Dennis Glenroy Simmonds v. Commonwealth of Virginia ( 2000 )

  •                      COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Judges Coleman, Willis and Elder
    Argued at Salem, Virginia
    v.   Record No. 2710-99-3                 JUDGE SAM W. COLEMAN III
    SEPTEMBER 26, 2000
    Mosby G. Perrow, III, Judge
    Richard S. Miller, Judge
    William F. Quillian III for appellant.
    Shelly R. James, Assistant Attorney General
    (Mark L. Earley, Attorney General, on brief),
    for appellee.
    Dennis Glenroy Simmonds was convicted in a bench trial of
    possession of cocaine.     As a result of the conviction, the trial
    court revoked Simmonds' suspended sentence previously imposed in
    an unrelated conviction.    Simmonds has appealed from each
    On appeal, Simmonds argues that the trial court erred by
    denying his motion to suppress the cocaine.     He contends that
    the search for the cocaine was unreasonable because the officers
    lacked probable cause to forcibly remove the cocaine from his
    mouth.   Simmonds further contends that the trial court erred by
    * Pursuant to Code § 17.1-413, recodifying Code
    § 17-116.010, this opinion is not designated for publication.
    finding that he violated the conditions of a previously
    suspended sentence and erred in revoking the suspended sentence.
    We disagree.
    In November 1998, Lynchburg Police Department Investigator
    R.A. Davidson was told that Chaka Herbert Raysor, who was wanted
    on nine counts of murder as well as other offenses, was in the
    Lynchburg area.   During the ensuing investigation, Davidson
    learned that Raysor had been associated with Barbara Nowlin,
    also known as "B."   Davidson was told by a reliable,
    confidential informant, that Davidson could purchase cocaine
    from Nowlin.
    At approximately 6:00 p.m. on March 24, 1999, Davidson
    received a call from the informant stating that Nowlin would be
    at a local Subway shop with cocaine that she would be selling to
    the informant.    Davidson arrived at the Subway shop and observed
    Nowlin's car.    Davidson also observed a male passenger in
    Nowlin's car, whom he thought might be Raysor.   However, the
    passenger was the defendant.
    At approximately 6:30 p.m., Davidson observed the
    confidential informant arrive and go behind the Subway shop to
    conduct the drug transaction with Nowlin.    "Almost
    instantaneously" after the drug sale, the informant notified
    Davidson of the sale and of the fact that Nowlin was still in
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    possession of cocaine.   Davidson notified vice investigators to
    stop Nowlin's vehicle and also notified the tactical unit that
    he believed Raysor was in the vehicle.    The officers stopped
    Nowlin's vehicle moments later.
    Investigator Wayne Duff made what he characterized as a
    "high risk felony vehicle stop" of Nowlin's vehicle.   The
    uniformed officers had their weapons drawn; they gave verbal
    commands from covered positions for Nowlin and the passenger to
    raise their hands and exit the vehicle.   Rather than exiting the
    vehicle as instructed and despite repeated orders to show his
    hands, Simmonds remained in the vehicle and repeatedly reached
    under the passenger seat and out of the view of the officers.
    The officers approached the vehicle and physically removed
    Simmonds from the car.   Once they had him out of the car, the
    officers forcibly placed Simmonds, who continued to struggle, on
    the ground in a prone position.   Duff approached Simmonds and
    immediately recognized that he was not Raysor.   Duff also
    noticed that Simmonds was making chewing motions and that he had
    a "chalky white powdery substance around his lips."    Under the
    circumstances and based on Investigator Duff's experience, he
    concluded that the substance was probably cocaine and that
    Simmonds was attempting to ingest it.    Duff was aware that
    swallowing cocaine posed a significant health hazard that may be
    fatal.   Duff informed another officer what he observed and the
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    two officers commanded Simmonds to stop chewing, which Simmonds
    ignored.   The officers applied pressure to Simmonds' throat to
    prevent him from swallowing.       They tried to force Simmonds'
    mouth open, but he "clamped" it shut and continued to chew.
    After struggling for several seconds, one of the officers
    sprayed a burst of "cap-stun" in Simmonds' face.      At that point,
    Simmonds spit out chunks of an off-white substance, clear
    plastic bags, and a brown paper bag.      The white substance was
    determined to be cocaine.
    A.    Motion to Suppress
    Simmonds argues that the trial court erred by denying his
    motion to suppress the cocaine.      He contends that the search was
    an impermissible bodily intrusion.      He contends that even if he
    was lawfully seized, the officers acted unreasonably when they
    forcibly removed the drugs from his mouth.
    When we review a trial court's denial of a suppression
    motion, "[w]e view the evidence in a light most favorable to
    . . . the prevailing party below, and we grant all reasonable
    inferences fairly deducible from that evidence."       Commonwealth
    v. Grimstead, 
    12 Va. App. 1066
    , 1067, 
    407 S.E.2d 47
    , 48 (1991)
    (citation omitted).   "[W]e are bound by the trial court's
    findings of historical fact unless 'plainly wrong' or without
    evidence to support them."     McGee v. Commonwealth, 25 Va. App.
    - 4 -
    193, 198, 
    487 S.E.2d 259
    , 261 (1997) (en banc) (citing Ornelas
    v. United States, 
    517 U.S. 690
    , 699 (1996)).      "However, we
    consider de novo whether those facts implicate the Fourth
    Amendment and, if so, whether the officers unlawfully infringed
    upon an area protected by the Fourth Amendment."       Hughes v.
    31 Va. App. 447
    , 454, 
    524 S.E.2d 155
    , 159 (2000)
    (en banc) (citing McGee, 25 Va. App. at 198, 487 S.E.2d at 261).
    1.    The Stop
    "When the police stop a motor vehicle and detain an
    occupant, this constitutes a 'seizure' of the person for Fourth
    Amendment purposes, even though the function of the stop is
    limited and the detention brief."       Zimmerman v. Commonwealth,
    234 Va. 609
    , 611, 
    363 S.E.2d 708
    , 709 (1988).
    A police officer may conduct an
    investigatory stop of a vehicle when he or
    she has an "articulable and reasonable
    suspicion that a motorist is unlicensed or
    that an automobile is not registered, or
    that either the vehicle or an occupant is
    otherwise subject to seizure for violation
    of law."
    Commonwealth v. Spencer, 
    21 Va. App. 156
    , 159, 
    462 S.E.2d 899
    901 (1995) (quoting Delaware v. Prouse, 
    440 U.S. 648
    , 663
    (1979)).   "Reasonable suspicion, like probable cause, is
    dependent upon both the content of information possessed by
    police and its degree of reliability."       Alabama v. White, 
    496 U.S. 325
    , 330 (1990).   "To determine whether an officer has
    articulated a reasonable basis to suspect criminal activity, a
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    court must consider the totality of the circumstances, including
    the officer's knowledge, training, and experience."     Freeman v.
    20 Va. App. 658
    , 661, 
    460 S.E.2d 261
    , 262 (1995)
    (citation omitted).    Further, when determining the existence of
    reasonable suspicion to detain a suspect that is based, at least
    in part, on an informant's tip, we again look to the totality of
    the circumstances.     See Boyd v. Commonwealth, 
    12 Va. App. 179
    402 S.E.2d 914
    , 919 (1991).    The court should conduct a
    "balanced assessment of the relative weights of all the various
    indicia of reliability (and unreliability) attending an
    informant's tip."     Illinois v. Gates, 
    462 U.S. 213
    , 234 (1983).
    In "applying the
    totality-of-the-circumstances analysis," the
    Supreme Court has "consistently recognized
    the value of corroboration of details of an
    informant's tip by independent police work."
    Gates, 462 U.S. at 241. When making a
    warrantless arrest, an officer "'may rely
    upon information received through an
    informant, rather than upon direct
    observations,'" so long as the officer has
    reasonable grounds to believe the
    informant's statement is true. Id. at 242
    (citation omitted).
    McGuire v. Commonwealth, 
    31 Va. App. 584
    , 594-95, 
    525 S.E.2d 43
    48 (2000).
    Here, the officers received a tip from a reliable informant
    that "B" would be arriving at a Subway restaurant and that she
    would have drugs.    Shortly after receiving the tip, Davidson
    went to the Subway shop and saw a female driving a car that
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    Davidson knew to be leased to Nowlin.       Davidson observed
    Nowlin's car drive behind the Subway shop and park alongside
    another vehicle.    Davidson then observed the occupants of both
    vehicles engage in a hand-to-hand transaction.         Immediately
    after the transaction, the informant called Davidson and
    informed him that the woman driving Nowlin's car was in
    possession of cocaine.       Based on the totality of the
    circumstances, the evidence sufficiently proved that the police
    had a reasonable suspicion that Nowlin was driving the car and
    that she possessed cocaine.       Therefore, the stop of Nowlin's car
    for the purpose of obtaining more information and investigating
    the suspected crime was not unlawful.
    2.     The Seizure of Simmonds
    Following a lawful traffic stop, an officer may order the
    driver, see Pennsylvania v. Mimms, 
    434 U.S. 106
    , 111 n.6 (1977)
    (per curiam), and any passengers to exit the car, see Maryland
    v. Wilson, 
    519 U.S. 408
    , 414-15 (1997).       In Wilson, the United
    States Supreme Court held that "an officer making a traffic stop
    may order passengers to get out of the car pending completion of
    the stop."     Id. at 415.    The Court reasoned that:
    danger to an officer from a traffic stop is
    likely to be greater when there are
    passengers in addition to the driver in the
    stopped car. While there is not the same
    basis for ordering the passengers out of the
    car as there is for ordering the driver out,
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    the additional intrusion on the passenger is
    Id. at 414-15.
    Here, the officers, in effecting the stop of Nowlin's car
    upon the belief that she had just engaged in a drug sale and was
    still in possession of drugs, were permitted to order Simmonds
    out of the car.    Believing that Nowlin had just committed a
    felony, they ordered the occupants to raise their hands and to
    exit the vehicle.    The officers repeatedly ordered Simmonds to
    show his hands; but instead, Simmonds repeatedly reached under
    the passenger's seat.    The officers forcibly removed Simmonds
    from the car, placed him on the ground in the prone position,
    and handcuffed him.
    Handcuffing Simmonds after he was removed from the car was
    not illegal and did not transform the investigatory detention
    into an arrest.    "Brief, complete deprivations of a suspect's
    liberty, including handcuffing, 'do not convert a stop and frisk
    into an arrest so long as the methods of restraint used are
    reasonable to the circumstances.'"     Thomas v. Commonwealth, 
    16 Va. App. 851
    , 857, 
    434 S.E.2d 319
    , 323 (1993), aff'd on reh'g en
    18 Va. App. 454
    444 S.E.2d 275
     (1994).    Despite repeated
    orders to show his hands, Simmonds twice reached under the car
    seat.    Even after he was forcibly removed from the car, he still
    continued to struggle with the officers.    Based upon the
    suspected drug activity, Simmonds' refusal to show his hands and
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    exit the car on command, and his furtive movements, the officers
    were reasonable in forcibly removing Simmonds from the car and
    in handcuffing him.
    3.   The Search
    If an officer has reason to believe that a
    person is committing a felony in his
    presence by possessing contraband or a
    controlled substance, the officer has
    probable cause to arrest the individual
    without a warrant. When an officer has
    probable cause to arrest a person, the
    officer may search the person, particularly
    where the evidence is of a highly evanescent
    Buck v. Commonwealth, 
    20 Va. App. 298
    , 304, 
    456 S.E.2d 534
    536-37 (1995) (citations omitted).       "Trained and experienced
    police officers . . . may be able to perceive and articulate
    meaning in given conduct which would be wholly innocent to the
    untrained observer."     Richards v. Commonwealth, 
    8 Va. App. 612
    383 S.E.2d 268
    , 271 (1989) (citations omitted).
    Investigator Duff's observations, in light of his training
    and experience, gave him probable cause to believe that Simmonds
    had cocaine in his mouth that he was attempting to ingest to
    avoid detection.    Before forcibly removing Simmonds from the
    vehicle, Simmonds made "ducking motions" out of the officers'
    view.    Once Simmonds was removed from the vehicle and physically
    restrained, Duff noticed a "chalky white powdery substance
    around [Simmonds] lips" and he was making a chewing motion.         The
    officers had the additional reason to believe that the substance
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    was cocaine because the driver of the vehicle had reportedly
    just sold cocaine and still possessed cocaine in the vehicle.
    Duff testified that based on his experience he knew that people
    commonly try to dispose of cocaine by chewing and swallowing it.
    Duff further testified that when people ingest cocaine, the
    cocaine leaves a white chalky substance on the lips.   Simmonds
    ignored orders to open his mouth and spit out the contents.
    Simmonds resisted when officers applied pressure to his throat
    and attempted to forcibly open his mouth.   The officers acted
    reasonably in administering a burst of "cap-stun" to force
    Simmonds to spit out the drugs because there was a risk that
    Simmonds would destroy the evidence and jeopardize his own
    health.   See Buck, 20 Va. App. at 304, 456 S.E.2d at 537
    (finding officers' use of physical force to cause defendant to
    expel drugs was reasonable where defendant was destroying
    evidence and creating a danger to his own health and safety);
    see also Schmerber v. California, 
    384 U.S. 757
    , 770-71 (1966)
    (stating that in deciding whether an intrusive body search is
    permissible, the court must consider whether the officer had a
    clear indication that incriminating evidence would be found,
    whether exigent circumstances existed if no warrant was
    obtained, and whether the officer extracted the evidence using a
    reasonable method and in a reasonable manner).   Based on the
    objective, reasonable belief that Simmonds was committing a
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    crime, the officers had probable cause to arrest Simmonds,
    thereby rendering the forcible search and removal of the drugs
    from his mouth lawful.
    Accordingly, we hold that the trial court did not err by
    denying Simmonds' motion to suppress the cocaine.
    B.   Revocation of Suspended Sentence
    Simmonds had previously been convicted of felonious assault
    and battery of a law enforcement officer and was sentenced to
    two years imprisonment, with one year and six months suspended
    upon the condition that he be of good behavior for a period of
    three years.   As a result of his conviction for possession of
    cocaine, the trial court found that Simmonds violated his
    probation and revoked his suspended sentence.
    On appeal, Simmonds argues that the trial court erred in
    finding that he violated his probation and in revoking his
    suspended sentence for assaulting a police officer because the
    cocaine conviction was on appeal and had not become final.
    Pursuant to Code § 19.2-306, "[t]he court may, for any
    cause deemed by it sufficient which occurred at any time within
    the probation period, . . . revoke the suspension of sentence
    and any probation."
    "A revocation . . . must be based on
    reasonable cause but a court has broad
    discretion in making such a determination."
    Patterson v. Commonwealth, 
    12 Va. App. 1046
    407 S.E.2d 43
    , 44 (1991) (citation
    omitted). "To put the matter another way,
    - 11 -
    the sufficiency of the evidence to sustain
    . . . revocation is a matter within the
    sound discretion of the trial court, . . .
    reversible only upon a clear showing of an
    abuse of such discretion." Slayton v.
    185 Va. 357
    , 367, 
    38 S.E.2d 479
    , 484 (1946); see Holden v. Commonwealth,
    27 Va. App. 38
    , 41, 
    497 S.E.2d 492
    , 493
    Resio v. Commonwealth, 
    29 Va. App. 616
    , 621, 
    513 S.E.2d 892
    , 895
    "[A]n alleged violation upon which revocation is based need
    not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt."     Patterson, 12 Va.
    App. at 1048, 407 S.E.2d at 44.   "[E]vidence that 'the trier of
    fact in a criminal proceeding found beyond a reasonable doubt
    that [a] defendant violated a state law is sufficient . . . to
    support' revocation of a suspended sentence, notwithstanding the
    pendency of such conviction on appeal."     Resio, 29 Va. App. at
    622, 513 S.E.2d at 895 (quoting Patterson, 12 Va. App. at 1049,
    407 S.E.2d at 45).
    Here, Simmonds conceded that he was convicted of possession
    of cocaine and that the conviction was a violation of his
    suspended sentence.   The trial court, therefore, based solely on
    the felony conviction, properly revoked Simmonds' suspended
    sentence subject to the conviction being upheld on appeal.
    Because we have upheld Simmonds' conviction for possession of
    cocaine, which was the basis for the revocation, we uphold the
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    revocation of the suspended sentence.   See Patterson, 12 Va.
    App. at 1049, 407 S.E.2d at 45.
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