Kirkham v. McConkie , 427 P.3d 444 ( 2018 )

    2018 UT App 100
    No. 20160908-CA
    Filed June 1, 2018
    Third District Court, Salt Lake Department
    The Honorable Ryan M. Harris
    No. 150902953
    Larry A. Kirkham, Attorney for Appellant
    Keith A. Call and Robert T. Denny, Attorneys
    for Appellees
    JUDGE GREGORY K. ORME authored this Opinion, in which
    ORME, Judge:
    ¶1    Appellant Janae Kirkham appeals the district court’s grant
    of summary judgment in favor of Appellees Bryant J. McConkie,
    David W. Read, and Strong & Hanni PC (collectively, Law Firm).
    We affirm.
    ¶2    Kirkham retained Law Firm to represent her from 2007 to
    2012 in post-divorce proceedings. 1 In 2011, Kirkham’s ex-
    1. “When reviewing summary judgment, we recite the facts in a
    light most favorable to the nonmoving party,” Kilpatrick v. Wiley,
    Kirkham v. McConkie
    husband filed a petition to modify child support, seeking, among
    other things, a tax exemption for the parties’ only remaining
    minor child. 2 Law Firm did not file a counterpetition in
    response. Subsequent disagreements emerged between Kirkham
    and Law Firm over the tax exemption issue, prompting Law
    Firm to withdraw as counsel. Kirkham continued pro se, and at
    the conclusion of a trial, the district court granted her ex-
    husband’s petition. See Widdison v. Widdison, 
    2014 UT App 233
    ¶ 2, 
    336 P.3d 1106
    ¶3      Kirkham brought suit against Law Firm for legal
    malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of contract for
    failing to file a counterpetition for increased child support. Both
    sides in the malpractice action were provided a schedule of due
    dates, requiring the disclosure of expert witnesses by March 25,
    2016. See generally Utah R. Civ. P. 26(a)(4)(A) (requiring
    disclosure of any witness “who is retained or specially employed
    to provide expert testimony”). Law Firm timely disclosed that it
    intended to use an expert witness to testify that Law Firm did
    not breach any standard of care or fiduciary duty or cause any
    damages to Kirkham for failure to file a counterpetition.
    Kirkham did not disclose any expert witnesses.
    Rein & Fielding, 
    909 P.2d 1283
    , 1286 (Utah Ct. App. 1996), which
    in this case is Kirkham.
    2. This is Kirkham’s second appeal before this court. In her first
    appeal, Widdison v. Widdison, 
    2014 UT App 233
    336 P.3d 1106
    we vacated the district court’s modification order granting her
    ex-husband the tax exemption for their minor child and
    remanded the case for additional findings. Id. ¶ 21. Kirkham
    subsequently challenged those findings in another appeal
    pending in this court, Widdison v. Kirkham, Case No.
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    Kirkham v. McConkie
    ¶4      After the expert witness deadline passed, Law Firm
    moved for summary judgment, arguing that Kirkham’s claims
    should be dismissed for failure to present expert testimony as
    evidence that Law Firm breached the standard of care. The
    district court granted summary judgment in favor of Law Firm,
    determining that Kirkham failed to satisfy her burden of proof
    by not designating an expert witness to prove the essential
    elements of her legal malpractice claims. Kirkham appeals.
    ¶5      Kirkham contends that the district court improperly
    awarded summary judgment to Law Firm. “Summary judgment
    is appropriate only where there are no genuine issues of material
    fact and the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of
    law.” Salt Lake City Corp. v. Big Ditch Irrigation Co., 
    2011 UT 33
    ¶ 18, 
    258 P.3d 539
    . Accord Utah R. Civ. P. 56(a). “We review a
    district court’s grant of summary judgment for correctness and
    afford no deference to the court’s legal conclusions.” Big Ditch
    Irrigation Co., 
    2011 UT 33
    , ¶ 18. We also review for correctness
    the district court’s determination that an expert witness was
    required for Kirkham to make her prima facie case. Clifford P.D.
    Redekop Family LLC v. Utah County Real Estate LLC, 
    2016 UT App 121
    , ¶ 10, 
    378 P.3d 109
    ¶6    Kirkham argues that the district court erred in granting
    summary judgment to Law Firm on account of her failure to
    designate an expert witness. 3 She asserts that a counterpetition is
    3. Kirkham also argues that Law Firm breached its contract with
    her by failing to bring a counterpetition to increase child
    support. But Kirkham offered no evidence that filing a
    counterpetition was a term of the contract; instead, she testified
    that the only term of the contract was that Law Firm agreed to
    represent her in the divorce case. Accordingly, we conclude that
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    Kirkham v. McConkie
    considered a compulsory counterclaim under rule 13 of the Utah
    Rules of Civil Procedure and that the jury could have easily
    understood through “a proper jury instruction” that Law Firm’s
    failure to follow rule 13 and file a counterpetition breached the
    attorney standard of care.
    ¶7      Generally, “[i]f a defendant can show that the plaintiff has
    no legally sufficient evidentiary basis for its claims at trial, the
    defendant may establish the lack of a genuine issue of material
    fact and an entitlement to judgment as a matter of law.” Salo v.
    2018 UT 7
    , ¶ 31. Because Law Firm made the requisite
    initial showing, Kirkham needed to present sufficient evidence
    on each element of her negligence and breach of fiduciary duty
    claims to survive summary judgment—including the attorney
    standard of care. See Kilpatrick v. Wiley, Rein & Fielding, 
    909 P.2d 1283
    , 1290 (Utah Ct. App. 1996) (breach of fiduciary duty
    elements); Harline v. Barker, 
    854 P.2d 595
    , 598 (Utah Ct. App.
    1993) (negligence elements). The district court determined that,
    by failing “to present expert testimony to prove the applicable
    standards of conduct, breach and causation,” Kirkham did not
    satisfy her evidentiary burden.
    ¶8     While expert testimony is not necessary in all cases, it is
    required “where the average person has little understanding of
    the duties owed by particular trades or professions,” including
    “duties owed by practicing attorneys to their clients, especially
    in cases involving complex and involved allegations of
    malpractice.” Preston & Chambers, PC v. Koller, 
    943 P.2d 260
    , 263
    (Utah Ct. App. 1997) (quotation simplified). Expert testimony is
    unnecessary only in cases where “the defendant’s conduct is
    within the common knowledge and experience of the layman.”
     at 263‒64 (quotation simplified). “The test for determining
    whether testimony must be provided by an expert is whether the
    the district court properly dismissed her breach of contract
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    Kirkham v. McConkie
    testimony requires that the witness have scientific, technical, or
    other specialized knowledge; in other words, whether an
    average bystander would be able to provide the same
    testimony.” Clifford P.D. Redekop Family LLC v. Utah County Real
    Estate LLC, 
    2016 UT App 121
    , ¶ 19, 
    378 P.3d 109
    ¶9      The district court noted that “claims for child support
    may be asserted ‘at any time’” by a parent or raised sua sponte
    by the district court. See Utah Code Ann. § 78B-12-210(9)(a)
    (LexisNexis 2012) (stating that a petition may be raised at any
    time by a parent “if there has been a substantial change in
    circumstances”); Doyle v. Doyle, 
    2009 UT App 306
    , ¶¶ 20‒21, 
    221 P.3d 888
     (holding that district courts have discretion to modify
    child support obligations despite a party’s failure to petition for
    such a change), aff’d, 
    2011 UT 42
    258 P.3d 553
    . Accordingly, the
    district court determined that “whether a claim for child support
    is a compulsory counterclaim under rule 13” that must have
    been filed to satisfy the applicable standard of care would not be
    “so obvious” to the average person, including those sitting on
    the jury in this case. And Law Firm designated an experienced
    family law attorney to testify that “the standard of conduct in
    [the] community did not require [Law Firm] to file a
    counterclaim to increase child support in the underlying divorce
    ¶10 We agree that the average juror would not know whether
    an attorney with ordinary skill and capacity would have filed a
    counterpetition under the same circumstances of this case. See
    Watkiss & Saperstein v. Williams, 
    931 P.2d 840
    , 846 (Utah 1996)
    (defining the attorney standard of care as the “duty to use such
    skill, prudence, and diligence as lawyers of ordinary skill and
    capacity commonly possess and exercise in the performance of
    the tasks which they undertake”) (quotation simplified). Without
    the help of an expert, jurors would be hard pressed to
    understand how the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and the Utah
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    Child Support Act 4 operate together and whether an attorney
    would have been expected to file a counterpetition, consistent
    with the standards of professional conduct in the community.
    Indeed, these issues require a level of expertise in the field of
    family law, and an expert was therefore necessary to aid the jury
    in identifying the attorney standard of care for filing petitions to
    modify child support and determining whether Law Firm had
    breached that standard in this case.
    ¶11 Consequently, in order to prevail, Kirkham needed to
    retain a family law expert to testify to the standard of care,
    breach, and causation elements of her claims. Given that she did
    not present expert testimony in support of her case, and in
    refutation of the opinions offered by Law Firm’s expert, the
    district court correctly determined that Law Firm was entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law.
    ¶12    Because Kirkham failed to carry her burden of proof by
    retaining an expert witness to testify on her behalf to the
    necessary elements of her legal malpractice claims, we conclude
    that the district court correctly granted summary judgment to
    Law Firm. That judgment is affirmed.
    4. Utah Code Ann. § 78B-12-101 to -403 (LexisNexis 2012).
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