Walter George v. Barbara E. Locklin-George ( 2001 )

  •                     COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Judges Benton, Annunziata and Senior Judge Coleman
    Argued at Alexandria, Virginia
    v.   Record No. 2927-00-4                JUDGE JAMES W. BENTON, JR.
    NOVEMBER 13, 2001
    Benjamin N.A. Kendrick, Judge
    Raymond B. Benzinger (Mary M. Benzinger;
    Benzinger & Benzinger, P.C., on briefs), for
    Paul R. Smollar (Kuder, Smollar & Friedman,
    P.C., on brief), for appellee.
    Walter George appeals from a domestic relations decree
    awarding child support, denying his request for spousal support,
    and distributing property between him and his wife, Barbara E.
    Locklin-George.    He contends the trial judge erred by (1)
    adopting verbatim the wife's findings of facts, (2) failing to
    impute income to the wife, (3) imputing income to the husband,
    (4) using the husband's gross income from self-employment to
    determine child support, (5) refusing to grant the husband
    spousal support or, in the alternative, a reservation of spousal
    support, and (6) fashioning a property award contrary to the
    evidence.    The wife contends the trial judge abused his
    Pursuant to Code § 17.1-413, this opinion is not
    designated for publication.
    discretion by denying her request for attorney's fees, and she
    seeks attorney's fees relating to this appeal.    For the reasons
    that follow, we affirm the decree, with the exception of the
    denial of a reservation of right for spousal support.
    The parties married in April of 1982.    On September 9, 1999,
    the wife filed a bill of complaint for divorce.    The husband
    filed an answer and cross bill also seeking a divorce.    Upon the
    commissioner in chancery's recommendation, the trial judge
    entered a final decree of divorce granting the wife a divorce
    based on the parties' separation of more than one year.     The
    decree reserved jurisdiction to award child support, spousal
    support, and a property distribution.
    The husband, the wife, and one other witness testified at
    the September 14, 2000 evidentiary hearing.   The wife presented
    thirty-five exhibits; the husband presented two.   At the
    conclusion of the hearing, the trial judge ordered the parties to
    submit proposed findings of fact by September 25, 2000.     The wife
    timely filed her proposed findings.    The husband, however,
    submitted his findings two days late, on September 27, 2000.      The
    trial judge adopted verbatim thirty-eight of the wife's forty-
    four proposed findings of fact, rejecting six findings related to
    attorney's fees.   Both parties appeal from the final order, which
    incorporates those findings.
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    A.   Findings of Fact
    When the trial judge hears the testimony of witnesses ore
    tenus, we review the judge's findings of fact in the light most
    favorable to the party who prevailed below.      Romero v. Colbow, 
    27 Va. App. 88
    , 92, 
    497 S.E.2d 516
    , 518 (1998).     Furthermore, the
    trial judge's findings "after an ore tenus hearing should not be
    disturbed on appeal unless they are plainly wrong or without
    evidence to support them."     Schweider v. Schweider, 
    243 Va. 245
    415 S.E.2d 135
    , 138 (1992).     Upon our review of the record,
    we conclude that the evidence supports the findings that the
    husband challenges.
    The husband contends the trial judge impermissibly found
    that he continued to work full-time on the residence the parties
    owned.    The finding recites, however, that "beginning in August,
    1998, . . . [the husband] began devoting some time to his
    business and has continued to do so."     Moreover, the testimony
    conflicts on whether the husband did substantial work on the
    house after 1999.    The husband's own witness contradicted the
    wife's testimony that the husband had finished renovations in
    1999.    The witness testified that he would not agree that the
    house was "essentially" finished in 1999 because husband
    continued to work on the house in the year 2000.     Given the
    conflicting testimony, the trial judge could conclude that
    - 3 -
    husband was working extensively on finishing the renovations in
    The husband also challenges several of the trial judge's
    findings that the husband was employed only part-time in 2000.
    At the hearing, the husband failed to offer any evidence
    regarding the number of days or hours per week he worked.
    Moreover, the trial judge had credible evidence from which he
    could infer that husband was not working full-time.    For example,
    the husband's lack of sales supports the conclusion that he had
    not been devoting his full energy into his work.    In 1998, the
    husband had three or four sales for the year while he was working
    almost exclusively on the house.    In 2000, he had made only three
    to four sales for the first half of the year; he admitted that he
    did not have a list of inventory for his equipment; and he did
    not know what items he currently possessed.    In short, the
    husband failed to present sufficient evidence to support his
    claim of full-time employment.
    The husband contends the judge erred in finding that he has
    not incurred separate debt since the separation.    He contends
    that his testimony proves his separate debt.    The record contains
    only generalized testimony that the husband "was taking loans"
    and "borrow[ing]" money from his family to pay debts.    The record
    contains no specific amounts of borrowing or debts.    According to
    well established principles, the trial judge "ascertains a
    witness' credibility, determines the weight to be given to [the
    witness'] testimony, and has the discretion to accept or reject
    any of the witness' testimony."     Street v. Street, 
    25 Va. App. 380
    , 388, 
    488 S.E.2d 665
    , 668 (1997) (en banc).    Thus, the trial
    - 4 -
    judge was entitled to reject the husband's testimony about
    general, unquantified borrowings and to conclude that the
    evidence failed to prove the husband had separate debts.
    The husband contends the trial judge's finding concerning
    his income and expense statement was erroneous.    The record
    establishes that the husband failed to offer as evidence a
    statement of his income and expenses.    The exhibit in the record
    was provided by the wife as the statement the husband prepared in
    2000.    The factual finding is supported by that exhibit.
    The husband contends the trial judge's finding that he had
    not worked after returning to Detroit is in conflict with the
    finding that the parties worked throughout the marriage.     These
    statements do not contradict each other.    The husband did not
    deny that within months of returning to Detroit, he quit his
    employment at Ford.    The judge's finding does not suggest that
    the husband never worked after returning to Detroit, but only
    that he was unemployed for a period after his return.    Indeed,
    the husband testified that he "was unemployed at the time [they]
    The husband further contends the trial judge erroneously
    found that he "continued to search for work" following the wife's
    graduation from law school.    The husband argues that in the year
    following the wife's graduation from law school, he was gainfully
    employed as a wedding photographer and as an investigator for law
    firms.    The husband testified, however, that the position as a
    camera salesman was "at times[,] . . . full-time and there may
    have been times when they just didn't schedule full-time."      Wife
    also testified that husband's work as an investigator was
    - 5 -
    "somewhat sporadic."
    In summary, the husband has not overcome his burden of
    proving the trial judge's factual findings were not supported by
    credible evidence.   Viewed in the light most favorable to the
    wife, the prevailing party below, the evidence in the record is
    sufficient to support the trial judge's findings of fact.
    B.   Imputation of Income for Child Support
    The husband contends the trial judge improperly ordered him
    to pay child support.    He argues the trial judge erred by failing
    to calculate wife's income at a full-time rate, imputing income
    to him without finding he was voluntarily under-employed or
    voluntarily unemployed, and using his gross income from
    self-employment to determine child support.
    1.   Income of the Wife
    "A parent may not 'purposefully choose to pursue a low
    paying career which operates to the detriment of . . . [the
    parent's] children.'"    Brooks v. Rogers, 
    18 Va. App. 585
    , 592,
    445 S.E.2d 725
    , 792 (1994) (citation omitted).      In determining
    child support, the trial judge is required to "consider all
    evidence presented relevant" to that issue.       Code § 20-108.1(B).
    Decisions concerning imputation of income are governed in part by
    the following principles:
    A trial court may impute income to the
    spouse receiving child or spousal support
    under appropriate circumstances. See Code
    § 20-108.1(B)(3) (child support); Srinivasan
    v. Srinivasan, 
    10 Va. App. 728
    , 734, 
    396 S.E.2d 675
    , 679 (1990) (spousal support).
    In child support cases, Code § 20-108.1
    provides a rebuttable presumption that the
    amount of child support indicated by the
    guidelines contained in Code § 20-108.2 is
    - 6 -
    the correct support amount. See Barnhill v.
    15 Va. App. 696
    , 699, 
    427 S.E.2d 209
    , 212 (1993). A court must consider the
    factors in Code § 20-108.1(B) in deciding
    whether to deviate from the presumptive
    amount. These factors include "[i]mputed
    income to a party who is voluntarily
    unemployed or under employed." Code
    § 20-108.1(B)(3). Any child support award
    must be based on circumstances existing at
    the time the award is made. Payne v. Payne,
    5 Va. App. 359
    , 364, 
    363 S.E.2d 428
    , 431
    Sargent v. Sargent, 
    20 Va. App. 694
    , 703, 
    460 S.E.2d 596
    , 600
    "When asked to impute income to a parent, the trial court
    must consider the parent's earning capacity, financial resources,
    education and training, ability to secure such education and
    training, and other factors relevant to the equities of the
    parents and children."    Niemiec v. Commonwealth, Dep't of Soc.
    27 Va. App. 446
    , 451, 
    499 S.E.2d 576
    , 579 (1998).
    Moreover, we have held that "[t]he burden is on the party seeking
    the imputation to prove that the other parent was voluntarily
    foregoing more gainful employment, either by producing evidence
    of a higher-paying former job or by showing that more lucrative
    work was currently available."     
    Id. at 451, 499
    S.E.2d at 579.
    Deciding not to impute income to either party, the trial
    judge found as follows:
    [The husband] has chosen to work
    part-time. [The husband] has demonstrated a
    greater earning ability based upon past
    efforts in his business. [The husband] has
    also demonstrated a past willingness to quit
    working when he no longer likes his job,
    regardless of whether he has another job at
    the time. In addition, [the husband] has
    - 7 -
    also demonstrated that he will work
    conscientiously and long hours when he wants
    to and chooses to do so, such as during 1995
    and 1996 on his business and from 1997 to
    the present on the house. When he so
    applies himself he produces either a
    substantial income, as in the case of the
    business, or competent workmanship, as in
    the case of the renovations. . . . [The
    wife] is working part-time in order to take
    care of their 2-year-old child, pursuant to
    the parties' understanding. Hence, since
    both parties have freely chosen to live at a
    certain lifestyle based on part-time work,
    both prior to and since the separation, and
    since the record establishes that the minor
    child's basic needs are being met, income
    need not be imputed to either or both
    parties for purposes of child support or
    The evidence proved that after their son was born in October
    1997, the wife returned to work part-time.    She and the husband
    agreed when she moved from Detroit to Washington that they wanted
    children and that this job would afford her the opportunity to
    work part-time.    She works twenty-four hours of the thirty-five
    hours, which constitute a full-time schedule at her employment.
    The parties agreed to share equal physical custody of their son,
    who was two years old when the litigation began.    The evidence
    also supports the judge's finding that the husband works part-
    The evidence proved that each party earns in excess of
    $60,000 annually.    The trial judge found and the evidence proves
    that the child's financial needs are met.    "We recognize that
    decisions concerning . . . child . . . 'support rest within the
    sound discretion of the trial court and will not be reversed on
    appeal unless plainly wrong or unsupported by the evidence.'"
    - 8 -
    Sargent, 20 Va. App. at 703
    , 460 S.E.2d at 600 (citation
    omitted).   Thus, we have held that in determining child support
    "[i]mputation of income is within the trial judge's discretion."
    Id. at 704, 460
    S.E.2d at 601.    We cannot say that the trial
    judge's decision in this case was an abuse of discretion.
    2.   Income of the Husband
    The husband contends the trial judge improperly imputed
    income to him without finding he was voluntarily unemployed or
    voluntarily under-employed.   Upon review of the trial judge's
    order, we find nothing that suggests the judge imputed income to
    the husband.   Indeed, the trial judge specifically found that
    - 9 -
    "income need not be imputed to either . . . party for purposes of
    child support or alimony."
    Imputation of income occurs where the judge attributes
    income to a person based upon a rate of income which is higher
    than that which the person's current employment or weekly hours
    would yield.   See Niemiec, 27 Va. App. at 
    451, 499 S.E.2d at 579
    The husband's gross business receipts from self-employment for
    the first five months of the year were approximately $67,000, and
    his business expenses were approximately $5,000.   Therefore, his
    gross receipts for the first five months of 2000 exceeded $12,000
    per month.   The trial judge merely inferred that husband would
    earn at least $5,000 per month given his current income and his
    earning potential for the remainder of the year.   That inference
    was based, in part, on the husband's earnings for the first half
    of the year and his gross income of $225,000 in 1995 and $166,987
    in 1996.
    In addition, the trial judge did not err in finding that
    husband's income would be at least $5,000 per month.   Any lack of
    specificity in determining husband's exact amount of gross income
    is due in large measure to the lack of evidence provided by the
    husband.   Although the husband testified knowledgeably from bank
    deposits about his business receipts, his testimony regarding his
    business expenses was undocumented and partly speculative.
    Because he failed to provide the necessary information on which
    to determine precisely his gross income, he cannot now take
    advantage of his failure by challenging the order.   It is
    sufficient that the trial judge found that the husband's income
    was essentially comparable to the wife's.   The record contains no
    - 10 -
    evidence that income was imputed to the husband.
    3.   Gross Income
    The husband contends the trial judge failed to deduct
    reasonable business expenses from his gross income.         The husband
    presented no evidence, other than his own testimony, of his
    income.   He had not even prepared or filed income tax returns for
    1997, 1998, and 1999.       Although he testified about various
    business expenses, he provided no documentation to support those
    items.    When testifying about rents, for example, he said "up
    until a couple of months ago, I was paying $2,030 a month in
    rent."    He gave no more definite time frame and provided no
    Although reasonable business expenses must be deducted when
    calculating gross income for self-employed persons, see Code
    § 20-108.2(C), nothing in the record suggests the judge failed to
    consider evidence of such expenses.          Simply put, the husband
    failed to prove his expenses.        The burden of proving the business
    expenses, however, reasonably falls on the person involved in the
    business.    See 
    id. Moreover, "[w]hen the
    [trial judge] applies
    Code § 20-108.2 . . . it is assumed that the [judge] acted
    reasonably and the burden rests upon the challenging party to
    show to the contrary."        Conway v. Conway, 
    10 Va. App. 653
    , 658,
    395 S.E.2d 464
    , 467 (1990).        The evidence supports the trial
    judge's ruling.
    C.   Denial of Spousal Support
    Husband contends the trial judge erred by failing to award
    spousal support or a reservation for spousal support.         In
    determining whether to award spousal support, the trial judge
    - 11 -
    must consider the factors outlined in Code § 20-107.1(E).   "When
    the [trial judge] has given due consideration to these factors,
    his determination will not be disturbed on appeal except for a
    clear abuse of discretion."   Collier v. Collier, 
    2 Va. App. 125
    341 S.E.2d 827
    , 829 (1986).   "[I]n fixing spousal support, a
    trial [judge] has broad discretion which should not be interfered
    with by an appellate court unless it is clear that some injustice
    has been done."   Papuchis v. Papuchis, 
    2 Va. App. 130
    , 133, 
    341 S.E.2d 829
    , 831 (1986).
    The trial judge considered and made findings on each of the
    factors enumerated in Code § 20-107.1(E).   In particular, the
    judge found that the parties had not maintained an extravagant
    lifestyle during the marriage.   The judge also found that the
    husband's income expense statement did not indicate the husband
    had financial need and that the wife's income expense statement
    indicated a negative monthly balance.   The trial judge's factual
    determinations were supported by credible evidence.   Thus, the
    - 12 -
    trial judge did not abuse his discretion when relying on those
    factors in denying spousal support to the husband.
    The husband argues that the trial judge erred by failing to
    take into account the wife's earning capacity as increased by her
    law degree.   This argument is without merit.   In determining
    whether to award spousal support, the judge considered the wife's
    monthly income expense statement.   The wife's income in the
    statement is based on wife's current employment as an attorney.
    We have already held that the trial judge did not err by not
    imputing income to either party.    Moreover, in Srinivasan, we
    held that "one who seeks spousal support is obligated to earn as
    much as he or she reasonably can to reduce the amount of the
    need." 10 Va. App. at 734
    , 396 S.E.2d at 679.   Here, the
    trial judge found that the husband was currently working part-
    time and had earned considerably more when he dedicated his full
    attention and energy to his business.   Because the judge
    determined that the husband had not maximized his earnings, it
    would be improper to impute income to the wife in order to award
    the husband spousal support.
    The husband also asserts that the judge erred by failing to
    grant a reservation of right to seek future spousal support.      We
    agree.   "[I]t is consistent with the purpose of the law to
    include [a reservation of spousal support.]"    Bacon v. Bacon, 
    3 Va. App. 484
    , 491, 
    351 S.E.2d 37
    , 41 (1986).    Thus, we have
    consistently "held that where there is no bar to the right of
    spousal support 'it is reversible error for the trial court, upon
    request of either party, to fail to make a reservation in the
    decree of the right to receive spousal support in the event of a
    - 13 -
    change of circumstances,' even though, at the time of the decree,
    neither party needed support."   Blank v. Blank, 
    10 Va. App. 1
    , 4,
    389 S.E.2d 723
    , 724 (1990) (citation omitted).
    The trial judge made no finding of fault in granting the
    divorce and gives no justification for denying husband's request.
    The husband's request in his findings of fact that the issue of
    spousal support be reserved in the event of a change in
    circumstances was adequate to raise the issue for consideration.
    See Vissicchio v. Vissicchio, 
    27 Va. App. 240
    , 254, 
    498 S.E.2d 425
    , 432 (1998) (holding that an implicit request is sufficient).
    Accordingly, we remand to the trial judge for reconsideration the
    issue of reservation of right for future support.
    D.   Property of the Parties
    In decreeing concerning property, the judge is required to
    consider the factors in Code § 20-107.3(E).   On appeal, we are
    guided by the following principles:
    The statute empowers the [trial judge] to
    determine what property is subject to
    distribution between the parties, authorizes
    him to determine the value of that property
    and the interests of each party, and directs
    him then to distribute the property
    equitably. The [judge] has the benefit of
    statutory guidelines, but because rights and
    interests in marital property are difficult
    to determine and evaluate and competing
    equities are difficult to reconcile, the
    [judge] is necessarily vested with broad
    discretion in the discharge of the duties
    the statute imposes upon him. Unless it
    appears from the record that the [judge] has
    abused his discretion, that he has not
    considered or has misapplied one of the
    statutory mandates, or that the evidence
    fails to support the findings of fact
    underlying his resolution of the conflict in
    the equities, the [judge's] equitable
    - 14 -
    distribution award will not be reversed on
    Smoot v. Smoot, 
    233 Va. 435
    , 443, 
    357 S.E.2d 728
    , 732 (1987).
    The husband contends the trial judge abused his discretion
    when he awarded the wife her entire pension.    He argues that the
    pension was earned during the marriage and that the trial judge
    should have awarded him a share of the pension.    On review,
    however, we must consider the overall fairness of the entire
    equitable distribution award.    The trial judge's obligation under
    the statute is to make an equitable distribution of "the value of
    marital property between spouses based upon each spouse's
    contribution to the acquisition, preservation, or improvement of
    property obtained during the marriage."     Lightburn v. Lightburn,
    22 Va. App. 612
    , 619, 
    472 S.E.2d 281
    , 284 (1996).    "While the
    [judge] was required to consider the pension as marital property,
    the judge was not required to award the [spouse] any part of it
    so long as the overall distribution of the marital property was
    Srinivasan, 10 Va. App. at 733
    , 396 S.E.2d at 678.
    The trial judge specifically found that "[t]here was no
    testimony that [the husband] made any effort throughout the
    marriage to develop an IRA or other retirement fund."    The record
    also established and the trial judge found that the husband quit
    a job in Detroit "that paid well and had excellent benefits."
    The husband also earned substantial sums in his employment during
    the marriage.    Yet, he never established a retirement fund.   We
    cannot say the trial judge abused his discretion in ruling that
    among the marital assets to be retained by the wife as a part of
    the equitable distribution of the marital property was the
    - 15 -
    We disagree with the husband's contention that the evidence
    did not value the pension.   The trial judge accepted the wife's
    proof of value and valuation date of the pension.   Exhibit 16
    presented by the wife valued the pension as of June 1, 1998, two
    months prior to the parties' separation.   The husband failed to
    offer any contrary evidence regarding the valuation of the
    pension.    It is the responsibility of the parties to present the
    trial judge with current evidence from which the judge can make a
    valuation of the property.    See Stratton v. Stratton, 
    16 Va. App. 878
    , 883, 
    433 S.E.2d 920
    , 922 (1993).   Moreover, the trial judge
    generally has discretion in determining the date on which to
    value an asset.    See Rowe v. Rowe, 
    33 Va. App. 250
    , 264-65, 
    532 S.E.2d 908
    , 915 (2000).    We cannot say the trial judge abused his
    discretion in accepting the June 1, 1998 valuation.
    The husband also contends the trial judge erred by awarding
    the wife $24,000 from her 401(k) plan and then dividing equally
    between the parties the balance of the money in the plan.    We
    disagree.   Pursuant to Code § 20-107.3, the trial judge must
    "divide fairly the value of the marital assets acquired by the
    parties during marriage with due regard for both their monetary
    and nonmonetary contributions to the acquisition and maintenance
    of the property and to the marriage."    O'Loughlin v. O'Loughlin,
    20 Va. App. 522
    , 524, 
    458 S.E.2d 323
    , 324 (1995).   Code
    § 20-107.3(E) specifically directs the judge to consider the
    basis for marital debts.
    The wife testified that they incurred substantial credit
    card debts after the birth of their son because the husband was
    - 16 -
    contributing minimal income.    Instead of working at his business,
    husband opted to expend a substantial amount of his time
    renovating a residence they owned.       To replace his income, they
    had to "tak[e] cash advances out of the credit cards."      She
    testified that the renovation "took . . . four and a half years"
    and that they needed to sell the residence because they "had all
    this credit debt that was killing [them]."
    When the parties separated they owed $50,922 in credit card
    debts.   The evidence proved the wife paid portions of that debt
    monthly with earnings she acquired after the parties had
    separated.   When she had paid a total of $24,079, she reimbursed
    herself for those payments by borrowing from her 401(k) plan in
    May 1999.    The trial judge essentially found that the wife
    transferred the credit card marital debt into 401(k) marital debt
    and reimbursed herself for the $24,000 she had previously
    expended from separate funds.    The trial judge found that "[t]he
    loan from the 401(k) plan accordingly is marital debt."
    Although the husband's complaint focuses upon this $24,000
    portion of the award, we note that the judge in considering the
    basis for the marital debts had additional evidence.      The wife
    testified that in January 2000 their finances made her take other
    steps to reduce their debt payments.      The record reflects that on
    February 25, 2000, the wife obtained "a refinance loan" to reduce
    their mortgage payments and to pay the balance of the credit card
    debt, which was still outstanding after the $24,079 payment.      The
    loan document recites "[t]hat in light of Husband's poor credit
    rating and parties' resultant inability to obtain credit jointly,
    Wife shall be the sole borrower on the Note, but that liability
    - 17 -
    for payment shall be equal."   The loan document also required the
    parties to pay the credit card balances, which were listed on the
    document and then totaled $51,419.      The refinance loan was
    secured by a deed of trust on the residence.
    The judge found that "as a direct result of husband
    abandoning his business to work full time on the house, the
    family . . . [accumulated] . . . marital credit card debt."      The
    trial judge ordered that upon the sale of the residence, $24,000
    of the net proceeds of the sale was to be used to pay the 401(k)
    plan loan.   The balance of the net proceeds from the sale of the
    residence was to be divided equally between the parties.     Upon
    consideration of the circumstances concerning the debt, the trial
    judge awarded the wife $24,000 from the 401(k) plan after payment
    of the debt and then ordered that the remaining money in the
    401(k) plan be divided equally between the parties.     We find no
    abuse of discretion in the trial judge's decision to award the
    wife a larger portion of the asset represented by the 401(k) plan
    after payment of the debt.
    The husband contends the trial judge should have treated as
    a marital debt $16,000 of his business debts.     The husband,
    however, offered no evidence to identify the amount, purpose, or
    date of the debts.   The trial judge awarded the husband the
    business and all of its assets.   The record does not establish
    that the judge erred in requiring the husband to pay the
    unspecified $16,000 debt incurred by the business.
    The husband further contends that the trial judge's "biased
    comments taint[ed] the . . . equitable distribution award" and
    "cast doubt upon the trial [judge's] ability to fairly and
    - 18 -
    equitably resolve the issues."    We find no error.   As the fact
    finder and decision maker, the trial judge is in the unique
    position of evaluating the testimony of the witnesses and must
    engage in weighing the credibility of the testimony.    The judge
    is given broad discretion in determining factual issues and has
    discretion to accept or reject the evidence offered by the
    Street, 25 Va. App. at 388
    , 488 S.E.2d at 668.    We find
    no indication that the judge's statements were random attacks on
    the husband's character.    They were germane to the judge's
    evaluation of the facts.    The equitable distribution award
    contains no indication that the judge was biased against the
    In looking to the entire award, we cannot say the overall
    distribution was not equitable.    Upon consideration of the
    statutory factors, the judge noted that the wife had made
    substantially more financial contributions than husband.      The
    wife also made more nonmonetary contributions to the family.        The
    judge specifically noted that the husband's contribution to the
    marriage consisted of angry comments and emotional outbursts
    directed at the wife.    The judge also found that the husband was
    responsible for the creation and continuance of costly marital
    debt.    He also found that the husband failed to make any effort
    to establish a retirement fund during the marriage, even during
    the years that he earned substantial income.
    The trial judge awarded the husband one-half the proceeds
    from the sale of the family home and a significant portion of the
    marital 401(k) plan which the wife earned through her employment.
    The trial judge ultimately awarded the husband one-third of the
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    marital property even though he found that the husband
    contributed very little financially or emotionally to the
    stability of the family.       No statute or case decision requires
    the judge to divide equally the marital property.        Kaufman v.
    7 Va. App. 488
    , 497, 
    375 S.E.2d 374
    , 379 (1988).        The
    goal of equitable distribution is to allow the trial judge
    flexibility in fashioning an award that is fair considering the
    equities of the parties.       We cannot say the judge abused his
    discretion in making the award.
    E.    Attorney's Fees
    "It is well established that an award of attorney's fees
    [which arises out of legal representation] in a divorce
    proceeding is 'a matter submitted to the trial court's sound
    discretion and is reviewable on appeal only for an abuse of
    discretion.'"     Alphin v. Alphin, 
    15 Va. App. 395
    , 406, 
    424 S.E.2d 572
    , 578 (1992) (citation omitted).        We do not find the trial
    judge abused his discretion by denying the wife her attorney's
    We also do not find that this appeal warrants the award of
    attorney's fees.    "We have said that 'the key to a proper award
    of counsel fees . . . [is] reasonableness under all the
    circumstances revealed by the record.'"        Westbrook v. Westbrook,
    5 Va. App. 446
    , 458, 
    364 S.E.2d 523
    , 530 (1988) (citation
    omitted).    The award is only proper where the opposing party's
    position finds no support in either law or fact.        Gottlieb v.
    19 Va. App. 77
    , 95, 
    448 S.E.2d 666
    , 677 (1994).
    - 20 -
    For the aforementioned reasons, we affirm the decree on the
    issues of child support, spousal support, and equitable
    distribution.   We remand the case to the circuit court for
    reconsideration of the husband's request for a reservation of
    right for future spousal support.
    Affirmed in part,
    reversed in part, and remanded
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