Kim Novell Rankin v. Commonwealth of VA ( 2002 )

  •                     COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Chief Judge Fitzpatrick, Judges Elder and Agee
    Argued at Salem, Virginia
    v.   Record No. 3065-00-3                  JUDGE LARRY G. ELDER
    APRIL 9, 2002
    Mosby G. Perrow, III, Judge
    S. Jane Chittom, Appellate Defender (Public
    Defender Commission, on briefs), for
    Eugene Murphy, Assistant Attorney General
    (Randolph A. Beales, Attorney General, on
    brief), for appellee.
    Kim Novel Rankin (appellant) appeals from his bench trial
    conviction for forcible rape of his stepdaughter in violation of
    Code § 18.2-61. 1   On appeal, appellant contends the trial court
    erroneously (1) admitted testimony that appellant abused his
    spouse, the victim's mother, and (2) concluded the evidence was
    * Pursuant to Code § 17.1-413, this opinion is not
    designated for publication.
    Appellant also was convicted for sexual intercourse with a
    child under age thirteen, an offense also involving his
    stepdaughter. Appellant challenged the sufficiency of the
    evidence to support that conviction, but we denied his petition
    for appeal on that ground. Thus, we do not consider in this
    appeal the sufficiency of the evidence to support that
    sufficient to prove the force, threat or intimidation necessary
    to support the conviction for forcible rape.     Assuming without
    deciding that appellant's first assignment of error is properly
    before us on appeal, we hold the admission of evidence that
    appellant abused his spouse, the victim's mother, in the
    victim's presence, was not error because it was relevant to the
    "force, threat or intimidation" element required to prove
    forcible rape.   We also hold that the evidence as a whole,
    viewed in the light most favorable to the Commonwealth, is
    sufficient to establish the force, threat or intimidation
    necessary to support that conviction.   Thus, we affirm
    appellant's conviction.
    Appellant contends on appeal that the trial court's
    admission of his former wife's testimony of spousal abuse was
    error for two reasons.    First, he contends the testimony was not
    probative of any issue in the case and was highly prejudicial
    "propensity" evidence.    Second, he contends that this testimony
    constituted an impermissible attempt to impeach him on a
    collateral matter because whether he ever hit his former wife
    during their marriage was "plainly . . . collateral to the issue
    of whether he forced or threatened [the victim] to make her
    engage in sexual relations."    Thus, he argues, when he denied
    - 2 -
    beating his former wife on cross-examination, the Commonwealth
    was required to take his answer and was not entitled to
    introduce his former wife's contradictory testimony in rebuttal.
    We assume without deciding that appellant preserved these
    objections in the trial court and properly presented them for
    appellate review.   Nevertheless, we hold the admission of the
    challenged testimony was not error.
    Evidence of other bad acts or crimes is not admissible
    merely to show a defendant's predisposition to commit such acts
    or crimes.    See, e.g., Guill v. Commonwealth, 
    255 Va. 134
    , 144,
    495 S.E.2d 489
    , 495 (1998).   However, "if such evidence tends to
    prove any other relevant fact of the offense charged, and is
    otherwise admissible, it will not be excluded merely because it
    also shows him to have been guilty of another crime."     Williams
    v. Commonwealth, 
    203 Va. 837
    , 841, 
    127 S.E.2d 423
    , 426 (1962).
    Under an established exception to the general rule, such
    evidence is admissible "to show the conduct and feeling of the
    accused towards his victim, or to establish their prior
    relations."    Sutphin v. Commonwealth, 
    1 Va. App. 241
    , 245, 
    337 S.E.2d 897
    , 899 (1985).   In Morse v. Commonwealth, 
    17 Va. App. 627
    440 S.E.2d 145
    (1994), in which the accused was charged
    with marital sexual assault, we admitted evidence that the
    accused "had on numerous previous occasions acted violently
    toward [his wife] in demanding sexual intercourse."     
    Id. at 632,
    - 3 
    - 440 S.E.2d at 148
    .   We held that evidence of the accused's prior
    violence toward his wife "tend[ed] to prove that the intercourse
    in question [between the accused and his wife] was accomplished
    by conduct that was tantamount to a present threat of force by
    [the accused] against [his wife]."      
    Id. We held
    it also tended
    to establish the wife's motivation for submitting to the demands
    of the accused, "show[ing] the victim's state of mind 'as to why
    she did what she did.'"   
    Id. Here, although
    the challenged evidence concerned
    appellant's abuse of someone other than the victim, the facts
    are sufficiently analogous to Morse to support admissibility of
    the evidence.   Appellant's abuse of his former wife, the
    victim's mother, in the victim's presence over a period of years
    was probative of the victim's fear of appellant as it related to
    the issue of whether appellant used "force, threat or
    intimidation" against the victim to accomplish the forcible rape
    for which he was on trial.   Code § 18.2-61.     The challenged
    evidence was admissible for that purpose, and absent clear
    evidence to the contrary, we presume that the trial court
    followed the law and considered the evidence only for that
    purpose.   See, e.g., Hall v. Commonwealth, 
    14 Va. App. 892
    , 902,
    421 S.E.2d 455
    , 462 (1992) (en banc).
    For similar reasons, the challenged evidence was not barred
    by the rule restricting impeachment on a collateral matter.
    - 4 -
    A witness may be impeached on
    cross-examination by proof that he has, on a
    prior occasion, made a statement that is
    inconsistent with any testimony given by him
    on direct examination. However, if the
    subject matter is raised for the first time
    on cross-examination and is collateral to
    the issues on trial, it cannot be the basis
    for impeachment by proof of a prior
    inconsistent statement.
    Waller v. Commonwealth, 
    22 Va. App. 53
    , 57, 
    467 S.E.2d 844
    , 847
    (1996).    "'The test as to whether a matter is material or
    collateral, in the matter of impeachment of a witness, is
    whether or not the cross-examining party would be entitled to
    prove it in support of his case.'"    Maynard v. Commonwealth, 
    11 Va. App. 437
    , 445, 
    399 S.E.2d 635
    , 640 (1990) (en banc) (quoting
    Allen v. Commonwealth, 
    122 Va. 834
    , 842, 
    94 S.E. 783
    , 786
    Here, the subject matter on which the Commonwealth sought
    to offer the rebuttal evidence was raised for the first time on
    appellant's cross-examination rather than his direct
    examination.   However, that subject matter, appellant's prior
    abuse of his former wife, in the presence of her daughter, the
    victim, was not collateral to the issues on trial.   As discussed
    above, appellant's abuse of his former wife in the victim's
    presence over a period of years was probative of the victim's
    fear of appellant as it related to whether appellant used
    "force, threat or intimidation" against the victim to accomplish
    - 5 -
    the forcible rape.   Appellant's former wife's testimony,
    although offered in rebuttal, would have been admissible in the
    Commonwealth's case-in-chief because it was probative of this
    issue.   In fact, the victim herself testified on direct
    examination in the Commonwealth's case-in-chief that before
    appellant had intercourse with her for the first time, appellant
    "had beat on [both her and her mother] before," "[w]hen he was
    mad and angry and raging, which was often."   Appellant posed no
    objection to this testimony.    As discussed above, both the
    victim's testimony and her mother's testimony about appellant's
    prior abuse of the victim's mother in the victim's presence was
    relevant and admissible to prove forcible rape and was not
    Code § 18.2-61 provides as follows:
    If any person has sexual intercourse
    with a complaining witness who is not his or
    her spouse . . . and such act is
    accomplished . . . against the complaining
    witness's will, by force, threat or
    intimidation of or against the complaining
    witness or any other person . . . , he or
    she shall be guilty of rape.
    Code § 18.2-61(A)(i).
    Appellant contends the evidence was insufficient to prove
    he used "force, threat or intimidation" against the victim.    In
    - 6 -
    considering this claim, we view the evidence in the light most
    favorable to the Commonwealth, granting to the evidence all
    reasonable inferences deducible therefrom.    Higginbotham v.
    216 Va. 349
    , 353, 
    218 S.E.2d 534
    , 537 (1975).     The
    credibility of a witness, the weight accorded the testimony, and
    the inferences to be drawn from proven facts are matters solely
    for the fact finder's determination.    Long v. Commonwealth, 
    8 Va. App. 194
    , 199, 
    379 S.E.2d 473
    , 476 (1989).
    In order to prove force sufficient to support a conviction,
    "[t]he force must be used to overcome the victim's will.
    'There must be evidence of "some array or show of force in form
    sufficient to overcome resistance."'"    Sabol v. Commonwealth, 
    37 Va. App. 9
    , 16-17, 
    553 S.E.2d 533
    , 536-37 (2001) (quoting Jones
    v. Commonwealth, 
    219 Va. 983
    , 986, 
    252 S.E.2d 370
    , 372 (1979)
    (quoting Davis v. Commonwealth, 
    186 Va. 936
    , 946, 
    45 S.E.2d 167
    171 (1947))).   "Threat,"
    [a]s used in the statute, . . . means
    expression of an intention to do bodily
    harm. Intimidation may occur without
    threats. Intimidation, as used in the
    statute, means putting a victim in fear of
    bodily harm by exercising such domination
    and control of her as to overcome her mind
    and overbear her will. Intimidation may be
    caused by the imposition of psychological
    pressure on one who, under the
    circumstances, is vulnerable and susceptible
    to such pressure.
    - 7 -
    Sutton v. Commonwealth, 
    228 Va. 654
    , 663, 
    324 S.E.2d 665
    , 670
    (1985).   "This fear of bodily harm must derive from some conduct
    or statement of the accused."     
    Sabol, 37 Va. App. at 18
    , 553
    S.E.2d at 537.   Whether the accused used "force[, threat or
    intimidation] to overcome the victim's will is a factual
    question, and this Court defers to the fact finder's decision
    unless plainly wrong."    
    Id. at 17,
    553 S.E.2d at 537.
    Here, the trial court found that appellant accomplished the
    intercourse which occurred when the victim was thirteen "through
    fear and intimidation."   The evidence, viewed in the light most
    favorable to the Commonwealth, supports that finding.
    Appellant, the victim's stepfather, was the only father the
    victim had ever known.    Appellant repeatedly physically and
    mentally abused the victim's mother, his former wife, in the
    presence of the victim and her siblings when the victim and her
    siblings were small.   The victim recounted an incident occurring
    before her twelfth birthday in which appellant "beat [her]
    mother . . . into the head of the [brass] bed" until she began
    to bleed.   Sometime before appellant had intercourse with the
    victim for the first time when she was twelve, he also had
    beaten the victim.   As discussed in Part A above, this evidence
    was admissible as relevant to the victim's motivation for
    submitting to appellant's demands.     See, e.g., Morse, 17 Va.
    App. at 
    632, 440 S.E.2d at 148
    - 8 -
    Although appellant did not speak to the victim when he had
    intercourse with her and apparently used no physical force
    beyond what was necessary to remove her clothing, the victim
    testified that she never consented to have intercourse with him
    and she told him, "I don't want to do this."   Despite her verbal
    protestations, appellant "continued to force himself on [her]"
    "as often as possible," "[e]very chance that nobody was home."
    Before the victim was thirteen, appellant would "beat on"
    her, "whip [her] with a belt and jerk [her] by [her] face."    The
    victim testified that the physical abuse made her fearful of
    appellant and that she thought "[t]here was nothing she could
    do" when he forced himself on her.   She testified that when she
    turned thirteen, appellant "continue[d] to force [her] to have
    sex . . . [a]s often as he could" and that he continued to have
    sex with her, "against [her] will," after she became pregnant
    with and gave birth to his child, all of which occurred while
    she was thirteen.
    Thus, the evidence supports the trial court's finding that
    appellant "put[] the victim in fear of bodily harm by exercising
    such domination and control of her as to overcome her mind and
    overbear her will."   
    Sutton, 228 Va. at 663
    , 324 S.E.2d at 670.
    A finding of intimidation did not require proof that appellant
    expressly threatened to do bodily harm to the victim if she
    - 9 -
    failed to submit to his advances. 2    
    Id. at 663,
    324 S.E.2d at
    Appellant contends that our holding in Bower v.
    36 Va. App. 382
    551 S.E.2d 1
    (2001), compels a
    finding that the evidence was insufficient to prove the force,
    threat or intimidation necessary to support his conviction under
    Code § 18.2-61(A)(i). We disagree for two reasons.
    First, the Supreme Court granted the Commonwealth's
    petition for appeal of our decision in Bower, see Commonwealth
    v. Bower, No. 012220 (Va. Sup. Ct. Order of 12/20/01). Thus,
    that decision presently has no precedential value. Cf. Faison
    v. Hudson, 
    243 Va. 413
    , 419, 
    417 S.E.2d 302
    , 305 (1992) (holding
    judgment "not final for purposes of res judicata . . . when it
    is being appealed"); 21 C.J.S. Courts § 140(b), at 165 (1990)
    (noting similarities in doctrines of res judicata and stare
    decisis on principles of law, although recognizing that the
    former relates only to issues resolved between the parties and
    their privies whereas the latter applies regardless of the
    identity of the parties).
    Second, Bower is distinguishable on its facts. Bower
    involved an accused who was charged with animate object sexual
    penetration of his thirteen-year-old daughter while she
    pretended to be asleep, a charge which also required proof that
    the accused used force, threat or intimidation to accomplish the
    proscribed act. 
    Bower, 36 Va. App. at 386
    , 551 S.E.2d at 3. In
    Bower, the evidence established that the victim and her father
    had a "good relationship" prior to the charged act and that "the
    act was probably accomplished by surprise." 
    Id. at 385,
    551 S.E.2d at 2
    , 4, 5. We "[found] no language in Code
    § 18.2-67.2 or other relevant statutes that creates a subclass
    of victims over age twelve where evidence of intimidation, force
    or threat is sufficiently proved based solely on parentage or
    size differential." 
    Id. at 391,
    551 S.E.2d at 5. Because
    "there was no evidence, direct or inferred, of any prior or
    contemporaneous act, communication or course of conduct by Bower
    that would place his daughter in fear of bodily harm," we held
    the evidence was insufficient to support Bower's conviction.
    Id. at 389,
    551 S.E.2d at 4.
    In appellant's case, by contrast, the record was replete
    with evidence of "prior . . . act[s] . . . or course of conduct
    by [appellant] that would place his [step]daughter[, the
    victim,] in fear of bodily harm" if she refused his efforts to
    have sexual intercourse. See 
    id. Thus, the
    reasoning in Bower
    supports our affirmance of appellant's conviction.
    - 10 -
    For these reasons, we affirm appellant's conviction for
    forcible rape in violation of Code § 18.2-61.
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