Kurvyn Darnell Minor v. Commonwealth ( 2002 )

  •                      COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Judges Elder, Annunziata and Clements
    Argued at Richmond, Virginia
    v.   Record No. 3105-01-2                   JUDGE LARRY G. ELDER
    DECEMBER 31, 2002
    John Richard Alderman, Judge
    J. Overton Harris (J. Overton Harris, P.C.,
    on brief), for appellant.
    Michael T. Judge, Assistant Attorney General
    (Jerry W. Kilgore, Attorney General, on
    brief), for appellee.
    Kurvyn Darnell Minor (appellant) appeals from his jury
    trial convictions for three counts of abduction, two counts each
    of rape, oral sodomy, and robbery, and one count each of anal
    sodomy, credit card theft and use of a firearm in the commission
    of an abduction.    The convictions arose out of events which
    involved three different victims and occurred on three different
    dates.    Appellant admitted his sexual contact with the women to
    authorities but claimed the contact was consensual.       On appeal,
    appellant contends the trial court erroneously denied his motion
    for three separate trials based on the offenses alleged against
    each victim.    Under the facts of this case, we agree that the
    Pursuant to Code § 17.1-413, this opinion is not
    refusal to sever was reversible error.      Therefore, we reverse
    and remand for new trials.
    The offenses involved three separate incidents and victims
    and occurred in the late evening to early morning hours of
    April 2-3, April 12-13 and September 29-30, 2000.     In each
    instance, appellant approached a female pedestrian within the
    same one-and-one-half mile radius on the North Side of Richmond
    and offered her a ride in the vehicle he was driving.     The
    victims were all between twenty-five and forty years old and of
    the same race.    In each instance, appellant mentioned something
    about his alleged employment and spoke of traveling to Ashland.
    The first two victims entered his car willingly when he offered
    each a ride, and he abducted the third at knife-point when she
    refused his offer of a ride.
    In each instance, appellant drove on Interstate 95 to the
    same exit and took the victim to the same secluded area of
    Hanover County.   He took the first two victims to a church and
    the third victim into some woods about a mile away from the
    church.   In all three instances, appellant possessed or wore a
    condom and used a weapon in an effort to force the victim to
    designated for publication.
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    engage in anal intercourse and other sexual acts.    He used a gun
    in the first two attacks and a knife in the third.   Other
    evidence established that a gun had been seized from appellant
    in a traffic stop on May 19, 2000, after the first two attacks
    and before the third, in which appellant displayed only a knife.
    The first victim escaped before appellant forced her to
    engage in any sexual acts.
    In the second attack, the victim escaped after appellant
    raped her and forced her to perform oral sodomy on him.
    Appellant grabbed her purse as she ran from his car, and he
    attempted unsuccessfully to use her ATM card at two different
    banks within blocks of his residence.   DNA evidence recovered
    from sperm left on the second victim established the sperm was
    210 million times more likely to have come from appellant than
    from an unknown member of appellant's race.
    In the third attack, appellant raped the victim, forced her
    to engage in oral and anal sodomy, and robbed her before leaving
    her in the woods.
    During interrogation after being advised of his Miranda
    rights, appellant identified photographs of the first two
    victims, saying that they were "prostitutes he had been with."
    He admitted driving them both to Ashland and dropping them off.
    Appellant also admitted knowing the third victim, saying she,
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    too, was a prostitute.   He said he had sex with the third victim
    in Richmond and then drove her to Ashland at her request
    "because she wanted to perform more prostitution at the truck
    stop in Ashland."
    Appellant was indicted for the instant offenses and moved
    to sever so that only the offenses relating to a particular
    victim would be tried together.    He argued as follows:
    It does not appear that the offenses charged
    [in the three groups of indictments] are
    connected in their commission with each
    other or that there is a common element of
    substantial importance in their commission
    and, therefore, these three groups of
    indictments involving different dates depend
    for their proof on different [sets] of
    facts. The evidence admissible on one group
    of indictments pertaining to an individual
    alleged victim is not admissible on either
    of the other groups of indictments involving
    different alleged victims and the effect of
    evidence pertaining to one alleged victim
    being introduced in a trial involving other
    alleged victims will be to unreasonably and
    unfairly prejudice [appellant] and would be
    in violation of the due process clause of
    the Fourteenth Amendment . . . . Limiting
    instructions . . . would be insufficient to
    overcome such prejudice.
    At the hearing on the motion, appellant's counsel argued
    the evidence of the other offenses was inadmissible "to
    establish signature."    He explained there was no identification
    issue because "in [appellant's] statement he's acknowledged that
    he's had [sexual intercourse] with all three women.   The issue's
    - 4 -
    going to be whether it was consensual or whether it was as the
    Commonwealth alleges."   The Commonwealth conceded appellant's
    counsel's statement
    is accurate; we don't have an ID problem in
    this case. We've got strong ID, however,
    they say that it was appropriate in . . .
    Satcher [v. Commonwealth, 
    244 Va. 220
    421 S.E.2d 821
     (1992),] which was two rapes that
    were similar in location, similar in modus
    operandi, similar to the facts, etcetera,
    and that'll be developed through direct
    examination. And then importantly in
    Farrell [v. Commonwealth, 
    11 Va. App. 380
    399 S.E.2d 614
     (1990)], the reason for the
    Commonwealth's argument for the joinder is
    to show that [appellant's] modus operandi
    was the same, and they've said in Farrell
    that that's appropriate.
    The Commonwealth then offered testimony from two sheriff's
    department employees who investigated the offenses.
    After hearing the testimony, the court ordered the parties
    to submit memoranda on the severance issue, which they did.   The
    trial court then denied the motion to sever without further
    Rule 3A:10(c) provides "[t]he court may direct that an
    accused be tried at one time for all offenses then pending
    against him, if justice does not require separate trials and (i)
    the offenses meet the requirements of Rule 3A:6(b) or (ii) the
    accused and the Commonwealth's attorney consent thereto."    This
    rule provides the "trial court [with] limited discretion to
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    order an accused to be tried for more than one offense at the
    same time."    Godwin v. Commonwealth, 
    6 Va. App. 118
    , 121, 
    367 S.E.2d 520
    , 521 (1988). 1
    Where an accused does not consent to having the charges
    tried together, the trial court may "not try them together
    unless the offenses [meet] the criteria of Rule 3A:6(b) and
    justice [does] not require separate trials."     Id. at 121, 
    367 S.E.2d at 522
    .   "Justice requires separate trials where the
    evidence of one of the crimes is not admissible in the trial of
    the other.    The efficiency promoted by joinder of offenses does
    not outweigh the harm caused by the introduction of inadmissible
    evidence of another crime."    Id. at 123, 
    367 S.E.2d at 522
    (citation omitted).   We need not consider whether the offenses
    meet the criteria of Rule 3A:6(b) 2 because we hold that justice
    required separate trials under the facts of this case.
    Evidence of other crimes committed by an accused usually is
    incompetent and inadmissible to prove the accused committed or
    likely committed the particular crime charged.     Kirkpatrick v.
    211 Va. 269
    , 272, 
    176 S.E.2d 802
    , 805 (1970).
    Godwin was decided under Rule 3A:10(b). Rule 3A:10 was
    amended January 1, 1994, and former subsection (b) was
    redesignated as subsection (c). The amendment effected no
    substantive change in the part of the rule at issue in this
    To meet the requirements of Rule 3A:6(b), the offenses
    must be "based [(1)] on the same act or transaction, or [(2)] on
    two or more acts or transactions that [(a)] are connected or
    [(b)] constitute parts of a common scheme or plan."
    - 6 -
    This rule "is deeply rooted in Virginia common law," Tucker v.
    17 Va. App. 520
    , 522, 
    438 S.E.2d 492
    , 493 (1993),
    and exists to prevent "confusion of offenses . . . and a
    suggestion of 'criminal propensity,' thus preserving the
    'presumption of innocence,'" Crump v. Commonwealth, 
    13 Va. App. 286
    , 289, 
    411 S.E.2d 238
    , 240 (1991) (citations omitted).     Other
    crimes evidence may be admissible under limited circumstances if
    it is offered "(1) to prove any element of the offense charged,
    (2) to show the motive, intent, or knowledge of the accused, (3)
    to show the conduct and feeling of the accused toward his or her
    victim, or (4) to show premeditation or malice."      Shifflett v.
    29 Va. App. 521
    , 529, 
    513 S.E.2d 440
    , 444 (1999).
    Evidence of another crime or crimes to show modus operandi may
    be admissible to prove not only the identity of a crime's
    perpetrator but also, "by inference, the accused's intent,
    motive, malice, premeditation, or the accused's feelings toward
    the victim."   
    Id. at 530-31
    513 S.E.2d at 444-45
    However, even where evidence is relevant to prove one of
    these issues or elements, it is admissible only if its probative
    value outweighs its prejudicial effect.   Ragland v.
    16 Va. App. 913
    , 918, 
    434 S.E.2d 675
    , 678 (1993).
    Determining whether the probative value of the evidence
    outweighs its prejudicial effect is within the discretion of the
    trial court and may be reversed only for an abuse of that
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    discretion.   See, e.g., Coe v. Commonwealth, 
    231 Va. 83
    , 87, 
    340 S.E.2d 820
    , 823 (1986).
    The Commonwealth argues that evidence of the offense
    against each victim would be admissible at trial for the
    offenses against each of the other victims because it shows
    "modus operandi, motive, intent, identity, opportunity,
    relationship to the victims, absence of mistake or accident and
    interconnection of the offenses."     However, the only one of
    these elements which was properly and genuinely in issue in
    appellant's trial was the intent with which he acted.     Appellant
    admitted having sexual contact with all three victims but
    claimed it was consensual.
    As we previously have noted, where evidence of other crimes
    is relevant to prove an issue or element which is "genuinely
    uncontested, any nominal probative value will be easily
    outweighed by the danger of prejudice."     Blaylock v.
    26 Va. App. 579
    , 592, 
    496 S.E.2d 97
    , 103 (1998)
    (in sexual battery case in which defendant denied incident and
    presented alibi evidence, holding "issue of intent was not
    genuinely in dispute" and that "admission of child pornography
    and [pornographic] story on the issue of [Blaylock's] intent
    [was] an abuse of discretion").   Thus, evidence of a common
    modus operandi, although often highly probative on the issue of
    the identity of a common perpetrator, see, e.g., Shifflett, 
    29 Va. App. at 530-31
    513 S.E.2d at 444-45
    , was of little
    - 8 -
    probative value here because appellant admitted the sexual
    contacts.   The Commonwealth agreed in argument on the severance
    motion that "we don't have an ID problem in this case.    We've
    got strong ID."   Thus, any probative value the other crimes
    evidence had on the issue of identity was easily outweighed by
    the prejudice likely to result from the testimony of each of the
    other victims that appellant sexually assaulted her.     See, e.g.,
    26 Va. App. at 592
    496 S.E.2d at 103
    Although proof of a common modus operandi may be probative
    of other elements of an offense, see Shifflett, 
    29 Va. App. at 530-31
    513 S.E.2d at 444-45
    , assuming the evidence here is
    sufficient to prove a common modus operandi, it is inadmissible
    to prove appellant's intent, the only issue in genuine dispute.
    We reached just such a conclusion in Foster v. Commonwealth, 
    5 Va. App. 316
    , 318, 
    362 S.E.2d 745
    , 746 (1987), in which the
    defendant, charged with rape and robbery, denied the robbery and
    claimed the intercourse was consensual.   In Foster, we relied on
    the decision of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in Lovely v.
    United States, 
    169 F.2d 386
     (4th Cir. 1948).   See also United
    States v. Tate, 
    715 F.2d 864
    , 865-66 (4th Cir. 1983) (referring
    to Lovely as "our leading case" for the principle that
    "[e]vidence of other crimes or wrongs is not admissible" to
    prove criminal propensity).
    In Lovely, the defendant admitted to being with the victim
    on the night of the alleged rape, but he denied having
    - 9 -
    intercourse with her.   
    169 F.2d at 388
    .    Over the defendant's
    objection, the prosecution was allowed to introduce the
    testimony of another woman that the defendant had raped her
    under similar circumstances "fifteen days prior to the alleged
    rape on the prosecutrix, and to go into the circumstances as
    fully as though that case were on trial."     
    Ruling in Lovely that the admission of such evidence was
    error, the Court reasoned as follows:
    [T]he only question was whether [the
    defendant] had had carnal knowledge of [the
    alleged victim] forcibly and against her
    will. The fact, if it was a fact, that he
    had ravished another woman some weeks
    before, threw no light whatever on that
    question. It showed merely that he was a
    bad man, likely to commit that sort of
    crime; and this is precisely what the
    prosecution is not allowed to show in a
    criminal case. . . .
    *     *      *     *      *      *     *
    The rule which forbids the introduction
    of evidence of other offenses having no
    reasonable tendency to prove the crime
    charged, except in so far as they may
    establish a criminal tendency on the part of
    the accused, is not a mere technical rule of
    law. It arises out of the fundamental
    demand for justice and fairness which lies
    at the basis of our jurisprudence. If such
    evidence were allowed, . . . persons accused
    of crime would be greatly prejudiced before
    juries and would be otherwise embarrassed in
    presenting their defenses on the issues
    really on trial. In the case at bar for
    instance, . . . [the] accused was called
    upon to defend another charge of rape, while
    his hands were full defending the charge
    contained in the indictment, and the jury
    was necessarily given the impression . . .
    - 10 -
    that he was a bad man who had been guilty of
    other crimes and who might well be convicted
    on that account. . . .
    Id. at 388-89
    ; see Foster, 5 Va. App. at 320-22, 
    362 S.E.2d at 747-48
    In adopting this reasoning from Lovely in Foster, we noted
    that "'the majority of jurisdictions and the better reasoned
    decisions'" follow the Lovely approach.   Foster, 5 Va. App. at
    362 S.E.2d at 748
     (quoting State v. Irving, 
    601 P.2d 954
    957 (Wash. Ct. App. 1979)).   Thus, we concluded in Foster that
    the fact that [another alleged victim of the
    accused] had been attacked nine days after
    the offenses under indictment had no bearing
    as to whether [the victim of the rape for
    which the accused was then on trial]
    consented to the intercourse. [Such
    evidence] merely showed that [the accused]
    had a propensity to commit this type of
    crime[, which] is precisely what the
    prosecution is not allowed to show in a
    criminal case.
    Id. at 320, 
    362 S.E.2d at 747
    Here, under the reasoning of Lovely and Foster, we conclude
    the testimony of each victim also was inadmissible at the trial
    for the offenses allegedly committed against each of the other
    victims.   Neither the number of alleged victims nor the strength
    of similarities between or among the offenses has any bearing on
    the admissibility of evidence of other offenses where, as here,
    the only issue genuinely in dispute is whether the acts were
    consensual or forcible.   Accordingly, the court's decision to
    allow appellant to be tried jointly for the groups of offenses
    - 11 -
    against each victim was an abuse of discretion and constituted
    reversible error.
    The holding in Satcher v. Commonwealth, 
    244 Va. 220
    421 S.E.2d 821
     (1992), cited by the Commonwealth at trial, does not
    support a different result.     Satcher involved two rapes followed
    by robberies which "occurred within a few yards and about
    one-half hour of each other.    Both victims were forcibly removed
    from the [same] bicycle path at a location concealed behind [a]
    'sound barrier wall'" and were "brutally beaten and partially
    disrobed."     Id. at 229, 
    421 S.E.2d at 827
    .   Finally, both
    victims' purses were stolen and "were found in approximately the
    same location, with only money missing from both."      
    Although significant evidence proved Satcher was the perpetrator
    in both instances, Satcher took the stand and denied any
    involvement in the offenses, squarely placing the element of the
    perpetrator's identity in issue.     Id. at 229, 251-52, 
    421 S.E.2d at 827, 840
    .    Further, the intent of the perpetrator was not at
    issue.   As the Supreme Court noted, "[t]he criminal intent of
    the assailant--to commit rape and robbery--was the same in both
    situations."     Id. at 229, 
    421 S.E.2d at 827
    In appellant's case, by contrast, the reverse was true--
    identity was genuinely not in issue, and appellant's intent was
    the disputed element.    As set out above, the other crimes
    evidence was not admissible to prove the victim's absence of
    consent and appellant's intent to commit rape.      Compare Foster,
    - 12 -
    5 Va. App. at 320, 
    362 S.E.2d at 747
     (holding evidence of
    another alleged rape was inadmissible propensity evidence where
    only contested issue was whether alleged victim consented), with
    Spencer v. Commonwealth, 
    240 Va. 78
    , 87-91, 
    393 S.E.2d 609
    615-17 (1990) (upholding admission of evidence of other
    rape-murders where identity of perpetrator was disputed);
    Yellardy v. Commonwealth, 
    38 Va. App. 19
    , 24-26, 
    561 S.E.2d 739
    742-43 (2002) (holding two robbery charges were properly tried
    together where "identical methods used to commit the two
    robberies tend[ed] to prove the identity of [the accused] as the
    person who committed both offenses" and "also tend[ed] to prove
    that the confrontation was a robbery rather than a homosexual
    encounter[], which [the accused] contended at trial").
    For these reasons, we reverse appellant's convictions and
    remand for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    Reversed and remanded.
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