Frank D. Kelly, s/k/a, etc. v. Commonwealth ( 1996 )

  •                    COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Judges Elder, Annunziata and Senior Judge Duff
    Argued at Alexandria, Virginia
    v.    Record No. 1062-94-4
    FRANK D. KELLY, S/K/A                       FEBRUARY 27, 1996
    v.   Record No. 2073-94-4
    F. Bruce Bach, Judge
    Stephen F. Breenwald; Harvey H. Perritt, Jr.,
    for appellant Bennefield.
    William B. Moffitt; Joel Simberg (Moffitt,
    Zwerling & Kemler, P.C., on brief), for
    appellant Kelly.
    John H. McLees, Jr., Assistant Attorney
    General (James S. Gilmore, III, Attorney
    General, on briefs), for appellee.
    Elmer C. Bennefield and Frank D. Kelly were convicted of
    murder, abduction, and use of a firearm in the commission of a
    felony.   On appeal, they contend that their retrial was barred by
    the double jeopardy clauses of the United States and the Virginia
    Constitutions.   We disagree and affirm their convictions.
    During the late hours of July 30, 1993, four high school
    friends, Ryan Quinn, Jason McCree, Jacob Barnhart, and William
    Crocker (the Crocker group), attempted to purchase marijuana from
    Kelly, Bennefield and Rick Herring (the Kelly group).   The
    Crocker group gave the Kelly group one hundred fifty dollars, and
    they followed the Kelly group by car to a restaurant.   The Kelly
    group travelled together in one car, and the Crocker group
    followed in Crocker's car.   The Kelly group joined with another
    group (the Karim group) at the restaurant, and the Karim group,
    in a third car, followed the Kelly and Crocker groups to a motel.
    Someone in the Kelly group told the Crocker group that a man had
    taken the drug purchase money and fled without delivering the
    marijuana.   On the pretext of finding the person who had taken
    the money, the Crocker group followed the cars carrying the Kelly
    and Karim groups to a deserted construction site.   At the
    construction site, members of the Kelly and Karim groups pointed
    guns at the Crocker group members and ordered them to lie on the
    ground.   The Kelly and Karim group members shot three members of
    the Crocker group, injuring Quinn and McCree and killing Crocker.
    Barnhart fled, uninjured.
    On February 28, 1994, Bennefield, Kelly and Herring were
    jointly tried pursuant to Code § 19.2-262.1.   On March 2, 1994,
    during the prosecution's direct examination of Quinn, Bennefield
    and Kelly (appellants) learned for the first time that Quinn had
    received psychological counseling and possibly suffered from
    post-traumatic stress disorder.   Appellants also discovered for
    the first time that Barnhart, who testified before Quinn, may
    have been receiving counseling.   Bennefield told the trial court
    that he did not want a mistrial, but Kelly moved for a mistrial.
    The trial court recessed until March 8, 1994, to allow counsel to
    review and investigate the newly learned information relating to
    the Commonwealth's witnesses.
    The trial court ordered the Commonwealth's attorney to
    review his file, interview the witnesses, and give the defendants
    any information remotely exculpatory.
    When trial reconvened on March 8, 1994, counsel for Kelly
    told the trial judge that, moments before the trial resumed, he
    received from the Commonwealth a statement made by McCree that
    differed from McCree's trial testimony.   Bennefield then moved
    for a mistrial.   After hearing argument by counsel, the trial
    judge declared a mistrial.
    From April 27 through April 29, 1994, the trial judge
    conducted a hearing and heard testimony relating to appellants'
    motions to dismiss based on double jeopardy and whether the
    Commonwealth intended to cause a mistrial.   The trial judge
    denied the motions, and levied a sanction against the prosecutor.
    On July 12 and 13, 1994, appellants were retried and found
    Whether a prosecutor intended to provoke or goad a defendant
    into moving for a mistrial "is a question of fact for the trial
    court to resolve."   Robinson v. Commonwealth, 
    17 Va. App. 551
    439 S.E.2d 622
    , 625, aff'd on reh'g en banc, 
    18 Va. App. 3
    447 S.E.2d 542
    (1994).    On appeal, the trial court's finding
    is accorded great deference.     
    Id. at 555 n.4,
    439 S.E.2d at 625
    The Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth
    Amendment protects a criminal defendant from
    repeated prosecutions [or multiple
    punishments] for the same offense.    As a part
    of this protection against multiple
    prosecutions, the Double Jeopardy Clause
    affords a criminal defendant a "valued right
    to have his trial completed by a particular
    tribunal."    The Double Jeopardy Clause,
    however, does not offer a guarantee to the
    defendant that the State will vindicate its
    societal interest in the enforcement of the
    criminal laws in one proceeding.    If the law
    were otherwise, "the purpose of law to
    protect society from those guilty of crimes
    frequently would be frustrated by denying
    courts power to put the defendant to trial
    Oregon v. Kennedy, 
    456 U.S. 667
    , 671-72 (1982) (citations and
    footnote omitted).     See also Wade v. Hunter, 
    336 U.S. 684
    , 688-89
    (1949) ("a defendant's valued right to have his trial completed
    by a particular tribunal must in some instances be subordinated
    to the public's interest in fair trials designed to end in just
    Generally, "when a mistrial is declared at the defendant's
    behest, he is not permitted to claim the protection of the double
    jeopardy bar.    However, when a defendant requests a mistrial
    because of intentional prosecutorial misconduct, the double
    jeopardy bar will apply."     Kemph v. Commonwealth, 
    17 Va. App. 335
    , 341, 
    437 S.E.2d 210
    , 213 (1993) (citations omitted).    In
    other words, "the Commonwealth cannot use its own misconduct to
    gain an advantage."     
    Id. at 341, 437
    S.E.2d at 213-14.
    This exception is a narrow one and is applicable "'[o]nly
    where the government conduct in question is intended to "goad"
    the defendant into moving for a mistrial.'"     Robinson, 17 Va.
    App. at 
    553, 439 S.E.2d at 623
    Kennedy, 456 U.S. at 676
    ).    "The [narrow] standard applied in Kennedy is that
    prosecutorial conduct, even if viewed as harassment or
    overreaching and sufficient to justify a mistrial, does not bar
    retrial absent proof of intent on the part of the prosecutor to
    subvert the protections afforded by the double jeopardy clause."
    MacKenzie v. Commonwealth, 
    8 Va. App. 236
    , 240, 
    380 S.E.2d 173
    175 (1989) (citing 
    Kennedy, 456 U.S. at 675-76
    ) (emphasis added).
    In Kennedy, the Supreme Court made it clear
    that the exclusive focus should not be on the
    fact of prosecutorial error or on the impact
    of such error upon a defendant, but only on
    the intent of the prosecutor in committing
    the error. Accordingly, [the appellant], who
    has the burden of proving that the second
    prosecution is barred by double jeopardy,
    must produce sufficient evidence to allow the
    court to infer "the existence or nonexistence
    of intent from objective facts and
    Robinson, 17 Va. App. at 553
    , 439 S.E.2d at 624 (quoting 
    Kennedy, 456 U.S. at 675
    ) (citation and footnotes omitted).
    "In order to grant [appellant's] plea of double jeopardy,
    the facts must warrant the conclusion that there was an
    instigative intention to subvert the protections afforded by the
    Double Jeopardy Clause."     
    Robinson, 17 Va. App. at 555
    , 439
    S.E.2d at 625.
    From April 27 through April 29, 1994, the trial judge who
    granted the mistrial heard evidence in order to determine whether
    the prosecutor's conduct was intended to cause appellants to
    request a mistrial.    The prosecutor, Brownelle, testified that he
    received notes, reports, and other investigative information from
    the police, but that he failed to thoroughly read this
    information.    He admitted that he did not read supplemental
    police reports and that some of the information was exculpatory,
    namely, the inconsistent statements of witnesses.    The prosecutor
    also admitted that his last minute disclosures of certain
    evidence were negligent.    He unequivocally denied any intent to
    cause a mistrial and insisted that the trial was proceeding
    Investigator Guckenberger testified that he was the lead
    investigator in the case and that the case was complex and
    involved much paperwork and many reports.   Guckenberger left the
    city for eight weeks during the investigation in order to attend
    a training school.   Guckenberger said that through an "oversight"
    on his part, he and Brownelle did not find the supplemental
    police report containing McCree's inconsistent statement until
    after the mistrial was granted.   When the prosecutor saw the
    report, he was "shocked" and told Guckenberger that they had to
    give the report to the defendants.    Guckenberger also indicated
    that certain statements made at a hospital were made under
    adverse conditions; therefore, he did not rely on them as much as
    on the statements taken a few days later in calmer surroundings.
    Guckenberger recorded the later statements on tape and had them
    Investigator Cline testified that, after the mistrial was
    granted, the prosecutor told him to review his police file.     At
    that time, Cline discovered a statement made by Quinn in the
    hospital on the night of the crime.   Cline thought he had given
    it to the prosecutor.   Cline kept a separate file of which
    Guckenberger and Brownelle were unaware.    On the day before the
    April 28, 1994 hearing, Cline first realized he had a note
    suggesting that Quinn visited a psychiatric facility.
    Two attorneys testified and opined about the impact that the
    undisclosed or late-disclosed evidence could have had and whether
    such disclosure would prompt them to request a mistrial.
    After hearing three days of testimony, and, based on "the
    objective facts and circumstances," the trial court found, that
    the prosecutor "did not intend to provoke a mistrial.   I'll say
    that beyond any reasonable doubt."
    I also find looking at the facts objectively
    that -- and I'll say that this hearing has
    not really been about discovery or
    exculpatory evidence. It's not really about
    did these Defendants get a fair shake as a
    result of Brownelle's actions, because
    clearly they didn't. They got a bad deal as
    a result of it. . . . What's the objective
    evidence as far as [Prosecutor] Brownelle is
    concerned? I think it probably shows -- I
    don't know whether it's laziness, whether
    it's procrastination, certainly negligence.
    I would say certainly gross negligence. I'll
    go further and say as a finding it shows near
    total indifference at least to Court
    Orders . . . .
    . . . Now, I find for the first time
    during this hearing that he didn't even look
    at the files sometimes. He used words in his
    testimony that he glanced at the file or he
    perused the file. I mean, the Commonwealth
    has the absolute duty to study the file to
    comply with the Court Orders.
    I would say the objective evidence shows
    probably an intent to stonewall. Instead of
    giving -- if something's questionable -- I
    said this during the case. If something's
    questionable, I feel like it's the
    Commonwealth's duty to give that to the
    Defendant. Now, Brownelle obviously took the
    position that if it was questionable to
    withhold or at least give it to them at the
    least advantageous time for them.
    And I make all of these findings here on
    this record for whatever somebody else may
    want to do with it. But I cannot find and do
    not find that he did these things in order to
    provoke a mistrial. I think the objective
    evidence is to the contrary and so I find.
    After making its findings, the trial court imposed a $6,700
    sanction against the prosecutor for violating the court's orders
    relating to discovery and exculpatory evidence.      The record
    before us confirms the appropriateness of such severe sanctions.
    Whether a prosecutor "intended to 'goad' the defendant into
    moving for a mistrial" requires an assessment of the "objective
    facts and circumstances of the case."       
    Kennedy, 456 U.S. at 675-76
    .   Here, the prosecutor successfully moved for a joint
    trial of three co-defendants pursuant to Code § 19.2-262.1.
    Numerous police officers investigated the case, collected
    evidence, and submitted reports.       The crime involved five
    co-defendants plus two additional suspects and four victims.
    We find it significant that the trial judge who conducted
    the hearing on the double jeopardy issue was the same judge who
    presided at appellants' first trial.      For that reason, he was
    better able to determine how the prosecution's case was
    progressing, and whether the prosecutor had any motivation or
    desire to cause a mistrial so as to gain a more favorable
    position at a new trial.    See 
    Robinson, 17 Va. App. at 555
    , 439
    S.E.2d at 624-25 (noting that by having original trial judge hear
    double jeopardy argument better enabled judge to properly
    consider strength of Commonwealth's case at first trial and
    determine issues of credibility).      The conduct underpinning
    appellants' complaints, the prosecutor's failure to comply with
    discovery orders and to timely furnish exculpatory evidence,
    began before the start of trial and continued throughout the
    trial.    The consistency of his conduct, predating the trial and
    continuing after it began, belies an assumption that he suddenly,
    during trial, manifested an "instigative intention to subvert the
    protections afforded by the Double Jeopardy Clause."    
    Id. In finding that
    the prosecutor did not intend to provoke a
    mistrial, the trial judge, positioned as he was, could rely on
    "the prosecutor's representations about his intent, the
    prosecutor's credibility as a witness and the strength of the
    Commonwealth's evidence at the first trial."    
    Id. at 554, 439
    S.E.2d at 624.
    The prosecutor's testimony indicated, for example, that he
    did not believe some of the undisclosed information was
    exculpatory.   He also failed to credit as reliable certain
    inconsistent statements made by the victims on the night of the
    crimes, which were made under stressful and chaotic hospital
    conditions.    Some of the statements were misplaced by the police
    and, apparently, were not timely provided to the prosecution.
    The prosecutor became aware of Quinn's psychological counseling
    only during his direct examination of Quinn at the first trial;
    the information was in Quinn's victim impact statement prepared
    for sentencing of a juvenile co-defendant, Leon Peden, and the
    prosecutor had not read it.   Peden's sentencing had not occurred
    at the time of the February 28, 1994 trial.
    The trial judge believed the prosecutor's testimony that he
    did not thoroughly read the files or conscientiously follow
    discovery orders directing him to search and reveal discoverable
    information.    Because the prosecutor failed to read some reports,
    the trial judge characterized the prosecutor's conduct as
    "laziness," "procrastination," "gross negligence,"    and "total
    indifference."    He found an "intent to stonewall," in that the
    prosecutor either refused to view certain evidence as exculpatory
    or waited until the last moment to disclose it.    However, the
    trial judge unequivocally found no intent "to provoke a
    As we have consistently held in our prior opinions,
    prosecutorial conduct, even if viewed as
    [harassing] or overreaching and sufficient to
    justify a mistrial, does not bar retrial absent
    proof of intent on the part of the prosecutor to
    subvert the protection afforded by the double
    jeopardy clause.
    Kemph, 17 Va. App. at 341
    , 437 S.E.2d at 214 (alteration in
    original) (quoting 
    MacKenzie, 8 Va. App. at 240
    , 380 S.E.2d at
    175).     See also 
    Robinson, 17 Va. App. at 555
    , 439 S.E.2d at 625
    ("Without the requisite intent, . . . gross prosecutorial
    misconduct will not satisfy the exception set forth in Kennedy").
    Based on the appropriate standard of review, giving due
    deference to the trial court's findings of fact, and based on the
    objective facts and circumstances before the trial court, we
    conclude that the trial court's findings are supported by
    credible evidence.    Therefore, the trial court's finding that
    there was no intent to provoke a mistrial is not clearly
    erroneous.    Accordingly, under the standard expressed in Oregon
    v. Kennedy, appellants' retrial did not violate the Double
    Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment of the United States
    Appellants' second argument is that the prosecutor's
    egregious conduct was not the type of conduct contemplated under
    Oregon v. Kennedy, and that a more stringent analysis should be
    applied.   In support of this argument, appellants cite Justice
    Stevens' concurring opinion in Kennedy, in which Stevens
    unsuccessfully argued for a broader "overreaching" 
    standard. 456 U.S. at 681-93
    .    Appellants offer no majority or plurality
    opinions from the Supreme Court providing an alternative
    applicable standard.    In support of their position, appellants
    cite cases from state courts that have expanded the Kennedy
    standard under their respective state constitutions.     This
    argument also relates to appellants' third argument, namely, that
    the Double Jeopardy Clause contained in Article I, section 8 of
    the Virginia Constitution provides greater protection than that
    afforded under the federal Constitution, as announced in Kennedy.
    Therefore, we consider arguments two and three together.
    In Kemph v. Commonwealth, this Court held that, by applying
    the Kennedy analysis to double jeopardy claims, as we did in
    MacKenzie, the protections against double jeopardy afforded under
    the United States Constitution are identical with those embodied
    in Article I, section 8 of Virginia's Constitution:
    Kemph asserts for the first time on appeal
    that the double jeopardy clause of the
    Virginia constitution protects him from
    retrial even if the United States
    Constitution does not. This claim is barred
    by Rule 5A:18; nonetheless, as this Court has
    ruled that resolution of such a double
    jeopardy claim is controlled by Oregon v.
    MacKenzie, 8 Va. App. at 239
    , 380
    S.E.2d at 175, his argument lacks merit.
    Kemph, 17 Va. App. at 343
    n.1, 437 S.E.2d at 215 
    Our courts have consistently held that the protections
    afforded under the Virginia Constitution are co-extensive with
    those in the United States Constitution.    Peterson v.
    5 Va. App. 389
    , 394, 
    363 S.E.2d 440
    , 443 (1987)
    (stating that the double jeopardy clauses of the Federal
    Constitution and the Virginia Constitution "basically afford[] a
    defendant" the same three protections).    See also Lowe v.
    230 Va. 346
    , 348 n.1, 
    337 S.E.2d 273
    , 274 n.1
    (1985); Walton v. City of Roanoke, 
    204 Va. 678
    , 682, 
    133 S.E.2d 315
    , 318 (1963); Flanary v. Commonwealth, 
    113 Va. 775
    , 779, 
    75 S.E. 289
    , 291 (1912); Farmer v. Commonwealth, 
    12 Va. App. 337
    404 S.E.2d 371
    , 372 (1991) (en banc); I. A. Howard,
    Commentaries on the Constitution of Virginia 182 (1974).      Neither
    the facts of this case nor our prior decisions support an
    extension of the protections afforded under our Constitution
    beyond those contained in the federal Constitution.