Al-Khaliq Mayweather, a/k/a Keith Mayweather v. CW ( 2001 )

  •                      COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Chief Judge Fitzpatrick, Judges Willis and Clements
    Argued at Alexandria, Virginia
    v.   Record No. 0342-00-2             JUDGE JERE M. H. WILLIS, JR.
    MARCH 20, 2001
    Joseph E. Spruill, Jr., Judge
    Charles J. McKerns, Jr. (McKerns & McKerns,
    on brief), for appellant.
    Kathleen B. Martin, Assistant Attorney
    General (Mark L. Earley, Attorney General, on
    brief), for appellee.
    On appeal from his conviction of three counts of
    transporting one or more ounces of cocaine into the Commonwealth
    with the intent to distribute, in violation of Code
    § 18.2-248.01, Al-Khaliq Mayweather contends that the trial
    court erred (1) in admitting a photograph of him into evidence,
    (2) in admitting evidence of cocaine and a firearm, and (3) in
    denying his motion to strike because the evidence was
    insufficient to support his convictions.   For the following
    reasons, we reverse the judgment of the trial court.
    * Pursuant to Code § 17.1-413, this opinion is not
    designated for publication.
    In the summer of 1998, Lieutenant Ashby Allen, Jr., Chief
    Investigator for the Lancaster County Sheriff's Department, and
    Investigator Joan Webb began investigating Mayweather's
    involvement in the "Jersey Boys" drug distribution ring.    The
    "Jersey Boys" were suspected of trafficking in crack cocaine and
    distributing it in Lancaster County.     Pursuant to this
    investigation, Mayweather was arrested and charged with five
    counts of transporting one or more ounces of cocaine into the
    Commonwealth with the intent to distribute in violation of Code
    § 18.2-248.01.    Each count related to a different month, May,
    June, July, August, and September, 1998.
    At trial, Faith Parker testified that the "Jersey Boys" --
    Mayweather, Daniel Ford, Andre Noel, and Delvin Thornton --
    stayed in her apartment for several months during the summer of
    1998.    She testified that she knew the men distributed cocaine
    from her apartment and that Ford and Mayweather were the
    "ringleaders."    She stated that the men would store the cocaine
    in an attic outside her apartment and, when a buyer would call,
    Ford and Mayweather would use a razor blade or box cutter to cut
    the cocaine into smaller pieces for sale.     She identified a
    pager, razor blade box, and a digital scale as having been used
    by Mayweather.    Parker testified that, when the men would run
    out of cocaine, they would travel to New Jersey to "re-up."      She
    stated that, in the beginning, the men would "re-up" about once
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    a month, but when business increased, they began making the trip
    every two weeks.    Parker testified that she knew the substance
    being distributed was cocaine because she had "seen cocaine
    before" and the men referred to it as "cookies," which she knew
    was a slang term for cocaine.
    Parker testified that in June of 1998, she accompanied the
    "Jersey Boys" to Newark, New Jersey, to pick up cocaine.    She
    said that the men dropped her off in Newark and proceeded to New
    York.    When they returned to Newark, they had cocaine, which she
    called "cookies."    She described these "cookies" as "[r]ound and
    about the size of a small personal pan pizza."    She said that on
    this trip, the men brought back "four" such "cookies," which
    they put in a bag with pepper to conceal the smell and hid it in
    a television set to transport back to Virginia.    She was shown a
    demonstrative model, made of dental stone by Lieutenant Allen,
    and she testified that it was the same size, color, and weight
    as the "cookies" she saw on the trip.
    Parker further testified that in July of 1998, she went
    with Mayweather and the others to the bus station in Richmond,
    Virginia, to meet a girl who was transporting drugs from New
    Jersey.    Parker stated that she met the girl in the bus station
    bathroom, placed the cocaine in her pocket and carried it to the
    car where Mayweather, Ford and Noel were waiting.    She described
    the package as "pretty heavy" and estimated that it contained
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    three or four crumbled "cookies" that were of the same weight as
    the demonstrative model she was shown earlier.
    Parker testified that after she had a baby on July 26,
    1998, the "Jersey Boys" got their own house on Mary Ball Road.
    She said she would go over every other week to cook dinner for
    them.    She said she never saw drugs on those premises, but the
    phone and pagers were "still ringing off the hook," and the men
    talked about having cocaine.
    Parker testified that in September of 1998, she accompanied
    the "Jersey Boys" on another trip to New Jersey.    On this
    occasion, she went with the men from New Jersey to New York,
    where they purchased five "cookies" and a "whitish" colored
    brick that they referred to as "raw."    She testified that they
    paid approximately $8,000 for those "cookies," which were of the
    same size and weight as the demonstrative model shown to her
    earlier.    She admitted that after the cocaine was packaged in
    her baby bag, she boarded a bus with it and brought it to
    Virginia to her house, where she hid it outside under her air
    conditioning vent.    The next day, her landlord, Francis Norris,
    found and destroyed it.
    Francis Norris testified that he rented a house to Parker
    in the summer of 1998.    He testified that, while cutting the
    grass at the house, he discovered cocaine hidden beneath a board
    near the house.    He said that he destroyed the cocaine and
    evicted Parker.    She told him that the cocaine belonged to
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    Daniel Ford and that she was afraid of Ford and his associates.
    Norris testified that he telephoned Ford and asked whether the
    cocaine was his.   Ford initially denied the cocaine belonged to
    him, but when Norris told him he had destroyed it, Ford said
    that it was "part of his job" and demanded payment for its
    value.   Norris told the sheriff of his discovery.
    Investigator Webb testified that on October 9, 1998, the
    police obtained an arrest warrant for Noel, one of the "Jersey
    Boys," on a failure to appear charge.   They proceeded to the
    residence on Mary Ball Road to serve the warrant and searched
    the premises in the process.   Mayweather was not present.   The
    investigators recovered crack cocaine from an abandoned
    refrigerator in a shed on the property, on the stairway leading
    to the attic in the house, on the top kitchen shelf, and over
    the doorway to the shed.   Investigator Webb estimated that the
    value of the cocaine seized totaled approximately $800.   The
    officers also found a single-edge razor blade with off-white
    residue on it on top of the kitchen refrigerator, a box of
    approximately two hundred miniature Ziploc bags, an open package
    of single-edge razor blades (but no razor), and pagers.   Under
    the floor vent in the dining room, they found a small digital
    scale and a semi-automatic handgun.
    In a separate proceeding, Mayweather was tried for
    possession of the firearm and drugs located during the search
    and was acquitted.
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    Investigator Webb testified that, on the day Mayweather was
    arrested, he had on his person a learner's driving permit, which
    he had gotten the day before at the local DMV, his social
    security card, and a GTE telephone bill.   The telephone bill
    displayed Mayweather's name and the telephone number of the
    house on Mary Ball Road.   The bill reflected numerous calls to
    New Jersey.
    Lieutenant Allen testified that, based upon Parker's
    description of the "cookies," he created a model of a "cookie"
    from dental stone, a substance used by the police to make
    castings of footprints and tool marks.    This was the
    demonstrative model shown to Parker while she was testifying.
    Lieutenant Allen testified that he weighed the model, and
    determined its weight to be 5.3 ounces.
    At the conclusion of the evidence, Mayweather moved to
    strike on the ground that the Commonwealth had failed to prove
    that the substance being transported was cocaine.   As to the May
    and August charges, Mayweather's counsel argued further, "I
    think you have to resort to speculation to say that anything was
    transported during that period of time."   The trial court denied
    the motion, and the jury found Mayweather guilty of the July,
    August, and September charges, but not guilty on the May and
    June charges.
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    At trial, Parker was asked to identify photographs of the
    "Jersey Boys."   Mayweather objected to the admission of his
    photograph into evidence on the ground that it was a "mug shot,"
    and he was therefore prejudiced by its introduction.    The
    photograph was unquestionably a "mug shot."
    In Johnson v. Commonwealth, 
    2 Va. App. 447
    345 S.E.2d 303
    (1986), we adopted a three-part test to determine the
    admissibility of "mug shots."    To be admissible, each of the
    following three conditions must be met:
    (1) The Government must have a demonstrable
    need to introduce the photographs;
    (2) The photographs themselves, if shown to
    the jury, must not imply that the defendant
    has a prior criminal record; and
    (3) The manner of introduction at trial must
    be such that it does not draw particular
    attention to the source or implications of
    the photographs.
    Id. at 454, 345 S.E.2d at 307.
    The Commonwealth had no demonstrable need to introduce the
    "mug shot" photograph of Mayweather.     His identity was
    unquestioned.    The prejudice resulting from the photograph's
    introduction outweighed any slight probative value.    Therefore,
    we conclude that the admission of the photograph was reversible
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    "The admissibility of evidence is within the broad
    discretion of the trial court, and a ruling will not be
    disturbed on appeal in the absence of an abuse of discretion."
    Blain v. Commonwealth, 
    7 Va. App. 10
    , 16, 
    371 S.E.2d 838
    , 842
    (1988) (citation omitted).     "'[E]vidence is relevant if it tends
    to establish the proposition for which it is offered.'"
    Evans-Smith v. Commonwealth, 
    5 Va. App. 188
    , 196, 
    361 S.E.2d 436
    , 441 (1987) (citation omitted).       "'Upon finding that certain
    evidence is relevant, the trial court is then required to employ
    a balancing test to determine whether the prejudicial effect of
    the evidence sought to be admitted is greater than its probative
    value.'"   Braxton v. Commonwealth, 
    26 Va. App. 176
    , 186, 
    493 S.E.2d 688
    , 692 (1997) (citations omitted).        On appeal, a trial
    court's ruling that the probative value outweighs any incidental
    prejudice will be reversed only on a clear showing of an abuse
    of discretion.     See Ferrell v. Commonwealth, 
    11 Va. App. 380
    399 S.E.2d 614
    , 620 (1990).
    Mayweather contends that the trial court erroneously
    admitted into evidence cocaine for which he had previously been
    found not guilty of possessing.     We disagree.
    We have held that,
    [w]here a course of criminal conduct is
    continuous and interwoven, consisting of a
    series of related crimes, the perpetrator
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    has no right to have the evidence
    "sanitized" so as to deny the jury knowledge
    of all but the immediate crime for which he
    is on trial. The fact-finder is entitled to
    all of the relevant and connected facts,
    including those which followed the
    commission of the crime on trial, as well as
    those which preceded it; even though they
    may show the defendant guilty of other
    offenses. Evidence of such connected
    criminal conduct is often relevant to show
    motive, method, and intent.
    Scott v. Commonwealth, 
    228 Va. 519
    , 526-27, 
    323 S.E.2d 572
    , 577
    (1984) (citations omitted).
    Here, the fact that cocaine was found at the house where
    Mayweather was living was relevant to the issue of Mayweather's
    motive, method, and intent in transporting cocaine into the
    Commonwealth.   The Commonwealth produced direct evidence that
    linked Mayweather to the residence where the cocaine was
    discovered and circumstantial evidence permitted the inference
    that Mayweather was involved in a continuous and interwoven
    course of criminal conduct.    Production of the cocaine
    corroborated Parker's testimony and was probative of the charges
    on trial.   The trial court did not abuse its discretion in
    admitting the cocaine into evidence.
    Mayweather also contends that the trial court erroneously
    admitted into evidence a firearm for which he had previously
    been acquitted of possessing.    We agree.
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    The firearm, which was found in Mayweather's residence
    along with the cocaine and other drug paraphernalia, was
    irrelevant to the charges of transporting cocaine into the
    Commonwealth.   It did not corroborate Parker's testimony.
    Parker did not mention the use of a firearm.    Its introduction
    into evidence prejudiced Mayweather.    The trial court erred in
    admitting the firearm into evidence.
    When the sufficiency of the evidence is challenged on
    appeal, "we review the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the Commonwealth, granting to it all reasonable inferences
    fairly deducible therefrom."     Archer v. Commonwealth, 26 Va.
    App. 1, 11, 
    492 S.E.2d 826
    , 831 (1997) (citation omitted).
    In challenging the sufficiency of the evidence to support
    his convictions, Mayweather argues that the Commonwealth failed
    to prove that the substance transported in July, August, and
    September was in fact cocaine.    With regard to the August
    charge, he also argues that the Commonwealth did not prove he
    was a criminal agent or that the substance transported weighed
    more than one ounce.   We find that the evidence was sufficient
    to prove that the substance transported in July and September
    was in fact cocaine and that the evidence was insufficient to
    support the August charge.
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    Mayweather first contends that the Commonwealth failed to
    prove the substance transported in July, August, and September
    was in fact cocaine.   We disagree.
    The Commonwealth never gained possession of the substances
    transported in July, August, or September, and therefore was
    unable to conduct laboratory analysis of those substances.   The
    only evidence establishing the nature of the substances was the
    following testimony of Parker:
    [Commonwealth's attorney]:
    Q.   Did you see drugs?
    A.   Yes.
    Q.   What kind of drugs?
    A.   Cocaine.
    [Defense attorney]: Judge, I'm going to object
    to that as a conclusion.
    [Commonwealth's attorney]:
    Q.   Why did you think it was cocaine?
    A.   Because I've seen cocaine before.
    Q.   What did they call it?
    A.   Cookies.
    Q.   What did that mean to you?
    A.   It's a slang term for cocaine.
    When a party raises an objection, it is his responsibility
    to obtain a ruling from the trial court.    If the party fails to
    do this, "there is no ruling for us to review on appeal."
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    Ohree v. Commonwealth, 
    26 Va. App. 299
    , 308, 
    494 S.E.2d 484
    , 489
    (1998).   See Taylor v. Commonwealth, 
    208 Va. 316
    , 324, 
    157 S.E.2d 185
    , 191 (1967) (finding that the defendant's objection
    was not preserved for appeal where he did not obtain a ruling
    from the court).   Because the trial court never ruled on
    Mayweather's objection to Parker's characterization of the
    substance as cocaine, there is no ruling for us to review.
    After the objection, the Commonwealth laid a foundation for
    Parker to testify that the substance was cocaine.   Mayweather
    did not thereafter object.
    "The nature of the illegal substance transferred need not
    be proved by direct evidence but can be demonstrated by
    circumstantial evidence."    Hill v. Commonwealth, 
    8 Va. App. 60
    379 S.E.2d 134
    , 136 (1989) (en banc) (citations omitted).
    The circumstantial evidence that may be considered includes:
    "[E]vidence of the physical appearance of
    the substance involved in the transaction,
    evidence that the substance produced the
    expected effects when sampled by someone
    familiar with the illicit drug, evidence
    that the substance was used in the same
    manner as the illicit drug, testimony that a
    high price was paid in cash for the
    substance, evidence that the transactions
    involving the substance were carried on with
    secrecy or deviousness, and evidence that
    the substance was called by the name of the
    illegal narcotic by the defendant or others
    in his presence."
    Id. (quoting United States v. Dolan, 
    544 F.2d 1219
    , 1221 (4th
    Cir. 1976)).
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    Parker testified that she recognized the substance as
    cocaine, because she had seen cocaine before.      She testified
    that the "Jersey Boys," including Mayweather, called the cocaine
    by the slang term "cookies," which means "cocaine."         She
    testified to specific incidents in July and September when the
    "Jersey Boys," including Mayweather, carried on their operation
    with secrecy and deviousness.    She testified that the "Jersey
    Boys," including Mayweather, paid a high price in cash for the
    substance in September, when she accompanied them to New Jersey
    and New York.    All of this direct and circumstantial evidence
    was sufficient to prove that the "Jersey Boys," including
    Mayweather, transported cocaine into the Commonwealth in July
    and September.
    The only evidence tending to prove Mayweather guilty of the
    August charge was the testimony of Parker that the "Jersey Boys"
    went to New Jersey to restock their cocaine supply at least once
    a month between May and September of 1998.      She further
    testified that, as business increased, they went more
    frequently, as often as every two weeks.       She recited no
    specific instance when she accompanied the men or saw the men
    transport cocaine into the Commonwealth during the month of
    August.   This testimony was insufficient to establish
    Mayweather's guilt on the August charge.       Therefore,
    Mayweather's conviction for transporting cocaine into the
    - 13 -
    Commonwealth between August 1 and August 31, 1998, will be
    reversed.   We need not address whether the substance alleged to
    have been transported during August weighed in excess of one
    We reverse and remand Mayweather's convictions relating to
    July and September for retrial in accordance with this opinion,
    if the Commonwealth be so advised.     We reverse and order
    dismissed Mayweather's August conviction.
    Reversed and remanded in part,
    reversed and dismissed in part.
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