In re A.M., Juvenile ( 2016 )

  • Note: Decisions of a three-justice panel are not to be considered as precedent before any tribunal.
    JUNE TERM, 2016
    In re A.M., Juvenile                                  }    APPEALED FROM:
    }    Superior Court, Windham Unit,
    }    Family Division
    }    DOCKET NO. 2-1-14 Wmjv
    Trial Judge: Karen R. Carroll
    In the above-entitled cause, the Clerk will enter:
    Father appeals an order of the superior court, family division, terminating his parental
    rights with respect to his daughter, A.M. We affirm.
    The record reveals the following unchallenged facts. A.M. was born in May 2011.
    Father had a brief relationship with A.M.’s mother in 2010 after spending a significant portion of
    his life incarcerated. Father and mother were not together at the time of A.M.’s birth, but father
    was aware in 2011 that mother was pregnant with his child. Father first met A.M. on a July 2013
    visit to Vermont from New York City, where he was living. Following the visit, father drove
    mother and A.M. back to New York for the weekend, but had little contact with mother or A.M.
    In January 2014, the Department for Children and Families (DCF) filed a petition
    alleging that A.M. was a child in need of care or supervision (CHINS) due to mother’s substance
    abuse, unstable housing, and inability to provide for A.M.’s needs. The family court issued a
    conditional custody order (CCO) placing A.M. with her maternal grandmother, who had been
    actively involved in the child’s care up until that time. Following a contested merits hearing in
    March 2014, A.M. was adjudicated CHINS. The court maintained custody with A.M.’s
    grandmother under the CCO following an April 2014 hearing wherein a disposition report
    indicated that the paternity of the child needed to be established because father’s whereabouts
    were unknown.
    In October 2014, father visited A.M. for the second time since her birth after
    grandmother contacted him on Facebook. During the visit, father told grandmother that he was
    aware of DCF’s involvement with A.M. and that he did not want custody of the child but wanted
    to be part of her life. Over the next several months, he visited A.M. on three or four occasions at
    the grandmother’s invitation, the last visit being in June 2015.
    Meanwhile, DCF made contact with father in early 2015. In February 2015, the family
    court granted DCF’s request to order father to undergo genetic testing to establish paternity.
    Father’s paternity was established in May 2015 based on his agreement and the results of the
    genetic testing. Father did not have in-person contact with A.M. after June 2015, despite DCF’s
    efforts at scheduling visits. A DCF caseworker met twice with father, the second time in June
    2015, to go over the case plan and to explain DCF’s expectations of what he needed to do
    pursuant to the case plan. The case plan required father, among other things, to undergo
    substance-abuse and mental-health evaluations and to have regular contact with A.M. Father
    never underwent the substance-abuse and mental-health evaluations.
    On May 1, 2015, two weeks before father’s paternity was established, A.M.’s attorney
    filed a petition to terminate mother and father’s parental rights. Mother’s parental rights were
    terminated on June 3, 2015. Following a separate hearing held over two days in October and
    November 2015, the court terminated father’s parental rights. Father appeals the termination
    order, arguing that: (1) the court’s conclusions that his progress had stagnated1 and that he would
    not be able to resume parental rights within a reasonable period of time were premised on a
    finding unsupported by the record; and (2) the court abused its discretion by not allowing him to
    present evidence regarding grandmother’s substance abuse.
    Father first argues that because the boilerplate case plan requirement that he undergo
    substance-abuse and mental-health evaluations was not in response to any identified concerns
    about him, his failure to undergo the evaluations cannot be a basis for the court’s conclusion that
    he would be unable to resume parental duties within a reasonable period of time.2 He further
    argues that, regarding the requirement that he have regular contact with A.M., there was no
    evidence to support the court’s finding that his telephone contact with A.M. “dwindled to none”
    or that he no longer had a relationship with A.M. Thus, according to father, these findings
    cannot support the court’s conclusion that he will be unable to resume his parental duties within
    a reasonable period of time.
    Addressing the second argument first, we conclude that the evidence amply supports the
    court’s findings that father had never developed a meaningful relationship with A.M. and that his
    contact with the child diminished over time. While recognizing that father’s few visits with
    A.M. had gone well and that he displayed affection for her, the court found that father had never
    played a significant role in her life. As the court found, although father was aware that A.M. was
    his daughter since her birth in 2011 and had concerns about mother’s drug use when he visited
    the child in 2013, he made no attempt to establish his paternity in court or to maintain a
    relationship with the child. Moreover, after he became aware in the fall of 2014 that DCF was
    involved with A.M., he visited A.M. on only a few occasions despite DCF’s efforts to establish
    more regular visitation. Although father’s telephone calls may not have “dwindled to none,” the
    testimony from father supports the finding that he stopped making regular phone calls within two
    The family court went through the two-step process of determining whether there were
    changed circumstances and whether A.M.’s best interests warranted terminating father’s parental
    rights; however, because the termination hearing was an initial disposition hearing, the court did
    not need to make a threshold finding of changed circumstances. See In re C.P., 
    2012 VT 100
    ¶ 30, 
    193 Vt. 29
    . Father does not claim error on this basis, and in fact the error was harmless
    because the family court still had to conclude that the statutory best-interest factors warranted
    termination of father’s parental rights. See 33 V.S.A. § 5114(a).
    A DCF caseworker testified at the termination hearing that because DCF did not know
    father when it prepared its case plan, it listed services it would expect of any unknown father.
    Once father was identified, he acknowledged his criminal convictions, as well as pending
    charges related to drug possession.
    weeks after a telephone contact arrangement was initiated.           The overwhelming evidence
    demonstrates that father played virtually no role in A.M.’s life.
    This Court has recognized “the unique concerns that arise in a case where the State seeks
    to terminate the parental rights of a recently discovered father whose only link to a child is
    biological.” In re C.L., 
    2005 VT 34
    , ¶ 15, 
    178 Vt. 558
    . In C.L., as in the instant case, the father
    was aware of his paternity but made little effort to establish a parental relationship. Under such
    circumstances, we rejected the “father’s claim that the trial court erred in terminating his parental
    rights absent a specific finding of parental unfitness” because “the paramount concern was [the]
    father’s ability to resume his parental rights within a reasonable period of time, measured from
    the perspective of the child’s needs.” 
    Id. ¶ 17.
    We affirmed termination of the father’s parental
    rights in that case because the father had not established an emotional connection to the child, the
    child’s foster parents were the only family the child had ever known, and any attempt to
    transition custody to the father “would require an unreasonably lengthy period of time measured
    from the child’s perspective, and would cause lasting emotional damage to the child from the
    perceived loss of her family.” 
    Id. The situation
    here is similar. The evidence supports the court’s finding that father has
    never made a sincere attempt to parent A.M., despite DCF’s good faith efforts to schedule time
    for him to develop a relationship with her. The court further found that A.M. had a strong
    attachment to her grandmother, who had taken care of her for most of her young life, and that
    father had never played a constructive role in her life. We conclude that the record supports the
    court’s determination that father would be unable to assume parental duties within a reasonable
    period of time from the perspective of A.M.
    As for father’s argument that his failure to undergo substance-abuse and mental-health
    evaluations cannot be the basis for the court’s conclusion that he would be unable to resume his
    parental duties within a reasonable period of time, that conclusion was not based, to any
    significant degree, on father’s failure to undergo the evaluations. Rather, the court based the
    conclusion on father’s inability to parent A.M. safely, and his failure to maintain contact with the
    child and engage in a case plan aimed at helping him reach the point where he could parent her
    in the future.
    Father also argues that the court abused its discretion by not allowing him to present
    evidence of the grandmother’s past drug use, which may have affected its decision. We find no
    abuse of discretion. See Follo v. Florindo, 
    2009 VT 11
    , ¶ 19, 
    185 Vt. 390
    (stating that “trial
    court’s rulings on admission or exclusion of evidence are discretionary” and that its ruling will
    not be disturbed unless its discretion was abused or entirely withheld, resulting in prejudice to
    substantial rights). On May 22, 2015, following a status conference, the court ordered the State
    to file its proposed witness and exhibit list by June 19, 2015 and all other parties, including
    father, by July 24, 2015. DCF and the juvenile filed their witness and exhibit list on June 1,
    2015, and on July 27, 2015 father disclosed four witnesses and no exhibits. On October 29,
    2015, more than three months after the discovery deadline and three weeks after the first day of
    the termination hearing, father filed an updated witness and exhibit list that included
    grandmother’s criminal records from 1993 to 2007. The State objected to the amended list, and
    father responded, stating that the reason for the late disclosure was that he initially supported the
    grandmother retaining custody of A.M. but changed his mind after the first day of the
    termination hearing. The court denied the motion, noting that father’s amended list was offered
    more than three months after the discovery deadline, even though father had been on notice from
    the beginning that DCF was recommending transfer of custody to the grandmother. The court
    further noted that at the close of the first day of the termination hearing, father’s counsel
    represented to the court that only father was left to call as a witness. The court later denied
    father’s motion for reconsideration, stating that father always knew what was being proposed and
    had been given a full and fair opportunity to demonstrate his ability to parent A.M.
    On appeal, father claims that evidence of the grandmother’s criminal history is essential
    to the family court’s consideration of her suitability as a caretaker for A.M. He contends that the
    family court abused its discretion by not allowing the evidence, given the nature of the interests
    at stake. Father has made no proffer on appeal to demonstrate how the requested exhibits were
    likely to impact the court’s termination decision, and it is unclear how records from no later than
    2007 would be significant in this case. The court made numerous findings, none of which father
    has challenged on appeal, regarding the grandmother’s suitability as a caretaker and A.M.’s
    progress in her care. The court found that the grandmother was present at A.M.’s birth and
    frequently took care of her prior to DCF involvement. The court further found that the
    grandmother had a suitable residence for her and A.M., that she focused all of her time and
    energy on A.M. because she did not work outside the home, and that she takes care of A.M.’s
    medical, educational, and other needs. Moreover, the court found that A.M. had a “strong
    attachment” to her grandmother, who is the “most important person” in her life, and that the
    relationship was “positive and ongoing.” Finally, the court found that “[a] disruption of this
    relationship would likely be very detrimental to [A.M.].” Given the apparent limited relevance
    of the proffered exhibits, we find no basis to overturn the family court’s discretionary decision
    not to admit them.
    John A. Dooley, Associate Justice
    Marilyn S. Skoglund, Associate Justice
    Beth Robinson, Associate Justice

Document Info

Docket Number: 2016-068

Filed Date: 6/9/2016

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 4/18/2021