State v. Adamson , 295 P.3d 717 ( 2013 )

    2013 UT App 22
    Plaintiff and Appellant,
    Defendant and Appellee.
    No. 20100831‐CA
    Filed January 25, 2013
    Third District, Salt Lake Department
    The Honorable Randall N. Skanchy
    No. 091901221
    John E. Swallow and Jeffrey S. Gray,
    Attorneys for Appellant
    Walter F. Bugden and John W. Anderson,
    Attorneys for Appellee
    JUDGE STEPHEN L. ROTH authored this Opinion,
    and MICHELE M. CHRISTIANSEN concurred.
    ROTH, Judge:
    ¶1     The State of Utah appeals the district court’s grant of
    Defendant Stephen Bradley Adamson’s motion to suppress. We
    reverse and remand.
    State v. Adamson
    ¶2      In December 2008, for training purposes, Trooper Cody
    McCoy and his field training officer, Officer Brian Spillman, were
    waiting in a police vehicle parked near a bar in hopes of observing
    a driving under the influence (DUI) violation. Eventually, a man
    later identified as Adamson drove a vehicle out of the bar’s parking
    lot. The officers noticed that Adamson’s vehicle did not have an
    operable rear license plate light, so they began to follow him. As
    the officers followed Adamson, he moved into a turning lane and
    then back into a traffic lane without using a signal. Having
    observed these violations, the officers activated the patrol car’s
    overhead lights and pulled Adamson over.
    ¶3       Trooper McCoy approached Adamson’s car while Officer
    Spillman remained in the patrol car. Trooper McCoy asked for
    Adamson’s driver license, registration, and insurance information,
    which Adamson appeared to produce. Trooper McCoy had a
    difficult time understanding what Adamson was saying during this
    initial interaction because Adamson would look away and spoke
    very softly. While talking to Adamson, Trooper McCoy noticed a
    minty scent but, at that time, detected no odor of alcohol.
    ¶4      Trooper McCoy took Adamson’s documentation back to the
    patrol car. There, he and Officer Spillman discovered that Adam‐
    son had produced an identification card rather than a driver
    license. Nonetheless, the officers managed to run a computer check,
    which revealed that Adamson had a valid driver license but was an
    alcohol restricted driver. As an alcohol restricted driver, Adamson
    was prohibited from driving with “any measurable or detectable
    amount of alcohol” in his body, see Utah Code Ann. § 41‐6a‐530
    (LexisNexis 2010), and he was further required to install and
    maintain an ignition interlock device in his vehicle, see id. § 41‐6a‐
    518(2) (LexisNexis Supp. 2012). A warrants check also revealed that
    Adamson had two prior DUI convictions but no outstanding
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    ¶5      Trooper McCoy also recounted his interaction with Adam‐
    son to Officer Spillman. Not knowing during the initial encounter
    that Adamson was an alcohol restricted driver, Trooper McCoy
    had not looked for an ignition interlock device and had not noticed
    if there was one in the vehicle. Because of Adamson’s licensing
    restriction, Officer Spillman instructed Trooper McCoy to verify
    that an ignition interlock device was installed in Adamson’s car.
    Because of Adamson’s criminal history, Officer Spillman also
    instructed Trooper McCoy to have Adamson exit his car to better
    assess whether he had consumed alcohol.
    ¶6      Trooper McCoy returned to Adamson’s car and asked him
    whether he had an ignition interlock device installed. Adamson
    grabbed the device, turned to Trooper McCoy, and said, “Oh yeah,
    it’s hanging right here.” Trooper McCoy then noticed the odor of
    alcohol coming from Adamson. Trooper McCoy instructed
    Adamson to step out of the car and administered a field sobriety
    test, which Adamson failed. Adamson was arrested and a subse‐
    quent blood test revealed that he had a blood alcohol level of 0.26,
    over three times the legal limit.
    ¶7     In addition to other lesser violations, Adamson was charged
    with DUI, see Utah Code Ann. § 41‐6a‐502 (LexisNexis 2010),
    violation of his status as an alcohol restricted driver, see id. § 41‐6a‐
    530, and tampering with or circumventing the ignition interlock
    device that he was required to install and maintain in his vehicle,
    see id. § 41‐6a‐518 (LexisNexis Supp. 2012); id. § 41‐6a‐518.1
    (LexisNexis 2010). Adamson filed a motion to suppress, arguing
    that by administering the field sobriety test Trooper McCoy
    impermissibly extended the scope of the traffic stop to an investiga‐
    tion of a DUI violation without reasonable suspicion of such
    additional criminal activity. The district court agreed and sup‐
    pressed the evidence from the field sobriety test and subsequent
    blood test. The State now appeals.
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    State v. Adamson
    ¶8     The State challenges the district court’s decision to grant
    Adamson’s motion to suppress. The district court’s decision to
    grant or deny a motion to suppress is a legal conclusion that is
    reviewed for correctness. State v. Applegate, 
    2008 UT 63
    , ¶ 5, 
    194 P.3d 925
    ¶9      The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
    prohibits only searches and seizures that are unreasonable. State v.
    873 P.2d 1127
    , 1131 (Utah 1994). A routine traffic stop is
    reasonable under the Fourth Amendment if justified at its inception
    and if the resulting detention is “reasonably related in scope to the
    circumstances that justified the interference in the first place.” State
    v. Baker, 
    2010 UT 18
    , ¶ 12, 
    229 P.3d 650
     (citations and internal
    quotation marks omitted). See also Applegate, 
    2008 UT 63
    , ¶¶ 8–9
    (explaining that there are three levels of constitutionally permissi‐
    ble police to public encounters, and a “brief, investigatory stop of
    a vehicle constitutes a level two encounter, for which only reason‐
    able, articulable suspicion is required” (citations and internal
    quotation marks omitted)). “Once a traffic stop is made, the
    [resulting] detention must be temporary and last no longer than is
    necessary to effectuate the purpose of the stop.” Baker, 
    2010 UT 18
    ¶ 17 (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). And “[b]oth
    the length and [the] scope of the detention must be strictly tied to
    and justified by the circumstances which rendered its initiation
    permissible.” Lopez, 873 P.2d at 1132 (second alteration in original)
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). But if the detaining
    officer forms reasonable suspicion of additional criminal activity
    during the course of a traffic stop, the officer may investigate
    further. Baker, 
    2010 UT 18
    , ¶ 13; Lopez, 873 P.2d at 1132 (“Investiga‐
    tive questioning that further detains the driver must be supported
    by reasonable suspicion of [additional] criminal activity.”).
    Nevertheless, “the scope of the stop is still limited” and the officer
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    State v. Adamson
    must diligently investigate in a manner that is likely to confirm or
    dispel the new suspicion quickly. Lopez, 873 P.2d at 1132.
    ¶10 It is uncontested that the traffic stop at issue here was
    justified at its inception because the officers witnessed Adamson
    commit two violations. See id. (explaining that a routine traffic stop
    is justified at its inception “if the stop is incident to a traffic
    violation committed in the officers’ presence” and may be sup‐
    ported either by probable cause based on “[a]n observed traffic
    violation” or by reasonable suspicion that the driver is committing
    or has committed a traffic offense (citations and internal quotation
    marks omitted)). The issue presented for our review is whether the
    resulting detention was reasonably related in scope to the circum‐
    stances that justified the traffic stop in the first place, or whether
    during the traffic stop there arose reasonable suspicion of addi‐
    tional criminal activity to justify expansion of the stop.
    ¶11 In granting Adamson’s motion to suppress, the district court
    concluded that the officers impermissibly expanded the scope of
    the traffic stop to an investigation of a DUI violation without
    reasonable suspicion of such additional criminal activity. In
    addition, Adamson argues that the officers impermissibly ex‐
    panded the scope of the stop to an investigation of whether he had
    violated the alcohol restrictions on his driver license without
    commensurate reasonable suspicion. We conclude, however, that
    the officers did not exceed the permissible scope of the traffic stop
    by briefly questioning Adamson to determine whether he was in
    compliance with the licensing restriction that required that he have
    an ignition interlock device installed in his vehicle and, therefore,
    did not need reasonable suspicion of additional criminal activity to
    conduct such an inquiry. In the course of confirming compliance
    with the licensing restrictions, the officers developed reasonable
    suspicion of additional criminal activity, i.e., that Adamson had
    committed a DUI violation and had violated the restrictions placed
    on him as an alcohol restricted driver. As a result, the officers’
    detention of Adamson for further investigation was not unreason‐
    able and did not violate his Fourth Amendment rights.
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    State v. Adamson
    ¶12 In the course of conducting a routine traffic stop, an officer
    “may request a driver[] license and vehicle registration, conduct a
    computer check, and issue a citation,” and may also conduct a
    warrants check. 
    Id. at 1132
    –33 (citation and internal quotation
    marks omitted). In particular, the officer may conduct “[a] com‐
    puter check of public records on a driver during an ordinary traffic
    stop.” State v. Chism, 
    2005 UT App 41
    , ¶ 15, 
    107 P.3d 706
    . An
    inquiry of that sort is reasonable during the course of a traffic stop
    because though “[a] driver license [itself] is proof that driving
    privileges were extended . . . on the date of issue[,] . . . those
    privileges are subject to revocation” or modification or restriction,
    “which cannot be determined by examining the driver license
    Id. ¶ 15 n.7
    . Thus, “[s]ome further procedure, such as a
    computer check, is necessary to determine whether the status of
    driving privileges has changed since the issuance of the license.” 
    Such a check imposes “no additional intrusion on the driver, who
    must already produce [a] driver license and submit to confirmation
    of . . . driving privileges.” 
    Id. ¶ 15
     (footnote omitted). And such a
    check does not impose any “significant extension of the period of
    detention beyond that which the driver is already lawfully
    subjected to in order to verify continuing driving privileges.” 
    “However, once the driver has produced a valid driver[] license
    and evidence of entitlement to use the vehicle, he must be allowed
    to proceed on his way . . . .” Lopez, 873 P.2d at 1132 (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted); Baker, 
    2010 UT 18
    , ¶ 17 (“[O]nce
    the lawful purpose of the stop has concluded, the [driver] must be
    released from the[] temporary seizure.”). See also United States v.
    106 F.3d 942
    , 945 (10th Cir. 1997) (“During a traffic stop . . . ,
    a police officer is permitted to ask such questions, examine such
    documentation, and run such computer verifications as necessary
    to determine that the driver has a valid license and is entitled to
    operate the vehicle. The officer may detain the driver and his
    vehicle as long as reasonably necessary to make these determina‐
    tions and to issue a citation or warning.” (citation omitted)).
    ¶13 Because an officer may conduct a computer check in order
    to verify continuing driving privileges, it naturally follows that the
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    officer may conduct a brief inquiry to confirm compliance with a
    licensing restriction that comes to the officer’s attention.1 If an
    officer were precluded from following up on such information
    altogether, the permissible computer check for licensing restrictions
    would be meaningless. This kind of brief inquiry to confirm
    compliance with applicable licensing restrictions does not amount
    to an expansion of the traffic stop and therefore does not require
    reasonable suspicion of additional criminal activity, although an
    inquiry of this sort is certainly subject to the requirement that the
    detention “must be temporary and last no longer than is necessary
    to effectuate the purpose of the stop,” Lopez, 873 P.2d at 1132
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted).
    ¶14 Here, while conducting a computer check to verify Adam‐
    son’s driving privileges,2 Trooper McCoy discovered that Adamson
    was an alcohol restricted driver and was required to install and
    maintain an ignition interlock device in his vehicle. Not knowing
    of these license restrictions during the initial encounter, Trooper
    McCoy had no reason at the time to look for an ignition interlock
    device and did not notice if one was installed. So when Trooper
    McCoy returned to Adamson’s car after conducting the computer
    check—in addition to doing other things that would have been
    within the scope of the original traffic stop, such as issuing a
    citation or warning for the traffic violations, asking whether
    Adamson had his driver license in his possession, and returning
    Adamson’s documents—it was reasonable for Trooper McCoy to
    inquire whether there was an interlock device on the vehicle. Such
    For example, if a driver has a corrective lens restriction
    but is not wearing glasses, the officer may simply ask if the
    driver is wearing contacts or is otherwise in compliance.
    Trooper McCoy’s efforts to confirm Adamson’s driving
    privileges were particularly reasonable under the facts of this
    case, given that Adamson provided Trooper McCoy with an
    identification card rather than a driver license.
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    a brief inquiry to confirm compliance with the applicable licensing
    restriction was within the scope of the initial detention.3 See Chism,
    2005 UT App 41
    , ¶ 15 (conducting a computer check to confirm
    driving privileges imposes “no additional intrusion on the driver,
    who must already produce his driver license and submit to
    confirmation of his or her driving privileges” and does not
    “significant[ly] exten[d] the period of detention beyond that which
    the driver is already lawfully subjected to in order to verify
    continuing driving privileges”).
    ¶15 When Adamson responded to the inquiry, Trooper McCoy
    smelled the odor of alcohol. Adamson does not challenge that, by
    that time, Trooper McCoy had reasonable suspicion of additional
    criminal activity, i.e., both a violation of Adamson’s alcohol
    restricted status and a DUI violation.4 See State v. Morris, 
    2011 UT 3
    In reaching this decision, we confine ourselves to the
    facts of this case and do not address more generally the extent to
    which an officer may look into a driver’s compliance with appli‐
    cable licensing restrictions. For example, the question remains
    for another day whether an officer may go beyond simple in‐
    quiry to determine whether an interlock device is actually opera‐
    tional or whether an alcohol restricted driver has been drinking
    yet still remain within the scope of the original stop.
    When Trooper McCoy discovered Adamson’s licensing
    restrictions and criminal history, Officer Spillman instructed
    Trooper McCoy not only to inquire about the interlock device
    but also to have Adamson exit his car to better assess whether he
    had consumed any alcohol. In granting Adamson’s motion to
    suppress, the district court concluded that Trooper McCoy did
    not have reasonable suspicion to expand the scope of the traffic
    stop to investigate whether Adamson had committed a DUI
    violation, emphasizing in particular that Adamson’s criminal
    history was insufficient to raise such reasonable suspicion.
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    State v. Adamson
    40, ¶ 29, 
    259 P.3d 116
     (explaining that the smell of alcohol may
    generate reasonable suspicion of criminal activity, thus justifying
    further detention). Trooper McCoy was then justified in further
    detaining Adamson for the purpose of conducting a field sobriety
    test, which Adamson failed and which led to a blood test that
    showed his blood level to be over three times the legal limit.
    Because Trooper McCoy did not unreasonably detain or extend the
    detention by inquiring whether Adamson had an ignition interlock
    device installed on the vehicle he was driving, the district court
    erred in granting Adamson’s motion to suppress.
    ¶16 We conclude that Trooper McCoy acted within the
    permissible scope of the traffic stop by asking a single question to
    confirm Adamson’s compliance with his alcohol‐restricted license.
    In the course of doing so, Trooper McCoy smelled the odor of
    alcohol on Adamson and formed reasonable suspicion of
    additional criminal activity. Trooper McCoy was then justified in
    detaining Adamson for the purpose of conducting field sobriety
    tests. Accordingly, we reverse the district court’s grant of
    Adamson’s motion to suppress.
    Because we have concluded that Trooper McCoy’s question
    about the ignition interlock device did not exceed or
    impermissibly extend the scope of the original traffic stop, we
    need not address whether there was reasonable suspicion to
    justify the question, nor is it necessary for us to address whether
    Trooper McCoy and Officer Spillman had a subjective intent to
    detain Adamson beyond the scope of the traffic stop. Rather,
    once Trooper McCoy smelled the odor of alcohol coming from
    Adamson as he responded to the question about the interlock
    device there was reasonable suspicion to justify further
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Document Info

Docket Number: 20100831-CA

Citation Numbers: 2013 UT App 22, 295 P.3d 717

Filed Date: 1/25/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023