James Billy Henry v. Commonwealth ( 1997 )

  •                     COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Judges Benton, Elder and Overton
    Argued at Richmond, Virginia
    v.   Record No. 0520-96-4              JUDGE JAMES W. BENTON, JR.
    JUNE 17, 1997
    Dennis L. Hupp, Judge
    Thomas D. Logie for appellant.
    Kathleen B. Martin, Assistant Attorney
    General (James S. Gilmore, III, Attorney
    General, on brief), for appellee.
    James Billy Henry was convicted of threatening to burn a
    home in violation of Code § 18.2-83.   On this appeal he raises
    the following nine issues:
    1.   Was the evidence sufficient as a matter of law to
    sustain the guilty verdict of the jury?
    2.   Was the evidence sufficient as a matter of law to prove
    that [Henry] uttered a threat containing his present
    intention to burn the trailer?
    3.   Was the evidence sufficient as a matter of law to prove
    that the complaining witness was actually put in fear
    that [Henry] would burn the trailer as a result of the
    alleged threat, and was any such fear reasonable, under
    the doctrine of Perkins v. Commonwealth, 
    12 Va. App. 7
    402 S.E.2d 229
    4.   Should the trial [judge] have permitted the
    Commonwealth to introduce evidence in its case in chief
    that [Henry] had been convicted of misdemeanor offenses
    which did not involve moral turpitude which occurred
    after the alleged incident in this case?
    Pursuant to Code § 17-116.010 this opinion is not
    designated for publication.
    5.   Assuming that the Commonwealth should have been
    permitted to introduce any evidence of subsequent
    criminal acts on the part of [Henry], should the
    Commonwealth have been permitted to introduce the
    verdicts of the General District Court? If so, should
    the Commonwealth have had to first establish the
    alleged incidents so as to expose its complaining
    witness to cross-examination concerning the alleged
    6.   In these circumstances, should the Commonwealth have
    been permitted to introduce any evidence at all
    concerning other alleged criminal acts against the
    complaining witness of which [Henry] had been accused?
    If so, were some of the alleged incidents too far
    afield to be relevant or to have their probative value
    outweigh their prejudicial effect?
    7.   Should the [trial judge] have given a cautionary
    instruction to the jury concerning the limited use of
    the "other offenses" evidence in this case, assuming
    that such evidence was properly admitted in the first
    8.   Did the trial [judge] err in failing to find that the
    probative value of the evidence outweighs its
    prejudicial effect, or in the alternative did the
    [trial judge] err in making such a finding if in fact
    one was made?
    9.   Did the Commonwealth prove that the trailer which
    [Henry] was accused of threatening to burn was a
    "house" within . . . Code Section 18.2-83?
    For the reasons that follow, we affirm the conviction.
    Henry was indicted for threatening to burn Lisa Mathews'
    trailer home.   The evidence at trial proved that Henry and
    Mathews were cousins.   Mathews often drove Henry to places.   In
    return, Henry gave her money for gas and other incidental
    Mathews testified that a dispute arose between them in 1994
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    when he asked her to lend him money and she refused.    On November
    26, 1994, she received a telephone call from Henry.    Henry asked
    Mathews if she had the money he needed for his court costs.     When
    Mathews told Henry that she did not have money to give him, Henry
    stated, "either you get the money, or I'm going to burn your
    . . . house down, with you and the baby in it."   He immediately
    hung up the phone.
    Mathews testified that Henry's telephone call caused her to
    become "[s]cared, afraid, [and] frightened."   She was afraid
    "[t]hat he was going to come and burn [her] house down, because
    [she] didn't have the money to give him."   Mathews did not
    immediately report the threat.
    Mathews testified that over the next several months, Henry
    threatened her, assaulted her, and damaged her vehicle.    Between
    November and March, Mathews reported those other threats and
    obtained warrants for his arrest.    Following those other threats,
    Mathews went to the magistrate on March 15, 1995 and reported
    Henry's threat to burn her residence.    Mathews testified that she
    did not immediately report the threat to burn her house "because
    [she] didn't really feel, at the time, that he was going to do
    Henry testified and denied making the threat.     He further
    testified that Mathews became hostile and sought to punish him
    because he stopped giving her money.
    The jury convicted Henry of threatening to burn Mathews'
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    residence and recommended a sentence of twelve months in jail and
    a fine of $1,500.    The trial judge imposed the jury's sentence.
    Other Crimes Evidence (Issues 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8)
    Over Henry's objection, the judge ruled that the prosecutor
    would be permitted to introduce redacted warrants showing Henry's
    convictions for offenses against Mathews between November 26,
    1994 and March 15, 1995.    In addition, the judge ruled that Henry
    would be permitted to introduce evidence of the number and nature
    of the charges brought by Mathews against Henry and to prove the
    At trial, Mathews testified that although Henry threatened
    to burn down her trailer on November 26, 1994, she did not obtain
    the warrant for the threat to burn until March 15, 1995.      She
    testified, however, that the threat frightened her.    The
    Commonwealth introduced warrants showing that Henry was convicted
    of making obscene phone calls to Mathews on December 7, 1994 and
    February 22, 1995, of assault and battery against Mathews on
    December 9, 1994, and of damaging her vehicle on February 21,
    1995.    Mathews testified that Henry's conduct after November
    enhanced her concern about his November threat to burn her
    trailer.    Henry's counsel cross-examined Mathews as to the dates
    she went to the magistrate to obtain the several warrants.
    Henry's counsel introduced evidence that Henry was acquitted of
    some charges Mathews brought against him during that time period.
    Generally, evidence of an accused's other bad acts is
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    inadmissible to prove that the accused committed the crime for
    which the accused is on trial.     See Rodriguez v. Commonwealth,
    249 Va. 203
    , 206, 
    454 S.E.2d 725
    , 727 (1995).
    Well established exceptions to the general
    rule of exclusion of other bad acts evidence
    apply where the evidence is relevant to show
    some element of the crime charged. To be
    admissible as an exception, evidence of other
    bad acts must be relevant to an issue or
    element in the present case.
    Morse v. Commonwealth, 
    17 Va. App. 627
    , 631, 
    440 S.E.2d 145
    , 148
    (1994).   The other bad acts may have occurred either before or
    after the offense for which the accused is on trial.       See
    Stockton v. Commonwealth, 
    227 Va. 124
    , 142, 
    314 S.E.2d 371
    , 383
    The relevance of other bad acts evidence to prove an issue
    or element must outweigh the inherent prejudice of proving that
    the accused has committed such other acts.       See Lafon v.
    17 Va. App. 411
    , 418, 
    438 S.E.2d 279
    , 283 (1993).
    However, the principle is well established that the balancing of
    probative value and prejudice "is committed to the sound
    discretion of the trial judge and will not be overturned on
    appeal absent an abuse of discretion."     Id.
    The trial judge did not abuse his discretion in admitting
    the evidence of the other crimes.    The evidence concerned events
    occurring within the weeks and months following Henry's threat to
    burn Mathews' house.   The evidence of the other bad acts showed
    Henry's feelings toward Mathews and negated any suggestion that
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    his statements were hyperbole.    The trial judge properly found
    that the evidence was relevant to show Henry's conduct and
    attitude toward Mathews.     See Moore v. Commonwealth, 
    222 Va. 72
    278 S.E.2d 822
    , 824 (1981); see also Smith v. Commonwealth,
    239 Va. 243
    , 256, 
    389 S.E.2d 871
    , 878 (1990) (upholding the
    admission of evidence of other offenses when offered to prove
    premeditation, motive or intent, conduct and feelings of accused
    toward victim, and absence of accident or mistake).     The evidence
    was also relevant to explain why Mathews delayed in reporting the
    incident.   Mathews testified that the threat frightened her.    The
    evidence of other crimes tended to prove that subsequent events
    intensified Mathews' fear over the original threat.     Thus, the
    evidence was connected to the crime for which Henry was on trial
    and tended to prove facts in issue.      See Scott v. Commonwealth,
    228 Va. 519
    , 527, 
    323 S.E.2d 572
    , 577 (1984).
    Henry argues that the trial judge failed to find that the
    probative value of the evidence outweighed its prejudicial
    effect.   Henry failed to raise this issue in the trial court.
    Therefore, he is barred from raising that issue now on appeal.
    See Rule 5A:18.
    The trial judge also did not abuse his discretion by
    allowing the conviction to be proved through the general district
    court judgment orders.     See Essex v. Commonwealth, 
    18 Va. App. 168
    , 171, 
    442 S.E.2d 707
    , 709 (1994).     Moreover, the trial judge
    allowed Henry to cross-examine Mathews about the number and
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    nature of the charges of the other crimes.    Thus, Henry was
    allowed to prove acquittals.   The trial judge's limitation on
    Henry's cross-examination on this issue was not an abuse of
    In addition, Henry failed to raise an objection in the trial
    court that the judgments should not have been used because they
    were rendered by a court not of record.   He may not raise that
    claim on appeal.   See Rule 5A:18.
    Furthermore, any possible error was harmless.    The trial
    judge only allowed evidence of offenses that explicitly involved
    Mathews and only allowed redacted portions of the records,
    excluding any reference to the punishments.   In addition, the
    trial judge allowed Henry to provide an explanation of the
    events.   During Henry's testimony, his counsel admitted into
    evidence arrest warrants for other charges brought by Mathews
    against Henry in the past.
    Finally, contrary to Henry's assertion that the trial judge
    refused to instruct the jury, the judge gave the following
    limiting instructions to the jury:
    Instruction No. 6
    You have heard evidence concerning other
    incidents between Lisa Mathews and the
    Defendant. Some of these are the subject of
    the warrants which have been placed in
    evidence, and the Defendant was acquitted on
    some charges and convicted on others. You
    may consider these incidents as they may bear
    on the possible motives and bias on the part
    of Lisa Mathews, the Defendant, or both, and
    for no other purpose except as may be
    permitted under Instruction No. 8.
    - 7 -
    Instruction No. 8
    You may consider evidence that the defendant
    was convicted of offenses against Lisa
    Mathews other than the offense for which he
    is on trial only as evidence of the
    defendant's conduct and feeling toward the
    victim and relations between them, in
    connection with the offense for which he is
    on trial and for no other purpose.
    These instructions properly limited the jury's consideration
    of the other crimes evidence.   Thus, the judge did not err in
    denying Henry's proposed Instruction A on the matter.    See Joseph
    v. Commonwealth, 
    249 Va. 78
    , 90, 
    452 S.E.2d 862
    , 870 (stating
    that if principles set forth in a proposed instruction are "fully
    and fairly covered" in other granted instructions, the trial
    judge does not abuse discretion in refusing to grant the proposed
    instruction), cert. denied, 
    116 S. Ct. 204
    The Trailer (Issue 9)
    Mathews testified that she was living in a "trailer . . . a
    mobile home."   Mathews further testified that the trailer is
    "affixed to the ground" and that the trailer is "in the ground."
    The evidence further proved that the trailer is 60 feet long and
    12 feet wide.
    Henry testified that the trailer does not have running water
    and that the water runs off the gutter into a cistern.   Henry
    made a motion to strike the evidence because "we do not have a
    building that is within the specific statute that's charged."
    The trial judge overruled the motion.
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    Code § 18.2-83 requires that the threat to burn be directed
    toward "any place of assembly, building or other structure, or
    any means of transportation."    It does not require that the
    threat to burn be directed toward a "house."    The evidence proved
    that the trailer rested on cinder blocks, had walls, and was
    Mathews' place of dwelling.    The evidence proved beyond a
    reasonable doubt that the trailer was a structure covered by the
    statute.    Cf. Rooney v. Commonwealth, 
    16 Va. App. 738
    432 S.E.2d 525
     (1993).    Accordingly, Henry's argument that the evidence was
    insufficient to convict him because the Commonwealth failed to
    prove that Mathews' trailer was a "house" is without merit.
    Sufficiency of the Evidence (Issues 1, 2, and 3)
    To establish the threat to burn under Code § 18.2-83, the
    Commonwealth was required to prove that Henry made and
    communicated to Mathews a "threat to bomb, burn, destroy or in
    any manner damage any place of assembly, building or other
    structure, or any means of transportation."
    A threat, in the criminal context, is
    recognized to be a communication avowing an
    intent to injure another's person or
    property. The communication, taken in its
    particular context, must reasonably cause the
    receiver to believe that the speaker will act
    according to his expression of intent.
    Perkins v. Commonwealth, 
    12 Va. App. 7
    , 16, 
    402 S.E.2d 229
    , 234
    "On appeal, we review the evidence in the light most
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    favorable to the Commonwealth, granting to it all reasonable
    inferences fairly deducible therefrom."    Martin v. Commonwealth,
    4 Va. App. 438
    , 443, 
    358 S.E.2d 415
    , 418 (1987).   So viewed, the
    evidence proved that when Mathews told Henry that she did not
    have money to give him, Henry responded, "either you get the
    money, or I'm going to burn your . . . house down, with you and
    the baby in it."   Mathews testified that appellant's words
    frightened her.    Mathews also testified that Henry's subsequent
    conduct lent credence to his earlier threat.   Thus, she became
    motivated to obtain an arrest warrant for Henry's threat to burn
    her home.
    Henry's warning was a communication that "reasonably
    cause[d] the receiver to believe" that he would act on his
    expression of intent.    Perkins, 12 Va. App. at 16, 402 S.E.2d at
    234.   The fact that Henry conditioned his threat upon Mathews'
    failure to give him money for court costs does not render his
    warning any less a threat.   Code § 18.2-83 is not limited to
    unconditional threats.   Even if it were, the evidence proved that
    Mathews told Henry that she did not have the money he needed;
    thus, Mathews had put herself within the terms of the condition.
    See Duncan v. Commonwealth, 
    2 Va. App. 717
    , 723-24, 
    347 S.E.2d 539
    , 543 (1986).   Therefore, the trial judge properly refused
    Henry's proposed Instruction B, which defined threat as a
    statement of an "unconditional intent to burn."
    The evidence also proved that, although initially not
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    motivated to seek a warrant for Henry's arrest, Mathews
    ultimately did so because Henry's later conduct represented an
    escalation of Henry's hostility toward her.   Indeed, Henry's
    subsequent conduct rendered reasonable Mathews' initial fear.
    Accordingly, we affirm the conviction.
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