Olga Lukashevsky v. Igor Bakhir ( 2002 )

  •                    COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present:   Chief Judge Fitzpatrick, Judges Frank and Clements
    v.   Record No. 2957-01-4                       PER CURIAM
    APRIL 2, 2002
    Arthur B. Vieregg, Judge
    (Olga Lukashevsky, pro se, on brief).
    No brief for appellee.
    Olga Lukashevsky (wife) appeals the decision of the circuit
    court finding her in contempt for failing to pay court-ordered
    child support to Igor Bakhir (husband).   On appeal, wife contends
    the trial court erred by (1) finding the evidence sufficient to
    hold her in contempt, and (2) refusing to allow her to present the
    testimony of three witnesses concerning her inability to pay.
    Upon reviewing the record and opening brief, we conclude that this
    appeal is without merit.    Accordingly, we summarily affirm the
    decision of the trial court.    See Rule 5A:27.
    Procedural Background
    Husband and wife separated on or about July 1, 2000.    On
    February 5, 2001, the juvenile and domestic relations district
    * Pursuant to Code § 17.1-413, this opinion is not
    designated for publication.
    court awarded husband custody of the couple's minor child.      In a
    May 18, 2001 pendente lite order, the circuit court ordered wife
    to pay husband $159 monthly child support.     When wife refused to
    make any payments, husband filed a petition for rule to show
    cause.   After hearing arguments, the circuit court, on September
    28, 2001 found wife in contempt of court.
    The evidence presented at the hearing demonstrated wife
    voluntarily left her employment in the metropolitan Washington
    area where she was earning $64,000 annually as a computer
    programmer.    Wife moved to Louisiana and claimed that because her
    Federal Immigration and Naturalization Service records had not
    been forwarded to that state she was unable to work.     Wife
    provided no documentary proof to support her contentions.       Husband
    testified wife stated she disagreed with the child support order
    and would not pay him.   The hearing on September 28, 2001 had been
    continued from September 21, 2001.      Wife did not subpoena
    witnesses to testify on her behalf at the hearing.
    "Willful disobedience to any lawful . . . order of court is
    contempt and . . . punishable as such."      Board of Supervisors v.
    195 Va. 739
    , 745, 
    80 S.E.2d 566
    , 571 (1954).       "A trial
    court 'has the authority to hold [an] offending party in
    contempt for acting in bad faith or for willful disobedience of
    its order.'"    Alexander v. Alexander, 
    12 Va. App. 691
    , 696, 406
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    S.E.2d 666, 669 (1991) (citation omitted).     "On appellate review
    of this issue, we may reverse the ruling of the trial court only
    if we find that it abused its discretion."      Barnhill v. Brooks,
    15 Va. App. 696
    , 704, 
    427 S.E.2d 209
    , 215 (1993).     The trial
    court found wife voluntarily left her job.     Wife told husband
    she was unwilling to pay the support she owed.     The trial court
    stated it believed husband's testimony over wife's testimony.
    "The credibility of the witnesses and the weight accorded the
    evidence are matters solely for the fact finder who has the
    opportunity to see and hear that evidence as it is presented."
    Sandoval v. Commonwealth, 
    20 Va. App. 133
    , 138, 
    455 S.E.2d 730
    732 (1995).   The trial court found wife voluntarily and
    willfully refused to obey its order.     We cannot conclude, based
    on the evidence in this record, that the trial court abused its
    "On appeal, the judgment of the trial court is presumed
    correct.   The burden is on the party who alleges reversible
    error to show by the record that reversal is the remedy to which
    he is entitled."   Johnson v. Commonwealth, 
    12 Va. App. 391
    , 396,
    404 S.E.2d 384
    , 387 (1991) (citation omitted).     "The burden is
    upon the appellant to provide us with a record which
    substantiates the claim of error.      In the absence thereof, we
    will not consider the point."    Jenkins v. Winchester Dep't of
    Social Servs., 
    12 Va. App. 1178
    , 1185, 
    409 S.E.2d 16
    , 20 (1991).
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    Where we do not have the benefit of a transcript of the
    proceedings, we can consider only that which is contained in the
    written statement signed by the trial judge.   See 
    id. There is
    no transcript in this appeal, and the written statement of facts
    provided by the trial court is limited.
    Wife alleges the trial court refused to allow her to call
    witnesses on her behalf.   The written statement of facts
    indicates wife did not subpoena any witnesses for the September
    28, 2001 hearing.   In the absence of other evidence, we cannot
    say that wife has borne her burden to demonstrate that the trial
    court erred.
    Accordingly, we summarily affirm the decision of the trial
    court.   See Rule 5A:27.
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