final disposition of the Home was not an issue certified for
    adjudication at the evidentiary hearing, so it is not surprising
    that the court did not issue a final decision on that matter. In
    general, a district court is allowed “considerable discretion to
    administer the business of its docket and determine how a trial
    should be conducted.” Walker Drug Co. v. La Sal Oil Co., 
    972 P.2d 1238
    , 1244 (Utah 1998) (quotation simplified). The commissioner
    certified issues regarding whether Bruce should be held in
    contempt for occupying the Home, refusing to deed it to Nicole,
    and refinancing it, as well as issues relating to “occupancy” of
    the Home, as raised in Bruce’s motion for temporary orders. But
    neither the commissioner nor the court viewed the evidentiary
    hearing as the final trial on Bruce’s petition to modify; indeed,
    the court clearly used language in its conclusions of law
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    I. Alimony
    ¶21 We first address Bruce’s claim that his alimony obligation
    terminated by operation of statute when the parties cohabited in
    2009 and 2010. Because Bruce’s position is directly foreclosed by
    our supreme court’s decision in Scott v. Scott, 
    2017 UT 66
    423 P.3d 1275
    , we reject his challenge to the district court’s ruling.
    ¶22 At all relevant times during the events precipitating this
    appeal, Utah’s alimony statute provided that alimony
    obligations “to a former spouse terminate[] upon establishment
    by the party paying alimony that the former spouse is
    cohabitating with another person.” Utah Code Ann. § 30-3-5(10)
    (LexisNexis 2017) (emphasis added). 5 In Scott, our supreme court
    indicating that it contemplated further proceedings regarding
    whether to modify the Decree’s provision regarding the Home.
    We anticipate that, on remand, the court will address in some
    fashion the remaining issues raised in Bruce’s petition to modify,
    including this one. Nothing in this opinion should be construed
    as preventing the parties from asking the district court to
    adjudicate those issues in due course.
    5. The same version of the relevant subsection of the alimony
    statute quoted above was in effect when the Decree was entered
    in 2009, see Utah Code Ann. § 30-3-5(10) (LexisNexis 2009), when
    the parties ceased cohabiting in 2010, see id. (2010), and when
    Bruce filed his petition to modify the alimony provision of the
    Decree in 2017, see id. (2017). At oral argument before this court,
    both parties agreed that this version of the alimony statute is
    applicable here. In the wake of the Scott ruling from our supreme
    court, however, the legislature amended the alimony statute. See
    id. § 30-3-5(10)–(12) (Supp. 2018). As it presently reads, the
    statute allows a payor spouse to file a valid petition to modify
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    was asked to interpret the same version of this statute. See 
    2017 UT 66
    , ¶ 3. After noting the statute’s use of present tense
    language—“is cohabitating”—the court interpreted the statute as
    requiring “the paying spouse to establish that the former spouse
    is cohabiting at the time the paying spouse files the motion to
    terminate alimony.” See 
    id. ¶¶ 23, 33
    . While the Scott opinion
    was not published until 2017, the statutory language the court
    was interpreting in that case had been in effect at all times
    relevant to this case. See supra note 5. That is, Scott did not
    introduce a new rule that was effective only prospectively;
    rather, it provided an interpretation of statutory text that had
    already been in effect for several years. See DIRECTV, Inc. v.
    577 U.S. 47
    , 56 (2015) (“[J]udicial construction of a
    statute ordinarily applies retroactively.”); see also Rivers v.
    Roadway Express, Inc., 
    511 U.S. 298
    , 311–12 (1994) (stating that
    “the principle that statutes operate only prospectively, while
    judicial decisions operate retrospectively, is familiar to every law
    student” (quotation simplified)).
    ¶23 Under the circumstances presented in this case, any
    cohabitation between Bruce and Nicole ceased sometime in early
    2010. But Bruce did not file his petition to modify until 2017. It is
    therefore undisputed that the cohabitation to which Bruce points
    had long since ceased by the time he filed his petition to modify.
    Thus, under the statute then in effect (as interpreted by Scott),
    alimony for cohabitation within “one year from the day on
    which the party knew or should have known that the former
    spouse has cohabited with another individual.” 
     § 30-3-
    5(12)(b) (2019). The payor spouse no longer needs to file the
    petition while the former spouse is presently cohabiting, so long
    as the petition is filed within one year of notice. Id. § 30-3-
    5(12)(a)–(b). Both parties in this case agree that, under the
    current statute, if it applied, Bruce’s petition would be
    considered untimely, because Bruce did not file it within one
    year of learning of Nicole’s cohabitation.
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    that petition was filed some seven years too late. Accordingly,
    Bruce cannot now complain that his alimony obligation should
    be terminated, by operation of statute, due to the parties’ long-
    since-concluded cohabitation. Bruce has therefore not carried his
    burden of demonstrating error in the district court’s ruling that
    Bruce’s alimony obligation lasted until Nicole’s 2015
    remarriage, 6 or in the court’s rulings holding Bruce in contempt
    for failing to pay alimony from 2009 through 2015 and ordering
    him to pay past-due alimony. 7
    6. Neither party disputes that Nicole’s remarriage terminated
    Bruce’s alimony obligation. See Utah Code Ann. § 30-3-5(9)
    (LexisNexis 2017) (providing that the obligation to pay “alimony
    to a former spouse automatically terminates upon the
    remarriage . . . of that former spouse”).
    7. Because Bruce’s argument is foreclosed by Scott, we need not
    reach Nicole’s other argument, adopted by the district court, that
    no cohabitation occurred because Nicole cohabited with Bruce—
    the payor spouse—as opposed to someone else. Under the
    applicable version of the alimony statute, alimony terminates
    when the payor spouse demonstrates that the payee spouse “is
    cohabitating with another person.” See Utah Code Ann. § 30-3-
    5(10) (LexisNexis 2017) (emphasis added). In Nicole’s view,
    Bruce—as the payor spouse—does not count as “another
    person.” The district court accepted that argument, based in part
    on case law from another jurisdiction. See In re Marriage of
    499 N.E.2d 654
    , 656 (Ill. App. Ct. 1986). We have our
    doubts about the applicability of the holding of that case to
    Utah’s alimony statute, and about the correctness of the district
    court’s ruling predicated upon it. Compare 
     (suggesting that
    “[t]he proper interpretation of a statute cannot always be based
    on its language alone; it must be grounded on the nature, object,
    and consequences that would result from construing it one way
    or another”), with Scott, 
    2017 UT 66
    , ¶ 26 (recognizing that courts
    must “start from the premise that we should discern what the
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    II. Child Support
    ¶24 Next, we address the parties’ respective challenges to the
    district court’s child support rulings. As noted, Nicole takes
    issue with the court’s ruling that Bruce’s child support
    obligations to her, as set forth in the Decree, ended in 2009, and
    that therefore Bruce could not be held in contempt for not
    meeting those obligations. Building on that same ruling, Bruce
    takes issue with the court’s reluctance to go a step further and
    order Nicole to pay him child support arrearages dating to 2009.
    We begin our analysis by discussing some of the broad
    overarching principles governing modification of child support
    orders, including a discussion of Section 108 in particular. We
    then address the parties’ respective challenges, in turn,
    beginning with Nicole’s.
    ¶25 In general, decrees in domestic relations cases are binding
    final judgments that may be modified “only under certain
    conditions.” Kielkowski v. Kielkowski, 
    2015 UT App 59
    , ¶ 21, 
    346 P.3d 690
    ; see also Robertson v. Stevens, 
    2020 UT App 29
    , ¶¶ 6–7,
    461 P.3d 323
     (explaining that once “judgment is entered” in a
    divorce case, “the court’s power to modify the judgment is
    limited” (quotation simplified)). While there are several tools
    that can generally be used to modify final judgments, see, e.g.,
    legislature intended from the plain language of the text
    unencumbered by notions of what we think the legislature must
    have wanted to accomplish”). At least at first blush, the plain
    meaning of “another person” would seem to include the payor
    spouse. However, we need not reach a conclusive ruling on this
    point because we can readily affirm the district court’s ruling on
    another ground—the timeliness ground made clear in Scott, as
    discussed supra ¶¶ 21–23—that is apparent from the record. See
    Bailey v. Bayles, 
    2002 UT 58
    , ¶ 10, 
    52 P.3d 1158
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    Utah R. Civ. P. 60(b), one tool that is specific to family law cases
    is the petition to modify, see 
     R. 106(a) (stating that, in most
    cases, “proceedings to modify a divorce decree . . . shall be
    commenced by filing a petition to modify”); see also Ross v. Ross,
    2019 UT App 104
    , ¶ 11, 
    447 P.3d 104
     (“[R]ule 106 establishes a
    general rule . . . that any changes to divorce decrees must be
    brought about by the filing of a petition to modify.”). Parties in
    family law cases may use this tool, in accordance with applicable
    statutes and rules, to seek modification of various provisions of
    decrees, including child support provisions. See Utah Code Ann.
    § 78B-12-210(9)(a) (LexisNexis 2017) (“A parent . . . may at any
    time petition the court to adjust the amount of a child support
    order if there has been a substantial change in circumstances.”);
    see also id. § 30-3-5(3) (“The court has continuing jurisdiction to
    make subsequent changes or new orders for the custody of a
    child and the child’s support, maintenance, health, and dental
    care, and for distribution of the property and obligations for
    debts as is reasonable and necessary.”); id. § 30-3-5(8)(i)(i) (“The
    court has continuing jurisdiction to make substantive changes
    and new orders regarding alimony based on a substantial
    material change in circumstances . . . .”).
    ¶26 But in general, modifications to a decree’s provisions
    regarding child support payments may date back only to “the
    month following service” of the petition to modify “on the
    parent whose support is affected.” See id. § 78B-12-112(4); see also
    McPherson v. McPherson, 
    2011 UT App 382
    , ¶ 17, 
    265 P.3d 839
    (stating that “the statute does limit the time period during which
    retroactive modification is available”). That is, as concerns child
    support provisions, parties are generally barred from obtaining
    modifications that date back further than the first day of the
    month after the month in which the petition to modify was
    served on the opposing party.
    ¶27 One potential exception to this general rule appears in
    Section 108, a statutory provision entitled “Support Follows the
    Child.” See Utah Code Ann. § 78B-12-108 (LexisNexis 2017). That
    section, in relevant part, reads as follows:
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    (1) Obligations ordered for child support and
    medical expenses are for the use and benefit of
    the child and shall follow the child.
    (2) Except in cases of joint physical custody and split
    custody as defined in Section 78B-12-102, when
    physical custody changes from that assumed in
    the original order, the parent without physical
    custody of a child shall be required to pay the
    amount of support determined in accordance
    with [calculation guidelines found in other code
    sections] without the need to modify the order for
    . . . the parent who has physical custody of the
     (emphasis added). Thus, Section 108 contains an overarching
    mandate that child support payments “shall follow the child,”
    and provides that, under certain limited circumstances, child
    support obligations can change “without the need to modify”
    the child support provisions in the governing decree. Id.; see also
    Hansen v. Hansen, 
    2012 UT 9
    , ¶ 13, 
    270 P.3d 531
     (stating that,
    under certain circumstances, Section 108 “allows redirection of
    child support [payments] without modification of the support
    order”). In this way, Section 108 constitutes an exception to the
    general rule that modifications to child support provisions may
    date back only to the month following service of the petition to
    modify on the opposing party: where Section 108 applies, it may
    allow modification of child support awards even further back in
    ¶28 But this exception comes with distinct statutory limits.
    Indeed, our supreme court has noted that Section 108 “contains
    two provisions: (1) a general statement that support shall follow
    the child and (2) a specific provision providing guidelines for
    redirection of child support to a new physical custodian.”
    2012 UT 9
    , ¶ 7. And the court has already foreclosed any
    argument that subsection (1)’s general statement—that child
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    support “shall follow the child”—operates by itself “to redirect
    support payments any time anyone provides any shelter or
    sustenance to a child.” See 
    id. ¶ 10
    . Instead, the specific
    requirements of subsection (2) operate to “modif[y] the general
    statement in subsection (1),” and those specific requirements
    serve as the prerequisites for entitlement to a retroactive change
    in child support that dates back further than the date of a duly
    served petition to modify. See 
    id. ¶ 11
    ¶29 Under the provisions of subsection (2), a litigant can
    obtain a change in a child support provision even “without the
    need to modify the order” itself, but only if two conditions are
    met: (a) there must be a change in “physical custody . . . from
    that assumed in the original order,” and (b) the case must not be
    one involving “joint physical custody.” See Utah Code Ann.
    § 78B-12-108(2).
    ¶30 Bruce asserts that Section 108 applies here, and allows
    him to obtain retroactive modification, dating all the way back to
    2009, of the Decree’s child support provisions, even though he
    did not seek modification of either the custody provisions or the
    child support provisions until 2017. The district court agreed
    with Bruce’s interpretation of Section 108, and determined that
    Bruce was not in contempt for failure to pay Nicole child
    support between 2009 and 2017 because he had been caring for
    the children during that time and because child support should
    “follow the children.” (Citing Utah Code Ann. § 78B-12-108.)
    ¶31 Nicole challenges the court’s interpretation of Section 108.
    We agree with Nicole because, for two independent reasons,
    Section 108 is inapplicable here. First, this is not a case in which
    physical custody ever legally changed “from that assumed in the
    original order.” See Utah Code Ann. § 78B-12-108(2) (LexisNexis
    2017). And second, even assuming that some sort of de facto
    change of parent-time occurred in 2010 when Nicole joined the
    military, that change did not constitute a change in physical
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    custody under the operative definition of that term. See 
     §§ 30-
    3-10.1(3)(a), 78B-12-102(15) (each defining “joint physical
    custody” for its respective chapter).
    ¶32 In order for Section 108’s exception to apply, the situation
    must involve a change in “physical custody . . . from that
    assumed in the original order.” See id. § 78B-12-108(2). The term
    “physical custody,” as used in this statute, is a “legal term of art”
    that “involve[s] much more than actual possession and care of a
    child.” See Hansen, 
    2012 UT 9
    , ¶¶ 12, 15, 19. “A physical
    custodian also has a legal responsibility to provide supervision
    and control.” 
    Id. ¶ 15
     (emphasis added).
    ¶33 Given this definition, a change in “physical custody”
    cannot occur without some sort of “formal legal process[].” 
    Id. ¶¶ 19, 24
    . In most cases, this occurs by court order following the
    filing of a petition to modify. See 
    id. ¶¶ 21, 25
    . In other “rare
    circumstances,” this can occur “by statute without the need for a
    hearing or court order.” 
    Id. ¶ 25
    . But in any event,
    child support should be redirected only to those
    persons or entities who acquire the rights and
    responsibilities of the child’s new “physical
    custodian” under the law. Usually that will happen
    only after adjudication and a formal order, but in
    all cases it requires fulfillment of the statutory
    procedures and standards for a change in physical
    custody. The actual provision of sustenance and
    support is insufficient.
    Id. ¶34
     In this case, no one disputes that Bruce assumed all
    responsibility for “sustenance and support” of the children after
    April 2010. See 
     But in this context, provision of additional
    sustenance and support to the children beyond that anticipated
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    in the Decree is not enough to effectuate an actual, legal change
    in physical custody. See 
     Bruce took no steps—at least not until
    2017—to follow the “formal legal processes” typically used to
    effectuate an actual change of physical custody. See 
    id. ¶ 24
    . And
    Bruce makes no argument that this case presents any “rare
    circumstances” in which custody can change by operation of
    statute, even in the absence of a petition to modify. See 
    id. ¶35
     Thus, no change in “physical custody”—in an actual legal
    sense, as required by the “term of art” definition of the statutory
    phrase, see 
    id. ¶ 12
     (quotation simplified)—occurred in April
    2010, or at any time prior to the filing of Bruce’s petition to
    modify. Because physical custody did not change, Section 108’s
    narrow exception to the usual retroactivity rules governing
    modification of child support orders does not apply here, and
    therefore it does not enable Bruce to seek changes to the Decree’s
    child support obligations dating any further back than 2017.
    ¶36 Moreover, even if we were to assume, for purposes of
    argument, that a change in “physical custody” could
    theoretically be effectuated merely by a parent’s provision of
    additional sustenance and support beyond that required by the
    governing child support order, no such change occurred on the
    facts of this case. We have previously stated that “[c]ustody and
    parent-time are conceptually distinct.” See Ross v. Ross, 
    2019 UT App 104
    , ¶ 14 n.3, 
    447 P.3d 104
    . By statutory definition, there are
    two kinds of physical custody—sole physical custody and joint
    physical custody—with the dividing line based on the number of
    overnight visits enjoyed by each parent. See Utah Code Ann.
    §§ 30-3-10.1(3)(a), 78B-12-102(15) (both stating that “joint
    physical custody means the child stays with each parent
    overnight for more than 30% of the year, and both parents
    contribute to the expenses of the child in addition to paying
    child support” (quotation simplified)). Because either parent, in
    any given case, could be awarded sole physical custody—
    defined as having at least 70% of the overnights—there are three
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    possible physical custody arrangements: (a) Parent 1 has sole
    custody; (b) Parent 2 has sole custody; and (c) the parents share
    joint custody. When a change occurs that causes one parent to
    obtain enough additional overnights to move from one category
    to another (e.g., from 25% of overnights to 35%, or from 65% to
    75%), there has been a change in physical custody. See Ross, 
    2019 UT App 104
    , ¶¶ 16–17, 17 n.5. But when a change occurs in
    which one parent obtains a few additional overnights but not
    enough to move from one category to another, the change
    constitutes only a change in parent-time, and not a change in
    physical custody, as that term is statutorily defined. See 
    id. ¶ 16
    (noting that, in relocation cases, a parent need not file a petition
    to modify if scheduling changes necessitated by the proposed
    relocation would not change the statutory custody designation,
    and would change only parent-time).
    ¶37 In this case, the parties started out with an arrangement,
    under the Decree, in which Bruce had twenty-four overnights
    each month and Nicole had only six. Although the parties
    described that arrangement, in the Decree, as a joint custody
    arrangement, the label the parties assigned to the arrangement is
    inconsequential. See Stephens v. Stephens, 
    2018 UT App 196
    , ¶ 29,
    437 P.3d 445
     (stating that the “designation of ‘joint physical
    custody’ or ‘sole physical custody’” used in a decree “is not as
    important as whether the custody arrangement [actually]
    exceeds the statutory threshold for joint physical custody”
    (quotation simplified)). And here, despite the parties’ label, their
    arrangement was actually a sole custody arrangement. See Utah
    Code Ann. § 78B-12-102(15). As noted, the district court made a
    specific (and unchallenged) finding on this point, and correctly
    concluded that, because the Decree awarded Nicole only
    “approximately 20% of the overnights,” it described a sole
    custody arrangement.
    ¶38 Thus, the more recent arrangement, following Nicole’s
    departure into the military, did not result in a change of custody.
    After Nicole left, Bruce went from about 80% of the overnights to
    nearly 100% of the overnights. Thus, Bruce had sole physical
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    custody of the children under the original arrangement, and he
    maintained sole physical custody of the children after Nicole left.
     In this situation, while Nicole’s departure did result in
    practical (if not official) changes to the parties’ division of parent-
    time, it did not effectuate any change in physical custody, under
    the statutory definition of that term.
    ¶39 Section 108 applies only in instances where “physical
    custody changes.” See 
     § 78B-12-108(2). For both of the reasons
    just discussed, no change in physical custody occurred here, and
    therefore Section 108 cannot provide Bruce an escape from the
    usual rule that modifications to a domestic decree’s child
    support provisions cannot date back any further than the month
    following service of the petition to modify. See id. § 78B-12-
    112(4). We therefore sustain Nicole’s challenge to the district
    court’s interpretation of the relevant statutes.
    ¶40 The district court’s ruling also included an alternative
    basis for declining Nicole’s request that Bruce pay child support
    arrearages. Specifically, the court stated as follows:
    Finally, and regardless [of] whether [Section 108]
    applies here, it would not be equitable to require
    [Bruce] to pay child support arrearages to [Nicole]
    in this case. Even if that statute does not apply
    directly, subsection (1) is instructive of the
    legislature’s intent that child support “is for the use
    and benefit of the children.” . . . It would not be
    equitable to acknowledge that [Bruce] was the sole
    provider after moving back into the [Home] and
    especially after [Nicole] entered the military,
    acknowledge that [Nicole] provided very little, if
    any, support to the children since that time, but
    nonetheless require [Bruce] to pay the alleged child
    support arrearages requested by [Nicole].
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    ¶41 We do not necessarily disagree with the court’s sentiment
    (although we note that, in a big-picture sense at least, there are
    equities on the other side of the equation too: we can see wisdom
    in a bright-line rule requiring parties to file petitions to modify
    child support provisions, and in limiting parties’ ability to obtain
    changes to decrees that date back any further than the month
    following service of the relevant petition to modify). Looking
    just at the facts of this case, there does seem to be something
    intuitively inequitable about requiring Bruce to pay child
    support arrearages to Nicole. And we acknowledge that district
    courts are often given wide discretion to apply equitable
    principles in family law cases. See Harmon v. Harmon, 
    491 P.2d 231
    , 232 (Utah 1971) (“In order to carry out the important
    responsibility of safeguarding the interests and welfare of
    children, it has always been deemed that the courts have broad
    equitable powers.”).
    ¶42 But our legislature has enacted a number of statutes that
    govern certain aspects of family law cases, and we are aware of
    no principle of law that allows courts to override statutes, in
    particular cases, simply out of generalized equitable concerns.
    See Martin v. Kristensen, 
    2021 UT 17
    , ¶ 53 (stating that courts
    have “no equitable power to override” statutory mandates due
    to generalized concerns of “public policy and equity”). At a
    minimum, the district court has not adequately explained how
    its equitable concerns, in this situation, allow it to supersede
    statutory mandates or interpretations of those statutes by our
    supreme court. For instance, the district court’s reliance on
    subsection (1) of Section 108 as being “instructive of the
    legislature’s intent” that child support obligations shall “follow
    the child[ren]” appears misplaced, given our supreme court’s
    explanation, in Hansen v. Hansen, that “[s]ubsection (1)’s general
    directive cannot possibly be interpreted unqualifiedly . . . to
    redirect support payments any time anyone provides any shelter
    or sustenance to a child,” and that subsection (1) is “modifie[d]”
    by the “specific limitation[s]” found in subsection (2). See 
    2012 UT 9
    , ¶¶ 10–11, 
    270 P.3d 531
    . And as we have noted, supra
    ¶¶ 30–39, the prerequisites of subsection (2) are not satisfied
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    here. Apart from the language in subsection (1), the court does
    not otherwise explain how generalized equitable considerations,
    no matter how weighty, can justify modification of a child
    support order back beyond the month following service of the
    petition to modify, given our legislature’s clear directive that
    such orders may be modified “only from the date of service of
    the pleading on the obligee.” See Utah Code Ann. § 78B-12-
    ¶43 We observe that there may well be specific doctrines of
    equity or discretion that could apply in this situation to temper
    Nicole’s requests. Nicole presented her request in the context of
    an order to show cause seeking contempt, a legal doctrine that
    has its own elements and requirements, see Von Hake v. Thomas,
    759 P.2d 1162
    , 1172 (Utah 1988) (setting forth the required
    showing for a contempt finding), in which courts are afforded
    discretion in selecting an appropriate sanction once contempt is
    found, see Utah Code Ann. § 78B-6-310(1) (LexisNexis 2018)
    (stating that, “[i]f the court finds the person is guilty of the
    contempt, the court may impose a fine” or other punishment
    (emphasis added)); id. § 78B-6-311(1) (stating that a court “may
    order” the contemnor to pay the aggrieved party “a sum of
    money sufficient to indemnify and satisfy the aggrieved party’s
    costs and expenses” (emphasis added)). Alternatively, various
    equitable doctrines may apply in situations like this, depending
    on the circumstances. See, e.g., Soter’s, Inc. v. Deseret Fed. Sav.
    & Loan Ass’n, 
    857 P.2d 935
    , 939–40 (Utah 1993) (discussing the
    doctrine of waiver and its elements); Veysey v. Veysey, 
    2014 UT App 264
    , ¶ 16, 
    339 P.3d 131
     (discussing the doctrine of laches
    and its elements); Bahr v. Imus, 
    2009 UT App 155
    , ¶ 6, 
    211 P.3d 987
     (discussing the doctrine of equitable estoppel and its
    elements). We express no opinion as to the applicability of any
    such doctrine to the facts of this case. But the district court did
    not ground its child support ruling—that Bruce should not be
    required to make child support payments—in its post-contempt
    sentencing discretion or in any specific equitable doctrine;
    instead, as we interpret its order, it concluded that, due to
    unspecified equitable considerations, Bruce should be relieved
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    from any obligation to make payments in the first place. In our
    view, the court has not adequately explained how equitable
    considerations can override statutory commands in this case.
    ¶44 Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s determination
    that Bruce was not “required to pay child support payments to
    [Nicole] after [Nicole left] for military service,” and we remand
    the matter for further proceedings on Nicole’s request that Bruce
    be held in contempt for failing to make child support payments.
    ¶45 Finally, given our conclusion regarding Nicole’s challenge
    to the district court’s child support ruling, we can readily
    dispose of Bruce’s challenge to that same ruling. As an initial
    matter, we agree with the district court’s conclusion that Bruce
    made no affirmative claim, before the district court, to any child
    support arrears dating back further than the service of his
    petition to modify. On that basis alone, the district court was
    justified in not awarding him any. But more substantively, for
    the reasons already explained, we find no merit in Bruce’s
    argument that Section 108 operates to allow him to look all the
    way back to 2009 for modification of the Decree’s child support
    ¶46 The district court correctly determined that Bruce’s
    alimony obligation was not terminated—at least not under the
    alimony statute—by the parties’ cohabitation in 2009 and 2010,
    because the statute required Bruce to file a petition seeking
    termination while the cohabitation was still occurring, and he
    did not do so. Accordingly, the district court did not err by
    holding Bruce in contempt for failing to pay alimony after 2009,
    and in ordering Bruce to pay past-due alimony through 2015,
    and we affirm those orders.
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    ¶47 However, the district court erred in its interpretation of
    Section 108, and erred in concluding that Section 108 operated to
    relieve Bruce of his obligation, under the Decree, to continue to
    pay Nicole child support after 2010. In this case, neither Section
    108, nor generalized equitable concerns, operates to relieve Bruce
    of that obligation, and neither allows Bruce to obtain a
    modification of his child support obligations dating back any
    further than the month following service of his petition to
    modify. Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s
    determination to the contrary, and remand the case for further
    proceedings, consistent with this opinion, on Nicole’s request for
    contempt relating to child support and on Bruce’s petition to
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Document Info

Docket Number: 20190541-CA

Citation Numbers: 2021 UT App 58

Filed Date: 6/4/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 12/20/2021