Troy McGowan v. Commonwealth of Virginia ( 2020 )

  •                                           COURT OF APPEALS OF VIRGINIA
    Present: Chief Judge Decker, Judge Humphreys and Senior Judge Annunziata
    Argued by videoconference
    v.     Record No. 0436‑20‑1                                 JUDGE ROSEMARIE ANNUNZIATA
    NOVEMBER 24, 2020
    David F. Pugh, Judge Designate
    David W. Anderson, II, Assistant Public Defender (Miranda Mayhill,
    Assistant Public Defender, on brief), for appellant.
    Maureen E. Mshar, Assistant Attorney General (Mark R. Herring,
    Attorney General, on brief), for appellee.
    The trial court convicted Troy McGowan, appellant, of violating a protective order by
    committing an assault and battery that resulted in bodily injury, in violation of Code
    § 16.1-253.2(C). On appeal, appellant challenges the sufficiency of the evidence to support his
    conviction.1 For the following reasons, we affirm.
    “In accordance with familiar principles of appellate review, the facts will be stated in the
    light most favorable to the Commonwealth, the prevailing party at trial.” Gerald v.
    295 Va. 469
    , 472 (2018) (quoting Scott v. Commonwealth, 
    292 Va. 380
    , 381
    (2016)). In doing so, we discard any of appellant’s conflicting evidence and regard as true all
    The trial court also convicted appellant of assault and battery of a family member, in
    violation of Code § 18.2-57.2. Appellant does not challenge that conviction on appeal.
    credible evidence favorable to the Commonwealth and all inferences that may reasonably be
    drawn from that evidence.
    Id. at 473.
    On November 24, 2018, L.M. obtained a permanent protective order against appellant,
    with whom she had a young son. The protective order prohibited appellant from having “contact
    of any kind with” L.M. except as permitted by a custody or visitation order and from
    “commit[ting] acts of family abuse or criminal offenses that result in injury to person or
    property.” On the morning of December 13, 2018, appellant knocked on L.M.’s front door.
    L.M. told appellant to “go away” and walked to her bedroom.
    A few minutes later, L.M. heard a noise behind her house. She ran out of her bedroom
    and saw appellant standing inside her hallway. L.M. returned to her bedroom and grabbed her
    son. Appellant followed L.M. into the bedroom and asked to hold the child, but L.M. refused
    and “balled up” with the child in her arms. L.M. testified that, in response, “[appellant] bit me
    on my leg and so I just screamed, and then he just walked out the front door.” L.M.
    subsequently clarified that appellant had bitten her on her knee. She did not remember if
    appellant had left a bite mark and admitted that she did not look at her knee after the incident.
    A few hours later, L.M. went to the police station to report the incident. A police officer
    asked to see L.M.’s knee, so L.M. pulled up her left pantleg. The officer photographed the knee,
    which had a spot of “discoloration” on the kneecap. L.M. did not know if the photograph
    depicted “where” appellant had bitten her because she could not “remember [which] leg it was.”
    L.M. testified that she suffered from “hypomelanosis,” a condition that causes a “lack of pigment
    on certain parts of [her] body, like on [her] knee.” She testified that the “coloration” of her knee
    as displayed in the photograph is how her knee “usually looks.” L.M. did not tell the officer at
    the police station about her skin condition.
    Appellant did not present any evidence and argued that the evidence failed to prove that
    “an injury ha[d] occurred.” He contended that L.M. had “explained that she ha[d] a skin
    condition that cause[d] some of the discoloration seen” in the photograph. The trial court
    convicted appellant of violating a protective order by committing an assault and battery that
    resulted in bodily injury. The court believed L.M.’s testimony but noted “that she may have told
    an untruth to [the] officer” at the police station. The court held,
    [t]he key issue here is whether or not there was an assault and
    battery on [L.M.], the witness, and whether or not he came in
    contact with her in violation of the protective order. . . . Not some
    scars on the knee or anything. The felony charge is grounded on
    did he violate the protective order by not having contact, one, and
    by not committing any injury to her.
    . . . [T]he order provides that [appellant] shall not commit acts of
    family abuse or criminal offense that result[] in injury to person or
    property. And it goes on, that [appellant] shall have no contact of
    any kind with [L.M.].
    So it doesn’t have to be injury to her at all. He wasn’t supposed to
    have any contact with her. . . . He comes into the house
    unauthorized, uninvited. He contacts her. . . . [H]e bites her—I
    believe that happened—and the rest speaks for itself. . . .
    This appeal follows.
    Appellant argues that the evidence was insufficient to sustain his conviction under Code
    § 16.1-253.2(C) because it did not establish that L.M. had suffered a “bodily injury.” That
    argument requires us to interpret the phrase “bodily injury” in the context of Code
    § 16.1-253.2(C).
    “[U]nder basic rules of statutory construction, we determine the General Assembly’s
    intent from the words contained in the statute.” Ricks v. Commonwealth, 
    290 Va. 470
    , 477
    (2015) (quoting Elliott v. Commonwealth, 
    277 Va. 457
    , 463 (2009)). We “are bound by the
    plain meaning of that language and may not assign a construction that amounts to holding that
    the General Assembly did not mean what it actually has stated.”
    Id. In addition, “[p]roper
    construction seeks to harmonize the provisions of a statute both internally and in relation to other
    statutes.” Hulcher v. Commonwealth, 
    39 Va. App. 601
    , 605 (2003) (quoting Moreno v. Moreno,
    24 Va. App. 190
    , 197 (1997)). “The Code of Virginia constitutes a single body of law, and other
    sections can be looked to where the same phraseology is employed.” King v. Commonwealth, 
    2 Va. App. 708
    , 710 (1986) (citing First National Bank of Richmond v. Holland, 
    99 Va. 495
    , 504
    Before a 2016 amendment to the protective order statute, a respondent to a protective
    order was guilty of a Class 6 felony if he “commit[ted] an assault and battery upon any party
    protected by the protective order, resulting in serious bodily injury to the party.” 2016 Va. Acts
    ch. 583 (emphasis added); see also Code § 16.1-253.2(C). This Court initially interpreted the
    phrase “serious bodily injury,” as used in that statute, in Nolen v. Commonwealth, 
    53 Va. App. 593
    , 597 (2009). First, we held that a “bodily injury” means “any bodily hurt whatsoever.”
    Id. at 598
    (quoting Bryant v. Commonwealth, 
    189 Va. 310
    , 316 (1949) (defining the phrase in the
    context of a predecessor of the malicious wounding statute)). Next, we added that for a bodily
    injury to be “serious,” it must “fairly and reasonably be deemed not trifling, grave, giving rise to
    apprehension, giving rise to considerable care, and attended with danger.”
    Id. at 599.
    In 2016, however, the General Assembly amended Code § 16.1-253.2(C) to remove the
    word “serious.” 2016 Va. Acts ch. 583. Thus, the statute now provides that a respondent to a
    protective order who “commits an assault and battery upon any party protected by the protective
    order resulting in bodily injury to the party . . . is guilty of a Class 6 felony.” Code
    § 16.1-253.2(C) (emphasis added).
    Two years after Nolen, this Court construed the phrase “bodily injury” in the context of
    the malicious wounding statute.2 English v. Commonwealth, 
    58 Va. App. 711
    , 718 (2011). As
    in Nolen, we relied on Bryant to hold that the “‘everyday, ordinary meaning’” of the phrase
    includes “‘any bodily hurt whatsoever.’”
    Id. (first quoting Luck
    v. Commonwealth, 
    32 Va. App. 827
    , 832 (2000); and then quoting 
    Bryant, 189 Va. at 316
    ). That everyday meaning “includes
    any ‘detriment, hurt, loss, [or] impairment’ that could fairly be considered an injury to the human
    Id. (quoting Johnson v.
    184 Va. 409
    , 416 (1945)). We further explained
    that “[t]o prove a bodily injury, the victim need not experience any observable wounds, cuts, or
    breaking of the skin. Nor must she offer proof of ‘broken bones or bruises.’”
    Id. at 719
    Luck, 32 Va. App. at 831-32
    ). “[I]nternal injuries—no less than external injuries—fall within
    the scope” of bodily injuries.
    Id. The Supreme Court
    has similarly construed the phrase “bodily injury” in the context of
    the strangulation statute.3 
    Ricks, 290 Va. at 477-79
    . The Court found that the “everyday,
    ordinary meaning” of the phrase that we applied for the malicious wounding statute in English
    was equally applicable for the strangulation statute. 
    Ricks, 290 Va. at 478-79
    . Thus, the Court
    held that a “bodily injury,” as proscribed by the statute, is “any bodily injury whatsoever and
    includes an act of damage or harm or hurt that relates to the body; is an impairment of a function
    of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; or is an act of impairment of a physical condition.”
    Id. at 479. 2
             “If any person maliciously shoot, stab, cut, or wound any person or by any means cause
    him bodily injury, with the intent to maim, disfigure, disable, or kill, he shall . . . be guilty of a
    Class 3 felony.” Code § 18.2-51 (emphasis added).
    “Any person who, without consent, impedes the blood circulation or respiration of
    another person by knowingly, intentionally, and unlawfully applying pressure to the neck of such
    person resulting in the wounding or bodily injury of such person is guilty of strangulation, a
    Class 6 felony.” Code § 18.2-51.6 (emphasis added).
    Considering those precedents construing the same statutory phrase, we hold that the
    plain, obvious, and broad meaning of “bodily injury” in Code § 16.1-253.2(C) is any bodily
    damage, harm, hurt, or injury; or any impairment of a bodily function, mental faculty, or physical
    Ricks, 290 Va. at 479
    ; see Auer v. Commonwealth, 
    46 Va. App. 637
    , 645-47 (2005)
    (relying, in part, on definitions established in prior opinions to interpret a statute). The victim
    need not “experience any observable wounds, cuts, or breaking of the skin. Nor must she offer
    proof of ‘broken bones or bruises.’” 
    English, 58 Va. App. at 719
    Luck, 32 Va. App. at 831-32
    ). “[I]nternal injuries—no less than external injuries—fall within the scope” of bodily
    Id. Nevertheless, not every
    unlawful or offensive touching that would be sufficient to convict
    a defendant of assault and battery constitutes a bodily injury. It is well-established that “[t]he
    touching necessary for a battery . . . need not include a physical injury.” Kelley v.
    69 Va. App. 617
    , 625 (2019). Indeed, the text of Code § 16.1-253.2(C)
    explicitly contemplates that distinction. For a defendant who “commits an assault and battery
    upon a[] party protected by [a] protective order” is not guilty of a felony under Code
    § 16.1-253.2(C) unless the victim also suffers a “bodily injury.”
    Accordingly, we now turn to appellant’s contention that the evidence was insufficient to
    demonstrate that L.M. actually suffered a bodily injury. Specifically, he argues that L.M. did not
    suffer any damage, harm, hurt, or impairment of a bodily function. “When reviewing the
    sufficiency of the evidence, ‘[t]he judgment of the trial court is presumed correct and will not be
    disturbed unless it is plainly wrong or without evidence to support it.’” Smith v.
    296 Va. 450
    , 460 (2018) (quoting Commonwealth v. Perkins, 
    295 Va. 323
    , 327
    (2018)). “In such cases, ‘[t]he Court does not ask itself whether it believes that the evidence at
    the trial established guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.’” Secret v. Commonwealth, 
    296 Va. 204
    228 (2018) (quoting Pijor v. Commonwealth, 
    294 Va. 502
    , 512 (2017)). Instead, we ask only
    “whether any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime beyond a
    reasonable doubt.”
    Id. (quoting Pijor, 294
    Va. at 512). “If there is evidentiary support for the
    conviction, ‘the reviewing court is not permitted to substitute its own judgment, even if its
    opinion might differ from the conclusions reached by the finder of fact at the trial.’” Chavez v.
    69 Va. App. 149
    , 161 (2018) (quoting Banks v. Commonwealth, 
    67 Va. App. 273
    , 288 (2017)).
    L.M. testified that appellant bit her on the leg or knee, “so” she screamed. Indeed,
    although appellant had forcibly entered L.M.’s house without permission and in violation of the
    protective order, she did not scream until after appellant had bitten her. Before the bite, she was
    “balled up” with her child in her arms. Thus, the trial court could reasonably infer from L.M.’s
    testimony and the timing of her scream that the scream evinced pain and hurt because of
    appellant’s bite. See 
    Luck, 32 Va. App. at 832
    (affirming that two troopers had suffered bodily
    injuries in malicious wounding cases when they suffered “soft-tissue injuries that required
    medical treatment and caused pain”).
    Although the evidence did not demonstrate that appellant left bite marks on L.M., the
    Commonwealth was not required to prove that she suffered “any observable wounds, cuts, or
    breaking of the skin” to sustain a conviction. 
    English, 58 Va. App. at 719
    . In addition, the
    record demonstrates that while reporting the incident to the police within a “few hours” of the
    offense, L.M. lifted her pantleg and allowed a police officer to photograph her knee, which had
    an area of discoloration. Although L.M. testified that the discoloration was caused by a skin
    condition, that testimony does not prohibit the trial court from reasonably inferring that L.M.
    allowed the officer to document the area of her body that appellant hurt when he had bitten her a
    few hours earlier.
    Appellant’s reliance on Chilton v. Commonwealth4 is misplaced. There, the Supreme
    Court concluded that the evidence failed to prove a bodily injury in a strangulation case. 
    Ricks, 290 Va. at 481
    . The victim did not complain of injury, did not seek medical attention, did not
    suffer any physical impairment, and did not testify to any residual effects, including any loss of
    Id. Instead, she merely
    testified that the defendant had touched “th[e] general
    area [of her throat],” but not in “a chocking motion”; she also “saw black” after she “closed [her]
    Id. Finding that the
    evidence was “so minimal that it failed to establish” a bodily injury,
    the Supreme Court reversed Chilton’s conviction.
    Id. Here, the evidence,
    viewed in the light most favorable to the Commonwealth,
    demonstrated that L.M. screamed when appellant bit her, evidencing pain and hurt, and that L.M.
    allowed a police officer to document the location of that hurt within hours of the offense. In
    short, unlike in Chilton, the facts in the instant case show a bodily injury occurred as a result of
    appellant’s act of biting the victim in violation of Code § 16.1-253.2(C). We affirm.
    The Supreme Court consolidated Chilton v. Commonwealth with Ricks v.
    Commonwealth since both cases presented a similar issue on appeal. 
    Ricks, 290 Va. at 478-81

Document Info

Docket Number: 0436201

Filed Date: 11/24/2020

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 11/24/2020