Estate of Flygare v. Ogden City , 405 P.3d 970 ( 2017 )

    2017 UT App 189
    No. 20160546-CA
    Filed October 13, 2017
    Second District Court, Ogden Department
    The Honorable Ernest W. Jones
    No. 140905780
    Edward B. Havas and Paul M. Simmons, Attorneys
    for Appellants
    Stephen F. Noel and Kenneth Brown, Attorneys for
    Appellee Ogden City
    Terry M. Plant and Daniel E. Young, Attorneys for
    Appellee Black & McDonald LLC
    JUDGE DIANA HAGEN authored this Opinion, in which JUDGES
    DAVID N. MORTENSEN and RYAN M. HARRIS concurred.
    HAGEN, Judge:
    ¶1    After leaving an event at Peery’s Egyptian Theater late in
    the evening on February 16, 2013, Rose Flygare, Marjorie Bell,
    and a minor child (collectively, Plaintiffs 1) were hit by a truck
    1. Rose Flygare died during the pendency of this case and her
    estate was substituted as a plaintiff. Richard and Jennifer Pratt
    brought this action on behalf of the minor child. For ease of
    Estate of Flygare v. Ogden City
    and injured as they crossed at a designated crosswalk in Ogden,
    Utah. The marked crosswalk was equipped with streetlights, but
    they had been inoperative for several days prior to the accident.
    Plaintiffs sued Ogden City and the contractor responsible for
    maintaining the streetlights, Black & McDonald LLC,
    (collectively, Defendants 2), alleging that the inadequate lighting
    caused or contributed to the accident. Plaintiffs appeal the
    district court’s entry of summary judgment, which dismissed
    their negligence claims against Defendants. We affirm.
    ¶2     On January 7 and February 6, 2013, Ogden City contacted
    Black & McDonald to request that it inspect and repair several
    “day burners” in the 2200, 2300, and 2400 blocks of Washington
    Boulevard. A “day burner” is a streetlight that remains on
    during the day instead of automatically turning off at dawn. On
    February 7, 2013, a Black & McDonald employee was attempting
    to repair a day burner when he accidentally shorted out the
    wires and tripped a breaker, causing the streetlights in the
    vicinity to go out. Five days later, Black & McDonald notified
    Ogden City of the streetlights’ circuitry problems, but Ogden
    City did not authorize repairs until February 17, 2013, the day
    after Plaintiffs were hit in the unlit crosswalk.
    ¶3   The crosswalk is located in the middle of the 2400 block of
    Washington Boulevard, a multilane road in an area of
    reference, however, we use “Plaintiffs” to refer to either the three
    pedestrians who were injured or their representatives.
    2. Pacificorp dba Rocky Mountain Power was a defendant in the
    proceedings below but was dismissed and is not a party to this
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    downtown Ogden that is home to arts and recreation centers, a
    convention center, businesses, and municipal buildings. At the
    time of the accident, the crosswalk did not have any cracks,
    potholes, raised sections, or other problems. The street was
    marked with white hash marks and white arrows. There were
    two identical signs—one in the median and one on the right-
    hand side of the road—depicting an arrow, a pedestrian, and a
    yield sign indicating a crosswalk. At the crosswalk’s entrance,
    there was a yellow sign on the right-hand side of the road
    depicting a pedestrian and an arrow pointing to the crosswalk.
    The crosswalk did not have any flashing lights or Walk/Don’t
    Walk signs.
    ¶4      Plaintiffs contend that, on the night of the accident, the
    driver of the truck was unable to see them in the crosswalk due
    to inadequate lighting. They sued Defendants, alleging
    negligence in failing to properly operate, maintain, and repair
    the streetlights. Defendants subsequently moved for summary
    judgment, asserting that they did not have a duty to illuminate
    the crosswalk. The district court agreed and granted summary
    judgment for Defendants on December 14, 2015. Plaintiffs filed a
    timely motion to alter or amend the judgment, claiming that the
    court had not fully considered the argument that Black &
    McDonald’s affirmative negligent act of tripping the breaker–as
    opposed to its failure to maintain the streetlights–imposed
    liability on Defendants. On June 6, 2016, the court denied the
    motion and questioned whether Plaintiffs’ motion was actually
    an improper request to reconsider. Plaintiffs filed a notice of
    appeal on June 24, 2016.
    ¶5    On appeal, Plaintiffs challenge the district court’s ruling
    that Defendants had no duty to light the crosswalk where the
    accident occurred and were therefore entitled to summary
    judgment. Summary judgment is appropriate if “there is no
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    genuine dispute as to any material fact and the moving party is
    entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Utah R. Civ. P. 56(a).
    “This court reviews a trial court’s legal conclusions and ultimate
    grant or denial of summary judgment for correctness, and views
    the facts and all reasonable inferences drawn therefrom in the
    light most favorable to the nonmoving party.” Forsberg v. Bovis
    Lend Lease, Inc., 
    2008 UT App 146
    , ¶ 7, 
    184 P.3d 610
     (citation and
    internal quotation marks omitted).
    I. Jurisdiction
    ¶6     Before reaching the merits of this appeal, we must
    consider a threshold jurisdictional issue. Defendants argue that
    this appeal is untimely because it was filed nearly six months
    after the district court granted summary judgment. Plaintiffs
    claim that they timely filed their notice of appeal within thirty
    days after the denial of their motion to alter or amend the
    judgment. The question before us is whether Plaintiffs’ post-
    judgment motion was a true motion to alter or amend the
    judgment, which extends the time for filing a notice of appeal, or
    an unauthorized motion to reconsider, which does not.
    ¶7      To be timely, a notice of appeal must be filed “within 30
    days after the date of entry of the judgment or order appealed
    from.” Utah R. App. P. 4(a). However, certain post-judgment
    motions, such as motions to alter or amend, toll the time for
    appeal. See 
     R. 4(b). The prescribed thirty-day period does not
    begin to run until after the court enters an order on one of those
    rule-sanctioned motions. See B.A.M. Dev. v. Salt Lake County, 
    2012 UT 26
    , ¶ 10, 
    282 P.3d 41
    . On the other hand, because neither the
    Utah Rules of Appellate Procedure nor the Utah Rules of Civil
    Procedure recognize motions to reconsider, such motions do not
    toll the time for appeal. See Gillett v. Price, 
    2006 UT 24
    , ¶¶ 5–6,
    135 P.3d 861
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    ¶8     Defendants argue that Plaintiffs’ motion to alter or amend
    the judgment was, in substance, an unauthorized motion to
    reconsider that did not toll the time for appeal. In B.A.M.
    Development, the Utah Supreme Court rejected a similar
    argument. See 
    2012 UT 26
    , ¶ 13. In that case, the defendant
    argued that the time for filing a notice of appeal was not tolled
    by a motion to alter or amend the judgment under Utah Rule of
    Civil Procedure 59(e) because the motion “was in substance a
    motion to reconsider—in that it was essentially a ‘rehash’ of
    arguments made during trial.” Id. ¶ 12. The supreme court
    declined to construe the rule 59 motion as a motion to
    reconsider, holding that “[r]ule 4(b) is triggered by the filing of a
    motion that is properly styled as one of the motions enumerated
    in the rule and that plausibly requests the relevant relief.” Id.
    ¶ 13. Even though the arguments made in the motion “were
    unconvincing and repetitive, neither rule 4(b) nor rule 59 require
    that a posttrial motion make winning arguments to be
    procedurally proper.” Id. ¶ 14.
    ¶9      This court recently applied that holding in a case where
    the district court expressly found that a rule 59 motion was, in
    substance, a motion to reconsider. See Lindstrom v. Custom Floor
    Covering, Inc., 
    2017 UT App 141
    , ¶ 6, ___ P.3d ___. This court
    examined whether the motion (1) “was ‘properly styled’ as a
    rule 59(e) motion” and (2) “‘plausibly request[ed] the relevant
    relief.’” Id. ¶ 12 (quoting B.A.M. Dev., 
    2012 UT 26
    , ¶¶ 13–14).
    Because both requirements were met, this court held that “the
    deadline to file a notice of appeal was tolled until that motion
    was resolved.” 
    ¶10 Similarly, the post-judgment motion in the present case
    was both properly styled and plausibly requested the relevant
    relief. Defendants do not contest that Plaintiffs “styled” their
    motion as a rule 59(e) motion. See Utah R. Civ. P. 59(e). The
    motion was captioned as a motion to alter or amend and cited
    rule 59(e). In addition, it explicitly requested “relevant relief”—
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    that the district court alter or amend its order of December 14,
    2015. See B.A.M. Dev., 
    2012 UT 26
    , ¶ 13. Thus, despite “making
    the same arguments,” the motion was procedurally proper and
    tolled the time for appeal. See Lindstrom, 
    2017 UT App 141
    , ¶ 12.
    We therefore have jurisdiction to consider the merits of this
    II. Duty
    ¶11 Plaintiffs contend the district court “erred in concluding
    that the defendants had no duty to light or maintain Washington
    Boulevard at its busiest place.” “One essential element of a
    negligence action is a duty of reasonable care[.]” Beach v.
    University of Utah, 
    726 P.2d 413
    , 415 (Utah 1986). “Without a
    duty, there can be no negligence as a matter of law, and
    summary judgment is appropriate.” Rocky Mountain Thrift Stores
    Inc. v. Salt Lake City Corp., 
    887 P.2d 848
    , 852 (Utah 1994). Thus,
    for their negligence claim to survive summary judgment,
    Plaintiffs must show that Defendants owed them a duty. See
    Young v. Salt Lake City School Dist., 
    2002 UT 64
    , ¶ 12, 
    52 P.3d 1230
    . Whether a duty exists is a question of law that we review
    for correctness. See Fishbaugh v. Utah Power & Light, 
    969 P.2d 403
    405 (Utah 1998).
    ¶12 The legal analysis regarding the existence of a duty is the
    same for both Defendants. Municipalities, such as Ogden City,
    have a nondelegable duty to maintain their streets in a
    reasonably safe condition for travel. See Bowen v. Riverton City,
    656 P.2d 434
    , 437 (Utah 1982). Ogden City would be liable if the
    negligence of its independent contractor, Black & McDonald,
    violated this nondelegable duty. See Castellanos v. Tommy John,
    2014 UT App 48
    , ¶ 23, 
    321 P.3d 218
    . As for Black
    & McDonald, as a general matter, “an independent contractor
    responsible for municipal light repairs owes no duty of care to
    the general public.” Vergara v. Tides Constr. Corp., 
    721 N.Y.S.2d 103
    , 103 (N.Y. App. Div. 2001). A contractor may be held liable in
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    certain limited circumstances, however, such as where
    streetlights are necessary “to obviate a dangerous condition,”
    where the actions of the contractor “create a risk greater than the
    risk created by the total absence of a streetlight,” or where the
    public has “relied on the operation of the streetlight [forgoing]
    other protective actions.” See White v. Southern Cal. Edison Co., 
    30 Cal. Rptr. 2d 431
    , 437 (Ct. App. 1994). As explained below, a
    municipality would have a duty to light the street under those
    same circumstances. Because the undisputed facts in this case do
    not give rise to such a duty, summary judgment was appropriate
    as to both Defendants.
    A.     No Duty to Light Otherwise Safe Streets
    ¶13 The Utah Supreme Court has previously considered
    whether municipalities have a duty to install and maintain
    streetlights and held that a city has no duty to light an otherwise
    safe street. See Fishbaugh, 969 P.2d at 403. In Fishbaugh, a car hit a
    pedestrian as he crossed a mid-block crosswalk at 350 South
    West Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah. See id. at 404. At the time of
    the accident, streetlights in the area were not working due to a
    short in the photocell. Id.
    ¶14 The supreme court recognized the general rule that “a
    municipality possesses no duty to light its streets.” Id. at 405
    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). “Because a
    municipality has no common law duty to light its streets, it has
    no duty to maintain such lights that it has nevertheless elected to
    install.” Id. at 406.
    ¶15 On the other hand, a city “does have the clear duty to
    maintain its streets reasonably safe for travel” and “to warn of
    dangerous conditions on its streets.” Id. Streetlights are one
    medium municipalities can use to provide adequate warning. Id.
    As a result, a municipality may have the duty to provide
    streetlights if such lighting is necessary to warn travelers of
    “defects, obstructions, and unsafe places in its streets.” Id.
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    (citation and internal quotation marks omitted). In other words,
    a city’s “duty to install and maintain streetlights is dependent
    upon the existence of a hazardous condition.” Id. at 407.
    ¶16 Ultimately, the Fishbaugh court did not reach the question
    of whether a hazardous condition existed. The court held that,
    “even assuming [the existence of] a hazardous condition
    requiring lighting and a duty to maintain the lights,” summary
    judgment was appropriate because there was “no evidence that
    either the City or [the utility] was negligent.” Id.
    ¶17 Plaintiffs argue that, “[b]ecause Fishbaugh was decided on
    the grounds that there was no evidence of negligence,” it should
    not control this court’s determination of whether Defendants
    had a duty to light the crosswalk at issue in the present case.
    While it is true that the Fishbaugh court did not ultimately decide
    whether there was a hazardous condition that would have given
    rise to a duty to light that particular street, it clearly established
    that there was no duty to light an otherwise safe street. See id.
    Moreover, even if the discussion in Fishbaugh could be construed
    as dicta, as Plaintiffs claim, the common law no-duty rule is
    well-established. See Herndon v. Salt Lake City, 
    95 P. 646
    , 652
    (Utah 1908) (“As to the duty of the city to light its streets
    generally it may be said that no such duty exists at common
    ¶18 Alternatively, Plaintiffs argue that this common law rule
    is archaic and should be abandoned. However, we are not at
    liberty to abandon a legal doctrine adopted by the Utah Supreme
    Court. See Ortega v. Ridgewood Estates LLC, 
    2016 UT App 131
    ¶ 30, 
    379 P.3d 18
     (noting that “we are bound by vertical stare
    decisis to ‘follow strictly’ the decisions rendered by the Utah
    Supreme Court” (citation omitted)).
    ¶19 Since a municipality does not have a duty to light an
    otherwise safe street, the question of whether Defendants owed
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    Plaintiffs a duty depends on whether there was a peculiar or
    hazardous condition making lighting necessary.
    B.     No Dispute of Material Fact Regarding the Absence of
    Any Peculiar or Hazardous Condition
    ¶20 In the present case, there is no genuine issue of material
    fact as to whether a peculiar or hazardous condition existed that
    would require lighting to render the street safe for travel. The
    condition of the crosswalk at the time of the accident is
    undisputed. There were no “defects, obstructions, and unsafe
    places,” that would have given rise to a duty to light the area. See
    Fishbaugh, 969 P.2d at 406 (citation and internal quotation
    omitted). Plaintiffs concede that the crosswalk “did not have any
    cracks, potholes, raised sections or other problems impeding”
    their ability to cross.
    ¶21 Although there is no dispute regarding the crosswalk’s
    condition, Plaintiffs nonetheless argue that a question of material
    fact remains as to whether the location of the crosswalk itself
    was hazardous. Specifically, Plaintiffs contend that “[w]hether
    the heavy traffic, the width of the street, and the design, which
    funneled pedestrian traffic across Washington Boulevard just
    south of the Egyptian Theater, where an inoperative streetlight
    was, made Washington Boulevard in the middle of the 2400
    block hazardous is a question for the jury to decide.” In essence,
    the “hazardous condition” Plaintiffs identify is the placement of
    a mid-block crosswalk on a wide, heavily trafficked street.
    ¶22 If creating a crosswalk was sufficient to render an
    otherwise safe street hazardous, the exception would swallow
    the no-duty rule. As applied, a municipality would be required
    to assume the duty to install streetlights and ensure that they
    remained functional at all times whenever it established a
    crosswalk for the convenience of pedestrians. However, a
    crosswalk is “not dangerous in the abstract” and “does not
    constitute a peculiar condition rendering lighting necessary.”
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    Plattner v. City of Riverside, 
    82 Cal. Rptr. 2d 211
    , 213 (Ct. App.
    1999). Nor does the width of the street or volume of traffic
    constitute a defect or unusual condition that would give rise to a
    duty to light the area. See Thompson v. City of New York, 
    585 N.E.2d 819
    , 821 (N.Y. 1991) (holding that the plaintiff could not
    establish a hazardous condition on the basis of a burnt-out
    streetlight merely because the affected roadway “is large and at
    times busy—a condition which exists at many city
    intersections”). The mere placement of a crosswalk on a busy but
    otherwise safe street does not create a hazardous condition and
    therefore is insufficient to create a genuine issue of material fact.
    ¶23 The district court correctly granted summary judgment
    because there was “no material dispute as to the condition of the
    crosswalk at the time of the accident,” and because there was
    “[n]o peculiar or dangerous condition at the crosswalk [that]
    rendered it hazardous and in need of lighting.” In the absence of
    any disputed issues of fact, the district court correctly ruled as a
    matter of law that Defendants did not have a duty to light the
    C.     No Broader “Assumed Duty”
    ¶24 Alternatively, Plaintiffs argue that, by installing
    streetlights along Washington Boulevard, Defendants undertook
    a broader duty to render services to pedestrians that it
    recognized were necessary to “prevent accidents and increase
    public safety.” In Fishbaugh, the Utah Supreme Court rejected a
    similar argument that the city, “by simply undertaking to install
    the streetlights,” assumed a broader duty to exercise reasonable
    care in their maintenance. 969 P.2d at 406. As in this case, the
    plaintiff in Fishbaugh based his argument on the Restatement
    (Second) of Torts section 323, which provides:
    One who undertakes, gratuitously or for
    consideration, to render services to another which
    he should recognize as necessary for the protection
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    of the other’s person or things, is subject to liability
    to the other for physical harm resulting from his
    failure to exercise reasonable care to perform his
    undertaking, if
    (a) his failure to exercise such care increases the
    risk of such harm, or
    (b) the harm is suffered because of the other’s
    reliance upon the undertaking.
    Restatement (Second) of Torts § 323 (Am. Law Inst. 1965).
    ¶25 The supreme court explained that liability under this
    section “is generally limited to instances where the failure to
    exercise reasonable care in the undertaking has placed the
    injured party in a worse position than he would have been in
    had the undertaking not occurred, or where the injured party
    relies on the undertaking.” Fishbaugh, 969 P.2d at 407. In other
    words, where a city undertakes to illuminate an otherwise safe
    street, it must exercise reasonable care to avoid creating a danger
    that otherwise would not have existed, “such as where a
    streetlight is angled in such a way as to blind a driver or a
    pedestrian, or where a light post is neglected to such a degree
    that the structure itself creates a hazard.” Id. Because there was
    no suggestion of reliance on the operation of the streetlight and
    the “lack of lighting did not put [the plaintiff] in a worse position
    than if the streetlights had never been installed,” the court held
    that the city did not have a broader duty to maintain the lights.
    ¶26 As in Fishbaugh, Plaintiffs cannot establish either that (1)
    Defendants’ alleged failure to exercise reasonable care placed
    them in a worse position, or (2) they detrimentally relied on the
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    ¶27 First, the alleged failure to exercise reasonable care in
    repairing the streetlights did not increase the risk of harm to
    Plaintiffs. As we have explained, Defendants had no duty to
    light the street in the first instance. The failed repairs did not
    place Plaintiffs in a worse position than if the streetlights had
    never been installed. This is not a case where the alleged
    negligence created a danger that did not otherwise exist. For
    instance, if a defendant “negligently failed to repair a known
    defect in a light pole that fell on a pedestrian . . . [or] if a motorist
    were blinded by a misplaced street light,” the streetlights would
    become an “instrument of harm” placing pedestrians and
    drivers in a worse position than if the lights had never been
    installed. Turbe v. Government of the Virgin Islands, 
    938 F.2d 427
    433 (3d Cir. 1991). Here, the alleged negligence did not increase
    the risk of harm but merely resulted in the natural darkness that
    would have existed if Defendants had elected not to light the
    street in the first place.
    ¶28 Plaintiffs attempt to draw a distinction between a
    defendant “merely failing to repair a streetlight that goes out
    through no fault of [the defendant] and actually causing the
    streetlight to go out through [the defendant’s] negligence.” In
    other words, Plaintiffs argue that Defendants placed them in a
    worse position when they affirmatively caused “the lights that
    would have otherwise illuminated the crosswalk to go out.”
    ¶29 “When protective services are performed negligently, the
    risk of harm to the beneficiary will always be greater than when
    those services are performed competently.” 
    Id. at 432
    . If we were
    to accept Plaintiffs’ argument, “a defendant would potentially be
    liable every time he discontinued services necessary for the
    protection of others without providing notice.” 
    Defendants chose not to install streetlights, decided to turn them
    off to conserve resources, neglected to maintain them, or
    accidentally caused them to go out, the end result is the natural
    darkness of night that the Defendants had no duty to eliminate.
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    Restatement section 323(a) “applies only when the defendant’s
    actions increased the risk of harm to the plaintiff relative to the
    risk that would have existed had the defendant never provided
    the services.” 
    ¶30 An unsuccessful attempt to maintain streetlights is not
    fundamentally different from a complete failure to maintain
    them or from the decision not to install them in the first place.
    While one involves an affirmative act and the other involves an
    omission, Plaintiffs are merely deprived of a benefit that
    Defendants had no duty to provide. There is a distinction
    “between launching an instrument of harm and simply failing to
    be an instrument of good.” Blake v. Public Service Co. of N.M.,
    , ¶ 14, 
    82 P.3d 960
    , 964. Here, the allegedly
    negligent repairs only withheld an instrument of good. 3
    ¶31 Second, there is no evidence of detrimental reliance in this
    case. To show reliance, Plaintiffs must demonstrate that they “in
    some manner relied on the operation of the streetlight [forgoing]
    other protective actions, e.g., a pedestrian chooses a particular
    route home in reliance on the available street lighting when the
    pedestrian would have chosen a different route or a different
    means of transportation in the absence of lighting.” White, 30
    Cal. Rptr. 2d at 437. “This exception to the general rule of
    3. Because the alleged negligence occurred during actual
    maintenance of the streetlights, this case is controlled by
    Fishbaugh’s holding that a municipality has no duty to install or
    maintain streetlights on an otherwise safe street. See Fishbaugh v.
    Utah Power & Light, 
    969 P.2d 403
    , 407 (Utah 1998). We are not
    confronted with, and therefore offer no opinion on, the question
    of whether a municipal actor that negligently disables a
    streetlight during actions that cannot be fairly categorized as
    installation or maintenance could be held liable for injuries
    caused by those actions.
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    nonliability anticipates a pedestrian who has taken a particular
    route based on the belief the route is lighted and does not
    discover otherwise until it is too late to take a different route.”
    Plattner, 82 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 214. In this case, Plaintiffs could
    plainly see that the streetlights were not operating and had every
    opportunity to select a safer route, such as crossing at the
    intersection. In forgoing such protective action, Plaintiffs were
    not relying on the crosswalk to be properly lit because it was
    obvious that the streetlights were not operating before they
    entered the crosswalk.
    ¶32 Defendants’ alleged negligence did not increase the risk
    of harm relative to the risk that would have naturally existed,
    and Plaintiffs cannot establish detrimental reliance on the
    presence of functioning streetlights. Therefore, the district court
    correctly held that Defendants had no assumed duty under
    section 323 of the Restatement.
    ¶33 We conclude that Defendants did not have a duty to
    provide lighting in the area of the crosswalk. The street did not
    contain any peculiar or hazardous condition necessitating
    lighting, the faulty repairs did not increase the risk of harm to
    the Plaintiffs, and the Plaintiffs did not reasonably rely on the
    streetlights to safely cross the street. Because Defendants owed
    no duty as a matter of law, the district court correctly granted
    summary judgment.
    ¶34   Affirmed.
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